Sky Odyssey

Sky Odyssey

16.10.2013 09:33:15


Auto Gyro:
Successfully complete all levels in sky canvas mode
with more than 90 points.

Accumulate enough acrobatic points in adventure Mode
to have ten of your mission grades marked with circles.

Quick landing stop:
Press Down slightly once your landing gear is on the ground, then repeatedly rock your wings from side to side.

Gold UFO:
Successfully complete all levels in target mode
with a gold rank.

Successfully complete adventure mode.

Silver UFO:
Successfully complete all levels in the adventure mode
with an A rank.

Stealth fighter:
Successfully complete all levels in adventure mode
with a total time of 10 minutes.

Shinden part locations:
The four Shinden parts are hidden throughout the adventure mode
on alternate landing strips. Land at the strips to collect the parts.
Note: Unlock the Special Radar in target mode to make it
easier to find the landing strips.

Successfully complete the Stormy Seas level by landing
on an aircraft carrier. The pontoons will allow your aircraft
to land on the water.

Custom parts:
Complete the adventure mode levels with at least
a B rank to unlock custom parts.

Target mode medals:
Successfully complete the game in target mode to earn
medals which can be traded for optional features:
Radio: 4 Gold medals
Music Tracks (12): 1 Silver medal per track
Special Radar upgrade: 2 Gold medals
New emblems in customize aircraft mode: 2 Silver medals
Unlimited boost for jets: 2 Gold medals

Lost map piece locations:
There are four lost map pieces scattered around the islands.
They are located at Take the Low Road, The Labyrinth, The Ancient Forest,
and Over the Falls. The order that the maps are collected will determine
which level will follow. Play adventure mode three times with
a different combination to get through all three levels:
Take the Low Road, The Labyrinth, The Ancient Forest,
Over the Falls, The Valley of Fire
The Labyrinth, Take the Low Road, The Ancient Forest,
Over the Falls, The Valley of Fire
Take the Low Road, The Labyrinth, Over the Falls,
The Ancient Forest, The Great Falls
The Labyrinth, Take the Low Road, Over the Falls,
The Ancient Forest, The Great Falls
Take the Low Road, The Ancient Forest, The Labyrinth,
Over the Falls, A Tight Squeeze, Maximus
The Labyrinth, Over the Falls, Take the Low Road,
The Ancient Forest, A Tight Squeeze, Maximus
Adventure cards:
Card Name Unlocked by
1 The Adventure Begins Complete Adventure Begins two times
2 The Desert Express Complete Desert Express two times
3 Take the Low Road Complete Take the Low Road two times
4 The Labyrinth Complete The Labyrinth two times
5 Stormy Seas Complete Stormy Seas two times
6 Blown Away Complete Blown Away two times
7 The Great Divide Complete The Great Divide two times
8 Relief from Above Complete Relief from Above two times
9 The Ancient Forest Complete Ancient Forest two times
10 Mid-Air Rendezvous Complete MidAir Rendezvous two times
11 Heart of the Mine Complete Heart of the Mine two times
12 Towers of Terror Complete Towers of Terror two times
13 S.O.S. Complete S.O.S. two times
14 Over the Falls Complete Over the Falls two times
15 Storm Before the Calm Complete Storm Before Calm two times
16 A Tight Squeeze Complete A Tight Squeeze two times
17 The Valley of Fire Complete Valley of Fire two times
18 The Great Falls Complete The Great Falls two times
19 Maximus Complete Maximus two times
20 The Adventure Begins Complete Adventure Begins one time
21 The Desert Express Complete Desert Express one time
22 Take the Low Road Complete Take the Low Road one time
23 The Labyrinth Complete The Labyrinth one time
24 Stormy Seas Complete Stormy Seas one time
25 Blown Away Complete Blown Away one time
26 The Great Divide Complete The Great Divide one time
27 Relief from Above Complete Relief from Above one time
28 The Ancient Forest Complete Ancient Forest one time
29 Mid-Air Rendezvous Complete MidAir Rendezvous one time
30 Heart of the Mine Complete Heart of the Mine one time
31 Towers of Terror Complete Towers of Terror one time
32 S.O.S. Complete S.O.S. one time
33 Over the Falls Complete Over the Falls one time
34 Storm Before the Calm Complete Storm Before Calm one time
35 A Tight Squeeze Complete A Tight Squeeze one time
36 The Valley of Fire Complete Valley of Fire one time
37 The Great Falls Complete The Great Falls one time
38 Maximus Complete Maximus one time
39 Bf-109 Complete Maximus with Bf-109
40 Bf-109 Complete Maximus with Bf-109
41 Swordfish Complete Maximus with Swordfish
42 Swordfish Complete Maximus with Swordfish
43 Pulse Jet Complete Maximus with Pulse Jet
44 Pulse Jet Complete Maximus with Pulse Jet
74 Special Framed Card All other cards earned
75 Special Framed Card All other cards earned
76 Special Framed Card All other cards earned
69 Movie Card Get 2000 Acrobatic Points
70 Movie Card Get 3000 Acrobatic Points
71 Movie Card Get 4000 Acrobatic Points
72 Movie Card Get 6000 Acrobatic Points
73 Movie Card Get 8000 Acrobatic Points
45 Swordfish Custom Unlock Swordfish triplane
46 Swordfish Custom Unlock Swordfish triplane
47 Bf-109 Custom Unlock Bf-109 custom parts
48 Bf-109 Custom Unlock Bf-109 custom parts
49 Pulse Jet Test Type Unlock Pulse Jet custom parts
50 Pulse Jet Test Type Unlock Pulse Jet custom parts
51 Me262 Unlock Me262
52 Me262 Unlock Me262
53 F4U Corsair Unlock F4U Corsair
54 F4U Corsair Unlock F4U Corsair
55 F117 Unlock Stealth Jet
56 F117 Unlock Stealth Jet
57 Shinden Unlock Shinden
58 Shinden Unlock Shinden
59 Shinden-kai Unlock Shinden-kai
60 Shinden-kai Unlock Shinden-kai
61 Autogyro XG-1 Unlock Autogyro
62 Autogyro XG-1 Unlock Autogyro
63 UFO Type Gold Unlock gold UFO
64 UFO Type Gold Unlock gold UFO
65 UFO Type Silver Unlock silver UFO
66 UFO Type Silver Unlock silver UFO
67 Pontoon Plane Unlock Pontoons
68 Pontoon Plane Unlock Pontoons


