MX 2002: Featuring Ricky Carmichael

MX 2002: Featuring Ricky Carmichael

14.10.2013 08:45:35

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MX2002 - Featuring Ricky Carmichael
Playstation 2
FAQ - by Caelum
Why no more e-mail address? Go to credits.

Lovely art by: Flip Mode (

7-09-01, ver. 1.01
7-11-01, ver. 1.02
7-15-01, ver. 1.03
7-17-01, ver. 1.04
7-24-01, ver. 1.05
7-27-01, ver. 1.06

**-=Table of Contents=-**

1) Introduction
2) Controls
3) Riders
4) Trick List
5) Track List
6) Challenges
7) Career Tips
8) Tips & Tricks
9) Song/Sponsor List
10) Replays
11) FAQ
12) Credits/Contact

1) *-=Introduction=-*

MX2002 feat. Ricky Carmichael is a wonderful addition to a lackluster
library of motocross games. This game, in my mind, truly does the sport
justice. The graphics are great, draw-in distance is incredible, sound
is decent, and control is superb. Any fan of the sport should stop
reading this FAQ and run to the nearest store to pick it up. If you
are skeptical, at least rent it because you might be pleasantly

There are multiple modes of play. First you have EXHIBITION, in which
you pick a real life rider and race against up to 6 other computer
players on a chosen track. There is also FREESTYLE, wherein you can
bust it big in tracks specifically designed for throwing down tricks.
The main part of the game is CAREER, in which you create your own
rider (outfit, name, and number) and try to climb up the ranks of
the amateur, pro125, and pro250 classes. If you have a friend over,
you can try to school him in MULTIPLAYER. You and your buddy can race
head to head, or try to out-trick each other in freestyle mode.

Another little bonus are the CHALLENGES. Altough somewhat hidden away
in the OPTIONS menu, these can be quite tricky and challenging.
Challenges range from doing a four-trick combo to pulling off a full
blown 720 in mid-air. For completing each Challenge you get a nice
(albeit short) video clip of either racing or freestyle riders at
their best.

2) *-=Controls=-*

Digital Pad - pitch left/right
Left Analog - pitch left/right
Right Analog - Fwrd. Gas, Bkwd. Brake

X Button - Gas
 Button - Brake
O Button - Stunts (in air only)
Triangle - Stunts (in air only)

L1 - Clutch
L2 - Preload/Stunt
R1 - Powerslide
R2 - Preload/Stunt

L1+L2+R1+R2 - forced bail
L2 + R2 - Low jump, tap at takeoff

CLUTCH - using the clutch can mean the difference between 1st and 2nd
place. At the start, hold it down and hold down X. Right before it
says GO! release your clutch for a burst of speed. Also, coming out
of a slow turn can warrant the use of your clutch to get back to
speed. In addition, while in mid-air, hold the clutch down and hold
down X. When you land release the clutch and with practice you will
resume at the speed you left the jump at.

PRELOAD - When you are on the face of a jump hold down either L2 or
R2 to preload. The red/yellow/green meter in the bottom-right of your
HUD is the preload meter. The more it is filled up the more air you
will get. Remember, sometimes it is not smart to preload a jump, as
you might overclear it. Before racing any track in career mode always
practice on it to make sure you know how to take every jump.

POWERSLIDE - I don't use it much, I assume you won't either. Just
brake before every sharp/hairpin turn and you should make it okay.
If you feel yourself not turning sharp enough go ahead and use the
powerslide in junction with brake or gas.

