14.10.2013 18:14:08

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Version 1.3

====Table of Contents====

I. Disclaimer
II. What is SSX?
III. Riders
IV. Venues
V. Credits
VI. Version Updates
VII. Misc Comments

I. Disclaimer

I used to skip this section of a FAQ before, but now that its me writing this
one I see all the hard work that goes into making one. Even though this wasn't
as tough as some of the other ones, there was alot of typing involved and many
hours spend on this FAQ. So the rules are simple. You are free to use this FAQ
to help you in your game. But please don't steal it and say that you wrote it.
Yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah. If you're a webmaster and want to put this on
your FAQ on your site please email me and ask for permission. Also if you have
something to contribute to the FAQ please sent it to with the subject as SSX Info, if not it will
probably end up in the trash. Now one last thing my time is very limited and I
don't have time to teach everyone how to play this game. This may sound harsh
but after my last FAQ (Ultima Ascention) I got flooded with questions that
could easily have been answered just by reading the game manual!! So before you
email me with a question, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THE MANUAL!! With that said
I hope you find this FAQ informative.

II. What is SSX

SSX is a snowboarding racing game that delivers knee-pounding, board-clattering
rides on the wildest runs ever imagined. No matter how yo carve it, you're
hauling tail with some of the sickest speed freaks to ever hit the snow. Push
the edges, hang off ledges, and stomp killer jumps in an insane push to the
finish line.

This is taken straight from the horse's mouth, The SSX manual.

III. Riders

All Riders starts out with 2 of there 4 outfits, to get the third outfit you
need to complete all 20 of the tricks in your trick book with a Green Circle
next to it. For their fourth outfit you need to complete all 20 of the tricks
in your trick book with a Blue Square next to it. Completing all 10 tricks in
your trick book with the Black Diamond yeilds you a halo effect on the
character selection screen.

E : Edging
SP : Speed
ST : Stability
T : Tricks
F : Freestyle
A : Alpine
B : BX
S : Square button
FF : Front Flip
BF : Back Flip
^ : Push the D-pad or the Left Stick forward
v : Push the D-pad or the Left Stick backward

Note: All buttons are to be press at the same time UNLESS there is a to
seperating the commands then you press the first set then the second set. I.E.
L1 R1 to R1 L2 means first press L1 and R1 then press R1 and L2.

A. Mac

|Board Name/Rank needed to get | E | SP | ST | T | F | A | B |
|Weiner/Start With |10/21| 9/22|14/28|16/32| * | | |
|Devilstick/Start With |10/21| 9/22|14/28|16/32| * | | |
|Razorwire/Rookie |11/22|10/23|14/28|17/33| * | | |
|BooBoo/Sensei |11/22|11/24|15/29|18/34| * | | |
|Spirit/Contender |12/23|12/25|16/30|16/32| | * | |
|Benjamin/Natural |12/23|11/24|16/30|19/35| * | | |
|Buzzsaw/Star |13/24|12/25|16/30|18/34| | | * |
|AnimMac/Veteran |13/24|13/26|17/31|19/35| * | | |
|Velocity/Champ |13/24|13/26|17/31|19/35| * | | |
|Wildwest/Superstar |13/24|13/26|17/31|19/35| * | | |
|Interrupting Pirate/Master |14/25|13/26|17/31|19/35| * | | |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Green Circle | Move |
|Stiffy Air |L1 R1 |
|Stalemaskey |R1 L2 |
|Slob Air |R1 R2 L2 |
|Experimental Air |L1 L2 R1 R2 |
|Nose Bleed Air |L1 L2 S |
|Meetballed Spaghetti Air |L1 R1 R2 S |
|Tail Grab Air |R1 R2 |
|Swiss Cheese Air |L1 R2 |
|Spaghetti Air |L1 R1 R2 |
|Holy Crail Air |L2 R2 L1 S |
|360 Flying Squirrel |<-or->360 L2 R2 |
|Tail Grab to Late Stiffy Air |R1 R2 to L1 R1 |
|Swiss Cheese to Late Stalemaskey |L1 R2 to L2 R1 |
|Lein to Late Tail Grab |L1 L2 R1 to R1 R2 |
|Spaghetti to Late Crail Air |R1 R2 L1 to L1 L2 R2 |
|Slob to Late Experimental Air |R1 R2 L2 to L1 L2 R1 R2|
|360 Mute |<-or->360 L1 |
|360 Swiss Cheese |<-or->360 L1 R2 |
|180 Nose Grab |<-or->180 L1 L2 |
|Slob to Late Flying Squirrel Air |R1 R2 L2 to L2 R2 |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Blue Square | Move |
|FF Swiss Cheese To Late Fresh Stalemaskey |^360 L1 R2 to R1 L2 S |
|Misty |<-or->540^360 |
|720 Tail Wag |<-or->720 R1 R2 S |
|Back Flip 360 Fresh Stalemaskey |<-or->360v360 R1 L2 S |
|Front Flip Tail Grab |^360 R1 R2 |
|Front Flip 180 Slob |<-or->180^360 L2 R1 R2 |
|Front Flip 180 Iffy Stiffy |<-or->180^360 R1 L1 S |
|720 Ripe Swiss Cheese |<-or->720 L1 R2 S |
|900 Iffy Stiffy |<-or->900 L1 R1 S |
|Back Flip Mean Lein |v360 L1 L2 R1 S |
|Front Flip 360 Mean Lein to Late Spaghetti |<-or->360^360 L1 R1 L2S|
| | to L1 R1 R2 |
| | |
|Back Flip 360 Unethical Experimental to Slob|<-or->360v360 |
| |L1 L2 R1 R2 S to |
| |L2 R2 R1 |
|Misty 720 Experimental |<-or->720^360 L1L2R1R2 |
|900 Tail Wag to Late Nose Bleed |<-or->900 |
| | R1 R2 S to |
| | L1 L2 S |
|Front Flip 360 Method Madness to |<-or->360^360 L2 S |
| Late Holy Crail | to L2 R2 L1 S |
| | |
|1260 Sinful Indy |<-or->1260 R1 S |
|Misty 720 Crail |<-or->720^360 L1 L2 R2 |
|Rodeo |<-or->540v360 |
|Misty Tail Grab |<-or->540^360 R1 R2 |
|1080 Swiss Cheese |<-or->1080 L1 R2 |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Black Diamond | Move |
|Rodeo 720 Nose Grab to Late Iffy Stiffy |<-or->720v360 L1 L2 |
| | to L1 R1 S |
| | |
|Misty 720 Experimental to |<-or->720^360 |
| Late Ripe Swiss Cheese | L1 L2 R1 R2 to |
| | L1 R2 S |
|Double BF 720 Skinned Flying Squirrel to |<-or->720v720 |
|Late Indy | L2 R2 S to |
| | R1 |
|Double Rodeo Holy Crail |<-or->1080v720 |
| | L2 R2 L1 S |
| | |
|Rodeo Stiffy to Late Flying Squirrel |<-to->540v360 R1 L1 |
| | to R1 L2 |
| | |
|Rodeo 900 Sinful Indy to Late Method |<-or->900v360 R1 S |
| | to L2 |
| | |
|Rodeo 1440 |<-or->1440v360 |
|Horrifying 1080 |<-or->1080^360 |
|Misty 1260 Tail Grab to Late Nose Grab |<-or->1060^360 R1 R2 |
| | to L1 L2 |
| | |
|Double Misty Swiss Cheese |<-or->1080^720 L1 R2 |

