

13.10.2013 23:01:51
Summoner (PS2) Puzzles Guide
Version 1.0- First Version
This document Copyright 2001 Leonard Greenberg
Started on 8-30-2001

Leonard Greenberg

Most (not all) of the content here has been discovered
by me playing the game. Thank you contributors, you will be noted
in the guide when neccessary.

Reproduction and distribution
This document is copyrighted and any reproduction and
distribution of this document is prohibited to the extent allowed by
law. No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, by any information
storage or retreival without permission from myself.

I - Introduction
II - Act I
III - Act II
IV - Act III
V - Act IV

I - Introduction
Hello! I hope this guide helps you get through the challenging
puzzles of the Summoner game. Don't consider it cheating.
Consider it just a drop a help from another helpful gamer.
I've played many RPG and adventure games, and Summoner is just
about the toughest with puzzles I've played. Thanx for visiting my
puzzle FAQ and I hope you get the information your looking for.
If you need help with any other aspect of the game (i.e. Boss help,
maps, Mini-Quests, or just stuck in a dungeon) feel absolutely free
to e-mail me at I've beaten the game and can
help a lot. Note: This guide will not point out if you pass a quest
or quest item. You need to find those yourself. Sometimes I will
help with quest items though.

II - Act I of Summoner (Masad to Death of Carados [Iona Catacombs])

First puzzle - Golem Switches (Lenele Sewers)
First thing to do is find the first set of Golem Switch Masters
in the sewers. Have the first golem open gate A1, then have
the others open A2, and then A3 on the third golem. Press R1
to switch to solo mode. Take Joseph back to the room where a
gate was closed. It should be open now. Go forward and you'll pass
through another open gate. A gate should be closed in front of you.
When you get there, switch back to Flece (R2) and have her talk to the
first golem. Make him open B1 and close A1. Switch back to Joseph and
go to the next set of Golem Switches. Have all of them open. They
are: C1 (Outskirts), C3 (Palace), and A1 & B1 (at the same time).
Don't go anywhere! Press R1 to leave solo mode. Eventually, Flece
will catch up to you. When she does, decide: go to the palace, or
replenish your supplies, then palace. If you want to go straight to
the palace, skip to PALACE AQUEDUCT, below. If you want to replenish
your supplies, read from here.
To return to the Old City, go down the corridor to some Medevan
Theives. These guys are toughies. Quest help: When your done with
the theives, look around for items. The Chunk of Salt is the answer to
"Salt Smugglers". BIG HELP: Also make sure you get the Sewer Grate
Key in this area. Past the theives is Cerval. Fight and win for
the item to complete Cerval's Game. Past him is the entrance to
the Old City. I'm about to help you with lots of quests. If you
collected Bacite Tails that Bacites drop in sewers, give them to
Merden, who is right there. Visit Pedrog in Old City for your
Salt Smugglers reward. If you found the Rag Doll in the A4 gate
(total secret) of the sewers, give that to the Weeping Butcher.
If you are in Encyclopedia of Heresies go to the Marketplace.
Buy Volume 28 from Bibrus, but don't say your getting it from Zefnat.
Go to the Crown District and if you got the Signet Ring, give it to
Pomporo for Pomporo's Heirloom. If you were in Encyclopedia of
Heresies give Volume 28 to Zefnat and he'll tell you to get Volume 67.
Now, upgrade all your armor and weapons with the money from quests
and dropped from enemies. You might want to use prizes from enemies
and quest prizes instead of buying everything. Just see what is best.
Remember to sell useless items! Now go back to the Old City and back
to the Sewers next to Merden. Return to the Golems where we left off
with the non-replenishing people.
Turn to the side from the golems and you'll enter a new area called
the palace aqueduct. MAKE SURE YOU SAVE HERE!!! Tough boss ahead.
Go around the sewage to next room. STOP HERE! Cast Protect on the
party if Joseph has it. Enter the danger. The tentacles on the side
will swipe at you but have Joseph concentrate on the Iron Golem and
Flece on the regular golems. Remember to use Joseph's "Heal" spell
and healing items when needed. Go to the back of the aqueduct and
enter the palace, the next puzzle. SAVE HERE!!!

