Tomb Raider Chronicles

Tomb Raider Chronicles

13.10.2013 14:25:18
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Tomb Raider Chronicles Secrets Locations for Playstation
|By: Saturn |
|E-Mail: |
|Created: 04/05/2001 |
|Last update: 08/01/2002 |
|Version: 3.4 |
|Based in the European PAL version |
|of the Playstation game |

Copyright(c)Saturn 2000.This Faq is exclusively for
personal and private use. It cannot be reproduced,
modified, reedited, published or used for any promotional
or comercial purposes. You cannot use this Faq in your
page without my permission. See the "Author's notes"
section for more details on how to use this Faq in your

Tomb Raider Chronicles (c) 2000 Core Design Limited

This Faq is available at:

Always check for the latest update.

Author's notes
Hi! This is the first time I'm doing a Faq. I hope you
like it! I tried to do it simple and clear, so feel free
to E-mail me your opinion. I will also include some
questions in this Faq, so E-mail me if you can't find
something, when you have a doubt or if you simply want
to contribute with something (but be clear). There are
some e-mails that I will not reply: flaming, off-topic,
questions already answered in the "Frequently Asked
Questions" section and foreign languages (I only know
English and Portuguese). One more thing: please, never
send me pictures or any other things like that by E-mail.
And thanks for reading my Faq!

If you want to use this Faq in your page, send me an
e-mail asking permission. Make sure you include the the
adress where my Faq will be posted. If everything's OK,
I'll give you permission.

I'm glad to say that I was able to answer most of the
e-mails I received. Unfortunately, I can't say "all"
because sometimes when I send an answer I receive an
e-mail saying that there was an error and the e-mail I
sent was not delivered. I don't know if it is because of
my server, but this error ocurred three times so far and
it is useless to send it again because the same happens.
I'm sorry for those that didn't get an answer.

What's new?
Version 3.4
-Corrected small errors
-Added more questions to the "Frequently Asked Questions"
-Updated author's notes (if you're planning to e-mail me,
please read the third paragraph in this section)

Next Update
Well, I decided to update this Faq again. I still don't know
anything about the PC cheats, sorry. I'll go look for them
again since it's been a while since I tried to find them.

| Content |

1. About the Secrets
2. Rome levels
A) Streets of Rome
B) Trajan's Market
C) The Colosseum
3. Russian Base levels
D) The Base
E) The Submarine
F) Deapsea Dive
G) Sinking Submarine
4. Black Isle levels
H) Gallows Tree
I) Labirynth
J) Old Mill
5. Tower Block levels
K) The 13th Floor
L) Escape With The Iris
M) Red Alert
6. Special Movements list
7. Cheats
A) Playstation version
B) Dreamcast version
C) PC version (to be updated)
8. Playstation Beta version
9. Frequently Asked Questions
10. Credits

| 1. About the Secrets |

If you played any of the previous games, then you must
know what they are. A Secret usually consists in a hidden
area/room with many useful items that will help you during
the game. Whenever you find one, you hear a chime. In Tomb
Raider I, III and The Last Revelation, Secrets were just
areas with many items. In Tomb Raider II this is a bit
different. Although they are also hidden in secret rooms,
the secrets consist in small coloured dragon statues. Each
level has three statues, and if you find the three statues
in one level you receive many items as well. In some of
the games, finding all secrets unlock a better bonus...

...and that's exactly what happens in Tomb Raider
Chronicles. But I don't want to spoil it. When you
were playing Tomb Raider Chronicles, you might have
found some golden roses. That's a secret. There are
a total of 36 roses all over the game (each level has
3 roses). This guide tells you the locations of all
the roses you will find in the game.

| 2. Rome Levels |


-SECRET 1: At the beginning of the level, there is a
training area to your left. There is a room in this
training area where you have to tightrope walk (you
have to walk a little before you get there). In that
room there is another small room in the lowest area.
Go there and find the shelter at the top right corner.
Push it twice to reveal a secret room to the left and
collect the secret from the shelf inside that room.

