Introduction FAQ
by Henry H. Jerng
on March 14th, 2000
at hjerng@leland.stanford.edu
I. Personal Notes
II. Vagrant Story
A. Story Introduction
B. Charaction Introduction
C. Script to the Introduction
III. Gameplay
A. Screen Display
B. Controls
C. Battles
To begin, Vagrant Story (SCPS 45486) was created by Square Co.,
Ltd. Most of the information contained within this FAQ were translated
from respective sources, which retain the original copyright to the
material. The story translations came from the manual and the game
itself, the screen display and controls sections came from the manual,
and the Battle section was translated from the Vagrant Story Guide for
the Beginners, which is published by DigiCube. The information provided
here is mostly meant to introduce Vagrant Story to all the brave souls
who have valiently imported this game (Brave indeed. This game has an
enormous amount of Japanese text.) I hope you will learn something from
reading this and allow it to enrich your enjoyment of the game.
The strategy portion of this introduction was included to aid
anyone, playing either the import or domestic versions of this game, in
learning how to improve his/her game.
Enjoy. Vagrant Story is, in my opinion, the best Squaresoft
strategy game since Final Fantasy Tactics.
One day, the manor belonging to Duke Bardorba, senior statesman of
the Valendia kingdom, was seized by a cult group known as Mullencamp.
While some fell victim to violence, this incident was brought to a
close in less than a night. However, the whereabouts of Sydney
Losstarot, the leader of Mullencamp and its purported ringleader, became
unknown, and the true motive behind the manor's occupation remained
Then, another incident occurred one week later. Duke Bardorba, who
had escaped from harm in the previous take-over incident because he
happened to be at his second residence, was murdered by someone.
Ashley Riot, a Riskbreaker posted at the Valendia Knights of Peace
(VKP), had participated in the resolution of the occupation incident.
It was decided by the government that Ashley would be pursued as the
suspect in the Duke's murder, but Ashley had disappeared and left no
tracks. The only clue is the place where he visited in the interim
between the occupation incident and the Duke's murder.
That was the sealed evil city of Lea Monde...
During its most prosperous period, more than 5000 people lived in
this city. However, about 20 or so years ago, an earthquake had forever
sealed its history, one that lasted more than 2000 years. Moreover, the
crevices and whirling tides created by the earthquake had severed the
city completely from the outside world. The surface became a mess from
the earthquake. The underground, where once monks made a living carving
out stones, was broadened without turning it into a cave. The city
completely became a gigantic maze.
You will become Ashley at that critical time and experience the one
week period from the occupation incident until the Duke's murder.
Did he really murder the Duke as the government charged? And, what
happened in the evil city of Lea Monde? Only you, as Ashley, can
discover the truth.
Real Name: Ashley Riot
Age: Late 20's
Height: 181 cm
Job: Felony Division of the Valendia Knights of Peace (VKP)
Ashley is the hero of this story. After graduating from the VKP
academy at the top of his class, Ashley worked actively as someone
borned into society's elite. After his wife and son were murdered by
desperados, he transferred to the Felony Division (aka Riskbreaker)
which deals with the most dangerous assignments inside VKP. For
Riskbreakers, dealing with danger regularly is the norm. Therefore, it
is actually said the chances of returning alive from a mission is about
30%, but Ashley never loses his cool in any situation and had success in
many missions.
Occupation of Duke Bardorba's manor by the religious cult
Mullencamp turns Grayland into the backdrop for our story, and then the
murder of the Duke a week later... It is thought that Ashley alone holds
the key to solving the mystery behind these related events. Moreover,
at the same time he is an important suspect in the Duke's murder. Why
would Ashley, a man who continued his life as a Riskbreaker in order to
avenge his lovely wife and son, stain his hands in crime? The truth is
expected to become clearer as you progress further in the game.
Alias: Sydney Losstarot
Age: Unknown (Late 20's?)
Height: 178 cm
Job: Mullencamp religious order
Sydney is the organizer of Mullencamp religious cult, which
worships the ancient sorcerer Mullencamp. A self-styled prophet, Sydney
speaks of the depravity of man and eschatology. He is said to possess
mysterious powers to correctly guess the pasts of people he just met,
and to bring others under his will. However, people who obey him and
mesmorized by his fiercely powerful charisma seems endless.
Sydney unexpectedly seized Duke Bardorba's manor in Grayland and
demanded the Pope's dismissal and the release of his jailed comrades, in
exchange for the Duke's family and his servants. However, his real
objective seemed to be something else. Through this occupation
incident, Riskbreaker Ashley encounters Sydney, and that was just an
encounter of fate......