Second Puzzle - Stealth Under A Black Cape (Lenele Palace)
Flece will give you the Amulet of Prince Yon quest, but Flece decides
to find the amulet, and Yago, by herself. This is difficult, because
if any guards see you, you start from the beginning. Go down the
steps and you'll see three exits from this room. Take the exit to
your right. You'll come to a dead end but if you examine with the
X button. A switch you find will open the door. Go up the steps
to Level 2 of the palace. On top of the steps, go right. If you go
left, you'll get caught. Enter the open room and enter another until
you go up the steps to Level 3 of the palace. The next two levels are
a bit tricky. Dash down the hallway and turn into every empty room you
see so you can hide. Save in the rooms so if you get caught you can
start from that room. If you are having trouble with not getting
caught then see EASY SOLUTION below. In the final area of the hallway,
a room on the left is a stairs to level 4 (refer to map). If you get
caught a lot on this floor, refer to the easy solution. Leave this
room and go left. Go forward past the first intersection. At the next
intersection, turn left. You'll hear a conversation with King Bellias
and a woman in white, who is revealed later. Enter the room they were
in and examine it to find Yago's Key. Exit the room to the right, turn
right down the hall, and enter a room with a noblewoman. The room
behind her has 1000 gold in the bookshelves. Leave the room and turn
right. Turn left when you hit the wall. At the intersection, turn
right. Down the hall, you can get Yon's Amulet but examining the wall.
Go back to the intersection and turn right. When you crash into a
wall, enter the first room. There is Yago! You will get the Ring
of Darkness to equip on Joseph. When you leave the palace, visit Drego
in the Outskirts to complete The Amulet of Prince Yon quest.
Level 4 Map (You need to find the doors)
| |Amulet \
| | \
| ________ | \
| | | | \
| | | | \
| | | | |
____________________ | _____________| |
| | |
Yago | _________ ________ ______
______| | | | | | |
| | | |Yago's | |Gold|
| | | |Key | ______
______| | Start | |________| |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
/ ----------- ---------- \
/ __________ _________ \
/ / | | \ \
| |

Easy solution: Intentionally get caught many times on levels 3 and 4.
Eventually, coming up from level 1, the only guard on the floor (left
from steps) will be gone. Go into the kitchen and talk to the man with
the "!!" over his head. He will give you servants clothes. Equip all
the servant's clothes on Flece and make sure you have it all. When
it is all on, you can walk through the palace freely to find Yago and
the items scattered about.

Third Puzzle - Into the Catacombs (Iona Monastery/Catacombs)
Thank you Nathaniel Macher for this help.
After getting Rosalind, speak to Brother Ovaard in the courtyard.
Go to the minor library. Search all the bookcases for items.
One of them has Volume 67 for you to give to Zefnat. The last bookcase
in the library is the one that you examine to the catacombs. Enter
and save. Right now, decide what you want to do. Solve the puzzle
and get experience, or use a little AP and save time.
Pick the lock with Flece in the center of the room and enter the
catacombs. Flece must be I think at Level 3 pick lock. I could be
wrong about that though.
There are twelve statues in the room. From where you enter, number
them starting on the left going around the room. Number them from
one to twelve. Use numbers 8 and 12 to gain access to the catacombs.
Go down the steps and go straight to begin the next puzzle.

Fourth Puzzle - The Magic Orbs (Iona Catacombs)
Thanks to Prima Guides for helping with this part.
In this puzzle, you must maneuver the catacombs to activate two magic
orbs. When done, don't immediately go to the boss, search for items.
Use the map below to find orbs and the boss. Other goodies are
not noted. To activate the orbs, just use X to examine them.
If the maps are wrong, its not my fault. They are from another guide.
Next to the second orb is the final glass shard for Shards of the
Ghimaddi. The Axe (use the indentify option and it becomes Axe of
Ikus) for Brother Wid is also in here. In the big center area, the
lines are the main paths. The room with an S in it is a secret room
with items. You'll have to explore for anything else.
| |
\ \
\ \
\ \
------ ---
| |
------ --- ________________________________________
\ \ | |
\ \ | |
\ \ | /\ |
\ \ | / \ |
_________________ ____| / \ _______
Boss --------------- / -------------- Start
_________________ ____ | \ _______
/\ / / \ | \ |
/ \/ / / | \ |
/ /\ /______/ /\ | \ |
\ \/ _________/ \ Axe -- --|
\ / \____________________________|S__||
____________/ /
1st orb /