-SECRET 2: After you reach the area with the big gate,
go to the left. Before climbing the stairs where you
find the Revolver, there is a room and a locked door to
the left. The secret is inside the secret room behind
that door. To open the door, you have to shoot the bell
at the bell house first. After that, go back to that door
and after killing the dog collect the secret from the

-SECRET 3: When you get to the bell house, after
shooting the bell, you have to jump to a room at your
left and press a switch there. In this room there are
two secret doors (one to the left, another one to the
right) that will open after you move the two crystal
birds inside the bell house. The secret is in one of
them. You must go there before entering the last door
you opened with the two crystal birds.


-SECRET 4: In the room with the gears, there is a
trapdoor near the room's entrance (in the opposite
corner of the gears). This trapdoor will open after
you move the big wheel that is blocking a room. Go
there and collect the secret among other items.

-SECRET 5: Kill the machine that shoots a laser from
its eyes against you. Go to the next room, climb to the
metal platform and jump to the top of the red machine.
The secret is there.

-SECRET 6: There is a closed gate to the right in the
main area of this level (where you start the level).
You can see the secret inside. This gate will open when
you fight the Knight. After beating him, exit that room
through the broken window and go get the secret.


-SECRET 7: This one's tough to find. At the very
beginning of the level (before the corridor where the
ground falls), examine the rocks to the right along the
way. There is a secret block with a ring you have to
push to find the secret.

-SECRET 8: After exiting the room with the timed puzzle
(where you have a few seconds to get the gemstone piece
in the top), you'll see an opened gate, but you will fall
before passing it. After the scene with Pierre, you have
to go back to the room with the timed puzzle. To do that,
you need to use the rocks to reach an entrance to the
right. Be careful, you have to use the right rocks to get
there. Go back to the opened gate you saw and collect the
secret inside.

-SECRET 9: At the very end of the level, don't pick up
the Philosopher's stone. Instead, save your game and
jump to the closest platform. Keep jumping from platform
to platform until you find the crawling space where the
secret is. Then go back using the platforms one more time
and pick up the Philosopher's stone to finish the level.

| 3. Russian Base levels |


-SECRET 10: At the beginning of the level, in the boxes
hall, get the key inside the locker. Use it to open one
big door hidden behind some boxes. Climb the stairs and
kill the guards at the top. Collect the Swipe card, the
Uzis inside the locker and return to the boxes hall.
Now go to the two big doors with the card reader in the
boxes hall and use the Swipe card in the left door.
Inside, kill the dogs and look for the broken ventilation
shaft in the right wall. Shoot it to reveal a secret
opening with the secret inside. Then simply use the Swipe
card in the right door to continue the level.

-SECRET 11: When you first get out to the area with snow,
use the hanged box in the middle of the area to jump to
the top of the boxes at the left. The secret is there.

-SECRET 12: Enter the shower room (the big room with water
and many lockers). Examine the left area with shallow
water to find a trapdoor in the right corner. Save your
game here. Now you have to swim a lot until you find the
secret room. Collect it and swim back to the shower room.
You can also see the room with the secret near the
submarine when you go outside to the area with the hanged
box, but you cannot get the secret from there.


-SECRET 13: After escaping the prison, walk inside the
air shaft until you find a hole with electricity in the
bottom. You can go down the hole, since it has
climbable walls. Go down the hole to find a secret
passage to the left. Collect the secret and get out.
Don't fall in the hole because the electricity will kill

-SECRET 14: In the room where you find the Aqualung and
the Shotgun there is a box at the right of the entrance
that can be opened with the crowbar. The secret is

-SECRET 15: Before reaching the room where the Battery (+)
is, you have to climb to a box and open a trapdoor in the
top to get to the ventilation shaft once again. Inside
the ventilation shaft you can stand up over the second
ventilator. Use a flare to find a secret platform where
you have to climb to get the secret.


-SECRET 16: Swim forward. After passing the rocks, there
are two ways. Swim to the left and there should be a dead
end. You'll find the secret there, inside a small cave
deep in the sea.


-SECRET 17: First, you have to turn the electricity
off. After that, go back to the kitchen (which is near
the dining room)and catch the secret in the ground.

-SECRET 18: This is hard to find. It took me ages to find
it. After collecting the Oxygen canister, exit the room.
Two guys will be waiting for you. Kill them. One of them
has a key. Use the key to open the door in the same room
where you turned the electricity off.

| 4. Black Isle levels |


-SECRET 19: A bit hard to get. At the beginning, jump
to the rocks in the other side of the abyss. Grab the
ledge and go to the left. Release the ledge at the end
and jump to the sliding rock to your right. Hold the edge
of the rock before falling, and then release it. You'll
land in a safe platform. But don't move too much, because
you may slip and you'll have to climb to the top and do
everything again. Now jump to a cave at your right.
Before that, you may want to save the game (because it's
a hard jump). Collect the secret inside the cave and then
fall down to the lower area and climb back to the top.

