Metal Fatigue

Metal Fatigue

12.10.2013 07:52:15
Article Version.1.05 (14/Aug/2001 6:24)
by : GodHand (StEVANus Lioni) /

2.About Metal Fatigue
3.About Corponations (Rimtech, MilAgro and Neuropa)
4.Rimtech Combot Parts Desciptions
5.MilAgro Combot Parts Desciptions
6.Neuropa Combot Parts Desciptions
7.Units Desciptions
8.Structures Desciptions
9.Top 5 Combot Parts
10.Combots Formulate
14.Author Contact

* The default place to get this FAQ is through

I.DISCLAIMER (Important!)
No portion of this article can be used, edited, translated or
modificated for other article ,websites , books, FAQ, or magazines
without any permissions from GodHand. Please keep in mind that
unauthorized modification and duplication is illegal under
copyright law. Metal Fatigue developed by and published
by Psygnosis 1999. This article (c) Stevanus Lioni. This article
has no relation with the official stuffs. No parts of this article
can be sold. This article is for personal use only.

Warning to "GameGuide" and "GameStation" or whatever you are! I
live in Indonesia. I've read around that your bastard magazines
like to steal articles, images and codes from popular websites or
someone FAQ and translating them into a very spoiling article
without any respect. Making your magazines more famous, acting
like a master and ignoring the real writers like a piece of trash.
Can you guys feel it if you guys are the writers ? Let me tell
you something boys, if i found any parts of my FAQ somewhere in
your magazines, you guys are in "a darkness disaster". Just that..
and oh yes.. I AM NOT JOKING..

You are free to distribute this article for your websites as far as
you did not change anythings on the whole or any part of this
article and give the author a credit somewhere visible.

Metal Fatigue is a great RTS game with full 3D world and objects.
You dont need a 3D accelerator card to play this game but of course
its better if you have one. The story within this game is no less
than standard. But the idea behind the game design is great.
Maybe because i like robots games ? The 3D models and shape are
above standard. But i think they should learn more on modeling
robots. I like Front Mission much but still, Gundam is the best.

The bad things that i don't like are, there are no patches or
updates to fix some errors on the game. And no editor included in
the CD. You will get bored quickly if you play Skirmish for 3 or 4
days. So if you don't want to waste your money, i recommend you to
play Campaign mode which is far more fun than skirmish mode.

Please note that if you find some unfamiliar words within this
article, you may want to check the glossary below :

HP : Like in the RPG, its the Hit Points.
Kinetic Based : Damages caused by Bullets, Missiles , etc
Energy Based : Damages caused by Laser , Plasma , etc..
K / E : Kinetic / Energy
Metajoules : Consider this as the money you use in this
Metal Fatigue.
Battle-Field : This divided into 3, Orbit, Surface and
Att% : Attack Percentage
Def% : Defense Percentage
MP : Man-Power needed (Not the Mana Points!).
HTH : Hand-To-Hand or melee or close combat.

The reason why i write this damn reader-friendly article is to
provide you a detailed comparison between that corponations and
their combot parts. So you can choose the rightest corponation for
your suit and build your own combots formulate when playing
the Multiplayer game.

Their combots design are solid!. They are the most versatile
corponation, what i mean, they are balanced in defense, strength
and speed. If you want an easy-to-use corponation then you must
try the Rimtech first. What makes me likes Rimtech combots is,
they are the only one corponation that uses legs part for
jumpjets. Rimtech has weapons that only slant slightly more one
way or the other in terms of the kind of damage it delivers or
protection that it offers against Kinetic or Energy attacks

This corponation is rude. Yes, really damn violent. Most of their
combots are strong for both defense and attack. But somehow slow
than both Rimtech and Neuropa. MilAgro combots are specialy
designed to battle in close combat. Big, strong, brutal but slow.
MilAgro's weapons deliver mostly Kinetic damage, and their
defenses work best against Energy-based attacks.

Great shape on the combots! Neuropa technologies are somewhat far
surpassing both MilAgro and Rimtech. Their combots probobably weak
in defense, but their style is different. Stealth and Speed are
the most important for them. Takes a time to learn on how to use
their combots. Neuropa's weapons are made to deliver mostly
Energy damage and their shields mostly protect against Kinetic


< ARMS >

-> Basic Hand
Basic Hand is the most cheapest arm. So if you have few of money,
but want to improve your defense using combots...
Cost : 65 Hit Points : 112
Kinetic Defense % : 7 Energy Defense % : 7
Kinetic Attack % : 5 Energy Attack % : 5

-> Power Shield Arm
Will at least protect you from most of Energy based attacks. Its
pretty cheap, but high Hit Points.
Cost : 150 Hit Points : 450
Kinetic Defense % : 5 Energy Defense % : 25
Kinetic Attack % : 5 Energy Attack % : 5

