Resident Evil: Dual Shock Edition

Resident Evil: Dual Shock Edition

16.10.2013 07:12:08
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# # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # Dual Shock Edition
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# # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # Dingo Jellybean
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___________________________________________________________ Version Last
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|# # # # # # ### #### ## ## # # ## ## ####### #### ## ### ##| July 3, 2000
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------------------------------- [ Credits ] ---------------------------------

-+- Capcom(
For making one of the best games to date...but ah! The cornball voice

-+- CJayC(
For making a beautiful website and dedication to it.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(
For typing up this FAQ.

---------------------------- [ End of Credits ] -----------------------------

July 3rd: Version 1.0 - Initial Release.

October 8th: Version Last - No more updates will be made.

============================== [ Copyright ] ================================

This FAQ was solely intended for the public use on the www. It cannot be
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This document is (C) Dingo Jellybean; 2000

=========================== [ End of Copyright ] ============================

Well before I begin, I think that this game is one heck of a deal, $15 is
the price in which I purchased it for and it was definitely worth it...but
the better deal was $15 for RE2!! out for the clumsiness of
the voice acting in this'll get to your head because it stinks!
That's all basically...this game rocks!

- Weapons in the game
- Tips and Game Advice
- Monsters you'll meet
- Walkthrough(Arranged)
- Chris Redfield
- Jill Valentine

- Walkthrough(Original)
- Chris Redfield
- Jill Valentine

- Credits

---------------------------------- [ FAQ ] ----------------------------------

1Q. Hey, how can I defeat the snake?
1A. Well basically you should bring either a Shotgun, Colt Python, or
Bazooka with plenty of ammo. Try to distance yourself from the snake and
then fire at it, all three weapons are still very powerful from far

2Q. What is the different with the Dual Shock version and the rest of the
2A. Well the Dual Shock version took out 2 modes and added two other modes,
Arranged and Beginner. That's basically it, but the graphics were
retouched and definitely look better than the first Resident Evil.

3Q. What is Beginner's mode?
3A. It's Original Mode with double the ammo.

4Q. What then is Arranged mode?
4A. This mode is interesting, it practically rearranges the puzzles in the
game and scatters them differently throughout the game. Also in arranged
mode, the monsters(especially bosses, hunters, and lickers) are about
40% to 100% tougher than Original mode. When I say tougher I mean, like
they are more durable and will take more ammunition to kill them. Also
more hunters are in this game than the other modes and the camera
angles are, in a lot cases, completely different and it's really neat
to see this mode go into effect. One other thing that can be noted is
that the room before the outfit room, the mirror is on the opposite
wall and you also have access to all the outfits from the getgo. Also in
the arranged mode, you get three ink ribbons everytime you pick one up
instead of 2 like in Original mode.

5Q. What does getting all the MO DISKs do?
5A. Well, once you have obtained all three MO DISKs, you can use them on the
password output machines located near the end of the game. You can then
take the passcodes and use them to unlock the door near the room in the
hallway where you had found John's computer file on using the CPU and
unlocking the door. You will either find Jill or Chris inside, and if
you save them then you will get a different ending.

6Q. I saw this door with the passnumber lock and I can't get in, how do I
get the passnumber and what is inside?
6A. This is pretty much cheese, when you defeat the snake with Jill, Barry
will come in and let you down with his rope, he drops the rope either
by purpose or by accident(I can't tell because of the awful voice
acting) and he will tell you to wait. Wait for him and he will drop the
rope down and when you get back up he gives you the passnumber. The
door that had the passnumber lock can be opened but once you get to the
otherside, you will notice that this is the hallway behind the elevator
near the library. It's pretty much a nothing basically, it's the same
thing as unlocking a door from the otherside...personally, I just don't
see the purpose to this door.

7Q. I've seen this door that is welded shut and I can't open it, where can
you get the item to open it and what is inside it?
7A. This door cannot be opened by any means, it leads to the helicopter yard
where you last fight the do I know you ask even though I
have never opened it? Well when you reach the helicopter landing zone,
which is the place where Brad picks you up, you notice a door to the
back, when you try to open it, it says the same message from earlier in
the game, it's welded shut and does not open.

8Q. How come Chris doesn't have a Bazooka?
8A. I don't know...but he can hold one though and fire it doesn't
freeze the game, unlike in Resident Evil 2 when Claire tries to equip a
Magnum the game freezes. Chris and Jill are on the same CD and use
basically the same annimation witht he same pixels and when
you see those ummm...boobs...on Jill, just note that those boobs are
also the same pixels that is designed for Chris.

9Q. Dum Dum Rounds?
9A. These rounds are supposedly more powerful than Magnum Rounds and it
appears that they can only be used via a Gameshark 2.2 or better. I still
have no idea if Capcom intended to use these or not since when you have
them, they show up as the item 'LOCKPICK' and while the description says
that you can only use them with the Colt Python, you can't, but you can
use them with the Beretta and they come out as regular bullets. Quite

10Q. Is there anything that I can get after I beat the game?
10A. Sure! You can get an infinite Magnum for beating the game, just make
sure you save your game. Also if your lucky enough, you might get an
images of a rocket launcher being fired at the end of the game, this is
the signal that you have just recieved an unlimited rocket launcher.
As of how to get the rocket launcher definitely at the end of the game,
I wish I knew.

11Q. Why were the two other modes in the game taken out?
11A. Beats the heck out of me. You think that Capcom would want to keep the
Advanced and Training mode in the game along with Beginner and Arranged
modes. Not sure why and anybody with the answer...then I would like to
knowm just note that I won't be posting it on the FAQ...(^_^).

12Q. How do I get into the outfit room?
12A. As far as I can tell, you can only get into the room with the Arranged
version. In there you can change into various outfits that fit Jill or
Chris...I'm not sure if this was in the original Resident Evil or not
or maybe if Capcom added this room so that it would settle any concerns
that in the original Resident Evil that there was nothing in this room
and that it never existed since this door was part of the background.

13Q. Where/How/Why/Who can't/can I/it/she/he become/have/get (insert some
game element here)?
13A. I'm not going to answer that question because you should be smart enough
to use Ctrl+F and just type in what you are looking for...instead of
waiting days for me to reply to your email(and I do wait weeks
sometimes), you could've spent that time either using the FAQ or
figuring it out yourself. Besides...answering email gets tiring...(^_^).

-------------------------------- [ Weapons ] --------------------------------

Combat Knife

The weapon that never runs out of ammo...because it doesn't need any! This
is a weapon I suggest NOT to use against anybody besides crows and beezles.
It's tragically weak and has little range and if you can beat the game
using ONLY a Combat Knife, then you should deserve a reward.


A handy handgun that is lightweight and quick. It fires out rounds pretty
rapidly but it isn't too powerful. You should basically keep this gun with
you throughout the game. This gun uses CLIPs to reload.


A long 12 lb. gun that packs A LOT of power when used up close. It weakens
from far range but it does hit multiple enemies on screen at the same time
and you should keep this with you throughout the game. This gun uses
SHELLS to reload.


One word sums it up: Powerful. This has got to be the most agile gun in
the game besides the Beretta. It curves upwards when you aim up from a
long distance and the Explosive and Flame rounds really pack a punch, but
the Acid Rounds are pretty weak compared to the other rounds. You can fire
out rounds as quick as a Beretta, making this a very lethal weapon.

NOTE: This weapon can only be used by Jill, but if you have a Gameshark 2.2+
code, Chris can use this gun just as easily.

This gun uses Flame, Explosive, and Acid rounds.


This is a VERY POWERFUL weapon, if used long enough in succession you
can easily wipe out any boss within seconds. It has little range but it
can act like a fire shield...just know your limits on using this because
there are no refills for this weapon, it runs out extremely quick, and it
can only be used undergrounds.

NOTE: Jill can use this weapon too with the Gameshark 2.2+ as well, but it
is funny as heck watching her use it. Note that she does not have
access to this weapon at anytime during the game.

Colt Python

A.K.A. .357 Magnum. This has got to be my favorite weapon out of all
Resident Evil games. It's lightweight(only 25% larger than a Beretta) and
packs a NASTY punch. It's the 2nd strongest weapon in the game and should
kill basically any opponent in one shot, except for bosses of course. Using
this gun against zombies results in the zombies head blowing up 99% of the
time. This gun uses Magnum Rounds to reload.

Rocket Launcher

If one word could sum up this weapon, it would be: Damn. Only two enemies
can stand up to more than one rocket, that's the Anaconda and Plant 42...
all other enemies will blow up to smitherines. It has massive range, but
has a lot of load time as Chris or Jill brings up the Rocket Launcher.
One rocket can equal up to 5 Magnum shots...but sadly there are no reloads
for this weapon...fortunately you can earn it once you have beaten the
game under 2 hours and saved only twice. Note that there are several
occurances where you can play for over 5 hours and save 4 times and still
earn an infinite Rocket Launcher.

-------------------------- [ Tips and Game Advice ] -------------------------

- You do not have to kill everything that you see! In a lot of cases you
can simply go around zombies or even spiders and hunters. Take note that
while the game does offer plenty of ammo, the ammo isn't always as easily
accessible until later in the game and you will need to conserve your
ammo till then.

- Its good to keep along some type of healing item with you at all times,
especially when the monsters get tougher during the second half of the
game...this way you don't have to walk a long way through the house to
get yourself healed.

- Try to keep a good memory of the certain areas, mainly hallways, you do
not need to neccessarily remember a room but more like where it is
located. Try to look for something that catches your eye, like green
wallpaper or a moosehead.

- Always revisit areas and try new items to see if they work, just because
you can't get through here the first time doesn't mean it's impossible.

- When enemies get get tougher. Corny yes, but unless you
like having hunters act like taxidermists, then I suggest you start
carrying stronger weapons like the Shotgun or the Colt Python.

- Make sure to read all files carefully, otherwise you might find yourself
on the shorter end of the wire as you are stuck trying to look for a way
to another area.

- Check everything and everybody! You never know what you may find...and
a lot of the times the item you find is useful.

- Carry items you know you will need, don't carry items that you are
unsure of...this way you can make space for new items.

- Combine items and herbs. You can only combine the alike items(except for
MO DISKs) like ammo and INK RIBBONs. This way you save room for newer

------------------------ [ Monsters you'll meet ] ---------------------------

NOTE: When you play in Arranged Mode, the opponents in the game are either
more durable or your firepower has gotten weaker. Either way you will
need more ammo to kill them...just keep note of that.


Ammo to kill: 4-9 bullets, 2 shotgun shells, 1 magnum, 1 bazooka, 1 rocket,
11-18 stabs

The classic enemy in Resident Evil games. These zombies are easy to kill
and are slow most of the times.

Inverted zombies

Ammo to kill: 4-9 bullets, 2 shotgun shells, 1 magnum, 1 bazooka, 1 rocket,
11-18 stabs

These zombies are skin free, it appears that the virus has eaten their skin
off, they are tougher than the regular zombies though. If two or more gang
up on you as they munch, you might as well reset the game because you
cannot push off these guys once they chomp on you.


Ammo to kill: 4-11 bullets, 2 shotgun shells, 1-2 magnum rounds, 1-2 bazooka,
1 rocket, 9-20 stabs

These dogs are annoying if you don't have auto aim, they move around a lot
and are a hard target to hit. They don't attack very hard though, but they
are very annoying at times if you only bring a Beretta or a Combat Knife.


Ammo to kill: 1 bullet, 1 shotgun shell, 1 magnum, 1 bazooka, 1 rocket,
1 stab

This shark is virtually invincible while underwater, but once you drain the
water you can laugh at it.


Ammo to kill: 8-12 bullets, 3-5 shotgun shells, 1-3 magnum rounds,
1-3 bazookas, 1 rocket, 10-25 stabs

Quite possibly the most dangerous and annoying foe in the game, these
guys come out during the second half of the game and can easily kill you
with one slice to decapitate you...even if you have full health. They
are tricky to hit as well, once you hit shoot them down, they quickly
jump at you...these guys are dangerous and abundant throughout the latter
half of the game.


Ammo to kill: 8-13 bullets, 3-5 shotgun shells, 1-2 magnum rounds, 1-2
bazookas, 1 rocket, 11-27 stabs

Not too tough but they are adequete foes. These giant spiders shoot acid
at you, and when they lounge onto you, they will poison you as they bite
you. They move rather quickly though and once you kill them, about 20
little mini spiders come out, but you can step on these guys.

