Misadventures of Tron Bonne

Misadventures of Tron Bonne

15.10.2013 16:46:56

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FAQ by: Dingo Jellybean Email: @(my website) 5/5/00 Last

---------------------------- [ C R E D I T S ] ------------------------------

-+- Capcom(www.capcom.com)
For making a VERY COOL game indeed.

-+- ToastyFrog(http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/game/24068.html)
For having a brilliant FAQ and having an EXCELLENT guide to begin with!

-+- Bahamut Zero(http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/game/24068.html)
He fits the persona of "quick and to the point" and his FAQ is just as
good as ANY FAQ you will find.

-+- Doppleganger 999(simalcrum@hotmail.com)
For a TON of clarification on the guide, I'm DEEPLY sorry I didn't update
this guide since May and had to wait till September. :(

-+- CJC(www.gamefaqs.com)
For his hard work and dedication to the site.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(bellybutton21@hotmail.com)
For typing this FAQ.


Version 1.00: Initial release, full walkthrough and everything else the game
has to offer.(5/15/00)
Version Last: Last release, this game in itself is short and I'm confident
I covered everything. Thanks to Doppleganger 999 for the tips.


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This document is (C) Dingo Jellybean; 2000

==============================End of Copyright===============================

Table of Contents

- Vehicle's controls
- Walkthrough
- Misscellaneous
- Servebot Stats/abilities/location/FAQ
- Credits


Gustaff Controls:
Beacon Bomb: Hold R2, aim and press Square
Pick up objects: Press triangle over person or object
Jump: Press X

Depending on the Servebot you bring along inside your Gustaff, there are
several stats that can affect your overall Gustaff's ability.

Attack = Weapon's attack power
Speed = Rate of fire
Brains = Tracking ability

If the Servebot that is controlling the Gustaff are high, then you will get
a lot of bonuses like having a double barreled shot with the Gatling gun or
double the fire power with the Search cannon.

Finkel Controls:
Beacon Bomb: Hold R2, aim and press Square
Ram: Press Square
Make funny noise: Press triangle

Gustaff Tank Controls:
Pick up Crate: Press triangle when near crate
Jump on crate: Press directional pad or X when near crate
Jump off crate: Press directional pad or X when on crate
Beacon Bomb: Hold R2 and press Square
Restart round: L2


Oh no! Tron Bonne and Tiesel Bonne are up to no good again, it appears
that those two numskulls have built up another ship. Tiesel goes off for
the treasure and Tron is left behind in the Gusselshaft.

Now pick your controls, automatic aim is a prefered choice, even for novice
to expert gamers then pick your controls for turning.

The game starts off with Tiesel out in the desert, the lego men, I mean
Servebots are there to follow him. However, Tiesel eventually finds out
that the map is a fake. He later contacts Bon Bonne, who later tells Tiesel
that there is a giant door near his location. Now after that your mission
starts, your gaol is to lead Tiesel to that location where Bon Bonne had
told you. Before you leave, check out those cute Servebots! Awwww. The
controls should
be very familiar to you Mega Megaman Legends players(ala me). Head upwards,
however there will be beginner instructions for you along the way, you will
eventually find a Reaverbot, the same ones who were in the last game. When
you reach the small hole, Tron Bonne will give you instructions on how to
use the Servebots. Hold the R2 button down and fire a bomb beacon inside
the hole and the Servebots will come out with Zenny, yay! Now after that
continue to the right. You will also notice a crack in the wall, ignore
that for now and keep going. You will eventually see boulders in front of
you, use the Triangle button to pick them up, HOWEVER this is quite obvious
as you should go back to that cracked wall and throw the boulder in front
of it, but try to stand a good distance away from it, you will only get
three chances. Direct the Servebots through to pick up the Zenny and then
continue on. You will eventually find two more Reaverbots, you can pick up
small boulders and throw em at them. Also you will find a boulder in front
of a wall, pick that up and direct the Servebots to pick up some more
Zenny. Continue on and destroy the giant Reaverbot, whose really a wuss.
After that continue on and a cut scene will have Bon Bonne and Tiesel in
front of the giant doorway. Tiesel tells Tron not to worry, but soon
afterwards a giant mechanic bird attacks Tiesel, which destroys Bon Bonne,
or at least leaves him to bits. Its Clyde, who wants his money, but Clyde
wants his money immediately as Tiesel is not given anytime to repay him
back. Now a battle ensues.
This battle is pretty easy, aim your gun at him and just dodge attacks.
You can also aim your Servebots at him, they will jump on top, but
eventually get knocked off! Its funny and cute!

Later Tron Bonne goes off to find them, but she finds only Servebots and
the Gustaff. Later back at the Gusselshaft, it appears that Tiesel did
not want to worry his family about the debt that he owes(and he's a
villian?), so he kept it away from his family. Also Tiesel owes, ONE
MILLION ZENNY?!!! The Servebots ask if they should set up dinner for Tiesel
and Bon, but not tonight, however the optimistic Tron tells them to keep
the plates ready!


Now pick MISSION, and then select where you want to start. I would pick
Misson Bank if you are following this walkthrough. You will have to rob
a bank in town, yes!

MISSION BANK Zenny: 31,500

Now you can pick the Servebots, but you can only use the Gustaff for this
mission. You should have at least one Sniper(#10) for this mission, your
goal is to rob a bank in plain site with no tricks.

The mission starts, but Tron bombs a hospital instead of a bank! The dogs
and people run out, she finally notices that she bombed a hospital. However
the Servebots find some valuables inside the hospital and she doesn't want
to leave until they have collected 50000 Zenny from the town. You will
have 3 minutes to collect as much money as you can before the police come
by. But that's going to be impossible to do. Loot the buildings, also
you will notice that when you enter a certain house, the Servebots will
play Megaman! Listen for the cool theme music! After the 3 minutes, the
police will come, to destroy them quickly pick up the police cars and
throw them around, you can throw them into houses for more Zenny! You
can even shoot the police officers for Zenny! Afterwards, a police lady
who is pretty intimidated confronts Tron, but Tron taunts her with
some pretty funny talk! Then she will try to stop you on her own.
BOSS BATTLE: Lady Officer
This battle will be pretty tough, you can knock her out of her police car
if you pick up the telephone booth and throw it at her car. Then keep
shooting her, she will be invincible for a few secs after she gets up,
but you can still destroy the bombs that are thrown at you. It will take
about 6 or 7 shots to get her.

After the battle the officer is down in a puff of smoke, the team leaves
back to the Gusselshaft.

POST MISSION BANK REPORT Zenny acquired: 30,000-50,000

When you reach back, the team reports that they were able to find three
valuable items, Pork, Fish, and Curry, and the totals are what you had
collected during that mission. Depending on how well you did, you should
have had your Servebots raise in Brain stats. Then the scouting reports
tell you that the Servebots are done scouting Area B-4(Fish), B-1(Apple),
and D-1(shell). Now select another mission, you can repeat the Bank
Mission for 150,000 Zenny, but it will be tougher. For now head to the
Mission Digout RPG.

MISSION DIGOUT Zenny: 64,000-81,500

Your goal in this mission is to find the legendary stones of Aurora.
This mission you will use the minirobot Finkel. It operates the same way
as the Gustaff except that it has no weapons. That means the Servebots
will be doing most of the work. You will have to use Beacon Bombs to have
the Servebots talk to people and explore rooms and acquire items. Once you
start the mission, head through the tunnel in front of you and you will
eventually meet a digger. Talk to him using the Beacon Bomb, the Servebots
will start off with some small talk, he will tell you that there are 3
stones in thie cave and you will have to go deep into the cave. Dantz then
decides to go with you after Tron's permission. Now continue onwards, you
will find a small cave collapse, have the Beacon Bomb target that. Then
later Tron will decide to make a drilling machine later, but Dantz really
wanted to use the Dynamite(but that would've collapsed the cave on them).

Now continue on through and make your way through the cave, you will
eventually reach a trap. However the Servebots aren't about to just walk
through, Dantz offers to help but gets hit by the trap. He then suggests
that the Servebots do the job, so they do, but not after some authority
from Tron Bonne. Now aim your Beacon Bomb at the target, it will take
some good timing. After you hit the switch, continue on through. You will
see two paths, a right path and a front path, take the right path for
now and continue through. You will eventually find a hole that contains
800 Zenny, "we're rich!" Well, you'll need all the money you can, now head
back out and then take the front path you saw earlier and continue on
through. You will eventually find a crate, ram it and pick up the Zenny,
further down you will see a fire trap. Dantz warns the party before hand,
and he tells of a switch nearby. Go close to the fire, but don't touch
it, you will find the red switch to the small right corner, designate
the Servebots to that switch, they will successfully press the switch
but they will get caught on fire, hahahahaha!!! Afterwards, continue
down the tunnel until you reach a 3-way passage. Take the right passage
and pick up the Treasure Box Key, make sure not to lose it! Now head
back out and take the left passage you saw earlier this time. You will
see a crate that contains Zenny, after picking that up open the treasure
box just ahead, inside will contain E.BOTTLE 1, which will refill your
energy incase your low on it.

