

17.10.2013 15:45:18
Version: 1.5 - April 13, 2001
Creator: Ed Osciak III
Alias: Psycho0022
Platform: Sony Playstation 2
Email: manji37@hotmail.com

Copyright 2001, Ed Osciak III
This walkthrough may not be changed, reproduced, or printed in any form
without the author's expressed permission. This FAQ is owned and made by me.
Feel free to print out and distribute this FAQ as long as nothing is changed.


+ Added Section 6: Secrets/Codes for X-Squad. These codes were added to my
faq/walkthrough courtesy of Dave A. at Cheat Code Central.


Section 1: Game Introduction
Section 2: X-Squad Member Profiles
Section 3: Weapons
Section 4: Equipment
Section 5: Walkthrough
Section 6: Secrets/Codes
Section 7: Acknowledgments


The Year is 2037 and the government has lost contact with one of its top-
secret research facilities shortly after receiving disturbing news about
suspicious behavior amongst some of the base's personnel. You have limited
background knowledge of your mission, only what the scientist's urgent
transmission communicated - that she discovered some mysterious data just
before she sent her transmission. Your only clue is the name "Project

You are Ash, leader of the covert paramilitary organization known as X-
Squad. Fearing the worst and due to the highly sensitive material within the
base, your highly skilled team is assigned to infiltrate the top-secret
research facility, rescue the missing scientist, and uncover the mystery
behind Project Medusa.

Good luck. You're going to need it.


NAME : John G. Conners (ASH)
AGE : 26
ORIGIN : Butte, MT
HEIGHT : 6'2 2"
WEIGHT : 180 lbs
X-SQUAD: Team Leader
STATUS : Active

The consummate soldier, Ash graduated from West Point at the top of his
class. When he is on assignment, Ash has zero tolerance for anything remotely
unrelated to the job at hand. Having laced in the top of his class in both
marksmanship and urban combat simulation, Ash is a formidable soldier. During
his final year at West Point, Ash was aggressively recruited by Col. James
Clifford to join his special ops unit. Ash joined Clifford's team for the
experience and prestige. Under Col. Clifford, Ash earned a reputation for
being hyper-focused and merciless in combat. Col. Clifford became Ash's
mentor, father-figure, and friend. After a highly-successful stint in
Clifford's regime, Ash felt the need to break away from his mentor's shadow
and make his own mark in the world. Ash left the group and formed X-Squad.

NAME : MAYA Estevez
AGE : 24
ORIGIN : Los Angeles, CA
HEIGHT : 5' 5"
WEIGHT : 115 lbs
X-SQUAD: Intelligence Gathering, Computer Scientist
STATUS : Active

Loyal, tireless, and brave. Maya is a typical overachiever from an a-
typical background. Having grown up in the neighborhood of East L.A., Maya
had to work even harder than her teammates to rise to the top. Maya excelled
early in both athletics and mathematics. In college she was ROTC champion in
archery, fencing, and marksmanship. By her Junior year, she had already
designed and built three computers and a guidance system, which she donated to
the military (at the suggestion of her C.O.). After college Maya enrolled in
the Marines. During her four-year stint in the Marines, Maya earned the most
combat decorations of any woman to have ever served in the Corps. She created
the TAS hardware that has helped intelligence gathering in remote areas.

NAME : JUDD Johnson
AGE : 28
ORIGIN : Atlanta Georgia
HEIGHT : 6' 8"
WEIGHT : 260lbs
X-SQUAD: Reconnaissance, Heavy Firearms
STATUS : Active

Judd Johnson graduated from Penn State University where he was an all-
American linebacker. Judd astonished everybody when he announced that he
wasn't going to pursue a career in the Pros but would instead join the navy.
Judd started his military career in the navy as a cook. His ability to handle
big guns and suspect vessels in the shipping lanes soon earned him a
reputation among his peers. During an evening on shore break in Tijuana, a
buddy bet Judd a dollar that he could not make the Navy SEALS. An uninhibited
Judd accepted. Judd's Navy buddy was a dollar poorer as Judd finished SEAL
training at the top of his class. Judd's real talent is in reconnaissance.
He has an almost instinctive ability to both locate and survey targets. Not a
negotiator, his way is to make things head on.

AGE : 26
ORIGIN : Los Angeles, CA
HEIGHT : 5' 8"
WEIGHT : 125 lbs
X-SQUAD: Surveillance, Marksmanship
STATUS : Active

Melinda makes her own rules and lives by them. She was born into a
wealthy family but did not accept the status quo. She refused to let her
parents pay for her education and put herself through school by working as
many as three side-jobs at a time. After college, Melinda had a tour of duty
in Tibet with the Peace Corps. While in Tibet, Melinda studied Gong Fu
(Chinese Boxing) under an elderly Shao Lin monk. She attributes her ability
to concentrate on her target when she has a sniper rifle in hand to her pious
teacher. Nimble and strong, Melinda left the corps after she witnessed the
genocide of an entire village. Paralyzed by fear, she was unable to prevent
this travesty. Vowing to prevent violent incidents like the one she
witnessed, Melinda joined the CIA to hone her insurgency skills. Four years
later, she was their top female operative. No longer content with doing other
people's dirty work, Melinda exited the Agency to join X-Squad.

NAME : Colonel James Clifford
AGE : 42
ORIGIN : Lansing, MI
HEIGHT : 6' 2"
WEIGHT : 190lbs

Commanding, decisive, and self-righteous, Colonel James Clifford built a
long and spectacular military career around orchestrating small-scale surgical
military strikes. A life-long soldier, Clifford's commitment to improving his
troops is intense. He has an explosive temper and little tolerance for
incompetence. Impressed by a young West Point graduate's brashness and
ability to perform under pressure, Clifford took Ash under his wing. Although
they no longer maintain a student-teacher relationship, Ash an Clifford view
each other with a sense of mutual respect.

NAME : Dr. Bianca Noble
AGE : 31
ORIGIN : Hampshire, UK
HEIGHT : 5' 7"
WEIGHT : 120 lbs

A reowned computer scientist, Dr. Noble accepted contract work at this
remote research facility. She disappeared from the public eye soon
thereafter. Dr. Noble can be introverted and consumed by work. As a young
scientist, Dr. Noble was obsessed by work. She pursued science for the sake
of knowledge until the ground-breaking research got her in trouble with the
government and military. Because of the government censorship, she now has to
work for the military. The military pays well, but she longs for free
research once again. However, she is wary of expressing her wishes to the top
Brass. She knows too much to ever do free research again.


Michaels 45
Firing Range: Close
Auto Targeting Range: Close
Points: -
Weight: 100

This gun is essential to any operative. It is light, efficient and
reliable. Although not the most powerful weapon in your arsenal, the .45
caliber bullets used by the Michaels 45 are coated with Kevlar and are able to
penetrate body armor at close range. Throughout your mission you have an
unlimited supply of Michaels 45 ammunition.

Michaels 9mmS
Firing Range: Close
Auto Target Range: Close
Points: 100
Weight: 100

Equipped with a silencer, the Michaels 9mmS is the ideal weapon for
stealth attacks. Its sub-sonic ammunition is designed to be silent and

Taylor M82
Firing Range: Close
Auto Target Range: Close
Points: 200
Weight: 150

The Taylor M82 is a fine gun in its own right. It is far more powerful
than other guns in its size and weight category. The M82 delivers a burst of
three bullets at one time, increasing its man stopping capabilities. Its high
velocity ammunition is capable of piercing most types of bulletproofing. the
firearm is best suited for skirmishes at close range.

GMS 10mmSA
Machine Gun
Firing Range: Medium
Auto Target Range: Medium
Points: 200
Weight: 150

The GMS 10mmSA is the predominant machine gun of the 21st Century. It is
a highly effective weapon in the field and urban combat situations. It is
neither the most powerful nor most accurate weapon in your arsenal, but it is
most effective in helping you out of jam.

Dutch .308
Gattling Gun
Firing Range: Long
Auto Target Range: Long
Points: 400
Weight: 250

The Dutch .308 is a multi-barrel machine gun, which uses an electric
motor to rotate the weapon chamber. Its weak point is that it will take a few
seconds to get the rotation to firing velocity, but once it starts firing, few
can survive long in its path. It uses a .308 jacketless bullet, which is
highly effective against armor.

AR-556 Assault Rifle
Assault Rifle
Firing Range: Medium
Auto Target Range: Medium
Points: 600
Weight: 150

The AR-556 is the standard issue assault rifle for most combat
operatives. the large ammunition clip holds 100 5.56mm rounds, which is
enough firepower to take down a squad of enemy soldiers. Upon impact, the AR-
556 ammunition shells explode in a burst of flames. The AR-556 is best used
when facing numerous enemies.

HP-22 Sniper Rifle
Sniper Rifle
Firing Range: Long
Auto Target Range: None
Points: 300
Weight: 150

The HP-22 is a common sniper rifle used by many military organizations.
Equipped with a Magna-lock scope and silencer system, the HP-22 is capable of
quietly neutralizing enemies from afar. Because of its low capacity clip (6
shots) it is recommended that you plan your shots well.