King Arachnid

Ammo to kill: 15-25 bullets, 5-8 shotgun shells, 3-4 Magnum rounds,
3-4 bazookas, 1 rocket, 20-35 stabs

Not too tough to beat, it's rather pathetic and it doesn't even try to
bite you as you cannot be poisoned by this monster. Once you kill it, it
releases about 50+ mini spiders...damn! Step on them and look for a job
being an exterminator.


Ammo to kill: 1 bullet, 1 shotgun shell, 1 magnum, 1 bazooka, 1 rocket,
1 stab

These bees are only found in the garden house, these guys are annoying as
they are hard to shoot. They are poisonous though and then they latch
onto you, you can throw them to the floor, but make sure to step on them
if they are on the floor, otherwise they will recover and come at you.


Ammo to kill: 1 bullet, 1 shotgun shell, 1 magnum, 1 bazooka, 1 rocket,
1 stab

These birds are annoying...they are hard to aim at because they constantly
roam around and they can peck away at your health pretty quickly. Note
that when they land, you should take the opportunity to shoot them down
because of their stupidity. Note that these are the only enemies not
effected or were not effected by the virus in this game.


Ammo to kill: 9-15 bullets, 2-5 shotgun shells, 1-3 magnum rounds, 1-3
bazookas, 1 rocket, 11-29 stabs

Just as powerful and annoying as the hunters, these guys can clamp onto
ceilings and then jump on your back and slash you HARD. They are hard to
aim at sometimes because they move around a lot on the ceilings and
you will have to wait for them to come near you to get a good shot off.
Try to avoid fighting these guys when they are in groups, otherwise you
can be in a lot of danger.

Plant 42

Ammo to kill: 28-45 bullets, 9-15 shotgun shells, 5-13 magnum rounds,
5-13 bazookas, 1-2 rockets, NA stabs

Not hard to kill, run around and shoot basically.


Ammo to kill: 32-66 bullets, 16-30 shotgun shells, 9-18 magnum rounds,
12-19 bazookas, 3-5 rockets, 88-100 stabs

This guy is tough. Luckily you only have to face it twice throughout the
whole game, the real annoying thing about this monster is that it's body
gets in front of your path, it's pretty much Capcom's fault for doing
that since cutting off your path usually leads to your death. You think
that it would be more convient to move through the body rather than have
it block your path. Another thing is that you fight this thing in such
small areas, he takes up like 40% of the room sometimes!!!


Ammo to kill: 20-35 bullets, 8-15 shotgun shells, 4-9 magnum rounds,
4-9 bazookas, 1 rocket, 25-44 stabs

These stats are referring to the battle you face in the lab, this guy is
pretty laughable compared to some of the other enemies in the game.


Ammo to kill: 1 rocket

You meet the Tyrant on the roof, this time he has a lot more room to roam
around in. He is extremely fast(at times 2x faster than when you are
running) and has a wicked scythe like claw attack that hurts really bad.
However, watching this guy die is just totally awesome!

------------------ [ Walkthrough(Chris Redfield: Arranged) ] ----------------

Note that Arranged is an altered version of the game, the events still
happen like before, also the camera angles have changed almost completely.


When you start the game, choose Arranged(because this is the walkthrough
that I will do). The FMV starts off with the cast and it appears that a
bloody creature has eaten every single one of their party members besides
Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, and Albert Wesker. The party hears a noise
so Chris decides to check it out as the two other members remain behind.

Chris automatically heads to the dining room...which is fine, so head to
the next room. Take the left path and an FMV will show a zombie munching
on a S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team member, Kenneth is dead...head back to the
main hall. You notice that Jill Valentine and Albert Wesker are gone...what
could've happened? Who knows but her gun is on the floor...pick it up
and equip it, it's a relief since you can defend yourself much better with
a Beretta than a combat knife.

Head up the stairs, here head to the room to the top right...there is a
small key in this room, pick it up and head outside on the porch. Examine
the dead STARS member and SUDDENLY he comes to life! Shoot him and pick
up the mansion key on the floor...then head back to the previous room
from the stairwell and take the door to the left. You can unlock the first
door that you see(you should do so btw) but don't bother entering it
because you can't do anything yet in there. Keep heading down the hall
and enter the green double doors. In here move the statues over the
ventilation holes, this way when you press the switch on the floor the
gas won't leak out. Pick up the emblem(if you have enough space) in the
shelf, now go around to the end door and inside here is a botany book,
pick it up and it will tell you how to make stronger herbs and such, in

Green Herbs: They will heal you a bit, if you are in Danger condition, it
takes approximately three Green Herbs to get you to full

Red Herbs: They do nothing alone(and you can't use them alone) but when
mixed with Green Herbs they can do wonders...a red/green herb
combination equals 3 Green herbs.

Blue Herbs: They don't heal your condition one bit but they do cure the
poison status, the the poison status will gradually depleat
your it's best you find a blue herb as quickly
as possible because Serums are only event items.

When you open the door to the next area, immediately take aim at some
zombies. There are three of them in this hall, one of them down the
hallway. Head down the staircase and then head to the save room and drop
off some items from your items menu...mainly the small key, the combat
knife, and the First Aid spray, but if you think you will need it, then
bring along the first aid spray...just in case. After you dropped off
your items, go pick up the Green herb and go back to the double green
door room upstairs and pick up the emblem if you hadn't done so already
or if you couldn't carry anymore items. In the save room, pick up the
BROKEN SHOTGUN(this item is optional but is needed for the regular
shotgun) and keep it along with you. Head back upstairs and before you
go anywhere, there is a door on the hallway(in front of the stairwell),
so open it...the door at the top leads to an important item, hit the
switch on the wall on the bug frame and the water will drain from the fish
tank to allow you to move the tank, then move the dresser(now wait a just a
darn minute, a dresser of that calibur is 4x as heavy as a filled fish
tank aquarium! Oh well...) to reveal a hidden nocombination lock safe, it
is one half of the MOON CREST...head back downstairs and put it in your
storage bin because you won't need this for awhile.

The room to the bottom contains a LIGHTER, check behind the bed that is
facing the right wall to pick up another set of SHOTGUN SHELLS, then pick
up the RED HERB and place every single item in the storage bin except
for your ammunition and the LIGHTER.

Remember the first door you unlocked with the mansion key and I said that
there is nothing for you to do in there? Well head back there and inside
there are two herbs, examine the dead body and check it two times to
recieve an extra clip of ammo. Continue on, watch for two zombies in here
and head down the hallway to the next room(the room that leads to the
attic cannot be unlocked with the key you have) and in here use your
LIGHTER over the candle holder and push the shelf on the right wall,
inside examine the china cabinet to recieve the second MANSION KEY, you
can also check the other shelf for an extra clip. After that, head to the
hallway next to the stairs(the hallway after you picked up the BOTANY
BOOK) and go down to the far end of the hallway to the next room, use your
LIGHTER to reveal a map of the second floor of the mansion. I also urge
you to go back to your save room and drop off everything except for your
ammunition and the two MANSION KEYs.

Head back to the stairwell hallway, basically the floor above the entrance
hall and then head to the other door.


You will be above the dining room now, push over that statue down to the
bottom floor and it will break(obviously) but don't go down for it now.
Just keep heading to the next area, head down the stairs, the two other
doors in here cannot be opened, yet. Watch out for dogs to pop out of
windows...they aren't hard attacks but hard very annoying without auto
aim...there are three of them that will pop out! Your first
priority is to head to the room in the back, which is a save room but you
first meet Rebecca Chambers.

This is the first taste of the cornball voice acting in the game, it's
really funny. It appears that Rebecca is the only member alive from the
STARS Bravo team. After the talk, put your broken shotgun and the wooden
EMBLEM in the bin, you won't need them now. When you leave, you have a
choice of bringing Rebecca along, either choice you make results in the
opposite of the question, if you choose yes she says she has something to
do and if you choose no then she will look over the chemicals and see what
she can do. Unlock the next door on the right door, inside here is a locked
desk and a CLIP, luckily a save room is nearby so go back and use the
SMALL KEY and open the locked desk and pick up the SHOTGUN SHELLS, you
can't use them now so go ahead and put them back in your storage bin.

Now get ready to run to the right when you enter the next room, two zombies
come running after you, head down the hallway to the right and you will
end up in a familiar area, it's the hallway you first entered.

Head to the dining room and pick up the STAR CREST, when you head back to
the Entrance Hall, head to the brown door on the right, this isn't a
requirement but you can change outfits if you like and grab an INK RIBBON
and some herbs, but be aware of the camera angle! Your main objective is
through the blue door, head through and inside use the step ladder to pick
up a map of the first floor of the mansion.

You can also head inside the red room for another set of INK RIBBONs, but
watch for the zombies, they appear dead(although they are undead) but they
do do an excellent job of playing dead, shoot them prior to walking near
them, otherwise they will have some munchies with your foot. Now, open
the brown door with your new MANSION KEY and enter through, in this room
two dogs will pop out of the windows, so watch out. There are two different
stands that you can move, the 2nd one has a CLIP underneath it. In the
next room open the red door, after that you will be asked if you want to
throw away the key, do so(because the key is useless now), if you don't get
this message that means you didn't open up all the doors yet.

Head outside and watch for three dogs to attack you, pick up the CHEMICAL
in front of the boiler and pick up the herbs if you wish, then head back
to the previous room. There is a skinny door that you will see, inside is
another CLIP and a SMALL KEY, pick them both up if you wish, continue down
to the end of the hall and take the red door to the left(NOTE: You will
need the BROKEN SHOTGUN for this next part) and you will reach a room with
three zombies, kill them and switch places with the BROKEN SHOTGUN, if
you fail to do so, the room prior to this one will have a ceiling that
will collapse gradually, if you stay too long you will get squashed. So
now that you have a SHOTGUN, you can use the SHELLS that you had recieved
earlier, but you won't neccessarily need it.

Head out to the next room and unlock the grey door, you will be able to
reach the save room through there, put everything away except for the

NOTE: In the room to the end of this hallway to the right, you can place
the crests next to the doorway, I suggest you do so because this will
save you time later.

Head to the left room and inside you notice several pictures along the
wall, the crows won't attack you though...unless you get the puzzle
incorrect. Its a life to death puzzle, you will need to hit the following
switches in this order:

A Picture of a newborn baby.
A picture of an infant.
A picture of a lively boy.
A picture of a young man.
A picture of a tired middle-aged man.
A picture of a bold looking old man.
The picture is entitled. "The end of live."

Once you hit these seven switches in order you can pick up a WIND CREST,
if you did the puzzle wrong the crows will attack you. For now you can
maybe shoot down a crow but they will attack mind you. Go back to your
save room and save your game if you wish.


Now head back to the dining room and bring the CHEMICAL along and then
head to the hallway next to it(through the red door) and go to the back
and unlock the red door, inside go to the back and move the shelf to pick
up the MUSIC NOTES and place them on the piano. Chris Redfield is a
horrible piano player, later Rebecca comes in, here let me give you the

Rebecca: "It's me Chris."
Chris: "Is that you Rebecca?"

Ummm...okayyyyyyy. Later Rebecca will practice on the piano, but she will
later ask if she can practice on the piano, either option it doesn't matter
because it leads to the same result of her staying and playing the piano!
What's the point of this choosing then? Oh well, head out of here and go
to the room to the left through the brown door(the room with the green
wallpaper) and in here unlock the door to the right and discard the key,
inside here you can pick up the CLIP on the bed, and examine the file on
the desk but before you can read it a zombine pops out of nowhere!
Kill it and pick up the SHELLS in the closet and file the keeper's diary,
you notice that the zombie you just killed was the keeper...oops! Oh well,
it's not your fault though. Zombies shouldn't be asking for lead.

Head out and go down the other end of the hallway outside, check the
old pump, use the CHEMICAL on the old pump and the plant will be killed,
it looks like you just used weed killer. There are a lot of herbs here,
pick them up if you like and save them for later use, just make sure you
pick up the SUN CREST in the back.

Head out and go to the save room you first saw Rebecca in(because that's
the closest room) and then drop off all items except for the EMBLEM and
ammunition to keep yourself guarded.


Head back to where Rebecca was playing the piano, an automatic event should
occur, if not just walk around the house and come back to this room.
Rebecca will play the Moonlight Sonata(an all time classic) and a door to
a hidden room will open, go inside and pick up the GOLD EMBLEM, the door
will close, but luckily you brought along your EMBLEM, use that to replace

Head back to the dining room and check the fireplace in the back, above
you see a platform that will hold an EMBLEM, place the GOLD EMBLEM on the
slot and the grandfather clock will move and allow you to pick up a
BLUE JEWEL. Return to the green wallpaper room and head to that small
secluded room on the right wall, inside place the BLUE JEWEL on one of the
eye sockets and pick up the third MANSION KEY.


