Square Release List

Square Release List

14.10.2013 03:00:37
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The Record of SQUARE
--the SQUARESOFT release list--
presented by J.T.Kauffman

25th November, 1999

== Section Zero. The Table of Contents ==

Zero. The Table of Contents.
One. Prelude.
Two. The Squaresoft Release List.
- Japanese Releases.
- American Releases.
Three. Other Squaresoft Lists.
- Time Line/Famitsu Ratings.
- Other Releases.
- Upcoming Releases.
- Asian Variations.
- Japanese/English Name Variations.
- Million Sellers. --to be added later--
- Top 10 Playstation Sellers.
- Genre Breakdown.
- System/Series Totals.
- Series Lists.
- Unreleased Games.
- Square Branches. --2/3 done--
- Square Personalities.
Four. Epilogue.
- Credits.
- Notes.
- Document Versions.
- Legal Information.
- Contact Information.

== Section One. Prelude ==

With the advent of the Internet, much information that had been obscured
and hidden, due to time and distance, has been uncovered, and presented.
Thanks to the first Internet brainchild of Andrew Vestal, the late and
legendary www.square.net, much of this hidden information on the
Squaresoft, makers of many fine video games, has been presented to the
Western video game public. However, this information was never as
complete as one would like, and with the demise of Square.Net, much of
it has been lost once more. With this document, I hope to shed some
light on these lost works.

As many video game fans know, Squaresoft (also known simply as Square)
has produced many video game titles in Japan. Unfortunately, the
majority of these titles never saw the light of day outside of the
country. While information on many of the very earliest titles is still
very scarce, even in today's information age, the latter bulk of the
titles can be easily accounted for. This document will initially serve
of a listing of basic facts on all of Squaresoft's releases, both
American and Japanese (other regions, such as Europe, may be added at a
later date), but, with luck, will grow to something much more.

This document would not exist if it wasn't for two major sources of
information. The first is Square.Net; although the site does not truly
exist any more (much of the data for Square's RPGs still exists, but the
rest has been lost), it was, in it's day, the premier site for Square
information. Although I can't say that I referenced the site directly,
much of my Square knowledge base is from this site. Square.Net's creator
and maintainer, Andrew Vestal, is now one of the founders of the Gaming
Intelligence Agency (www.thegia.com). The second source is an unlikely
one: a single issue of the Japanese Playstation magizine Famitsu PS
(11/26/99, No. 72). Discovered almost on accident by myself, this issue
contains a comprehensive list of Squaresoft games, along with much of
the information presented in this document. As this source is all in
Japanese, I have translated the important information into English for
this work. This is also why I say that this document is "presented by
J.T.Kauffman", and not simply "by J.T.Kauffman."

Finally, this work is most definately "in progress." Although the bulk
of it is done, you'll find quite a bit of empty spaces where I still
need to sift through information that I have packed away on my hard
drive. I released it today (25,Nov,1999) simply due to the fact that I
was updating 10 other FAQs and releasing 1 other new one, and figured
that I'd just add this one to the heap as well. Please note that the
document has been written as if all of the planned info has been
included, so there may be some references to such missing things... As
for the missing info (most notably almost all of the U.S. release dates,
almost all of the formats for pre-Playstation releases, the demo disks
section, and the million sellers section), it's coming soon, so just be

== Section Two. The Squaresoft Release List ==

First, a few notes on organization and presentation of this list. Games
are grouped by region, then presented by system in chronological order,
with the newest titles and systems being first. As this document is more
of a static work, games may be listed that have not been released if
there is sufficient information on their release (such as an exact
release date, product information, etc.). The following information is
included in this list: Title, Release Date, Genre, Form, Original
Suggested Retail Price. The title is given in it's original language
(ie., if the title is in Japanese, it is listed as such, but if the
title is in katakana-ised English, then it is listed in English). Dates
are given in the American MM/DD/YYYY style. Genres are approxomite, and
the following abbreviations are used: RPG=Role Playing Game;
SRPG=Simulation Role Playing Game; ADV=Adventure or Action/Adventure
game; FGHT=Fighting; RCG=Racing; ACT=Action; SHT=Shooting;
SIM=Simulation; PIN=Pinball; MISC=Miscellaneous (multiple genres) or
Other (unclassifiable). Form, or format, is given in the number of discs
(demo discs are ignored), or the size of the cartridge. Prices are
listed in the currency for the country (JY, or Japanese Yen, for Japan,
and $, or U.S. Dollars, for America), and are without tax; prices pre-
Playstation are estimates, and may be slightly incorrect. Finally, this
list only contains games that were readily for purchase available at
retailers - for demo discs or other games (such as Satellaview games),
please see Section Three).

Squaresoft Japanese releases.

Sony Playstation


Title Release Genre Form Price

Chocobo Collection (*4) 12/22/1999 MISC 3 CD 7800JY
Chocobo Stallion 12/22/1999 RCG 1 CD 4800JY
Parasite Eve 2 12/16/1999 ADV 2 CD 6800JY
Chrono Cross 11/18/1999 RPG 2 CD 6800JY
Chrono Trigger 11/04/1999 RPG 1 CD 4800JY
Dewprism 10/14/1999 ADV 1 CD 5800JY
Front Mission 3 09/02/1999 SRPG 1 CD 6800JY
Seiken Densetsu: Legend of Mana 07/15/1999 ADV 1 CD 6800JY
Racing Lagoon 06/10/1999 RPG/RCG 1 CD 5800JY
Cyber-Org 04/22/1999 ACT 1 CD 5800JY
SaGa Frontier 2 04/01/1999 RPG 1 CD 6800JY
Chocobo Racing
enkaiheno Road~ 03/18/1999 RCG 1 CD 5800JY
Final Fantasy Collection 03/18/1999 RPG 3 CD 9800JY
Anniversary Package (*3)
Final Fantasy Collection (*2) 03/11/1999 RPG 3 CD 7800JY
Final Fantasy VI 03/11/1999 RPG 1 CD 4800JY
Final Fantasy VIII 02/11/1999 RPG 4 CD 7800JY
iS Internal Section 01/28/1999 SHT 1 CD 5800JY
Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon 2 12/23/1998 RPG 1 CD 6800JY
Ehrgeiz 12/17/1998 FGHT 1 CD 5800JY
Another Mind 11/12/1998 SIM/ADV 3 CD 5800JY
Brave Fencer Musashiden 07/16/1998 ADV 1 CD 6800JY
Soukaigi 05/28/1998 ADV 3 CD 6800JY
Parasite Eve 03/29/1998 RPG 2 CD 6800JY
Final Fantasy V 03/19/1998 RPG 1 CD 4800JY
Bushido Blade Ni 03/12/1998 FGHT 1 CD 5800JY
Xenogears 02/11/1998 RPG 2 CD 6800JY
Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon 12/23/1997 RPG 1 CD 6800JY
Front Mission Alternative 12/18/1997 SRPG 1 CD 5800JY
Einhander 11/20/1997 SHT 1 CD 5800JY
Final Fantasy VII International(*1)10/02/1997 RPG 4 CD 6800JY
Front Mission 2 09/25/1997 SRPG 1 CD 6800JY
SaGa Frontier 07/11/1997 RPG 1 CD 6800JY
Final Fantasy Tactics 06/20/1997 SRPG 1 CD 6800JY
Tobal 2 04/25/1997 FGHT 1 CD 5800JY
Final Fantasy IV 03/21/1997 RPG 1 CD 4800JY
Bushido Blade 03/14/1997 FGHT 1 CD 5800JY
Final Fantasy VII 01/31/1997 RPG 3 CD 6800JY
Tobal No. 1 08/02/1996 FGHT 1 CD 5800JY

