Hot Shots Golf

Hot Shots Golf

17.10.2013 13:11:21
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Hots Shots Golf
Version 2.0
Mike Truitt


I About this FAQ
I I Version History
III Controls
I V Main Menu
V Game Select Screen
V I Status Screen
VII Lessons
VI II Character Bio's
I X Courses
X Misc.
X I Notes & Thanks


At the end of 2000, I wrote my very first FAQ *Challenges FAQ for Tony
Hawk's Pro Skater 2*. Not soon after, I noticed that there was not a
FAQ for one of my favorite games of all time, Hot Shots Golf. In about
two days, I whipped this bad boy together, once it got posted on the
internet, I did no real updating to it and worked on many of my other
FAQ writting projects that I had. Well, as 2001 pasted, I had forgotten
about this FAQ and all it did was collect dust. Then on January 7, I
was ready to work on this FAQ as my next project, as well as about 3
other FAQs (which I have now scrapped indefinatly), but the very next
day, I broke my hand in a wrestling match. Anyway, I could not type
more than about 10 words a minute, so I gave up on the project, but now
that my hand is out of its caste, I can at least type at a normal pace,
and the Hot Shots Golf FAQ lives!!!

Legal Notice

••••• •••••
••••• This FAQ is copywritten work of its author Mike Truitt. Any •••••
••••• usage not noted by its author in this FAQ is strictly •••••
••••• forbidden. If you would like to have my FAQ posted on your •••••
••••• site then simply send me an e-mail asking permission to use •••••
••••• the FAQ, as well as a link or adress to your website. Send •••••
••••• any and all e-mails about this game / FAQ to •••••
••••• with the subject line "Hots Shots Golf" anything else might •••••
••••• not be read. •••••
••••• •••••


Version 1.0: Just started out the FAQ, got a pretty good chunk of
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ it finished, but I still have a bit more to go.

Version 1.1: Added the courses section. As well as finished the
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ whole FAQ.

Version 2.0: I am not quite sure how many versions there are, I
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ have come back to working on this FAQ, there has
been some huge updates to just about every section
of the game, the guide is much, much better now. The
FAQ changed in size from 21kb all of the way to 58kb

Last Updated Monday, February 18, 2002


| Button | On Course | On Greens |
| Left & Right | Aim Shot | Aim Putt |
| Up & Down | Change Camera | Change Camera |
| X | Hit the Ball | Putt the Ball |
| O | Change Camera | Change Camera |
| Triangle | Change Camera | Change Camera |
| Square | Change Shot Mode | Change Putt Mode |
| L1 | Select Club | Veiw putt from the |
| | | other side of the |
| | | hole |
| L2 | n/a | n/a |
| R1 | Select Club | Dispay Unevenness |
| R2 | Return Veiw point to | Return Veiw point to|
| | normal view. | normal view |
| Start | Display Hole | Display Green |
| Select | Show Score | Show Score |
| Left or Right | Add Spin | n/a |
| Must be Pressed during | | |
| your shot | | |
| Square (After shot) | Veiw Instant Replay | n/a |
| X, Square, Circle, or | Taunt Other Player | Taunt Other Player |
| Triangle (During other | | |
| players shot in 2-P | | |
| Mode. | | |


There are six options once you get into the main menu screen....
Play Game In this meny you will be able to choose from a
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ variety of different modes of play. For more
information about this selection, check out the
"GAME SELECTION" area of the FAQ.

Mini Golf Test your putting ability in this mode of play.
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There are eighteen holes to play, each one
presenting its own chllenge and strategy.

Continue If you have saved one of your previous games, this
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ is the place where you can pick it up. For those of
you who like to use little cheats, if you have an
increadible front nine, save the game. Then if you
suck, reset the game and start over from Hole 9
again. Repeat this process until you have your
desired round.

Lessons In this menu, you can go through three different
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ tutorials that teach you everything from your basic
"How to Hit the Ball" right down to some of the
hardest tricks of the game. To read each one of
these turorials, check out the "LESSONS" section of
the FAQ.

Status Here, you will be able to check the best rounds and
¯¯¯¯¯¯ scores of your personalized golfer, as well as the
game all together. You can also check out some of
your most amazing shots in the game and any trophies
you might have won through tournament play. To read
more about the Status screen, check out the "STATUS
SCREEN" section of the FAQ.

Config In the configuration menu, you will be able to
¯¯¯¯¯¯ change many of the games settings ranging from
background music to the gender of your caddy.


