Gundam: Battle Assault

Gundam: Battle Assault

29.09.2013 19:56:13



System: Sony PlayStation
Developer/Publisher: Bandai America, Inc.

Game ID #: SLUS-01226 8880
Software Compatibility Designation: NTSC U/C
Release Date: 11/18/2000 (North America)

Genre: 2D Fighting
ESRB Rating: TEEN (Animated Violence)

Number of Players: 1 or 2
Memory Card: 1 Block
Dual Shock Analog Controller: Vibration Function Compatibility


===[ VERSION 3.5 ]===

This FAQ is an expansion of:

The ORIGINAL FAQ created By Kelvin Koh.

And the FAQ created By J. Sweigart.

John-Neil Hunter created this FAQ.

Created on: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 9:00 pm Pacific (VERSION 3.5)

If anyone has any questions, comments, additional information,
criticisms, or if you have found a mistake, please feel free to e-mail



1) Name Pronunciations
2) Introduction (For full information on the pilots and Mobile Suits
look at the "Pilots, Mobile Suits, & Moves List Information" section.)
3) Story Info. (This is only a brief summary for a full summary look
at the "Story Mode & VS Mode Character Dialogue" section where I list
the complete story from start to end.)
4) Reasons WHY GBA's Story may take place in an Alternate Universe
separate from the A.C. and U.C. timelines
5) Story Mode & VS Mode Character Dialogue
6) Basic Controls
7) Game System
8) Boss Codes (The correct code to play as Char's Zaku II-S has now
been added.)
9) Game Shark Codes
10) Pilots, Mobile Suits, & Moves List Information
11) Game Play Tips
12) Credits

===[ Name Pronunciations ]=============================================

These are the pronunciations of all the Mecha names as said in the

Wing Gundam - Wing Gun~dam
(It should be pronounced Wing Gun~dumb, but a different announcer was
used since this character is only in Gundam: Battle Assault the North
American version of this game.)
Z (Zeta) Gundam - Zet Gun~dumb
ZZ (Double Zeta) Gundam - Full Armor Double Zet Gun~dumb
(Although, the game says that it is Full Armor ZZ Gundam, the model
number that they use is the one for the original ZZ Gundam.)
Zaku II & Char's Zaku II-S - Zack 2
Gundam - Gun~dumb
GP02A (GP0-2A) - Fi safilis
The-O - Thee O
Quin Mantha - Kawin Manther
Acguy - A Guy
Hy-Gogg - High Gog
Hamma-Hamma - Humma Humma
Qubeley - Q ba lay
Zeong (Ziong) - Z Ong
Sazabi - Psi Zabee
Big Zam (Bygzam) - Big Zam
Neue Ziel - No E Zeel
Psycho Gundam Mk III - Psi~Ko Gun~dumb Mark 3
Ball - Ball
Hydra Gundam - Hydra Gun~dumb
U (Nu) Gundam - New Gun~dumb

===[ Introduction ]====================================================

Gundam: Battle Assault (GBA) is basically Gundam: The Battle Master 2
(GBM2) translated and converted for the North American market. However,
there are some major differences between the two games. The most
notable change is that the story in GBA has been changed a lot from
GBM2. This is because GBM2 was based on the Universal Century timeline,
while in GBA Heero Yuy and Wing Gundam which are from an alternate
universe have been inserted into the story. I believe Bandai made this
alteration since the only nationally broadcast Gundam series in North
America was Mobile Suit: Gundam Wing. Unfortunately, the story in the
game may not make since to those who have not seen any of the other
Gundam series.

Other changes include:

Hamma-Hamma has been removed and replaced with Wing Gundam. For all of
you Gundam Wing fans out there this is a good thing but Wing Gundam
plays exactly the same as Z-Gundam.

The code to play as Char's Zaku II-S, has been changed from the
original code used in GBM2. (I've finally got the correct code, just
check the "Boss Codes" section, and you'll find the new code there.)

The pilots of the Mobile Suits are different; this is a very good
addition since GBM2 had unknown characters. Now, GBA has the main
characters piloting their actual Mobile Suits. (This is true except in
a few occasions.) Also, this allows the dialogue between characters to
be based more on the major storyline's of each Gundam anime series that
has characters included in this game. Another new addition is that
Shiro Amada has been made the pilot of Ball (Shiro is from The 08th MS

Valdor Farkill is a character from the Gundam Wing time period and in
GBA he is the pilot of Psycho Gundam Mk III. Psycho Gundam Mk III was
never in a Gundam series and is a totally original Mobile Suit.
However, Psycho Gundam and Psycho Gundam Mk II were only in the
Universal Century timeline, which makes it nearly impossible that
Valdor Farkill could be the pilot. Valdor also mentions Zechs Marquise
in his conversation to Heero.

Treize Khushrenada has been made the pilot of the last boss who happens
to be Hydra Gundam. A confusing point of the story is that every pilot
that you fight in story mode says that he or she knows Treize and also
Heero Yuy, which in almost all cases is not possible. One last thing
although Hydra Gundam is from the Gundam Wing time period, this Mobile
Suit was also in GBM2.

Overall, when you compare GBA to GBM2 I would have to say that GBA is
somewhat a better game. What was the most surprising thing about GBA is
that Bandai actually put in all of the extra time to make all of the
additions to GBA that makes it such a better game than the original
Japanese release. Another feature of the game is that all of the Mobile
Suits are based heavily on their anime counterparts and thus have the
same abilities and weaknesses.

===[ Story Info. ]=====================================================

Gundam Battle Assault's story takes place in the year After Colony 19X,
where you take the role as Heero Yuy. In this time period Treize
Khushrenada recruits Mobile Suit pilots to fight in his war against
Earth. But Heero still thinks that Treize is dead and is unsure who is
restarting the war.

Heero is now fighting again to maintain peace. Heero is also convinced
that he is the only person who is required to fight in this war, so
whenever he meets another Mobile Suit he tries to convince the pilot to
surrender and to stop fighting. After, Heero defeats the pilot's Mobile
Suit they usually take Heero's advice or proclaim their loyalty to Zeon
and retreat.

What is sort of weird is the mixture of terms used during Heero's
conversations with other pilots. For example, when you fight Qubeley
the pilot remarks that although Heero is not a NewType she still wants
to recruit him. Also, most of the other pilots talk about Zeon and its
plans to take over Earth. I found this weird because the story is
supposedly in the After Colony time period that has no Zeon or
NewTypes. And anyways, if all of the pilots were working for Treize why
would there be a Zeon?

Finally, when you fight and defeat Treize just at the last moment he
escapes from the colony where you were battling him and retreats into
space. Here he offers Heero the chance to shoot him, but Heero declines
and allows Treize to escape. Heero decides to just wait until he and
Treize meet again.

===[ Reasons WHY GBA's Story may take place in an Alternate Universe
separate from the A.C. and U.C. timelines ]============================

If this is really supposed to be the After Colony timeline WHY is Heero
Yuy the only G-Boy in the story. What is it that the other G-Boys (Duo
Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, and Chang Wufei) weren't

In the story Treize was made as an evil and malicious man, when in fact
he wasn't this way at all, instead he just had an unconventional and
somewhat misguided approach to reaching peace. This was to reach peace
through total war.

Could the Zeon & OZ organizations actually be one and the same? By
looking at their objectives and their proclamations, they do seem very

NewTypes aren't nearly as superior to ordinary humans as they are
supposed to be; otherwise Heero Yuy would not have stood a chance
against Amuro Ray, Char Aznable, or any other NewTypes present in the

It appears that none of the events that took place in the Gundam Wing
anime ever took place in GBA's story. Why else would Heero Yuy still be
piloting the Wing Gundam and not the Wing Gundam Zero.

Actually in GBA it appears to be that the A.C. & U.C. universes have
been intertwined to form an all-new universe in which the lines between
A.C. & U.C. have been blurred. What does this mean!? It means that the
X in "A.C. 19X" remains the all important variable to determine whether
or not the story can take place in the A.C. timeline, or whether it is
just another impossibility in the crazy and mixed up story that is in
GBA. Perhaps the story will just remain another new creation by the
game's designers that will never truly be known, just like the Psycho
Gundam Mk III. Who knows?

(For the Full Story look below.)

===[ Story Mode & VS Mode Character Dialogue ]=========================

===[ Story Mode ]===

A.C. 19X.

HEERO: It looks like our war isn't over yet. There are some who can't
abandon their cause. They are still fighting in their Mobile Suits. Who
knew that I would pilot my Mobile Suit once again, in order to maintain
peace, this time...

[When Choosing Your Mobile Suit]
HEERO: My last mission. Which Mobile Suit is for me?

HEERO: How about this one?

HEERO: .......

HEERO: This isn't bad.

HEERO: ... Acguy!?

HEERO: It's all the same.

HEERO: Okay, ready to go! Let's do it!

[When You're at the Continue Screen]
HEERO: My war isn't over yet.

[Before Battle]
HEERO: A Mobile Suit is approaching... Switch to Defensive Mode.

DENIM: Is this a Mobile Suit? I'm on reconnaissance mission, but you
found me first!

HEERO: Recon mission? Who are you?

DENIM: You'll wish you never met me!
[After Battle]
HEERO: Mission accomplished.

DENIM: This can't be happening!

HEERO: He said he's just a scout, but is there someone trying to test

[Before Battle]
HEERO: Unidentified Mobile Suit approaching. Is than an enemy?

AKAHANA: Woah! Close up, that Mobile Suit looks even more dangerous.

