Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Atlantis: The Lost Empire

18.10.2013 08:37:01

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Version 1.0 levels from 1 to 11.
Hi Everyone. I decided to write this walkthrough cause I was feeling very
bored and my friend advised me to do this for time pass. This is my first
FAQ that’s why I have decided to write the walkthrough of a much simpler
game so if there is a mistake or two of any sort please tell me. I would
like to know them. If there is something you would like to add in this
walkthrough and/or something is unclear or wrong then please mail me at
Please ask me before using my walkthrough anywhere I am sure I will give you
I would also like to mention that I got some help from the FAQ of CROW i.e.
Travis Richards.

1. Controls
2. Your Team
3. Collectibles
4. Walkthrough

You can learn the controls in the first level but here’s a chart anyway. The
controls are very simple:

1. Square – punches - use this if the enemy is near
2. Circle –distance attack/dive– this attack differs in every
- Character and is used to attack far
- enemies/to dive when in water
3. X - jump /swim/drive - to jump (duh)/to swim when in water
- /drive a vehicle when you get control
4. Triangle- search - keep it pressed when you see the
- exclamation sign
5. L1 - to duck - to duck flying objects
6. R1 - first person view - to look around
7. Select - to go in inventory - to use and combine objects

Throughout the game you will find a radio for which you can change
characters. Different characters are required to do different tasks. Each
character has a different special ability. And you can change into them with
the radio you can see in different stages of the game. A chart of characters
are given below:

Milo Thatch - Throws boomerang - Only he can climb ladders.
Audrey - Fires a pistol - Is perfect at mechanisms
Vinney - throws a grenade - Is specialized to blast through
Mole - throws rocks - Is specialized in Geography.

NOTE – you can also save your game using the radio, simply switch to the old
lady and press (X) and go into the save menu.

You can combine the ORANGE, PURPLE and BLUE crystals with the
BOOMERANG and the COMPASS list of items you can collect are given below:

Orange Crystal - When combined with BOOMERANG it turns to
- When combined with the compass it turns
- makes the compass to track crystals.
Purple Crystal - It changes your BOOMERANG to SUPER POWER
- It makes the compass to track secrets.
Blue Crystal - It has the ability to make your BOOMERANG
- It makes the compass to track chests.
Clear Crystal - Take 15 of these to get an extra life
Green Crystal - You can get one of these in a level
Red Heart - It denotes your HP level
Gold Heart - One Gold Heart gives you an extra life
First Aid Kit - It increases your HP by 20
Can of Food - It increases your HP by 10
Antivenin - It removes the poison injected by enemies
Atlantanean Symbol - Collecting eight of these to see the
Movie of that level in the Movie Viewer.

This is a type of practice level. First of all you find yourself
in Whitmore’s mansion and he teaches you a few moves. Just follow his
instructions as he tells you about jump, punch, duck and first person view.
Then he tells you to go and take the compass which is to your top
right corner by going there and then pressing the jump button (X) and press
the up button. Then go back to Whitmore.
Now he will ask you to go down his boiler room which is at the
bottom right corner of the room and bring back his CREW PORTFOLIO and END OF
BROKEN KEY. But before you go there on the left side of the room you can see
a switch go near it and then keep the search button pressed for about 3
seconds. Then go downstairs. Turn right and go near the table then again
keep the search button pressed to get the key. After that continue right and
to the end towards the shelves and jump and take the FIRST ATLANTANEAN
SYMBOL. Take note of the desk like figure in front of you, as you might want
to come back to it later. Then go to your left and inside the opening and
collect the SECOND SYMBOL. Come out and take the book for the information on
these symbols. Continue forward and take THE THIRD SYMBOL and then go in the
next opening and punch the chest open and take the portfolio. Come out and
take THE FOURTH SYMBOL to the corner. Now return to Whitmore.
Now he will show you how to use your backpack and tell you
about your team (you can see the whole account of them up). Then he will ask
you to find his BOOMERANG that he has lost in the big aquarium you see
behind him but the entrance to it is through the door to your top left
corner. He will also give you the other end of the key and show you how to
combine it.
Head towards the door and then press select to go to your
inventory and find the key by the directional button now press (X) two times
to use it. Enter. You see the big to get in it simply jump near the edge of
the big steel cage like structure and dive in the water (see the controls
section to know how to swim). Swim to the top right corner of the tank to
take FIFTH SYMBOL. Take the boomerang and then the yellow heart for an extra
life. Now swim towards the surface and jump out. Take the SIXTH AND SEVENTH
SYMBOL each from the two openings and go back to Whitmore. Now he will tell
you to equip the boomerang and advise you to go in the boiler room again.
Go to the desk I told you to remember and keep the search
button pressed an entrance will open. Go down the stairs and chance your arm
with the boomerang. Try it a few times so that you can improve your accuracy
rate. After that take the LAST SYMBOL in the level along with a green
crystal. Return. Now go into the lift from which you came to the mansion.
The practice level is complete!