There are six options in the game select screen...
Game Select Play a simple round of golf with up to four players.
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The people could be CPU based or your human

Match Play Just like in real life, you will be able to play in
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ the "Match" format. In Match Play, each of the two
players compete to win every hole. If you win the
hole, you will recieve one point. Whomever gets the
most points in one round will win.

Training In Training Mode, you will be able to play on any
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ hole on any course that you want. This includes the
mini-golf course. You will be able to take mulligans
until you master the shot that you desire to hit.

Tournament In Tournament Mode, one player will compete in an
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ eighteen hole tournament to see who gets the best
score. Should you win, you will get bonus points, as
well as a spiffy trophy. Tournaments can be competed
on either of five normal courses. You must hit from
the Normal or the Back tees and must have the normal
mode of play (No Shanks) on.

VS. Mode VS. Mode is a One-Player mode where you face the
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ computer opponent of your choice. If you choose, and
beat one of the characters that you do not already
have unlocked, that character will become unlocked
for you to play.

???? There is a five round tournament, that is that is
¯¯¯¯ competed on all five of the courses with all of the
most difficult settings on the game defaulted. At
one point, when this game was new, Sony had a
contest with this mode. After your five rounds, you
would recieve a special code. If you thought your
rounds were good enough, you could have sent the
code in and won quite a few free promotional items.


As in a few of the other options, there are six different selections for you
to choose from....

Best Score: This option will show the basic high scores for the
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ whole game. It should also show how many experience
points you have earned in the game. Longest drive
and longest putt scores are also posted in this

Records: Individual player records should be scored in this
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ section. You will be able to find everything from
driving accuracy to driving distance and putting
average. Anything that you will want to know about
how good you are should be kept here.

Trophy: Any time that you have placed in the top three
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ places in a tournament, you will recieve a trophy
commemerating you good work. Every different trophy
that you have earned will be stored in here. This
can hold a grand total of fifteen different trophies
(First, Second, and Third in all five of the

Super Shot: Going into this option, you will see 25 different
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ holes for you to review, each one having its own
description. If you choose one of your shots, you
will go through the whole hole. The best shots are
saved in this order: Hole in One, Albatross, Eagle
(Chip In), Eagle, Birdie (Chip In), Birdie, Par
(Chip In), Par, Bogie (Chip In), Bogie...

New Entry: If you choose this menu, you will be able to enter a
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ player for the game to keep all of your stats. If
you would like to save data to one of the players,
there will be an option after the end of your round.

Vs. Data: Here you will see a graph of every one of the VS.
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Mode victories and defeats of every defaulted player
in the game.


Lesson 1 (Beginner)

•••••••••••••••••••••••• Watch for the Wind •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

The path of the ball changes according to the wind. Before your shot,
check the direction and strenght of the wind on the "wind directional
indicator located on the top right corner of the screen. The strength
of the wind is not known until the first shot of each hole. You estimate the
wind by throwing a few strands of grass using the R2 button or by looking at
the flag located on the top left corner of the screen.

••••••••••••••• Watch for the Lie (Placement of the Ball) •••••••••••••

The condition of the ground in which the ball leis is much more
influential than the wind. Obviously, the slope of the ground could
affect the direction in which the ball leis, but the distance the ball
travels can also be influenced by the condition of the grass rough.
Check the zoomed picture of the ball located on the bottom right corner
of the screen, and think of the effects from the lie on the ball before
you make your next shot.

•• You can figure out which direction the ball will travel by examining
the arrow above the ball

•• The numbers below the ball indicate the amount of power you're
actually going to get form your shot. The smaller the number, the
shorter the distance.

Lesson 2 (Intermediate)

••••••••••••••••••••••• Adjust the Hitting Power ••••••••••••••••••••••

While the player is in the golf stance, press the [] button to switch
shot modes. There are two types of shot modes: the power mode which
allows the player to hit the ball with greater power; and the approach
mode, which allows the player to hit the ball a maximum of 60 yards
regardless of which club is used. Each of these modes can be used in
certain situations, but both are essential to acheive a good score.

•• The power mode lets you hit the ball further than normal, but the
number of times is limited and the risk of hitting a bad shot
increases. A number will appear above the P located at the side of
the power gauge, indicating the remaining power shots left. You can
use power mode anytime the ball is farther than 60 yards from the

•• The approach mode give a player more control and limits the total
distance to 60 yards, regardless of club choice. Only when you are
within 60 yards of the pin, will you be able to use approach mode.

