Twisted Metal Black

Twisted Metal Black

13.10.2013 13:22:47

-=T=- -=W=- -=I=- -=S=- -=T=- -=E=- -=D=-
_ _ _ _ _
-=M=- -=E=- -=T=- -=A=- -=L=-

[B] [L] [A] [C] [K]


-=FAQ/Strategy Guide for Twisted Metal: Black
-=Created by D-Plus
-=On the Web at:
-=This FAQ is (c) 2001 D-Plus


-=Update Alert=-

-=VERSION 3.0=-
-6.29.01 Section 2.8 - UNLOCKING THE SKYSCRAPERS Revealed.
-6.29.01 Section 1.5 - Axel's Secret Special Discovered.
-6.29.01 Section 1.5 - Warthog and Manslaughter's Names fixed.

-=VERSION 2.0=-
-6.25.01 Section 1.5 - Shadow's Secret Special Discovered.
-6.25.01 Section 1.5 - Original Driver feature added.
-6.25.01 Section 1.5 - Fun Facts added.
-6.25.01 Section 2.0 - Unlocking Axel updated.
-6.25.01 Section 3.3 - Endings for Sweet Tooth, Brimstone and Darkside.
-6.25.01 Section 3.2 - Bonus Mystery Added.
-6.25.01 Section 3.0 - Unlocking Minion information corrected.
-6.25.01 Section 1.5 - Outlaw's special corrected.
-6.23.01 Section 2.9 - Finished rating Multiplayer Levels.

-=1.0=- The Twisted Metal Revolution
-=1.1=- New Features
-=1.2=- Handling Your Ride
-=1.3=- Basic Gameplay
-=1.4=- Game Modes
-=1.5=- The Cars and Drivers
-=1.6=- Weapons of Destruction
-=1.7=- Story Battlegrounds
-=1.8=- Junkyard
-=1.9=- Suburbs
-=2.0=- Freeway
-=2.1=- Downtown
-=2.2=- Highway Loop
-=2.3=- Minion's Stadium
-=2.4=- Prison Passage
-=2.5=- Snowy Roads
-=2.6=- Drive-In Movie
-=2.7=- Skyscrapers
-=2.8=- Warhawk's Rooftop
-=2.9=- Multiplayer Battlegrounds
-=3.0=- Unlocking Minion
-=3.1=- Cheat Codes
-=3.2=- Bonus Mystery
-=3.3=- Endings Revealed
-=3.4=- About


-=1.0 - Twisted Metal: Black
-=Finally those guys over at Incog Inc. (formerly
SingleTrac) took the Twisted Metal series back
over. After releasing two smash PSX hits (Twisted
Metal 1 & 2), some other fools got the rights to
the game and released a real big flop (Twisted
Metal 3). This game was absolutely horrible.
The graphics and gameplay barely topped the
original game. Plus, there was nothing new. There
was the same amount of levels and vehicles as
there was in Twisted Metal 2. People thought they
could see the end of the Twisted Metal series
coming real fast.

-=Not too long later, the same company that released
Twisted Metal 3, was working on the fourth
installment in the series. They thought by releasing
Twisted Metal 4 they could redeem themselves and
apolagize to the hardcore Twisted Metal fans who had
to put up with such a bad game. Boy were they wrong.
Not only was Twisted Metal 4 another flop, it sold
less copies then Twisted Metal 3 did. They knew
they weren't doing something right, but they didn't
care. They dropped the game and the rights were
now up for grabs.

-=While all these bad games were released, SingleTrac
had transitioned into Incog Inc. Not many know
why and not many really care. All we know is that
the games they make kick ass. So these guys got the
rights to Twisted Metal and revolutionized the
series by releasing the Twisted Metal of all Twisted
Metals: Twisted Metal: Black. This game was developed
with a subtle amount of morbidness touched with a
whole lot of evil. They removed Twisted Metal from
the hole they got into with 3 & 4.


-=1.1 - New Features
-=Twisted Metal: Black is packed with a whole lot of
new essences that will surprise a lot of the hard-
core fans. Below I cover the New Features so check
them out.

-=Endurance Mode=-
Like most fighting games, Twisted Metal fans can now
pick a car and a level, and put their skills to the
test as they are put up against an endless amount
of computer controlled drones. In this mode, the
action doesn't stop until you are destroyed.

-=Multiple Cut-Scenes=-
Unlike the old Twisted Metal tradition of one single
end cut scene per driver, the power of the PS2 has
allowed three. Each vehicle/driver has an opening
sequence which is somewhat of a teaser about his
story, a middle one revealing all the secrets about
the story, and finally, the outcome after they meet
Calypso for winning the contest.

-=Blackfield Asylum=-
The entire game is basically based on patients of the
Blackfield Mental Asylum which results in some real
crazy action. As seen in each drivers movies, they
were all put in the asylum for different reasons.