3) *-=Riders=-*


a) Ricky Carmichael (4)
b) John Dowd (16)
c) Kevin Windham (14)
d) Mike LaRocco (5)
e) Larry Ward (10)
f) Damon Huffman (20)
g) Greg Albertyn (8)
h) Ezra Lusk (11)
i) Ryan Hughes (120)
j) Jeff Emig (3)
k) Casey Johnson (27)
l) Tallon Vohland (22)
m) Brock Sellards (18)
n) Nick Wey (23)
o) Nathan Ramnsey (28)
p) Ernesto Fonseca (25)
q) Casey Lyte (57)
r) Matt Walker (59)
s) David Pingree (46)
t) Rodrig Thain (32)
u) James Stewart (259)


a) Mike Jones (MAD MIKE)
b) Mike Cinqmars
c) Carey Hart
d) Kris Rourke
e) Jeremy Stenberg (Twitch)
f) Kris Garwusiak
g) Jeff Tilton
h) Tommy CLowers (Tomcat)
i) Trevor Vines

4) *-=Trick List=-*

To do a trick get some air and hold down either L2 or R2 and press
the button combinations. Do combos and add in a back/front flip and
you can score high with the best of 'em.

Hart Breaker (backflip): hold DOWN on left analog/digital pad
Suicide Flip (frontflip): hold UP on left analog/digital pad

Indian Air - X
Superman Seatgrab - X + X
Superman Indian - X + X + X
Superfly - X + X + Triangle
Mulisha Air - X + 
Rocket Air - X + O
Cat Nac - X + O + O
Hart Attack - X + Triangle
Helicopter - X + Triangle + Triangle
Nac Nac - 
Can Can -  + 
Disco Can -  +  + 
Switchblade -  + X
Pendulum -  + O
Catwalk -  + Triangle
Surfer -  + Triangle + Triangle
Heel Clicker - Triangle
Bar Hop - Triangle + Triangle
McMetz - Triangle + Triangle + Triangle
Rodeo Air - Triangle + X
Saran Wrap - Triangle + 
Coffin - Triangle + O
No Hander - O
Kiss of Death - O + O
Lazy Boy - O + X
Nothing - O + 
Cliff Hanger - O + Triangle
Cordova - O + Triangle + Triangle

*Did anyone else notice that the Rocket Air is in fact just a regular
superman and that there is no rocket air? Weird.*

Sorry, no No-Hander Landers (or sterilizers for that matter). I think
that's it's ridiculous they show videos of guys doing no-hander
landers, but they don't allow you to do them in the game.

5) *-=Track List=-*

Race Tracks:

a) Construction Site
b) Glen Helen
c) Hangtown
d) Kenworthy
e) Loretta Lynn
f) Louisiana Supercross
g) Michigan Supercross
h) Rock Quarry
i) Southwick
j) Spring Creek
k) THQ U.S. Open
l) Truckee
m) Unadilla
n) Yukon
o) Anaheim Supercross

Freestyle Tracks:

a) San Diego Freestyle
b) Shaffer Arena
c) Vulture Gulch Canyon
d) Warehouse Freestyle
e) Bus Jump
f) High Jump (Step-up)
g) Las Vegas Freestyle

6) *-=Challenges=-*

a) Ricky Racing - Get the hole shot and keep first place for the whole
race, playing as Ricky. (exhibition, 3 laps, normal)

go to the construction site after you get good and it should be easy

b) Crash and Win - crash 3 times w/o bailing and still win race
(exhibition, 3 laps, normal)

only try this when you're comfortable with the course

c) Front and Back - pull a bar hop to seat grab and land it (freestyle,
competition, normal, 3 mins)

easy, get comfortable with tricks and it should be no problem

d) Las Vegas Steady Stunter - achieve 20,000 in L.V. without crashin
(competition, 3 mins, normal)

very easy, just do double backflips with tricks

e) Tutorials - Complete all four tutorials


f) Champion Motocross Racer - win THQ US Open (career)

7 laps is tough, but with practice...
Tip: after the finish line, you do a hairpin turn, then there is
a series of weird jumps. Take the small small jump, and barely gas
it up the big one. Then you will see a triple if front of you.
Take it as a double, then roll over the third hump.

g) Twenty Tricks - perform 20 tricks (freestyle comp, normal, 3 mins)