HD-460 Sniper Rifle
Sniper Rifle
Firing Range: Long
Auto Target Range: None
Points: 400
Weight: 150

The HD-460 is a powerful sniper rifle designed to take out enemy foot
soldiers in a single shot. In addition to a mercury traveling system, its
lack of spring recoil mechanism provides for an incredibly accurate shot.

BR-11 Sniper Rifle
Sniper Rifle
Firing Range: Long
Auto Target Range: None
Points: 600
Weight: 250

Still a prototype, the BR-11 is being tested by X-Squad in the field.
The BR-11 s 900 gigawatt laser is capable of penetrating all body armor.
Because it is not commercial, the BR-11 is expensive and its ammunition is

Westchester Riot Gun
Firing Range: Close
Auto Target: Close
Points: 300
Weight: 150

The Westchester Riot Gun is a standard military-issued combat shotgun
used for close-range combat. The ammunition is composed of 18 pellets that
disperse widely over a short range. The Westchester Riot packs enough power
to knock down a lightly armored enemy soldier.

Burgess DB90 Shotgun
Firing Range: Close
Auto Target Range: Close
Points: 400
Weight: 150

The Burgess DB90 shotgun is the first mass produced "Sawed-Off" shotgun
to hit the global market. It is an extremely effective firearm and is best
used when fired at close range to clear a room full of undesirables.

PV-9 Mongoose Shotgun
Firing Range: Medium
Auto Target Range: Medium
Points: 600
Weight: 200

The PV-9 Mongoose is the "Big Daddy" of all shotguns. Similar in design
and function to the Westchester Riot Gun, the PV-9 carries more shells and is
effective at greater distances.

Thompson RFG (Rocket Launcher)
Rocket Launcher
Firing Range: Long
Auto Target Range: Long
Points: 600
Weight: 300

The Thompson RFG is the most common rocket launcher used for combat
today. It is not the most accurate of weapons available to you, but it is a
reliable tool when facing the opposition. the Thompson RFG is most effective
when fired at medium distances.

Matthews MM22 (Missile Launcher)
Missile Launcher
Firing Range: Long
Auto Target Range: Long
Points: 800
Weight: 350

The Matthews MM22 is a remarkable improvement over the more common RPG.
It is more powerful and more accurate than its smaller cousin. the weapon is
not to be discharged recklessly as its blast radius can easily take out many
soldiers. Its projectile missiles directly target what's in its sites.
Because the sheer size of its ammo, reloading the MM22 is time consuming.

M-37 Grenade Launcher
Grenade Launcher
Firing Range: Close
Auto Target Range: None
Points: 600
Weight: 200

The M-37 is properly fired at an approximately thirty-degree arc. This
weapon is best used to reach enemies hiding behind barricades and/or walls.
The grenades themselves are standard-issue 40mm grenades, thus a delayed
explosion should be expected unless a direct hit is achieved.

Spectra Flamethrower
Flame Thrower
Firing Range: Close
Auto Target Range: Close
Points: 800
Weight: 200

The Spectra Flamethrower is a powerful short-range weapon. It quickly
burns through ammunition and it is not particularly effective against armored
opponents. The flamethrower is most effective when spray is directed at small
groups of enemy soldiers and automated sentry guns.

Aurora Ion Cannon
Ion Cannon
Firing Range: Medium
Auto Target Range: Medium
Points: 1000
Weight: 250

Developed by famed Japanese Physicist Kuro Akahori, the Aurora Ion Cannon
generates a concentrated stream of artificial lightning by using
electromagnets to accelerate energy particles to the speed of light. Because
it discharges electricity, the ion cannons discharge behaves in an erratic


Michaels 9MMS Ammo (9mmS)
Points: 10

This sub-sonic ammunition is specifically designed to work with the
Michaels 9mmS semiautomatic pistol.

Taylor M82 Ammo (M82 Ammo)
Points: 15

The M82 ammunition is a caseless bullet. It has moderate armor-piercing

GMS 10mmSA Ammo (10mmSA)
Points: 10

These 10mm armor-piercing bullets are designed to discharge in a tight
spread pattern

Dutch .308 Ammo (.308 Cal)
Points: 100

The .308 is a high velocity slug that when fired from the Dutch .308 is
capable of penetrating light vehicular armor.

AR-556 Ammo (5.56mm)
Points: 50

This hollow tipped bullet is designed to explode in a burst of flames
upon impact.

HP-22 Ammo (.22 Long)
Points: 10

.22 Caliber rim-fire is designed to maintain its trajectory over long

HD-450 Ammo (.450 Magnum)
Points: 15

High-caliber ammunition designed to be extremely accurate and devastating
at long range.

BR-11 Ammo (Laser Sniper Ammo)
Points: 50

This high density Beryllium battery is capable of delivering 6 shots to
the BR-11.

Westchester Riot Ammo (Riot Gun Ammo)
Points: 10

Standard 12 gauge shells for the Westchester Riot Gun.

Burgess DB90 Ammo (10 Gauge)
Points: 15

10 gauge shotgun shells for the Burgess DB90. This ammunition contains
more shot than standard 12 gauge shells.

PV-9 Mongoose Ammo (PV-9 Shells)
Points: 40

Fragmentation ammunition for the PV-9 Mongoose Shotgun. Extremely
devastating at close range.

RFG Launcher Ammo (RFG Rocket)
Points: 50

A highly explosive rocket with a concentrated blast radius. Especially
useful against enemy foot soldiers and lightly armored vehicles.

Matthews MM22 Ammo (MM22 Missile)
Points: 80

A very accurate missile equipped with a fragmentation warhead. Because
of its sheer power, use the ammunition with extreme care.

M-37 Grenade Launcher Ammo (M-37 Grenade)
Points: 40

Standard 40mm grenade delivered via a clip-loaded launcher. These
grenades use a time-delayed fuse unless they make a direct hit on the target.

Spectra Flamethrower Ammo (Fuel Canister)
Points: 30

A small capacity kerosene canister that burns quickly but effectively.

Aurora Ion Cannon Ammo (Ion Cartridge)
Points: 400

This cartridge recharges the Aurora's Ion acceleration chamber. This
ammunition is extremely rare and is very expensive.

Force Shield/Level 1 (HR-md3)
Points: 150
Weight: 5

Produces a low-grade energy field that protects the user from physical

Force Shield/Level 2 (MF-dic)
Points: 300
Weight: 5

Produces a medium-grade energy field that protects the user from physical

Force Shield/Level 3 (AO-hrE-Pack)
Points: 1000
Weight: 5

Produces a high-grade energy field that protects the user from physical

Sensor/Level 1 (Motion Sensor DD1)
Points: 500
Weight: 3

The motion sensor reveals the physical location of enemy soldiers in the
visible area. A faint triangle appears above enemy soldier to reveal their

Sensor/Level 2 (Adam G1b)
Points: 800
Weight: 3

The Heat sensor is able to provide greater detail to the physical
location of enemy soldiers. A green triangle appears above the enemy soldiers
to reveal their positions.

Sensor/Level 3 (Sirius P)
Points: 1000
Weight: 3

The Kinetic sensor is able to detect the hostile readiness of enemy
soldiers. The light turns green above the enemy soldier indicating he's
unprepared to return fire. When it turns red, the enemy soldier is ready to
engage in combat.

Health Restoring Tablet (Med Kit)
Points: 50

The tablets are ingested and provide immediate rejuvenation of wounds and

Energy Pack/Level 1 (E-Pack)
Points: 100

Energy pack for force shield. Normal type.

Energy Pack/Level 2 (E-Pack Type G)
Points: 200

Energy pack for force shield. Recommended for use with level 2 and 3
force shields. Large type.




First, run through the door straight ahead. Then open the next door
straight ahead. Next, turn right and run down the corridor. It will bend to
the left and then to the right. Now push the switch and the door will open.
Finally run straight ahead and get on the elevator. Push the switch and it
will take you down.

When the elevator stops, turn to the right and go through the door. Go
into the door straight ahead that is marked with the number 1 on each side but
use caution. Next, destroy the two monitor cameras that are surveying the
room. There is one on the right and one on the left. Next, push the switch
and the electricity fields will release. Pick up the 10mmSA ammo. Exit the
room, turn right, and run down the corridor. Be careful because there is a
soldier waiting for you when you turn the corner to the left. Peek around and
take him out. Next, run ahead and open the door with the number 2 marked on
each side. Enter and destroy the two motion cameras, push the switch, and
grab the 10mmSA ammo in the right corner of the room. Next, exit the room,
turn right and run down the corridor. When you turn the left corner, you will
have to take out another soldier. Then enter the doors with the number 3
marked on each side and repeat the process of what you did in the first two

After picking up the 10mmSA ammo, turn right and run and proceed through
the door. Next, crouch and destroy the two barrels. Then walk through the
crawl space and hop down into the next room. Open the door, and take the
elevator downstairs. You will get a message from Maya. Run straight ahead
but be careful. When you turn the corner to the left you will have to take
out another soldier. Another soldier will be alerted when you take this
soldier out so dispose of him also and grab the 10mmSA ammo. Run down to the
end of the corridor. It will bend to the left and to the right. Keep going
but be careful at the next intersection. You will have to shoot the soldier
and the one that comes up the stairs. Pick up the 10mmSA ammo and enter the
room on the left. Here, you will find the GMS 10mmSA machine gun!

