King of Fighters 99

King of Fighters 99

14.10.2013 10:52:19
K I N G O F F I G H T E R S ' 9 9 E V O L U T I O N

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K ' G U I D E

Dreamcast - Japan Version

LAST UPDATED: September 19, 2000
AUTHOR: Jeff Chan (a.k.a. Atom Edge)

---------------------------[ COPYRIGHT NOTICE ]----------------------------

Copyright 2000 by Atom Edge. All rights reserved, including but not
limited to use and distribution. KING OF FIGHTERS, all characters and
associated materials are copyright SNK of Japan. No breach of copyright
intended. This guide, it's author, and persons otherwise associated
(through hosting, contributions, etc.) make no claims to the above stated
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The latest version of this guide, and all future revisions can always
be found at:

- Game Winners
- VG Strategies
- GameFAQs


1.1 Author's Note
1.2 Contact Info
1.3 Revision History

2 - WHY PICK K'?
2.1 Pros
2.2 Cons
2.3 Overall

3.1 Notation
3.2 Terminology
3.3 Basics

4.1 Commands
4.2 Special Moves
4.3 Desperation Moves

5.1 Combos
5.2 General Strategies
5.3 Playing Styles

6.1 Credits and Special Thanks
6.2 Final Words

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11 --------------------------[ INTRODUCTION ]---------------------------
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1.1 Author's Note

I really never was too big of a fan of fighting games, especially not old
school style. I love Tekken and Capcom crossover games, but couldn't ever
stand the Street Fighter Engine. Then I played King of Fighters. The gameplay
was slower, controls less responsive, and the music couldn't really compare to
much, but for some reason it stuck to me. Maybe it's cause I like the multi
characters, but I find myself sticking to the same few people so that can't be
it. Oh well, it really doesn't matter why I like it, just that it's a great

Since fighting games aren't my forté, don't expect much from this guide. It's
my first shot at a traditional fighting game FAQ.

NOTE: All terminology in this guide assume you are on the left side of the
screen with your opponent on the right side. Also, the move names are not the
official SNK translations, but since I can't translate worth crap, I just made
them up from what they look like.

1.2 Contact Info

My e-mail is Be forewarned though as if your
email is pointless (see below) I will delete and ignore it. No question about
it, no exceptions.

These are the messages I will answer:
:: Webmasters who want to host this guide
:: Criticism either positive or negative
:: Contributions
:: Corrections on mistakes
:: Added strategies

Not only will I not answer the following, but I'll delete them on sight and add
your email to my filter.
:: Death Threats - yes, I've gotten these before
:: Viruses and Trojans - and these too
:: SPAM - I don't care for your half assed money making schemes
:: Chain Letters
:: Questions already answered
:: Questions regarding how to play the game
:: Questions about using any character besides K'
:: Questions about another game
:: Question not related to something in this FAQ
:: Anything Rude
:: An email without a subject line

If I haven't covered whatever type of message you might want to send, rest
assured it's most like one that I will not answer.

Please note, I do not check my e-mail everyday, in fact I only check it weekly.
Even when I check it, it may take weeks to answer as I do have a job, school
and my own life to deal with.

1.3 Revision History

Work on this guide began on August 21, 2000

Version 1.0 | August 27, 2000
- Guide is finished

Version 1.1 | September 19, 2000
- Added in the Playing Styles section

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2 --------------------------[ WHY PICK K'? ]---------------------------
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2.1 Pros

If you look at it from one view, K's a horrible character. He has no keep away
game, not too hot in terms of combos, lack of special moves, a bit slow, needs
to be close to do much damage, and doesn't take damage all to great. What's
worse yet, he has a bad learning curve. Most characters have a wide selection
of playing methods that can be mastered pretty easily. K' is different. If
you can't play with him, you'll be getting beaten by any half way decent

He has a lot going against him, but he does have some good points. The first
being his versatility. K' has the ability to completely sweep a team, since he
can be played very effectively once mastered. I myself haven't even come close
to mastering him, and he still works as well as some of my better characters.
That's how good he is if you can manage to play with him.

