Rockman Dash 2

Rockman Dash 2

14.10.2013 08:43:59
By ToastyFrog
(Jeremy Parish -
May 5, 2000

Note: for terms of use and publishing, check the end of this document.

reply to emails asking for help. Also, please do not send me spoiler-ish
information for later in the game. Thanks. Sorry this is coming along so
slowly... but I've got other distractions, alas.

The FAQ you are reading explains, for all intents and purposes, the extent of
my knowledge regarding this game. I'm writing it as I go and don't know about
things way far into the game. And please don't ask me about the story; I don't
read much Japanese, so I'm just working on assumptions and guesswork here. At
the same time, this guide assumes you have SOME ability to read at least the
menus in the game, so all names and items are given in their romanized form.

My love for Megaman Legends is vast and boundless as the ocean. OK, maybe
that's an overstatement... but perhaps not by much. Even though the original
notion of playing Megaman in 3D gave me hives of terror, the final result was
actually pretty swell. The Misadventures of Tron Bonne simply served to deepen
my affection for this under-rated little series... and the Rockman Dash 2 demo
that came with Tron Bonne in Japan made me even more excited for the true
Megaman Legends sequel.

Rockman Dash 2 is now available in Japan (in case you've been in a large,
dark, grub-infested cave for the past 15 years, "Rockman" is Megaman's
Japanese name, most likely changed for the US edition so no one would mistake
the little blue guy for stereo equipment) and being the idiot that I am, I've
decided to import it.





From my initial impressions, this game seems to be to the first Megaman
Legends what Megaman 2 was to the original Megaman - graphically superior,
musically enhanced, with deeper gameplay and more varied challenges. And
happily, the Bonnes are back, which guarantees a good time shall be had by
all. The tone seems to be a little more serious, with a bit more exposition
than in the original, but any game with Servbots can't be all solemn.

A nice addition to the game is the ability to use a dual-analog control
scheme. Unfortunately, the Dual Shock isn't really made for games that use the
shoulder buttons as main triggers, but it's still great to see more companies
taking advantage of that right analog stick. The downside is that the
auto-aiming that made the 3D shooting in the first less frustrating is gone -
there's no error correction unless you use the homing missiles. D'oh!

Oh, and did I mention the graphics rock?


The game opens with a press conference, and both Barrel and Roll brooding
about the fact that Roll's mother is still lost. The press conference
transpires on the ship Sulphur Bottom, the private aircraft of a man named
Mular, who is an associate of Barrel. The Sulphur Bottom is hovering near what
appears to be a massive storm funnel. From what I can gather, Mular wants to
find an energy source that, unlike Refractor Crystals, is unlimited. But as he
begins to announce his intentions to the world, a woman at the press
conference wearing a Reaverbot emblem steps forward and asks him questions.
Barrel is stunned by her appearance - she looks exactly like his daughter
(Roll's mother), Matilda. But before he can ask her who she is, the KTOX news
lady (remember her?) bursts into the conference and points an accusing finger
at "Matilda." Cornered, the mysterious lady evades gunfire from Mular's guards
and leaps out the window of the airship, landing on an unusual flying
Reaverbot, which then flies off.

It should be noted that Tron and Teasel Bonne are at the conference as well,
accompanied by Glyde and a mysterious steel man named Boncoscas.

Megaman and Roll (aboard the Flutter) see this news conference and are
startled - Roll recognizes "Matilda" as well. So Megaman suggests going to
investigate, and the Flutter takes off to come to Barrel's aid.

Shortly thereafter, Mular decides to take the Sulphur Bottom closer to the
atmosphereic disturbance, at which point the Reaverbot Matilda is riding on
attacks the airship, damaging it severely. They manage to evade missile fire
from the Sulphur Bottom and scattered gunfire from what appear to be Draches,
and the Sulphur Bottom goes down in smoke, into the funnel.


NOTE: This information is based on the Japanese demo, which featured scenes
not in the finished RD2 and served as a stand-alone mini-game. The U.S. demo
with Misadventures of Tron Bonne shows scenes from the finished game and
therefore will not be covered here. Interestingly, the U.S. demo uses the
final game's menu interface rather than the original demo's interface. If you
want to get a grasp on the import game's menu nuances, give the U.S. demo a
spin (you were going to buy MoTB anyway, right?).

The Japanese demo is referred to as "Rockman Dash 2 Episode One," and I've
seen the actual Rockman Dash 2 game referred to as Episode Two. First up, a
look at the options...

Press Select to bring up the Options screen. You will have five Options (plus
Cancel, which is the last choice of every menu). They are:


Controller's the most complex selection it has three sub-choices (Button
Layout, Up/Down Orientation, and Lock-on). There are four controller setups,
labeled from A-D.

TYPE A: The default from Megaman Legends. Press L1/R1 to turn and use the
D-Pad to strafe. The left stick works like the D-Pad and the right
stick moves the camera. I highly recommend this for use with the
analog controller.
TYPE B: The other Megaman Legends setup. Press D-Pad to turn and use L1/R1
to strafe. The left stick works like the D-Pad and the right stick
controls the camera.
TYPE C: This one appears to suck. There's no way to strafe that I can see!
TYPE D: Complex, but versatile. Works like TYPE A, but the shoulder buttons
also control actions (L1 Fire, L2 Jump, R1 Special Weapon, R2
Lock-on). The only drawback is that it's sort of uncomfortable.

Additionally, there is a "Wizard" approach to controller set-up - it asks you
about your preferences and experience and selects a setup based on your
responses. Helpful if you know Japanese...

The second Controller option is up/down orientation. The default is Reversed,
which moves the perspective like an aircraft joystick. You can flip it if you
want, but after any amount of 3D gaming it seems counter-intuitive.

The last Controller choice is Lock-on, which you can either activate or not.
Since you can now run while locked on, it's best to leave it on - although
you'll want to learn to fight without it against fast-moving enemies.

Vibration is simple enough - you can turn it ON or OFF. Wow!

Under Sound, you can choose from setup (Stereo or Mono) and Volume (which
allows you to change the volume of background music and sound effects).

The next option, Furigana, probably won't be in the English edition of the
game (trust me on this one). It allows you to turn on or off the small
furigana characters that appear over kanji, making it an easier game for
little kids or dumb gaijin.

Screen adjust is your standard "move the screen around bit," and the second
option returns everything to its default setting.

Now you know, and knowing is... half the battle.

-- 1. TUTORIAL -------------------------------

The first of the four demo modes is a training session under Roll's tutelege.
It would be sort of stupid for me to describe everything here, but there are a
few items of note. First of all, talk to Roll and choose the left answer
("Hai") to begin training. Pressing Select will activate the menu screen.
Several options (such as Map) are greyed out, but the first active option
allows you to switch weapons. Use this setting to activate your secondary
weapons (Homing Missiles in this mission). Yes, it looks like Megaman will be
able to carry multiple secondary weapons in the dungeons, and switch them at
need. The second option is your equipment - you can choose from Buster Parts
or Body Parts. Note that Megaman has the Helmet in every one of these
missions, but it's always inactive! Select it and hit Circle to equip it.

