Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack

Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack

03.10.2013 14:33:25
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
Advanced Combo Guide and Individual MS Rundown:
Version 0.1
By Super_Ultra_Xexi_Hero
Mail me here!
Best viewed with WordPad, 800x600 resolution

The game is a copyright of Bandai, Gundam, Amuro Ray, Char
Aznable, Quattro Vagina, Lalah Sun, Haman Karn, Sazabi, etc.
are copyright of their respective owners.
And don't you dare plagiarize my work. That goes to all
you punks in the press that wanna start shit by printin'
our stuff! You might get sued, y'know.


I've been organizing Char's Counterattack tournaments back home and
all the contestants there have been evolving all sorts of skills in
piloting their favorite MS. And now, they've shared their killer
techniques, tips, strategies, and combos.
Also, it encourages other readers of this FAQ to choose other
MS than the ones they always use.


A. Terminology
B. MS Stats
C. Best and Worst MS
D. Advanced Techniques
a. Sazabi
b. Zeong
c. Char's Zaku
d. Char's Gelgoog
e. Gundam
f. Type 100
g. Nu Gundam
h. ReGZ
i. Char's Rick Dom
j. Jagd-Doga (Gyunei's)
k. Jagd-Doga (Quess')
E. How To Fill Up That @#$$% Special Meter
F. Extras
G. Credits

A. Terminology
1. Weaving means moving left, right, left, right, to make your opponent
miss their range attacks. Do not try this against homing shots.
2. Whip turning means to turn a direction really fast. Use Vernier.
3. You can also weave using L1 and L2.
4. Area Slashing (Making the most of Saber Swings) - Note that MS
sometimes slash from high to low, low to high, or side to side.
This makes it very interesting to see how to make your swing more
effective. Here goes: Use L2 to slash downward really fast, Left
for the first attack and Right for the second attack.

B. MS Stats
(Copied from Kelvin Koh's CCA guide, with annotations.)
Here is a summary of the various aspect ratings of each MS for easy
reference. You may use it to compare the differences between each MS.
The totals were summed up by adding all statistics and then reversing
the weight score(so that a weight of 2 would mean a rating of 4, and
a weight of 5 would be rated 1.)

|Nu Gundam | 4 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 28 pts.
|Sazabi | 4 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 26 pts.
|Re-GZ (Kayra) | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 28 pts.
|Re-GZ (Amuro) | 4 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 28 pts.
|Jagd Doga (Gyunei) | 4 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 27 pts.
|Jagd Doga (Quess) | 4 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 28 pts.
|Gundam | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 26 pts.
|G3-Gundam | 4 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 26 pts.
|Char's Zaku II | 2 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 27 pts.
|Char's Gelgoog | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 27 pts.
|Zeong | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 1 | 25 pts.
|Type 100 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 31 pts.
|Char's Rick Dom | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 27 pts.

Limit - how fast Special Attacks(R1+Square+X) fill up.
Scoring: 5 - super fast 4 - fast 3 - OK 2 - slow 1 - painstaking

C. Best and Worst MS
Note: Weight is measured inversely: if the MS has a weight of 1 it means
its performance is 5. Weight actually counts AGAINST you.
In order from the highest....
1. Type 100 (31 pts. total)
2. Nu Gundam (28 pts. total)
Refined Gundam Zeta
Quess' Jagd Doga
3. Gyunei's Jagd-Doga (27 pts. total)
Char's Rick Dom
Char's Gelgoog
Char's Zaku
4. Sazabi (26 pts. total)
G-3 Gundam
5. Zeong (25 pts. total) [why am I not surprised?]

D. Advanced Techniques

a. Sazabi
1. The only thing you should watch out for is losing your shield. You'll
end up like a sitting duck if you do, believe you me. Main techniques
consist of switching from long to short, i.e. Waist Cannon-T. Saber.
And let's not forget the Funnels are good for stunning.
2. When fighting a novice player using the Sazabi, go for the waist
first, but if you are against an expert destroy his/her shield, and you
must never, never, NEVER let him/her grab you if it still has a shield
and has its sword drawn. That is like suicide.

