Super Adventure Rockman

Super Adventure Rockman

14.10.2013 13:05:34
Superadventure Rockman Walkthough

By Mega Boy
Version 1.0 - January 1st 2001

Read all this file before sending me any questions.



This game is mostly an "interactive story" in three episodes.
During the game, you have to make choices, some story-based,
some action-based.
The story-based choices happen now and then between the animated scenes and you
have all the time to think about with selection to choose.
The action-based choices happen inside the scenes: arrows will appear on your
screen and you only have one or two seconds to choose in which direction you
want to go.
Sometimes, you will encounter enemies and you will have to fight them in a
first-person shooter window. You have a cursor to target at your opponents and
But other than this, the game is very Mega Man-like: you fight Robot Masters who
will give you weapons to help you fight the next one easier. They always come in
the same order though.

Button Configuration
Circle or Square - Confirm
X - Cancel
Start - Pause the animation or battle

New game
If you start a new game in Episode 2 or 3, you will NOT have the weapons
from the previous episode.
(If you are starting Episode 2 or 3)
Continue from previous episode?
You start the episode with the previous weapons and items you got.
Select saved game
Movie viewer
You can watch all the previous scenes in the order you choose them. You
will not see your battles though...

How to use this walkthrough
Following the paragraphs one after the other will confuse you more than anything
else. So begin to read the first paragraph and then go to the paragraph number
indicated at the end of it. If you have a choice to make, go to the paragraph
number you wish to go depending of your choice.
Also, if you are using this walkthrough during the game, I suggest that you read
a couple of events forward. This way, you will not get bad surprises.
A "*" shows the recommended easier or safer way
A "#" shows the recommended faster way


Episode 1

Event 0 - Opening
A strange phenomenom occurs in Amazonia: a pyramid appeared out of nowhere and
people trying to approach it with helicopters are shot down.
Dr. Wily, dressed as a explorator, gets to the area with a jeep and decides to
continue by foot.
Goto 1

Event 1 - Dr. Light's Lab
Dr. Light, while monitoring South America via satellite with his computer,
express his surprise. You (Rock) are in the room watching at another computer...
Turn around (2)
Don't turn (3)*

Event 2 - Strange phenomenon
Dr. Light explains to Rock what is happening, while Roll enters the room with
Goto 3

Event 3 - Flashback
Rock is remembering when Dr. Light and Dr. Wily were working together. They were
talking about getting to Amazonia and Wily volunteered to go there.
Goto 4

Event 4 - Roll's desease
Suddenly, Roll falls on the floor, scaring everyone. She is brought to the lab
and put on a scaning machine. She suffers from a phenomenom that disables all
electronic machines. She could die if this continues for a couple of days...
Ask for explanation (5)
Go on (6)*

Event 5 - Explanations
Dr. Light explains in more details.
Goto 6

Event 6 - Dr. Wily
Dr. Wily suddenly appears on every screens in the lab and reveals he is behind
all of this.
Goto 7

Event 7 - Preparation and departure
Dr. Light decides to prepare Rock, Rush and Beat for stopping Dr. Wily. All the
six Robot Masters of Dr. Light agrees to help Rock in his mission.
Then, Rock is heading for Amazonia by ocean with a small vehicule. Near the
coast, the vehicule is showing signs of malfunctioning, so Rock ejects with Rush
and Beat before it explodes.
Goto 8

Event 8 - Renbakun!
As soon as you set foot on the jungle, you are attacked by Renbakuns. (Small
bombers from RM5) Bombs are heading toward you...
Instant choice:
Nothing (9)
Right (10)*
Left (10)*

Event 9 - Damage
You loose little energy.
Goto 10

Event 10 - Fight
The Renbakuns come by group of three, dropping bombs. An easy way to get rid of
them is to position your cursor on one side and shoot them all in one straight
line before they drop bombs.
Weapon recommended: Rock Buster
Save screen. Goto 11

Event 11 - Bifurcation
Your way separates in two...
Right (12.1)#
Left (12.2)*

Event 12.1 - Metool!
A gang of Metools (Hard Hats) attacks you by shooting plasma balls.
Weapon recommended: Rock Buster
Save screen. Goto 13.1

Event 12.2 - Item Box
You see an Item Box in a tree, you get it and there is Database card #1 inside.
Goto 13.2

Event 13.1 - Database Card
While looking at the fallen Metools, you get Database card #1.
Goto 18

Event 13.2 - Bifurcation again
You encounter another intersection...
Right (14.2.1)*#
Left (14.2.2)

Event 14.2.1 - Cut Man
Cut Man calls you as you get out of the jungle. He gives you Database card #2.
Goto 18

