WWF: Attitude

WWF: Attitude

14.10.2013 10:46:10

WWF Attitude Create-A-Wrestler Guide
Sony PlayStation
Version 1.0 - August 23, 1999
Made by [ArkDeath]
ICQ Number: 13918909
E-Mail: latan@skyinet.net
HomePage: http://bk.diabloii.net

[ArkDeath]'s WWF Attitude Create-A-Wrestler Guide Version 1.0

This is a guide for Create-A-Wrestler formulas, if you want to know
about other stuff in the game, check out my WWF Attitude FAQ.

Here is the gallery for created wrestlers, if you wish to submit your
own, please be sure that your creation is a wrestler (doesn't matter
if he's not a WWF wrestler), or a well known celebrity or Superhero.
I might be placing a personal wrestler section, but then again, I
might not. Anything you find here has not been touched, so if possible
please try and make your formulas neat so they won't look too messy
and hard to understand when placed in the Guide. If you find your own
work plagiarized here e-mail me with the URL of the site or the FAQ
wherein you sent your formula and was stolen from, and I will talk
with the site administator or the owner of the FAQ (so I have proof
that he was the one who plagiarized).

Wrestler Index in Gallery:
-Blue Meanie
-Chris Jericho
-Matt Hardy
-Jeff Hardy
-The Cat
-Rey Mysterio Jr.
-"The Big Shot" Hardcore Holly
-Joey Abs
-Prince Albert
-"The Big Show" Paul Wight
-Shane Mcmahon
-Pete Gas
-Tiger Ali Singh
-Debra in Gear
-Nicole Bass
-Vince Mcmahon
-Scott Hall
-Dean Malenko
-Eddy Guerrero
-Kevin Nash
-Hulk Hogan
-Curt Hennig
-Barry Windham
-Ric Flair
-Arn "The Enforcer" Anderson
-Buff Bagwell
-Bret Hard
-Scott "Big Poppa Pump" Steiner
-Rowdy Roddy Piper
-Macho Man Randy Savage
-Ultimate Warrior
-Mister T.
-Honkey Tonk Man
-Jenna Jameson
-Jake "The Snake" Roberts
-Junkyard Dog
-Papa Shango
-Bart Gunn
-Billy Gunn
-King Kong Bundy
-Isacc Yankem DSS
-British Bulldog
-1-2-3 Kid
-Mr. Perfect
-Razor Ramon
-Masato Tanaken
-Stevie Richards
-Austin Powers
-Lara Croft
-Solid Snake
-Meryl Silverburgh
-Leon Kennedy
-Resident Evil Zombie
-Paul Phoenix
-Freddy Keuger
-The Incredible Hulk
-The Punisher
-The Vulture
-Mary Jane Watson-Parker
-The Kingpin
-The Daredevil
-Chris Benoit
-Rick Rude
-Conan O'Brien
-Kermit the Frog
-Pamela Anderson
-Clair Redfield

Blue Meanie - Created by TPhlax
Body Type: Male Overweight
Skin Type: Fat
Color: Skin Color 3 (7,46,66)
Eyes: Default
Nose: default
Mouth: default
Hair: Long Braid 1(70,40,47)
Beard: Goatee 3(62,46,50)
Accessories-face paint-eye paint(0,0,0)
Shirt-women-Torn 1(63,61,83)
Elbowpads- generic 2(0,0,0)
Wristbands- tape (100,100,100)
Pants-plain- torn jeans(61,59,50) Length- 26
Kneepads- generic(0,0,0)
Boots: Braun (58,50,50)
Finisher: Moonsault
Entrance: Kurrgan
Theme Song: Any dance Custom theme.

Blue Meanie - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Overweight
Skin Type:Fat
Skin Color:1(6, 43, 50)
Eyes:Concerned Eyes(48, 87, 46)
Nose:Thin Nose 1
Mouth: Default Mouth(0, 23, 53)
Hair:Bald Spot 3(60, 52, 50)
Beard:Goat-Tee 3(60, 52, 50)
Head Accessories(Facepaint):Eye Paint(60, 52, 50)
Shirt(Women):Tiger(14, 55, 100)
Wristbands:Tape (57, 100, 58)
Shorts(men): Denim(27, 0, 28)
Kneepads:Generic(59, 0, 31)
Boots:Army(51, 70, 53)
(Chest)Line 2:Blue, Line 3:Meanie(in small fonts)(color is 64, 78, 42)

Chris Jericho - Created by TPhlax
First name: Chris
Last name: Jericho
Alias: Biohazard
Male Average
Skin Color 1
Relaxed Eyes(78, 64, 0)
Average Nose 1
Closed Lips 9
Long Hair 5(13, 46, 44)
Goatee 3(11, 35, 17)
Wristbands: Tape(76, 0, 100)
Design: Leaves(25, 50, 50)
Boots: Generic(56, 50, 0)
Strength 4
Toughness 4
Speed 7
Recovery 6
Charisma 7
Mat Skills 8
Moves: X-Pac
Finisher: Elevated Crab
Tradmark: Enziguri
Dam.9: Sharpshooter
8: Running Powerbomb
8: Shooting Star Press
7: Sky High
7: Spinning Armhold
7: Body Press
6: Double underhook suplex
6: Crossface Punch
6: German Suplex
6: Spinning heel kick
5: DDT
5: Spinal Tap
5: Octopus Hold
5: Tilt a Whirl slam
5: Fame Asser
4: Floatover suplex
4: Japanese arm drag
4: Sweet chin music
4: Rolling prawn hold
Dizzy Punch: European Uppercut
Dizzy Kick: Crescent Kick
Pose: Blowing You off
Crowd: Boo
Fight Style: X-Pac
Theme: All eyes on me
Entrance: The Rock
Run-In Partner: Edge
Voice: Professor

Chris Jericho - Created by Cujo31x
Body Type: Average
Skin Type: Ripped
Color: Color 1
Eyes: Concerned Eyes
Nose: Thin Nose 4
Hair: Long Hair 1 (13,66,46)
Beard: Goatee 3 (13,66,46)
Shirt: (design) Chrome- (13,50,67) (length 30)
Wrists: Tape
Pants: Leather 1
Boots: Braun
Entrance: I gave him Billy Gunn's
Theme Music: All Eyes On ME
Run-in Partner: Billy Gunn
Grunts: Jabroni
Moves: Billy Gunn change the finisher to Elevated Crab

Chris Jericho - Created by Dyno
Body Type: Male Average
Skin Type: Plain
Skin Color: 1(3, 44, 50)
Eyes: Determinated Eyes (18, 58, 27)
Nose: Average Nose 2
Mouth: Smile 5 (6, 31, 53)
Hair: Long Braid 1 (10, 43, 53)
Beard: Goat-Tee 3 (10, 43, 53)
Shirt(Design): Plaid 1(20, 0, 82)[Sleeve Length:21]
Wristbands:Leather(9, 50, 0)
Pants(Plain):Leather 1(16, 50, 50)
Belts:Stud(56, 47, 34)
Lower Accessories:Stirrups(15, 50, 50)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)
Theme Music(Custom):Toxic Shock
Entrance:Too Sexy
Finisher:Elevated Crab(LionTamer)
TradeMark:Swinging DDT
Crowd:Cheer or Boo whatever you want
Fighting Style:Too Sexy
Run-In Partner:Billy Gunn

Matt Hardy - Created by Cujo31x
First: Matt
Last: Hardy
Alias: Homie (I don't like the go player 1 and stuff and they look like daddy
macks and homies so i called them that.)
Body:Male Average
Skin Type:Ripped or Plain, doesn't matter
Color: Skin Color 1(6,50,50)
Eyes: Default (66,50,50)
Nose: Default
Mouth: Closed Lips 7
Hair: Long Bangs 5 (1,5,5)
Shirt: Plain: Plain Shirt 6 (I used black for the color since he usually
wears black and I have Jeff in Black, but it doesn't matter,length 24)
Elbow Pads:Generic (0,47,8)
Pants:Plain: Leather 1(16,50,50 length:100)
Belts: Leather Studs (13,0,65)
Shoes: Cool Shoes(51,0,50)
Strength: 5 (if extra attributes cheat achieved, make a 6)
Toughness: 5
Speed: 9
Recovery: 6
Charisma: 7
Mat Skills: 4 (6 with extra attributes)
Finisher: Frontface DDT(ready)
Trademark: Somersault Leg Drop(top rope)
9: Downward Spiral(ready)
8: Falling Reverse DDT(ready)
8: Front Suplex(tie up)
7: Hurricanrana(ready)
7: Inverted Piledriver(tie up)
7: Flying Head Scissors(running attacker)
6: Spinning Heel Kick(running attacker)
6: 450 Splash(top rope)
6: Missle Dropkick(top rope)
6: High Leg Clothesline(whipped opponent)
5: Swinging Bulldog(corner move)
5: Hurricanrana(corner move)
5: DDT(ready)
5: Crucifix Bomb(ready)
5: Brainbuster(tie up)
4: Senton Splash(ground at side)
4: Half Crab(ground at feet)
4: Bulldog(behind)
4: Flying Head Scissors(ready)
Dizzy Punch: Tornado Punch
Dizzy Kick: Side Kick
Pose: Get Out of My Way
Crowd: cheer
Fighting Style: X-Pac
Theme: Droz
Entrance: D'Lo Brown
Run-in Partner: Gangrel
Voice: Christian

Matt Hardy (Old Look) - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Plain
Skin Color:1(3, 44, 50)
Eyes:Concerned Eyes(10, 87, 45)
Nose:Average Nose 2
Mouth:Smile 4(6, 31, 53)
Hair:Medium Length 2(100, 23, 0)
Beard:Goat Tee 3(11, 35, 0)
Head Accessories(HeadGear):Plaid(11, 35, 0)
Elbowpads:Bright 2(0, 50, 0)
Wristbands:Studs(22, 100, 50)
Pants(Design):Plaid 2(19, 50, 50)
(Pant Leg)Right:Hardy(Large Fonts)(Color is 64, 92, 82)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)

Jeff Hardy - Created by Cujo31x
First: Jeff
Last: Hardy
Alias: Daddy Mack
Body:Male Average
Skin Type:Ripped or Plain, doesn't matter
Color: Skin Color 1(6,50,50)
Eyes: Default (66,50,50)
Nose: Default
Mouth: Closed Lips 7
Hair: Long Bangs 2 (15,100,33)
Shirt: Plain: Plain Shirt 6 (I used white for the color since he sometimes
wears white and I have Matt in Black, but it doesn't matter,length 24)
Elbow Pads:Generic (97,50,5)
Wristbands: XL Forearm Pad (97,0,5)
Pants:Plain: Leather 1(16,50,50 length:100)
Belts: Leather Studs (13,0,65)
Shoes: Cool Shoes(51,0,50)
Strength: 5 (if extra attributes cheat achieved, make a 6)
Toughness: 5
Speed: 9
Recovery: 6
Charisma: 7
Mat Skills: 4 (6 with extra attributes)
Finisher: Falling Reverse DDT(ready)
Trademark: Somersault Leg Drop(top rope)
9: Downward Spiral(ready)
8: Hurricanrana(ready)
8: Front Suplex(tie up)
7: DDT(ready)
7: Inverted Piledriver(tie up)
7: Flying Head Scissors(running attacker)
6: Spinning Heel Kick(running attacker)
6: 450 Splash(top rope)
6: Missle Dropkick(top rope)
6: High Leg Clothesline(whipped opponent)
5: Swinging Bulldog(corner move)
5: Hurricanrana(corner move)
5: Enziguri(ready)
5: Seated Crucifix Bomb(ready)
5: Brainbuster(tie up)
4: Senton Splash(ground at side)
4: Half Crab(ground at feet)
4: Bulldog(behind)
4: Flying Head Scissors(ready)
Dizzy Punch: Tornado Punch
Dizzy Kick: Side Kick
Pose: Get Out of My Way
Crowd: cheer
Fighting Style: X-Pac
Theme: Droz
Entrance: Christian
Run-in Partner: Gangrel
Voice: Christian