Another thing you might notice if you use the Homing Missile - secondary
weapons have two meters. The right-most meter (green) is energy; when it's
out, your weapon is dry. In combat, you can pick up blue cubes that are just
like the orange cubes that enemies sometimes drop with Zenny and refill this
meter (making the game a bit more like the original Megaman). The blue meter
to the left works like a temperature gauge; when you fire special weapons in
rapid succession, it drops; when it empties out completely, you have to wait
for it to refill (which it does automatically) before firing your weapon

And if you choose not to use the Homing Missile... well, you're still not in
trouble. When Megaman doesn't have any Special Weapons equipped, he can use
his non-Buster arm to lift enemies and objects. He can even lift Reaverbots
and chuck them at one another, which is pretty effective (it's a good way to
get rid of those darned guys who use a shield).

-- 2. PIGGIES --------------------------------

Once you've gotten the hang of that, you can try demo mode 2, a small quest to
rescue some escaped pigs from the vile Reaverbots. Actually, the Reaverbots
don't seem to care about the pigs, they just pop up whenever you show up. Yes,
there are Reaverbots in outdoor areas now, and they respawn, too. Talk to the
cute farm girl (hey, she looks like Akari Unryuu from Ranma!) and she'll beg
you to go rescue her precious porkers. Be a man and do it for her - or wimp
out and hit Start then Select to return to the main menu (wuss).

Leave the farm through the north door to reach the first of two open field
areas. Here there are two very large, very fast Reaverbots who will make very
short work of you if you try to take them on with just your Buster. Luckily,
you also can use the Powered Buster (choose it from the Select button menu)
and take them down in one hit. Nice! Kill them both, and then chase the single
pig in this section. You'll have to track it down using the Dash Parts - hold
down the Circle button to activate them. They work exactly like the jet boots
in Megaman Legends, except the uneven terrain means you have to watch where
you're going. Chase down the pig and when you catch it, quickly hit Circle
again to put it in your inventory (yes, it vanishes into nowhere. It's a game,
deal with it).

The next section can be sort of annoying, like the farm areas of Tron Bonne.
There are three pigs here, and three kinds of Reaverbots to harrass you. All
of them spring from the ground without warning, causing the music to shift to
a more menacing tone as in Zelda 64. The most common sort of enemy is the
little pumpkin-like Reaverbots who appeared in the very first dungeon in MM
Legends. There are also some very large Reaverbots who can emit an electrical
spark, though they're much more dangerous in close quarters than in the open.
Finally, there are the little dragonfly guys who emerged from nests in MM
Legends. The pigs you're chasing have a tendency to run to Reaverbot spawn
points, so capturing them will be a chore, as you'll also have to dodge angry
robots. Zut alors.

Once you've "caught 'em all!" head back to the farm area and accept your
reward. *Smooch*


The third mode is a good ol' fashioned Digout. Our brave young hero moseys
into a Reaverbot-infested dungeon, descending ever deeper...

Follow the path through the first area and take the door on your left to find
1,000,000 Zenny. Wow! Now you can power up the Homing Missiles to maximum!
Wait, wrong game. The door past here hides the Buster Cannon (aka Powered
Buster); I'd equip it if I were you - it's very handy here. The shielded
Reaverbots don't stand a chance against the Buster Cannon, actually - a single
shot blows away their shields, making them much less dangerous.

In the second section of the dungeon, you'll meet little floating guys. They
don't seem very dangerous, but when you shoot them they blow up with a MASSIVE
splash effect. Stay very far away and pick them off from a safe distance. I'd
pop 'em as soon as they come into range if I were you. If you head straight
past the first turn and proceeed to the dead end, you'll acquire the Dash
Parts, which are less useful than you might expect in a narrow dungeon. The
backtrack to the branch you skipped and head to area three.

There's nothing of real note in the third section except a Life Drink to the
left of the main area. Maybe that annoying single canteen limit from the first
game will be abolished...

The fourth area contains... a BOSS.

-- BOSS: SPIKEY REAVERBOT --------------------

This guy's a big wimp. His very large purple butt spike is especially
vulnerable, but he can be damaged by hitting any unarmored grey section in his
lower quarters. Sometimes he stops and swings his arms around in a big arc,
but that's his only real offensive move. Mostly he just holds his butt in pain
whenever you shoot it. Keep your distance and fire away! Don't use Lock-on if
you want to hit him with Buster Cannon, though; the Lock-on aims at his head,
which is invulnerable. Once you off the guy and collect the resulting loot,
the mission ends.


Great scott! Tron and the Servbots have captured Roll! And stuffed her
uncomfortably into a box. Poor thing. Tron uses her opportunity to have
Megaman as a "captive" audience to offer him a chance to join her side - if
you choose yes, Megaman will have a brief, hilarious vision of the two of them
happily in love, wantonly engaging in acts of destruction. So either way,
you're going to choose no, although Tron doesn't take to this decision too
kindly. She refuses to give up Roll and gives the key to the Servbots, who run
off and take Roll with them. "FIGHT IT OUT!"

In the first area, you'll be accosted by several disguised tanks. These are
pretty easy to destroy - just don't get too close or the Servbots will fire
small arms at you. There are also tanks hidden in the houses by the gate - you
can take 'em out now, or wait until later. Your call.

After you blast the tanks, you can see a Servbot standing lookout on the hill
to the east - when you approach it runs off and alerts the gun turrets behind
the hill. If you want, you can hit it from a distance with the Homing
Missiles... heh. There are four gun turrets here - you'll have to keep running
to dodge their fire. The real target is the large red tank, which is
significantly more durable than the other tanks. But, it contains the key to
the gate, so take it out and claim the key.

Beyond the gate is a narrow path through a minefield - stay to the center of
the strip of land, because the proximity mines explode if you get too close.
Once you're past there, you'll find yourself in a small village with odd
Reaverbot-symbol columns, as you're strafed by Draches and pummeled by shells
from a distant mortar. The Draches respawn, so there's little point in
shooting them. You can hide behind buidings for cover, but be careful because
the buildings take only a few hits to knock down. Also, watch out for little
remote drones that lock on to you and explode painfully (though they give you
lots of energy cubes when they go). Make your way to the pass at the far end
of the town, and be careful - when you begin your approach, the mortar fires
off four successive rounds at a time, leaving you little room to maneuver.
When you reach the mortar, it's guarded by two turrets which are fairly easy
to knock down. You can play Solid Snake and hide behind the large house here,
but it only takes a single mortar shell to blow it down. When the turrets are
gone, you can run and shoot the mortar at your leisure. It has no short range
weapons and tracks far more slowly than you can run. Take the key and head to
the gate, which is back in the village section to the left. Watch out for the
Draches as you go...