Boss- Carados
Summon Blackfire Elemental with Joseph. Have Joseph and Blackfire
attack Carados while Flece and Rosalind attack the Bone Mages
behind them. When the mages die, have Flece and Rosalind join in on
Carados. When your done, grab the Ring of Light from the altar and
equip Joseph. Find your way out of the catacombs. Give the axe to
Brother Wid and leave the monastery and return to Lenele.
Beware, you will encounter a difficult boss in a world map encounter
on your way to Lenele. I'll meet you in the next puzzle in City
of the Khosani, where the third summon ring is.

III - Act II of Summoner (Death of Carados [Iona Catacombs] to
Release of Demons [Forge of Urath])

Fifth Puzzle - Have The Khosani Gone Mad? (Labyrinth of the Khosani)
Thank you Prima Games for helping with this puzzle.
The Khosani Labyrinth is a bunch of giant puzzles. When you first
enter, the puzzle is not to step on the circular emblem. Move around
the outside of the room and go through the archway. Puzzle #1 solved!
In the next room, there are two rows, each with six mini-monuments.
Press them in the following order from bottom to top. 1 & 2 on the
left side. 3 & 4 on the right side. 5 on the left side and 6 on the
right side. You should make it freely to the next area. Puzzle #2
solved! The third puzzle is kind of stupid. Go to the center of the
raised thingy. Four Khosani Warriors will attack the party. Beat
them, then inspect their entrance areas for presents. Move to the next
puzzle. Puzzle #3 solved! The next two rooms are linked. In the
first room, there is a table of turned stones. You use X to turn
them over. Each stone turns different ones. Each stone that is turned
over in the first room, makes a path over the lava in the second room.
There are items to the side of the second room, also. Use this table
to turn the stones, use the exact order.
| 7 |
| |
| 6 || || || || |
| || || || || |
| || || || || |
| || || || || |
| || 5 || || || 4 |
| || || || || |
| || || || || |
| || || || || |
| || || || 3 || |
| || || || || |
| 2 || || || || |
| || || || || |
| 1 |
| |
Now grab the booty and move on to the final puzzle. Puzzle #4 solved!
The final puzzle involves the runes on the floor in previous rooms.
Each rune represents a number. You are supposed to raise them in
order from 1-6. You may not have been paying attention, so just
follow these directions. From bottom to top they are: left - 5, 6,
2. On the right side they are - 3, 4, 1. Raise them in order from
1-6 and this puzzle is yours! Puzzle #5 solved! Run through the
door and battle your way to the next room. You can save now so you
really should. Move around the outside of the room and reach the boss.
He is the Giant Salamanka.

Boss- Giant Salamanka. You should put bows on Flece and Rosalind,
while equipping Jekhar and Joseph with swords or daggers. You fight
this freak in stages. He has a lot of HP, but you only deplete it
bit-by-bit. I would take control of Rosalind, and have her cast ice
spells if you have them and use ice magic you may have purchased.
At 50% of his health depleted, this chump will move to another area.
Pick up the Pyros Ring he drops and put it (as well as the Ring of
Health) on Jekhar. Make sure the Ring's of Fire and Light are on
Joseph. Find the nearby Ring of Blessings on the ground and give it
to Rosalind. Now face the overgrown lizard once more. Use the same
strategy as before. At 75% of his HP gone, he will move once more.
Pick up the chainmail tunic. If you got the chainmail tunic in Iona
Catacombs, make sure that is on Joseph and put the new one on Jekhar.
If you didn't get the one in Iona, put this one on Joseph. Go to the
final stage and use the same strategy to bring an end to this ugly
Salamanka. Find the exit (not the way you came in) and return to
City of the Khosani. Good job completing the puzzles. On your way
to Ikaemos or Lenele, your choice, you will encounter the next
rider, the Phoenix Rider. This rider is one tough cookie. It
is capable of killing your whole party, so remember to heal.