Head back to the second floor of the mansion, go to the room that you had
found the dead body of another STARS Bravo member(not Kenneth, the other
one...I forgot his name) and remember the attic you couldn't get to? Well
with the new key you can go through ahead but I highly suggest you save
your game. You will only need to use the MANSION KEY once, enter through
and you will encounter a giant Anaconda sized snake. You do not need to
defeat it, go around to the back and pick up the half STAR CREST.

Don't worry about being poisoned though, once you head out Chris will
drop to his feet, he was poisoned by the snake and there are two scenarios
will happen:

A) Rebecca will take Chris back to the first save room she met Chris in
and Chris is alright.

B) Rebecca will have to go back and get the Syrum on her own, if you left
some zombies alive(or dead or whatever) then Rebecca will have to deal
with them. Head back to the first save room Chris and Rebecca met in
and check the shelf and pick up the Syrum and take it back to Chris.

If you didn't get bitten then no events will occur. After you have the
half of the MOON CREST, put the two halves together and gather all four of
the CRESTs and take them to the door that was across the room where you
had completed that "Life to Death" puzzle. Place all four CRESTs on the
door and it will unlock the door.

In here use the step ladder to pick up a square rodded CRANK at the top
and then head outside. Watch out for three dogs to attack you at once,
luckily there are 2 sets of the three different herbs in the game nearby.
Head around to the gates and use the CRANK to release the water from the
pool...climb down to the other side and head down the lift. Watch for
another set of three dogs to attack you again, head to the other gate
and there will be three dogs that will attack you again. Luckily four
set of herbs(2 green and 2 blue) are nearby...this game gives you a lot of
herbs, and for good reason! Keep going to the next door.


In here move the statue over to the middle door and block the hole on
the middle of the floor(there are many holes on the floor, to find out
which one walk over one and see if you get choked by a plant, I'm serious!)
so you won't have to deal with that annoying plant. There is a save room
on the right wall luckily, across the save room lies a room with some
extra munition, mainly a set of SHELLS(the SMALL KEY is in the back of
this room in a Dixie cup).

Head to the red door, you will find two giant spiders(they are scary the
first time you meet them, just watch out for the little spiders that come
out of the mother spiders when you kill them), your main interest is the
book on the table to the right and the pool table to the back of the bar.
Check the pool table at the top end and you will find a digit, or you
can read the table, your numbers can say 2...1.5 or 3...4.5 or whatever,
it's different each time you play it so remember the number. You will need
to use it rather soon, so pick up the red book, remember the digit code
and leave.

Head to the next area and enter the next room that you see on the right
wall(mainly the door NOT NEXT to a statue) and enter through, go to the
back part of the room to the left and quickly examine the table next to
the giant beehive and pick up the DORMITORY KEY and quickly leave and
back out into the prior hallway. Now go down to the hallway and unlock the
door with the DORMITORY KEY and discard it. In here the door next to you
is a bathroom, although there is normally no significance in the bathroom,
there is a DOMITORY KEY, pick it up and head back to the beehive room.

Go to the door in the front back and use the DOMITORY KEY, discard it
and watch out for a zombie inside, it's very quiet and it can get you
unsuspectingly. The bathroom has a CLIP on the floor, and in the back
of this room check the shelf and pick up the PLANT 42 V-JOLT report,
place the red book on the shelf and continue to the next room, two events
can happen here:

NOTE: Now how da heck do you walk up to a giant mutated plant that is
obviously alive and that is 10x bigger than you with confidence like
Chris did, I mean that just doesn't make sense especially when Chris
was running from a mutated pitbull who was half the size of Chris!

A) Chris will get caught by the plant, Rebecca comes in but Chris tells
Rebecca that the plant roots are in the basement and throws her the
book on V-JOLT, she heads out...go to the room(which is the one you
are in now) near the front and enter in the code you saw on the
table and enter in the room. Pick up three bottles(there are four
but you only need three) and then there are UMB No.4 to the back and
UMB No.2 near the front. Now to get the V-Jolt follow my PRECISE steps:

Get UMB No.4 in one bottle
Get UMB No.2 in another bottle
Mix UMB No.4 and UMB No.2 in the same bottle(UMB No.6)
Then go to the sink and fill it up with water, mix the water with
UMB No.6 to get UMB No.7
Get UMB No.4 in one bottle
Get UMB No.2 in another bottle
Mix UMB No.4 and UMB No.2 in the same bottle(UMB No.6)
Mix UMB No.6 with UMB No.7 in the same bottle(UMB No.13)
Get UMB No.2 in one bottle
Fill up one bottle with water
Mix UMB No.2 with water in the same bottle(NP-003)
Mix NP-003 with UMB No.13 with NP-003(purple) to get V-Jolt

Tada! You've got it! Now head to the basement and move the crates
accordingly(there is one crate where you will have to get behind it and
push it down the hall) and in the next room go to the only open door
which is to the right and enter through. In here go to the plant root and
use the V-Jolt and go back upstairs...after that pick up the C.ROOM Key
from the fireplace.

B) Make sure you come here with A LOT of ammunition, use your SHOTGUN
repeatedly, you will have to fight this plant twice. After the battle
pick up the C.ROOM KEY from the fireplace.

PLANT 42 is not hard to kill, basically run around and shoot(now if only
we can run and shoot at the same time like real about it
Capcom...hmmmmmm?) and avoid the acid on the ceiling and don't worry, it's
not poisonous and it is rather weak.

Once you have the C.ROOM Key head out and go back to the room you found
the DORMITORY KEY(3rd) in, in this room AND NOT THE BATHROOM push the
bookshelves in the back that are obviously hiding something. Climb down
the ladder and move the crates accordningly into the waters to create a
bridge if you had not already done so earlier. In the next room go around
and use the C.ROOM KEY to open the Control Room, ignore the sharks in
the water. In here hit the flood switch to drain the water, then hit the
other switch near the front of the room to unlock the other door outside.
The other room contains the 4th and last MANSION KEY, you can also regain
about half the ammo you lost against the plant(assuming if you had the
B scenario) as you can pick up two sets of CLIPs and two sets of SHELLs.
Now head out of here, out of the Garden House completely, but before you
do you notice gunfire, it's Albert Wesker.

Albert Wesker seems surprised that Chris is alive, it appears that Jill
was lost when they were out scouting. Chris doesn't blame Albert since
"...this place is crazy!" with all the monsters lurking around. Albert
tells Chris to check the house one more time to look for a place to hide you do, but make sure to save your game when you head out
and it looks like you won't find much use with your Beretta anymore, but
you should still keep it around...however I prefer you tag along the
SHOTGUN permanently this time.


Exit the Gardenhouse and when you head back into the house, an FMV displays
the path of the's pretty scary. This is why you need the
SHOTGUN, your regular Beretta just won't do much against these guys, also
along the way YOU MIGHT have found a radio on the floor in the hallway,
either that or you recieved a radio earlier. If you killed the Hunter,
a small event will happen, Chris seems horrified at these monsters and
wonders where Rebecca went...but this is ONE OF TWO SCENARIOS, the other
scenario happened way back when you killed the plant with Rebecca's help
and she went off to look for something to do with the chemicals.

Don't forget to check to door that is locked next to the grey door, inside
here is an MO DISK and MAGNUM ROUNDS on the can't do anything
with them...yet.

Now, go around to the grey door to the save room, Hunters are in here and
you notice on the wall that Wesker left some extra ammunition for you in
the was nice of him since he could've obviously used it!
But nonetheless, take them with you if you need them(and you will). After
that head upstairs and there is already a Hunter waiting for you! Don't
try to shoot it just yet, run down the end of the hall, it will miss
swiping at you, shoot it and then hide behind the wall and get ready to
blast its face open when it comes within range!

Enter through the door and use your mansion key, go to the back of the
room and examine the piano...but then suddenly the giant snake attacks you
out of the chimney! Ah! Blast it several times, it's best when he coils
around you because he can't attack you and you can shoot him while he does!
Don't be surprised if he kills you a few times, luckily you were smart
enough to bring some herbs right? Oh know better (^_^).

Drop down to the hole that the snake created and push the switch on the
tombstone. When you get down below, watch for more Hunters, and pick up
the SHELLS around the corner of the room, luckily there are only zombies
in the next room, just don't let your guard down because I guarantee that
there will be more Hunters in this game. Head around and when you reach
the kitchen, go around to the right and up to the red gate, there are two
more hunters up here. Also in the kitchen, you might want to pick up the
SMALL KEY to use in the library desk for more MAGNUM ROUNDS.

Head to the right and in the library, there is a movable shelf, push it
and go inside and pick up the BATTERY, CLIP, and INK RIBBON. In the
other room, check statue on the wall, flip the switch to reveal a light
and push the ground statue towards it and a bookshelf will open, pick
up the DOOMBOOK and get back to the elevator room...but if you want there
are two more sets of SHELLS...the other room in the back you can't

Head back to the kitchen and go to the other door, but this time you see
an FMV of a zombie's motion through it's eyes...once it enters through
blast it. Now go around and you will reach back to the hallway in front
of the piano room, but there are either giant spiders here or Hunters.
Be careful when you enter back into the green wallpaper hallway, three
hunters are waiting for you, equip your SHOTGUN and wait for them and
blast em! Head back to the area where you first met Rebecca, yep the
save room, there are two different scenarios that will happen here:

A) You meet three hunters.

B) A Hunter chases Rebecca into a corner and slashes at her a bit, but
Chris Redfield kills it. Examine her and Chris tells her that we should
"Get the Hell outta here!" On a side note, you might as well laugh at
the pathetic voice acting.

After the battle, go ahead and drop all items in your treasure chest
except for ammo, BATTERY, and the CRANK. Go up the stairs and you will
see a black door to the far end, use the MANSION KEY and discard it,
inside pick up SHELLS, MAGNUM ROUNDS, and turn off the light to get the
RED JEWEL. When you get the RED JEWEL, go back to the room where you had
used the BLUE JEWEL to get 3 sets of MAGNUM ROUNDs. Now head back to
the stairwell(which is the 2nd floor from the Entrance Hall) and you can
take either the first floor or the second floor, just so long you head
back to the pool where you had to use the CRANK to drain the water.
Climb around back down and there is a second lift that doesn't work,
place the battery in the slot and go up and go to the pool area and use
the CRANK to close the flood gate. Then go back down and where you had
saw the water flowing earlier is now gone, you can climb down the ladder
that you couldn't reach before.


When you climb down, immediately head to the left door, in the next room
you notice a FLAMETHROWER...feel free to take it along with you but be
warned that it doesn't carry as much fire power as it will
need to save it for later. Head to the bottom and go around and pick up a
FIRST AID SPRAY and SHELLS...then head to the other door and inside you
will see another STARS MEMBER that is bad injured, Enriquo. Enriquo will
pull out his gun but he is shot at once more and left for appears
that someone is following Chris...examine Enriquo and pick up the hexagonal
shaped CRANK. I just wish Capcom make the two cranks look different than
each other instead of letting us be confused about which one to use unless
we examine the crank.

Watch out when you try to leave, two hunters are in this very room with
you! But how did they get here? I wish Capcom would answer that question,
but then again these creatures can appear without warning anyways! It's
obvious that the Hunters couldn't have pulled the gun, they kill more
brutally than that. Head back to the room you initially entered in, go
around to the back of this room and you will see a hexagonal hole, use
your CRANK to turn the wall around so you move around the wall to
connect the bridge.

In the next room you notice a FLAMETHROWER, pick it up and go around to
the giant boulder, then when you try to head out you notice that the
boulder will roll at to the side and let the boulder go by,
it will tear down the wall to the other room, note that hunters immediately
appear in this very room with you, whether you go to pick up the MAGNUM
ROUNDS in the back behind the boulder or if you head to the next area.

In the next room, there is a giant grey Spider...this one is twice as big
as the regular spiders...but it takes only three MAGNUM rounds to kill it,
but watch out though, there are 60+ mini spiders to hatch out of that thing
and to kill them all without little effort, stand in the middle of the
dead spider and when they all come out, they will be squashed under your
own weight! Use the FLAMERTHROWER to burn down the spider web or you can
pick up another COMBAT KNIFE in the corner and slash it away. In the next
room put the Flamethrower on the handle near the door at the end of the
hallway to unlock the door. At the other end is a save room and several
items that you may need.

