Onimusha: Warlords

Onimusha: Warlords

14.10.2013 08:45:56

Onimusha : Warlords US Version
PlayStation 2 (C) Copyright Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Onimusha (C) Copyright 2001 Capcom Co., Ltd.
FAQ Copyright 2001 Clark Gibson


Version : 3.0
Date made : March 16, 2001


Contents :

Dark Realm Tour


Revisions :

March 18th : Finished the main Walkthru, Added Item descriptions, Enemy
list, Magic list and Dark Realm tour.

March 19th : Corrected grammar errors.

March 20th : Added Samanosuke's/Kaede's extra costume to Secrets.

March 21st : Various corrections and additions.


Characters :

Akechi Samanosuke : The main character. All around bad ass samurai

Kaede : Partner to Samanosuke. Originally sent to assassinate him but
decided not to for some reason.

Yumemaru : Adopted brother of Princess Yuki. He's quite feisty.

Yuki : Typical princess who has never been beyond the walls of her own
castle. Longs for the day to see the world with Samanosuke.

Odo Nobunaga: A powerful warlord seeking to conquer Japan. When killed
at the battle of Okehazama he sold his soul to the Demon Clan in
exchange to be resurrected and take the land with an army of monsters.

Toukichiro Kinoshita : Nobunaga's most trusted general. Although he
has the complete trust of Nobunaga all he truly cares about is his own
advancement in power.

Nui : A woman who appears later in the game claiming to have some
relation to Princess Hatsu.

Demon Scientist: Charming fellow. He seems to be the brains behind the
demon hordes and his experiments on the populace are horrific. It never
reveals his name or if he even has one.

Random Soldiers/People: These are people you will encounter being
assaulted by monsters. Save them and reap the rewards or let them die
and get squat.

Weird Upside Down Man : Your guide to the Dark Realm.



Peasant Zombie Swordsmen
Peasant Zombie Archers
Blue 3 Eyed Ninja
Black 3 Eyed Ninja
Spiked Armadillo Monsters
Bull Ogre
Red Undead Samurai
Blue Undead Samurai
Insectoid Drones
Chameleon Ninja
Blue Skulls


Behemoth Horned Demon
Samanosuke Doppelganger
Queen Bee


Control Scheme

Control Pad

Up - Move forward
Down - A quick leap back ( handy to get some space between you and a
creature )
Left/Right - Turn in that direction

R1 - Readies sword/Locks onto the nearest target/Switch display in the
R2 - The 180 degree turn ( great to have when running for your life )
L1 - Block/Switch display in the menu
L2 - Controls the hood on the Panda Suit

Square - Attack
Triangle - Use Magic Attack/Cancel menu selection
X - Use item/Open door/Confirm menu selection
Circle - Absorb souls ( hold )

R1 + Left/Right - Activates the strafe function ( basically run around
in a circle around the target )
R1 + Triangle - Locks onto a target and hits it with a Magic Attack
R1 + Up + Square - A quick jab of the sword to the front
R1 + Down - Kick

Kaede's Special Attacks

R1 + Up + Square - Flip/twist over an enemy so that you are facing it's
back. Move up quickly and press Square again for an instant throat
slash kill.
Triangle - Hurl Kunai at enemies




Normal Sword : The weakest of all swords
Bishamon Sword - Fused with all 3 Magics and can kill lesser demons in
one slash
Raizan - Sword infused with Lightning
Enryuu - Huge blade infused with Fire
Shippuu - Swallow type weapon infused with Wind

Long Range Weapons/Ammunition

Bow - Typical wooden bow used by archers
Matchlock - Primitive firearm
Kunai - Small daggers used by Kaede

Arrows - Iron tipped, wooden arrows
Fire Arrows - Ignites upon contact
Bullets - Capable of penetrating armor
Burst Bullets - Sends bullets in a spread pattern

Health/Ammunition Upgrades ( use Soul Power at the Magic Mirror to
upgrade these )

Arrows upgrade to Fire Arrows.
Bullets upgrade to Burst Bullets.
Herbs upgrade to Medicine.

Other Upgrades ( these increase total health and magic meters )

Power Jewels - Increase Health Meter
Magic Jewel - Increase Magic Meter


Shiden - Enables Thunder Magic and access to doors sealed with Blue
Kouen - Enables Fire Magic and access to doors sealed with Red Jewels
Arashi - Enables Wind Magic and access to doors sealed with Green Jewels


Thunder Special - A quick slash combo ending with an overhead slash
accompanied by a bolt of lightning. As the level of the orb increases
the size of the bolt will increase.

Fire Special - A turning overhead slash that shoots a stream of fire in
the direction you are facing. As the level of the orb increases the
range of the firewall increases.

Wind Special - A whirlwind encircles you damaging nearby enemies. As the
level of the orb increases the size of the vortex increases.

Bishamon Special - The Bishamon Sword special is a spinning slash
accompanied by a purple ring of fire. The ultimate magic attack...it's
power cannot be increased.

Gauntlet : You use this to absorb the souls of the recently deceased
demons for use as energy with your weapons, magic and herbs.

The Gauntlet itself is capable of power ups.