Jeff Hardy (Old Look) - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Plain
Skin Color:1(3, 44, 50)
Eyes:Determinated Eyes(18, 60, 34)
Nose:Thin Nose 3
Mouth:Open Lips 4(0, 34, 46)(0, 23, 53)
Hair:Medium Length 3(16, 86, 32)
Head Accessories(Headgear):Plaid(16, 86, 32)
Wristbands:Tape(76, 50, 0)
Pants(Design):Plaid 2(19, 50, 50)
(Pant Leg)Right:Hardy(Large Font)(Color is 64, 92, 82)
Boots:Boomerang(97, 0, 50)

The Cat - Created by TPhlax
Alias=The Cat
Attributes=Take one from Mat and give it to Speed
Steve Blackman,
Finisher= Sweet Chin Musc
Trademark= People's Elbow
fighting style=Steve Blackman
Theme="All Eyes On Me" from custom...
Run In Partner=Steve Blackman
Voice=Mr. Showtime
body type=male average
skin type=plain
skin color=6 0/65/53
eyes=evil eyes 61/69/25
nose=avg. 2
mouth- smile2 0/18/28
tanktop=blend 72/100/0
wristbands=tape 76/0/100
shorts=khaki 12/50/0
kneepads=generic 59/100/0
Accessories=tiger bands 16/0/97

Rey Mysterio Jr. (W/ Mask) - Created by TPhlax
First: Rey
Last:Mysterio Jr.
Male Average Ripped
Color: 9 12,51,54
Small Eyes WIde Nose 1 Closed Lips 2
Swim Cap 6,26,44
Upper Body*
Plain Shirt Uniform 2 66,84,54
String Jewelry Design 1 Tatoo 82, 10, 46
Sweat Wristband 33,50,50
Design Pants Cammo 61,27,49
Army SHoes 61,50,50
Text* (If Shirt)
On Back Small Font White
2nd Line: Mysterio
3rd Line: 99
4th Line: No Limit
(Going DOwn List) 7,7,10,7,3,5
Christian Style
Mack Attack or Impalamoney
Stone Cold Entrance
Rock as Run-in(Hispanic Alliance kinds thing)
Your choice grunts
Anything involving an X-factor, Impaler("Mysty Driver" he
was the first to do it), Bronco Buster, and Huricannrana.

Rey Mysterio, Jr. (W/ Mask) - Created by Big Daddy Cool
Body Type:Male Skinny
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:2(8, 52, 38)
Eyes:Cat eyes(61, 69, 70)
Nose:Default Nose
Mouth:Smile 5(6, 49, 53)
Hair:Short Hair 1(14, 33, 4)
Mask:Unknown(54, 100, 50)
Wristbands:Stripes(62, 100, 50)
Pants(Plain):HHH(55, 52, 46)
Boots:Braun(59, 50, 50)
(Pant Leg)Left:??????, Right:??????? (Small Fonts)(Color is 62, 100, 47)

Rey Mysterio Jr. (W/o mask) - Created by Senior Ass
Male Average Ripped
Color: 9 12,51,54
Small Eyes WIde Nose 1 Closed Lips 2
Swim Cap 6,26,44
Plain Shirt Uniform 2 66,84,54 (OPTIONAL)
String Jewelry Design 1 Tatoo 82, 10, 46
Sweat Wristband 33,50,50
Design Pants Cammo 61,27,49
Army SHoes 61,50,50
On Back Small Font White
2md Line: Mysterio
3rd Line: 99
4th Line: No Limit
Christian Style
Mack Attack or Impalamoney
Stone COld ENtrance
Finisher: Top Rope Huricannrana
Trademark: Bronco Buster

"Big Shot" Hardcore Holly - Created by TPhlax
Body Type: Male Average
Skin Type: ripped
Skin Color: skin color 1 (8,65,47)
Eyes: serious eyes
Nose: average nose 4
Mouth: open lips 2
Hair: default hair (14,67,62)
Elbowpads: generic (0,50,10)
Shorts: t singlet (16,50,5)
Kneepads: generic (58,49,0)
Boots: generic (56,50,0)
First Name: Hardcore
Alias: Big Shot
Strength: 6
Toughness: 8
Speed: 4
Recovery: 8
Charisma: 5
Mat Skills: 5
Moves: Al Snow
Finisher: Piledriver
Trademark: Powerbomb
Damage 9: hanging vertical suplex
Pose: Toughguy
Corwd: Boo
Fighting Style: Al Snow
Theme Song: Dr Death
Entrance: Bradshaw
Voice/Grunts: Jeff Jarrett

"Big Shot" Hardcore Holly - Created by Cujo31x
Body Type: Male Average
Skin Type: ripped
Skin Color: skin color 1 (8,65,47)
Eyes: serious eyes
Nose: average nose 4
Mouth: open lips 2
Hair: default hair (14,67,62)
Elbowpads: generic (0,50,10)
Shorts: t singlet (16,50,5)
Kneepads: generic (58,49,0)
Boots: generic (56,50,0)
First Name: Hardcore
Last: Holly
Alias: Big Shot
Strength: 6
Toughness: 8
Speed: 4
Recovery: 8
Charisma: 5
Mat Skills: 5
Moves: Al Snow
Finisher: Piledriver
Trademark: Powerbomb
Damage 9: hanging vertical suplex
Pose: Toughguy
Crowd: Boo
Fighting Style: Al Snow
Theme Song: Dr. Death
Entrance: Bradshaw
Voice/Grunts: Jeff Jarrett

"Big Shot" Hardcore Holly - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Plain
Skin Color:1(3, 43, 50)
Eyes:Confident Eyes(53, 71, 50)
Nose:Average Nose 2
Mouth:Smile 4(6, 31, 53)
Hair:Default Hair(16, 75, 88)
Elbowpad:King(80, 50, 0)
Wristbands:Leather(9, 50, 100)
Pants(Plain):HHH(56, 50, 50)[Pant Length:15]
Kneepads:Coil(0, 50, 50)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)
(Buttocks):Line 1:Holly(Small Font)(Color is 14, 100, 36)

Joey Abs - Created by Cujo31x
First: Joey
Last: Abs
Alias: Joey Abs
Body Type: Average
Skin Type: Plain
Color: Color 1
Eyes: Default
Nose: Default
Mouth: Default
Hair: Medium Length 3 0,10,6
Beard: Beard 2 11,17,13
Shirt:Plain: Collard Shirt 3 (Default colors)
Vest: Bubble (default colors, 57,50,50)
Pants:Plain: Khaki (default colors)
Shoes: Army (default colors)
There it is...
Looks like him, doesnt it?
For theme, use "into dawaba" Or whatever its called, it sounds like the
Mean Street theme almost

Prince Albert - Created by Cujo31x
First: Prince
Last: Albert
Alias: P Albert (thats what i put)
Body type: Male Muscle
Skin: Hairy
Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Angry Eyes
Nose: Default
Mouth: Smile 1
Hair: None
Beard: Goatee 4 14/7/7
Shirt:Tanktop: Blend 72/0/59
Elbowpads: Generic 1 71/50/5
Pants: Plain: Jail 8/0/44 Pant Length 30
Kneepads: Beast 0/50/0
Boots: Braun 58/50/50
TEXT: (this is for those arrows he has around his waste..)
Chest: Small font, Line 5... L,space,space,J
14,50,50-Whitish arrows, 14,50,0-Black Arrows
you pick which ones you want
Mat Skills:5
Droz, but change finisher to michinoku driver
Crowd: Boo
Fighting Style: Droz

Theme Song: Droz
Entrance: Droz
Run In Partner: Droz
Voice: Custom: Axeman

Rodney - Created by Cujo31x
Alias: Rodney
Body Type: Male Average
Skin Type: Plain (or Ripped)
Color: Skin Color 2 (3,50,50)
Eyes: Serious Eyes (51,75,50)
Nose: This Nose 1 (or thin nose 4)
Mouth: closed lips 6 (5,32,53)
Hair: Short hair 1 (11,35,50)
Beard: Goatee 3 (11,35,50)
Mask: none
Accessories: none
Shirt: Plain; Plain Shirt 7 (63,0,8 sleeve=30)
Vest: Buckles (81,50,100)
Accessories: Watch
Pants: Plain; Khaki (14,40,55)
Belts: Blugo
Shoes: Army
Strength: 6
Toughness: 7
Speed: 7
Recovery: 6
Charisma: 6
Mat Skills: 7
Finisher: Pumphandle Slam
Trademark: Fall Forward Powerbomb
Damage 9: Falling Reverse DDT
Damage 8: Dominator
Damage 8: Fist to Groin
Damage 7: Implant DDT
Damage 7: Fisherman's Suplex
Damage 7: Reverse Tiger Suplex
Damage 6: Tiger Driver Slam
Damage 6: DDT
Damage 6: Samoan Drop
Damage 6: Rolling German Suplex
Damage 5: DDT -Tie Up-
Damage 5: Bearhug
Damage 5: High Angle Suplex
Damage 5: Knee to Face
Damage 5: Chyna Downstairs -Behind-
Damage 4: Tree of Woe
Damage 4: Leg Stretch -Tie Up-
Damage 4: Headlock Takedown
Damage 4: Beast Choker -Behind-
Dizzy Punch: Boxer Jab Combo
Dizzy Kick: Back Heel Kick
Pose: Go Homeboy?
Crowd: Boo
Fighting Style: Shamrock
Theme Song: Chyna -Teen Version 2.0-
Entrance: Faarooq
Run-In Partner: S Blackman
Voice/Grunts: Marc Mero (Or your own...)]

