Dead or Alive 2

Dead or Alive 2

15.10.2013 14:48:43
Dead or Alive 2 Combo File (Version 1.0)

Written by The Chi-Crew
Copyright 2000
Last Update: 4/02/00

Questions? Corrections? Comments? Suggestions? Combos?
Send them all to Harold (H-Bomb)

Authors: Harold = (Maintainer of Combo File)
Andy =
Khris =
Dave =
Chris =

Contributors: Paul = (Tester)

Revision History: (3/26/00) Combos for Gen and Hayabusa added.
(3/27/00) Combos for Ein, Kasumi, and Leon added.
(3/28/00) Combos for Ayane and Jann Lee added.
(3/29/00) Combos for Bass, Tina, and Zack added.
(4/01/00) Combos for Ayane, Jann Lee, and Zack added.
(4/02/00) Combos for Bass, Helena, and Lei Fang added.

This File is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced
electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may not be altered in
any way. This disclaimer and the above copyright notice must appear in full.
This File is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes; this
includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being
incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This File was created and is
owned by the above Authors. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged
that are not specifically mentioned in this File.

Dead or Alive (c) Tecmo
Sega Dream Cast (c) Sega

Conventions and Notes

Directions listed are for the opponent to the right of your character

ub u uf
\ | /
b-- n --f
/ | \
db d df

Directions printed in upper-case letters must be held instead of tapped

S = Free
P = Punch
K = Kick

QCF = Quarter Circle Forward
QCB = Quarter Circle Back
HCF = Half Circle Forward
HCB = Half Circle Back

, = Separates the commands of moves for clarity
+ = Commands must be inputted at the same time
> = Separates moves in combos for clarity
>>= Combo continues on next line

FC - From Crouching position
WS - While standing (FC,n+X)
BK - Back turned
() - Contains Stance required for next move
[] - Moves inside are escapable or do not hit in all situations. Check
notes at the end of each character's section for more details.

The following Definition is taken from Catlord's Tekken3 Combo Compendium:

COMBO - A stringing of moves that when the first hit connects, the
----- following hits are _COMPLETELY INESCAPABLE_.

It is important to note that most staggers can be escaped by canceling the
stun animation with a defensive hold. Therefore most of the combos listed in
this File will begin with the launchers only. Any exceptions or combos
needing extra explanation will be addressed at the end of each character's

Not all follow ups for every starter will be listed. We will try to provide
most of the bread and butter combos for each character, but don't expect to
find all the petty follow ups as well. (Like P,P,P with Gen for example. He
has much better follow ups once the opponent is launched.)

All combos have been tested on the Dream Cast version of the game in
practice mode on FLAT GROUND. Combos may or may not work depending on the
angulation of the ground for different stages. Additionally, combos that
would usually only work on specific weight classes might also work for
other classes depending on the angulation.

Combos will be listed with the starter first, several different follow ups,
minimum hit type requirement of the starter for each weight class, and an
approximate total damage for all three hit types.

* Weight classes

H = Heavy = Bass, Leon
M = Medium = Ein, Gen Fu, Hayabusa, Helena, Jann Lee, Lei Fang, Tina, Zack
L = Light = Ayane, Kasumi

* Launcher Hit Types

N = Normal Hit = Normal Float and Regular Damage
C = Counter Hit = Higher Float and Increased Damage
H = Hi Counter = Higher Float and Insane Damage
- = None = A dash indicates that the combo will not
work for that particular weight class

A character will stagger when he or she is struck with a critical hit. A
portion of that character's life bar will start to flash when this happens.
Unless the character cancels the stagger animation with any defensive hold
or by struggling (mashing on the buttons and stick), he or she will be open
to all attacks (except for throws). Any moves that do not normally launch on
counter hit will continue to re-stagger the character until the flashing
portion of the life bar is depleted. The hit that empties out the flashing
part of the life bar or any move that normally launches on counter hit will
knock the staggering character down. If the character recovers before the
flashing part is drained, he or she will keep that life.

