Grind Session

Grind Session

16.10.2013 16:24:58


Version 2.0
Last Updated: November 12, 2000

Written by: Osiris



1. About this FAQ
2. Version Updates
3. Controls
4. Characters
5. Tricks
6. Levels
7. Dream House
8. FAQ
9. Credits


About this FAQ

This FAQ was created for the PSX game "Grind Session" in an
attempt to create an FAQ that actually had information on it. All
FAQS I have read regarding this game have had little or no
information prior to the game itself (The important stuff, folks).
So, ta-da!

This FAQ should only be located on the following websites:


For permission to use information, etc, please contact


Version Updates

Version 1.0: Started FAQ.

Version 2.0: Added more Tech Tips to the Detroit section. Addedd
where the coins are in the Dream House section, and how to get them.



Highlight Menu Option: Up, Down, Left, or Right
Confirm/Open Selection: X
Back to Previous screen/Cancel selection: Triangle
Close Screen: Circle

During Game:
Pause Game: START button
Jump: Press and release X button (for bigger ollies)
Grabs: Circle button + up, down, left, or right (while in air)
Brake: Circle
Board Flips: Square button + up, down, left, or right
Grinds/Lip Stalls: Triangle button + up, down, left, or right
Hard Turns: L1 or R1 + left or right
Spins: Left or right
Increase Spin: L1 or R1 + Left or right
Transition/Exit HalfPipes: Hold up button before reaching of
Skater's Eye: L2
Toggle Technical Line Graphics On/OFF: R2
Toggle Balance Meter ON/OFF: SELECT button



Willy Santos
Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ]

Daewon Song
Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ]

Cara-Beth Burnside
Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Ed Templeton
Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ]

Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ]

John Cardiel
Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]

~~Secret Characters~~

Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ]

Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ]

Hang Man
Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ]

Dave Carnie
Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ]

Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][ ]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Master AO
Vertical Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x]
Street Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x]
Balance Skill: [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x]

Custom Skater's Stats currently unknown.



Manual Front: Up, Up, Tri
Manual Back: Down, Down, Tri
No Comply: Left, Right, Tri
Nose Varial: Left, Left, Tri
One Foot Manual: Up, Down, Tri
Back Foot Manual: Down, Up, Tri

Board Flips:
Kickflip: Left, Square
Heelflip: Right, Square
Impossible: Down, Square
Pop-Shuvit: Upperleft, Square
F/S 360 Pop-Shuvit: Upperight, Square
360 Flip: Lowerright, Square
Hardflip: Lowerleft, Square
Disco Flip: Right, Left, Square
F/S Kickflip Varial: Left, Left, Square
Kickflip Under Flip: Left, Right, Square
Heelflip Varial: Right, Right, Square
Frontside Flip" Up, Right, Square
Heelflip Late Shuvit: Down, Left, Square
Big Spin: Up, Left, Square

Nose Grab: Up, Circle
Tail Grab: Down, Circle
Mute Grab: Right, Circle
Melon Grab: Left, Circle
Kickflip to Indy: Up, Left, Circle
Stalefish Grab: Lowerright, Circle
Method: Lowerleft, Circle
Rocket: Up, Up, Circle
Madonna: Up, Down, Circle
Benihanna: Down, Up, Circle
Airwalk: Down, Down, Circle
Judo: Upperright, Circle
Indy Nosebone: Upperleft, Circle
Japan Air: Left, Left, Circle
Board Varial: Down, Right, Circle
Fingerflip: Down, Left, Circle
Around the World: Right, Down, Circle
Frontfoot Impossible: Right, Left, Circle
Roast Beef Grab: Right, Right, Circle
Christ Air: Left, Right, Circle
Front Flip: Left, Up, Circle
Back Flip: Left, Down, Circle
Christ Flip: Left, Up, Circle
Jer Air: Up, Right, Circle

Rail (Neutral: Moving Along a Rail)
50-50: Tri
5-0: Down, Tri
Nose Grind: Up, Tri
Casper: Down, Down, Tri
One Foot 5-0: Up, Down, Tri
One Foot Nose Grind: Down, Up, Tri
Feeble Grind: Upperright, Tri
K Grind: Upperleft, Tri
Smith Grind: Lowerright, Tri
Smith Grind Tail Grab: Lowerleft, Tri