-SECRET 20: After slipping to the tree where you find
the strange creature, use the sliding rocks at the
left of the entrance to get to the top of the column
where the secret is. You have to jump from rock to rock
and grab the column.

-SECRET 21: Go to the area where there are a lot of
crypts and find the entrance to the underground path.
Be carefull here, there is a spot where the ground
falls and there are spikes. Go to the right inside this
cave and go down to the lower level where the spikes are.
Crawl across the spikes and collect the secret in the
small crawling space.


-SECRET 22: In the church where the skelletons attack
you, open the door with the bone dust. Enter the door
and climb to a hidden platform at the top. Press the
switch to open a new passage. Examine the wall at the
end of the passage to get the secret

-SECRET 23: After falling in the water from a long fall,
climb up and go through the first opening. There is a
bridge here. At the entrance of the brige, check the
left side. You'll see an opening in the wall. Do a
running jump and hold the edge in the corner, then go
right and climb up when you can. Now jump to the next
platform and collect the secret inside the opening. Do
the reverse way to get out.

-SECRET 24: After collecting the Bestiary Book and exiting
that area, you'll see a white spirit floating around
that will guide you through the rest of the level. Ignore
it for now. Climb to the first platform, then jump to the
other one. From here, jump forward to the overhead frame
(under the higher platform)and monkey swing to the
crawling space where the secret is. Quickly release and
hold the "Action" button to grab the crawling space's
edge and climb up. Collect the secret at the end. Be
careful with the spikes in the middle of the crawling


-SECRET 25: Go to the area with the rope in the middle,
where the Imps are throwing stones against you. Jump to
the rope, turn around and use the rope to jump to the
left platform. Collect the torch and return to the cave
you came from. At the end of the cave, you can light
the torch. Go back and do a running jump to the area
where the Imps are. Leave the torch near them and crawl
through the small tunnel to the left to get the secret.

-SECRET 26: At the entrance of the windmill area, there
are two crawling caves to the left. Enter the second one.
Collect the medipack and save your game here. The path
is blocked with fire, so you'll have to dash through the
fire and fall in the water before your energy bar is
empty. Climb up to collect the secret, and don't forget
to heal with the medipack you just found. Exit this area
by using the other crawling space to the left.

-SECRET 27: After stopping the windmill, the water will
slow down. Swim behind the house where the knight went
and you'll find a small entrance that will take you to
the secret. You can also get this secret while the
water is still running , but it's harder to enter in the
small entrance. Start swimming from the left side of the
house and try not to pass the entrance because the stream
is very strong. I recommend you to get this secret after
stopping the stream.

| 5. Block Tower levels |


-SECRET 28: At the beginning, go to the left and shoot
the air duct's grating. After that, crawl through the
air duct until Zip contacts you. You can see the secret
during the sequence with the guard. Now move forward
and you have to pass the lasers (careful not to fall
in the hole with more lasers). After passing the lasers,
shoot another grating to the left. Follow the air duct
and you'll have to pass another laser. After that, you
will get inside the room. Don't forget to collect the
Hammer in the room to the right after that.

-SECRET 29: After getting the acess code disk, you have
to go back to the floor where you started the level and
operate the computer to open the air duct. Now you have
to go down using the pole. Be carefull with the
explosions (you should save your game before going down).
At the middle of the pole, jump backwards and you should
land in a secret entrance. Collect the secret and go
down without using the pole (simply fall to the ground).
Use your medipacks if you lost some energy with the

-SECRET 30: Later in the level, there is a U-shaped room
where you kill a guard and Zip tells you not to kill the
scientist. You should save your game before entering
this room. After that, kill the scientist. Don't get
too close to him, otherwise a sequence will start and
you will not be able to get the secret. Use the rifle
and sniper ammo to kill him. He will see your gun and
he will start running around, but try to kill him. A new
door will open near this room's entrance. You'll have to
deal with several guards and the machine guns are
activated, so heal whenever you need. Your energy will
drop very quickly. Go to the new opened door and go to
the left when you see the laser. The secret is at the end
of the corridor.