Damage % breakdown for all types of hits:

| First Hit | Stagger Hits | Juggle Hits
Normal | 100% | 50% | 50%
Counter | 125% | 50% | 62%
Hi Counter | 150% | 60% | 75%

* The Damage Range section lists the total damage for each combo for all hit
types (normal, counter, hi).

Character Sections

Starters | Combos | H | M | L | Damage Range
[P,P],P | P,P,P | C | C | C | - , 49, 59
| f+P,P | C | C | N | 45, 55, 67
| P,P,f+P,P | - | C | C | - , 67, 81
u+K | P,P,P | C | C | C | - , 55, 66
| f+P,P | C | C | C | - , 61, 70
| P,P,f+P,P | - | C | C | - , 73, 88
f,f+P | P,P,P | C | C | C | - , 55, 66
| f+P,P | C | N | N | 50, 61, 74
| P,P,f+P,P | - | C | C | - , 73, 88
(BK) d+P | P,P,f+P,P | C | C | C | - , 77, 93
[f+P],P | P,P,f+P,P | C | C | C | - , 77, 93
b+P | (BK) P,P,b+P,P,u+K | C | C | C | - , 73, 88
| (BK) P,P,f+P > S+K | - | - | C | - , 78, 95
[df+P],b+P | (BK) P,P,b+P,P,u+K | C | C | C | - , 73, 88
| (BK) P,P,f+P > (BK) S+K | - | - | C | - , 78, 95
(BK) ub+P | (BK) P,P,b+P,P,u+K | C | C | C | - , 75, 90
| (BK) P,P,f+P > (BK) S+K | - | - | C | - , 80, 97
b+S+K | [ b+P > (BK) P,P,b+P,P,u+K ] | N | N | N | 80, 96,115
| [ b+P > (BK) P,P,f+P > (BK) S+K ] | - | - | N | 84,101,122
b+S+P | b+P > (BK) P,P,b+P,P,u+K | N | N | N | 65, 65, 65
| b+P > (BK) P,P,f+P > (BK) S+K | - | - | N | 69, 69, 69
| f+P,P > P,P,f+P,P | N | N | N | 76, 76, 76
b,f+S | QCF+S+K | N | N | N | 57, 71, 86
| u+K > P,P,f+P,P | N | N | N | 77, 94,114
| [u+P] > (BK) ub+P >> | | | |
| > (BK) P,P,b+P,P,u+K | N | N | N | 79, 97,117
| [u+P] > (BK) ub+P > (BK) P,P,f+P >> | | | |
| > (BK) S+K | N | N | N | 83,102,124
| [u+P] > (BK) P,P,f+P >> | | | |
| > (BK) P,P,b+P,P,u+K | N | N | N | 87,106,128
| [u+P] > (BK) P,P,f+P >> | | | |
| > (BK) P,P,f+P > (BK) S+K | - | N | N | 91,111,135
| [u+P] > (BK) ub+P > (BK) ub+P >> | | | |
| > (BK) P,P,b+P,P,u+K | - | N | N | 91,112,135
| [u+P] > (BK) ub+P > (BK) ub+P >> | | | |
| > (BK) P,P,f+P > (BK) S+K | - | - | N | 95,117,142
| [u+P] > (BK) ub+P > (BK) P,P,f+P >> | | | |
| > (BK) P,P,b+P,P,u+K | - | N | N | 99,121,146

* The parts of the canned combos listed in "[]" of the Starters section are
not part of the combo. They all produce stuns on counter hit that can be
broken out of with defensive holds. Damage is not worked into the Range.

* Buffer a forward dash (f,f) after f+P,P to get in range for the next hit.

* b+S+K causes two different stuns depending on stance. In open stance it
will produce a double over stun which can be escaped. In closed stance
it will produce a back stun which cannot be escaped because it turns the
opponent around. Combos listed for b+S+K are only guaranteed when the move
hits in closed stance and causes the special back stun.

* Damage for combos after the b+S+P throw do not vary for different types of
hits because the base damage for the throw itself is 0.

* The f+P,P cannot be broken out of after a b+S+P because the opponent
cannot cancel a stagger with a defensive hold when his or her back is
turned. A df+P,b+P is not fast enough to work though. The opponent will
get hit by the df+P as he or she is turning around, but will be able to
reverse the b+P follow up.