Rail (Perpendicular: Approaching from the side)
Railslie: Tri
Darkslide: Up, Down, Tri
Noseslide: Up, Tri
Dark Noseslide: Up, Up, Tri
Tailslide: Down, Tri
One-Foot Noseslide: Down, Down, Tri
Noseblunt: Up, Tri
Bluntside: Down, Tri

Lip Stall (Stall)
Hand Plant: Tri
Axel Stall: Up, Tri
Fakie Rock and Roll: Down, Tri

Launch (After lip stall)
Nollie: Up, Up, Tri
Boneless: Down, Down, Tri



1) Da Banks (NYC):

Points: 10,000
Pro Points: 20,000
Boomboxes: 10
Tech Lines: 10

Earn the Respect of the Big Apple while you get dialed in on the
basics. Ground level grinding is just a start so keep your eyes

Da Banks is the very first level, so it's fairly easy. A lot of level
grind rails with gaps inbetween, very easy tech lines (even the red),
and a good place to practice your vert skills.

Alright, I'm sure you know how to get most of the tech lines, but in
case you need help with a few, here's the most difficult for beginner

1) The yellow tech on the rail above the hall in the very beginning:
Very simple once you figure out how to ollie :s Start by skating
towards the right quarter pipe and hit the left of it, and ollie off
of it, pushing down so u get a little more edge. If u did it right,
you should fly above the rail. GRIND! At the end, dismount, and pull
of something cool (I always do disco flips) and skate towards the
bottom of the left quarter pipe.

2) The blue tech on the rafters: VERY EASY! When I first started to
play this game, I was confused, but now It's a snap. First, skate to
the very back of the last room, and hit the large quarterpipe-wall
thing that you use to grab one of the boomboxes. Grind the rail to
the left, and grond the second. You'll break through glass (don't
worry, it doesn't hurt). You can knock off some meat for extra points
if u want. Now, for more speed, skate to the right and pull off any
trick off the wallramp (that's what I'll call them, k?). Now you'll
be skating towards the opposite direction. Pull to the right, and
ollie and grind. You SHOULD have grabed the left side of the rafter,
if you didn't, TRY AGAIN! Now, just safely grind to the end, where
you'll pull off an extra 5 seconds and a boombox!

2) S.F. Mission:

Points: 10,000
Pro Points: 30,000
Trash Cans: 10
Tech Lines: 10

San Francisco has some great skating by the bay, but now you can do
the subway. Play chicken with a train while attempting the world's
scariest rail slide down the B.U.R.T. tracks.

Fairly simple stuff here, but I do understand some of you have had
trouble with the red tech on the rails leading up by the entrance to
the subway. Let me explain:

First, grab some speed. Pull big air off of the wallramps, whatever,
I don't really care. Now, skate back towards the rail. Ollie and
grind the left side of the rail. If you feel like you're about to
slide back down, ollie and grind, you should go back up. Now, when u
get up a good distance, ollie and pull left. Grind the rail, BUT
DON'T LOOSE YOUR BALANCE! It's VERY easy to loose your balance once
you get up here. Be careful. Grind to the end, and you'll fly through
glass. There's an extra 20 seconds. Also, a trash cans here. To exit,
ollie off of the quarterpipe through the glass on the other side.


3) Burnside:

Points: 12,000
Pro Points: 40,000
Pidgeons: 10
Tech Lines: 10

This place is one monster chuck of concrete with bowls, ramps, rails,
and pipes all molded together to make boarding heaven. Get big air to
find what's not obvious.

Alright, a few more things you'll want to know.

