The Ten Warrior Conspiracy

The Ten Warrior Conspiracy

23.09.2013 23:22:05

* Rurouni Kenshin RPG : The Ten Warriors Conspiracy FAQ for PSX *
* AKA Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenyaku Romantan *
* Juuyuushi Inbou Hen *
* version 1.0 *
* by Tamar Pandi *

This FAQ is not associated with nor endorsed by Shuesha or Sony.
This FAQ may be freely distributed for noncommercial purposes
if it is not altered in any way. This FAQ can only be reproduced
electronically, and thus cannot be incorporated into magazines,
guides, books, etc. in any way without the permission of the authors.
All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not
specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where it is
This FAQ is Copyright 1999 Tamar Pandi.

Rurouni Kenshin, all the characters and indicia in this game are
(c) Nobuhiro Watsuki / Shueisha Inc
(c) Fuji Television / SPE Visual Works
(c) 1997 Sony Computer Entertainment.


-Himura Kenshin
-Kamiya Kaoru
-Myojin Yahiko
-Sagara Sanosuke
-Saitou Hajime
-Shinomori Aoshi

-= 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N =-

First of all, this is a RPG based on the very popular anime
series Ruroni Kenshin. We've put together this walkthrough and FAQ to
help everyone get through the game. This is for all the people who like
Kenshin alot, yet can read very little or no Japanese. We don't
promise to have found every secret, but you will be able to finish
the game with this. If you know of something we missed, feel free to
email me.
This game takes place after the 10 Katanas and the Shi-Shi-O
story. You choose to follow the story of either Hijiri or Hikaru as
they try to remember their past. Both stories are pretty similar.
If you play as Hijiri, you will meet Saitou Hajime. If you play as
Hikaru, you will meet Shinomori Aoshi. The game is pretty linear, but
it's got a bunch of mini-games, side-quests, and enough special
appearences from the characters in the anime to keep any fan happy.

-= 2. H O W T O P L A Y =-


D-pad Move your character or menu options.
Select No use
Start Change your lead character
Circle Accept
Square No use
Triangle Menu
X Cancel / Make text go by faster
L1 Accept
L2 Cancel
R1 Dash
R2 No use


The game is split into 3 different parts.
The first is the overworld map which is split into 9 pieces. You start
with one piece and as you progress through the game, you will receive
new pieces which let you explore more of Japan and get to new towns and
The second is towns/dungeons which is where you talk to people or get
into fights.
The last part is the battle part. You will encounter A LOT of random
battles as you go through the game.


Hitting Triangle will bring up your command menu while in a town or the
overworld. The first option is Item. This brings up your main item list
and a sub-menu. The first sub-option is to use an item from your main
list, the second sub-option brings up a list of your special items which
are story related. The second option from the main menu is Equip/Status.
Clicking here brings up info on a character that you select and two more
sub-options. The first sub-option

Main Menu
| -> Normal Item
| -> Special Item
| -> Equip Weapons/Armor
| -> Check Special Attack


To gain certain special moves, you'll need to train in the 5 different
dojo around Japan. Each one practices certain techniques which some
members of your party can learn by training against the dojo's
students. The students are colored according to the type of attack they
will perform against you. Green attacks high, purple attacks middle, and
blue attacks low. By correctly counter-attacking all 20 students, you
can learn a new technique. As you gain more map pieces, you'll be able
to visit new towns and new dojo.
The dojo are located in:
- Tokyo (obviously where you begin)
- Shimotsu (the town north of Tokyo, not the little village)
- Shibukawa (upper-center town)
- Nitsukou (upper-left town)
- Yokohama (west of Tokyo)

1) Maekawa dojo is located in Tokyo. Their speciality is Low Attacks.
In this case, you'll want to perform Low attacks as often as
So to complete this training:
- If opponent is Green (High), use X (Low) to win.
- If opponent is Purple (Middle), use Square (Middle) to counter.
- If opponent is Blue (Low), use X (Low) to counter.
Even though you're not hitting them, you are practicing the low
strike as often as possible and avoiding the high attack (which is
opposite their speciality).

2) Shimotsumachi-you dojo specializes in High Attacks.
In this case, you'll want to perform High attacks as often as
So to complete this training:
- If opponent is Green, use Triangle to counter.
- If opponent is Purple, use Triangle to win.
- If opponent is Blue, use X to counter.

3) Nitsukou dojo specializes in Middle Attacks.
Obviously, you'll want to do Middle attacks as often as possible.
So to complete this training:
- If opponent is Green, use Triangle to counter.
- If opponent is Purple, use Square to counter.
- If opponent is Blue, use Square to win.

4) Shibukawamachi dojo specializes in Defense.
In this case, you'll want to counter as much as possible.
So to complete this training:
- If opponent is Green, use Triangle to counter.
- If opponent is Purple, use Square to counter.
- If opponent is Blue, use X to counter.

5) Yokohama dojo specializes in Multi-Hit Attacks.
In this case, you'll want to hit as often as possible.
So to complete this training:
- If opponent is Green, use X to win.
- If opponent is Purple, use Triangle to win.
- If opponent is Blue, use Square to win.