* The u+P is a movement that makes Ayane turn her back to the opponent and
does not do any damage.

* Make sure to wait before doing the (BK) ub+P for Ayane's reversal combos.
If you're having trouble, then you're probably doing it way too soon. It's
all in the timing. Try doing it as late as possible first and adjusting
your timing from there.

Starters | Combos | H | M | L | Damage Range
[df+K],K | f+K,P | C | C | C | - , 72, -
[P],K | f+K,P | C | C | C | - , 63, 76
P+K | f+K,P | C | C | C | - , 68, 82
u+K | P+K > f+K,P | N | N | N | 74, 91,110
| b+P,P > f+K,P | - | - | N | 76, 94,113
df,df+P | f+K,P | N | N | N | 60, 74, 89
| P,P,K | C | C | C | - , 77, 94
| P+K > f+K,P | - | C | C | - , 92,111
| b+P,P > f+K,P | - | - | C | - , 95,114
f+P | [ df,df+P > P,P,K ] | C | C | C | - , 81, 99
| [ df,df+P > P+K > f+K,P ] | - | C | C | - , 96,116
| [ df,df+P > b+P,P > f+K,P ] | - | - | C | - , 99,119

* The df+K in df+K,K of the Starters section is not part of the combo and
the damage range does not include that kick.

* The 2nd hit of df+K,K causes a "crumple stun" (a type of stagger) on hi
counter which does not allow for any follow ups. The opponent can cancel
the stagger with a defensive hold as well.

* The P in P,K of the Starters section is not part of the combo and the
damage range does not include that punch.

* f+P causes two different stuns on counter hit depending on stance. In
closed stance it will produce a double over stun which can be escaped. In
open stance it will produce a back stun which cannot be escaped because
it turns the opponent around. Combos listed for f+P are only guaranteed
when the move hits in open stance and causes the special back stun.

Starters | Combos | H | M | L | Damage Range
[db+K],P | P,P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 62, 74
uf+P | (BK) db+K,f+P,K | N | N | N | 51, 63, 76
uf+K | P,P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 65, 78
b+S+K | (BK) db+K,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 67, 81
f+K | P,P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 68, 81
b+K | P,P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 72, 86
ub+K | P,P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 82, 98
| f+K,K,f+K | - | C | C | - , 91,110
(BK) K | P,P,f+P,K | N | N | N | 60, 74, 89
| f+K,K,f+K | C | C | C | - , 83,101
| df+P > P,P,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 86,104
| b+S+K > (BK) db+K,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 86,105
df,df+K | P,P,f+P,K | N | N | N | 60, 74, 89
| f+K,K,f+K | C | C | C | - , 83,101
| df+P > P,P,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 86,104
| b+S+K > (BK) db+K,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 86,105
WS+K | P,P,f+P,K | N | N | N | 65, 80, 96
| f+K,K,f+K | C | C | C | - , 89,108
| df+P > P,P,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 92,112
| b+S+K > (BK) db+K,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 92,112
| f+P > P,P,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 95,114
| df+P > f+K,K,f+K | - | - | C | - ,101,123

* The db+K in db+K,P of the Starters section is not part of the combo and
damage range does not include that kick. Even if it hits on counter the
opponent can cancel the stun with a defensive hold.