Real Name: Romeo Guildenstern
Age: 34
Height: 179 cm
Job: Holy Knight
Romeo is the leader of the Crimson Blade, a group of knights under
the Pope's direct control. His demeanor shows a knight polished with
the utmost refinement, and apparently for the sake of justice there is
no too little a sacrifice. The reason why he intervened in the Duke's
case is not certain. And the Crimson Blade, under his command, followed
Sydney and infiltrated the city of Lea Monde. The overwhelming military
force is more than sufficient to subjugate Lea Monde in one swoop. If
that is the case, what is the Pope's intentions...? And what is
Guildenstern's own true motive...?
VKP Headquarter
Valnain, 0:24 AM
(Two men and a woman sit at a conference table in a darkened room.
Ashley stands in the dark, leaning against the wall.)
Man, on the left: ... It was about 6 hours ago when Duke Bardorba's manor
was seized. The ringleader of the group responsible is Sydney
Losstarot, the organizer and founder of a religious group called
Mullencamp. As we speak, they are continuing their occupation and
holding the Duke's family and his servants hostage.
Woman, on the right: ... Their aim behind the seizure?
Man, on the left: They have two demands. The release of their jailed
comrades, and the resignation of Pope Badouizm.
Ashley: VKP doesn't feel like freeing their friends?
Man, in the middle: Of course. Although we only caught their tail, it
took many agents-----
Man, on the left: It's all because we recognize the freedom of
religion. God doesn't come in the form of one person. Because we let
these people who believe in heresies like this run wild, incidents like
this will happen. That utterly incompetent government assembly......
Man, in the middle: ......Strike that from the record.
Voice from behind him: Yes, sir.
Ashley: ...Whatever the cause, this case is caused by a cult group.
What's the reason for us to be involved?
Man, in the middle: ......
Woman, on the right: ...Based on research done by our analysis team, we
suspect that Mullencamp's source of funding is Duke Bardorba himself.
Man, in the middle: The Duke is one of the heroes that brought
Valendia's civel war to an end, but at the same time he is a fixer who
leads a dark history. He retired for the reason of health, but even now
the Duke's influence over the assembly cannot be fathomed. (Lightening
strikes, revealing a group of men cloaked in darkness.)
Man in shodow: ...Up to now, he was overlooked. We want to put an end to
that now.
Man, in the middle: ...Furthermore, the Pope's office had sent a squad of
knights and intervened unannounced against us in this matter. I want to
know why. Analyst Hatred, explain.
Woman, on the right: Please go to Grayland at once. In your coach you
will find a map of the Duke's manor. Incidentally, a member from the
intelligence analysis office is already on her way to the scene. Please
get the details from her.
Ashley: Her?
Woman, on the right: Agent Melrose.
Duke Bardorba's Manor
Graylands, 1:58 AM
(A woman observes the towering manor from a distance among a cluster of
trees. Ashley approaches.)
Melrose: Are you agent Riot? I'm your partner, Callo Melrose. You can
call me Callo. Nice to meet you.
Ashley: (walking past her, without making a friendly gesture) How many
Melrose: We confirmed 12. Of course, since we haven't seen Sydney yet,
I suppose there is many more terrorists inside the residence.
Ashley: The hostages?
Melrose: The Duke's family and his servants. A total of 34. The lucky
Duke himself is away and thus unharmed.
Ashley: The Duke is not caught?
Melrose: No.
Ashley: Our knights squad's plan?
Melrose: For now, they're just watching and waiting. Other than saving
the hostages, it's still too dangerous to take any direct action. While
continuing negotiations with Sydney, they're just investigating a
solution strategy by gathering every little information about the
(The manor is on fire.)
Melrose: What's going on!?
Ashley: It looks like they started the assault... Those armors and
helmets aren't VKP's... Must be the Pope's knight squad......
Melrose: We are not giving out such an order! This is our operation!
They are disregarding orders.
Ashley: ...There's probably something that just can't wait. (walkding
Melrose: Wait. Where do you think you're going?
Ashley: I'm riding this chaos and infiltrating the manor.
Melrose: That is too dangerous! You should wait until back-up arrives!
Ashley: Back-up? I AM the back-up...
Duke Bardorba's Manor
Graylands, 2:32 AM
Romeo: Did you find Sydney?
Knight: Not yet.
Romeo: (after walking to the window) ...Put out the fire. Or else the
entire building will burn to the ground. There's no meaning in that.
Divide up the knight squad in two. Have one crush the resistance and
the other put out the fire.
Knight: Yes, sir. At once.
Romeo: .........Sydney, where are you?
(Ashley gets in and brings down the gate which crashes with a loud
Man in black: ...Yes! Set the room on fire! Kill the hostages to set an
example. Understood?
Hooded man: Yes, sir!
(Man in black walks into the cathedral. Ashley can be seen hiding
behind some draped boxes.)
Bearded man: ...There's no time. We've got to it before the company of
knights get here.
Hooded man: Yeah. Soon all the scores will be settled... (Ashley moves,
and the box drops. The two men turn to look.) Who's there!!
(The men head toward Ashley.)
Ashley: ...It's unavoidable.
(An easy fight ensues. This is the perfect opportunity to practice
fighting for the first time.)