Now head back out and take the front path that you saw earlier and continue
through. Now take the right path when you see two passages, eventually you
will meet another Digger. Have the Servebots talk to her, it appears that
she isn't in a good mood. She tells the group of a trap, but she can't get
the switch because the trap is in the way of the switch. After the
conversation finishes, take the right path where Dantz is. You will see a
few rocks dropping, this trap however is the trickiest one yet. You must
actually guide the Servebots instead of just using the Beacon Bomb alone
like you have in the past. Move Finkel through the falling rocks carefully,
you will have to move through at intervals though. After that hit the
switch and pick up the Treasure Key and head out and take the other path
you saw earlier. Keep going through, pick up the Room Key and head back out
past the fat lady digger. Continue on through outwards and then take the
right path to the next area.

In here take the left path and knock the crates, watch for the crate to
the right, just hit it three times, but if you hit it a fourth time, an
explosive will blow. You also saw some yellow writing on the wall
earlier, direct the Servebots to it. Dantz will read the writing on the
wall, it says that there is another treasure besides the three legendary
crystals, the Elixir of Youth. But the three crystals are related to
acquiring that treasure. One crystal is picked up from the writing on
the wall, and you will now need two more. Head out and to the other path
that you saw earlier.

You will see two cameras flying around, if they spot you the read light
will go on, try not to get to close and study the pattern a bit. You
can get through pretty easily, but when the red light is on, the cameras
will chase after you and ignite themselves. Stay away from them and
continue on through. Now you will see some underground stone tunnels,
eventually a trap will lay through once again in front of you. It will
keep you intact and move you around a bit, so you will have to do some
timing on pressing that switch, you can just basically keep firing the
Beacon Bombs until you hit it. After that make your way through until
you reach a door. Use the Servebots to open it, however a girl will
approach you just before you go inside. She tells the group that there
is another stone in there, Dantz goes to check it out but comes back
shocked to find a giant Reaverbot. The Servebots are scared to go
inside, but Tron convinces them otherwise. Head inside and you will
notice a giant Reaverbot, look familiar? Sure does, its the one from
the mines in Megaman Legends. Tron tells the Servebots to use the fire
traps to destroy it.
BOSS BATTLE: Giant Reaverbot
This battle will be a bit tricky. You must attract the Reaverbot towards
you, then have the Servebots press one of the four fire switches. Be
careful though, you can't get burned by the fire but you can lose a lot of
damage by the Reaverbot's laser. It shouldn't take too many shots, move
around the room and press the switch when it comes near you.

After the battle you recieve the first crystal! The lady asks if she can
have it, the Servebots give the go ahead but Tron tells them to keep it
somewhere safe, the lady seems disappointed though. Dantz then tells the
group that he will get the second crystal or "my name ain't Dantz!"
"He just never learns does he?"

POST MISSION DIG REPORT Zenny acquired: 26,000-35,000

You should have at least had some of your Servebot's brain ratings go up.
Also the construction of Tron's room is now finished. Now after that,
head to the Lab, talk to the Servebots and one of them will give you a
PAINT SET. After that head to the MTG Room, talk to #34, it will run off
when Tron talks to him. Head to the Gym and talk to #9, it will give you
the READ HEAD PARTS. You can train the Servebots by playing the mini
games if you want. Now head back to the MTG room and give the PAINT SET
to the #35 Servebot. IT will ask if you want to change the way the Gustaff
looks, you can pick any look you like. Now head back to HQ and start the
next mission, CONTAINERS.

MISSION CONTAINERS Zenny: 147,000-190,000

Your goal for this mission is to steal all the cargo inside the crates.
However, you can't just move around freely and pick up any old cargo, there
are limited steps you can take and you can pick up so many items. Now in
this mission, its a pretty tough puzzle to crack unless you know what your
doing. The first two green crates are pretty easy, after that move the
wooden crate at the top and just throw it in a corner to the right of you.
Pick up that green crate, you should be able to make it through with all
10 steps. Now pick up the metal crate and throw it to the left next to
the red crate. Pick up the Green crate and then put it in the Gusselshaft.
Sorry but I don't know how to get all 5 crates YET, but when I do I'll
update the FAQ. Now continue to Round 2.

Now pick up the first green crate to your left and put it in the
Gusselshaft. Now head up and move the metal crate down, and pick up the
green crate and put it in the Gusselshaft. Now go around the metal
crate and step on the block behind it, pick it up and throw it to the
left and then at the bottom pick up the Green crate and put it in the
Gusselshaft, it will take all 10 steps to do that though. You should
have 3 lifts left, go around to the left of the next metal crate and
throw that to the left. Pick up the green crate and carry it back to the
Gusselshaft, this will take all of your 10 steps. After that head to the
next round.

This round looks tough. Pick up the first green crate and put it in the
Gusselshaft. Now step in front of that metal crate and throw it to the
right path block. Now head up and you will see three metal crates, pick
that crate up and throw it to the left block. Now pick up the wooden
crate and move it all the way to the bottom of the dock where you won't
need it. Then head up and pick up the top green crate and put it in the
Gusselshaft, then pick the next left green crate and put it in the
Gusselshaft, both of these crates will take all 10 of your steps. About
that last crab crate, sorry I don't know how to get that crate either,
but if I do I'll update the FAQ!


Here you have exchanged all 12 crates for 54,000 zenny, anything else
you've would've gotten a nice bonus. Your Servebot's stats should've also
gone up from the mission, if not don't worry you can always gain their
stats in the training room, speaking of training rooms, there is a new
training room ready, its a pretty fun Chef game too! Now head to the next
misson, RUINS.

MISSION RUINS Zenny: 190,000-240,000

NOTE: You can only cmplete this mission if you have the Bazooka. Also after
you destroyed the wall with the Bazooka, it remains destroyed and you
can go back and exchange for another weapon.

Here the mission is to acquire DIANA'S TEAR. You'll be using the Gustaff
for this mission. After the breifing, head inside the the Ruins. Past the
first door you will have to face 3 giant Reaverbots, they are pretty tough,
but you should be able to defeat them, you can have the Servebots pick up
the Zenny instead of going after them. After that, head to the next room.
In here head up and to the next right, keep going straight until you reach
a small room with a hole in the wall, direct the Servebots inside and pick
up some Zenny. You will also notice a few cracks on the wall, you can't
break them now, so just ignore them. Now head back out, but take the next
open door that you see when you entered the right path. Heck I'll provide
a map:

-Z- --- --- ---
| R |---|R/B|---| S |---| F |
--- --- |---| ---
| | |
| --- --Z \
| |R/S|-| R | \
| | B | |---| \ |--| |---
--- --- | | |TZ| |
| | --- | |--| ---------
| | | S | | |DT->| |---
--- | | |-| | |---------| |
| |---| | | |
|-----------| | | | |-C-|
| 3S | |------------C--|--Z---- |
|-----------| | | |
| |-| |-------------|
| |
--- --- - <- Door
| R |---| R | |----|
--- --- | R |
| |----|
--- |
|S/R| - <- Door
| | |
--- |
| Entrance
| P |

F = Fireworks
R = Reaverbots
B = Brain Cube
P = Pipe
C = Crack in wall
Z = Zenny inside wall
S = Boss
3S = Three sub-bosses in one room
TZ = 50,000 Zenny in treasure box
/ = and

NOTE: Your probaby wondering why I didn't finish the map, well basically the
rest of the area isn't too intricate to detail and the fact that I
can't fit it within my margin :(

From here, head to the room marked S(the one next to the F), inside is a
sub-boss. Its a Sand Dragon Reaverbot:
BOSS BATTLE: Sand Dragon Reaverbot
For this battle, watch for the Sand Dragon, it won't attack you when its
near you underground. It breathes out a lot of sand making it visible even
when underground. Stay a good distance away from it to force it out of the
sand and blast it three times before it gets a chance to hit you with its

After the battle take the F room and pick up the FIREWORKS. Then head back
out to the next room, inside destroy the Reaverbots and pick up the BRAIN
CUBE from the treasure box. Head out and pick up some more Zenny in the
next room(there's A LOT in here, including from the wall and Reaverbots).
After that head out and go to the next room and keep going until you reach
the next room with 3 Sand Dragons. This battle will be the same as before
except it will be MUCH tougher than before. Stay alert, move around
CONSTANTLY and get a few cheap shots in, don't try to duke it out unless
you narrow it down to one. After the battle, head to the next room and
destroy the Reaverbots, in the next room are even TOUGHER Reaverbots.
You will have to move around a lot and shoot them back and forth. Now
keep going until you see a gaint Reaverbot in the sand.
BOSS BATTLE: Giant Jumping Reaverbot(okay, I don't know its name)
This battle shouldn't be tough, however your main focus of this battle
should always be on the giant Reaverbot in the sand. Stand around it and
keep firing at it as you turn around, keep going around in a circle until
the giant Reaverbot is destroyed. Then take care of the other Reaverbots,
but watch out though, each time you destroy those mini Reaverbots, the
giant Reaverbot will dispense a new one.