Sixth Puzzle - Oh Mr. Dagger, Are You Awake? (Ikaemos Palace)
In this puzzle, you must find four daggers located in the palace,
then insert them in the stone figure of Dagger. In the back of the
Palace, upper level, in a room on the left, is the Brazen Dagger.
Leave this room and instead of going back the way you entered this
room, go the other way to enter the lower chambers. Go straight then
to left. In the back of this large room is the Argent Dagger. Go
out this room the way you came but instead of going right to the
upper level, go left into another room. Go up the stairs in here.
At the top is a room of baddies. After killing them, search the room
for the Cupric Dagger. Leave this room and go back to the
intersection from before. Out of here turn left to go to main area
of the Lower Chambers. Turn right and go until the path leads down
into the lake. If you want a new (and powerful) weapon (damage
amount is 60) then turn left in the lake. Go to the boat and around
the boat is the Pole Axe. This is a great weapon. Go back to where
you entered the lake. No cross the lake straight without turning
at all and you should see it leads off to a different area. Upon
getting on land turn right and enter the grass-surrounded area.
Beat the enemies and grab the Auric Dagger inside. Leave the grassy
area and go around it to where you came onto this half of the chambers.
Go straight and on the right you'll see steps. Go up them and turn
left. This comes back to the Upper Chambers. Go the main hallway
in the middle of the upper chambers. Go to the Dagger Statue
at the top of the hall. Examine it in its four places and the door
in back of it will open. Save now! The boss is beyond this door.

Boss- Ikaemos Preist King
Before attacking go to your Status screen. Switch Joseph's AI to
Healer/Caster. Have Rosalind as a healer/caster. Flece is absolutely
useless in this fight. Equip Jekhar with any blunt weapon (i.e.
Frozen Club, Pole Axe, etc.). My strategy is to have Flece attack
the Preist King from the front. She can't do damage but it will
distract the king from the other characters. Have Rosalind and Joseph
cast spells. Have Jekhar attack from behind the king with any blunt
weapon. This battle should end soon. Pick up the items he drops.
The Ring of Stone is one of them. If your Ring of Light has over
60,000 experience (check be selecting info on it in the inventory
list) then replace it for the Ring of Stone. If not then leave the
Ring of Light on. Now leave the palace and the swamp. On your way
to Lenele you will encounter the third of four riders. The Serpent
Rider is not very fun at all. He is a tough cookie that can inflict
just about every status effect. I wouldn't summon because if Joseph
dies the summon turns against you and you have another enemy to fight.
This ends Act II puzzles.
Summary of the rest of Act II-
Maneuver through Lenele Sewers to the former
Old City exit. It leads to Tancred's house. Talk to everyone then go
through the sewers to the Market. From there turn right into the Crown
District. Move along to where the Temple Plaza was. It leads to the
Temple of Urath where you face the Tiger Rider. For a rider, he isn't
particularly tough. He just moves a lot. Summon Wraith if you have
him or Red Minotaur if you don't. When done, a whole mess of the
story is revealed!!!

IV - Act III of Summoner (Tower of Eleh to Defeat of Murod [Jade

Seventh Puzzle - Oh, One Hand! Where Are You? (Tower of Eleh)
The base of this puzzle is to free Joseph and escape The Tower of Eleh.
Go straight until you reach a very long hallway. There are doors to
the side where some items are located so you can explore those for
goodies. Straight down the hall is a Lift Golem. Take it to the
Upper Level. Go straight down the hallway until you are outside. Turn
right immediately and go up. Out from a building, an Oreninan Samurai
will come out. Fight him and anyone that comes to help him. Go inside
the building he was guarding. Inside, you will find the Tomb Key.
Return to the Lift Golem, and go to the Lower Level. Look at your
in-game map and go north (up). In the hall to the north, go into
the first room on the right. Go to the other end of the room and
turn left at the intersection right there. Go straight and fight
your way into the last room on the right. Inside you'll find your
good friend Joseph. Talk to him and he will join your party again!
What stinks is that Joseph only has one hand, meaning he can't hold
two-handed weapons. Don't fret, though. You get his hand back later.
Save now! A Shadow Haramaki is on this floor, if you want to find it.
That is all the goodies on this floor. When your done, go to the Lift
Golem and go the Upper Level. On the Upper Level, just go straight
until you reach the Front Gate. Follow the steps and it will lead
down to the ground level. Close to where you began the Tower of Eleh,
is the exit. You can't miss it. You'll get into some fights, but they
should be no match for your party of two! I would save on the World
Map. Head south and wrap around the mountains to find the village
of Wolong, where our next puzzle begins.