In the third area, Tron decides to take matters into her own hands. She begins
to attack, but don't bother to counter attack as her mech cannot be destroyed
(yet). Once you reach a certain point, she'll stop strafing you and launch her
mech's forearms at you. You can jump them, but watch for them on the return.
There's a narrow pass you have to navigate, but it's patrolled by moving
mines. Hit them with missiles, and don't be afraid to use as many as needed -
they explode in a cascade of blue energy cubes. After you pass the flying
fists, Tron backs off and starts tossing boulders down a path at you. Do your
best to dodge and simply try to get to the top of the hill. Soon she'll fly
off and try to stop Megaman by smashing the bridge... which doesn't work. It
does mess up her mech, though. Poor Tron.

Megaman will finally reach Roll's crate, but Tron accosts him before he
reaches it.

-- BOSS: TRON BONNE --------------------------

The mech here has a few attack patterns. First, it fires off a stream of
gunfire, which you can avoid by running to the side. Then she fires a random
scattered blast of gunfire. Her third attack is wide-range pattern with
alternating pairs of bullets. You can dodge these with a little precision, or
you can use Megaman's rolling maneuver (Jump+move to the side), which makes
him temporarily invincible. Learn how her pattern works and you'll be OK until
she leaps over you. Stay locked on, which will help you avoid being crushed.
Once she lands, she be temporarily immobile, which is a really good time to
blast her with Homing Missiles. Hit her until your weapon overheats. After she
takes a significant amount of damage, she'll begin a ground-based spinning
attack that lasts for quite a while. Keep your Lock-on trained on her and jump
whenever she comes near. Keep moving and jumping until she stops and let her
have it.

When you win, Tron and Megaman will have a brief exchange simply rife with
sexual tension... then Tron flies off in a Drache, leaving Megaman to rescue
Roll. Who, it turns out, had already been rescued by Data. What a revoltin'



-- 1. MEGAMAN VOLNUTT ------------------------

He's not the whiny little girly-boy of the original Megaman games. Nor is he
the angsty little girly-boy of the X games. But somewhere, despite his being
mostly human, there's a glimmer of that ol' Megaman spirit. Sort of.

-- 2. ROLL CASKETT ---------------------------

Megaman's childhood friend, he said with a wink. Sure, they grew up together
as nearly brother and sister, but in a post-apocaylptic future that sort of
thing isn't a real problem. And it's certainly not as weird as Ayeka's love
for Yosho.

-- 3. BARRELL CASKETT ------------------------

Roll's grandfather and Megaman's adopted guardian. Hey wait, does that make
Megaman Roll's adopted father? That's just too weird.


-- 1. TEASEL BONNE ---------------------------

The histrionic head of the Bonne clan. He looks like one of my art professors
with his hair pulled back. Heh heh... revenge!

-- 2. TRON BONNE -----------------------------

She expresses her burning lust for Megaman by trying to kill him. Sure, it
seems comical and funny, but I've seen it happen in real life. And who's
laughing then, huh!?

-- 3. BON BONNE ------------------------------

Babu... babuu...

-- 4. GLYDE ----------------------------------

Yes, Loath's probably-homosexual henchman is back. Don't ask how he got out of
jail... let's just hope Loath isn't back as well.

-- 5. BOLA AND BONCO -------------------------

These two guys seem to be in cahoots with the Bonnes, though I don't know
their motives or role in the story. Sorry!

-- 6. THE SERVBOTS ---------------------------

Like it would be a Dash game without 'em.

-- 7. THE BIRDBOTS ---------------------------

Yeah, Glyde's here, and so are the Birdbots.


-- 1. "MATILDA" ------------------------------

A mysterious woman who looks like a reporter (and like Roll's mother) and who
seems to get along pretty well with Reaverbots.

-- 2. MULAR ----------------------------------

This guy who, like, looks important and stuff. An old friend of Barrel's who
has plans to help provide the world with unlimited energy. I think.



The first playable segment involves the rescue of the annoying little monkey
Data. He was pretty passive in the first game, never speaking until the end,
but now he seems a bit more perky and talkative when alone with Megaman. Will
he become the series' Jar Jar? Stay tuned.

-- 1. SAVE YOUR DATA -------------------------

After Roll walks into the bridge, Data runs off and you can ask Roll a few
questions. Once you're done speaking with her, you'll hear Data cry out in
fright. It seems the dumb little monkey set the ship on fire, and Megaman has
to go put it out. You'll leave the bridge and enter the exterior hallway (the
Flutter seems a lot bigger on the inside this time around... same size on the
outside. Strange), where flames are a-leapin'. Don't try to run into them, as
you'll get yourself hurt. Instead, use Megaman's special weapon to douse the
fire - he's equipped with an Aqua Blaster, which has unlimited ammo. The only
concern here is that the charge on the weapon runs down after continuous
use... let off the trigger for a second to let it refill. The only flames to
really worry about here are the flames in the hall to your left - unblock the
door at the end of the hall, put out the rest for safe measure and run inside
the next room. Your best approach to fire-fighting is to hit one flame at a
time until it's gone, so you use your weapon's charge most efficiently.

The room here is a disaster, so douse the flames. Be careful, when you put out
the fire in the corner opposite where you enter, it causes a panel to burst
and jet of flame to shoot out. I think this room was an opportunity for the
developers to say, "Look! Lightsourcing!" because as you put out the flames,
the reddish cast to the room gradually subsides.

Once the flames here are gone, go to the adjacent room, the kitchen, where
Data seems to have caused quite a mess. The whole place is burning, and Data
(stupid monkey that he is) keeps getting into the flames and hopping about
while alight. Lock-on to him with the R2 button and put out his flames so that
he doesn't knock you down, then concentrate on putting out the flames
one-by-one. When the fire is eradicated, the "mission" is complete.

On the Flutter's bridge, Megaman and Roll watch the Sulphur Bottom descend
into the funnel. Knowing the violent winds of the storm would batter the tiny
flutter into fragments, Roll takes a different tack - she decides to set down
in a town on nearby Snow Island to find a Dropship, which will be much more
durable in the devastating funnel winds.

Roll puts the ship down in Kalinka, a snowy town where she runs around in Lara
Croft style (leather jacket and shorts, though with much more human physical
proportions). Let her follow you to the nearest Junk Store (which is past the
sign that says "Welcome to Town!" in big English letters).

-- 2. KALINKA: A NICE LITTLE TOWN ------------

When you enter the Junk Store, you'll see a Digger with a large cyborg arm
discussing matters with the proprietor. When you present your Dropship plans
to the shop owner, he tells you to speak with Joe (I think Joe is the guy with
the metal arm, but I'm not completely sure). Roll runs back to the landing
area and to the building which has a large metal shutter on one side. In the
building is a Dropship exactly like you need, except it needs a power source.