Go straight into the next corridor. Then into the next
room. You are told to get AUDREY to fix the guns. This room has three doors
the one behind Rourke is locked, one goes straight and one to your right.
Turn to the one to your right and punch the toolkit to collect first aid.
Then go to the radio change to Vinney using directional buttons. Now head
out. Go straight into the other room. Push the can in front of the gas pipe.
Go straight and turn left. Now keep the action button pressed and quickly
move away as quickly as possible. Now return back to the radio and change to
Audrey. Come all the way back to the door and enter. Smash the toolkit and
take the can of food. Now go to the end of the room and keep the search
button pressed. Now return back to the radio and change into Milo.
After that go back to the corridor with the gas pipe this
time turn right and jump towards the ladder. Now climb up. Now go straight
and turn left, jump down and take FIRST SYMBOL. You can go to the radio to
activate the checkpoint. Then jump in the water now swim straight and then
take SECOND SYMBOL. Return to the radio and go up the stairs. Now turn left
(the only stairs in the area) and climb the stairs. Go straight into the
next room, pick up the fire extinguisher and use the radio to change into
Audrey and fix the gun as you did earlier. Now turn back to Milo and go all
the way back to the room where you met Rourke and enter the door that was
earlier locked.
Then go through the corridor and into the next area where
you can see a ladder overhead go underneath it and jump to grab it, use the
up button to go forward. (If some how you fall into the water don’t get
worried cause as I always say never fear when I am hear :-D. Just dive
underwater, turn left and go in the opening then come out and you will find
yourself at the room with the radio you visited before, simply climb the
ladder and re trace your steps to the overhead ladder). Go straight into
the corridor and you will see that Rourke wants you to put out the fire well
talk about luck remember the fire extinguisher use it and wait foe Rourke to
run away then continue forward.
Jump down the stairs, and to your left, in the water.
Swim to the door and turn left to take the handle. You cannot pass the
propellers currently cause the force is too strong. Go back to the ladder
and activate the radio. Now use the handle on the door. Guess what the door
swings open, turn right go into the corridor and then the next room take THE
FOURTH SYMBOL (we will get the third one later on) and pull the lever with
the search button and return to the room with the rays.
Cross each ray one by one you will notice that you the
rays are timed in such a way that you can pass them easily. Now go into the
door in front of you and pull the lever. The propellers that we saw earlier
should now be stopped. As you make your way out you see that the transistors
that were giving out the rays would have exploded (that’s what they deserved
didn’t they :-)) now go back to the room with the radio and jump in the
water, take the door and turn left.
Just before the propellers and after the opening there
is THE THIRD SYMBOL (told you didn’t I). Make your way from the sides of the
fan. As you come out to the bigger area right beneath from where you came
you can see a couple of holes take the one to your left and take the symbol
and then the one to the right for another symbol and go up for a bit of
fresh air.
Now come out of the hole and see the two corridors take
the one to your left and go till the end and pick up the crystal (punch the
scorpion if it comes in your way) return and take the other corridor and
take the symbol and the heart. Jump out on dry land and make your way
towards the door. Activate the checkpoint. Now you will face the same
situation as before, just wait for the flames to seize then one by one cross
them safely.
Finally go through the door and pull the lever to make
your escape through the hatch that opens when you pull the lever go through
the hole and that’s it for the level.