••••••••••••••••••• Path of the Ball and Its Effect •••••••••••••••••••

By changing the position where the club strikes the ball, you can add
spin to the ball, which will change the trajectory of balls flight. To
do this, press the direction buttons after you've selected the power
during the shot. You can use two types of spin simultaniously by
pressing in a diagonal direction on the D-Pad. Hit left to make it go
right, right to go left. Hit down to make the ball fly more and roll
less, up to make it fly less and roll more.

Lesson 3 (Advanced)

••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Types of Clubs ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Woods (1W-4W) Made to make the ball fly low, but travel a
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ farther distance.

Irons (2I-9I) Distances change with club the lower the number,
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ the farther it flies.

Wedge (PW,SW) Short distances and high spin and flight
¤¤ Putters ¤¤ Used on the green


••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Character Basics •••••••••••••••••••••••••

| Player | Ball Flight | Power | Control | Spin |

| Mary | Strait | 2 | 9 | 3 |
| Taku | Draw | 2.5 | 8 | 4 |
| Yuki | Strait | 3 | 7 | 5 |
| Sam | Draw | 4.5 | 6 | 3 |
| Ralf | Fade | 6 | 6 | 4 |
| Susan | Strait | 7 | 5 | 3.5 |
| Buzz | Fade | 8 | 4.5 | 3 |
| Daryl | Fade | 9.75 | 2.5 | 6 |
| Raul | Fade | 8 | 4 | 3 |
| Iceman | Strait | 9.5 | 3.5 | 5.5 |

•••••••••••••••••• Character Description / Strategy •••••••••••••••••••

MARY Telling from her stats, Mary is not a very long hitter,
¯¯¯¯ nor will she be able to stop the ball on a dime.
However, she is the most acurate hitter in the game.
Most people that choose to use Mary only do so for a
short period of time, until they unlock a better
player, or they become a better player of the game

In order for you to be effective with Mary, you will
need to do a few things. First, you must hit the ball
full power every time. This will ensure that you will
get the maximum distance out of every ball hit. Second;
learn how to spin the ball correctly. Even though she
is not great at it, if you master the spin techniques
and how to use them, you will be able to manipulate the
ball however you want to. Finally, although it may seem
kind of trivial with her increadible accuracy, make
sure that you hit the ball square every time that you
swing. Being able to do this will allow you to master
the other parts of your game without having to focus on
the timing of hitting the ball square.

If you ever have to face Mary, you will need to do a
few simple things in order to pound her face into the
ground. Power should be the essenctial part of your
game. Being able to get onto Par 5's in two shots when
she takes three or even four can put you one or two
strokes ahead of her in just one whole. Second, you
have to hit the ball acuratly. Even if you have one bad
hole where you just slice the ball two or three times,
she will capitalize on your mistakes and gain quite a
few strokes before you know what hit you. Finally, just
do not skrew up. Mary was designed to be the worst
player in the game, and should you should not have too
much of a challege beating her.


TAKU Other than Mary, Taku is the only other pre-set player
¯¯¯¯ to be unlocked. Because of his power and pretty good
accuracy, most people will chose him as their character
that they start the game out with. Taku is the better
of the two golfers in the beginning, but you will have
to learn how to hit and aim with his draw. Other than
that one small obsticle to overcome, Taku is a great
player to start out with.

If you are going to use Taku, you will need to learn
how to use his draw. Depending on which hand you want
him to be, you will need to start figuring out to aim a
bit to the outside (due to the fact that the ball will
start out going away from you and then come back
towards the golfer). Using spin effectivly with Taku is
more important than what it was with Mary, but it is
still not neccasary to be good at it with him.

If you have to face Taku in VS Mode or any other mode,
you will need to keep a few things in mind. First off,
since he is not a long hitter, you will need to hit the
ball longer than him as often as you can. Taky is still
very accurate at hitting the ball, and you can not let
him take advantage of this. You must be acurate when
you hit the ball. You also need to keep in mind that
you are supposed to be able to beat him, so he will
skrew up more often than not. There is no real need to
worry about beating him, because, whenever the computer
is him, they give you many chances to beat him.