You can take a moment now to search around Kalinka and the rest of Snow
Island. Roll will follow you most of the time, although if you veer from the
necessary path she'll fall back and chastise you when your return to her.

Kalinka is divided into several areas; south of the landing field is a snowy
field that leads to the mine. The mine has a front entrance and a rear
entrance which can be reached through the small passage to the right of the
front entrance (though there seems to be nothing of interest in the rear).
North of the landing area is Kalinka proper. The left side of town has a
cluster of businesses (Junk Shop, General Store, Bar) and a large mansion. The
right side has a residence, a hotel, a closed gantry, a rail station (closed)
and a post office. There are a few things of note around town as well - enter
the Junk Shop from the back entrance (the raised passage) and the owner will
give you the item [Otona No Ken] (adult ticket, perhaps for the railway?).
Check the trash beside the General Store to find [Memo 1], which can be shown
to Roll to help her develop items. The trash behind the residence in the
northeast corner of town has [1000 Zenny] in it. The house itself has a
[Kowanetasoujima] in one of the bookshelves. Also, there are some kickable
items in town - a snowman outside the mansion, a metal can (but no bakery to
kick it into!) and oddly, a rubber ducky. The rail station is closed, alas.

North of the actual city is a cemetary and a church... strangely, the
clergyman inside doesn't appear to be evil. And this is a Japanese game!
Weird. You can make donations to the church, though I don't know the point,
and ask the priest questions. Data also shows up here, and there's a woman you
can talk to in order to earn a better Digger's License (you begin the game
with a B-Class License).

TEST A: You have 3 minutes to make a complete circuit of a dungeon with no
power-ups, no special weapons and no life refills. You must defeat all
enemies and make it back to the starting point. Furthermore, certain
enemies will cause you to lose use of your weapon temporarily. Sound
fun...? It is, in a masochistic way.

Here's the breakdown:
- ROOM ONE has 2 of the GuruGurus (the flat enemies who flip over when
shot a few times), 1 of the Mirumijees (snake-like Reaverbots) and 1
Gorubeshu (shield-carriers). Making contact with a leaping Mirumijee
or the green fire of a Gorubeshu's gun will cause a "Green" status
condition that disables your weapon for about 15 seconds - time you
can't afford to lose.
- ROOM TWO has 4 Mirumijees in very tight quarters. Don't let them
touch you!
- ROOM THREE has 2 Gorubeshus.
- ROOM FOUR has two GuruGurus and 4 of the explosive floaters.
- ROOM FIVE has 1 Mirumijee and a large purple Reaverbot that
generates small floaters. Focus on the snake first, then take out
the purple guy - fire a few shots at him, then use lock-on to shoot
down the floaters when they come close.
- ROOM SIX has a very aggressive Sharukurushu, the charging guys with
the pointed heads. Dodge him (he's invincible during a dash, so
don't waste your effort) and fire while moving and jumping.

Hurry to the starting room and you'll receive an A Class License.
From what I can tell, an A License causes Reaverbots to drop larger
Refractors when they die, but beyond that I don't know.

TEST S: You have 5 minutes to make a complete circuit of a dungeon with
enemies which require twice as much damage as the previous dungeon. I
haven't finished this, because the rumble feature on my controller
kept cutting power to my analog (a problem I had with my import FFVIII
as well - strange).

- ROOM ONE has 6 explosive floaters in clumps of three. When you
shoot one it begins to move toward you, so take them out
immediately. There are also 2 GuruGurus which have to be flipped
twice, and 2 Gorubeshus.
- ROOM TWO has a purple floater-generator and 4 Mirumijees.
- ROOM THREE has 2 more GuruGurus and 2 more Gorubeshus, as well as
giant moth-like Reaverbots that explode when shot.
- ROOM FOUR has *3* of the purple guys. I haven't made it through
thanks to my flaky controller.

-- 3. BE MINE --------------------------------

When you're ready to go, head into the snowfield and toward the mine. Roll
will follow you. Be careful, Reaverbots will pop up here (and ludicrously,
those rabbits can harm you by jumping into you). I don't think Roll can be
hurt, but she'll scream if she's attacked, and temporarily flash. Once you
reach the mine, Roll will charge ahead. Just follow her (you can collect the
item in the top level later - it's a [Model Gun]) and you'll reach a door. Go
on through the door and she'll lead you to a down elevator. I guess she's been
here before...

The lower level you'll tackle alone, but it's really simple. Basically, the
passageway forms a ring. You enter in the center of the east side. Straight
ahead is a door which leads to a Reaverbot and two chests containing [100z]
and [300z]. On the west side of the ring are three doors. The northmost door
contains a set of [Hoverjets], which can be used as a component for Dash
Parts. The south door hides [500z]. And the center door leads to another down

The enemies in this dungeon are pretty easy to deal with - just your standard
Zakobons, and a couple of those tall guys who shoot sparks. The passages here
are so narrow that the sparks immediately strike the walls and pose no threat

When you reach the bottom level, you'll find a large, shielded Refractor and
the metal-armed guy who appears to be wounded. Once Megaman calls Roll for
assistance, move into the next room and face the boss.

-- BOSS: SPIKEY REAVERBOT --------------------

If you've played the demo, you'll know how to take care of this guy. If not, I
bet you can figure it out pretty fast. His lower quarters are weak to gunfire,
and his attacks consist of a wild sweep of his long arms, a single ground
punch ripple, and a larger, more dangerous ripple. Be very careful to avoid
the strong ripple - just three of those can put you out of action. The battle
is slightly complicated by the presence of several wooden beams in the room as
well as a number of stone platforms. Don't try to get fancy and take cover
behind them, because the stone pillars crumble into little polygon fragments
beneath the fury of his mighty bulb-like fists. Keep out of his range and fire
whenever you can - if you can get behind him, all the better. His energy meter
is pretty short, so this shouldn't take too long.

Once the boss is gone, Roll arrives to help care for the wounded Digger. Take
the Blue Refractor and you'll automatically be taken to the Digger's bedside
in the Kalinka hotel. If you go to visit the Dropship, you'll see Roll has
already stashed it on the Flutter now that you have a power source. Speak to
Roll on the bridge and select the first choice to take off.


You'll find yourself on the world map, where the Flutter is approximately 200
km long. There are only two landing points now: Kalinka and "Unknown," where
the Sulphur Bottom went down. Before you go alone with the superunknown,
though, you may want to take some time to power up. Head back to Kalinka if
you wish and spend the money you earned in the mines to power up Megaman's
equipment. A Power Raiser and Range Up will help a lot, as will Normal Armor.
Some extra health wouldn't hurt, either, if you can afford it or an Energy

-- 1. PREPARE YOURSELF -----------------------

You can also speak with Roll at any time on the Flutter's bridge to bring up a

- Development Room
- Take Flight
- Nothing
- Donate Money (repair fund?)