Here's a quick lookup table:

If your opponent is colored: You do:
- Maekawa
Green X
Purple Square
Blue X

- Shimotsumachi
Green Triangle
Purple Triangle
Blue X

- Nitsukou
Green Triangle
Purple Square
Blue Square

- Shibukawamachi
Green Triangle
Purple Square
Blue X

- Yokohama
Green X
Purple Triangle
Blue Square


When you get into a battle, the first person in your group fights
until they lose all their life, then the next steps in and it continues
until all your characters are defeated or until the opponent is
defeated. This is how all random battles are fought. For 'story' related
battles, two things can occur. First, the above happens which you'll
know by blue text flashing on screen before the battle. In this
scenario, you could stick Kenshin on the first guy and let him beat up
the whole group since he'll just keep defeating them down the line until
he's won or is defeated. In the second scenario, each person in your
group attacks one person in the enemy group. This will be shown by
yellow text preceding the battle. In this case, you'll want to pick
Yahiko and Kaoru to fight the easier guys, and let Sanosuke or Kenshin
fight the boss(es).
When you actually start to fight, you'll have 4 options. From left
to right they are: Fight, Item, Next Person, Flee. Flee lets you run
from battle, Item obviously brings up the item list, and Next Person
brings in the next person in your party's order. This is useful for
powering up weaker characters since the person that actually defeats the
character, gets all the experience. Let one of your more powerful guys
beat up an enemy, then swap in the weak guy to finish 'em off. Fight
brings up 4 more options.
>From left to right they are:
High Attack, Middle Attack, Low Attack and Special Attack.
By color:
Green is High, Blue is Middle, Purple is Low, and Yellow is Special.
The squares above each color represents the number of those
attacks you can do in one 'round'. The number is dictated by what weapon
you use. Some weapons do little damage, but have alot of attacks and
vice-a-versa. By looking at your opponent's attack squares, you can get
an idea of what to try to counter. Underneath your opponent is a list of
attacks that he will do that round in order of left to right. If your
level is much higher than your enemy's, you'll be able to read more of
his moves and counter them. By looking at both the list and attack
squares, you should be able to easily win battles.
The battle system itself is basically an enhanced version of
rock/paper/scissors. You attack by doing a High/Middle/Low attack or
Special. High beats Middle, Low beats High, and Middle beats Low. In
other words:

If the opponent is doing: You counter with:

High Attack Low Attack
Middle Attack High Attack
Low Attack Middle Attack

With Special Attacks, things change a bit. There are 5 kinds of specials.
With each special attack, you use up some of your technique
power which is the blue bar above your character's head. You regain
technique power by using normal attacks that connect, using an item,
staying at an inn, or hitting a save point.
The Basic special attack is just a Super High, Middle, or Low
Besides looking cool and doing more damage, they act exactly
like normal attacks ie. High beats Middle, etc. Super High is an icon
of a sword with the point facing up, Super Middle is a straight sword,
and Super Low is a sword with the point facing left.
Next is a Multi-hit Attack, which is an icon of a sword hitting
repeatedly in a blue-ish circle. This attack beats all High, Middle,
and Low attacks, but can be blocked by another Multi-hit special from an
opponent or countered with a Counter Special or Long Range Special.
The Counter Special is represented by the icon of two swords

When an opponent is going to use a Special, choosing the
Counter Special will counter and do alot of damage.
The Long Range special is denoted by the icon of a ninja star. If
your opponent also uses a Long Range special, you will both get hit.
The last special attack is the Unblockable. It's basically each
character's Ultimate or Succession technique and does the most damage
while being unblockable. Usually requires full technique power.

If you defeat an opponent with a special move, you get a finishing
FMV animation. Depending on which special move you perform, a different
animation will be shown. Each character has three different animations.
To see them all, you might even have to finish an opponent using the
counter technique!

-= 3. C H A R A C T E R S =-

Here you can find info about the Characters that will join your party
and their special moves:


Attack: High
Defense: Medium
Speed: Medium/Low

Name of Special Attack Technique Pts. How to learn


Karura no Kata 40 Dojo in Shimotsuma Cho.

Nata no Kata 50 Heihachirou Event
Seiten no Kata 25 Dojo in Nitsukou

Karyo no Kata 35 Maekawa Dojo

Senjyu no Kata 60 Dojo in Yokohama
Ida no Kata 20 Already learned

Bonten no Kata 70 Shimotsu-cho
Enma no Kata 40 Kamitsume no Sato

Marishi no Kata 35 Dojo in Shibukawa-machi

Jizai no Kata 100 Level 30


Attack: Medium
Defense: High
Speed: Medium/High

Name Points How to learn

Karura no Kata 40 Dojo in Shimotsuma Cho.