After the battle head to the next room and pick up a PIPE. Now head back
out all the way back until you reach the area where you had found Zenny in
the wall. Now take that other path you didn't take earlier, blast your way
through and watch for the Sub-boss, it may look like other Reaverbots, but
you must shoot it 12 times as much as a regular one, its still pretty easy
to defeat though. Now head on and to the room where you will find a
Sub-boss and two other Reaverbots, take care of the other Reaverbots and
for the sub-boss, try standing behind the stone in the room, the Reaverbot
sub-boss can't reach around you since the stone is in its path, so keep
shooting it until its gone, then pick up the BRAIN CUBE. Now head to area
DT(Diana's Tear, which is located on the map above), you saw a cracked
wall there earlier. Destroy that wall with your Bazooka. Now head straight
up and take the room to the right, inside direct the Servebots to the wall
and they will go around to pick up an IRON PIPE. Now head back to the
waterfall room and take the right path(use your on screen map), now when
you reach the large square, take the bottom right path into the giant
square and take the bottom left path(refer to your map). Keep going until
you reach the room with three giant Gold Reaverbots, destroy them and
continue onwards until you reach the room with two Sand Dragons. Destroy
them and continue onwards and pick up the BRAIN CUBE in the next room.

Head back to the giant square room and take the bottom right path(use your
map) and continue onwards, you will have to face a few Reaverbot
encounters, you will also see a tree in a gold room, use the Servebots to
shake the tree free of apples and collect them. When you reach the
rectangular room and destroy the Gold Reaverbots, take the bottom left
square room and you will see a pool. Have your Servebots jump in three
times to collect A LOT of Zenny. Now head back to the rectangular room and
take the upper right path. Inside here is a treasure box with an OLD
INSTRUMENT. Now head back to the giant square room and back to the smaller
square and take the upper right path(I'm referring directly to the on
screen map) and take some Zenny from the hole, then continue on through
until you reach a door at the upper right part of your map. In this next
room are 3 mini-bosses, one Sand Dragon and two gold Reaverbots. This
battle will be a little tough but nothing too much that you can't handle.
Your Servebots with the Sniper and Slings can be of MAJOR help! In the next
room, there are more sub-bosses. After destroying them, continue on. In the
next room is another giant Reaverbot, destroy it and continue onto the next
room. Now continue on through till you reach the room with the green water
fountain. Then keep on going until you reach the gold door, inside is a

NOTE: Although I did not mention this in the walkthrough, you should've
picked up a MEMENTO along the way in the room with the Servebots.
BOSS BATTLE: Guardian of Diana's Tear
Okay, so this guy isn't Bruno but his life guage is large enough to scare
the bajeezes out of you. First aim the Servebots towards its nose, once
two Servebots clog up its nose it will sneeze, just make sure to stay out
of the Servebot's way when it sneezes because it flies the Servebots back
and it will damage the Gustaff. Keep clogging up its nose and stay on top
of its arms at all times unless you can fire when it opens its mouth.
Its going to be hard to aim, but remember you can keep firing out Beacon
Bombs like a rapid fire gun until you get it right.

After the battle a giant refractor comes from the ceiling, its Diana's
Tear and its worth a whopping 1 million Zenny!

POST MISSION RUINS REPORT Zenny acquired: 170,000-180,000

After the report, head to the Lab and give #31 the PIPE. He will have the
parts to design a Bazooka, give the FIREWORKS to #32 and it will design a
Gatling Gun for you, IF you have enough Zenny. You can give #30 all your
BRAIN CUBEs if you like, I did. Now head back to the Mission menu and
select MISSION BANK, Level 2.


Your goal is to collect 150,000 Zenny from a bank. However, the party ends
up back at the hospital again, looks like Tron will have to punish them
when they get back. For now, feel free to blow up things, shoot people to
a crisp, and rob all houses available in site. If you throw a car at the
hospital twice, it will collapse and you can pick up a gold statue inside
for about 10,000 Zenny. Keep blowing up houses and picking up Zenny. You
will also see airships shoot at you, they don't take much to take down,
and destroy the police bus, this way you won't have all those annoying
officers coming at you! Eventually you will reach a bridge, however it
collapses under you as it is under construction. Now you will need to find
a way out, look for a truck at the top of the other part of the bridge,
aim your Beacon Bomb upwards and the Servebots will ride the truck and
drive it down to where you are, giving her a boost to the bridge. Now
keep going, you will eventually find some more police officers, they are
easy to beat, but watch for the police cars, they will try to ram you.
Keep going until you see armored trucks in your way. The truck will
prevent you from going any further, BUT you can use your Servebots to
aim at the armored truck. The little Servebots will rock the truck
allow you enough time to pass through! After that head for the tunnel
just up ahead.

Here the police will stop you, so will that lady you saw earlier.
This battle isn't tough, pick up trees and poles and throw them at the
lady, this will cause MAJOR damage towards her. You only need to throw 4
things at her, but if you let her get close she will throw you. There are a
lot of objects to give you a chance.

After the battle the group takes the gold and Tron gives the lady police
officer a word of encouragement and then leaves.

POST MISSION BANK LEVEL 2 REPORT Zenny acquired: 200,000-250,000

Your Servebots' stats should have raised after this mission, and you should
have a lot of food items as well. Now head back to Tron's room and give #40
the DESIGN MAGAZINE, now head to the Gym and give #9 the COMIC, it will
gain the special skill SNIPER. After that head to your next mission,
MISSION DIGOUT Level 2. Also note that you can go to the lab and create
weapons for your Gustaff, but it will cost you money.


Here your objective is to acquire the 2nd Legendary stone. Here you will
go to a new area, where the cave had collapsed. But you will get to use a
new vehicle, the Gustaff Boarer. Head straight and keep going until you
reach the cave in, designate the Servebot to drill a hole through that
collapsed cave and enter on through. Here you notice that the cave is a
bit different, and you will have to be careful and more alert than before.
Now head up to the right and you will see a collapse on the wall, have the
Servebots drill through the wall and pick up 2000 Zenny inside the treasure
chest. Now head out and to the right, you will see a boy searching around.
Talk to him, it appears that he will give you some info that's important,
but you already knew the information, but Tron tells the Servebots to thank
him properly. Now before you head through, go to the other side of the
square and pick up the CARD KEY and shoot the vase for some Zenny as well.
Now head back to that collapsed cave where Zhag was standing and have the
Servebots drill a hole through. In this room you will have to fight a few
Reaverbots, the yellow Reaverbot cna be destroyed when you ram into it,
don't worry though because you won't take any damage. You can destroy the
Red Reaverbot by getting close to it and then backing away as it will
explode. Then drill a hole to the right of that red Reaverbot, inside
pick up the LITNIUM and then head to the left and drill a hole through
that cave in, you shouldn't miss it. Now continue on through and then
talk to the boy to the right. You will meet Zhig, the twin of Zhag, he
tells you to dig the wall behind him. So do so, but only if you want to
fight. Inside you will find Reaverbots, the way to destroy them is to
have them turn red and then direct your Servebot to it and it will explode.
Now head out(Zhig is gone) and go to the bottom right part of the square to
that cave in(look at your map) and drill a hole through and pick up the
CARD KEY, then head to the top of the square(use your map) and drill a
hole through and pick up the item in the treasure chest and pick up an
E.BOTTLE 2, now head to the top right of the square(use your map) and
you will see two passages. Take the right passage and you will see a
small glitter emitting from the small hole in the wall to pick up 2000
Zenny, then head to the bottom of the square(once again, look at your map)
and drill a hole through. You will see an Aurora Fountain to the right,
that will recharge the Finke's energy. You can come back here whenever
you want to recharge. Then head to the next room to the left side of the
room. Now continue on and you will eventually see one of the birds that
work for Loath. The Servebots want to leave, but the bird won't let them
and a fight ensues. This battle is pretty easy, keep ramming into it and
it will fall, if you let it come close it will try to punch you, but this
battle is pretty easy.

After the battle head to the bottom of the square(use the map) and drill
a hole through and talk to the lady. She sounds very sensual, but she will
give you the GATE KEY for helping her out. Now head to the top left of
the square(use your map) and continue on through to the small room. You
will see two vases, hit them multiple times to pick up A LOT of Zenny.
Now read the encription on the wall, it will say that Uncle Digg doesn't
know much about the Elixir and that it doesn't hurt to collect all the
crystals. Here you will get the 2nd crystal(green). Then head out and
to the gate, and use the GATE KEY. Enter through and go to the right and
you will see a CARD KEY, pick that up and take the other path near you
and inside the wall is 3000 Zenny. Now head to the large rectangular
room and talk to Tuttle. He will tell you some pretty wierd things,
and you will see a lake in this room also. You can't do much except give
the Servebots a swim. Now head to the next area and you will meet up with
Zhig and Zhag again. They will tell you that if you answer the questions
correctly, they will open the doors for ya. Go ahead and play, the
questions are pretty easy.

"What are the names of the treasure in this cave?"
Answer: Aurora Stones

"What's the name of the incompetent digger?"
Answer: Dantz(wow, the easiest one yet!)