Exit the room, turn left and walk down the stairs. When you walk down the
second flight of stairs, dispose of the soldier that is lurking to the left at
the bottom. Pick up the 10mmSA ammo and go through the door. Immediately
after opening the door, take out the soldier standing in the corridor.
Another guard will come from the right. Wait for him to appear and shoot him
too. Now run towards the end of the corridor. As it bends to the right, you
will have to take out another soldier. there is nothing in the room to the
left. Run straight and you will team up with Maya.

Now run down the corridor to the right. Open the door and ready to open
up a can of you know what. Just remember to equip your new shiny weapon
first. Enter the room and open fire. There are three soldiers on the floor
you are on and two on the floor above you. After disposing of them, pick up
any 10mmSA ammo that is lying around. Now search the room for an elevator and
take it upstairs. Next, run straight ahead. Maya will cover you as you flip
the switch. Two soldiers will come out and Maya will take care of them. Now,
ride the elevator back downstairs. Next run across the room and enter room
"B." This room was previously locked. Grab the Med Kit and the E-Pack. Now,
take the big elevator in the center of the room downstairs.

Don't get too comfortable. When the elevator reaches the bottom floor,
you will have to pick off four enemy soldiers. Pick up the 10mmSA ammo and
take the corridor to the left of door "C." Pick up the 10mmSA ammo. Maya
will instruct you to take the right door and she will take the left and hit
them at the same time. Do it. Run through the door and open fire on the two
unsuspecting soldiers. Push the switch and backtrack to door "C." Pass
through it, for it is the CHECKPOINT.

Now run down the corridor and go to the door, open it, and take out the
three soldiers that are in this room. One soldier will drop a Med Kit and
another will drop an 10mmSA ammo clip. Grab them and proceed through the
door. There will be an elevator. Hop aboard and ride it downstairs. Open
the door when the elevator stops and open fire upon the two guards. Wait
until the door opens on the other side and take out two more soldiers that
enter the room. Pick up the 10mmSA ammo and then go through the door. It
doesn't matter which way you go but I recommend the left. At the end of the
corridor there is a sentry gun to deal with. Use the machine gun to take it
out. Next, go through the doors and ride the elevator downstairs.

There will be another door to go through when the elevator stops. Go
through it and run to the right corridor and take out the soldier along the
way. Next, open the door, go through, and turn to the left. Pick off the
soldiers that are waiting in the hallway. In the middle of the hallway is and
open door on the right. Reload and charge into the room with guns blazing.
There are five soldiers to take out and two that will come out of the room in
the back to deal with you. After surviving this gun fight, pick up the Med
Kit and 10mmSA ammo. Next, enter the back room and pick up the E-Pack. Don't
forget to push the switch. Exit and pick off the two soldiers below you.
Next, take the stairway to the left downstairs. Go through door "D." Strafe
to the left, while facing right and take out the three soldiers. Pick up the
10mmSA ammo and go through the next door. This is the next CHECKPOINT. Go
through and get ready to take on the boss.

FLAMETHROWER BOSS: The secret to beating this guy is easy. Keep firing at
him with your machine gun and keep moving around the parameter (outside) of
the room. You want to try to keep him in the center of the room.
Occasionally, an enemy soldier will drop down to assist the boss. Just keep
firing and moving and you will defeat the flamethrower boss, thus ending the



For battle preparation, I would recommend acquiring the Westchester Riot
Gun and ammunition and some E-Packs and/or Med Kits. Now run ahead down the
sewer. At the intersection, turn right and blast the soldier by the crate.
Next, take out the soldier that emerges downstream to the left. Now keep
running ahead and take out the another soldier in the water. Time to get your
feet wet. Follow the water path. It will bend right, then left. Emerge from
cover and take out the soldier on the left platform and the one that emerges
from downstream. Now open the door to the left and take out the unsuspecting
soldier. Exit the small room and take the 10mmSA ammo on the way out. Look
to the left and take out the soldier in the crawlspace. Pick up the 10mmSA
ammo. Follow the water path and take out the soldier downstream. Continue
moving ahead. The water way will wind slightly left and slightly right. Maya
will covey to you that she will draw their fire.

When she does this, run to the right and take out the three soldiers by
the door. Quickly turn left, and look up. Blast the soldier on the second
floor. Next, run up the stairs and run right. Follow the corridor to the
left and take out the soldier at the top of the stairs. Follow the stairs and
open the door to the left. Go through and shoot the unsuspecting soldier.
Flip the switch and door "A" will now open. However, two soldiers will emerge
from the door "A" entrance.

Backtrack to the top of the stairs and take out the two soldiers in the
corridors. Next, take out the soldier with the RFG and the other one guarding
door "A." As you get closer to doorway their will be another soldier to
dispose of. Judd will contact you. Run through the doorway and take out the
soldier by the waterfall. Next, run to the right and take out the soldier and
the two that come out of the room on the right. Pick up the 10mmSA ammo and
continue moving downstream. the sewer corridor will bend left into a big
area. Take out the three soldiers in this area and grab the Riot Gun Ammo.
Next, open the door straight ahead and hop on the elevator. It will take you
upstairs. Open the door, walkthrough and you will reach the CHECKPOINT.

Walk through the next door and shoot the soldier through the window.
This is where you will meet up with your team again. There are two guards to
take out upstairs and three to take out downstairs in this big area. After
the smoke has cleared, take the stairs to the right downstairs and pick up any
10mmSA ammo lying around. Run straight ahead and flip the switch in the
little room. This will release doorlock "B." Exit and head back up the
stairs. Goto the doorway "B" and your team will decide what to do next.

Run through door "B" and head down the corridor. Maya will be following
you. When you get to the end, turn right and fire down on the two soldiers on
the floor below you. Continue on the walkway upstairs and it will bend to the
left. As you walk Maya says that it is coming from the right. You will have
to dispose of three soldiers on the floor you are on and two from the one
below you. Now that the path is cleared, run straight ahead. Pick up the .22
Long ammo and take out the soldiers that are shooting at you from below.
Next, walk down the stairs to the right. Once on the bottom floor, take the
water path to the left. Run straight ahead but be careful. Take cover behind
a crate. You will have to fend of two soldiers from the bottom and four
soldiers form above. I advise you to take out the soldier on the top with the
RFG first. Next, talk the walkway that was to the left. Walk along the
corridor. It will bend to the left. When you get to the corridor with the
red light on the side, turn left and fire at the soldier down the corridor.
Follow the corridor and it will wrap you around into the big room which you've
just successfully cleared. Run straight ahead and take the elevator to the
left upstairs. pick up the Riot Gun Ammo.

Next, from the elevator, take the corridor to the left. Maya will charge
ahead and tell you to watch out. Follow her and take at the sentry gun.
Next, open the door, go through, and walk along the corridor. It will bend to
the left. Run straight ahead and pick up the E-Pack. Make your way through
the corridor and pick off an enemy soldier along the way. You will come to a
door. open it and ride the elevator upstairs. open the door and pass through

Now follow the corridor and pick off the soldier hiding behind the crate
along the way. The door will open and nail the soldier. Next you will have
to take out two soldiers on the floor you are on and one on the stairway on
your right from above. Pick up the 10mmSA ammo on the ground floor and make
your way up the stairs. Open the door to your right and take out the
unsuspecting soldiers. Push the switch and door "C" will be unlocked. Exit
the room and run through door "C" by running straight ahead. Melinda and Judd
will rejoin you. Follow the corridor, it will bend to the right and then
another right.

Follow Melinda and take the elevator upstairs. When you reach the top,
Melinda will check all the rooms on each side. Meanwhile, take out the motion
camera at the end of the hallway before proceeding. Run straight ahead into
the room, flip the switch for door "D", and take the elevator back downstairs.

Now take the doorway to the right and travel in the elevator downstairs.
Turn around and take out the soldier on the bottom of the elevator ride.
Next, take the path to the right and it will wrap around to two doors. Your
team will cover you. Go through and go in with your guns blazing. There are
three to four enemies on the bottom floor and two to three enemies lurking on
the walkways above you. After taking care of business, pick up the Med Kit on
the right on the floor you are on. Next, from the door entrance, look left
and hop on the elevator upstairs. Turn right, walk ahead a little bit and
pick off the soldier in the little room. Don't forget to pick up the 10mmSA
ammo clips along the way. Flip the switch and unlock door "E." Soldiers will
begin firing on your team but they should be able to handle it though.

Head back down the elevator and go downstairs through door "E." Pick up
the E-Pack along the way. Go through the door and follow the water way to the
right. At the end, take out the enemy soldier in the archway along the left,
climb up, and grab the Riot Gun Ammo. Keep going and you will reach the
CHECKPOINT. Follow the water way and get ready to take on the boss of level

GRENADE LAUNCHER BOSS: This boss carries heavy artillery. You will be on the
bottom floor and he will be roaming the top parameter of this room. Enemy
soldiers will occasionally drop down and come to the bosses aid. The secret
to defeat this boss is to keep moving and taking cover behind the four
pillars. keep firing the Westchester Riot Gun when you get a clear shot.
This is usually when he stops to fire his grenade launcher. Also, when he
starts firing grenades in your direction, get out of the way. Strafe and fire
when he does this. After several rounds of ammunition, he will go down for
the count. Thus, this will end level 2.