HEERO: Are you friend or foe?

AKAHANA: I have nothing against you... but I have my orders. Sorry I
must defeat you.
[After Battle]
HEERO: Why did you attack me?

AKAHANA: Wait! I'll tell. Don't shoot me!

HEERO: Who gave you these orders?

AKAHANA: Well, uh, mission was given to me by my commander, but
I don't actually know who issued these orders.

HEERO: Then, I don't have time to waste on you. Get lost!

AKAHANA: Okay! Thanks!!

HEERO: Hmmm... I wonder who's behind all this?

[Before Battle]
HEERO: Enemy Mobile Suit approaching.

KAMIRU: Wait!! Are you Heero Yuy? I'm Kamiru Bidan.

HEERO: Kamiru? That's a girl's name, but you're a man.

KAMIRU: .... Is "Kamiru" a bad name for a guy? Make fun of me? I'll
teach you!

HEERO: ....
[After Battle]
HEERO: Who sent you?

KAMIRU: Sorry, I just lost my temper. Actually, I came to give you a

HEERO: Spit it out!

KAMIRU: Someone has been observing you. He's trying to collect all
remaining Mobile Suits to reignite the war once again. He'll defeat
whoever gets in his way.

HEERO: Well, thanks for the info.

KAMIRU: I am weak compared to you. Please fight in my place.

[Before Battle]
HEERO: Unidentified object approaching at high speed. Judging by its
size, it must be a Mobile Armor. No, it's big, but not Mobile Armor
size. But no, it isn't... could it be a Mobile Suit?

PLE-TWO: Aren't you Heero Yuy?

HEERO: ....

PLE-TWO: What's the matter, cat got your tongue? He said you were a

HEERO: He? Does the person who sent you know me?

PLE-TWO: I have nothing to say to you. I'm Ple-Two. My purpose is to
defeat you!

HEERO: Hmm... I wonder has this girl's self-awareness been heightened?
Is she an "Artificial NewType?"

PLE-TWO: Die, Heero Yuy!
[After Battle]
HEERO: Resistance is futile. Your Mobile Suit has lost it's combat

PLE-TWO: My mission is to destroy you, Heero Yuy! I'll take you down.

HEERO: Let me ask you one more time. Is it your will to die?

PLE-TWO: What?

HEERO: The Mobile Suit that drives you to the fight does not exist any
longer. Do you still wish to fight with me?

PLE-TWO: ....

HEERO: You're not a puppet.

PLE-TWO: ... That's true... Heero, you freed me from that Mobile Suit.

HEERO: No one can force you to kill any more. You don't have to kill
anybody now.

PLE-TWO: Thank you, Heero. But be careful. The man who sent me knew you

HEERO: Hmm... a man I know?

[Before Battle]
HEERO: Target confirmed. Model: MSM-03C Hy-Gogg. Operation strategy:
The destruction of target Mobile Suit. Let's go!

MIKHAIL: You don't know who you're messing with.

HEERO: The war between us is over. This world has no need for Mobile
Suits any more. Abandon your Mobile Suit.

MIKHAIL: Don't be a fool! I'm a professional soldier. Do you expect me
to stop fighting just because you say so?

HEERO: Are you done babbling? I'll ask you one more time. Abandon your
Mobile Suit now!

MIKHAIL: Ha, that is my line! I'll teach you how to fight. Let's get to
[After Battle]
HEERO: The destruction of target is confirmed.

MIKHAIL: Damn! It's over.

HEERO: I never planned to kill you... A true soldier fights for peace
not war.

MIKHAIL: .... I can't believe I lost!

[Before Battle]
HEERO: Target confirmed. Model: MSZ-010 ZZ-Gundam.

JUDAU: What, Gundam? Why is a Gundam here?

HERRO: You're Judau Ashta, right? I'll say it only once. Abandon your
Mobile Suit! This world has no more need for weapons.

JUDAU: Who would do such a stupid thing. I make money with my ZZ-Gundam
and put my younger sister Lina through school. I won't give it up
without a fight.

HEERO: Then I'll just have to eliminate you by force.

JUDAU: Go ahead, if you think you're up to the task.
[After Battle]
HEERO: Elimination of target Mobile Suit confirmed.

JUDAU: Argh! You don't know what I had to go through to get this thing!
Couldn't you have taken it a little easier on me?

HEERO: You don't have to be like me. I'm the only one who needs to risk
his life in this war.

JUDAU: You....

[Before Battle]
HEERO: Target in sight. MA-08 Big Zam.

DOZLE: Huh!? It can't be Heero Yuy!

HEERO: Target confirmed. Destroy target.

DOZLE: It's gonna take more than one Mobile Suit to defeat me.
[After Battle]
HEERO: You missed your opportunity at victory.

DOZLE: You son of a... You think I'll quit now?!

HEERO: What? You still want to fight?

DOZLE: Errrr! I won't give up! I won't give up the glory of Zeon.

HEERO: ....

[Before Battle]
HEERO: Target in sight. RX-78 Gundam. Mission: Destroy targeted Mobile

AMURO: Look's like he's coming this way.

HEERO: I'll destroy you.

AMURO: Damn it! Come and try, I'll teach you. That's not going to
happen. You're in the big leagues now.
[After Battle]
HEERO: Not bad for a beginner, but resistance is futile.

AMURO: ....

HEERO: I'm the only one who needs to be fighting this war. Go back to
where you belong.

AMURO: Where I belong? You're right, a New Type is not just an
instrument of slaughter. Heero Yuy, right? You really taught me
something... thanks...

[Before Battle]
HEERO: Unidentified Mobile Suit approaching. Who is that?

HAMAN: Even though you're not a NewType, I sense a strong power within
you. Follow me.

HEERO: What did you say?

HAMAN: You're aware, aren't you? Mankind's foolishness did not change
even after all that fighting... Man must be shown the way, thus I will
revive the Zabi Family. I need those with power on my side.

HEERO: My gut feelings tell me that you're an enemy.

HAMAN: What? Who are you to question me! If you don't join me, you will
be destroyed!
[After Battle}
HEERO: I was taught to go with my instincts.

HAMAN: I can't believe it. You defeated me. I'm ashamed of myself for
losing so easily.

HEERO: ....

HAMAN: I'm glad to have come back and finally meet such a worthy

HEERO: Haman Karn!! When will this madness end?

[VS GP02A]
[Before Battle]
HEERO: Model confirmed: RX-78GP02A. Target confirmed. Let's do it!

GATO: Who are you?

HEERO: Your Mobile Suit will be destroyed. Since the war has ended.
Mobile Suits are no longer needed.

GATO: Nonsense! This Mobile Suit is needed to revive Zeon and rid
corruption from earth's society and regain true freedom.

HEERO: If that's what you think, I'm forced to eliminate you!

GATO: No way! Nobody's going to stop my dream of reviving Zeon!
Especially a punk like you.
[After Battle]
HEERO: Your luck just ran out.

GATO: I can't believe it... I lost. But keep in mind. He who prevents
the revival of Zeon will surely be buried.

HEERO: ....

[Before Battle]
HEERO: Target confirmed. Model: MSN-02 Zeong. Pilot is Char Aznable.
Operational strategy: The destruction of target Mobile Suits.

CHAR: Is that Heero Yuy? Do you have the guts to take me on? All I want
to see is the progress of the human race.

HEERO: So you just want to repeat our sad history of war?

CHAR: .... The fist once raised can't be put away. We all need to
follow our destiny. Therefore, I'll kill you!
[After Battle]
HEERO: The more you fight, the more the sacrifice of peace becomes
useless. I'm sure you already noticed that the war has ended.

CHAR: ....

[Before Battle]
HEERO: What's this movement? Is a Mobile Suit approaching?

AMURO: ....

HEERO: Is that Amuro Ray?

AMURO: Must be Heero. Here I go!!

HEERO: Don't get in my way!

AMURO: The U-Gundam isn't only for show!!
[After Battle]
HEERO: What is this?

AMURO: Just as I thought.


AMURO: The present situation forces you to reveal your true goals to
the world now. You can show the people your true intentions.

HEERO: You were testing me. But you overestimated me on one thing.
Fighting is all I know!

AMURO: That's enough for now. Only you can fight harder than anybody

HEERO: I'm as tough as they come.

[Before Battle]
HEERO: I detect a high-energy reaction. Switching to evasive maneuvers.

SCIROCCO: Woah, just as I expected. He dodged my The-O's attack.

HEERO: Who the hell are you?

SCIROCCO: Ha ha ha, no need for introductions, cuz you're gonna meet
your maker.
[After Battle]
HEERO: Why did you attack me?

SCIROCCO: Damn! I can't believe it, you defeated me! How did I lose
that battle?

HEERO: Tell me why!

SCIROCCO: Ha ha ha ha... Just like that man said, you're even more
dangerous than I thought.

HEERO: What man?

SCIROCCO: Don't think it's over just because you defeated me. I'm not
your only enemy. Don't ever forget it!!

HEERO: .... Hmm... other enemies?

[Before Battle]
HEERO: Mobile Suit approaching at combat speed. No, it can't be...

CHAR: Heero Yuy. You don't know how dangerous you are. Your combat
skills are too dangerous. So, I'll rid the world of you, once and for

HEERO: Is that all you got to say? I'll say this only once. Abandon
your Mobile Suit!

CHAR: To recreate this world, someone needs to carry on the legacy of
humanity. People who live on Earth only think of themselves. That's why
I'm going to exterminate them all!