"The Big Show" Paul Wight - Created by [ArkDeath]
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Wight
Alias: The Big Show
Body Type: Male Muscle or Heavyweight
Skin Type: Fat or Ripped
Color: Skin Color 3
Eyes nose mouth: Default
Hair: Medium Length 1
Beard: Goatee 3
Shorts: Men - Plain then change 3rd color line to 0
Boots: Braun
Strength - 8 (10 with extra attributes)
Toughness - 8
Speed - 4
Recovery - 6
Charisma - 5
Mat Skills - 5 (6 with extra attributes)
Moves: Kane
Change Finisher - Chokeslam
Change Trademark - Death from Above
Change Damage 7 - Flying Back Elbow to Damage 7 - Tackle with Punches
Personality: Crowd - Cheer
Fighting Style: Mark Henry
Theme Song: Mankind (?) <-- Nearest
Entrance: The Rock
Run-in Partner: Stone Cold
Voice: Undertaker

"The Big Show" Paul Wight - Created by Cujo31x
alias: Big Show
body type: mail overweight
skin type: hairy
color: skin color 1
eyes: tough guy 7,100,18
nose: thin nose 4
mouth pen lips 3 0,53,51
hair:medium braided length 3 0,10,3
beard: goatee 1 15,1,10
shorts: none
boots: braun 50,50,50
theme music: undertaker
finisher: chokeslam
trade mark: leg drop
run in: undertaker or paul bearer
fighting styles:undertaker or kane

"The Big Show" Paul Wight - Created by Dyno

Body Type:Male Muscle
Skin Type:Fat
Skin Color:1(3, 49, 50)
Eyes:Default eyes(66, 50, 50)
Nose:Average Nose 3
Mouth:Closed Lips 4(6, 31, 53)
Hair:Long Braid 1(7, 33, 9)
Beard:Mustache 2(7, 33, 14)
Shorts(Men):Plain(93, 50, 0)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)

"The Big Show" Paul Wight - Created by Big Daddy Cool
First name:Paul
Last name:Wight
Alias:Big Show
Body type:overweight
Skin Type:Fat
Skin Color:1(3,50,50)
Nose:Average Nose 2
Hair:Long Hair 3(8,15,29)
Beard:Beard 2(11,17,24)
Mat Skills:5
+ means Ready move
- means Tie up
= means Ground move at side
@ means On turnbuckel or apron oppent on ground
# means On Turnbuckel Or Apron Oppent Standing
$ means Oppent in Corner and you running
% means Corner move
^ means Ground move at head
& means Ground move At Feet
* means you running and oppent on ground
/ means Behind oppent in tie up
\ means Whipped Opponenet
< means you running
damage 9:Piledriver-
damage 8:Spinebuster+
damage 8:Press slam+
damage 7:Throat Toss+
damage 7:Hanging Vertical Suplex-
damage 7:spalsh@
damage 6:Bionic Elbow#
damage 6:Running Butt Bump$
damage 6:Choke With Boot%
damage 6:Squeeze Head^
damage 5:Wishbone Legsplitter&
damage 5:Splash*
damage 5:Knee Drop=
damage 5:Full Nelson slam/
damage 5:Front Suplex-
damage 4:SpineBuster\
damage 4:Sidewalk Slam\
damage 4:Flying Clothesline<
damage 4:Gorrila Press Slam+
Dizzy Punch:Grab Head Punch
Dizzy Kick:Side Kick
pose:Get through me first

Mideon - Created by Cujo31x
Mat skills-6
Finisher:fallaway slam
Trademark DDT
Crowd: Boo
Fighting Style: Mankind (slow punches)
Theme Song: Bradshaw
Run-in partner: Undertaker
Eyes: Angry (colors 0, 70, 42)
Nose: Average nose 1
Mouth: Closed lips 6 (colors 5, 32,53)
beard: Goatee 4 (4,100,14) {colors}
Hair: Long Bangs (colors : 14, 45, 8)
Shirt: Undertaker 1,sleeve length:0 color:58,50,0
Tattoos: color (tattoo colors:19, 50, 50)
Pants--design: Bradshaw
boots: Braun (Boot colors 0, 50, 50)
-TEXT- Back
Line 1:Open
LINE 2:Your
LINE 3:Mind

Mideon - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Muscle
Skin Type:Fat
Skin Color:1(3, 36, 50)
Eyes:Cat Eyes(54, 67, 70)
Nose:Average Nose 1
Mouth:Smile 4(6, 31, 53)
Hair:Medium Length 2(100, 35, 5)
Beard:Goat-Tee 4(13, 23, 5)
Shirt(Plain):Plain Shirt 1(58, 50, 0) [Pant Length:10]
Wristbands:Leather(29, 77, 56)
Upper Acessories(Tattoos):Attitude Plate(29, 100, 50)
Pants(Plain):Army(16, 50, 1)
(Back)Line 2:Free, Line 3:Your, Line 4:Mind!(Small Font)(Color is 25, 100, 40)
(Pant Leg)Right:Mideon(Small Font)(Color is 22, 100, 30)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)

Shane McMahon - Created by Cujo31x
average male
plain skin.
Hair: short 1 (black).
Eyes: determined cat or default.
thin nose 3 or 5.
mouth closed 5 or 9.
jersey 2 colored black and green.
x-pants colored black and green.
green/white pads.
Wwf attitude tattoo on front of jersey and "x-punk #69" text on back of
black/green army boots.

Shane McMahon - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Plain
Skin Color:1(3, 51, 50)
Eyes:Small Eyes(69, 68, 65)
Nose:Average Nose 1
Mouth:Default Mouth(0, 50, 50)
Hair:Short Hair 1(14, 24, 0)
Shirt(Plain):Uniform 2(61, 50, 0)[Pant Length:35]
Elbowpads:Generic 2(0, 50, 0)
Pants(Plain):Gold Wings(77, 50, 0)
Belts:Blugo(13, 50, 27)
Shoes:Two Tone(97, 50, 0)
(Chest):Line 2:X, Line 3:PUNK(Large Font)(Color is 25, 78, 41)

Chaz - Created by Cujo31x
Body type-Average
Skin Type-Average
Pants-Design Polka Dot(16,50,50. Length-33)
Kneepads-plain dark trim(69,0,50)
Mat Skill-6
Moves: Mosh
Finisher-TKO(In place of Rev, DVD,which isn't in the game)
Trademark:Fall Forward Powerbomb

Viscera - Created by Cujo31x
Type - Male Obese
Skin Type- fat
Color - color 4(8,50,33)
Eyes - Squinting(62,85,75)
Nose - Default
Mouth - Frown 2
Hair - Mohawk 2(15,25,40)
Shirt - Plain - Collar Shirt 4(0,0,0) slevelength:60
Vest - Leather (0,0,15)
Pants - Plain - Leather 1(16,50,50)
Boots - Braun(58,50,50)
Strength: 8
Toughness: 7
Speed: 5
Recovery: 6
Charisma: 6
Mat Skills: 7
Crowd: Boo
Fighting style: Mark Henry
Theme song: Snaggletooth
Entrance: Undertaker
Run-In Partner: Undertaker
Voice/Grunts: Faarooq
Moves Mark Henry

Viscera - Created by The Blood Ångel
First: Big Last: Fat Alias: Viscera
Body Type: Male Obese
Skin Type: Fat
Skin Color: Skin Color 5
Eyes: Angry Eyes (0,70,100)
Nose: Wide Nose 2
Mouth: Closed Lips 8
Hair: Mohawk 2 (15, 20, 83)
Shirt: Plain Shirt 1 (58,0,0) Make sleeve length 100
Pants: Leather 1 (16,0,0)
Boots: Braun
Strength: 10
Toughness: 10
Speed: 5
Recovery: 6
Charisma: 2
Mat skills: 6
Moves: Faarooq (finisher: Senton Splash (opponent on ground, at
Trademark: Bearhug)
Crowd: Boo
Fighting style: Kane
theme song: Undertaker
Entrance and runin partner also Undertaker.
Voice: The Butcher

Pete Gas - Created by Cujo31x
Body Type:Average Male
Skin Type:Plain Skin
Nose: Wide Nose 1
Eyes: Determined
Mouth: Smile 1
Hair: Pompador 12,32,6
Shirt-Plain 1
Vest:Bubble 14,51,56
Pants: (plain) Khaki 14,0,65
Shoes- army

Tiger Ali Singh - Created by Cujo31x
Body- Muscle
Color- 8 (12, 51, 53)
Determined Eyes
Wide Nose 3
Default Mouth
Hair- Long Braid 1 (7, 23, 0)
Beard 1 (16,11,2)
Shirt- Tanktop- Spike (0, 50, 50)
Pants- Design - Fire Pants (0,58, 29) Length (35)
Kneepads, Generic (59, 50, 5)
Boots- Boomerang (95, 48, 32)
Toughness- 5
Speed- 8
Recovery- 7
Charisma- 6
Mat Skills- 7
Finisher- Tiger Driver
Trademark- Camel Clutch
Crowd- Boo
fighting style- Lawler
Theme song- Dr. Death
Entrance- Sgt. Slaughter
Run In Partner- Dr. Death
Voice- The Judge

Ivory - Created by Cujo31x
Body: Female Average
Body Type: Ripped
Color: Color 2 (7/49/43)
Eyes: Default
Nose: Thin 3
Mouth: Closed Lipstick 9
Hair: Long Hair 3 (0/26/17)
Shirt: Women: Short 1 (82/0/5)
Clothing: Towel (83/100/50)
Pants: Plain: Leather 2
Belt: Leather
Boots: Braun
Crowd: Boo
Fighting Style: Jaqueline
Theme Music: Mark Henry
Entrance: Jaqueline
Run-In Partner: D'Lo Brown
Voice/Grunts: Legs

Debra McMichael in her Wrestling Gear - Created by Cujo31x
Body: Female Average
Skin: Ripped
Skin Color: Type 1
eyes: Long Lashes
nose:Thin nose 1
mouth: Lipstick Smile 5 (100, 100, 39)
Hair: Long Hair 1 (14, 99, 87)
Upper: Shirt: Women: Sport (84, 36, 67)
Lower: Shorts: Women: Buttons (90, 50, 50)
Lower: Boots: Plain 1 (96, 0, 100)
Strength: 4 Tough: 4 Speed: 9 Recover: 5 Charisma: 10 Mat Skills: 4
Moves: Sable
Crowd: Cheer
Fighting Style: Sable
Theme: J. Jarret
Entrance: Sable
Run-in: J. Jarret
Voice/Grunts: The Diva

Nicole Bass - Created by Cujo31x
Body: Female Muscular or Overweight
(I recommend overweight if you want that giant bulky look)
Body Type: Ripped
Color: Color 1 (3/50/50)
Eyes: Baggy Eyes
Nose: Wide Nose 2
Mouth: Closed Lipstick 7
Hair: Long Braids 1 (14/37/40)
Shirt: Women: Sport (66/0/58)
Pants: Plain: Jeans (61/50/50)
Belt: Dress
Boots: Army (59/50/50)
Crowd: Boo
Fighting Style: Kane
Theme Music: Lil Mikee Sez So
Entrance: Chyna
Run-In: Val Venis or Sable
Voice/Grunts: Fat Boy

Meat - Created by Cujo31x
Strength 7
Toughness 8
Speed 6
Recovery 6
Charisma 6
Mat Skills 6
Finisher: Curtin Call
Trademark: X2 Underhook Suplex
Crowd: Cheer
Fighting Style: Val Venis
Theme Song: Jacqueline
Entrance: Mark Henry
Run-in: Jacqueline
Voice/Grunts: Val Venis
Body Type: Male Muscle
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: 1(3,50,42)
Eyes: Default
Nose: Average 1
Mouth: Default
Hair: Short Hair 1 (14,47,17)
Pants:Logo:Crusty(73,78,50) length 0
Boots: Plain 6 (83,47,63)
Text: Buttocks: Meat

Meat - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:2(7, 49, 38)
Eyes:Default(8, 50, 50)
Nose:Thin Nose 4
Mouth:Default Mouth(0, 23, 53)
Hair:Default Hair(11, 0, 3)
Wristbands:Taka(6, 50, 0)
Shorts(Men):Stripe(83, 52, 50)
Boots:Wall(7, 50, 0)
(Buttock)Line 2:MEAT(in Small Font)(Color is 56, 78, 0)

Test - Created by Cujo31x
Body Type - Average or Muscle
Skin Type - Ripped
Color - Skin Color 1
Eyes - Serious Eyes (51,75,21)
Nose - Thin Nose 2
Mouth - Closed Lips 7 (6,31,48)
Hair - Long Braid 1 (11,30,43)
Beard - Goatee 1 (11,30,43)
Shirt - Tanktop - Cupids Design (74,61,0)
Elbowpad - King (92,50,0)
Wristbands - Gold Bands (14,50,1)
Accessories - Tattoos - Anchor (55,28,0)
Pants - Plain - Leather 1 (16,50,50)
Shoes - Army (61,50,50)
Strength - 7
Toughness - 7
Speed - 6
Recovery - 7
Charisma - 7
Mat Skills - 5
Wrestle - Bradshaw
Finisher - Pump Handle Slam
Trademark – Fall-Forward Powerbomb
Crowd - Cheer
Fighting Style - Bradshaw
Theme Song - Crimson Grim
Entrance - Faarooq
Run-In Partner - Shamrock
Voice/Grunts - Marc Mero