This level is pretty simple. It has two parts

1. To Destroy The Machine
2. To Escape

1. To Destroy The Machine :
The HP level of the machine is 12 which
decreases when you fire at him. Yes that’s what you have to do, keep firing
at the monster. Apart from the big machine there are some other machines to
be destroyed as well. When you get its HP down to 7 or 8 it will start
throwing energy balls at you so you have to destroy the energy ball as well
with your gun. Keep firing. After the HP is down to 4 you get another
message. Continue firing. And make sure you destroy the energy balls. Soon
all your pods would have escaped. Now it’s your turn to escape.
2. To Escape :
In this part you have keep on firing at the huge
Stones, keep away from scorpions, and take the items. You can only go
straight. Make sure you take all the power ups (they look like lightning).
All in all what you have to do in this level is to keep on firing, taking
the power ups wherever you can and I hope this is going to be enough for you
to complete this level.

You will have to come to this level three times so I
numbered them for convenience. As the level begins Milo tells you that you
need you need two gems to open a certain door. To get these gems you need to
complete the ice trial and then the fire trial.
When you gain control of Milo turn 180 degrees around
and take the three clear crystals. Go to your inventory and equip the
compass (take care as when you equip your compass your boomerang will be
unequipped) head west according to the compass and activate the checkpoint
there you can see the way to the fire trial level. Continue west, kill the
crab and take the heart and finally the crystal at the right corner.
Now head east straight ahead you can see the entrance
to the ice trial. Kill the crab and take your sixth crystal. Go to ice trial
entrance and climb up. Enter the cave. That’s all for your first visit here.

