Dead or Alive 2

Dead or Alive 2

14.10.2013 08:45:40
Dead or Alive 2 – Move List - For Arcade and Dreamcast
FAQ by Jimbo []

This is the second part of my DoA 2 FAQ. This is the part with all the
moves for the characters. If you want all the basics and to learn how
to play DoA 2 go and look at my Basics FAQ, which can be found at...

You'll find it in the arcade section of the Site. That FAQ is just the
Basics and that's all this is where all the moves for each character
are found. Well let's get on with this FAQ then.

I. Intro
- Intro to DoA 2
- Revision History
II. Controls
- Arcade Controls
- Dreamcast Controls [... on Dreamcast version's release]
- Advanced Controls
- Move Key [Conventions]
III. Characters
- Ayane
- Kasumi
- Tina Armstrong
- Jann Lee
- Ein
- Hayabusa
- Bass
- Gen Fu
- Lei Fang
IV. Start Up
V. Cheats/Extra's
VI. Legal Stuff


This game is simply amazing in every way. From the super realistic
graphics to the great control this game has it all. All of this with
great gameplay and hot babes, what more can a guy ask for? Well mabey
more girls but I think they have enough.

Anyway this game is only in the arcade right now but it shouldn't be
for much longer with the US release date set for late February, early
March. Well here is a guide for the moves. I'll do as much as possible
now and then finish off with the US release on the Dreamcast and write
a new one.

[Note:] Really quickly if you have any questions, comments, or you have
some suggestions or more information go ahead and send it in. I say
this because it is an arcade game and it's harder to make sure what
your doing is exactly right, you know?

Well here is what the games systems are, but they seem to be encoded in
some secret Tecmo language!? Well mabey not but the words are too
complex for me.

Poly Count: 3,000,000pps
Frame Rate: 30/60fps
Lighting: 2 Infinite Lights, 2 Point Lights
Screen Effect: Motion Blur, Cross Dissolve
Voice: 22/44.1KHz APDCM
Seamless Loader/Player

Realtime Inverse Kinematics Class
C2 Interpolation
Stage Undulation Secondary Motion: Multi Jointed Accessory, Meshed
Morphings: Facial Animation, Hand Animation

ANY-way lets get a move on now...

[Version 1.7] March 17, 2000
Well it's been a while but I've been busy with midterms. Anyway I've
added 2 characters now that the Dreamcast version is out I'll be sure
to finish hopefully by tomorrow or mabey Sunday, not sure yet but as
soon and I can.

[Version 1.6] March 5, 2000
Here's another update with the usually. A new character done this time
it's big boy bass with his bad-ass moves. Well back again soon with

[Version 1.5] March 1, 2000
Wow, last update was so fast I forgot to do a revision history on it.
Well that's to bad. Anyway I did another character and today I've done
Ein's move list.

[Version 1.3] February 26, 2000
Well here is another update to this guide, which will start to get big
soon I think. Well I did another character and some more so take a
look. I'll have more done tomorrow so don't fret. It will be done by
the time it's out on the Dreamcast in like 3 weeks now!!!

[Version 1.2] February 20, 2000
This is the third or second update because the last one wasn't posted.
Anyway this time I've done a few more things. I did a bit of
rearranging of things and I also added a cheat section and have done
all of Tina's move. Enjoy until the next update.

[Version 1.1] February 18, 2000
This is the first update to this guide and it comes with all of
Kasumi's moves. Enjoy for now I'm off to play RE3.

[Version 1.0] February 14th, 2000
This is the first version of what's going to be a HUGE FAQ, mainly
because of the very long character guides. It may take me a while to
finish because of school but I will do as much as I can during the week
and should do some big updates in the weekends. Well today I've only

II. Controls

The controls for DoA2 are simple at first glance but have a good set of
depth in them if you learn them through-and-through. Here is a quick
show of the setup of the arcade.
/ \ <-- Joystick
\__/ ___ ___ ___ ______
|| / \ / \ / \ |______| <-- Start Button
|| | | | | | |
|| \___/ \___/ \___/
| | |
Free -/ Punch \- Kick

Well that's it, just add another one to the other side of the machine
and you got a DoA2 setup. The layout may differ slightly but should be
similar in all different setups.

I can't do the Dreamcast controls as of yet, but once it's out on the
DC and into my hands I'll be sure to put them in.

Well these are the more advanced features of the controls, which aren't
moves though. All of these are very helpful and are easy to learn so
you should learn them in a second or two. Anyway here they are for you
to learn...

To block an attack just pull the joystick away from your opponent
and then just get hit. If it's a low attack you have to hold down
and back to block it. This does take a bit of strategy but not
much, just watch your opponents attack then you'll figure it out.

To do a simple jump just press the joystick upwards. This will
cause you to jump. Once you're in the air you can do air attacks
which will be different than normal.

This is like the Vs. series and the newer Tekken Tag games.
During a tag match you can change from one of your characters to
another. Anyway to do this all you have to do is press all three
buttons at the same time. It's better if you do it as your
opponent is being juggled or on the ground.

Sidestep, which is the easiest way to evade a move that you
aren't sure of to block is simple. All you have to do is press
either down, down, free for a sidestep toward the screen or press
up, free for one away from the screen.

This isn't just normal moving of course. This is basically where
you can walk around anyway in the stage limitations. All you have
to do is double tap the joystick in any direction then hold it
and press the 'free' button. This will then let you move anywhere
you want to.

This is a very in-depth thing, which I wasn't so aware of. Anyway
I got a bit of help and here's what I know. Counters in DoA 2 are
based on a sort of pinpoint hold system. This hold system is
where you have to pick the areas the move is going to go. Once
you know or think you do you can try one of the following for the
different types or attacks...

To counter a high-based kick or punch you have to press: Forward,
Up/Back, Free

To counter a mid-based punch only you have to press: Forward,
Back, Free

To do a pinpoint hold on a mid-based kick move you have to press:
Back, Forward, Free

Finally for the low-based attack you have to press: Forward,
Down/Back, Free

These hold/counters are the same for every character in the game,
although the animations will be different to their different
style of fighting. Also some characters can use their parries
from the first DoA, which I'll add in at a later time.

If you aren't very good at telling which move your opponent is
going to do (it's harder against a CPU player because they have a
good variety) you can counter the last move of a combo. This is
exactly the same but you might have to start a bit earlier but
not to early as to get hit from the move before it.

I'd like to give a shout-out to, YC Tan, thanks for the help in
the counters and a bit of the free movement stuff.

Well that's all I got for now so I'll move on again. If I figure out
something else or remember I'll add it in. If you have something that
should be added in to this section gives me a line at
and I'll chuck it in there.

This is the key for the move lists, which are below. This is where you
can find out what each thing means. Most of them are very obvious but
some are harder to figure out on your own.

f = Press Forward
b = Press Backwards
d = Press Down
u = Press Up
df = Press Down and Forward
db = Press Down and Backwards
uf = Press Up and Forwards
ub = Press Up and Backwards

F = Hold Forward
B = Hold Backwards
D = Hold Down
U = Hold Up
DF = Hold Down and Forward
DB = Hold Down and Backwards
UF = Hold Up and Forwards
UB = Hold Press Up and Backwards

P = Punch
K = Kick
S = Free

qcf = Quarter Circle Forward, Down, Down Forward, Forward
qcb = Quarter Circle Back, Down, Down Back, Back
hcf = Half Circle Forward, Back, Down, Forward
hcb = Half Circle Back, Forward, Down, Back

QCF = Hold Quarter Circle Forward, Down, Down Forward, Forward
QCB = Hold Quarter Circle Back, Down, Down Back, Back
HCF = Hold Half Circle Forward, Back, Down, Forward
HCB = Hold Half Circle Back, Forward, Down, Back

+ = And - press both buttons simultaneously
, = Then – Press one after the other
[FU/FA] = On the Ground with Face Up and Feet Away from you
[FD/FA] = On the Ground with Face Down and Feet Away from you
[back] = Your opponent's back has to be facing you

trw = Throw
std = Standing
bck = Back
atk = Attack
cth = Catch

Well there they are for now there will be more but I'll wait until I
start writing the move list.

III. Characters

A AA A ----
- Birthdate - ????
- Height - 5 foot 6 inches
- Weight - 114 pounds
- Measurements - B=37" / W=21" / H = 31"
- Nationality - Japanese
- Style - Ninjitsu
- Profession - Ninja

This is the move list for Ayane who happens to be Kasumi's sister
therefore they have very similar moves. Here primary partner in DoA 2
is Ein, but I don't know here secondary partner yet.