Vince McMahon - Created by Cujo31x
Male Average
Skin type: Ripped
Skin color 1 3,54,43)
Eyes: Angry eyes (56,100,56) Determined eyes (61,52,0)
Nose:Thin nose 3 Thin Nose 2
Mouth:Closed lips 10 (7,42,53) Open Lips 4
hair:pompador1(15,0,5) Default Hair (11,0,15)
Shirt: Tanktop: Plain (16,50,0)
Elbow pads: Generic (0,50,20)
Pants:Plain:Street (55,0,7) Leather 1 (16,50,50)
Shoes:Army(61,0,27) Loon (10,20,20)
Moves: Stone Cold
Theme Song:Chyna
Fighting style: stone cold
Entrance: Rock
Run in partner: HHH

Vince McMahon - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Muscle
Skin Type:Plain
Skin Color:1(3, 51, 50)
Eyes:Angry Eyes(2, 74, 27)
Nose:Average Nose 4
Mouth:Open Lips 4(0, 34, 46)
Hair:Shaort Hair 7(14, 0, 9)
Shirt(Tanktop):Cupids Design(74, 61, 0)
Elbowpads:Generic 2(0, 90, 0)
Wristbands:Sweat(33, 50, 0)
Gloves:Cut Off Gloves(79, 50, 0)
Pants(Plain):Army(16, 50, 0)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)

Hawk - Created by Cujo31x
SKIN COLOR:3(7,46,56)
HAIR:SHORT 2(11,15,23)
BEARD:GOATEE 1(11,15,23)

Animal - Created by Cujo31x
HAIR:MOHAWK 2: (100,100,13)

Tori - Created by Señor Ass
Female Muscle
Color 1
Eyes, Powder eye shadow
Hair- Long Hair 3 (12, 22, 51)
Shirt- Womens- Jag
Pants- Design-Leo

Goldberg - Created by Señor Ass
Attributes REG +3Att (code)
Strength: 8 9
Toughness: 5 5
Speed: 5 5
Recovery: 8 8
Charisma: 6 7
Mat Skills: 4 5
Crowd: Cheer
Style: Ken Shamrock
Theme: Judge This
Entrance: Shamrock
Run in Partner: Shamrock
Voice/Grunt: Shamrock
Finisher: Hanging Powerslam
Body Type: Male Muscle
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: 10
Eyes: Serious (51, 75, 34)
Nose: Average 3
Mouth: Default
Hair: None
Beard: Goatee 4 (0, 36, 40)
Elbowpads: Generic 2 (0, 0, 5)
Wristbands: Tape (0, 0, 5)
Gloves: Clover (0, 0, 5)
Acc: Tattoo: Design 2 (0, 40, 58)*Put on before elbowpads.
Shorts: Men: Plain (0, 0, 8)
Kneepads: Generic (0, 0, 5)
Boots: Braun

Scott Hall - Created by Señor Ass
Reg +3att(code)
Strength: 7 7
Toughness: 6 7
Speed: 5 5
Recovery: 7 7
Charisma: 7 7
Mat Skills: 4 6
Crowd: Cheer
Style: Godfather
Theme: Mack Attack
Entrance: Triple H
Run in Partner: X-Pac
Voice/Grunt: Triple H
Finisher: Crucifix Powerbomb
Body Type: Male Average
Skin Type: Hairy
Skin Color: 10
Eyes: Relaxed (100, 64, 23)
Nose: Average 4
Mouth: Open Lips 2 (0, 35, 53)
Hair: Medium Length 3 (0, 0, 5)
Beard: Beard 2 (0, 15, 25)
Acc: Headgear: Bandana 2 (0, 15, 25)*Put on before hair.
Elbowpads: Generic 1 (100, 100, 52)
Pants: Design: Flames (66, 50, 50)*Length is 0.
Kneepads: Generic (0, 50, 25)
Boots: Generic (0, 0, 5)
Text: Buttocks: Small Font: Either "NWO" or "HALL" (0, 50, 25)

Scott Hall - Created by Big Daddy Cool
First name:Scott
Last Name:Hall
Body type:Male Average
Skin Type:Hairy
Skin Color:1(3,50,50)
Hair:Long Braid 1(100,100,0)
Shirt:Plain Shirt 7(100,100,0)
Text on chest:Outsiders in red
Elbow Pads:Generic
Mat Skills:4
+ means Ready move
- means Tie up
= means Ground move at side
@ means On turnbuckel or apron oppent on ground
# means On Turnbuckel Or Apron Oppent Standing
$ means Oppent in Corner and you running
% means Corner move
^ means Ground move at head
& means Ground move At Feet
* means you running and oppent on ground
/ means Behind oppent in tie up
\ means Whipped Opponenet
< means you running
Finisher:Crucifix Powerbomb
Trademark:Fallaway Slam
Damage 9: Toe Hold Half Crab^
Damage 8:Toprope Superplex%
damage 8:Front Suplex-
Damage 7:Camel Clutch^
Damage 7:Half Crab&
Damage 7:Clothesline#
Damage 6:Piledriver-
Damage 6:Flying Back Elbow<
Damage 6:celestial Splash@
damage 6:One Handed Chokeslam+
Damage 5:Big Punch Combo%
Damage 5:Charging Clothesline$
Damage 5:Senton Splash*
Damage 5:High Angle Back Drop/
Damage 5:Elbow Drop On to arm=
Damage 4:Hanging Vertical Suplex-
Damage 4:Spinebuster\
Damage 4:Sidewalk Slam\
damage 4:Dropkick<
Dizzy Punch:Inside Forearm
Dizzy Kick:Shuffle Side Kick

Dean Malenko - Created by Señor Ass
Body type-average
Skin type-average
Eyes-deep sockets
Pants-Plain spike(65,50,50)Pant length-0
Mat Skill-9
Finisher-Texas Cloverleaf
Trademark-Tiger Driver slam(from Tie-up)

Sid - Created by Señor Ass
Ripped Skin Type
Concerned Eyes
Medium Length 1 Hair (12,100,46)
King Elbowpad (black)
Generic Kneepads (black)
Braun Boots

Eddy Guerrero - Created by Señor Ass
Skin Color 2 (7,35,38)
Long Hair 2 (black)
Goatee 4 (black)
Taped Wrist (white)
Striker Design Pants (19,74,31)
Braun Boots

Raven - Created by Señor Ass
Skin Color 3
Long Hair 2 (14,10,10)
Beard 2 or Goatee 4 (14,10,10)
Undertaker Logo Shirt (Sleeve 42)
Taped Wrist (white)
Bug Tattoo
Jeans (Length 42)
Steamer Kneepads
Braun Boots

Kevin Nash - Created by Señor Ass
Body type-muscle
Skin type-average
Hair-med-length 3(0,9,22)
Beard-goatee 3
Pants-plain leather 1
Chest-line 4-Nash(0,67,50)
Mat Skill-3
Finisher-Sable bomb or Bradshow bomb(from tie-up)
Trademark-Side Slam

Saturn - Created by Señor Ass
body type-average
skin type-ripped
Accessories-Tattoo dragon
Tattoo-barb wire
Pants-plain,golden wings(length-0)
Mat Skill-7
Finisher-Pimp Drop
Trademark-T-Bone suplex

Kidman - Created by Señor Ass
Body Type: Average
Skin Type: Ripped
Color: Skin Color 1 (6,48,47)
Mouth: Smile 1
Hair: Long Braid 1 (7,5,11)
Shirt:Tanktop: Plain (15,0,46)
Elbowpads: Generic (0,85,26)
Pants:Shorts: Long Denim (54,25,36)
Kneepads: Generic (59,4,6)
Shoes: High Top
Finisher: Shooting Star Press (On TB, Opp. on ground)
Trademark: Swinging Bulldog (Opp. in corner)
Damage 9: Hurricanrana
Crowd: Cheer
Fighting Style: Edge
Theme Song: Droz
Entrance: Owen Hart

Hulk Hogan - Created by Señor Ass
Body Type-Male Muscle
Skin Type-Plain
Skin Color 2 (7,40,35)
Determined Eyes (56,77,37)
Wide Nose 2
Smile 5 (6,31,53)
Bald Spot 3
Mustache 3(16,86,57)
Tanktop-Plain (16,50,51)
Shorts-Men-Plain (15,79,64)
Kneepads-Generic (100,100,42)
Boots-Plain 6 (16,80,40)
Chest - Line 4 - Hulkamania (100,100,42)
Back - Line 4 - Hulkster (100,100,42)
Buttocks - Line 1 - Hogan (100,100,42)
Attributes (in this order):7,8, 5, 6, 7, 6
Finisher: Running Leg Drop
Trademark: Boot to Face
Damage 9: Hanging Vertical Suplex
Damage 8: Atomic Drop
Damage 8: Running Powerslam
Damage 7: Side Backbreaker
Damage 7: Flying Closthline
Damage 7:
Damage 6: Side Belly-Belly Suplex
Damage 6: Gorilla Press Slam
Damage 6: Flying Back Elbow
Damage 6: Sidewalk Slam
Damage 5: Wishbone Leg Splitter
Damage 5: Fist to Groin
Damage 5: Knee to Shoulder
Damage 5: Snapmare
Damage 5: Bearhug
Damage 4: Side Headlock
Damage 4: Hairgrab Takeover
Dizzy Kick: Dropkick or Boot to Face
Dizzy Punch: Grap Head Punch or Big Windup
Pose: Blowing you Off
Personality: Cheer
Fighting Style: Slaughter
Entrance: Godfather
Run-in Partner: Slaughter

"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan - Created by Big Daddy Cool
First name:Hollywood
Last name:Hulk
Body type:Male Muscle
Skin type:fat
Skin color:2(10,46,38)
Nose:Average 4
Hair:Bald Spot 2(15,100,86)
Beard:Mustache 4(15,44,36)
Boots:Plain 4(0,0,50)
Mat Skills:8
+ means Ready move
- means Tie up
= means Ground move at side
@ means On turnbuckel or apron oppent on ground
# means On Turnbuckel Or Apron Oppent Standing
$ means Oppent in Corner and you running
% means Corner move
^ means Ground move at head
& means Ground move At Feet
* means you running and oppent on ground
/ means Behind oppent in tie up
\ means Whipped Opponenet
< means you running
Finisher:Leg drop
Trademark:Boot to Face
damage 9:running powerslam +
damage 8:Flying Back Elbow <
Damage 8:Brainbuster -
Damage 7:Mount punches =
Damage 7:Tennessee Jam @
Damage 7:Shoulder Tackle #
Damage 6:Charging Clothesline$
Damage 6:Top Rope Superplex%
Damage 6:Blatant Choke^
Damage 6:Figure 4 Leg Lock &
Damage 5:The Peoples Elbow *
Damage 5:reverse Brainbuster/
Damage 5:Hanging Vertical Suplex-
damage 5:DDT+
Damage 5:Firemans Carry+
damage 4:PowerSlam\
Damage 4:Flying Clothesline<
Damage 4:Press Slam+
Damage 4:Gorilla Press Slam+
Dizzy Punch:Grab Head and Punch
Dizzy Kick:Side Kick
Pose:Here I Am

