Silhouette Mirage

Silhouette Mirage

16.10.2013 15:32:16

sss iii l h h oooooo u u eeeee ttttt ttttt eeeee
s i l h h o o u u e t t e
sss i l hhhhh o o u u eeee t t eeee
s i l h h o o u u e t t e
sss iii llllll h h oooooo uuuuu eeeee t t eeeee

m m iiiiiii rrrrrr a gggggggg eeeee
mm mm i r r a a g e
m m m m i r r a a g e
m m m m i rrrrr aaaaa g gggg eee
m m m m i r r a a g g e
m m m i r r a a g g e
m m m iiiiiii r r a a gggggggg eeeee

------------------Paths and Secrets Runthrough-----------------------
March 17, 2000

Brian "TheFreak" Balsan

This file is meant to be read at 640x480 resolution,
Except for the above part! =-}

This FAQ can be found at these locations...:

i) What's new in da FAQ?
Ver .01
New for me, new for you!
Everything's new, and good for you, too! =-}

Ver .02
Some spelling fixes, a new place where
you can see the faq, reworded info on memory
card access after beating all paths, and added a
thank-you I'd forgotten altogether.
Ver. 03
Another place to find my FAQ. And remember,
it's always good to ask first. ^_^

i) What's new in da FAQ?
1) Intra-ducshun
2) The Easy Way Out....Legally!
3) Tha Paths!
4) So Where's The Fifth Path?
5) Allright! I beat all five paths....What do I get?
6) In The End....
7) Special Thanks to....
8) Legality Blather

1) Intra-ducshun
Hi, hello, how are ya? Now is time to the 32-bit heart
on fire! I decided to write up this quick little faq
for those who want a little more info on the "paths"
you have to take to open up the secret areas, and
what you get if you open up them all. It's amazing
what you can accomplish on a five-day rental, no? =-}

So...Why not start? =-}

2) The Easy Way Out....Legally!

Oh yeah, I've noticed a lot of people moaning and
groaning over the challenge increase that good ol'
Working Designs has thrown to us..But actually, they
were smart. One of the Hare Warez places will give
you level 6 of one of the most useful weapons in the
game, the Surosa. In the second section of the first
stage (Shamain), keep following the walls (Including
climbing them). Eventually you'll run into a Hare
Warez booth. You'll know you've found the right one
when you scroll all the way up to the "Fatima" item
and you'll still have the ability to scroll further
up. Keep scrolling....and scrolling....and
scrolling....until it comes to an inevitable stop.
The last item there will be the level 6 Surosa, and
for a steal at only 300, you're set for the entire
game! Now isn't that special? =-}

A bit low on cash? No problem! The Spectres in that
area regenerate if you backtrack far enough. Cash-bash
to your heart's content!!

3) Tha Paths!

Hoo boy...Now here's where it gets fun! After
you beat each path, save them on the memory card,
then when you want to continue on the other paths,
just load the game up from the card, though I'm pretty
certain you can start via new game and still be able to
keep the paths you've beaten recorded. One thing's for
sure though; whatever continues you used *WILL* be
recorded, so if you've used 8 of 9 given continues on
the first path, you'll only have 1 continue to finish
the other 4 (Glad I gave you the above trick, huh? =-})

Of course, if you want some tactics on how to beat those
stages, check out the other Silhouette Mirage FAQs on or

Borrowing completely from Subatomic Brainfreeze's FAQ,
here is a layout of how the paths go. Note that
past stages that offer you different directions, like
the wheel area or Prinsdam, does not count at all
toward getting paths...:

Edo [-really- hard]
Cypher Za-Zohar __________________________
[hard] restore Edo /
win / \ Megido/Transformed Megido [harder than Serah,
Zohar / abandon Edo \__________________________ easier than Za-Zohar]
\ ______________________________
\ Serah [easy] restore world / Geluve [easy]
leave it be \ Megido/Transformed Megido

As you can see, the split begins with your battle
with Zohar in the core (Y'know, where you get 2 minutes
to kick his ass). If you beat him in those two minutes,
you'll go in one direction, where you'll have to beat
his unleashed form. If you lose the 2-minute battle,
Hal/Har will come out, delete Zohar on the spot, and
unleash Serah. Either Way, you'll be given the option
to either restore or abandon Edo. Don't be fooled
about the having to fight Megido when you decide to
abandon Edo; both directions count as seperate paths.

So here's how the list of paths comes out. There are
two ending FMVs in the game, one "Restoration"
ending and three "Normal" endings, though I don't
believe either ending is the "true" ending.
In terms of personal difficulty, I also rated each
path, from 1(easy) to 4(difficult)...:

Path 1: Beat Zohar within 2 minutes
Beat Cypher-Za Zohar (required)
Choose to restore Edo
Fight Edo Computer (Required)
Get "Restoration" ending
Challenge Rating: 4

Path 2: Beat Zohar within 2 minutes
Beat Cypher-Za Zohar (required)
Abandon Edo restoration
Fight Megido and transformed Megido (required)
Get "Normal" ending
Challenge Rating: 3

Path 3: Let time run out in Zohar battle
Beat Serah (required)
Choose to restore Edo
Fight Geluve (required)
Get "Normal" ending
Challenge Rating: 1

Path 4 Let time run out in Zohar battle
Beat Serah (required)
Abandon Edo restoration
Fight Megido and transformed Megido (required)
Get "Normal" ending
Challenge Rating: 2

It doesn't matter which order you take them in, so long
as you complete each path.