------------ ------- ---- ------
Supreme Edge P H 10
Wind Murder Knife df+P M 20
Earth Edge d+P L 5
Supreme Heaven Kick K H 27
Flash People's Kick df+K M 24
Flowing Dust Kick d+K L 10
Front Arc Sky Murder uf,P M 15
Front Arc Sky Kick uf,K M 30
Front Earth Mount u,f,P M 25
Frt. Supreme Earth Kick u,f,K M 22
Arcing Sky Murder u,P M 15
Arcing Sky Kick u,K M 30
Double Earth Mount u,P M 25
Supreme Earth Kick u,K L 25
Back Spinning Dust ub,P M 23
Back Landing Wolf Lance ub,K L 25
Rising Illusion Lance [FU/FA] S+K M 40

Supreme Edge P H 10
Combo Edge P,P H.H 10.10
God's Double Mount P,P,P H.H.M 10.10.20
Heaven's Kick P,P,K H.H.H 10.10.27
Combo Kick P,P,K,K H.H.H.H
Wave Needle P,P,f+P H.H.M 10.10.22
Shadow Claw P,P,f+P,P H.H.M.M
Supreme Heaven Kick P,K H.H 10.25
Wave Needle f+P M 22
Shadow Claw f+P,P M.M 22.28
Mount Destruction f,f+P M 25
Double Supreme Kick f,f+P,f+K M.M 25.22
Wind Murder Knife df+P M 20
W. Murder Dragon Wheel df+P,b+P M.M 20.23
Earth & Thunder Thrust df,df+P L 18
Earth & Thunder Blaze df,df+P,D+K L.L 18.25
Spinning Nishi Knife b+P M 23
Rev. People's Kick b+P,K M.H 23.28
Flying Eagle Kick b+P,K M.H 23.35
Rev. Earth Kick b+P,d+K M.L 23.25
Flying Swallow Kick b+P,d+K M.L 23.30
Floating Heaven's Edge uf+P H 12
One-Two Stab uf+P,P H.H 12.10
Wind Spirit Dbl Mount uf+P,P,P H.H.M 12.10.20
Wind Spirit Kick uf+P,K H.H 12.28
W. Spirit Heaven Kick uf+P,K,K H.H.H 12.28.22
Gleaming Saber of Light db+P L 18
Dust Kick DB+P,K L.L 18.25
Supreme Heaven Kick K H 27
Combo Heaven Kick K,K H.H 27.22
Swift Thunder Kick f+K M 26
Dragon Lance f+K,K M.H 26.25
Wolf Lance f+K,d+K M.L 26.22
Blue Heaven Kick u+K H 25
Dragon Tail Fan Splitter uf+K M 45
Autumn Moon Wheel ub+K M 40
Hatchet Spirit Kick b+K M 28
Splitting Heaven Kick S+K H 35
Splitting Earth Kick df+S+K M 30
Wolf Lance Kick d+S+K L 25
Comet Murder P+K H 24
Supreme Edge P+K,P H.H 24.15
God's Attack P+K,P,P H.H.H 24.15.25
Dust Splitter P+K,P,K H.H.H 24.15.55
God Splitter P+K,P,ub+K H.H.M 24.15.30
God Kick P+K,P,d+K H.H.L 24.15.25
Illusion Lance d,df,f+K M 38
Dust Splitter d,df,f+S+K H 55
Victory Thread Kick b+S+K M 32

Silken Edge P H 10
Back Shadow Arc d+P M 28
Back Earth Edge D+P L 12
Back Heaven's Kick K H 30
Back People's Kick d+K M 25
Back Earth Kick D+K L 25
Back Combo Edge P,P H.H 10.10
Silk-Double Mount P,P,P H.H.M 10.10.20
Comet Murder P,P,b+P H.H.H 10.10.15
Comet Rend P,P,b+P,P H.H.H.H
Comet Attack P,P,b+P,P,P H.H.H.H.H
Dust Splitter P,P,b+P,P,K H.H.H.H.H
Comet Splitter P,P,b+P,P,ub+K H.H.H.H.M
God Kick P,P,b+P,P,d+K H.H.H.H.L
Rising Attack P,P,f+P H.H.M 10.10.20
Rev. People's K P,P,f+P,K H.H.M.H
Flying Eagle P,P,f+P,K H.H.M.H
Rev. Earth Kick P,P,f+P,d+K H.H.M.L
Flying Swallow P,P,f+P,d+K H.H.M.L
Light Saber P,P,db+P H.H.L 10.10.18
Dust Kick P,P,DB+PK H.H.L.L
Wind Rite u+K M 35
Phantom Moon Wheel ub+K M 40
Balance Wheel Knife b+P H 20
Supreme Edge b+P,P H.H 20.15
God's Attack b+P,P,P H.H.H 20.15.25
Dust Splitter b+P,P,K H.H.H 20.15.55
God Splitter b+P,P,ub+K H.H.M 20.15.30
God Kick b+P,P,d+K H.H.L 20.15.25
Lonesome Light Saber db+P L 18
Lonesome Dust Kick DB+P,K L.L 18.25
Circle Flying Wheel ub+P M 24
Circle Flash Kick d+S+K L 30
Empty Sky Lance S+K M 43

Crimson Leaf Crumbler S+P 40
God's Circle Dance f+S+P 42
Light Circle Dance f+S+P 52
Mist Illusion b+S+P 0
Plum Blossom Fan b,f+S+P 30+30
Avalanch Wheel f,f+S+P 48
Ice Pillar Drop u+S+P 20
Dreams of Butterflies d,df,f+S+P 20+35
Dreams of Chaos d,df,f+S+P 60
Wandering Sword [bck] S+P 20+23
Dark Raven [bck] f+S+P 58
Flowing Sand Drop S+P 52
Disturbing the Tea Bush f+S+P
Reverse Dark Raven [bck] f+S+P 58
Instant Drop d+S+P 55
God Hiding in the Night db+S+P
Sharp Cut [bck] d+S+P 62
Dream Wheel d+S+P 57
Heaven's Battle Dance db+S+P

Twilight Spirit f,u+S vs. H-P 58
Ring of Ice f,u+S vs. H-K 58
Spinning Thread f,b+S vs. M-P 58
Wind's Battle Dance b,f+S vs. M-K 30+15
The Withering Trees f,d+S vs. L-P 40+18
Stairway to Heaven f,d+S vs. L-K 58

Mist of Ice Crystals u+P+K Down Attack 20
Tile Splitter d+P Down Attack 10

Warasewaruwane b,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0
Baka Mitai d,d+S+P+K Taunt 0
Treason u+P Movement 0
Moonsault ub+P
Billows of Wind [bck] f,f Movement 0
Revolving Winds [bck] f,F Movement 0
Combination of Winds [bck] F Movement 0
Mountain Wind [bck] df Movement 0
Mountain Wind's Frost [bck] DF Movement 0
Mountain Wind's Current [bck] df,B Movement 0
Mountain Frost Current [bck] df,DB Movement 0

Wind Dance - Tower Kick [To Ein] f,f+P+K+S
Double Roundhouse [From Ein] f,f+P+K+S
?? [To Anyone but Ein] f,f+P+K+S

K KK K-----

- Birthdate - February 23rd
- Height – 5 foot 5 inches
- Weight – 105 pounds
- Measurements – B=35" / W=20" / H=35"
- Nationality - Japanese
- Style – Mugen Tenjin
- Profession - Ninja Assassin

This is Kasumi, who's the sister of Ayane. They both have similar
styles and Kasumi can be ver cheesy because she's fast and powerful
giving her an advantage.

------------ ------- ---- ------
Heaven's Edge P H 10
World's Edge df+P M 20
Earth's Edge d+P L 5
Roundhouse Kick K H 27
Sidekick df+K M 24
Low Kick d+K L 10
Turning Jab [back] P H 10
Turning Tiger Uppercut [back] d+P M 38
Turning Low Punch [back] D+P L 14
Turning Roundhouse [back] K H 30
Double Roundhouse [back] K,K H.M 30.25
Turning Sidekick [back] d+K M 25
Turning Sweep [back] D+K L 24
Turning Moonlight Kick [back] u+K M 35
Advancing Hop Spin Edge uf,P M 15
Advancing Jumpkick uf,K M 30
Advancing Hop TA Upper uf,P M 22
Advancing Hop Sweep uf,K L 25
Hopping Spin Edge u,P M 15
Hopping Jumpkick u+K M 30
Hopping Turnaway Upper u,P M 22
Hopping Sweep u,K L 25
Back Hopping TA Upper ub,P M 22
Back Hopping Sweep ub,K L 25
Rising Mid Kick [rising] K M 20
Combo Rising Puntkick [rising] K,f+K M.M 20.20
Moon Lake Kick [FD/FA] S+K M 38