-> Katana Arm
Just a standard arm with Katana sword. It have Kinetic based
attack which sometimes amputating enemy combot arms.
Cost : 200 Hit Points : 173
Kinetic Defense % : 20 Energy Defense % : 13
Kinetic Attack % : 20 Energy Attack % : 5

-> Laser Sword Arm
This is more strong than that Katana Arm. But this one is based
on Energy attack or defense.
Cost : 325 Hit Points : 224
Kinetic Defense % : 12 Energy Defense % : 20
Kinetic Attack % : 5 Energy Attack % : 35

-> Armor Fist Arm
This arm have Kinetic based attack but Energy based defense. Also
have high Hit Points. Armor Fist Arm are more often to cause
enemy combot parts destroyed than amputating them.
Cost : 375 Hit Points : 300
Kinetic Defense % : 13 Energy Defense % : 20
Kinetic Attack % : 40 Energy Attack % : 2

-> Energy Gun Arm
Like the name said, its a gun arm with Energy based attack.
Cost : 385 Hit Points : 145
Kinetic Defense % : 5 Energy Defense % : 12
Kinetic Attack % : 5 Energy Attack % : 30

-> Long Missile Arm
An expensive arm which took a while to create. But it have a very
long ranged attack for both Energy and Kinetic. Also took a while
to reload the missiles in the battle field. This is the most
damaging arm with Kinetic based long-range attack.
Cost : 1300 Hit Points : 145
Kinetic Defense % : 10 Energy Defense % : 5
Kinetic Attack % : 70 Energy Attack % : 35

< LEGS >

-> Basic Legs
Like basic arm, this the basic legs in any case if you want lots
of combots but require few money.. =)
Cost : 100 Hit Points : 114
Kinetic Defense % : 2 Energy Defense % : 2
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> Missile Legs
The only legs with long-ranged attack that Rimtech have.
Cost : 225 Hit Points : 119
Kinetic Defense % : 4 Energy Defense % : 1
Kinetic Attack % : 24 Energy Attack % : 8

-> Recon Legs
Legs that give your combots more visual radius and detecting
the enemies within the radius.
Cost : 225 Hit Points : 81
Kinetic Defense % : 5 Energy Defense % : 0
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> Blast Pulse Legs
This legs will repeatly create a small damaging rings around your
combots in a short period of time. Good for you melee combots.
Cost : 300 Hit Points : 114
Kinetic Defense % : 10 Energy Defense % : 1
Kinetic Attack % : 20 Energy Attack % : 4

-> HTH Upgrade Legs
This legs are pretty damn violent. It will upgrade you melee or
Hand-to-Hand attacks up to 50%. But its pretty weak in defense.

Cost : 475 Hit Points : 114
Kinetic Defense % : 3 Energy Defense % : 3
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> Jumpjets Legs
Damn! The only legs with flying device that other corponation
dont have. Yes, will give your combots an ability to fly. This
legs have pathetic Hit Points, and just a basic defense.
Cost : 500 Hit Points : 20 ??!!
Kinetic Defense % : 2 Energy Defense % : 2
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -


-> Basic Torso
The Basic Torso has no special features or abilities. It's just
a cheap, quick-to-build body frame that can accommodate any
appendage type.
Cost : 400 Hit Points : 179
Kinetic Defense % : 5 Energy Defense % : 5
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> Missile Torso
The only torso that Rimtech have for long-ranged Kinetic based
attacks. Quite useful sometimes.

Cost : 650 Hit Points : 175
Kinetic Defense % : 7 Energy Defense % : 2
Kinetic Attack % : 24 Energy Attack % : 8

-> Force Field Torso
Will repeatly create an invisible globe for your combots for a
second then it will automaticly recharge again. This torso are
very good for your flying combots.
Cost : 650 Hit Points : 140
Kinetic Defense % : 5 Energy Defense % : 10
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> EMP Torso
This torso will repeatly create a small damaging circle around
your combots in a short period of time. Good for you melee
Cost : 700 Hit Points : 188
Kinetic Defense % : 0 Energy Defense % : 8
Kinetic Attack % : 10 Energy Attack % : 25

-> Armor Torso
Armor Torso provide more defenses against both Energy or Kinetic
based attacks. It also have high Hit Points than other torso that
Rimtech have.
Cost : 850 Hit Points : 358
Kinetic Defense % : 20 Energy Defense % : 10
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -


< ARMS >

-> Basic Hand
Basic Hand is the most cheapest arm. So if you have few of money,
but want to improve your defense using lots of combots...
Cost : 65 Hit Points : 112
Kinetic Defense % : 7 Energy Defense % : 7
Kinetic Attack % : 5 Energy Attack % : 5

-> Axe Hand
With same price, you can get Axe Hand which is far more damaging
but slower than Rimtech's Katana Arm. Also able to cut enemy
combot arms sometimes.
Cost : 200 Hit Points : 204
Kinetic Defense % : 17 Energy Defense % : 25
Kinetic Attack % : 30 Energy Attack % : 2