YUKI When you first unlock Yuki, she will be the best golfer
¯¯¯¯ in the game. Her power is more than the other two, and
she has much better spin control without giving up too
much accuracy. As soon as you unlock her, I would use
Yuki instead of either Taku or Mary, simply because she
is better than them, plus she hits the ball strait so
you don't have to worry about figuring out the whole
Fade / Draw thing and just play some golf.

To be successful with Yuki, you will need to have
learned to, at least somewhat, use spin with at least
half of your shots. Doing this will allow you to be
more agressive at the pins by being able to stop the
ball instead of letting it roll. Getting longer rolls
on the fairways, and better distance of your drives. As
her power is slightly lower than the previous two
players, you will need to hit the ball more accuratly.
Normally, you will not need to worry about it because
after playing for a fair amount of time, you should
have the timing down to a science.

In order to beat Yuki, you will need to have a golfer
with better power than she has. If that is not
available, then you will need to putt the ball very
round. Putting will often be the difference between a
round of Even Par and -7. Keeping this in mind, make
sure that you know how to putt and know the course that
you are playing.


SAM Sam is one of those players that everybody just loves
¯¯¯ to beat. With no real distiguishing stats, he is the
guy that you would love to have on your team, but, odd
are, he will never start, even though he does try hard.
You have to feel for the poor little guy, don't you?

As far as power goes, he is the most powerful when you
first get him, but after just a little bit of playing,
you get players that are much better than him, no
matter what strategy you use. Sam is a basic
collaberation of mediocre stats that have been
personified in a computer generated body with an
oversized head. If you have chosen to be cheap and use
the "All Characters & Courses" cheat, Sam is one of the
better players to work on your basic skills. *So he
does have a use*

Sam has been plaqued with bad programming. For being
the fourth player in the game, he does make an
overwhelming amount of errors that only a beginner of
the game would hit. To beat Sam, you will simply need
to not make too many mistakes and just golf a round of
two to three under.


RALF Ralf is a questionable character to say the least,
¯¯¯¯ pulling flowers and doves out of his hats raises more
that a few eyebrows. Anyway, Ralf is not a bad player
at all. His one major plaque is his Fade. Most players
have a harder time controlling their fade, than any
other kind of shot. This is why I would not recomend
using him unless you feel you have mastered the game,
but if you are that far along, you should choose one of
the better players in the game.

If you started out playing Taku, it should take you
very little time to adapt to playing Ralf. Their
spinning abilities are almost the exact same, and their
accuracy are the same. The only thing that is different
about these two is Ralf is a longer hitter, and hits a
fade instead of a draw, that means you will need to aim
your shots on the outside of the hole on your approach
shots, instead of right at the flag.

In order to beat Ralf, you must first allow Ralf to
beat Ralf. Ralph makes his fair share of mistakes, and
it is your job to capitalize on them. If you do not,
then you will loose. Staying calm and cool will really
help you out. Since there are no players that are much
better than him in any catagory of skill, you just have
to play better than him. It is right about this point
in the game when putting becomes severly important. If
you do not know how to putt well, then get yourself to
the Practice mode and start practicing your putting.


SUSAN Besides being the best female golfer in the game, Susan
¯¯¯¯¯ is probably the second or third best overall depending
on your style. She is a long hitter, her accuracy is
good, and her ball control is fair. If you are playing
Hot Shots Golf with a girlfriend, then Susan is just
the kind of player that she will love (or if you are a
girl and want to golf as someone of the same gender,
then you should choose Susan)

It is fairly easy to beat just about anybody in the
game using Susan, as long as you know what you are
doing. Her power is better than anybody before her, so
you should definatly use it to her advantage. You will
also need to have the ball control mastered if you plan
on using her, or just learn how to not use ball control
at all. Consistancy and accuracy are must-haves
whenever you play with Susan. After having played the
game for this long, if you do not have these all but
mastered, odds are you never will. So just hang in
there and do not do anything stupid and you should do
very well with her.

If you were planning on beating Susan, you will need to
have your "A Game" on. The computer plays her with
almost perfect precision, which sets up the challenge
of you actually initiating your victory. You will need
to be agressive on Par 5's and on all of your fairway
shots. You should also be at the point where you can
not give up more than 2 or 3 bad holes in a round
without having the skill to recover from them.