Gen Fu
Starters | Combos | H | M | L | Damage Range
db+P+K | (BK) K | C | C | C | - , 58, 70
| (BK) d+K > f,f+P | - | - | C | - , 71, 86
u+P | d+P+K, b,f+P | C | C | C | - , 56, 68
| f+P,P,[P+K] | C | C | C | - , 67, 80
| u+P > f+P,P,[P+K] | - | C | C | - , 77, 92
f+K | db,f+P | C | C | C | - , 63, 73
| f+P,P,P | C | C | C | - , 66, 77
| f+P,P,[P+K] | - | C | C | - , 79, 92
uf+P | db,f+P | C | C | C | - , 65, 75
| f+P,P,P | C | C | C | - , 68, 79
| f+P,P,[P+K] | - | C | C | - , 81, 94
S+K | db,f+P | C | C | C | - , 66, 79
| f+P,P,P | C | C | C | - , 69, 83
| f+P,P,[P+K] | - | C | C | - , 82, 98
u+K | d+P+K, b,f+P | C | C | C | - , 73, 89
| f+P,P,P | C | C | C | - , 71, 83
| f+P,P,[P+K] | - | C | C | - , 84,101
DF+P | d+P+K, b,f+P | C | C | C | - , 66, 80
| f+P,P,[P+K] | C | C | C | - , 77, 92
| u+P > f+P,P,[P+K] | - | C | C | - , 87,104
d+P+K | d+P+K, b,f+P | C | C | C | - , 92,111
| f+P,P,[P+K] | - | C | C | - ,103,123
QCF+S+P | b+P+K > u+P > d+P+K, b,f+P | N | N | N | 88,107,130
| b+P+K > df+K, P, b,f+P | N | N | N | 94,116,140
| b+P+K > u+P > f+P,P,[P+K] | N | N | N | 96,118,142
| b+P+K > u+P > u+P > f+P,P,P | - | N | N | 94,119,139
| b+P+K > u+P > u+P > d+P+K, b,f+P | - | N | N | 96,117,142

* Combos involving u+P can be performed more easily if you "Guard Cancel"
the u+P to prevent the canned combo u+P,P,P from coming out. This can be
done by simply pressing S (Free) after u+P. You can then start buffering
in the command for the next move in the combo.

* Combos involving f+P,P,P+K are "Stance Dependent." This means that the
combo may or may not work depending on how the characters were facing
each other before the starter connected. Sometimes the last hit (P+K)
will whiff completely. Usually works on high launchers regardless of
stance. Not as reliable on heavies.

Starters | Combos | H | M | L | Damage Range
u+P | FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P+K | C | C | C | - , 59, 72
| P,P,b+P,f+P | C | C | C | - , 62, 75
| FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) K,K | - | C | C | - , 65, 79
| P,P,b+P,K | - | C | C | - , 67, 81
df+P+K | ,K | N | N | N | 34, 42, 59
| (BK) P,P,b+P,f+P | C | N | N | 53, 65, 79
| (BK) P,P,b+P,K | C | C | N | 57, 70, 85
f+K | FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P+K | C | C | C | - , 68, 82
| P,P,b+P,f+P | C | C | C | - , 71, 85
| FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) K,K | - | C | C | - , 74, 89
Hand Stand| ub+K | C | C | C | - , 68, 82
P+K | FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P+K | - | C | C | - , 83, 97
uf+K | ub+K | - | C | C | - , 68, 82
| FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P+K | - | - | C | - , 83, 97
u+K | FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) > K,K | C | C | C | - , 75, 91
| P,P,b+P,K | C | C | C | - , 77, 93
| u+P > FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) K,K | - | C | C | - , 86,104
QCF+P | FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P+K | N | N | N | 58, 72, 87
| f+P,K,K | N | N | N | 61, 76, 91
| FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) K,K | N | N | N | 63, 78, 94
| P,P,b+P,K | C | N | N | 65, 80, 96
| u+P > FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P+K | C | N | N | 68, 83,100
| u+P > FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) K,K | - | C | C | - , 89,107
| u+P > P,P,b+P,K | - | C | C | - , 91,109
| FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P,P,b+P,f+P | - | - | C | - , 91,109
| u+P > u+P > FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P+K | - | - | C | - , 94,113
WS+K | FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P+K | N | N | N | 59, 73, 88
| f+P,K,K | N | N | N | 62, 75, 92
| FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) K,K | N | N | N | 64, 79, 95
| P,P,b+P,K | C | N | N | 66, 81, 97
| u+P > FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P+K | C | N | N | 69, 84,101
| u+P > FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) K,K | - | C | C | - , 90,108
| u+P > P,P,b+P,K | - | C | C | - , 92,110
| FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P,P,b+P,f+P | - | - | C | - , 92,110
| u+P > u+P > FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P+K | - | - | C | - , 95,114
QCF+K | FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P+K | N | N | N | 64, 79, 96
| f+P,K,K | C | N | N | 67, 83,100
| FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) K,K | C | N | N | 69, 85,103
| P,P,b+P,K | C | C | C | - , 87,105
| u+P > FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) K,K | - | C | C | - , 96,116
HCF+S+P | FC,b+K > (Hand Stand) P,P,b+P,K | N | N | N | 80, 87, 95
| u+P > u+P > f+P,K,K | N | N | N | 81, 88, 96
| u+P > u+P > P,P,b+P,f+P | N | N | N | 81, 88, 96
| u+P > df+P > FC,b+K > (Hand Stand)K,K | - | N | N | 84, 91, 99
| u+P > df+P > P,P,b+P,K | - | N | N | 86, 93,101
| Combo Throw | N | N | N | 80, 99,120