-> BladeFist Arm
More stronger for both Attack and Hit Points than Axe Hand. But
a little bit weak for the defense.
Cost : 375 Hit Points : 300
Kinetic Defense % : 13 Energy Defense % : 20
Kinetic Attack % : 40 Energy Attack % : 2

-> Gattling Gun Arm
A very accurate long-range arm since it have no projectile in the
animation. So, use this if you want to eliminate all of those
annoying HoverJets or Bomber.
Cost : 385 Hit Points : 145
Kinetic Defense % : 3 Energy Defense % : 9
Kinetic Attack % : 31 Energy Attack % : 5

-> Hammer Arm
The most destructive melee arm that other corponation dont have.
I use this often when sendin' mass combots to the enemy base.
Fear the power of MilAgro! The arm of destruction!
Cost : 700 Hit Points : 335
Kinetic Defense % : 12 Energy Defense % : 20
Kinetic Attack % : 62 !! Energy Attack % : 7

-> Carpet Multi Bomb Arm
Its a long-ranged arm which will spread bombs in burst mode =).
Good for eliminating a group of ground units or for attacking
a huge objects like.... structures ?
Cost : 800 Hit Points : 181
Kinetic Defense % : 5 Energy Defense % : 10
Kinetic Attack % : 9 Energy Attack % : 1

< LEGS >

-> Basic Legs
Basic Legs have no special features or abilities. It's just a
cheap, fast pair of legs that will help you get a Combot
"up-and-running" in a hurry.
Cost : 100 Hit Points : 114
Kinetic Defense % : 2 Energy Defense % : 2
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> PowerShield Legs
This legs will create a small permanent rotating circle around
your combots which will protect your combots from energy based
attacks. So buy now! quickly! =)
Cost : 200 Hit Points : 188
Kinetic Defense % : 5 Energy Defense % : 20
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> PowerGun Legs
As the name said, its a legs with a gun. Will fire Kinetic damage
in a long-range.
Cost : 230 Hit Points : 130
Kinetic Defense % : 1 Energy Defense % : 7
Kinetic Attack % : 24 Energy Attack % : 4

-> Strength Legs
Most of MilAgro combot parts are BIG correct ? That's why their
combots are slow. This legs will speed up your combot up by 43%.
This legs also have a good defense for both Kinetic or Energy.
Cost : 275 Hit Points : 188
Kinetic Defense % : 10 Energy Defense % : 10
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> Steady Legs
This legs are special designed for close or hand-to-hand combat.
Your combot will have a better chance to cut or amputate enemy
combot parts. Just prepare your HoverTruck nearby.
Cost : 500 Hit Points : 238
Kinetic Defense % : 8 Energy Defense % : 12
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -


-> Basic Torso
Trust me, MilAgro need this torso. Thank God MilAgro have this
basic torso. Because this is the only torso that MilAgro have
with at least, high Hit Points.
Cost : 400 Hit Points : 179
Kinetic Defense % : 5 Energy Defense % : 5
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> Recon Torso
This torso have a same function with Rimtech's Recon Legs. Will
give your combot better visual radius. And detecting the enemies
within the radius.
Cost : 500 Hit Points : 163
Kinetic Defense % : 0 Energy Defense % : 8
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> Flak Torso
Flak Torso have same function with Gattling Gun Arm. In any case
if you want an alternative way to eliminate those flying
or Bombers.
Cost : 650 Hit Points : 175
Kinetic Defense % : 3 Energy Defense % : 12
Kinetic Attack % : 62 Energy Attack % : 10

-> JetPack Torso
Damn i hate this! Why they didnt produce this on Legs ? Oh by the
way, this torso will only give your combot an ability to fly. But
beware, it have a pathetic Hit Points and Defense.
Cost : 900 Hit Points : 20 (??!!)
Kinetic Defense % : 0 Energy Defense % : 4
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> Howitzer Torso
Damn expensive than any torso existed in this game. It took a
while to produce this part which sadly have low Hit Points. But
dont worry, other corponation dont have this veery long-ranged
devastating Torso!
Cost : 1200 Hit Points : 40
Kinetic Defense % : 2 Energy Defense % : 7
Kinetic Attack % : 62 Energy Attack % : 10


< ARMS >

-> Basic Hand
As the name implies, this is the most simple arm type and is
made available to all Corponations. It is relatively weak and
cheap It takes far less time to build than appendages.
Cost : 65 Hit Points : 112
Kinetic Defense % : 7 Energy Defense % : 7
Kinetic Attack % : 5 Energy Attack % : 5

-> K-Shield Arm
This is different compared to Rimtech's Power Shield Arm. It
seems Neuropa are paranoid or have traumatic moment to Kinetic
based attacks. =D
Cost : 150 Hit Points : 450
Kinetic Defense % : 25 Energy Defense % : 5
Kinetic Attack % : 5 Energy Attack % : 5