Here's a list of some of K's strong points:
:: Ability to sweep teams
:: good Special Moves
:: good close range fighter

Not that many huh?

2.2 Cons

Well I've already listed most of them above, but still here's a list:
:: few combos
:: few Special moves
:: bit slow
:: horrible far ranged fighter
:: bad keep away game and projectile
:: bad learning curve
:: horrible recovery from some moves

2.3 Overall

All in all, K' isn't someone for beginners. He has way too many cons. His
saving grace is that some cons cancel out because of his few pros. K' is a
high risk, high reward character.

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3.1 Notation


*Left Shoulder Button* *Right Shoulder Button*

UP UP UP (_)
|| _ _
LEFT |||||||||||| FORWARD (_) (_)
|| X B
/ \
/ \

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

_Joystick_ _Controller_ _Layout_

UP UP UP _ _
,o, _ Y Z
| (_) (_)
| _ B C
----- (_) A

3.2 Terminology


- : Press the one that preceeds the "-" then press the one succeeding the "-"
(example: 'forward - back' press forward, then back)
+ : Press the button at the exact same time (example: 'A + B' press both at
the same time)

{@C} : opponent in corner
{infinite} : This combo will juggle the opponent until he dies. After it
connects, you basically win if you can keep it up.

*air* : this move can be done on the ground or in the air
*After ____* : This move is a follow up to another move.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


START BUTTON : pauses game

UP : jumps straight up
LEFT : move left/blocks
FORWARD : move right
DOWN : crouch
UP LEFT : jump diagonally to the left
UP FORWARD : jump diagonally to the right
DOWN LEFT : crouching block

X : light punch
Y : strong punch
A : light kick
B : strong punch

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


.: Special Moves :.
Moves that are done by a certain combination of directions and buttons
which produce an unique attack. Usually strong and/or has special
attributes or effects.

.: Command Moves :.
Basically a very simple Special Move that makes the character do a
variation of his normal jabs and kicks.

.: Power :.
Power lets you use Desperation Moves, Super Desperation Moves, Armor and
Counter Mode. Also, you can only use it when you have enough power built
up. To check how much power you have, look at the bar under your
characters health. There is a green bar. When you have an extra block at
the end, that's a different color, it means you can do a Desperation Move.
Every time a Desperation Move is used, you lose a block. You can have
more than one block at a time.

.: Desperation Moves :.
Basically a move that is done by combinations a bit more complicated than
than regular special moves. It is simply a special move that is a lot
stronger. Also, you can only use it when you have enough power built up.
To check how much power you have, look at the bar under your characters
health. There is a green bar. When you have an extra block at the end,
that's a different color, it means you can do a Desperation Move. Every
time a Desperation Move is used, you lose a block. You can have more than
one block at a time.

.: Super Desperation Moves :.
When you do a Desperation Move, occassionally you get a Super Desperation
Move. This is basically a Desperation Move that is stronger and looks a
little different.

.: Overheads :.
These are moves that have the ability to hit a crouching opponent. All
jumping attacks are overhead, and few specials and commands.

.: Combo :.
A series of attacks that chain together so that if one of the hits
connects, the rest of the succeeding blows will connect.

.: Juggle :.
Continuously attack your opponent in the air so that they cannot land on
the ground. Usually, they will eventually fall to the ground, as you
cannot juggle them forever, except in the instances of...

.: Infinites :.
A combo, usually a juggle that chains on forever. Usually achieved by
repeating generally the same pattern after your opponent has been hit.
This leads to an easy and cheap win (if you can even keep the infinite

.: Counter :.
When both you and your opponent attack each other, and one person's hit
connects, it's a counter. When you connect a counter, you recover almost
immediately, so there isn't lag time. Also, your counter attack does a
lot more damage than it normally would. Special moves, Desperation Moves,
and Super Desperation moves tend to get a huge bonus when you use them as

.: Guard Crush :.
This occurs after you have hit your opponent enough times while they were
blocking. It can be from blocking non stop, or from blocking too much in
a span of time. When this happens to your opponent, he will stop blocking
for a very brief moment. To take advantage of this, try and use lots of
combos against blockers. This way, when a hit crushes his guard, the rest
of the combo will connect.