HEERO: Fine. Be prepared to fight to the end, I'll destroy you.
[After Battle]
HEERO: I only know this way of life. But, it it's the people's will, I
will give up my power.

CHAR: ....

HEERO: All humans are weak including you and me.

CHAR: Oh really? Because I was able to read the half-hearted thoughts
of people, I lost hope for all human kind and sought atonement from
them. But that was just my ego. Isn't that so?

[Before Battle]
HEERO: Mobile Armor approaching.

GATO: ....

HEERO: Are you Anavel Gato?

GATO: You are correct. I will defeat you, Heero Yuy! To prove that many
soldiers did not die in vain and to raise the flag of Zeon!
[After Battle]
HEERO: Should the flag of Zeon be raised at the cost of peace?

GATO: Well, it looks like you and I have different values. But remember
this, even if you defeat me, the truth of your holy war will not be
buried. Someone will always take my place. For the glory of Zeon!

[Before Battle]
HEERO: .... Is that an another enemy?

VALDOR: Well, you've certainly got a good sense of timing. You're the
soldier that took down Zechs Marquise. That makes you a worthy opponent
for me.

HEERO: Who are you!!

VALDOR: I am Valdor Farkill. And once I defeat you, the pilot of
Gundam, I will be even more respected than Treize Khushrenada. Now let
me prove to you that I am the strongest warrior alive!!!
[After Battle]
HEERO: You're such a fool. Treize Khushrenada is already dead.

VALDOR: Treize is dead? No, it is you who is dead, you fool!

HEERO: What did you say?

VALDOR: You defeated Treize and now me? ...

HEERO: Ah, just forget about it.

[Before Battle]
HEERO: Mobile Suit approaching at high speed. Is this a Gundam type?
But this Mobile Suit is...

TREIZE: ... Hydra Gundam.

HEERO: You're, Treize Khushrenada!! You're still alive?

TREIZE: I'm about to make history and take the stage once again. I will
do what must be done.

HEERO: What's your plan?

TREIZE: To put an end to this once and for all.

HEERO: Are you going to start another war?

TREIZE: Even after enduring their wretched history of war, human kind
never tried to get back on its feet. At this rate, the earth will
become filled with worthless people. If it's to change the course of
history, I am willing to become the notorious bad guy.

HEERO: Is that your just cause, Treize Khushrenada? If so, I won't
accept it, Treize, be prepared to lose.

TREIZE: Yes, this world is only for soldiers. Therefore, talk is cheap.
Let the battle determine our destinies.
[After Battle (Once Treize is defeated a red warning light flashes on
the colony along with a voice yelling DANGER, DANGER. Now Treize's
Mobile Suit retracts its legs into its body changes into a hover mode
and retreats into space.)]
TREIZE: You're a true warrior, Heero Yuy. I may have lost my Mobile
Suit, but I'm still alive. So what are you going to do, Heero Yuy! If
your intention is to end it here, go ahead, shoot me. If not, I'll be
seeing you... (Treize now flies away into space inside of his shuttle.)

HEERO: Treize, you son of a... Wait till we meet again.


===[ VS MODE ]===

SHIRO: I will not fight for the Earth Federation's cause. However, I
will always Fight for my comrades.

AMURO: I'm sorry, better luck next time.

VALDOR: There is no such thing as a meaningless battle. The man is a

DOZLE: Did you see that? When the Big Zam is in mass production, we
will beat the Earth Federation instantly.

CHAR: Mankind is meant to follow its destiny. Thus I'll kill you!

CHAR: Humanity should be judged and atone for their sins against Nature
and the Earth. Why don't they understand?

HAMAN: You just don't know how to go with the flow. Come with me and
I'll teach you...

PLE-TWO: Troublemakers! Enemies! I hate you all! Go away!

DENIM: Don't take it so hard... I'm just carrying out my orders, you

KAMIRU: They will all die. Are you all satisfied to die in such a way?
Who would be happy with that?

JUDAU: Why don't you use that power? With your abilities, it's possible
to save the Earth!

SCIROCCO: Fighting by ones emotions... it's hopeless to seek good
character in such a man.

HEERO: How many more people... must I defeat? How many more times must
I destroy such young creatures.

AKAHANA: What? No big deal!

MIKHAIL: Ha ha ha! Serves you right!

GATO: He has great potential, but he's still just a beginner.

GATO: You wouldn't had suffered if you had chosen the right side.

TREIZE: This is a soldier's world, so what are you still doing here?

AMURO: In times like these, it's necessary to show the world how you
feel. Why don't you all understand that!

CHAR: Don't take it so hard... I'm just carrying out my orders, you

===[ Basic Controls ]==================================================


F - Forward
D - Down
B - Back
U - Up

Square Button - Light Punch (LP)
Triangle Button - Hard Punch (HP)
X Button - Light Kick (LK)
Circle Button - Hard Kick (HK)
R1 / R2 - Thruster Button

P - any Punch button
K - any Kick button

[Jump] - Press U A very short & low jump; lower than most fighting

[Duck] - Press D

[Quick Dash Forward / Backward]- Tap F 2 times, or B 2 times. A short
dash forward or backwards.

[Guard] - Hold B or DB (Can be done in the air)

===[ Game System ]=====================================================

[Armor Gauge]

Unlike your conventional fighting game, Gundam: Battle Assault's fights
do not consist of rounds. Instead, each Mobile Suit begins with 3 Armor
Gauges, which are essentially the Life Bars for each character. When a
player receives damage, the Armor Gauge will be filled, until it
"overheats". The first armor is used up, and the player falls down, and
gets up, starting on the next Armor Gauge. The Winner is the one who
totally defeats his opponent 3 times (or 3 Armor Gauges).

[Thrusters] - Hold R1 + any Direction Button (Can be done in the air)

Used to give your Mobile Suit a boost in the direction you choose. Can
be used to perform faster & longer front / rear dashes (F/B + R1) or to
propel yourself into the air. Can be used multiple times to hover
around the screen, as long as you have enough energy left on your
Thruster Gauge (located below the Armor Gauge). (Example: U + R1, UF +
R1, F + R1, UB + R1)

[Thruster Mode] - D,F + R1 (Can be done in the air)

Your Mobile Suit will flash, and after that, he can fly in the air for
a limited period of time using the Direction Pad. The time is
represented by the left portion of the Thruster Gauge, which will fill
up when you perform the motion, then starts to deplete. (Works
something like the flight moves in Capcom's X-Men fighting games.) This
is good for air battles. Note that when you are Thruster Mode, you
cannot guard, nor there is a way to deactivate it. This means that you
are totally vulnerable to your opponent's attacks. The thrusters
automatically deactivate themselves once the gauge-timer runs out.

[Sway / Barrier] Press any 2 Attack buttons together (Can be done in
the air)

The Sway & Barrier are both defensive moves. Depending on the Mobile
Suit that you chose it will either have the Sway or the Barrier ability
when you push 2 attack buttons together. (This is true except for a few
Mobile Suits that have neither ability.) The Sway is a quick-escape
move whereby your Mobile Suit sways into the background for a split
second. During this time, you are temporarily invincible until you
return to the fighting plane. This is very useful, as you cannot be
hurt by anything at all! The Barrier will protect you against all kinds
of projectile weapons, which range from the normal Beam Rifles,
Missiles, to even the devastating Beam-type Mega-Special Moves. Very
useful, too, because the Barrier will last for about 5 seconds, and you
still have freedom of movement. However, the Barrier does not protect
you against any normal close attacks, which means you still have to
guard normally against them. Note that performing the Sway or Barrier
will use up a bit of life, but it is worth it in some very tight

Here is a list showing each Mobile Suit's defense ability:

{Sway}- Wing Gundam, Z-Gundam, Zaku II, Sazabi, Hy-Gogg, GP02A, Acguy,
Qubeley, Hydra Gundam, Ball, Gundam, U-Gundam, Char's Zaku II-S

{Barrier}- Zeong, Q-Mantha, ZZ-Gundam, The-O, Hamma-Hamma

{None} - (These MS do not have the Sway or Barrier move.) Big Zam, Neue
Ziel, Psycho Gundam Mk III

[Defense Break] - Press F + HP when close to opponent This acts as the
`Throw' in the game.

Your Mobile Suit will electrocute your opponent, and they will be
stunned temporarily. This does no damage, but it leaves them wide open,
and you can attack your opponent with virtually anything when they are

[Down Attacks]

You can attack your opponent even when they are down, using any attack.
Good for getting in a few extra hits.

[Chain Combos]

Similar to many fighting games out now, your Mobile Suits have the
ability to chain their normal Punches & Kicks into deadly combos. The
key is to start with a light attack (or several), and work your way to
the hard attacks. You may even end some combos with Special Moves or
Mega-Special Attacks. (Example: Standing LP, LK, HK with Z-Gundam)
[Long-Range Weapon] - D,F + P (Can be done in the Air) Each Mobile Suit
has a long-range projectile attack. Your Mobile Suit will even
automatically aim its weapon at its opponent. However, this is limited,
as shown by the amount of Energy (denoted by the set of numbers) below
the Armor Gauge. It starts at 500, and once you use it all up, there's
no way to replenish it, so use sparingly. The weapon used varies
according to each character, and so does the number of Energy used per

[Long Range Weapon] - D,F + P (Can be done in the Air)

Each Mobile Suit has a long-range projectile attack. Your Mobile Suit
will even automatically aim its weapon at its opponent. However, this
is limited, as shown by the amount of Energy (denoted by the set of
numbers) below the Armor Gauge. It starts at 500, and once you use it
all up, there's no way to replenish it, so use sparingly. The weapon
used varies according to each character, and so does the number of
Energy used per shot.