-=Black Cubes=-
Hidden throughout most levels are little Black Cubes.
These black cubes unlock secret levels for play in
Challenge and Multiplayer game modes. Don't think
they will be easy to find though, each cube is
hidden deep inside it's level.

-=Analog Steering=-
Like many other great car/driving games released on
the PS2, Twisted Metal: Black fully utilizes both
Analog sticks on the Dual Shock controller.

-=Weapons Visuals=-
Each vehical is specifically designed to support all
of the weapons. Instead of the old Twisted Metal
style of missles coming out from beneath the car,
they are now fired from a launcher that retracts
from the vehicle.

-=In-Game Secrets=-
Now instead of beating the game to unlock things or
entering a code, simply search for the secret character
himself in a particular level. See each levels section
for their secrets.

-=Last Man Standing=-
Two players fight to the end with an identical list
of vehicles. The players alternate choosing vehicles.
As each vehicle is destroyed, the player uses the
next car on their list. The winner is who destroys
all of his opponents cars first.

-=New Weapons=-
Twisted Metal: Black has a whole list of new weapons
for battle. These along with the traditional ones
are discussed in Section 1.6 Weapons of Destruction.

Calypso decided to help out the contestants this year
by releasing helicopters to each stage. These choppers
will fly around with power ups attached to long
cables. It's your job to chase them down and snag the
power ups.

-=Repair Stations=-
Not really new (but not seen since Twisted Metal 1),
the repair stations offer the driver with a full
tune-up. All damages will be repaired as you drive up
the ramp and let it charge. Each repair station can
only be used three times in a level.


-=1.2 - Handling Your Ride
-=The control settings for Twisted Metal: Black are
pretty much the same as all of the others. Except if
you prefer Analog Steering using the Dual Shock

-=These are the controlls for the basic control setting.

-=Triangle Button: Rear View
-=Circle Button: Hand Brake
-=X Button: Tight Turn
-=Square Button: Gas (Press Twice for Turbo)

-=Left/Right: Steering
-=Left Analog Stick: Steering
-=Up/Down: Gas/Brake/Reverse
-=Right Analog Stick: Gas/Brake/Reverse

-=L1 Button: Cycle Weapons Left
-=R1 Button: Cycle Weapons Right
-=L2 Button: Fire Selected Weapon
-=R2 Button: Fire Machine Gun

-=R3 Button: Turbo
-=L3 Button: Tight Turn

-=Start Button: Pause Menu
-=Select Button + Down: Change View
-=Select Button + Right: Change Weapon Display

-=The other controller configurations can be viewed
from the Options Menu.

-=Don't forget about the energy attacks. Here they are.

-=Freeze: Up, Down, Up
-=Mine: Right, Left, Up
-=Charge Mine: Right, Left, Hold Down
-=Invisibility: Left, Left, Down, Down
-=Shield: Right, Right, Down, Down
-=Jump: Both Cycle Weapons Buttons
-=Rear-Fire Attack: Left, Right, Down


-=1.3 - Basic Gameplay
-=The way the game plays in Twisted Metal: Black is no
different than any of the other ones although it
feels completely different. The basic tactics are as

-=Keep moving. You never want to be caught sitting
in some corner thinking your safe. The truth is,
in this game there are no safe spots.

-=Avoid head-on/melee type situations. The last
thing you want to happen is drive into a group
of battle opponents and get hit with Darkside's
special attack.

-=Utilize your cars abilities. If your car has the
ability to go real fast but has no armor, use
the speed to perform hit and runs. Slowly wear
down you opponents rather then getting clobbered.

-=Don't Use health unless your bar is at a low
yellow level. You will regret it if you waste
the repair stations. You'll get killed looking
for the small health power ups.


-=1.4 - Game Modes
-=Twisted Metal: Black has a lot of new modes but also
not to mention the classic modes from the past.

-=One Player=-
-Story: Select a character and play through the
levels to uncover the secrets of their past.
-Challenge: Select a character and some combatants
and go at it in a level of your choosing.
-Endurance Mode: Pick your favorite car a fight
opponents until you die. Beating a lot of other
cars unlocks new levels.

-Death Match Mode: Just like single player
Challenge Mode except you invite a friend on
for the ride.
-Co-Op Story: Play through story mode with a
friend except your wont see and cut-scenes.
-Last Man Standing: Two players fight to the end
with an identical list of vehicles. The players
alternate choosing vehicles. As each vehicle is
destroyed, the player uses the next car on their
list. The winner is who destroys all of his opponent's
cars first.


-=1.5 - The Cars and Drivers
-=Twisted Metal: Black offers the craziest and psychotic
characters ever featured in a video game before.