B. Moby

|Board Name/Rank needed to get | E | SP | ST | T | F | A | B |
|Plasmatic/Start With |10/21| 9/22|14/28|16/32| | | * |
|Patriot/Start With |10/21| 9/22|14/28|16/32| | | * |
|Cutting/Rookie |11/22|10/23|14/28|17/33| | | * |
|Entomology/Sensei |11/22|11/24|15/29|18/34| | | * |
|Essence/Contender |12/23|12/25|16/30|16/32| * | | |
|Green Blade/Natural |12/23|11/24|16/30|19/35| | | * |
|Kinoptic/Star |13/24|12/25|16/30|18/34| | * | |
|AnimMoby/Veteran |13/24|13/26|17/31|19/35| | | * |
|Datum/Champ |13/24|13/26|17/31|19/35| | | * |
|Sloppy Bite/Superstar |13/24|13/26|17/31|19/35| | | * |
|Bloo Goo/Master |14/25|13/26|17/31|19/35| | | * |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Green Circle | Move |
|Stiffy Air |L1 R1 |
|Flying Squirrel |L2 R2 |
|Canadian Bacon |L1 R1 R2 |
|Crail Air |L1 R1 L2 |
|Rocket Air |L2 R2 R1 |
|Japan Air |L2 R2 L1 |
|Rubber Chicken Salad Air |L1 R2 S |
|Iffy Stiffy Air |L1 R1 S |
|Canadian Back Bacon Air |L1 R1 R2 S |
|360 Spin |<-or->360 |
|Unethical Experimental |L1 L2 R1 R2 S |
|Back Flip |v360 |
|540 Canadian Bacon |<-or->540 L1 R2 R1 |
|540 Indy |<-or->540 R1 |
|180 Nose Grab to Tail Grab |<-or->180 L1 L2to R1 R2|
|Front Flip |^360 |
|720 Spin |<-or->720 |
|Back Flip Stalefish |<-or->360 R2 |
|360 Mute |<-or->360 L1 |
|360 Skinned Flying Squirrel |<-or->360 L2 R2 S |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Blue Square | Move |
|540 Canadian Back Bacon |<-or->540 L1 R1 R2 S |
|Misty |<-or->540^360 |
|900 Nose Bleed |<-or->900 L1 L2 S |
|720 Tail Wag |<-or->720 R1 R2 S |
|Back Flip Mutation |v360 L1 S |
|Front Flip Rocket Booster |^360 L2 R1 R2 S |
|720 Iffy Stiffy |<-or->720 L1 R1 S |
|540 Stalemaskey to Chicken Salad |<-or->540 R1 L2to L1 R2|
|Front Flip Made in Japan |^360 L1 L2 R2 S |
|900 Holy Crail |<-or->900 L1 L2 R1 S |
|Rodeo |<-or->540v360 |
|900 Stalemaskey |<-or->900 R1 L2 |
|900 Skinned Flying Squirrel |<-or->900 L2 R2 S |
|Rodeo Filet O'Stalefish |<-or->540v360 R2 S |
|Front Flip 360 Iffy Stiffy |<-or->360^360 L1 R1 S |
|1260 Stalemaskey |<-or->1260 R1 L2 |
|1080 Sinful Indy |<-or->1080 R1 S |
|Double Back Flip Method Madness |v720 L2 S |
|Misty Nose Bleed |<-or->540^360 L1 L2 S |
|Rodeo Skinned Flying Squirrel |<-or->540v360 L2 R2 S |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Black Diamond | Move |
|Back Flip 360 Fresh Stalemaskey |<-or->360v360 R1 L2 S |
|Front Flip 360 Method Madness to |<-or->360^360 L2 S |
| Late Made in Japan | to L2 R2 L1 S |
| | |
|Misty 720 Experimental |<-or->720^360 |
| | L1 L2 R1 R2 |
| | |
|900 Rubber Chicken Salad |<-or->900 L1 R2 S |
| | |
| | |
|Back Flip to Late Combo Grab |<-or->360v360 |
| | to R2 to R1 to R2 to |
| | L1 to L2 |
|Double Back Flip Flying Squirrel to |v720 L2 R2 to R1 S |
| Late Sinful Indy | |
| | |
|Full on 900 Stalefish |<-or->900^720 R2 |
|Misty 720 Experimental to |<-or->720^360 |
| Late Rubber Chicken Salad |L1 L2 R1 R2 to |
| |L1 R2 S |
|Double Rodeo Chicken Salad to |<-or->1080v720 L1 R2 |
| Late Filet O'Stalefish |to R2 S |
| | |
|900 Tail Wag to Late Nose Bleed |<-or->900 R1 R2 S |
| | to L1 L2 S |
| | |