Skyscraper Kick uf+K M 30
Dragon Punt Kick u+K H 25
Moon Wheel Kickflip ub+K M 45
Floating Heaven's Edge u+P H 12
Evading Heaven's Edge b+P H 11
Double Combo Punch P,P H.H ??.10
World's Edge Combo P,P,P H.H.H ??.10.12
Flashing Punch Combo P,P,P,P H.H.M.M ??.10.12.15
Michizane Flash Kick P,P,K H.H.H ??.10.27
Michizane Kick P,P,K,K H.H.H.H ??.10.27.22
Thunder Kick P,P,K,K,K H.H.H.H.M ??.
People's Kick P,P,K,df+K H.H.H.M ??,10.27.24
Michizane Earth Kick P,P,K,d+K H.H.H.L ??,10.27.22
Moon Breaker Combo P,P,ub+K H.H.M ??,10.35
Light Bullet Combo P,P,f+P H.H.M ??,10.18
Light People's Kick P,P,f+P,K H.H.M.M ??,10.18.32
Light Rev. Murder P,P,f+P,K,K H.H.M.M.M ??.
Light Void Murder P,P,f+P,K,d+K H.H.M.M.L ??.
Light Heaven's Kick P,P,f+P,f+K H.H.M.M ??.10.18.30
Light Low Savate P,P,f+P,d+K H.H.M.L ??.10.18.24
Flame Knee Combo P,P,f+K H.H.M ??.10.22
Flame Moon Combo P,P,f+K,K H.H.M.H ??.10.22.32
Tears of the Moon P,P,f+K,d+K H.H.M.L ??.10.22.26
Heaven's Edge & Flash P,K H.H ??.27
Heaven's Edge & Combo P,K,K H.H.H ??.27.22
Heaven's E & Thunder P,K,K,K H.H.H.M ??.27.22.25
Heaven's Edge & Kick P,K,df+K H.H.M ??.27.24
Heaven's Edge & Earth P,K,d+K H.H.L ??.27.22
Flash Bullet Elbow f+P M 18
Flash People's Kick f+P,K M.M 18.32
Flash Reverse Murder f+P,K,K M.M.M 18.32.32
Flash Void Murder f+P,K,d+K M.M.L 18.32.28
Flash Heaven's Kick f+P,f+K M.M 18.30
Flash Low Savate Kick f+P,d+K M.L 18.24
World's Edge df+P M 20
World's Flash Punch df+P,P M.M 20.20
World's Low Savate df+P,d+K M.L 20.24
Flash Roundhouse Kick K H 27
Combo Roundhouse Kick K,K H.H 27.22
Thunder Kick K,K,K H.H.M 27.22.25
People's Kick K,df+K H.M 27.24
Earth's Kick K,d+K H.L 27.22
Shadowless Knife f,f+P M 20
Shadowless Earth Kick f,f+P,d+K M.L 20.25
Flame Knee f+K M 22
Flame Moon Kick f+K,K M.H 22.32
Tears of the Moon Kick f+K,d+K M.L 22.26
Wolf's Fang Sweep f,f+K L 30
360 Spinning Slap P+K H 26
Kasumi Wind Kick S+K H 32
Wind & Heaven Kick S+K,K H.H 32.32
Wind & Tears Kick S+K,d+K H.L 32.28
Spinning Low Kick d+S+K L 25
Spinning Kasumi Kick df+S+K M 24
Turnaway Mist Illusion df,df+P M 22
Super Axe Kick b+S+K M 30
Fan Dance df,df+K M 26
Turnaway New Moon Kick b+K H 27
Turnaway Moonlight Kck b+K,K H.M 27.35
Heaven's Advance Dance uf+P,K H 0.40

Kasumi's Reversal S+P Std Trw 40
Waltz of Kegon f+S+P Std Trw 42
Hawk in a Catalpa Tree f+S+P Wall Trw 20+35
Heaven's Cascading Kick b+S+P
Discovery of Silence b+S+P Wall Trw 55
The Flying Swallow u+S+P
Swallow Reverse Drop b+S+P Multithrow 62
Heat Haze f,f+S+P Std Trw 0
Thorn Drop d+S+P Multithrow 60
Thorn Crush d+S+P Wall-Multi 70
Gloom df,df+S+P Std Trw 68
Wolf's Jaw Kick qcb+S+P Std Trw 60
White Rainbow S+P Back Trw 50
Reverse Flying Swallow u+S+P
Leaping Circle Dance f+S+P
Flying Rainbow Splash d+S+P
Advance of the Swallow db+S+P Low Trw 60

Flower in the Mirror f,u+S vs. H-P 8
Truth of the Persimmon f,u+S vs. H-K 58
White Feathers Taken... f,b+S vs. M=P 58
Rain Dance b,f+S vs. M-K 30+15
Crimson Leaf Drop f,d+S vs. L-P 58
Frost Sword f,d+S vs. L-K 58
Sakura Delusion b,u+S vs. M/H-P 0
Sakura Illusion b,d+S vs. L-P 0

Hawk's Talon Kick u+P+K Down Atk 20
Tile Splitter d+P Down Atk 10

Appeal - Sakura Toss b,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0
Back Handspring ub+P Movement 0
Heaven's Dance Flip uf+P Movement 0

Double Gloom [Hayabusa] f,f+P+K+S
Thunder Palm-Talon Kick [Hayabusa] f,f+P+K+S
Tag Gloom [anyone but Hayabusa] f,f+P+K+S

TTTTT --------------

- Birthdate - December 6th
- Height - 6 foot 1 inch
- Weight - 172 pounds (yeah right?)
- Measurements - B=35" / W=22" / H=35"
- Nationality - American [USA]
- Style - Wrestling
- Profession - Pro-Wrestler

Tina is the pro-wrestling bleached hair babe in DoA2. She's the only
American female and she's got all the wraslin moves you could ever
want. Her primary Tag partner is Bass, who's her father and her
secondary is Zack.

------------ ------- ---- ------
Jab P H 10
Upper df+P M 20
Low Knuckle d+P L 5
High Kick K H 30
Middle Kick df+K M 25
Low Kick d+K L 12
Turn Spin Knuckle [back] P H 13
Turn Middle Knuckle [back] d+P M 15
Turn Low Knuckle [back] D+P L 10
Turn Spin Kick [back] K H 30
Turn Sidekick [back] d+K M 28
Turn Low Kick [back] D+K L 15
Turn Savate [back] S+K H 38
Moonsault Attack [back] P+K M 35
Front Fist Drop uf,P M 15
Drop Kick uf,K M 35
Front Step Hammer uf,P M 25
Kangaroo Knee Kick uf,K M 30
Flying Fist Drop u,P M 15
Branching Kick u,K M 30
Step Hammer u,P M 25
Kangaroo Knee Step u,K M 30
Back Step Hammer ub,P M 25
Back Step Low Drop ub,K L 25

Jab High Kick P,K H.H ??.30
Jab Straight P,P H.H ??.13
Machine Gun Middle P,P,K H.H.M ??.13.25
Machine Gun Elbow P,P,P H.H.H ??.13.22
Machine Gun Knee P,P,P,K H.H.H.M ??.13.22.30
Knuckle Arrow ub+P M 33
Blazing Chop u+P M 28
Backhand Elbow uf+P H 22
Back Elbow Knee uf+P,P H.M 22.30
Double Hammer b+P M 25
Low Spin Knuckle df+P L 18
Elbow f+P M 18
Elbow Back Knuckle f+P,P M.M 18.20
Infinity Combo f+,P,P,P M.M.M 18.20.30
Ultimate Combo f+P,P,K M.M.M 18.20.25
Spin Knuckle Combo f+P,P,d+P M.M.L 18.20.18
Low Drop Combo f+P,P,d+K M.M.L 18.20.22
Dashing Upper f,f+P M 25
Double Upper f,f+P,P M.M 25.20
Combo Drop Kick f,f+P,P,K M.M.M 25.20.31
Tina Special f,f+P+K M 50
Vertical Back Chop DF+P M 22
Vertical Hammer DF+P,P M.M 22.25
Dolphin Upper df,df+P M 25
Rolling Elbow d,df,f+P M 30
High Kick K H 30
Ankle Spin Kick K,K H.H 30.30
Middle Kick df+K M 25
Double Middle Kick df+K,K M.M 25.25
Step Kick uf+K H 26
Back Brain Kick ub+K H 45
Drop Kick u+K M 40
Front Step Kick f,f+K M 38
Jumping Knee Pat f+K M 30
Knee Hammer f+K,P M.M 30.25
Turn Low Kick D+K L 15
Alley Kick D+K,K L.L 15.25
Double Alley Kick D+K,K,K L.L.L 15.25.28
Crash Knee df,df+K M 28
Dancing Doll Kick S+K H 32
Shoulder Tackle b,f+P M 40
Short Range Lariat P+K H 34
Elbow Suicida f+P+K M 35
Rolling Sabot b+K M 24
Front Roll Kick f+S+K M 30
Low Drop Kick f+S+K L 25
Moonsault Press b+P+K M 35

