Fatal Fury 3

Fatal Fury 3

14.10.2013 16:54:42
_____ ooooooooooooooo _____
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.d88888P GarouDensetsu3
saikyo-wa, hitori-de ii. .,d888888P" Road To The Final Victory
,d8888888P"~ release 2 95f15
_ Terry Bogard: ____________________________________________________
| Fighting Style: Martial Arts + Jeff |
| Birth: March 15 (23 years old) |
| Origin: America |
| Location: Sound Beach |
| Height: 182cm |
| Weight: 77kg |
| Throws: Misc Moves: |
| -O C Buster Throw / C Upper |
| O |
| -O D Backspin Kick (back) |
| | / O- A/C Burn Knuckle |
| O O (BD) |
| | \ -O A/C Power Wave |
| O O (BD) |
| -O | \ B/D Power Dunk |
| O O |
| | / O- O B/D Crack Shoot |
| O O \ (AC) |
| | / O- / -O CD Power Geyser * |
| O O O (BC) |
| / C -O C | / O- -O CD Triple Geyser ! |
| O O O |
|--------------------------------+ Cho^2 notes. |
| Uppercut, cancel into straight punch, name will flash during |
| this combo, cancel into Geyser. |

_ Andy Bogard: _____________________________________________________
| Fighting Style: Koppo |
| Birth: August 16 (22 years old) |
| Origin: America |
| Location: Howard Arena |
| Height: 171cm |
| Weight: 69kg |
| Throws: Misc Moves: |
| -O C Uchimata -O D AbiseKeri |
| / -O A/C ZaneiKen |
| O (BD) [Shadow Slice] |
| | / O- A/C HishoKen |
| O O (BD) [Flying Crunch] |
| -O | \ A/C Shoryudan |
| O O (BD) [Rising Dragon Punch] |
| | O D Shiranui KumoKarami |
| O. | [Spider Hold] |
| air | \ -O D Genei Shiranui |
| O O [Shadow Illusion] |
| | \ -O CD ChoReppadan * |
| O. O (AC, no charge necessary) |
| D | C | / O- -O CD bokosuka reppadan ! |
| O O O |
|--------------------------------+ Cho^2 notes. |
| Kick, cancel into, rising palm, name will blink here, cancel |
| into Reppadan. |

_ Joe Higashi: _____________________________________________________
| Fighting Style: Muetai |
| Birth: March 29 (22 years old) |
| Origin: Japan |
| Location: National Park |
| Height: 180cm |
| Weight: 72kg |
| Throws: Misc Moves: |
| -O C Joe Special O- C Vertical Upper |
| -O D HizaJigoku O- D Joe Sobat (fore) |
| \ D Sliding Kick |
| O |
| O- / | \ -O A/C Hurricane Upper |
| O O O (BD) |
| / -O B/D Slash Kick |
| O. (AC) |
| | / O- B/D Yokogin |
| O O |
| | \ -O O B/D Tiger Kick |
| O O / |
| -O | \ AC Feint Tiger Kick |
| O O |
| -O O- / | \ CD Screw Upper * |
| O O O |
| O- -O \ | / O- CD Advancing Screw ! |
| O O O |
|--------------------------------+ Cho^2 notes. |
| Name will blink when at far distance, perform then. |

_ Mai Shiranui: ____________________________________________________
| Fighting Style: ShiranuiRyu Ninjutsu |
| Birth: January 1 (21 years old) |
| Origin: Japan |
| Location: East Side Park |
| Height: 164cm |
| Weight: 50kg |
| Throws: Misc Moves: |
| -O D FuushaKuzushiKai air | C Yumezakura |
| near O |
| O- D Ryu-no Mai (back) |
| | | ABC Kageroh-no Mai |
| O O |
| | / O- A/C Ryuenbu [Dragon Flame Fandango] |
| O O (BD) |
| | \ -O A/C Kachosen [Butterfly Fan] |
| O O (BD) |
| O- / | \ -O C Hisatsu Shinobibachi |
| O O O [Ninja Bees] |
| | BC/CD Musasabi-no Mai [Squirrel Dance] |
| air O (AB) |
| -O / -O CD ChoHisatsu Shinobibachi * |
| O |
| C -O / -O BD Shiranui Hiohgi ! |
| O Hissatsushinobibachi |
|--------------------------------+ Cho^2 notes. |
| Perform while far, the C is to tease (rather than strike). |
| Holding C will cause your name to blink, complete motions then. |