-> Electro Grip Arm
Its a melee type of arm. It is very rare to see a combot
equipped with this arm, amputating or cutting enemy combot parts.
Cost : 220 Hit Points : 185
Kinetic Defense % : 20 Energy Defense % : 12
Kinetic Attack % : 2 Energy Attack % : 25

-> Plasma Cannon Arm
The cheapest long-range arm you see here. This arm is pretty weak
for melee combat. But great in the beggining.
Cost : 225 Hit Points : 139
Kinetic Defense % : 7 Energy Defense % : 2
Kinetic Attack % : 2 Energy Attack % : 20

-> Homing Missile Arm
Again, a long-range arm you see here. But this baby likes to
chase the target. Good for your flying combots. =)
Cost : 370 Hit Points : 140
Kinetic Defense % : 10 Energy Defense % : 5
Kinetic Attack % : 7 Energy Attack % : 33

-> Power Fist Arm
Lets say this as the stronger version of their Electro Grip Arm
but different in defense. Deal ?
Cost : 375 Hit Points : 300
Kinetic Defense % : 12 Energy Defense % : 20
Kinetic Attack % : 2 Energy Attack % : 40

-> Rotary Electro Blade Arm
It have 2 names, so i just put them all =). This arm is a cruel
melee arm since it have Energy based attack. And sometimes
cutting or amputating enemy combot parts.
Cost : 500 Hit Points : 320
Kinetic Defense % : 15 Energy Defense % : 3
Kinetic Attack % : 12 Energy Attack % : 45

-> Sniper Beam Arm
From all arms on this game, this is the most expensive arm. And
will do a scary Energy based attack. Compared to Rimtech's Long
Missile Arm, this arm can shoot more far but more slower when it
comes to reload.
Cost : 1340 Hit Points : 125
Kinetic Defense % : 9 Energy Defense % : 3
Kinetic Attack % : 30 Energy Attack % : 100 !!!

< LEGS >

-> Basic Legs
Like basic arm, this the basic legs in any case if you want lots
of combots but require few money.. =)
Cost : 100 Hit Points : 114
Kinetic Defense % : 2 Energy Defense % : 2
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> Speed Legs
Other corponation have their combots walking, but Neuropa can
make their combots running! But still, if the combots equipped
with heavy body parts or arms, this legs will ended on walking.
Cost : 150 Hit Points : 100
Kinetic Defense % : 2 Energy Defense % : 2
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> Laser Legs
The only long-range legs that Neuropa have. And this legs also
have energy based attack, so think about it.
Cost : 220 Hit Points : 130
Kinetic Defense % : 1 Energy Defense % : 7
Kinetic Attack % : 5 Energy Attack % : 25

-> Armor Legs
This legs will give your combots more defense against Kinetic
based attacks.
Cost : 300 Hit Points : 244
Kinetic Defense % : 20 Energy Defense % : 5
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> Power Pulse Legs
Like Rimtech's Blast Pulse Legs, but this one have Energy based
attack and Kinetic based defense.
Cost : 300 Hit Points : 114
Kinetic Defense % : 10 Energy Defense % : 1
Kinetic Attack % : 10 Energy Attack % : 20

-> Sonar Legs
Yes, like other sonar parts, this legs gives your combots more
visual radius PLUS, an ability to reveal the Underground
topography. Furthermore, Sonar Legs have a relatively weak
defensive capability making them extremely vulnerable to enemy
Cost : 350 Hit Points : 125
Kinetic Defense % : 6 Energy Defense % : 0
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -


-> Basic Torso
Im tired of writing all of this "basic" stuffs. Its just a basic,
nothing special, you got it ?
Cost : 400 Hit Points : 179
Kinetic Defense % : 5 Energy Defense % : 5
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> Tracer Fire Torso
This is another version of MilAgro's Flak Torso. Good for
destroying enemy flying units.
Cost : 475 Hit Points : 146
Kinetic Defense % : 3 Energy Defense % : 12
Kinetic Attack % : 10 Energy Attack % : 62

-> Camo Area Cloak Torso
This torso is so damn kick ass. It will make units around your
combot and of course the combot it self will dissapear from
enemy sight, until your combot or the units within the cloak
radius are trying to attack or detected by Recon Poles.
Cost : 650 Hit Points : 81
Kinetic Defense % : 7 Energy Defense % : 2
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> Self Repair Torso
As the name said, another kick ass combot torso. If you have 2 or
3 combots guarding some location near your base, then it is wise
to equip them with this torso. This torso will slowly recharge
your combot Hit Points.
Cost : 800 Hit Points : 188
Kinetic Defense % : 15 Energy Defense % : 5
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

-> JetPack Torso
This torso will lets your combot fly instead of walk to its
destination. Like Rimtech's Jumpjets Legs, combots equipped with
this torso can avoid most ground impediments and can fly between
asteroids in the Orbit
Cost : 900 Hit Points : 20 !!!
Kinetic Defense % : 4 Energy Defense % : 0
Kinetic Attack % : - Energy Attack % : -

Dont underestimate the value of units. Even they are very weak
compared to combots, in the battle-field, they can cause a lot of
troubles. Flying units can be very annoying for your defense
structures, and dont forget, always send your ground units with
combots on the front.