Enter through to the next area and there is a boulder to the right, go
near it and then get out of its way...pick up the DOOM BOOK in the back
and then use the CRANK(hexagonal) to turn the wall around in this room
so that the open path veers to the left wall, then enter through. In here
push the statue upwards and use the CRANK(hexagonal) to push the wall
to move the statue and use the CRANK again to close back the wall, push
the statue over to that bright spot on the floor and it will open the
small door in front, pick up the LAB'll need this soon enough.

Head out and make sure you bring both DOOMBOOKs with you when you head
to the lift. When you reach the top, pick up the various herbs if you need
them. Now, this is one of the most annoying aspects of the game, it took
me days to figure this out but to get the WOLF AND EAGLE MEDAL you must
go to your menu and check the book, turn the book so the pages face you,
press the action button over it and voila!

Now place the EAGLE MEDAL at the back of the pool and and place the WOLF
MEDAL at the front part of the pool and an FMV will show the pool opening
to drain itself of water. Climb down the ladder to the next area.


I must say, this is certainly one of the best hiding places. Head down
to the ladder and there is a storage bin, you won't need anything but
ammo and the LAB KEY for now. Climb down the can head
to the next available door...but to save yourself the time head to the
computer room, which is to the right(and it's the only room that is open
down here)...turn on the CPU and login as JOHN and enter your password as
ADA. When it asks you to open the locked doors it will ask for a password,
you get a funny reaction from Chris if you get the name wrong, and the
password is MOLE. After you unlocked the doors on both floors, head out.

Go back to the top floor and go to the previously locked room, don't forget
to pick up the SLIDES at the end of the hallway on the desk. Put the SLIDES
in the will notice several expieriments of Umbrella and
the R & D Staff, to the far right is Wesker...but the hair color is all
wrong. Check the in the back to the left of the projector and there is a
panel that reveals a switch, press it and a side of a wall will open up,
that wall will reveal the last MO DISK.

Head back downstairs and head to the left will notice that
there are three doors in here, the door at the end needs three passcodes
to enter, the first door has two sets of CLIPs and the note from John
to Ada about the password system I just told you's neat to
figure it out on your own(the password system on the CPU that is) but
then again this is a walkthrough and I will spoil it for you! The middle
room contains the first PASSCODE, use your MO DISK on the fax machine and
check the boxes under the bikini poster to pick up the last set of INK

Head back to the previous room and go down the hallway use the LAB KEY on
the blue marked door, the sound will scare you if you are not familiar
with it. After you discard the key head to the next room and then head to
the door on the right. In this room you will see to crates and a red step
ladder, DO NOT GO AROUND TO THE TOP, you can step on the switch pretty
easily and it will release poison gas. Instead go around and push up the
crate on the right to cover up the first ventilation hole, then go to the
left of the red step ladder and push it to the right, now push the last
crate to the right, but don't push it too far to the wall, otherwise you
will have to repeat this puzzle again. Now push the red step ladder to
the left but not too far, then push the crate above to fill the other
hole and then move the step ladder over the to the button to reach the
ventilation hole at the top.

In this next room pick up the MAGNUM rounds to the left and at the end
of this autopsy room, there is another password output machine, use the
MO DISK to get the second passcode. Head out of here and go back to your
save room and bring along the last MO DISK with you. Head down the
hallway to the left to the power rooms, watch out for lickers, you've
never seen these guys before until now, they hang around the ceiling
and will slash and drop on you...bring your SHOTGUN with you if you know
what's best to treat those guests...(^_^). In the back of the first
room hit the switch to activate the black out the next room
go to the back and get the last passcode...continue on to the main
generator room and there are three lickers in here. Hit the switch to
the left part of the room and pick up the BATTERY at the other end of the

Now go to the elevator down the hall and flip the switch, Rebecca comes
in and leaves with you. However at the end of the hallway they are met by
Albert Wesker. He pulls out his gun, it appears that Wesker is up to appears that Wesker killed all those STARS members, he
shoots Rebecca and tells Chris to follow him in. Chris sees the Tyrant,
which is quite possibly the most feared opponent in RE games, Chris
laughs at it...Wesker wants to use the Tyrant to 'rule the world.' He
then releases the Tyrant from the tube, the Tyrant then attacks Wesker
and kills him, he comes after you now. It's important THAT YOU GO TO YOUR
MENU SCREEN AND EQUIP YOUR GUN! Last time I got sliced up because I didn't
know that Chris was deequipped. This guy is not hard, it's actually more
easier to destroy than the hunters and acts like a buffed up zombie.
It just walks around the room trying to get you, blast it like usual and
after 5 MAGNUM rounds or 8 SHOTGUN SHELLS or 33 bullets, it falls.

Go to where Wesker was killed and on the computer hit the switch for the
door...when you head outside it appears that Rebecca Chambers is okay,
her bullet proof vest saved her life but in real life she still would've
been injured at that close of a range but eh. When you reach down to
the bottom floor...Rebecca will go and set up a triggering system to
blow up the area.

I suggest you go and save your game right now. You have two options:

A) You go back to the room with the three passcode locks and save Jill,
it appears that Jill was thrown into the cell by Wesker.

B) You can continue on without saving Jill.

Head up to the locked room earlier, you noticed that it won't open unless
in case of a 1st class emergency. Also Jill follows you along the way
but the odd thing is that she shares no interaction with
think that Rebecca would be curious as to who she is! But if you did not
save Jill, then she will not follow you.

Along the way Brad radioes over on Chris' appears that
Brad is low on feul and is about to leave...unless there is still somebody
is alive. Rebecca will come in and when she is about to leave, monsters
are nearby and she will hold them off as Chris heads to the roof. When
you reach the roof pick up the FLARE and use it anywhere on the roof...
Brad will come down and pick you up guessed it, the Tyrant comes
by and says hello. He is one tough SOB this time around, try to stall
him until Brad throws down a ROCKET LAUNCHER, use it and you will see the
Tyrant blown up from all three angles. You will have to wait until the
30 second mark to wait for Brad to throw down a ROCKET LAUNCHER, you will
have to run around a lot, try to avoid shooting it because it does

----------------- [ Jill Valentine(Walkthrough: Arranged) ] -----------------

After you flash by the FMV, Barry Burton, Jill Valentine and Albert Wesker
all make it inside the mansion. Jill tries to go and look for Chris outside
but Wesker stops her. They then hear a noise from the other room, Jill and
Barry go off to check things out. Inside the dining room Barry notices
blood on the floor, have Jill go to the next room and check the zombie in
the back, kill it and check near Kenneth's leg for a CLIP. Head back to
the dining room and a zombie walks out and comes after the two, but Burton
takes care of it with his trusty gun(I think it's a Colt Python). They then
decide to go back and report the findings to Wesker, so head back to the
Entrance Hall.

Wesker is gone, have Jill go around the back and when she comes to the
front, a dialogue between Jill and Barry looks like the two
will have to search seperately...Barry tells you to search the first floor
only, but you don't have to listen to him. Before you go anywhere, pick
up the INK RIBBONs near the typewriter...head to the blue door on the
right, you can enter the brown door for a change in outfit if you like.

In his next room, use the step ladder to get the map and you can get
another set of INK RIBBONs in the back red room, enter through to the brown
door. In here, watch for two dogs to pop out of windows, the second stand
in this room is movable like the first one, but behind it lies a set of
CLIPs. Head to the next hallway and the red door that you see needs a key
for it to open, the next skinny door leads to a bathroom and inside you
can pick up a CLIP. Now as you go down the hallway, the reddish-brownish
door on the right leads to a SHOTGUN that you can get, pick up the SHOTGUN
and then when you try to leave, the ceiling starts to slowly collapse on
you, both doors and are locked and Jill can't get out until Barry kicks the
door open and saves her...Jill shows a lot of gratitude by Barry acts like
he does it all the time. So now, you can forget about the BROKEN SHOTGUN
because it's useless now.

Head to the next area and unlock the grey door, that will lead to a save
room, but go down the hallway to the left door and solve the puzzle on the
walls and hit the switches in this order:

A Picture of a newborn baby.
A picture of an infant.
A picture of a lively boy.
A picture of a young man.
A picture of a tired middle-aged man.
A picture of a bold looking old man.
The picture is entitled. "The end of life."

Afterthat pick up the WIND CREST and you can place it in the room through
the door on the right. Now head back to the previous room and then head to
the grey door and save your game. Drop off everything except ammo, head
upstairs and head to the right end of the hallway, unlock the door and
enter through. Continue down the hallway until you reach the stairwell,
which is the floor above the Entrance Hall. Now, either nothing will
happen when you come out or Barry will approach you and give you a set
of ACID ROUNDS and say "This weapon is really powerful against living
things..." definition a weapon is intent on doing harm
and the monsters in this game are undead anyways! Now head over to the
other room on the same wall and outside on the porch either nothing will
happen(That is if you met Burton earlier) or Barry will tell you to look
at Forest, who has been pecked to death showing his rib cage. Pick up the
BAZOOKA and the MANSION KEY and head out.

Head back to the previous hallway you were in earlier and you can use the
newly found key to open the locked doors earlier, unlock the first door
but don't bother going in just yet. Unlock the double green door and head
inside, move the red statues over the ventilation holes and then press the
switch to get the EMBLEM. Head back down around to the red door that you
couldn't unlock earlier and outside pick up the CHEMICAL in front of the

Head out and go back to the Entrance hall then head to the upper floor,
now this time head to the opposite end of the hall and go the the floor
above the dining room. Push the statue over the ledge and then head to
the next room, go down and the first door to the left is a save room.
Bring along the CHEMICAL and EMBLEM, and ammo. There is also a set of
INK RIBBONs on the bed, then head out and go down the hallway, don't forget
to unlock the door on the right wall and inside are a lot of goodies.
Pick up the COLT PYTHON, SHELLS, and CLIP. Head to the next room and
remember green wallpaper, this is because that is what I will be referring
this room to in the future. Go around to the back into the garden and use
the CHEMICAL on the old pump, it will kill the plant and allow you to
collect the six herbs and the SUN CREST in the back. Now head back to the
previous room and go down the other end of the hallway and to the right
door inside is the keeper's room, you can pick up a set of CLIPs and SHELLS
in here. Head down to the next room and this place should be familiar to

Make sure you bring the EMBLEM along and then head down the hallway
and go down and unlock the red door. Go to the back and push the shelf and
pick up the MUSIC NOTES and use them on the piano and the door will open
up, go inside the new door and pick up the GOLD EMBLEM, and then use the
EMBLEM in place of the GOLD EMBLEM so the door will be kept open.


Head to the dining room and in the back of the fireplace place the GOLD
EMBLEM on the slot and it will move the grandfather clock to allow you to
pick up the BLUE JEWEL. So head back to the green wallpaper room and then
go to the small secluded room and inside place the BLUE JEWEL on the tiger
statue and it will turn around and allow you to pick up the MANSION KEY.
Also in the dining room, pick up the STAR CREST that is on the floor, it
was from the statue tht you had pushed off earlier.

Head to the Entrance Hall and go upstairs and go to the room at the top
left, then enter the first door that you see on the right wall(remember I
told you that you couldn't go here earlier?) and inside pick up the GREEN
HERBs on the floor and you notice Richard is badly hurt, a giant and
poisonous snake attacked him and you will have to find the SERUM for him,
head to the save room that is nearest to the greenwall paper room, it's
in the hallway where the three dogs popped out of windows. In that save
room check the shelf for the SERUM and then take it back to Richard, but
it appears that you are too late. You can pick up a CLIP if you examine
Richard's leg, then continue through to the next room.

NOTE: Before you go anywhere, I forgot to tell you about another room. It's
around where Richard is though, head to the floor near the staircase
that is above the save room. Go to the door on the right wall and
inside are two doors, the door at the top has one half of the MOON
CREST and you will have to press a switch to drain the aquarium to
push it, and the other room contains a LIGHTER and a CLIP behind a

Head to the next room and instead of going to the attic, go down the
hallway to the other room and use the LIGHTER on the candleholder, then
move the shelf to pick up some ACID ROUNDS. Then head to the attic and
use your mansion key, head inside and you will see a snake, you don't
have to fight it, just go to the back where the snake came out and
QUICKLY grab the other half of the MOON CREST and get the heck out of
here! Now if you weren't poisoned, then nothing will happen when you get
out, but if you were poisoned then someone will rescue you and give you
the SERUM and you will awaken in the save room with the SERUMs.