You start out at the blue cop car. Look left and go that way. Find the
stairwell by making a right and running straight ahead. Go down the stairs,
and you will find out that the guards know that you are already here. Using
your Westchester Riot Gun, take the guards out by the door at close range.
They won't know what hit them. Collect the 10mmSA ammo and head into the
elevator. It will take you upstairs.

Run straight ahead. At the intersection turn right and blast the guard.
Pick up the 10mmSA ammo and continue down the corridor. make a left and pass
through four doors with blue crosses on them. here the team will split up,
and your partner is Maya. Your next move is to turn left and follow the
corridor. Go straight ahead, it will bend to the right, then left, the right.
You will also go down a flight of stairs. Go down the stairs and you will
come to a door. Open the door with caution because there is a guard behind
it. Strafe and take him out. When you run through the next door, immediately
look to the left and take out the two guards. After defeating the guards, run
down the steps. At the intersection, go to the left. When the corridor
breaks to the right, get ready to take out the guard at the other end of the
corridor. Move down the corridor and take the left path. When it breaks to
the right, you get to shoot the guard by the door. Next walk through the door
and run across the chasm. Take the elevator down, look to the left, and go
through the door. Enter the room and push the switch, opening door "A."

Exit the room and drop down into the water. Take the corridor to the
left and it will lead you to an elevator. You must get back to your team
because they are under fire. Take the elevator upstairs and have your trigger
finger ready. When you reach the top, you are going to have to take out three
guards. Another one will come running from the right. Take him out also. Go
where you just took out the two guards and as you turn the corner, wipe out
another guard. Now run ahead until you see a door on your left. open it and
take the elevator upstairs. When upstairs, look to the left and follow the
corridor. Go through the door and meet back up with your team.

Next, take out the guard behind the crate and the guard at the top of the
stairs. Collect the Riot Gun ammo and the 10mmSA ammo at the top. Also, take
out the guard in the middle of the corridor, He will drop .22 Long ammo.
Wait here by the crate and four guard will come rushing out, two on each side.
Let them have it! next take out the three guards by looking left at the
intersection. Don't forget to pick up the 10mmSA ammo. Next go left and when
the corridor breaks right, smash the two waiting guards. Pick up the Riot Gun
ammo and go straight ahead. Next, run down the left corridor and take out
another guard and grab the 10mmSA ammo. Go ahead then right and blast another
guard. Keep going in this direction. When you get to a big open space, get
ready to take out a guard to the right and two guard in the far corridor on
the left. After taking them out, run ahead to the corridor on the left. You
will have to take out another guard. Next go through the shattered window and
take the corridor to the left. It will bend to the left, then to the right.
As it bends right, take out the two guards and continue going the path of
where you just shot the guard. As it bends to the left, you will have to fend
off another two guards. Now, backtrack to where the window was shattered a
couple of moments ago because this floor is clear. From there, go straight
and you will see a yellow door. To the left is the way in and the CHECKPOINT.

Pause a second and run like the wind towards the light blue door. Start
firing away because there will be about eight guards trying to take you out
from above. After you take them all out, ride the elevator upstairs. Here,
your team will split up again. Pick up the 10mmSA ammo and the M-37 Grenade
ammo and pick off the guard down the corridor. Go where you just shot him and
follow the corridor, it bends to the right then to the left. Take out two
more guards and continue. There will be another guard and a n elevator that
goes up. on the third floor, you can see the blue cross door. Pick up the
.22 Long ammo and go back the way you cam. When you see the red carpet ahead,
take the corridor to the left and take out another guard. Next, go ahead and
take the path to the right, where the double doors with blue crosses are.
Open the second door on the right and blast the two dopey guards. Take their
10mmSA ammo and blast the guards waiting in the office cubicles on the right.
There will be four guards to dispose of. Next run into the cubicle area, turn
right and fire away at the two guards. Pick up the Riot Gun ammo and hit the
switch. This Unlocks door "B" which contains two E-Packs.

Next, open the double door on the right and blast the two sleeping guards
inside. They will both drop 10mmSA ammo. Exit, and run to the right and it
will bend to the left. Take out the guard in the distance. Continue running
towards the yellow tiles and a guard will jump out from the left. Run
straight ahead and you will have to take out another guard by the office area.
Pick up the 10mmSA ammo and shoot the sniper on the third floor above you.
Now backtrack to the yellow tiled floor and take the elevator upstairs.

Turn around and take out the guard across the way. Next, turn to the
right, follow the tiles and open the door. Here is the CHECKPOINT. Remember
where this place is at. I leave it up to you and advice you to explore the
third floor which is the floor you are currently on. If you decide to explore
this floor a little bit, you will be able to easily find the two E-Packs from
door "B" and get to shoot a couple of guards along the way. However, it is
not necessary though to complete this level.

From the CHECKPOINT, go straight ahead and the corridor will bend to the
right and to the left. AS it does, you will have to take out two more guards.
Continue and take out the third guard on the left, hiding back the couch.
Pick up the 10mmSA ammo, go through the door and take out the guard in the
corridor. Run ahead and take out the guard in the right corridor when it
intersects. Go into the small room straight ahead and open the door. Hit the
switch and door lock "C" will open. Go back to where you just shot the guard
and the corridor will bend to the left and another left. There will be a door
straight ahead and one on the right. open the door straight ahead and open
fire on the four guards inside. Collect the .22 Long ammo and the 10mmSA ammo
and push the switch. This unlocks door "F." now exit the room and take the
door to the right, follow the corridor, and go through door "C." Your team
will unite again. Now go hit the switch on the left and the doors will
release upstairs. Now, go through door "F" and take the elevator upstairs.

As you reach the top floor, the door behind the elevator is the way to
go. Open the door and blast the guards that are blocking the way. Pick up
the assorted ammo in the middle and get to the right side of the room,
underneath, so you don't get hit by grenades being shot from above. Run along
the side and take the elevator up and immediately turn around. As the
elevator reaches the top floor, you can take out the two guards with the
grenade launchers. There is one each side. Pick up the M-37 Grenade Launcher
ammo and run across the cell block all the way to the other side on the right.
As you walk through, three guards will attack from the left. Defeat them and
pick up the Riot gun ammo. Follow the corridor and run all the way across the
cell block to the next elevator. This one will take you down to the second
floor. Next run all the way across on the right and pass through the door and
take the elevator up to the top floor. Take out the guards on the other end.
This is your next destination. When you get there, take the elevator all the
long way up without the joy of elevator music!

Next, run all the way down the gothic like corridor and pass through the
next CHECKPOINT. Equip your GMS 10mmSA, open the door, and get ready for a
huge gun battle.

GUARD BATTALION BATTLE: Probably the longest boss battle in the game. open
the door and run straight ahead with your machine gun blazing. Take out the
three guards and the two sentry guns. more guards drop down to take their
place about three times. Crouch behind the barricades and start taking out
the guards on the left side. Next, clear out the other area, taking out the
sentry gun from across the room first. Finally, shoot anything that moves in
a blue uniform. When there isn't anymore guards or sentry guns left, a door
will open by the front entrance. Go through it, open the other door and
release the hostages who are Dr. Noble, and Col. Clifford. Relax for now.
You have defeated level three and probably desperately need some E-Packs and
some ammo for the next level.



Before starting level four, it would be a good idea to pick up a Motion
Sensor OD1. This will help you to see where the enemies are lurking better.
Otherwise, pick up some first aid essentials and ammo as needed.

Now go through the turn styles (North Entrance) and follow it to the
right. Next, go down two flights of stairs and head to the right. It will
bend to the left. When it bends again to the left, hide behind the crates and
take out the guard in the hallway. Walk straight and take out the two guards
at the top of the stairs. This will alert two guards to the left so turn left
and take them out. Now that the area is clear, collect the 10mmSA ammo from
the top of the stairs and run back down the stairs and make a right. Pick up
another 10mmSA ammo clip and continue running as the path bends to the left
and head down the stairs to the right. At the bottom of the stairs, look left
and blast the two guards. Now run straight and head through the Elevator Hall
entrance. Now run to the right at the intersection and your team will split
up. You will be teamed with Maya.

Next, look to the left and enter the Do Not Enter door. Go through and
open fire on the six guards in this room. Pick up the abundant 10mmSA ammo
and take out the two guards that approach from down the corridor. Now run
straight ahead where the two guards just where and a wall will explode from
the right. Go in and take this guard out quickly because he has a rocket with
your name on it. After taking him out, pick up the two E-Packs and the RFG
Rocket. Open the door and follow the corridor to the right. You will go down
two flights of stairs. When the corridor finally bends to the left with the
barrel in the middle, take out the guard to the left. Next go straight ahead
and look right. Fire at the guard and take his 10mmSA ammo.

Now, wait a second or two and the doors will fly open. Tag the two or
three guards that run out. Next, go into the room through the door and take
out the three guards inside. Next, pick up the two Med Kits that are in the
middle and any 10mmSA ammo or Riot Gun ammo that was dropped. Finally, hit
the switch in the far right corner of this room. This will unlock door "A."
Next, exit the room and follow the corridor to the right. Head up the stairs
and meet back up with your teammates. Gather them into the elevator through
door "A" and it will take you downstairs.