< Ground >

Name Cost MP HP K/E Def% K/E Att%
Crew N/A 3 50 15/15 -
Missile Car 125 3 50 12/12 3 /2
Hover Truck 140 2 80 15/15 -
Tank 150 5 95 20/20 5 /2
Drill Truck 160 2 65 17/17 5 /1
Artillery 340 4 50 15/15 25/12
Nemesis 900 2 25 10/10 50/50

< Flying >

Name Cost MP HP K/E Def% K/E Att%
HoverJets 350 1 50 5 /5 4 /7
Bomber 700 6 40 7 /7 37/12


< PreBuild >
Name Cost MP HP K/E Def% K/E Att%
M-Converter 1200 0 1800 40/40 -
Energy Bank 200 0 700 10/40 -
Cyro Farm 450 0 1400 20/50 -
Vehicle Factory 650 11 1400 60/10 -
Defense Relay 275 0 700 10/40 -
Outpost 600 12 1400 15/50 -
Parts Factory 800 15 1600 40/30 -
Assembly 750 10 1300 50/20 -

< Mobile Wall >
Name Cost MP HP K/E Def% K/E Att%
Mobile Wall 150 2 150 90/90 -
Gun Turret 400 3 0 - 25/5
Laser Turret 400 3 0 - 2 /16
Missile Pod 250 5 0 - 12/2

< After Prebuild >
Name Cost MP HP K/E Def% K/E Att%
Recon Pole 80 0 45 5 /25 -
Solar Panel 150 0 100 5 /10 -
Hanger 1000 16 900 40/40 -
Research 1600 30 1300 10/50 -
AI Facility 2500 0 1250 20/50 -

< Point Defense >
Name Cost MP HP K/E Def% K/E Att%
Point Defense 800 15 600 50/50 0 /0
Def Disc Protector 500 0 50 0 /0 0 /0

< RailGun >
Name Cost MP HP K/E Def% K/E Att%
RailGun 2800 10 300 30/30 -
Recon Salvo 400 0 0 0 -
Tectonic Torpedo 2000 0 0 0 140/50
Neutron Bomb 3000 0 0 0 5 /87
Orbital Bomb 3000 0 0 0 215/50


< Arms (Melee) >
Name Cost HP K/E Def% K/E Att% Corp
Hammer Arm 700 338 12/20 62/7 MilAgro
Rotary Blade Arm 500 320 15/3 12/45 Neuropa
Blade Fist Arm 375 300 13/20 40/2 MilAgro
Armor Fist Arm 375 300 13/20 40/2 Rimtech
Power Fist Arm 375 300 12/20 2/40 Neuropa

< Arms (Ranged) >
Name Cost HP K/E Def% K/E Att% Corp
Sniper Beam Arm 1340 125 9 /3 30/100 Neuropa
Long Missile Arm 1300 145 10/5 70/35 Rimtech
Energy Gun Arm 385 145 5 /12 5 /30 Rimtech
Homing Missile Arm 370 140 10/5 7 /33 Neuropa
Carpet Bomb Arm 800 181 5 /10 9 /1 MilAgro

< Arms (Expensive) >
Name Cost HP K/E Def% K/E Att% Corp
Sniper Beam Arm 1340 125 9 /3 30/100 Neuropa
Long Missile Arm 1300 145 10/5 70/35 Rimtech
Carpet Bomb Arm 800 181 5 /10 9 /1 MilAgro
Hammer Arm 700 338 12/20 62/7 MilAgro
Rotary Blade Arm 500 320 15/3 12/45 Neuropa

< Arms (Hit Points) >
Name Cost HP K/E Def% K/E Att% Corp
Power Shield Arm 150 450 5 /25 5 /5 Rimtech
K-Shield Arm 150 450 25/5 5 /5 Neuropa
Hammer Arm 700 338 12/20 62/7 MilAgro
Rotary Blade Arm 500 320 15/3 12/45 Neuropa
Armor Fist 375 300 13/20 40/2 Rimtech

< Arms (Defense) >
Name Cost HP K/E Def% K/E Att% Corp
Power Shield Arm 150 450 5 /25 5 /5 Rimtech
K-Shield Arm 150 450 25/5 5 /5 Neuropa
Blade Fist Arm 375 300 13/20 40/2 MilAgro
Armor Fist Arm 375 300 13/20 40/2 Rimtech
Power Fist Arm 375 300 12/20 2/40 Neuropa