The Development Room works a lot like the room in Megaman Legends. The first
option lets you give Roll items to see if she can make something useful out of
them (for instance, at this point you should have the Rollerboard and
Hoverjets, which will make Dash Parts). The second option selects the weapon
you're carrying. The third option lets you buy upgrades to weapons, and the
bottom option is Cancel.

When you're satisfied with your strength, head into the Unknown...

-- 2. ICE CAPADES ----------------------------

Megaman takes the Dropship into the swirling vortex, hopefully after a
mouthful of Dramamine. When you land you'll notice that the visibility is poor
thanks to the raging wind and snow, and that the ground is littered with
debris from a wrecked aircraft. Can it be the Sulphur Bottom?

There's a series of ravines and valleys leading to the north, so that's where
you'll want to go (not that you have a choice). When you reach the first
narrow pass, Roll will start jabbering at you, but don't stand around gawking
because some Reaverbots spring from the ground to make your life miserable.
These baddies in particular appear about 3 at a time and hop around, making a
lock-on difficult. When they get close they fire a beam of energy at you, so
don't just stand around - run! There are 9 of these guys in total before you
reach a nook with several people who appear to be suspended in bubbles.
There's also what appears to be another Dropship which didn't open - inside is
an exotic-looking girl with dark skin and pale green hair. Probably just as
well her pod didn't open, as she doesn't precisely look dressed for winter.

In the second section of the unknown area, you'll meet some large, skull-like
Reaverbots which spring from the ground and rush you. They take quite a few
hits to put down, and if you're not fast enough they'll disappear once again
into the snow. When you pass a tall, thin tower you'll be trapped - a curtain
of energy appears to lock you inside a small valley where you're attacked by a
wolf-like Reaverbot.

-- MINIBOSS: WOLF REAVERBOT ------------------

This guy looks a little like the Karumuna Bash Reaverbots from Legends, but
fights in a different manner. Mainly it circles you and then rushes. it's hard
to get a lock on it any time except when it's headed straight at you, so hold
your ground and sidestep at the last moment to maximize your damage. You
should probably stick to the flat, low, grey area as it affords better
maneuverability and you don't have to worry about getting pinned against a
wall. When the Reaverbots dies, the energy curtain disappears and you can move
northward again.

Roll starts yammering away here as well when you come to a point with several
pillars and small snow domes. The domes break away to reveal mastodon-like
Reaverbots whose attack consists primarily of a charge attack. You can get up
on the pillars for safety, if you want. Around the corner from here is a line
of running mastodons (huh?). You'll have to move between recessed areas
between the gaps in their line, sort of like a Metal Gear Solid VR mission.
There appears to be a slightly longer break after every third Reaverbot, so
use that to clear the last stretch and head left.

In the fourth section, you'll find Data (how does he DO that?) and a massive
snow hill with a large floating diamond spinning in the air above. Examine the
smaller diamond below and the earth will begin to shake.

-- BOSS: GIANT MASTODON ----------------------

This guy is aggressive and packs a punch. His main attack is to fire what
appear to be chunks of ice from his "trunk" but he also likes to leap into the
air and create an energy ripple effect. Be very careful to avoid the ripple,
as it can hit you for significant damage. The Reaverbot's biggest asset is his
sheer size - it's hard to judge exactly how big it is, so keeping a steady
distance can be tricky. Hopefully you purchased Range Up and Power Raiser
Buster Parts back in Kalinka (and equipped them), and have the Normal Armor
on. The more distance you can keep, and the faster you can finish him off, the
better. Run, run, run. Lock on and run either left or right (your choice, but
I don't recommend doubling back unless you like having ice cubes crack you in
the head) along the rim of the crater it sits in, and watch for the energy
ripple (it's sort of slow in expanding, so don't get ahead of it and jump too
early). When you've taken away a third of its energy, you'll see a bit of an
explosion. At this point it will throw a new attack into the mix, where it
rears back and fires a huge red tracking fireball at you. The only possible
way to dodge it is to keep running, so by all means do so! When his life drops
even lower, he may charge-attack you, so hurry back within his range.
Persistence and caution will win the day.

When the mastodon is once again extinct, the storm will clear away to reveal
the damaged Sulphur Bottom still descending through the sky. The enormous
diamond opens to reveal two people with the same dark skin and green hair of
the girl you saw earlier. The younger of these two people, a girl, is stark
naked, but doesn't seem particularly cold... the Bonnes watch from above and
bug Barrel's conversation with Mular. Meanwhile "Matilda" is also watching
with two other green-haired people.

At this point, you'll board the Sulphur Bottom. If you come back to Unknown
now, there will be no Reaverbots, and the icy bubbles that contained people
will be gone.


After chatting with Mular and Barrel on the Sulphur Bottom, you can explore
the place a bit. You my run across a Servbot or two... be sure to check the
scenery, as there's 2000 zenny in the potted plant in Mular's office, and
quite a bit of booty to be found in the crates on the lower deck's airship
dock (no, not THAT kind of booty). There's also a Junk Store to visit in the
docking bay, so you may want to take a moment to power up.

When you board the Flutter again, you can travel to a new map destination,
Manda, a steamy tropical island. Well, not really, but it has calypso music.
There are two dungeons on this island - one is an extra sidequest place where
you can find a Refractor to sell, and the other is necessary to move the story
forward. The extra dungeon is just south of the landing area. Northwest of the
landing field you'll find some Servbots, which should foreshadow what's ahead.

-- BOSS: TRON IN CRAB MECH -------------------

As far as I can tell, Tron wants to prove she's a better inventor than Roll in
order to impress Megaman... so to prove it she tries to kill him. Ah, love...
it makes us do the stupidest things. This is the same mech that Tron used in
the RD2: Episode 1 demo battle. However, the fight is a little bit different:
for one thing, you're probably a lot less durable than you were in the demo.
In fact, my second time through I actually lost this battle. Sort of sad, I
know. Something to note here is that unlike in the demo, Tron uses a random
variety of attacks rather than a set pattern. She mixes them up pretty well,
so be aware of how to predict her moves. If she shouts and raises her mech's
forearms, she's about to slam the ground for another ubiquitous energy ripple
attack. When the mech trains its guns on you, it's going to fire a stream from
its chin turret, or a scattered double blast from its upper guns. When it
spins, it's going to release 6-8 waves of scattered gun spray in pairs. This
is hard to dodge at close range and if an early blast hits you, you'll be hit
by subsequent blasts and probably lose a ton of energy. The smartest thing you
can do here is use the side roll until she relents. When her energy drops to
1/3, she'll begin a different kind of spin that makes her invincible - just
run and jump to evade her and she spins around the area. Be cautious, because
these are close quarters and you don't want to jump into her path if she's
about the rebound from the wall. Once she comes to a stop, let her have it
with Homing Missiles (you've had Roll make the Homing Missiles, right?). When
she's beaten, you kinda have to feel sorry for her. Except that's she's a
homicidal maniac, of course.