-SECRET 31: After entering the elevator shaft for the
first time (by using the trapdoor in the bathroom),
save your game and go down the climbable wall. Go down as
much as you can, then release. You should land inside the
secret entrance. It's a bit hard to do it, because most
of the times you will land on a slipping ledge. Then
collect the secret and get out by climbing the elevator

-SECRET 32: After exiting the elevator shaft once and for
all, you'll have to run from an armed guard (you don't
have weapons yet). You'll see a big aquarium there with
the secret inside. If you stand between the guard and
the aquarium, the guard will certainly hit the glass of
the aquarium. Collect the secret and run. You may lose
some energy here, so be carefull.

-SECRET 33: After collecting the previous secret, a
sniper will shoot against you. Run to the other side
and climb up the wall at the left of the door. Run to the
other side once again. There's a small fire estinguisher
there (near the switch that opens the door below). The
sniper must shoot it, so run around it until that happens.
The explosion will reveal a secret entrance with the
secret inside.


-SECRET 34: At the begginig of the level, kill the guard
and keep going upstairs. The choper will destroy some of
the stairs and you'll have to jump. After a running jump,
the next stairs will fall below your feet, so make sure
you jump before you fall with them. After that, climb
down the stairs that just felt to get to the secret
entrace at the left side. Collect the secret and get out.

-SECRET 35: The hardest secret to get. It took me a few
tries, and you may have to practice before doing it.
After using the elevator (inside the building), kill
the guard. There is a large corridor to the left and two
doors in front of you. Enter the left door, equip your
rifle with sniper ammo and save the game. Press the
button to start the shooting game. Try to shoot all the
targets before they pass the middle line. If something
goes wrong, reset and try again. If you did it fine, the
lamp will light up and the other door will be opened.
Save your game. You have to shoot all the targets again,
but this time is harder. After pressing the button, the
room will be filled with gas and the exit door will only
open if you shoot all targets before they pass the middle
line. Then heal yourself from the gas and go up the
corridor to collect the secret in the opened room to the

-SECRET 36: The last secret, and very easy to get. At the
end of the level , you have to go inside the gas chamber.
Save your game before that. The secret is near the first
switch, in a crawling space to the right.

Congratulations! You have found all the secrets in the
game. Now go to the last door and save your game there.
After the final credits, don't turn the console off yet.
A new option called "Special Features" will be available
in the main menu. Enjoy your reward!

| 6. Special movements list |

I'll list some moves that are not listed in the game's
manual or explained during the trainig level. Some of
them are useless, but great looking, and most of them also
exist in the previous games.

-Swan dive: press "Walk" button while performing a
forward jump.

-Swan dive with rotation: Only works when jumping from
very high places. Perform a Diving jump, then press and
hold the "Roll" button.

-"Upside-down": While holding a climbable edge, press
"Up" to climb up and hold the "Walk" button.

-Somersault: Near an edge, press/hold the "Crouch" button
and then press "Jump". This movement is only used to
enter the small house in "Old Mill" level, but works
any time.

| 7. Cheats |

----------------A)PLAYSTATION VERSION--------------------

-Unlimited medipacks and ammo:
While playing, go to the inventory screen (by pressing
Select) and highlight the "Timex". Press
R1+R2+L1+L2+Down+Circle and then press Triangle. Check
the inventory screen to confirm.

-Unlock "Special Features" option:
After entering the "Unlimited medipacks and ammo" cheat,
quit the game. "Special Features" option should be
available in the main menu.

-Unlimited health, ammo and weapons*: While playing, go to
the inventory screen and highlight the "Timex". Press
R1+L1+L2+UP+Circle and then press Triangle. Check the
inventory screen to confirm.
*Note: this cheat only gives you the weapons available in
the level you use it.

-Unlock all items in current level:
While playing, go to the inventory screen and highlight
the "Timex". Press R1+R2+L1+L2+Down then press Triangle.
Check the inventory screen to confirm.

-Adventure selection:
In the main menu, highlight "New Game" and press the
following buttons to play in any adventure.
>Russian Base (second adventure): L1+Up
>Black Isle (third adventure): L2+Up
>Tower Block (fourth adventure): R1+Up
Then simply press "X" while holding the two buttons.