< Legs (Attack) >
Name Cost HP K/E Def% K/E Att% Corp
Laser Legs 220 130 1 /7 5 /25 Neuropa
Missile Legs 225 119 4 /1 24/8 Rimtech
Power Gun Legs 230 130 1 /7 24/4 MilAgro
Power Pulse Legs 300 114 10/1 10/20 Neuropa
Blast Pulse Legs 300 114 10/1 20/4 Rimtech

< Legs (Expensive) >
Name Cost HP K/E Def% K/E Att% Corp
Steady Legs 500 238 8 /12 - MilAgro
JumpJets Legs 500 20 2 /2 - Rimtech
HTH Upgrade Legs 475 114 3 /3 - Rimtech
Sonar Legs 350 125 6 /0 - Neuropa
Power Pulse Legs 300 114 10/1 10/20 Neuropa

< Legs (Hit Points) >
Name Cost HP K/E Def% K/E Att% Corp
Armor Legs 300 244 20/5 - Neuropa
Steady Legs 500 238 8 /12 - MilAgro
Strength Legs 275 188 10/10 - MilAgro
Power Shield Legs 200 188 5 /20 - MilAgro
Power Gun Legs 230 130 1 /7 - MilAgro

< Legs (Defense) >
Name Cost HP K/E Def% K/E Att% Corp
Armor Legs 300 244 20/5 - Neuropa
Power Shield Legs 200 188 5 /20 - MilAgro
Strength Legs 275 188 10/10 - MilAgro
Steady Legs 500 238 8 /12 - MilAgro
Power Pulse Legs 300 114 10/1 10/20 Neuropa

< Torso (Attack) >
Name Cost HP K/E Def% K/E Att% Corp
Howitzer Torso 1200 40 2 /7 90/20 MilAgro
Flak Torso 650 175 3 /12 62/10 MilAgro
Tracer Fire Torso 475 146 3 /12 10/62 Neuropa
EMP Torso 700 188 0 /8 10/25 Rimtech
Missile Torso 650 175 7 /2 24/8 Rimtech

< Torso (Expensive) >
Name Cost HP K/E Def% K/E Att% Corp
Howitzer Torso 1200 40 2 /7 90/20 MilAgro
JetPack Torso 900 20 0 /4 - MilAgro
JetPack Torso 900 20 4 /0 - Neuropa
Armor Torso 850 358 20/10 - Rimtech
EMP Torso 700 188 0 /8 10/25 Rimtech

< Torso (Hit Points) >
Name Cost HP K/E Def% K/E Att% Corp
Armor Torso 850 358 20/10 - Rimtech
Self Repair Torso 800 188 15/5 15/5 Neuropa
EMP Torso 700 188 0 /8 10/25 Rimtech
Basic Torso 400 179 5 /5 - *ALL*
Flak Torso 650 175 3 /12 62/10 MilAgro

< Torso (Defense) >
Name Cost HP K/E Def% K/E Att% Corp
Armor Torso 850 358 20/10 - Rimtech
Self Repair Torso 800 188 15/5 15/5 Neuropa
Flak Torso 650 175 3 /12 62/10 MilAgro
Tracer Fire Torso 475 146 3 /12 10/62 Neuropa
Force Field Torso 650 140 5 /10 - Rimtech

< Results >
Parts Category Winner
- Arms Melee MilAgro
- Arms Ranged Neuropa
- Arms Expensive Neuropa
- Arms Hit Points Rimtech
- Arms Defense Rimtech
- Legs Attack Neuropa
- Legs Expensive MilAgro
- Legs Hit Points Neuropa
- Legs Defense Neuropa
- Torso Attack MilAgro
- Torso Expensive MilAgro
- Torso Hit Points Rimtech
- Torso Defense Rimtech
Rimtech = 4
MilAgro = 4
Neuropa = 5

*Remember that some of combot parts have their own special ability
which is not judged here, so i recommend you to not believe this
results when choosing your corponation (for your suit), because this
is only analysis. The real different for each corponation can be
discovered in the real battle on Multiplayer game against an
experienced players. But.. Knowledge is power! >:O

You are free to submit your own "Combots Formulate" to
and please always give the detailed data like i do. Since you cannot
ALT-TAB this game, so the best way to have the detailed data of your
"Combots Formulate" is write them down on a paper. You can see the
detailed data when you click that combot, and put your mouse cursor
above it, then you'll see the statistics on the bottom of the screen.