_ Bob Wilson: ______________________________________________________
| Fighting Style: Capoeira |
| Birth: May 15 (20 years old) |
| Origin: Brazil |
| Location: PaoPao Cafe 2nd |
| Height: 184cm |
| Weight: 75kg |
| Throws: Misc moves: |
| -O D Falcon -O D Sliding Headbutt |
| Falcon O O D Hornet Attack air \ D J.Under Kick |
| / / O |
| Falcon \ \ D fang while O C Bob Somersault |
| O O recovering | |
| AC/BD Rolling Turtle |
| O-. -O B/D Wild Wolf |
| | O B/D Bison Horn |
| O. | |
| | | | BCD Dangerous Wolf * |
| O O O |
| -O -O / O CD dangerous bob ! |
| O / |
|--------------------------------+ Cho^2 notes. |
| Dashing causes name to blink, perform remaining motion then. |

_ Franco Bash: _____________________________________________________
| Fighting Style: Kick Boxing |
| Birth: September 16 (31 years old) |
| Origin: America |
| Location: Southtown Airport |
| Height: 195cm |
| Weight: 110kg |
| Throws: Misc Moves: |
| -O C Side Buster -O D Back Tornado (fore) |
| | / O- A/C Double Kong |
| O O (BD) |
| O- / | \ -O A/C Reaping Blow |
| O O O |
| | \ -O B/D Power Bicycle |
| O O (AC) |
| -O \ | / O- CD Armageddon Buster * |
| O O O |
| D | C -O \ | / O- CD genocide buster ! |
| O O O O |
|--------------------------------+ Cho^2 notes. |
| Two hit kick, cancel into uppercut (name will flash now) cancel |
| into buster. |

_ Blue Mary: _______________________________________________________
| Fighting Style: Combat Sambo |
| Birth: February 2 (18 years old) |
| Origin: America |
| Location: Pioneer Plaza |
| Height: 168cm |
| Weight: 50kg |
| Throws: Misc Moves: |
| spin stick C Back Drop -O D Step Rolling (fore) |
| Back Drop C Face Rock |
| \ D Head Throw |
| O |
| Head Throw D Axle Hold |
| | \ -O O A/C A:Spin Fall |
| O O / C:M. Slider |
| -O | \ B/D B:Vertical Arrow |
| O O (BD) D:M. Snatcher |
| O-. -O B/D B:Straight Slider |
| D:M. Crab Clutch |
| / | \ -O O BD M.Typhoon * |
| O. O O / |
| O- -O \ | / O- C m.cyclone ! |
| O O O |
|--------------------------------+ Cho^2 notes. |
| Flash condition unknown, however the move may be done at any |
| time you name is blinking. "Reverse Dragon Punch" also works. |

_ Geese Howard: ____________________________________________________
| Fighting Style: KobuJutsu |
| Birth: January 21 (42 years old) |
| Origin: America |
| Location: Geese Tower |
| Height: 183cm |
| Weight: 82kg |
| Throws: Misc Moves: |
| \ C ShinkuuNage O- D RaikohMawashiKeri (fore) |
| O |
| O- C KosatsuNage |
| Kosatsu Nage C Zetsumei HitonakaUchi |
| O C UraKumoKakushii |
| / |
| UraKumoKakushii C Zetsumei HitchuShime |
| -O D Kosassho |
| | \ -O A/C Reppuuken/Double Reppuuken |
| O O (BD) [Wave Slice] |
| air | / O- A/C Shippuuken |
| O O [Gale Slice] |
| O-. -O B/D Jaeiken |
| | / O- -O BD Feint Jaeiken |
| O O |
| O- / | \ -O B/D AtemiNage (high/mid) |
| O O O [Knockdown Throw] |
| / -O \ | / O- \ CD Razing Storm * |
| O O O O O (AC) |
| | C C hit | / O- -O CD ? ! |
| O O O |
|--------------------------------+ Cho^2 notes. |
| Rising palm, cancel into forward palm, (name will flash now) |
| cancel into Razing Storm. |