1) Grab
Missile x2
Cannon x1
2) Grab
B. Saber x2
Heat Saber Slash
B. Saber x2
Heat Saber Slash
B. Saber x2 or Combination Saber Attack

b. Zeong
1. Good luck, you'll need it... Zeong is by far the most imbalanced MS in
the game. Its lockon is the worst, and in spite of its high power and
armor, you'll want to throw the controller(because it's so darned slow). Try
to use the 5-way beam to stun your enemy, the Mega Cannons (there are two)
to combo. If you still have both arms and your super's filled, grab then
super, victory will surely be yours.
2. Hit the waist then the arm and you'll win. Just weave the 5 Way Cannon
and you'll be fine. You are 500 times faster than this Galapagos

1) Grab
All Range Wire Cannon
5 Way Psycomu Beam Cannon x3
2) Grab
Combo Attack
All Range Wire Cannon
5 Way Psycomu Beam Cannon x3
c. Char's Zaku
1. This MS barely made worst...but if you like a challenge try him. Use
the Zaku Machinegun like vulcan guns in close. It can help if you're on
the evasive. The cracker is also a good weapon. But most importantly his
super fills up fastest. Beat them before they even know it. The key
to use this MS effectively is the proper use of Vernier power at the
right moment.
2. Kill his shield and you've got it made. But be sure to beat him fast
before his super meter fills up. No worries, this thing's armor is worse
than a can of sardines.

1) Grab
Repeated Shoulder Charge
Zaku Machinegun / Bazooka
2) Grab
Heat Hawk Slashes
Shoulder Charge

d. Char's Gelgoog
1. A wonderful mech. Only drawback is the lack of weapons. In an expert's
hands can rock your world and then some. Use the Bits the same way you use
Funnels. Also make wide use of the "Dash and Slash" (Naginata thrust),just
be careful about running out of Vernier.
Extra: Lalah Sun appears when you use the Bit Assist Special(grab, toss
then super.)
2. Remember to weave whenever he uses the machinegun, it can be painful.
Also the bits can hurt. Do not let him grab you.

1) Grab
Combination Naginata(codenamed "Flying Arrow")[tired of those
Spin Naginata Slash Chrono Cross references, huh?]
Release Bits
Shoot Beam Machinegun
2) Beam Rifle x4
Beam Machinegun

e. Gundam(both)
1. Only for experts, as they have balanced, albeit lowly, performance.
Enemies tend to flee the Hyper Hammer. Use it to get in a few cheap
hits when they think you'll throw it. Also, you can't use the 2x Baz
super if your arm's busted. Try grabbing then stab them with the
Beam Javelin.
2. Amuro's Gundam is a cakewalk, just watch out for the fast lockon time.
IMHO, Sayla's Gundam is harder because it has higher armor and weaves
faster. Counterattack the Hyper Hammer, don't flee it. If you're fast
enough, you can get a heavy hit in, stopping it cold and giving you an
opportunity to combo.

1) the bazooka but only rarely.>
Beam Javelin
Beam Javelin
Hyper Hammer / Double Bazooka*
2) Grab
Beam Saber x2 (replace these two with Combination Saber Attack.)
Hyper Hammer
Vulcan x30
Beam Javelin
Vulcan x30
Beam Saber x2 (replace this with Combination Saber Attack.)
* I based this combo on the combo the CPU Gundam does on you.

f. Type 100(Hyaku Shiki)*
1. HOLY FLAMING PILES OF MONKEY DROPPINGS!!! This is by far the most
powerful mech in the game. Weaves like a maniac, faster than a bat out of
hell and kills faster than an excuse! What can I say, just try and use him.
Oh, and one more thing. His combos are not only easy but they inflict
wicked damage. And his Mega Bazooka Launcher is the most damaging long-
-range super attack in the game!(Short range super attack is the Zeong.)
2. You never know which part to fry first. Just suit it to the style of
your enemy. And if the super meter's full, don't weave. Just RUN! I got
hit full by a Mega Bazooka shot with 40% armor and got wiped out!

1) Grab
Combination Saber Attack
Vulcan Guns x30
Beam Saber x2
Vulcan Guns x30
Beam Saber x2
Spread/Clay Bazooka x3
2) Grab
Mega Bazooka Launcher(learn this and love this)
* I tend to call it Type 100 because that's what my Japanese ex-girlfriend
told me - the meaning of Hyaku Shiki is Type 100. Now you know why.

g. Nu Gundam
1. This is a great all-around mech both first-timers and seasoned MS
wreckers can use easily. Most previous techniques work here, as well as the
fact that this baby has Fin Funnels and can block the Mega Bazooka Launcher.
It performs like the Gundam. Use it as such, Bazooka, stun, rifle, the same
tricks apply. A very flexible MS.
2. Unfortunately, most of the weapons of this MS are on its shield, making
it fair game for experts (like me. heh heh...). Beware of the old grab and
shoot cheap players like to do when using this MS(25 shots, man...)
Just check Kelvin Koh's FAQ on the Nu Gundam's combos.