*1: a re-release of Final Fantasy VII with minor changes, as well as a
fourth "Perfect Guide" disc.
*2: this release is merely a the Playstation versions of Final Fantasy
IV, V, and VI in a single package.
*3: this release is Final Fantasy Collections with a limited edition
clock that features Amano artwork.
*4: this release is Chocobo Racing
enkaiheno Road~, Chocobo Stallion,
and Dice de Chocobo in a single package. Dice de Chocobo is not
available separately.

Nintendo Super Famicom


Title Release Genre Form Price

Treasure Hunter G 06/24/1996 RPG 7900JY
Rudra no Hihou 04/05/1996 RPG 8000JY
Front Mission: Gun Hazard 02/23/1996 SHTG 11400JY
Bahamut Lagoon 02/09/1996 SRPG 11400JY
Romancing SaGa 3 11/11/1995 RPG 11400JY
Seiken Densetsu 3 09/30/1995 ADV 11400JY
Chrono Trigger 03/11/1995 RPG 11400JY
Front Mission 02/24/1995 SRPG 11400JY
Live-A-Live 09/02/1994 RPG 9900JY
Final Fantasy VI 04/02/1994 RPG 11400JY
Alcahest 12/17/1993 ACT 8800JY
Romancing SaGa 2 12/10/1993 RPG 9900JY
Final Fantasy USA Mystic Quest 09/10/1993 RPG 7900JY
Seiken Densetsu 2 08/06/1993 ADV 9800JY
Hanjuku Hero ~aa, Sekaiyo 12/19/1992 SRPG 9500JY
Hanjuku Nare...!!~
Final Fantasy V 12/06/1992 RPG 9800JY
Romancing SaGa 01/28/1992 RPG 9500JY
Final Fantasy IV Easytype * 10/29/1991 RPG 9000JY
Final Fantasy IV 07/19/1991 RPG 8800JY

*: a re-release of Final Fantasy IV with a lower difficulty, as well as
many items and commands removed.

Nintendo Game Boy


Title Release Genre Form Price

SaGa 3 Dekisorano Nahamono 12/13/1991 RPG 4900JY
Final Fantasy Gaiden 06/28/1991 ADV 4800JY
Seiken Densetsu
SaGa 2 Hihou Densetsu 12/14/1990 RPG 4800JY
Makaitoshi SaGa 12/15/1989 RPG 3500JY

Nintendo Famicom Disk System


Title Release Genre Form Price

Moonball Magic 07/12/1988 PIN 1 disk 500JY
Akuusenki Raging *,** 07/12/1988 SHT 1 disk 500JY
Kariin no Tsurugi 10/02/1987 RPG 1 disk 3300JY
Cleopatra no Mahou 07/24/1987 RPG 1 disk 3300JY
Jikaishounen Met Mag * 07/03/1987 ACT 1 disk 3400JY
Yuushino Monshou Deep Dungeon II * 05/30/1987 RPG 1 disk 3400JY
Hao-kun no Fushigina Tabi 05/01/1987 ACT 1 disk 3400JY
Apple Town Monogatari ** 04/03/1987 SIM 1 disk 3400JY
Tobidase Oosakusen * 03/12/1987 SHT 1 disk 3400JY
Deep Dungeon Madousenki * 12/19/1986 RPG 1 disk 3400JY
Suishouno Ryuu 12/15/1986 ADV 1 disk 3400JY

* indicates that the entries may not have the correct kanji reading
listed, as my Japanese is not that good...
** indicates that the entries may not have the correct Romanization of
the katakana given...

Nintendo Family Computer (Famicom)


Title Release Genre Form Price

Final Fantasy I~II 01/27/1994 RPG 6800JY
Final Fantasy III 04/27/1990 RPG 8400JY
Square no Tom Sawyer 11/30/1989 RPG 6500JY
Final Fantasy II 12/17/1988 RPG 6500JY
Hanjuku Hero 12/02/1988 SRPG 5800JY
Deep Dungeon III Yuushihano Tabi * 05/13/1988 RPG 5900JY
Final Fantasy 12/18/1987 RPG 5900JY
JJ 12/07/1987 SHT 4500JY
Highway Star 08/07/1987 RCG 4500JY
King's Knight 09/19/1986 SHT 4900JY
Teguzaa ** 12/19/1985 SHT/ACT 5500JY

* indicates that the entry may not have the correct kanji reading
listed, as my Japanese is not that good...
** indicates that the entry's Romanization for katakana in the title is
not known

Squaresoft American Releases

Sony Playstation


Title Release Genre Form Price

SaGa Frontier 2 02/17/2000 RPG 1 CD $39.99
Chocobo's Dungeon 2 01/27/2000 RPG 1 CD $39.99
Final Fantasy VIII 09/09/1999 RPG 4 CD $49.99
Chocobo Racing RCG 1 CD $39.99
Final Fantasy VII (Greatest Hits) RPG 3 CD $24.99
Ehrgeiz FGHT 1 CD $39.99
Xenogears RPG 2 CD $49.99
Bushido Blade 2 FGHT 1 CD $39.99
Brave Fencer Musashi ADV 1 CD $49.99
Parasite Eve RPG 2 CD $49.99
Final Fantasy Tactics SRPG 1 CD $39.99
SaGa Frontier RPG 1 CD $39.99
Bushido Blade FGHT 1 CD $39.99
Final Fantasy VII RPG 3 CD $49.99
Tobal No. 1 FGHT 1 CD $39.99