.: Knockdown :.
Attacks that usually knock an opponent to the ground so that they have to
get up. They can usually be used as combo enders, but the only time you
can use them in a combo aside from the ending hit, is when you cancel

.: Cancelling Moves :.
A method of stopping a move from finishing in order to perform another
move directly after. This way you can form a combo, or cancel into combos

.: Lag :.
Time between attacks. Start up refers to the time it takes for the attack
to commence. Recovery relates to how long it takes for your character to
get back to a position where he can attack normally.

.: Strikers :.
Extra characters that can come into the battle and attack the opponent.
Can only be used a certain amount of times. Basically like the helpers in
Marvel VS Capcom.

.: Counter Mode :.
A mode achieved when you have three power stored up. Once in this mode,
you get certain bonuses for a short while (you can see how long you have
by looking at the power bar, which has now become a time bar). One of the
bonuses is unlimited Desperation Moves. There is a drawback to this
though, as most Desperation Moves will have a lagging start up time. Also
this mode will let cancelling become a hell of a lot easier. It doesn't
actually make it easier, it just changes a few properties. Now certain
special moves, will cancel into Desperation Moves. With cancelling easier
obviously combos will be easier to perform. And the last bonus is simple.
Your attacks do more damage.

.: Armor Mode :.
A mode achieved when you have three power stored up. Once in this mode,
you get certain bonuses for a short while (you can see how long you have
by looking at the power bar, which has now become a time bar). Like,
Counter Mode, you will do more damage with your attacks, but you will also
have much more defensive properties. You take less damage, and you don't
stagger when you get attacked and still continue whatever motion you were
doing. This is basically the same as Evil Zangief and Juggernaut in
Marvel VS. Capcom 2. As a penalty, you lose use of all Desperation Moves
until Armor Mode wears out. Another property of Armor mode is blocking.
There is no chip damage taken from Special Moves, or Desperation Moves.

3.3 Basics

Counter Mode : Press X + A + Y when you have enough power build up (3)
Armor Mode : Press Y + B + A when you have enough power build up (3)
Striker : Press either A + Y or the left shoulder button for the
controller or the Z button on the arcade stick
Block : Back
Crouch Block : Down Back
Dash : Forward - Forward
Backdash : Back - Back
Evade : X + A
Backstep Evade : Back + X + A
Taunt : right shoulder button for the controller or C for the
Super Jump : Whie dashing, jump

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4.1 Commands

K' will do a slow body blow to the opponent. It has horrible lag time,
both in starting and after it hits or misses. Also, it's a knockdown
attack, but if you cancel into it, it will become cancellable, the lag
will improve somewhat and it won't kncok the opponent down, so you can
use it in combos.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

KNEE BASH ~ Forward + A
K' will raise his knee and then hop toward the opponent. Slow start up,
but decent recovery. This is also an overhead, K's only overhead, barring
jumping attacks. People usually don't expect this move, so that should
help out somewhat.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

K' will lift his leg high into the leg doing a basic vertical splits.
Fast launch, and not entirely bad recovery. Pretty Decent anti air
attack. Exact same animation as the Second Shell.

4.2 Special Moves

FIRE BLOW ~ Down - Down Forward - (Forward + [X or Y])
K' will motion his hand and a shot of fire will pop up next to him. This
is not a projectile, but it does have a very small distance from K'. It's
kind of like Andy Bogard's Hishoken. Can be followed by either the Second
Shoot, or the Second Shell. This move knocks the opponent back.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

FLAMING SHOT ~ *After Fire Blow* Forward + A
K' will follow the Fire Blow immediately with a spinning kick the will
propel the First Trigger out as a projectile. This is K's only projectile
and it's not that good. It does serve one good purpose though. If an
opponent jumps into the First Trigger, and you perform the Second Shoot,
it will almost always juggle the opponent for an extra hit.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

RISING FIRE KICK ~ *After Fire Blow* Forward + B
K' will follow the Fire Blow immediately with a high kick. The high kick
is the exact same one he uses in his command, High Kick. The fire from
the First Trigger will be brought up to produce an extra reach, and more
power. Fast start up and same recovery as the command High Kick.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