Next, run straight ahead and run down two more flights of stairs. Next,
look left and take out the two guards. The wall will explode in front of you.
Take out this RFG menace and then take out the two guards down the far
corridor. Next, run into the room where the RFG Launcher soldier was and flip
the switch which will open door "B." Also pick up the RFG Rocket and the
10mmSA ammo. Follow the corridor and go through the door that the switch just
opened. You will be reunited again with your team again and this is the

Take a breath for a second and then look to the left and take out an army
of about seven guards on the same level you are on. Pick up the 10mmSA ammo
clips and take out the guard with the RFG Launcher at the subway entrance.
After disposing of him, pick up the RFG Rocket and jump down on the tracks
below. Follow the tracks uphill. When you reach the top, pick off the three
guards straight ahead and the one to the right. Pick up the 10mmSA ammo and
the RFG Rocket. Now the path will split. Take the path to the right and take
out the three approaching guards. Next, follow the tracks downhill and take
out the guard below. Continue downhill and pick up the 10mmSA ammo along the

When you see the step to the right, head up them but be careful. There
is a guard to the right with a Flamethrower and two guards straight ahead.
Take them out and pick up the Fuel Canister and the 10mmSA ammo. Follow the
path as it winds to the right and take out the small army of guards. When the
smoke clears, march ahead and pick up the .22 Long ammo and the 10mmSA ammo.
Be Careful because there will be two more guards to take out. One of these
guards will drop and E-Pack.

Now enter the Do Not Enter door on the right and head down the stairs.
You will be taking Maya with you. Look to the left and go through the Control
Room door. Follow the corridor down two flights of steps. Make a right
through the hole and then a quick left. Go straight through the Control Room
door. Flip the switch and get ready to bop your way back. Now, exit the room
and take out the guard in the right room. Take cover in this room and take
out the two guards diagonally in the left room. Pick up the Riot Gun ammo and
continue going straight ahead. Make a right through the big hole and run up
the two flights of stairs. Now you will be reunited with your squad. Next,
run through door "C" on the left and go through the door on your right. Here
you will find the HD-450 Sniper Rifle and some 450 Magnum ammo! Exit this
room and continue to the right where you will reach the CHECKPOINT.

Now don't do down the stairs straight ahead just yet. First, follow the
corridor to the right and take out the three guards along the way. When you
get to the end of the corridor, enter the room to the right with the lockers
and take out the guard in the middle with the RFG Launcher first and then the
guard on each side. Next, pick up the two Med Kits and head back to the Check
Point. Now, follow the corridor to the left and accomplish the same feat.
You will be rewarded with another Med Kit, M-37 Grenade ammo, and more 10mmSA
ammo. Head back to the Check Point again and go straight down the stairs now.
Now you can enter the room from the right or the left. You will have to take
out four guards on a platform above you and a sentry gun a each side. Run in
with your big guns and start kicking some tail. When you finally dispose of
the enemies, run up the stairs to the platform and pick up the M-37 Grenade
ammo and hit the switch straight ahead. Immediately look right and blast the
guard that comes down on the elevator. Take the elevator upstairs.

When you reach the top, open fire on the three awaiting guards. After
you defeat them, pick up the 10mmSA ammo. Next, take the elevator to the
right upstairs. As the elevator is traveling upstairs, fire at the guards in
the elevator across the way. When the elevator comes to a complete stop,
strafe to the right and look to the left. Take out the five guards on the
above platform. Now, run up the steps and grab the 10mmSA ammo and the M-37
Grenade ammo. Next, take the steps to the left and go through the CHECKPOINT.
Get ready to battle the bosses of this level.

(GOLD) SUPER ARMY OF FIVE BATTLE: Equip your machine gun (GMS 10mmSA)
and run straight ahead to the pillar. Pump some lead into the gunner in the
left hand side.
When he keels over, run backwards into the back left corner and you will drop
down to the lower platform. Plug away at the Flamethrower guard until he is
no more. Make sure that you are tucked in that corner. Next, fire at the
sniper on the upper platform and he shouldn't be able to put a scratch on you.
After you defeat him, equip your shotgun (Westchester Riot Gun). Climb up and
look to the right. This guard is your next target and he is down the
corridor. Now stand as far back as you can without falling to the below
platform. Now strafe to the right and fire when you have a shot opening.
Strafe to the left and fire when you have a shot opening. Continue this
process until the guard is defeated.

Now, the last guard is easy thanks to a glitch in the game. Run straight
ahead and position yourself underneath where the guard was snipering you from
above. Stand against the wall and get a clear shot. Keep firing at him below
you and he will take damage. It looks like you are firing against the ground
and him but the bullet will drill him and he won't fire his Grenade Launcher
back! Level four will end when this final guard is taken down.



Before embarking on this level, you can acquire a new shotgun (Burgess
DB90 Shotgun), and/or a new Force Shield/Level 2 Armor (MF-dic). Also
available to you is a new Sensor/Level 2 (Adam G1b). This is the best of the
three sensors in the game because the level three sensor does not seem worth
it. It will pop up around level seven.

You start this level in some green water. Run straight ahead along the
corridor until it leads to a set of stairs. Run up the stairs and go through
the door to the right. Open it and blast the soldier with his back to you and
pick up the 5.56mm ammo. Next, run down the corridor and take out the motion
sensor above you. Next, run through the purple door straight ahead and open
fire on the two guards. They will both drop 5.56 ammo and 9mmS ammo. Now
exit the room and head to the right. This corridor will bend right, left, and
left ahead. Take out the soldier straight ahead. Then, take out the two
soldiers below you that are guarding door "A." Next, make your way downstairs
and look in the room on the left side. In this room you will discover the AR-
555 Assault Rifle! Definitely equip this baby because it is faster and more
powerful than the GMS 10mmSA and can hold twice as many bullets. Exit the
room and run back up the stairs where you just came from. Follow the corridor
as well as it bends right, right, and left again. Run straight ahead and take
the elevator downstairs.

Next, follow the green corridor and take out the soldier along the way.
You will enter a room where you can go straight ahead or to the right. Go
straight ahead and it will wrap around into a room with a switch. Push the
switch and door "A" will open. Also, turn around and take out the three
guards that have been alerted to your presence. They will drop 5.56mm ammo
and 450 Magnum ammo. You will also have to take out two more soldiers on the
way back. Pick up the 5.56 ammo and continue on. When you reach the room,
now take the corridor to the left. It will lead you to a purple door. open
it and take out the two guards behind it. Pick up the 10 Gauge shells and
follow the corridor. When you see a room on the right, barge in with guns
blazing and destroy the four guards in this room. They will drop 10 Gauge
shells, 450 Magnum ammo, and 5.56mm ammo. Next, hit the switch in the left
corner of the room. This releases a lock that you will have to pass through
later. Now backtrack to the elevator and take it back upstairs.

Walk straight ahead and take the corridor to the left. Run down the
stairs and proceed through door "A." Hop on the elevator and take it
downstairs. Next, ride the other elevator and it will take you upstairs.
When this elevator stops, run straight ahead and your team will be split up
because of a trap. This is the first CHECKPOINT and you will be teamed up
with Maya again.

Now run to the left and go through the purple door. Run down the blue
corridor and take out the guard at the door. Next, go through the purple door
and take out the enemy straight ahead on the right and the trio on the left.
Pick up the two 9mmS ammo clips. Follow the corridor where the trio just came
out. Run along the corridor and take out the three enemies in it. They will
also drop 9mmS ammo. open the door and go to the right. open this door and
look right. Open fire on the trio of guards that are hanging out in the
hallway. Run ahead but be careful. Lean to the left and take out three more
guards in the corridor. Don't forget to pick up all the ammo clips that now
litter the ground. Go through the door that you first pass on the right and
go through the door inside this room. In here you will find an E-Pack. Exit
this room and go through the door on the right and take out the two guards
inside. Next, go through the door on the left and dismantle the sentry gun.
Now go through the door straight ahead an wait a second or two. Now let the
two guards that come out of the room on the left have it. Pick up the 10
Gauge shells and continue down the white corridor and take out the two alerted
guards. Follow the corridor until you see a green barrel and a stairway that
leads downhill. From the top of the stairs, blast away at the soldiers below

Get your assault rifle reloaded and run down the stairs. When it bends
to the right get ready to plug away. You will have to take out approximately
ten guards in this room. By the way, don't forget to take out the guy hiding
behind the desk. When this room is cleared, pick up all the ammo clips that
are all over the place. Now go through the door on the right and run straight
ahead. Open the door to the right and go down the stairs. Open the door and
go to the left. Open the other door and take out the guard to the left. Then
open the door and destroy the two motion cameras in the room on the right.
Flip the switch and backtrack and take the elevator downstairs. The switch
that you just hit opens door "C."