First Transformation - 20,000 Soul Power
Second Transformation - 50,000 Soul Power


Rope Ladder - Durable rope ladder
Wood Ladder - Sturdy wood ladder
Purifier Bell - Purifies the cursed
R. Crest Piece - Half a key to a door in the Keep
L. Crest Piece - Half a key to a door in the Keep
Gear - Used to open secret path
Gold Plate - Used to open the path to the West Prison
Silver Plate - Used to open the path to the West Prison
Bishamon Ocarina - Used to open the path to the Bishamon Sword
Evil Plate - Used to open the seal on the door leading to the Demon Gate
Soul Absorber - Automatically consumes souls
Talisman - Resurrects you upon death
Rosary of Com. - Allows communication with the dead
Red Key - Opens doors marked with red ink
Blue Key - Opens doors marked with blue ink
Green Key - Opens doors marked with green ink
Flourite - Collect all 20 to unlock the Oni Spirits mini game
Shinobi Kit - Used to unlock doors/disable traps
Vision Staff - Allows you to see the hidden Flourite pieces
Great Bow - Used to destroy the barrier to the Dark Realm
Great Arrow - Used to destroy the barrier to the Dark Realm
Statue Head - Used to open the gate to the Matchlock
Decorated Sword - Used to open the path to the East Area
Decorated Arrow - Used to disable the trap holding the Great Arrow



"Strange incidents are occurring in the Inabayama Castle in Mino
prefecture. Soldiers and workers are disappearing without a trace.
Worried by these inexplicable events, Princess Yuki sends a plea for
help to Samanosuke. At once, he races to the castle. But he arrives
too late. Yuki has been kidnapped!"

"At the same time, enemy troops are attacking the castle. Leading
the army - risen from certain death and astride a fierce warhorse - is

"It's time for action! Samanosuke vows to rescue Yuki with the
help of his partner Kaede and defeat Nobunaga and his army of demon



Hot on the kidnapper's trail, Samanosuke and Kaede are lead to the
path to the Keep. It's assumed the princess would be held there.
Samanosuke instructs Kaede to one path and he shall take the other.
Later Samanosuke encounters the criminals still in possession of Yuki!
Tossing the princess aside, the demons launch into battle yet soon into
it they flee. As Samanosuke comforts Yuki a huge demon warrior erupts
from the earth! Samanosuke slices the vile beast with his sword---but
there is no effect! The horrid creature laughs as he smashes his
gargantuan club into the samurai, launching him into the air and roughly
against the rocks! The last thing Samanosuke sees before the darkness
takes him is the beast moving towards Yuki.

Samanosuke awakens to the sound of a voice he doesn't know.
Infinite darkness stretches out as far as the eye can see. Suddenly
many floating spirits appear before him. They identify themselves as
the Ogre Clan subverted by the Demons. They tell Samanosuke that his
power is too weak to challenge the Demons and offer to help. They give
him a special gauntlet that has the ability to absorb the souls of the
Demons and use them as power. Before he can respond the Ogres thrusts
Samanosuke back to the World of the Living. The Gauntlet on his arm
proves that the experience wasn't a delusion and the brave samurai
embarks to retake Yuki and decimate the Demon Army.

Hey, what's that glittering thing over there!? A Magic Mirror, eh?
These can be used to use the Demon Souls to upgrade weapons, ammo and
herbs to give them more power. The Orbs however MUST be upgraded or you
will soon find yourself trapped with nowhere to go surrounded by hellish

Not far from where you awaken is a fort of some kind. It seems the
Demon Army is hard at work killing helpless people. Well, let's show
these pathetic creatures what it's like to face a real fighter!

After wiping the floor with those weaklings enter the fort itself
to get information about the Keep. However some demonic backup has
arrived and the sniveling cowards lock you in with them! Oh well you
know what they say --- "Let's get it on!"

The people beg forgiveness for not helping and trying to get me
killed and reveal a hidden path to the Keep. Hmmmm, they just saved
their own lives. I would have gutted them like fish otherwise. Well
anyway enter the path. The path takes me to a small cave---get the herb
outside the cave you can't miss it it's green!---which is rocked by an
explosion seconds later. After the dust settles it appears a huge hole
is in the way! No way around that! I guess we'll have to descend into
the darkness and hope there is another way out.

The cave opens up onto a majestic temple. Ooooooh, a treasure
chest! A map of this Underground Temple! How convenient! Anyhoo, up
the steps we go. Egads! A mummified corpse sits just before me! Nope,
it's really dead. Hmmm, this Green Scroll looks interesting. Gadzooks!
When I moved the scroll the pedestal moved and revealed a door! Let's
take a peek. A path going left to a door around a corner and a path
going right to a dead end. I noticed in the dead end there was a small
cabinet which contained a book of Seiryu and near that in the opposite
corner on the floor was a Flourite. Hot dog! Let's go to the door at
the end of the left passage now.