The first of the two trials stages. Here you will
face a couple of snowmen, beware, as they will fire snowballs at you. Go
straight. Take the purple crystal from the box. The door to your left will
be locked. Right in front of the door you can see two boxes, smash both to
get a blue crystal and the key to the door behind you. If you want you can
get a few more crystals by turning to your left (south according to your
compass). Take the crystal to your left and then turn right to take the two
crystals outside and one in the box (you can combine the crystals that go in
your inventory with the BOOMERANG to get different types of more powerful
BOOMERANG). Go back to the door and take the crystal to your right and
Go straight and take the crystals on the steps but
jump over the second last one cause it has a poisonous crab. You can see a
door ahead but first after you get down turn around 180 degree and go to
your right. Kill the snowman and two crabs, go till the end and picking up
two crystals, activate the checkpoint and change into Audrey. Take the can
of food from the box. Now return to the door and enter.
Kill the crab and take the antivenin. Go through the
next door to kill a snowman, take the book and press the R1 button and aim
at the end of the stalagmite then fire. It will drop acting as a bridge.
Take out the snowman at the other end with a safe distance and proceed
forward. Go towards the end of the bridge and walk carefully on its walls to
take two crystals and exit through the door.
There is a door to your right and a crystal ahead,
just take the first crystal and a snowman will come out of that door, finish
him and then enter the door to take the FIRST SYMBOL. Come back and proceed
forward. Take three crystals on your way to the next door and enter.
Here you see a radio and a dead end, well it is not a
dead end. Just go near the edge see the symbol in front of you. Notice that
it matches the first symbol on the left wall. Press R1, aim at that symbol
and fire. A platform will appear in front of you, jump. Now you can see
another symbol at the edge of the platform. By shooting the third symbol on
the left wall will do the trick, jump. Now hit the third symbol on the right
wall, jump. This time fire at the fifth symbol on the left wall. And at the
end the last symbol on the right wall will raise the final platform.
Go straight and pick up the can of food and the two
crystals and then return (yes return don’t go through the door). Come back
where you picked up your latest can of food. And go towards the symbol (at
north-east) and take THE SECOND SYMBOL. Go to the edge and fire at the three
stalagmites one by one and to the other side. Activate the radio. Enter the
Go to the other door and finish off the wolf with two
shots. Go around the structure and take the four crystals. Return to the
entrance and jump up on the middle of the lift you see ahead.
Equip your compass and turn to the south from where
you stand and climb the stairs and finish the soldier and turn left to take
THE THIRD SYMBOL and the purple crystal. Then return to the lift and go
straight (northwest in the compass) and change into Milo with the help of
the radio. Climb right to the top and go around the finish the guard. Turn
left and take the antivenin and the heart. Go back where you found the guard
and continue straight to the next door. Take the can of food and make the
snow monkey history and take the purple crystal in the chest before exiting
through the door.
Go through and kill two more monkeys, then go left
for a crystal and right for a can of food. Now go back to the entrance and
go straight in the huge stone mouth you can see at south. Go straight to the
south wall and press the search button to fall down. Take three crystals and
THE FOURTH SYMBOL. Once you land push the frozen Mammoth before jumping
Finish the snowman and turn left and climb the rocks
to take two crystals and activate the checkpoint on the elevated ground. Now
go north and turn left. Take the two crystals and go through the broken
Ignore the mammoth and turn left as you take the
first crystal unfortunately the mammoth doesn’t ignore you (maybe you did
something to annoy it) the only thing you can do now is RUN! For your life.
Take the cystals if you can and keep on running avoiding the stalagmite and
jumping over rubble. At last you come to a narrow path and the mammoth drops
down (too bad in extinction again).
Go straight and enter the door. Take the two crystals
and proceed through the door. Finish the guards. There are two doors here
the one to your right is too dark for Milo or Vinney so you will have to get
Mole or Audrey. Go towards the southeastern wall and climb. Take the
antivenin in the chest, two crystals and change into Mole. Go down and
straight to the dark room.
Now go straight and enter the door. Take the three
crystals and THE FIFTH SYMBOL and go toward the southwestern wall and pull
the lever. Now go to the radio again and change back into Milo and go to the
door right behind the statue and enter.
Take the can of food to your left and finish the
guard. Turn left. Climb the right side of the wall and finish the guard and
then climb the wall again. Go through the door.
Kill the guards and take three crystals, a blue
crystal and a can of food. Now climb the right side of the east wall.
Take the ICE GEM (yahoo! but its not over yet). Jump down and exit from
where you came. Go till the end of the corridor and turn left. Go through
the door. Here you see a radio, change into Audrey and go through the door.
Take out the guard you can see and jump. On the
second platform finish the other guard in hiding to your left. From there
jump to your right and take the Green crystal then jump towards the crate
and take the First Aid. Jump to closest platform. And enter the door. Go
straight to the next door.
Take caution of the huge rolling stones and pick up
the crystal and the SIXTH SYMBOL and continue and take the SEVENTH SYMBOL
and crystal and finally the EIGHTTH SYMBOL the last crystal. And keep
running towards the blackness. END OF THE LEVEL.

Select this level again, as no new level is
available. Take the crystals and can of food on either side and jump in the
water. Go to your left and take THE FIRST SYMBOL and turn back and swim
east and go in the opening, enter the door and jump up. Take out the two
enemies. Take the clear crystal along with the blue crystal, first aid kit
and the THIRD AND THE FOURTH SYMBOL. Look at the two statues. The left one
is of ice and the right one is of fire. Go to the left one and use the ice
crystal there. Now return to the fire trial entrance climb and enter.