4) So Where's The Fifth Path?

This one kinda eluded me until I saw Faust's Silhouette
Mirage guide, in which I slightly borrowed his pattern
list design. He also had a different explanation
as how to go through it, but further experimentation
leads me to think that his theories are not as so.
No offense, Faust. ^_^;;;

Anyhoo, the fifth path can only be accomplished
by fighting and defeating the Reaper, a character which,
I've been told, was an exclusive PSX addition. So
Working Designs decided to use him as the fifth path.

Here's how to get him....Without using *ANY* continues,
fight all the way to Stage 5 (Mathey) and you'll come
head-to-head-to-head with Prinsdam. Take any direction
you want and get swallowed. Defeat the spider and the
"REDRUM" Yona Division (Why, of all vocal shouts,
"REDRUM"??...Well, whatever...) and then you'll get to
have your first encounter with Megido. Hope you were
using those Hare Warez booths to fill up on life and
spirit. Defeat Megido (Again, all without using one
single continue) and you'll be warped to the Reaper's
dimension. Answer a few easy questions (don't be afraid
to be vain) and you'll be granted a battle with the
Reaper himself.

In case you had any trouble with past enemies, or you
see yourself losing your continue, you can reset the
game by pressing start, select, and all four shoulder
buttons simultaneously, then loading up your memory
card to the last point you save.

Beating the reaper, especially on your first go through
the game, will help you a lot, as defeating him, and
defeating a path you haven't taken, will knock two
birds with one stone. Two paths on your first run.
Fun, no?

5) Allright! I beat all five paths....What do I get?

Hate Working Designs for adding challenge, love
them for adding everything else! When all five
paths have been conquered, the title screen will turn
blue, and you'll notice that where the "Status" option
used to be now lies "Secret". This secret is called
"Core Fighter II", very much in the same vein as the
secret Megaman/Bass fight mode in Megaman 7. It's a
2-player only fight, with Shaina as the first player
and Zohar as the second player. That's not all though,
in the "Options" menu, all the locked options will now
be open. Here's a rundown of the now-unlocked

Difficulty: Baby, Easy, Normal, Stud, or Super Stud.
Set this sucka on "Baby" next time you play,
and never worry about money again!! =-}

Shop Items: Normal or Loaded
Set to loaded and you'll have the ability
to select whatever level weapon you want!!

Select: On or Off
Turn this on, and goof off! =-}

SE Test: L/R to switch through stages, Control pad
to choose sound effects for that stage,
X to hear sounds.
If you want to rip sounds and voices for
your computer, this is it!!

Note about the options: If you're in the middle of a
game, and you don't want to lose a life, resetting,
whether via controller or PSX, will reset the Shop items
and difficulty to their default setting. Make sure you
re-set them to your desire before starting a new game/
loading an old one.

It might be also cool to mention that when you get the
blue screen your save acts both as a way to get to
the blue title screen AND a save position from when
you last saved in-play, simultaneously.
Example: When you first turn on the game, loading
your card data once will bring up the blue screen,
loading it a second time will start you off at the
last point you saved in your game. Neat, huh?
Remember that even when you beat all five paths and
get the Blue screen, whatever continues you used getting
them are good and gone, so conserve them if you can!

6) In The End....

Well, I tried to make this FAQ exclusively for those
who wanted some clear info on the paths, so I guess this
is it. If you think there's some info for this FAQ that
I forgot, let me know at
I'm not gonna do a full-game walktrough. It's already
been done. Everything else should be comprehensive
enough for you to be able to get through the game
by yourself. Good luck to all of you out there!

7) Special Thanks to....

Faust and Subatomic Brainfreeze:
I seriously apologize for blatently ripping off
some of your work, but it also had the info
I needed to help my descriptions. Sorry! ^_^;;;

Michael Stearns and his Unnoficial Treasure Webpage
This guy is extremely nice. He has the most
comprehensive Dynamite Headdy FAQ you'll find
anywhere on the net! And he also runs the ONLY
Treasure-related fansite on the internet! I
have to thank him for my spelling of "Shaina"
as opposed to the WD-spelled "Shyna". I liked
the other one better. Anyways, Here's another
plug for ya! Hope you enjoy it!! =-}

Treasure!! (Homepage:
From Gunstar Heroes to Mischief Makers and
everything in-between, this company has made
some of the most rockinest (Is that a word?)
games ever to hit the market!!! Support
Bangaioh in the states!!!

Working Designs
How could I totally forget these guys the last
time? You can hate them for what they've done
to the game (Which, IMHO, wasn't that bad at
all), but remember that if it weren't for them
we'd never get the game in the first place!
Maybe we should ask them for Bangaioh...??

Friends and Family:
They tolerate me. I think that's good enough
for mention in this column. I'd like to thank
my mother, David, Suzie, Michelle, Steve,
"E.K.", my dog, Charles Schulz, Shel
Silverstein, Green Day, and the Doublemint
twins! =-}

8) Legality Blather

Uhh...Never wrote legal notices before, so bare with

Silhouette Mirage, Shaina Nera Shaina, and related
characters are Copyright 1999/2000 Treasure,
English version Copyright 1999/2000 Working Designs.

This FAQ is Copyright 2000/2001 Brian "TheFreak" Balsan
and Giraffes Broken Ankle, INC (All Rights Preserved),
unless otherwise noted.

Keep circulating the tapes.


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