C. Elise

|Board Name/Rank needed to get | E | SP | ST | T | F | A | B |
|Kamoniwana/Start With |15/32|14/29|12/20|10/24| | | * |
|Angel/Start With |15/32|14/29|12/20|10/24| | | * |
|Smooth Maker/Rookie |16/33|15/30|13/21|11/25| | | * |
|Butterfly High/Sensei |17/34|16/31|13/21|11/25| | | * |
|Twin Colours/Contender |15/31|17/32|14/22|10/24| | * | |
|Buttercup/Natural |18/36|17/32|14/22|12/26| | | * |
|Baby Doll/Star |16/33|15/30|15/23|14/28| * | | |
|Eliseanime/Veteran |18/35|17/32|15/23|13/27| | | * |
|First Date/Champ |18/35|17/32|15/23|13/27| | | * |
|Last Date/Superstar |18/35|17/32|15/23|13/27| | | * |
|Snobubbles/Master |18/35|17/32|16/24|14/28| | | * |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Green Circle | Move |
|Tail Grab Air |L1 L2 |
|Iguana Air |L1 R1 |
|Japan Air |R1 L2 |
|Crail Air |L1 R1 R2 |
|Canadian Bacon Air |L2 R2 R1 |
|Experimental Air |L1 L2 R1 R2 |
|Sinful Indy |L2 S |
|Tail Wag Air |L1 L2 S |
|Holy Crail Air |L1 R1 R2 S |
|Mean Lein Air |L1 R1 L2 S |
|360 Iffy Stiffy |<-or->360 L2 R2 S |
|360 Nosebleed to Late Tail Grab |<-or->360 |
| | R1 R2 to L1 L2 |
| | |
|720 Tail Grab |<-or->720 L1 L2 |
|Back Flip Stalefish to Late Indy |v360 L1 to L2 |
|360 Roast Beef Jerky Air |<-or->360 L1 L2 R2 S |
|540 Spin |<-or->540 |
|360 Canadian Back Bacon |<-or->360 L2 R1 R2 S |
|Back Flip 360 |<-or->360v360 |
|Front Flip 360 |<-or->360^360 |
|360 Stalefish |<-or->360 L1 |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Blue Square | Move |
|720 Stalefish to Late Mute |<-or->720 L1 to R2 |
|Misty |<-or->540^360 |
|Rodeo |<-or->540v360 |
|Back Flip 360 Method Madness |<-or->360v360 R1 S |
|900 Iguana |<-or->900 R1 L1 |
|Misty Tail Grab |<-or->540^360 L1 L2 |
|Back Flip 360 Stalefish to Late Indy |<-or->360v360 L1 to L2 |
|720 Japan |<-or->720 L2 R1 |
|Back Flip Canadian Bacon |v360 L2 R1 R2 |
|Front Flip 180 Stiffy |<-or->180^360 L2 R2 |
|Double Front Flip Mutation Air |^720 R2 S |
|900 Method to Late Combo Grab |<-or->900 R1 to R2to L2|
|Misty Rocket |<-or->540^360 L1 R2 |
|900 Experimental |<-or->900 L1 L2 R1 R2 |
|Rodeo Tail Grab |<-or->540v360 L1 L2 |
|Front Flip 360 Japan to Late Rocket |<-or->360^360 L2 R1 |
| | to R2 L1 |
| | |
|Misty Mute |<-or->540^360 R2 |
|900 Indy |<-or->900 L2 |
|Back Flip 360 Mute to Late Indy |<-or->360v360 R2 to L2 |
|Back Flip 360 Nose Grab |<-or->360v360 R1 R2 |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Black Diamond | Move |
|1080 Mutation to Late Sinful Indy |<-or->1080 R2 S to L2 S|
|Full on 900 |<-or->900^720 |
|1080 Unethical Experimental |<-or->1080 L1 L2 R1 R2S|
|Double Rodeo Experimental |<-or->1080v720 L1L2R1R2|
|Double Misty Method to Late Indy |<-or->1080^720 R1 to L2|
|1080 Lein |<-or->1080 L1 L2 R1 |
|Misty 900 |<-or->900^360 |
|Double Back Flip Experimental |v720 L1 L2 R1 R2 |
|Misty 720 Holy Crail |<-or->720^360 L1 R1 R2S|
|Misty 1080 |<-or->1080^360 |