Nata no Kata 50 Heihachirou Event
Seiten no Kata 25 Dojo in Nitsukou

Karyo no Kata 35 Maekawa Dojo

Senjyu no Kata 60 Dojo in Yokohama
Kitsushiyou no Kata 20 Already learned

Bonten no Kata 70 Shimotsu-cho
Enma no Kata 40 Kamitsume no Sato

Marishi no Kata 35 Dojo in Shibukawa-machi

Jizai no Kata 100 Level 30


Attack: High
Defense: Medium
Speed: High

Name Points How to learn

Ryu Tsui Sen 25 Already learned
Sou Ryu Sen - Ikazuchi 40 Already learned

Ryu Bi Sen 25 Already learned
Ryu Kan Sen - Tsumuji 40 Already learned

Ryu Shou Sen 25 Already learned
So Ryu Sen 40 Already learned

Ryu So Sen 50 Already learned

Hi Ryu Sen 35 Already learned
Do Ryu Sen 60 Already learned

Ryu Kan Sen 50 Already learned

Kuzu Ryu Sen 100 Level 35
Ama Kakeru Ryu no Hirameki 100 Level 45


Attack: Medium
Defense: High
Speed: High/Medium

Name Points How to learn

Makinukemen 20 Already learned
Shoufuujin 35 Dojo in Shimotsuma Cho.

Inukidou 25 Already learned
Ichijinsoufuu Satsu 40 Dojo in Nitsukou

Suneharai 30 Already learned
Ougi - En Eiken 45 Maekawa Dojo

Men - Midareuchi 70 Dojo in Yokohama

No long range attacks

Hikiuchi 20 Dojo in Shibukawa-machi

Ougi - Mujinken 100 Level 30


Attack: Medium
Defense: Low. Really, really low.
Speed: High

As you can see, Yahiko learns some of his moves from his opponents.
To learn these moves, let your opponent hit you with their special move.
In the case of Kenshin's moves, Yahiko learns like in the anime, by
watching and imitating. Kenshin must perform the special move which
Yahiko is trying to learn first on an opponent without killing
the enemy. Then, let Yahiko come in and finish the opponent off. So,
for Yahiko to learn the Ryu Tsui Sen, Kenshin must hit the opponent
with his Ryu Tsui Sen, then let Yahiko come in. This must be done
a lot times (30-50 times) before Yahiko figures it out.

Name Points How to learn

Makinukemen 20 Dojo in Shimotsuma Cho
Yahiko-ryu Ryu Tsui Sen 60 Learn from Kenshin

Atemi 40 Dojo in Nitsukou
Chou Atemi (that hurts!!!) 70 Dojo in Nitsukou
Inukidou 25 Alredy learned
Onigiriba 50 Learn from Kousachi - ninja dojo

Ougi - En-eiken 45 Maekawa Dojo
Yahiko-ryu Ryu Shou Sen 60 Learn from Kenshin

Dotou no Ken 20 Dojo in Yokohama
Sen Rin Zan 40 Learn from Matsukaze - Nitsukou
Oikasangeki 50 Learn from Shino - ninja dojo

No long range attacks

Hikiuchi 20 Dojo in Shibukawa-machi
Yahiko-ryu Ryu Kan Sen 60 Learn from Kenshin

Tenchijinken 100 Level 25


Attack: High
Defense: High
Speed: Medium/Low

Name Points How to learn

No High attacks.

Konshin 40 Already learned
Totsushin 20 Already learned

Saentasumakige 50 Already learned
Kenkagokui 30 Already learned

Gouranda 60 Already learned
Randa 40 Already learned

No long range attacks

Kenkaichiban 30 Already learned

Futae no Kiwami 100 Level 35
Sanjou no Kiwami 100 Level 45

* Saitou Hajime *

Attack: High
Defense: Medium
Speed: Medium

Name Points How to learn

Gatotsu Nishiki 25 Already learned

Gatotsu 25 Already learned

Gatotsu Sanshiki 25 Already learned

Sai-Gatotsu 50 Already learned

No long range attacks

Hakuroujin 40 Already learned

Gatotsu Seroshiki 100 Level 30

* Shinomori Aoshi *

Attack: Low
Defense: Medium
Speed: Medium/High


Name Points How to learn

No High attacks.

Onmiyousouda 20 Already learned
Gokoujuuji 50 Already learned

Kaitenkenbu 50 Already learned
Onmiyoukousa 20 Already learned

Shirankenbu 30 Already learned
Gojikenbu 50 Already learned

No long range attacks

Kaeshi no Kaze 40 Already learned

Kaitenkenbu - Rokuren 100 Level 30

-= 4. W A L K T H R O U G H =-

NOTE: This walkthrough is for Hijiri (the guy). Hikaru's story is very
similar and for the most part identical. There are a few places where
the stories are different and I'll try to point it out. If you get
into a sub-quest which doesn't show up in the walkthrough, you'll have
to figure that out by yourself as well. So, if you get to a place with
Hikaru or Hijiri that isn't in this walkthrough, it's because
it is a side quest or specific to Hikaru. ^_^;;

Things to remember as you play through:
1) You can sleep in the dojo in Tokyo to regain full health for free.
2) Always keep your characters' levels balanced. It's easy for Yahiko
and Kaoru to fall behind in levels if you don't use them. Not to
mention Yahiko has the most moves if you learn them all.
3) Save your game on the overworld map often in case a boss actually
defeats you.

As you begin a new game, you'll be walking by Shimotsuma-Cho and you'll
get in trouble. Kenshin will arrive to save the day. You'll flee and end
in Tokyo, where you lift a propaganda from Akabeko.

>From now on you will be in control of your character.