- Melee 1
Torso : EMP Torso Arm 1 : Armor Fist
Legs : HTH Upgrade Legs Arm 2 : Laser Sword
HP : 827 K/E Def % : 28/51
K/E Long % : 0/0 K/E HTH : 99/85

- Melee 2
Torso : Armor Arm 1 : Laser Sword
Legs : HTH Upgrade Legs Arm 2 : Armor Fist
HP : 997 K/E Def % : 48/53
K/E Long % : 0/0 K/E HTH : 99/85

- Ranged 1
Torso : Missile Torso Arm 1 : Energy Gun
Legs : Missile Legs Arm 2 : Long Missile
HP : 585 K/E Def % : 26/20
K/E Long % : 202/133 K/E HTH : 16/16

- Ranged 2
Torso : Armor Arm 1 : Long Missile
Legs : Missile Legs Arm 2 : Long Missile
HP : 768 K/E Def % : 28/51
K/E Long % : 270/128 K/E HTH : 16/16

- Fly 1
Torso : Missile Torso Arm 1 : Long Missile
Legs : JumpJets Arm 2 : Energy Gun
HP : 486 K/E Def % : 24/21
K/E Long % : 99/73 K/E HTH : 10/10

- Fly 2
Torso : Force Field Arm 1 : Long Missile
Legs : JumpJets Arm 2 : Long Missile
HP : 451 K/E Def % : 27/22
K/E Long % : 231/115 K/E HTH : 16/16

- Melee 1
Torso : Flak Torso Arm 1 : Hammer Arm
Legs : Steady Legs Arm 2 : Hammer Arm
HP : 1090 K/E Def % : 35/64
K/E Long % : 77/12 K/E HTH : 155/17

- Melee 2
Torso : Howitzer Arm 1 : Hammer Arm
Legs : Strength Legs Arm 2 : Hammer Arm
HP : 905 K/E Def % : 36/57
K/E Long % : 112/25 K/E HTH : 155/17

- Ranged 1
Torso : Howitzer Arm 1 : CarpetBomb Arm
Legs : PowerGun Legs Arm 2 : GattlingGun Arm
HP : 497 K/E Def % : 11/33
K/E Long % : 192/37 K/E HTH : 12/12

- Ranged 2
Torso : Flak Torso Arm 1 : CarpetBomb Arm
Legs : PowerGun LEgs Arm 2 : CarpetBomb Arm
HP : 668 K/E Def % : 14/39
K/E Long % : 130/20 K/E HTH : 12/12

- Fly 1
Torso : JetPack Torso Arm 1 : Hammer Arm
Legs : Steady Legs Arm 2 : Hammer Arm
HP : 935 K/E Def % : 32/56
K/E Long % : 0/0 K/E HTH : 155/17

- Fly 2
Torso : JetPack Torso Arm 1 : CarpetBomb Arm
Legs : PowerShield Legs Arm 2 : GattlingGun Arm
HP : 535 K/E Def % : 13/43
K/E Long % : 50/7 K/E HTH : 12/12

- Melee 1
Torso : Self Repair Torso Arm 1 : ElectroBlade Arm
Legs : Armor Legs Arm 2 : ElectroBlade Arm
HP : 1073 K/E Def % : 65/16
K/E Long % : 0/0 K/E HTH : 34/130

- Melee 2
Torso : Self Repair Torso Arm 1 : ElectroBlade Arm
Legs : PowerPulse Legs Arm 2 : K-Shield Arm
HP : 1073 K/E Def % : 65/14
K/E Long % : 0/0 K/E HTH : 24/72

- Ranged 1
Torso : Area Cloak Torso Arm 1 : SniperBeam Arm
Legs : Armor Legs Arm 2 : Homing Missile
HP : 591 K/E Def % : 46/15
K/E Long % : 53/192 K/E HTH : 14/14

- Ranged 2
Torso : Area Cloak Torso Arm 1 : SniperBeam Arm
Legs : Sonar Legs Arm 2 : SniperBeam Arm
HP : 457 K/E Def % : 31/8
K/E Long % : 87/290 !! K/E HTH : 14/14

- Fly 1
Torso : JetPack Torso Arm 1 : SniperBeam Arm
Legs : Armor Legs Arm 2 : SniperBeam Arm
HP : 515 K/E Def % : 42/11
K/E Long % : 111/370 ??!! K/E HTH : 18/18

- Fly 2
Torso : JetPack Torso Arm 1 : SniperBeam Arm
Legs : Laser Gun Legs Arm 2 : SniperBeam Arm
HP : 401 K/E Def % : 23/13
K/E Long % : 120/416 !?!??!! K/E HTH : 18/18

< FUSION > (If you find these parts on the battle-field)
- Melee 1
Torso : Self Repair Arm 1 : Hammer Arm
Legs : HTH Upgrade Legs Arm 2 : Hammer Arm
HP : ??? K/E Def % : ??/??
K/E Long % : ??/?? K/E HTH : ??/??

- Melee 2
Torso : Self Repair Arm 1 : Hammer Arm
Legs : Armor Legs Arm 2 : Rotary Blade Arm
HP : ??? K/E Def % : ??/??
K/E Long % : ??/?? K/E HTH : ??/??

- Melee 3
Torso : Self Repair Arm 1 : MultiClaw Arm
Legs : Steady Legs Arm 2 : MultiClaw Arm
HP : ??? K/E Def % : ??/??
K/E Long % : ??/?? K/E HTH : ??/??