D. Kaori

|Board Name/Rank needed to get | E | SP | ST | T | F | A | B |
|Neo Vixen/Start With | 9/23| 9/24|13/21|15/32| * | | |
|Lady Love Bug/Start With | 9/23| 9/24|13/21|15/32| * | | |
|Sky Hopper/Rookie |10/24|10/25|13/21|16/33| * | | |
|Moo Moo 22/Sensei |10/24|11/26|14/22|17/34| * | | |
|Alpha/Contender |12/26|12/27|14/22|15/32| | | * |
|Princes Pie/Natural |11/25|11/26|15/23|18/35| * | | |
|Corporate/Star |12/26|12/27|15/23|17/34| | | * |
|Kaori-Animai/Veteran |12/26|13/28|16/24|18/35| * | | |
|Banana Peeler/Champ |12/26|13/28|16/24|18/35| * | | |
|Sumo Thick Stick/Superstar |12/26|13/28|16/24|18/35| * | | |
|Perpa Traiter/Master |13/27|13/28|16/24|18/35| * | | |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Green Circle | Move |
|Flying Squirrel Air |L2 R2 |
|Stalefish Air |R2 |
|Stiffy Air |L1 R1 |
|Nuclear Air |L1 R2 |
|Crail Air |L1 R1 R2 |
|Japan Air |L2 R2 R1 |
|Canadian Bacon Air |L1 R1 R2 S |
|Rocket Booster |L1 L2 R2 S |
|Gleeful Melancholy |L2 R1 S |
|Holy Crail Air |L1 L2 R1 S |
|360 Nuclear Reactor |<-or->360 L1 R2 S |
|540 Sinful Indy |<-or->540 R1 S |
|Experimental to Late Canadian Bacon Air |L1 L2 R1 R2 to L1 R1 R2|
|360 Flying Squirrel |<-or->360 L2 R2 |
|Back Flip |v360 |
|360 Tail Grab |<-or->360 R1 R2 |
|Front Flip |^360 |
|Back Flip Mute |v360 L1 |
|360 Canadian Bacon |<-or->360 L1 R1 R2 |
|Canadian Bacon to Late Japan |L1 R1 R2 to L2 R1 R2 |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Blue Square | Move |
|Front Flip Nuclear |^360 L1 R2 |
|720 Flying Squirrel |<-or->720 L2 R2 |
|720 Melancholy |<-or->720 L2 R1 |
|Front Flip 360 |<-or->360^360 |
|Back Flip Indy |v360 R1 |
|Front Flip Japan |^360 L2 R1 R2 |
|720 Stiffy |<-or->720 L1 R1 |
|540 Unethical Experimental |<-or->540 L1 L2 R1 R2 S|
|540 Rocket |<-or->540 L1 L2 R2 |
|720 Canadian Bacon |<-or->720 L1 R1 R2 |
|Back Flip 360 Nose Grab |<-or->360v360 L1 L2 |
|900 Melancholy to Late Nuclear |<-or->900 R1 L2to L1 R2|
|900 Nose Bleed |<-or->900 L1 L2 S |
|Back Flip Unethical Experimental |v360 L1 L2 R1 R2 S |
|900 Canadian Back Bacon |<-or->360 L1 R1 R2 S |
|900 Stiffy to Late Flying Squirrel |<-or->900 L1 R1to L2 R2|
|Rodeo |<-or->540v360 |
|Front Flip Tail Grab |^360 R1 R2 |
|900 Stiffy |<-or->900 L1 R1 |
|Back Flip 360 Gleeful Melancholy |<-or->360v360 L2 R1 S |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Black Diamond | Move |
|Misty Canadian Back Bacon |<-or->540^360 R1 R2 L1S|
|Misty Canadian Bacon to Late Japan |<-or->540^360 R1 R2 L1 |
| | to L2 R1 R2 |
| | |
|Rodeo Tail Grab to Late Nose Bleed |<-or->540v360 R1 R2 |
| | to L1 L2 S |
| | |
|Misty Japan to Late Combo Grab |<-or->540^360 R1 R2 L2 |
| | to R2 to L2 R2 |
| | |
|Misty Unethical Experimental to |<-or->540^360 |
| Late Melancholy | L1 L2 R1 R2 S |
| | to R1 L2 |
|900 Unethical Experimental to |<-or->900 L1 L2 R1 R2 S|
| Late Made in Japan | to L2 R1 R2 S |
| | |
|Double Front Flip 720 Experimental |<-or->720^720 |
| | L1 L2 R1 R2 |
| | |
|Rodeo Melancholy to Late Nuclear |<-or->540v360 L2 R1 |
| | to L1 R2 |
| | |
|Double Misty Melancholy |<-or->1080^720 L2 R1 |
|Double Rodeo Canadian Bacon to Late Japan |<-or->1080v720 L1 R1 R2|
| | to L2 R1 R2 |
| | |