In here there is only one way to go. Take caution, as the platform
will sink if you stay on it more than a few seconds. Go straight and turn
left. Jump on the lift. Go straight and turn left quickly because the
platform will break down. Activate the radio, take the crystal and activate
the radio. Now jump on the lift.
Go straight and quickly jump through the two platforms to the end
and grab a crystal. Now turn right. Jump through the platform, turn right,
through another platform and turn left. Then jump on the lift.
Jump on the platform. Take FIRST AID KIT from the
chest. Go straight and choose right path to take the FIRST SYMBOL and return
to the main path. Take care, as the platform will fall. Take the crystal and
go through the door.
Activate the radio and change into Vinney. Take the crystal and the
antivenin and turn right. Go to the edge of the pillar and press the search
button and QUICKLY MOVE AWAY! Push the stone towards the pillar, climb up
and walk towards the other end. Beware of the fireman and his fireballs.
Jump down the pillar and turn right.
Jump on the about to sink platform and enter the door. And the fly
from far away and take the turn clear crystal a long with the LAVA CRYSTAL
and antivenin. Now return to the area with the pillar.
Turn right and take out the crab from far away. Take the crystal and
finish the fireman. Proceed. Take the antivenin and ORANGE CRYSTALS by
smashing the cheats. Turn left.
The two pillar room. Go to the first pillar and bombard it do the
same with the pillar to your right and kill the crab but beware of the
fireman. Take the SECOND ATLANANEAN SYMBOL from behind the right pillar you
just blasted. Activate the radio and choose Milo. Push the stone to the
first pillar you blasted in this room and cross lava like you did before.
Keep going straight and take the crystal. Take out the crab and the
upright bug. This time beware of the fireflies. Take the both chests. Just
beside the chest to your left you can see the rocky section of the wall
(just behind the book) climb up and take the crystal. Take the book and jump
up to hold on to another rocky patch, keep going forward smash the chest and
LAVA CRYSTAL. Jump down and go back to the room with two pillars. Go back to
the radio activate it and push the rock to the second pillar and cross.
Use the lava crystals in the slot by the door one by one and
enter. Corridor of fire breath faces. Turn right and push the rock in the
front of the first face and stop turn around the rock and pull from other
side (got the idea). After that get the stone in the middle of first two
statues and jump on the rock. Between the to faces you can see a crystal get
it. Now do the same process. In the middle of second and third take the
THIRD SYMBOL like you took the crystal and continue. Push the stone in front
of third mouth and go straight.
Turn left. Take out the fireman and continue straight taking purple
and clear crystal. Finish the crab and avoid the fireflies. Now turn left.
Kill the fireman and two crabs, take the chest. And crystals. Turn
Go straight and take crystal. Wait for the fire breath to stop
then cross. Cross the huge fireball and activate the radio and enter. Kill
the two crabs and take the four crystals with the GOLD HEART and FOURTH
See the map below and go to the entrance door and turn around
180 degree. Go to the first symbol to your right and press search. Now go
last symbol to your right and press search. Finally go to the second symbol
to your left and exit through the door. A map and the locations are given
below. The 1ST, 2ND, and 3rd are the symbols you have to search.

| | |
| | _ |
| | / \__ 2ND
| | \_/ |
| | |
| ___ |
| / \ _ |
__ _ _| / \ / \ |
| _ \ / \_/ |
| / \ \___/ |
| \_/ |
| _ |
| _ _ / \ __ 1ST
3RD _____ / \ / \ \_/ |
| \_/ \_/ _______ |