-=Junkyard Dog=-
-Vehicle: Tow-Truck
-Driver: Billy Ray Stillwell
-Original Driver: n/a
-Special: Spiked-Ball Catapult
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal: Black
-Recommended User: Beginner to Normal
-Fun Fact: n/a

-Control: Average
-Speed: Average
-Armor: High
-Special: Average

-Vehicle: El Camino
-Driver: Preacher
-Original Driver: n/a
-Special: Follower Launcher
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal: Black
-Recommended User: Beginner to Normal
-Fun Fact: There's a body in the bed of Brimstone's car.

-Control: High
-Speed: High
-Armor: Average
-Special: Average

-Vehicle: SWAT Truck
-Driver: Agent Stone
-Original Driver: No
-Special: Mounted Gunner
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal 1
-Recommended User: Beginner to Normal
-Fun Fact: Outlaw has had different drivers in every game.

-Control: Average
-Speed: Average
-Armor: Average
-Special: Average

-=Mr. Grimm=-
-Vehicle: Armored Motorcycle w/ Side Car
-Driver: Mr. Grimm
-Original Driver: Yes
-Special: Scyth
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal 1
-Recommended User: Advanced
-Fun Fact: The nature of his stats have never changed.

-Control: Maxed-Out
-Speed: Maxed-Out
-Armor: Very Low
-Special: Maxed-Out

-Vehicle: Junk Car
-Driver: John Doe
-Original Driver: No
-Special: Series Missles
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal 1
-Recommended User: Beginner to Normal
-Fun Fact: Roadkill has always been a good average vehicle.

-Control: High
-Speed: High
-Armor: Average
-Special: Average

-=Crazy 8=-
-Vehicle: Rally Bug
-Driver: Frank McCutcheon (AKA: No-Face)
-Original Driver: n/a
-Special: Field Surge
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal: Black
-Recommended User: Beginner to Normal
-Fun Fact: This field surge is the same as Outlaw's from Twisted
Metal 1 & 2.

-Control: Average
-Speed: High
-Armor: Average
-Special: Average

-Vehicle: Sports Car
-Driver: Bloody Mary
-Original Driver: No
-Special: Ghost Missle
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal 1
-Recommended User: Normal to Advanced
-Fun Fact: Spectre's special has never changed.

-Control: High
-Speed: High
-Armor: Very Low
-Special: Average

-Vehicle: Big Rig
-Driver: Dollface
-Original Driver: Unknown
-Special: Power Ram
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal 1
-Recommended User: Normal
-Fun Fact: Dollface could have been the driver in Twisted Metal 1
& 3.

-Control: Average
-Speed: Low
-Armor: High
-Special: Average

-Vehicle: Hearse
-Driver: Raven
-Original Driver: No
-Special: Shadow Burst
-Special 2: Raven Gunner
(To use Special 2, select her normal special and press Up, Up,
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal 2
-Recommended User: Beginner to Normal
-Fun Fact: n/a

-Control: Average
-Speed: Average
-Armor: Average
-Special: Average

-=Sweet Tooth=-
-Vehicle: Ice Cream Truck
-Driver: Sweet Tooth (Needles Kane)
-Original Driver: Yes
-Special: Sweet Kamikaze
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal 1
-Recommended User: Normal
-Fun Fact: Sweet Tooth's character has never changed.

-Control: Average
-Speed: Low
-Armor: High
-Special: Average

-=Yellow Jacket (Hidden)=-
-Vehicle: Taxi Cab
-Driver: Charlie Kane & Son
-Original Driver: Yes (Not his Son)
-Special: Ground Spikes
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal 1
-Recommended User: Normal
-Fun Fact: Yellow Jacket's special in Twisted Metal 1 was a
molotov cocktail.

-Control: Average
-Speed: Average
-Armor: Average
-Special: Average

-=Axel (Hidden)=-
-Vehicle: 2-Wheeled Machine
-Driver: Axel
-Original Driver: Yes
-Special: Shockwave
-Special 2: Encasement Rage
(To use Special 2, select his normal special and press Up, Up,
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal 2
-Recommended User: Normal to Advanced
-Fun Fact: Axel was voted the most annoying opponent.

-Control: Average
-Speed: Low
-Armor: Low
-Special: Average

-=Warthog (Hidden)=-
-Vehicle: Stationwagon Tank
-Driver: Cage
-Original Driver: No
-Special: Tank Trample
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal 1
-Recommended User: Beginner to Normal
-Fun Fact: This vehicle has nothing to do with the other Warthog
vehicles and
was actually going to be named WhiteKnight.