Event 14.2.2 - Monking!
You are attacked by three Monkings (Monkeys from RM3)...
Instant choice:
Nothing (15.2.2)
Right (16.2.2)*
Left (16.2.2)*

Event 15.2.2 - Damage
Goto 16.2.2

Event 16.2.2 - Fight
The Monkings are not very tough, but they throw punches at you.
Weapon recommended: Rock Buster
Save screen. Goto 17.2.2

Event 17.2.2 - Cliff
While you get out of the jungle, there is a cliff that can be bypassed or
Bypass (18)
Jump (20)*#

Event 18 - Metal Blade!
Out of nowhere, a Metal Blade is tossed at you...
Instant choice:
Nothing (19)
Right (20)*
Left (20)*

Event 19 - Damage
Goto 20

Event 20 - Metal Man!
Metal Man jumps around, throwing Metal Blades. Charging up your Rock Buster does
a lot of damage.
Weapon recommended: Rock Buster
Win (Save screen - 22)
Lost (21)

Event 21 - Lost
As Metal Man is going to give the final blow, Cut Man transports you to safety.
He asks if you want to give up and go back to Dr. Light's lab...
Don't give up (20)
Give up (0)

Event 22 - River
As you continue your way, you see a river...
Get in water (23a)#
Continue on ground (23b)*

Event 23.1 - Log!
You call Rush and you get on the river with the Rush Marine. Suddenly, a big
drafting log is heading toward you...
Instant choice:
Nothing (27.1)*#
Right (24.1.1)
Left (27.1)*
Down (24.1.2)

Event 23.2 - Boulders!
You are down inside a canyon and boulders begin to roll down...
Instant choice:
Nothing (24.2.1)
Right (24.2.2)
Left (24.2.3)*

Event 24.1.1 - Yambow!
As you dodge the log, Yambows (Dragonflies from RM3) attack you...
Weapon recommended: Rock Buster
Instant choice:
Nothing (25.1.1)
Right (26.1.1)*
Left (26.1.1)*

Event 24.1.2 - Pepe!
As you dodge the log, Pepes (Flying penguins from RM1) attack you.
They execute dashing attacks and shoot plasma balls.
Weapon recommended: Rock Buster
Save screen. Goto 27.1

Event 24.2.1 - Damage
Goto 23.2

Event 24.2.2 - Robbits!
You come face to face with a few Robbits (Rabbits from RM2) and they shoot
carrot bombs at you...
Instant choice:
Nothing (25.2.2)
Right (26.2.2)*
Left (26.2.2)*

Event 24.2.3 - Furendaa!
You come face to face with Furendaas (Hot Dogs from RM2) and they charge at
Instant choice:
Nothing (25.2.3)
Right (26.2.3)*
Left (26.2.3)*

Event 25.1.1 - Damage
Goto 26.1.1

Event 25.2.2 - Damage
Goto 26.2.2

Event 25.2.3 - Damage
Goto 26.2.3

Event 26.1.1 - Fight
Yambows execute dashing attacks.
Save screen. Goto 27.1

Event 26.2.2 - Fight
Robbits are a little annoying because of the bombs they shoot at you.
Weapon recommended: Metal Blade
Save screen. Goto 27.2

Event 26.2.3 - Fight
Furendaas are easier than Robbits, I recommend choosing this path.
Weapon recommended: Metal Blade
Save screen. Goto 27.2

Event 27.1 - Whirpool
Suddenly, a whirlpool is forming under you and drags you underwater.
Instant choice:
Nothing (28.1)
Right (29.1)*
Left (29.1)*

Event 27.2 - Guts Man
As the battle is finished, Guts Man catches up with you and gives you the Bubble
Lead (from Bubble Man). Beat finds an Energy Tank.
Goto 28.2

Event 28.1 - Damage
Goto 29.1

Event 28.2 - Heat Man!
Heat Man learned a few tricks since RM2, but he is easier than Bubble Man.
Weapon recommended: Bubble Lead
Win (Save screen - 32)
Lost (29.2)

Event 29.1 - Bubble Man!
Bubble Man shoots Bubble Lead and mini-whirlpools to protect himself.
Weapon recommended: Metal Blade
Win (Save screen - 31.1)
Lost (30.1)

Event 29.2 - Lost
You are saved by Guts Man...
Don't give up (28.2)
Give up (0)

Event 30.1 - Lost
Bubble Man blows you away and you are found on the shore by Guts Man...
Don't give up (29.1)
Give up (0)

Event 31.1 - Guts Man
After you beat Bubble Man, you get out of the water and see Guts Man on the
shore. He gives you the Atomic Fire (from Heat Man) and Beat finds an Energy
Goto 32