(Ashley walks inside the cathedral and stands next to the door,
Voice: ...So? Did you find it?
Another voice: No. I don't know. I can't find such a thing anywhere.
Voice: All right. Keep looking!
Another voice: That's unreasonable, Sydney! The company of knights is
Voice: Are you complaining now!? If we don't have IT, then all this
would have been for nothing! ...Find it quickly!
(Three men rush out the door...)
Sydney: Damn you Duke! Where in hell did you hide it!!
Man in black: Does the Duke really have it? On second thought, does
such a thing really exist...?
Sydney: Do you doubt me, Hardin!? Do you doubt my powers?!
Hardin: So, sorry. That's not what I meant... B, but, Sydney, if this
keeps up, we won't be able to escape.
Sydney: ...Tse, understood. Bring the kid hostage!
(Hardin walks away. Ashley sneaks in the room.)
Ashley: Don't move, Sydney! My bowgun is aimed right at your heart!
(Sydney raises his hands. Ashley slowly walks toward him, pointing his
Ashley: Turn slowly toward me.
Sydney: (after turning around) ......You're not a knight?
(Ashley tosses out a set of ropes.)
Ashley: Tie your feet with that rope.
Sydney: (backing up) Riskbreaker...... Royal watchdog.
Ashley: Didn't you hear me? Well, tie them quickly! (pointing his
Sydney: Oh, the Duke will regret this......! (He turns around and grabs
his sword... Making his attack.)
Ashley: Stop!! (He fires an arrow, shooting Sydney through the heart.
Sydney falls to the ground. Ashley stoops over Sydney's body, leaning
over to check his pulse. Hardin walks in, holding a child.)
Hardin: Sydney! (Running toward Ashley... Ashley turns and is knocked
to the ground by Sydney.)
Sydney: You're... mine...... Hardin,... you... go... to Lea Monde...
(Hardin turns and walks away.)
Ashley: Wait!!
(Sydney attacks. Ashley retreats and pulls out his sword.)
Ashley: ...How is it possible? I am sure you were dead. Resurrection is
only a fairytale...
(Sydney pulls out the arrow that pierced his heart and kneels...)
Sydney: ...I can't... The wound... is too deep...... (looking at Ashley) I
wonder... even as you witness this... if you still... think it's a fairytale...?
(Screaming) Deeto!!
(A dragon crashes through the stained glass ceiling and lands between
Sydney and Ashley. Sydney turns and walks away. The dragon has been
struck by several arrows, including one through its right eye.)
Sydney: ...It's too bad that... I don't have the time... to fight you... right
now...... (Sydney jumps through the stained glass window)
(A few chops at the dragon's head, and it is history. Ashley walks to
the window and looks out.)
Ashley: Lea Monde......
(The sun rises. Its rays penetrate the broken window. Display title:
Vagrant Story)
(Text) The body is but a vessel for the soul, a puppet which bends to
the soul's tyranny. And lo, the body is not eternal, for it must feed
on the flesh of others, lest it return to the dust whence it came.
Therefore must the soul deceive, despise, and murder men------A. J.
Duke: ......So, I hear that the men who subjugated the terrorists were from
the Pope's office, not the Royal Knight squad.
Knight: (kneeling) It was the Holy Knight squad, led by Guildenstern.
Duke Bardorba's Second Residence
Graylands, 5:38 AM
Advisor: The squad under the Pope's direct control, the one called
Crimson Blade.
Knight: I am here to report that Guildenstern has headed toward Lea
Monde, following Sydney.
Duke: ...... Hmm.... I ordered someone to slip on a suit of Holy Knight armor
and try to set the residence on fire.
Advisor: Fire... Sir?
Duke: It was done so we can make good use of someone who saw that.
Advisor: But, your wife and others were taken hostage......
Duke: Don't meddle. Set the fire! Turn everything into ashes! ......Any
action from the assembly?
Knight: The VKP (Valendia Knights of Peace) has assigned its felony
management team.
Duke: Riskbreaker...... Now that troublesome group is involved.
Knight: What shall be done about this?
Duke: ......I'll leave Lea Monde to you. Don't let them come out of Lea
Monde. Dispose of Sydney and Crimson Blade.
Knight: And the assembly?
Duke: As for those watchdogs, I'll try to manage somehow. Other than
this, don't let them trouble us.
Knight: What about Joshua?
Duke: ......That's my soul. Why I must not die......
Knight: As you wish. (He gets up and leaves.)
Duke: ......Is it my fate to rot while alive?
11:42 AM
(Melrose sees two bodies.)
(Text) Lea Monde is an old town, with a history of over 2,000 years.
Its walls have seen many battles- they are stronger than the mightiest
forts of Valendia, and as the sun wheels through the sky, the beauty of
their shifting colors surpasses that of any palace.