Eighth Puzzle - Sizhe's Healing Ritual (City of Wolong [night])
Upon entering Wolong, go right into the trees. Search the trees in
the west of the map and eventually you'll find Rosalind and Sizhe.
Talk to them and you'll regain Rosalind and receive the information
on how to heal Joseph's hand. Back at the docks around where you
entered, you will find Zhimin the Fisherman. He says he will catch
an Onyx Carp for you, but you need to buy the carp-catching bird
a Mangosteen before he'll catch the Onyx Carp for you. We'll take care
of him later. If you start from the docks and walk toward the center
of the city on the main path, you'll pass Minhe the Traitor. The good
news is, Minhe has rice bowl. You need that for the ritual. The bad
news, zippo! He's humble to give you his bowl at no cost. In the
far, right-hand corner of the Wolong courtyard, is Gulan the Mourner.
She's in mourning, but has no trouble giving away her knife. Behind
Sizhe, you'll find a container lying on the ground. It is Anzhi's box.
On the other side of the courtyard, a long walk with bring you to
Anzhi. Give him his box and he'll give you a charcoal stick for the
healing. Now, don't forget about lil' ol' Zhimin. Peizhi is happy
to give away a Mangosteen. Just ask him. He is between buildings
near the docks. Bring it to Zhimin and get the Onyx Carp. Bring
all four items to Sizhe and receive your next assignments. You must
now eat a Tail of Rokhul, located in Wolong Caverns, then stick the
hand in the Pool of Wonders in the Caverns. What Sizhe doesn't
tell you is one of the Dragon Rings Rosalind mentioned is in the
caverns. On the south (bottom) side of the courtyard (refer to map)
is the path to the caverns. A good distance from the steps, so the
enemies can't see you, use Sizhe's invisibilty potion on everyone.
This should last until about when you reach the caverns. The only
confusing part on the way is at the white buildings, turn right.
Save in front of the caverns.

Ninth Puzzle - Sizhe's Healing Ritual Pt. 2 And Get The Ring Of
Water (Caverns of Wolong)
Just down the path is Caris the Damned. One of his brothers is up
ahead. From Drazin, turn left unless you want to fall into a horrible
trap. The party will be affected by curse, but it's better than dying.
Just remember to heal. There is a camp of knights ahead. Over the
bridge is one of the hardest areas here. I hope you have some Tome
of Revive or the Resurrect spell. Your gonna need it. Once your done,
you'll find four paths leading out of the room. The far left path has
some goodies in it. Either of the middle paths lead to the same place.
They lead to a brown switch. Past that is Azha the Archlich, another
of the skeleton brothers. Don't talk to him yet. Ahead is Balis
the Demilich. He says if you can kill Azha and prove it, he'll lead
you to next area. Go to the brown switch and save. Switch into solo
mode and take Flece and Joseph up to Azha. Choose to fight Azha. What
you need to do is lure him down to the shadowy area near the switch,
since you can't beat Azha the normal way. When he's there, switch
to Rosalind and throw the switch. Stakes should pop up and go through
Azha. This may take a few tries and you may lose a character or two,
but lucky you, you saved before doing it, so you can try again. When
you've done it, pick up Azha's Femur, which he drops. Take it to Balis
and save. He'll take you to a new area. You have two choices. Go
left (down). You've seen many strange-looking blue plants around.
You'll eventually find this plant in yellow. On your in-game map,
it is located close to the path where you started. When you find it,
examine it. That is how you eat it. Now find another skeleton thingy.
This is Ngaru. Talk to him for the Ring of Water and save. To the
left of Ngaru is The Pool of Wonders. Walk up to it and you can have
two-handed weapons again! When leaving the Pool of Wonders, take the
path to your left. Pick up the Bow of Piercing and keep going. Use
the switch to open up a shortcut to the entrance. Exit to the right
and leave the way you came in. That was one tough puzzle! Our
next puzzle begins immediately.