These pots look nice I wonder how they would look on my mantle---
OOPS! Damn it broke! Wait, what's this! A treasure chest was in the
pot! Hmmm, a Journal # 1. Interesting. Hey, look at that blue orb on
the stand. Touching the orb it magically transformed into a mean
looking katana literally surging with electricity. I bet I could open a
mean can o' whoop ass with this thing! Ok, there's a path to the left
of this stand. A large chest resides in a small alcove on this path.
Hmmm, this chest is tricky it requires a combination. Luckily the
combination is written on it I just have to line up the numbers
correctly. Here's what it looks like :

***** ***** *****
| 3 | | 5 | | 6 |
***** ***** *****
***** ***** *****
| 2 | | 1 | | 4 |
***** ***** *****

Ok we need to have it read :

***** ***** *****
| 1 | | 2 | | 3 |
***** ***** *****
***** ***** *****
| 4 | | 5 | | 6 |
***** ***** *****

Let's see.... I can only move blocks in groups of 4. So that
means I can twist the group of 3521 or 5614. I'll call 3521 the Left
Group and 5614 the Right Group. By the way we only have a set number of
times to twist the dials so we have to get it right quick.

Twist the Left Group once.
Twist the Right Group once.
Twist the Left Group once.

Bingo! I now have a Rope Ladder! All that work for this?

Ok, there's a staircase...going up! Ah ha! A treasure chest to
the left just barely visible. Ooooo! A Magic Jewel! These increase my
total magic meter. Oh yeah there's a Magic Mirror here too. I'm not
your mother so I'm not going to remind you each and every time to
enhance your orbs, weapons and stuff so please remember. Well, we have
arrived at the Keep. There's a strange blue barnacle like crystal on
the door. Magic locks are always the most effective. Hmmm the crystal
reacts with the orb on my gauntlet. I see electricity in the
crystal...maybe if I equip the Raizan something will happen? Yup, the
crystal released its grip on the door and I can now enter.

Whoa, wait a second what's that weird chest by the mirror. There's
some writing on it......

"Chant the name of a clan subverted by the demons."

A Clan subverted by the Demons? Oh yeah! The Clan of the Ogres!
There are selections for...yes "Clan", "of" and "Ogres" are included in
the choices. Ok, from left to right the answer is:

1 3 6

YAY! A Power Jewel! These things increase my maximum health
meter. Ok let's go into the Keep now.

A bridge of some kind. Maybe I should test the quality of the
Raizan on these planks. Eureka! A treasure chest was hidden behind this
plank! The map of the South Area, eh? I'll hold on to this. Past the
next door places me in the ...

Courtyard. Hmmm, the grey door to the right won't budge. There
aren't anymore doors on the bottom so let's go up the hill and see about
some others. Blast! The main entrance has a red crystal barnacle on it
and the Raizan has no effect! Hmmm there's another door to the side
maybe there's a side entrance.

Dear Lord, the Demons have a soldier surrounded! I leapt into
battle and slew the foul beasts. The soldier - grateful to be alive -
gave me an Herb as well as a clue to the location of the red behemoth
that took Yuki. He said the beast tore through the wall here and made
for a cave in the moat. It sure is a long drop and last time I checked
I wasn't immortal so I need to find a way to climb down. Ah ha! This
rope ladder I acquired recently looks like it would be perfect!

This cave really stinks....a fitting place for a foul creature of
Hell to reside. There's a Magic Mirror and there's another one of
those weird puzzle boxes. More writing.....

"Which is the equipment that was created by the Clan of the Ogres
in order to destroy the Demons?"

Simple. They gave me this Gauntlet to destroy the Demon hordes.
Let me check to see....yes the choices are there "Gauntlet of Ogres".
From left to right the answer is:

6 1 4

Click! More jewels for me!

The far door is encased with a red crystal so I know I won't be
going in there.....this larger door seems to be the only choice.
That's when I came face to tusk with my old friend from before. It's
payback time!

*****Boss Battle*****

This one isn't too hard. Seeing he's a large, fat brute he
probably isn't too agile or quick. I could charge up to him then strafe
to the side to avoid his attacks and assault him from the side with my
Thunder Special. He's got a fairly long reach with his club and his
"Bull Charge" is pretty much unstoppable, however he is slow to recover
from such a maneuver and those precious seconds is all I need to tear a
strip of flesh outta his hide. Sometimes he just ups and stops right in
the heat of battle to rest. Sucks to be so out of shape, doesn't it?
All the easier to slice you in half.

In his final death throes he collapsed the door leading further
into the cave. I better check this out seeing the monster destroyed
the door to the outside and the other door has one of those red crystals
on it. The chest I found here had a Journal # 2 in it and inside the
large jars was a Flourite piece...that makes 2 Flourites so far.

Further into the cave I happened upon a small laboratory and a
kooky Demon Scientist.


As the kooky guy fled he summoned his newest creation --
Reynaldo!.......Next on Reynaldo....Disgusting tentacled monsters get
their butts kicked and sent back to Hell! This fiend has tentacles for
arms that he can use to reach out and slap me, grab my sword or reach
underground and grab my feet setting me up for attacks from other
creatures. Yet, I successfully avoided those attacks and sliced the
sucker in half......What be this?! The two halves regenerated into 2
new creatures! These things are indeed troublesome. Yet they lack any
real power so I finished them off with my Thunder Special.

Ah ha! The Fire Orb was in this lab! Upon taking the orb in my
hand once again the orb morphed into a sword...this one being a huge
blade! I'd like to see how quickly this baby could slice and dice those
demon scums! Anyway I used the blade --called Enryuu-- to open the red
crystal door and returned to the Keep entrance and used the blade on
that one too and gained entrance. Oh! Before you leave smash the crate
outside the boss room to reveal a chest with Medicine in it.