Auto Gyro:
Beende alle Level im Sky Canvas Modus mit mehr als 90 Punkten.

Sammele genügend Akrobatik-Punkte im Adventure Modus, damit 10 Deiner Missionsgrade mit Kreisen markiert sind.
Schneller Stopp bei der Landung:
Wenn Dein Fahrwerk den Boden berührt, drücke sanft Runter und bewege Deine Flügel kontinuierlich von der einen
auf die andere Seite.
Gold Ufo:
Beende alle Level im Target Modus mit einer Gold-Platzierung.
Beende den Adsventure Modus erfolgreich.
Silber Ufo:
Beende alle Level im Adventure Modus mit einer A Platzierung.
Heimliche Kämpfer:
Beende alle Level im Adventure Modus mit einer Gesamtzeit von 10 Minuten.
Shinden Parts:
Die 4 Shinden Parts sind im Adventure Modus auf verschiedenen Landebahnen versteckt. Lande auf ihnen, um sie
Wenn Du im Target Modus das Spezialradar ausschaltets, findest Du die Landebahnen leichter.
Beende den Stormy Seas Level erfolgreich, indem Du auf einem Flugzeugträger landest. Die Ponteinmaln erlauben
Deinem Flugzeug, auf dem Wasser zu landen.
Custom Parts:
Beende die Level des Adventure Modus mit mindestens einer B Platzierung.
Medaillen im Target Modus:
Beende den Target Modus erfolgreich, um Medaillen zu erhalten, die Du gegen folgende gegenstände tauschen kannst:
>Radio: 4 Goldmedaillen

Music Tracks > (12): 1 Silvermedaille pro Track
>Spezial Radar Steigerung: 2 Gold-
>Neue Embleme im Custumize Aircraft Modus: 2 Silbermedaillen
>Unbegrenzter Boost für Jets: 2 Gold- medaillen
Verlorene Kartenstücke:
Es sind 4 verlorene Kartenstücke über die Insel verstreut.
Sie befinden sich auf Take the Low Road, The Labyrinth, The Ancient Forest, and Over the Falls.

Die Reihenfolge, in der die Stücke gefunden werden, legt fest, welche Level folgen werden. Spiele den Adventure
Modus 3 Mal mit unterschiedlicher Kombination, durch die 3 Level zu kommen:
Take the Low Road, The Labyrinth, The Ancient Forest, Over the Falls, The Valley of Fire
The Labyrinth, Take the Low Road, The Ancient Forest, Over the Falls, The Valley of Fire
Take the Low Road, The Labyrinth, Over the Falls, The Ancient Forest, The Great Falls
The Labyrinth, Take the Low Road, Over the Falls, The Ancient Forest, The Great Falls
Take the Low Road, The Ancient Forest, The Labyrinth, Over the Falls, A Tight Squeeze, Maximus
The Labyrinth, Over the Falls, Take the Low Road, The Ancient Forest, A Tight Squeeze, Maximus

Kartenname - freigesschaltet durch:

1 The Adventure Begins Komplett - das Abenteuer beginnt 2mal.
2 The Desert Express Komplett - Desert Express 2mal
3 Take the Low Road Komplett - Take the Low Road 2mal
4 The Labyrinth Komplett - The Labyrinth 2mal
5 Stormy Seas Komplett - Stormy Seas 2mal
6 Blown Away Komplett - Blown Away 2mal
7 The Great Divide Komplett - The Great Divide 2mal
8 Relief from Above Komplett - Relief from Above 2mal
9 The Ancient Forest Komplett - Ancient Forest 2mal
10 Mid-Air Rendezvous Komplett - MidAir Rendezvous 2mal
11 Heart of the Mine Komplett - Heart of the Mine 2mal
12 Towers of Terror Komplett - Towers of Terror 2mal
13 S.O.S. Komplett - S.O.S. 2mal
14 Over the Falls Komplett - Over the Falls 2mal
15 Storm Before the Calm Komplett - Storm Before Calm 2mal
16 A Tight Squeeze Komplett - A Tight Squeeze 2mal
17 The Valley of Fire Komplett - Valley of Fire 2mal
18 The Great Falls Komplett - The Great Falls 2mal
19 Maximus Komplett - Maximus 2mal
20 The Adventure Begins Komplett - Adventure Begins einmal
21 The Desert Express Komplett - Desert Express einmal
22 Take the Low Road Komplett - Take the Low Road einmal
23 The Labyrinth Komplett - The Labyrinth einmal time
24 Stormy Seas Komplett Stormy Seas einmal
25 Blown Away Komplett - Blown Away einmal
26 The Great Divide Komplett - The Great Divide einmal
27 Relief from Above Komplett Relief from Above einmal time
28 The Ancient Forest Komplett - Ancient Forest einmal
29 Mid-Air Rendezvous Komplett - MidAir Rendezvous einmal
30 Heart of the Mine Komplett - Heart of the Mine einmal
31 Towers of Terror Komplett - Towers of Terror einmal
32 S.O.S. Komplett - S.O.S. einmal
33 Over the Falls Komplett - Over the Falls einmal
34 Storm Before the Calm Komplett - Storm Before Calm einmal
35 A Tight Squeeze Komplett - A Tight Squeeze einmal
36 The Valley of Fire Komplett - Valley of Fire einmal
37 The Great Falls Komplett - The Great Falls einmal
38 Maximus Komplett - Maximus einmal
39 Bf-109 Komplett - Maximus mit Bf-109
40 Bf-109 Komplett - Maximus mit Bf-109
41 Swordfish Komplett - Maximus mit Swordfish
42 Swordfish Komplett - Maximus mit Swordfish
43 Pulse Jet Komplett - Maximus mit Pulse Jet
44 Pulse Jet Komplett - Maximus mit Pulse Jet
74 Special Framed Karte - alle anderen erhaltenen Karten
75 Special Framed Karte alle anderen erhaltenen Karten
76 Special Framed Karte - alle anderen erhaltenen Karten
69 Movie Karte - Bekomme 2000 Akrobatic Punkte
70 Movie Karte - Bekomme 3000 Akrobatic Punkte
71 Movie Karte Bekomme 4000 Akrobatic Punkte
72 Movie Karte - Bekomme 6000 Akrobatic Punkte
73 Movie Karte - Bekomme 8000 Akrobatic Punkte
45 Swordfish Custom - Schaltet Swordfish triplane frei
46 Swordfish Custom - Schaltet Swordfish triplane frei
47 Bf-109 Custom - Schaltet Bf-109 custom parts frei
48 Bf-109 Custom - Schaltet Bf-109 custom parts frei
49 Pulse Jet Test Type - Schaltet Pulse Jet custom parts frei
50 Pulse Jet Test Type - Schaltet Pulse Jet custom parts frei
51 Me262 - Schaltet Me262 frei
52 Me262 - Schaltet Me262 frei
53 F4U Corsair - Schaltet F4U Corsair frei
54 F4U Corsair - Schaltet F4U Corsair frei
55 F117 - Schaltet Stealth Jet frei
56 F117 - Schaltet Stealth Jet frei
57 Shinden - Schaltet Shinden frei
58 Shinden - Schaltet Shinden frei
59 Shinden-kai - Schaltet Shinden-kai frei
60 Shinden-ka - i Schaltet Shinden-kai frei
61 Autogyro XG-1 - Schaltet Autogyro frei
62 Autogyro XG-1 - Schaltet Autogyro frei
63 UFO Type Gold - Schaltet gold UFO frei
64 UFO Type Gold - Schaltet gold UFO frei
65 UFO Type Silver - Schaltet silver UFO frei
66 UFO Type Silver - Schaltet silver UFO frei
67 Pontoon Plane - Schaltet Pontoons frei
68 Pontoon Plane - Schaltet Pontoons frei

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Cards FAQ

13.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
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11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
24.Февраль 2018
04.Март 2019