Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol

Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol

09.10.2013 15:04:28
Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol
Walk Through
By: Coolieman2001

My take on this game:

Just this week I was in my favorite game store
looking down at the games and saw a $10 game. I read
the tittle of the game and it was Spec Ops: Stealth
Patrol. I bought the game just for the price of the
game. When I took the game home and played it I found
that it was extremely difficult to master. I’ am
going to try to help you gamers out there.

Table of Contents:

2.The Ranger Creed
3.Weapons/Scopes/Pickups/Booby traps
4.Walk through

1.Standing Mode:

Run Forward: Up directional button
Walk Backwards: Down directional button
Turn Left: Left directional button
Turn Right: Right directional
Sidestep Left: R2 button + Left directional button
Sidestep Right: R2 button + Right directional button

1A Crouching Mode:

Roll Left: R2 button + Left directional button
Roll Right: R2 button + Right directional button

1B Ranger/Game Functions

Fire Weapon: X button
Throw Grenade/Use Explosives: Box button
Use Inventory Item: 0 button
Toggle Rangers: Triangle button
Toggle Rangers Poster: R2 button + Up or Down
directional button
Use Scopes: L1 button
1st Person View: Press and hold L1 button
Reload Weapon: L2 button + Up directional button
Use Inventory: R1 button + directional button
Map Screen: Select button
Pause + Games Options: Start button

1C Left2 (Switch Functions)

Buddy Order “Hold Up”: L2 button + X button
Buddy Order “Fire ‘em Up”: L2 + 0 button
Buddy Order “Move Up”: L2 + Triangle button
Buddy Order “Follow Me” L2 + Square button

1D Binoculars

Use Binoculars: 0 button
Increase Magnification: L2
Decrease Magnification: R2
Exit Binoculars:0 button

2.The Ranger Creed

Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully
knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will
always endeavour to uphold the prestige, honor, and
high “esprit de corps” of the Rangers.
Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite
soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle
land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger
my country expects me to move further, faster and
fight harder than any other soldier.
Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep
myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally
straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the
task whatever it may be. One Hundred-percent and then
Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially
selected and well-trained soldier. My courtesy to
superior officers, neatness of dress and care of equip
shall set the example for others to follow.
Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country.
I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am
better trained and will fight with all my might.
Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a
fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and
under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my
Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude
required to fight on to the Ranger objects and
complete the mission, though I’ll be the lone

3.Weapons/Scopes/Pickups/Bopby Traps

Each weapon type has unique fire rate and damage.
Experiment with each to discover the effects on game
play. Weapons can be picked up off of enemies be
colliding with a dead enemy. If you already have a
weapon of that type in your inventory, you will not be
able to pick it up. Binos and the ACOG scope area
available with all weapons types.

Rifle (assault)- Compatible with all scopes

H&K G11

Machine Gun


Grenade Launcher


Sniper (rifle) – Compatible with all scopes


Shot Gun


Sub- Machine Gun



4X Sniper Scope
6X Sniper Scope

4. Walk Through

Veronye Forest, Sibernia
1st Missions objects:

1.Intercept and destroy the reinforcements arriving be
2.Clear the area of any enemy troops
3.To prevent further reinforcement destroy the enemy
radio within the tactical ops center
4.Locate and board the helicopter.

As the board starts off you see yourself on a road.
Check your map so you can see where you are. When you
click onto your map you see that you are on a single
road. Follow that road until you get to a slit in the
road. On your way to the end of the road be careful
and alert off the enemy. Always keep an eye at your
radar to see if any enemy’s are near. At the fork of
the road take the left path and kill the soldier to
get his ammo box. Go back the way you went. Head north
and destroy the light box. Further up the road are
some more bad guys kill them. Knock out the next light
box. Next to the light box is a health box take it.
Kill all the enemy’s up ahead. You will soon find
another fork in the road. Take the left path, while
heading down the path you will meet into some more bad
guys kill them and one of them will give you a flak
jacket. Turn back and go to the fork of the road and
turn left. Up ahead is a patch of bad guys kill them
all. Take out the next light box. Next to the light
box is a health pack take it. Continue up the road,
there are lots more bad guys kill them all. You will
come to anther fork in the road take the left path.
You will see the first truck. Go behind it and you
will find a Health pack, 2 Ammo box’s, and a Flank
jacket. After you take the items destroy the truck
with a Satchel Charge. Continue down the road and
destroy the light box. Go back to the fork in the road
and turn left. Head down the road and you will see
anther light box destroy it. You will now see the
second and third trucks destroy them both. Behind the
third truck is an Ammo box and flank jacket. After
you reach the end of the road click onto your map and
you will see a red circle-blinking head towards it. As
you get close to the circle you see that it is a tent.
Destroy the radio in side it. A helicopter soon
appears go to it and the mission will be over.
Congratulations you have beaten your first board.