Super Nintendo Entertainment System


Title Release Genre Form Price

Chrono Trigger RPG $69.99
The Secret of Evermore RPG $64.99
Final Fantasy III RPG $73.99
Breath of Fire RPG $64.99
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest RPG $39.99
Secret of Mana ADV $64.99
Final Fantasy II RPG $69.99

Nintendo Game Boy


Title Release Genre Form Price

Final Fantasy Legend III * RPG $29.99
Final Fantasy Legend II * RPG $29.99
Final Fantasy Adventure * RPG $29.99
The Final Fantasy Legend * RPG $29.99
Final Fantasy Legend III RPG $29.99
Final Fantasy Legend II RPG $29.99
Final Fantasy Adventure RPG $29.99
The Final Fantasy Legend RPG $29.99

*re-released by Sunsoft

Nintendo Entertainment System


Title Release Genre Form Price

Rad Racer II RCG $39.99
Final Fantasy * RPG $49.99
King's Knight SHT $39.99
The Adventures of 3-D World Runner SHT $39.99
Rad Racer * RCG $39.99

*released by Nintendo

== Section Three. Other Squaresoft Lists ==

Time Line/Famitsu Ratings.

Notes: Squaresoft's games grouped by country and listed in order of
release. The following information is given: Title, Release Date,
System, and Famitsu/EGM Score. Title and Release Date are identical to
the ones given in Section Two. System is the console system that the
title was released for, and is abbrieviated in the following manner:
PSX=Sony Playstation; SFC=Nintendo Super Famicom; GB=Nintendo Game Boy;
FDS= Nintendo Famicom Disk System; FC=Nintendo Famicom. Famitsu/EGM
Score is the score that it recieved in either Weekly Famitsu magazine
(Japan), or Electronic Gaming Monthly (aka. EGM, America). Late Famitsu
scores, as well as EGM scores, are done on a 4-reviewer, 10-point scale,
with 10 being the best and 1 being the worst; Famitsu scores are then
added (x/x/x/x being the separate scores, and the total being listed
after them). Early Famitsu scores (up to the PSX era) presumably used
the same system, but were averaged instead of added; only the final
averaged score is given due to a lack of information. Games are not
rated in Famitsu until the week before release, and thus games that are
unreleased at the time of this document's release do not have scores
listed. At this time, no EGM scores are available, but may be added at a
later date.

Japanese Releases

Title Release System Famitsu Score

Chocobo Collection 12/22/1999 PSX pending
Chocobo Stallion 12/22/1999 PSX pending
Parasite Eve 2 12/16/1999 PSX pending
Chrono Cross 11/18/1999 PSX 9/9/9/9: 36
Chrono Trigger 11/04/1999 PSX
Dewprism 10/14/1999 PSX
Front Mission 3 09/02/1999 PSX 9/8/9/6: 32
Seiken Densetsu: Legend of Mana 07/15/1999 PSX 9/9/8/9: 35
Racing Lagoon 06/10/1999 PSX 6/5/5/5: 21
Cyber-Org 04/22/1999 PSX 7/7/7/6: 27
SaGa Frontier 2 04/01/1999 PSX 9/9/10/9: 37
Chocobo Racing
enkaiheno Road~ 03/18/1999 PSX 8/7/6/7: 28
Final Fantasy Collection 03/11/1999 PSX not rated
Final Fantasy VI 03/11/1999 PSX 8/7/9/6: 30
Final Fantasy VIII 02/11/1999 PSX 9/10/9/10: 38
iS Internal Section 01/28/1999 PSX 7/6/4/6: 23
Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon 2 12/23/1998 PSX 8/9/8/7: 32
Ehrgeiz 12/17/1998 PSX 9/9/10/9: 37
Another Mind 11/12/1998 PSX 8/7/7/5: 27
Brave Fencer Musashiden 07/16/1998 PSX 9/8/8/9: 34
Soukaigi 05/28/1998 PSX 7/5/5/5: 22
Parasite Eve 03/29/1998 PSX 9/9/9/8: 35
Final Fantasy V 03/19/1998 PSX 7/9/7/5: 28
Bushido Blade Ni 03/12/1998 PSX 7/8/5/4: 24
Xenogears 02/11/1998 PSX 8/8/8/8: 32
Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon 12/23/1997 PSX 8/9/7/7: 31
Front Mission Alternative 12/18/1997 PSX 8/8/6/9: 31
Einhander 11/20/1997 PSX 8/7/7/10: 32
Final Fantasy VII International 10/02/1997 PSX not rated
Front Mission 2 09/25/1997 PSX 9/7/7/8: 31
SaGa Frontier 07/11/1997 PSX 8/7/9/5: 29
Final Fantasy Tactics 06/20/1997 PSX 9/8/10/10: 37
Tobal 2 04/25/1997 PSX 9/10/9/8: 36
Final Fantasy IV 03/21/1997 PSX not rated
Bushido Blade 03/14/1997 PSX 8/7/9/7: 31
Final Fantasy VII 01/31/1997 PSX 9/10/10/10:39
Tobal No. 1 08/02/1996 PSX 8/8/8/9: 33
Treasure Hunter G 06/24/1996 SFC 7.50
Rudra no Hihou 04/05/1996 SFC 7.75
Front Mission: Gun Hazard 02/23/1996 SFC 7.00
Bahamut Lagoon 02/09/1996 SFC 7.25
Romancing SaGa 3 11/11/1995 SFC 8.50
Seiken Densetsu 3 09/30/1995 SFC 7.75
Chrono Trigger 03/11/1995 SFC 8.50
Front Mission 02/24/1995 SFC 7.75
Live-A-Live 09/02/1994 SFC 7.25
Final Fantasy VI 04/02/1994 SFC 9.25
Final Fantasy I~II 01/27/1994 FC 6.50
Alcahest 12/17/1993 SFC 6.75
Romancing SaGa 2 12/10/1993 SFC 6.50
Final Fantasy USA Mystic Quest 09/10/1993 SFC 5.75
Seiken Densetsu 2 08/06/1993 SFC 8.50
Hanjuku Hero ~aa, Sekaiyo 12/19/1992 SFC 7.50
Hanjuku Nare...!!~
Final Fantasy V 12/06/1992 SFC 8.50
Romancing SaGa 01/28/1992 SFC 7.75
SaGa 3 Dekisorano Nahamono 12/13/1991 GB 7.25
Final Fantasy IV Easytype 10/29/1991 SFC 7.75
Final Fantasy IV 07/19/1991 SFC 9.00
Final Fantasy Gaiden 06/28/1991 GB 8.25
Seiken Densetsu
SaGa 2 Hihou Densetsu 12/14/1990 GB 8.25
Final Fantasy III 04/27/1990 FC 9.00
Makaitoshi SaGa 12/15/1989 GB 8.75
Square no Tom Sawyer 11/30/1989 FC 6.00
Final Fantasy II 12/17/1988 FC 8.25
Hanjuku Hero 12/02/1988 FC 7.00
Moonball Magic 07/12/1988 FDS 7.00
Akuusenki Raging *,** 07/12/1988 FDS 4.75
Deep Dungeon III Yuushihano Tabi * 05/13/1988 FC 6.00
Final Fantasy 12/18/1987 FC 8.25
JJ 12/07/1987 FC not rated
Kariin no Tsurugi 10/02/1987 FDS 6.25
Highway Star 08/07/1987 FC 8.00
Cleopatra no Mahou 07/24/1987 FDS 6.50
Jikaishounen Met Mag * 07/03/1987 FDS 6.75
Yuushino Monshou Deep Dungeon II * 05/30/1987 FDS 6.75
Hao-kun no Fushigina Tabi 05/01/1987 FDS 6.25
Apple Town Monogatari ** 04/03/1987 FDS 6.00
Tobidase Oosakusen * 03/12/1987 FDS 5.50
Deep Dungeon Madousenki * 12/19/1986 FDS not rated
Suishouno Ryuu 12/15/1986 FDS not rated
King's Knight 09/19/1986 FC not rated
Teguzaa ** 12/19/1985 FC not rated

