NCAA Football 2002

NCAA Football 2002

15.10.2013 14:47:26

NCAA Football 2002
Strategy Guide
Version 0.4
Author: DreThug

1: Introduction
2: Update History
3: Controls
4: Game Modes
5: Basic Offensive Strategy Vs Computer
6: Basic Offensive Strategy Vs Human
7: Basic Defensive Stategy
8: Passing Strategy
9: Running Strategy Vs Computer
10: Running Strategy Vs Human
11: Field Goal Strategy
12: Punt Strategy
13: Punt Return Strategy
14: Blocking Punts Strategy Vs Human
15: Kick Off Strategy
16: How To Win Easily Vs Computer (Cheap)
17: My Favorite Plays
18: Running Options
19: 4-3 Defense Information
20: Campus Challenge
21: Card Collection
22: Team Statistics
23: Personal Review
24: Codes/Secrets
25: Glitches
26: Red Shirting
27: Is Your Game Defective?
28: Frequently Asked Questions
29: Credits
30: Ways Of Contacting Me
31: Before You E-mail Me
32: Legal Information
33: Final Thoughts

1: Introduction
NCAA Football 2002 is the best college football game ever made. I decided
to go run out and buy NCCA Football 2002 the first day it came out without
reading any reviews on it. I figured that this game would be extremely good
and I'm not disappointed at all. Like all my other strategy guides, you can
expect all the NCAA Football 2002 information there is to be found in this
guide. Also, you will get my strategies of how to master this game.
Basically, NCAA Football 2002 is the best college football game on the
market so you should buy the game right now. I hope that you learn a lot
from reading this strategy guide and if you have any questions, comments, or
suggestions feel free to throw them my way at: Thanks
and enjoy!

It's back to school - time to hit the books and hit the field. If you're
looking for a crash course in NCAA football, you came to the right place. EA
Sports brings the spirit and toughness that you love in college football to
the Playstation 2 console for the first time. Feel the spirit of college
football like never before as you fight your way to the top of the Bowl
Championship Series standings. See coaches sweat it out on the sidelines
and mascots pump up the crowd - every game counts. All the pageantry of
NCAA football is here. Suit up and take your team all the way to the Rose
Bowl and the National Championship.

2: Update History
August 4th 2002 (version 0.4) - I am so stupid. On accident I said Red
Carding instead of Red Shirting. I have no idea what I was thinking and I'm
very sorry for this inconvience. I believe that I thought of Red Carding
because I was just done updating the Campus Cards. On a side note, I've
updated a few more glitches that I have found in the game. Thanks to my
good friend who plays at Michigan State University I've added a whole
section dedicated on 4-3 Defense. Look for a big update in the next few

August 2nd 2002 (version 0.3) - I took a few days off from touching this
guide because I was working on my NBA Street guide which is now up. I've
been receiving tons of e-mail about Red Shirting so I added a section about
that. I also added some new glitches that I found and I posted a few codes.
I've mastered blocking punts against human players so I added my strategy on
that. Also, there is a few new Campus Cards up and a section called "How To
Win Easily" which practically ensures you a victory on the heisman
difficulty level. It's a pretty cheap way to play but if you want to show
off to your friends then I guess you should read that section. If you need
to contact me for a quick response I have added a section called "Ways Of
Contacting Me." This will tell you how to contact me in different ways.
There's nothing really else in this update because I'm still exploring the
dynasty mode. When I get enough information on the dynasty mode, I'll add a
comprehensive section on it. Until then, goodluck and watch out for Madden
2002 on the horizon.

July 28th 2001 (version 0.2) - I love the idea that i've been getting tons
of feedback from this strategy guide. This update is a major update with
tons of new things in it. First off, I have added a lot more cards that are
unlocked. Even though I like the idea of people sending me in cards that
are missing, i'm going to just post the ones that I unlock to verify them.
Another thing I've added is a Glitch section which has me listing all the
glitches I have witnessed in the game. Feel free to send in any glitches
that you have found in the game also. Another section I have made is a
Defective Game Section. I've been getting literally TONS of e-mail about
NCAA Football 2002 being defective. Check that section out if you think
that your game is defective. Lastly, I've added a "Running Options" section
which is dedicated just to running options. Thanks to playing for about 10
hours today, I've mastered running options on my friend and on the computer.
Other than that, I don't have anything else for this update. Don't worry
though, a Dynasty section will be coming soon and a whole lot of informative
sections will be making their way in to this guide as the days progress.
Until then, later.

July 26th 2001 (version 0.1) - This is the very first version of my NCAA
Football 2002 strategy guide. I was rushing to get this version out on July
25th but then I felt that I should work more on it and give a good version
of the guide then releasing a shoddy version. I worked on this guide
countless hours already. I stayed up until 4 AM playing and working on this
guide just for you guys. Each day I will probably have a major update
because I am so addicted to this game. This is just a start to the guide.
There will be a lot more when I uncover new strategies and more ideas for
this guide. I hope you enjoy this strategy guide and if you have any
questions, comments, or suggestions feel free to e-mail me at: Oh yeah, I know there will be other strategy guides
coming out in the future but before anymore come out I have one question to
ask the authors. Why? There's no point in trying to match this guide cause
it's not possible so please don't try to boost up your guide or plagerize by
using information from my guide. You will be caught, trust me! And if you
don't believe me, just check out all my other guides. Of course, quality
over quantity when DreThug is writing.

3: Controls
The controls in NCAA Football 2002 are exactly like Madden 2001's controls
except for a few differences. Here I have listed all the controls in the

Menu Navigation
X..............Select/Go to next screen
O..............Not in use
Triangle.......Return to previous screen
Square.........Not in use
Start..........Not in use
Select.........Not in use
D-Pad..........Toggle Options, Highlight Options
Analog.........Not in use
R1.............Not in use
R2.............Not in use
L1.............Not in use
L2.............Not in use

General Gameplay
X..............Not in use
O..............Not in use
Triangle.......Not in use
Square.........Not in use
Select.........Call timeout
D-Pad..........Not in use
Left Analog....Not in use
Right Analog...Not in use
R1.............Not in use
R2.............Not in use
L1.............Not in use
L2.............Not in use

X..............Select formation
O..............Select corresponding play
Triangle.......Select corresponding play
Square.........Select corresponding play
Start..........Not in use
Select.........Not in use
D-Pad..........Cycle through formations/plays
Left Analog....Not in use
Right Analog...Not in use
R1.............Not in use
R2.............Not in use
L1.............Bluff playcall (upper window)
L2.............Bluff playcall (lower window)

Offense - Before the Snap
X..............Snap Ball
O..............Fake Snap Signal
Triangle.......Call Hot Route
Square.........Call Audible (Square + any other button)
Start..........Start/Pause Game
Select.........Not in use
D-Pad..........Cycle through man in motion options/select
Left Analog....Not in use
Right Analog...Not in use
R1.............Don't show play diagram on field (R1 + D-pad)
R2.............Show play diagram on field (R2 + D-pad)
L1.............Not in use
L2.............Crowd Control

Offense - Running
Square.........Dive/QB Slide
Start..........Start/Pause Game
Select.........Not in use
Left Analog....Run
Right Analog...Jump (Up) Spin (Down)
R1.............Juke Right
L1.............Juke Left
L2.............Stiff Arm

Offense - Passing
X..............Bring up passing symbols
O..............Throw to receiver
Triangle.......Throw to receiver
Square.........Throw to receiver
Start..........Start/Pause Game
Select.........Not in use
Left Analog....Run
Right Analog...Select receiver by direction of analog
R3.............Pass the ball
R1.............Throw to receiver
R2.............Pump Fake
L1.............Throw to receiver
L2.............Toggle passing symbols