After the carnage is over, there's one building left standing after the crab
rampage (or at least there has been every time I've finished playing). You can
look around inside to claim 3,200 Zenny. In the next section of the island is
a house with traditional Japanese music playing. Look in the barrels outside
for a [Kowaretadenma Drill] (broken electric drill). You can enter the dungeon
here as well, but I recommend exploring the optional dungeon first - it's
shorter, less dangerous and will allow you to earn enough money to really
power up Megaman's defense and offense.

-- 1. MANDA DUNGEON 1 ------------------------

This is the optional dungeon, not the main one.

Items in this area: [1] [2,800 Zenny]
[3] [4,000 Zenny]
[5] [Memo 2]
[7] [2,500 Zenny]
[8] [3,000 Zenny]
[10] [Small Bomb Plans]
[11] [Refractor-B]

LEVEL B1: --[6][7]----- LEVEL B2: [11]
| | |
[5]-| [WALL] |
| | [BOSS]
[4]-| | |
| [9] |
|--[3] [E] | --[10] [E]
[1]---| | | |
| | ---|
[2]---------- |
| ---|
----| | [8]
| |

The Reaverbots who populate this dungeon are nothing particularly new, though
you haven't seen the frogs before. Also, the large electricity-generating
Reaverbots are now located in open spaces, so watch out for the
slowly-drifting sparks they launch at you. You'll encounter quite a few of the
shield-carrying Reaverbots in this dungeon as well... don't forget that
they'll drop their shields when they're hit with a Homing Missile. Watch out,
though - their flamethrowers can cause you to catch fire, which leaches energy
until the fire subsides.

There are quite a few treasures to find here, including several places where
Zenny is tucked in a hole in the wall. Also, at points [2] and [4] you'll
encounter a fake chest that sprouts legs when you approach. Stay out of its
way and it's easy enough to kill. Also, be sure to check behind where it was
located for holes in the wall. There are Mimes at points [6] and [9]: chests
that look normal until you open them and they start spitting bombs. You can
always tell a Mime from other chests because you can still move around after
you open it. These are more clever than the Mimes in MMLegends, because they
spit bombs at you wherever you stand, rather than ahead in a straight line.

Take the elevator at point [E] to reach the lower floor, where you'll find
another boss.

-- BOSS: SPIKEY REAVERBOT --------------------

This guy again. You should have no trouble putting him down for the count this
time. Check the above strategies if you haven't figured it out yet (but
realize that I'm verrrry disappointed in you). When the boss is gone, collect
the large Refractor from the next room - you can sell this for 30,000 Zenny,
but you may want to hold on to it in case it's needed later. Your call.

-- 2. MANDA DUNGEON 2 ------------------------

I highly recommend doing a few things before entering this dungeon - first,
buy the Light Chip. it's very worthwhile, as Roll can turn the Light Chip into
Light Shoes, which will protect you from the electric floors here. Secondly,
equip the Homing Missile arm and try to upgrade the Power and Range on them.
They'll be handy. Also, buy the Medicine Bottle, if you haven't already.

This is far and away more complex than any of the dungeons in the first game.
It's also got more personality - with all the animal-like Reaverbots around,
it's almost like something out of the original Megaman games. Pretty nice.
You'll do quite a bit of backtracking here, and you'll probably want to come
back later to pick up some special items you can't get the first time through
(well, you can, but do you really want to do combat using the Drill Arm?).


-------------- ----- ----- |
| | | | | | |
| ----- | [27]|-| [26]|---------------[B]
| | [12]| | | | | |
| | | ----- ----- |
| ----- | |
| | | [25]
[2] | | ------
/ \ | | | |
-- -- ----- ----| BOSS |
| | | | | |
----[1] [3]-[16]-| [13]| ------
| | | | |
| -- -- -----
| \ / |
--- --- -----
| | |
| | [14]|
[4] | [15]|
--- -----


----- ----- [24] [1] Green Door
| [21]| | | | [2] Orange Door
---| |-| [23]|-------[B] [3] Purple Door
| | [22]| | | [4] Bug Zapper (Security)
| | ----- ----- [5] Fire Frogs (Security)
[18] | | [6] BATTLE: BOLA I
[19]---[17] [7] Napalm Guns, weak wall
[20] | | --- [8] [5,000 Zenny]
| | / \ [9] [10,000 Zenny]
| -- -- [10] Electric Floor & Trap
| | | [11] Bridge Spindle
----| [11] |---- [12] Snake Ambush
| | | [13] Switch
-- -- | [14] [Card Key]
----- \ / | [15] BATTLE: BOLA II
| | --- | [16] Switch
| ----- ----- [17] Napalm Guns, weak wall
| | | ------- | | [18] [8,000 Zenny]
| | [6] |-- [7] ---| [10]| [19] [2,000 Zenny]
| | | ------- | | [20] [Thick Pipe]
--- ----- | ----- [21] [2,000 Zenny]
| | [22] [4,000 Zenny]
[5] [8]-[9] [23] Fire Frog Ambush
| [24] [6,000 Zenny]
--- [25] Walking Trap Chest
| [26] [Normal Helmet]
| [27] [Sabitajiui]

Data will always be outside the dungeon entrance; leaving will not reset any
of the security devices, so feel free to step out and recharge/save a few
times as necessary. The main goal here is to activate a security system that
raises a bridge spindle across the entry chamber, then ascend to the top level
and battle the guardian of whatever random item you're supposed to be finding
here for Mular. Along the way, you'll also have to deal with Bola, one of the
two brothers who seems to have teamed up with the Bonnes.

Upon entry into the dungeon, you'll see a small blue stone monolith. This is
the security control device... but first, you'll have to power up the system.
The entrance is in the south of main room, and there are 3 other doors, each
in a cardinal direction. Begin by taking the green door [1] on the west side
of the room - it's the only one open.

Your first time through this section should be pretty easy. You'll come across
scuttling bugs who run in alternating columns and are easily enough evaded, as
well as more frogs. There's a trap at point [4] which will be activated once
the security system is turned on, but for now it's passive. You'll finally
come to an elevator at point [A] - take that up to B1. On the next floor,
you'll find more frogs, and once you double back you'll come to a room where
Bola, one of the two guys who was chatting outside the dungeon when you first
arrived, will attack you.

-- MINIBOSS: BOLA I -------------------------

This isn't too hard, although it's a little annoying at the beginning thanks
to the four frog Reaverbots who come after you. Take them out and then focus
on Bola - he spins in place and throws a spread of 3 knives at you. Keep your
distance and keep running (jumping is good too) to avoid his attacks. It
shouldn't take long to put him down.