1) The parking lot with the Deca trucks: Very simple. Some people
have a hard time with this, but it's very easy. First, skate towards
the square shaped area heind where you start. Grab air, and fly out.
You should be skating towards the parking lot. Now, you know that
blue tech on the curved grind in front of you? Ollie over it. Now to
clear to the parking lot, you'll want to grind the fence and pull
right. It doesn't matter if you fall, you won't grab the yellow tech
(YET). You're now inside. Pull of techs, grab birds, and skate out.
Do the exact same thing to get out, and grind. You'll get that yellow

2) The rafters above the skate park with the red tech: Easy. Skate to
one of the cement poles holding it up, and ollie up it. Grind and you
should go the opposite direction. Balance, and when you get to the
end, the computer will let you off. Don't get off manually.

3) The large space above the closed off square area: Start the first
step (the parking lot scenario) but DON'T ollie out. Instead, skate
into the wall, and ollie then. Push up and don't let go of x. You
should pull into the area. In here are 2 birds, and a yellow tech.


4) Slam City Jam:

Points: n/a
Pro Points: n/a
Barrels: 10
Tech Lines: 10

Vancouver has it all including this major league contest. You need 40
respect points to get in the door. Compete in street, vert, and best
trick challenges. Buy time on the clock with tech lines and items but
for no addedd respect.

Easy place. I don't feel I have to explain anything. I could tell you
about the secret bowl, but you'd just waste you're time to find it.
There's nothing there but a bowl, and you go there in the photo shoot
anways. But if you INSIST on finding it, it's somewhere in the room
after the long grind-hall.


5) Atlanta:

Points: 20,000
Pro Points: 60,000
Roadblocks: 10
Techlines: 10

Thrash from the high rise rooftops to the parking garages below.
There are lots in between, so don't miss the moster gaps and heart
stopping rails on the way to the ground.

Ahh, Atlanta. Home of the first fairly hard pro point challenge (by
the way, it IS possible. I pulled it off with 20-some seconds to
spare). The tech's are simple once you get them down, nothing very
hard to find. Just, go for ALL the rooftops before you head for the
ground. And don't go into the parking garage first. That should be


6) Playstation Park London:

Points: 30,000
Pro Points: 70,000
Bottles: 10
Techlines: 10

Bonk off junked cars, and nail some of the sickest rails in the
circuit. Be careful not to destroy some of the ramps because they're
the only roads to some great grinding.

Nice skatepark, tough challenges *cough pro points cough*. Nothing
TOO difficult. The only thing I think would be a problem is the pro
points. The tech lines are all visible and easy to do, and the
bottles are too. Custom skater's may have an edge here (at least over
Templeton) because of their trick list (i.e. Able to learn Christ
Air/Flip, Around the World). Cara-Beth can learn these, but I DID say
at least over Ed.


7) Detroit:

Points: 40,000
Pro Points: 80,000
Valves: 10
Tech Lines: 10

A Gigantic drainage system works double duty as an awesome half-pipe
and the rail rides are endless. Hit the right switch and even more
cool rides are waiting.

Ok, some things you'll need to know to get maximum respect.

1) Switch-window fiasco: At the VERY beginning skate to the right,
and ollie the quarter through a window. Ollie again and grind the

2) How to get through window: I'm just saying this so someone doesn't
ask a stupid question. Now, at the very beginning, there's a quarter.
Ollie the left, grind the switch, and keep grinding. You'll fly
through a window. Skate to the back, and do the EXACT same thing with
another switch. Now skate back towards the front, and grab air off of
the right quarter. Skate down, and ollie off the quarter in front.
You'll land on a much higher elevated area. Ollie up to another, and
turn left. Grind the rail on the ground for the (hopefully) last
3) Computer Room Techs: After you grind the switch through the
window, you'll land in a room with a yellow tech and a blue tech.
After you pull those, and you ollie off the somewhat spined ramp and
land on the ramp above the ramp, and u ollie to the second higher
ramp, pull off the blue tech, skate to the left. A little bit before
the floor ends, ollie onto the computer next to the wall. Now you'll
have pulled off the (hopefully) second to last tech if this is your
last room. Now, the green pots should have opened up, revealing two
large bowls. Go into the right one, and grab some air. Now, skate off
of the large blue crack, and push the *Triangle* button. You'll grind
the first part of the yellow tech. Now, ollie to the left, and
you'll grind the last part. It isn't that hard, is it?