[Beam Saber] - F,D,B + P

Your Mobile Suit will take out its Beam Saber, and use it to slash your
opponent. This is a very powerful move, and it is unblockable! Its only
drawback is that it takes quite a while to pull off. Range & damage
depends on individual Mobile Suits.

[Mega-Special Attacks] - D,F,D,F + HP

These are the games' Super Moves. Each Mobile Suit can perform up to 3
Mega-Specials per fight, as shown by the number of Yellow Blocks left
below its Armor Gauge. These are extremely damaging (up to 80 percent
damage), and may even kill an opponent with a full life bar if
positioned right. You can also use the brief moment of invincibility
when you first perform the move to your advantage.

===[ Boss Codes ]======================================================

[VS Mode ONLY]

*1) Big Zam - Finish the Story Mode on Easy (okay to use continues)

*2) Neue Ziel - Finish the Story Mode on Normal (okay to use continues)

*3) Psycho Gundam Mk III - Finish the Story Mode on Hard (okay to use

*4) Hydra Gundam - Finish the Story Mode on Hard (Must not use

5) Ball - Finish the Story Mode with all 12 basic characters on any
difficulty level (okay to use continues)

6) Gundam - Finish the game using the Z-Gundam first. Now, play the
game again, using any other MS besides the Z-Gundam and the Acguy.
Gundam will randomly appear to fight you and if you beat him and finish
the game, you will be able to use him. When you fight him it will be at
Z-Gundam's stage.

7) U-Gundam - Finish the game using the Hamma-Hamma first. Now, play
the game again, using any other MS besides the Hamma-Hamma and Quin
Mantha. The U-Gundam will randomly appear to fight you and if you beat
him and finish the game, you will be able to use him. (Since Hamma-
Hamma is not a character in Gundam: Battle Assault what you have to do
is this: First beat the game in STORY MODE with all 12 characters. Then
keep playing STORY MODE with Zaku II until your first fight is against
Sazabi, after you beat Sazabi your second fight should now be against
U-Gundam at a new background area, just defeat U-Gundam and finish the
rest of STORY MODE and U-Gundam should now be a selectable character in

**8) Char's Zaku II-S - On the Mode Select Screen (the one where "Story
Mode", "VS Mode", etc are displayed), input LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN,
SQUARE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE. You'll here a sound effect, and Char's Zaku
II-S will be selectable.

You will now have a grand total of 20 characters to choose from! Enjoy!

* You can gain all of these by finishing Hard Mode. You can't use
continues though.

** Note that the Char's Zaku II-S cannot be saved, and you will have to
input the code each time you start the game.

===[ Misc. Codes ]===

In VS Mode hold START and press X to pick your Alternate Color.

In VS Mode press SELECT to switch 1P or 2P to CPU1 or CPU2.

===[ Game Shark Codes ]================================================

Infinite Battle Timer - 8011FFDA 000E
Unlock Psycho Gundam Mk III - 800E13EC 0000
Unlock Big Zam - 800E13DC 0000
Unlock Zeue Ziel - 800E13E4 0000
Unlock Hydra Gundam - 800E140C 0000
Unlock U-Gundam - 800E13E8 0000
Unlock Gundam - 800E13F0 0000
Unlock Ball - 800E1410 0000
Unlock Char's Zaku II-S - 800E1414 0000


Infinite Health - 80157F3A 0002
- 80157F3C 0000

One-Hit Kill - 80157F3A 0000
- 80157F3C 7000

Infinite Ammo - 80157F4A 01F4
No Ammo - 80157F4A 0000
Infinite Thrust - 80157F46 0000
No Thrust - 80157F46 2A00
Level 3 Power - 80157F56 0003
Level 2 Power - 80157F56 0002
Level 1 Power - 80157F56 0001
No Power - 80157F56 0000


Infinite Health - 80185ED6 0002
- 80185ED8 0000

One-Hit Kill - 80185ED6 0000
- 80185ED8 7000

Infinite Ammo - 80185EE6 01F4
No Ammo - 80185EE6 0000
Infinite Thrust - 80185EE2 0000
No Thrust - 80185EE2 2A00
Level 3 Power - 80185EF2 0003
Level 2 Power - 80185EF2 0002
Level 1 Power - 80185EF2 0001
No Power - 80185EF2 0000

===[ Pilots, Mobile Suits, & Moves List Information ]==================

===[ Basic Characters ]===

===[ XXXG-01W WING GUNDAM ]============================================

Series: New Mobile Report: Gundam W (Wing) (TV series)
Organization: Gundam Pilot
Game Pilot: Heero Yuy
Colors: 1) White/Blue/Red/Yellow
2) Light Blue/Blue/Red/Yellow

HEERO YUY: Heero is a very devoted and serious Gundam pilot. He is
code-named Heero Yuy after the dead leader of the space colonies, but
his true name is still unknown. The scientist Doctor J who has sent
Heero on a mission of revenge is also the same person who raised Heero
from childhood. Doctor J took Heero in, and since has been training
Heero to be an unemotional war machine.

WING GUNDAM: Built by Doctor J, the Wing Gundam is based on the 15
year-old Wing Gundam Zero. Unlike, the Wing Gundam Zero that is
primarily a space based Mobile Suit; the Wing Gundam has been designed
for Earth based combat. Another aspect of the Wing Gundam which
represents its purpose for Earth based combat is the ability to
transform into a "Bird Mode," which allows the Wing Gundam to travel
very quickly through the Earth's blue skies and atmosphere.

Wing Gundam has the exact same moves and abilities as Z-Gundam. The
only difference is that the two Gundam's look different. For more
information on the Wing Gundam's abilities read Z-Gundam's profile

{Extra Attacks}
High Punch - (A) U + HP
Spin Kick - (A) HK

{Special Moves}
Beam Rifle - (G/A) D,F + P
Beam Saber - (G) F,D,B + P Hyper Dash - (G) D,F + K
Rise Down Kick - (G/A) D,B + K

{Mega-Special Attack}
Bird Mode Attack - (G) D,F,D,F + P

===[ MSZ-006 Z-GUNDAM ]================================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Z (Zeta) Gundam (TV series)
Organization: A.E.U.G. (Anti-Earth Union Group)
Game Pilot: Kamiru Bidan
Colors: 1) White/Red/Blue/Black
2) Light Blue/Blue/Red/Black

Kamiru Bidan's Z-Gundam has been faithfully reproduced in this game. It
has well-rounded abilities, and fast speed. However, it suffers greatly
from the lack of useful moves. The Hyper Dash does no damage, and is
merely a quick low forward dash, whereas the Rise Down Kick is slow to
execute and easy to spot. However, its Wave Rider Attack is very fast &
powerful. (It acts like Ryu's Shin Shoryuken from SF3!) Good for
chaining into a combo.

{Extra Attacks}
High Punch - (A) U + HP
Spin Kick - (A) HK

{Special Moves}
Beam Rifle - (G/A) D,F + P
Beam Saber - (G) F,D,B + P Hyper Dash - (G) D,F + K
Rise Down Kick - (G/A) D,B + K

{Mega-Special Attack}
Wave Rider Attack - (G) D,F,D,F + P

===[ MS-06F ZAKU II (F-Class) ]========================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam (TV series)
Organization: Principality of Zeon
Game Pilot: Denim
Colors: 1) Green/Grey
2) Tan/Grey

DENIM: Denim is one pilot in a trio of Zaku II pilots under the command
of Char Aznable. After Char tracks down the location of where the
Federation tests its prototype Mobile Suits, he orders Denim along with
fellow comrades Gene and Slender on a reconnaissance mission. Gene
hoping to gain favor with Char decides to launch a preemptive attack.
Amuro Ray takes out the RX-78-2 Gundam for his very first battle in
this prototype Mobile Suit. Soon after, Amuro and the Gundam
immediately destroy Gene and Denim along with their Zaku II's. However
Slender the third man in the group narrowly escapes this battle, but
eventually is destroyed by Amuro and the Gundam in their next battle.

ZAKU II: The Zaku II is the primary Mobile Suit used by Zeon's space
forces. The model in the game, which is the F-Class, is designed for
space combat, but can also, be used on Earth with a slight decrease in
its abilities.

The Zaku II, though an extremely weak Mobile Suit in the anime, is
actually quite strong in this game. It has a 10-hit Machine Gun attack,
and after its Rising Tackle connects, you can still continue with a
chain combo or Special Move for extra damage. (Example: Rising Tackle,
followed by LP,LK,HP) The Cracker Grenade is also useful for keeping
opponents away, as it covers a wide area when the grenades explode. Its
Mega-Special Attack is a suped-up version of the Cracker Grenade, but
it is slow to pull off.