The grand cathedral that towers over the town center is a symbol
of Lea Monde's indomitable spirit, and is the holy ground of the devout
Iocus priesthood. At its height, Lea Monde was a thriving community of
more than 5,000 people strong. 25 years ago, a great earthquake brought
that chapter in Lea Monde's history to a close.
Lea Monde
Ashley: (walking out of an entrance) ...What did you find?
Melrose: Two men from the surveillance team were killed.
Ashley: ...Is that so... (thinking about the undergound passage way...) Is
this the only way?
Melrose: To say the least, it's unreasonable from the surface. There
is a huge crevice, and you can't approach the city this way.
Ashley: From the sea?
Melrose: The reefs born out of the earthquake seems to have changed the
ocean current. There are now whirlpools everywhere, and infiltrating
the town this way is impossible. In fact, we have sent agents to that
town to enter Mullencamp's hideout. However, no one returned......
Ashley: It wasn't the whirlpool's fault that no one came back, was it......
Melrose: Nope. In short, what killed them were people. How was it
Ashley: We'll know if we try going in...... (Both walk down and enter.)
(Text) According to the survivors, our comrades Agent Riot headed out
for Lea Monde before noon. Of course, the reports are vague and we
cannot deny the possibility of inaccuracies. Yet, given that there is
only one path to infiltrate Lea Monde, this office believes the reports
to be valid.
(Ashley and Melrose find two dead bodies. Melrose turns to look at
Melrose: ...What happened here?
Ashley: It's my job to investigate that... You're making too much of
this, even if it's just a wine cellar.
Melrose: Hey, wine from Lea Monde could match those from Valendia. In
fact, because they are not made now, premium wines are sold at high
prices. (Ashley opens the gate.)
Ashley: ...If I find any, I promise to get you one as a souvenir.
Melrose: You intend to go alone?
Ashley: An agent without actual combat experience will only be in the
Melrose: ......
Ashley: Tell me what you know about Mullencamp and Sydney.
Melrose: ...Sydney Losstarot. Organizer of the religious group known as
Mullencamp. Real name and age, unknown. A self-styled prophet
preaching eschatology among other things.
Ashley: Why would the missionary of a cult group commit this kind of
Melrose: I don't know what the Pope's office thinks, but in short the
VKP cannot arrest him as a prophet. His dark existence teaches us the
darkside of Duke Bardorba, who controls the assembly in the shadows......
The cult is a magic coat that makes the Duke invisible. I wonder if
this case is where they part ways?
Ashley: ...The reason for the Pope's office to act is just a "witch
Melrose: ......There are many self-styled prophets these days, but Sydney
is special. This man preaches gospels filled with prophecy and God's
revelations and speaks of the Revelations like popular music. Believers
mesmorized by him all say the same thing: "He is a miracle".
Ashley: ......
Melrose: ...Whatever they may say, it does seem as if he has mysterious
powers. Correctly guessing the pasts of people in first meetings, and
reading their hearts...... In addition, it seems people who faced his
fierce charisma are willing to give him their body and soul.
Ashley: ...It sounds like something I've said about my lover once. (He
heads in.)
Melrose: Agent Riot!!
Ashley: Wait for 24 hours. If I don't come back, contact headquarters.
(The gate closes.)
Melrose: Be careful. (Melrose steps up the stairs and finds Sydney
stairing down at her, smiling.)
(Text) ...We sent men to monitor the abandoned mineshaft that leads to
Lea Monde. All were found dead. At the entrance another body wass
found, a knight of the Pope's Crimson Blade squad.
Our men were murdered with swords, but the knight's wounds show he
died by his own hands. At present, we have taken the bodies in our
custody, and our specialists are continuing the examination.------Except
from Graylands, Incident Investigation Report [Section 3.14]
(Inside the mineshaft)
Ashley: Vintage wines?...... (The earth shakes, bringing down debris...) No
burying alive, please. (Moans coming from the darkness...) Is this the
"mysterious power"......?
(Upper-left corner)
HP: Hit Point. You die when HP = 0; game over.
MP: Magic Point. Points needed for casting magic.
DP: Damage Point. If it becomes 0, the item's ability decreases
PP: Phantom Point. It accumulates as you continue to use a weapon or
shield. When its value increase beyond some level, weapon's attack and
shield's defense abilities increase, respectively. However, if you
continue to equip that weapon or shield when not in battle, it will
gradually decrease.
Risk: Low risk results in higher hit rate. High risk causes lower hit
rate, but when successful hits cause more damage.
(Lower-left corner)
Limb Status Indicator
Excellent: Best condition. No need to recover.
Good: Good condition. However, you had better be careful.
Average: Average condition. Not in danger yet, but you'll want to
avoid fights.
Bad: Bad condition. You're receiving terrible/serious damage.
Dying: Worst condition. You had better not move.
When limbs are dying, the following penalty applies.