8) Huntington:

Points: n/a
Pro Points: n/a
Barrels: 10
Tech Lines: 10

160 respect points lands you at Huntington Beach and the Vans Triple
Crown of Skateboarding. Compete in Street, Vert, and Best Trick
competitions while the crowd goes crazy. You earn no respect for
bagging items or tech lines but they add more time on the clock.

Another competition? You bet. And it's VERY difficult. You're best
bet is to restart until the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd spots are as low as
possible, and skate like there is NO tomorrow. The minimum the 1st
spot I've seen it go to is around 45,000. And in the Vert, 1st
usually bags around 50,000, so you better grab at LEAST 55,000 points
on the street competition and 45,000 on the vert. I know I'm asking a
lot, but you'll thank me.

1) Street/Best Trick: A good way to grab an easy 15,000 on one trick?
Yea, I know one. At the beginning, skate right past the two grind
rails that lead to 2 lunch tables. Hit it head on and do something
easy, like a kickflip or impossible and grind into a Dark Noseslide
(if you have it. If not, Darkslide. If not THAT, then something else
cool that bags points). Ok, now when you're doing that Dark
Noseslide, impossible/hardflip/whatever you feel like, just grab
points. Repeat grind/board trick/grind board trick til you get to the
end. Now you could try to grind onto the lip of the wallramp, but
there's a good chance you'll mess up and crash. Instead, kickflip off
and manual/tail manual/one foot manual (any of those are fine)
landing you a good 15,000+ points.


Dream House

The Dream House is a skater's nirvana (Haha, yeah right. It ain't
that great. All I used it for was to get Master AO). There are
multiple rooms to explore, and no time limit. You can gain access to
the Dream House by getting 3rd or above in Huntington. By getting the
maximum ammout of respect per level, you acquire a key to one of the
rooms in the Dream House. There are two wings In the Dream House: The
East Wing and the West Wing. After gaining access to both wings and
all the rooms, you can collect 8 coins. By collecting the coins, you
gain access to the secret character "Master AO", the ultimate skater.
Also, by gathering all the coins, you are able to skate the East Wing
and West Wing in free skate, etc.

East Wing Coins:
Bathhouse: Pretty easy. Just ollie off the ramp leading to one of the
rooms, and if you grabbed enough air, you should pull it off.

Aqua Lounge: Ollie at the beginning of the ramp, and grind the pole,
and then grind the second pull to grab it. BY THE WAY! Be careful of
the Dorsal Grind....Sharks suck....

The Fountain: Above the lip of the second part of the fountain.

The Music Hall: Skate to the ramp on either side, and ollie up and
grind the board on the loudspeakers. Repeat to the next, and grind
the metal...thing...And grab the coin.

West Wing Coins:
The Armory: Sometimes hard. Skate off of the ramp leading to the
ladder-looking grind. Grind it, and ollie and pull hard to the
direction you're on (if u grabbed the left pole, move left) and grind
the curved bar.

Dream Bowl: I don't know WHY they called it the Dream Bowl. It's not
even a BOWL! It's a very long halfpipe with weird little balls in
them! I don't know what they're for, but I like taking out my skating
anger on them (Pop!). One of the lips has the coin.

The Drop Room: Drop Room's right. When I first came here, I was
surprised. I fell right down. But then, I grabbed air, grinded a
pole, and grabbed the coin. Maybe you will too.

The Ramp: It ain't no ramp. It's like the Dream Bowl, only bigger.
Well, go to the opposite side, and grab air. Pull to the left, and
grind the pole. There's a gap, so ollie, and grind the next, and
you'll get the coin. Congrats! Master AO is yours! (By the way, he
surprised me. He doesn't look ANYTHING like I imagined! I laughed
helluv hard when I got him)



Nothing yet. Send me you're questions or whatever at



- Shaba Games for creating one of the best skating games ever! (THPS
rulz too, so don't yell at me)
- Myself for just taking hours out of my "busy" schedule to write
this FAQ.
- Whoever reads this

This FAQ is Copyright Chris Foster, 2000. All Rights Reserved.

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