Event 32 - Wily
Dr. Wily monitors your progression on a screen. We also see what happened when
he entered the pyramid: he fell in a trap and found himself in the basement. To
his surprise, he found the Super Computer Ra Moon, an entity from outer space
that fell on Earth thousands of years ago. It used the computer laptop of Wily
to communicate with him and it recreated all the Robot Masters from RM2 and RM3.
Save screen. Goto 33

Event 33 - Database card
You find an Item Box with Database cards #3.
Goto 34

Event 34 - Harri Harry!
After you get the cards, Harri Harries (Porcupines from RM3) dash on you...
Instant choice:
Nothing (35)
Right (36)*
Left (36)*

Event 35 - Damage
Goto 36

Event 36 - Fight
Use the Bubble Lead or Metal Blades to fight them and the spikes they shoot.
Weapon recommended: Bubble Lead
Save screen. Goto 37

Event 37 - Keroggu!
As you finish the battle with Harri Harries, a Keroggu (frog from RM2) jumps at
Instant choice:
Nothing (38)
Right (39)*
Left (39)*

Event 38 - Damage
Goto 39

Event 39 - Fight
Same as with Harri Harries, use Metal Blades to destroy the Keroggus and their
little frogs.
Weapon recommended: Rock Buster
Save screen. Goto 40

Event 40 - Hit
As you recover your breath, something hits you, you look around but do not see
Instant choice:
Nothing (41)
Right (42)*
Left (42)*

Event 41 - Damage
Goto 42

Event 42 - Flash Man!
Flash Man is easy in the beginning, but if you let him execute his Time Stopper
attack, you will be slowed down and more vulnerable to attacks.
Weapon recommended: Metal Blade
Win (Save Screen - 44)
Lost (43)

Event 43 - Lost
You shoot at Flash Man, but he teleports himself right behind you, giving you
the final blow. Cut Man takes you away...
Don't give up (42)
Give up (0)

Event 44 - Quick Man!
You finally get out of the canyon and find yourself at the surroundings of the
pyramid: the lost city. You are very happy, but Quick Man appears and challenges
you for a fight...
Fight (45)
Don't fight (46)*#

Event 44 - Fight
Quick Man is very fast and annoying. Use the Time Stopper to stop him and switch
to another weapon. If you get the Quick Boomerang depends on your performance.
Weapon recommended: Time Stopper - Rock Buster
Goto 46

Event 46 - Argument
Rock tries to reason Quick Man, but he refuses to believe in his sincerity and
beats him up. As Quick Man wants to give him the final blow, he hesitates as
Rock begs him to listen to him. That is when Shadow Man arrives and accuses
Quick Man to be weak to listen to Rock. Shadow Man tries to finish you up, but
Quick Man ends up stabbed with a Shadow Blade, trying to protect you. As Rock
see this, he gets very upset (your energy refills completly!) and begins to
fight with Shadow Man.
Goto 47

Event 47 - Shadow Man!
Shadow Man has a lot of annoying ninja tricks, use the Time Stopper to help you
slow this guy down.
Weapon recommended: Time Stopper - Rock Buster
Win (Save screen - 48)
Lost (0)

Event 48 - Quick Man Death
As you finally destroy Shadow Man, Quick Man tells you to fight and believe to
what you thinks is good, just before dying.
Save screen. Goto 49

Event 49 - Ending + Credits
Goto 50

Event 50 - Preview
If you do not want to spoil the fun, do not watch the preview: it shows almost
everything :(

Episode 2

This episode is pretty much straightforward, compared to the first one.

Event 0 - Opening
A reminder of the previous events is shown.
Some more helicopters from the U.N. are trying to get close to the pyramid,
but Dr. Wily destroy them with the power of Ra Moon. As he gets back to his
business, he gloats at the new robot he designed on his computer.
Goto 1

Event 1 - Blues
You built a grave for Quick Man and start to pray. Some Sniper Joes try to
ambush you, but Blues (Proto Man) appears and shoot them away. He explains
that he is here to keep an eye on you just in case of trouble and takes off.
You begin to walk toward to lost city...
Instant choice:
Nothing (5)#
Right (2)*
Left (2)*

Event 2 - Database Card
You find Database card #1.
Goto 3

Event 3 - Instant choice:
Nothing (5)#
Right (4)*
Left (4)*

Event 4 - Blues Shield
You find the Blues Shield (Proto Shield) that Blues dropped earlier.
Goto 5

Event 5 - Pipi!
You are going to pass under the arch that leads to the lost city, but you ask
yourself if you should...
Continue (7)*#
Wait (6)