"What's the name of the digger that carries a pick?"
Answer: Maude

"What's the name of the digger that writes notes?"
Answer: Digg

"What color switch stops a steel ball trap?"
Answer: Blue

"What color switch stops a fire trap?"
Answer: Red

"Which key opens a locked room?"
Answer: Room key(duh)

"What's the first color of the Aurora Stone you found?"
Answer: Blue

"How many times do you have to dig to get here?
Answer: 5

"What's the name of this island?"
Answer: Ryship Island

After you have successfully answered all the questions, all doors will be
opened for you. Now head to the right and refill your energy, now head to
the top left room and hit the red switch. IT sounded like it came from the
lake, but don't head there yet. Head to the top right of the room, and pick
up the CARD KEY on the floor, but don't go ahead yet. Instead go to the
bottom left room and enter through. In here you will face off against
Reaverbots again, destroy them the same way you did before by having them
turn red and sending your Servebots after them. You can return to that
Aurora Fountain if you were damaged badly. Now continue on through and
use the Card Key, inside is a SUPER DRILL, attach it to the Boarer. Now
return to the room with Zhig and Zhag and return to the Lake, but don't
head to the upper right path though, it will lead you back out earlier
to the cave, which will force you to start over again. Now when you reach
the lake, Tuttle seems to be frightened. You will see a treasure chest
in the middle of the lake, use the CARD KEY to open it and inside is a
ROOM KEY. Now head back to the room with Zhig and Zhag and take the left
doorway and enter through.
BOSS BATTLE: Reaverbots
This battle sin't hard. Avoid the green Reaverbots and ram the Purple
Reaverbot, it will stay away from you at all times. It will use its flame
thrower if you get to close to it, but it doesn't take much to kill it.

After the battle you will have picked up the second Aurora Stone, which is

POST MISSION DIGOUT LEVEL 2 REPORT Zenny Acquired: 240,000-260,000

Here when you get back browse through the report and the new deck is now
finished. Now start your next mission, MISSION CONTAINERS LEVEL 2.


This is basically the same as before. Now go up and jump over the 2nd
container, then pick up the metal container and then drop it to the right
in the sea. Then take the next metal container(next to the green crate) and
then drop it off into the sea to the left. Pick up the next green container
and drop it off the ship. Now take the next wooden container and go around
past your ship to the bottom port and drop the wooden crate to the left
into the waters. Now go to the top and pick up the next green container and
take it back to your ship. Now head over to the left and drop to the square
between the wooden crate and green crate. Pick up the wooden crate and
drop it to the right, which will create a bridge of two wooden crates. Then
take the next two crates back to the ship across the wooden crate bridge.
Then head to the next round.

Now this round, go up and pick up the wooden crate and drop it off to the
right ONCE you pick it up. Then go around to the right side and pick up
that wooden container and drop it off to the left creating a two crate
bridge. Now pick up the green crate to the right and take it back to your
ship using the wooden crate bridge. Now go up and take the green crate back
to the ship, after that head to the next wooden crate and pick that up and
throw it into the sea to create a bridge. Now take the green crate back to
your ship using the new wooden bridge that you had made. Now head up and
pick up the 2nd blue crate from the top and throw it to the top. Now pick
up the last green crate and drop it to your ship, that should take all 10
of your steps. Then continue onto the next round.

Here in this next round pick up the first green container next to you and
put it in the ship. Now hop over to the otherside and pick up the metal
crate to the left of the wooden crate and drop it to the waters to the
left. Then pick up the next metal lift above that and drop it to the waters
below. Now pick up the wooden crate and drop it into that narrow waterway
below where you had dropped the metal crate. Now pick up the next wooden
crate and drop it below the wooden crate from earlier and you will have
made a bridge to your ship. Now pick up the next three green crates and
your done! Sorry but that 5th crate really puzzles me. Now head back to
the Gusselshaft.


Here after your summary has been given to you. Now continue onto the next


Here you will have to rob a bank again, but its going to be different from
the last time. You can take the time to reaarange your weapons if you
like, go to the Robot menu and it will ask you to hit left or right to
select a weapon. After that you can begin your mission, but you will land
in front of a broken bridge, which the police did to disallow you passage
to the bank. However first you must go around past the police. Loot the
houses and then use the poles and trees to destroy the houses that are
blocking your way. Now when you see police cars try to block you off, send
your Servebots to shake the car to allow you to go through. Do the same
for the two police cars also, have the Servebots shake one police tank
and go through the otherside as the other car tries to ram you. Now when
you get past the bridge, keep going until you reach the bank, but watch for
the obstacles in your way, they are tough to destroy but you don't have to
destroy them. Eventually you will find the bank and the lady officer whose
been pestering you finally decides to get a giant robot of her own.
BOSS BATTLE: Lady Officer in Robot
In this battle you can only damage her when she throws crates at you.
But if you pick up any item on the ground(trees, poles, etc.) you can
damage her at any time by throwing it at her. This causes a MAJOR amount of
damage each time you use it. Also you can loot the bank during the middle
of the fight!

After the battle the Servebots crack the safe and they acquire all the
gold in the giant safe. The lady officer doesn't look to happy, Tron has
her own problems to worry about and she wishes her luck.

POST MISSION BANK LEVEL 3 REPORT Zenny acquired: 440,000-460,000

After the battle acquire your summary, and notice you got new parts from
the police robot. You should probably have about 1,000,000 Zenny by now.
But you can do the other missions if you don't. The group enters Loath's
ship. It seems quite fancy too. Here you will meet Lex Loath, an ugly
bamma. However, apparently 1 million isn't enough. Interest seems to be
in need, 2 mil is what Lex is asking for. Clyde then forces the party to
leave, you come back with 1 million less than you entered with! However,
you have some new missions to cover now. You now have another Container
stage and a Farm stage. Now take the farm mission.


NOTE: When you enter this mission and aim your Servebots at the enemies, two
of them have cannons, which are pretty powerful, feel free to use them.
Have four capture the pigs and the other two fire at any enemy you
target on!

When you enter here, the Servebots tease a little with the pig. Your goal
now is to collect all the pigs and put them in the truck. Try not to shoot
the pigs and use the Gustaff as armor to protect the Servebots from
enemies nearby. There are two pigs in the first rance, you can also loot
the houses out of milk as well! After your done head to the next rance
through the main gate leading to the next ranch.

In here collect all the pigs, you can even collect the leftover birds as
their vehicles you destroy are gone. Feel free to loot the houses. After
you are done, a boss will encounter you. There are 3 pink robots, you
can destroy them by hurling trees at them. You can damage them by jumping
up at them as well, but you take little damage in the process. After your
done, the party notices Loath's birds, well we're not going to let them
stop us.

POST MISSION FARM REPORT Zenny acquired: 150,000

You will have sold the 6 pigs for 150,000 Zenny. Also when you get back,
Master Tiesel's room is done. When you enter Tiesel's room, talk to the
Servebot(#28), he will give you a memo sheet about making bottles. Take
that to the development room(Lab) and give it to #33, however if its stats
aren't high enough it won't do any good. Now head to the next mission,


When you head back here, you will start at an entirely new location.
In front is a woman diggin, isn't that Maude? However she isn't much for
talk. Continue on and hit the crate next to Maude for some Zenny. You
will eventually meet up with Uncle Digg, talk to him if you like but he
doesn't offer you any info that can be of use. As you go further down,
talk to the two people(the lady from earlier and Dantz) and it seems that
she is in fro the treasure instead of just being a mere digger. Dantz is
as much a fool as ever. They tell you of a trap, but leave that for now.
Continue on down the tunnel to the end, you will find a cave in and some
Zenny(10000) in the wall. After collecting the Zenny drill a hole through
that wall that you saw earlier. In here up ahead is a switch, hit that
switch and collect the Zenny and CARD KEY to the left and right. Afterwards
return to where you saw Dantz earlier, it seems that he is fried to a
crisp. Oh well, head through the tunnel and keep going until you see a path
to the left(its the yellow blocks on your map), then go inside. Inside you
will see the birds again, there's two of them but you can beat them as
easily as before just by ramming them. You can also play it safe by having
the Servebot in the Borer attack, he's practically invincible in that thing
and he can deal some damage to the birds without you even going near them.
After the battle head inside the next room. In here pick up some Zenny,
and then in the back is a treasure box, use the CARD KEY to open it.
Here you will recieve an E.BOTTLE 3, after collecting it head out and
continue on through.

You will see Russel, an expierienced and kind digger. He gives you a
warning of some traps in here, now drill a hole through the wall behind
Russel and continue on. You will meet up with Uncle Digg again, but he
doesn't help you much at all. Continue through to the end of this tunnel to
reach an Aurora Fountain, then drill a hole through the wall that you saw
earlier. Inside you will find Roxette, who isn't much for small talk and it
appears that she can't open the door. There is a switch under the crack of
the door though. Direct the Servebots under the door to the switch, now
head straight and drill through the wall infront before going to the left.
In here you will pick up 20,000 Zenny, now head to the spike ball trap and
direct the Servebots to press the switch. This might take a while but keep
trying and eventually the Servebots will hit the switch. Then drill a hole
through the cave in, now when drill a hole to the wall on the left. Check
both ways for a CARD KEY and Zenny, now head out and go straight, ignore
Russel for because across it is an empty treasure chest, but there is a
crate to the right of that room across the bridge which contains some
Zenny. Now when you reach this room, there are 3 passages, you will also
see Maude. Now look at your map and drill the hole at the top left part of
the rectangular room and drill through.