When the elevators reaches the bottom, you will have to take out two more
guards. Then run straight ahead and glass will break from the right. Take
out these three nuisances. Go through door "C" and pick up the 10 Gauge
shells and the 5.56mm ammo. How run up the stairs, hit the switch, and go
through the door that you just unlocked. Follow the corridor and go to door
"D." It is locked. Now follow the corridor to the right and run all the way
up until you reach the top room. You will have to take out three guards along
the way. Hit the switch and run all the way back down to door "D" which is
now unlocked. Be careful when you are nearing door "D" because their is a
guard with an RFG Launcher waiting to kill you. Strafe, fire, and take him

Go through door "D" and run along the blue corridor. Take out the two
guards and pick up the M-37 Grenade. Take out the two guards and pick up the
M-37 Grenade. Push the button for the elevator and ride it upstairs. Run
straight ahead and when it breaks to the right, take out the guard. Then hit
the switch to open the door. Go through and take the corridor to the left.
When it breaks right, take out another three guards. Pick up the 5.56mm ammo
and hit the switch for the elevator. When the elevator comes down, blast the
two guards standing on it and take their 10 Gauge shells and 450 Magnum ammo.
Now it is safe to ride the elevator upstairs. Follow the corridor to the left
and you will see a cut scene of Melinda and Col. Clifford running below you.
Now open the door straight ahead and gun down the guard to your left. Hit the
switch and door "F" will open which was the door below you. Next, run
straight ahead and go through the passage on the left. Take out the guard
ahead of you. Next, run to where he was standing and hit the switch in the
room to the right. This will open the door that you just passed. Go into it
and pick up an E-Pack Type G. Now backtrack to the elevator, take it
downstairs and go through door "F."

Run along the orange corridor, you will have to take out just one guard
along the way. Run across the bridge with the red lights and keep going until
you reach the elevator. Hop on and ride it downstairs. When it makes it
downstairs, go through the door and take out the three guards huddled to the
right. Grab the 10 Gauge shells and take the elevator downstairs. Now, run
along the orange corridor into the room with lockers, push the elevator
button, and take it upstairs. Run around to the other elevator, hop on and
take it downstairs. Next, run straight ahead to the CHECKPOINT and you will
be rejoined by Melinda and Col. Clifford.

Run through the door straight ahead and take out the guard behind it.
You will have to gun down two more guards as the corridor bends to the right.
Pick up the 10 Gauge shells and the 5.56mm ammo and take out the guard with
the RFG Launcher. Next push the elevator button at the end of the corridor
and take it upstairs. Run along the orange corridor and take out the three
bozos who are shooting at you. Follow this gray corridor to the right and
take out the other five enemy soldiers along the way to the switch. Once in
the room, hit the switch and backtrack to the orange room where you just came
from. Hit the other switch once there and then go through either door on the
left or the right and you will enter this big lobby-type room.

There are two guards to take out straight ahead on the floor below you,
one to the right as you head down the stairs, and one guarding door "E." Take
them all out and pick up the 5.56mm ammo. Go through the door that the two
guards were guarding and pick up an E-Pack. Now exit the room and go up the
stairs to the left. Search and you will find another E-Pack. Now go back
down the stairs and go through door "E." Take the elevator to the left and it
will take you downstairs. Then go immediately to the right. Run down this
long corridor and take out the eight soldiers that occupy this room. There
are two soldiers to the right, one soldier is above them armed with an RFG
Launcher. There is one soldier on the left. Then there are two guards on
each side behind crates in the background. Take them all out with ease and
pick up the any ammo that they left behind. Most of it will be 5.56mm ammo
and 10 Gauge shells. Now go through the door straight ahead and take the
elevator downstairs.

Run ahead and take out the four soldiers that pop out from the right.
There will be four more to pop before you get to the door. Pick up the 5.56mm
ammo and pick off the guard at the other end of the bridge. Run across the
bridge to reach the CHECKPOINT and ready to take on the bosses of this level.

(RED) SUPER TRIO BATTLE: There are three guys to concern yourself with during
this battle. There is a guard with a Flamethrower, a guard with a AR-555
Assault Rifle, and a guard with a RFG Rocket Launcher. Stay far away from the
guard with the RFG Launcher. The difference between this boss battle and the
last one is that these guys are mobile. Now, run straight ahead and use you
AR-555 Assault Rifle against the guard straight ahead of you. Now, high tail
it upstairs while you are doing this. There is more cover upstairs. Keeping
moving and firing and always be aware of where the guard with the RFG Launcher
is. Focus on him and let your teammates take out the other two guards if you
haven't taken them out already. After you go through about six to eight
rounds of ammunition, you will bring this trio down for the count. This will
end level five.



Turn 180 degrees and run straight and the path will break to the right.
As it does, you will have to take out about eight terrorists in a big area.
There are two in the small corridor and three on each side in the big area.
There is also a Med Kit in the far right corner. After disposing of the
enemies, they will drop 9mmS ammo and 10 Gauge shells. Next, from where you
entered this big area, go to the corridor on the left side. When you go
through, you will see Japanese writing on the left wall and a terrorist to the
right. Here, you will be team with Maya again.

From this point, walk into the second bathroom stall on the right and
take out the terrorist inside. Pick up the M-37 Grenades and exit the stall.
Go down the stairs to the right and then down the stairs to the left. When
you reach the floor, you will have to take out a terrorist straight ahead.
Immediately look to the left and dismantle the sentry gun. Next look straight
ahead and plug the approaching terrorist. Go forward and pick up the 10 Gauge
shells and go into this room and find the secret entrance in the back of it.
When you do, you will find the M-37 Grenade Launcher! There will also be some
ammo for it. Now exit this room and look to the left. Take out the terrorist
straight ahead and move forward with caution. You are about to enter another
big area. You are on the second floor. There are two terrorists on the right
side and three on the left. Take them out first. There is a stairway that
leads downstairs, but don't go down yet. Take out the four to five terrorists
that are below you first. Most of them come from the right hand side on the
bottom floor. When the firing has ceased, go down the stairs and pick up the
various types of ammo that have been dropped by fallen enemies.

Then, go to the right hand corner and walk through the corridor. At the
intersection, there will be two terrorists to the right and one to the left.
Take them all out and travel to the right. Pick up the 10mmSA ammo and turn
around and take the left path now. As you approach, there will be a terrorist
the left to deal with. When the path bends to the right, get ready for
another heated gun battle. There will be three in the corridor to take out
and then you should take cover behind one of the crates. Get ready to run and
gun because there are guards all over the place. When the smoke clears, pick
up all the dropped ammo and run up the stairs in the back of this room.
Enemies will drop 10 Gauge shells, 5.56mm ammo, 450 Magnum ammo, and M-37
Grenades. Make your way up the stairs and go through the corridor and it will
bend right.

When it does, open fire on the two terrorists. Then, follow the corridor
as it wraps around. You will pass a locked door "A" along the way. At the
end of the corridor is a room to the left. Go through and take out the four
terrorists at the other end. Next, proceed with caution and dismantle the
sentry gun on the right. Make your way past the EA GAMES sign on the left and
pick up the 10 Gauge shells and the 450 Magnum ammo. Then look the left and
take out another sentry gun. Next, run ahead and take out the terrorist with
the grenade launcher who is at the top of the stairs to the right. You will
also pass by a locked door "B" along the way. Then go through the door where
the sentry gun used to be and blast the terrorist inside. He will drop an E-
Pack. Push the switch in this room and it will open door "A." Backtrack to
door "A" and you will have to take on two terrorist when you get there. Go
through door "A" and hit the switch and door "B" will now be open. Next,
backtrack to where door "B" is.

When you go through door "B", you will have to gun down two more
terrorists. You will also pass by door "C" which is locked at the moment.
Next, run to the end of the brown corridor and go through the door at the end
of it. Open fire on the enemy in front of you. Then, take out the guard
behind the furnace and pick up the 10 Gauge shells. Then, take the right
elevator upstairs and fire at the enemies across the way. Also, take out the
enemy who is guarding the switch. Touch this switch and door "C" will now be
accessible. Go back down in the elevator, and now take the elevator to the
left upstairs. Collect the 10mmSA ammo and the 5.56mm ammo that was dropped
by the terrorists. Now, make your way back to door "C." Tag the two
terrorists that are guarding door "C" and proceed through this door. This is
the first CHECKPOINT of this level.

Take the elevator in the back of this room downstairs. When you reach
the bottom, follow the corridor and it will break to the right. At the end of
the corridor is door "D" (locked) and a door to the right. Open the door and
take out the only guard in this room. He will drop 9mmS ammo. Flip the
switch and door "D" will now open. Enter through door "D" and take the
elevator upstairs.

Next, go through the mini corridor and open the door. Get ready to open
firs on five terrorist that block your way. They will drop a Med Kit and 10
Gauge shells. Then look to the left and fire at the terrorists that are down
the corridor. Your next move is not go down the corridor yet but to run
straight ahead and take out the sentry gun on the right. Then enter the tiny
room to the left and pick up the E-Pack that is hovering above the table.
Now, you can go down that corridor and take out the four terrorists along the
way. here is where your teammates will rejoin you. The enemies will drop
5.56mm ammo and MM22 Missile ammo. Next, go back down the corridor where you
just came from and take the path to the left. You will have to dismantle
another sentry gun.

Proceed through the door with caution because there are two more guards
that will fire from above you to the left and a sentry gun as well. Also,
there are two terrorists below you to take out. Your next move is to run up
the stairs to the left where the sentry gun was and take out any remaining
enemies along the way. they will drop some much needed 5.56mm ammo and M-37
Grenades. the second CHECKPOINT is where the switch is at. Push the switch
and door "E" will open.