When he's gone, you can move along. The next room shows up on your map as a
red area with two indentations along one wall. That wall [7] is weak and can
be knocked down with the drill arm, after which you can claim a total of
[15,000 Zenny]. However, unless you're really bold, you probably didn't bring
the Drill Arm along, so you'll have to come back later. The room with the weak
wall has 4 moving boxes along its upper portions, but these are nothing to
worry about for now.

In the next room [10] is a revolving, spiked metal object. There are also
several of the flat, disc-like Reaverbots smashing into the walls. Later, the
floor in the room will be electrified, but in your first runthrough the trap
floor is deactivated. Round the bend and make it past the room full of small
shooting Reaverbots on spinning discs (be careful, as the discs remain even
after the Reaverbot is dead) and you'll be back in the room where you started,
but on the upper level. To your right is a security panel - hit it and you'll
open the orange door [2].

Now you can drop back down to the lower level (and take a moment to save and
recharge with Data, if you'd like). The northern passage beyond the orange
door is not particularly dangerous, although in the first room you enter [12]
you'll be ambushed by a nest of snake Reaverbots who drop from the ceiling.
The second room has a switch in it which will open a door set into the south
wall. Once you unlock the door, you can enter to claim the Card Key - but
you'll be attacked by Bola again.

-- MINIBOSS: BOLA II ------------------------

This time, Bola is a little more serious about stopping you. He hovers in the
middle of the room near the central of five rotating spiked discs. Avoid
running into these, as they hurt. When Bola's arms are crossed, he cannot be
hurt; when he spreads them, he's vulnerable, but he'll start throwing knives
at you, and in less of a predictable pattern than before. When he shifts
posture, he's about to jump-attack you using his sword (which causes a small
shockwave ripple). From time to time he'll vanish to reappear elsewhere; when
he appears above the central disc, stop shooting and pay attention. He reveals
out some threads which connect to the discs (reminds me of Yura of the Hair
from Inu-Yahsa) and cause them to collide in the center of the room - you do
NOT want to be caught in this. Stand against a wall centered between two discs
when he begins this, and pay attention to how the discs move - they don't
return exactly to their initial point, but instead drift a little. If you're
not careful you could be struck by them.

When Bola's gone, you're free to move on again and hit the switch at point
[16] to open the purple door [3]. Now you can use the Card Key on the monolith
at the entrance, which activates the security system.

The dungeon comes alive and gets pretty tricky. You might want to save again,
to be safe. Go back through the green door [1], but be aware that the layout
inside has changed - the path is the same, but enemies attack differently.
Some of the frogs have become red frogs, which will cause Megaman to catch
fire if he touches them (which is why it's good to have Medicine with you).
Also, the bug zapper at point [4] is activated and moves back and forth - time
your jump for safety. The moving square pods at point [7] will now fire little
napalm capsules at you (I think - those might be Cheetos, actually). Run past
them quickly to avoid damage. Also, the Electric Floor trap at point [10] is
active as well - if you don't have Light Shoes equipped, you will need to
avoid touching the floor! Being electrocuted causes Megaman to slow down, and
his jumping and rolling ability is halved as well. It's not physically
harmful, but it makes you easy prey for enemies.

When you return to the central hub of the dungeon, you'll find a bridge has
been raised to allow you access to the other half of the upper level. Watch
out, the bridge isn't completely railed and you CAN fall off (it sucks!).

On the other side, you'll find more of those Cheeto/napalm launcher things,
and another weak wall [17], behind which is an item called [Furai Pipe] (thick
pipe) as well as [10,000 Zenny]. The room beyond that has an additional
[6,000] Zenny. Be careful in the following room - it looks like there's only a
single shield Reaverbot, but you'll be ambushed by five or six Fire Frogs!
It's very dangerous, so stay away from the shielded Reaverbot unless you want
to be hit with his green poison gas - which will make you unable to shoot your
main weapon, which means you're likely to get your butt completely trounced by
those frogs. Thin their ranks with the missile launcher (shoot for a cluster -
the splash effect from the missiles can kill several in one blow) to free up
some space to maneuver. Keep moving and you'll find a chest with [6,000 Zenny]
just north of elevator [B].

On the top floor, F1, there's a walking trap chest [25] and a few more traps -
an electric floor and double steel traps. In the second room there are 4
chests to open once you clear out the enemies; two of them are mimics. You can
tell the real chests aparet from the fakes, because the true chests appear on
your radar as yellow squares. One of the chests holds a [Normal Helmet], which
you should equip right away. Beyond there is the final leg, where you can
recharge and save with Data (how does he do that!?). The boss won't appear
until you touch the crystal on the far side of the room, opposite your entry

-- BOSS: GIANT FROG REAVERBOT ----------------

Ooh, what an annoying battle. There are four platforms here; the boss will
only attack when you're standing on one, and he can only be hurt when
attacking. Subsequently, he's only vulnerable when you're on a platform - but
that's probably the best place to be. The floor is electric, and patrolled by
little tadpole Reaverbots. If you're not wearing Light Shoes, falling down
there can be truly annoying and dangerous. The perimeter of the room is
guarded by spinning spiked discs, so be careful not to get into their way.
There's also a dragonfly Reaverbot who buzzes around and can break your lock
on the actual boss.

As for the boss himself, it will open its mouth to attack with tiny bubbles
every once in a while. Hit it in its open mouth to score damage. Incidentally,
the bubbles cannot be destroyed with the Buster, but the Homing Missile will
burst them. And as the Homing Missile can do more damage to the boss himself,
I think you can see where this is headed - blast the frog with as many
missiles as you can. After a while he'll jump at you (with the requisite
shockwave ripple upon landing). Hop to another platform - if you evade him,
he'll be extremely vulnerable upon landing. You don't want to stand too near
him, because he emits a purple toxin of some sort which can stun you for a
second. Try not to stand directly across from him, because he'll try to hit
you with his very quick purple tongue. (Sometimes he'll use his tongue to
catch the dragonfly instead - I don't think this accomplishes anything, but
it's amusing to watch). Keep at it and eventually he'll go down - at which
point you can claim the treasure he was holding. Whatever it is. Take it back
to the Sulphur Bottom and Mular will stick it in a tank in the room behind his

Incidentally, once the dungeon is clear the people return to the village that
Tron destroyed. There's a woman here who sells gifts (denoted by the heart
icon), and a regular junk shop guy. Also, the house next to the dungeon is now
inhabited by three women, who will give you a kanji quiz. I don't know kanji,
so I'm not even going to try to give you the answers. Sorry.

This is as far as I've had a chance to write so far. More to come later...
please don't write to divulge/ask for help with later events. Thanks!