Offense - Receiving
X..............Control intended receiver
O..............Not in use
Start..........Start/Pause Game
Select.........Not in use
Left Analog....Run
Right Analog...Jump
R3.............Control intended receiver
R1.............Not in use
R2.............Not in use
L1.............Not in use
L2.............Not in use

Defense - Before The Snap
X..............Cycle Through Defenders
O..............Cycle Through Defenders
Triangle.......Coverage Audibles (Triangle + anything)
Square.........Call Audible (Square + anything)
Start..........Start/Pause Game
Select.........Not in use
D-Pad..........Reposition players
Left Analog....Reposition players
Right Analog...Not in use
L3.............Cycle Through Defenders
R1.............Linebacker Shift
R2.............Defensive Line Pinch
L1.............Linebacker Shift
L2.............Not in use

Defense - After The Snap
X..............Control player (nearest the ball)
Triangle.......Jump/Defend Pass
Start..........Start/Pause Game
Select.........Not in use
D-Pad..........Move player
Left Analog....Move player
Right Analog...Jump/Defend Pass (Up) Dive (Down)
R3.............Control player (nearest the ball)
R1.............Swim/Rip move
R2.............Spin move
L1.............Swim/Rip move
L2.............Spin move

Kicking Game - Kicking
X..............Start Meter/Kick
X..............Kick Power
X..............Kick Accuracy
R3.............Start Meter/Kick
R3.............Kick Power
R3.............Kick Accuracy
D-Pad..........Aim Kick
Left Analog....Aim Kick

Kicking Game - Returning A Kick
X..............Switch Players
R3.............Switch Players
D-Pad..........Control Return Man
Left Analog....Control Return Man
Triangle.......Fair Catch/Kneel

4: Game Modes
Here are all the modes of play in NCAA Football 2002 with a description of
each one.

Set up your own game with up to 8 players. Choose your teams, weather,
difficulty level, and all that other gravy in this basic exhibition mode.
This is the place to go when you are playing with friends or if you want
some practice games that don't count towards your dynasty.

Play a regular season game with any team of your choice. Try to compete
with the top teams and earn a bid at a bowl game. I don't know why anyone
would do a season mode where there is a bigger and better Dynasty Mode.

Dynasty Mode
This is where NCAA Football 2002 shines. Draft players, see your seniors go
to the pros, change your rosters, and compete for bid titles with your team
of your choice. Play through numerous years trying to keep your school up
with the pack. Like a small name school? Try making them win a bowl game
and get nationally ranked. Dynasty Mode has all of this plus more!

Practice Mode
Need to brush up on your skills? If so, the practice mode is the place for
you. Better use this mode before you play big name people like myself.

Want to update rosters, Create A Player, or do anything cool like that? To
get to the rosters menu go to options and then select Rosters.

User Profiles
Make a profile for yourself and track your personal stats. A user profile
is also necessary if yoy want to do Campus Challenges.

Change the difficulty level, game time, and all that nonsense at the setting
menu which can be found other the options section on the main screen.

Memory Card
Save, delete, and copy your files. Enough said there.

Campus Challenge
This is a really cool option. Buy cards buy completing challenges that are
set for you. THe higher the difficulty level you are playing on, the more
points you get if you complete that challenge. Also, at the Campus
Challenge screen you can see the record books and try to beat them. It's
hard to do, but if you are as good as me it's very possible.

Season Preview
This can be found at Inside EA Sports. If you go to season preview you get
to see a clip of Madden 2002 which is the next anticipate title by EA

Want to see who made this game? Check out the credits section then and give
props to these great men!

5: Basic Offensive Strategy Vs Computer
NCAA Football 2002 uses the same gameplay system as Madden 2001 did so right
when I picked up this game I could give the computer on the Heisman
difficulty level a run for their money. Offense is very necessary in
winning a football game. If you don't have any offense, it is very hard for
a team to win because you always have to rely on your defense. This is why
I made the basic offensive strategy. In this section of my strategy guide,
I will teach you the basics of being a good NCAA Football 2002 player. This
alone will not help you be any better at the game because this section sets
up more scenarios and gives less tips. If you think you don't need this
section, skip it and go to one of the more in-depth strategies. If you
think you want help with this section, then please read on.

Say you get the ball at the 20 yard line. It's first and 10 and you don't
have any clue what to do. You are playing the computer on Heisman mode so
you don't really have a lot of room for mistake. Usually, on first down I
run the ball up the middle. I try to pick up a few yards (hopefully 3) so I
can get it to second and seven. If it is 2nd down and I only have 5-7 yards
left to go I feel very comfortable. Against the computer, I never run too
the sides. I feel that the computer gets to me way too fast for some reason
so I can never even pick up any yards. Also, when I'm playing the computer
I never run backwards because I will never break any tackles. On second
down I usually go for a short pass. The short pass is either a comeback
route or a 90 angle turn so my man is usually wide open. When my receiver
catches it he usually gets the first down and I start the rotation over.
But for demonstration purposes, say my receiver drops the ball. Now it's
3rd and seven. Here I decided to go deep. Pick a play that you know a lot
about so you know exactly when to throw the ball. I usually do a play that
the man runs out and then slants in so I can get a running catch. If the
player catches the ball then you got a first down for sure. If you drop it,
it's 4th down and you have to punt. See there is no sure way that you can
always get a 1st down, but theres a lot of ways to help you get one. Using
the turbo button is almost a necesity when playing against the computer. If
you run through a guy using the turbo button you will usually fall a couple
yards more if you just took the regular hit. I rarely use the spin move
because I find it to be very ineffective. The jukes work out really good if
you only have one man to get pass but other than that they are too slow.
Hurdles are useful if you need to try jumping over a guy and dives are
always helpful for picking up an extra yard or two. When you are on
offense, always try to mix up the plays so the opponent doesn't always know
what you are doing. Possibly sometimes go deep on first down, and then run
on second down. Always try to get more then one receiver in the game and
always have about 5-7 plays that you use often. The computer is pretty
tough to score against so don't get discouraged if you are having trouble
scoring off of them. Sometimes even I have trouble scoring off of some of
the better defenses in the leauge.

6: Basic Offensive Strategy Vs Human
Playing against a friend or a foe, scoring is a lot easier. When I play
against a friend I usually go all out air attack on them. I do this because
the computer on heisman has a lot better defense then most of the opponents
you will play in person. Usually, you can always find at least one play
that you can always pull off when you are playing against a friend. Usually
the play is a slant where no matter how good your friend is he won't be able
to cover you if he doesn't have any backup. When you are playing against a
friend only run when your friend doesn't expect it. Like most humans, your
friend will probably be trying to protect the long ball by doing some deep
coverage. If you run up on him up the middle when he only has three
defensive line men you will get at least 7 yards per carry. Also, when you
run against your friends don't be afraid to dance. It is a lot easier to
dance around when playing your friends then it is when you are playing the
computer. Another good way of killing your friends is to try to figure out
what kind of defense they use. Most people will be safe and use prevent a
lot which means that short passes will kill them all the time. If you know
your friend is going to use prevent, then beat the hell out of him in the
short game. If he likes going man on man coverage then throw deep. It's as
simple as that when you are playing against your friends. Remember, most
people aren't as good as the computer on the hardest difficulty level, so if
you can put up good competition against them, then you should have no
problem beating the hell out of your friends.