Event 6 - Fight
Suddenly, Pipis (Egg-dropping birds from RM2) begin to drop eggs on you.
Destroy the pipis and the mini-birds they drop.
Weapon recommended: Atomic Fire
Save screen. Goto 7

Event 7 - Wood Man!
You run under the arch that is collapsing and jump just before it crushes you.
Wood Man appears on top of the fallen stones...
Fight (9)*#
Don't fight (8)

Event 8 - Flashback
As Wood Man beats you up, you remember Quick Man dying words who told you to
Fight (9.1)*#
Don't fight (9.2)

Event 9.1 - Fight
Wood Man is very weak, but he uses a shield for protection, just shoot him.
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Win (Save screen - 11)
Lost (10)

Event 9.2 - Blues
Blues shoots at Wood Man and saves you from him. He is very disappointed from
your attitude.
The game is over. Goto 0

Event 10 - Blues
Blues shoots at Wood Man and saves you from him...
Give up (9.1)
Don't give up (0)

Event 11 - Hill
You see a small hill in front of you...
Get around (14)#
Straight (12)*

Event 12 - Energy Tank
You shoot a powerful blast at the hill to destroy it and discover an Energy Tank
in the crumbles.
Goto 13

Event 13 - Matasaburoo!
A Matasaburoo (Fan guy from RM2) attacks you.
He is very easy, just shoot at him.
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Goto 14

Event 14 - Air Man!
You continue your way in the lost city, a tornado catches you and slams you
against a wall.
Air Man is not that tough.
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Win (Save screen - 16)
Lost (15)

Event 15 - Elec Man
Elec Man stops Air Man from finishing you up...
Give up (14)
Don't give up (0)

Event 16 - Bunbi Heli!
You arrive near a cliff and a flight of Bunbi Heli (Bladers from RM1) gets
closer to you. The ground breaks under your feet and you are going to fall in
the cliff...
Instant choice:
Nothing (20)#
Right (17)
Left (18)

Event 17 - Fight
You do some acrobatic moves and land on the other side of the cliff, but the
Bunbi Helies start to attack you.
Those robots are very annoying and they drop bombs, the Bubble Lead seems to
work well.
Weapon recommended: Bubble Lead
Save screen. Goto 20

Event 18 - Database card
You jump on the other side and grab the edge, as you get up, you try to open an
Item Box with Database Card #2, but you fall again. Finally, you climb up.
Goto 19

Event 19 - Pickel Man!
As you are getting yourself out of the cliff, a Pickel Man (Pick-ax throwing guy
from RM1) is waiting for you.
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Save screen. Goto 20

Event 20 - Suzy!
As you recover, you notice a Suzy (Small moving eye from RM1) glued to you back.
You panically remove it, as a group of Suzy begin to chase you. Finally, you get
rid of them...
Instant choice:
Nothing (22)#
Right (21)
Left (21)

Event 21 - Database Card
You found Database card #3 in an Item Box.
Goto 22

Event 22 - Crash Bomb!
A Crash Bomb is coming at you...
Instant choice:
Nothing (23)
Right (24)*
Left (25)*

Event 23 - Damage
Goto 24

Event 24 - Crash Man!
Crash Man is very fast and shoots a lot! Use the Time Stopper to stop him on his
tracks, then use another weapon.
Weapon recommended: Time Stopper - Blues Shield
Win (Save screen - 26)
Lost (25)

Event 25 - Fire Man
Fire Man saves you from Crash Man...
Give up (24)
Don't give up (0)

Event 26 - Evening
The sun is setting and lots of sentry robots are patrolling around. Beat comes
back from his scouting mission to warn you, hidden in an old house. You decide
Wait (28)#
Continue (27)

Event 27 - Blues
Before you get out, Blues grabs your shoulder and suggest you to wait until it
is night.
Goto 28

Event 28 - Wily
As you decide to wait, a little mouse robot (from RM5) finds you and reveals
your position to Dr. Wily.
The scene changes to explain how Ra Moon got to Earth.
Thousands of years ago, a round, celestial object crashed on Earth in the region
of Amazonia, it was the Super Computer Ra Moon. The prehistorical people who
found it took it for a god. But as an individual touched it, he got knowledge
from it. However, people used that knowledge to make war and rose Ra Moon on the
top of a pyramid. Tired of all the fighting waging, Ra Moon got upset and dig
himself and the pyramid into the Earth.
Goto 29

Event 29 - Taketentoo!
You get out of your hiding place, but a Taketentoo (Bug from RM4) is flying in
your direction. You decide to run before it sees you...
Right (30.1)*#
Left (30.2)