San Diego is easy, just use a trick list

h) Iron Man - Win a race under 20 mins (exhibition, normal, 125 or 250)

Okay this description is confusing. What it means is instead of
laps you set the duration to 20 mins and race until the 20 mins
is up. Choose an easy course and it's very easy. I was a minute
ahead of 2nd place when I finished, and I was busting tricks the
whole way.

i) Step-up Master - earn 10,000 Points in Step-up (normal, comp)

I got this without even knowing; that's how easy it is

j) High Jump Master - Clear 60 feet in Step-Up (comp, normal)

Easy, if you have problems wait till you ride a 250

k) Bus Jump Master - earn 10,000 points in Bus Jump (comp, normal)

These "master" things aren't too tough...

l) Long Jump Master - Clear 160 Feet in Bus Jump (comp, normal)

This one is tough! Good luck trying, if you have trouble, check
out the tips and tricks section

m) Super Stunter - Perform a stunt worth 2,000 or more (freestyle,
3 mins)

If you can't do this I'm ashamed of you

n) Wheelie Maniac - Perform a 3 second wheelie

Hold the clutch, give gas, release clutch and hold back. Adjust
yourself when you need to. This one's a little tricky at first.

UPDATE - you don't actually have to hold the clutch. Just stop,
hold back and give a little gas. Remember, control of the throttle
is just as important and control of your rider.

o) Stupendous Stoppie - Perform a 3 second stoppie

Get some speed (maybe like 10) and slam the brake while holding
foward. Let your rider almost fall back, then hold up. Easy.
If you are having trouble check the tips & tricks section.

p) Amateur Sweep - win every race in Amateur circuit (career)

If you don't finish first, well, restart!

q) Steady - win without crashing on three consecutive career races

With the annoying A.I. this is one of the hardest, keep clear of
the other riders, as they like to jump on your head.

r) Quick Starter - get holeshot on 3 consecutive career races

Get used to the weird clutch and it should be easy

s) Goon Rider - Perform 1000+ points of stunts in a race (career)

Be a goon!

t) Combo King - perform a 4-trick combo

Ride the biggest jump you can find, and do the quickest tricks
(nac nac, heel clicker, no hander, and indian air)

u) Hang Time - Get 4 seconds of hang time in a single jump

Preload and let it rip! Best place: Vegas, Shaffer, Bus Jump

v) Floater - accumulate a minute of hang time in 3 mins of San Diego

Hard, just keep preloading and hope for the best

w) 720 - Perform a 720

HARD. I can't do it. My only challenge left. If anyone has done
it please e-mail me and I will give you accolades in my FAQ.
*UPDATE* Several people have e-mailed/talked to me, and now I have
done it! Check the tips and tricks section for help.

x) Hart Breaker - Perform a hart breaker with Carey Hart

Easy, um just make sure you choose Carey

7) *-=Career Tips=-*

I am not going to walk you trough the WHOLE career, because it is
pretty much self-explanatory. But I am here to give you some pointers
that helped me through the game. (Feel free to mail me some of your
pointers too)

Your amateur/pro 125 career will be 8 weeks long (3 are amateur).
After you beat that you can race another 8 week career, but this
time in 250cc mode.

a) Save! - I can't stress this enough. Even though the game has an
"auto-save" feature, it does NOT save your progress. If you want to
stop playing please save your game first! A good way to check if you
saved your PROGRESS is to select "quit" from the career menu. If it
asks you "yes/no" then you did NOT save your progress. If it goes
straight to the main menu than you are good to go.

b) Practice - Practice on each track at least for 2 laps before you
race. Some of the jumps don't require pre-loading while some do, and
you don't want to figure them out while you're racing.

c) Holeshot - NOT important. Dont sweat it unless you are going for
the holeshot challenge. Or unless you like seeing your name flash
across the screen.

d) Unlockables? - so far, I don't think there are any. All you get
for finishing 1st in 250cc is a nice little movie, but you get to
only watch it once. No new helmets, clothes, etc.