Item Cost (z) Location Function
Life Parts 1 1,000 Junk Shops Adds to lifebar
Life Parts 2 3,000
Life Parts 3 5,000
Life Parts 4 10,000
Life Parts 5 30,000
Life Parts 6 50,000
Energy Bottle 1 600 Junk Shops Lets you refill life
Extra Pack 1 3,000 Junk Shops Adds to Energy Bottle
Extra Pack 2 4,000
Extra Pack 3 5,000
Extra Pack 4 6,000
Extra Pack 5 7,500
Medicine Bottle 6,400 Junk Shops Heals status ailments
Roller Board 3,000 Junk Shops Component
Light Chip 30,000 Junk Shops Component
Furui Hoverjet ---- Kalinka Mine Component
Model Gun ---- Kalinka Mine Component
Memo 1 ---- Kalinka Component
Memo 2 ---- Manda Dungeon Component
Refractor-B ---- Manda Dungeon Sell for 30000z
Chouka Gear ---- Sulphur Bottom Dock Component
Small Bomb Plans ---- Manda Dungeon Component
Broken Elec. Drill ---- Manda Component
Sabitajiui ---- Manda Dungeon 2 Component
Meigurumi 5,000 Manda Gift
S. Bottom Model 100,000 Manda Gift
Toilet Senjouzai 1,500 Manda A nice toilet, I guess?
Thick Pipe ---- Manda Dungeon 2 Component


Item Cost (z) Location Function
Power Raiser 1,600 Junk Shops ATK+2
Turbo Charger 800 Junk Shops ENG+2
Range-Up 1,200 Junk Shops RNG+2
Blast Unit 3,000 Junk Shops ATK+1 ENG+2
Buster Unit 4,000 Junk Shops
Lot Unit 2,500 Junk Shops RPD+1 ENG+2
Rapid-Up ---- Flutter Dev. Room RPD+1
Normal Armor 3,500 Junk Shops Cuts damage by 1/2
Fast Armor 15,000 Junk Shops Cuts damage by 3/4


Weapon Components Required Powerup Costs
Aqua Blaster (None)----------------------(Cannot Be Upgraded)

Comments: More of a story item than anything else.

Jet Shoes Furui Hoverjet--------------(Cannot Be Upgraded)

Comments: Same as the Dash Shoes in MML.

Light Shoes Light Chip------------------(Cannot Be Upgraded)

Protects Megaman from the electric floors.

Machine Gun Long Barrel-----------------ATK---- ENG---- RNG----
Model Gun 3,000 5,000 1,000
RPD---- SPC----
2,000 N/A

Comments: A decent weapon with a high rate of fire and low damage.

Homing Missile Rocket Hanabi---------------ATK---- ENG---- RNG----
Memo 1 10,000 15,000 5,000
120,000 30,000
RPD---- SPC----
10,000 10,000

Comments: A great weapon early on - several times more powerful than
the Buster Arm, with a good amount of ammo and a decent
rate of fire even at its weakest. Can blow the shields off
of the shield-toting Reaverbots.

Drill Arm Extra Gear ATK---- ENG---- RNG----
Broken Drill 1,000 1,000 N/A
2,000 1,500
3,000 2,000
RPD---- SPC----

Comments: Necessary for breaking down walls, also serves as a decent
(and VERY powerful) close-range weapon, though it can be
tricky to use, and the energy drains fast in battle. Cheap
to upgrade!



-- 1. HOW DO I SAVE?

Speak to Data and choose the third option (seebu). Then choose your memory
card and slot, and confirm. This is old hat to anyone who's played Megaman
Legends, of course.


The Japanese demo was "Rockman Dash: Episode One," and the final game is
"Rockman Dash: Episode Two." Episode One had some unique content (see "Demo
Walkthrough," waaaaay above) and served as a nice (if probably non-canonical)
lead-in to the actual game. It had voice acting, a training mode, a
search-and-find mission, a dungeon crawl/battle, and a lengthy battle versus
Tron and the Servbots. None of that made it into the U.S. demo. Bah.


The Japanese name for Megaman is Rockman. And MM Legends is Rockman Dash in
Japan. Ta-dah!


A lot of people complained that Megaman Legends didn't seem connected with the
original Megaman games... maybe in response to this, there seem to be a number
of little nods to the original Megaman series (as well as X). These also help
resolve the question of "Is this supposed to be a continuation of the original
Megaman?" as the two original series seem to show up only as fictional works.
There was the cutscene with Servbots playing Megaman 1 in Tron Ni Kobun, and
there's even more here.

-- 1. KALINKA --------------------------------

The snowy town where the Flutter lands early in the game is named for Dr.
Cossack's daughter. Cossack and Kalinka, by the way, lived in the snowy
reaches of Russia.

-- 2. ICEMAN ---------------------------------

You'll see a manga with a picture of Iceman on the cover in several locations
in Kalinka, including the desk of the hotel.

-- 3. ZERO -----------------------------------

There's a poster featuring what appears to be Zero (or his duplicate) in grey
armor on the wall of the Kalinka General Store.

-- 4. ANIME ----------------------------------

The monitor in the bar is playing what appears to be a Megaman anime which
involves Gutsman chucking a rock, Megaman dodging, and Protoman appearing (and
whistling, heh).





Thanks to the following people for help with this FAQ:

- CJayC of GameFAQs for once again housing this humble work at his esteemed
data repository. Thankee, guv'nah!
- Capcom Japan, for creating this sterling series. No thanks to Capcom USA
just yet; it's a long time until we see an English version of this one.


Capcom Entertainment
Makers of this fine game and many others. Give them love.

A marvelous example of a once-interesting site that has become completely

GIA's Megaman Legends 2 Preview
A comprehensive preview of the game, written by one of the smartest and most
attractive freelancers ever to grace the Web!

The Megaman Homepage
A big, meaty page o' Megaman info. Not much on the Legends series, though.
Still, it's far more thorough than my page!

The marvy folks who sold me my Rockman Dash 2 import. I love these guys.


Rev. 0.2 - May 5, 2000: U.S./Japan demo comparison, walkthrough & charts
Rev. 0.1.3 - April 27, 2000: More tiny details
Rev. 0.1.2 - April 26, 2000: Added walkthough past the Unknown, and some item
Rev. 0.1.1 - April 24, 2000: A very small update, with some general
Rev. 0.1 - April 20, 2000: First version. Pointless, in a way.


The contents of this FAQ are copyright 2000 Jeremy Parish. This FAQ is
authorized for use only at my own site and GameFAQs. Please do not reprint it
without my permission (write to me at to discuss it). If
you're a Megaman fan who'd like to use it at your personal page, cool. If
you're a "comprehensive" game guide site that simply trolls GameFAQs looking
for new material to duplicate, don't bother asking.

The Megaman Legends 2, Megaman and all related characters and names are
trademarks of Capcom Entertainment, Inc. - I make no claim to them.

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14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +2 Trainer für die japanische NTSC Version.

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30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
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22.Октябрь 2014
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24.Июль 2014