Death Valley Bomb P+G Std Trw 45
Body Slam f+S+P Std Trw 43
Texas Driver d+S+P Multithrow 50
Bust Cyclone f+S+P Wall Trw 45+15
Frankensteiner b+S+P
Hammer Throw f,f+S+P Std Trw 0
Japan Ocean Suplex S+P Multithrow 58
Bust J.O.S. f,f+S+P Wall Trw 40+30
Tackle b,f+S+P Cth Trw 35
Oki-Agari Tackle [FD/FA] S+P Cth Trw 35
Tackle Giant Swing hcf+S+P Multithrow 45
Piledriver f,b+S+P Std Trw 50
Gorii Bomb d+S+P Multithrow 20
Skytwister Press d,u+S+P Multithrow 35
Flying Mare QCB+S+P Std Trw 48
Surfboard-Style Lock b,f+S+P Multithrow 20
Japan Ocean Suplex d,u+S+P Multithrow 37
Fisherman's Suplex HCF+S+P Std Trw 68
Japan Ocean Cyclone D,f,b+S+P Std Trw 80
German Suplex S+P Bck Trw 50
Double Break d+S+P Multithrow 20
Release German Suplex f+S+P Bck Trw 60
Bust Suplex f+S+P Bck Wall 70
Full Nelson f,b+S+P Bck Trw 40
Dragon Suplex f,b+S+P Multithrow 30
Bass Bomb d+S+P Low Trw 43
Trans-Four Leg Lock d,d+S+P Multithrow 20
Double Arm Suplex db+S+P Low Trw 10+45
Tiger Driver d+S+P Multithrow 10+55
Japan Ocean Bomb df,df+S+P Low Trw 70
Neck Crasher d+S+P Low Bck Trw 10+60

Locking Hammer f,u+S vs. H-P 62
Spring Leg Lock f,u+S vs. H-K 30+32
Arm Whip f,b+S vs. M-P 62
Dragon Screw b,f+S vs. M-K 45
Figure 4 Leglock d,d+S Multihold 35
Rolling Cross Lock f,d+S vs. L-P 62
Leg Split f,d+S vs. L-K 62

Hip Drop u+P+K Down Atk 22
Elbow Drop d+P Down Atk 12

Special Moves
Appeal: "Come on!" b,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal: Guts Pose d,d+S+P+K Taunt 25
Front Roll d+P+K 0

Spike Tombstone [to Bass] f,f+P+K+S
Double Armstrong Buster [from Bass] f,f+P+K+S
Bombe de la Rougeau [to Zack] f,f+P+K+S
Iron Claw – Skytwister [from Bass] qcf+P+K+S
Double Lariat [to Bass] qcf+P+K+S
Tag Arm Drag [anyone but Bass] f,f+P+K+S

J.......J --------

- Birthdate – November 27th
- Height – 5 foot 9 inches
- Weight – 165 pounds
- Measurements – B=39" / W=32" / H=36"
- Nationality - Chinese
- Style – Jeet Kune Do
- Profession - Bodyguard

Jann Lee is probably my favorite Male character in this game. He's just
cool. Anyway his primary Tag partner in Dead Or Alive 2 is Lei Fang.
I'm not sure who his secondary partner is though?

-------------- ------- ---- ------
Lead Jab P H 10
Lead Upper df+P M 20
Low Knuckle d+P L 5
High Kick K H 30
Sidekick df+K M 22
Thrust Kick d+K L 12
Turn Jab [back] P H 12
Turn Bodyblow [back] d+P M 15
Turn Low Knuckle [back] D+P L 10
Turn High Kick [back] K H 30
Turn Sidekick [back] d+K M 27
Turn Spin Kick [back] D+K L 25
Blind Knuckle [back] db+P H 45
Blind Elbow [back] P+K M 40
Front Jump Knuckle uf,P M 15
Front Jump Snap Kick uf,K M 30
Front Jump Spin Knuckle uf,P H 18
Front Jump Spin Kick uf,K L 25
Jump Knuckle u,P M 15
Jump Snap Kick u,K M 30
Jump Spin Knuckle u,P H 18
Jump Spin Kick u,K L 25
Back Jump Spin Knuckle ub,P H 18
Back Jump Spin Kick ub,K L 25

Knuckle Upper uf+P H 16
Back Hook u+K H 24
High Shin Knee Kick ub+K H 25
Rear High Kick u+K H 35
Kick Upper uf+K M 26
Double Rising Kicks uf+K,K M.H 26.25
Chastisement Chop b+P M 26
Sway Jab ub+P H 12
Jab - High Kick P,K H.H ??.30
Sonic Hook P,f+P H.H ??.18
Sonic Spin Kick P,f+P,K H.H.M ??.18.30
Sonic Low Spin Kick P,f+P,d+K H.H.L ??.18.25
Sonic Blow P,d+P H.M ??.18
Sonic Upper P,d+P,P H.M.M ??.18.20
Combo Low Pin Kick P,D+P,K H.M.L ??.18.25
Lead Hook P,P H.H ??.10
Back Knuckle P,P,P H.H.H ??.10.10
Dragon Rush P,P,P,K H.H.H.H ??.10.10.47
Dragon Cannon P,P,P,f+P H.H.H.M ??.10.10.45
Dragon Slicer P,P,P,d+K H.H.H.L ??.10.10.24
Combo Knuckle Upper P,P,F+P H.H.H ??.10.16
Combo High Kick P,P,K H.H.H ??.10.26
Body Blow f+P M 18
Body Upper f+P,P M.M 18.20
Body Low Spin Kick f+P,d+K M.L 18.25
Flash Hook f,f+P H 18
Flash Spin Kick f,f+P,K H.M 18.30
Flash Low Spin Kick f,f+P,d+K H.L 18.25
Low Dragon Hammer db+P L 20
Dragon Hammer b,f+P M 28
Shin Knee Kick S+K M 25
Shin Knee High Kick S+K,K M.H 25.35
Middle Hook Kick b+K M 24
Double Hook Kick b+K,K M.H 24.25
Thrust Kick d+K L 12
Thrust Spike Kick d+K,K L.M 12.37
Thrust Spin Kick D+K,K L.L 12.25
Side Kick df+K M 22
Side Master Kick df+K,K M.H 22.32
Dragon Strike df+P,f+P M.M 22.50
Side Back Kick df+K,b+K M.M 22.25
Snap Kick f+K M 20
Snap Spin Kick f+K,K M.H 20.32
Snap Spike Kick f+K,b,f+K M.M 20.37
Dragon Low Kick db+K L 24
Low Spin Kick d+S+K L 25
Dragon Blow d,df,f+P H 40
Dragon Elbow P+K M 35
Dragon Knuckle D,b,f+P M 50
Dragon Kick d,df,f+K H 55
Dragon Spike b,f+K M 40
Flash Turn b,b+P H 18
High Kick K H 30
High Spin Kick K,K H.H 30.32
Dragon Flare f,f+K M 42
Dragon Step High f+S+K H 36

Hell Drive S+P Std Trw 40
Dragon Gunner f+S+P Cth Trw 42
Piggyback Throw b+S+P Std Trw 48
The Way of the Dragon d,db,b+S+P Std Trw 5+5+5+5+5+30
Headlock d,df,f+S+P Std Trw 53
Bulldogging Headlock b,b+S+P Multithrow 25
Dragon Rave S+P Bck Trw 30+25
Chastisement Punch d,df,f+S+P Bck Trw 58
Front Facelock d+S+P Low Trw 55
Side Buster db+S+P Low Trw 60
Punishment Punch d+S+P Low Bck Trw 63

Godless Shoto Knee f,u+S vs. H-P 28+30
Trace Gunner f,u+S vs. H-K 58
Double Bind f,b+S vs. M-P 10+10
Leg Sweep b,f+S vs. M-K 58
Deep the Dragon f,d+S vs. L-P 28+30
Dragon Twist f,d+S vs. L-K 58

Trample u+P+K Dwn Atk 20
Enter the Dragon u+S+P+K Dwn Atk 15+5+5
Low Snap Kick d+K Dwn Atk 10

Appeal: Shout b,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0

Skyscaper - Dragon Kick [from Lei Fang] f,f+P+K+S
Double Dragon Fist [to Lei Fang] f,f+P+K+S
Tag Deep the Dragon [for anyone but Lei Fang] f,f+P+K+S

E..E --

Well here is a new character into the mix of the series. He's pretty
cool and he's not all that bad. His main tag partner is Ayane but I
don't know who his secondary character is.