Regardless of whatever happened, head to the room across the the "Life
to Death" puzzle room and place all the corresponding crests on the
placard on the wall and it will unlock the door.


In this next room, move the step ladder to reach the CRANK above, and when
you head outside check the radio Richard gave you, it appears that Brad
is trying to look for any survivors but it appears that his radio isn't
working too well. Head around to the gate and then go around and use the
CRANK and it will release the FLOOD GATE and let loose the water. Go around
and down below watch for three dogs to attack you, head to the gate and
yet another three dogs will attack you.

When you reach the gardenhouse, there is a save point to the first door on
the right. Check the red door and inside check the pool table and examine
the top part for a code that you may or may not use later on. Now head
to the room that this on a small hallway next to the save room, and then
enter the next available door. In here go around to the back left and
quickly pick up the DORMITORY KEY next to the giant beehive, and then
head back to the previous room that you came in and then go down the
other end of the hallway and use the DORMITORY KEY to unlock the door,
in here head immediately to the right door and inside check the sink for
the DORMITORY might have overheard Barry earlier in the room,
it was a little vague but Barry did talk about his family and having to
carry the load by himself.

Inside Barry will meet up with Jill, it appears that Barry has been
talking to himself...that's odd, he's hiding something. He decides to go
out and get some fresh air...after that head back to the beehive room and
use the DORMITORY KEY. In here you can check the bathroom for some FLAME
ROUNDS, after that head to the back and take the V-JOLT report from the
back shelf, and then use the RED BOOK on the shelf and the other bookshelf
will move and reveal a door. You now have two options:

A) NOTE: If you did not meet Barry earlier in the room when he was talking
to 'himself' then you will get the A2 scenario.

A1) You can enter in here and make sure you bring A LOT of ammo, you will
have to waste several rounds of SHOTGUN SHELLS and BAZOOKA ROUNDS on
this plant, you must defeat it twice to pick up the C.ROOM KEY in the

A2) You defeat it the first time and Jill is dumb enough to get closer to
it, she gets caught but Barry comes in with a FLAMETHROWER and wastes
an absurd amount of fire feul on the plant and it dies. Jill gives
her gratitude to Barry and Barry just acts modest. You can then pick
up the C.ROOM KEY in the chimney.

B) You can use the V-JOLT to kill it, go to the room with the number lock
in the beehive room and enter whatever digit you had recieved from the
pool table then pick up three bottles and do the following:

Get UMB No.4 in one bottle
Get UMB No.2 in another bottle
Mix UMB No.4 and UMB No.2 in the same bottle(UMB No.6)
Then go to the sink and fill it up with water, mix the water with
UMB No.6 to get UMB No.7
Get UMB No.4 in one bottle
Get UMB No.2 in another bottle
Mix UMB No.4 and UMB No.2 in the same bottle(UMB No.6)
Mix UMB No.6 with UMB No.7 in the same bottle(UMB No.13)
Get UMB No.2 in one bottle
Fill up one bottle with water
Mix UMB No.2 with water in the same bottle(NP-003)
Mix NP-003 with UMB No.13 with NP-003(purple) to get V-Jolt

After you have the V-Jolt, head to the basement which is in the second
domitory room and you will have to push the bookshelves in the back to
reveal a ladder, then push the crates accordingly to make the small
bridge and then head to the next room and down the right path is a grey
door that will house the plant roots of Plant 42, use the V-Jolt on it
to kill it and go back to the rom where Plant 42 was in and pick up the
C.ROOM KEY in the chimney.

Afterwards head down to the basement and head to the Control Room, you
might get an FMV that shows that shark's path underwater as it approaches
you, depending on which way you go. Inside the control room, hit the
lever that lowers the water level and then hit the switch on the other
wall and it will open a door to the other room. Inside are two sets of
SHELLS and CLIPs and the last MANSION KEY, make sure to pick them all up.
When you head out, you will later see Wesker in the hallway.

Wesker fires at either a couple of bees or a spider, it seems that Wesker
is surprised that Jill is alive. You will get a small change in events:

A) Jill and Wesker talk about how Barry is acting strange.

B) Jill and Wesker will talk about getting out of the mansion.

If you talked with Barry earlier and how he was talking to himself, then
you get the A scenario, if Barry saved you with the FLAMETHROWER than you
get the B scenario. Later Wesker will count of Jill to check out the rest
of the house.


You might want to save your game later on. As you head out, check the
radio, it appears that Brad is still searching for survivors and Jill can't
seem to get a hold of Brad. Make your way back to the mansion and as you
do, you see an FMV of a Hunter's will come after you so get
ready to defend yourself.

There is also one door in here that is available to you, unlock it with
your new MANSION KEY and pick up an MO DISK and MAGNUM ROUNDS inside. After
that head to the grey door and you can save your game inside there if you
haven't done so already.

Head up the stairs and go down the other end of the hallway and enter
through, use your MANSION KEY to open up the red door. In here examine the
piano in the back and a giant snake will attack's pretty tough,
make sure you have plenty of MAGNUM bullets and shoot it, bring plenty of
FIRST AID SPRAYS and RED/GREEN herbs as well. After the battle examine the
hole, Barry will come in and use the rope to get Jill down, the ropes
drops 'accidentally' and Barry goes to get another rope. You have two

A) You go down the tombstone ladder.

B) You wait for Barry to get another rope.

You will have to wait about 2 minutes if you want Barry to get another rope
though, but he does give you the PASS NUMBER, which will unlock that pass
door on the second floor of the mansion pass the dining room. For now go
down the hole and then hit the switch on the tombstone, it will move and
reveal a ladder going deeper into the mansion, when you climb down the
ladder expect three hunters to attack you. There are also a set SHELLS in
this room, then continue onto the next room until you reach the kitchen.

Now in here go around to the right and up the red elevator, then go to the
blue door on the right and into the library. There is a movable light tan
bookshelf, inside it is a BATTERY, CLIP, and INK RIBBON. In the next room
move the statue over to the corner(use the light switch on the statue to
show you where) and pick up the DOOMBOOK, you can 'check' the book and
have the pages facing you, then press X or your other action button to
reveal an EAGLE MEDAL. Head back to the elevator, but to the other door
are two sets of ROUNDS for the BAZOOKA and the other door in the back
is not accessible to you.

Head back to the kitchen and take the other door, you will notice an FMV
displacing a zombie's movement, watch out though, this may look like a
regular zombie but it took me 3 MAGNUM ROUNDS to kill it! Then head around
to the top and you will find yourself in the same hallway as the piano
room that you were in earlier.

Now head to the green wallpaper room, you can have an early jumpstart
against the three hunters in here, shoot them with your MAGNUM from a
distance, watch for the third hunter though, it will quickly pop out at
you from the corner. Now head back around to the save room with the SERUMs
and save your game, drop off everything except for your ammo, BATTERY, and
the CRANK and the MANSION KEY. Head upstairs and expect two hunters, unlock
the two doors, one with the MANSION KEY then discard the key. The PASS
NUMBER will allow you access to the other door but all it does is just lead
back to the back room near the elevator that you couldn't get through,
cheesy huh?

In the room with the step ladder you jsut unlocked, turn off the lights
and use the step ladder to get the RED JEWEL out of the moose head, you
can take this back to the green wallpaper room and then head to the
tiger head and place the RED JEWEL on the other eye to recieve three

Head to the pool(where you had drained the flood gates to reach the garden
house), either via the second floor or the first floor.


Once you head to the pool, climb down around, you noticed a waterfall and
a non-working lift in the same room, place the BATTERY on the lift and then
go up to the pool and use the CRANK and close the flood gate and go back
down using the other lift, the water is now removed and you can climb down
the previously inaccessible area.

Now head to the next immediate door and you will either see nothing or see
Barry. He will ask if you want to go with him, choose yes and then let him
go first, he will use his ammo to cover you, if you explore around the
place(especially the darkened areas) a hunter will drop from the ceiling
but Barry takes care of it. Once you meet up with Enriquo he will ask if
you are with anybody, if Barry is with you then you and Barry will talk
with Enqiruo, otherwise Enriquo will talk with Jill alone.

The conversation doesn't go very far either way, Enriquo gets shot and
dies. Check around Enriquo and pick up the CRANK(hexagonal) and then head
out. Watch for hunters, they are all over the place here, once you head
back to the entrance of this area, go around and use your CRANK(hexagonal)
and turn the wall so it completes the floor that allows you through.

In this next room go to the boulder and then try to go back, the boulder
quickly rolls down the room but luckily you ran to take cover. The
boulder tears down the wall but watch for two hunters in this room, they
will either appear magically or by door when you try to reach for the
FLAME ROUNDS in the back behind the boulder.

Once you head to the next room, there is a giant grey spider 3x the size
of the normal takes only 3 MAGNUM ROUNDS to kill it or 8 SHELLS
or 5 BAZOOKA ROUNDS. Once you kill it, step over the middle of the spider
and you will crush a lot of mini spiders under your own weight, but you
can just leave the room and come back and they'll leave. Use the COMBAT
KNIFE in the corner to cut through the webbing that is blocking the path.

Enter through and go down to the top and there is a save room, save your
game and put everything back except ammo, CRANK(hexagonal), and EAGLE
MEDAL. In the next room head to the top area and there is a boulder,
go near it and then run to safety, check behind where the boulder was
for the DOOM BOOK and 'check' it and turn the pages to you to reveal a
WOLF MEDAL. Then on the hole in the same room, use the CRANK to move
the wall so that the hole leads to the left, go to the left and inside
move the statue up close to the wall but not too far that you can't go
behind it and push it. Then use the CRANK on the wall and it will push the
statue and then use it again and push the statue from behind onto the
bright spot on the floor and it will open the door on the wall to reveal

Head out and take the lift on the other side, out here go to the pool and
place the WOLF MEDAL on the front of the pool and place the EAGLE MEDAL
behind the pool and it will open up and reveal a hidden area down below.


Once you head down the path go down to the ladder, then go around down
to the steps in the other room. You can put everything in the storage bin
except for the ammo and LAB KEY, heck you might as well bring along some
extra ammo now since you won't have much event items. Once you reach down
the stairs, head to the right and into the computer room, if you want to
figure everything out yourself in regards to the password and stuff, go
to the left through the door and then into the first door that you see.

When you reach the computer room, turn on the computer and then input
your login as JOHN and then your password as ADA. The password to open
the locked doors on B2 is MOLE, after you unlocked all the doors on B2 and
B3, go to the back of this room and pick up the MO DISK and then head out
and in the square hallways, look for the blue marked door and use your
LAB KEY, the sound will scare you if you aren't familiar with it...hehe.
After you discarded the LAB KEY, head inside and take the door to Jill's
left, you will see a room with two crates and a red step ladder. Don't
step on the switch otherwise gas leaks out, instead go around and push up
the crate on the right to cover up the first ventilation hole, then go to
the left of the red step ladder and push it to the right, now push the last
crate to the right, but don't push it too far to the wall, otherwise you
will have to repeat this puzzle again. Now push the red step ladder to
the left but not too far, then push the crate above to fill the other
hole and then move the step ladder over the to the button to reach the
ventilation hole at the top.

In this next room use your MO DISK to get the passcode from the output
machine and pick up the MAGNUM ROUNDS, then head out and go back into the
blue marked room, across down the hall straight ahead is a save room.
Feel free to save your game then head down the hall to the power room.

Be warned though, there are plenty of lickers in here, make sure you go
to the back right of this room and hit the switch to connect the cable to
the black out areas. After that go to the next room and in the back is
another output machine, use your MO DISK to get the passcode and then
continue on to the main generator room, be warned that there are three
more lickers in here. Hit the switch in here and collect the BATTERY
in the back and head out and go to the room that is left of the
staircase leading back upstairs, in the middle room lies another PASSCODE
that you can recieve from the output machine, but watch for five inverted

After you get the code head down the room and unlock it by entering all
three PASSCODES, you will see Chris inside and Jill can't unlock the door
but let me give you a small dialogue of the conversation:

Jill: "I can't open this door...will you wait here?"
Chris: "I'll be here waiting for you."

Ummm...okayyyyy...where is Chris going to go you moron? He's locked in a
cell! Oh well, head to the elevator that was in the same hallway as the
save room and opposite of the power room. Hit the switch to the elevator
and Barry will come in, two small scenarios will happen:

A) If you didn't wait for Barry earlier to drop the rope, Jill will seem
angry that Barry screwed up earlier.