It was horrific.....bodies all over and most the room was destroyed
by some great force....probably that huge horned fiend from before.
There are three doors I can choose from here....one immediately to the
left of the main entrance, a set of double doors directly across from me
and another door to the left of the double. I decided to go for the
door nearest the double one and found a save room complete with a Magic
Mirror, a chest containing the map of the Keep and a weird blue pool
which can replenish my magic supply. As I scouted the back of the room
a man quickly dropped down in front of me! He looks like a worm
suspended by a thread. He said nothing and as quickly as he had come,
he was gone. I'll worry about him later.

Exiting this room I went through the large double door just in time
to witness a puzzling scene.


Kinoshita introduced.

Not much in here save a chest which contained a Journal # 3...how

Through the red door was another small room filled with dead
bodies. They haven't started to rot yet so I suppose it could be worse.
I hope I don't end up sitting beside them anytime soon. In the next
room I saw that boy again this time it was Kaede chasing him.


Yumemaru identified.

This next room contained a door with a weird blue plate that seemed
to be keeping the door sealed. Upon closer examination I noticed a
piece of the plate was gone...perhaps if I found the piece....Well maybe
I'll find some clues through the other door.

At the end of this hall was a staircase, a door under the staircase
and a chest. The chest had an Herb in it..I also found a Flourite in
the small cabinet above the chest....3 so far. I decided to check the
door under the stairs. In it I discovered another of the trick treasure
boxes and a Suzaku in the corner. Let's get that sucker open! The
numbers were in this pattern:

IMPORTANT: Do Not Cut The Rope! Trust me on this I'll explain in a sec.

***** ***** ***** Left Group = 5361, Right Group = 3214
| 5 | | 3 | | 2 |
***** ***** *****
***** ***** *****
| 6 | | 1 | | 4 |
***** ***** *****

Twist the Left Group once.
Twist the Right Group once.
Twist the Left Group once.
Twist the Right Group twice.

The chest held a bow! Perfect! Now I can use these arrows to rain
destruction upon the demons from a safer distance. Go upstairs and into
the first door you see. Look in the bucket hanging there for a Power
Jewel! If the rope had been cut the jewel would have fallen into the
pit and couldn't be obtained till late in the game. Outside this room,
follow the hall around the bend to see a door on the right side covered
with 2 red crystals or a set of double doors without any crystals.
Since I have been religiously upgrading my orbs and swords I could
remove the 2 crystals and enter the room. Inside was a planning room
with a Red Book and a R. Crest Piece in the chest. This piece looks
important and it seems there is another half somewhere. I should keep
an eye out for it. Go in the double doors across from the red crystal
door to see 2 soldiers in mortal combat with demons. Use the newly
acquired bow to snipe at the creatures from above. To get the closer
demon I had to move to the broken staircase and lean around the pillar
to get a good aim. The grateful soldiers dropped an Herb and a Magic
Jewel so go get em! Return to this balcony once the goodies have been
retrieved and go to the red crystal door on the other side. The next
room contained a staircase and a bunch of large wooden crates. I wanna
practice my swordplay here a second. SMASH! Oops...they don't make
crates like they used to.....this Enryuu is powerful. Hey a chest was
in the crate....it held more Arrows. And under the staircase was
another Flourite. I'm getting quite a collection of these little blue
rocks. Got 4 now. Nowhere to go but up!

A Magic Mirror and a 2 red crystal door along with a Byakko and a
chest containing more Arrows. I met up with Kaede again who had
information about Yumemaru. However not much later huge iron bars fell
around us trapping us! I pulled the lever near us and the bars went
up....so these levers control the bars. This is how we got through the
trap :

Kaede went and pulled the right lever in the group of 2.
I went and pulled the lever next to her.
Kaede pulled the leftmost lever in the group of 3...this also lifted the
bars from the chest! Got Holy Armor.
I pulled the rightmost lever in the group of 3.
Kaede pulled the final lever to grant escape from this place.

The next room was pitch black save for the magic pool. I used my
Fire Special to light the candles and revealed the exit.

This next room contained many queer plates on the floor. Some were
"+" shaped and some were "X" shaped. At the opposite side of the floor
was an "O" shaped tile. I assumed that pressing that tile would cancel
the trap. However pressing the "+" tile caused all tiles stretching out
in straight lines to the left/right and up/down to collapse revealing a
pit of spikes below. The "X" tiles also caused tiles to open yet the
tiles that fell moved diagonally from the "X". It would seem the "+"
and "X" pointed the directions the gaps would open.

*****The trap is random so I cannot provide a walkthru for it.*****

Upon completion of the tile trap Kaede and I entered a small room
with vents in the ceiling. Suddenly a sound was heard and a large iron
plate began to lower in front of us. I pushed Kaede thru so we would
both not be trapped in this room. Soon after water began pouring in
from the vents at an alarming rate. I was going to drown if Kaede could
not disable the trap! Kaede cried out that she had located the trap
controls and was going to attempt a rescue.