Other Releases

Aques Releases

Aques is short-lived Square imprint that was in early 1997 to release
non-"Square" games. While I don't recall hearing that this imprint was
officially discontinued, there have been no releases for over a year and
a half, so it's assumed that it basically is no more, and has had it's
position basically been taken over by Digicube's recent foray into game
production. The genres of SPT=Sports and TBL=Table Games have been added
as well.


Title Release Genre Form Price

Pro Logic Mah-Jongg Haishin 01/31/1997 TBL 1 CD 5800JY
Dejikaruriigu 06/20/1997 1 CD 5800JY
Power Stakes 04/11/1997 SPT 1 CD 5800JY
Power Stakes Grade 1 10/09/1997 SPT 1 CD 4800JY
Super Live Stadium 01/01/1998 SPT 1 CD 5800JY
Haishin 2 03/26/1998 TBL 1 CD 5800JY
Power Stakes 2 04/09/1998 SPT 1 CD 5800JY

Digicube Releases

While many people know Digicube as Square's media-producing and
conveinience store-supplying subsidiary, it has recently moved into
releasing games of it's own. As Aques did, expect Digicube to release
non-"Square" games, staying away from the RPG, adventure, fighting, and
shooting genres.


Title Release Genre Form Price

Dugout '99 SPT 1 CD 5800JY

Licensed Releases

This list will detail any titles that Square has licensed out to other
developers. Company is the company that the title was licensed to. A new
system is introduced here: WS=Wonder Swan.


Title Release System Company Price

Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon May 1999 WS Bandai JY3800

Official Demo Discs

With the introduction of CD-based consoles, playable demos that could be
distributed to the public became a reality (the cost of making demo
cartridges was prohibitive from doing so earlier). Thus, there are many
demo discs that contain Square movies and playable demos in existance.
This section currently only covers publicly available Official Square-
released demos; magazine demo discs, such as Official Playstation
Magazine and Famitsu Wave, are not covered, nor are retailer-only discs.


Title Release Genre Form Price

--coming later--

Satellaview Releases

Available only in Japan, the Nintendo Satellaview allowed gamers to
download software for play on their Super Famicom. While these games
were only available for a limited time, the few known Square games for
the system are rather interesting ones... Please note that information
on games for this system is very hard to come by, and thus the list may
not be complete in the least. Also, as the information is hard to come
by, I do not have any release dates - instead, I have included a Notes
section, detailing a bit about the title, including the copyright date,
if known. Finally, there is an added genre for this section: TXT=Text

Title Genre Notes

Radical Dreamers TXT The basis for the story of
Chrono Cross.
Chrono Trigger: Jet Bike Special RCG The race with Jonny from
Chrono Trigger. 1995.
Chrono Trigger: Character Library MISC Features all of the sprites
from Chrono Trigger. 1995.
Chrono Trigger: Music Library MISC Features all of the
background music from
Chrono Trigger. 1995.

Upcoming Releases

This is just what it says - a list of upcoming releases from Squaresoft.
Separated into Japanese and US lists. In order of scheduled release,
with the next release being at the top. Current as of mid-November,
1999. A new genre is introduced here: MUS=Music/Rhythm.

Upcoming Japanese Releases


Title Release Genre Form System

Parasite Eve 2 12/16/1999 ADV 2 CD PSX
Chocobo Collection 12/22/1999 MISC 3 CD PSX
Chocobo Stallion 12/22/1999 RCG 1 CD PSX
Vagrant Story Jan. 2000 RPG unknown PSX
The Bouncer (tentative name) 03/04/2000 FGHT unknown PS2
untitled music game unknown MUS unknown PS2

Upcoming American Releases


Title Release Genre Form System

Chocobo's Dungeon 2 01/27/2000 RPG 1 CD PSX
SaGa Frontier 2 02/17/2000 RPG 1 CD PSX
The Legend of Mana 2000 ADV 1 CD PSX
Chrono Cross 2000 RPG 2 CD PSX
Front Mission 3 2000 SRPG 1 CD PSX
Parasite Eve 2 2000 RPG 2 CD PSX
Vagrant Story 2000/2001 RPG unknown PSX

Asian Variations

As some people who regularly import games will know, many Japanese games
will have variations produced: one version for the Japanese market, and
one version for the Asian market, including Hong Kong. As Hong Kong has
a large English-speaking population, and China is another widely spoken
language, these games include instructions in Japanese, English, and
Chinese. This makes for some very minor variations. These variations,
however, are what this section will cover. The following information is
listed: Title and Differences. The Release Date is always assumed to be
the same as the Japanese release (exceptions are listed in Differences).
The actual content of the game remains the same; the only differences
are in the packaging and instructions. Games are listed from newest to
oldest, as in many of the other lists. The following is assumed for all
of the releases: the memory card, player, etc. info is listed in English
instead of Japanese; the name on the spine is in English instead of
Japanese; a box is added to the back giving info on what contents are in
what language (usually Game: Japanese, Instructions: Japanese, English,
Chinese); the English/Chinese instructions are much, much shorter than
the Japanese ones, and normally in black & white; production numbers are
different. Finally, please note that I am unaware of many of the
variations, as well as if this practice existed before the Playstation
era, so this list may be fairly incomplete.