Inside there are a lot of Reaverbots, it's basically
those same security bots that can only be destroyed when they turn red. You
can direct the Servebots to them, the Servebots will jump on top of the
Reaverbots and the Drill should take care of them, if both Servebots attack
at the same time. After destroying them, head inside and pick up the
treasure inside the treasure box, inside it is a HYPER DRILL. After
attaching it to the Borer, head out to the room with Maude and drill the
wall to the right of Maude. Inside here is an Aurora Fountain, after that
head out and have the Servebots turn the switch near the door and it will
open up. Inside continue further and drill a hole through the wall,
continue through and you will see Dantz panicking. It appears that Perl was
captured by the birds from Loath. Now head to the door behind you and you
will meet up with the Birds again(the same ones you EASILY dismantled).
Just get close to the door, and as the bird tells you never to
underestimate it, Dantz quickly comes in and does a karate kick to the
bird. After that talk to the two and the computer language, I mean Perl,
will give you the ROOM KEY. Now head out of the room and you will meet with
Tuttle again, after some wierd talk he will show you how to get through the
traps. But basically just hit the switches, watch for the crate to the
right of the room though just hit it three times for some Zenny, hitting it
a fourth time will cause an explosion on you.

After that continue through to the next room and this battle will be a
BOSS BATTLE: Reaverbot Guardian
In this battle direct the Servebots to attack it quickly, it will take
about 10 hits to kill this thing. You can only attack it as it is resting
on the floor. Once it gears up run away from it. Repeat afterwards.

After the battle you will recieve the last crystal, Tron and Russel
congratulates the Servebots on a job well done.

POST MISSION DIGOUT LEVEL 3 REPORT Zenny acquired: 550,000-620,000

After the report, you can go onto the next mission, MISSION 2 CONTAINERS


At the start of this mission, you notice that there is a conveyer belt
for you to use. This is really helpful since it saves the amount of steps
you would have to take. Now take the first crate at the bottom and put
it in the ship. Now head around to the next green crate and stand on the
square above the crate, pick it up and use the Conveyer Belt to the left to
give you a few extra steps. Now head back to the right but don't pick any
crates up, instead jump on top and make your way around to the wooden
crate. Now pick up the wooden crate and make your way around to the top
left of the red warehouse and drop it off to the sea up top. Now go around
back again and land on the square where the wooden crate was previously.
Pick up the metal container and drop it to the square below you. Pick up
the red container and drop it to the square above the metal container you
had dropped earlier. Now pick up the next metal container and drop it to
the sea to the left to create the bridge. Now take the other two green
crates back to the ship via the crate bridge you had just made.

Now when the round starts, pick up the crate in front of you and put it
SEA. Instead jump over it and pick up the metal container to the left of
the green crate and drop it below to the sea and you will have created a
bridge. Now pick up the green crate at the top and take it back to the
ship. Now stand to the left of the metal container at the bottom and dump
it above in the sea. Then pick up the green crate and take it back to the
ship. Now go around and stay on the left square of the green crate CLOSEST
to the conveyer belt. Pick that up and use the Conveyer belt to help you
get across, it will take two lifts to take this green crate back to the
ship. Now go to the square between the conveyer belt and the green crate,
pick the green crate up and use the Conveyer belt to get you through and
walk the rest of the way back, this will take all 10 of your steps.
Afterwards head to the next round.

Now first pick up the first green crate and put it in the ship. Now pick up
the metal container closest to the sea on the left, stand to the left of
that metal container and then throw it into the waters to the left. Now
pick up the green container that you saw earlier and take it back to the
ship. Now go back to where you last picked up the green crate and pick up
the wooden crate to the right, take that wooden crate and drop it into the
waters above the red warehouse, put it in the waters from the top left
part of the red warehouse. Now pick up the next wooden container, head
over to the wooden crate in the sea you dropped off earlier and put that
wooden crate to the right into the sea, which will create a bridge to the
green crate. Pick up that green crate and drop it onto your ship, you
should have two steps left now. Pick up the last green crate on the far top
right and take it back to your ship, this will take up the remaining of
your last steps. Afterwards head back to the Gesselshaft.

POST MISSION 2 CONTAINERS REPORT Zenny acquired: 400,000

When you get back, read your report, the Engine room may or may not have
finished, don't worry the more you play and eventually it will finish.
Start you next mission, which will be the MISSION FARM LEVEL 2.


Once again, the goal is to steal all the livestock from the farm, just
like before but its going to be funner this time! Your job is to collect
6 cows, you can also collect other farm animals and even the birds from
the destroyed robots just like before! Don't be afraid to loot the houses
as well. Keep going to the next ranch, you will find cows there but be
warned that they don't like it when they get hit, they will ram back at
you. Also take note that there are 4 protector robots, if you attempt to
try and take a cow they will come after you and try to stop you. They will
usually hit the cow having the cow try and ram you. A good thing to do is
stay away from the cows, have the Servebots ride the cows to your car and
keep doing that until you captured the two cows. After doing that head to
the next ranch, which is left of where you had entered. In here pick up
the other four cows, shoot the angry farmer. After that a boss fight will
ensue after collecting all 6 of the cows. Keep the boss away from the truck,
shoot him down and keep him away. Stand in front of it if you have to, also
keep an eye on your truck's life meter at the bottom right part of the
BOSS BATTLE: Truck Stopper
Obviously this is one of Loath's workings. Keep shooting the robot, it
takes about 12 shots to knock it down with your Gatling Gun and 9 shots
with your regular cannon. Bump into it if you have to, use trees as well,
they can deal a lot of damage in a hurry. Watch for the robot when it gets
knocked down from your gun, it will fire off 4 cascading bombs at you,
which you can easily jump over. Also you should watch out once it throws
those bombs, jump over his ground attack.

After the battle the team heads back to the Gesselshaft.

POST MISSION FARM LEVEL 2 REPORT Zenny acquired: 400,000

When you get back, the Torture room will be finished, this is for you to
discipline your Servebots for those who don't obey. Now head to MISSION


Now when you start this mission of, you notice that you can use a forklift.
Designate a Servebot to the forklift first. Note that nothing must be in
the way of the green containers if you wish to pick them up.

Now designate the Servebot to pick up the green crate in front of you. Then
pick up the left metal crate at the top and drop it off to the waters to
the left. Now head to the top square above the green crate to the far left,
now designate the lift to pick up the green crate using your Beacon Bomb.
Now head to the right square of the wooden crate without picking anything
up along the way. Now pick up the wooden crate and drop it to the waters
next to the metal crate. Now step on the wooden crate and pick that up and
drop it in the waters to the right, which will create a bridge. Now
designate the Servebot to pick up the green crate in front. Now go to the
square to the right which is between the waters and the metal crate. Pick
up the metal crate and drop it into the bottom square into the waters and
then pick up the last green crate and take it back to the ship.

Now here, designate the Servebot to the forklift to the left. Now go up
into the open square between the metal crate and green crate at the top.
Pick up the metal crate but DO NOT DROP IT. Instead call your Servebot
using the Beacon Bomb as you hold up the metal crate and direct it to the
green crate at the bottom right. Now on the platform your standing on,
go to the bottom right open square and pick up the metal crate above you
and throw it into the waters to the right. Now take the next metal crate
at the top and throw it into the waters to the right. Now pick up the
wooden container and drop it into the waters to the top right above. Now
take the metal crate at the bottom left and drop it to the right. Now
jump over to the right open square next to the green crate, now call your
Servebot to pick up the green crate. Now go to the bottom of the dock area
and pick up the metal crate next to the wooden crate and drop it to the
seas to the right. Now pick up the wooden crate and take it back all the
way upwards and throw it into the waters on the square above the other
wooden square to create a bridge leading to the green crate. Now designate
the Servebots to pick up the rest of the green crates(MAKE SURE YOU ARE OUT
OF THE WAY) and voila!

Now first designate the Servebot to the forklift to the left. Now go around
to the top and pick up the metal container at the top square next to the
red warehouse and drop it up to the open square. Now pick up the metal
container to the right and drop it into the sea to the left. Now pick up
the next metal container which is directly to the left square of the
red warehouse and drop it to the top open square. Now to the right of the
green crate is a metal crate, pick that up and drop it to the left next to
the red warehouse. Now go back near your ship and pick up the wooden
container BUT DO NOT DROP IT UNTIL I TELL YOU SO! Pick it up and head to
the open square between the two metal crates and designate a Servebot to
the pick up the green crate. Now as you continue to hold the wooden crate,
go up and to the top open square and designate the Servebot to pick up
the green crate next to the red warehouse, then stand on that open square
and designate the Servebot to pick up the next green crate. Now go around
and stand on the metal crate at the sea and then drop your wooden crate
to the left into the sea which will create a bridge to the last green
crate. Get out of the path and designate the Servebot to pick it up and

POST MISSION 6 CONTAINERS REPORT Zenny acquired: 150,000

Read the report, then continue to the next mission, MISSION FARM LEVEL 3.


Here you will have to capture livestock again, but like all these missions,
they ALWAYS differ from the last. However when you try to capture the
horses, they will run, use the Gustaff to block their path! Its going to
be tough capturing all the horses though. Afterwards you will face the
same boss as before, but this time you will have to face those other pink
robots at the same time, all while defending your truck. MAke sure you
bought plenty of energy bottles along. NOTE: You don't have to destroy the
robot, but if you do you can earn extra points for it. Also all you really
have to do is keep your truck covered until it heads out of the farm, you
should ram into it often, you will knock it down and allow the truck to

POST MISSION FARM LEVEL 3 REPORT Zenny acquired: 800,000

Read your report, also you should have enough by now to pay off the debt.
But if you want to, you can complete the other two puzzle missions before
going to Primiki Harbor.