The controls for the water trap took the form of a moving block
puzzle with the two halves of the Crest on the board. To disable the
trap the two halves of the crest must come together at the bottom
middle. Easier said than done. The positions of the blocks were as so

| || || |
| 1 || 2 || 3 |
| || || |
| || || || || || |
| || || 5 || 6 || || |
| || |*************| || |
| A || 4 | | 7 || B |
| || | Empty | || |
| || | | || |
| || | | || |
************* **************
| | | |
| 8 | Empty | 9 |
| | | |

For visual aids better than this one go to www.ign.com.

A = Left Crest Piece
B = Right Crest Piece

Move 5 down to the bottom
Move 6 down to the bottom next to 5
Move 4 right until it is above 6
Move A right until it is next to 4 and above 5
Move 1 down on top of 8
Move 2 right and down on top of 1
Move 3 right on top of 2
Move A to the top
Move 4 to the top next to A
Move 5 up
Move 6 up
Move 9 under 5 & 6
Move 7 down
Move B down
Move 4 on top of B
Move A on top of 7
Move 5 up to the top
Move 6 up to the top
Move 9 up under 5 & 6
Move 7 left twice
Move A down next to B
Move 6 on top of B
Move 5 on top of 6
Move 9 up
Move A left
Move B left
Move 4 down as far as it can go
Move 6 right
Move 5 right
Move 9 right
Move 7 up as far as it can go
Move A left
Move B left

Success! Samanosuke is saved!

Quickly leave this death trap through the double doors and continue
around the bend to the box on the wall on the opposite side and pull the
cord to permanently disable all previous traps. This act will also
lower the staircase to the upper levels. Kaede left me to investigate
elsewhere leaving you alone to go upstairs. A large door with the
imprint of a crest and a ladder going down is all that exists here. Use
the R. Crest Piece on the door and go down the ladder. The ladder
continues down another level but do not go down again yet. Instead
follow the corridor to another ladder and go down it. To the left of
the ladder is a corridor, which exits through a trick door into the
strategy room where the R. Crest Piece was found across from the balcony
on the second floor. If you want you can enter the hall and save the
soldier to receive some Arrows and a clue to enter the upper levels. To
the right of the ladder is a chest containing a Power Jewel. They sure
didn't bother to try to hide this one. Return to the original ladder and
go down it to the lowest level. The L. Crest Piece is in the chest and
Journal # 4 hidden behind a plank on the wall...slash the plank to
reveal it. Return to the locked door at the top of the ladder and use
the L. Crest Piece to gain entry.

Continue Down the path stopping to get the Seiryu and don't miss
the Flourite ( 5 ) across from the Seiryu position. In the next room
grab the Suzaku and go behind the stairs to get a chest of Arrows and
proceed up. Continue around the balcony and enter the first door you
find. In this room is a Seiryu, a chest containing Medicine and 2
decorative stand I can turn into toothpicks. The left stand conceals a
strange altar I can absorb souls from; the right one has a passage to
the roof behind it along with a Magic Mirror. Go up to the roof.

*****Boss Fight*****

This one looks like trouble! He uses Wind Magic and although it is
the weak version it still does plenty of harm to me and sets me up for
one of his powerful lunges. First things first! Use the Fire Special to
get rid of that pesky sheild. Now my real attack can begin! I kept my
distance from the demonic titan and waited for him to lunge after me.
Then I dodged to the side and let him have it with the Thunder Special!
The beast dropped his Wind Orb when he fell from the roof. As I picked
up the jade orb once again the sphere magically morphed into the Shippuu
( capable of ultra quick strikes on enemies but low power ). I returned
downstairs and continued along the balcony and used the newly acquired
Shippuu to open the green crystal door at the end.


Nui introduced.

I went back to the area where you opened the green crystal door and
get the chest with the Burst Bullets I noticed there earlier. Then I
went back to the first floor of the Keep and went in the door near the
main entrance. I used the Raizan to unlock the 2 blue crystal door. I
followed along the path until it terminated in a room with a weird
pedestal where 3 colored orbs lay. Might as well pick up the Blue Book
while I'm here. Equip each weapon -Raizan, Enryuu and Shippuu- and look
at the orbs to open the way down into the underground. The path
branches off midway through and terminates at a door covered with cursed
spirits...the door will not open no matter what so proceed down the
branch path to another door. I opened the chest for an Herb and used my
sword to cut a path through the tentacles. Beyond the tentacles lies a
Byakko, Orange Book and a Green Book. The next door leads to a hall
lined with glass cases containing Red Samurai. Proceed to the first
door you see. The chest contains a map of the Keep's underground area.
Slice the rope holding the weight to drop it on the scale thus lifting
the side under the water so you can grab the Rosary of Com. Return to
the glass hall and move to the next door. The chest in this room
contains a Purifier Bell...just the thing for removing cursed spirits.
Go back to the door and use the bell to purify the cursed souls and
enter. Go down the hall and into the first door you see. Ignore the 2
green crystal door for now and proceed to the other door. In the back
of this room is a White Book and a chest containing an Herb. Now you
can enter the 2 green crystal door and pick up the Apocalypse # 1-damn
after this adventure is over I can probably open up my very own
library!-. The open iron maiden has a Flourite -this is number 6- and a
volume of the Byakko is in this room as well. Now let's attempt to open
the trick treasure box. The numbers are as so :

***** ***** ***** *****
| 2 | | 4 | | 3 | | 8 |
***** ***** ***** *****
***** ***** ***** *****
| 1 | | 6 | | 5 | | 7 |
***** ***** ***** *****

Left Group = 2416, Right Group = 3857, Middle Group = 4365

Twist the Middle Group once.
Twist the Right Group once.
Twist the Left Group once.