* Combos involving the move FC,b+K can be performed easily as long as you
buffer the command for a "Crouch Dash" (df,df) towards the end of the move
before it. EX: tap df,df towards the end of the recovery animation of u+P
and Hayabusa will go immediately into a crouching position after the move.
This makes the FC,b+K come out as fast as possible and is necessary for
some of the harder combos.

* Combos starting with the HCF+F+P throw can also work with Hayabusa's punch
attack reversals. Although you are generally better off just doing the
combo throw in both cases as it usually does more damage (Shown above).

Starters | Combos | H | M | L | Damage Range
u+P | P,P,d+K | - | C | C | - , 52, 63
u+K | (AoP) b+P,K,P | C | C | C | - , 65, 79
uf+K | b+P,P,P | N | N | N | 54, 64, 77
| f,f+K,P,P | - | N | N | 55, 66, 80
P+K | b+P,P,P | C | C | C | - , 66, 79
| P,P,b+P,P | - | C | C | - , 67, 81
| f,f+K,P,P | - | C | C | - , 68, 82
DF+P | b+P,P,P | C | C | C | - , 66, 79
| f,f+K,P,P | - | C | C | - , 68, 82
[d+K],K | b+P,P,P | C | C | C | - , 67, 80
| f,f+K,P,P | - | C | C | - , 69, 83
f+K | b+P,P,P | C | C | C | - , 68, 82
| f,f+K,P,P | - | C | C | - , 70, 85
(BK) d+K | (BK) f,f+K | N | N | N | 33, 45, 54
| (BK) f+P | N | N | N | 37, 46, 55
| (BK) f+K,P | C | N | N | 50, 62, 74
| (BK) P,P,b+P,P,P | C | N | N | 60, 73, 88
f+K,P | P,P,K | - | C | C | - , 79, 96
ub+K | (BK) f,f+K | N | N | N | 41, 51, 62
| (BK) f+P | C | N | N | 42, 52, 63
| (BK) f+K,P | - | C | C | - , 68, 82
| (BK) P,P,P,[P] | C | C | C | - , 71, 86
| (BK) P,P,b+P,P,P | - | C | C | - , 74, 96
(AoP) P+K | b+P,P,P | N | N | N | 65, 81, 97
| P,P,b+P,P | - | C | N | 65, 82, 99
| f,f+K,P,P | - | N | N | 66, 83,100
(BK) P+K | P,P,K | N | N | N | 65, 79, 96
| b+P,P,P | - | N | N | 67, 83,100
| P,P,b+P,P | - | N | N | 69, 84,102
f+P | [ [d+P+K] > (AoP) b+P > (BK) d+K >> | | | |
| > (BK) P,P,b+P,P,P ] | C | C | C | - , 87,105

* AoP = Art of Phoenix Stance

* Combos starting with u+K, uf+K, f+K, or f+K,P will also work for any of
Helena's canned combos ending with the same moves. EX: (AoP) [P,P],K

* The last hit of ub+K > (BK) P,P,P,[P] is stance dependent for heavy
characters and may not hit depending on how the characters were facing
each other before the starter connected.

* f+P causes two different stuns on counter hit depending on stance. In
open stance it will produce a double over stun which can be escaped. In
closed stance it will produce a back stun which cannot be escaped
because it turns the opponent around. Combos listed for f+P are only
guaranteed when the move hits in closed stance and causes the special
back stun.