Event 30.1 - Potton!
You succeed to run out of the Taketentoo way, but some Potton (Flying dropping-
bomb from RM3) begin to drop on you. In the middle of the chaos, you step on a
loose tile and drop into darkness.
Goto 32

Event 30.2 - Fight
Finally, an esquadron of Taketentoo is getting closer to you. You engage the
Weapon recommended: Quick Boomerang
Save screen. Goto 31.2

Event 31.2 - Cavern
As you rejoice of your victory, a loose tile drops under your feet and you fall
into darkness.
Goto 32

Event 32 - Stones
You find yourself into a deep cavern and since you cannot get out by the way you
fell, you decide to continue into the cavern. Later, you see some moving stones.
The first one is a vertical-moving stone...
Instant choice:
Nothing (32)
Up (33)*#

Event 33 - Stones again
This time, the stone is a horizontal-moving one...
Instant choice:
Nothing (33)
Left (35)*#

Event 34 - Damage
Goto 33

Event 35 - Battonton!
Many battontons (Bats from RM2 & 4) fly at you.
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Save screen. Goto 36

Event 36 - Search Snake!
As you watch the fallen Battontons, a Search Snake is coming closer to you...
Instant choice:
Nothing (37)
Right (38)*
Left (38)*

Event 37 - Damage
Goto 38

Event 38 - Snake Man
Snake Man will hide behind two big stones, use the Crash Bomb to destroy the
stones and switch back to the Rock Buster to finish him.
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Win (Save screen - 39)
Lost (0)

Event 39 - Bifurcation
You find yourself at a bifurcation...
Right (41)#
Left (40)

Event 40 - Metool family
You find a family of Metool: Papa Metool, Mama Metool and Baby Metool. You find
yourself looking at each other for a moment and you continue your way.
Goto 41

Event 41 - Needle!
A big needle is shot at you...
Instant choice:
Nothing (42)
Right (43)*
Left (43)*

Event 42 - Damage
Goto 43

Event 43 - Needle Man!
Needle Man is quite annoying, so shoot like crazy.
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Win (Save screen - 44)
Lost (0)

Event 44 - Exhausted
You continue your way, but you don't feel very well. Beat ask if you are ok...
(Did I mentionned Beat follow you all the time during the game?)
Strong (46)*
Not strong (45)#

Event 45 - Energy Tank
You find an Energy Tank.
Goto 46

Event 46 - Gemini Man!
You finally find a way out of the cavern and you are right in front of the
pyramid! Your joy does not last very long as Gemini Man (and his alter egos)
attack you.
Gemini Man is (are?) very difficult, do not forget to equip the Blues Shield!
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Win (Save screen - 47)
Lost (0)

Event 47 - Wily
As Gemini Man falls, An image of Dr. Wily appears in front of you. You try to
reason him, but the image dissapears before you can finish. Gemini Man tells you
to stop Dr. Wily and to avoid the main entrance of the pyramid because it is
trapped. Then he dies.
Save screen. Goto 48

Event 48 - Ending + Credits
Goto 49

Event 49 - Preview
Again, do not watch the preview, it is an even worse spoiler!

Episode 3

This time, you will face three-questions choices and more complex instant

Event 0 - Opening
Some scenes from the previous episode are shown.
Goto 1

Event 1 - Pyramid
You climb the stairs of the pyramid and since you know the main entrance is
trapped, you decide to look around to find another way. Finally, you find three
doors on the other side of the pyramid...
Right (2.1)
Left (2.2)

Event 2.1 - Magfly!
You open the right door and see a Magfly (Flying magnet from RM3) carrying an
Item Box. You decide to steal the Item Box and find Database card #1. The Magfly
is very angry...
Instant choice:
Nothing (3.1)
Left (4.1)*#

Event 3.1 - Fight
Even if the Magflies are not very strong, they can be annoying.
Weapon recommended: Metal Blade
Save screen. Goto 5

Event 4.1 - Trapped
You manage to trap the Magfly into the Item Box and you leave it there.
Goto 5

Event 2.2 - Acid!
You open the left door and you see an Item Box. As you try to open it, acid
begin to pour from the ceiling...
Instant choice:
Nothing (3.2)
Down (1)*#

Event 3.2 - Damage
Goto 1

Event 5 - Petaakii!
As you walk in the dark corridors of the pyramid, a Petaakki (Walking eye from
RM3) on the ceiling is revealing your position to Dr. Wily...
Instant choice:
Nothing (7)*#
Up (6)

Event 6 - Fight
Petaakiis are annoying, but not very tough.
Weapon recommended: Metal Blade
Save screen