Right arm: "Attack 50%" (damage from average attack and Break Arts is
Left arm: "Perry 50%" (avoidance rate drops)
Head: "Silence" (cannot cast magic)
Body: "Risk 200%" (Risk's calculation increases 2X; target dome
gradually increase)
legs: "Move 50%" (movement speed 1/2)
(Lower-right corner)
Simplified map
For some unknown reason, Square was kind enough to enclose a folded
quick guide to the controls written in both English and Chinese.
Nevertheless, just in case you find this handy:
Relax Mode (when not wielding weapons)
(Directional Pad/Left Stick) Movement; hold/climb; move view during
change view.
(Right Stick) Change view.
(Start Button) Change view; skip demo.
(Select Button) Zoom in; zoom out.
(Circle Button) Decide; change to battle mode.
(X Button) Cancel; open door and chests; move cube; end view change.
(Square Button) Jump.
(Triangle Button) Bring up command.
(L1 Button) Rotate map (left turn).
(L2 Button) Quick command display.
(R1 Button) Rotate map (right turn).
(R2 Button) While pressed, walk with directional pad or left stick.
Battle Mode (when wielding weapons)
(Directional Pad/Left Stick) Movement; selection of target when target
dome is up; move view during change view.
(Right Stick) Change view.
(Start Button) Change view; skip demo.
(Select Button) Zoom in; zoom out.
(Circle Button) Decide; close target dome; battle ability.
(X Button) Cancel; close target dome; end view change; change to relax
mode; open door and chests.
(Square Button) Jump; battle ability.
(Triangle Button) Bring up command; battle ability.
(L1 Button) Rotate map (leftward).
(L2 Button) Quick command display; change target during target
(R1 Button) Rotate map (rightward).
(R2 Button) While pressed, walk with directional pad or left stick.
1. Battle System Analysis
In preparing to fight with monsters, remember that weapon attack is
the basis of battle. You must fight many monsters and the Holy Knight
sqad in Lea Monde. To fight these enemies, first try to remember the
weapon attack, the basics of battle.
First, learn the flow of combat. For ways to fight monsters, there
are 2 types of attack: weapon attack and magic attack. I'll first show
you the flow of battle by using a most basic weapon attack scenario as
an example. When in relax mode, you can enter the battle mode by
pressing the circle button. The basic controls in the battle mode are
not that different from those in the relax mode. Exceptions: circle
button = open target dome; X Button = return to relax mode.
Step 1: Discover enemy. Go to battle mode.
When not in battle mode, you cannot attck with weapons. However,
because recovery (such as health) is slow in battle mode, to stay in the
battle mode is an invitation to danger.
Special features of battle mode include: recovery of HP, MP, and
Rick is slow, and Phantom Point decreases.
Step 2: Open target dome.
The size of target dome changes depending on the weapon. The
target dome is a dome that displays the limit of your weapon's reach.
The bigger the weapon's range value, the bigger the dome becomes. If
the dome is big, you can attack your enemy from a distance, and
naturally the chances of receiving damage will decrease.
Step 3: Select a limb to attack.
The damage value and hit rate differ from limb to limb. When you
have the enemy within the target dome, now you will select a limb (body
part) to attack. Because the damage value and hit rate differ from limb
to limb, you should try to attack a limb with the highest hit rate and
the biggest damage value you can find.
Step 4: After selecting a limb, begin attack.
Whenever you attack, Risk goes up. When you decide on a limb to
attack, you'll naturally move to attack. No matter if you hit or miss,
the Risk value goes up. Because Risk will exert various effects on the
battle when it gets high, you'll want to defeat the enemy quickly.
(When the Rick value gets high, your hit rate will drop and the damage
value inflicted will increase. It will be easier to dish out a critical
Step 5: The battle ends when you defeat the enemy.
Maybe the enemy will drop an item. If you defeat the enemy, the
battle will end. The expended HP, MP, and Risk will automatically
recover. If there is no other enemy around, try to change quickly back
to relax mode because the recovery speed is faster. And, when the
battle has ended, the enemy may drop an item or two.
2. Kick Monster's Ass with a Powerful Force
(Acquire magic by reading "Grimoa") Magic is said to have
ordinarily existed long ago, more than 2000 years ago. That power
exists in Lea Monde. If you can use them, there's no need to be afraid
of monsters.
- Acquire magic by reading "Grimoa"
You can obtain the power of magic by reading spell books called
"Grimoa", which you get from chests inside the dungeons or monsters as
war spoils. Magic that you've remembered can be used infinitely,
although it will consume MP. There are 4 types of magic: Sorcery,
Theology, Warlock, and Enchant. They each have different roles as
introduced below. You can use magic by selecting from menu options, or
you can operate it speedily by using shortcut command (using the L2
a. Sorcery- assistance type (L2 button + square button)
Sorcery has an important assistance role. It can cause status
changes such as poison or paralysis on the enemy, or it can increase
your own ability. When a long battle (such as a boss fight) is
foreseen, these magics are helpful.