Veronye Forest, Sibernia
1st Mission 2 Phase Objects:

1.Eliminate all troops on road.
2.Use key to get the pilot disk
3.Destroy cockpit.
4.Destroy the artillery guns
5.Board helicopter for extraction

As the board starts off you see yourself on a single
road. Click onto your map to see where you are. Right
next to you is a truck, destroy it. Now head down the
road carefully because there is a huge amount of bad
guys. Take your time going down the road. When you
reach the cockpit use the key its in your inventory.
When you use the key you will receive the pilot back
up data disk. After you get the disk destroy the
cockpit. Now that you have finished that objective
it’s now time to find the artillery guns. To get to
the artillery guns you have to head east. You will
know your going the right way because you’ll see a
light box. When you enter the clearing you will see
two artillery
gun’s destroy them. After you destroy them the
helicopter will come for you. Congratulations you have
fully beaten the first board.

Pale, Bosnia
2nd missions objects:

1.Seize the forward op
2.Secure Intel and report to socom HQ
3.Raid the Serbia military base
4.Locate and board the helicopter for extraction

When the mission starts off you will see two passes, a
left path and a right path. Take the right path. You
will pass an abandoned truck keep on the path. You
will reach a part of the road were you can go up the
side of the road. Click onto your map and you should
see a brown dirt mound, that’s when you’ll know
when to go up the mountain. You will see a truck, two
garages and a big house. Kill all of the bad guys.
Proceed behind the big house and go down the mountain.
When you reach the bottom of the mountain you will see
an abandoned truck. When you reach the abandoned truck
turn right. You will soon see a part of the mountain
to the left that has snow covering it. You will be
able to climb up it. When you reach the top you will
see a broken down building. Go inside it and go to the
table and get the item on the table. Now you have to
go back the way you came and go to the place where you
saw the truck, 2 garages, and the big house. When you
get there you will have to secure the area for 5
minutes until the helicopter comes. This may be hard
if your life is low so good luck. Congratulations you
have beaten the board!

Pale, Bosnia
2nd mission 2 phase objects:

1.Clear the buildings for use as a base of operations
2.Capture the Serbian commander alive
3.Locate and board the helicopter for extraction

As the board starts off you see yourself in a
clearing. Check your map to see where you are. Head
start ahead into the little town. You will see tire
tracks from a truck. Follow them okay. You will soon
see a fork in the road. Take the left path. You will
run into some bad guys destroy them. You will come
across a bridge go over it. You will see a little
town to your left with a truck, go to it. The truck
will start to move FOLLOW IT. When it stops, move in
front of the truck and capture the soldier. Don’t
kill him; if you do you will loss the mission. After
you capture him the helicopter will come for you.
Congratulations you have beaten the board!

Pale, Bosnia
2nd mission 3 phase objects:

1.Seize control of the base from the Serbian military
2.Defend the base from counterattack
3.Clear the reinforcements camp
4.Destroy the bridge to cut off enemy
5.Locate and board the helicopter for extraction

As the board starts off you find yourself in a
clearing. Click onto your map and you see that
you’re next to a field. Move around the field to the
little town. When you get there you will see a track
of a truck follow it. You will soon come to a fork in
the road. Take the left path. You will come up to a
bridge, kill all the bad guys there. Head north until
you reach the military camp. Click onto your map, you
will see a blinking red circle go to it. When you
reach the tent blow it up. Head back to the bridge and
blow it up. Once you blow up the bridge the helicopter
will come for you. You will only have about 2 minutes
to find the helicopter. The way you find the
helicopter is just keep looking at your map to see if
it pops up. Move up the road and you should find it.
Congratulations you have fully beaten the 2 board.