h. ReGZ (Both)
1. Very disappointing. The fact is that I can't combo the Vulcans because
it's in the Long Range section! Okay. Use the missiles as major pains in
the rear. The Grenade is like the Cracker if you use it in Short mode.
One question... why don't you start the battle in BWS mode and once armor
gets chopped 25% revert to MS mode? That would have been super.
2. Bust the shield. Enough said. It basically renders this MS unable to

1) Grab
Beam Saber x2 / Combination Saber Attack
Waist Launcher x2
2) Grab
Grenade Bomber
Hand Grenade
Beam Rifle x4

i. Char's Rick Dom
1. Cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap. Only cheesers use this MS. Why?
Blind, that's why. It hits even at 14336 m(max distance), and stuns
for a really long time and it is a total pain in the ass. Abuse
whenever possible. It also has some Bazooka and Particle Cannons too,
try using that. I beat someone without even using Blind, just lots of
locked shots.
2. Use MS with arms when facing this poor excuse for Wolverine*. Why?
Because even if your arm gets busted, guess what... you can still
block the Blind! Just be careful.
*Wolverine - n. The perennial cheapo madcap Capcom fighting game bloke.
Even someone who's a beginner can make combos with this mech.

j. Jagd-Doga (Gyunei's)
1. I personally used this mech very few times although its performance
is ok. Why? I like Quess, she's soooooo cuuuuuute!!!(The cat was now
out of the bag.) Anyway, use this like the Nu Gundam. Combos are the
same, but remember, MS like these have no Vulcans.
2. Head, then shield. You should have no problem against this mech if
you're careful.

k. Jagd-Doga (Quess')
1. Use the main weapon like Vulcan Guns, in combos. Also use the Cannon
as a zone weapon to setup for a combo. The Missiles are her primary
stun weapons and Funnels are used to wiggle out of a tight fix and
inflict major damage through her combos.
2. Fight her like a cross of the Zaku with Jagd-Doga armor and funnels.
Keep this tactic and you should be okay.

E. How to Fill Up The Super Special Attack Meter
I've learned a technique to fill up the Special bar, and not
only is it effective on MS whose special fill up rate is low, it
can make you use TWO specials in one battle(cool, no?)! Not to
mention it is extremely humiliating for the recipient.
Here's how:
Grab the enemy.
Toss it away.
Don't shoot! If you do, make sure you'll miss.
Move close then before it stirs grab it again!
I've done this using the Zaku and I ended up
using FOUR specials on a single match alone!
Try it, it's very entertaining.

F. Extras:
Kelvin Koh said in his FAQ that only Char appears at cutscenes
whenever he uses Specials. Not so! I've mimed the CPU Char and
found out you can make your favorite pilot appear whenever using
their Special Attack!
*Here's how:
When your special attack meter is full, grab your opponent.
Then start tapping R1+Square+X like crazy. If all goes well, you'll
toss your enemy, activate the super and unleash the cutscene.
I've done this on EVERY character, so don't mail me on this one.
*Another extra:
Play the Char scenario up to the 5th Luna battle with Amuro.
Grab him, then watch what happens.
*You can grab MS with arms even if they are blocking!!! This should
be a great help for you players out there.

G. Credits
Thanks to:
* GameFAQs for the ultimate in gamers helping gamers.
* Bandai for making a kickass game.
* Kelvin Koh for the Alternate Characters trick and
for the MS Abilities chart. You should check out
his FAQ first before mine if you're a newbie, as this
is an ADVANCED guide.
* Miki Yamaguchi, my ex-girlfriend. Though we may have
parted ways these memories remain to console me.
* All those blokes who were my Mega Bazooka practice.
Thanks. You'll have your time soon.
* The guy with the PS2! Keep up the work and you'll be OK.
* Quess Paraya! She's wonderful drawing material.
No thanks to:
* The jerk who never comes when you need him to. You
know who you are, and if I get an MS of my own I'll
use it to step on you first!
* Everyone who tells me I can buy anything I want once I
work. I know better that it's a pile of shit. But the
motives were good.
* Bandai for putting too little characters in the game.
No sweat, but wish there was a Qubeley code... Elmeth...
and Alpha Aziel... that would've been so cool... and
the 'Hassaway nuking Chien' scene... oh man...
* Wolverine. I wish the guys at Marvel would kill him, so
Capcom would stop placing this jerk on their games.

This FAQ is a copyright of Martin Batoy
AKA Super_Ultra_Xexi_Hero
2001 Martin Batoy

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