Event 7 - Wily
Wily repers your position in the pyramid. We can also see Wily's new robot under
a glass dome.
Goto 8

Event 8 - Intersection
You are walking inside the pyramid, which is like a maze. Now, you have three
directions to choose from...
Right (9.1)
Center (9.2)
Left (9.3)*#

Event 9.1 - Metool!
Some Metools are coming your way. There are not tough, but shooting those which
heads are down is useless.
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Save screen. Goto 13

Event 9.2 - Pelicaan!
You see two Pelicaans (Fish-dropping robots from RM6) flying nearby. You decide
to sneak on them, but a third one surprise you and shoots...
Instant choice:
Nothing (10.2)
Left (11.2)

Event 9.3 - United Nations
As you walk, the scene changes to the United Nations headquarters, that is under
consternation because of the world crisis: Everything electronic is not working.
Goto 13

Event 10.2 - Damage
Goto 11.2

Event 11.2 - Fight
Those robots are tough, remember to equip the Blues Shield.
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Save Screen. Goto 12.2

Event 12.2 - Item Box
One of the Pelicaan was carrying an Item Box which contained Database card #2.
Goto 15

Event 13 - Magnet Missile
Suddenly, a Magnet Missile appears and is flying right toward you...
Instant choice:
Nothing (14.1)
Right (14.2)*#
Left (14.3)

Event 14.1 - Damage
Goto 15

Event 14.2 - Cornered
You run away from the Magnet Missile, but it continues to chase you. Soon, four
Magnet Missiles are coming from four directions. You miraculously avoid them
before them explode.
Goto 15

Event 14.3 - Magfly!
As you avoid the Magnet Missile, you see a Magfly right on front of you.
Same strategy as with Event 2a.
Weapon recommended: Metal Blade
Save screen. Goto 15

Event 15 - Magnet Man!
A strange force draws you toward a wall, but you shoot the wall and you see
Magnet Man on the other side.
He is not very difficult, but most of the time, he will have a shield protecting
him. Shoot the device over his head to shut down the shield.
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Win (Save Screen - 17)
Lost (16)

Event 16 - Bomb Man
Bomb Man saves you from Magnet Man. He leaves and let Beat show you an hologram
of Dr. Light...
Continue (15)
Give up (0)
Save (Save + 0)

Event 17 - Metool
As you turn a corner, you see a Metool carrying an Item Box. As it sees you, it
drops the box and begin to run away...
Chase (18.1)
Item Box (18.2)
Ignore (19)*#

Event 18.1 - Fight
You fight a single Metool. Nothing dangerous...
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Save screen. Goto 19

Event 18.2 - Database Card
In the Item Box, you see Database Card #3, but there is a strange logo on it.
You decide to keep it anyway.
Goto 19

Event 19 - Hard Man!
You enter a indoor garden, but suddenlly you see Hard Man over you, trying to
crush you...
Instant choice:
Nothing (20)
Left (21)*

Event 20 - Damage
Goto 21

Event 21 - Fight
Use the Magnet Missile to make Hard Man loose half of his energy. After, shoot
Hard Man in the torso and you should not have any problems.
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Win (Save Screen - 23)
Lost (22)

Event 22 - Blues
Blues rescue you from Hard Man...
Fight (21)
Give up (0)
Save (Save + 0)

Event 23 - Acid!
As Hard Man falls, acid is beginning to fill the room. Some pillars begin to
fall. You manage to jump on the pillars and you see three pillars in front of
Instant choice:
Nothing (24)*#
Right (24)
Left (24)
Up (24)

Event 24 - Grip
Whatever pillar you choose to stand on, Top Man knocks you off. You are now
holding the pillar by one hand and the acid is right below you...
Instant choice:
Nothing (25)
Up (26)*

Event 25 - Cut Man
As you fall, Cut Man catches you with the Rush Jet...
Fight (26)
Return (0)
Save (Save + 0)

Event 26 - Top Man!
Top Man is very tough and annoying, equip the Blues Shield!
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Win (Save Screen - 27)
Lost (25)

Event 27 - Crawling
As Beat catches Top Man's weapon card before it drops into the acid, you jump
on a higher ground to avoid falling into the acid. You are now crawling into
a small tunnel and you see an opening on your side...
Forward (29)
Look (28)*
Pay attention (30)#

Event 28 - Energy Tank
You see an Item Box containing an Energy Tank.
Goto 29

Event 29 - Spark Shock!
You finally get out of the tunnel and you are in a dark room...
Instant choice:
Nothing (30)
Right (31)*

Event 30 - Damage
Goto 31

Event 31 - Spark Man
Spark Man is not very tough if you remember to shoot at his projectiles.
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Win (Save Screen - 33)
Lost (32)