Enter Akabeko. A sequence will follow.
Kaoru will ask you to go to her dojo.
Answer yes. Anyway, you'll be forced to follow her.

After she treats your wounds, she'll introduce herself and Yahiko.
When you leave the Dojo you'll find 3 townfolks fleeing.
Then Hinoyama and 3 other guys will arrive.
Kaoru will arrive to protect this townfolks.

Then you'll have to answer some questions.
1. Yes - Kaoru will fights alone
No - You won't let her fight alone and Yahiko arrives

2. Yes - Yahiko and Kaoru fights.
No - You join the fight.

3. Yes - Kaoru, Yahiko and you flee.
No - You stay to fight the 3 guys.

You should beat them easily. After a sequence with Megumi, Kaoru
and Yahiko join your group and you can leave Kamiya dojo.

Go to the South section of Tokyo and speak to the Woman in the upper
left part. Answer Yes.

Then go to the Bar in the bottom left part ot the same section.
Try to enter the Bar, someone won't let you enter but Kaoru will say
something and then he'll let you enter. Then speak to the man with a hat
at the left side. Time to battle with 5 drunken enemies.

Just after that, three girls: Akane, Midori and Ai will show up, say
something and leave the Bar.

Leave the Bar and speak with the woman who you spoke with before you
entered the bar and she'll give you a Chidome Chinki.

Go to Kamiya dojo and Megumi will arrive telling you there are problems
in the town. You'll find the same 3 dudes you met outside Kamiya dojo
causing more trouble. Beat them up and one of 'em will tell you
something about those responsible for this are heading to Akabeko.
When you try to enter Akabeko, Yahiko and Kaoru will discuse something.

If you answer yes, you'll enter and Hiyatsuki will enter and cause a
turmoil. He'll throw a smoke bomb and everybody will be under his
control. You'll follow him to the forest to the east of Tokyo.
You'll find two chests to the Norhteast part of this forest and the exit
is Southeast. You'll see and use a save spot. Enter the house at the top
of the stairs.

If you answer no, the 3 girls will show up, and a you'll get into a
fight with a drunk master. He'll kick your butt and you'll end up in the
house's dungeon. Look for a weak spot in the wall to the south, and
Yahiko will bust it open for your escape. If you exit the house to the
south, you can run down the stairs and use the save point.

Using the save point automatically heals and restores your technique
meter before asking if you would like to save. This is an easy
opportunity to power up a little bit by using your special techniques to
quickly dispatch of baddies, and then refill your tech meter with the
save point.

Explore the house and you'll find 3 chests with items. Go upstairs and
you'll find the 3 girls. You'll have to fight with them. Remember to use
your special techniques.

Take the sphere answering yes or no, it doesn't seem to make a
difference. When you enter Tokyo again you'll have to protect a kid from
a bully. If you answer yes, Yahiko will fight. If you answer no, the
sphere will flash and the bully will run away.

Now would be a good time to buy weapons and armor if you haven't
done so already. After that try to leave Tokyo.
The 3 girls won't let you leave Tokyo and they brought Nezu with 'em
this time. You will have to fight all four of them. After you win,
Sanosuke appears and beats Nezu down. You'll pick up map piece #1 and
Sanosuke will join your party.

#### Yay! You've got the first map piece!

Go to the Bamboo forest to the Northwest of Tokyo.
Follow the bottom path first to get the item.
Go back and take the top path. When you get to the next split, take the
bottom path and get the flower. Go back and take the top path to the
house. Enter the house and use the save point. It seems as though Nezu
and those 3 girls never learn because you'll have to fight them yet
again. After you defeat them, the 3 girls will run away. Just before
Sanosuke gets his fun, Yuri will arrive to save Nezu. You'll then appear
outside the Bamboo forest. Go back into the Bamboo forest and make sure
you get all 4 treasure chests in the house. There will be two weapons,
one weaker and more balanced in attacks, the other is stronger but
focused on middle attacks and makes reading your opponents moves more

Next, go to the village to the north of Tokyo. Talk to the girl next to
the weapon shop. She'll ask you to go free some prisoners in the nearby
mountains. Go ahead and equip yourself with better armor and
weapons. Now leave the village.

A new place will have opened up at the base of the mountains. Go there
and get ready for some tougher enemies. You'll start with an voice
warning you about continuing, and a choice to go left or right. Choose
right and pick up a chest. Continue up to the right corner to the next
screen. Grab the other chest. Come back to the beginning and go the
left. There is a chest at the bottom left corner. Then go straight up to
the next screen.

You'll have another split to choose between. Go Left and keep going left
to the upper left hand side of the screen to the next section. Another
voice will come and warn you again. Sanosuke will reveal the woman
behind the stone. Follow her into the house.

Sanosuke will get into a fight. After he wins, the baddies will run
away. Free the prisoners.

Go back to the village. Watch the cutscenes. A new character, Anakama
will come back to the village for revenge. His henchman will poison
Yahiko. Kaoru will ask for your help to cure Yahiko. Leave the village.