7: Basic Defensive Strategy
Defense is a lot easier then offense in NCAA Football 2002. Basically, the
defense I use it man lock on first and second down. Man lock is a great
defense because it sends one guy to blitz the quarterback and still has one
safety to protect the cornerbacks. Usually, anything in the 4-3 defensive
scheme works on first and second down. I find it useful to stop runs and
short passes. On third and long, I always use either safe or prevent which
has multiple safeties protecting the cornerbacks. The only problem with
using safe or prevent is that if the player runs then it's pretty hard to
stop the run. That's why it's always good to try to think of your opponents
next move before he makes it. When balls are thrown deep, I don't try to
intercept the ball because that is basically luck. I run with the receiver
and then I usually jump up right before the ball will hit his hands to
deflect the ball. The only dangerous thing about trying to cut off the pass
by jumping is that sometimes you jump too low and the receiver has an easy
catch and an open run then. Some people like to just follow the receiver
and hope that it hits the cornerbacks back. I think that might be good for
beginners to get use to, but when you get good at playing make sure you jump
to cut off the balls. On the defensive line, I never use the swim move or
anything like that. I rush from one side and that usually does the job on
the computer and almost always does the job while playing a human. If I
anticipate the quarterback to throw when I'm rushing him, I will jump up in
the air to bat down the ball. Usually, I just go for the sack by pressing
dive. When it is third and one and I know that the offense is going to run
I use punt block. I feel that this is much more effective then goal line
coverage because you can penetrate through the offensive line much easier.
The only problem with punt block is that if the player throws the ball it's
an easy touchdown for them. I mostly use punt block against the computer
because they never audible the play, and occasionally to catch a human being
off guard. It's really risky, but it's worth it if you can take care of
business. Some basic tips that you should know about defense is that you
should always use turbo and when you are tackling a player make sure you hit
him hard. A lot of the running backs are hard to take down. Also, when you
are playing human players they like to move around a lot. Don't get too
aggressive when you are trying to make a tackle. If the runner is dancing
around 3 yards in front of you don't bite, because that's what he wants you
to do. Stick to your ground and wait for other defensive players to come
and then go after the runner. If you just try making an open field tackle
on one one with a guy who is dancing around in the backfield you are usually
not going to make the tackle. Other then that, there is really no other
defensive help I can help you with. Just remember, prevent on third and
long, and 3-4 coverage usually all the other time. If you do this, you will
be good all the time.

8: Passing Strategy
Passing is a lot more important in football then running. If there's only a
minute left and you are 80 yards from the touchdown would you ever let your
running back touch the ball? I don't think so. That's why it's always good
to master passing when you are thinking of being a great NCAA Football 2002
player. The first thing you always need to learn about passing is that
there is always the chance of getting sacked. When playing the computer on
heisman level, you will get sacked a lot if you don't have a good offensive
line. Don't get discourage if you get sacked a few times during a game
because it happens to everyone. I usually pass 3/4 of the time when I'm
playing the computer or a human opponent. Most of my passes are longer then
10 yards. You can use either a bullet pass by holding down the button when
you release the ball or a lob pass by just tapping the button. When you do
a lob pass it is usually right after you hike the ball and it's an over the
head catch for a receiver. That is the only time you will ever jump to
catch the ball when you are on offense. Never jump on a bullet because you
won't catch the ball. When I pass, I never do straight routes. I find that
the best routes are routes that start off straight and then the receiver
either turning 45 or 90 degrees to catch the ball. This usually always make
the cornerback slow down and you will always be open to catch the ball. To
catch the ball, just take control of the runner and run in to the ball. You
don't have to press anything to catch the ball. If you are looking for good
plays to find to almost get a catch half the time then check out my favorite
play section. The main problem with passing a lot of times is that there
will be double coverage on you. When you think there is going to be double
or triple coverage then run the ball. Also, don't do the same play over and
over again because your opponent will figure out how to stop it. I have
about 5 passing plays that I do on a regular basis to spicen up my playlist.
Passing is a very simple aspect in NCAA Football 2002 if you are careful.
If you are too busy looking downfield all the time then you will get sacked
over and over again. If you see a blitz coming, make sure you get rid of
the ball as soon as possible. It's not hard to get good at passing if you
stick with it. If you are having any trouble catching or throwing good
passes then feel free to e-mail me at and I will
personally help you out.

9: Running Strategy Vs Computer
Running is very hard to do when you are playing the computer on Heisman
difficulty level. Basically, juking won't really help when you are playing
the computer. The only thing I really use is the dive button so I can pick
up a few yards when I'm trying to run. Also, when you are running against
the computer you should never run to the outside. For some reason the
computer can stop you all the time. Basically, run straight up the middle
and possibly turn right or left to get a few more couple yards. It's really
hard to run against the computer when you are playing on the higher
difficulty level, so I suggest you only run sparringly. Occasionally, I can
pick up 5 to 7 yards on a run, but then again I get shut down a lot if I try
not going up the middle. Usually, if I run more then once in a set of
downs, I'll average about 3 yards a rush. If it's 3rd and 1, make sure you
run up the middle because they probably won't stop you. And if they do stop
you, go for it on fourth and one because they wont stop you two times in a

10: Running Strategy Vs Human
Running against a human controlled player is so much easier and more useful
then running against a computer. When you are running against a human feel
free to run to the outside and do all kinds of jukes, spins, and stop/start
runs. If you think you might get tackled, turn around and run the other
way. Also, if there is a guy next to you hurdle him the ball and let him
start running. It's not that hard to trick out a human player while you're
running because they have a really hard time trying to anticipate what you
are doing. Still, if it's 3rd and 1 I would recommend running up the middle
even on a human controlled opponent. Even though running up the middle is
not as rewarding when you are playing your friend, it will ensure you a few
yards when you absolutely need them. Even though running is pretty easy
when you are playing against a friend, it is still not as reliable as
passing. So even when I'm playing against someone else, I usually stick to
the passing. Trust me, it's more effective and a lot more fun to do.

11: Field Goal Strategy
Field goals take a long time to get use to in NCAA Football 2002. To kick a
field goal you need to press X twice. The first time you press X, try to
come as close to the top line as you can get. If you go over in to the red
section, your kick may be a litle farther but it will not be accurate. When
you press X down on the bottom, try getting it in the middle of the shaded
area. The farther you go to one side, the more the ball will go to that
side. Before you press X, make sure you line up the kick so it goes in to
the uprights. If you are kicking short kicks, you can usually keep the
arrow in it's default place. If you are kicking long kicks, you should move
the arrow down a little for a more of a line drive type of kick. Remember,
line drive kicks are a lot easier to block for your opponent because they
are pretty low when they take off. Also, a pretty easy range is 30-45 yard
field goals. Once you get in to the 50 yarders you are calling it close for
some of the kickers. A few of the kickers, on good days with the wind
blowing in the right direction, can take a kick to the low 60 yards. If you
need any extra assistance on kicking field goals feel free to e-mail me at

12: Punt Strategy
Punting is a lot easier then field goal kicking because it doesn't really
matter where the ball ends up. Basically, all you do for punting is aim
where you want the ball to go and press x on the top line and in the middle
of the bottom line. The higher you point the arrow the higher and shorter
the punt will go. The lower you point the arrow the lower and farther it
will go. Make sure you don't point the arrow too high or too low. Also,
remember on punts that they can go out of bounds with no penalty. So if you
are trying to punt it deep in to your opponents territory feel free to kick
it out so your opponent won't be able to return it.