-Control: Low
-Speed: Average
-Armor: Very High
-Special: High

-=Manslaughter (Hidden)=-
-Vehicle: Suped-Up Dump Truck
-Driver: Black
-Original Driver: n/a
-Special: Rolling Crush
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal: Black
-Recommended User: Normal
-Fun Fact: n/a

-Control: Very Low
-Speed: Very Average
-Armor: Very High
-Special: High

-=Minion (Hidden)=-
-Vehicle: Armored Tanker
-Driver: Minion
-Original Driver: Yes
-Special: Flaming Blaze
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal 1
-Recommended User: Beginner to Normal
-Fun Fact: Minion was the final boss of Twisted Metal 1.

-Control: Low
-Speed: Low
-Armor: Maxed-Out
-Special: Maxed-Out

-=Warhawk (Not Playable)=-
-Vehicle: Armored Helicopter
-Driver: Unknown
-Original Driver: n/a
-Special: Kyro Missles
-First Appearance: Twisted Metal: Black
-Recommended User: n/a
-Fun Fact: Warhawk has nothing to do with the Twisted Metal

-Control: Unknown
-Speed: Average
-Armor: Average
-Special: High


-=1.6 - Weapons of Destruction
-=This is a very informative list about the weapons
found in Twisted Metal: Black.

-=Machine Gun=-
-Found: n/a
-Damage: Minimal
-Homing: No
-Strategy: Best used while attacking with other
weapons such as missles for added damage. Also
good for destroying objects when low on ammo.

-=Machine Gun Upgrade=-
-Found: Often
-Damage: Mediocre
-Homing: No
-Strategy: Best used while attacking with other
weapons such as missles for added damage. Also
good for destroying objects when low on ammo.

-=Fire Missles=-
-Found: Constantly
-Damage: Average
-Homing: Slight
-Strategy: Good for the hit and run strategy due
to their slight homing ability and average damage.

-=Homing Missles=-
-Found: Constantly
-Damage: Average
-Homing: Yes
-Strategy: Good for the hit and run strategy due
to their homing ability and average damage.

-=Power Missles=-
-Found: Constantly
-Damage: High
-Homing: No
-Strategy: Good for use in close-up/melee battles
and on frozen enemies.

-=Gas Can=-
-Found: Constantly
-Damage: High
-Homing: No
-Strategy: An all around good weapon that's useful
on mobile or stationary cars due to it's advanced
targeting system.

-Found: Sometimes
-Damage: Varies
-Homing: Varies
-Strategy: Depending on the level, this weapon has
different effects. It's usually pretty powerful
and comes in handy.

-Found: Recharges
-Damage: Varies
-Homing: Varies
-Strategy: The special depends on the vehicle you
drive. All specials have their own advantages and

-=Skill-Based Weapons=-
-Found: Sometimes
-Damage: Very High
-Homing: Varies
-Strategy: The type of weapon aquired on pick up is
random, but regardless is an extremely powerful

-Found: Sometimes
-Damage: Varies
-Homing: Yes
-Strategy: If you charge it up and release when
locked on a target, the Rectile missles will fire
causing massive damage. If you wait to long they
will backfire and become useless.

-=SAT Controlled Missles=-
-Found: Rarely
-Damage: High
-Homing: Average
-Strategy: When fired, missles are shot up into the
air. Seconds later, the missles will hit the target in
front of you. If an opponent is in the target is
up to you.

-=Zoomy Missles=-
-Found: Rarely
-Damage: Varies
-Homing: Yes
-Strategy: Fire this weapon straight on. it will release
ten homing missiles at your opponent. If all ten
hit, you get a bonus.

-Found: Constantly
-Damage: n/a
-Homing: n/a
-Strategy: Collecting these will slightly raise your
health bar. Not by much though so don't rely on them
too much.

-Found: Constantly
-Damage: n/a
-Homing: n/a
-Strategy: These will fill up your turbo meter


-=1.7 - Story Battlegrounds
-=Incog Inc. has really done it this time. Twisted Metal:
Black's levels are absolutley gorgeous. Not only are they
huge, but they are fully interactive. 90% of the levels
objects are destroyable. It results in some major car
combat carnage. See the following sections for all
you need to know about the levels of Story Mode.


-=1.8 - Junkyard
-Size: Medium
-Features: Multiple Crushers, Landfill Ramps
-Resembles: The Construction Site from Twisted Metal 4

-=Secrets of the Junkyard=-
-Look Out For: The crushers. There are two crushers
in this level that cause bad damage. One is in a
wall that crushes horizontally. The other is a little
bit easier to avoid. It's near the back of the
level and crusher vertically.

-Hiding Places: I've found three good places to catch
your breath. One is in the suspended carrier with
the health power up and the second is in the sewer
section (see below Unlocking Yellow Jacket). The last
one requires you to get on top off the vertical
crusher (see below Unlocking the Freeway). Then,
jump onto the platform in the air with the power ups
on it.