Title Differences

Final Fantasy Collection The front inside and back inside
pages of the instructions (the
legal warnings) are in English and
Final Fantasy VIII Unknown differences.
Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon 2 Limited edition Christmas box set;
(limited edition) includes game, yellow t-shirt with
a Chocobo on it, and a Crash
Bandicoot Christmas card.
Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon 2 Unknown differences.
Ehrgeiz (limited edition) Limited edition Christmas box set;
includes game, orange t-shirt with
Sephiroth and the Ehrgeiz logo on
it, and a Crash Bandicoot Christmas
Ehrgeiz Jewel case is oversized; includes
short black & white English/Chinese
instruction book.
Parasite Eve Includes a mini-guide book with
English instructions.
Final Fantasy Tactics Description on back of case in
English, includes a poster with
English instructions on reverse.
Tobal 2 Includes a poster with English
instructions on the reverse side.
Bushido Blade Includes a poster with English
instructions on the reverse side.

Japanese/English Name Variations

Anyone that has a remote understanding of how the Japanese language
works knows that it is ripe for name variations, depending on how one
reads a title. This chart gives three names for each game: the Japanese
title in romaji (ie. the title in Japanese), the Japanese title
translated into English, and the English (North American/European)
title. As with many of the early games, my kanji reading may be
incorrect, which will result in an incorrect romaji reading (ie. some of
the names might be wrong). Also, with many of the kanji-heavy games I
may be slightly off in the English translation. Finally, note that I
have taken slight liberties in my English translations, as is necessary
in any Japanese translation (for instance, "Rudra no Hihou" directly
translates to "Rudra of Treasure" or "Rudra {possessive} Treasure", thus
I've modified it slightly to make sense as "Rudra's Treasure"). Games
are listed in the order they were released in Japan (with the two lone
English-only releases thrown in at approxomite release times), newest
first. Note that if a game was not released in the English, it's common
name is used (eg. Seiken Densetsu 3) - some liberties have been taken
(eg. Chocobo's Dungeon [1] is derived from Chocobo's Dungeon 2's offical
English name). It's also worth noting that a few titles have English in
their Japanese names (eg. SD: Legend of Mana), thus Japanese names will
have this English included.

English Title Japanese Trans. Japanese Title System

Chocobo Collection Chocobo Collection Chokobo Korekushon PSX
Dice de Chocobo Dice de Chocobo Daiisu de Chokobo PSX
Chocobo Stallion Chocobo Stallion Chokobo Sutarion PSX
Parasite Eve 2 Parasite Eve 2 Parasaito Evu 2 PSX
Chrono Cross Chrono Cross Kurono Kurosu PSX
Chrono Trigger Chrono Trigger Kurono Torigaa PSX
Dewprism Dewprism Deuupurizumu
Front Mission 3 Front Mission Third Furonto Misshon Saado PSX
The Legend of Mana Legend of the Holy Seiken Densetsu: PSX
Sword: Legend Legend of Mana
of Mana
Racing Lagoon Racing Lagoon Reshingu Ragoon PSX
Cyber-Org Cyber-Org Saibaa Oogu PSX
SaGa Frontier 2 SaGa Frontier 2 SaGa Furonteia 2 PSX
Chocobo Racing Chocobo Racing Chokobo Reeshingu PSX
Dream World Road
enkaiheno Roodo~
Final Fantasy Final Fantasy Fuainaru Fuantajii PSX
Anthology (*1) Collection Korekushon
Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VI Fuainaru Fuantajii VI PSX
Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy VIII Fuainaru Fuantajii VIIIPSX
iS Internal Section iS Internal Section Izu Intaanaru Sekushon PSX
Chocobo's Dungeon 2 Chocobo's Mysterious Chocobo no Fushigina PSX
Dungeon 2 Danjyon 2
Ehrgeiz Ehrgeiz Eagaitsu PSX
Another Mind Another Mind Anazaa Maindo PSX
Brave Fencer Brave Fencer Brave Fencer PSX
Musashi Musashiden Musashiden
Soukaigi Twin World Affair Soukaigi PSX
Parasite Eve Parasite Eve Parasaito Evu PSX
Final Fantasy V Final Fantasy V Fuainaru Fuantajii V PSX
Bushido Blade 2 Bushido Blade Two Bushidoo Buraado Ni PSX
Xenogears Xenogears Zenogiasu PSX
Chocobo's Dungeon Chocobo's Mysterious Chocobo no Fushigina PSX
Dungeon Danjyon
Front Mission Front Mission Furonto Misshon PSX
Alternative Alternative Arutanateivu
Einhander One-Handed (*2) Ainhandaa PSX
Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VII Fuainaru Fuantajii VII PSX
International International Intaanashonaru
Front Mission 2 Front Mission Furonto Misshon PSX
Second Sekondo
SaGa Frontier SaGa Frontier SaGa Furonteia PSX
Final Fantasy Final Fantasy Fuainaru Fuantajii PSX
Tactics Tactics Takuteikusu
Tobal 2 Tobal 2 Tobal 2 PSX
Final Fantasy IV Final Fantasy IV Fuainaru Fuantajii IV PSX
Bushido Blade Bushido Blade Bushidoo Buraado PSX
Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VII Fuainaru Fuantajii VII PSX
Tobal No. 1 Tobal No. 1 Tobal No. 1 PSX
Treasure Hunter G Treasure Hunter G Toreshaa Hantaa G SFC
Rudra no Hihou Rudra's Secret Rudora no Hihou SFC
Front Mission: Front Mission: Furonto Misshon: SFC
Gun Hazard Gun Hazard Gan Hazaado
Bahamut Lagoon Bahamut Lagoon Bahamaato Ragoon SFC
Romancing SaGa 3 Romancing SaGa 3 Romanshingu SaGa 3 SFC
The Secret of --(no Japanese release)-- SNES
Seiken Densetsu 3 Legend of the Seiken Densetsu 3 SFC
Holy Sword 3
Chrono Trigger Chrono Trigger Kurono Torigaa SFC
Front Mission Front Mission Furonto Misshon SFC
Live-A-Live Live-A-Live Raibu-A-Raibu SFC
Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VI Fuainaru Fuantajii VI SFC
Final Fantasy I~II Final Fantasy I~II Fuainaru Fuantajii I~II FC
Alcahest Alcahest Arukaesuto SFC
Romancing SaGa 2 Romancing SaGa 2 Romanshingu SaGa 2 SFC
Final Fantasy Final Fantasy USA: Fuainaru Fuantajii USA SFC
Mystic Quest Mystic Quest Misuteikku Kuesuto
The Secret of Mana Legend of the Seiken Densetsu 2 SFC
Holy Sword
Hanjuku Hero (*3) Half Mature English Hanjuku Eiyuu SFC
Hero ~Um, the (Hanjuku Hiiroo)
World is Half ~aa, Sekaiyo
Mature...!!~ Hanjuku Nare...!!~
Final Fantasy V Final Fantasy V Fuainaru Fuantajii V SFC
Romancing SaGa Romancing SaGa Romanshingu SaGa SFC
Final Fantasy SaGa 3: Time of the SaGa 3 Dekisorano GB
Legend III Sky Champion Nahamono
(Story's End) (Kanketsuhon)
Final Fantasy II Final Fantasy VI Fuainaru Fuantajii VI SFC
Easytype Iijii Taipu
Final Fantasy IV Final Fantasy VI Fuainaru Fuantajii VI SFC
Final Fantasy Final Fantasy Side Fuainaru Fuantajii GB
Adventure Story: The Legend Gaiden: Seiken
of the Holy Sword Densetsu
Final Fantasy SaGa 2: The Legend SaGa 2 Hihou Densetsu GB
of the Hidden
Final Fantasy III Final Fantasy III Fuainaru Fuantajii III FC
The Final Fantasy The SaGa of the Makaitoshi SaGa GB
Legend Warrior of the
Demon World Tower
Square's Tom Sawyer Square's Tom Sawyer Sukuuea no Tomu Sooya FC
Final Fantasy II Final Fantasy II Fuainaru Fuantajii II FC
Hanjuku Hero (*3) Half Mature English Hanjuku Eiyuu FC
Hero (Hanjuku Hiiroo)
Rad Racer II --(no Japanese release)-- NES
Moonball Magic Moonball Magic Moonbaaru Majikku FDS
Akuusenki Raging Raging History of Akuusenki Raijin FDS
the Asian Sky
Deep Dungeon III Deep Dungeon III: Deiipu Danjyon III FC
The Trip of the Yuushihano Tabi
Brave Warrior
Final Fantasy Final Fantasy I Fuainaru Fuantajii I FC
Kariin no Tsurugi Kariin's Sword Kariin no Tsurugi FDS
Rad Racer Highway Star Haiuai Sutaa FC
Cleopatra no Mahou Cleopatra's Demon Kureopatora no Mahou FDS
Jikaishounen Magnet World Boys Jikaishounen Metto FDS
Met Mag Met Mag Magu
Deep Dungeon II The Brave Warrior's Yuushino Monshou FDS
Crest: Deep Deiipu Danjyon II
Dungeon II
Hao-kun no Hao's Mysterious Hao-kun no Fushigina FDS
Fushigina Tabi Journey Tabi
Apple Town The Apple Town Appurutaun Monogatari FDS
Monogatari Legend
The Adventures of Speeding Over Big Tobidase Oosakusen FDS
3-D World Runner Strategies (*4)
Deep Dungeon Military History of Deiipu Danjyon FDS
the Demon Cave: Madousenki
Deep Dungeon
Suishouno Ryuu The Crystal Dragon Suishouno Ryuu FDS
King's Knight King's Knight Kingusu Naito FC
Teguzaa Teguzaa (*5) Teguzaa FC