13: Punt Return Strategy
All you can really do in a punt return situation vs the computer is that
when you get the ball you should just try getting away from the first
defender. If you do that, then you will probably get a 10-15 yard punt
return. If not, then you will probably get tackled right on the spot. If
you think you're gonna get hit right when you touch the ball it is safer to
call for a fair catch. A lot of times I don't call for a fair catch and
then I get hit and my guy drops the punt. This happens a lot when you are
playing against a good team so fair catches are not the dumb thing to do all
the time. Also, once you get the punt don't try dancing around that much
because it won't really help you. When you are playing a friend, dancing
around won't help you either because all the people will come real fast at

14: Blocking Punts Strategy Vs Human
I can basically block punts all the time against my friends. This makes me
a lot better at the game because a lot of times my friends will not go for
it on 4th and long because there's a really good chance I'll block there
punt and run it back for a touchdown. Blocking punts is probably easier in
NCAA Football 2002 then it was in Madden 2001. All you need to do is the

When you expect your player to punt go with the punt return formation. This
is a little safer than punt block because if you choose punt block there
will be two guys coming after you and you will have no blockers to block you
which can easily make you fumble the ball. If you decide to go with Punt
Block please note that it is just as easy to block punts with the punt
return formation. Control your cornerback on the left side of the screen.
Make sure he is the faster cornerback so you will have a better chance of
getting to the kicker. Line him up so he is right next to your last blocker
on the left but a little to the side so the last offensive line man can't
touch him. Doing this will still have the wide receiver out there on the
punting team so he will not be covered if your opponents team actually does
a fake punt. Put him a little up from the line of scrimmage so you can get
a running start. Right when you see the kick meter go up start running
towards the kicker. You will be able to get there so quick that you will
block the punt all the time. To block the punt jump up in the air. This is
a lot better then going for a tackle because usually you won't get there
until the ball is leaving his foot. A common problem I see a lot of people
having with this punt blocking strategy is that they are jumping way too
early. Don't be scared to jump a little later then you would expect. You
have to remember that the ball doesn't just fly straight up from his foot
and flys at an angle which you can easily cut off. I only have mastered
blocking punts against human controlled players because I can see when he is
going to start kicking the ball. When I play the computer I have to
anticipate when he is going to hike the ball and usually I am too early or
way too late.

There are a few bad things about using this punt blocking strategy. Here I
have listed them.

1) Say your player goes for a fake punt. The cornerback you moved to block
the punt left the wide receiver wide open. He will have a very easy catch
if they do a fake punt.

2) Say you don't make it in time and you jump or dive. There is a very good
chance that you can get roughing the kicker or running in to the kicker
which is a 15 yard penalty. This can totally change the game around because
your opponent will now have a first down.

3) Say you don't block the punt and the ball is kicked to your punt
returner. Now there is no one to block that wide receiver who is running up
for the tackle. You are left to fair catch the ball or take a brutual hit
right when you catch the ball which may cause a fumble.

If you need any extra assistance with blocking punts feel free to e-mail me.

15: Kick Off Return Strategy
I can usually average about a 30 yard kick off return against the computer
or a human controlled player. Right when I get the ball I sprint straight
up the field. When I see the first defender I make a sharp left and go up
the field another 5 yards. Then I try to juke my way around the last
defender. Usually, there will be a lot of other defenders to the side of
you so it's really hard to break a lot of the tackles. Feel free to dance
around if you want to on the kick off, but it usually doesn't work because
there is just way too many defenders to tackle you.

16: How To Win Easily Vs Computer
If you want to run through a dynasty mode real quick and win all the games
here is what you do.

Set the difficulty level to: Heisman
Set the quarter length to: One Minute
Turn off the Play Clock so you have unlimited time to hike the ball.
Select to kick the ball first at the coin toss.

Now all you have to do is make the computer go 3 and out which isn't hard.
All they will do then is punt the ball and you will get the ball around the
50 yard line. Go up 15 yards and kick the field goal before half time.
Then when you get the ball just run out the clock by not picking a play. If
you don't want to be as cheap you can keep the play clock on and still be
able to run out the 2 minutes in the halve with one first down.

17: My Favorite Plays
Now that you read all of my strategies I would like to tell you the
offensive plays I use a lot. These plays are under the UCLA playbook if you
are having trouble finding them under your playbook.

Shotgun Spread
PA Out- Throw to the Square
Hail Mary - Throw to Anyone
Flood - Throw to the Square

Ace - Twins
WR Post - Throw to L1

Ace - Normal
HB Dive
HB Tackle
HB Slot
HB Draw

I-Form Normal
Power Option - Lateral it to HB

I-Form Twins
Vertical - Throw to X

Strong - Normal
HB Circle - Throw to Square

18: Running Options
Options in college football are extremely necessary to be good at. Options
can give you the boost that your team is dying to have late in a game. I
pulled off a 82 option against the computer on heisman and then I almost
broke another one against another team on heisman in the same day. If you
are good at running options, then you will probably be very difficult to
beat against the computer and against another human.

There are many different kinds of options in NCAA Football 2002. Basically,
I use one of the more simple ones called a Power Option. The power option
is a great option to use because half the time you don't even need to pitch
it to the running back to get some good yards because the quarterback can
just take off with it. Running this option doesn't take that much skill
either. To run this option, go to I Form Normal and select it on the far
left. Then hike the ball and start running the way the running back is
running behind you. Start running up the field and whenever you think that
you are going to get tackled lateral it by pressing R2 to your running back
and let him start running. Don't worry if you never lateral it to your
running back because a lot of the time your quarterback will get a good run
in. Also, try finding good gaps with the quarterback because once your
quarterback starts running, it's not that easy to stop him either. If you
are in the middle of the field go with the left option. If you are more to
the left of the field, then switch the option to the right so then the whole
play goes in the opposite direction. This gives you a lot more room to run
with the ball. I run this option play at least three times a possession
when I'm playing against a human player. I find that if the human player is
not expecting the option, that I can pick up a lot of yards with it.
Usually, I run the option at least once a possession with against the
computer. I find that the computer can usually learn how to stop any kind
of option late in the game so it becomes basically ineffective. Don't be
scared to cut back and forth with your running back when he gets the balll
because usually that is how you will find gaps in the defense.

After reading this you are probably thinking that options are the best thing
to use in a game. Here is why they aren't.

If you use option plays a lot you are going to fumble a lot. If I use an
option play more then 20 times in one game, I will fumble it at least 3
times in the game. Usually the fumbles will come when you are going down
with the quarterback and you decide to lateral it. When this happens, the
ball won't make it to your running back and there will be a massive dive for
the ball. Occasionally, but this is very rare, the quarterback will pitch
it to the running back and miss the running back completely. I've seen this
happen with the computer, but it never happened to me. Also, sometimes when
you are running the quarterback gets hit and just fumbles it because he
doesn't have that good of ball protection. Another way that you are likely
to fumble is when there is a man between you and your running back and you
decide to pitch the ball. I've seen the ball hit the man in the middle
multiple times and that's not a good thing. More than half the time you
fumble, you will probably get the ball back, but it's still not worth trying
to option too many times in a game because you will fail at least once and
get a major turnover.

19: 4-3 Defense Information
Thanks to my friend who plays ball at MSU for suppyling us with this useful
information. Without him, this would never be in the guide.

Note this is for a 4-3 defense, but the principles will carry over to the
other defenses. Basic philosophy behind defenses:

Cover 2: Corners play shallow to help on outside runs (i.e. sweeps and to
cover short routes) (i.e. outs and hook routes). The two safeties split the
field in halfcovering anything deep in their zones. The linebackers drop
straight back tocover hook routes and crossing routes across the middle
while maitaining their zone.