A new place will open on the map, the small lake just south of the
village. Here you will find either Saitou Hajime or Shinomori Aoshi
living in a small house. You'll want to ask him for help in curing
Yahiko. One of them explains that you'll need to bring him back 4
herbs from around the lake. Collect the green, blue, red and yellow
herbs and bring them back to the house. Saitou will automatically
make the cure. Aoshi will need you to help him put it in the correct
order. Unfortunately, I don't remember the correct order, but there
are only 24 possibilities, so start going through 'em. ^_^;;
Or if you know, email me!

Return to the village with the cure, and heal Yahiko. He'll try to
remember what happened, and realize he was able to pickpocket the
henchman before falling down. He got map piece #2 which shows their

### Yay! You've gotten the second map piece!

You'll see a cutscene of Anakama's 2nd in command show up at the hut,
and get into a fight with Saitou/Aoshi.
If you return to the hut of Saitou/Aoshi, you'll find that he is not
there anymore. If you go back to Tokyo and sleep in the dojo, you'll
see Sanosuke's dream of his past.

Head to the forest on the second map piece. It's the place on the left.
There is a treasure chest here in the center, and if you go to the upper
right corner, you can find another chest in the next screen. The exit
from the forest is in the lower right corner.

Now you will be next to a creek. Cross the bridge to the right, go down,
and cross back over to the left side and head to the bottom of the screen.
Now go to the right, crossing two bridges. Head up to get the chest, go
down to get to the house.

There are 4 treasure chests in the house. You will have to fight Anakama
and his troupe. After defeating them, Saitou/Aoshi will show up with
Anakama's 2nd in command, already dead. He will then finish what you
started and end Anakama's life. After this, he will join your party.

Next go to the mountain temple to the right. You'll be greeted by two
strange monks that warn you about going any further up the mountain.
So, ignore them and start exploring the mountain.

There are a series of caves/mines and paths on the way to the top of the
mountain. You should have collected 10 treasure chests before entering
the temple at the top. Once in the temple, you'll need to find the key
to open the door at the top right corner. To get the key, you have to
find the 'secret' passage in the temple. I found this to be a very
annoying part of the game. The passageway is on the left side of the
temple, under a latern on the wall. Just walk from the left side,
through the wall and darkness, up to the secret room. If you look
really closely, you can actually see the small break in the wall for
you to pass through. Anyways, once you have the key, go open the door.

This will open a new passage down to the caves. You'll find a save point
and a treasure chest. Here's another good opportunity to power up your
characters and see all 3 finishing animations of Saitou/Aoshi.

Go to the right and prepare for battle. You'll have to fight the monks
of the temple who are guarding the special flowers. After you defeat
them, you'll get one of the special flowers. Exit past the save point
to the left into the caves.

Make your way through the caves. Get three chests, before going down
at the bottom left corner of the screen. Now make your way to the right,
picking up 4 chests (including one down some stairs) before exiting
at the top right corner. Now you will have to fight two guys on a
natural bridge. Defeat the big and little dudes and keep moving left.
There are 4 chests to get here. Now proceed back the way you came out of
the cave. Just before you reach the temple, you'll be intercepted by
the little guy and he'll challenge you to a fight. After he's defeated,
he'll try to run away, but a mysterious ninja will kill him with a
shiriken. You'll pick up map piece #3.

### Yay! You've gotten the third map piece!

Travel to the town on the new map piece. Go to the top of the town and
enter the factory. Here you will have a few random encounters before
running into the bosses at the end. After you defeat them, there will
be a breif dialogue. Saitou/Aoshi will jump out to protect Kaoru and
get injured by a bomb. Two new characters will show up and give you
trouble. Kenshin will show up and save and the day. From here you will
automatically be transported back to Tokyo for Megumi to take care of
the injured. Kenshin will now be part of your party, and Saitou/Aoshi
will leave. Talk to Megumi before leaving to get a healing item.

Go back to the dojo and sleep. You'll have a dream about Kenshin's past
(the fight with Jin-e). Return to the town where you met Kenshin and
the factory. Once you arrive here, Kaoru will fall down and need to be
taken care of. After this, travel to the left side of town to the
monestary. Talk to the monk/nun that is at the gate. If you are using
Hijiri (the guy), this will be a men only monestary filled with monks.
If you are using Hikaru (the girl) it will be a women only monestary
filled with nuns. So only the guys can go in with the monks, and only
the girls can go in with the nuns while the rest of the party has to
wait outside. After a short dialogue, you will jump down a hole to the
underground portion of the monestary. Walk around collecting the
treasures, watch out for holes in the floor which you'll fall through.
You'll need to find a rock like object on 2nd to lowest floor in the
bottom left hand corner and a special sword on the middle floor. There
is a pretty cool weapon for your main character on the bottom most
floor (+35 attack from best weapon). You can only get to it by falling
through the floor. Then go back up to the monestary.

You'll return the missing piece of the statue to the monk and he'll
thank you. You can now leave and Kaoru will join back up with you.
In the middle of the city is a house with a basement. You can talk to
the old man in the lower right to get the first sumo character, and
talk to the guy in the upper right to play the sumo wrestling mini-game.

After this, go to the village north of Tokyo and talk to the woman in
the top right hand corner house. She'll give you a radish. You can give
it to one of the small girls that hang out with the Kenshin-gumi in
Tokyo. Now travel back to Shimotsu and talk to a man in the bottom left
hand corner who'll ask you to move around some boxes to certain places.
You should also be able to get back into the bar in Southern Tokyo.
Here you can see a singer do a vocal version of Kenshin's theme which
is really cool.