Change into Vinney through the radio. And turn left. Go left till reach
platform to your right jump and cross the lava. Take the crystal behind the
left head cross the heads when you see the path clear.
Go straight and take the crystal and first aid kit and take out the
bugman from far. Keep straight. Take out another bugman and crab to grab the
crystal and the first aid kit from the chest. Take out the fireman from far
and take the orange crystal and clear crystal. Exit through the door.
The many towers room. Go straight and turn left and go to the very
first pillar and search. Move Away (I thought you would have known). Don’t
jump on the pillar yet, just go straight and at the end turn right. Activate
the radio and change into Milo (you won’t like to lose all the progress you
have made if your younger sister or brother took the console plug by
Go back to the pillar you just blew up. Cross the ramp, jump to the
other side and climb up the rocky patch.
Take out the two crabs. Turn left to take the antivenin and the
crystal. Now go straight. At the edge jump towards the platform to your
left. Now jump towards the crystal and the radio. Activate the radio. Jump
and take the FIFTH SYMBOL. Finish the crab’s life from there and leap. Go
straight at the end and pull the radio (only Vinney and Milo can pull it).
Go back to the previous radio and change into Mole. Pass the tower and walk
till the edge of the ramp then leap to your left. Go in.
End the miserable life of the bugman and a pair of crabs. Go
forward, take the two crystals and go to the book and right there press the
search button.
After the fall destroy the bugmen and take the crystal. There is the
SIXTH SYMBOL behind one of the pillars. Towards the Western Wall there is a
lever, pull it using the search button, now exits through the only exit.
Kill the three crabs here and grab the can of food and the orange
crystal. Go straight and exit.
You are back at the “Many Pillars Room”. Go straight and cut a right
followed by another right and to the radio room.
Continue straight. Take caution of the fireflies, take out the
bugman and the crab. Grab the crates, two clear and the green crystal for
the level. Now enter the door.
Be quick here, cause there is a big fireman here although you can
keep him down by throwing your BOOMERANG at him when he stands up and he
will sink back in the lava. Take the crystal and the FIRE GEM (Yay!). now go
back to the radio room.
Activate the checkpoint. Go to the “many pillar room”. As you enter
this room keep going straight toward the crystals you can see.
Keep going straight, take the antivenin and activate the radio. Wrap
up the bugmen and the crab. Go to the edge.
It’s quite a jumping and landing game from here. So, jump on the pod
(according to CROW). To your left you can see another orbit of pods. Once
one of those pods come near jump on it. Now duck (using the L1 button) under
the fiery breath of one face then the other. See the platform on your left?
Well don’t jump there yet. Just keep standing to collect to take your
SEVENTH SYMBOL. Duck again but this time jump to the platform to your left.
Use the lift to go down.
Go to the edge and jump on the platform. Now jump on the platform
coming from your left and wait to rise. Now jump to the area to your right.
Kill the tiger and the fly and take first aid kit and crystals. If you
follow this guide you would have taken all 39 crystals. Exit through the
Go to the edge and jump on the platform when it rises. At the end
off it and exit through blackness Level Complete!

Yup once again take all the crystals and can of food and
go to the fire and ice statue room by diving in the water. Take all the
crystal and the two chests and use the fire crystal on the fire statue and
Take out the bugman and take the crystals. Go forward.
Oh your left take the FIFTH SYMBOL and can of food and crystal from the next
left turn. Finish the bugmen and turn right (south west) and take out the
bugmen and take the OLD COG, crystal and THE EIGHT SYMBOL don’t worry I
remember that we still have to collect three more. Go out and turn right
(Southeast). Take the purple crystal can of food and THE SIXTH SYMBOL the
green crystal for this level. Turn right and finish the bugman and take the
crystal to your left and THE SEVENTH SYMBOL and activate the radio. Now go
all the way back to the fire and ice statue room. Jump in the water and go
back to the place where you always start this level. Change into Audrey
using the radio and enter the big door, which is always behind you when you
Take the crystals and the FIRST SYMBOL. ((Told you we
will get it didn’t I?)). Go to the left side of the digger, take the book
and use the COG there.
Once you get control of the digger, go straight by
pressing the X button and keep it pressed until the big door collapses to
Straight-ahead is the exit. If your HP is less than 40
then you should drive on some of the monsters and collect health. After you
get it above 50 odd go to the exit and keep the X button pressed. After the
road is clear cross to end the level.