*1 Final Fantasy Anthology is basically Final Fantasy Collection, but
FFIV is not included while a music CD is.
*2 As Einhander is a German word, the German translation is given, not
the Japanese one.
*3 Hanjuku Hero is a hard one for me to figure out... The kanji seem to
be Hanjuku Eiyuu, but the package lists the furigana as Hanjuku Hiiroo,
with the last bit being in katakana. I've listed the furigana in
parantheses for completion... Also, as the FC game is not well known,
the SFC game gets referred to as simply Hanjuku Hero, thus both of the
English names are listed as such...
*4 If there was ever a translation that I got wrong (I mean _really_
wrong), it's this one. Any help on this (as well as with any other
mistranslations) is greatly appreciated.
*5 Teguzaa's correct Romanization is unknown.

Million Sellers

--coming later--

Top 10 Playstation Sellers

This is merely the 10 Square titles that have sold the best for the
Playstation in Japan. Copies sold are from the Famitsu sales reports,
and are current as of mid-November 1999. Famitsu scores are included for


Rank Title Copies Sold Famitsu Score

1 Final Fantasy VIII 3,500,825 9/10/9/10: 38
2 Final Fantasy VII 3,277,290 9/10/10/10:39
3 Final Fantasy Tactics 1,261,633 9/8/10/10: 37
4 Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon 1,166,173 8/9/7/7: 31
5 SaGa Frontier 1,057,263 8/7/9/5: 29
6 Parasite Eve 994,560 9/9/9/8: 35
7 Xenogears 892,015 8/8/8/8: 32
8 Seiken Densetsu: Legend of Mana 696,639 9/9/8/9: 35
9 SaGa Frontier 2 674,587 9/9/10/9: 37
10 Tobal No. 1 657,816 8/8/8/9: 33

Genre Breakdown

This is a mere breakdown-by-genre of the games that Square has made.
Duplicate titles (ie. Final Fantasy Collection, Chrono Trigger PSX,
etc.) are not counted, nor are Satellaview, Aques, Digicube, or licensed
games. US-only games are included (there are only two), as is Dice de
Chocobo (part of Chocobo Collection, which is not included as a whole).
If a game could fit in two genres, it is put into the one that suits is
best (ie. the genre listed first on the main release list). Totals are
given for each separate system, as well as the total for each genre.
Genres are ordered from most popular to least.


Genre Abbr. PSX SFC GB FDS FC Total

Role-Playing Games RPG 11 12 3 4 5 35
Adventure ADV 5 2 1 1 0 9
Strategy Role-Playing Games SRPG 4 3 0 0 1 8
Shooting SHT 2 1 0 2 3 8
Fighting FGHT 5 0 0 0 0 5
Action ACT 1 1 0 2 0 4
Racing RCG 2 0 0 0 2 4
Simulation SIM 1 0 0 1 0 2
Pinball PIN 0 0 0 1 0 1
Miscellaneous MISC 1 0 0 0 0 1

System/Series Totals

This is merely a list of the total number of games produced for each
system or in each series, as well as the total number of games overall.
This list is Japanese release only.