Event 32 - Blues
Blues saves you from Spark Man...
Fight (31)
Give up (0)
Save (Save + 0)

Event 33 - Trap!
You try to get Spark Man's weapon from his body, but in surprise, he tries to
shock you between his electrodes...
Instant choice:
Nothing (34.1)
Up (34.2)#

Event 34.1 - Shocked
Spark Man electrocutes you and you fall inconscious. You begin to dream that you
are back to Dr. Light lab and you see both Roll and Dr. Light dead.
Goto 35

Event 34.2 - Exhausted
You avoid Spark Man's final attack, but you are exhausted and fall inconscious.
Goto 35

Event 35 - Wily!
You wake up tied to a pipe in front of Dr. Wily in his hideout in the basement
of the pyramid. You are surprised as you see all the Robot Masters that have
been restored by the Super Computer Ra Moon. He also presents Ra Thor, the super
robot that he designed. You and Dr. Wily get an argument and finally, the upset
doctor orders his robots to execute you. But before they can finish you, Ra Moon
shoots an energy beam at the Robot Masters, knocking them out. Surprised, Dr.
Wily asks for an explanation, and Ra Moon reveals that he was using Dr. Wily all
this time. Then Dr. Wily orders Ra Thor to destroy Ra Moon, but the robot is
follows Ra Moon desires and he attacks the Robot Masters. As Ra Thor raises his
hand to shoot Dr. Wily, you, freed by some Robot Masters, ram into the robot and
make him fall.
Goto 36

Event 36 - Ra Thor!
You shoot at Ra Thor, but he blocks your shot...
Instant choice:
Nothing (37)
Right (38)*

Event 37 - Attacked
Ra Thor beats you up. 'Nuff said...
Goto 38

Event 38 - Fight
Ra Thor is very quick and has lots of attack: Equip the Blues Shield and shoot
like crazy! (You may need to pause the game a few time to let your thumb rest)
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Win (Save Screen - 40)
Lost (39)

Event 39 - Try again?
Ra Thor finishes you, but you get a chance to continue...
Fight (38)
Give up (0)
Save (Save + 0)

Event 40 - Ra Devil!
Dr. Wily gloats at Ra Moon as you have beaten Ra Thor. But the Super Computer
reveals an even worse enemy hidden below Ra Thor glass dome: The Ra Devil! An
enhanced version of the Yellow Devil (Rock Monster from RM1 & 3) that Ra Moon
stole from Dr. Wily laptop data. You try to shoot at him, but it does not even
scratch him. The Robot Masters shoot all at the same time, but the Ra Devil
laughs and shoots a powerful beam at them. Seeing this, you engage the combat.

Event 41 - Final Fight!
The Ra Devil is slower than Ra Thor, but he is more powerful. Again, equip the
Blues Shield.
Weapon recommended: Blues Shield
Win (Save Screen - 44)
Lost (First time - 42.1)
Lost (Other times - 42.2)

Event 42.1 - Wily's observation
The Ra Devil's last attack throws you away and you are lying on the floor,
weaker than ever. Dr. Wily tells you that Ra Moon is getting weaker and that you
should continue your attack, but you cannot move. That is when you see a vision
of Roll telling you to believe...
Believe in love (43.1)*
Believe in what? (0)
Believe in your strenght (43.2)

Event 42.2 - Try again?
The Ra Devil finishes you, but you get a chance to continue...
Fight (41)
Give up (0)
Save (Save + 0)

Event 43.1 - Sacrifice
You tell the Robot Masters to get out before getting even more damaged, but as
Ra Moon tries to finish you, they use their bodies as a shield to protect you.
They give their energy to refill yours, so you shoot the Ra Devil away and start
the fight again, to the surprise of Ra Moon.
Goto 41

Event 43.2 - Get up!
You use your willpower to refill you energy and start the fight again.
Goto 40

Event 44 - Epilogue
The Ra Devil is out of commission and instead of changing your cannon back to a
hand, you change the other hand into a cannon and begin charging a super shot.
Dr. Wily tells you to stop, if you are using both of your cannons at the same
time, you may be highly damaged. You smile when hearing that Dr. Wily is
actually caring for you and you finally shoot the Double Rock Buster at Ra Moon!
Ra Moon and the place blows up in flames... Then every machine on Earth start
working again: Lights, vehicules, computers and, of course, Roll, to the joy of
Dr. Light.
Save screen. Goto 45

Event 45 - Ending
You are found in the empty area unconscious. Beat and Rush wake you up and you
realize that everyone (Robot Masters of RM1 and Blues) are waiting for you. As
you talk with them, Dr. Wily quietly escapes on a flying device and tells you
that he will be back. (Figures!)
Goto 46