-------------- ------- ---- ------
Strike of Order P H 10
Rising Strike df+P M 20
Low Strike d+P L 5
Roundhouse Kick K H 30
Front Kick df+K M 20
Low Kick d+K L 10
Turning Fist of Truth [back] P H 35
Rounded Reverse Punch [back] d+P M 38
Turning Low Punch [back] D+P L 13
Reverse Back Kick [back] K H 30
Turning Heel Drop [back] d+K M 27
Turning Low Heel Sword [back] D+K L 15
Jumping Back Kick [back] u+K M 30
Front Jump Strike uf,P M 51
Front Jump Kick uf,K M 30
Front Jump Dbl Strike uf,P H.M 20.20
Front Jump Water Kick uf,K L 25
Jumping Strike u,P M 15
Jumping Kick u,K M 30
Jumping Double Strike u,P H.M 20.20
Jumping Water Kick u,K L 25
Back Jump Dbl Strike ub,P M 45
Back Jump Water Kick ub,K L 25

Hilt Strike f+P M 24
My Wife b,f+P H 42
Double Fist Strike f+P+K H.M 20.20
Dusty Wind d,df,f+P M 45
Clogging Strike u+P M 20
Ice Splitter ub+P H 38
Rising Elbow Strike uf+P M 25
Thunder Warrior uf+P,K M.H 25.30
Strike of Order P H 10
Combo Punch P,P H.H 10.10
Wind Combo P,P,P H.H.M 10.10.25
Claw Combo P,P,f+P H.H.H 10.10.16
Bull Reining Combo P,P,f+P,P H.H.H.M
Fog Chime P,P,f+P,K H.H.H.M
Falling Light P,P,f+P,d+K H.H.H.L
Roundhouse P,P,K H.H.H 10.10.25
Combo Kick P,P,K,K H.H.H.M
Low Kick P,P,d+K H.H.L 10.10.10
Scarlet Sparrow P,P,d+K,K H.H.L.H
Dragon Tail P,P,D+K,K H.H.L.L
Punch Roundhouse P,K H.H 10.25
Combo Kick P,K,K H.H.M 10.25.27
Claw Hand f,f+P H 16
Bull Rein f,f+P,P H.M 16.18
Claw Hand – Sidekick f,f+P,K H.M 16.25
Claw Hand - Water Kick f,f+P,d+K H.L 16.25
Iron Hammer b+P H 15
Low Heel Sword b+P,d+K H.L 15.15
Heavenly Shores b+P,d+K,P H.L.M 15.15.20
Iron Hammer Combo b+P,P H.H 15.15
Purple Haze b+P,P,P H.H.M 15.15.20
Fuumon b+P,P,d+K H.H.L 15.15.25
Roundhouse Kick K H 30
Roundhouse - Back Kick K,K H.M 30.27
Rising Roundhouse S+K H 35
Raised Front Kick b+K M 28
Jumping Knee Kick f,f+K M 25
Falling Star Kick f,f+K,K M.H 25.20
Leftover Stars f,f+K,K,K M.H.M 25.20.25
Heaven's Lance df,df+K M 30
Heel Drop u+K M 27
Wind and Clouds bf+K M 38
Ruler of the Skies d,df,f+K M 42
Tears of Light S+K M 30
Hop Kick S+K,K M.H 30.30
Water Kick S+K,d+K M.L 30.25
Jewel of Light b+S+K H 28
Thrusting Elbow P+K M 32
Dawn's Chimes P+K,f+P M.M 32.40
Knee Kick F+K M 24
Demon Tooth F+K,K M.M 24.32
Heel Sword Kick f+K H 25
Heel Sword Combo Kick f+K,K H.H 25.25
Line of Stars f+K,K,K H.H.H 25.25.2
Sirius Kick f+K,K,f+K H.H.M 25.25.27
Low Heel Sword db+K L 15
Silver Wolf db+K,K L.M 15.27
Style of the Sword db+K,P L.M 15.20
Low Heel Sword – Claw db+K,f+P L.H 15.16
Thunder Cow db+K,f+P,P L.H.M 15.16.18
Celestial Thunder db+K,f+P,K L.H.M 15.16.25
Global Thunder db+K,f+P,d+K L.H.L 15.16.22
Low Kick d+K L 10
Leopard Tail D+K,K L.L 10.24
Jumping Front Kick uf+K M 23
Flying Kirin uf+K,K M.H 23.25
Wind of Light f+S+K M 37
Crane Wheel ub+K M 36
Front Kick df+K M 20
Jumping Combo Kick df+K,K M.M 20.23
Celestial Kirin df+K,K,K M.M.H 20.23.23

Water Moon S+P Std Trw 10+30
Frame of the Dragon b+S+P Std Trw 15+32
Frame of the Boulder b+S+P Wall Trw 57
Firelight df,df+S+P Std Trw 65
Violent Flames df,df+S+P Wall Trw 15+15+15+15+15
Billowing Wind f+S+P Std Trw 10+38
Crimson Lotus d,df,f+S+P Std Trw 15+30+15
Double Acme S+P Back Trw 55
Summit of Stars b+S+P Back Trw 60
Flooded Moon d+S+P Low Trw 55
Peck of the Shrike db+S+P Low Trw 60
Crane Fist Pinch d+S+P Low Bck Trw 62
Water Wheel db+S+P Low Bck Trw 65

Chasing Waves f,u+S vs. H-P 60
The Milky Way f,u+S vs. H-K 60
Fall of the Network f,b+S vs. M-P 30+30
Fell the Gates b,f+S vs. M-K 60
Chaos Theory f,d+S vs. L-P 30+30
Light of the Pampas f,d+S vs. L-K 20+40

Demon Smasher u+P+K Dwn Atk 18
Low Level Punch d+P Dwn Atk 10

Appeal: Koi! B,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal: Amai d,d+S+P+K Taunt 0

Wind Dance - Tower Kick [from Ayane] f,f+S+P+K
Double Roundhouse [to Ayane] f,f+S+P+K
Tag Firelight [for anyone but Ayane] f,f+S+P+K

H..H H..H
H..HHH..H ayabusa
H..H H..H -------

- Birthdate - June 15th
- Height - 5 foot 10 inches
- Weight - 154 pounds
- Measurements - W=42" / B=33" / W=36"
- Nationality - Japanese
- Style - Hayabusa Ninjitsu
- Profession - Antique Shop Owner

Ryu [Hayabusa] is another character back for another round int eh DoA
tournament. He's a cool looking ninja with a good set of cool looking
moves. His primary partner is the beautiful Kasumi.

------------ ------- ---- ------
Jab P H 10
Mid Punch df+P M 20
Low Punch d+P L 5
Roundhouse Kick K H 30
Sidekick df+K M 22
Low Kick d+K L 10
Turning Jab [back] P H 11
Turning Mid Punch [back] d+P M 14
Turning Low Punch [back] D+P L 13
Turning Roundhouse [back] K H 30
Turning Mid Kick [back] d+K M 26
Turning Sweep [back] D+K L 25
Trembling Fang Drop [back] u+K M 28
Advancing Hopping Palm uf,P M 15
Advancing Jumpkick uf,K M 30
Advancing Hop Step Palm uf,P M 25
Advancing Hop Sweep uf,K L 24
Hopping Palm Strike u,P M 15
Hopping Jumpkick u,K M 30
Hopping Step Palm u,P M 25
Hopping Sweep u,K L 24
Back Hopping Step Palm ub,P M 25
Back Hopping Sweep ub,K L 24

Double Punch P,P H.H ??.10
Delayed Chop Combo P,P,P H.H.M ??.10.24
One-Two Backfist P,P,b+P H.H.M ??.10.18
Stepping Palm Combo P,P,b+P,f+P H.H.M.M ??.10.18.28
Palm-Flipover Combo P,P,b+P,K H.H.M.M ??.10.18.36
One-Two Hawk Kick P,P,K H.H.H ??.10.16
Raging Hawk Combo P,P,K,K H.H.H.H ??.10.16.15
Hunting Hawk Combo P,P,K,K,K H.H.H.H.H ??.
Rolling Handstand Cmb P,P,d+K H.H.L ??.10.25
Jab-Roundhouse P,K H.H ??.26
Jab-Double Roundhouse P,K,K H.H.H ??.26.28
Trapping Elbow f+P M 18
Elbow-Knee f+P,K M.M 18.25
Elbow-Snap Knee f+P,K,K M.M.L 18.25.25
Stepping Palm Strike f,f+P M 28
Leaning Uppercut u+P H 18
Spinning Backfist b+P M 18
Backfist-Stepping Palm b+P,f+P M.M 18.28
Backfist-Standing Axle b+P,K M.M 18.30
Delayed Chop ub+P M 24
Low Spinning Backfist db+P L 18
LBF-Breakdance Sweep DB+PK L.L 18.25
360 Uppercut d,df,f+P M 28
Roundhouse Kick K H 30
Roundhouse-Downchop K,P H.M 30.26
Hayabusa Axle Kick K,K H.H 30.36
Diving Somersault Kick uf+K M 35
Rising Punt Kick u+K H 26
Punt-Falling Axe Kick u+K,K H.M 26.30
Shinobi Illusion Kick ub+K M 40
Rising Illusion Kick S+K H 29
Sidekick df+K M 22
Sidekick-Breakdance df+K,d+K M.L 22.24
Jumping Knee f+K M 25
Knee-Snapping Kick f+K,K M.H 25.25
Dashing Hop Slide f,f+K L 28
Breakdance Sweep db+K L 24
Dance-Handstand Roll db+K,D+K L.L 24.25
Dance-Handstand Option db+K,d+K L.L 24.24
Double Breakdance db+K,db+K L.L 24.24
Breakdancing Fury db+K,db+K,D+K L.L.L 24.24.25
Back Leg Sweep f,b+K L 17
Light Wheel Kick b+K H 33
Stepping Illusion Kick d,df,f+K M 34
Rolling Handstand d,b+K M 26
Shoto P+K H 25
Double Palm Strike b+P+K M 42
Turnaway Tiger Up Knife df+P+K M 20
Tiger-Super Axe Kick df+P+K,K M.M 20.28
Flying Hawk Kick S+K H 20
Raging Hawk Kick S+K,K H.H 20.15
Hunting Hawk Kick S+K,K,K H.H.H 20.15.30
Handspring Kick b+S+K H 32
Handstand Option Roll d+S+K L 25
Backroll Handstand Kick df+S+K M 40