"Classic" Hulk Hogan - Created by The Undertaker
Body Type: Male Average
Skin Type: Plain
Color: Skin Color 1 -- 7/62/46
Eyes: Angry Eyes -- 0/70/42
Nose: Average Nose 4
Mouth: Default Mouth
Hair: Medium Length 1 -- 12/48/40
Beard: Mustache 2 -- 15/50/50
Accessories: Headgear: Wrap -- 15/64/43
Shirt: Tanktop: Plain -- 16/50/50
Wristbands: Leather -- 9/50/89 (Optional)
Pants: Plain: Plain -- 16/51/51 -- Length: 0
Kneepads: Plain Light Trim -- 0/50/50
Boots: Plain 6 -- 16-50-50
Font: Small Font
Alignment: Horizontal Text
Layer/Color: Plain -- 0/100/41
Alias: Edit: HULK HOGAN
Used Space: 70%
Ready Position
R-L-D-Punch - Gorilla Press Slam
R-U-Kick - Sidewalk Slam
R-U-Punch - Fallaway Slam
R-U-TieUp - Snapmare
R-L-Kick - Sweet Chin Music
R-L-Punch - Throat Toss
R-L-TieUp - Single Arm DDT
Kick - Kick, DIZZY KICK: Front Jump Kick
Punch - Punch, DIZZY PUNCH: Hit to Groin
Kick+TieUp - POSE: Get Out of My Way
Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick - FINISHER: Leg Drop
TieUp - The People's Elbow
Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
D-U-Punch - Kick to Spine
Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-D-Kick - Boston Crab (SUBMISSION)
On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
Kick+Block - TRADEMARK (optional as trademark): Somersault Leg Drop
On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
Hold Block While Facing Away - Sky Twister Press
R-Kick - Chestbreaker
R-Punch - DDT
R-TieUp - Side Backbreaker
TieUp Behind Opponent
R-Punch - Atomic Drop
R-TieUp - German Suplex
Opponent Hooked on Turnbuckle
R-R-Kick - Turnpost Slam
R-R-Punch - Tree of Woe
While Running
TieUp - Spinning Heel Kick
Crowd: Cheer
Fighting Style: Shamrock (or your choice)
Theme Song: Featured: Shamrock (or your choice)
Entrance: Bradshaw
Run-In Partner: Undertaker (or your choice)
Voice/Grunts: Edge (or your choice)

Curt Hennig - Created by Señor Ass
--Body Type: Male Average
--Skin: Plain
--Skin Color: Color 1 - 3, 50, 45
--Eyes: Confident
--Nose: Average 4
--Mouth: Closed Lips 6
--Hair: Long Braid 1 - 15, 100, 55
--Shirt: Tanktop, Plain - 56, 100, 55
--Wristbands: Sweat - 33, 50, 50
--Pants: Pants, Plain - 56, 100, 55
--Kneepads: Generic - 50, 50, 100
--Boots: Generic - 50, 50, 85
-Strength: 5
-Toughness: 5
-Speed: 7
-Recovery: 6
-Charisma: 6
-Mat Skills: 7
Moves: Owen Hart
-Finisher: Fisherman's Suplex
Trademark: Flipover Neck Whip
Running Knee Hit, -
Pose: Look At Me
-Crowd: Boo
-Fighting Style: Owen Hart
-Theme Song: Jeff Jarrett
-Entrance: The Rock
-Run In Partner: Jeff Jarrett
-Voice: T-Bone

Barry Windham - Created by Señor Ass
Body Type: Average
Skin Type: Fat
Skin Color 1
Eyes: Deep Socket (10,40,50)
Nose: Average Nose 2
Mouth: Frown 1 (100,43,56)
Hair: Long Hair 1 (14,53,53)
Shirt: Plain shirt 1 (?,?,0)Length 20
Elbow Pads: Generic (?,?,0)
Wristbands: Tape (?,?,0)
Pants: Plain acid jeans (?,?,0) Length: 0
Kneepads: Dragon (?,?,0)
Boots: Braun (58,50,50)
Finisher: Top Rope Superplex
Trademark: Floatover Suplex (From Tie Up)
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 6
Recovery: 7
Charisma: 7
Mat Skills: 8
Crowd: Boo
Fighting style: Bradshaw
Theme Song: J. Jarret
Entrance: Owen Hart
Run In Partner: J. Jarret
Voice/Grunts: J. Jarret

Sting - Created by Señor Ass
body type-avg
skin type-ripped
skin color-1(3,68,49)
hair-long hair 1(14,53,9)
mask-golden boy(12,0,58) Smacker (96,0,55)
facepaint-beast(95,50,0) Predator (96,0,55)
tanktop-Xpac 1(95,50,0) Skull (79,0,50)
Gloves: Average (79,0,20)
pants logo-lizard(41,50,50) design: Leaves (25,0,50)
belts skull (11,50,0) leather (55,50,50)

Ric Flair - Created by Señor Ass
body type: male average
skin type: plain
skin color: skin color 3
eyes: serious eyes
nose: average nose 1
mouth: closed lips 10
hair: pompador 1(15, 8, 100)
elbowpads: bright (35, 50, 50)
shorts: plain (35, 50, 50)
boots: plain (35, 50, 50)
knee pads: generic (35, 50, 50)

Arn 'The Enforcer' Anderson - Created by Señor Ass
Body Type: Male Avergae
Skin Type: Plain
Skin Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Mean Stare (63,97,78)
Nose: Average Nose 3
Mouth: CLosed Lips 10 (7,32,53)
Hair: Default Hair (11,39,22)
Beard: Beard 2 (11,30,24)
Shirt: Plain collar shirt 1 (51,97,49)Length 24
Pants: Plain Jeans (61,51,36)
Boots: braun
Strength: 7
Toughness: 9
Speed: 5
Charisma: 5
Mat Skills: 10
Finisher: Implant DDT (from ready) or
Trademark: Spinebuster (From whipped opponent)
Front Brainbuster (From tie-up)
Crowd: Boo
Fighting Style: Owen Hart
Theme Song: Judge This
Entrance: Stone Cold
Voice/Grunts: Dr. Death

Buff Bagwell - Created by Señor Ass
Alias- Daddy Mack
Fighting Style-HBK
Entrance-Too Sexy
Run-in Partner-whoever you want
Voice-Too Sexy
Body type-Male Avg.
Skin Type-Ripped
Mouth-Smile 3
Beard-Goatee 4-14,32,5
Hair-Short Hair 1-14,24,0
Elbow Pads-Armbands
Tatoos-Barbed wire-61,36,0
Text-Right-Buff -Left-Daddy

Bret "Hitman" Hart - Created by Señor Ass
Strength: 5
Toughness: 3
Speed: 7
Recovery: 5
Charisma: 7
Mat Skills: 9
Crowd: Boo
Style: Owen Hart
Theme Song: Owen Hart
Entrance: Owen Hart
Partner: Owen Hart
Voice/Grunt: Owen Hart
Body Type: Male Average
Skin: Plain
Color 10
Eyes: Thin Eyes (o, 87, 29)
Nose: Thin 3
Mouth: Default
Hair: Medium Length 3 (0, 50, 6)
Accessories: Sunglasses: Cool (85,70,60)
Shirt: Tanktop= Owen Hart 2 ( 77, 50, 50)
Elbow Pads: Generic 2 (0, 0, 5)
Wristbands: Leather (87, 100, 55)
Pants: Design= Cupids Design (87, 60, 50)
Kneepads: Generic (59, 0, 5)
Boots: Generic (56, 20, 50)
Shoes: Loafers (12, 0, 15)
Finisher: Sharpshooter
Trademark: Russian Leg Sweep
Damage 9: Power Slam
Damage 8: Figure Four Leglock
Damage 8: Toehold Half Crab
Damage 7:Flying Clothesline
Damage 7: Quick Leg Drop
Damage 7: Surfboard
Damage 6: Driving Elbow
Damage 6: Front Suplex
Damage 6: Arm Drag
Damage 6: Knee to shoulder
Damage 5: Atomic Drop
Damage 5: Sleeper Hold
Damage 5: Turnpost Slam
Damage 5: Power Slam (in corner)
Damage 5: Snapmare
Damage 4: Abdominal Stretch
Damage 4: Fireman's Carry
Damage 4: Crucifix Pin
Damage 4: Side Headlock
Dizzy Punch: European Uppercut
Dizzy Kicky: Crescent Kick
Pose: Come get Some

Scott "Big Poppa Pump" Steiner - Created by Señor Ass
Strength: 9
Toughness: 7
Speed: 5
Recovery: 6
Charisma: 5
Mat Skills: 7
Crowd: Boo
Style: Al Snow
Entrance: Mark Henry
Voice/Grunt: Mr. Showtime
Moves: Al Snow
Finisher: Camel Clutch
Trademark: T-bone Suplex replace Al's moonsault with an overhead belly
suplex & this sky twister press with a press slam
Body Type: Male Muscle
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: 1
Eyes: Default
Nose: Default
Mouth: Default
Hair: Short 1
Beard: Goatee 4 (14, 23, 84)
Pants: Plain: Plain: (16, 0, 0) length 26
Kneepads: Generic (59, 0, 0)
Boots: Braun
Text: Buttocks: Small Font: "Poppa" or "Pump (0, 100, 50)

Scott "Big Poppa Pump" Steiner - Created by Big Daddy Cool
Body Type:Male Muscle
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:3(7, 59, 56)
Eyes:Mean Eyes(43, 50, 32)
Nose:Average nose 1
Mouth:Open Lips 5(7, 32, 48)
Hair:Short Hair 1(14, 31, 72)
Beard:Goat-Tee 4(13, 43, 56)
Shorts(Men):T Singlet(16, 50, 100)
Kneepads:Generic(59, 50, 0)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)
(Buttocks)Line 1:BPP(Large Fonts) (Color is 9, 27, 0)

Rowdy Roddy Piper - Created by Señor Ass
MOVES= Al Snow
Finisher: Sleeperhold
PERSONALITY=Crowd: Cheer / Fighting Style: Al Snow
Partner: Michaels / Voice: Shamrock
ENTRANCES= Song: Little Ole Me
Entrance: Bradshaw
BODY TYPE= Male Average
SKIN COLOR= Skin Color 1
EYES= Cat Eyes 61/69/70
NOSE= Wide Nose 1
MOUTH= Smile 3 0/26/44
HAIR= Medium Length 2 100/14/22
SHIRT: PLAIN= Plain Shirt 1 58/00/65
ELBOWPADS= Wrap 0/100/45
WRISTBANDS= Tape 0/00/100
PANTS DESIGN= Plaid 1 0/50/50 (Droz?)
KNEEPADS= Generic 0/100/45
BOOTS= Braun
CHEST: FONT LARGE= Line 1: HOT 0/75/50 Line 2: ROD

Macho Man Randy Savage - Created by Señor Ass
body type: male average
skin type: plain
skin color: skin color 3
eyes: default
nose: wide nose 2
mouth: closed lips 6
hair: long hair 5 (13, 46, 0)
beard: beard 2 (11, 17, 0)
sunglasses: cool (60, 0, 45)
shirt: plain shirt 2 (95, 50, 0) length=15
wristband: tape (76, 50, 100)
pants: design flier (42, 0, 50)
boots: eagle (95, 0, 50)
Text: fron text=Line 1=Macho Line 2=Man (14, 50, 100)
First Name=Randy
Last Name=Savage
Alias=Macho Man