This level is pretty much like the LEVIATHAN ATTACK. What
you have to do is keep the X button pressed and take all the hearts and can
of gasoline you can. Also avoid the fire and falling rocks and in the
process not fall yourself. Always remember to take the RECYCLE SIGNS
whenever you see them as they act as checkpoint. Don’t bother if you use up
one or two lives here cause you get a GOLD HEART provided that you can take
it. At the end of the day that should be enough to get you through this

LEVEL – 9 OUTER ATLANTIS (first time)
At turn left (south) and take the crystal jump down and
the chest. Return back and go north. Take the crystal, jump down take the
crystal and turn right. Take the chest. Now go back.
Go west and finish the monster and bat from far and jump.
Keep going straight turn left before going in the opening). Take the crystal
and THE FIRST SYMBOL. Turn around and go north. Cross the opening and take
the two crystals. Return back to the opening and enter. Take the crystal and
finish the flamingo. Now enter the door. Finish the monster and the
flamingo. Take the crystal, SECOND SYMBOL and first aid kit and exit.
Finish the flamingo and turn left. Enter the door.
Quickly finish the monster and pick up everything and activate the radio.
Now head out.
Turn left and take crystal and continue forward. Avoid
the falling stone and take out the bats (or whatever you call it then) and
hang a left. Finish another bat and at the end of the passage turn right and
walk forward. Take the crystal and finish the huge worm and pull the lever.
Go back don’t enter the door instead continue straight to take a crystal and
the green crystal for this level. Turn back and enter.
Take out the monster and take another crystal with can of
food. Finish another monster and exit.
Take the crystal to your right and FOURTH SYMBOL hidden
in the bushes to your left. Now jump straight and kill the weird creature in
front and continue.
To your left you can see a bridge. This can be tough.
After you cross the bridge you find a GOLD HEART and radio. Activate the
radio and change into Vinney. Now come back and jump straight. Take the two
crystals. Press search near the left side of the rubble and enter.
Finish the bat and the monster from afar and grab all the
crystals. Now make a right and enter.
Take the crystal and destroy the monster and the bat.
Cross the bridge. Take all the crystals and finish the
monster and exit.
Take the FIFTH symbol to your immediate right. (It’s
hidden just before the right sidewall of the bridge). Just go a little
forward before jumping straight. Activate the radio, go straight finish the
monster and take the chest. Now walk on the thin platform. Jump when on the
edge and enter.
Finish the monster pick the crystals and exit.
Kill yet another monster and turn left and take the first
aid kit. Along with some crystals. This room has three new rooms. The one
straight ahead and to your left is locked so go to the other door and enter.
Finish the monster and exit.
Kill the monster and take the can of food, crystals and
the SIXTH SYMBOL. Now exit through the door. (Don’t worry we still have to
complete other half of this level and then we will get the other symbols.)