Cover 3: Depending on whether you call cover 3 weak or strong the corner
will sit and play the outside run and cover the out and hook routes, while
the other corner and the two safeties split the field into 3 parts: sideline
to hash, hash to hash, and hash to sideline covering the deep routes in
those zones. The linebackers will drop back into their zones as usual, but
depending on which you called cover 3 weak or cover 3 strong the linebacker
on the call side will dropback and over a little further because the corner
is sitting near the line of scrimmage. The other two backers will try to
split the rest of the distance between them.

Cover 4: This is where all the defensive backs cover a portion of the deep
coverage. They split the field into quarters and cover deep. The linebackers
drop into their zones but have to cover more area and the difference is
split amongst them.

Theoretically (in real life football)

Cover 2 Pros:
Corners can come up to help the run and shut down the short to mediumpasses
on their side.

Cover 2 Cons:
Since the corners come up and play in the shallow zone post patterns
andcorner routes are very difficult to stop because the safeties have so
much field to cover and also running up the middle is easy because the
linebackers dropping back rather than reading the running back or the tight

Cover 3 Pros:
You have one corner playing shallow to help the out on the run and youhave
three defensive backs covering deep.

Cover 3 Cons:
Post patterns can easily be thrown on this defense if timed right (the
reciever is past the linebackers and in between the safety and corner).
Crossing routes across the middle are hard to stop if they either get behind
the linebackers or in front of them. And again runing up the middle.

Cover 4 Pros:
Since you have four defensive backs back there it should help stop the deep
ball. Supposely this will shut down post and corner routes, but I found that
you can still throw those routes if perfectly timed in the game.

Cover 4 Cons:
Any running play could work for a decent if not big gain. Crossing routes
underneath the linebackers are hard to stop too.

20: Campus Challenge
Campus Challenge is basically the same thing as Madden Challege is in Madden
2001. The whole point of campus challenge is to try to earn credits to buy
trading cards. The cards you unlock can help you win games if you choose to
use them while you are playing a game. Personally, I think that's pretty
cheap so I just collect the cards to show that I got all the cards. You can
do the same challenge as many times as you want to get points. You can only
get credits for your tasks on single player modes so you can't play your
friend and just try doing all the Level 5 tasks because it is easier to do
on your friend then on the computer. The game automatically recognizes if
you do a task so don't worry if you think it won't remember. Here I have
listed all the tasks you need to complete. Remember, the higher the
difficulty level you are playing, the more creidts you get when you complete
a task. Keep that in mind folks.

Level 1 Credit Scale

Level 1 Tasks
Make a 40+ Yard Field Goal
Punt the ball 50+ Yards
Hold CPU under 7 Points (Minimum Quarter 4 Minutes)
Score 21 Points in a Game (Maximum Quarter 6 Minutes)
One reception by 3 different players
Throw 2 touchdown passes with one player
Gain 200 yards of total offense (Maximum Quarter 6 Minutes)
Break a 20 yard run
Complete 5 consecutive passes
Complete a 30 yard pass
No incomplete passes all game (Minimum Quarter 4 Minutes)
No offensive fumbles all game (Minimum Quarter 4 Minutes)
No interceptions thrown all game (Minimum Quarter 4 Minutes)
No sacks allowed all game (Minimum Quarter 4 Minutes)
Defeat the Seminoles at home in the rain
Defeat the Cornhuskers at home in fair weather
Recover a fumble on defense
Intercept a pass on defense
Sack the opposion quarterback
Record 3 tackles with one player

Level 2 Credit Scale

Level 2 Tasks
30 yard kick reutrn average for one player (Minimum Return 2)
30 yard punt return average for one player (Minimum Return 2)
Score 42 points in a game (Maximum Quarter 6 Minutes)
Defeat the CPU by 28 points (Maximum Quarter 6 Minutes)
10 yard rush average for one player (Minimum Carries 5)
Gain 100 receiving yards with one player
Catch 2 touchdown passes with one player
20 yard receiving average for one player (Minimum Receptions 3)
Score 3 rushing touchdowns with one player
Throw for 300 yards with one player
Throw 4 touchdown passes with one player
Complete 80% of your passes (Minimum Throws 5)
Complete 10 consecutive passes
Commit no penalties in a game (Minimum Quarter 4 Minutes)
Defeat the Gators with a regular team
Record 2 sacks with oen player
Force 3 turnovers in one game on defense
Record 5 tackles with two different players
Hold CPU under 150 total offensive yards (Minimum Quarter 4 Minutes)
Gain 100 rushing yards with one player

Level 3 Credit Scale

Level 3 Tasks
Kick and recover an onside kick
Punt the ball out of bounds inside the 5 yard line
Score 63 points in a game (Maximum Quarter 6 Minutes)
Shut out the CPU (Minimum Quarter 4 Minutes)
Make 10 receptions with one player
10 rushing attempts by two different players
Gain 100 rush and 50 receiving yards with one player
Gain 150 receiving yards with one player
Gain 150 rushing yards with one player
Gain 400 yards of total offense (Maximum Quarter 6 Minutes)
Break a 40 yard run
Complete 15 consecutive passes
Complete a 60 yard pass
Hold ALL-FSU under 75 pass yards with regular team
Gain 150 rushing yards vs. Oregon Ducks (Maximum Quarter 6 Minutes)
Recover 2 fumbles on defense with one player
Intercept 2 passes with one player
Record 3 sacks with one player
Deflect 4 passes with one player
Record 8 tackles with one player

Level 4 Credit Scale

Level 4 Tasks
Make a 50+ yard field goal
Punt the ball 65+ yards
Make 6 two-point conversions in one game
Defeat the CPU by 56 Points (Maximum Quarter 6 Minutes)
Gain 100 rush yards with two different players
Gain 100 receiving yards with two different players
Gain 200 receiving yards with one player
Gain 200 rushing yards with one player
Complete 25 passes with one player
40 rushing attempts by one player (Maximum Quarter 6 Minutes)
Throw for 500 yards with one player
Gain 650 yards of total offense (Maximum Quarter 6 Minutes)
Achieve 20 first downs (Maximum Quarter 6 Minutes)
Complete one pass to 7 different receivers
Return a fumble for a touchdown on defense
Break a 60 yard run
Cause 6 turnovers on defense
Record 7 sacks with one player
Record a safety on defense
Return an interception for a touchdown

Level 5 Credit Scale

Level 5 Tasks
Gain 200 kick return yards with one player
Gain 200 punt return yards with one player
Return a kickoff for a touchdown
Return a punt for a touchdown
Score 84 points in a game (Maximum Quarter 6 Minutes)
Complete 100% of your passes (Minimum Throws 5)
100 Receiving yards by three different players
Gain 100 rush and 100 pass yards with one player
Gain 100 rush and 150 pass yards with one player
20 yard rush average for one player (Minimum Carries 3)
200 Passing Yards By Two Different Players
Gain 250 rushing yards with one player
Break 10 tackles with one player
Break an 80 yard run
Complete 20 consecutive passes
Play injured and score a touchdown
Complete a 90 yard pass
Intercept 5 passes on defense
Hold CPU under 0 total offensive yards (Minimum Quarter 4)
Record two safeties in one game

21: Card Collection
There is 263 cards in the collection. 31 of those cards are fantasy teams,
25 are historic teams, 32 are stadiums, 31 are game cheats, and 144 are team
boosts. Here I have listed all the card numbers and what each card does.
Each card costs 50 credits.