When you start Round 4 off, pick up the first green container and take it
back to the ship. Now DO NOT PICK ANYTHING UP YET, go over to the crane
and direct the Servebot to the crane. Then pick up the metal container
next to the red warehouse and drop it to the waters to the left which will
create a bridge to the green crate. Take that green crate back to your
ship, now go upwards past the Conveyer belt and use that crane up there and
pick up the metal crate to the bottom and drop it to the waters to the
right to create a bridge to the other side. Now use the crane and use it to
pick up the green container and drop it to the other side below. Now pick
up the green crate from the bottom and take it back to your ship, which
will use all ten of your steps. Now the green crate near the conveyer belt,
pick that green crate up and drop it two squares above the uppermost crane.
Now use the crane and do the same thing again like you did with the last
green crate and take it back to your ship and voila!

NOTE: You can loot the red warehouse at the top right, also your Servebot can
go across the waters to use the crane, so you need not be next to a

Now at the start of this round, pick up the wooden container and drop it to
the waters above to make a bridge. Now go across and select the crane to
the left, use it to pick up the metal container to the left and drop it to
the left in the waters. After that exit the crane and use the metal
container to pick up the wooden container to the right, then drop it
infront of the metal crate in the waters to create a path. Now go to the
left and pick up the green container and take it back to your ship using
the bridge you had just created. Now go around to the right and pick up
that green crate and take it back to your ship. Now direct your Servebot to
the crane in the middle of the dock, have him pick up the metal container
and drop it at the bottom next to where you are(make sure you are not in
the square where the crane can drop). Now go around to the left open square
of the metal container and drop it to the waters above to create a bridge
to the other side. Now direct your Servebot to the same crane again and
have him pick up the green container at the top and drop it down next to
you. Take that green crate back to your ship. Now go back and go to the top
open square of the green crate, then pick that green crate up and drop it
to the right where the CRANE CAN PICK IT UP. Now stand up on top of the red
crate and then direct the Servebot to the middle crane again and have him
drop it to the bottom, then go around and take it back to your ship and
that's it!

NOTE: You can loot some items and Zenny from the bottom left red warehouse
and the door at the top left in Round 6.

Now in this next round, pick up the wooden crate and drop it in the waters
below the green container, pick up the next wooden crate to complete the
bridge to the green crate. Now pick up that green crate and take it back
to the ship, now pick up the metal container and drop it to the waters to
the right. Now go around to the next crane and use that to pick up the
metal container to the left and drop it to the waters at the bottom to
complete the metal bridge to pick up the green container. Now go around to
that green container and take it back to your ship. Now go to the next
wooden container, take it up and drop it to the left into the waters of the
green crate. Now direct your Servebot to the upper crane and have him pick
up the green crate and drop it onto the conveyer belt. Now pick it up and
take it back to the ship. Also pick up the RED CRATE on your way back and
put it in your ship. Now go back to the upper crane, pick up the wooden
crate and drop it near you, then pick up the wooden crate and drop it
just in front of the green crate. Now pick up that green crate and take the
conveyer belt and then take it back to your ship and voila! You got all the


Read your report. Now you can choose to finish the last containers mission
or go pay back Laoth. Since you want to get the Casino, follow this walk-


NOTE: You can loot the houses in ALL three rounds of this mission! Its not
a lot(maybe just 2000-3500 Zenny worth) but hey, who knows!

Now when you start, you will have to use the Fork Lift and Crane. First
go to the top and take the green crate and put it into the upper open
square. Now have your Servebot pick that up using the crane and put it
down on the squares below the crane, then direct your Servebot to the
forklift and have him pick up the green container you just moved with the
crane. Now pick up the wooden container and put it two steps below the
crane, now use the crane and pick up the crate and drop it into the waters
to the left. Now go around the pick up the upper left container and then
drop it to the square at the bottom square below you, now go around to
that wooden container in the waters, then pick up the metal crate to the
right and drop it to the left, which will create a bridge to the green
crate. Pick that up and take it to the open square two blocks above the
crane, use the crane and drop it two squares below the crane. Now direct
the forklift to take it back to the ship. Now direct the forklift to pick
up the green crate at the bottom right corner. Now pick up the metal
container to the bottom of the green container and toss it to the bottom
open square and direct the Servebot to pick it up with the forklift and

Now at the start of this round, pick up the green crate and take it back to
your ship. Now head to the first crane and have it pick up the wooden
container at the top and drop it to the waters to the right. Now direct
your Servebot to the crane on the right, and have him pick up the top
wooden crate and drop it to the waters on the left. Now go around to the
open spot between the green and metal containers, pick up the metal
container to the left of the green container and drop it to the seas on the
left. Now pick up the wooden container next to the red crate and drop it
to the waters left of the crane. Now take both the red crate and the green
crate back to your ship. Now take the wooden crate above the right crane
and drop it to the waters DIRECTLY RIGHT from the stop sign on the floor
into the seas. Now go all the way up and pick up the wooden container to
the RIGHT of the green crate, now bring that wooden container to the far
right from the stop sign on the floor and throw it into the waters to
create a bridge to the other side. Now go up and take the green container
up top back to your ship. Now direct the right crane to pick up the wooden
container to the left of the last green crate and drop it up top. Now take
your last green container back to the ship and voila!

Now from here pick up the metal container up top and drop it into the
waters above. Now stand on the metal container in the waters and then pick
up the metal container to the left, and drop it above you into the waters.
Now use the crane to the far left and have it pick up the metal container
to the left of you and drop it up top into the waters. Now use the crane at
the upper left and pick up the metal container to the right and then drop
it down to the waters below, which will create a path to the other side.
Now pick up the green container and take it back to your ship. Now use the
crane at the bottom right and pick up the metal container up top and drop
it onto the dock to the left, you won't need to go through there anymore.
Now use the crane at the top right and pick up the metal container above
and drop it two squares down so that it creates a path to the other side.
Pick up the next green crate and take it back to your ship. Now take the
other container back to your ship, after that go to the square above the
last green container, pick it up and drop it to the square above within
reach of the crane. Now use the crane and drop it to the left of the red
square, take that green crate back to the ship and your completely done
with all the puzzles!

POST MISSION 6 CONTAINERS REPORT Zenny acquired: 880,000

Read your mission report, afterwards you will get a message of the Casino
now being open.


NOTE: Before you leave for the mission, buy LOTS OF E.Bottle 2's, you'll
need them since you are inexpierienced going into the base.

When you leave it will ask you to save before going on, also Servebot #1
is now your favorite Servebot since he will take over things since you are
leaving. All of his max stats move up another level. Now when you go to
Loath, you pay the debt but he makes interest on interest, so now you have
to pay more money. He begins to lose his patience as you refuse to pay
anymore as Glyde take Tron and the other Servebots back to the room with
Bon and Tiesel. Afterwards, Glyde and Loath exchange a few words,
afterwards Tron is locked in another room next to Tiesel. After a while
Tiesel finally notices Tron in the other room, but Tiesel degrades himself
as he feels responsible for Tron being locked up. Later he talks about the
sleeping Collosus, it appears that when you wake it up it, the waker can
rule the world. Also later Tron contacts the Gesselshaft to pick up the
Tron to go after Loath, but none of them have the courage to do it, except
for #1!!! You'll notice the red top on his head, afterwards he leads the
way to save Miss Tron! You will be taking control and bring along 6 other
Servebots, also you can change your weapon on your Gustaff if you like.
Afterwards, begin the mission!

When you begin the mission, you notice that since your the Sniper, a double
shot comes out from your gun! That's double the fire power! Now keep going
on through, make sure when you see a truck that you pick it up and throw it
against the cave in wall for some Zenny. After that continue onwards and
then take a right and head for the giant door, ignore the red doors(look at
your map, you'll see red dots, that's what I'm talking about). Keep going
and check the red doors and you will eventually find them, its a room with
no bird bots guarding it. Before they leave, they want to steal everything
Loath took, that way he'll be sorry if he ever heard of the name Bonne!
Now continue down the path and go through to the next room.

Here you will meet up with Glyde again, however knowing you, you won't go
down quietly.
This battle will be pretty tough, get your cheap shots in first, then
run away from him. Keep taking shots and keeping a good distance away from
him, keep this pattern up but beware that he is one tough sucker. You can
continue as many times as you want though. Note that when it goes down to
about 20% life, it will fire a purple plasma blast, stand in front of it
and fire at it.

After the battle, Glyde will shcok the party be beginning to transform, but
Bon Bonne destroys the Glyder! Afterwards, the sleeping Collossus awakens
and attacks the party, oh my! This thing is huge! However, the Loath isn't
about to stop as the ceiling collapses. The party then heads out of the
place just in time to the Gesselshaft. They fire at the Collosus but barely
scratches it. However the Collosus fires back sending the whole Gesselshaft
going down, Tron is too hurt to fight, #1 takes over but the other
Servebots decide to go with #1. Your goal is to target Collosus's head.
In this battle you must first take out the energy pylons around the
Collosus, use the Servebots to get the ones up top near the head! Pick up
the crystals and just throw them, there are 10 at the bottom, 4 at its
neck and four more near the head. Use the crystals as weapons against the
other robots(they should look familiar for all you MML fans) as they will
attack you.