{Extra Attacks}
Shoulder Tackle - (G) F + HK
Stamping - (A) D + HK

{Special Moves}
Zaku Machine Gun - (G/A) D,F + P
Heat Hawk - (G) F,D,B + P
Cracker - (G/A) D,B + P
Rising Tackle - (G/A) D,F, + K

{Mega-Special Attack}
Cracker Special - (G) D,F,D,F + P

===[ MSN-02 ZEONG ]====================================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam (TV series)
Organization: Principality of Zeon
Game Pilot: Char Aznable
Colors: 1) Blue/Purple
2) Pink/Red

CHAR AZNABLE: Char is the most famous ace pilot in Zeon, he is also a
member of Dozle Zabi's Space Attack Force. After facing in battle with
RX-78 Gundam a rivalry is spurred against Amuro Ray. Char is the son
Zeon Daikun, and is on a mission of vengeance against the Zabi family
that is thought to have killed his father. After infiltrating the
Principality of Zeon's military Char is able to engineer the death of
Garma Zabi. Dozle fires Char, and Char is soon recruited into Kishiria
Zabi's Mobile Assault Force. Char's ultimate goal is to guide humanity
into a new era of enlightenment.

Char's Zeong is actually not a useful character to play as. It has the
least Special Moves in the game among the basic characters, and its
large size makes it an easy target, even when it is lying down! Its
Punch Rush must be performed up close, which makes it quite
ineffective. Overall, it is quite slow, but its Extra Attacks
(consisting of its extendable arms) give it a longer reach. Its Mega-
Special is quite cool & useful, and is slightly homing, too.

{Extra Attacks}
Vertical Punch - (G) B + HP
Sweep Punch - (A) D + HP
Down Burner - (A) D + LK
Double Down Burner - (A) D + HK

{Special Moves}
Hand Beam - (G/A) D,F + P
Hand Knife - (G) F,D,B + P
Punch Rush - (G/A) D,B + P

{Mega-Special Attack}
Psychomu Attack - (G) D,F,D,F + P

===[ MSN-04 SAZABI ]===================================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam - Char's Counterattack (Movie)
Organization: Neo Zeon
Game Pilot: Char Aznable
Colors: 1) Red/Black
2) Blue/Black

CHAR AZNABLE: Char is the most famous ace pilot in Zeon, he is also a
member of Dozle Zabi's Space Attack Force. After facing in battle with
RX-78 Gundam a rivalry is spurred against Amuro Ray. Char is the son
Zeon Daikun, and is on a mission of vengeance against the Zabi family
that is thought to have killed his father. After infiltrating the
Principality of Zeon's military Char is able to engineer the death of
Garma Zabi. Dozle fires Char, and Char is soon recruited into Kishiria
Zabi's Mobile Assault Force. Char's ultimate goal is to guide humanity
into a new era of enlightenment.

The Sazabi is Char's final Mobile Suit, and it is quite a good fighter
in the game. In the anime, it uses Funnels, which are small floating
bits that can be used to attack your opponents. The pilot himself
mentally controls these weapons, and so, Funnels can zero in on their
target very accurately. The pilot also has to be a "NewType"; one who
has super-fast reflexes & senses. In the game, it is a 2-part attack.
First, you have to launch the Funnels out (a few of them), and they
will float around your character. Only then you can command them to
attack your opponents. These Funnels are extremely useful; they are
very fast, and can home in on your target very well. You can also call
upon them to attack your opponents any time; even when you are getting
caught in a combo, falling down, or getting hit, your Funnels will
still respond once you input the command. This allows you to set up
huge combos, or get out of sticky situations. However, projectile shots
can destroy these Funnels, so don't think they are unstoppable! Besides
the Funnels, the Sazabi's Spin Kick is good for catching opponents who
are ducking, and its Beam Axe has a longer range than most of the other
characters' saber weapons. The Beam Flash Shot is also another useful
move. It covers a very wide range, and is very powerful.

{Extra Attacks}
Hover Slide Kick - (G) D + HK

{Special Moves}
Beam Shot Rifle - (G/A) D,F + P
Beam Axe - (G) F,D,B + P
Spin Kick - (G/A) D,B + K
Funnel Launch - (G/A) B,D,F + P
Funnel Attack - (G/A) D,F + P (After launching Funnels)

{Mega-Special Attack}
Beam Shot Flash - (G/A) D,F,D,F + P

===[ NZ-000 QUIN MANTHA ]==============================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam ZZ (Double Zeta) (TV series)
Organization: Axis (Principality of Zeon)
Game Pilot: Ple-Two
Colors: 1) Green/Grey
2) White-Grey/Silver

Just one look at this huge Mobile Suit, and you can probably guess that
it is slow, but strong. Its main offense has to be the Beam Shower
attack. As the name suggests, the Q-Mantha will jump, and fire a rain
of laser beams down on your opponent. Best performed when in the air to
obtain maximum damage. Its Hyper Beam Saber has a longer reach than
most sabers, and like the Sazabi, it also has Funnels! The only
difference is that it launches 4 at a time, instead of only 3. Good for
assisting slow characters like this one! The Mega Beam Cannon is fired
from its chest, so don't expect to get the full hits on any smaller
characters, unless they are up close.

{Extra Attacks}
Double Elbow - (G) F + HP
Tackle - (G) F + HK
Body Press - (A) D + HP
Heel Kick - (A) D + LK

{Special Moves}
Beam Launcher - (G/A) D,F + P
Hyper Beam Saber - (G) F,D,B + P
Beam Shower Attack - (G/A) D,B + P
Funnel Launch - (G/A) B,D,F + P
Funnel Attack - (G/A) D,F + P (After launching Funnels)

{Mega-Special Attack}
Mega Beam Cannon - (G) D,F,D,F + P

===[ MSZ-010 (FA-010S, if it really is Full Armor ZZ-GUNDAM) ZZ-GUNDAM

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam ZZ (Double Zeta) (TV series)
Organization: A.E.U.G. (Anti-Earth Union Group)
Game Pilot: Judau Ashta
Colors: 1) Red/Blue/White/Purple
2) Red/Grey/Black/White

The ZZ-Gundam comes equipped with a Double Beam Rifle, and some
missiles. The Spray Missiles consists of a total of 9 missiles that are
launched from its back, and since they have slight homing capabilities,
they arc towards the opponent. The Knee-Lift Shot is a close-range
powerful move, whereby the ZZ-Gundam kicks its opponent up into the
air, followed by several shots from its Double Beam Rifle. Note that
the shots fired in this move does a great deal of damage, but it uses
Energy, just like any normal Long Range Weapon move. So this means that
when you run out of Energy, the Knee-Lift Shot becomes useless. The ZZ-
Gundam will kick the opponent up, and will still try to fire at him,
even without the ammo. Also, most of the ZZ-Gundam's moves can only be
performed on the ground, so air-battles are a little disadvantageous to
the player. Its Extra Attack, the Mega Particle Cannon is quite useful,
and can catch your opponent unprepared. The Hyper Mega Particle Cannon
is a long-range beam weapon, and it is quick, and has slight homing

{Extra Attacks}
Guard Punch - (G) B + HP
Mega Particle Cannon - (G/A) HK

{Special Moves}
Double Beam Rifle - (G/A) D,F + P
Mega Beam Saber - (G) F,D,B + P
Knee-Lift Shot - (G) D,F + K
Spray Missile - (G) D,B + P

{Mega-Special Attack}
Hyper Mega Particle Cannon - (G) D,F,D,F + P

===[ MSM-03C HY-GOGG ]=================================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam 0080 - War in the Pocket (OVA series)
Organization: Principality of Zeon
Game Pilot: Mikhail Kaminsky
Colors: 1) Blue/Orange
2) Green/Orange

MIKHAIL KAMINSKY: Mikhail nicknamed "Misha" is a senior member of the
Cyclops Team. And he always has a drink of bourbon before combat.

The Hy-Gogg appeared in only the beginning of the 0083 OVA (Original
Video Animation). It is basically a marine Mobile Suit, with long arms,
and carries a small & compact orange case, which contains its missiles.
Its Homing Missiles, like the anime is fired from an orange case, in
sets of 3. The Jumping Tackle, like the Zaku II's, can be continued
with more attacks once it hits. Its Hell Burner Rush is a short-range
move whereby the Hy-Gogg rapidly strikes & juggles the opponent many
times with its claws.

{Extra Attacks}
Tackle - (G) F + HK
Down Kick - (A) HK
Shot-Down Kick - (A) D + HK

{Special Moves}
Machine Gun - (G/A) D,F + P
Hand Burner - (G) F,D,B + P
Homing Missile - (G/A) D,B + P
Jumping Tackle - (G/A) D,F + K

{Mega-Special Attack}
Hell Burner Rush - (G) D,F,D,F + P

===[ PMX-003 THE-O ]===================================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Z (Zeta) Gundam (TV series)
Organization: Titans (An elite force created by the Federation)
Game Pilot: Paptimus Scirocco
Colors: 1) Yellow/Black
2) Gold-Tan/Black

Paptimus Scirocco's ultimate Mobile Suit, The-O, is huge, and has many
small sword-like tentacles hidden all over it. In fact, it is a very
powerful character in this game. It is fast for its size, and has very
useful & practical attacks. Its Extra Attacks (the Hidden Arms) can be
used to surprise your opponent, as it has different variations (low &
high). The Hidden Arm Sword Rush is a good multi-hitting move which is
quick, and the Slap Tackle is a simple, but effective & damaging move.
On the other hand, it has one of the most useless Mega-Special Attacks
in the game. After performing the motion, the The-O will wield his Beam
Sword, after which pressing any normal P or K button will result in him
using the sword to slash his opponent. The slashes vary, depending on
the button pressed, and whether he is ducking, standing or jumping.
Although the sword attack is unblockable & powerful, and it does not
take as long to pull off as it normally would, your opponent will fly
all over the screen just to avoid you and attack you from afar, until
the move ends. However, you can still use your other Special & Extra
Attacks, so unless you know how to use them well, you will most likely
waste your Mega-Special Attack while you chase your opponent all over
the screen, trying to slash him. It is also very difficult to gauge how
high your opponent is when chasing him, as the background will be
replaced by a black screen with scrolling white lines, just like other
times when you perform a Mega-Special Move.