B) If you did wait, Barry and Jill will be surprised to see each other in
the same room.

Once they reach the room, Wesker is shown in front of the room as it
appears that Barry and Wesker have double cross Jill, but then again two
other scenarios will happen:

A) Wesker will show Jill the Tyrant, he releases it and thinks it will
kill Jill, but it kills Wesker...then the Tyrant turns its attention to

B) Barry will over hear the conversation and then he and Jill decide to
look at the Tyrant, they want to kill the monster but Barry lets loose
the Tyrant instead of killing it. As Barry tries to aim for the Tyrant
it slashes at Barry, then turns on Jill.

The Tyrant isn't hard to beat, it just doesn't feel the effects of your
weapons. Shoot and run basically...after the battle:

A) If Wesker was killed, then you will have to go around where Wesker was
killed and pick up the LAB KEY from him and hit the computer control to
open the lab door.

B) Check on Barry and it appears that he's alright, he's feels embarrassed
that he let the monster loose. They both head out.

When they head out, it appears that Wesker left and set off a bomb, you
will have to leave now! Feel free to save your game, head out of here and
head to the roof, you will need to go to the previously locked door and
and enter through, it's open now since it's an emergency. Once you head
up, Barry will be waiting for you, make sure you have the BATTERY with
you, then when you reach the elevator room place the BATTERY in the slot
and once you do, monsters come in to where the party is. Barry will
hold them back as you go contact Brad.

Once you reach the roof top check the box and pick up the FLARE, don't
use it just yet, wait until the 2 minute mark, this way you can wait for
30 seconds as opposed to 2 minutes or anything longer for Brad to drop
the ROCKET LAUNCHER. It's more like strategy. You can use the FLARE
anywhere to call Brad.

NOTE: You must attempt to at least try to stop the Tyrant by firing at him
otherwise Brad will not throw down the ROCKET LAUNCHER.

NOTE2: If you are standing over where the Tyrant will pop out, you will
have to move out of that area, otherwise nothing will happen.

Tyrant is tough, run around a lot and take cheap shots and repeat this
and at the 30 second mark Brad will throw down a ROCKET LAUNCHER for you
to use. You will see the Tyrant blow up at all three angles.

---------------- [ Chris Redfield(Walkthrough: Original) ] ------------------

Pop in the CD and select Original and then Chris Redfield. Inside the
mansion Chris Redfield, Albert Wesker, and Jill Valentine talk in the
Entrance Hall...they hear gunfire in another room and Chris decides to
check it out.

When you head to the dining room, go to the back red door...inside this
hallway is a zombie eating Kenneth from the Bravo don't have
to kill it and I suggest that you don't because a COMBAT KNIFE isn't going
to cut it against the zombie. Head back to the Entrance Hall and Chris
notices that Jill and Wesker are gone, pick up Jill's BERETTA on the
floor, you can also pick up a CLIP near Kenneth's leg back in the hallway.

Head upstairs and you can check the back right door, inside is a SMALL KEY
and outside on the porch is a CLIP, but watch for the crows! Then head to
the other door on the right wall, in here go around to the last door at
the end of the hallway and inside is a BOTANY book on the table, pick it
up if you like but if you already know about the HERBS then forget about
it. Once you head outside you can go downstairs to your first save room.

Inside here is a CHEMICAL, you can either carry it with you or put it in
the storage bin for now. Head upstairs and go back to the stairwell where
you had came through from the Entrance Hall and go to the other door
to the room above the dining room. In here push the statue down to the
dining room, don't worry about picking it up, you can come for it later.
Continue on and when you reach downstairs and find the other save room,
you will meet Rebecca Chambers who appears to be the last member of the
Bravo appears that the engine collapsed and Rebecca had
serviced the engine just recently(can anyone smell sabatoge?). On the bed
pick up the MANSION KEY and when you leave, you can decide to bring
Rebecca along, but either choice will result in Rebecca not going with
you anyways. Head down along the hall and you will enter the place that
I like to call the green wallpaper room!

Remember green wallpaper because you will be coming here often, head down
the hallway to the bottom and use your CHEMICAL on the old pump, it will
kill the plant blocking your path and pick up the 2nd MANSION KEY, feel
free to pick up some herbs on the floor as well. Head back to the hallway
and go around, the 2nd to last door on the right a CLIP and a set of
SHELLS. Head outside to the next room and go to the dining room and pick
up the BLUE JEWEL, you can take this back to the green wallpaper room
and use it on the small room to get the WIND CREST. You can head back to
the Entrance Hall and then take the blue door to the right.

Inside here you can move the step ladder to get the map of the 1st floor
of the mansion and in the back red room you can pick up a set of INK
RIBBONs. Continue on past the door to the next room, inside here two dogs
will pop out of windows, you can also move the stand on the wall to pick
up another CLIP. Then continue to the next area.


In here you can unlock the red door that you see but nothing is outside
except for 6 GREEN HERBs. To the small and thin door is the bathroom,
which contains a SMALL KEY if you unplug the the end of the
hallway is a brown and red door, the red door leads to a SHOTGUN that you
cannot get...yet. Head through the brown door and you can unlock the grey
door that leads back to the save room, down the hall are 3 other doors,
a brown door, a tan door, and a metal door. Head to the tan door and there
are various switches in this room under pictures, hit them in this order:

A Picture of a newborn baby.
A picture of an infant.
A picture of a lively boy.
A picture of a young man.
A picture of a tired middle-aged man.
A picture of a bold looking old man.
The picture is entitled. "The end of life."

After you complete the "life to death" puzzle, the frame behind the last
picture will collapse and allow you to pick up the STAR CREST, so now you
have 2 of 4 CRESTS needed. Head back to the previous room and in the
metal door you can place your two CRESTS on the slot next to the other
metal door. Head through the grey door and go upstairs and you can unlock
the other door down the hallway on the right wall.

There are two doors in here, the top door will lead to a room where you
will have to hit a switch on the wall to drain the water to move the
aquarium tank and the shelf to pick up a set of can also
check the researcher's mock for a set of INK RIBBONs. Down the other door
is a LIGHTER and behind the bed is a set of SHELLS and a RED HERB.

Now go back to the hallway and there are two doors that needs unlocking,
the double green door(inside push the two statues to cover up the
ventilation holes and press the switch to pick up the SUN CREST) and
a brown door. Inside the door is Richard from the Bravo team, double
check him to pick up a CLIP and through the next door is a locked door
leading to the attic, you can't get in there yet but you can head down
the other door to pick up a CLIP and a set of SHELLS(you must light the
candleholder with your LIGHTER and push the China shelf).

Head to the floor above the dining room and go down to the same hallway
that shares the save room you met Rebecca Chambers in, down the hallway is
a door that contains a BROKEN SHOTGUN(you can take this to the other
room where the SHOTGUN was placed and switch places with the SHOTGUN to
have the real SHOTGUN), CLIPs, and SHELLS. You can head out to the
other hallway next to the dining room and down the hall is a red door,
unlock it and discard the MANSION KEY and inside go to the back and push
the shelf to recieve the MUSIC NOTES and place them on the piano.

Chris will try to play the piano but fails miserably, Rebecca comes in
and will play the piano...her interpretation is off and she wishes to
practice, so even if you choose yes or no she will still try to practice
on the piano. Head out and go back to the dining room and pick up the
EMBLEM on the back of the fireplace. Now walk around the house and come
back to the room...Rebecca will have finally played out the entire
Moonlight Sonata.

A door will open in the back, pick up the GOLD EMBLEM and replace it with
the EMBLEM, then go back to the dining room and place the GOLD EMBLEM
where the EMBLEM previously was and the grandfather clock will move to
allow you to pick up the MANSION KEY. Head to the attic and use the key
and discard it, but before you do, you might want to save your game.

Inside the attic is a giant snake, don't bother trying to kill it because
you probably don't have the ammo for it. Pick up the item where the snake
came through which is the MOON CREST and get the heck out of here! If
you got bitten three scenarios will happen, but note that only one can

A) Rebecca Chambers will come in, you will have to bring Chris the SERUM
for the poison, head back to the room where you had first met Rebecca
Chambers in and check the shelf for the SERUM and take it back to

B) Rebecca will bring you back to the save point where you two had met and
you awaken in full health.

C) If you didn't get bitten then nothing will happen.

After that head to the room that was across the "life to death" puzzle
room and place the remaining two CRESTs on the plaque near the door, it
will open up.


In this next room move the step ladder and pick up the CRANK and then
head outside, watch for for the dogs. Head to the pool and use the CRANK
to the side of the pool and a flood gate will release to let out the water
of the pool. Climb down and around to the lift but watch out for three
dogs. Head around to the other gate and enter the garden house.

The first room on the right is a save room, the first room on the left
houses two important items, in the bathroom unplug the bathtub to pick up
a C.ROOM KEY and on the bed is a RED BOOK. The red door has a pool table,
which houses a code to unlock the code to the door in the beehive room.
Also an INK RIBBON and a CLIP is near the bar.

Now head to the second door on the right and then head to the first door
that you see. Inside the room go to the left and pick up the DORMITORY
KEY near the beehive, then quickly head out of here and go down the other
door to the right and use the key and discard it.

In the bathroom houses a CLIP, to the back of this room push the
bookshelves out of the way and climb down the ladder. Push the crates
accordingly to create the bridge, then head to the next area and use
the C.ROOM KEY in front of the control room and enter in, hit the lever
and hit the switch in the room, the water will drain and the door to
the right will open up. Inside here is the DORMITORY KEY, 2 CLIPs, and
2 sets of SHELLS.

Head back to the beehive room and use the DORMITORY KEY, inside place
the RED BOOK on the shelf(after picking up the V-Jolt report) and a
bookshelf will move and allow you to the next room.

Inside is a giant plant, Chris is actually dumb enough to walk up to it,
two scenarios will happen:

A) Rebecca will come in, Chris will throw the report to her and tell her
to kill the roots. Go to the padlock door and use the digit code you
found earlier in the bar on the pool table, and pick up three bottles
inside and follow these directions:

Get UMB No.4 in one bottle
Get UMB No.2 in another bottle
Mix UMB No.4 and UMB No.2 in the same bottle(UMB No.6)
Then go to the sink and fill it up with water, mix the water with
UMB No.6 to get UMB No.7
Get UMB No.4 in one bottle
Get UMB No.2 in another bottle
Mix UMB No.4 and UMB No.2 in the same bottle(UMB No.6)
Mix UMB No.6 with UMB No.7 in the same bottle(UMB No.13)
Get UMB No.2 in one bottle
Fill up one bottle with water
Mix UMB No.2 with water in the same bottle(NP-003)
Mix NP-003 with UMB No.13 with NP-003(purple) to get V-Jolt

After that head to the basement and go to the room where the plant's
root are held and use the V-Jolt. After that Chris breaks free of the
plant but it regrows itself, shoot down this time. Pick up the MANSION
KEY in the chimney and when you head out Chris and Rebecca sorta
convelesce over each other. Here's a funny dialogue:

Chris: "Yeah so much for him! We got to the ROOT of the problem!"

She will also give you the radio she found from Richard. You can always
go to the chemical and pharmedsudical room and tell Rebecca to treat
your wounds.

B) Chris will have to defeat the Plant 42 twice. Then pick up the MANSION
KEY in the chimney.

NOTE: This scenario happens when you first tell Rebecca Chambers 'No'
in the save room that you first met her in.

Now head out of here and Chris will notice gun fire, that's Wesker. Wesker
seems surprised to find Chris appears that Jill was lost when
the two were scouting...but Chris doesn't blame him since the mansion is
full of monsters. After that head back to the mansion.


Once you head back to the mansion, Hunters will attack you after that
two scenarios will occur:

A) Nothing...this will happen when you got the A scenario from the plant
42 scene earlier.

B) Chris seems worried about Rebecca...this happens when you get the B
scenario from the plant 42 scene earlier.

Now unlock the first door next to the grey door that you see and inside
pick up the DOOM BOOK and 'check' it and turn the pages facing you and
press X to get the EAGLE MEDAL, and there are also MAGNUM ROUNDS found
within the room. Now head to the save room through the grey door and save
your game.

Head up the stairs and go down the hallway to the left and unlock the
door. Check the piano in the back and a snake will attack you, but not
before it eats a hole in the ground. After you kill the snake, jump down
the hole. Hit the switch on the tombstone and climb down the ladder,
don't forget to go around and pick up the SHELLS and when you reach the
kitchen go to the right and use the red lift. Go to the library to the
right and inside push the light brown shelf and pick up a CLIP and a set
of INK RIBBONs inside and around to the back push the statue to the
corner and pick up the MO DISK. Then head back to the elevator and this
time go down to the left room and pick up the BATTERY and some SHELLS.