System or Series Releases

Total Square Games 82 releases
Playstation 37 releases
Super Famicom 19 releases
Game Boy 4 releases
Famicom Disk System 11 releases
Famicom 11 releases

Final Fantasy Series 18 releases
SaGa Series 8 releases
Seiken Densetsu Series 4 releases
Chrono Series 3 releases
Parasite Eve Series 2 releases
Chocobo Series 5 releases
Bushido Blade Series 2 releases
Tobal Series 2 releases
Front Mission Series 5 releases
Hanjuku Hero Series 2 releases
Rad Racer Series 2 releases
World Runner Series 2 releases
Deep Dungeon Series 3 releases

Series Lists

This section lists every Square game that has warranted at least one
sequel or related game. The series are grouped roughly by order of
creation (ie. series that were created in the days of the Famicom are
further down the list, while Playstation series are towards the top).
The exception to this rule are the four 'pillar' series - the most
important series in Square's eyes. These series include Final Fantasy,
SaGa, Seiken Densetsu, and Chrono. These series are at the top of the
list, in rough order of importance/popularity. Famitsu scores are
included so that the games can easily be compared by rating. This list
is currently Japanese release only. Please note that there is no 'Secret
of...' series, as the two games that had titles that began this way,
Secret of Mana and Secret of Evermore (US only) are unrelated, with the
Secret of Mana (aka. Seiken Densetsu 2) belonging in the Seiken Desetsu


Title Release System Famitsu Score

Final Fantasy Series
Final Fantasy Collection 03/11/1999 PSX not rated
Final Fantasy VI 03/11/1999 PSX 8/7/9/6: 30
Final Fantasy VIII 02/11/1999 PSX 9/10/9/10: 38
Final Fantasy V 03/19/1998 PSX 7/9/7/5: 28
Final Fantasy VII International 10/02/1997 PSX not rated
Final Fantasy Tactics 06/20/1997 PSX 9/8/10/10: 37
Final Fantasy IV 03/21/1997 PSX not rated
Final Fantasy VII 01/31/1997 PSX 9/10/10/10:39
Final Fantasy VI 04/02/1994 SFC 9.25
Final Fantasy I~II 01/27/1994 FC 6.50
Final Fantasy USA Mystic Quest 09/10/1993 SFC 5.75
Final Fantasy V 12/06/1992 SFC 8.50
Final Fantasy IV Easytype 10/29/1991 SFC 7.75
Final Fantasy IV 07/19/1991 SFC 9.00
Final Fantasy Gaiden 06/28/1991 GB 8.25
Seiken Densetsu *
Final Fantasy III 04/27/1990 FC 9.00
Final Fantasy II 12/17/1988 FC 8.25
Final Fantasy 12/18/1987 FC 8.25

SaGa Series
SaGa Frontier 2 04/01/1999 PSX 9/9/10/9: 37
SaGa Frontier 07/11/1997 PSX 8/7/9/5: 29
Romancing SaGa 3 11/11/1995 SFC 8.50
Romancing SaGa 2 12/10/1993 SFC 6.50
Romancing SaGa 01/28/1992 SFC 7.75
SaGa 3 Dekisorano Nahamono 12/13/1991 GB 7.25
SaGa 2 Hihou Densetsu 12/14/1990 GB 8.25
Makaitoshi SaGa 12/15/1989 GB 8.75

Seiken Densetsu Series
Seiken Densetsu: Legend of Mana 07/15/1999 PSX 9/9/8/9: 35
Seiken Densetsu 3 09/30/1995 SFC 7.75
Seiken Densetsu 2 08/06/1993 SFC 8.50
Final Fantasy Gaiden 06/28/1991 GB 8.25
Seiken Densetsu *

Chrono Series
Chrono Cross 11/18/1999 PSX 9/9/9/9: 36
Chrono Trigger 11/04/1999 PSX
Chrono Trigger 03/11/1995 SFC 8.50

Parasite Eve Series
Parasite Eve 2 12/16/1999 PSX pending
Parasite Eve 03/29/1998 PSX 9/9/9/8: 35

Chocobo Series
Chocobo Collection 12/22/1999 PSX pending
Chocobo Stallion 12/22/1999 PSX pending
Chocobo Racing
enkaiheno Road~ 03/18/1999 PSX 8/7/6/7: 28
Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon 2 12/23/1998 PSX 8/9/8/7: 32
Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon 12/23/1997 PSX 8/9/7/7: 31

Bushido Blade Series
Bushido Blade Ni 03/12/1998 PSX 7/8/5/4: 24
Bushido Blade 03/14/1997 PSX 8/7/9/7: 31

Tobal Series
Tobal 2 04/25/1997 PSX 9/10/9/8: 36
Tobal No. 1 08/02/1996 PSX 8/8/8/9: 33

Front Mission Series
Front Mission 3 09/02/1999 PSX 9/8/9/6: 32
Front Mission Alternative 12/18/1997 PSX 8/8/6/9: 31
Front Mission 2 09/25/1997 PSX 9/7/7/8: 31
Front Mission: Gun Hazard 02/23/1996 SFC 7.00
Front Mission 02/24/1995 SFC 7.75

Hanjuku Hero Series
Hanjuku Hero ~aa, Sekaiyo 12/19/1992 SFC 7.50
Hanjuku Nare...!!~
Hanjuku Hero 12/02/1988 FC 7.00

Rad Racer Series
Rad Racer II American release
Highway Star 08/07/1987 FC 8.00

World Runner Series
JJ 12/07/1987 FC not rated
Tobidase Oosakusen 03/12/1987 FDS 5.50

Deep Dungeon Series
Deep Dungeon III Yuushihano Tabi 05/13/1988 FC 6.00
Yuushino Monshou Deep Dungeon II 05/30/1987 FDS 6.75
Deep Dungeon Madousenki 12/19/1986 FDS not rated

*: this title belongs in both the Final Fantasy and Seiken Densetsu
series, as both series names are in the title.