-Unlocking Warhawk's Roof: To unlock the hidden stage,
The Freeway, you'll need to do a couple things.
First, destroy the big pizza boy statue. Just use any
kind of missle. Then, head over to the vertical
crusher. Use the debris as a ramp onto the crusher
when it's lowered. After you're on it, turn around.
You'll see the black cube. Simply drive off the side
to get it.

-Unlocking Yellow Jacket: Unlocking Yellow Jacket is
simple. First destroy the jumbo jet circling the
battlefield using a missle. Then head over behind
the main building at the bottom of the giant cliff.
You'll see the plane crashed into the side of the
building and into the ground. Drive through the hole
and make your way into the sewers. There you'll find
a small control panel. Simply destroy it to unlock
the first hidden car.


-=1.9 - Suburbs
-Size: Massive
-Features: Destructable Town, Giant Ferris Wheel
-Resembles: n/a

-=Secrets of the Suburbs=-
-Look Out For: The ferris wheel. Although you may
have fun destroying the ferris wheel, don't get
caught in it's path.

-Hiding Places: The roof of the depot is a good place
to sit for a while. Only skilled drivers can get there
because you must jump from the carnival. Another good
place is inside the mall, plus it has a lot of power
ups to collect.

-Unlocking The Prison Passage:
To do this, head up to the carnival section of the
level. Then jump to the nearest depot building. From
there, jump across the buildings until you reach one
with a block on it. Destroy it and grab the black
cube to unlock the Prison Passage.

-Unlocking Warthog: Jump from the carnival area to
the roof of the closest building in the depot. On the
roof you'll find some power ups and a little addition
to the roof. Blow that up and drop inside the building
destroy the control panel and Warthog will be raised
down from the lift.


-=2.0 - Freeway
-Size: Massive
-Features: Tons of Road, The State Hospital
-Resembles: The Freeway from Twisted Metal 1
The Highway from Twisted Metal 4

-=Secrets of the Freeway=-
-Unlocking Axel: To unlock the terror on two wheels
himself, head over to the construction section of
the level. Aim yourself at the left crane and shoot
the control box with a Gas Can. The crane will set
down a large crate over in the far corner. Destroy
it to reveal the hidden character Axel.


-=2.1 - Downtown
-Size: Medium
-Features: Giant Aqueduct, Tall Buildings
-Resembles: Downtown from Twisted Metal 1

-=Secrets of Downtown=-
-Unlocking Minion's Stadium: Head to the Skyway Towers
building right across from the aqueduct. You'll see
the two buildings are connected. In the left one is
an elevator. Simply blast the wall and ride it to the
top. Once there, creep to the edge to drop down to
another little ledge. There are two giant cups of
coffee, one has a black cube behind it.


-=2.2 - Highway Loop
-Size: Medium
-Features: Tons of Traffic, Unfinished Roads
-Resembles: The Freeway from Twisted Metal 1

-=Secrets of the Highway Loop=-
-Unlocking Elevators: To unlock this multiplayer
level, you need to first, kill all but one of your
enemies. Then grab a Gas Can. Head over to what looks
to be a power plant (near the bridge with the gap in
it). You'll see a set of giant balls. Hit the one
closest to the far tunnel with thhe Gas Can. It will
begin to roll towards the tunnel. Be sure to not let
an enemy destroy it. Follow it into the tunnel and
into the hole it created. You'll find power ups and
a black cube in the far right corner.


-=2.3 - Minion's Stadium
-Size: Small
-Features: Minion, No Where to Run
-Resembles: n/a

-=Stragies for Beating Minion=-
-The best strategy for beating Minion is quiter simple.
First, drive around and max out most of your weapons.
Then start turning around Minion just dodging his
attacks. When you come around, be ready with missles
and machine gun fire. You'll need to destroy all
four panels of Minion's tanker (front, back and two
sides) to deactivate his force field. After you do
this, you then need to use the hit and run technique
to wear his health down. After you beat him, you'll
view your driver's middle movie.


-=2.4 - Prison Passage
-Size: Massive
-Features: Giant Bridge, A Docked Boat
-Resembles: n/a

-=Secrets of the Prison Passage=-
-Hiding Places: Because the level is so massive, you'll
have no poblem catching your breath. You'll always
have a place to run since there are virtually no dead

-Unlocking Manslaughter: Head over to where the boat is
dock and go to the outside base of it. You'll see
some cargo boxes to the left of it. Shoot these cargo
boxes until they form a ramp. Drive up it and face the
ship. Start firing shots at the side of the boat and
eventually a door will slide open. Inside, destroy the
control panel and Manslaughter will be lowered from
the lift.


-=2.5 - Snowy Roads
-Size: Small
-Features: Slick and Icy Roads, High Mountains
-Resembles: Anarctica from Twisted Metal 2
North Pole from Twisted Metal 3

-=Secrets of Snowy Roads=-
-Look Out For: The steep cliffs. One slip up pretty
much any where in this stage will send you plummeting
to your death.