{Extra Attacks}
Hidden Arm - (G) F + LP
Rifle Slap - (G) F + HP
Anti-Air Hidden Arm - (G) B + HP
Sweep Hidden Arm - (A) D + LP

{Special Moves}
Beam Rifle - (G/A) D,F + P
Beam Sword - (G) F,D,B + P
Hidden Arm Sword Rush - (G/A) D,B + P
Slap Tackle - (G/A) D,F + K

{Mega-Special Attack}
Beam Sword Dance - (G) D,F,D,F + P (then press any normal P or K button
to attack)

===[ RX-78GP02A "GUNDAM PHYSALLIS" ]===================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam 0083 - Stardust Memories (OVA series)
Organization: Delaz Fleet (Renegades from the Principality of Zeon)
Game Pilot: Anavel Gato
Colors: 1) White/Blue/Red/Grey
2) Blue/Black/Purple

ANAVEL GATO: Gato nicknamed the "Nightmare of Solomon" is one of the
greatest ace pilots of the war. Later he was persuaded to join Aiguille
Delaz and his renegades. Since, joining Delaz he has become his most
loyal follower and soldier.

Originally one of three Gundam prototypes created by the Federal
Forces, the GP02A was later hijacked by Zeon's Anavel Gato. The reason
was because it had a very powerful weapon - the Atomic Bazooka, capable
of mass destruction. Overall, the GP02A is a slow, but steady fighter.
The GP02A in the game, too, has a bazooka, which it can fire in
different ways, as part of his Special & Mega-Special Attacks. The
normal Hyper Bazooka has one major flaw; its shots are very slow, and
can be destroyed by most other projectile weapons, so beware of
opponents who want to engage in a fire-fight. The Shot Bazooka is a
move where he fires a missile high into the air and off-screen. It
later explodes into several more missiles, which then rain down back
on-screen. It is very powerful if most of the missiles connect, but it
is very slow to pull off, and your opponent would be ready for it. The
Shield Buster can be continued with a hit or two, but unlike the Zaku
or Hy-Gogg, it is difficult for it to perform a combo after that
because of its slow speed. Also, the GP02A will jump vertically
upwards, which decreases the range of the move by a lot. The Atomic
Bazooka is also another impractical & useless Mega- Special Attack. The
GP02A will fire a nuclear missile into the air, which explodes into a
gigantic glowing ball, and remains on-screen for quite a while. Your
opponent will get `sucked' into it, should he merely touch the round
explosion, and receives massive damage. However, this move is useless,
because it is slow to pull off, and the explosion occurs so high up
that smaller characters can simply walk safely under it. It looks as if
the move as aimed at using against the larger characters (such as the
bosses). Only then will the move work to its full effectiveness.

{Extra Attacks}
Shield Smash - (G) F + HP
Shield Tackle - (G) D + LK

{Special Moves}
Hyper Bazooka - (G/A) D,F + P
Beam Saber - (G) F,D,B + P
Shot Bazooka - (G) D,B + P
Shield Buster - (G) D,F + K

{Mega-Special Attack}
Atomic Bazooka - (G) D,F,D,F + P

===[ MSM-04 ACGUY ]====================================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam (TV series)
Organization: Principality of Zeon
Game Pilot: Akahana
Colors: 1) Brown/Tan/Black
2) Black/Grey/Silver

ACGUY: The Acguy is Zeon's answer for amphibious combat. This Mobile
Suit is a low-cost model that has been based on many of the same
mechanical components and features as the Zaku II. One of the recycled
components is the thruster, which is the same as the Zaku II's which
explains why the Acguy is so slow in the game.

Don't be fooled by this character's size! Although the Acguy is small
and, and looks kind of weird, it is very agile, and is excellent at
combos! You can chain many of his normal P's & K's together, and even
end with some of his Special or Mega-Special Attacks for a super- long
combo that does quite a considerable amount of damage. (Example: LP
repeatedly, HP, then Acguy Machine Gun for an easy 10-hit combo!)
However, the Acguy has been balanced with an overall weaker attack, so
don't think you can kill your opponent just by performing 2 long
combos. The Acguy also has an uppercut move that is quite effective,
but the Claw Rush is not that useful at all. Its Drill Claw is a very
unconventional beam saber-type attack. He `charges' up, then dives at
his opponent, but should he misses, he will fall flat, and will be left
wide open for a counter-attack. The Rolling Maximum has to be done
close to your opponent if you want to secure the maximum number of
hits. Your opponents will have to guard low against it. Overall, quite
weird, but never the less is an interesting character to choose. Note
that he does not have any Extra Attacks, though.

{Extra Attacks}

{Special Moves}
Acguy Machine Gun - (G/A) D,F + P
Acguy Drill Claw - (G) F,D,B + P
Acguy Jump Upper - (G) F,D,F + P
Acguy Claw Rush - (G) D,B + P

{Mega-Special Attack}
Acguy Rolling Maximum - (G) D,F,D,F + P

===[ AMX-004 QUBELEY ]=================================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Z (Zeta) Gundam (TV series)
Organization: Axis (Renegades from the Principality of Zeon)
Game Pilot: Haman Karn
Colors: 1) White/Pink/Purple
2) Purple/Pink/Black

Axis leader Haman Karn's final Mobile Suit is possibly the first in the
anime to use Funnels, which probably explains why the Qubeley's Mega-
Special Attack is a powered-up version of its Funnel attack. The
Qubeley does not have any Extra Attacks, but has a wide range of
Special Moves, mainly consisting of its kicks. The Double Kick is good
to use in combos, and hits your opponent up into the air. The Homing
Kick is a strange move, whereby the Qubeley will first jump straight
upwards, and when it is in line with the opponent, it will rush forward
with a flying kick. Good for hitting opponents who are high in the air,
but it will miss shorter opponents on the ground. The Somersault is a
spin kick in the air, but is not particularly useful. Although the Full
Funnel Attack looks impressive and intimidating, it is merely a
stronger version of the normal Funnel attack. The Qubeley will launch 2
sets of 3 Funnels each (one set at a time), and they will immediately
home in on the opponent to deliver 2 shots each, for a total of 12
hits. However the Funnels will surely find their way to your opponent,
they can still be destroyed (just like the normal ones), and since it
takes a very long time to launch the Funnels, most opponents will see
it coming, and get ready to guard or counter it. Hence, the Full Funnel
Attack is not very useful after all.

{Extra Attacks}

{Special Moves}
Beam Gun - (G/A) D,F + P
Beam Saber - (G) F,D,B + P
Double Kick - (G) D,F + K
Somersault - (A) D,F + K
Homing Kick - (G/A) D,B + K
Funnel Launch - (G/A) B,D,F + P
Funnel Attack - (G/A) D,F + P (After launching Funnels)

{Mega-Special Attack}
Full Funnel Attack - (G/A) D,F,D,F + P

===[ AMX-103 HAMMA-HAMMA ]=============================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam ZZ (Double Zeta) (TV series)
Organization: Axis (Renegades from the Principality of Zeon)
Game Pilot: Date
Colors: 1) Green/Red/Black
2) Gold/Red/Black

HAMMA-HAMMA: Hamma-Hamma is an attempt to create a Psycommu Mobile Suit
that could be piloted by ordinary humans. Unfortunately, for the Axis
Zeons the idea never really got far from the drawing board and just
ended up being a conceptual design. Thus the Hamma-Hamma along with the
partial-Psycommu system eventually was left on the road to being
nothing but a failure.

The Hamma-Hamma is quite a weak character in the game, with very few
good moves. The Triple Beam Shot does little damage, and uses up too
much Energy. The Leap Attack is slow, and will seldom get your
opponent, unless you surprise him from above. The Hide Bomb seems to be
its most useful move. On the ground, it can be used to end your combos,
and in the air, you can drop it over their heads. However, unless the
bombs land directly on your opponent, they will roll across the ground
for a certain distance before they actually blow up. The Plasma Beam
Cannon is also a very impractical & ineffective Mega-Special Attack.
The Hamma-Hamma will launch 3 waves of 2 plasma bolts each that will
slowly drift across the screen. Although they are unblockable (and they
only way to guard against them is to use the Barrier), your opponent
can spot them coming easily, and fly over the plasma bolts to avoid
them. Furthermore, even if all 6 plasma bolts connect, it does a
miserable amount of damage (less than 30 percent!). However, during
this time, your opponent will be temporarily stunned, which leaves them
wide open for any kind of attack. But still, unless you can perform a
very damaging combo, the total damage still cannot compare to that of
any other Mega-Special Attack in the game. Therefore, it takes a lot of
practice to be able to play well using the Hamma-Hamma. Use some of its
normal & extra attacks to your advantage, as some of them are real
pretty good.

{Extra Attacks}
Double Claw - (A) D + HP

{Special Moves}
Triple Beam Shot - (G/A) D,F + P
Beam Saber - (G) F,D,B + P
Leap Attack - (G/A) D,B + K
Hide Bomb - (G/A) D,B + P

{Mega Special Attack}
Plasma Beam Cannon - (G/A) D,F,D,F + P

===[ MA-08 (Possibly MA-08S, a customized version of the Big Zam made
for Dozle Zabi) BIG ZAM ]==============================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam (TV series)
Organization: Principality of Zeon
Game Pilot: Dozle Zabi
Colors: 1) Green/Grey
2) Blue/Grey

DOZLE ZABI: Dozle is third son of Degin Zabi. Dozle has a lust for
battle and can often be found of the front lines. Dozle is very devoted
to his family and that is why he fired Char for his failure to protect
Garma Zabi, Dozle's younger brother.