Unreleased Games

As with many companies, Square has had it's share of games that have
gone through name changes, as well as being outright cancelled. This
list, which currently, focuses on U.S. games, will list Square's
unreleased games. I have included Japanese names if I felt that there
may be some confusion over what the game was actually supposed to be -
these are listed as (JP:name). Much of this information was gathered
from old issues of Nintendo Power for a document that has since been
lost. When I am back in the States (I currently live in Japan, and my
old NPs are in America), and if time permits, I will try to find which
issues contains references to which games, but I am not promising
anything. Also, please note that some of these may not have had
"official" announcements, although the fact that Nintendo Power is
published by Nintendo themselves does tend to make it a bit more


Title System Outcome

Final Fantasy Adventure II SNES Renamed (Secret of Mana)
Secret of Mana 2 SNES Cancelled in favor of Secret
of evermore (JP: Seiken3)
Final Fantasy II SNES Cancelled (JP: Final Fantasy V)
Final Fantasy Extreme SNES Cancelled (JP: Final Fantasy V)
Romancing SaGa SNES Cancelled
Romancing SaGa 3 SNES Cancelled
Final Fantasy VII N64 Cancelled (Note: This was before
Square switched to the PSX. It
was always assumed that the
tech demos that they had been
doing were for a Final Fantasy
game for the next Nintendo

Square Branches

The corporate entity known as Square is divided into many smaller branch
companies. This list will provide a list of these companies. Please note
that as many are Japanese companies, they will have Japanese terms in
them: Kabushikigaisha=public company or corporation (usually translated
as Co., Ltd.). Two pieces of information are provided: Branch, which is
the name of the branch in question, and Sector, which the section of the
company that the branch is located. There are three main parts of Square
(Sectors) - Honsha=Main Headquarters; Kogaisha=Subsidiary; and
Kanrengaisha=Associated Company.

--note: Honsha branches are kanji-intensive, and are coming in a later


Branch Sector (Eng.equiv.)

Kabushikigaisha Digicube Kogaisha (Subsidiary)
Kabushikigaisha Solid Kogaisha (Subsidiary)
Kabushikigaisha Square Visual Work Kogaisha (Subsidiary)
Kabushikigaisha Square Sounds Kogaisha (Subsidiary)
Kabushikigaisha Kogaisha (Subsidiary)
Kabushikigaisha Square Next Kogaisha (Subsidiary)
Square U.S.A. Inc. Kogaisha (Subsidiary)
Square Soft, Inc. Kogaisha (Subsidiary)
Square Electronic Arts L.L.C. Kogaisha (Subsidiary)
Square Pictures, Inc. Kogaisha (Subsidiary)
Square Europe, Ltd. Kogaisha (Subsidiary)
Electronic Arts Square Kanrengaisha (Associate)
Kabushikigaisha Dream Factory Kanrengaisha (Associate)
Kabushikigaisha Escape Kanrengaisha (Associate)
Kabushikigaisha Positron Kanrengaisha (Associate)
Kabushikigaisha Kusana (Kusatei?)* Kanrengaisha (Associate)

*note: I don't know which way this kanji is read, due to my lack of
Japanese knowledge. Also, this company's name translates to "mow down
the grass", although the "mow down the..." part of it is the word that
is usually used for "mow down the (enemy)", not the grass. A Japanese
pun, perhaps?

Square Personalities

The following is a brief look at the more famous or talked-about people
who work, or have worked, with or for Square. The person's Name is
listed (in Western style with given name first), as is his or her main
Role, and Famous Works that the person is known for working on (please
note that this is not a complete list of their works for Square, but
their most famous works for the company). At this time, the list is very
short, although I would like it to eventually include most of the major
people at Square.


Name Role Famous Works

Hironobu Sakaguchi Producer, Director, Final Fantasy Series
President Square U.S.A
Nobuo Uematsu Composer Final Fantasy Series
Yoshitaka Amano Artist, Visual Designer Final Fantasy I-VI,
SFC Front Missions
Ted Woolsey Translator Final Fantasy III
Yasunori Mitsuda Composer Chrono Series,

== Section Four. Epilogue ==


The following people or sources helped me greatly, either directly or
indirectly, in the making of this document. Please note that some of
this information was gathered and archived quite some time ago, so some
of the sources (ie. Square.Net) no longer exist.

- The 11/26/99 Issue of Famitsu PS (No. 72) for much of the early
release information, as well as many of the other various lists, and
all of the Famitsu scores.

- Andrew Vestal and his various web ventures, including the now
defunct Square.Net, and his current project, the GIA
(www.thegia.com). It's worth noting that while Square.Net was created
and maintained by Andrew, there are numerous people that created and
work on the GIA daily to make it what it is...

- The Garage (www.scei.co.jp), Sony's Official Japanese Playstation
page, for the product numbers, and other help, for the PSX releases.

- Magic Box (come.to/magicbox) for the archived Famitsu information
such as the Million Sellers list.

- ToastyFrog (www.toastyfrog.com) for the name of the Chrono
composer, ripped mercilessly from his excellent (albeit in progress,
but oft updated) Chrono Cross FAQ (available, as always, at

- Last, but certainly not least, Lucky Dan from Chrono Cross - if I
hadn't gone to the conveinience store looking to see if Famitsu PS or
Dengeki had strategies that included how to get him in your team, I
wouldn't have picked up the issue of Famitsu PS that had the list in
it (as I had already browsed through that issue, totally missing the
Square article)... Good ol' Lucky Dan pulls through once again...


Overall in this document I have tried to be as exact as possible.
However, it's not always easy. A few things that I consistantly did: in
the romaji writings of some titles (such as the Final Fantasy titles) I
have written the characters (FU) (small A) as "Fua" instead of "Fa".
Same goes with (TE) (small I) - it's "Tei", and not "Ti". I'm not sure
which is the more popular way of romaji-ising words, but this is the way
that I have used. Also, it's worth noting that I'm not the greatest at
Japanese, so many of my translations may be rather off. Overall, if
there's something that I've done that you have a problem with or input
on, please let me know and I'll see what I can do...

Document Versions

version 0.87 November 25, 1999 [initial release]

everything added.

Legal Information

Squaresoft, Square, Final Fantasy, SaGa, Seiken Densetsu, and all other
titles and related are copyrighted/trademarked by Square. Sony,
Playstation, and Crash Bandicoot are copyrighted/trademarked by Sony.
Nintendo, Family Computer, Famicom, Famicom Disk System, GameBoy, Super
Famicom, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment
System, and Nintendo 64 are copyrighted/trademarked by Nintendo, Ltd.
All other trademarks are copyright their respective owners.

This document is copyright J.T.Kauffman 1999 and cannot be reproduced
for profit in any form. It can be freely distributed over the internet
as long as it is unaltered and is only distributed on free (i.e. non-
subscription) sites. If you do choose to post this document on your
site, please email me to let me know.

Contact Information


since 19th November, 1999.
Shibata, Miyagi, Japan.

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