Yay! The chest held a Blue Key! Return to the hall of glass
samurai and move to the final door yet don't open it until you go past
it and pick up the 7th Flourite near the last samurai under glass. Now
enter the Blue Ink Door.


Take Kaede to the main entrance of the Keep.


Get Red Key

Exit the Keep and go to the area where you used the rope ladder (
don't descend it though ) and go to the door marked with Red Ink and
unlock it. The chest contains an Herb and since Kaede has no armor and
only a small knife to defend herself, it is important she have a ready
supply of herbs. Ignore the well...all that resides in there is the old
man who will take you to the Darm Realm. ( For extra challenge and if it
is at all possible try taking Kaede through the Dark Realm! ) A
Flourite lies next to the door with the 3 blue crystals on it so pick it
up to make your collection 8. You will eventually enter the prison
area. Save the soldier for a Soul Absorber and enter the door next to
the fort. Make your way to the prison entrance picking up the Kunai on
the ground and using the Shinobi Kit on the locked door. Ahhhh..
another puzzle box.

The writing was as follows : "Which is a mysterious place where the
Clan of Ogres meet?"

Ah ha! The answer is the "Chasm of Dimension" which from left to
right of the choices available is :

5 7 2

After you open the box and obtain the Magic Jewel proceed out back
and pick up the gear near the dead body and return to the fort. Climb
the ladder and enter the door on the second floor.

Go down the ladder to an area with a Magic Mirror and pick up the
West Area map from the chest. Use the Shinobi Kit on the door near the
Mirror and once through enter the first door you see.

Go to the chain hanging in the corner next to the furnace and when
the flames have subsided pull it to open the door on the other side of
the room. The door is on a timer so wait for the flames to start to die
down before pulling it. Once inside the small room, get the Gold Plate
and smash the crates to reveal an Herb. Pulling the chain inside the
small room permanently opens the door and quells the flame bursts. Exit
the room and enter the door across from it.

There is a small chest just as you enter that contains an Herb but
is hard to see and another chest which holds Journal # 5. Pick up the
Suzaku as well. Open the trick shelf and insert the gear you obtained
earlier then pull the cord to open the secret passage. Pick up the
Flourite in front of the small statue -this is number 9- and pick up the
Byakko and the Silver Plate from the chest.

Return to the area where you got the gear and place the Gold/Silver
Plates in their respective places to open the gate and gain access to
the cell area.

Watch out for the flames as you manuver to the first door you see.
Get Flourite # 10 near the barrels next to the staircase then go on up.
Open the trick box. The number positions are as so :

***** ***** ***** *****
| 6 | | 8 | | 4 | | 7 |
***** ***** ***** *****
***** ***** ***** *****
| 2 | | 5 | | 1 | | 3 |
***** ***** ***** *****

Left Group = 6825, Right Group = 4713, Middle Group = 8451

Twist the Middle Group once.
Twist the Left Group twice.
Twist the Right Group twice.

The Sacred Knife was in the chest...alas, this is the only weapon
upgrade available for Kaede. Return to the ground floor and follow the
path to the small storage room at the end of the hall.

Get the Genbu and the supply of Kunai in the chest and hightail it
back to the stairs going down at the cell block entrance.

Slice through the tentacles with the Sacred Knife and enter the
next room. Go click on the cell.


*****Mini Boss Fight*****
( Yes, for the weak Kaede such simple fights as this are as taxing as
Boss Fights. )

All you can really do here is try to follow it around the room,
block it's attacks or dodge them and repeatedly slash him. You won't be
able to run over and stab him while he is down because he will cloak as
soon as he falls and go underground. Kunai are of little use for Kaede
cannot lock on to the beast while cloaked. Give him your best.


Control of Samanosuke restored

*****Boss Fight*****

While Kaede fought the Chameleon Ninja, Samanosuke was up to his
eyeballs in trouble engaging his doppelganger. This is a difficult
battle if you are just mindlessly slashing about. I noticed that if I
blocked his projectile attack it will bounce off me and into the wall
where it will transform into a soul. Like before all I really needed to
do was wait for him to lunge at me, dogde and blast him with the Thunder
Special or Wind Special. The Fire Special should be used at a distance
due to its wind up time.

Proceed up the stairs and get the Evil Plate from the small chest
and the ladder from the large chest. -although it looks like one, the
big chest is not a trick chest- Use the ladder to climb up the chasm
and back into the Keep.

At this point it is now possible to return to the save room with
the old man and challenge the Dark Realm and/or get a jump on the next
quest by collecting the items beforehand. You have to enter the Dark
Realm to get the final 3 Flourites! Don't forget!! Do not use the Evil
Plate on the door with the Blue Plate on it until you obtain the Vision
Staff and comb the Keep for missing Flourite...but if you followed this
guide you should have all the Flourite in the Keep. Let's go get those
items now.

See the section on the Dark Realm for details on that "mini game".