----------------- B) DREAMCAST VERSION* -----------------

Select Adventure:
In the main menu, highlight "New Game" and press and hold
the following buttons to start at any adventure.
>Russian Base (second adventure): L2+R2+Down
>Black Isle (third adventure): L2+R2+Left
>Tower Block (fourth adventure): L2+R2+Right

Unlock "Special Features" menu:
Highlight the Timex, press and hold "Y". The number of
secrets should go up to 36. Then quit the game and return
to the main menu. "Special Features" option should be

*Credit goes to Bianca LLuberes for telling me that these
cheats work

-------------------- C) PC VERSION ----------------------

I only found a few cheats for PC and they don't work, so
I will not put them here. I'll try to find out cheats
that work. If you know about the cheats, please tell me.

| 8. Playstation Beta version |

What is the Playstation Beta version? It is a version of
the game that was created as a promotional version before
the final version was released. This version has some
"bugs" that were corrected in the final version, and one
of the secrets was changed, as well as the cheats. Usually,
this version can only be obtained by piracy or as prize
in several countests.

The final version cheats don't work in this game,
but these ones work fine. And yes, I've tested them.

-Adventure selection:
In the main menu, highlight "New game" and press the
following button to start at any adventure:
>Russian Base (second adventure): L1
>Black Isle (third adventure): L2
>Tower Block (fourth adventure): R2
While holding the button, press "X".

-View FMV:
In the main menu, press Select+R2. A new option should

-Unlimited Medipacks and ammo*:
While playing, open the inventory and highlight the small
medipack. Then press L1+L2+R1+R2+Up. Exit the inventory
and check it again. You should have unlimited everything.

-All key items in current level*:
While playing, open the inventory and highlight the large
medipack. The press L1+L2+R1+R2+Down. Exit the inventory
and check it again. You should have all the key items.

*Note: you can't do this cheat if you don't have the
medipack in the inventory.

The only difference is one secret in "The 13th Floor"
level in the Tower Block. I'll give you the correct list
of the secrets in this level.

-SECRET 28: At the beginning, go to the left and shoot
the air duct's grating. After that, crawl through the
air duct until Zip contacts you. You can see the secret
during the sequence with the guard. Now move forward
and you have to pass the lasers (careful not to fall
in the hole with more lasers). After passing the lasers,
shoot another grating at the left. Follow the air duct
and you'll have to pass another laser. After that, you
will get inside the room.

-SECRET 29: After opening a door by shooting the lock,
slide down and kill the guard. Climb up to the air shaft
again. There are a lot of explosions here, and the secret
is in the other side, so run and avoid getting caught by
an explosion.

-SECRET 30: After getting the acess code disk, you have
to go back to the floor where you started the level and
operate the computer to open the air duct. Now you have
to go down using the pole. Be carefull with the
explosions (you should save your game before going
down). At the middle of the pole, jump backwards and you
should land in a secret entrance. Collect the secret and
go down without using the pole (simply fall into the
ground). Use your medipacks if you lost some energy with
the explosions.

Any more differences?
Well, yes, but I'm not sure about this. I didn't test it,
but my friend says he was "trapped" because of this. At the
"Red Alert" level in the Tower Block, you have to collect
the grappling gun before entering the next room. If you
enter the next room without collecting this gun, the door
will be locked forever and you cannot get out because you
need the gun to continue.

| 9. Frequently Asked Question |

Q: I have the game for Playstation and I can't find secret
number 29.
A: There is a different PAL version of the game which
isn't exactly the final Pal version. Check the
"Playstation Beta version" section for more details.

Q: I cannot get the secret 11 in the Russian base. Every
time I try to jump to the boxes from the hanged box,
I always fall in the ground.
A: The same happened to me, and I still don't know why.
Do a Swan Dive (press the walk button when performing
a running jump) to get there easily.
Additional info (credit goes to Surplus Boy):
"The only way this has worked for me is to refrain from
pressing X, thereby landing on the feet rather than
pulling up from the corner. The same was true of the
final long jump in the Black Isle adventure."