Tenth Puzzle - Rebellion Of The Jade (City of Wolong [daytime])
You are greeted up ahead by a large group of Jade Temple Soldiers.
They will come with you to fight your way into the city. Do not
summon! You don't need it and you want to save it for the boss.
The soldiers will help you fight, but by the time you get down the
path, you'll probably be just Rosalind, Joseph, and Flece. Go
around the outside of the city and save. Back at the docks, you'll
face the boss: General Pijian.

Boss- General Pijian
Keep Rosalind as a Healer/Caster and have her out of the danger area.
Summon Blue Imp and have him cast his wide variety of spells on Pijian.
Ignore the other soldiers because if you destroy just Pijian and not
anyone else, you'll still win the fight. You'll learn some interesting
information about Flece and Aoqi, then you must head down toward the
docks. Between some buildings is none other than Jekhar. He has the
Ring of Four Winds to give you, and he'll rehoin the party after
dispensing some information. Now go to Liangshan Forest, northeast
of Wolong.

Summary of Liangshan Forest-
You will be poisoned with a nasty poison near the beginning that can't
be cured. Move through on an easy path. You'll face Phoenix and
Serpent Riders across the second bridge. Use the same strategy as
before, but summon Celestial Samurai. Move toward the shrine and
talk to the man. Make sure the
first thing you do is ask him to cure the poison. Heal, and then,
after finishing talking to the man, General Wentao and his soldiers
will attack in stages. This isn't too tough. When you're done,
the man will will give you the Ring of the Forest. Circle around the
shrine and exit through the back. Return to Wolong since you'll want
to upgrade your weapons and armor before going to the Jade Temple.
Head toward where the Tower of Eleh was and you'll come to the Jade

Summary of Jade Temple-
Go straight to fight Ghost and Tiger Riders. This should be cake for
you. Just go straight into the temple. Inside, circle the outside
of the room and kill some mages so they don't bug you during the fight.
Now walk toward Murod to start the fight.

Boss- Emperor Murod
Summon Celestial Samurai and just use the normal stuff. Joseph and
Jekhar should have Warhammers and Flece should have whatever is best.
After beating Murod's first form, he'll drop a 100-fold Katana. Give
it to Flece and take down the second form easy. Jospeh will get the
Ring of Jade. Go outside toward the exit and save. Talk to Qifeng
and the Four Winds Dragon will take you to City of the Khosani.
This ends Act III. See you in Act IV.

V - Act IV of Summoner (Death of Murod [Jade Temple] to defeat of
Machival [Temple of Urath])

Summary of Saanavarh and Iona-
Talk to Ulsadana and leave. Go to Iona Monastery. Work your way to
the back and in front of the Great Library is Yago. Talk to him and
head to Lenele.

Eleventh Puzzle - Down With "King" Sornehan! (Lenele)
Go down to the docks area and enter the sewers. Work your way to the
Marketplace like you did in Act II. Follow your way up to the high
ground and take an immediate right to the Crown District. Go to where
you'd usually enter the Temple Plaza. It will instead bring you to the
Palace. Go through the room but don't approach Sornehan and Galliene.
Go around them and clear the room of monsters so they don't harm you
in the boss fight. Prepare for the most strategic boss fight in the

Boss- Sornehan and Galienne
This boss fight isn't tough if you have the correct strategy and follow
it exactly. Have Jekhar attract the attention of Sornehan and Galienne
and keep them occupied but have him actually attacking Galienne with a
Warhammer if you have it. Remember to heal. Have Rosalind blast
Sornehan with magic while Jekhar still keeping the attention of both
the enemies. Galienne should fall soon. Have Sornehan chase Jekhar
around a few feet to pick up goodies near you. Then, keep Sornehan's
attention on Jekhar while Rosalind blasts him with magic from behind.
This is the only good strategy because since Sornehan is immune to
physical attacks and Galienne is immune to magic. Never let them
attack Rosalind or she won't be able to cast on Sornehan. E-mail
me if you need more tips on this fight. Pick up all the goodies in
the palace and SAVE!!! Then leave. Return to City of the Khosani.