Examples: Miserable Body (Cause enemy's strength to decrease for a
fixed time; its attack and defense abilities both drop; try to use this
on monsters with high attack ability), Protect (increases weapon and
armor status temporarily; a magic useful on a boss fight), and Unlock
(open chests and key-requiring doors with magic).
b. Theology- recovery type (L2 button + triangle button)
Theology has the role of recovering your health and curing abnormal
statuses. The magic "heal", which recovers HP, also has the effect of
giving damage to undead monsters.
Examples: Heal (Recover HP by healing wounds; can give damage to
undead monsters), Antedote (Recover from poison; has the same effect as
the item "Spiritual Prayer"), and Generous Heal (HP will steadily heal
for a fix time; useful in a long fight).
c. Warlock- attack type (L2 button + circle button)
This type has the role of giving damage to the enemy. If you are
using it with the same essentials as a weapon attack, it is possible to
give big damage to multiple limbs. As for these magic, you can give
bigger damage as your intelligence increases.
Examples: Fireball (attack magic with fire property; red-hot
fireballs launched to inflict damage on enemy; effective against water-
type monsters), Spirit Surge (attack magic with spiritual property;
spirit of light released to cause damage; effective against the undead
with high darkness properties), and Explosion (attack magic with
physical property; explosion ignited at enemy's location and causes
damage to multiple limbs).
d. Enchant- attribute type (L2 button + X button)
This magic causes various attributes to be added to your weapons
and armor. When attacking a monster with the attribute of fire, water,
wind, or earth, you can turn the battle to your advantage by using
protective magic to resist weapon-based or powerful attribute attacks.
Examples: Frost Attach (water-type attribute magic; changes
weapon's attribute to "water attribute" temporarily; effective against
fire-type monsters), Spark Guard (fire-type attribute magic; changes the
armor's attribute to "fire attribute" temporarily; resistance against
fire increases), and Soil Guard (earth-type attribute magic; changes the
armor's attribute to "earth attribute" temporarily; resistance against
earth increases.
-Magic collectively puts enemy to rout by attacking multiple limbs.
There are magic that has a wide range of attack. If used
correctly, you can obliterate the enemy in one hit, but you cannot use
too much because they use up too much MP. These magic have levels, and
if its level becomes high its effective limit becomes larger. And if
your too close, you'll get hurt too.
-Magical power changes depending on your equipment.
Intelligence values greatly affect the power of attack magic. If
you equip a weapon that causes INT to increase and enter battle mode,
the weapon's intelligence value is added and damage is increased. In
case of recovery magic, pay attention to the armor's "magic defense
power (INT/DEFENCE)". The more this "decrease", the more the recovery
value gets bigger. For using recovery magic in the middle of battle,
you can consider taking off the shield.
3. The Various Abilities Useful in Battle
There are deadly fighting techniques sealed in your memory. As the
game unrolls monsters and fierce battles, battle abilities will bring
various support effects to your fighting. If you reach eventual levels,
will you even need weapons and armor?!
There are two techniques: attack and defense techniques, also
known as Chain Ability and Defense Ability, respectively. Chain Ability
enhances your attack, and Defense Ability enhances your defense. You
can activate them by pressing buttons at proper timing. There are many
supplemental attacks, damage reduction, and beneficial things, but
everytime you use them the Risk gradually increases.
a. Chain Ability
This will allow you to defeat the enemy without giving it a chance
to counterattack. For Chain Ability, you can link up attacks by
pressing buttons at the right timing (by synchronizing with the "!" mark
displayed on the screen). To get a knack for Chain attack, get
acquainted with every ability's "motion" and "!'s timing". The motion
is divided into 3 types. I want you to remember their movement and
timing and make them useful in battle.
(Weapon Motion)
Additional Damage Type (A-type)
On top of being relatively easy to perform, they have a rather
highly useful value. Just disburse this type alternatively with
another, you will connect many hits. Examples: Heavy Shot, Mind
Assault, Raging Ache, Insane Ache, and Crimson Blade.
Recovery Type (B-type)
An operation to quietly dispose of the enemy by thrusting the
sword. Timing is critical, and try to remember it precisely to handle
to Gain Phantom. Examples: Gain Life, Gain Magic, Gain Damage, and
Gain Phantom.
Abnormal Status Type (C-type)
It gives abnormal status such as silent, poison, and paralysis. It
is relatively easy to perform, but it is highly difficult to get the
timing of the rightward motion. Examples: Paralysis Pulse, Numbing
Claw, Dullness Bind, and Snake Venom.
b. Defense Ability
They work similar to the Attack Abilities; you must assign the
abilities to square, triangle, or circle buttons and press one at the
proper time.
4. Break Arts Exist in Your Weapons.
Break Arts attack by consuming your HP, unlike magic that uses MP.
It's a powerful technique that can pulverize the enemy in one blow if
certain criteria are met.
a. It's possible to defeat the enemy in one hit.