BUZZ Buzz is your every day beer drinking, fun loving,
¯¯¯¯ weekend golfer. He has the ability to put is weight
behind him and launch the ball further than any player
that you have had to face before. Buzz is best used and
loved when he is played on the mini-golf course. His
expressions are funnier than anybody elses, and will
leave you in tears when you see them. Other than the
mini-golf Buzz is not very useful in any real sense of
the word. His fade is unbearably wide and
unpredictable, it is better to just play with another

Just like every other player, Buzz has his advantages
as well as his disadvantaes to using him. His power is
better than any body elses up to the point when you get
him. However, his consistancy is also one of the worst
that there is in the game, and his ability to spin the
ball is not much better. This means that you will need
to hit the ball acuratly every time, or else you will
be spending quite a bit of time in the rough, hoping to
whole you next shot to save par. If you can control
both his power and his acuracy, then you will have a
good day on the course. If not, then I would recomend
the purchase a sturdy controller.

Beating Buzz is a fairly easy task, as long as you know
what you are going to do. You will not need to be
consistant on every shot, but make sure to are not
hacking the ball left and right. You will need to hit
the ball the right power more often than not. It should
also be a given that you will need to putt the ball
good. With all of these areas of your game in check,
you will be able to beat anybody.


DARYL Looking at Daryl's stats, you will notice that he is
¯¯¯¯¯ the most powerful player in the game, and also can spin
the ball more than anybody else. Daryl, although he is
the strongest golfer, is probably the one of the worst
players in the game. His fade is condusive to a bad
shot, and his bad accuracy makes it even worse. Only
somebody who can hit the ball accuratly every time
should choose Daryl as their golfer.

If you can control your accuracy then you will be able
to fair really well. It is an absolute must that you
control your accuracy. You should not worry about
controlling your power because his strength will enable
you to focus on the acuracy. Do I need to say it again?

When you come up one on one against Daryl, he will be
the hardest challenge in the game. It is an absolute
must that you have good power. Daryl will get on any
Par 5 in two shots, and will often have an easy shot at
an eagle. Allowing him to do this will put you many
shots down in a hurry. By this point, if you have not
mastered your putting, you might want to start
praticing. It is a fairly simple thing, but it can be
the difference between an even par round and a round
that wins a tournament.


RAUL Raul is, the second most feared golfer in the Hot Shots
¯¯¯¯ Golf world. He can whack the ball a mile and can
control every one of his shots. If you choose to play
him, then you will have a good time beating your
opponent, should you have to face him, good luck. You
will need it.

Raul is one tough customer. Every part of his game is
in check, his power is great, he can control ony one of
his shots. However, his ball control, is somewhat
mediocre. If you are a person who perfers to hit trick
shots instead of playing if safely, then you might not
want to choose Raul very often. As long as you can
figure out his fade, then there will be absolutly no
reason to worry about any other golfer in the game. To
beat anybody in the game, just play like you know how
to and have fun.

Good luck facing Raul because you are going to need it.
To beat him, you will need to play with your best
player on the course that you know best. Usually for me
it is Course 2, but it really does not matter. Putting
is the real key to success at this point. You should
have no more than 25 putts in your round. If you do,
then you will need to have some practice putting. This
is the only way to beat him.


ICEMAN Iceman is the mother of all golfers. Only the best of
¯¯¯¯¯¯ the best will be able to beat him. There is a reason
that he is the last player. His high stats in every
catagory are incredible. You will need to play the
perfect round in order to beat him, but once you do,
the rewards are endless.

If you choose Iceman, then there is only one thing that
you need to know to beat him.... Nothing. Play even a
mediocre round and you should beat just about any
opponent in the game. You whoule win tournaments left
and right with him. Use you extreme power to your
advantage, and follow it up with his great ball
control. Iceman is the ultimate golfer.

Good luck beating this guy. Should you choose to play
him, you need to play perfectly. You will need to have
great power and increadible consistancy, supplemented
by supreme putting. If you are able to summon all the
parts of your game, then you should have a chance at
comming close to beating this guy.


Below is a description of all five of the regular courses and the hidden
course. What the letters mean-

DL-L= dog leg left
DL-R= dog leg right
GB= greenside bunkers
F B= fairway bunkers
FGB= fairway and greenside bunkers
Lake= water in play