Event 46 - Credits

Sub-Menu (while in battle)
Life Tank quantity
Press button to use
Weapon Recharge quantity
Choose the weapon to recharge and select this choice
Robot Database
Press button and use directional button to browse data
If you can read japanese, you can see sometimes which weapon works best on
a Robot Master
Unless you know the japanese Katakana, it is quite impossible to know which
weapon is which. But when you select one, an icon will appear next to your
life bar, hinting you

Position of weapons in Episode 1:
Time Stopper Atomic Fire Metal Blade
Quick Boomerang Rock Buster Shadow Blade
Bubble Lead

Position of weapons in Episode 2 and 3:
Rock Buster Metal Blade Bubble Lead
Atomic Fire Time Stopper Quick Boomerang
Shadow Blade Leaf Shield Air Shooter
Crash Bomber Search Snake Needle Cannon
Gemini Laser Blues Shield / Magnet Missile
Hard Knuckle Top Spin Spark Shock

Energy Tank
In the animation, refills a little of your life energy
In the Sub-Menu - refills all your life energy
Weapon Recharge
Refills some of one of your weapon energy
Database Card
Give you data and weaknesses of some enemies

Database Cards
While in the game, you will find some Database cards. Those will give you data
of your enemies and weaknesses if it is a Robot Master.

Ep.1, you start with: Renbakun, Metool, Monking, Yambow, Pepe, Furendaa, Robitto
Ep.1, 1: Metal Man (Rock Buster)
Ep.1, 2: Bubble Man (Metal Blade), Heat Man (Bubble Lead)
Ep.1, 3: Harri Harry, Keroggu, Flash Man (Metal Blade), Quick Man (Time
Stopper), Shadow Man (Quick Boomerang)

Ep.2, 1: Pipi, Wood Man (Atomic Fire), Matasaburoo, Air Man (Leaf Shield),
Bunbi Heli
Ep.2, 2: Pickel Man, Crash Man (Air Shooter), Taketentoo
Ep.2, 3: Battonton, Snake Man (Crash Bomb), Needle Man (Search Snake),
Gemini Man (Needle Cannon)

Ep.3, 1: Magfly, Petaakii, Metool, Pelicaan
Ep.3, 2: Magnet Man (Gemini Laser), Hard Man (Magnet Missile), Top Man
(Hard Knuckle), Spark Man (Top Spin)
Ep.3, 3: Ra Thor (?)

Rock Buster
Basic chargeable weapon; unlimited energy
Metal Blade
Good all-around weapon
Bubble Lead
Atomic Fire
Time Stopper
Stops your opponent for a few seconds. Not really powerful, so you have to
switch back to another weapon to do true damage while time is stopped
Quick Boomerang
Weapon with large horizontal range
Shadow Blade
Blues Shield
Reduces your damage. Does not consume energy
You can still use your Rock Buster
Leaf Shield
Air Tornado
Weapon with large vertical range
Crash Bomb
Search Snake
Needle Cannon
Gemini Laser
Magnet Missile
Hard Knuckle
Top Spin
Spark Shock

Tips & Facts
- Remember, when you have to choose left or right, it is from Rock's
- When you are starting a new episode, you will have one more Energy Tank and
three more Weapon Recharge. If you play well, you can finish the game with
seven Energy Tanks and nine Weapon Recharge.
- Do not watch the opening and preview scenes if you do not want to spoil fun.
- Unfortunately, you cannot skip anime scenes in the game. The only thing you
can do is pause.

General fighting tips
- The Rock Buster can be charged, it does A LOT more damage than normal shots.
- The Time Stopper works great on fast enemies, but it has to be used
intelligently. Use one hit to freeze your opponent, then switch to another weapon while it is
- Starting from episode 2, equip the Blues Shield whenever you are not using a
Master Weapon. It reduces all damages to 1% each time!
- Usually, when a Robot Master loose half of his energy, he will get tougher.
Use the Rock Buster first and then a Master Weapon when it gets difficult.
- When you loose a battle and you get a chance to fight again, you will be given
all your life and weapon energy back. And this, as much as you want! So don't
give up.
- Most of the time, when an enemy charges at you, shoot him so he goes away
instead of damaging you.
- Most of the time, the weakness weapon of a Robot Master will work only once,
so do not bother and use the Rock Buster.


This walkthrough is copyright to Mega Boy.
Please do not put on the web without contacting me at
Superadventure Rockman, Rockman and all related characters and names are
trademarks of Capcom Entertainment, Inc.

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