Now go to Southern Tokyo and check out the large white building to the
right side of the section. Talk to the guy in front, and he should let
you in. Talk to everyone in the library. Then go read all the books on
the bottom floor. This should open up a new location in the mountains
next to Shimotsu. Go there.

There are three chests here to get on the mountain. After you have
found those, go to the left to an opening with a bunch of flowers
around. Here you will have another flash of your past, and remember
the secret entrance to your old village in the mountains. You will
come upon your burnt village. Check out the chests, and make sure
to pick up the headband. After you leave the village, your memories
will come back, and you will see what happened.

You will wake up back in Tokyo. You'll hear a noise outside and you'll
go and investigate. Nezu and his goons have shown up to fight. After
you defeat them, a mysterious ninja will appear and save your enemies.
Thankfully, one of them will drop the #4 map piece.

### Yay! You've gotten the fourth map piece!

Travel to the new town that just opened up. There will be a building
filled with 'ghosts'. Make your way up to the top and destroy the
giant lion ghost. After destroying it, the house will be cleared.
Move to the next house to the left, and clear out all the ghosts in
there as well. Then go to the house which has a guy with a red hat in
front and wipe out the ghosts there as well. After defeating all the
ghosts, the red hat guy and Houdini will show up. Evidently, they were
the cause of all the 'ghosts', so you'll have to defeat them. Houdini
will disappear and escape, but you will escort the red hat guy to jail.

Now try to leave town from the south. An old man will come after you
and tell you to go to the north of the town to the river. Here, a
bunch of children will come after you. Using the crystal ball, you'll
free the children from the mind control, but you'll have to fight
against the silly looking guy who uses fans for weapons. After beating
him, he'll again take control of the kids while he makes his getaway
with a child. The old man will come back and thank you for freeing the
kids, but you'll have to go after the guy that got away.

Travel to the smaller village in the mountains. You'll have to actually
walk through the mountains to get to it. Make sure to get the wood
sword by walking through the wall in the cave. On the other side, you'll
get into another fight with the guy you're chasing. You'll defeat him
again, but his buddy the red hat guy will kidnap Kaoru. Chase after
them through the cave. Make your way to the top of the moutain where
you'll find a small hut. Inside is Kaoru and the small kid who are now
controlled. Kaoru and the little child get into a fight, and Kaoru
breaks the spell. The little child looses it, and the red hat guy knocks
him out. The red hat guy will be killed by a grenade, and the other one
will be killed by the mysterious ninja. You'll pick up his map piece.

### Yay! You've gotten the fifth map piece!

Travel to the new city Nitsukou on the new map piece. If you go to the
left side of town, you'll see a westernized house. Here a person will
get kicked out. Enter the house and talk to the people inside. A girl
will join your party. Travel to the right side of the town and you'll
get into a fight. You will fight Hirotori and Matsukaze (the green
haired girl). If Yahiko gets hit by her special attack Sen Rin Zan, he
will learn it. After defeating them, Houdini and his monkey will show
up to fight. They will all run away into the forest after you beat them.
Chase after them into the caves and fight them all again. Here's
another chance to learn Matsukaze's attack. The monkey will escape,
but the two girls will die. You'll return to the house, where a bird
will fly in and deliver a message to Kenshin. Then you'll see a
cut-scene of the monkey coming back to Yoshiki. After this, you'll need
to head south and exit the town.

Now you'll be in a repeating maze forest. You have to wander through
the forest until you happen to get out. If anyone knows the actual
pattern (if there is one), please let me know! ^_^
Eventually you'll get to a point where there are 4 trees in the center
of the screen. If you walk between them, you'll teleport out of the
forest. There is a save point here so make sure and use it. Go to the
bottom left until you reach the hideout. Once you enter, get the five
treasure chests before heading up the stairs. Make your way to where
Yoshiki is and get ready to fight. You will have to defeat her three

After that, an old man and his student show up and take care of the
monkey and Yoshiki. You'll return back at the house with the girl saved.
Return to Shibukawa and travel to the top of the town. Kaoru will start
to shop, but get interrupted by a child pickpocket. Each time you go
to the river, you should get into a fight with one of the ghosts again.
You should now be able to travel to the small village to the east of
Shibukawa. Everyone here quizzes you on stuff. You need to track down
the three girls from the different houses. You'll finally corner them
and have a discussion, but they'll run away again at the end. Return
to Shibukawa and you should see the little pickpocket. You'll chase
after him, but he'll get away again. You can fight a ghost again by the
river. Go to the bottom right corner of the town and chase after him
into the house. After this, leave the town, and come back. The two
little kids should come out and ask for your help. You'll leave the
town automatically.

Head up to the mountains to the east of Shibukawa where Kaoru was
kidnapped before. Here you'll fight a ninja and some henchmen. Then
enter the house and rescue the pickpocket kid. You will automatically
return to Shibukawa. Return to Tokyo and talk to Megumi who is taking
care of Saitou. She'll tell you something about getting a white flower
and a yellow fruit. Go to the back of her place, and pick the red flower
by the well. Now go to Shimotsu and find the flower in the factory.
Touching it should give you a fruit. Return this to Megumi. She'll make
a medicene for you.