Course #1: Green Country Club

Hole Number Hazards Distance, Yards (Front, Regualr, Back) Par
1 GB 413 421 432 4
2 DL-L, FGB 492 503 512 5
3 FGB, Lake 167 174 184 3
4 DL-L, GB 354 365 374 4
5 DL-R, FGB 384 395 413 4
6 FGB 379 390 400 4
7 GB 161 169 179 3
8 DL-R, FGB, 369 380 389 4
9 GB, Lake 474 485 494 5
10 FGB 378 386 394 4
11 DL-L, FGB, Lake 362 371 382 4
12 GB, Lake 153 158 164 3
13 DL-R, FGB 334 342 353 4
14 DL-R, FGB, Lake 452 461 470 5
15 GB 391 405 410 4
16 GB, Lake 171 182 189 3
17 DL-R, FGB, 385 400 405 4
18 DL-L, FGB, Lake 486 495 506 5

Course #2: Hawaiian Resort

Hole Number Hazards Distance, Yards (Front, Regular, Back) Par
1 DL-R, FGB 395 410 410 4
2 FGB 340 356 364 4
3 DL-L, FGB 494 510 524 5
4 GB, Lake 219 228 239 3
5 DL-L, FGB 335 345 356 4
6 FGB, Lake 481 492 501 5
7 FGB 335 367 373 4
8 GB 267 213 230 3
9 DL-R, FGB 389 397 417 4
10 FGB, Lake 350 361 378 4
11 DL-L, FGB, Lake 478 498 514 5
12 DL-R, GB 312 331 347 4
13 GB 202 219 235 3
14 GB, Lake 404 420 438 4
15 GB 307 320 336 4
16 GB 186 200 213 3
17 DL-L, FGB 361 375 394 4
18 DL-L, FGB, Lake 487 503 516 5

Course #3: Fujyama Country Club

Hole Number Hazards Distance, Yards (Front, Regular, Back) Par
1 FGB 400 415 428 4
2 GB 169 185 200 3
3 DL-L, FGB 421 435 459 4
4 F B 521 540 562 5
5 DL-R, FGB, Lake 368 380 395 4
6 GB 357 367 386 4
7 DL-L, FGB, Lake 456 489 502 5
8 DL-L, F B 384 394 410 4
9 F B 200 219 239 3
10 DL-R, FGB 516 531 545 5
11 DL-R, FGB 389 400 420 4
12 FGB 370 385 400 4
13 GB 184 200 215 3
14 DL-L, F B 380 389 415 4
15 DL-R, GB, Lake 504 518 529 5
16 FGB 375 395 405 4
17 GB 164 180 195 3
18 DL-L, FGB 435 450 458 4

Course #4: United Country

Hole Number Hazards Distance, Yards (Front, Regular, Back) Par
1 FGB 397 413 425 4
2 FGB, Lake 514 530 546 5
3 DL-L, FGB, Lake 338 352 364 4
4 GB 191 217 231 3
5 DL-R, FGB 421 432 444 4
6 GB, Lake 118 145 152 3
7 DL-L, FGB 367 382 397 4
8 FGB 468 498 510 5
9 GB, Lake 392 398 421 4
10 FGB 443 465 471 4
11 FGB, Lake 380 409 431 4
12 GB 162 184 192 3
13 FGB 505 535 547 5
14 DL-L, FGB 386 397 412 4
15 FGB 369 404 410 4
16 Lake 142 158 167 3
17 DL-L, FGB 353 369 381 4
18 DL-L, FGB, Lake 553 564 574 5

Course #5: Vegas Desert Country Club

Hole Number Hazards Distance, Yards (Front, Regular, Back) Par
1 DL-L, FGB 426 439 454 4
2 GB 219 235 254 3
3 GB 397 413 426 4
4 FGB 292 307 323 4
5 GB 282 397 410 4
6 DL-R 439 458 481 5
7 GB, Lake 169 184 200 3
8 DL-L, FGB, Lake 518 545 580 5
9 DL-R, GB 345 364 384 4
10 FGB 379 389 396 4
11 DL-R, FGB, Lake 373 394 417 4
12 GB 189 204 219 3
13 DL-L, GB 360 375 391 4
14 DL-L, GB 536 551 564 5
15 FGB 281 296 309 4
16 FGB 369 384 400 4
17 GB 158 175 184 3
18 FGB, Lake 454 487 503 5