Rayat, Iraq
3rd mission objectives

1. Attack the Iraqi bases before weapons transfer is
2. Avoid contamination by demolished weapons
3. Locate and board the helicopter for extraction

When you start the mission you see yourself in a small
area. Check your map to see where you are. Head north
until you reach a military camp. When you reach the
camp head west until you reach a road. Click onto your
map again and you should see a small red circle
blinking, go to it and should find some supply’s
destroy them. You should also see barrels everywhere.
When you destroy them green smoke comes out. Don’t
destroy them, if you destroy to many of them you will
die. After you destroy the supply’s you will have to
find four more. Look at your compass you should be
heading southeast. Keep on the road. Eventually you
will run into anther supply tent, destroy it. Click
onto your map again and you should see the third
supply bunker, its located right next to the last
supply bunker you destroyed. Continue down the road,
you will soon come up to another supply bunker destroy
it. Right in front of the bunker you just destroyed is
the last bunker take it out. Once you have destroyed
all of the bunkers the helicopter will come for you.
You are only given 2:40 seconds to get to the
helicopter. You have to turn around and go back the
way you came to find the helicopter. Congratulations
you have beaten the board.

Rayat, Iraq
3rd mission 2 phase objectives

1. Escort and defend the truck’s cargo
2. Counter attack Iraqi ambushes
3. Locate and board the helicopter

As the board starts off you see yourself in front of a
moving truck. Click onto your map to see where you
are. You see one long road, follow the truck and
defend it from bad guys on the road. Always stay in
front of the truck because there are mines in the
road. Take them out. I am telling you it’s a very
long road. When you reach the end of the road the
helicopter will come for you. Congratulations you beat
the board.

Rayat, Iraq
3rd mission 3 phase objectives

1. Locate and demolish secret bunker
2. Locate and board the helicopter for extraction

As the board starts off you see yourself in a large
empty area with just a long road. Click onto your map
to see where you are. Look at your compass and head
south on the road. Kill all bad guys up a head on
road. When you reach the end of the road, you will see
an enemy garages. 4 garages lined side by side. Go in
between them and head right. Head to the mountain.
When you reach the mountain, run along side it to the
right. Keep on doing this you should see the bunker
soon. The only problem is that it’s on the other
side of the mountain. Keep on scaling the mountain to
the right until you see an opening to go to the other
side of the mountain. You will soon come to where the
mountain turns keep on scaling the edge. You should
soon run into the bunker. Destroy it and the
helicopter will come for you. Congratulations you beat
the board.

Kapsan Mountains, N. Korea
4th mission objectives

1. Disable the alarm in the second guard shack by
grenade attack.
2. Demolish radar by satchel charge.
3. Demolish the bridge with satchel charge.
4. Locate and board the helicopter for extraction.

As the board starts off you see yourself in the icy
mountains in Korea. Check your map to see where you
are. You see one long snowy road, take the left side
first. Don’t fall of the side of the mountain. The
way you know your going the right way is that you will
see a sign sticking out of the snow. When you get to
the sign click into your map, you will see a red
circle-blinking head to it. It might take you awhile
to get there because of your rangers falling off the
mountain. If you fall off the mountain you’re going
to have to start the mission over. When you reach the
building destroy it with grenades. Turn around and
head to the fork in the road. Click onto your map and
you should see another blinking red circle, head to
it. You’re going to be met by many bad guys so take
your time. When you reach the radar truck, destroy it
by a satchel charge. Click onto your map again, you
will see another road leaving the compound follow it.
You will know your going the right way because you
will see a tank blocking the road. Run past the tank
because it will be shooting at you. Continue down the
road. Click onto your map again and you should see a
bridge. Move up to it and destroy it. When you take
out the bridge the helicopter will come for you.
Congratulations you beat the board.