Head back to the kitchen and go around to the other door, an FMV shows the
movement of the zombie as it comes through the door, kill it and go around
and you will be in a familiar area, but watch for two hunters in this
room. Head back to the green wallpaper room and go back to the save room
where you first met Rebecca and two scenarios will happen:

A) Nothing...if you got the A scenario the last two times.

B) A Hunter will trap Rebecca in the corner and slashes a little at her,
but Chris saves her(hopefully).

Bring ammo, the BATTERY, MANSION KEY, and CRANK along for this next event.
Once you climb up the stairs watch for two hunters, then check the black
door in the back and discard the MANSION KEY. Inside is a RED JEWEL that
you can place on the tiger(where you had placed the BLUE JEWEL earlier)
for the COLT PYTHON.

Head back to the pool area and climb around down to the lift, you might
have noticed a nonworking lift before, place the BATTERY on the slot
and use the lift to get around to the pool and use the CRANK to close the
flood gate, then go around back down the climb the ladder to the next area.


Head to the next door that you see, in this next room is a FLAMETHROWER,
if you pick it up a lock will set in place and you can't get out until
you put back the FLAMETHROWER. Head around and you will eventually find
Enriquo...before he spills his guts(literally) he gets shot and dies.
Head out and pick up the CRANK(hexagonal) along the can check
Enriquo for a CLIP as well. Once you head back to where you had initially
came in, this time go around and use the CRANK(hexagonal) on the slot and
head to the next area.

Pick up the FLAMETHROWER and go near the boulder in the back and then
quickly head for cover, go around behind the boulder and pick up MAGNUM
ROUNDS but not before a hunter steps in. Head around to the room the
boulder made and through the next area, but egad! Look at the size of that
spider! Shoot it three times with the MAGNUM and it's done for.

In the next room place the FLAMETHROWER in the slot down the hall and then
go to the room the opposite end and feel free to save your game, put
everything back in the storage bin except for the EAGLE MEDAL, CRANK
(hexagonal), and ammo.

Head to the next room and go to the top, go near the boulder and then
hide for cover, to the back of the boulder is an MO DISK, then use the
crank on the left wall and turn the movable wall so that the opening
faces left. Inside push the statue forward close to the door and then
use the CRANK, it will push the statue forward, and then use the CRANK
again to close it and push it over to the light spot on the floor and
pick up the DOOM BOOK, 'check' it and turn the pages to you and press the
action button to reveal a WOLF MEDAL. Head back to the previous room and
go take the other end of the path and take the red lift.

Outside are some herbs on the floor, go to the pool and place the WOLF
MEDAL up front of the pool and place the EAGLE MEDAL behind the pool and
it will drain itself and reveal a path.


Head down the ladder, go to the far end beside the stairs and pick up the
MO DISK on the desk. Then head down the stairs. You can head to the door
to the left and then enter the first door that you see to find out the code
and password for the computer or you can head down the red marked door at
the other end of the hallway and let me do it for you (^_^).

Turn on the computer and login as JOHN and your password is ADA. Then to
unlock the doors enter the password MOLE...once you have unlocked ALL doors
to the lab pick up the slides in the back of this room and head to the
upper floor. And head inside the projector room and you can use the slides
to see the pictures and you also notice Wesker in the photo, who is a
R & D personel. Then go to the box on the back wall and check it and press
the switch to move the will reveal a LAB KEY. Head back
downstairs to the square hallway and head for the blue marked room and
discard the key and enter through.

Head to the door on your immediate right and head inside to the lab. Don't
step on the switch otherwise gas leaks out, instead go around and push up
the crate on the right to cover up the first ventilation hole, then go to
the left of the red step ladder and push it to the right, now push the last
crate to the right, but don't push it too far to the wall, otherwise you
will have to repeat this puzzle again. Now push the red step ladder to
the left but not too far, then push the crate above to fill the other
hole and then move the step ladder over the to the button to reach the
ventilation hole at the top.

In here is a password output machine, use your MO DISK to get the passcode.
Then head out back to the blue marked door and go down straight to reach
a save room, feel free to save your game. Then head out and down the left
end of the hallway to the power room.

In here go to the upper right corner and hit the switch for the black out
areas. Then head to the next room and in the back is a password output
machine...use your other MO DISK to get the passcode. Head to the main
generator room and hit the switch for the elevator.

Head out and go the elevator and hit the switch, Rebecca will come in and
follow Chris...later they are met up by Wesker. He's the traitor! He will
shoot Rebecca and Wesker will escort Chris in to see the Tyrant. He laughs
at the Tyrant but Wesker lets the Tyrant out but the Tyrant kills Wesker
and then goes after Chris.

The Tyrant isn't hard to kill, just run and shoot basically. After you
tame the Tyrant, go to the computer near Wesker and hit the switch to open
the door. When you head out, you see Rebecca, who was saved by the bullet
proof vest.

Later she will disarm the triggering device, now head out and go to the
door near the staircase, inside the second door in the hall and use the
MO DISK to get the last passcode. You can save Jill just down the hall or
you can go and save your game and then save her.

Once you reach the top enter through the door in the hallway pick up the
BATTERY on the floor and then place it on the slot next to the elevator.
Rebecca will come in but she will stay to hold off the monsters, once you
reach the roof, pick up the FLARE to the right and use it. As the chopper
comes down the Tyrant shows up...the Tyrant is tough but try to hold it
off and keep firing at it...Brad will later drop a ROCKET LAUNCHER if you
damaged it enough...use it and watch the fireworks fly.

----------------- [ Jill Valentine(Walkthrough: Original) ] -----------------

Pop in the CD and watch the FMV. Later when you reach the mansion, Barry,
Jill, and Wesker are the only ones to arrive at the mansion. Chris seemed
to have disappeared from the party, the party hears gunfire from the back
and decide to check things out as Wesker stays behind.

Once the party heads to the back they find blood on the floor, hopefully
it's not Chris' blood. Go to the back behind hallway and check the end of
the hallway to find a zombie eating Kenneth, a Bravo team member. You can
just head back to the dining room and let Barry take care of it. Also
make sure to check Kenneth's leg for a CLIP. When the two head back to the
Entrance Hall they notice that he is gone, just go around and try to look
for him...later Barry and Jill will search for Wesker separately. Jill
also recieves a lockpick from Barry. You can check near the type writer
for a set of INK RIBBONs.

Go upstairs and then take the bottom door on the right and outside on the
porch, pick up a BOZOOKA near Forest. Then head back to the previous room
and take the other door on the right. In here go around the hallway to
the end room and pick up the BOTANY book, then head out and go down the
stairs to your first save room. Inside there is a CHEMICAL, pick it up
and then head out back to the Entrance Hall, bring the CHEMICAL with you
and some ammo. Once you arrive back at the Entrance Hall, head to the
blue door on the right.

NOTE: Barry might or might not arrive and talk with you. In the Arranged
version Barry will and Jill will talk with each other about how they
should be on the first floor.

In the Original version Barry and Jill talk about securing an escape
route, and in both versions Jill will recieve ACID ROUNDS. Also the
cornball voice acting is pretty lame.

If you didn't pick up the BAZOOKA earlier, then Jill will meet Barry
on the porch...assuming of course you go there.

Once you head around to the hall, you notice a red door that you can't
unlock, head down the hallway and you notice a red/brown door on the right,
you can go inside and take the SHOTGUN as Barry will rescue you from the
trap. Unlock the grey door in the next room, that should lead back to the
save room earlier, the tan colored door leads to a puzzle, hit the switches
in this order:

A Picture of a newborn baby.
A picture of an infant.
A picture of a lively boy.
A picture of a young man.
A picture of a tired middle-aged man.
A picture of a bold looking old man.
The picture is entitled. "The end of life."

Once the frame drops, pick up the STAR CREST, you can go ahead and place
it on the plaque in the room to the right. Now head back to the stairwell
above the Entrance Hall, except this time go to the opposite door and you
should be above the dining room. Push the statue over the ledge, then head
to the next room and then head downstairs. The first save room contains an
INK RIBBON, then head to the next area and you will notice green wallpaper.
Remember green wallpaper because you will have to come back here a few
times again. Head to the back and head to the garden, use the CHEMICAL on
the old pump and the plant will die, go pick up the MANSION KEY in the

You can use this key to open several new doors now, head back to the
previous hallway and down the door on the right you can unlock with the
LOCKPICK, you can pick up SHELLS and a CLIP inside. Head down the hallway
and unlock the door, you should be familiar with this place by now. Head
down the end of the hallway and unlock the red door. Inside go to the back
and push the shelf to pick up the MUSIC NOTES and use them on the piano.
There is a room that opens up, but you can't get the GOLD EMBLEM inside
without being locked in, head back to the dining room and pick up the
EMBLEM in the back and head back to the piano room, then switch places
with the GOLD EMBLEM and take the GOLD EMBLEM back to where the EMBLEM
was and a grandfather clock will move and allow you to pick up the MANSION


Head upstairs from the Entrance Hall and head back to the hallway on the
right, then unlock the first door that you see, head inside and you will
see Richard...he will need SERUM to heal himself...go back to the save room
downstairs...where you found the INK RIBBON on the bed and check the shelf
and take the SERUM back to Richard, but it appears that it is too late,
he gives Jill the radio and dies. You can double check Richard for a CLIP
as well.

Head into the next room and then head to the attic and discard the MANSION
KEY. Head inside and watch for the snake, go to the back and quickly pick
up the MOON CREST and get da heck outta here! Now if you made it out
safely without being bitten, then nothing will happen. If you were poisoned
than Wesker(although you never see the face, you know its him) will take
you back to the save room with the syrum(or was it Barry?). Head back to
the previous hallway you came through earlier and go around and unlock the
double green door.

Inside push the statues over the ventilation holes and grab the SUN CREST
in the back. After that head along the end of the hallway that leads to
the brown/yellow colored hallway near the staircase leading to a save room.
There is another door that you can unlock. Inside here are two doors,
inside the top door, hit the switch on the wall and then push the aquarium
and then push the shelf to pick up EXPLOSIVE ROUNDS. The bottom door
contains a LIGHTER, RED HERB, and a CLIP behind the bed. You can head back
to the hallway in front of the attic and to the other room contains
ACID ROUNDS, INK RIBBONS and a CLIP, just so long you light the

Head back to the dining room and pick up the BLUE JEWEL from the broken
statue and go back to the green wallpaper room. In here head to the small
secluded room and place the BLUE JEWEL on the tiger statue and pick up
the WIND CREST. Now that you have all the CRESTs, head back to the
hallway in front of the "Life to death" puzzle room and go down the
opposite door and place the CRESTs on the slots to enter through.


In this next room use the step ladder to pick up the CRANK, then head out
and go around to the pool. To the side of the pool use the CRANK to open
up the flood gate to let the water out and then climb down and around to
the red lift. From here head to the other gate and then go around to the
garden house.

In here head to the red door and read the code on the pool table, you
may or may not need it. Then to the only door on the left head inside and
pick up the RED BOOK and in the bathroom unplug the bathtub and pick up
the C.ROOM KEY. Then you can save your game on the first door on the right,
down the small hallway leads to the other hallway. Once you reach the
other hallway head into the next door that you see, inside go to the back
and check the table next to the giant beehive and pick up the DORMITORY
KEY and then head back to the previous room and use the DORMITORY KEY to
open the other door down the hallway.

NOTE: Just prior to entering in here Jill might overhear Barry talking with
someone and later decides to take a walk('breath of fresh air').

Enter through and go to the back and push the shelves to reveal a ladder,
climb down and then push the crates accordingly into the water to create
a bridge, note that the crate near the beginning you will have to push
from it's side and then push to the other wall. In the next room, go
around to the control room and use and discard the C.ROOM KEY, enter in
and press the lever to lower the water and press the switch on the left
wall to open the other door.

Inside the other door is a DORMITORY KEY and some extra ammo that you
will need. After that head back to the beehive room and use the DORMITORY
KEY and unlock the door to the next room. In here head to the back and
pick up the V-JOLT report, then place the RED BOOK in it's place and a
door will open up. You have two choices now:

A) You go ahead to the door...inside you defeat it once but it comes back
to life and Barry will come in and save you.