Course #6: Extra Course

Hole Number Hazards Distance, Yards (Front, Regular, Back) Par

1 DL-L, Lake 485 498 507 5
2 FGB "Cheerio's" 345 360 373 4
3 DL-R, Lake "Raccoon" 391 410 428 4
4 GB, Lake 184 200 215 3
5 F B, Lake 430 446 459 5
6 DL-R, FGB "Giraffe" 406 221 438 4
7 DL-L, Lake 306 323 335 4
8 GB, Lake 339 353 369 4
9 GB "Octopus" 131 169 182 3
10 DL-R, FGB, Lake 386 402 417 4
11 GB 116 131 145 3
12 FGB, Lake "Snake" 496 504 512 5
13 DL-R 145 153 164 3
14 FGB, Lake "Turtle" 353 369 391 4
15 DL-R, FGB, Lake 510 523 539 3
16 GB, Lake "Satalite" 169 182 197 3
17 FGB "Rocket" 362 682 402 4
18 DL-R, Lake 498 509 517 5


During the course of the game you will recieve "Experience Points" the
more experience points that you get, the more courses that you will
unlock. You can unlock a total of four new courses using Experience
Points and one more using the "All Courses and Golfers" cheat. The
following is a listing of how you recieve points and just how much each
trick is worth.

Getting Courses: •••• In order to get new courses, you
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ will need to obtain a certain number
of Experience Points. Here is a
listing of how many points you need
to get to unlock each one of the

| Course # | Points Needed to Get |

| Course 1 | 0 |
| Course 2 | 50 |
| Course 3 | 250 |
| Course 4 | 850 |
| Course 5 | 2350 |

During Mini Golf: •••• Hole in One = 1 point
During a Round: •••• An approach shot that lands within
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 6.6 feet of the cup = 1 point

•••• Hitting the Flag = 1 Point

•••• A putt made from 66 feet or longer =
1 Point

•••• Hitting the Flag stick = 1 Point

•••• Hitting a tree, then having the ball
land on the green = 1

•••• A chip in from 109 yards or less = 2

•••• Getting a Birdie = 2 Points

•••• A chip in from more than 109 yards =
3 Points

•••• Getting an Eagle = 5 Points

•••• Getting a Hole in One = 7 Points

•••• Getting an Albatross = 8 Points

••••••••••••••••• All of these point values are based ••••••••••••••••
••••••••••••••••• on those given to you on Course #1. ••••••••••••••••
••••••••••••••••• For point values on other courses, ••••••••••••••••
••••••••••••••••• just multiply the course number by ••••••••••••••••
••••••••••••••••• the point value and that is what you ••••••••••••••••
••••••••••••••••• will recieve. ••••••••••••••••

During a Tournament: Note: You only get experience points
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ if you score in the top ten

| Course | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th |

--------------------------------------------------------------------- |Course
1| 50 | 30 | 20 | 10 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
--------------------------------------------------------------------- |Course
2| 150 | 100 | 50 | 30 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
--------------------------------------------------------------------- |Course
3| 400 | 200 | 100 | 50 | 30 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
--------------------------------------------------------------------- |Course
4|1000 | 500 | 250 | 150 | 100 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 |
|Course 5|2000 | 1000| 500 | 300 | 200 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |

••••••••••••• CHEATS •••••••••••••

Unlock All golfers and Courses: As soon as the screen with all the
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ golfers appears, hold the hold down
R1 + R2 + L1 + L2, then as soon as
the flash happens, quickly press;
Up - Up - Down - Up - Left - Right -
Right - Left - Up - Up - Down Up -
Left - Right - Right - Left you
should hear a noise. (Note: you
must do it on controller 2 with no
memory cord inserted in either slot)

Mirrored Courses: When chosing a course, hold down L1
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ and L2 then choose your golfer, but
continue to hold L1 and L2 until you
start your game.

Mirrored Golfers: When chosing a golfer, hold down R1
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ and L1 when you chose, continue to
hold down the buttons until you get
to the Course Selection screen.


A large thank you goes out to every person who has read and used this
FAQ. Also, every webmaster that has asked me if they could use this FAQ
on their website, thank you for hosting this FAQ.

Legal Notice

••••• •••••
••••• This FAQ is copywritten work of its author Mike Truitt. Any •••••
••••• usage not noted by its author in this FAQ is strictly •••••
••••• forbidden. If you would like to have my FAQ posted on your •••••
••••• site then simply send me an e-mail asking permission to use •••••
••••• the FAQ, as well as a link or adress to your website. Send •••••
••••• any and all e-mails about this game / FAQ to •••••
••••• with the subject line "Hots Shots Golf" anything else might •••••
••••• not be read. •••••
••••• •••••

©2001 - 2002 Mike Truitt
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16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Alle Spieler und Strecken freigespielt.

17.Октябрь 2013
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11.Февраль 2016
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