e) Study - study the com. if you're trailing one. You'll often see
them taking shortcuts that could save you some time too. i.e. On a
step-up veer to the left/right in mid-air to cut the corner (and
a second off your time)

f) Tricks? - I'm not 100% positive, but I am pretty sure doing
tricks actually slows you down. So unless you're going for the
goon rider challenge, keep the showboating to a minimum.

g) Clutch - Don't use the clutch if you're going over 50. It will
actually slow you down 1-2 mph.

h) Point Value - Here's the breakdown of points:

1st place - 25 points
2nd place - 22 points
3rd place - 20 points
4th place - 18 points
5th place - 16 points
6th place - 15 points
7th place - 14 points

8) *-=Tips & Tricks=-*

a) Bunnyhop! - (best done when not moving) Hold both L1 and X down to
rev your engine with the clutch in. Hold L2 or R2 to preload and
when your meter is full let go of the clutch. This should send you
into the air. (note: you must hold back to do this, when you're in
the air you can level yourself out)

submitted by: Killerbeez, Jesse Berencsi

b) Hidden Area - (Bus Jump Area) Set timer to 10 mins to give yourself
time. Get on top of the roof of the school, and ride the ramp to the
second level. Continue straight until you hit the wall. Back up a
bit, and use the aforementioned Bunnyhop to clear the wall. Go
around the track and field and there will be big hills to jump.

submitted by: Drunken Roadster

c) Girl in Pool - In the Vulture Gulch Track in the very back of it
there are two large "ramps." One is one that is a fairly large jump,
but the other seems to just launch you up against a rock pole sort
of thing. Well gather speed (about 60) and hit that ramp, do a
backflip, and you might catch a glimps of the girl chillin' at the
top. Here is a great picture taken by The Door:

d) Fun Stuff To Do - When you're bored, you can race a buddy, have a
bunnyhop competition, and have a wheelie/stoppie competition

submitted by: Killerbeez

e) 720! - There are a few places you can do this tricky little
challenge. First, you can head to the high-jump. Take the turn wide
so you go down the steep part and hopefully you'll hit the jump
at mid-60's. Or you can try your luck at Vegas, first jump, veer a
little to the left so you land on the flat. If both those don't work
out, give a shot at Shaffer Arena. The jump on the left seems
better than the one on the right (when you start).

*DO the 250 trick below. After that it is extremely easy to do 720s
in shaffer. I can almost do 900s with a 250cc.

submitted by: The Door, Drunken Roadster, and Hirkoles

f) 250 all the time! - Are you annoyed that some freestyle tracks won't
let you ride your 250 on them? Well here's the solution. Finish 1st
in the THQ US Open in career mode. Watch the nice ending movie, then
you will be able to use 250's at your will.

submitted by: Ghettoflip84

g) Long Jump Master - Having trouble with this challenge? So did I. Do
the aforementioned 250 trick, and head to the bus jump comp. Instead
of starting at the turn, turn around from the start and head up the
green hills. All the way to the top. Now head turn towards the jump.
You should accumulate enough speed to go farther than 160'. I did

h) Unlock More Tracks - Most people who own the game know this, but for
those who rent, play through career mode to unlock race/freestyle tracks.
For freestyle, wait till the track opens up in the week, and place 3rd
or better. Remember to save!

i) Secret Area - Warehouse Level. From start, veer to the left to miss the
jump. You'll end up in a big room with the big rusted ramp and in the
corner of the room there is a raised platform. Hit the rusted ramp
at about 60 and take off sideways. You'll make it onto the platform which
will take you to a secret area.

submitted by: The Door

j) Donuts - Hold both  and X, and hold left or right. You'll spin around
in perfect circles. Hold the clutch and release it for a smoke effect.

submitted by: Da King of Rock

k) Best Bike? - According to Bigshawty, certain bikes are better than
others in gameplay. Suzuki seems to be the best of them all, as it is
a road hugger.