Now backtrack to where you entered this room and head down the stairs.
Go through the corridor straight ahead and take out the guard when the
corridor breaks to the right. Pick up the 10mmSA ammo and the corridor breaks
left. Take out the two terrorists at the end of the hallway. Next, go
through door "E" to the right and get ready to take on the boss of this level
which is a heavily armed vehicle strapped with machine guns, grenades, and

MOBILE TRANSPORT ASSAULT VEHICLE BATTLE: For this battle, quip your teammates
with the heaviest weapons that you have in your inventory. For Ash, I
recommend the AR-556 Assault Rifle. Now, you will have to keep moving from
small pillar to small pillar and keep pumping ammo into the vehicles machine
guns when you have an opening. It will shoot out grenades every so often.
Once its machine guns are destroyed on both of its side (there are two on each
side), then its missile launcher will rear its ugly head. Next, focus all of
your firepower on this weakpoint. When it fire its homing missiles, try to
avoid them and steer them crashing into a wall or a small pillar. But keep
firing on the missile launcher weakpoint. Eventually, this once mighty
vehicle will be reduces to smoldering ash and will be a useless piece of junk.
This marks the end of level six.



Before going into this level, definitely acquire the level 3 shield (AO-
hrE-PACK). Equip your weapons with ammo accordingly and if you have enough
battle points, pick up the Dutch .308 Gattling Gun. Don't forget to stock up
on E-Packs if needed.

Start off by following the red corridor and it will lead to a door. Open
the door and you will have to take out three guards on this floor and two
guards that are above you. Use the crates and barriers on the ground for
cover. Then tag the switch that is located in the middle of this room on your
right. It will open a door upstairs. Next, run to the stairs and take out
the guard at the top of them. Run up the stairs and pick up the 10 Gauge
shells along the way. Next, pick up the .308 Cal ammo that is scattered
around the parameter of the top floor. Next, head through the door that was
opened by the switch earlier. When you reach the opened door, your team will
split up again. You will again be paired with Maya.

Now, run through the opened door and when the corridor breaks to the
right let the guard have it. Continue going through the corridor and walk
through door "A." Take out the two guards down the corridor and then look
right and blast another guard. Now pick up the M82 ammo and then take the
path that was to the right. It will lead to an elevator but there is a guard
to take out above it first. Then, hop on the elevator and ride it upstairs.

You will have to take out a guard to the left and a guard to the right.
Then pick up the 5.56mm ammo. Go through the door to the right and follow the
red corridor to another door. Open it up and start firing on the guards
inside the assembly area. There will be three on each side. After the
enemies are defeated, collect the Med Kit, 5.56mm ammo, and the 10 Gauge
shells that were dropped. Then go through the room on the right and pick up
the E-Pack Type G. Then goto the room on the left side of this area and hit
the switch that unlocks door "B." Your next move is to proceed through door
"B" and take the elevator upstairs.

Open the door when you arrive at the top and take out the two guards on
the right and the one on the left. Pick up the 5.56mm ammo and run to the
right. Take out the guard above you on the right along the way. Go through
the door and hop on the next elevator. It will take you upstairs.

Next, run along the corridor and open another door. Look to the left and
take out the two guards by the stairs. Also, pick off the guard that jumps
down beside you. Pick up the PV-9 Shells. As you make your way to the
stairs, take out the guard above you straight ahead. Now make your way up
both flights of stairs, turn around, and plug the two guards across the way.
Also, you will pick up the .308 Cal ammo. Next, run across the outside
parameter and acquire the 450 Magnum ammo. Go inside the room and flip the
switch. This will release a door along the parameter. Go through the opened
door, pick up the Med Kit and the E-Pack and hit the switch. This will unlock
the other door that is located on the outside parameter. Exit this room and
walk right. Go through the now open door and your teammates will rejoin you.
This marks the first CHECKPOINT of this level.

Your next move is to follow the corridor to the left and open the door.
Get ready for another ambush. There are four guards above you armed with
grenade launchers and three guards on your level with assault rifles.
Eliminate them all and then pick up the Med Kit and the PV-9 Shells. Now take
the elevator across the way upstairs. Run along the outside parameter to the
right and pick up the 450 Magnum ammo and the M-37 Grenades. As it wraps you
around, you will have to fend off two more guards in the distance. Keep going
and go through the entrance door to the right. You will also pick up the
Laser Sniper Ammo along the way. Here is where your team will split up again.

Take out the guards in the corridor and enter the room/walkway to the
right. Hit the switch and take out the guard. This switch will open door
"C." Next hit the other switch and it will open door "D". Then go through
door "C" and blast the awaiting guards. There are three to be exact. Pick up
the M82 ammo and the 10 Gauge shells and go through the red cross door behind
the computer tower. Follow the corridor as it bends to the left then right.
Straight ahead, you will see fire shooting up from the middle. Go through and
blast the three to four guards on the floors above you. Next, pick up the
5.56 ammo and the 10 Gauge shells and take the elevator upstairs and hop off
at the second floor.

Follow the outside parameter all the way around and pick up the M-37
Grenades along the way. Also, you will pass by a door with some goodies in it
(locked). Now hop back on the elevator and take it up to the third floor.
When the elevator stops, run around the outside parameter and take out the two
guards in the distance. Then run into the room they were guarding and hit the
two switches and it will unlock the goodies room on the second floor and the
entrance door on the third floor.

Now before hopping on the elevator to take it back downstairs, kill the
two guards below you. Then take the elevator down to the second floor and
collect the goodies that were in the room. In here you will find: Laser
Sniper Ammo, Ion Cartridges, M22 Missiles, an E-Pack, and a shiny new Aurora
Ion Cannon! Now take the elevator back up to the third floor and go through
the opened entrance door. It is here that your teammates will rejoin you.
Now follow the corridor to the elevator and it will take you downstairs. Run
to the right and take out the guard. He will drop 5.56mm ammo. Go through
the opening to the right with two red cylinders marked 01 and 02 and you've
reached the second CHECKPOINT.

Lock and load, clear out every enemy that you can find in this area.
There are about 12 guards in all to gun down. When all the guarded are
destroyed and you have collected all the ammo dropped by them, goto the center
of this room and go down the path with the red cylinders marked 01 on the left
and 03 marked on the right. Follow the path to the right and push the switch.
This will unlock the laser bars to the other switch. Now go back to the
center of the room and go down the path with the red cylinders marked 03 on
the left and 02 on the right. Follow the path to the right and push the
switch. This will open the door to the next area which is the path with 04 on
the left red cylinder and 03 on the right one.

Now take out the two guards in the corridor and proceed through it. Pick
up the Laser Sniper Ammo and follow the corridor as it bends right and then
left. Get ready to open up a can of you know what on the guards inside. The
fallen guards will liter the ground with a slew of various ammo! Next, from
the entrance, make your way up the stairs to the right and in this little room
you will find an E-Pack. Next go back down the stairs and go up the stairs to
the left and in this little room, you will find a Med Kit and a switch. Push
it and a door will open. Go back down the stairs and ride the elevator
upstairs. Walk to the left and collect the Laser Sniper Ammo and the M22
Missiles. Now go through the door that you've just opened with the switch and
pick up the 5.56mm ammo along the way. Follow the corridor and take out the
guard by the elevator, pick up the Med Kit that he drops and hop on the
elevator. This is the final CHECKPOINT before the boss. Take the elevator
downstairs and brace yourself for a fight against something that looks like it
came right out of "Armored Core!"

SPIDERBOT BATTLE: Armed yourself with the AR-555 Assault Rifle or the Dutch
.308 Gattling Gun and fire away at its underbelly (weak point). When you see
sparkles forming on its ion cannon mounts, hide behind something and push up
against a barrier if it is pointed at you. Other wise, keep firing away.
Sentry guns will also drop down to help out the spiderbot but concentrate on
its underbelly and keep moving. Also, watch out for its laser attacks if you
stand still for too long. Eventually, this metallic beast will be brought
down and will be primed for the scrap heap! This will also conclude level



Before going into battle, you might want to purchase the Matthew M22
Missile Launcher, but it is not necessary if you've already acquired the Dutch
.308 Gattling Gun. The missile launcher will not be needed until the next
level anyway. Otherwise, stock up on E-Packs, Med Kits, and ammo and you
should be able to survive this level. Onward to battle!

Run straight into the next room and go through the door to the right.
Then, walk straight ahead into another big area by opening the door. There
will be a guard high above you, one to your right, and one to the far left
side of the screen. Take them out, go down the stairs to the right, and pick
up the 5.56mm ammo that they drop. Now move all the way to the left end of
the room where you just took out that far off guard. Go through the entrance
and take the stairs to the left upstairs. You will see three doors. Go into
the one on the right and hit the switch. This unlocks the door "A" in the big
room where you took out the three guards. Now go back down the stairs and
make a right into the big room and door "A" is in the far left corner.

Go through door "A" and follow the corridor as it breaks left and then
right. It will lead you into another big area where guards are lurking. You
will have to take out two guards above you (hiding above the pipes) and two on
the ground. A guard will drop M82 ammo when he is killed. Find the elevator
in the back of this room and ride it upstairs. When you arrive at the top
floor, take out the two guards down on the left corridor. Pick up the 450
Magnum ammo. Now, where the elevator came up, there is a door. Open it,
enter, and hit ALL THREE SWITCHES! When you are finished, exit, and take the
elevator back downstairs.