Card Number: 0
Name: Air Force
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 1
Name: Akron
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 2
Name: Alabama
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 3
Name: Alabama A&M
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 4
Name: Alabama State
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 13
Name: Ball State
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 31
Name: Delaware State
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 33
Name: Eastern Michigan
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 40
Name: Georgia Tech
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 41
Name: Grambling State
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 45
Name: Houston
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 46
Name: Howard
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 51
Name: Iowa State
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 52
Name: Jackson State
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 53
Name: Kansas
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 57
Name: Louisiana Tech
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 61
Name: Maryland
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 70
Name: Mississippi State
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 83
Name: Northen Illinois
Description: When pennant is played, this team weill receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 92
Name: Oregon State
Description: When pennant is played, this team weill receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 93
Name: Penn
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 107
Name: Southern Miss
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 116
Name: Texas Tech
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 117
Name: Toledo
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 127
Name: UNLV
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 130
Name: Utah
Description: When pennant is played, this team will receive a ratings boost
at the position of your choice.

Card Number: 144
Name: 1st & 5
Description: This cheat will gtive your team 1st & 5 instead of 1st & 10 for
one game.

Card Number: 145
Name: 1st & 15
Description: This cheat will give your opponent 1st & 15 instead of 1st & 10
for one game.

Card Number: 148
Name: Short Changed
Description: This cheat will cause the ref to constantly spot the ball short
for your opponent for one game.

Card Number: 150
Name: Cool Breeze
Description: This cheat will cause the wind to be in your team's favor for
the entire game.

Card Number: 153
Name: Hands Are Tied
Description: This cheat will not allow your opponent to cause a fumble or
intercept a pass for one game.

Card Number: 154
Name: Injury Prone
Description: This cheat will increase your opponents injuries for one game.

Card Number: 156
Name: Jammed
Description: This cheat will increase your DB's chance of jamming his man at
the line for one game.

Card Number: 162
Name: QB Dud
Description: This cheat will cause your opponent to throw high, wobbly
passes for one game.

Card Number: 166
Name: Steel Toe
Description: This cheat will give your team increased kick range for one

Card Number: 175
Name: Alamo Bowl
Description: This will unlock the Alamo Bowl.

Card Number: 179
Description: This will unlock the Gallery Furniture Bowl.

Card Number: 182
Name: Humanitarian Bowl
Description: This will unlock the Humanitarian Bowl.

Card Number: 191
Name: Louisiana Bowl
Description: This will unlock the New Orleans Bowl.

Card Number: 210
Name: 97 All-Americans
Description: This card will unlock the 1997 All-American Team.

Card Number: 223
Name: All-American Nebraska
Description: This pennant will unlock the All-Time Nebaskra CornHuskers

Card Number: 224
Name: All-American Notre Dame
Description: This pennant will unlock the All-Time Notre Dame "Fighting
Irish" team.

Card Number: 232
Name: ARIZ Mascot Team
Description: This will unlock the Arizona Mascot Team.

Card Number: 247
Name: OSU Mascot Team
Description: This will unlock the Ohio State Mascot Team.

Card Number: 255
Name: WASH Mascot Team
Description: This will unlock the Washington Mascot Team.

22: Team Statistics
Here are all the teams that you can play with in NCAA Football. Here I have
listed each teams name with their offense, defense, special teams, and
overall score. No need to scroll through the game anymore to find what team
to pick, look here.

Team Name: Air Force
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Akron
Overall: C+
Offense: B-
Defense: C
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Alabama
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Alabama A&M
Overall: C
Offense: C
Defense: C
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Alabama State
Overall: C-
Offense: C
Defense: D+
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Alcorn State
Overall: C-
Offense: C
Defense: C-
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Arizona
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Arizona State
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Arkansas
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Arkansas State
Overall: C+
Offense: C+
Defense: C+
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Ark Pine-Bluff
Overall: C-
Offense: C
Defense: D
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Army
Overall: C+
Offense: C+
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Auburn
Overall: B+
Offense: B
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Ball State
Overall: C
Offense: C+
Defense: C
Special Teams: C-

Team Name: Baylor
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: C+
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Bethune-Cookman
Overall: C-
Offense: C
Defense: C-
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Boise State
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Boston College
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Bowling Green
Overall: C
Offense: C
Defense: C
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Brown
Overall: C-
Offense: C
Defense: D+
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Buffalo
Overall: C-
Offense: C-
Defense: C
Special Teams: C

Team Name: BYU
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: CAL
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Central Michigan
Overall: C
Offense: C
Defense: C
Special Teams: C-

Team Name: Cincinnati
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: A-

Team Name: Clemson
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: A-
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Colorado
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Colorado State
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Columbia
Overall: C-
Offense: C-
Defense: D+
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Cornell
Overall: C-
Offense: C+
Defense: D
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Dartmouth
Overall: C-
Offense: C-
Defense: D+
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Delaware State
Overall: C-
Offense: C-
Defense: D+
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Duke
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Eastern Michigan
Overall: C
Offense: C
Defense: C
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: ECU
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Florida
Overall: A
Offense: A-
Defense: A-
Special Teams: A

Team Name: Florida A&M
Overall: C-
Offense: C
Defense: D+
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: Florida State
Overall: A-
Offense: A-
Defense: A-
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Fresno State
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Georgia
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: A-

Team Name: Georgia Tech
Overall: A-
Offense: A-
Defense: A-
Special Teams: A-

Team Name: Grambling State
Overall: C-
Offense: C
Defense: C-
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Hampton
Overall: C-
Offense: C-
Defense: C-
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: Harvard
Overall: C-
Offense: C
Defense: C-
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: Hawaii
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: B
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: Houston
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Howard
Overall: C-
Offense: C-
Defense: C
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: Idaho
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Illinois
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Indiana
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Iowa
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Iowa State
Overall: B-
Offense: B
Defense: B-
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: Jackson State
Overall: C-
Offense: C
Defense: D+
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: Kansas
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Kansas State
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Kent State
Overall: C-
Offense: C-
Defense: C
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Kentucky
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Louisiana Tech
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: C+
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Louisville
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: LSU
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Marshall
Overall: B-
Offense: B
Defense: B-
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: Maryland
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Memphis
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: C+
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Miami
Overall: A
Offense: A
Defense: A
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Miami (OH)
Overall: C
Offense: C+
Defense: C
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Michigan
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Michigan State
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Mid Tenn State
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Minnesota
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Miss Valley State
Overall: D+
Offense: C-
Defense: D
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Mississippi State
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Missouri
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Morgan State
Overall: D+
Offense: C-
Defense: D
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Navy
Overall: C+
Offense: C+
Defense: C+
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: N Carolina A&T
Overall: C-
Offense: C
Defense: D
Special Teams: C

Team Name: NC State
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Nebraska
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: A-
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Nevada
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B

Team Name: New Mexico
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B

Team Name: New Mexico State
Overall: B-
Offense: B
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Norfolk State
Overall: D+
Offense: C-
Defense: D+
Special Teams: C

Team Name: North Carolina
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: North Texas
Overall: C+
Offense: C+
Defense: C+
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Northen Illinois
Overall: C+
Offense: C+
Defense: C+
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: Northwestern
Overall: B+
Offense: A-
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Notre Dame
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: A-

Team Name: Ohio
Overall: C+
Offense: C+
Defense: C
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Ohio State
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Oklahoma
Overall: A-
Offense: A-
Defense: B+
Special Teams: A-

Team Name: Oklahoma State
Overall: B-
Offense: B
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Ole Miss
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Oregon
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Oregon State
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Penn
Overall: C-
Offense: C
Defense: C-
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Penn State
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Pittsburgh
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Prarie View A&M
Overall: C-
Offense: C-
Defense: D+
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Princeton
Overall: C-
Offense: C-
Defense: C-
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: Purdue
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Rice
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Rutgers
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: C
Special Teams: B

Team Name: San Diego State
Overall: B-
Offense: B
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B