BIG ZAM: (This describes the MA-08S.) This huge Mobile Armor has been
specifically designed and personalized for the combat prone generals in
the Zabi Family. The main Zabi's this was created for is Dozle and
Garma Zabi. This Big Zam particularly resembles Dozle's customized Zaku

The first of the Bosses is this massive Mobile Armor. Its defense is
extremely high, and its movements cannot be hindered no matter how much
you attack it. However, it is extremely slow, and cannot fly too high
with its thrusters. Its one and only Special Move is its Homing
Missiles. The Big Zam will fire many small missiles (that will home in
on you) at the expense of very little Energy, and this alone causes a
lot of damage, even when blocked. It does not have any actual punches,
so the P buttons are used for flying its multi-directional lasers. Its
Mega-Special Attack is a huge beam attack that sweeps across the whole
screen for major damage. Note that the Big Zam cannot guard, and there
seems to be no way for it to turn around once someone gets behind it.
On an interesting note, the Big Zam can also inflict damage on its
opponents by simply walking at them, and smashing them with its huge

{Special Attacks}
Homing Missile - (G/A) D,F + P

{Mega Special Attack}
Mega Particle Cannon - (G) D,F,D,F + P

===[ AMA-X2 NEUE ZIEL ]================================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam 0083 - Stardust Memories (OVA series)
Organization: Delaz Fleet (Renegades from the Principality of Zeon)
Game Pilot: Anavel Gato
Colors: 1) Green/Grey
2) White/Silver

ANAVEL GATO: Gato nicknamed the "Nightmare of Solomon" is one of the
greatest ace pilots of the war. Later he was persuaded to join Aiguille
Delaz and his renegades. Since, joining Delaz he has become his most
loyal follower and soldier.

NEUE ZIEL: During Operation Stardust Anavel Gato uses the very deadly
and powerful Mobile Armor Neue Ziel. This Mobile Armor is designed to
be used by a NewType pilot, hence a NewType would only have the
required reflexes and abilities to fully control and manipulate the
Neue Ziel to its full potential.

The Neue Ziel is Anavel Gato's Mobile Armor, which he later acquires
after the GP02A gets destroyed. It is huge, and has long arms, which
can be launched far because they are connected to its elbows by wires.
(Press P) Also, since it is a Mobile Armor for use in space, you will
notice that its Thruster Gauge is full and never depletes. Hence, it is
always flying. It has a wide range of Special Moves, which makes it one
of the most interesting bosses to play as. Note that the Neue Ziel can
turn around should its opponent get behind it. Simply move towards the
edge of the screen then perform the Heavy Tackle. The Neue Ziel will
fly off-screen, then back again, this time facing in the correct
direction. All its moves are damaging, and surprisingly, it even has a
Beam Saber. Its Mega-Special Attack is very devastating. The Neue Ziel
will fire a massive beam that sweeps across the screen twice for up to
over 40 hits!

{Special Moves}
Wire Arm Laser - (A) D,F + P
Wire Arm Saber - (A) F,D,B + P
Homing Missiles - (A) D,B + P
Heavy Tackle - (A) D,F + K

{Mega-Special Attack}
Mega Cannon - (A) F,D,F,D + P

===[ MRX-011 PSYCHO GUNDAM Mk III ]====================================

Series: The ORIGINAL Gundam: The Battle Master & part 2 and Gundam:
Battle Assault (This is an ORIGINAL Gundam found only in these games.)
Organization: UNKNOWN (The ORIGINAL Psycho Gundam and Mk II were both
part of the Titans (An elite force created by the Federation) in Mobile
Suit: Z (Zeta) Gundam. Later the Psycho Gundam Mk II became a part of
Axis (Renegades from the Principality of Zeon) in Mobile Suit: Gundam
ZZ (Double Zeta).) (Also Valdor Farkill is a member of the OZ (A secret
society) organization.)
Game Pilot: Valdor Farkill
Colors: 1) Black/Grey/Red
2) Grey/Grey/Tan

The Psycho Gundam Mk III is an original Mobile Suit created by the
game's designers. Its design seems to be based on the previous two
models (Psycho Gundam & Psycho Gundam Mk II). Therefore, they share the
same characteristics. The Psycho Gundam Mk III is a huge Mobile Suit
that is over 40 meters tall, and they all have lots of firepower. The
Mk III even has the Scattering Mega Particle Cannon, just like the
other two. The Psycho Gundam Mk III is one of the most powerful and
unfair character's in the whole game. It can practically walk right
through any attack, and its defense is extremely high! Furthermore, it
can even guard in the middle of getting hit by Specials, Mega-Specials,
or combos! All its moves are very powerful. For example, its Psycho
Blast Upper can kill an opponent immediately if all 4 hits connect!
Also, the reach for its Beam Sword is unbelievable! Overall, it's a
really cheap boss. Even its slow speed cannot keep it from being overly

{Special Moves}
Shoulder Cannon - (G/A) D,F + P
Large Beam Sword - (G) F,D,B + P
Psycho Blast Upper - (G) F,D,F + P

{Mega-Special Attack}
Scattering Mega Particle Cannon - (G) D,F,D,F + P

===[ OZ-15AGX HYDRA GUNDAM ]===========================================

Series: New Mobile Report: Gundam W (Wing) - G-Unit (Comic)
Organization: OZ (A secret society)
Game Pilot: Treize Khushrenada
Colors: 1) Red/White/Black
2) Red/White/Grey/Black

TREIZE KHUSHRENADA: With control of the infamous and secretive OZ
society, Treize seeks the betterment of all humanity by harnessing the
destructive forces he has unleashed through his noble pursuit of war.

The Hydra Gundam is Valdor Farkill's Mobile Suit from the G-Unit
comics. Although I have never read it before, I have seen them and I
know that it takes place some time in the year After Colony 195 on the
colony MO-V (Five). It is also a time when most Mobile Suits have the
ability to transform into different kinds of Mobile Armor. The Hydra
Gundam is one of the cheapest, fastest, and most powerful characters in
the game. First of all, it comes equipped with an EMF Shield. Just by
guarding normally, the Hydra Gundam will defend itself with the EMF
Shield, which will protects against all attacks, including beam &
missile projectiles, which will have no effect on it (works just like a
Barrier!). Furthermore, the Hydra Gundam has the ability to Sway, so
this makes it a very defensive character, since it is invulnerable to
projectile attacks when guarding, can also sway to avoid the
unblockable saber attacks. The Buster Cannon is also very unfair. It is
very quick, and uses Energy at a rate of 5 points per shot only! The
Shoulder Claw Beam Cannon is overly powerful, as it does nearly as much
damage as that of any character's Mega-Special Attack. Also, it is
accurate at finding its target. The Hydra-G's Beam Saber is also very
unfair. It takes a very short time to pull off, and the Saber will be
swung twice for plenty of damage! Lastly, the Hydra-G's Mega-Special
Attack looks straight out of those SNK fighting games. It performs a
rush combo, ending with an unblockable double saber slash. So, should
you manage to guard against this move, be sure to sway to avoid the
last few hits.

{Special Moves}
Buster Cannon - (G/A) D,F + P
Beam Saber - (G) F,D,B + P
Shoulder Claw Beam Cannon - (G) D,B + P

{Mega-Special Attack}
Hydra Waltz - (G) D,F,D,F + P

===[ Secret Characters ]===

With the exception of Char's Zaku II-S, the Secret Characters are
actually the opposite of what the bosses are. They are generally weak,
as they have very few moves, and do not have any Mega-Special Attacks.
They are merely in the game for fun, and normally can't be considered
as `serious' fighters to play with. (Unless you know how to use them
right) I would say that they are an added bonus for those who are fans
of the Gundam anime. However, if you know how to use them well, you can
still enjoy the game, and win a few fights while you are at it, too.

===[ RX-78 GUNDAM ]====================================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam (TV series)
Organization: Federal Forces (Earth Federation Space Force)
Game Pilot: Amuro Ray
Colors: 1) White/Blue/Red/Yellow
2) White/Blue

AMURO RAY: Amuro is a NewType pilot that considers the RX-78 Gundam to
be his personal property, although is really owned by the Federal
Forces. After killing another NewType pilot named Lalah Sun, which
happened to be the protege of Char Aznable. Soon a rivalry emerges
between the two NewTypes, which frequently distracts both from their
true ambitions.

GUNDAM: The RX-78 Gundam was produced at Jaburo on the Side 7 research
colony. The Gundam is only one of eight originally built prototypes. It
was designed to be a top of the line close combat Mobile Suit; it can
be used in space and also on the Earth.

The first Gundam of the whole Gundam series is hidden in the game. It
appeared in the first Gundam: The Battle Master game, but was taken
out, probably to be replaced by the Z-Gundam. However, it makes a
comeback here in the sequel, with all its old moves intact, but just a
different way of performing them. Overall, it is quite a weak fighter.
Its Cyber Shield requires Energy to fire the rifle shots, so once you
are out of ammo, this move becomes obsolete, and you will have to fight
a close-range battle for the remaining of the fight. However, the Cyber
Shield is a very damaging move, almost up to that of a typical Mega-
Special Attack. Be tactful when you use it.