Exit the Keep and go to the 3 blue crystal door you saw as Kaede,
be sure to help the soldier on the way for some Burst Bullets-at least
the people you save know the meaning of gratitude!-. Inside the room
resides a headless statue and a chest in the path behind the large
statue blocked off by a gate. Gather souls from the shining red idol
and pick up the Genbu, the Herb and the Vision Staff from the chests and

The Vision Staff will cause the Flourite to glitter so you can see
them. You will spot the 11th glittering Flourite on the path leading
to the fort near the prison. Go into the door on the second
floor...down the ladder and into the 3 red crystal door you saw before.

Pick up the Medicine from the chest and cut the rope holding the
catapult to eliminate most the demons at the bottom of the hill and
reveal the location of the 12th Flourite.

*****Mini Boss Fight*****

Beyond the door at the bottom of the hill lies a wide area
containing 3 large Bull Ogres and a Gargantuan Boss Bull Ogre. This
will be a rough fight unless you can eliminate the 3 lesser Ogres
leaving the Boss Ogre alone. Use the Fire Special to get a head start
on them and the Wind Special if needed. Once the 3 bodyguards are
toast, concentrate on the Boss Ogre by using your strafe and hitting him
with the Thunder Special from the sides.

Once they are dead search the area and gather up the Decorated
Sword, Bullets and the Statue Head. Return to the 3 blue crystal door
and use the Statue Head on the headless statue to raise the gate in the
backroom and take the Matchlock from the chest. Return to the Keep and
use the Evil Plate on the Blue-Plate door.


Exit into the Keep courtyard and proceed to the bottom to witness a
cutscene. Destroy the insectoid creatures and use the Decorated Sword
in the stone to reveal a door.

Proceed to the pier and walk to the 2 green crystal door at the far
end ignoring the branch path.

Go past the turn and to the edge of the bridge. The bridge is
up...shoot the rope on the opposite side with an arrow to release the
bridge. Across the bridge is a Talisman hidden behind a board on the
wall and Bullets in the chest. Go back to the path across the bridge
and get Journal # 6 then exit.

Enter the first door and climb to the roof to get the 13th
Flourite, a Magic Jewel near the body and a Soul Absorber. Go out on
the roof using the broken area to get the last 2 items. Return to the
bottom floor get the Bullets in the chest if you haven't already and
exit through the door you came in with. Continue on the path to the far
door and enter to get Genbu and Bullets from the chest. Slash the plank
on the wall to reveal the East Area map. Return to the tower and enter
the 3 green crystal door in the back.

Keep going till you reach the waterfall...there is a glittering red
altar on the way you can absorb souls from. Go behind the waterfall to
find a trick chest. The positions are as such :

***** ***** *****
| 1 | | 3 | | 8 |
***** ***** *****
***** ***** *****
| 2 | | 5 | | 9 |
***** ***** *****
***** ***** *****
| 6 | | 4 | | 7 |
***** ***** *****

Top Left Group = 1325, Top Right Group = 3859, Bottom Left Group = 2564,
Bottom Right Group = 5947

Twist the Bottom Left Group once.
Twist the Top Right Group once.
Twist the Bottom Right Group once.
Twist the Bottom Left Group once.
Twist the Bottom Right Group once.

Great Armor was in the chest. Run to the hut...if the need arises
slash the bridge to send it crashing into the pit.

A Magic Mirror and another puzzle box. The writing on it read as
follows :

"Which is a container that can be used to fill the gauntlet with

Answer : A Dragon Orb. This puzzle is different from the others in
the fact you only need to enter 2 words instead of 3. So instead of
entering "A Dragon Orb" just put "Dragon Orb". The from left to right
choose :

3 6

Yay! the final Magic Jewel. Your health and magic meters should be
maxed out now. Don't forget to get the Medicine from the chest and the
14th Flourite from the pier near the boat downstairs. Now use the boat.


Go into the door and get the Great Bow from the altar at the far


Take Kaede down the path you ignored at the beginning of the pier
area and use the Shinobi Kit to open the door. Take the branch path and
enter the room to the side.

Inside is the 15th Flourite, an Herb hidden by the large statue in
the corner of the room and the Apocalypse # 2 hidden in the area behind
the large statue. Leave the room and go to the other door and use the
Shinobi Kit on it. Take Kaede to the hut near the waterfall and use the
Shinobi Kit on the locked door.

Slash the crates to get a chest of Arrows. Go to the right and
enter the door to the save room. Scramble up the ladder to find the
16th Flourite and an Herb under the crates. Go back down and though the
next door.

Run down the hall and enter the door around the corner...ignore the
double doors for now.

Get the herb, 17th Flourite and Suzaku. Go up the ladder and
around the bend to find the final trick box. The number positions are
as so :

***** ***** ***** *****
| 7 | | 5 | | 4 | | 2 |
***** ***** ***** *****
***** ***** ***** *****
| 8 | | 1 | | 3 | | 6 |
***** ***** ***** *****

Left Group = 7581, Right Group = 5413, Middle Group = 4236

Twist the Left Group twice.
Twist the Middle Group once.
Twist the Right Group twice.
Twist the Middle Group twice.