FADING TELEPORT ~ Down - Down Forward - (Forward + [A or B])
K' will slide forward momentarily and then fade out. He then fades back
in another location. Using the A button (light kick) will make K' go half
way across the screen, while the B button (strong kick) will force K' to
across the entire screen. Don't mistake this for a way to go through
projectiles though. When K' is completely faded, he won't be hit, but
he isn't faded for the most part. So be very careful when using this
against projectile happy fighters. This move does serve a few good
purposes though. If you wanna get away from an opponent, and he likes to
jump, here's your answer. Also, if you can get behind the opponent, it
throws them off completely. It really messes them up.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

FLYING LUNGE KICK ~ Down - Down Back - (Back [X or Y]) *air*
This move will lunge K' forward while he extends his leg out. It's got
an amazing launch time, but he it isn't all the fast itself. The lag time
is minimal, but since, he will normally land next to a blocking opponent,
this does tend to leave him wide open at times. A great combo follow up,
as opponents usually don't expect this after a combo. In the air, it's
near worthless. His jump kick itself is better. If you use light kick,
he won't jump far or high, if you use the strong kick, he jumps a bit
higher and goes a bit farther.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

RISING FIRE ~ Forward - Down - (Down Forward + [X or Y])
The basic anti air move for K'. If you use the light punch, K' will jump
or I should say hop vertically up a liitle and bring his hand up in a
clawing motion. He ignites into a blast. This is a very good anti air
attacking. Fast start up, great recovery. If you use the strong punch,
K' will do a slightly different variation of this move. Instead of doing
a vertical hop, K' will leap forward. He jumps high and can span the
entire screen. Also...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

FLAMING AXE KICK ~ *After Rising Fire w/ hard punch* (Forward + [A or B])
This follows the Rising Fire that spans the screen. Immediately after
Rising Fire, do this and K' will follow up with his normal strong jump
kick, only the foot will be on fire. If you connect with the Rising Fire,
this will still nail the opponent and slam them into the ground. Also,
one very effective use of this move is when you know your opponent is
gonna launch a projectile. The second the projectile starts (before it is
actually launched) start doing the Rising Fire. Then do the Flaming Axe
Kick, and if timed properly, K' will fly over the projectile, and nail the
opponent. There is also one more advatageous side to this extra move. If
you start up this move right next to a standing blocking opponent, K' will
move the opponent with him and the extra kick will make it so that he
isn't left entirely open. But, if the opponent was crouch blocking, then
K' will fly right over the opponent, and be left wide open. Even if you
don't use this, K' will still be open, so basically there is no reason
not to add this move in.

4.3 Desperation Moves

Down - Down Forward - Forward - Down - Down Back - (Back + [X or Y])
K' will reach for his sunglasses, and chunk them at his opponent. If it
connects, either hitting or being blocked, K' will immediately teleport
next to the opponent and launch a barrage of attacks. Very powerful, but
it is very hard to get on an opponent. The start up time is incredibly
slow. If the glasses hit a jumping opponent, it will knock them back and
down, so K' won't be able to finish the Desperation Move. The only
saving grace is when you play an overly aggressive player. Some people
block the glasses and then try to attack K'. They will forget that K'
will still attempt the combo if the glasses are blocked, and thus still
hit the Desperation Move. If the glasses are blocked, K' teleports in
to continue the combo, and the opponent still blocks the first hit, K'
will immediately stop the Desperation Move. I have yet to see the Super
Desperation version of this move.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Down - Down Forward - Forward - Down - Down Forward - (Forward + [X or Y])
K' will bring his hand up to his side and ignite it, then immediately dash
at the opponent. This spans the entire screen. Strong, fast start up and
K' will most always still dash past the enemy so that they won't get a
chance to hit him. When you start this up, if you hold the punch button,
K' will simply stand there and charge up the ignited hand. If you leave
him like this, after a long time (bout 15 seconds) this will be
unblockable. Very nice when your opponent is down and on the other side
of the screen. If they panic, then your set. They will either try to
and attack you whereas you can just release and nail the airborne opponent
who can't block. If they just sit there, then relax cause if it's charged
all the way, it will nail them. Do not try this on enemies with
projectiles. If K' runs into a projectile the move is cancelled. Also,
if you charge it and release, it is not unblockable. It has to be fully
charged to be unblockable. The Super Desperation version spans the
entire stage, from corner to corner, but midway through, K' will fade out
and fade back in. I'm not quite sure what this does exactly.