Konnan - Created by Señor Ass
Strength: 6
Toughness: 6
Speed: 7
Recovery: 5
Charisma: 9
Mat Skills: 6
Crowd: Cheer
Style: Too Sexy
Theme: Mack Attack
Entrance: Kurrgan
Run in Partner: ???? (I put X Pac)
Voice/Grunt: Mr. Showtime
Moves: Too Sexy
Finisher: Toehold Half Crab
Body Type: Male Average
Skin Type: Plain
Skin Color: 11 (5, 60, 50)
Eyes: Default
Nose: Wide Nose 3
Mouth: Default
Hair: None
Acc: Headgear: Bandana 2
Shirt: Tanktop: Plain (16, 0, 50)
Jacket: Zipper (59, 48, 31)
Acc: Jewelry: String (9, 79, 50)
Pants: Design: Cammo (100, 51, 50)
Shoes: Boomerang(97, 27, 0)

DDP - Created by Señor Ass
Strength: 6
Toughness: 7
Speed: 6
Recovery: 6
Charisma: 7
Mat Skills: 7
Crowd: Boo
Style: Stone Cold
Theme: Snaggletooth
Entrance: Bradshaw;Owen Hart
Voice/Grunt: The Butcher
Moves: Mosh
Finisher: Front-Face DDT
Trademark: Tilt a Whirl Slam
*note* replace Mosh's Hurriacanrana with a Pile Driver
Body Type: Male Average
Skin Type: Hairy
Skin Color: 1
Eyes: Default
Nose: Default
Mouth: Default
Hair: Long 1 (14, 47, 53)
Beard: Goatee 1 (0, 10, 24)
Elbowpads: Generic 1 (0, 50, 26)
Wristbands: Sweat
Acc: Clothing: Sash (96, 0, 100)
Acc: Tattos: Bug
Boots: Braun (put on b/f pants to get shoe affect)
Pants: Plain: Jeans (64, 71, 50)

Ultimate Warrior - Created by Jackolera
Body Type - Male Muscle
Skin Type - Ripped
Skin Color - 2
Eyes - Mean Eyes
Nose- Average Nose 1
Mouth - Smile 2
Hair - Long Hair 5 (color: 8, 19, 21)
Face Paint - Koda (color: 0, 37, 53)
Wristbands - Stripes (color: 16, 50, 50)
Accesories - Clothing - Ties (color: 100, 75, 70)
Shorts - Plain (color: 23, 78, 57)
Belts - Eagle
Kneepads - Beast
Boots – Generic

Mister T. - Created by Jackolera
Average Male
Color 5
Eyes - Deep Socket (10,75,100)
nose - Wide nose 2
default mouth
Hair - Mohawk3 (11,50,0)
Beard - Beard2 (11,17,0)
Shirt - Plain shirt 1 (58,50,0)
Accessories - Jewelry - String
Gloves - Cut off gloves (79,50,0)
Wristbands - Leather (12,100,60)
Pants - plain - Jeans
Boots - Hiking boots (14,35,22)
Belt - chain 2

Honky Tonk Man - Created by Jackolera
Moves: Jeff Jarrett
Finisher: Spinning Neck Breaker
Trademark: Whatever you want
Crowd: Boo
Fighting Style: The Rock
Theme Song: Blue Suede Blues
Entrance: Jeff Jarrett
Run-In Partner: Jeff Jarrett
Voice/Grunts: Jeff Jarrett
Body Type: Male Average
Skin Type: Plain
Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Relaxed Eyes (59,64,50)
Nose: Default Nose
Mouth: Smile 1 (6,22,42)
Hair: Pompador 3 (12,32,0)
Wristbands: Tape (76,50,98)
Pants/Plain: Checkered (61,50,50,LENGTH 100)
Belt: Stud (56,50,37)
Boots: Generic (56,50,50)

Kamala - Created by Jackolera
male obese,
color 4,
bald w/tribal face paint,
tribal moon/star tattoo on chest,
tiger straps for ankles and wrists,
tiger or tribal pants shortened to short/underwear length.
mark henry moves and geek grunts.
Comes out to kanes fire intro.

Luna - Created by Jackolera
Attributes: Strength: 4
Toughness: 4
Speed: 8
Recovery: 7
Charisma: 3
Mat Skills: 7
Moves: Chyna
Finisher: Mandible Claw)
Trademark: LowBlow)
Personality: Crowd: Boo
Fighting Style: Chyna
Theme Song: Kurrgan
Entrance: Chyna
Run-In Partner: Kurrgan
Voice/Grunts: Mistress Pain
Body Type: Female Muscle
Skin Type: Plain
Skin Color: 1
Eyes: Powder Eye Shadow
Nose: Thin Nose 1
Mouth: Frown 4 (77,50,50)
Hair: Longbraid 1 (16,63,59)
Shirt: Women: Lingerie (16,50,0)
Accessories: Tattoos: Barbed Wire
Pants: Women: Tiger (14,50,0) Pants Length:48
Boots: Braun (58,50,21)

Jenna Jameson - Created by Jackolera
body type: female average
skin type: plain
color: skin color 3
eyes: queens eyes (66,50,50)
nose: thin nose 1
mouth: lipstick smile 7 (83,50,44)
hair: long hair 1 (14,53,53)
-SHIRT-women: super bra
-SHORTS-women: buttons (90,50,50)
-TATTOOS-heart1 (82,50,35)
-MOVES- Sable
crowd: cheer
fighting style: sable
theme song: gladness
entrance: jacqueline
run-in partner: val venis
voice/grunts: mistress pain

Vader - Created by Jackolera
Male Overweight Body
Skin Color 1
Skin Type Fat
*no hair
*(optional)Mask-Mankind (0-94-29)
*Tanktop-Club (0,50,0)
*Cutoff Gloves (90,50,50)
*Plain pants-J TALK (0,100,10)
*Kneepads-Coil (0-97-25)
*Boots Braun
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 5
Recovery: 7
Charisma: 6
Mat Skills:5
Finisher: Celestial Splash (aka Vaderbomb, Vader's WWF finisher)
Trademark: (Tied Up) Powerbomb
Damage 9: (Behind) Reverse Powerbomb
Damage 8: (Tied Up) Chokeslam, (Ready) Gorilla Press Slam
Damage 7: (Ready) Throat Toss, (Whipped Opponent) Sidewalk Slam,
(Tied Up) T-Bone Suplex
Damage 6 Behind) German Suplex, (Running at Downed Opponent)
Splash, (Tied Up)Side Backbreaker, (Ready) Samoan Drop
Damage 5: (Ready) Shortarm Clothesline, (Running Corner) Splash,
(Corner) Charging Shoulder, (Tied Up) Side Slam, (Behind) Beast Choker
Damage 4: (Tied Up) Backbreaker, (Ready) Choke, (Corner) Choke With
Boot, (Behind) Roll Up Pin
Dizzy Punch: Boxer Jab Combo
Dizzy Kick: Mafia Kick
Pose: The Machine
Fighting Style: Henry, Taker, or Kane
Theme Song: Snaggletooth
Entrance: ???
Run-In Partner: Dr Death
Voice/Grunts: ???

Yokozuna - Created by Jackolera
Strength : 7
Toughness: 8
Speed: 1
Recovery: 6
Charisma: 7
Mat Skills: 7
Finisher : Butt Drop from (Top Rope Opp on Ground)
Trademark: Running Butt Bump (Corner Running)
Body Type: Obese
Skin Type: Fat
Skin Color 2 7,49,38
Cat Eyes - Black
Wide Nose 1
Default Mouth
Hair Medium Length 3
Goatee 4 (BLACK)
Accessories: Sumo
Crowd: Cheer
Fighting Style: Bossman
Theme Song: Chops Sticks
Entrance: You Choose
Run in: You Choose
Voice: Banzai

Yokozuna - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Obese
Skin Type:Fat
Skin Color:7(11, 57, 50)
Eyes:Squinting Eyes(16, 70, 31)
Nose:Wide Nose 3
Mouth:Smile 1(6, 22, 42)
Hair:Medium Length 3(0, 10, 0)
Pants(Plain):Khaki(0, 100, 45)[Pant Length:61]
Belts:Sash(0, 50, 2)

Jake "The Snake" Roberts - Created by Jackolera
Body Type: Average
Skin type: Plain
Color: 1 (3, 50, 50)
Eyes: default (66, 50, 50)
Nose: Thin Nose 3
Mouth: Default (0, 50, 50)
Hair: Long Hair 1 (14, 58, 21)
Beard: Moustache 4 (14, 61, 20)
Wristbands: Tape (76, 0, 100)
Pants: Stripe: Spray Paint (30, 84, 15)
Text: Right leg: DDT (86, 61, 27)
Boots: Snake (11, 47, 50)

Jake "The Snake" Roberts - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Plain
Skin Color:1(6, 54, 50)
Eyes:Cat Eyes(61, 69, 70)
Nose:Average Nose 3
Mouth:Default Mouth(0, 23, 53)
Hair:Medium Length 1(12, 48, 6)
Beard:Mustache 2(12, 48, 11)
Shirt(Plain):Collar Shirt 2(48, 49, 50)[Sleeve Length:14]
Vest:Buckles(15, 50, 54)
Wristbands:Leather(9, 50, 100)
Pants(Logo):Snakes(48, 50, 50)
Boots:Snake(15, 39, 50)

Junkyard Dog - Created by Jackolera
Body Type: Average
Skin Type: Fat
Color: 5 (0, 41, 29)
Eyes: Confident (61, 82, 51)
Nose: Thin nose 1
Mouth: Open Lips 3 (0, 18, 28)
Hair: Default (11, 25, 1)
Beard: Beard 2 (11, 17, 0)
Accesories: Jewelry: Chains (0, 31, 36)
Pants: Plain (0, 50, 50)
Text: Buttocks- Thump (14, 0, 100)
Left Leg- JYDOG (14, 0, 100)
Boots: Generic (56, 0, 50)

Papa Shango - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Muscle
Skin Type:Fat
Skin Color:5(0, 35, 42)
Eyes:Small Eyes(100, 71, 0)
Nose:Default Nose
Mouth:Default Mouth(0, 50, 50)
Head Accessories(Facepaint):Skull(0, 50, 50)
Upper Accessories(Tattos):Native(16, 50, 9)
Shirt(Tanktop):Fire(12, 50, 0)
Upper Accessories(Jewelry):Zantar(11, 50, 50)
Wristbands:Leather(0, 0, 0)
Pants(Design):Cupids Design(100, 100, 7)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)

Kama - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Muscle
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:5(0, 66, 59)
Eyes:Angery Eyes(0, 70, 0)
Nose:Wide Nose 3
Mouth:Closed Lips 7(0, 18, 28)
Hair:Flat Top 4(100, 57, 0)
Beard:Goat-Tee 4(14, 7, 0)
Shirt(Tanktop):Spike(100, 100, 50)
Wristbands:Tape(76, 50, 100)
Gloves:Cut Off Gloves(89, 60, 100)
Pants(Plain):Spike(100, 100, 53)[Pant Length:29]
Kneepads:Plain Dark Trim(100, 79, 50)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)
(Chest)Line 5:Kama(Small font)(Color is 14, 50, 100) Name:Bob Holly(Spark Plug Look)
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Plain
Skin Color:1(3, 43, 50)
Eyes:Deep Socket(10, 75, 34)
Nose:Average Nose 4
Mouth:Open Lips 2(0, 35, 53)
Hair:Long Hair 5(13, 46, 6)
Elbowpads:King(95, 50, 0)
Wristbands:Leather(9, 50, 100)
Pants(Stripes):Indy(96, 45, 53)
Boots:Bolt(0, 0, 85)
(Chest)Line 3:15(Large Font)(14, 98, 54)
(Back)Line 3:15(Large Font)(14, 98, 54)