Return to Nitsukou to the western house where you rescued the girl from.
Travel to the backyard and go into the shed. Inspect the bookshelves
and the sixth map piece will fall out of a book.

### Yay! You've gotten the sixth map piece!

Travel to the new place that just opened up on the coast. You'll see a
big rock that you can't move. Speak to everyone there, then travel to
the forest on the same map piece. Here you'll have to make your way
through the forest, and climb down next to the waterfall into the
cave. Inside the cave is a ninja dojo. There is a chest behind the
building. As all ninja dojo are, this is full of traps and secret
passageways, not to mention bunches of ninja. Flip the two switches you
find on the first floor, collect all the treasure, then make your way up
to the second floor.

Go to the left to the room where you'll see two torches, and next to the
right one is a secret passageway. You can see the wall is a slightly
different darker brown color. You can walk through here and travel down
to flip switch #1. Now go back to the right side of the dojo and walk to
the room with the four torches and purple pillows. Just walk to the
right through the wall. Flip switch #2 there. Go further to the right
and flip #3 and #4 switches there. No go all the way back to the left
side and walk through the hidden passageway where switch #1 is. Continue
to the right until you see switch #5 and you hit it. Now go all the way
back to switch #3 and flip #4. You should be able to get the chest
below. Go back to switch #5 and head up and around until you see the
secret passageway in the wall. Walk through here and you'll run into the
leader of the ninja. Yahiko can learn two attacks here, the first one
from Shino and the other from Kousachi. After defeating them, they will
give you a sword and you will return to the overworld map.

Next go to the mountain location. Travel to the right and explore the
cave there. You should find five treasure chests here. Leave this cave
then travel up. You can choose between going to the right and to the
left. Go to the left and into the cave. There are four treasure chests
in here. When you find the exit, there will be another chest there. Go
back and now travel to the right. Go up the stairs and continue up to
the next cave, or walk to the right to find the chest. Inside the cave
are two chests. You'll exit the cave and continue going up the mountain
until you get to the house at the top.

Once in the house, there is a save point and a chest. Travel down the
steps into a cave. The cave splits into two parts, go to the right and
grab the two chests. Travel to the left side which will lead you to
three stairways. The one on the right leads to a chest. The one on the
left takes you up the mountain to another chest and a pretty view of
the mountains. The center one leads you to a fight with Yoshiki. She'll
split into 5 images, and each of your group must defeat her. After she
loses, Saikura will show up and talk about the giant dragon. Saikura
will leave and you will investigate the area and find the seventh map

### Yay! You've gotten the seventh map piece!

If you travel to Yokohama now, you'll get into a fight with Saikura's
dragon. After you defeat it, Saikura will run away and you can explore
the city. If you sleep in the first inn when you get there, you can
wake up and go outside and see different people like Kenshin's master,
Soujiro, etc. You can sleep twice to see different people. As you try
to leave Yokohama, you'll run into Saikura's new creation and you'll
have to defeat it. Then, Mata shows up and teleports away with Saikura.
If you try to leave again, Saikura shows up again with four apparitions
which you must defeat. This time you'll kill Saikura and take the map

### Yay! You've gotten the eighth map piece!

Travel north to Nitsukou. If you go to the top of the town, you'll see
a fire has broken out at the large house. You must run inside and save
the people. There are three kids, a cat and guy in the shed that you
need to save in five minutes. Make sure and check around the area that
the guy in the shed was standing. You'll find a secret stash that you
need to give to a woman right afterward. After saving everyone, you can
meet them in the house that was always locked in the top part of town.

Now travel to the new map piece location. There will be a few wooden
bridges to walk across the swamp. Travel to the lower right corner
and enter the forest. Then go to the lower left corner to get to the
abandoned mansion. As you make your way through the mansion, you'll
have to fight a bunch birds. Each time you defeat one, it'll drop a
key you can use to unlock a door. Going through here is pretty
straight forward. You finally reach the top floor and have to fight
a super bird. After finishing it off, walk up to meet Mata and his
mysterious ninja friend, Nozotsuki. You'll have to fight Mata, but his
illusions will make him invincible. Then, Mata will create another
illusion to finish you off. Destroy the creature and Mata will give you
the last map piece. They will then disappear.

### Yay! You've gotten the ninth map piece!

At this point, you can go and explore the cities again, check out the
mini-games, do some of the sub-quests, etc. When you're ready to finish
the game, head to the final location on the last map piece. Once you
enter the forest area, grab one chest and head for the cave on the left.
Inside the cave there are four chests. Continue and you'll pick up
another chest outside. Then go back to the beginning and head to the
cave on the right which has two chests. Keep going up the mountain until
you reach another cave. Inside you'll find a save point and a small pool
of water. You'll need to swim through the underground caves here. The
X button is used to swim, and circle is to attack the fish. The bar on
the top of the screen is your air supply. Keep going up to the pockets
of air to refill your meter. If you run out of air or get hit by a fish
you'll start back in the beginning. Just keep heading to the right and
you'll eventually come to this dark temple filled with apparitions.