* d+P+K is a movement that makes Helena go into the Art of Phoenix Stance
and does not do any damage.

* Explanation of f+P counter hit combo: Guard cancel the (AoP) b+P and
buffer the command for (BK) d+K. Do this quickly and the opponent will not
be able to struggle out of the combo. After the (BK) d+K, buffer a forward
dash to get closer to the opponent before doing the (BK) P,P,b+P,P,P
(Helena can dash towards the opponent when her back is turned).

Jann Lee
Starters | Combos | H | M | L | Damage Range
[P,P],f+P | P,P,P,f+P | C | C | C | - , 61, 72
| P,P,f+P > f+K, b,f+K | - | C | C | - , 69, 83
uf+K | P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 63, 76
| P,P,P,f+P | - | C | C | - , 74, 88
| P,P,f+P > f+K, b,f+K | - | C | C | - , 82, 99
ub+K | P,P,P,f+P | C | C | C | - , 77, 91
| P,P,f+P > f+K, b,f+K | - | C | C | - , 85,102
| P,P,f+P > P,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 85,102
| uf+P > P,P,P,f+P | - | - | C | - , 87,103
S+K | [ f+K > ub+K > P,P,P,f+P ] | C | C | C | - , 98,117
| [ f+K > ub+K > P,P,f+P > f+K, b,f+K ] | - | C | C | - ,106,120
| [ f+K > ub+K > P,P,f+P > P,f+P,K ] | - | C | C | - ,106,120
| [ f+K > ub+K > uf+P > P,P,P,f+P ] | - | - | C | - ,108,129
f,b+S | FC,b,f+P | N | N | N | 70, 74, 80
| Close Hit QCF+P | N | N | N | 80, 84, 90

* The first two punches of P,P,f+P in the Starters section are not part of
the combo. The opponent can reverse after them, even on hi counter stun
or during staggers.

* S+K causes two different stuns on counter hit depending on stance. In
open stance it will produce a double over stun which can be escaped. In
closed stance it will produce a back stun which cannot be escaped
because it turns the opponent around. Combos listed for S+K are only
guaranteed when the move hits in closed stance and causes the special
back stun.

* Guard cancel the S+K to prevent the second kick from coming out. This
can be done by pressing S (Free) right after the move. You can start
buffering the commands for the next move right away.

* If S+K is used to restagger an opponent, then you might have to omit the
f+K in all the follow ups. Otherwise it will cause the opponent to fall
down. The S+K itself may knock down a staggering opponent. Check the
flashing life bar.

* Buffer a "Crouch Dash" (df,df) after a f,b+S counter to get into a
crouching position to be able to pull off the FC,b,f+P.

* The QCF+P will do more damage after a f,b+S counter if you can get close
enough for a "Close Hit." Buffer a forward or (preferably) crouch dash
after the counter and try to get as close as possible before doing the
QCF+P. Keep in mind that the move will do less damage than a FC,b,f+P if
you are not close enough.

Starters | Combos | H | M | L | Damage Range
f+K | ub+K | C | C | C | - , 55, 66
| P,P,f+P,K,[d+K] | C | C | C | - , 70, 84
df,df+P | (BK) P,P,f+P,K,[d+K] | C | C | C | - , 70, 84
df+S+K | ub+K | C | C | C | - , 58, 69
| P,P,f+P,K,[d+K] | C | C | C | - , 73, 87
u+K | ub+K | C | C | C | - , 59, 70
| P,P,f+P,K,[d+K] | C | C | C | - , 74, 88
df,df+K | ub+K | C | C | C | - , 60, 72
| P,P,f+P,K,[d+K] | C | C | C | - , 75, 98
| df,df+P > [ (BK) P,P,f+P,K ] | - | C | C | - , 88,106
b,f+S | df+S+K > P,P,f+P,K,[d+K] | N | N | N | 77, 95,114
| df,df+P > (BK) d+P > ub+K | - | N | N | 82,101,122

* The last hit of the canned combo P,P,f+P,K,[d+K] will not hit in all
situations. It needs to be against a wall or have angulation in the ground
for it to hit. Damage for this move is not worked into the Damage Range
section. The move (d+K) has a base damage of 28.