Go straight and finish the flamingo. Now turn left and
enter the big door. Finish the flamingo and the spider and take the two
crates. Enter the next room and take all the crystals. Go to the northern
door and keep the straight button pressed. Once inside take the FIRST SYMBOL
and return. Now turn right and enter.
Finish the flamingo and exit through the only door.
Finish the flamingo and take the crystal. Kill the second flamingo before
taking the two boxes along with two more crystals. When you reach the very
end (the wall) turn west and keep going straight and enter through.
Cross the bridge and enter. Go through the corridor into
the next door. Take the can of food and activate the radio. Now return to
the bridge and dive in the water and enter the door there. Go forward and
then down. Once you reach the floor, go straight. The shell you see can
provide you with air if you try to smash it like the chest so punch it when
you have lack of air. Take the crystals and go forward. Take the GOLD HEART
and crystals if you can and go up.
Once you are up, turn right and climb activate the radio
and climb up to get another crystal. Now go back and keep climbing. At the
end turn right and enter.
Finish the two flamingos and take the three crystals and
exit. Jump through the bridge. And enter.
Kill the spider and the flamingo and take purple crystal,
three crystals and first aid kit. At the end turn to east and enter the
door. Take the MARKET PLACE KEY AND JUMP. Take the clear and purple crystal.
Go to the entrance you can see to the northeast and turn 180 degrees now go
straight and use the key you just got. Enter.
You are told that there are guards. Take the green
crystal from behind one of the big rocks. Then exit.
Take the fifth symbol from the top of the huge stone and
then run back to from where you came. You can take a few crystals and can of
food but it risky so its up to you. When you see the coast clear run
straight and exit.
Take all the crystals and exit. Now take the crate under
the shade. Take the book and jump on the elevated ground and press the look
button and press up until you focus on the yellow stack and use your
boomerang. Now cross the ramp. And turn right.
Go upstairs kill the two spiders and turn west and enter.
Pull the two yellow stacks of hay and jump on the small box and then on the
ramp. Now jump on the first stack and then the second and then on the other
ramp. Kill the spider and the monster and take symbol and the piece of
mosaic. Now jump down and exit through the only passage and enter the door.
Take the crystals and return back to the area with the guard.
Go straight and enter the door to your left. Finish the
monster and take the first aid. Enter the next door. Finish the spiders and
enter the door. Take the crystals and the can of food and finish the
monster. Take the sixth symbol behind the bushes. Use the piece of mosaic on
the painting and exit through the door. Take all the objects and activate
the radio and switch into Kida. Now go back to the door with the guard. Pull
the lever and enter
End the spiders’ life and go up the stairs activate the
radio and continue forward. Jump down and take all the crates and go up from
the path. Enter the door. Take all the crates and exit. Activate the radio.
Go to the north and take the last symbol. Now climb the big ladder to the
corner of the room. Jump on the hands one by one and exit to complete the

Finish the flamingo and at the door turn left and go
straight. Take both the crystals and return. Go straight (northeast) and
jump down, now take the symbol. Then enter the door.
Finish the two monsters and take the crystals. Now exit.
Take the crystal and enter the door. Take the crystals and finish the
mutant. Exit through the door.
The four door room. Remember this room? Finish the mutant
and take the two crates along with the crystal. From here its up to you
whether you want an extra life or two you can follow the next paragraph but
if you are content then leave out the next two paragraph.
Take the northeast door. Remember you have been here
before so I am only going to tell you important things. It is really like
playing the outer Atlantis (first time) level. Finish the mutant and take
the crystal, exit. Jump to the bridge and take out the weird creature. Now
go straight and jump on the narrow passage and cross. Finish the mutant and
enter the door. Finish the mutant and continue. Jump through the bridge and
finish another creature and mutant. Keep going forward and go through
crystal. Now go through the door. Finish the mutant and the bat. Now exit.
Jump through the broken bridge and continue straight. Jump when you get to
the edge and finish the monster. Go through the next door and cross the
bridge, kill the bats if you like and at the end turn left. Before going
into the door turn right. Finish the flamingo and enter. Take all the things
and kill the mutants. Now exit. Turn right and enter the door. Finish the
flamingo and the mutant and take the aid kit and the crystal and go through
the door. Finish the flamingo and exit. Turn right and take the crystal.
Then go straight and take the crystals there. Then come back and turn left.
Finish the enemies and at the edge jump straight. Finish the flamingo and go
up the stairs. Turn right and take the chest and then go back and take the
crystals and the can of food. Now head back to the room with four doors
((Yup you heard right you choose it that way)).
You have been here before as well. Take the northwestern
door. Finish the monster and enter. Take out the mutant and take all the
things here. Now go back to the four-door room.
Take the door near the radio. Finish the mutant and the
monster and continue. Cross the bridge and kill another mutant. Now enter.
Take the symbol to your left, behind the bushes. Take the crystal and fall
in the water. Take the crystals and enter the doorway under the water. Level

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12.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und 3 Trainer

13.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Patch für die US NTSC Version.

13.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

12.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018