Team Name: San Jose State
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B

Team Name: S Carolina State
Overall: C-
Offense: C
Defense: D
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: SMU
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: South Carolina
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Southern
Overall: C-
Offense: C
Defense: D
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Southern Miss
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Stanford
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Syracuse
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: TCU
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Temple
Overall: B-
Offense: B
Defense: C+
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Tennessee
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: A-
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Texas
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Texas A&M
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Texas Southern
Overall: C-
Offense: C-
Defense: C-
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Texas Tech
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Toledo
Overall: C+
Offense: C+
Defense: C+
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: Troy State
Overall: C
Offense: C
Defense: C-
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: Tulane
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Tulsa
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: C+
Special Teams: B

Team Name: UAB
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: UCF
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: UCLA
Overall: B+
Offense: A-
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: UConn
Overall: C+
Offense: C+
Defense: C
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: UL Lafayette
Overall: C+
Offense: C+
Defense: C+
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: UL Monroe
Overall: C+
Offense: C+
Defense: C+
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: UNLV
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: USC
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: USF
Overall: C+
Offense: B-
Defense: C+
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Utah
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: B
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Utah State
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: C+
Special Teams: B

Team Name: UTEP
Overall: B-
Offense: B
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Vanderbilt
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B-

Team Name: Virginia
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Virginia Tech
Overall: B+
Offense: A-
Defense: B+
Special Teams: A

Team Name: Wake Forest
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Washington
Overall: B
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Washington State
Overall: B-
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: C+

Team Name: West Virginia
Overall: B
Offense: B
Defense: B
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Western Michigan
Overall: C+
Offense: B-
Defense: B-
Special Teams: C

Team Name: Wisconsin
Overall: B+
Offense: B+
Defense: B+
Special Teams: B+

Team Name: Wyoming
Overall: B-
Offense: B-
Defense: B-
Special Teams: B

Team Name: Yale
Overall: C-
Offense: C-
Defense: D+
Special Teams: C

23: Personal Review
Right when NCAA Football 2002 came out I ran to my local videogame store and
picked this game up. I was very surprised with the number of copies that
the store had on it's shelves. When I came home, I discovered that the
control was just like Madden 2001's. I had so much fun playing the first
game that I couldn't stop playing for five hours straight. Now that I took
a break from the game, I have decided to write about how good NCAA Football
2002 really is.

Graphics: 9/10
The graphics in NCAA Football 2002 are marvelous. Take Madden 2001's
graphics, make the players a little taller and more realistic level, add
about 125 more stadiums, touch up the animation, and bam you have NCAA
Football 2002. The only thing that sucks about NCAA Football 2002 is the
face models and the crowd. I saw about five guys that look like Steve
McNair for some strange reason. The crowd is basically the same as Madden's
except possibly a little touched up. Other than that, the graphics are
great. The mascots are designed especially realistic and I was amazed that
the sideline looked as good as it did. I really give props to EA Sports for
doing such a good job on the graphics.

Gameplay: 10/10
This is where NCAA Football 2002 blows out its competition. In this game
there is a exhibition mode, a season, mode, a practice mode, and a dynasty
mode. The Dynasty Mode is where all the fun is. Pick any team of your
choice and play through years of football drafting new players, cutting
players, firing coaches, and seeing your seniors graduate. You couldn't ask
for more in a football game! NCAA Football 2002 plays exactly like Madden
does so if you like the gameplay in Madden you'll love the gameplay in this
game. The only thing that I didn't really like that they changed from
Madden is the kicking. The kicking in NCAA Football 2002 takes a while to
get use to. I had some trouble kicking my first extra points actually.
Other than that, gameplay-wise NCAA Football 2002 is great.

Control: 10/10
How much control do you want in a football game? After playing this game, I
don't think you could say anything that this game doesn't have. Hands on
action on and off the field in NCAA Football 2002. The control is extremely
similiar to Madden 2001 so if you are familiar with those controls there is
no use to read the instruction booklet. The only thign new that NCAA
Football 2002 has is the new lateral button which is a great addition to the
game. Other than that, passing and running comes natural, and defense takes
a few games to get use to. Interceptions are hard to come by and fumbles
rarely happen. Games are usually low scoring when playing against the
computer on Heisman level, and there is practically no slowdown. Well done
EA Sports.

Sound: 9/10
I actually really enjoy the sound in NCAA Football 2002. Not only is there
3 announcers that make very witty comments in the game, there is actually
some pretty catchy tunes when you start up the game. Also, if the game
isn't televised then the announcers don't show and there is only one PA
announcer. If the game is televised on national television expect very
witty comments and a lot of chatting. I think that this was an excellent
idea by EA Sports because it really makes you want to make your team good
enough to play on television. I don't see how this game could be better in
sound, this is one of the best sounding football games on the market.

Overall: 10/10
Go out and buy this game now. You won't get bored of it for at least six
months. If you liked Madden 2001 you'll love this game. Even if you aren't
a major college football fan you should still buy this game if you like
football at all. If you don't watch football or don't like football, then I
don't even know why you're reading this review. Everyone, go out and buy
this game now!

24: Codes/Secrets
--------------------------------- has not posted many codes for NCAA Football 2002 yet. When
they post more, I will have the codes supplied here for you. If you have
any other codes that you know, feel free to send them to me at

Player's names:
The players in the game are modeled after real players, and the programmers
included most of their names. To hear the announcers call your players'
names instead of their number, simply change their names in the options
menu. Select "Roster" and then "Edit player information". Collegiate rosters
can usually be found on a school's web site or go through a search engine --
enter the school name and "football" (for example, Penn State Football).
Note: Not all of the names will be recognized, but enough to add some
personality to the game.
Information in this section was contributed by KBoggiano. Touchdown

Hold one of the following buttons immediately before scoring a touchdown at
the risk of an unsportsman-like conduct penalty.
Point upwards: Press L1 or R1.
Hold up football: Press R2.
Shake football: Press L2.

High Player Rating
To have higher rating just go to edit player, then move to speed and press
X. This will make the rating for that player change to all 99s. Thanks to
the numerous people who send this code in.

25: Glitches
Like all the other football games out on the marktet, NCAA Football 2002
does have its share of glitches. Here are some glitches that I have
encountered in the game. If you have any glitches that you would like to
have posted here, feel free to e-mail me at: with the
glitch provided.

Number 0
Have you heard the announcer say that Number 0 just got the ball? I've hard
that with my running back once running the ball and with one of the kick off
return guys. The announcer said that #17 and #0 are going to return the
kick while it was #17 and #34. I don't know what kind of technical glitch
was but this is popping up occasionally in my game.

I'm not talking about major slowdown like a lot of people with defective
games are suffering from. I'm talking about slowdown after you've had the
game on for 8 hours straight. I've seen slowdown after a running play when
there is some kind of strange weather and when you can see the mascot on the
field. Other then that, NCAA Football 2002 has been smooth for me.

Longest Fumble Return When My Guy Ran 1 Yard
My friend actually set my record books with the longest fumble record. The
record was 73 yards but it was a mistake when it was put in to the books for
the first time. The reason it was a mistake was that I fumbled the ball on
the 10 yard line, then his player got the ball and fumbled it on the 30 yard
line, and then another player on his team picked up the ball and ran for a
touchdown. It only counted it as a 73 yard fumble. When I fumbled again in
the game my friend recovered the ball again and got tackled right on the
spot. He got to enter his name though for a 73 yard fumble return again
which broke his old record of 73 yards before. Weird.

Returning Kicks In the End Zone
When your kick returner gets a kick in the end zone and brings it out and
gets tackled on say the 20 yard line does it say that the player ran for a
long gain of 43 yards? This happens to me all the time when I'm running out
of the end zone. I don't mind this glitch because it actually helps me get
more return yards then I do.