Now run straight ahead across the room and go through the now open door.
Follow the corridor as it breaks left and then right. As you come out into
the open area, you will have to defeat three guards in front of you and one
straight ahead above you. Pick up the PV-9 Shells and look to the right.
Next, you will have to take out the guard in the door opening and four guards
will jump down from the pipe above you. Mow them down and pick up the M22
Missiles and the 5.56mm ammo. Next, go through the door opening and shoot the
guard on the stairs to the left. Be cautious, because there are two guards at
the top of these stairs to the left and one snipering you real high up on the
right. When you defeat the sniper, climb up on the boxes and pick up the E-
Pack Type G!

Then, travel up the stairs and pick up the 5.56mm ammo along the way. At
the top of the stairs, look to the right and blow the guard away. Then run
straight through the door and follow the red corridor to the next door, which
was previously opened by hitting the switch. You will then run across a
bridge and go through another corridor. Follow this corridor until you reach
a door on the right. Open it and open the door to the left. Then open
another door on the left. When the corridor breaks right, a door will
automatically open and you will have to whack the two guards that come out
firing. Also, take out the guard at the bottom of the stairs who wants to
erase you with his rocket launcher. Pick up the PV-9 Shells and the .308 Cal
ammo and you will have reached the first CHECKPOINT of this level.

Now prepare yourself to take on approximately ten guards in this huge
area. Be sure to take out the guards firing the rocket launcher above you
first because they will deal you more damage. When the threat has been
neutralized, pick up all the dropped ammo and run to the back right corner of
this room and take the elevator upstairs. Immediately look to the left and
take out the guard and pick up the M22 Missiles. Next, look down the corridor
to the right and attacks the two guards at the end of it. Now run down the
outside parameter and take out the two guards on the elevator to the left.
This is where you want to go next but not yet. Take their PV-9 Shells and
Laser Sniper Ammo and follow the outside parameter all the way around. At the
end of it, you will find an E-Pack Type G. Now backtrack to the elevator and
take it across to the next platform. Then open the door to the left. This is
the second CHECKPOINT of this level.

Now you will see a big hole in the middle of this room with an elevator.
Remember where this is at and go through the door straight ahead. The
corridor will come to an intersection and two guards will block your path.
You know what to do. Collect the M82 Ammo and the Laser Sniper Ammo and head
to the right and go up the stairs. Open the door and take the stairs to the
right downstairs. Go down one more flight of stairs and take out the three
guards below you. The look to the right and go through the blue corridor.
You will have to take out a guard across the bridge. As you run across the
bridge, you will have to gun down two more guards. Collect the M22 Missiles
and the 5.56mm ammo and continue along the corridor to the left. Follow it to
the stairs on the left and head down them while blasting the two henchmen at
the bottom. Then run down yet another flight of stairs and take out two more
guards on each side of you. Now pick up the M22 Missiles and the 5.56mm ammo
and make your way to the back right corridor. Follow it to a room and pick up
the ammo from the guards you've destroyed from above earlier. Finally, climb
up to the door, enter the room, and hit the switch.

It will open a door that you have passed along the way. Now it is time
to backtrack and gun down any guards that get in the way. There will be four,
to blast on the way back to the first switch. Next, when you get to that door
it will be on your left. Enter and hit the switch. This will unlock a door
in the next room. Exit this room and keep backtracking to the door you've
just unlocked. Go through it and hit the switch. This will unlock a another
door, which is across the way above you. Shoot the two guards across the way
and continue backtracking. Now enter the room and hit the switch. This will
unlock the big hole in the room that was passed by the second checkpoint,
remember? Now head all the way back to that room with the big hole in it.
When you finally reach it, your team will rejoin you. Gather up the team, hop
on the elevator, and take it downstairs. Hop in the hole and follow the
corridor to the door and the CHECKPOINT. When you open the doors, get ready
to battle your old pal SIMPSON. He is the boss of level eight. Engage the
enemy with caution.

SIMPSON BATTLE: Arm yourself with the Dutch .308 Gattling Gun and keep
pummeling Simpson with firepower. He is armed with and ion cannon. There are
four guards in the four corner above you. If you eliminate them, they will be
replaced with another one in a matter of five seconds! This battle is very
simple compared to the last two. Just keep shooting the guards every so often
if they continue to annoy you. Keep peppering Simpson with the Gattling Gun.
He will try to evade you by running around a lot, but you will be able to
claim victory easily after a few hundred rounds of ammo connect. Defeating
Simpson brings level eight to a close.



Before heading into this level, buy all the ammo, energy packs, health
kits, that you will need. This is the final level. The guards that you will
be encountering are heavily shielded. Get ready to engage in the fight of
your life.

Now run down the corridor and hit the switch and this will unlock door
"A" right beside it. Now arm yourself with the Dutch .308 Gattling Gun and
open the door. Go through and take down the three heavy armored guards. Take
out the guard with the rocket launcher first, and then take out the other two
guards who are armed with a shotgun, and an assault rifle. Then hop on the
elevator and ride it upstairs. When you reach the top, you will have to take
out two more guards. One will be armed with a flamethrower and the other a
gattling gun. After disposing of them, pick up the E-Pack and go through the
door marked Level 2.

Follow the corridor and go through the door marked Level 1. In here, you
will have to gun down two guards with shotguns. After crushing them, go
through the unopened door and take out the guard in the corridor. Tread
carefully because he will launch grenades at you. Then run down the corridor
and it will wrap around to the left and you will have to go through another
Level 1 door. Behind it are two guards with flame-throwers. Your getting
real close. Head through the Heliport door after disposing of the guards and
follow the corridor until you get to the HELICOPTER MID BOSS. Get ready to
take down this flying menace.

HELICOPTER MID BOSS BATTLE: Start off by equipping either your MM22 Missile
Launcher or your Dutch .308 Gattling Gun. Either one will do the trick but
the Gattling Gun is my favorite. Lock on to the helicopter and fire away.
This is no time to be shy with the ammo. When it fires its heat seekers at
you, run and try take the least damage by making it crash into something other
than yourself. Finally, if you see it a drop a bomb straight down, run like
the wind and take cover. But with enough shots from your mighty gun, the
helicopter will smoke, sputter, and will be grounded. Then Col. Clifford will
escape and run inside the building.

Your next move is to run upstairs and follow the mastermind of this bogus
operation. Run through the door marked Control Room and follow the corridor
until you reach the Control Room door. Open it and prepare yourself for the
final showdown with Col. Clifford himself!

FINAL BATTLE: The Colonel will have two heavily armored guards with him. Try
to focus all of your firepower on Col. Clifford and let your teammates take
care of the guards. Beware of the Colonel because he is armed with and Aurora
Ion Cannon and he isn't afraid to use it. Just keep pummeling the Colonel
while moving away from him. It is useless to try to hide behind barriers
because the electricity from his weapon discharges all over the place. After
you deliver enough ammo to Col. Clifford (he can take amazing punishment) he
will eventually be defeated and fall over. Congratulations! You have beaten
X-Squad. Enjoy the ending and wait until the end of the credits for a

At the end of the credits, you will be given a rank according to how many
battle points you have not used. This military rank will dictate what code
you get. The code can be used at the start of a new game.



At the title screen, press Square, Circle, Triangle, then start a new
game. This results in a game with Michaels 9mmS, 99 clips, and bonus points
displayed when earned.


At the title screen, press Triangle, Circle, Square, then start a new
game. This results in a game with no weight limit, Taylor M82, Michaels 9mmS,
99 clips, and bonus points displayed when earned.


At the title screen, press R1, L2, L1, R2, then start a new game. This
results in a game with a level 2 shield, no weight limit, Taylor M82, Michaels
9mmS, 99 clips, bonus points displayed when earned, and a 10,000 point bonus
when a level is completed.


At the title screen, press Circle, R1, Circle, L1, Triangle, R2, then
start a new game. This results in a game with radar, no weight limit, Taylor
M82, Michaels 9mmS, 99 clips, and bonus points displayed when earned.


At the title screen, press L2, Square, R2, Triangle, L1, Circle, R1, then
start a new game. This results in a game with a level 3 shield, Level 3
sensor, radar, no weight limit, Taylor M82, Michaels 9mmS, 99 clips, and bonus
points displayed when earned.


At the title screen, press Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle,
Circle, then start a new game. This results in a game with a level 3 shield,
level 3 sensor, radar, no weight limit, beginner level of all weapons, 99
clips for each, and bonus points displayed when earned.


At the title screen, press L1(2), L2(2), R1(2), R2(2), then start a new
game. This results in a game with a level 3 shield, level 3 sensor, radar, no
weight limit, intermediate level of all weapons, 99 clips for each, and bonus
points displayed when earned.


At the title screen, press Circle(4), Triangle, Square(4), then start a
new game. This results in a game with a level 3 shield, level 3 sensor,
radar, no weight limit, master of all weapons, 99 clips for each, and bonus
points displayed when earned.


This is the third FAQ/Walkthrough that I have written for GameFaqs.com.
I would like to thank everyone that contributes to this site because you are
the people that give me the inspiration to continue to write these informative
pieces. Finally, special thanks goes out to Dave A. at cheatcc.com for
allowing me to add the codes from his website into this faq/walkthrough guide.


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