|Board Name/Rank needed to get | E | SP | ST | T | F | A | B |
|Red Base/Start With |12/24| 9/26|13/32| 8/16| | | * |
|German Scissor/Start With |12/24| 9/26|13/32| 8/16| | | * |
|Otis/Rookie |12/24|10/27|14/33| 9/17| | | * |
|Metaplate/Sensei |13/25|11/28|14/33|10/18| | | * |
|Alpenshusser/Contender |14/26|12/29|13/32| 9/17| | * | |
|Chaotic Crippler/Natural |14/26|12/29|15/34|11/19| | | * |
|Corporate/Star |15/27|13/30|14/33|10/18| | * | |
|Jurganim/Veteran |15/27|13/30|16/35|12/20| | | * |
|Alonic/Champ |15/27|13/30|16/35|12/20| | | * |
|The Boot/Superstar |15/27|13/30|16/35|12/20| | | * |
|Hairsuit/Master |15/27|13/30|16/35|12/20| | | * |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Green Circle | Move |
|Mute Air |L1 |
|Tailgrab Air |R1 R2 |
|Stiffy Air |L1 R1 |
|Flying Squirrel |L2 R2 |
|Crail Air |L1 R1 R2 |
|Slob Air |L1 R1 R2 |
|Rocket Air |L2 R2 L1 |
|Method Madness Air |L2 S |
|Mutation Air |L1 S |
|Skinned Flying Squirrel Air |L2 R2 S |
|540 Crail |<-or->540 L1 R1 R2 |
|Unethical Experimental |L1 L2 R1 R2 |
|360 Nuclear |<-or->360 L1 R2 |
|180 Rocket Booster |<-or->180 L1 L2 R2 S |
|Back Flip |v360 |
|540 Stalefish |<-or->540 R2 |
|180 Lein to Late Nuclear |<-or->180 R1L2 to L1R2 |
|360 Stiffy |<-or->360 L1 R1 |
|360 Tailwag |<-or->360 R1 R2 S |
|Front Flip |^360 |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Blue Square | Move |
|720 Experimental |<-or->720 L1 L2 R1 R2 |
|720 Iffy Stiffy |<-or->720 L1 R1 S |
|900 Method Madness |<-or->900 L2 S |
|Backflip Mutation |v360 L1 S |
|Front Flip Made in Japan |^360 R1 R2 L2 S |
|900 Flying Squirrel |<-or->900 L2 R2 |
|720 Slob Air |<-or->720 L1 L2 R1 |
|Front Flip Lein |^360 R1 L2 |
|Back Flip Rocket |v360 L1 L2 R2 |
|1080 Spin |<-or->1080 |
|900 Tailwag |<-or->900 R1 R2 S |
|Misty |<-or->540^360 |
|Rodeo |<-or->540v360 |
|Misty Nuclear Reactor |<-or->540^360 L1 R2 S |
|Front Flip 360 Experimental to Late Slob |<-or->360^360 |
| | L1 L2 R1 R2 |
| | to L1 L2 R1 |
|Rodeo Holy Crail |<-or->540v360 L1R1R2 S |
|Rodeo Mutation |<-or->540v360 L1 S |
|Front Flip 360 Rocket Booster |<-or->360^360 L1L2R2 S |
|Misty Holy Crail |<-or->540^360 L1R1R2 S |
|Rodeo Unethical Experimental |<-or->540v360 L1L2R1R2S|


|Board Name/Rank needed to get | E | SP | ST | T | F | A | B |
|Showstopper/Start With | 7/24|12/23|14/25|15/30| * | | |
|Jetsetter/Start With | 7/24|12/23|14/25|15/30| * | | |
|Magnate/Rookie | 8/25|13/24|14/25|16/31| * | | |
|Eurotech/Sensei | 8/25|14/25|15/26|17/32| * | | |
|Suave/Contender |10/27|13/24|15/26|17/32| | | * |
|Resonance/Natural | 9/26|14/25|16/27|18/33| * | | |
|Chaos Crippler/Star |10/27|15/26|16/27|17/32| | | * |
|Jp Egoanim/Veteren |10/27|16/27|17/28|18/33| * | | |
|Hucker Special/Champ |10 27|16/27|17/28|18/33| * | | |
|Big Poppa/Superstar |10/27|16/27|17/28|18/33| * | | |
|Crazy Ates/Master |11/27|16/27|17/28|18/33| * | | |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Green Circle | Move |
|Stalefish |R2 |
|Mute |L1 |
|Roast Beef |L1 R2 |
|Rocket |L2 R1 R1 |
|Iguana |R1 L1 L2 |
|Japan |R2 L1 L2 |
|Tail Wag |R1 R2 S |
|Roast Beef Jerky |L1 R2 S |
|Rocket Booster Air |L2 R1 R2 S |
|180 Method |<-or->180 L2 |
|540 Tailgrab |<-or->540 R1 R2 |
|540 Spin |<-or->540 |
|360 Indy |<-or->360 R1 |
|180 Nosegrab |<-or->180 L1 L2 |
|360 Roast Beef |<-or->360 L1 R2 |
|180 Lein |<-or->180 L2 R1 |
|540 Crail |<-or->540 L1 R1 R2 |
|Backflip |v360 |
|Nosegrab to Tail Wag |L1 L2 to R1 R2 S |
|720 Spin |<-or->720 |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Blue Square | Move |
|900 Spin |<-or->900 |
|360 Backflip |<-or->360v360 |
|FF Roast Beef to Late Tail Grab |^360 L1 R2 to R1 R2 |
|720 Flying Squirrel |<-or->720 L2 R2 |
|Front Flip Indy |^360 R1 |
|720 Nose Grab |<-or->720 L1 L2 |
|FF 360 Flying Squirrel |<-or->360^360 L2 R2 |
|Misty 720 |<-or->720^360 |
|Back Flip Stiffy |v360 L1 R1 |
|720 Crail |<-or->720 L1 R1 R2 |
|Misty |<-or->540^360 |
|900 Iguana |<-or->900 R1 L1 L2 |
|FF 360 Lein to Late Stalefish |<-or->360^360 L2R1to R2|
|Rodeo |<-or->540v360 |
|900 Roast Beef Jerky |<-or->900 L1 R2 S |
|BF 180 Experimental to Late Crail |<-or->180v360 L1L2R1R2 |
| |to L1 R1 R2 |
|900 Flying Squirrel to Late Stiffy |<-or->900 L2R2 to L1R1 |
|BF 360 Nosegrab to Late Mute |<-or->360v360 L1L2 toL1|
|Rodeo Lein |<-or->540v360 L2 R1 |
|Front Flip 360 Nosebleed |<-or->360^360 L1 R2 S |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Black Diamond | Move |
|Misty 1260 |<-or->1260^360 |
|Double Rodeo Mute |<-or->1080v720 L1 |
|Misty 720 Experimental |<-or->720^360 L1L2R1R2 |
|Montezuma 1260 |<-or->1260v720 |
|Rodeo Roast Beef to Late Lein |<-or->540v360 |
| | L1 R2 to |
| | L2 R1 |
|Front Flip Unethical Experimental |<-or->360^360 L1L2R1R2S|
|to Late Experimental |to L1L2R1R2 |
| | |
|Front Flip 360 Experimental to Late Tailgrab|<-or->360^360 L1L2R1R2 |
| |to R1 R2 |
| | |
|Misty 1080 Rocket |<-or->1080^360 L2 R1 R2|
|Rodeo 720 Nosegrab to Late Iffy Stiffy |<-or->720v360 L1 L2 to |
| |L1 R1 S |
| | |
|Triple Front Flip Method |^1080 L2 |