* Buffer a forward dash after df,df+K to get in range for the next hit.

* The last follow up for df,df+K is a "Wall Combo" and will only connect in
full if the opponent's back is to the wall when the starter connects. The
damage has been worked into the Damage Range.

Lei Fang
Starters | Combos | H | M | L | Damage Range
f+K | f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 55, 66
| P,P,d+K | - | C | C | - , 58, 70
u+K | df+P,df+P,P+K | C | C | C | - , 75, 92
| df+P,P,K,K | C | C | C | - , 81, 99
| df+P,K,K,d+K | - | C | C | - , 81, 99
f,f+K | P,P,d+K | C | C | C | - , 68, 82
| df+P,P,K,K | - | C | C | - , 91,111
| df+P,K,K,d+K | - | C | C | - , 91,111
P+K | P,P,d+K | C | C | C | - , 84,101
| P,df+P,P+K | - | C | C | - , 95,115
b,f+S | df+P,df+P > u+K > df+P,P,K,K | N | N | N | 89, 89, 89
| df+P,df+P > P+K > P,df+P,P+K | - | N | N | 89, 89, 89
| df+P,df+P > f,f+K > df+P,P,K,K | - | N | N | 93, 93, 93

* Combos starting with P+K will also work for any of Lei Fang's canned
punch combos ending with the same move. EX: [P,P,f+P],K

* Damage for combos after the b,f+S counter do not vary for different types
of hits because the base damage for the counter itself is 0.

* df+P,df+P is one of the few moves fast enough to catch the opponent after
a b,f+S counter and cause the right type of stun for a quick follow up.
We tried more damaging moves like f+P+K, df+K... etc. But the opponent
will be able to escape most of the other hits and stuns by running away
and stuggling (even if the opponent's back is turned).

Starters | Combos | H | M | L | Damage Range
DF+P | P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 70, 85
[b+P+K],P | P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 76, 93
[K,P],P | P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 76, 93
uf+K | P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 81, 99
[u+P],P | P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 66, 81
| df+P > f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 68, 83
| df+P > P,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 74, 96
| f+K > P,f+P,K | - | - | C | - , 81, 99
QCB+P | P,f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 79, 86
| df+P > f+P,K | C | C | C | - , 81, 98
| df+P > P,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 91,111
| f+K > P,f+P,K | - | - | C | - , 94,114
WS+K | P,f+P,K | N | N | N | 68, 84,102
| df+P > P,f+P,K | - | C | C | - , 96,117
| f+K > P,f+P,K | - | - | C | - , 99,120

* The parts of the canned combos listed in "[]" of the Starters section are
not part of the combo. u+P produces a stun that can be cancelled with a
defensive hold and K,P and b+P+K knock the opponent down.

Starters | Combos | H | M | L | Damage Range
df,df+P | P,P,K | N | N | N | 48, 60, 71
| f+P,P,d+K | C | C | C | - , 67, 81
| f+P,P,[K] | C | C | C | - , 69, 83
| f+P,P,P | - | C | C | - , 72, 87
| f,f+P,P,K | - | C | C | - , 77, 93
| uf+K > [f+K,P] | - | C | C | - , 80, 96
[f+P,P],K | f+P,P,d+K | C | C | C | - , 67, 81
| f+P,P,[K] | C | C | C | - , 69, 83
| f+P,P,P | - | C | C | - , 72, 87
| f,f+P,P,K | - | C | C | - , 77, 93
| uf+K > [f+K,P] | - | C | C | - , 80, 96
uf+K | f+P,P,d+K | C | C | C | - , 68, 83
| f+P,P,[K] | C | C | C | - , 70, 85
| f+P,P,P | - | C | C | - , 73, 89
| f,f+P,P,K | - | C | C | - , 78, 95
| uf+K > [f+K,P] | - | - | C | - , 81, 98
[P,P,P],K | f+P,P,d+K | C | C | C | - , 73, 89
| f+P,P,[K] | C | C | C | - , 75, 91
| f+P,P,P | - | C | C | - , 78, 95
| f,f+P,P,K | - | C | C | - , 83,101
[uf+P],K | f+P,P,d+K | C | C | C | - , 73, 89
| f+P,P,[K] | C | C | C | - , 75, 91
| f+P,P,P | - | C | C | - , 78, 95
| f,f+P,P,K | - | C | C | - , 83,101
f+K | f+P,P,d+K | C | C | C | - , 73, 89
| f+P,P,[K] | C | C | C | - , 75, 91
| f+P,P,P | - | C | C | - , 78, 95
| f,f+P,P,K | - | C | C | - , 83,101
| uf+K > [f+K,P] | - | - | C | - , 86,104
S+K | P,P,K | N | N | N | 55, 69, 82
| f+P,P,d+K | C | N | N | 62, 76, 92
| f+P,P,[K] | C | N | N | 64, 78, 97
| f+P,P,P | - | C | C | - , 81, 98
| f,f+P,P,K | - | C | C | - , 86,104
| uf+K > [f+K,P] | - | - | C | - , 89,107