You can use Break Arts by expending your HP. Their attack powers
are things that can't be estimated. If you use it with considerations
for attributes and type, it's possible to bury the enemy in one hit.
Break Arts is different from magic, and you cannot use it if you're not
in battle mode. Because it will consume HP, it is the same thing as if
you had actually fought. It's good that it gives big damage, but you
should try to be careful because if they are used too much, you may lose
quickly. If you use it often, you need to recover HP very often.
b. The number of defeated enemies will become experience points.
You can remember Break Arts by defeating a set number of enemies.
If you look at menus, you will know how many you still need to kill
until the next Break Arts. A point is the same as one enemy you must
kill, so if the point for swords is 10, then you can remember the next
sword Break Arts if you kill 10 more enemies with a sword-type weapon.
c. There is Break Arts even for bare hands.
You may mostly consider Break Arts as a "powerful weapon attack"
simply hidden in every weapon type, but actually that is not what they
are. Break Arts has "attack attribute" and "attack type" in techniques,
and there are cases where if they depended on the weapon type, they
would be completely different. For example, sword's "Dark Slayer" has
the attack type of "cut", but this does not change even when you use
Rapier (a pierce-type weapon). This applies to attributes too. Because
Break Arts exist even for bare hands, the breadth of fighting will
probably become wider if you let yourself have the attribute to fight
bare handed.
5. Advanced Battle Techniques
Fight freely with all the techniques! Colorful magic, numerous
Battle Abilities, whole-body Break Arts... I'll introduce a battle
technique for livening up these attacks.
a. Fight without receiving damage by getting a headstart with long-
distance attacks.
As a way to kill enemies without getting damaged, headstart attacks
can be joined with distance attacks. Equip a weapon with wide range and
wait for the enemy to get near. If you open and shut the dome quickly,
you will know when it is in battle range at any time.
After you've made your first attack, you can run away before the
enemy attacks. Attack again when it gets near again, and you can defeat
it without getting attacked by the enemy. Get a knack for making its
movement slowed by attacking the legs first. Monsters attack when there
is a "!" in their overhead balloon. If you can attack quickly before
that happens, it's possible to get a headstart even with a weapon like a
b. Continuous attack using abbreviated commands.
After attacking with weapon, attack with magic or Break Arts by
quickly pressing the L2 button. If you press the circle button at the
same time as you let go of the L2 button, you'll be back in the weapon
battle, and there will be some time remaining. Progress in battle while
verifying the abbreviated commands often by pressing the L2 button.
c. Check enemy attribute and attack its weak point.
If you do not match the weapon you're carrying with the enemy's
race, attribute, and type, then you cannot give as much damage as you
think possible. The magic "Analysis" is useful at that time. You can
see the enemy's status by using this magic and pressing the L-R button
to open the status screen. Try to attack with a weapon that correctly
suits the enemy.
d. Battle techniques that use Battle Ability
When you can't find the enemy's weakness, or you don't have the
weapon that works, try to attack with Battle Ability. Battle Ability
has things that can give damage with no connection with attack ability,
is different from normal attack, and has success rate that does not
deteriorate depending on the rise in Risk. There are times when they
work on bosses, and its appeal is to give damage without regard to
anything. If you use practically the ability, even if Risk is 100, you
can defeat any enemy.
6. Introduction to Customization
You can get your hands on high-quality equipment by grasping the
systems for how various weapons and defensive items grow and how they
can be combined and assembled.
a. The set up of weapons and defensive items (Disassembling and
assembling weapons and defensive items)
Weapons are divieded into "Blade" and "Grip", and they can be
replaced with various other parts. A weapon's performance is decided
with the grip's performance as the core, and that is combined with the
blade's. The blade can be strengthened by the mixing, but you'll use
grips as you get them. It's a good idea to destroy one's that you won't
Shields can be equipped and un-equipped with mystery stones. There
are shields that can equip multiple stones, and it's important how they
are combined.
b. Development system for weapons and defensive items.
Weapons and defensive items develop thru use. Parameters that
conform to certain criteria will change depending on the race and
attributes of monsters you encounter. Even equipments basically low in
attack and defensive abilities can have their performance raised to some
degree by having their race and attribute parameters developed.
Furthermore, if you utilize combination and development together, you
can create very high performance equipment.
c. Values change by making attacks and receiving attacks.
Weapon's parameters change by attacking and defensive item's
parameters change by receiving enemy attacks. Pay attention because
parameters can increase by this mutual relationship, but there are also
things that can decrease them. (If you turn on "display the equipment
development value", the value change in parameters will be shown.)
d. Effects of DP, PP, and equipment repair.