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555 -------------------------[ PLAYING AS K' ]---------------------------
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5.1 Combos

Sorry, but combos really aren't my thing. I prefer timing coupled hit and run.
Of course, I do throw in few combos, but usually only when the opponent is in
the corner =]. This isn't too hard to achieve with a few well timed Fading

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Jump in using Strong Kick, Standing Strong Punch (don't let K' get the
second hit), Lunging Body Blow, Fire Blow (using the weak punch), Rising
Fire Kick, Rising Fire (using Strong Punch), Flaming Axe Kick
(Jump + B) - Y (one hit only) - (Forward + X) - Down - Down Forward -
(Forward + X) - (Forward + B) - Forward - Down - (Down Forward + Y) -
(Forward + B)

Very rarely will you ever get a chance to pull this off, much less manage to
actually get it all the way. I've never done this on either comp or a real
player, but I know it's possible cause I've done it in Practice Mode a few

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Jump in using Strong Kick, Standing Strong Punch (get both hits),
Flame Rush
(Jump + B) - Y (two hits) - Down - Down Forward - Forward - Down -
Down Forward - (Forward + Y)

This is very possible, and very effective. If you manage the two hits from the
strong punch, you will hit the Flame Rush as long as you're fast enough. Very
simple, and very effective.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Jump in using Strong Kick, Standing Weak Punch, Lunging Body Blow,
Fire Blow, Flaming Shot

I don't exactly know how this works. I've never managed it myself, but have
seen someone pull it off at my friends place. The beauty of this is that when
it ended with Flaming Shot, K' was far enough away, to jump back in and
continue. After doing this awhile, he let his opponent attempt an anti air
move, and instead of jumping into that, he did a Flying Lunge Kick. I really
wish I knew how it worked, because it was one hell of a combo.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

{@C} {infinite}

Yuri Striker or Andy Striker, Fire Blow, Rising Fire Kick, Fire
Blow, Rising Fire Kick, repeat....

Basically, the opponent is knocked into the air and back into a corner by the
striker. K' then keeps doing the Rising Fire Kick, making sure that Fire Blow
doesn't hit, only the Rising Fire Kick. I think Counter Mode makes this easier
to do, but I can't tell the difference.

5.2 General Strategies

Sweep. K' has one of the best sweeps in the game. Fast, and good recovery.
Also, it has outstanding range, and most of the time your opponent will most
likely underestimate this. Very fatal for them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

K's Knee Bash is an overhead. His sweep is very effective. Use the sweep
constantly on one person, and when the next round comes along, they are going
to worry a lot about that sweep. They _will_ start to block low, at which
point you can have a lot of fun, and piss someone off real good. Also, both
the Knee Bash and sweep have good range, as they can both be done at a decent
distance from your opponent.

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Strong Jump Kick. Just like the Sweep, underestimated and fatal.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

His Fading Teleport and Rising Fire is a very effective combo. If you can
time it right, you can teleport directly behind someone and mess them up real
bad. Even better when you can time it against an opponent who's landing from a

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ever face an opponent that sends a projectile your way and then jumps over to
you with overheads, jump kicks, sweeps and whatnot? Real annoying because the
projectile will hit you if the character doesn't, and if you try to stop the
projectile the character will hit you. Well, K' can counter this real nicely.
The Fire Blow stops projectiles, and as the opponent jumps at you they'll meet
a swift Rising Fire Kick.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If you can see a projectile about to be thrown, do the Rising Fire with the
Flaming Axe Kick. If timed right, K' will fly right over the projectile and
smack the opponent nicely over the head.

5.3 Playing Styles

Aggressive and Rhythm

This is the most commonly used style for K'. Although, the term 'aggressive'
is extremely vague. The style I'm referring to is total aggressive fighting.
Don't take any breaks of offense, and ignore all attacks completely. This is
a pretty crappy strategy in most all games, but it seems to be quite good in
King of Fighters games.