* The parts of the canned combos listed in "[]" of the starters section are
not part of the combo. They all produce stuns on counter hit that can be
cancelled with a defensive hold.

* All of the combos involving a "knee" (f+P,P,K or f+K,P) are "Stance
Dependent." This means that the combo may or may not work depending on
how the characters were facing each other before the starter connected.

Starters | Combos | H | M | L | Damage Range
df,df+P | (BK) P,P,f+P,P | C | C | C | - , 60, 73
| (BK) P,K,K | - | C | C | - , 66, 79
[P,P,f+P],P | (BK) P,P,f+P,P | C | C | C | - , 60, 73
| (BK) P,K,K | - | C | C | - , 66, 79
u+K | f+K,K | - | C | C | - , 67, 81
[P,P],f+K | f+K,K | - | C | C | - , 73, 88
| P,P,f+P,P | - | C | C | - , 76, 93
df+P+K | f+K,K | - | C | C | - , 80, 96
| P,P,f+P,P | - | C | C | - , 83,101
df,df+K | f+K,K | N | N | N | 52, 65, 78
| df,df+K,K | C | N | N | 57, 70, 85
| P,K,K | C | N | N | 60, 74, 89
| df,df+K > df,df+K,K | - | - | C | - , 87,106
| df,df+K > P,K,K | - | C | C | - , 91,110
f,f+K | P,K,K | C | C | C | - , 82, 99
| P,P,P,K | - | C | C | - , 87,106
| df,df+K > P,P,f+P,P | - | C | C | - , 93,114
(BK) b+K | [ df,df+K > P,K,K ] | C | C | C | - , 88,100
| [ df,df+K > P,P,f+P,P ] | - | C | C | - , 95,115
| [ df,df+K > df,df+K > df,df+K,K ] | - | - | C | - , 97,117
| [ df,df+K > df,df+K > P,K,K ] | - | C | C | - ,101,121

* The first three hits of P,P,f+P,P in the Starters section are not part of
the combo. Damage for those hits are not worked into the Damage Range.

* The first two hits of P,P,f+K in the Starters section are not part of the
combo. Damage for those hits are not worked into the Damage Range.

* When only doing the first hit of df,df+K,K, it helps to "gaurd cancel"
the first hit to prevent the second kick from coming out. This can be
done by pressing S (Free) right after the move. This allows you to start
buffering the command for the next attack right away.

* Combos starting with (BK) b+K will also work for any of Zack's canned
combos ending with the same move. EX: [P,P,P],K or [QCF+P],K ... etc.

* (BK) b+K causes two different stuns on counter hit depending on stance.
If Zack was in closed stance before he turned around, then it will produce
a double over stun which can be escaped. In open stance it will produce a
back stun which cannot be escaped because it turns the opponent around.
Combos listed for (BK) b+K are only guaranteed when the move hits in open
stance and causes the special back stun.

Dead or Alive 2 Combo File (END)

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Ein Combo

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Combo File

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30.Июнь 2014
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30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
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24.Февраль 2018