Afterwards you will face off against the head of the Collosus, GOSH DARN!
LOOK AT THAT FRIGGIN ENERGY BAR! Its longer than Bruno's from the last
BOSS BATTLE: Collosus' Head
This battle will not be easy, keep going around in circles and keep
firing at its head. Try not to get too far away from the head because it
will ram you, causing a lot of damage. When you finally see the red part of
its bar, it will start unleashing a few more weapons, they are all pretty
easy to avoid though, the only thing tough about this guy is his life

After the battle enjoy the ending! "Put your hands up! Put your hands up
like you just don't care!" Okay sorry, I got carried away, the ending is
just like Mega Man Legends, its worth ALL your troubles! Enjoy!


NOTE: It appears that this game is a prologue to Mega Man Legends, since
near the end it tells you to that the story continues in Mega Man
Legends, cool huh? Somehow this game reminds me of Resident Evil 3...

-----------------------------[ Miscellaneous ]-------------------------------


Well in Scout Missions, you direct 3 Servebots at a time and one to each
area to scounder for some materials and supplies, you do this by going to
your Scout Menu on your main screen and then select a Servebot and select
an area to scout. You can scout the same place more than once and sometimes
you can get a special item ONLY found while scouting. However it takes
time for the Servebots to scout, you will have to complete a mission for
the Servebots to come back. Also note that you can go into the Ruins over
and over again, this way you can Scout endlessly since once you completed
the other missions, you can't play them again.

A few quick words on the Servebots in this game, all provided by
Doppleganger 999:

"#1 -- serv-bots increase their brains on *any* mission, not just brain
missions, and it has everything to deal with how much they *steal* rather
than time in a mission. Try the following: in the Nakkai Ruins, direct the
serv-bots to steal from five holes and then return to the Drache, everyone
will have their brains increased by one."

"#3 -- scouting like some of you said, was all brains. Items are area
sensitive, but as a rule, the farther away the location is from the
center of the map; the better the items are (thus the corners: D-4,
A-1, A-4, and D-1)"

Servebot Listings

Thanks to Doppleganger 999 for the info on Servebots, but sorry, I had to
edit out that "word."

"#5 -- As for serv-bot weapons, "Bazooka" is ok, but "Slings" are
better since those serv-bots can fire more than one bomb and they
don't get stunned when the cannon recoils and klnocks into them.
"Rapid" merely means they throw bombs faster than the average Serv,
and "Grenades" are identical to normal bombs. Having an ecletic mix
in your squad will greatly ------- any boss Tron encounters. BTW the
"Ramming" serv, #22 is not advisable in combat. Just cute."

"Here are short descriptions of Serv-bot combat skills:

RAPID - unlike normal serv's, rapid serv's toss several bombs in a
row. Great for saturation bombing. Servs: #3, #12, # 15.

BAZOOKA - the best serv attack, lobs a powerful shot but the recoil
stuns the serv a bit. The shot kills most things and with four
Bazooka serv's, it's murder. Servs: #2, #13, #18, #23.

GRENADE - the serv plants an explosive beneath a reaver and takes
cover. The reuslting explosion is powerful but the serv usually gets
caught in the blast. Servs: #17, #20, #27.

SLINGS - the next best thing to bazookas, this attack allows serv's
to launch bombs from a distance. Servs: #4, #6, #28.

RAMMING - the worst attack; think suicidal fanatic with bomb.
Useless since it can only attack reavers near the ground. Serv: #22.

SNIPER - necessary or the serv-bot will have "1" in all categories
while operating the Gustaff's gun. Servs: #1 (average), #8 (the most
brains), #9 (the highest speed), #10 (the best sniper), #25 (the
least brains).

And some more hints about scouting:

Not only are items area sensitive and dependent on the scouts'
brains rating, but item quality is *definitely* time sensitive. For
example, if you send three brain-4's out and play the Nakkai Ruins
for say, 5 seconds (i.e., the time it takes to cut the movie, turn
around and tag the Drache for evac), the best item you get from D-4
will be an E-bottle-2. Sending a scout into the casino will usually
fetch a cube of some sort (Speed and Attack Cubes are much sought
after). The order from the least amount of time to most amount of
time spent in a mission is (more or less):

Attack Cube ~ 5 minutes. Equivalent to: Walking from the Nakkai
Ruins Drop Point to the Ancient Pistol room and back.

Energy Cube ~ 7-10? minutes. Equivalent to: Walking from the Nakkai
Ruins Drop Point to the Pipe room (and going into the side rooms as
well) and back.

Speed Cube ~ 15+? minutes. Equivalent to: Killing every Reaverbot in
the Nakkai Ruins.

Servebot Number: | #1
Maximum Attack: | 3
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 3
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Sniper
Where found: | Gesselshaft Main Control room
Emotional Type: | Reliable
Comments: | First Servebot made. Has a strong sense of
| responsibility.
Servebot Number: | #2
Maximum Attack: | 4
Maximum Speed: | 2
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Development Lab
Emotional Type: | Smart
Comments: | Works in development and field; a fighter and a
| scientist.
Servebot Number: | #3
Maximum Attack: | 3
Maximum Speed: | 4
Maximum Brains: | 2
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Cafe
Emotional Type: | Gourmet
Comments: | Known for his appetite; always thinking about his next
| meal.
Servebot Number: | #4
Maximum Attack: | 2
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Slings
Where found: | Storage Room
Emotional Type: | Quiet
Comments: | A little irresponsible, is kind and talented with his
| hands.
Servebot Number: | #5
Maximum Attack: | 2
Maximum Speed: | 2
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | None.
Where found: | Cafe
Emotional Type: | Strange
Comments: | Kind of personality where you never know what he's
| thinking.
Servebot Number: | #6
Maximum Attack: | 3
Maximum Speed: | 2
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Slings
Where found: | Gesselshaft Main Control room
Emotional Type: | Normal
Comments: | Normal Servebot; performs tasks he is assigned
| competently.
Servebot Number: | #7
Maximum Attack: | 4
Maximum Speed: | 4
Maximum Brains: | 1
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | None.
Where found: | MTG Room
Emotional Type: | Serious
Comments: | Serious Servebot who only asks that he be given a
| chance to prove himself.
Servebot Number: | #8
Maximum Attack: | 1
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | MTG Room
Emotional Type: | Cool
Comments: | Cool and observant, this Servebot tries to act more
| mature than he is.
Servebot Number: | #9
Maximum Attack: | 2
Maximum Speed: | 4
Maximum Brains: | 3
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Sniper
Where found: | Gym
Emotional Type: | Hurried
Comments: | A sharpshooter known by his nickname, "The Gunslinger."
Servebot Number: | #10
Maximum Attack: | 4
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 2
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Sniper
Where found: | MTG Room
Emotional Type: | Diligent
Comments: | A serious Servebot, who ascts prim and proper at all
| times.
Servebot Number: | #11
Maximum Attack: | 3
Maximum Speed: | 4
Maximum Brains: | 3
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | None.
Where found: | Gesselshaft Main Control room
Emotional Type: | Failure
Comments: | A Servebot who has great expectations for himself.
Servebot Number: | #12
Maximum Attack: | 4
Maximum Speed: | 4
Maximum Brains: | 2
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Gym
Emotional Type: | Clumsy
Comments: | A clumsy Servebot who always manages to avoid blame.
Servebot Number: | #13
Maximum Attack: | 4
Maximum Speed: | 2
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Gym
Emotional Type: | Rude
Comments: | A practical joker with a bit of an attitude.
Servebot Number: | #14
Maximum Attack: | 1
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Appraise
Where found: | Storage Room
Emotional Type: | Mature
Comments: | A superb manager and organizer who remembers everything
| he sees.
Servebot Number: | #15
Maximum Attack: | 3
Maximum Speed: | 4
Maximum Brains: | 2
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Gesselshaft Main Control room
Emotional Type: | Plain
Comments: | Jogs on the deck every morning(except when its cold).
Servebot Number: | #16
Maximum Attack: | 2
Maximum Speed: | 2
Maximum Brains: | 2
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | None.
Where found: | Gesselshaft Main Control room
Emotional Type: | Achiever
Comments: | No special talents, but works hard to make up for it.
Servebot Number: | #17
Maximum Attack: | 3
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Tron's Room
Emotional Type: | Dedicated
Comments: | Not respected by his fellows, his only merit is he's
| hardworking.
Servebot Number: | #18
Maximum Attack: | 4
Maximum Speed: | 2
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Tron's Room
Emotional Type: | Gentle
Comments: | A thoughtful Servebot who enjoys cleaning.
Servebot Number: | #19
Maximum Attack: | 2
Maximum Speed: | 2
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Storage room
Emotional Type: | HAppy
Comments: | Apprentice quartermaster who works hard every day and
| has ambition.
Servebot Number: | #20
Maximum Attack: | 2
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Torture Room
Emotional Type: | Shy
Comments: | Positive-thinking, quiet Servebot who doesn't get angry
| much.
Servebot Number: | #21
Maximum Attack: | 2
Maximum Speed: | 1
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | None.
Where found: | Cafe
Emotional Type: | Slow...
Comments: | Slow Servebot who is trying to watch his weight.
Servebot Number: | #22
Maximum Attack: | 4
Maximum Speed: | 4
Maximum Brains: | 3
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Engine Room
Emotional Type: | Responsible
Comments: | Works in the engine room every day; hard work but
| someone has to do it.
Servebot Number: | #23
Maximum Attack: | 4
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Engine Room
Emotional Type: | Honest
Comments: | Works in the engine rooml likes a hot bath after work.
Servebot Number: | #24
Maximum Attack: | 4
Maximum Speed: | 2
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | None.
Where found: | Deck
Emotional Type: | Optimist
Comments: | An explorer at heartl dreams of traveling around the
| world.
Servebot Number: | #25
Maximum Attack: | 3
Maximum Speed: | 4
Maximum Brains: | 1
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Sniper
Where found: | Deck
Emotional Type: | Hard-working
Comments: | Throws himself whole-heartedly into his work; excellent
| concentration.
Servebot Number: | #26
Maximum Attack: | 3
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | None.
Where found: | Cafe
Emotional Type: | Popular
Comments: | A bumbling, hopeless Servebot, yet everyone loves him.
Servebot Number: | #27
Maximum Attack: | 3
Maximum Speed: | 4
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Engine Room
Emotional Type: | Attentive
Comments: | A methodical Servebot who is well-organizedl saves all
| his receipts.
Servebot Number: | #28
Maximum Attack: | 3
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Tiesel's Room
Emotional Type: | Macho
Comments: | Respects and looks up to Tiesel; sometimes cries out in
| his sleep.
Servebot Number: | #29
Maximum Attack: | 2
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 3
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | None.
Where found: | Deck
Emotional Type: | Clean
Comments: | A consummate cleaner who takes pride in a spotless
| ship.
Servebot Number: | #30
Maximum Attack: | 2
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Tank Development
Where found: | Development Lab
Emotional Type: | Hard-headed
Comments: | In charge of new tank development; keeps a strict
| schedule.
Servebot Number: | #31
Maximum Attack: | 3
Maximum Speed: | 1
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Bazooka Development
Where found: | Development Lab
Emotional Type: | Heroic
Comments: | In charge of weapons development; loud and aggressive
| personality.
Servebot Number: | #32
Maximum Attack: | 2
Maximum Speed: | 4
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Gatling Development
Where found: | Development Lab
Emotional Type: | Short-temper
Comments: | Works in weapons development; has a violent temper.
Servebot Number: | #33
Maximum Attack: | 4
Maximum Speed: | 2
Maximum Brains: | 3
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Bottle Development
Where found: | Development Lab
Emotional Type: | Coquettish
Comments: | In charge of bottle developmentl appears quiet but is
| a radical.
Servebot Number: | #34
Maximum Attack: | 1
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Armor Development
Where found: | Development Lab
Emotional Type: | Studious
Comments: | In charge of armor developmentl has a contemplative
| mind.
Servebot Number: | #35
Maximum Attack: | 1
Maximum Speed: | 1
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Painting
Where found: | MTG Room
Emotional Type: | Relaxed
Comments: | Likes to draw but not a good designerl enjoys paint-by-
| numbers.
Servebot Number: | #36
Maximum Attack: | 2
Maximum Speed: | 2
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Music
Where found: | Tron's Room
Emotional Type: | Nervous
Comments: | Likes nothing more than a melody that lingers in the
| heart.
Servebot Number: | #37
Maximum Attack: | 1
Maximum Speed: | 3
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Strategy
Where found: | MTG Room
Emotional Type: | Idealist
Comments: | No good in battle but is a master strategist; makes
| plans for Tron.
Servebot Number: | #38
Maximum Attack: | 3
Maximum Speed: | 2
Maximum Brains: | 3
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Training Development
Where found: | Gym
Emotional Type: | Strict
Comments: | A harsh trainer who works hard at designing programs
| for everyone.
Servebot Number: | #39
Maximum Attack: | 1
Maximum Speed: | 1
Maximum Brains: | 4
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | ???
Where found: | Cafe
Emotional Type: | Romantic
Comments: | A slightly odd Servebot who is always thinking about
| what to say next.
Servebot Number: | #40
Maximum Attack: | 2
Maximum Speed: | 4
Maximum Brains: | 2
Maximum Sloth: | 4
Special Ability: | Design
Where found: | Tron's Room
Emotional Type: | Innocent
Comments: | Young Servebot who is larning about being different.