Rollout Jab P H 10
Rollout PK Combo P,K M 25
Handstand Kick K H 20
Double Spinning Kick K,K H.M 20.25
Rolling Catapult Kick P+K M 35
Hyper Spin Sweep S+K L 25
SuiJuu Nage S+P Std Trw 48
Head Hunting b+S+P Std Trw 50
Rollout d Movement 0
Backwards Stepout b,b Movement 0

Juuji-Karami S+P Std Trw 40
KubiKiri-Nage f+S+P Std Trw 45
Church Bells Ring f+S+P Wall Trw 55
Shiho-Nage df+S+P Std Trw 48
Yama-Arashi b+S+P Std Trw 56
Falcon Kick f,f+S+P Std Trw 50
Dream Shadow b,f+S+P Std Trw 0
Falling Thunder Strike d,df,f+S+P Std Trw 60
Rising Thunder Palm d,df,f+S+P Std Trw 30+15
-Kama-Itachi d,f,u+S+P Multithrow 30
--Hankou Drop 360+S+P Multithrow 50
Ura Nage S+P Bck Trw 52
Jinryuu Drop b+S+P Bck Trw 55
Falling Dragon Strike f,f+S+P Bck Trw 58
Neck Hunting Flash d+S+P Low Trw 55
Hopping Spin Move d,b+S+P Low Trw 62
Carry the Jar ... d+S+P Low Bck Trw 57

Rising Thunder Bullet f,u+S vs. H-P 30+15
-Flash of Light:
---Kama-Itachi d,b,u+S Multihold 30
--Flash of Light:
---Hankou Drop 360+S Multihold 50
Cage of Shadows f,u+S vs. H-K 30+30
Rising Thunder Gates f,b+S vs. M-P 30+15
-Splitting Light:
---Kama Itachi d,b,u+S Multihold 30
--Splitting Light:
---Hankou Drop 360+S Multihold 50
Kick-Punch-Seize-Throw b,f+S vs. M-K 60
Rising Thunder Kick f,d+S vs. L-P 30+15
-Bewitching Light:
---Kama-Itachi d,b,u+S Multihold 30
--Bewitching Light:
Hankou Drop 360+S Multihold 50
Arching Blade Murder f,d+S vs. L-K 60

Nara Drop u+P+K Dwn Atk 18
Double Tiger Fang d+P Dwn Atk 10

Appeal 1 – Shinobi b,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal 2 – Nosomu f,b,f+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal 3 – Rei d,d+S+P+K Taunt 0
Handstand Position d+P+K Movement 0
Diving Somersault uf+P Movement 0

Thunder Palm-Talon Kick [to Kasumi] f,f+P+K+S
Double Gloom [for Kasumi] f,f+P+K+S
Tag Rising Thunder [for anyone but Kasumi] f,f+P+K+S
Tag Kama-Itachi d,f,u+S+P Tag Multi
Tag Hankou Drop 360+S+P Tag Multi

B BB B---

- Birthdate - January 5th
- Height - 6 foot 6 inches
- Weight - 345 pounds
- Measurements - B=57" / W=54" / H=54"
- Nationality - American [USA]
- Style - Pro Wrestler
- Profession - Pro Wrestler

Well Bass is back and looking more like... Hulk!? Well he's here he's
huge and he's a wrestler not to mention the hottie Tina's father. Well
his primary partner is his daughter Tina and his secondary is Leon.

-------------- ------- ---- ------
Palm Jab P H 12
Elbow Smash df+P M 20
Low Knuckle d+P L 5
High Kick K H 30
Front Kick df+K M 26
Low Kick d+K L 12
Swing Palm [back] P H 13
Round Back Knuckle [back] d+P M 15
Swing Low Palm [back] D+P L 10
Round High Kick [back] K H 30
Round Middle Kick [back] d+K M 28
Round Low Kick [back] D+K L 25
Toras Kick [back] b+K H 35
TA Round Muscle Elbow [back] P+K M.M 28.15
Front Air Knuckle uf,P M 15
Front Bronco Kick uf,K M 35
Front Neck Shoto uf,P H 30
Front Leg Break uf,K L 20
Jumping Knuckle u,P M 15
Bronco Kick u,K M 30
Neck Shoto u,P H 30
Jumping Leg Break u,K L 20
Back Neck Shoto ub,P H 30
Back Leg Break ub,K L 20
Rising Low Drop Kick [FU/FT] D+S+K L 25

Double Palm P,P H.H ??.12
Combo Gong P,P,P H.H.M ??.12.32
Combo Hammer P,P,d+P H.H.L ??.12.26
Combo High Kick P,P,K H.H.H ??.12.33
Jab - Front Kick P,K H.M ??.26
Combo Kick Rush P,K,K H.M.H ??.26.30
Body Hook f+P M 24
Wild Swing f+P,P M.M 24.33
Hell Strike P+K H 30
Elbow Bat uf+P H 27
Elbow Rush uf+P,P H.M 27.30
Texas Chop b+P M 16
Shoto Gun Chop b+P,P M.M 16.18
Stun Gun Chop b+P,P,P+K M.M.M 35
Proton Hammer db+P L 26
Power Going db+P,P L.M 26.32
Knee Lift f+K M 26
Knee Hammer f+K,P M.M 26.25
Jumping High Kick u+K H 34
Smash Going f,f+P M 32
Bear Crash df+P+K M 30
Bear Scissors df+P+K,P M.M 30.28
Front Kick df+K M 26
Kick Crash df+K,K M.H 26.33
One-Hand Hammer u+P M 25
Buffalo Crash df,df+P M 35
Drop Kick d,df,f+K M 40
Flying Cross Chop f,f+P+K M 35
Kenka Kick f,f+K M 45
Mongolian Chop ub+P M 27
Hell Scissors ub+P,P M.M 27.28
Rolling Axe b,f+P M 32
Bass Lariat f+P+K H 38
Front Roll Kick f+S+K M 32
Leg Break db+K L 18
Low Drop Kick d+S+K L 25
Muscle Elbow b+P+K M.M 28.15
Appeal: Burning Soul d+P+K Taunt 0
Axe Bomber d+P+K,P+K H 55

Falcon Arrow S+P Std Trw 45
One Foot Headbutt df+S+P Std Trw 43
Ferocious Bull Headbutt df+S+P Wall Trw 20+35
Waterwheel Drop b+S+P Std Trw 42
Bear Press b+S+P Wall Trw 20+35
Bass Tornado f+S+P Std Trw 48
Flying Body Scissors u+S+P Std Trw 50
Dynamite Lariat b,f+S+P Std Trw 55
Atomic Hammer Crash b,f+S+P Wall Trw 65
Powerslam f,f+S+P Std Trw 45
-Oklahoma Stampede f+S+P Multithrow 25
Kitchen Sink d,df,f+S+P Std Trw 45
-Stretch Plum d+S+P Multithrow 25
--Manhattan Drop d,u+S+P Multithrow 35
Superfreak Powerbomb b,d,f+S+P Std Trw 68
T.F.B.B. D,f,b+S+P Std Trw 80
T.F.B.C. D,f,b+S+P Wall Trw 90
Escape Back [back] S+P Std Trw 0
Dangerous Back Drop S+P Bck Trw 55
Locomotion Backdrop S+P Bck Wall 35+30
Argentine Backbreaker b+S+P Bck Trw 20+20+20
Reverse Powerbomb u+S+P Bck Trw 64
Atomic Drop f,f+S+P Bck Trw 52
-Face Crusher f+S+P Multithrow 30
Iron Claw b,d,f+S+P Bck Trw 50
-Grizzly Launcher d,d+S+P Multithrow 8+8+8+8+8+15
-Grizzly Crush d,d+S+P M Wall 8+8+8+8+8+25
Bass Bomb d+S+P Low Trw 58
Spiral Bomb db+S+P Low Trw 10+55
Double Arm DDT df,df+S+P Low Trw 70
Calf Branding d+S+P Low Bck Trw 70

Half Neck Suplex f,u+S vs. H-P 30+33
Rolling Senton f,u+S vs. H-K 30+33
Shoulder Throw f,b+S vs. M-P 63
Spine Buster b,f+S vs. M-K 45
-Jurassic Trailer b,b+S Multihold 25
Guillotine Drop f,d+S vs. L-P 28+35
Giant Hammer Throw f,d+S vs. L-P 63

Double Knee Drop u+P+K Dwn Atk 22
Stomping d+K Dwn Atk 12

Appeal: "I love Tina" b,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal: "Showtime" d,d+S+P+K Taunt 0

Dbl Armstrong Buster (from Tina) f,f+P+K+S
Spike Tombstone (to Tina) f,f+P+K+S
Arm Lock – Legdrop (for Leon) f,f+P+K+S
Double Lariat (from Tina) d,df,f+P+K+S
Iron Claw – Skytwister (to Tina) d,df,f+P+K+S
Tag Powerslam (for anyone but Tina/Leon) f,f+P+K+S
-Tag Oklahoma Stampede f+S+P

GG GG ------

- Birthdate - January 5th
- Height - 5 foot 7 inches
- Weight - 171 pounds
- Measurements - B=38" / W=40" / H=39"
- Nationality - Chinese
- Style - Shini-Rokugo-Ken
- Profession - Used Bookstore Owner

Gen Fu is back in DoA2 and he's well almost exactly the same. I don't
think very many people like, I know I don't but anyway. His main
partner is Helena and his secondary partner is Kasumi.