Q: Your cheats for Playstation don't work. What's wrong?
A: Again, the cheats for the Beta version are different
from those in the final version. If the final version
cheats don't work with you, try the beta version

Q: I'm stuck. I don't know what to do. Could you help me?
A: This Faq is only for secrets. There are other Faqs
with the walkthrough that will certainly solve your
problem. If you don't want to get bored to find an
item or what you're looking for, then use the cheats
you find here. You should try to find out by yourself,

Q: If I send you an e-mail asking for help in the game
(but not the secrets), will you answer me?
A: Of course. I will not include any game help in this
faq (except cheats and secrets), but I've finished the
game a few times. I wouldn't say "no" if I can help

Q: You say there are three secrets in every level, but
there are two levels in the Russian base with one or
two secrets.
A: The Deep sea dive level (which has one secret) is more
like a "sub-level" of the Sinking submarine level
(which has two secrets). That makes three secrets.

Q: In the "Streets of Rome" level how do I shoot the bell
and the bell house to get the second secret and continue
the level?
A: You must get both Revolver and Laser Sight. Combine
Laser Sight with the Revolver, press and hold the
"Look" button and aim the bell. Then simply shoot it.

Q: I'm in the room with the gears and I don't know how to
reach the top left area with the second rope. How do I
get there?
A: From the top right room where the first rope is, jump
from platform to platform until you are close to the
room. You will not be able to jump directly to the last
platform because it is too far. However, if you check
the right wall before the entrance you should see an
opening. Jump to that opening and from there you can
jump to the platform near the entrance.

Q: I'm having trouble with the timed puzzle in "The
Colosseum" level. Can you help me?
A: It only depends on your skills. This puzzle is easy if
you can control Lara correctly. My best advice is to jump
to the right and start running and jumping until you reach
the item. Never stop running and don't miss any jump. The
last jump is the only one where you have to grab the edge
& pull up.

Q: In the Submarine level, I'm in the kitchen with the guy
with the knife and I don't know what to do. I don't have
the weapons yet. Is there a way to kill him?
A: Yes. You have to enter the kitchen slowly so he doesn't
hear you and walk behind him (you can't run). Once you
are behind him select the crowbar and Lara will knock him
out. Collect the key he drops and open the righ door.
Collect another key and the pistols inside. Use the key in
the left door to exit the kitchen.

Q: In the Old Mill level, how can I reach the top of the
small house to finish the level?
A: After you turn the wind mill off and the water stops, you
can swim in the water in the left side of the house where
the horse man went. You'll find an entrace in the rocks at
your left that will take you to the roof of that house.
Now try to reach the other side of the roof by jumping to
the areas where you don't slide. You have to do one final
jump to reach the roof of the small house. This jump might
be a bit hard and you may fall some times.

Q: And how do I get in?
A: There are two ways to do that:
1-Press and hold "crouch", move backwards to the window
and press "Action" to enter normally (sometimes it's
hard to enter this way);
2-Use the "Somersault" move (Check "Special movements
list" section for detail).

| 10. Credits |

-Thanks to CJayC for posting my Faq and for making a great

-Thanks to my friend Nuno ( for
testing the PC cheats and for telling me they don't work;

-Thanks to my friend Rui who has the Beta version and
tested the cheats for me. They work!

-Thanks to Mamdouh Haidar for telling me about the
somersault move;

-Thanks to Surplus Boy for adding some info to the Secret
11 in the Russian Base;

-Thanks to Bianca LLuberes for testing the Dreamcast cheats
and telling me they work;

-Thank you for reading this Faq!

Tomb Raider Chronicles (c) 2000 Core Design Limited
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Engl. Lösung

16.Октябрь 2013
Secrets Locations FAQ

13.Октябрь 2013
Savegame-Editor und Energie-Patch (auch für TR 3 und 4)

16.Октябрь 2013
Lara fast unsterblich

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

15.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Mehr Gegenstände und Endsavegame mit allen Extras

18.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Ressourcentrainer (funktioniert mit allen Versionen)

13.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die europäische PAL spanische Version.

18.Октябрь 2013
Fast-unsterblich-Patch (für dt. Version)

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Waffen, Munition und Medipacks (für die dt. Version)

18.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Waffen, Munition und Medipacks (für die engl. Version)

18.Октябрь 2013
God-Modus-Trainer (für die engl. Version)

18.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +9 Trainer für die europäische PAL UK Version.

18.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die europäische PAL UK Version.

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018