Passes Caught Out Of Bounds For Touchdowns
I never knew that there was a no foot in the end zone rule for college
football. Well, I know there isn't one in real life but it seems like there
is in this game. Even if you don't have one foot down you can be credited
for a touchdown. The keyword in that sentence is can because it happens
sometimes. If you think you don't have one foot down just check out the
instant replay. I've seen it happen many times where it was clear that my
player wasn't in the touchdown zone.

Onside Kick Not Traveling 10 Yards
Half the time you can recover the ball even though it doesn't go 10 yards.
If you can get it so it works then you will never have to play defense
because you can always kick the onside kick.

Turning Off 25 Second Play Clock
If you turn off the 25 second play clock you can hold the ball for as long
as you want. You can last for 6 seconds on defense before choosing a play.
This is a very cheap way of playing and shouldn't be an option that you can
turn off in the game.

Have you noticed that you can run through the mascots? They won't slow you
down, they won't stop you, and they won't make you change your running
route. I've seen this happen with multiple mascots.

Wrong Calls
I saw this happen twice in the same game. I was one yard from the end zone,
and ran my FB in for a touchdown. The local announcer said I ran for a loss
of two yards. Then, the opposing team got to one yard from the end zone and
made a short pass for a touchdown. The local announcer said it was a pass
for a loss of two yards. This happened to myself plus numerous other

26: Red Shirting
A lot of people e-mail me asking what Red Shirting is. Red Shirting is a
very simple procedure that you need to know about. Red Shirting is signing
someone as a freshman and making them sit out the first year. Even though
they were a freshman and sat out the whole season, the next season they will
still be considered a freshman.

Now why would this be useful?

This is very useful say if you have a senior quarterback who is putting up
good numbers. His back-up is also really good so there's no need to have
another good player on the team if he's just going to sit out. If you red
shirt him, he will play next year and still be a freshman.

Hope this helps.

27: Is Your Game Defective?
I've been getting tons of e-mail of people asking me if there game is
running normal becuase of the following reasons: Remember, if any of these
things happen to you when you are playing, promptly return the game to where
you bought it and get a new version in return.

You know if your game is defective if:
It takes over 30 seconds to load in the initial load up.

You know if your game is defective if:
Your Playstation 2 is constantly scanning throughout the whole game for no
apparent reason.

You know if your game is defective if:
While scanning, your Playstation 2 makes extremely loud noises that it
shouldn't be doing.

You know if your game is defective if:
After every play, you can't get right to the playbook, you have to watch the
little animations.

You know if your game is defective if:
After every play, it takes 5 to 10 seconds to load up the next playbook.

You know if your game is defective if:
After every play, there is severe slowdown which happens all the time.

If this is the case for anyone, return your game. If you have anymore
questions feel free to e-mail me at:

28: Frequently Asked Questions
There are a lot of questions that a lot of people regularly ask about NCAA
Football 2002. Here I have listed those questions and the answers to the

Are there players names in this game?
There are not default college player names but you can change the names of
the players and the announcers will say them correctly. This is a nice
feature that a lot of people overlook.

How many teams can you play with?
You can play with 144 teams. If you think i'm lying count them buddy.

I heard that this game is similiar to Madden 2001. Is that true?
Yes, this game is very similiar to Madden 2001. All the controls in the
game are the same, the graphics are the same (except that the players in
this game are a little bigger), and the gameplay is basically the same
except a little tweaked. If you like Madden 2001, you should love NCAA
Football 2002.

Who does the commentary in this game?
Three guys: Lee Corso, Kirk Herbstreit, and Brad Nessler.

I heard that you can see a Madden 2002 clip in the game. Where at?
Yes, you can see a great Madden 2002 clip when you go to the EA section on
the main screen of the game.

Is there a franchise mode in this game?
Well, it's not called a franchise mode it's called a Dynasty Mode. The
Dynasty Mode is the best part of the game.

Remember the Madden Cards in Madden 2001? Are there anything like that in
this game?
Yeah, and it's basically the same thing. You earn points by completing
passing and things like that.

What's the hardest difficulty level in this game?
It's called Heisman. It's pretty tough but after a while you can hold your

Who endorses NCAA Football 2002?
If you looked at the cover of the box you could see that Florida's State 26
year old quarterback Chris Weinke endorses the game.

When did this game come out?
July 25th 2001

I'm having some problems with this game. Where can I find help?
If you can't find the answer in this guide feel free to e-mail me at

29: Credits
This strategy guide was made 99 percent by me. The only people I would like
to thank is:

GameWinners (

For supplying all the codes for this guide. Without them, there would be no
codes for the game on this guide.

30: Ways Of Contacting Me
There are a few ways that you contact me.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions send them this way. I
will usually respond in 12 hours or less.

AIM: BenjaminCollecta
If you have an urgent thing to say to me feel free to im me. I'm usually
always signed online but sometimes I'm not there. I would like only people
who want to chat with me about NCAA Football 2002 to im me under this sn.
If you have any urgent questions then feel free to IM me here. You might
not get a response though.

Cell Phone:
If you need to call me for some reason feel free to e-mail me and I'll give
you my cell phone number. I'm not going to post it on the guide though
because many people might bug me by calling it. This is for hardcore gamers
who want to chat with me personally.

31: Before You E-mail Me
Please don't e-mail me asking stupid questions or I won't respond. When I
use to write strategy guides under a different name I would get 100's of
e-mails asking the same question which I already answered in my FAQ. Don't
think I'm being mean if I don't respond to your e-mail, it's just that I
have many other FAQs and I get tons of e-mail a day. Also, if you want to
e-mail me about the game please put in the Subject of the email NCAA
Football 2002 so I know what game I'm getting e-mailed about. If I just see
hey or something like that, I might think it's porn and just delete it. Now
if you write an educated e-mail to me, then for sure you will get a
response. Thanks.

32: Legal Information
Basically, for all the people that want to steal my information and put it
on their website, FAQ, or anything like that can't. This document Copyright
2001 DreThug can not be reproduced in any way without written permission
from it's author (DreThug). If you would like to use this strategy guide on
your website please just send me an e-mail at and I will
most likely give you permission to use this guide at your site. Remember
the most updated version of this FAQ can always be found at GameFAQs
( so if you think I haven't updated this guide in a while
you might just be looking at an old version of it. If I find that anyone
copied any of my information you will be screwed.

33: Final Thoughts
NCCA Football 2002 has to be one of my favorite football games ever. I hope
that all of you have learned a lot from this strategy guide after reading
it. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions feel free to e-mail
me at and I'll answer them as soon as possible. I hope
that you enjoyed NCAA Football 2002 as much as I did and I really hoped you
enjoyed this guide even more then the game. Don't worry, next season I will
have a whole new guide for this game along with all my other guides for all
the other sports games I do. Thanks for reading and goodluck!

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Fast 45 Prozent der Teams haben Spieler, die ihren echten Ebenbildern ählich sind.

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Roster Speicherstand. Fast 20 Prozent der Teams sind Namen, Fahigkeiten und Statistiken so ählich eingestellt wie bei den realen Spielern.

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Realistische Rutsch Einstellungen

17.Октябрь 2013
Alle Karten.

17.Октябрь 2013
Realistische Einstellungen

17.Октябрь 2013
Roster Speicherstand. Alle Spieler haben die Namen, Fähigkeiten und Statistiken die ihrer Realen Ebenbildern ählich sind.

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In-Depth Guide UCLA Roster mit Namen

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Komplette Namen

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NCAA Football 2002 Fix

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