Twelvth Puzzle - Capture Pyrul (Khosani Labyrinth)
Talk to the Ulsadana who will give you the Ring of Fire. Go to the
Labyrinth. Work your way through. Luckilly, you don't need to solve
the puzzles again. Go to where you fought Giant Salamanka and you will
find Pyrul, The Demon of Fire.

Boss- Pyrul
Use all your ice magic and inventory magic. You can get more from
Khosani merchants later. Keep girls in back with magic and bows.
I would give Joseph the Sornehan Dagger and Guardian Kite Shield.
Have Jekhar with the Warhammer and Flece with the Heavy Crossbow.
Blast away. This is one of the harder demons so expect the next two
to be cake. Go out the exit you did last time. Talk to Guardian of
the Stone Portal. He'll give you the rings of Light and Stone.
You come back later for Ring of Darkness. Go to Iona Monastery.

Thirteenth Puzzle - Capture Luminar (Iona Monastery)
Work your way through to where Yago was in front of the Great Library.
If you are in The Tome of Ghanis quest, then instead of going up the
steps to the Great Library, turn left and find Iodir the Heretic. He
has an interesting story and will take the Tome of Ghanis off your
hands!!! Save in front of the Great Library. Summon Celestial Samurai
and enter.

Boss- Luminar
This boss is pretty simple. Use the same strategy as Pyrul. This
isn't too tough. Just keep in mind he's strong to Energy based spells
and this battle should end shortly. Leave the Monastery and go to
Ikaemos Swamp.

Fourteenth Puzzle - Capture Titus (Ikaemos Swamp/Palace)
Work your way through the swamp like last time. The front entrance to
the Palace is blocked off so go through the entrance on the left side
of the palace. Here you'll meet Titus, Demon of Stone.

Boss- Titus
Give Joseph and Jekhar Warhammers or blunt weapons. Once again Flece
is useless except to distract him. Summon Wraith and have fun. If
you don't have Wraith then use Blue Imp. When its over, explore the
room for goodies and leave. Exit the swamp and return to City of the
Khosani. I'd save. Talk to Ulsadana and learn the Summoner's Destiny.
Then talk to Guardian of the Stone Portal for the Ring of Darkness.
Head to Lenele for the Final Puzzle... and the Final Battle.

Fifteenth Puzzle - Capture Machival (Lenele)
Go to the docks and into the sewers. Go to the marketplace like you
did last time. Turn right into the Crown District. Work your way
to where the Temple Plaza entrance one stood. It leads to the Temple
of Urath. Don't go in! Save right here. Walk into the field of

Boss- Evil Urath
This is the first form of Machival. Attack him with anything (Joseph-
Sornehan Dagger and Guardian Kite Shield, Jekhar- Warhammer, Flece-
Heavy Crossbow, Rosalind- Have her cast spells). When he flies to the
balcony, have Flece and Jekhar chase him up there. Keep Joseph and
Rosalind where they are. When Evil Urath comes back down, just attack
him with magic and attack until that form is defeated.

Boss- Evil Joseph
This guy is actually pretty easy. He summons, but nothing major. You
can knock them out easy. Summon Celestial Samurai and have the party
chase him around the room since he runs around a lot. He's not too
tough. He should die shortly.

Boss- Machival
First of all, right in front of Machival should be a container that
Evil Joseph dropped. PICK UP THAT CONTAINER!!!!! It contains the best
weapon in the game... The Sword of Summoners. Immediately equip it to
Joseph. Machival has an evil swipe attack, but if you heal regularly,
Machival should fall in no time. Talk to the party after the fight.
Then it's time for your big decision...
Do you want to become a God, or help the people of Orenia and Medeva
rebuild the world. If you want to be a God, walk toward the back of
The Temple of Urath. If you want to stay normal, then walk toward
the entrance of the temple. Now sit back and enjoy the well-deserved
ending!!! You've beaten the game!!! When the credits begin, press X
to see a funny scene. It's even better if you know about Dungeons and
Dragons. After that is a small blooper section. Then its officially
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16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Puzzles Guide

13.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer

17.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Lösung im Word-Format (Achtung: 1.6 MB)

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
The Evil Summoner FAQ

13.Октябрь 2013
Basic FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Unverletzbarkeit und Spell-Points

18.Октябрь 2013
Starte das Spiel mit viel Geld

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Октябрь 2008

13.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018