|Board Name/Rank needed to get | E | SP | ST | T | F | A | B |
|Seratonim/Start With |12/27|11/26|13/25|13/25| | | * |
|Anarchy/Start With |12/27|11/26|13/25|13/25| | | * |
|Badgirl/Rookie |12/27|12/27|14/26|14/26| | | * |
|Lethium Surprise/Sensei |13/28|13/28|14/26|15/27| | | * |
|Plastic U/Contender |12/27|14/29|15/27|17/29| * | | |
|Alien Blue/Natural |14/29|14/29|15/27|16/28| | | * |
|Chaos/Star |13/28|13/28|15/27|17/29| * | | |
|Zoenim/Veteren |15/30|15/30|16/28|17/29| | | * |
|Atomic Crush/Champ |15/30|15/30|16/28|17/29| | | * |
|Bomb Dropper/Superstar |15/30|15/30|16/28|17/29| | | * |
|Righteous Path/Master |15/30|15/30|16/28|17/29| | | * |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Green Circle | Move |
|Indy |R1 |
|Stalefish |R2 |
|Tail Grab Air |R1 R2 |
|Stiffy |L1 R1 |
|Flying Squirrel Air |L2 R2 |
|Melancholy Air |R1 L2 |
|Japan Air |L1 R1 L2 |
|Experimental |L1 L2 R1 R2 |
|Tail Wag Air |R1 R2 S |
|Holy Crail Air |L1 R1 R2 S |
|Back Flip |v360 |
|540 Japan |<-or->540 L2 L1 R1 |
|720 Spin |<-or->720 |
|540 Indy |<-or->540 R1 |
|Back Flip Japan |v360 L2 L1 R1 |
|540 Stiffy |<-or->540 L1 R1 |
|Front Flip Crail |^360 L1 R1 R2 |
|Front Flip |^360 |
|540 Experimental |<-or->540 L1 L2 R1 R2 |
|180 Swiss Cheese |<-or->180 L2 R2 L1 |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Blue Square | Move |
|Back Flip 360 Crail |<-or->360v360 L1 R1 R2 |
|720 Gleeful Melancholy |<-or->720 L2 R1 S |
|Front Flip 360 Sinful Indy |<-or->360^360 R1 S |
|1080 Spin |<-or->1080 |
|900 Swiss Cheese |<-or->900 L2 R2 L1 |
|Front Flip Tail Grab |^360 R1 R2 |
|Front Flip 360 Flying Squirrel |<-or->360^360 L2 R2 |
|900 Spin Tail Wag |<-or->900 R1 R2 S |
|Back Flip 1080 Roast Beef |<-or->1080v360 L1 R2 |
|Back Flip Unethical Experimental |v360 L1 L2 R1 R2 |
|900 Stiffy |<-or->900 L1 |
|Misty |<-or->540^360 |
|900 Skinned Flying Squirrel |<-or->900 L2 R2 S |
|Back Flip 360 Nosebleed |<-or->360v360 L1 L2 S |
|720 Holy Crail Air |<-or->720 L1 R1 R2 S |
|Rodeo |<-or->540v360 |
|Rodeo Iffy Stiffy |<-or->540v360 L1 R1 S |
|900 Roast Beef Jerky |<-or->900 L1 R2 S |
|Misty Tail Grab |<-or->540^360 R1 R2 |
|Front Flip 360 Indy to Late Mute |<-or->360^360 R1 to L1 |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Black Diamond | Move |
|Back Flip Tail Grab to Late Nose Bleed |v360 R1 R2 TO L1 L2 S |
|1080 Tail Wag to Late Nose Bleed |<-or->1080 R1 R2 S to |
| |L1 L2 S |
| | |
|Front Flip 360 Method Madness |<-or->360^360 L2 S |
|to Late Made in Japan | to L2 R1 L1 S |
| | |
|Double Back Flip Skinned Flying Squirrel |v720 R2 L2 S to R1 |
|to Late Indy | |
| | |
|Double Front Flip Iffy Stiffy |^720 L1 R1 S to R2 |
|to Late Stalefish | |
| | |
|Rodeo 900 Experimental to Late Iffy Stiffy |<-or->900v360 L1L2R1R2 |
| | to R2 S |
| | |
|Tripped Out 900 Tail Grab |<-or->900v720 R1 R2 |
|Full On 900 Made in Japan |<-or->900^720 L1L2R1 S |
|Misty 720 Swiss Cheese |<-or->720^360 L2R2L1 |
|to Late Gleeful Melancholy | to L2 R1 S |
| | |
|Rodeo 720 Nose Grab to Late Made in Japan |<-or->720v360 L1 L2 |
| | to L1 R1 L2 S |
| | |