l) Another Bunnyhop - You can do a bunyhop from your nose. Just go along
then start to do a stoppie, then preload your suspension and with the
right timing, your back will come up, followed by your front.

submitted by: ChaosKid21

UPDATE - ChaosKid21 informed me that an easier way to do this is
just go and press square, up, and R2 at the same time.

m) Super Bus Jump - in the bus jump modes there is a way to clear the
buses when they are at 180 feet. Just go up to the top of the school
roof and launch off of one of the ramps and you should jump about
180 feet. The game will think you jumped the buses.

submitted by: We821

n) Vulture's Eye View - As soon as it says Go! head out of the truck and
through the jump that takes you through the giant circle loop. If you
land straight look to your right and you will see some black colored
rocks. Ride to the opposite side opposing the giant loop. You'll pass
a road trench. When you get to that, turn around and face the black
rocks and giant loop. You will notice there is a "V" of slightly light
colored sand on the hill. Climb up this, and when you get comfortable
veer to the right and you will see a ledge over the black rocks. Try
to slide your bike and land on it. After you get on it go to the
halfway point of the ledge and point your pbike to the seemingly
verticle mountain. Give gas and you should begin climbing up. Once you
make it all the way to the top you'll be in a trench you can drive

submitted by: Bradley Helton- A.K.A: ¤Mý§tîç¤Gøgétã¤

o) Easy Stoppie -Go to the Bus Jump level, and go to the roof of the
school. Get ready to jump the wall to go to the other side of the
school (DrunkenRoadster), and BunnyHop to the wall, but catch one
wheel on the top of the wall, and let the back wheel dangle off the
side. They call this a stoppie, though it isnt like a real stoppie

submitted by: X Logan

p) Stuck? - If you're ever stuck in a corner or whatever, there are
two things you can do. Force a bail (all shoulder buttons) or
reverse it out of there in style. Just hold back with the right
analog joystick. (or hold down )

q) Another Secret Area - Warehouse level. Go to the secret area, ride
the wall and hit the step-up. But here's the catch, DON'T use the
boost. You will land against the side of the jump that runs in
front of the step-up. Turn your bike towards the ramp and you
will fall through. Have fun

submitted by: Drunken "Hidden Area Master" Roadster :)

r) Front Flip - Do "another bunnyhop" (l) and hold foward. You should
be able to complete a front flip

submitted by: Bradley Helton- A.K.A: ¤Mý§tîç¤Gøgétã¤, Phazt Phyngaz

s) Outta Vegas! - From the start, make a almost 180 degree turn and
head to the right down the hill. You'll see a dip in the ground
(it's lightly colored). To the left of the dip there are two yellow
AXO signs, and to the right are THOR signs. Put your bike parallel
to the thor signs, and start to back up. Turn into the wall sharply.
If you turn sharply enough, your bike should almost be sideways
and you should be able to slide under the wall.

submitted by: Drunken Roadster!

t) Shift Weight - Lean back or foward using the analog stick. Lean
back for better traction when going up steep hills.

u) Clutch Indicator - You know that little yellow circle in the
bottom right corner? Yes it has a purpose. You will notice when you
first hold down the clutch it is a faint yellow, then after some
time it becomes a bright yellow. That means holding down the clutch
any longer will only slow you down.

v) High Step-up - Let's break it down like this:

1) right when you start, don't take the road in front of you, take
the one to the left.

2) don't jump it this time through, just ride over

3) now you'll be at the other side, taking the turn and head back at
the start

4) continue to the left side, and you should enter that turn at about

5) stay as close to the outside edge as possible, because that's the

6) you should come out at 70. NO LESS. 72 if you're lucky (that's how
i got 78)

7) MOST IMPORTANT - well the 70 mph is important, but this is just as
important. preload BEFORE you start going up the transition of the
jump. it might feel a little early, but trust me, to get max boost you
need to preload right before going up (i usually do it WHILE i'm
going up, that doesnt cut it in step-up)

8) Hold back immediatly. You should do a triple backflip no problem
if you are over 70'

My personal best so far is 78'0". Mail me yours!