-Unlocking the Power Plant: This one's a little tricky.
Head down to the bottom of the level with the gas
station and the long building. Drive over to the
barricade and blast them away. Drive down and there
should be a small flat area. Once down there, turn
right and drive up the hill. Slightly over that hill
is the black cube tucked away.


-=2.6 - Drive-In Movie
-Size: Small
-Features: Giant Movie Screen, No Where to Run
-Resembles: Holland from Twisted Metal 2

-=Secrets of the Drive-In Movie=-
-There are no secrets to be found in the Drive-In
Movie. Just remember to keep moving and use the hit
and run strategy.


-=2.7 - Skyscrapers
-Size: Large
-Features: Abandon Church, Roof to Roof Leaping
-Resembles: Rooftops from Twisted Metal 1
New York from Twisted Metal 2
Tokyo from Twisted Metal 3

-=Secrets of the Highway Loop=-
-Look Out For: What's not to look out for? You can fall
pretty much everywhere so watch what you're doing.
Don't get trigger happy and turbo yourself off the

-Unlocking the Sewers: To do this you're going to need a
life to spare. Head over to the two roofs where you
knock the billboard over to connect them. The black
cube is between the two suspended in mid-air. I like
to switch the view to the highest angle to get a
good look at what you're trying to aim for. I also
prefer to drop off from the side with the plane on it.


-=2.8 - Warhawk's Rooftop
-Size: Small
-Features: Warhawk, No Where to Run
-Resembles: n/a

-=Secrets of Warhawk's Rooftop=-
-Unlocking the Skyscrapers: To find the black cube,
line yourself up with where the tankers come off of
the other roof. Drive off facing towards it using
turbo at full speed. You should hit the cube in the air.

-=Strategies for Beating Warhawk=-
-There's only one way to beat Warhawk and that way
can get quite frustrating. First, when the battle
begins, circle the roof collecting everything you
can get your hands on. Then, a tanker will come into
play. Attack it from a distance so it wont freeze
or burn you. When it's disabled, wait for Warhawk
to hover above it. When he does, blast the remains
of the tanker. You will need to do this three times.
After you do so, start circling the roof again this
time collecting homing missles. Use them (or a homing
special attack) to attack Warhawk. You can use fire
missles but they are harder to aim. Some special
attacks work real well such as Outlaw's Mounted
Gunner and Spectre's Ghost Missle. After you do this,
you will view your driver's ending movie.


-=2.9 - Multiplayer Battlegrounds
-=This list pertains to the complete multiplayer level
list assuming you have unlocked them already. If they
require Endurance kills to open, I'll tell you how
many you'll need.

These levels are rated by myself and a companion of my
choosing. Each score is out of five stars.

-Size: Medium
-Multiplayer Exclusive: No
-Unlocked: Yes
-Multiplayer Rating: ***
-Funfactor: ****
-Challenge: **

-Size: Massive
-Multiplayer Exclusive: No
-Unlocked: Yes
-Multiplayer Rating: ****
-Funfactor: ****
-Challenge: ****

-=Prison Passage=-
-Size: Massive
-Multiplayer Exclusive: No
-Unlocked: No (See Section 1.9 - Suburbs)
-Multiplayer Rating: ***
-Funfactor: **
-Challenge: ***

-Size: Medium
-Multiplayer Exclusive: No
-Unlocked: Yes
-Multiplayer Rating: *****
-Funfactor: *****
-Challenge: ***

-=Highway Loop=-
-Size: Large
-Multiplayer Exclusive: No
-Unlocked: Yes
-Multiplayer Rating: ****
-Funfactor: ****
-Challenge: ***

-Size: Small
-Multiplayer Exclusive: Yes
-Unlocked: No (See Section 2.2 - Highway Loop)
-Multiplayer Rating: *****
-Funfactor: *****
-Challenge: *****

-=Snowy Roads=-
-Size: Small
-Multiplayer Exclusive: No
-Unlocked: Yes
-Multiplayer Rating: *****
-Funfactor: ****
-Challenge: *****

-=Power Plant=-
-Size: Medium
-Multiplayer Exclusive: Yes
-Unlocked: No (See Section 2.5 - Snowy Roads)
-Multiplayer Rating: ****
-Funfactor: ****
-Challenge: ***

-Size: Very Small
-Multiplayer Exclusive: Yes
-Unlocked: No
-Multiplayer Rating: ***
-Funfactor: **
-Challenge: *****

-Size: Medium
-Multiplayer Exclusive: Yes
-Unlocked: No (See section 2.7 - Skyscrapers)
-Multiplayer Rating: ***
-Funfactor: **
-Challenge: ***