The chest held a Decorated Arrow. Return to the hall and go into
the double doors you ignored earlier. Run behind the statue and switch
the Great Arrow with the Decorated Arrow. This act also releases the
lock on the black chest where you get the Green Key. Exit this room and
go back to the hall you entered when you used the Shinobi Kit on the
locked door in the hut this time going the other way and use the Green
Key on the door.

Go down the ladder and use the boat to get to where you left
Samanosuke and peek in the door.


*****Boss Fight*****

The Queen Bee makes her presence felt as she sends wave after wave
of her minions to attack. The Queen herself keeps to the air only
coming down to attack. I use Wind Specials to put some distance between
myself and the drones and use the Matchlock with regular bullets -burst
bullets don't reach the Queen as she is airborne- or the bow with fire
arrows if you have any on the flying demon. Don't forget about the
drones' attacks and be warned that more drones more will emerge from the
water to replace those who are destroyed.


It's time to put an end to this nightmare. Take the Great Bow and
Arrow and return to the Demon Gate. Use the Great Bow to destroy the


*****Boss Battle*****

A familiar face awaits you at the entrance to the Dark Realm. The
warrior you fought on top of the Keep is back and tougher than ever.
Use Fire Specials to make him lose his shield. This will make him
discard his huge blade and change his weapons and his tactics-this is
basically the only difference from your fist encounter-. He moves very
quickly and his combos are tremendous. Block his combos and try to hit
him with Wind or Thunder Specials when he is close and Fire Specials
when he is far from you. ( if you still have any ) If you need help near
the Demon Gate entrance is a chest containing Medicine.

Past the Boss room is a fountain that you can recharge your magic,
a Magic Mirror and a map of the Dark Realm. To the side is a portion of
the wall that is a different color than the rest of the room. If you
conquered the Dark Realm tour from before and obtained the Bishamon
Ocarina use it here to open the "door" and gain access to the most
powerful sword in the game - the Bishamon Sword! Continue past this
room deeper into the Realm.

Travel down the ramp taking out your frustrations on the Reynaldo
creatures you find with your new Bishamon Sword. At the bottom you can
pick up 2 Medicines before entering the room of the final boss.

*****Final Battle*****

The serpent monster is very difficult. He has many attacks ranging
from slapping you around the room to firing lasers from his eyes. When
he moves his face in close it means he's about to spit fire at you so
quickly strafe to avoid it. As you attack him occasionally he will
collapse in pain...this is your opportunity to run in and pop him in the
head! Use healing items when needed and try to outlast him.

*****Note***** I used the Bishamon Sword on him. I didn't go through
the Darm Realm tour only to use regular weapons on the king of demons!

*****Ending Sequence*****


Dark Realm Tour

Your tour through the Dark Realm can be activated after you have
recovered the Evil Plate. You can access the Realm as much as you want
from the Well and the save room in the first floor of the Keep. Be sure
to bring as many Herbs/Medicines you can because to get the Bishamon
Ocarina you need to go through all 20 levels without returning to the

BTW : Ninja is both singular and plural as are words like fish and deer.

Level # - Enemies encountered
******* *******************
1 - Peasant Zombie Swordsmen
2 - Blue 3 Eyed Ninja
3 - Peasant Zombie Swordsmen and Red Undead Samurai
4 - Red Undead Samurai
5 - Blue 3 Eyed Ninja and Red Undead Samurai
6 - Spiked Armadillo Monsters
7 - Insectoid Drones
8 - Spiked Armadillo Monsters and Blue Skulls
9 - Small Bull Ogres and Spiked Armadillo Monsters
10 - Large Bull Ogres and Blue Skulls
11 - Reynaldo Creatures
12 - Reynaldo Creatures and Blue Skulls
13 - Reynaldo Creatures and Insectoid Drones
14 - Chameleon Ninja
15 - Chameleon Ninja and Reynaldo Creatures
16 - Black 3 Eyed Ninja
17 - Blue Undead Samurai and Red Undead Samurai
18 - Chameleon Ninja and Black 3 Eyed Ninja
19 - Blue Undead Samurai and Black 3 Eyed Ninja
20 - Large Bull Ogres and Chameleon Ninja


Level 6 - Flourite
Level 9 - Medicine
Level 10 - Flourite
Level 11 - Soul Absorber
Level 13 - Talisman
Level 14 - Herb
Level 15 - Flourite
Level 16 - Herb
Level 18 - Herb
Level 20 - Bishamon Ocarina



Yuki's Letter
Sougen's Note
Journal 1
Journal 2
Journal 3
Journal 4
Journal 5
Journal 6
Blue Book
Red Book
Green Book
Orange Book
White Book
Apocalypse 1
Apocalypse 2
Seiryu 1-4
Suzaku 1-4
Byakko 1-4
Genbu 1-4



Oni Spirits Mini Game - Collect all 20 Flourite pieces
Ultimate Mode - Complete Oni Spirits Game

Kaede's Extra Costume - Get S rank
Samanosuke's Extra Costume - Finish the normal game

Ultimate Mode allows use of the Bishamon Sword throughout the whole
game, infinite magic, arrows, bullets and 99 Soul Absorbers.


Legal Stuff

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced
electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as
long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice appears in full.
This FAQ is NOT to be used for profitable/promotional purposes; this
includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or
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Spoiler-Free Guide

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Full Walkthrough and FAQ

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US Version

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