The Bouncer

The Bouncer

14.10.2013 08:48:25
This document copyright 2002 (c) Ultimategamer00. All rights reserved.

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The Bouncer: Special Events FAQ
Platform: PlayStation2
Author: Ultimategamer00 (A. A.)
Version: 3.5



This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It may be reproduced
electronically, printed out, but for your use only. It may not be altered,
and it may not be used for any type of profit or commercial purpose. If
you want to put this FAQ in your magazine, newspaper or website you should
ask for permission first and give full credit to me.


This is a special events FAQ. Special events occur several times during
the story mode. Each character has one event different from the other
characters and he will act alone with no help from his allies. There are
also several endings in this game that I'll include in this FAQ. There are
also some other events that any character can be in. If you have
corrections or anything email them to me and I will give you full credit.
Now first of all let's start with the controls...

If you want more information about the game visit any of these sites:


------ Version 0.5 ----- 3/15/01
- Finished the ASCII art.
- Started this Guide.
- Added the first event.
- Added the controls section.

------ Version 1.0 ----- 3/17/01
- Added some more events and the secrets section too.
- Corrected some mistakes...

------ Version 1.5 ----- 3/18/01
- Added the rest of the events.
- Added some stuff in the ENDINGS section.
- First release of this guide.

------ Version 2.0 ----- 3/19/01
- Added some information in Kou's event.
- Corrected some mistakes...

------ Version 2.5 ----- 3/21/01
- Added the rest of the endings.

------ Version 3.0 ----- 3/22/01
- Corrected some huge mistake in Kou's event. It's about the codes being

------ Version 3.5 ----- 12/22/01
- Corrected grammar and other mistakes.


This game will only work with the PlayStation Dualshock 2 controllers, the
Dualshock 1 won't work, and the PSOne multi tap will not work too. You
have to get the PlayStation2 multi tap in order to play the Battle Royal.
The controls in this game are pressure sensitive too, meaning, if you
press stronger the button, the attack will inflict more damage or do
another type of attack.

Triangle button = High Attack = (H) If you press firmly. (h) If you press
lightly. (Cancel)

Square button = Middle Attack = (M) If you press firmly. (m) If you press

(X) Button = Low attack = (L) If you press firmly. (l) If you press

Circle button = Jump = (J) If you press firmly. (j) If you press lightly.

L1 = (ES) Extra Skill.

R1 = Guard.

R2 = Gesture. (Press this button when you hear the Trinity Rush signal to
activate the Trinity Rush)

Left analog stick = move character (tilt it more to run), move cursor in

D-pad = Move character or move cursor in menu.

Start button = Display pause menu during battle.


#Note: When I say turn left or right or whatever, I mean it from the
character's perspective.

#Note: You can always run away from fights.
/Any character \__________________________________________________________
MSD CARGO TRAIN EVENT -Finding the key-

In this event you can choose any of the characters. You have to find the
key in order to detach the last car with the rocket fuel. You will be
given a respectable amount of time to find it. The next event will change
in the way you act in this event, meaning that if you didn't find the key
in this event the next event will be harder.

To find the key, simply search all of the three boxes that are in the car,
the key will be in the last one you search.
First one: a case on the floor near the door.
Second one: a box on the left bench.
Third one: a box on the right bench.

==>If you didn't find the key...
The train will crash into the station and the rocket fuel will explode. A
flood of water will leak. Shutters will close on your way to the emergency
Emergency Exit -Stage clear: Head for the emergency exit-
Area 1
When you first start you will fight 3 security guards. Beat them or run
away, then turn right. Watch the scene and then tilt down the left analog
stick till you pass from all the closing shutters.

Area 2
Head up the corridor. You will find a security guard and a commander, beat
them or run then turn left and tilt down the left analog stick down to the
end of the corridor before the shutters close on you. Now turn left and
head straight, then turn right and ascend the stairs, turn left, ascend
some other stairs again then go right.

Area 3
You will find 3 security guards when you arrive, beat them or run, then
walk down, there will be some closing shutters on your way and some
obstacles on the ground, so tilt the left analog stick down and pass from
these obstacles. You will find some more obstacles in your way after you
finish, so tilt the left analog stick down and pass from them. Now walk at
the direction of screen and turn right, move up, and then turn left, keep
walking and then turn right, ascend the stairs, after that turn left and
ascend the other stairs.

Area 4
When you arrive here you will find a security guard and a commander, beat
them or run, then move up, run under the closing shutters and pass from
the obstacles in your way. When you finish, turn right, walk a little bit,
turn left and keep walking. Now tilt the left analog stick till the end of
the corridor.

Area 5
Head down and you will find a security guard and a commander, beat them
and this event will end. You can save now and enter the emergency exit.