Bart Gunn (Smokin' Gunns) - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:1(6, 50, 48)
Eyes:Determinated Eyes(12, 52, 40)
Nose:Average Nose 2
Mouth:Default Mouth(0, 23, 53)
Hair:Short Hair 1(14, 24, 0)
Wristbands:Leather(9, 50, 100)
Pants(Plain):Jeans(61, 52, 42)
Belts:Blugo(13, 50, 50)
Boots:Snake(22, 0, 42)

Billy Gunn (Smokin' Gunns) - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:1(6, 50, 48)
Eyes:Baggy Eyes(54, 83, 40)
Nose:Average Nose 4
Mouth:Smile 4(6, 31, 53)
Hair:Long Bangs 1(12, 62, 59)
Wristbands:Leather(9, 50, 100)
Pants(Plain):Jeans(61, 52, 42)
Belts:Blugo(13, 50, 50)
Boots:Snake(22, 0, 42)

King Kong Bundy - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Overweight
Skin Type:Fat
Skin Color:1(6, 48, 47)
Eyes:Baggy Eyes(84, 83, 24)
Nose:Wide Nose 1
Mouth:Closed Lips 8(6, 31, 48)
Shirt(Tanktop):Fire(12, 50, 0)
Wristbands:Leather(9, 50, 100)
Shorts(Men):Plain(93, 50, 0)
Kneepads:Plain Dark Trim(69, 50, 0)
Lower Accessories:Socks(46, 0, 29)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)

Isacc Yankem DDS - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Muscle
Skin Type:Plain
Skin Color:1(6, 42, 44)
Eyes:Angry Eyes(6, 70, 35)
Nose:Wide Nose 3
Mouth:Smile 4(6, 31, 53)
Hair:Short Hair 7(14, 78, 55)
Beard:Goat-Tee 1(15, 27, 22)
Wristbands:Sweat(33, 50, 0)
Pants(Plain):Sweats(66, 50, 50)
Belts:Blugo(13, 50, 0)
Shoes:Bolt(96, 50, 0)

British Bulldog - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Muscle
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:1(6, 58, 43)
Eyes:Angry Eyes(11, 70, 35)
Nose:Average Nose 1
Mouth:Closed Lips 3(7, 32, 50)
Hair:Default Hair(11, 2, 0)
Wristbands:Leather(86, 66, 100)
Upper Accessories(Clothing):Ties(63, 100, 50)
Pants(Design):Patriotic Pants(96, 50, 50)
(Pant Leg):Left:British, Right:Bulldog(Small Font)(Color is 14, 50, 0)
Boots:Plain 2(61, 0, 62)

1-2-3 Kid - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Skinny
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:1(6, 56, 50)
Eyes:Angry Eyes(11, 70, 35)
Nose:Average Nose 1
Mouth:Closed Lips 3(7, 32, 50)
Hair:Medium Length 2(100, 23, 0)
Beard:Goat-Tee 4(14, 7, 0)
Shirt(Tanktop):Cupids Design(0, 61, 50)
Elbowpads:Bright 2(0, 50, 0)
Wristbands:Leather(100, 100, 54)
Pants(Logo):X Pants(0, 100, 50)
Kneepads:Generic(59, 48, 0)
(Chest)Line 3:Kid(Large Font)(Color is 14, 78, 50)
(Back)Line 3:123(Large Font)(Color is 14, 88, 45)
(Pant Leg)Left:123, Right:Kid(Large Font)(Color is 14, 76, 50)
Boots:Eagle(95, 50, 39)

Patriot - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:1(3, 45, 49)
Eyes:Determinated Eyes(24, 52, 40)
Nose:Average Nose 3
Mouth:Default Mouth(0, 23, 53)
Hair:Default Hair(11, 58, 9)
Mask:Tri Color(57, 67, 49)
Wristbands:Sweat(33, 50, 50)
Pants(Stripes):Renaissance(0, 100, 47)
Kneepads:Generic(59, 48, 0)
Boots:Spangled(61, 50, 50)

Mr.Perfect - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Plain
Skin Color:1(3, 50, 45)
Eyes:Confident Eyes(50, 71, 50)
Nose:Average Nose 4
Mouth:Closed Lips 6(5, 32, 53)
Hair:Long Braid 1(16, 100, 55)
Shirt(Tanktop):Plain(56, 100, 55)
Wristbands:Sweat(33, 50, 50)
Pants(Plain):Plain(56, 100, 55)[Pant Length:35]
Kneepads:Generic(90, 15, 0)
Boots:Generic(50, 50, 85)
Name:Kaz Hayashi
Body Type:Male Skinny
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:7(11, 50, 41)
Eyes:Squinting Eyes(13, 70, 50)
Nose:Thin Nose 4
Mouth:Default Mouth(0, 23, 53)
Hair:Default Hair(11, 2, 0)
Wristbands:Tape(76, 50, 0)
Gloves:Cut Off Gloves(79, 50, 0)
Pants(Design):Split Point(51, 75, 40)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)

Ahmed Johnson - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Muscle
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:5(0, 43, 31)
Eyes:Angry Eyes(16, 84, 18)
Nose:Wide Nose 3
Mouth:Default Mouth(0, 50, 50)
Beard:Mustache 2(93, 14, 0)
Wristbands:Gold Bands(0, 78, 50)
Pants(Stripes):Iron Head(100, 100, 46)[Pant Length:0]
Kneepads:Double(100, 100, 50)
Belts:Stud(56, 50, 40)
Boots:Plain 1(96, 50, 30)

Diesel - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Muscle
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:1(6, 57, 50)
Eyes:Serious Eyes(19, 75, 39)
Nose:Thin Nose 1
Mouth:Default Mouth(0, 23, 53)
Hair:Long Hair 3(8, 10, 3)
Beard:Goat-Tee 1(8, 10, 10)
Shirt(Tanktop):Cupids Design(74, 0, 31)
Elbowpads:King(92, 50, 0)
Wristbands:Tape(76, 50, 0)
Gloves:One Glove(11, 50, 0)
Pants(Plain):Leather 1(16, 50, 50)
Lower Accessories:Stirrups(15, 50, 50)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)
(Chest):Line 4:Diesel, Line 5:Power(Small Font)(Color is 14, 50, 0)

Razor Ramon - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Hairy
Skin Color:2(7, 43, 34)
Eyes:Concerned Eyes(16, 87, 35)
Nose:Thin Nose 2
Mouth:Default Mouth(0, 23, 53)
Hair:Medium Length 1(12, 48, 0)
Elbowpads:Generic 2(0, 50, 0)
Shorts(Men):Plain(93, 50, 0)
Kneepads:Generic(59, 50, 0)
Boots:Generic(18, 100, 37)
(Buttocks):Line 1:Razor(Small Fonts)(Color is 14, 100, 45)

Masato Tanaka - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Plain
Skin Color:7(11, 47, 50)
Eyes:Squinting Eyes(15, 70, 42)
Nose:Wide Nose 1
Mouth:Closed Lips 8(6, 26, 48)
Hair:Default Hair(11, 2, 0)
Wristbands:Tape(76, 50, 100)
Elbowpad:Bright 2(0, 50, 0)
Pants(Design):Flames(80, 39, 23)[Pant Length:13]
KneePads:Plain Light Trim(40, 20, 0)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)

Stevie Richards - Created by Dyno
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:1(6, 53, 50)
Eyes:Default(66, 53, 50)
Nose:Default Nose
Mouth:Smile 5(6, 33, 53)
Hair:Long Hair 1(8, 20, 27)
Beard:Goat Tee 4(8, 20, 29)
Shirt(Women):Torn 1(66, 50, 96)
Wristbands:Sweat(33, 50, 62)
Shorts(Men):Denim(57, 34, 48)
Kneepads:Generic(59, 50, 0)
Lower Accessories:Socks(46, 6, 50)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)
(Chest)Line 2:BWO(In Large Font)(Color is 61, 65, 45)

Austin Powers - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Skinny
Skin Type: Hairy
Skin Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Big Eyes
Nose: Thin Nose 4
Mouth: Lipstick Smile 1
Hair: Short Hair 4; 14/92/25
Access/Sunglasses: Eyeglasses; 16/50/6
Shirt/Logo: Great Britain; Length 100
Shorts/Men: Plain; 14/0/100
Access: Socks; 43/0/63

Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Female Average
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Queens Eyes
Nose: Thin Nose 4
Mouth: Lipstick Smile 5
Hair: Long Braid 1; 6/80/26
Sunglasses: Round; 0/92/52
Shirt/Plain: Plain Shirt 5; 45/82/52; Length 0
Gloves: Cut Off Gloves; 79/50/2
Shorts/Men: Khaki
Belt: Chain 2; 13/50/50
Boots: Hiking Boots; 0/91/12

Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid) - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Muscle
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 7
Eyes: Determined
Nose: Thin Nose 1
Mouth: Closed Lips 9
Hair: Short Hair 3; 66/0/14
Access/Hedgear: Bandana 2; 66/0/22
Shirt/Plain: Plain Shirt 7; 62/0/13; Length 100
Vest: Bubble; 61/0/17
Elbow Pads: Arm Bands; 62/22/30
Wristbands: Gold Bands; 62/0/18
Gloves: Average; 62/0/25
Access/Tattoos: Dog; 71/1/40 (Emulates Fox Crest)
Access/Clothing: Bandana; 48/0/10
Pants/Plain: Jeans; 59/0/19; Length 100
Kneepads: Double; 62/0/12
Boots: Plain 5; 73/0/21

Meryl Silverburgh (Metal Gear Solid) - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Female Average
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 1; 3/32/50
Eyes: Cat Eyes
Nose: Thin Nose 4
Mouth: Closed Lips 5
Hair: Long Hair 3; 14/40/43
Accessories/Headgear: Bandana 2; 93/18/59
Shirt/Tanktop: Plain; 19/4/17
Chestgear: Bullets
Elbow Pads: Arm Bands; 15/87/39
Wristbands: Leather; 13/77/39
Gloves: Cut Off; 79/50/12
Pants/Plain: Army; 18/21/57
Belts: Leather; 19/23/61
Kneepads: Generic; 14/57/40
Boots: Plain 1; 14/44/44

Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil 2) - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Skinny
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Concerned
Nose: Thin Nose 1
Mouth: Closed Lips 8
Hair: Long Bangs 1; 13/69/56
Shirt/Plain: Unifrom 1; 63/83/100; Length 100
Accessories/Clothing: Bandana; 63/50/50
Vest: Bubble; 58/68/38
Elbow Pads: Gold; 62/72/39
Gloves: Cut Off Gloves; 63/61/50
Pants/Plain: Khaki; 64/100/31
Belt: Leather Studs
Shoes: Army
Text: Chest/Line, 2/Small Font/Horizontal
Line 1: RPD
Layer/Color: Bubble; 14/50/100
(Can also be placed on the back)

Resident Evil Zombie - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Average
Skin Type: Hairy
Skin Color: Skin Color 1; 17/100/28
Eyes: Monster Eyes
Nose: Wide Nose 2
Mouth: Open Lipstick 2; 0/85/11
Hair: Short Hair 5; 14/50/10
Accessories/Headgear: Bandage; 12/50/47
Upper/Accessories/Bandages: Torso; 12/50/47
Pants: Torn Jeans
Shoes: Loafers

Paul Pheonix (Tekken) - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Muscle
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Deep Socket
Nose: Thin Nose 4
Mouth: Frown 1
Hair: Flat Top 1; 10/34/50
Beard: Beard 2; 10/34/50
Shirt/Plain: Plain Shirt 7; Length 17
Vest: Leather
Elbow Pads: Arm Bands; 43/1/100
Gloves: Cut Off Gloves; 74/50/0
Pants/Plain: Leather 1
Belt: Leather Studs
Boots: Army; 58/50/19