There is no mistake in his trick book, this is how it was in the game.

|Board Name/Rank needed to get | E | SP | ST | T | F | A | B |
|Absolute Zero/Start With |14/29|16/32| 8/20| 9/19| | * | |
|Titanium TX/Start With |14/29|16/32| 8/20| 9/19| | * | |
|Graphiter/Rookie |15/30|17/33| 9/21|10/20| | * | |
|Shotgun Slinger/Sensei |16/31|18/34| 9/21|10/20| | * | |
|Magnate Split/Contender |14/29|16/32|10/22|13/23| * | | |
|SSX Chromium/Natural |17/32|19/35|10/22|11/21| | * | |
|Corporate/Star |15/30|17/33|11/23|13/23| | * | |
|Hiranimo C-Type/Veteren |15/30|17/33|11/23|13/23| | * | |
|Metal Opus/Champ |15/30|17/33|11/23|13/23| | * | |
|Technician AK/Superstar |15/30|17/33|11/23|13/23| | * | |
|Sunflakez/Master |17/32|19/35|12/24|13/23| | * | |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Green Circle | Move |
|Stiffy Air |L2 |
|Flying Squirrel |L1 L2 |
|Canadian Bacon |L1 R2 |
|Crail |L2 R2 R1 |
|Rocket |L1 L2 R1 R2 |
|Japan |R1 S |
|Rubber Chicken Salad Air |R1 L2 S |
|Iffy Stiffy Air |L1 L2 R1 S |
|Canadian Bacon Air |L1 L2 R1 R2 S |
|360 Spin |<-or->360 |
|Unethical Experimental Air |<-or->360 R1 S |
|Back Flip |<-or->360 R1 R2 L1 L2 |
|540 Canadian Bacon Air |<-or->180 L2 R2 S |
|540 Indy |<-or->180 R2 to L1 |
|180 Nose Grab to Tail Grab |^360 R1 |
|Front Flip |<-or->360 R1 L1 |
|720 Spin |<-or->360 L1 L2 R1 S |
|Back Flip Stalefish |<-or->360 L1L2R1R2 S |
|360 Mute |v360 |
|360 Skinned Flying Squirrel |^360 |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Blue Square | Move |
|540 Canadian Back Bacon |v360 R2 L2 S |
|Misty |<-or->540 L1 R2 |
|900 Nosebleed |<-or->720 L1R2 to R1L2S|
|720 Tail Wag |<-or->360v360 R1R2StoL2|
|Back Flip Mutation |^360 R1 L2 |
|Front Flip Rocket Booster |<-or->360v360 |
|720 Iffy Stiffy |<-or->1080 |
|540 Stalemaskey to Chicken Salad |<-or->360 L1 R2 S |
|Front Flip Made in Japan |<-or->720 R2 |
|900 Holy Crail |R1 R2 S to L1 L2 S |
|Rodeo |<-or->360v360 L1 R1 |
|900 Stalemaskey |<-or->360^360 R1 R2 to |
| | L1 R1 R2 S |
|900 Skinned Flying Squirrel |<-or->360^360 L1 R1 to |
| |L1 R2 R2 S |
|Rodeo Filet O'Stalefish |<-or->720 L1 R1 R2 to |
| |L1 L2 R1 S |
|Front Flip 360 Iffy Stiffy |<-or->360^360 L2 S |
|1260 Stalemaskey |<-or->540^360 |
|1080 Sinful Indy |<-or->540v360 |
|Double Back Flip Method Madness |<-or->720v360 |
|Misty Nosebleed |^360 L1 L2 R1 R2 S |
|Rodeo Skinned Flying Squirrel |v720 L1 L2 R2 |

|Trick Name -+-+-+-+- Black Diamond | Move |
|Back Flip 360 Fresh Stalemaskey |^720 L1 L2 R1 R2 S |
|Front Flip 360 Method Madness to |900 R1 R2 S to L1 L2 S |
|Late Made in Japan | |
| | |
|Misty 720 Experimental |<-or->720^720 L1L2R1R2 |
| | to L1 R1 S |
| | |
|900 Rubber Chicken Salad |v1080 |
| | |
| | |
|Back Flip 360 Stalefish to Late Combo Grab |<-or->540v360 R1 R2 S |
|Double Back Flip Flying Squirrel to |<-or->360 L1 L2 S to |
|Late Sinful Indy |R1 R2 S |
| | |
|Full On 900 Stalefish |<-or->360^720 L2 S |
|Misty 720 Experimental to |v720 L1 L2 R1 R2 to |
|Late Rubber Chichken Salad |L1 R2 S |
| | |
|Double Rodeo Chicken Salad to |<-or->720^720 R1 S to |
|Late Filet O'Stalefish |L1 L2 R1 R2 |
| | |
|900 Tail Wag to Late Nosebleed |<-or->1080v720 |
| | |
| | |