-=Drive-In Movie=-
-Size: Small
-Multiplayer Exclusive:No
-Unlocked: Yes
-Multiplayer Rating: ****
-Funfactor: ****
-Challenge: ****

-Size: Medium
-Multiplayer Exclusive: No
-Unlocked: No
-Multiplayer Rating: *****
-Funfactor: *****
-Challenge: *****

-=Minion's Stadium=-
-Size: Small
-Multiplayer Exclusive: No
-Unlocked: No
-Multiplayer Rating: **
-Funfactor: **
-Challenge: **

-=Prison Ship=-
-Size: Small
-Multiplayer Exclusive: Yes
-Unlocked: No
-Multiplayer Rating: ****
-Funfactor: ***
-Challenge: ****

-=Asylum Halls=-
-Size: Medium
-Multiplayer Exclusive: Yes
-Unlocked: No
-Multiplayer Rating: ****
-Funfactor: ***
-Challenge: ****

-=Mini Downtown=-
-Size: Medium
-Multiplayer Exclusive: Yes
-Unlocked: No
-Multiplayer Rating: ***
-Funfactor: **
-Challenge: ***

-=Mini Suburbs=-
-Size: Medium
-Multiplayer Exclusive: Yes
-Unlocked: No (Earn 10 Endurance kills in Drive-In Movie)
-Multiplayer Rating: ****
-Funfactor: ****
-Challenge: **

-Multiplayer Exclusive: No
-Unlocked: No (See Section 1.8 - Junkyard)
-Multiplayer Rating: *****
-Funfactor: ****
-Challenge: *****

-Size: Massive
-Multiplayer Exclusive: No
-Unlocked: Yes
-Multiplayer Rating: ****
-Funfactor: ****
-Challenge: ***


-=3.0 - Unlocking Minion
-=This is where the biggest secret of the game is
revealed. The truth about Minion. I put this way at
the bottom for those who don't want to know how to
unlock him and want to discover him themselves.

To unlock Minion, you'll need to beat the game with
every available character. This also includes the
game's other hidden characters: Axel, Yellow Jacket,
Manslaughter and Warthog. This is no easy task.

I myself have not done this yet. Only because I have
not had the time to play through with all the
characters yet. But when I do, I add a Minion
strategy to this guide.

(Minion will appear right after Sweet Tooth on the
driver selection screen).


-=3.1 - Cheat Codes
-=Sorry this section is a little scarce. (I'm not big
into cheating). I only have one code because I really
haven't looked for any 'cause... i don't care.

-=Invulnerability: During gameplay, hold down L1, L2,
R1 and R2 and tap Up, Down, Left, Right, Right,
Left, Down and Up.


-=3.2 - Bonus Mystery
-=All throughout the game, you'll notice an occasional
message at the top of the screen. At this point, I don't
know what they're for, but I do know how I got them

-=Multiple Hits: Using a Gas Can, damage two or more
enemies at the same time.

-=Bank Shot Bonus: Using a Rico, hit an enemy by bouncing
it off of a wall first.

-=Missle Bonus 10/10: Using the Zoomy Missles, hit all 10
missles on your opponents.

-=Max Damage: Using a SAT, hit all of the missles on your

-=Missle Hit 20/20: Using Sweet Tooth's special, hit all
10 missles on your opponents.

-=T-Slide Bonus: Using Darkside's special, use turbo and
slide and then hit the side of your opponents vehicle.

-=Turbo Bonus: Use turbo while ramming your opponents with
Yellow Jacket's special attack.

-=Bull's Eye Bonus: Hit your target perfectly with a Gas Can.


-=3.3 - Endings Revealed
-=If you don't want to know what happens at the end of
the game for a specific character, don't read any
further. If you wanna know, then read.

-=Billy Ray/Junkyard Dog=-
This old redneck was working with his crops before
harvest when all of the sudden a crop duster
swooped down and sprayed him pesticides. This really
messed up his face. He stumbled home to find his
wife with the pilot who did it talking about
collecting life insurance. He grabbed the closest
thing (a garden hoe) and hacked his wife into
pieces. He wants to win the competition to get
revenge on that pilot.

After winning the competition, Calypso gave him
what he promised. Billy Ray found himself in a
field with nothing but a plane and the pilot
tied to the ground. He hopped in the plane and
hacked up the pilot with the propeller. He now
feels real good about himself. Billy Ray moved to
the city to see what kind a killer could get into.

-=Agent Stone/Outlaw=-
A very skilled sniper was called to take out a
terrorist hold a family hostage. With confidence
he prepared to take the terrorist out. Suddenly,
his emotions got a hold of him. Stone didn't want
to see these terrorists live again. He began firing
his gun off without looking at what he was shooting.
He noticed that not only did he kill the terrorist,
but he killed a mother and her child. Agent Stone
wants to win the competition to get a second chance
at this.