Kapsan Mountains, N. Korea
4th mission 2 phase objectives

1. Recon the airbase
2. Clear the area of enemy forces
3. Demolish the migs with satchel charges
4. Locate and board the helicopter for extraction

As the board starts off you see a large area. Click
onto your map to see where you are. You see one long
road go right. You will know you are going to right
way because you will see a gate with guards around it.
Head down the road go past the gate. Keep on the road
until you see the road end. Click onto your map and
you should see another road head to it. When you reach
the road head down it. Keep going down the road until
you reach the airbase. Click onto your map and you
should see a red circle blinking around a mig. Head to
it and destroy it. There are three more migs to
destroy. On that same runway are the other migs.
Destroy them all. After all of the migs are destroyed
the helicopter will come for you. Congratulations you
beat the board.

Kapsan Mountains, N. Korea
4th mission 3 phase objectives

1. Demolish the scuds with satchel charges
2. Locate and board the helicopter for extraction

As the board starts off you see yourself in front of
the bridge you destroyed 2 missions ago. Click onto
your map and you should see yourself on a road. Go up
the road until you see the road end. Click back onto
your map and you should see a huge clearing, proceed
through the middle of the area. You should soon run
into a military camp, the scuds are located in that
base. Find the entrance to the base, when in side the
base click onto your map. You should see a blinking
red circle, that’s the scuds destroy them. There is
one more scud in the base destroy it. There is a road
leading from the base. You will know you are going the
right because you will see a tank blocking the road.
Follow the road until you see another military base.
Go inside the base and you should find the last 2
remaining scuds. Destroy them both. After all of the
scuds are destroyed the helicopter should come for
you. Congratulations you have beaten the board.

Kapsan Mountains, N. Korea
4th mission 4 phase objectives

1. Demolish all pipe manifolds while avoiding poison
2. Destroy the remaining radar dish at the plant

When the board starts off you see yourself in a
clearing. Click onto your map and you should see a
little road, go to the end of the road to your right.
Click back onto your map and you should see a blinking
red circle, go to it. Destroy the pipeline with out
destroying the gas tanks. When you destroy the
pipeline, head to your top left and you should see
another pipeline. Destroy that one to. After you
destroy it click onto your map and you should see a
road, head to that road. On your way to the last
pipeline and radar you will encounter a lot of bad
guys. Kill them all. At the end of the road, click
onto your map and you should see a red circle blinking
that is the last radar unit. Destroy it, on the other
side of the plant is another road go to it. Follow the
road until you see the road stop. Head into the area
and click onto your map, you should see the last
pipeline. Go to it and destroy it. After the pipelines
and radar are destroyed the helicopter should come for
you. Congratulations you have beaten the board.

Thon an Thal, Vietnam
5th Mission 1st phase objectives

1. Find and destroy all NVA weapons caches
2. Ambush all NVA forces
3. Locate and destroy the helicopter for extraction

As the board starts you see yourself in a forest.
Click onto your map and you should see a road on your
left and on your right. Take the road on your left and
go up it. You should come to a big forest, enter it.
Keep to your left and you should run into a trench, go
into it and climb the bank now click onto your map.
You should see another road go to it. When it comes to
an end you should see another road head to your left
up the road. Head to your right and you should run
into the camp. Click onto your map and you should see
a blinking red circle go to it and blow it to pieces.
After you destroyed it click back to your map and you
should see another circle blinking, go to it and
destroy it. Now there is only one more left to
destroy. Click back onto your map and you should see a
cornfield, go throw it. When you reach the end of the
field click onto your map and you should see two roads
and a bridge. Go across the bridge and to your left
you should see a road go to it and when you reach the
end you should see many different road. Take the road
heading up, you should soon run into a little forest.
On top of that forest there is another road take it.
When you reach the end you should see a clearing.
Click onto your map and you should see a circle
blinking go to it and destroy it. The helicopter
should now come for you. The helicopter should be
waiting for you at the huge cornfield; your only going
to have 3:00 minutes to get to the helicopter.
Congratulations you beat the board.

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