==>If you found the key...
The train will crash into the station and the rocket fuel won't explode.
No water will leak now so no shutters will close when you head to the
emergency exit.
Emergency Exit -Stage clear: Head for the emergency exit-

After the scene where the train crashes, you will get into a fight, so
kill the six security guards and head straight to the end of the corridor,
then ascend the stairs on the right.
In the next area, head down and kill the five security guards. Complete
your way down the corridor and ascend the stairs on your right.
In this area, head down, pass the obstacles and kill the four security
guards on your way. Advance to the end of the hall and turn right, then
left. The emergency exit will be in front of you.

__ _____________ _______________________________________

You will start in a storage room. A cut scene will occur, watch it. You
will now find two security guards, beat them and watch some other cut
scene (you will enter a door). Now, in this room, move several steps down
and turn left, you will find a door in front of you, so enter it.
Now head down the hall and you will find 4 MSFs beat them and save if you

Next, turn right and enter the hall on your right, then enter the first
door you find in the left side. Get out of the room you're in through the
other door, and then enter the emergency stair well door, after the scene,
enter the door on your left.

Now head down the room and enter the door near the computers. There will
be 4 security guards and 2 robots waiting for you, defeat them and save if
you wish.

Watch the scene with the Black Panther and then enter the door (Laboratory
prep. Room). Next, go near the computer and Sion will activate it, read
whatever you want to read. If you want to continue playing click on: -
Biological Engineering II Bionoid Experiment- and the one under it. After
you click on them, 2 Elite MSF will attack you, defeat them and save if
you want to.

You will enter a door now. Turn left and keep walking. Watch the scene
then fight the Black Panther and defeat it -use Ground Sweep it will make
the battle easier-. After the scene, your allies will rejoin you and you
will have to fight Magetsu and 4 other Elite MSFs -Stage Clear: Defeat
Magetsu-. That's about all what you need for Sion's part.

__ _____________ _______________________________________

You will start tied up in a room. Watch the scene first and then fight 2
MSFs, beat them and save if you wish.

Now watch the scene. Walk after it ends and turn left, descend the stairs
afterwards, and enter the door in front of you.

You will find 3 MSFs and 2 robots in this room, so beat them and save if
you wish.

Now watch the scene. You will arrive at an area, there will be 3 MSFs and
2 Elite MSFs. Defeat them, then walk forwards and turn right, keep walking
and ascend the stairs. You will find 1 Elite MSF and 1 MSF, beat them and
save if you wish.

Now watch the scene then walk and enter the first door you find on your
right. Watch this other scene. You will arrive at a hall, turn left and
then walk to the end of it and watch a scene.

After the scene ends your allies will rejoin you and you will have to
fight Magetsu and 4 other Elite MSFs -Stage Clear: Defeat Magetsu-. That's
about all what you need for Volt's part.

__ _____________ _______________________________________

You will first start in this football room, so watch the scene and fight
an MSF, beat him and save if you wish.

Now watch the scene. In this event you will have to get to the executive
floor with out being discovered by the special forces, so Leann sent you
special orders and codes that will help you to get to Dominique with no
much trouble. Read the special orders. They simply tell you to use the
same codes that Special Forces use, and that's the way for them to
identify the intruders or so. Now all what you have to do in this event is
to do the same code that a special force will do, but, if you do it wrong
they will know that you are an intruder and therefore, fight you. If you
want to get the entire BPs by fighting them then respond wrong to their
codes, but, if you want to get Kou's fifth costume, then complete this
event without doing anything wrong.

Here are the Coded Signals:

Triangle: Old man in thought.
Meaning: Maintain security using extreme caution.
Position: One hand in Kou's head and one hand behind his back.
Circle: A lady's temptation.
Meaning: Await for further orders.
Position: Bending with one hand holding his waist, and the other one
stretched in front of him.
X button: Lonely warrior.
Meaning: Eliminate all targets in combat.
Position: Bending with two hands on his knees.
Square: Unparalleled friendship.
Meaning: Improve communication by empathizing with others.
Position: One knee up, with his right fist touching his left palm, both
hands are in front of his chest.

The signals that the MSFs do are completely random, so you might want to
memorize the coded signals or just press the start button when you need
them. Throughout this event you will find 8 MSFs and some of them will use
the same signals every time you play through this event.

Area 1
In this first area there will be 3 MSFs and they will only use the
(circle), (square), and (triangle) buttons.
Now, use the same signal that the first MSF does. A scene will occur.
Use the same signal for the second MSF. A scene will occur.
Use whatever is left from the (square, triangle, circle) buttons for the
third MSF. A scene will occur.

Area 2
The fourth MSF is just for practice I think, if you responded wrong he
wont do a thing. He will use the (triangle), (square), and (circle)
buttons, if you want to end it, just respond wrong or don't respond. A
scene will occur after that.
Use the (X) button for the fifth MSF he will always do the (X) button
signal. A scene will occur.
Use the (Triangle), (Circle), and (square) buttons and press them fast
respectively for the sixth MSF. A scene will occur.