{Special Moves}
Beam Rifle - (G/A) D,F + P
Beam Saber - (G) F,D,B + P
Cyber Shield - (G/A) F,D,F + P

===[ RX-93 U-GUNDAM ]==================================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam - Char's Counterattack (Movie)
Organization: Londo Bell (A special task force created by the Federal
Game Pilot: Amuro Ray
Colors: 1) Pure White/Grey/Black
2) Pearl White/Grey/Black

AMURO RAY: Amuro is a NewType pilot that considers the RX-78 Gundam to
be his personal property, although is really owned by the Federal
Forces. After killing another NewType pilot named Lalah Sun, which
happened to be the protege of Char Aznable. Soon a rivalry emerges
between the two NewTypes, which frequently distracts both from their
true ambitions.

Amuro Ray returns in the U-Gundam to face off against Char & his Sazabi
in a fight to the finish in space, in this Gundam movie. On an
interesting note, Char himself supplied the U-Gundam's Psycho Frame.
Was it his intention to arrange their final battle? Anyway, with this,
the U-Gundam was able to use Funnels, just like the baddies. The U-
Gundam's Fin Funnels look different from the conventional Funnels, and
in the game, it works differently, too. Each Fin Funnel only fires one
shot, instead of two, and they fire on the spot; that is, they do not
chase after their target. However, it seems that the Fin Funnels are
indestructible, as I have not seen them get destroyed before by anyone.
The U-Gundam's other move, the Jumping Knee Tackle, can be followed up
with certain attacks or combos after it connects.

{Special Moves}
Beam Rifle - (G/A) D,F + P
Beam Saber - (G) F,D,B + P
Jumping Knee Tackle - (G/A) D,F + K
Fin Funnel Launch - (G/A) B,D,F + P
Fin Funnel Attack - (G/A) D,F + P (After launching Fin Funnels)

===[ RB-79 BALL ]======================================================

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam - The 08th MS Team (OVA series)
Organization: Federal Forces (Earth Federation Space Force)
Game Pilot: Shiro Amada
Colors: 1) Blue/Red/Grey
2) Tan/Red/Black

SHIRO AMADA: Shiro has been a Federal Forces soldier for the entire war
and since its start has bared a grudge against the members of Zeon. Now
Shiro is in charge of the Kojima Battalion's 08th Mobile Suit Team that
has operations based on Earth.

BALL: With the lack of a sufficient number of RGM-79 GM Mobile Suits,
the Earth Federation Space Force decided to configure civilian space
pods into low grade Mobile Suit stand ins. Basically the Ball is very
cheap and low class combat vessel.

This is definitely the weakest character in the entire game. It is
small, weak, and has an extremely low defense. However, it is very very
good at combos, almost as good as the Acguy! You may want to just try
this guy for fun, but don't think of winning many battles with him. Its
180mm Cannon is very powerful, but uses 100 points of Energy per shot!
The Mining Drill is very quick, but does little damage. Good for ending
the Ball's chain combos for many hits, though. The Rotating Cannon
Attack is quite slow, and arcs at an angle, so you may miss your
opponent sometime.

{Special Moves}
180mm Cannon - (G/A) D,F + P
Mining Drill - (G/A) D,B + P
Rotating Cannon Attack - (G/A) D,B + K

===[ MS-06S CHAR'S ZAKU II-S (S-Class) (Commander Type) ]==============

Series: Mobile Suit: Gundam (TV series)
Organization: Principality of Zeon
Game Pilot: Char Aznable
Colors: 1) Red/Grey
2) Gold/Grey

CHAR AZNABLE: Char is the most famous ace pilot in Zeon, he is also a
member of Dozle Zabi's Space Attack Force. After facing in battle with
RX-78 Gundam a rivalry is spurred against Amuro Ray. Char is the son
Zeon Daikun, and is on a mission of vengeance against the Zabi family
that is thought to have killed his father. After infiltrating the
Principality of Zeon's military Char is able to engineer the death of
Garma Zabi. Dozle fires Char, and Char is soon recruited into Kishiria
Zabi's Mobile Assault Force. Char's ultimate goal is to guide humanity
into a new era of enlightenment.

CHAR'S ZAKU II-S: The Zaku II-S is a limited edition model, its main
attribute is high-performance. It was designed especially for company
commanders. The Zaku II-S is also equipped with a communications
antenna, and has a thruster output that is 30 percent faster than the
standard Zaku II. The two most well known pilots who were assigned this
rare Mobile Suit were Char Aznable and Anavel Gato. The Zaku II-S in
this game is Char's and thus features his trademark red color, which
sort of represents his nickname, the "Red Comet". (Anavel Gato's Zaku
II-S is Blue/Green/Gray.)

Basically, in the game Char's Zaku II-S is just a red colored Zaku II
with a new head design. But since this is Char's customized Zaku II-S,
it happens to be much more faster than the standard Zaku II, and is
even quicker than almost every other character in the game. Char's Zaku
II-S has all the same moves as that of the standard Zaku II, but
because of its speed, it is a lot more deadly, and can perform many
combos that the latter cannot.

{Extra Attacks}
Shoulder Tackle - (G) F + HK
Stamping - (A) D + HK

{Special Moves}
Zaku Machine Gun - (G/A) D,F + P
Heat Hawk - (G) F,D,B + P
Cracker - (G/A) D,B + P
Rising Tackle - (G/A) D,F, + K

{Mega-Special Attack}
Cracker Special - (G) D,F,D,F + P

===[ Game Play Tips ]==================================================

1) Whenever a move is performed, the character will flash, followed by
a comment made by the announcer. This is useful in telling when your
opponent makes his move. Aside from paying attention to what is
happening on-screen, you may also find it useful to listen for the
audio cues. Here are some examples: "You can't defend!" - Beam Saber-
type move performed. "Shoot you down!" - Long-range Projectile-type
move performed. "You're gonna die!" - Psycho Mk III's Psycho Blast
Upper, Neue Ziel's Heavy Tackle, Char's Zaku II-S's Rising Tackle, or
Ball's Rotating Cannon Attack. "Cracker Grenade!" - Zaku II & Char's
Zaku II-S's Cracker, or Hamma-Hamma's Hide Bomb. (Others are self-

2) The best way to destroy your opponent's Funnels is to wait for him
to make them attack you. This is the best time to fire at them, since
they will all charge at you close together in a bunch, so if you time
it right, you will be able to take out all of them with one shot.
Another way to make your opponent lose his Funnels is by making him
fall down.

3) Since you are allowed to perform 3 Mega-Special Attacks per fight,
and a Character has 3 Armor Gauges, try to standardize the usage of
your Mega-Specials, by using 1 Mega-Special on each Armor Gauge of your
opponent. Besides, it is not good to have any unused Mega-Specials left
at the end of the fight, as it is wasteful. Not everyone may be
comfortable with this tactic, though.

4) Be careful not to use your Energy too quickly. Though you start with
500 points of Energy, some characters use up plenty of Energy to shoot.
Try to conserve some for near the end of the match, or divide the usage
of Energy according to your opponent's 3 Armor Gauges. If you run out
of Energy early, you will have to indulge in close range combat for the
remaining of the match, if your character do not have any other long-
range attacks. Besides, when it comes to speed, the other long-range
attacks cannot compare to the normal beam rifle-type moves, which are
fired almost instantly.

5) If you do not have someone to play the VS Mode against, you can
press the "Select" Button on either player 1 or 2's controller to let
the CPU take control (on the Character Select Screen). Help the CPU to
choose its character, and start the fight. You will now be playing
against a CPU opponent. You can even watch 2 CPU characters fight it
out by pressing "SELECT" on both controllers. To disable the CPU, just
press "SELECT" again on the Character Select Screen. To change the
color of your Mobile Suit, simply hold down "START" when choosing it.

===[ Credits ]=========================================================

===[ Special Thanks ]===

Craig Allen (Slave69)
- For providing me with the new and correct code that is needed to play
as Char's Zaku II-S on Gundam: Battle Assault.

Dave A. (Webmaster of Cheat Code Central) (
- For letting me use the Game Shark Codes on his website.

Gundam Project (
- For some additional information on the Mobile Suits and Characters,
which I based some of my descriptions on.

- For his opinion of Gundam: Battle Assault's story, which I based the
"Reasons WHY GBA's Story may take place in an Alternate Universe
separate from the A.C. and U.C. timelines" on.

- For reminding me to add to my Introduction that the code to play as
Char's Zaku II-S has been changed from the original code used in
Gundam: The Battle Master 2.


===[ VERSION 3.5 ]===

This FAQ is an expansion of:

The ORIGINAL FAQ created By Kelvin Koh.

And the FAQ created By J. Sweigart.

John-Neil Hunter created this FAQ.

Created on: Thursday, November 30, 2000 11:30 pm Pacific (VERSION 1.0)
Monday, December 4, 2000 10:30 pm Pacific (VERSION 2.0)
Wednesday, December 6, 2000 10:00 pm Pacific (VERSION 2.5)
Monday, December 11, 2000 5:00 pm Pacific (VERSION 3.0)
Wednesday, December 20, 2000 9:00 pm Pacific (VERSION 3.5)

If anyone has any questions, comments, additional information,
criticisms, or if you have found a mistake, please feel free to e-mail


This Document Copyright (c) 2000 John-Neil Hunter. All Rights Reserved.


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