DP and PP increase or decrease depending on combat. If DP is zero,
equipment performance reduces by half. If PP reaches maximum,
attributes are increased. In short, if both DP and PP are at their
maximum, you can realize the full performance of that equipment. You
can recover lost DP by repairing equipment in the factory. Because PP
decreases gradually in battle mode, it's better to operate in relax
7. Changes in Attribute/Race Parameters
Developing and enhancing weapons and defensive items may be better
called increasing parameters. Basic attacks and defense abilities are
established on various weapons and defensive items, but you can conduct
battles with a good deal of strategy by grasping contents of parameters
and increasing them. I'll explain about attributes and race that have
effects on them and their properties.
a. Attribute's relations and its rise
Attributes have connections that have "natural laws" that
exclusively antagonize each other. This shows that attributes are
mutual weak points. If you attack an enemy with some attribute, then
the attribute that antagonizes that enemy's equipment rises. In short,
this is how youw weapon can automatically adapt to that enemy's
weakness. For defensive items, because they receive attacks, the
attribute that is the same as the enemy's rises. This shows endurance
toward that attribute.
b. Attribute's relations and increase/decrease of their values
Race parameters also changes attribute values through attacks and
defenses, and the enemy's race is a influence. However, the
relationship between races is like in the table below (not shown); for
example, if you attack a human, that weapon's beast and undead values
decrease. Naturally, your basic consideration is to understand how to
use weapons depending on race, because weapons are effective against
races that you have highest values against.
You should develop three types of weapons: Type 1 = human /
phantom; Type 2 = beast / dragon ; Type 3 = undead / evil.
- About combining weapons and defensive items
You can combine weapons and defensive items in factories, but it's
hard to get a high performance weapon by simply combining haphazardly.
You need to consider the points from combining weapons, shield, and
defensive items, while investigating trends in parameter changes.
If you roughly understand the main points on combing weapons, then
you know that the three important factors are material quality, types,
and parameters.
8. How to Fight in Order to Forge Your Equipment
Your equipment are enriched only when you understand how to fight.
Your weapons and defensive items develop after repeated battles. Here,
I'll introduce some practical battle strategies in case you want to
intentionally develop your equipments.
a. It's important what attribute your weapons are made of
In enriching weapons, there are ways to increase race and attribute
parameters. Race affects amount of direct damage, and damage gradually
increases only when race value rises. Meanwhile, the numerical value of
various attributes determines the weapon's special attribute- which is
the one with the highest number. By increasing both the race parameter
and attribute parameter, you can give huge damage by developing weapons
directed at the enemy's weakness.
b. One attribute per weapon
One thing to watch out for when developing weapons is to have one
attribute per weapon. The weapon's attribute is the one with the
highest numerical value, and other attributes are ignored. You should
efficiently raise your capability by attacking enemies with different
attributes with different weapons.
When attacking enemy with same attribute, you can more efficiently
increase attribute and race parameters by using a different weapon, but
when considering all the types, attributes, and races, it may be
insufficient no matter how many weapons are available.
c. Seriously consider the hit rate and increase the frequency of
There's no reason why parameters would change by attacking just
once, but it certainly is easier for them to change if you increase the
frequency of attacks. Furthermore, if an attack is not successfully
made, parameters do not increase. So, your weapon's enhancement
probably progress more if you select limbs with higher hit rate and
lower damage.
d. Combination is basic to enrichment of defense items
In the case of enriching defensive items, it's basically enough to
just combine them. You can gradually combine war trophies from monsters
and create high grade defense items by paying attention to defensive
values against every type of attack. Then direct attacks won't be much
of a problem. Against attacks such as magic and special attacks, try to
defend by equipping special stones on shields. If you can increase all
the parameters and not stick to just one attribute, then no attack will
be able to touch you.
For example: This is how you make defensive items against the fire
attribute, such as a fire attack like dragon's breath. First, find
monsters that attack with that attribute and receive their attacks while
minimizing damage with defense ability. In the case of enriching
shields, you must be in battle mode. To suppress reduction of PP, the
weapons need to be drawn.
d. Finally, your efforts will be rewarded
Your equipment are appreciably fortified by fighting with careful
thought. You'll allow your equipment to inherit attributes by combining
them with things obtained from monsters, and they will evolve into
powerful weapons and defensive items. From this slow but sure effort as
well as research on monsters and weapon/defense items, the strongest
equipment will be born.

17.Октябрь 2013
17.Октябрь 2013
14.Октябрь 2013
12.Октябрь 2013
17.Октябрь 2013
14.Октябрь 2013
14.Октябрь 2013
12.Октябрь 2013
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17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats
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16.Октябрь 2013
12.Октябрь 2013
16.Октябрь 2013
16.Октябрь 2013
17.Октябрь 2013
17.Октябрь 2013
Patch und PAL/NTSC Selektor und +3 Trainer für die Europäische PAL GER/ENG Version.
15.Октябрь 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
Patch und PAL/NTSC Selektor für die Europäische PAL GER/ENG Version.
15.Октябрь 2013
Patch für die Europäische PAL Französiche Version.
17.Октябрь 2013
Patch for the European PAL UK Version.
17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +5 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.
17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.
14.Октябрь 2013