After winning the competion, Agent Stone found
himself on the very same rooftop aiming at that
very same terrorist. He made sure that every bullet
hit the right target. He notices the mother and
child were frightened, but unharmed. Agent Stone
thought he had redeemed himself, but he thought
wrong. The downed terrorist slowly raised his arm
and cocked his gun. He then put one right in the
middle of Agent Stone's head.

-=Charlie Kane and Son/Yellow Jacket=-
Sweet Tooth's father and younger brother were
inseperable. He even went on some cab rides with
him. One day, an angry passenger shot Charlie in
the back of the head. The son was very sad but
used his intelligents to rebuild his father as a
robot. They want to win so they can make every
thing better again.

After winning the competition, Calypso confronts
the young boy. He takes the controller for Charlie
and breaks it. The boy is devastated. Calypso said,
"I will make everything better. I need someone to
train." Possibly to take out Sweet Tooth or Minion
in a sequal to Twisted Metal: Black.

As a college grad, she worked for a maskmaker(who made
SweetTooth's mask), keeping records and making sure bills
were paid. One day, she made a mistake that sent the man
off the wall... he beat her down and put a mask on
her head, nailed it shut, and put a strange 4-key lock on
the back. Dollface desired that key, so she could see her
face again. Her only worry was if she had become disfigured
from the constant pressure on her face.

Once again, Calypso put in a "catch-22" the key was on the end
of a chain. On the other end, a trigger that would shut an iron
maiden on Dollface's former boss. To free herself, she would have
to kill the man who trapped her in the mask. She took the key,
setting off the iron maiden, and impaling him. After examining the
key, she threw it to the floor, declaring she liked her
new face, that would be beautiful even if she was old and grey.
She then devoted her life to make sure that no one would
ever be as mean as that maskmaker.

An evangelist in his early days, Jebediah was rejected by
the people in his congregation, and thereby denied Priesthood.
As he remembers it, during his most important job- an exorcism
-the demon from the small child took root in his body, and
killed everyone in that church that night in a great rage, and
left as the police arrived. The Preacher's goal for the
contest is to learn the truth.

But the truth was far different. Calypso showed Jebediah that
there was no demon. The exorcism was a baptism, and that night,
there was no demon. Jebediah had become the angel of death and
had slaughtered everyone there. All of the pain he had suffered
to fall into the lord's good graces had been useless. To the
preacher, there was only one way out. Suicide off of the
top of a building.

-=Needles Kane/Sweet Tooth=-
SweetTooth was a killer from the start, but it was a curse
that was placed on him recently that put him in so much pain
and set his head on fire. That curse was placed on him by the
Preacher at SweetTooth's execution 3 months before the time of
the contest.The flames of hell would torment SweetTooth
forever, unless a cure was found. To SweetTooth, a cure for
the curse was his main desire.

But the cure came with a catch. A vial of Jebediah's (Preacher)
blood would cure SweetTooth, but he would have to change his
murderous ways. If he ever went back to killing, the curse would
come back as well. SweetTooth had his priorities, smashing the
under his foot, and then killing Calypso by slashing his throat,
just as he said he would in the prologue.

-=Mr. Grimm/Mr. Grimm=-
After having flashbacks of being in Vietnam, being tossed
into a hole and being forced to eat his commrade, Mr. Grimm
fought in the contest with a purpose. To seek revenge on the
man who did this to him. The man who made him a cannibal.

After winning the contest, Calypso grants Mr. Grimm his wish.
Dinner for one with the man he don't like. Mr. Grimm has no
problem eating this guy up as he mentions he'll always have a
taste for flesh.

-=John Doe/Roadkill=-
This guy doesn't know who he is. All he can rely on are his
tatoos. And by his tatoos he realizes he was a bad man. When
he was knocked out at Minion's Stadium, he realized he was a
terrorist. A terrorist who had planted a bomb. This was
shocking to him but that's where the memories ended.

After winning, John Doe wanted to know about his past. Calypso
showed him that he was really an undercover agent sent to take
out the terrorists. He was supposed to disarm the bomb but
didn't have enough time so he just threw it out the window.
He also remembered he had a family. That's when Calypso told
him he was Number #2 on America's Most Wanted and shot him
right there. (I assume Sweet Tooth is Number #1.)

-=I will add more as I unlock them in story mode.=-


-=3.4 - About
-=These people either provided information for TM:B or helped
make corrections in this FAQ:

-Nathaniel Newby -
-Tyson -
-Devils0508 -

-=This decent guide was made by a decent guy named
D-Plus. It's for recreational home viewing only.
Don't try to make money with it (yeah, it ain't
that good) because it's (c) 2001 D-Plus. Visit me
on the web at:

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