IV. Venues

There are 3 different things to do in Single Event One Player mode besides the
Warmup. They are Race, Showoff and Freeride. Race is where you go against 1-5
computer controlled players and you'll race on tracks that you've unlocked in
the World Circuit. Here is the order of the tracks:

Snow Dreams -> Elysium Alps -> Merquny City Meltdown -> Mesa Blanca -> Tokyo
Megaplex -> Aloha Ice Jam

Only the first 2 are opened to start with. You need to win a metal in each of
the races starting with Elysium Alps. I guess Snow Dreams is just for fun!

Note: This was sent in by Michael Dungan (This applies to the World Circuit)

Snowdream isn't just for fun. You need to get a medal on it
to open up Elysium Alps. The Alps are open for freeriding
when you first start, but you need to get medals in race and/or
showoff to open the course for racing/showoff. (i.e., if you get
a medal on snowdream in a race, you can race on the elysium alps,
but you can't do showoff there til you also get a medal in showoff
on snowdream. also, any medal will do in regards to unlocking
new levels. showoff tends to be easier to medal in, for me at least,
so i use it to open later levels and try them out before i race them.)

The next thing you can do is whats called Showoff. This is where you race down
the hill trying to mass huge points by doing tricks. The more tricks you do the
more points you get, and the more points you get the better the metal you can
get. For instance when doing Showoff on Snowdreams it takes 10000 points to get
a bronze metal, 50000 to get a silver metal and 100000 to get a gold metal.
While your racing down the hill you'll see huge colored snow crystals. Getting
them with give you an added bonis to your tricks. Yellow ones are worth 2x the
points of your trick, Orange is worth 3x and Red is worth 5x. The tracks for
this event the same as the race with one exception Pipe Dream replaces Aloha
Ice Jam. Here is a better look at the tracks:

Snow Dreams -> Elysium Alps -> Merquny City Meltdown -> Mesa Blanca -> Tokyo
Megaplex -> Pipe Dream

Again when you first start only the first 2 tracks are open.

The last thing you can do is Freeride. This is very cool, as there is no one to
race nor are there any metals to win. Think of it as a warmup on all the
different tracks. Just have fun on the tracks! Plus if you got a gold metal on
Mesa Blanca, Tokyo Megaplex, Aloha Ice Jam and Pipe Dream then you'll have
unlocked the last track that is only playable in Freeride! Its called

One big tip that I can give you is this, those SSX signs that you see on the
side of the track lead to shortcuts. But there are other shortcuts that aren't
marked by those signs.

Here is a list of the unmarked shortcuts that I've found.

In Merquny City Meltdown there are 2 unmarked shortcuts.
A. In the Park there is a frozen stream that leads to a pipe.
B. The area under the street that you can jump over. Where there is a
transparant jump, right behind it near the wall is a tunnel that leads to the
subway. Don't touch the subway cars because you get sent back to the regular

In Mesa Blanca right after you enter the tunnels that crisscross in the middle
of that there is a boarded up entrace to the mines.

V. Credits

This is were I get to thank the many people that have helped me with this FAQ.

First and Formost I would like to thank the webmaster at WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM. I've
been going to this site for a long time. This site has helped me ten fold. So I
feel honored that I can contribute to its growth and well being! My hats off to

EA Sports BIG for one Kick A$$ game!!

Sony for making one of the greatest consoles ever (the PS2)!

Michael Dungan for the correction in the venues.

And lastly my dear wife, whose had to put up with my huge console addiction.
You'll never understand but I love you anyways!

Look for my other FAQs (The Unholy War (PS) & Ultima IX:Ascension (PC)) at

VI. Version Updates

11-2-2000 Initial version

Added trick books for Mac, Moby, Elise and Kaori
Added board info for Mac, Moby, Elise and Kaori
Added info on the venues

11-3-2000 First update

Added correction in venues sent in my Michael Dungan
Added this version update

11-10-2000 Second update

Added info & trick book for Jurgen
Added info & trick book for JP
Added info & trick book for Zoe
Added info & trick book for Hiro
Added Misc Comments Section
Added info to the Venues

11-21-2000 Third update

Fixed a typo in Mac's Trickbook for the Front Flip 360 Mean Lein to Late
Spaghetti, had the wrong button combonation. Credit to Matt Green for pointing
this out to me.

Fixed another typo, I had MAX instead of MAC

VII. Misc Comments


While reading the message board at for SSX I learned that
there are different tricks for each of the different styles of boards
(freestyle, bx and alpine). I checked this out but couldn't find any NEW tricks
for the different boards.

If you find any error, mistakes or omissions please email me with the subject
SSX Bug at Thanks!

(c)2000 Kuno

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Game Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Trickbook List

14.Октябрь 2013
Alle Spieler und Level sind verfügbar.

13.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats
04.Май 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018