B) You head out and go unlock the number pad using the code you found on
the pool table and create the V-JOLT in this order:

Get UMB No.4 in one bottle
Get UMB No.2 in another bottle
Mix UMB No.4 and UMB No.2 in the same bottle(UMB No.6)
Then go to the sink and fill it up with water, mix the water with
UMB No.6 to get UMB No.7
Get UMB No.4 in one bottle
Get UMB No.2 in another bottle
Mix UMB No.4 and UMB No.2 in the same bottle(UMB No.6)
Mix UMB No.6 with UMB No.7 in the same bottle(UMB No.13)
Get UMB No.2 in one bottle
Fill up one bottle with water
Mix UMB No.2 with water in the same bottle(NP-003)
Mix NP-003 with UMB No.13 with NP-003(purple) to get V-Jolt

Then take the V-Jolt and use it on the plant roots in the basement in
the grey door.

C) The third scenario happens when you met with Barry earlier in the garden
house, you will have to defeat the plant two times in a row.

I suggest you take A since it's much quicker and less tedious. Check the
Chimney and you will find a MANSION KEY. Head out and you will notice
Wesker outside, the monsters don't stand up to his gun. Two things will
occur here:

A) Jill and Wesker talk about how Barry has been acting strange.

B) Jill and Wesker talk about how to escape from the mansion.

Both conversations still involved Jill asking:

Jill: "Where on Earth have you bean?"

That's no typo folks...she said that. Both conversations also involved
Jill and Wesker talking about checking the mansion one more time. After
that head out and save your game.


Head back to the mansion, but this time bring ammo, herbs, and the MANSION
KEY. When you head back to the mansion, you get your first taste of what
it will be like for the rest of the game, a hunter comes through the door
in a pretty frightening motion. Open the next door with your MANSION KEY
and then take the DOOM BOOK and MAGNUM ROUNDS inside. Head to the save
room past the grey door and get any herb and ammo that you may
the save room Barry left some extra ammo and medical supplies for you.

Then head upstairs and go down left past the hallway to the next room
and inside use your MANSION KEY. Inside check the piano in the back and
a snake will come after you, it will bite a hole on the floor...kill it
and examine the hole and Barry will come in. He will let a rope down,
as Jill goes down, the rope follows, Barry goes to get another rope. You
can go ahead if you like...or you can wait for Barry to bring back a rope
for you...once you climb up he will give you the pass number to open the
door...but don't bother trying to open it since it leads back to an area
you already visited!

Head back down the ladder and then hit the switch on the tombstone and
then climb down the ladder. Make sure to pick up the SHELLS in the back
of this room and then make your way to the kitchen. From here head to the
right and go up the elevator. To the right is a library, push the light
brown bookshelf to the right and go inside and pick up a CLIP and a set of
INK RIBBONs. Then to the other room move the statue to the other corner
to move a bookshelf to get an MO DISK. Head back to the elevator but go
to the left and to the door and pick up some EXPLOSIVE ROUNDs and a
BATTERY. Head back down the kitchen and then take the other door, there is
an FMV of a zombie and that's your cue to get ready and bust some caps.

Head around to the hallway near the dining room but watch for hunters
though. Head to the green wallpaper room and then head back to the save
room with the SERUMs and pick up the CRANK...head upstairs and watch for
another hunter. Then use your MANSION KEY and unlock the door and pick
up some extra ammo and a RED JEWEL(you can use this item to get a COLT
PYTHON in the tiger eye room). After that head around back to the dining
room and head for the pool where you have to release the flood gate.

Go around to the red lift and waterfall, across the small waterfall is
another lift, place the BATTERY in the socket and go up and close the
flood gate using the CRANK. Now head back down the other lift and go the
ladder where the waterfall prviously was running.


Once you climb down, head to the door on Jill's immidiate right and enter
through and you will eventually find Enriquo. Note that Barry may or may
not be here...there are several options you can choose if you do see him:

A) If you decide to go with Barry, he will cover you...occassionally a
hunter might come by but Barry takes care of it like a professional.

B) If you decide not to go with Barry and stay behind...eventually Barry
will come back. He will also give you a CRANK.

C) If you decide to go off...then you will find Enriquo. Jill comes alone.

D) You did not meet Barry and scenario C happens.

Make sure to check Enriquo for an extra CLIP and pick up the CRANK on the
floor on your way out. Head back to the room you initially came in through
and go around to the back and use the CRANK(hexagonal) to move the wall
to get through. Once you do, in the next room go around to the boulder and
then hide for cover. You can pick up the FLAME ROUNDS from the back, and
then head to the next room...egad! Look at the size of that spider! So
now do you regret plucking roaches and spiders out of your cereal box?
Its not tough to kill though.

You can take out the webbing on the wall with either a knife or a Bazooka.
Enter through and go down to the top and save your game, make sure to
bring the DOOM BOOK with you. Head to the other room and go to the top
and let the boulder roll by, then pick up the MO DISK in the back and
you can 'check' both DOOM BOOKs and turn so that the pages are facing you
and press the action button to reveal an EAGLE MEDAL and a WOLF MEDAL.
Then use the crank and turn the wall so that the opening faces left and
then enter through to the door. Push the statue close to the handle on
the wall and then use the CRANK and the wall will push the statue forward
and then use it again to go behind the statue, and push the statue to
the bright spot on the floor. This will open up a panel on the wall, so
collect the DOOMBOOK and then head out and go to the lift.

NOTE: I'm not sure if you might have noticed this...but there is a map of
the undergrounds(B1 on your map screen) and I'm asking to myself:
"Why the heck would I need this map now since the place is obviously
linear and after I head to the lift...I won't need to enter this
stinkin place no more!"

Outside place the EAGLE MEDAL and WOLF MEDAL in their respective places
on the pool rim and it will open up to reveal an elevator down below.
In here go down the ladder and drop everything in the storage bin besides
your ammo.


Go to the next room and in the back left, pick up an MO DISK. Go downstairs
and you can check to the right of Jill and go inside, and go inside the
first door to find the clue yourself or you can head down the other end of
the hallway on the red marked door and enter through to the computer room.

Whatever suits you...turn on the computer and login as JOHN with your
password as ADA. Then to unlock the doors input your password as MOLE.
After you unlocked all doors on all floors, head upstairs to the slides
room and press the panel and press the switch to reveal a wall opening up
and allowing you to pick up a LAB KEY. Also if you picked up the SLIDES
earlier from the computer room, you can use them and see various creatures
that were expieriments of Umbrella and you also notice that Albert Wesker
did aid in creating these monsters...I smell a rat.

Head back downstairs to the square hallway and go to the blue marked door
and use your LAB KEY and then head inside.

Head to the door on your immediate right and head inside to the lab. Don't
step on the switch otherwise gas leaks out, instead go around and push up
the crate on the right to cover up the first ventilation hole, then go to
the left of the red step ladder and push it to the right, now push the last
crate to the right, but don't push it too far to the wall, otherwise you
will have to repeat this puzzle again. Now push the red step ladder to
the left but not too far, then push the crate above to fill the other
hole and then move the step ladder over the to the button to reach the
ventilation hole at the top.

In here is a password output machine, use your MO DISK to get the passcode.
Then head out back to the blue marked door and go down straight to reach
a save room, feel free to save your game. Then head out and down the left
end of the hallway to the power room. In the power room go to the back
right and hit the switch to restore power to black out areas, it appears
that won't do the trick. Head to the main generator room and don't forget
to use your MO DISK to get the other passcode. Once you reach the main
generator room hit the switch and the power will be connected.

Head to the elevator to the right of the save room and hit the switch
and Barry will come in, two scenarios will happen:

A) Barry and Jill will talk about how he screwed up and to not let it
happen again.

B) Barry and Jill are surprised to see each other. Barry calls out
Jill's name first but then is shocked to see her? Ummmm...let me
get this straight, if you knew she was here then why would you be
surprised to see her?

As Barry and Jill meet Wesker it appears that Wesker and Umbrella has
his family hostage. He talks of the Tyrant, and two scenarios will

A) Barry knocks Wesker out cold from behind as he leads Jill to see the
Tyrant. Barry and Jill goes to see the Tyrant, but as Barry tries to
shut off the computer to cut off function to the Tyrant, he
inadvertantly releases the Tyrant. After Jill tames the Tyrant, check
on Barry and the two will head outside and notice an alarm has set off.
Head to the ladder and then head to the door.

B) Wesker leads Jill in and unleashes the Tyrant but gets killed himself,
he also drops a LAB KEY on the floor. Pick up the LAB KEY and then check
the computer to unlock the door once you tame the Tyrant. As you walk
along the way, you see Barry on the floor almost dead, he wants you to
give his picture to his family. Use the LAB KEY on the door and enter

Along the way you can pick up Chris from the cell, go to the door located
near the staircase and take the middle door in the hallway and get the
passcode and then down the hall you can unlock the door using the three
passcodes and then use the LAB KEY to unlock Chris. Once you head through
the door at the top, pick up the BATTERY and use it on the slot to restore
power to the elevator. Outside use the FLARE to call Brad and if you got
the B scenario then the Tyrant will not attack you. IF the Tyrant does
attack you, damage him enough and Brad will drop a ROCKET LAUNCHER for you
to use.

NOTE: In RE2, Ada also gives you a ROCKET LAUNCHER at the end, but instead
of giving it to Leon or Claire, why didn't she just use it herself
instead? I'm saying this because I won't be doing a RE2 FAQ and I just
wanted to point that out (^_^).

Enjoy your ending!


---------------------------- [ Chris Redfield ] -----------------------------

A) Brad picks up the party, Chris asks if Rebecca is tired and she
apologizes for being tired(huh?)...Chris condems her good work as the
ending rolls off and the credits scroll.

NOTE: This ending happens if you do not pick up Jill...heh...she blows up
with the mansion.

B) Jill rests on Brad's shoulders on the helicopter as she sleeps, Rebecca
is shown sleeping as the credits scroll. This ending is the ending that
pertains to the rescuing of Jill.

If you got the B ending, then you've closed the case completely. For your
reward you get an infinite amount of MAGNUM ammo on your COLT PYTHON from
the getgo of the game.

---------------------------- [ Jill Valentine ] -----------------------------

A) Jill wipes the sweat off of her forehead and removes the burai(sp?)
and swings her hair. She has a lot of dirt on her face too. Also
instead of getting Jill's picture as she sits on her bed, you get a
shadow of the Tyrant who is still alive and you get a blank screen
of showing what you accomplished(time and # of saves) throughout the

NOTE: This ending happens when you don't save Chris and when Barry gets
killed. Also note that you do not fight the Tyrant when Brad comes to
pick Jill up and no explosion occurs over the mansion.

NOTE2: Could this be the storyline ending that leads up to Resident Evil 3:
Nemesis? I'm guessing the Tyrant mutated into the Nemesis(this is
my best guess since in RE3:N they don't tell how the Nemesis came
into being and why he chases STARS members) and the Nemesis chases
after Jill in Raccoon City(but I'm pretty sure the Tyrant wouldn't
put on a hip trenchcoat and pick up a Rocket Launcher).

B) The ending will have Barry and Jill talking in the chopper, Barry looks
over a picture of his wife and apologizes to Jill.

NOTE: This ending happens when you do not rescue Chris but Barry is alive.
Also note that Barry and Chris show no interaction whatsoever, Barry
isn't even shocked to see Chris alive.

C) Jill is sleeping on Chris' shoulder, he smiles at Barry(who doesn't
notice it) as Barry looks to check at his Magnum.

NOTE: If both Chris and Barry are with you during the escape, Chris will
tell Jill "...ladies first!" and Barry will not say a word but get
in his firing position. This ending happens if Chris is saved and
Barry is alive.

D) Jill is shown sleeping on Chris' shoulder as the helicopter pulls

NOTE: This ending happens with Barry is dead but you save Chris.

Take note that once you have beaten the game, no matter what ending you
get, Jill does not have a message saying "You've cleared this case
completely!" But if you start the game after the save, you will get an
infinite COLT PYTHON.

-------------------------------- [ Both ] -----------------------------------

If you got the timer at the end of the game, you can wait for it to hit
zero and a giant explosion will erupt as your character dies.

------------------------------- [ Credits ] ---------------------------------

-+- Capcom(
For making one of the best games to date...but ah! The cornball voice

-+- CJayC(
For making a beautiful website and dedication to it.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(
For typing up this FAQ.

---------------------------- [ End of Credits ] -----------------------------

Time of Completion: 22 hours, 4 minutes, 02 seconds

Copyright Dingo Jellybean (C) 2000

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