Do you have a tip/trick? Mail me!

9) *-=Song/Sponsor List=-*


a) "My Only Enemy" - American Hi-Fi
b) "Burn it Black" - Injected
c) "Bounce" - Relative Ash
d) "Makes No Difference" - Sum 41
e) "Fat Lip" - Sum 41
f) "Click Click Boom" - Saliva
g) "Superstar" - Saliva


DC Shoe Co
Kawasaki (Chevy)
Moto XXX

10) *-=Replays=-*

One of the coolest little features of MX2002 are the awesome replays.
But I didn't like the way they show you what each button does, so I
made this little section so you get all the info at once.

X button - End replay
Triangle - Freeze/Unfreeze Action
 Button - Instant Replay (last trick you did)
O Button - Fast Foward
Up/Down - Raise/Lower Camera
Left/Right - Rotate Camera
R1/R2 - Zoom in/out
L1/L2 - Look up/down

11) *-=FAQ=-*

a) What is the difference between 125cc and 250cc?

They are different engine sizes. CC = Cubic centimeters. 250cc Bikes
are big and burly; quite fast.

b) Can people really do these crazy tricks?

Well aside from perfectly landing a Hart Breaker, (and I'm not even
going to talk about the insanely ludicrous "Suicide Flip" and 360+
spins) yes I have personally seen all these tricks performed. It's
really amazing to see a Cat Nac done in real life.

c) How do I unlock new tracks?!?!

I get asked this a lot. Check tips and tricks.

d) How come I can only use a 250/125 in certain tracks?

Again, check the tips and tricks.

e) Should I get this game?

Fool! Of course you should! ...seriously though, if you're not a
motocross fan (or if you've never really heard about it) I say
give it a rent. You might be surprised. Check out reviews (my
review is posted at gamefaqs).

f) Those dang whoops, how do I ride them? Whenever I get there the
CPU always passes me.

Here's what I do: Preload as much as I can on the first whoop to
jump a lot of the whoop section. After that it's all about popping
the clutch for speed.

g) Do YOU ride dirt bikes?

Okay okay, no one ever asked me, but YES and proud of it! I pilot
a Honda cr125, with some sick motoxxx graphics.

h) Are there any CODES for this game?

It's not even funny how many times I get asked this. As far as I
know, none. But that's not saying there are none, because that's
always a possibility until THQ themselves say otherwise.

i) Can I select which song I want to hear?

Yes and No. You can't specifically choose the song you want to hear
at any given time, but you can choose which songs you DONT want in
the rotation. Just go to the options menu from the main menu.

12) *-=Credits/Contact=-*

Thanks to:

FlipMode, Killerbeez, The Door, DrunkenRoadster, Hirkoles, Ghettoflip84,
Josh Glessner, Da King of Rock, FBIGuy2000, Knisha68, XLogan and
everyone else at GameFAQS.

More thanks to: Bradley Helton, Kurt Angle, and anyone else who sent me
nice e-mails.

THQ for publishing such an awesome game.
Renderware Graphics

Sony for making the awesome PS2.

*My sincerest apologies go out to PACIFIC COAST POWER AND LIGHT*
They are the awesome developers of the game I forgot to include
them in my FAQ. Sorry guys!


Due to the *INSANE* amount of ridicule and complaints I get I no
longer offer my main e-mail or AIM sn. I had one person continually
tell me "i suck" while I was trying to help him with the game. Not

*Note: Feel FREE to ask me questions. I dont mind that at ALL. Just
I get tons of mails saying: "Your guide sucks, it has no codes.
You SUCK."

So to contact me make a topic for me at the gamefaqs message boards
or e-mail me at I do check that one, just
not as frequently as my main one. Thanks

FYI, I am Caelum at


featuring Ricky Carmichael

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