Area 3
Use the same code as the seventh MSF. A scene will occur.

Now, for the eighth and ninth MSFs use the signal that the MSF on the left
will do first, then the code that the MSF on the right side will do.

You finished Kou's event now. If you did it correctly with out any
mistakes, Kou will say "Kou Leifoh. Super spy." So save if you wish.
Another scene will occur.

After the scene ends, your allies will rejoin you and you will have to
fight Magetsu and 4 other Elite MSFs -Stage Clear: Defeat Magetsu-. That's
about all what you need for Kou's part.
_____________/Any Character\
_________/ROCKET TOWER \___________________________________

This event is one of the hardest in the game. You can choose which
character -in the elevator- that will protect Dominique. She will be happy
if you choose Sion. If you choose Volt she will be O.K, but if you choose
Kou she will be kind of sad. In this area I guess you should stick to one
kind of an attack, and a fast one so that you wont give the robots a
chance to hit you. To finish this area with no much trouble, just keep
defeating every robot in your way until you run low in HP or if you get
bored, then run away from the rest of the robots, or you can run away from
them when you first start and just destroy the ones that block your way.
Another strategy is to destroy every robot in your way, but only do this
if you had the skill and if you were at S class.

Here are some of the moves you should use:

A. Sion: use the Torpedo Kick and the triple jab (hhh) will do fine.
B. Volt: use the Shoulder Uppercut or the Hammer Typhoon, and (hhh) too.
C. Kou: use the Circular Uppercut, (hhh), and Tiger frenzy is the best
for this situation.

Try to guard if you had the back to the walkthrough...

When you first start you will find 3 robots waiting for you so defeat them
or whatever then descend the stairs at the end.
There will be 4 robots in the new area, defeat them or run, then descend
the stairs.

There will be 2 security guards and robots in this area, ascend the stairs
on your right and walk to fight the 2 robots, or go left and descend the
stairs to fight the security chief, after beating him descend the stairs,
and then turn right and descend the other stairs.
There will be a robot waiting for you in the left side so beat him or run
to the other side, and then turn left. There will be 3 more robots on your
way so defeat them or run, then ascend the little stairs and run to the
other side, two more damn robots will be there, beat or run, then ascend
the stairs on your left.

This is the final area. There are 3 robots in here, head up then left if
you want to finish them, or down then right if you want to destroy one
robot and finish this event by going down the elevator.

#Note: You can always run away from fights if you were low in HP, and
remember, use fast and powerful attacks and find best strategy for your

There are more than 3 endings in this game. Each character has 2 or more
endings. I'll list them down here:

Sion Barzahd:
1. Complete the whole game with him, you will get the normal ending.
2. Play through the game with Volt or Kou, then when you fight Dauragon
choose Sion and beat him. He will get some flashback with Wong, this
unlocks Wong too if you beat him.
3. Play through the game with Volt or Kou, and choose Sion when you fight
the Black Panther and Dauragon on the Galeos ship.

Volt Krueger:
1. Complete the whole the game with him, you will get the normal ending.
2. Use him only when you fight the last boss (Dauragon) on the Galeos

Kou Leifoh:
1. Complete the whole game with him, you will get the normal ending, you
will also unlock Lean Caldwell in versus mode after you beat her.
2. Use him only when you fight the last boss (Dauragon) on the Galeos


Alternate costumes:
Hold L1, L2, R1, or R2 and choose a person at the character selection
screen. Note: This has no effect in story mode.

Hidden FMV sequence:
Successfully complete the game as Sion.

Bonus characters:
Successfully complete the game to unlock more characters each time that it
is finished.

Increased character rank:
Every time the game is completed in story mode, the rank of the extra
characters in versus and survival modes will increase. This does not
include Volt, Sion, and Kou.

Leann Caldwell:
Play through the entire game, only selecting Kou. After you defeat
Dauragon for the final time you will view a FMV sequence where you have to
fight Leann. Defeat her to unlock her in versus mode.

Topless Dauragon:
Complete the game for a third time using any character. After defeating
Dauragon for the second time, he will get up again and fight topless.
Defeat him to unlock him in versus mode.

Use only Volt or Kou through the entire game. However, when you are going
to fight through for the last time, select Sion. When you finish the game,
Sion will have a flashback. Defeat Wong to unlock him in versus mode.

#Note: All the secrets above are from

To get Sions fifth Costume:
Complete the survival mode. You will get black hooded Sion.

To get Kou's fifth costume:
Successfully Complete Kou's event and play with him through the entire

- for some of the secrets in the secrets section.
- CJayC for hopefully posting this FAQ.
The Bouncer logo and other names are trademarks of Square/Dream Factory.
This document copyright 2001 (c) Ultimategamer00. All rights reserved.

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Special Events FAQ

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