Dhalsim (Street Fighter) - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Skinny
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 5; 0/9/51
Eyes: Evil Eyes
Nose: Thin Nose 4
Mouth: Lipstick Frown 1; 0/18/28
Hair: None
Elbow Pads: Arm Bands; 16/100/64
Wristbands: Gold Bands; 16/100/64
Accessories/Jewelry: Zantar; 11/50/50
Pants/Plain: Acid Jeans; 87/62/14; Length 18
Belts: Skull

Zangief (Street Fighter) - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Muscle
Skin Type: Hairy
Skin Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Mean Eyes
Nose: Wide Nose 4
Mouth: Frown 1
Hair: Flat Top 2; 100/88/21
Beard: Beard 2; 100/88/21
Elbow Pads: Arm Bands; 100/88/59
Wristbands: Gold Bands; 0/100/44
Shorts/Men: Plain
Belt: Aztec; 14/100/62
Boots: Plain 1; 100/92/32
Accessories: Socks; 15/100/74

Freddy Krueger (Nightmare On Elm Street) - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Skinny
Skin Type: Hairy
Skin Color: Skin Color 1; 6/77/54
Mask: Snake
Shirt/Design: Freighter; Length 100
Gloves: One Glove
Pants/Plain: Khaki; 15/36/24
Belt: Leather
Shoes: Eagle; 100/93/13

Spider-Man - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Skinny
Skin Type: Ripped
Mask: Ghost; 0/100/31
Sunglasses: Sunglasses 2; 0/0/50
Shirt/Design: Jersey 2; 11/94/40; Length 100
Accessories: Bandana; 0/100/31
Elbow Pads: Tight; 2/82/52
Wrists Bands: Gold Bands; 1/95/36
Gloves: Average; 0/50/50
Pants/Plain: Plain; 70/85/21; Length 100
Belts: Medal; 0/88/21
Boots: Tiger; 0/84/39

Spider-Man (Peter Parker) - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Skinny
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Default
Nose: Average Nose 1
Mouth: Closed Lips 10
Hair: Short Hair 7; 11/6/15
Shirt/Design: Jersey 2; 11/94/40
Access/Clothing: Bandana; 0/100/31
Elbow Pads: Tight; 2/82/52
Pants/Plain: Jeans
Belt: Lether Stud
Shoes: Bolt

Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Skinny
Skin Type: Ripped
Mask: Ghost; 0/100/31
Sunglasses: Sunglasses 2; 0/0/50
Shirt/Plain: Plain Shirt 2; 95/68/31; Length 100
Vest: Bubble; 57/50/50
Wrists Bands: Spangled; 45/24/54
Pants/Plain: Plain; 99/85/21; Length 100
Belts: Medal; 56/59/31
Boots: Plain 2; 63/76/30

Venom - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Muscle
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 1; 58/69/13
Mouth: Lipstick Smile 3; 100/0/100
Mask: Dark Mask
Accessories/Sunglasses: Sunglasses 2; 100/0/44
Shirt/Plain: Plain Shirt 6; 55/83/9; Length 100
Gloves: Cut Off Gloves; 78/0/96
Tattoos: Wings 2; 18/1/100 (Emulates Spider)
Pants/Plain: Foil; 59/90/11; Length 100
Boots: Army; 59/50/50

Venom (Eddie Brock) - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Muscle
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Mean Eyes
Nose: Default
Mouth: Frown 1
Hair: Medium Length 1; 13/48/44
Shirt/Plain: Plain Shirt 6; 55/83/9; Length 100
Tattoos: Wings 2; 18/1/100 (Emulates Spider)
Pants/Plain: Foil; 59/90/11
Boots: Army; 59/50/50

The Incredible Hulk - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Muscle
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 10; 38/94/24
Eyes: Mean Eyes
Nose: Wide Nose 2
Mouth: Frown 1; 31/94/49
Hair: Short Hair 5; 26/70/19
Pants/Plain: Torn Jeans; 75/33/24; Length 72

The Punisher - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Muscle
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Determined Eyes
Nose: Wide Nose 1
Mouth: Frown 1
Hair: Short Hair 3
Shirt/Plain: Plain Shirt 7; 63/0/8; Length 100
Upper/Accessories/Tattoos: Skull Cross Bones; 0/50/50
Pants/Plain: Leather 1; 62/47/44
Boots: Army; 43/0/89

The Vulture (Classic Old Vulture) - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Skinny
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Mean Eyes
Nose: Thin Nose 4
Mouth: Frown 2
Hair: None
Shirt/Plain: V Neck 2; 34/38/51; Length 100
Jacket: Fringe; 22/59/38
Pants/Plain: Plain; 24/76/26; Length 100
Accessories: Tights; 26/90/21

Mary Jane Parker (In Spider Outfit) - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Female Average
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Long Lashes
Nose: Thin Nose 1
Mouth: Default Mouth
Hair: Long Hair 4; 0/64/51 (Do not add until end)
Shirt/Plain: Plain Shirt 7; 100/67/25; Length 100
Jacket: Fringe; 59/87/49
Elbow Pads: Arm Bands; 100/100/56
Wristbands: Gold Bands; 0/56/50
Gloves: Average; 100/62/51
Pants/Plain: Plain; 58/75/32
Belts: Spike; 0/99/35
Accessories: Tights; 87/86/19
Shoes: Dude; 64/100/31
Text: Chest/Large, Font/Horizontal
Line 1: ! (Emulates Spider)
Layer/Color: Plain Shirt; 0/50/0

The Kingpin - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Obese
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 1
Eyes: Determined
Nose: Wide Nose 3
Mouth: Default
Hair: None
Shirt/Plain: Collar Shirt 3; Length 100
Jacket: Suit
Access/Clothing: Bowtie 2; 0/50/0
Pants/Plain: Street; 19/0/13
Shoes: Loon; 58/7/52

Daredevil - Created by Cheat Code Central
Body Type: Male Muscle
Skin Type: Ripped
Skin Color: Skin Color 1
Mouth: Closed Lips 9
Mask: Dark Mask; 100/93/56
Access/Sunglasses: Sunglasses 2; 6/31/53
Shirt/Plain: Plain Shirt 8; 0/58/13; Length 100
Gloves: Average; 0/50/31
Pants/Plain: Plain; 0/50/13
Boots: Plain 1; 0/47/17
Text: Chest/Large, Font/Horizontal
Line 1: D
Layer/Color: 0/50/17

Crippler Chris Benoit (Current look) - Created by Big Daddy Cool
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:1(6, 57, 50)
Eyes:Determinated Eyes(24, 52, 34)
Nose:average nose 2
Mouth:Default Mouth(0, 23, 53)
Hair:Short hair 1 (10, 100, 9)
Wristbands:Tape(76, 50, 0)
Elbowpad:Tribute(87, 22, 40)
Pants(Stripes):Spray Paint (56, 46, 35)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)

Rick Rude - Created by Big Daddy Cool
Body Type:Male Average
Skin Type:Ripped
Skin Color:1(6, 60, 50)
Eyes:Default(66, 50, 50)
Nose:Average nose 2
Mouth:Smile 1(6, 22, 42)
Hair:Medium Length 2(11, 38, 16)
Beard:Mustache 3(11, 38, 16)
Upper Accessories(Tattoos):Anchor(55, 28, 32)
Pants(Design):Glow(50, 50, 50)
Boots:Braun(58, 50, 50)

Conan O'Brien - Created by The Blood Ångel
First: Conan Last: OBrien Alias: The Geek
Body Type: Average
Skin type: Plain
Color: Skin Color 1(6,35,50)
Eyes: small eyes
nose: average nose 1
mouth: smile 4
Hair: Pompador 3(6,32,31)
Shirt: Plain: Collar shirt 1 (48,0,100)
jacket: Suit(16,0,15)
Accesories: clothing: Bowtie 2 (they have no plain ties.)
Pants: Plain: CIA (16,0,5)
Shoes: Dude (16,0,5)
Strength: 5
Toughness: 5
Speed: 8
Recovery: 8 (nice recovery after an awful bit in the monologue.)
Charisma: 9
mat Skills: 4
Moves: your choice
Crowd: cheer
Fighting style: Godfather
Theme song: Hot Tamale
Entrance: Goldust
Run-in Partner: Kane
Voice/Grunts: Wimpy

Kermit the Frog - Created by The Blood Ångel
First: Kermit Last: The Frog Alias: Stickboy(featured) or
Body Type: Male Skinny
skin type: Plain
Color: skin color 1(28,81,50)
Eyes: Big Eyes (66,0,100)
Nose: Thin Nose 1
Mouth: smile 1
hair: none
upper: accesories: clothing: bandana (28,81,33)
Lower: shorts: men: Plain(28,82,65)
Strength: 6
Toughness: 5
Speed: 10
Recovery: 8
Charisma: 10
Mat Skills: 0
Moves: your choice
Crowd: Cheer
Fight Style: Chyna
Theme Song: Slugachugalug
Entrance: X pac
Run in partner: Road Dogg
Voice: Wimpy

Pamela Anderson - Created by The Blood Ångel
first: pamela
last: anderson
alias: foxxy
body type:female muscle
skin type:ripped
skin color2:{7,66,38}
eyes:queen eyes {0,72,39}
thin nose 1
lipstick smile 1{0,59,52}
long hair 5 {13,46,44}
shirt women: tight tank {0,100,46}
shorts women: lingerie{0,100,17}
mat skills: 5
moves: chyna
crowd: cheer
fighting style: chyna
theme song: gladness
entrance: sable
run in partner: chyna
voice: mistress pain

Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2 - Created by Robert J. Wiebalk
Alias:any (you choose)
Body:Female Muscle
Color:3 7/46/56
Eyes:Pretty Eyes 9/100/19
Nose:Thin Nose 1
Mouth:Closed Lips 1 100/22/19
Hair:Medium Length 0/10/24
Shirt:Plain Collar 4 65/19/50 Sleeve: 38
Vest:Bubble 57/0/14
Gloves:Cut-off 57/0/14
Belt:Blungo 13/0/46
Shorts:Jeans 57/0/6
Boots:Plain 6 57/0/6
Chest:Line 2 R P D 14/0/31
Back:Line 2 R P D 14/0/31

Gabe from Syphon Filter - Created by Robert J. Wiebalk
Alias:any (you choose)
Body:Male average
Eyes:concerned 9/87/41
Nose:Thin Nose 1
Hair:Flat-top 1 11/0/6
Shirt:Plain 1 58/0/11 Sleeve:100
Vest:Bubble 57/0/6
Chest Gear:Bullet Proof 57/0/23
Elbow Pads:Generic 0/50/50
Wristbands:Gold Bands 0/0/16
Gloves: Cut-Off 79/0/13
Pants:Leather 1 16/0/56
Boots:Army 7/29/39
Knee Pads:Plain with Straps 0/50/50

Thanks List:

-TPhlax, for submitting some created wrestler formulas.

-Cujo31x, for also submitting some created wrestler formulas.

-Señor Ass, for submitting a lot of created wrestlers.

-Jackolera, for also submitting created wrestler formulas.

-Cheat Code Central, for providing me with their wrestler formulas.

-Dyno, for allowing me to use his wrestler formulas. Visit his site
for even more wrestler creations - .

-The Undertaker , for sending me a Hulk Hogan
wrestler creation.

-The Blood Ångel, for submitting some wrestler creations with pics!

-Robert J. Wiebalk, for submitting the Claire Redfield and Gabe wrestler
creation formulas.

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