- Ranged 1
Torso : Howitzer Arm 1 : SniperBeam Arm
Legs : Armor Legs Arm 2 : Long Missile
HP : ??? K/E Def % : ??/??
K/E Long % : ??/?? K/E HTH : ??/??

- Ranged 2
Torso : Self Repair Arm 1 : GattlingGun Arm
Legs : Armor Legs Arm 2 : SniperBeam Arm
HP : ??? K/E Def % : ??/??
K/E Long % : ??/?? K/E HTH : ??/??

- Fly 1
Torso : Area Cloak Torso Arm 1 : Long Missile
Legs : JumpJets Legs Arm 2 : SniperBeam Arm
HP : ??? K/E Def % : ??/??
K/E Long % : ??/?? K/E HTH : ??/??

- Fly 2
Torso : Howitzer Arm 1 : GattlingGun Arm
Legs : JumpJets Legs Arm 2 : SniperBeam Arm
HP : ??? K/E Def % : ??/??
K/E Long % : ??/?? K/E HTH : ??/??

Please let me know by sendin' me the ??? data if you succeeded in
building this combots. Send them to

Q = Tell me the fastest way to defeat my enemy please ?
A = If you want a "high-risk" strategy, then use all of your money in
the PreBuild time to produce mass combots (with just some basic
parts). Then after the PreBuild time complete, quickly send em
all to your enemy base and quickly destroy their HoverTruck and
Vehicle Factory.

Q = Why my flying combots always die so fast ??
A = If you have your flying combots equiped with Long Missile or
Sniper Beam Arm, dont forget to set their control to STAY and
RANGED. If you can, equip them with some armor parts, like Armor
Legs or Armor Torso...

Q = Im tired of taking the parts from the battle-field using my Hover
Truck. IS there any alternative way ?
A = If you set a Hovertruck to patrol in an area where Combot parts
are lying in the field, in addition to repairing any units and
structures in their path, they will automatically pick up Combot
parts and place them in your Assembly Bay.

Q = Help! Im out of terrain space for my base !
A = Try to build your CyroFarm, Energy Bank, Research and AI Facility
on the underground. That will save some space for your base, dont
forget to guard them with your Mobile Walls.

Q = Which one is better ? Gun Turret or Laser Turret ?
A = Gun is based on Kinetic while Laser is based on Energy. But try
to use Gun Turret especially on the underground. Laser Turret
projectile sometimes have a conflict with other Mobile Walls.

Q = This damn Parts Factory are so slow!
A = If you feel like that, try to build that damn thing as much as you
can. I think 3 Parts Factory are enough because each factory will
build 1 queued parts automatically.

Q = Lava is drained ! No other resources! Help!
A = Build Solar Panel on the orbital asteroids. That way you don’t
need a cheat to get infinite money. Again, don’t forget to add
some Mobile Walls to guard them. And make sure you put a
Point Defense near there.

Q = How the hell can i capture that alien Hedocth structure ?
A = Use your Drill Truck.

Q = What is the best Corponation ?
A = Well i can't tell you this because each person have their own
reason. Personaly, i like them all, depending what corponation
do my opponent use. But i usually use MilAgro.

Q = Is there any way to share my technologies with my ally ?
A = If both of you and yer ally are agree, then you can simply drop
your combots arms and let their HoverTruck to take em to their
Assembly Bay.

Q = What is your favorite combot parts ?
A = Humm... I like Rimtech's Jumpjets Legs. But Neuropa Self-Repair
Torso are also yummy... and... Can't think about it, sorry..

Q = Why are you writing an article for this un-popular game ?
A = Metal Fatigue is a popular game, but they are nothing if compared
to Diablo 2, Baldur's Gate or Black & White. The reason why,
because i like robots games and i like to collect and play them.

The official Metal Fatigue website. Not much here, you know lah..
official sites always like that.

This is semi-official website of Metal Fatigue.

The official Metal Fatigue developer website.

This is great. The only one Metal Fatigue fan site. Easy navigation
and cool contents.

This is what you need if you want to play MultiPlayer game.

The one and only... the largest place for you to get lots of article
about Video Games written by talented gamers.

My personal homepage.. =) Nothing related to Metal Fatigue. It's


- God
For anything, and also for letting me keep alive until now.

- My Hand
This is what i need to write this damned article.

- Psygnosis and Zono
Thanks for making this great game, hope you guys release the sequel
game coz im sure there will be no expansion pack for this game.=)

- MetalFatigue.Net
For the detailed information about each parts special function.

- You
Dear readers for reading my article. =) Thank you very much.

Stevanus Lioni (Evan) / GodHand
Taman Villa Baru B-16. Bekasi Selatan.
Jawa Barat. 17148. 885-3868

* Don't ask me about walkthrough for this game. Make sure you did not
ask something that already answered here. Peace...
You cannot kill what is already dead....

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