-------------- ------- ---- ------
Jab P H 10
Upslice df+P M 20
Low Punch d+P L 5
High Front Kick K H 30
Front Kick df+K M 25
Low Kick d+K L 12
Turning High Palm [back] P H 13
Turning Rising Palm [back] d+P M 17
Turning Low Backfist [back] D+P L 11
Turning High Front Kick [back] K H 30
Turning Hook Kick [back] d+K M 27
Turning Low Kick [back] D+K L 25
Advancing Hop Punch uf,P M 15
Advancing Jumpkick uf,K M 30
Advancing Hop Dbl Palm uf,P H 30
Advancing Hop Sweep uf,K L 25
Hopping Punch u,P M 15
Hopping Jumpkick u,K M 30
Hopping Double Palm u,P H 30
Hopping Sweep u,K L 25
Back Hopping Dbl Palm ub,P H 30
Back Hopping Sweep ub,K L 25

Palm Uppercut u+P H 16
One-Two Palm P,P H.H ??.12
Straight Strike Combo P,P,P H.H.M ??.12.25
Upslice df+P M 20
Indecision Slice df+P,P M.M 20.22
High Slap uf+P H 26
Elbow Strike f+P M 18
Elbow-Upslice f+P,P M.M 18.18
Indecision Combo f+P,P,P M.M.M 18.18.20
Side Bodycheck Combo f+P,P,P+K M.M.M 18.18.40
Cross Elbow Strike b+P M 22
Cross-Violent Slice b+P,P M.M 22.30
Cross-Jab b+P,f+P M.M 22.20
Double Palm Combo b+P,f+P,P+K M.M.M 22.20.30
Upwards Riot Chop DF+P M 24
Stepping Palm Strike f,f+P M 25
Overhead Slice df,df+P M 22
Scoot Punch d,df,f+P,P M 0.28
Headbutt P+K M 25
Violent Slice f,b+P M 30
Short Bodycheck db,f+P M 50
Stomping Double Palm f+P+K M 42
Death Touch d+P+K H.M 15.30
Cmb Stomping Bodycheck d+P+K,bf+P H.M.M 15.30.30
High Double Palm b+P+K H 30
Turnaway Flipover Upper db+P+K M 32
Side Bodycheck df+P+K M 40
Low Backfist db+P L 20
Low Reverse Punch df+K M 25
Low Reverse-Jab df+K,P M.M 25.25
Spinning Hammer Combo df+K,P,bf+P M.M.H 25.25.40
Shot Knee Strike F+K M 25
Shot Knee-Hopkick F+K,K M.M 25.30
Low Kick db+K L 15
Low-Side Bodycheck db+K,f+P L.M 15.40
Hopkick u+K M 30
Jumping Crescent Kick uf+K H 40
Jumping Crescent-Sweep uf+K,d+K H.L 40.25
Reverse Cartwheel Kick ub+K M 35
Step Thrust Kick f+K H 24
Leaping Toe Touch S+K H 26
Leg Sweep d+S+K L 25

Side Cross Wrap S+P Std Trw 40
Grasping the Heart b+S+P Std Trw 45
Dragon Shoulder b+S+P Wall Trw 15+40
Shuutai f+S+P Std Trw 48
Rolling Earth Wind f,f+S+P Std Trw 50
Monkey Style f+S+P Multithrow 20
Unlock the Chains... d,db,b+S+P Std Trw 17+17+17
Close the Clouds... d,df,f+S+P Std Trw 35+15
Close the Clouds and... S+P Multithrow 0
Spread the Tiger's Tail S+P Bck Trw 55
Leaning Position f+S+P Bck Trw 60
The Horse's Iron Head d+S+P Low Trw 20+36
Raccoon-Cat up a Tree db+S+P Low Trw 15+15+20
Great Cross Splitter d+S+P Low Bck Trw 62

A Strike Collapses... f,u+S vs. H-P 60
A Spinning Grasp... f,u+S vs. H-K 60
The Dragon's Shape f,b+S vs. M-P 10+10+40
Investigating the... b,f+S vs. M-K 60
A Strike Collapses the... f,d+S vs. L-P 60
Great Lance f,d+S vs. L-K 60
Taken Hand b,u+S vs. H<>M-P 0
Bent Hand b,u+S vs. H<>M-K 0
Sloping Hand b,d+S vs. L-P 0
Sloping Suspension b,d+S vs. L-K 0

Falling Kick u+P+K Dwn Atk 18
Earth Palm Strike d+P Dwn Atk 10

Appeal 1: Banrakuchi b,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal 2: Tenseiba d,d+S+P+K Taunt 0
Arrow Step d,df,f+P Movement 0
Back Cartwheel ub+P Movement 0

Kung Fu Fighting (from Helena) f,f+P+K+S
?? (To Helena) f,f+P+K+S
Moon Toss-Heaven Dance (To Kasumi) f,f+P+K+S
?? (from anyone but Helena) f,f+P+K+S

L L --------

- Birthdate - April 23rd
- Height - 5 foot 6 inches
- Weight - 110 pounds
- Measurements - B=34" / W=22" / H=33"
- Nationality - Chinese
- Style - Tai Chi
- Profession - Student

Lei Fang is back for another round in the Dead Or Alive tournament. Her
moves are also similar if not way more complex than ever. It takes a
while to get use to her because she isn't as throw happy as Tina or
Juggle loving as Kasumi and Ayane. Her main partner is Jann Lee.

-------------- ------- ---- ------
Jab P H 10
Uppercut df+P M 20
Low Punch d+P L 5
High Front Kick K H 28
Front Kick df+K M 25
Low Kick d+K L 10
Turning High Palm [back] P H 12
Turning Mid Palm Strike [back] d+P M 16
Turning Low Palm Strike [back] D+P L 12
Turning Armada Kick [back] K H 30
Turning Front Kick [back] d+K M 25
Turning Low Kick [back] D+K L 23
Turning Delayed Palm [back] P+K M 38
Advancing Hopping Palm uf,P M 15
Advancing Jumpkick uf,K M 30
Advancing Hop Dbl Palm uf,P H 22
Advancing Slide Kick uf,K L 25
Hopping Palm Strike u,P M 15
Hopping Jumpkick u,K M 30
Hopping Double Palm u,P H 22
Hopping Slide Low Kick u,K L 25
Back Hopping Dbl Palm ub,P H 22
Back Hopping Slide Kick ub,K M 20

Stepping Fist uf+P M 25
Dashing Elbow Strike u+P H 18
Single Jumpkick uf+K M 23
Double Jumpkick u+K,K M.H 23.25
Rear Hopping Crescent ub+K H 34
Step Double Palm Strike f,f+P M 26
Eye Gouge f,b+P H 26
Power Bodycheck b,f+P M 40
The Lone Gold Chicken P+K H.M 20.25
Sliding Low Kick d,d+K L 25
Elbow Strike f+P M 17
Elbow - Gold Chicken f+P,K M.H.M 17.20.25
Back Leaning Fist b,b+P H 26
Stomping Palm b+P M 22
Stomping Fist b+P,P M.M 22.25
Low Upwards Knife Edge db+P M 18
Low Upper-TA Bodycheck db+P,P M.M 18.28
Trapping Strike d,df,f+P M 32
Low Swipe df,df+P L 20
Swipe-Single Jumpkick df,df+P,K L.M 20.23
Swipe-Dbl Jumpkick df,df+P,K,K L.M.H 20.23.25
Swipe-TA Bodycheck df,df+P,P+K L.M 20.35
Stepping High Kick f+K H 24
Stepping Punt Kick f,f+K M 32
Spreading Kick u+K H 24
Armada Kick b+K H 30
Armada-Mid Spin Sweep b+K,K H.M 30.20
Armada-Leg Sweep b+K,K,d+K H.M.L 30.20.15
Low Shin Kick db+K L 15
Low Shin-Sliding Kick DB+K,K L.L 15.23
Front Kick df+K M 25
Front K-TA Bodycheck df+K,P+K M.M 25.35
High Double Palm Strike f+P+K H 22
Delayed Palm Strike ub+P M 29
One-Two Punch P,P H.H ??.12
One-Two-Windmill P,P,P H.H.M ??.12.32
One-Two-Elbow Strike P,P,f+P H.H.M ??.12.20
Elbow-Chicken Combo P,P,f+P,K H.H.M.H.M ??.
One-Two-Stomping Palm P,P,b+P H.H.M ??.12.22
Stomping Fist Combo P,P,b+P,P H.H.M.M ??.12.22.25
One-Two-Skyscraper K,P,P,K H.H.H ??.12.25
Sky Armada Combo P,P,K,K H.H.H.H ??.12.25.28
Sky Mid Sweep Combo P,P,K,d+K H.H.H.M ??.12.25.20
Sliding Kick Combo P,P,d+K H.H.L ??.12.25
Jab-Low Straight Punch P,DF+P H.M ??.20
Double Palm Combo P,DF+P,P H.M.M ??.20.26
TA Bodycheck Combo P,DF+P,P+K H.M.M ??.20.35
Jab-Armada Kick P,K H.H ??.30
Armada-Mid Combo P,K,K H.H.M ??.30.20
Armada-Leg Sweep Cmb P,K,K,d+K H.H.M.L ??.30.20.15
High Front Kick K H 28
Front-Armada K,K H.H 28.32
Front-Mid Sweep K,d+K H.M 28.20
Double Eye Gouge b+P+K H 20
Low Double Fist Strike db+P+K M 34
Turnaway Bodycheck d+P+K M 35
Jumping Crescent Kick S+K M 35