This part is pretty easy as well. Just continue moving north, and you'll
run into past enemies who you will have to defeat. After defeating the
first group, you'll come to the next room. There is a cave ahead with
two chests, and stairs to the left. After getting the treasure, head up
the stairs and keep going up. You'll run into the next boss. Continue
the limited exploration and you'll soon meet the third boss. After him,
you'll continue up and come to some murals on the walls. If you walk to
the left, you'll come to the last save point in the game. It's a good
part to get healed and build up experience if you haven't done so
already. Go to the right to start the final battle. You'll once again
discover that Mata's illusions make him invincible, but this time Kenshin
will realize that the ninja is behind the trickery. Defeat the
ninja Nozotsuki and Mata's will lose his invincibility. Defeat Mata and
watch the ending sequence.

-= 5. S I D E - S T O R I E S / M I N I G A M E S =-

One of the mini-games found throughout the game are simply called
Puzzles. In this game, you have to assemble a picture that gets jumbled
up within a time limit. Each town will have 4 puzzles, and there are 16
total puzzles to solve. You'll need to play through the game twice, once
for each character to get them all. If you successfully complete the
picture, it will be saved and you can view it again in the resturant in
the center of Tokyo.

The sumo-wrestling mini-game can be found in Shimotsu. Once you
get the first sumo character from the grandmaster, you can challenge
the other guy's sumo wrestlers and climb the ladder. Each time you win,
you get the wrestler you just beat added to your collection. Defeat all
28 wrestlers and you can challenge the grandmaster's golden sumo
wrestler and win it as well. I'm not really sure what's the purpose of
the 30 miniature sumo wrestlers is afterward.

There is a juggling mini-game in the town of Shibukawa. After
getting the 5th map piece, you can come back to the town square, and
challenge the green cap guy to a juggling contest. For 10 gold, you
can mimic the balls the juggler throws by matching the colors on the
joypad. Triangle for Green balls, X for Blue, O for Red, and Square
for Pink. Each time you're successful, an extra ball will be added.
The better you do, the better the prize is you can get.

There is a dice mini-game in the town of Nitsukou. After getting
the 8th map piece, you can go to the left side of town and there will
be a guy standing next to a building in the alley. Talk to him and he
will let you come in and play the game. The 'dealer' has two dice that
he shakes up in a cup and throws down. Everyone has to bet that the sum
of the values is odd or even. You can control how much you bet, and how
much you receive if you win is dependent on how the others bet. The more
you play, the larger the max you can bet.

-= 6. E Q U I P M E N T / I T E M S =-

non-battle specific items:
open green jar - heals about 25% of your life
open red jar - heals 50% of your damage
jar with green balls rolling out - +20 tech points
jar with red balls rolling out - full heal for one person
paper with pile of green powder - +50 tech points
paper with pile of red powder - full tech points
brown paper with green seeds adds permanent +5 to attack
brown paper with pink seeds adds permanent +5 to defense
white paper with brown seeds adds permanent +5 to speed
the brown bag with 5 kanji completely heals the whole party

in-battle specific items
green mandrake root - power up attack
red mandrake root - power up speed
yellow mandrake root - power up defense
scroll with green on the side gives you 1 extra attack in everything
scroll with pink on the side gives you 6 total attacks in everything
white pendent - unknown

Everything else falls under armor and weapons, or miscellaneous treasure
that you can sell back for money.

-= 7. M I S C E L L A N E O U S =-

The 41 Nishiki-he

Through the game you'll find 41 Nishiki-he. If you remember Tae-san
likes to collect'em, so each time you find one go to Akabeko give em to
Tae. How? Speak with Tae and choose the second option. You'll find some
at the Nishik-he stands, You'll recieve some others from people at
certain times in the game.

1. Kamiya Kaoru-san
Anytime at the beginning of the game, go to Maekawa dojo, there's a
man standing at the front, change to Kaoru (press start) and speak with

2. Kenka ya Zanza
After you fight Nezu the first time, go to the east part of Tokyo,
and speak to the kid walking by the hanging clothes.

3. Nezu
After you fight Nezu, go to the Nishiki-he stand in Tokyo to buy it,
it'll cost 20 GPs


-= 8. C R E D I T S =-

Jesus Zhu
For starting half of the FAQ.

Adrian Negrete
For getting me the Official Guide for Rurouni Kenshin RPG.

Mike Corbitt
For help with the walkthrough.

SOLDIER 1st Class
For info on how Yahiko learns Kenshin's moves.

-= 9. R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y =-

0.0 Jesus Zhu began to write this FAQ on March 21, 1998 at 1:45 AM
I know, I know, I should go to sleep earlier, but who cares???
Added the special moves for Hijiri, Hikaru, Kenshin and Kaoru.

0.1 Added special moves for Yahiko, Sanosuke, Saito and Aoshi
Added some of the first Nishiki-he's

0.2 I (Tamar Pandi) take over writing the FAQ.
Explained Battle System and cleaned up formatting.

0.3 Added Menu Option explanation.
Added Puzzle Info.
Added Dojo explanantion.

1.0 Completed walkthrough for Hijiri.
Added item info.
Added mini-game info.

This FAQ can be found at the following sites:
Tamar's Homepage

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