_ Honfu: ___________________________________________________________
| Fighting Style: Kung Fu |
| Birth: August 21 (28 years old) |
| Origin: Hong Kong |
| Location: Port Town |
| Height: 175cm |
| Weight: 78kg |
| Throws: Misc Moves: |
| O- C Back Flip -O D FumiKomiSokukeri |
| O- D KeirakuRanda |
| -O | \ A/C SeikuuRekkaKon |
| O O (BD) |
| guard attack -O B/D KyuRyu-no Yomi |
| / -O B/D DenkohSekka-no Ten |
| O. |
| | / O- O B/D DenkohSekka-no Chi |
| O O \ |
| | / O- / -O BD -no Arashi * |
| O O O |
| O- O- -O \ | / O- x2 CD -no Taifuu ! |
| O O O |
|--------------------------------+ Cho^2 notes. |
| Backdash motion will set up the name flash. Remaining motion |
| may be done at any time on an odd-numbered clock tick. (If set |
| to infinite timer, Hon can not access this move.) |

_ Mochizuki Sokaku: ________________________________________________
| Fighting Style: SeidenMudoh (?) Jujitsu |
| Birth: July 3 (48 years old) |
| Origin: Japan |
| Location: Dream Amusement Park |
| Height: 176cm |
| Weight: 86kg |
| Throws: Misc Moves: |
| O- C MukenJigokuNage / C Shakujoh JoudanUchi |
| near | C ShotenSatsu O |
| air O |
| spin stick C KimonJin |
| O- D MudohShibariNage |
| MudohShibariNage D JigokuMon |
| | \ -O A Makibishi [caltrops] |
| O O |
| O- / | \ -O C JashinKon [Demon Staff] |
| O O O |
| | O- / B Hametsu-no Hono |
| O O [Flame of Destruction] |
| Tap D JaKonMai |
| -O O- -O D HyohIDan |
| | / O- D YaenKari |
| O O |
| -O | \ D HigiRaiOtoshi [Thunder Strike] |
| O O |
| -O \ | \ -O CD Ikazuchi * |
| O O O |
| -O \ | / O- CD kishinshokan ! |
| O O O |
|--------------------------------+ Cho^2 notes. |
| This is a retaliation move, Sokaku must be hit by a hard strike |
| (C or D button hit) for his name to flash. Perform motion then. |

_ Following Characters are only accessable on home versions ________
|_ Ryuji Yamazaki: __________________________________________________
| Origin: Okinawa |
| Location: East Side Park, Southtown Station |
| | / O- C HebiTsukai (prep) |
| O O |
| When this hits, -O C or O C for additonal strike (forward or |
| upwards, respectively) / |
| | \ -O C BaiKaeshi |
| O O |
| O- / | \ -O D Sadomazo |
| O O O |
| | \ -O BD Girochin * |
| O. O |
| O- O- -O \ | / O- + CD ? ! |
| O O O |
|_ Jin Chon Shu: ____________________________________________________
| Location: Delta Park |
| / -O A/C rush attack |
| O. |
| -O | \ A/C spinning upper |
| O O |
| | \ -O B/D powerball |
| O O |
| | / O- -O CD energy drain * |
| O O |
|_ Jin Chon Rei: ____________________________________________________
| / -O A/C rush attack |
| O. |
| -O | \ A/C spinning upper |
| O O |
| | / O- -O C energy drain |
| O O |
| | \ -O B/D powerball |
| O O |
| | / O- D reflector(?) |
| O O |
| -O O- / | \ DB charged powerball * |
| O O O |
| -O \ | / O- CD super charged powerball ! |
| O O O |
|--------------------------------+ Cho^2 notes. |
| Perform at far distance. |

_ Combination Arts _________________________________________________
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Terry: AAC ABD cC! Geese: fDD cC! |
| cCC1C cACCC Honfu: cC! cCCCD |
| 789 f far cA6CCCD cA6CCDD Mary: fBBD cC! cCCD |
| 456 c close Andy: cC! cBBB cACCC |
| 123 ! tap cACCCD cACCD Bob: ABCCD cC! cCD |
| Mai: cC! cB6BB Franco: cC! cCCCD |
| cCC2B cCCCD Sokaku: cC! cBD |
| Joe: fBDD cC! c2CD |

/////// // // // // / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / // // // // ////////
/ Copyright 1995 Galen Komatsu. See notice in accompanying document. /
/ Permission granted for non-profit, non-commercial, distribution. /
/ No fee may be charged outside of raw reproduction costs. Contact /
/ author for inclusion in media, printed, electronic, or otherwise. /
/////// // // // // / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / // // // // ////////

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____ Fatal Fury 3 __ Road To The Final Victory __ GarouDensetsu 3 ____

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