Collapsing Monkey S+P Std Trw 42
The Common Man's Horse... b+S+P Std Trw 46
Reversal of Fortune b+S+P Wall Trw 0
Pressing Spinfall df+S+P Std Trw 20+32
Kneeling Strike b,f+S+P Std Trw 55
The Bent Knee Staggers f,f+S+P Std Trw 25+25
The Bent Knee Dominates f,f+S+P Wall Trw 25+35
Challenge the Hand and... d,df,f+S+P Std Trw 48
The Fat Prince... b+S+P Multithrow 20
--Fat Prince Combo f,f+S+P Multithrow 32
--Request the Bodycheck b,f+S+P Multithrow 28
Uranui-Hijisui d,df,f+S+P Std Trw 15+47
Takuchuu Treason S+P Bck Trw 55
Airwalk f,f+S+P Bck Trw 58
A Knee to the Head... d,df,f+S+P Bck Trw 30+30
Touitsukon d+S+P Low Trw 10+20+28
The Lone Gold Chicken db+S+P Low Trw 62
Take the Hand d+S+P Low Bck Trw 65

Turning Foot Sweep f,u+S vs. H-P 62
Routai-Toutou f,u+S vs. H-K 32+30
Kneeling Attack f,b+S vs. M-P 62
Revolving Push b,f+S vs. M-K 0
Double Opening Kick f,d+S vs. L-P 62
Embracing Thigh Kick f,d+S vs. L-K 62
Sairetsu b,u+S vs. H<>M-P 0
Housei b,u+S vs. H<>M-K 0
Risei b,d+S vs. L-P 0
Erasing Push b,u+S vs. L-K 0

Falling Double Strike u+P+K Dwn Atk 18
Earthquake Stomp d+K Dwn Atk 15

Appeal 1 – Salute b,f,b+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal 2 - Damedame... d,d+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal 3 - Yo-shi f,b,f+S+P+K Taunt 0
Appeal 4 - Damedame... b,b+S+P+K Taunt 0

Double Dragon Fist (from Jann Lee) f,f+S+P+K
Skyscraper- Dragon Kick (to Jann Lee) f,f+S+P+K
Tag Kneeling Throw (from anyone but Jann Lee) f,f+S+P+K


Once you go to the machine and pop in your money you just have to the
start button, which should be to the inside of the control setups. Once
you do you'll get a screen like this.
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
| | | | | | | |
| Single | | Time Attack | | Survival | | Tag Battle |
|______________| |______________| |______________| |______________|

Well once you see that, you can just highlight the one you want to do
and start up. Of course some of this may not be here, I've heard that
the Tag mode must be activated and I'll try to get that info for all of
you with a new machine sitting in front of you.

Anyway here's a rundown of what you'll get depending on what you

This is kind of different for a fighting game. It's of course a
good way to get people to play with all characters. Anyway this
is where you pick 1 character only and fight in an Arcade style.
1-on-1, one after another, while getting a story on the way up!

Time Attack:
This is where you play up until you finish the game. You should
try to get the fastest time as possible. You should play the game
throughout the same order as the Single match only it's not a
story mode and just straight fighting until you get to the end.
Once you do finish the game you enter your name into the game
unless you don't get a good enough time.

This is pretty self-explanatory I would hope, right? Well this is
where you make your way through battle after battle fighting over
and over again. You only get one life bar but after you defeat
your enemy you can get some health items. I didn't get to far but
once you lose you put in your name and it goes into the scores.

Tag Battle:
This where most of the fun fights happen in DoA 2. You pick two
characters for your team and you fight. There's no story or
anything but you and you tag partner battle it out, Marvel Vs.
Capcom and Tekken Tag style, this is Sweet!!

Some modes aren't for 2 player and depending on when the second player
starts different choices will be available. There are only 2 modes
though that are possible in a two-player match.

The two are just a single match out of three and the second being a tag
match which is only one round in the small stage. If both people put
their money in at the same time and hit start either of the two people
can choose the type of match it is.

If the second player puts his money in after a match has already
started the challenger gets a choice on THIER half of the screen

A new challenger has entered, choose a battle type
_______________ _______________
| | | |
| Single Battle | | Tag Battle |
|_______________| |_______________|

After the challenger chooses which one he/she would like the other
person gets a choice.

Do you accept the challengers choice?

After that you can either go with it or choose the other fighting type
instead. Once both players are ready you will go to the character
selection screen, with all 12 characters. You pick your character/s and
then you start out the match. Once it's over the person who lost
leaves, [or puts in more money] and the winner goes on.

Depending on if you're the challenger or not you can choose. If you
aren't the challenger you go back to the same spot in the same
selection as you were before you were challenged.

If you are the challenger you go to the start of the Tag, or Single
depending on what type of 2-player match was just chosen. If it was
single you do a single if it was a tag you do the tag. You don't get to
re-choose your characters either.

Here are the a rundown of the 2-player modes and there differences.

In a 2-player single match you get a first to three bout, ala
Virtua Fighter. Through the match you have up to 5 rounds.
Throughout each round you may knock your opponent [or be knocked]
to a new part of the stage. Once the round is over you will start
in the same spot and not go back to the start.

Tag Battle:
In a tag battle match it plays out exactly like the single player
mode. Each person picks 2 characters and they fight in the
enclosed fighting arena. Once one person loses both characters
life bars his/her turns over and they have to put in more money.

That's the only play modes for 2-players, which are fine but the tag
battle is probably the more interesting out of the two IMO.

Well those are all the modes in the game for the Arcade. Now I better
put in a quick chart to state the differences between them and then out
a more explanatory of each one underneath.

Item | Single | Time Attack | Survival | Tag Battle |
Plots? | Yes | No | No | No
1 Player | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes
2 Player | Yes | No | No | Yes
1 Fighter | Yes | Yes | Yes | No
2 Fighters | No | No | No | Yes
Ending | Yes | Yes | No | Yes
Name Entry | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes

Well, I could put some more but I don't know any for now. If I get some
more I'll ad them later in another update. I don't think I need to say

V. Cheats/Extra's

There aren't many cheat's or extra's in the game this far but there are
a few for the arcade.

To get every one's second and third [only some] you just have to press
up or down depending on where the character is on the select screen.
This is the obvious one. To get Kasumi and Ayane's extra costume you
have to hold Punch and Kick while pressing start to choose your

You can change the camera movement of the replay and winning pose by
holding the Free button and moving around the Joystick. Also pressing
Punch and Kick zoom's in and Out the camera.

VI. Legal Stuff

This is my guide, Jimbo, and it cannot be used by anyone unless they
get my written consent. This FAQ is C Jimbo, 2000

As of this update this FAQ can only be reproduced on the following


E-mail me at to get my written consent.

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17.Октябрь 2013
Tag Juggle Guide

13.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die japanischeese NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
Hardcore Kasumi Move List

13.Октябрь 2013
Hardcore Miscellaneous Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Hardcore Character Guide Jann Lee

17.Октябрь 2013
Tag Teaming

14.Октябрь 2013
Hardcore Lei Fang

16.Октябрь 2013
First FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Hardcore Lei Fang

15.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Tina Move List

15.Октябрь 2013
Ryu Move List

14.Октябрь 2013
Kasumi Combo

14.Октябрь 2013
Jann Lee

15.Октябрь 2013
Helena Move

16.Октябрь 2013
Hayabusa Combo

17.Октябрь 2013
Gen Fu Move

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Full Move List

15.Октябрь 2013
Exciter Lyrics

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Ein Combo

14.Октябрь 2013
Combo File

15.Октябрь 2013
Bass Move List

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Basic FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Ayane Move

15.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018