-------------------------------- [ F A Q ] ----------------------------------

1Q. What is the point of having the Red Head parts?
1A. The point of having the Red Head is to select one favorite Servebot, this
way Tron can notice her favorite Servebot out of the crowd, even though
she EASILY can tell the Servebots apart.

2Q. Is that all the Red Head Parts can do?
2A. Well it can do more than that, it gains the Servebot you used it on bonus
statisical points, which are gained on the spot and will also gain during
missions as well.

3Q. Which Servebot should I use it on?
3A. Well you can use the Red Head Parts on any Servebot you want, but my
reccomendation is that you should use it on a Servebot with high stats,
someone who is either the best or above average in everything, this way
when your favorite Servebot takes control at the end of the game, you
won't have to settle for weak fire power and such while controlling the
Gustaff, and also he plays an important role near the end of the game.

4Q. How is the casino mission or whatever unlocked?
4A. I don't know, however according to Toastyfrog, you can give your Red Head
Parts to anybody in Tron's room and 17 will offer you a rest, if you
select yes, then you will play the casino mini mission. Also the manual
says if you met some certain condition, then the Casino game will be made
available to you, but I've completed all 16 missions and I don't have

5Q. How come when I was riding the Gustaff one time my fire power doubled
and the other time it was normal?
5A. It all depends on which primary Servebot you take along, the higher the
stats of the Servebot driving the Gustaff, the more rapid power, attack
power, and distance power the Gustaff weapons will have.

6Q. So is this game really a prequel/prologue to Megaman Legends?
6A. As confirmed by Bahamut_Zero and Toastyfrog, yes! It says so at the end
of the game, and while it doesn't directly say so, it says "Story
continues in [enter Megaman Legends logo here]." I was looking for a "2"
somewhere, but apparently this game is a prequel, a pretty darn good one
too might I add!

7Q. What does the last boss have so much energy?
7A. Surprisingly, Juno had more energy than Collosus. Collosus loses more
energy at higher intervals from weapons weaker than Mega Man's buster.
And I don't know why he has so much energy, they should've shortened the
guage and decrease the damage intervals. Its less intimidating than it
looks though.

8Q. How can I increase my Servebot's stats?
8Q. Well you can take your Servebots along on missions. If you take them on
the puzzle missions, most likely their brain stats will grow, but on
other missions they have a moderate chance of having an increase in
brain stats. You can also train them in the training room, however it
takes a lot of time to get them to boost up 1 point while training. And
you can only gain one point (per Servebot that trains) at a time. So
you can spend as long as 10 minutes raising one point! You might as well
spread your missions among your Servebots.

9Q. Why do my Servebots fire out weapons when I direct them to enemies?
9A. Well mainly because your Servebot's ability are either Sniper or Slings,
and these Servebots can provide HUGE help along in missions, especially
in the Ruins! I'm telling ya, its good to reveal your Servebot's
abilities so you can take advantage of them, you do this by:

a) Talking to them.
b) Giving them certain items.
c) Take them along missions.

That's all I can think of.

10Q. Are the Servebots any strong when they fire the weapons?
10A. HECK YEAH! These little legomen pack serious fire power, the weapons
they pack are either just as strong as your weapons on the Gustaff or

11Q. Is there multiple endings in the game?
11A. Well I've only seen one ending and beaten the game once, the ending
might vary a bit depending on who you give your Red Head Parts to I
guess, other than that I don't think there is.

12Q. How come you can't play the missions you've completed?
12A. Well you answered your question withing a question on the question you
asked when you were questioning me, so any more questions? But its just
that there isn't anything left to steal.

13Q. Why is the Free Ruins the only mission you can repeat over and over
13A. Well mainly because Capcom doesn't want to disclose you the opportunity
to scout when you have completed the game I guess. I mean I don't want
to restart a game for a side-area and I don't think Capcom would want
you do that either.

14Q. How long does it take for my Servebots to come back from scouting?
14A. They will come back EVERYTIME from Scouting once you have completed a
mission. No matter how long or how short you spend on a mission, 90%
of the time the Servebots come back with something, maybe even something
of GREAT use!

---------------------------- [ C R E D I T S ] ------------------------------

-+- Capcom(www.capcom.com)
For making a VERY COOL game indeed.

-+- ToastyFrog(http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/game/24068.html)
For having a brilliant FAQ and having an EXCELLENT guide to begin with!

-+- Bahamut Zero(http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/game/24068.html)
He fits the persona of "quick and to the point" and his FAQ is just as
good as ANY FAQ you will find.

-+- CJC(www.gamefaqs.com)
For his hard work and dedication to the site.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(bellybutton21@hotmail.com)
For typing this FAQ.


Time of completion: 20 hours, 22 minute, 17 secs

This document is copyright (C) Dingo Jellybean 2000

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17.Октябрь 2013
All Levels are unlocked.

14.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

09.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und +12 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
25.Июнь 2019
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014
24.Июль 2014