The reason is because unlike most fighting games, King of Fighters is a lot
slower. Compare it to Street Fighter and you'll know what I mean. The action
is set in slow motion it seems.

This tends to mess a lot of people up as they aren't used to the slow pace.
They try and play it defensively for some odd reason. If they play complete
defense, and you play complete offense, who do you think'll win?

The way to do this is with a continuous string of jump kicks, sweeps and
standing attacks. This produces quite a fast arsenal, as K' can link a lot
of standing attacks together fast. Also the jump kick and sweep is old school,
but very few people expect it (which is beyond me).

Also, throw in the Flying Lunge Kick. The move itself is quite slow, but it
has an immediate take off, and this usually force an opponent into a block, and
on good occassions, this will eventually throw them in a corner =]

Remember to keep a good rhythm for awhile, and then break off. This serves two
purposes. First, the opponent will get usd to the rhythm and try to come up
with a way to counter it. Then you break from it, and you confuse them. In
most all cases, unorthadox patterns work wonders. The second reason, is to get
in an extra hit.

When you're in a rhythm, people get into a defensive rhythm. Try throwing in
K's overhead knee. It's so slow that it break rhythm, confuses the opponent,
and pegs his character all at once. Granted, it's not strong, but it can end
up adding to a win.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Defense and Countering

K's blessed with both aggressive style and defensive style. As far as
defensive style goes, it involves K' cowaring away until an opening appears.

The first situation is a keep away opponent who sends projectiles all over the
place. This is really rare in any KoF though. KoF is more an old school
style, and more people like to play it old school. They get up right in your
face and let you have it.

Anyway, if you're faced with a keep away opponent, you can smile. It's so
easy to take them out with K'. You have two choices. The first choice is to
wait until they get a steady rhythm, and then launch a Fire Blow so that it
cancels the projectile and then send it as a Flaming Shot. You end up
blocking their projectile and sending one their way.

The second alternative is to wait until they break rhythm (can be accomplished
through the above stated strategy, by the way). Then time a Rising Fire with
Strong Punch at the exact same time they start a projectile. If you time it
just right (and depending on which prjectile) then K' should be mid screen at
the peak of Rising Fire's height. Follow up with Flaming Axe Kick. The
recovery time of most projectiles shouldn't be fast enough to counter this.
This method serves three purposes. First, it gets you out of the defense,
second, you get a hit, and third, you've just broken their rhythm and put them
into a defensive state.

The next situation is when someone trys to find your strategy and adapt. This
is actually a good strategy itself. But that's neither here nor there. If
someone pulls this on you, pull it on them. They try to adapt to you, just
adapt to that strategy and fight completely idiotic (fight idiotic... great
advice huh?). Seriously though, I've played plenty of "hardcore" "dedicated"
players and they couldn't keep up at all. They're to used to playing people
"on equal terms" with their "skill" and can't handle a simple eight year old's

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6 --------------------------[ FILLER INFO ]----------------------------
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6.1 Credits and Special Thanks

Special thanks to:

- Kao Megura -
for writing a KoF '99 FAQ with a great layout and comprehensive info.
It helped me a lot in writing this.

- Gunsmith -
for writing several great FAQs which helped me try out and enjoy KoF
'99 a little more.

- PHwang -
for writing a great Striker FAQ. I never would have tried some of the
strikers if not for his guide.

- Gamewinners and Al Amaloo -
for hosting my guide and providing a great site.

- GameFAQs and CJayC -
for hosting my guide and providing a great MB.

- SNK -
for reasons obvious.

- Me -
for writing this guide.

- You -
for reading this guide.

6.2 Final Words

Well there isn't really much more to say. I hope this guide helps you somewhat
because if it didn't I just wasted a couple days of my life. As far as this
guide goes, I hope you found it imcomplete, because it is, and I will update it
from time to time as I play KoF a little more. Enjoy the game.

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Unpublished Work Copyright 2000 by Atom Edge END OF DOCUMENT

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