Quake 2 - Ground Zero

Quake 2 - Ground Zero

18.10.2013 04:46:02

Quake 2 Mission Pack 2 - Ground Zero [Secrets]
Enemies disappear in Ground Zero:
Barracuda Shark, Brains, Strogg Drone & Tank Boss

Under ~ console, type viewpos to see player's position (X Y Z) : DIRECTION

Unit 1 Level 1 - Map RMINE1 "Lower Mines" (5 Secrets)

1. At the beginning where the Flyers stay, turn left [(-1690 -1818 40) : 124]
and shoot the red crystal ore until it explodes which reveals a path to
the first secret area. Cross lava [(-2000 -1613 41) : -151] and get the
"Double Damage".

2. [(-770 -2023 750) : 176] Climb up ladder and press the button to activate
the ore mover. After it stops at the opposite side, shoot the huge ore
until it explodes which reveals the second secret area. Up the nearby
stairs, turn left and then right [(-124 -1987 764) : -4] to get the "IR

3. [(2071 -356 550) : -50] In the room of two large gears, a crack on the
ground is next to the corner gear. Shoot it to reveal the third secret
area and get the "Adrenaline".

4. [(409 -697 926) : 92] Climb up ladder and press the button to activate
the crane. After it stops at the right side on the ground, shoot the dark
box until it explodes which reveals another secret area. Jump to the hole
and get the "Bandolier" [(492 -707 550) : -174].

5. [(1709 -497 790) : 178] Push the lever to activate the cart track. After
exiting the room, turn left and activate the lift to go down. Wait for one
moving cart and jump on it to reach at top. After leaving the cart, follow
it along the track and go up in the mid-air. Turn left and step on the
edge to get the "Body Armor" [(1138 -1581 830) : 0].

Unit 1 Level 2 - Map RLAVA1 "Thaelite Mines" (4 Secrets)

1. Press button to activate the large and slow lift. During going down, the
left and right walls will explode and each side has two flyers. Jump to
the right side and there is a crack on the wall. [(3109 -1375 646) : -3]
Shoot it to reveal a secret area and get the "Mega Health".

2. At the cave where a Chaingun is located, opposite to the direction of
carts, follow the track as bridge to cross for other side and jump down.
Move forward and get the "Double Damage" [(1150 -2472 370) : -87].

3. [(1823 621 622) : -90] After entering the room for security pass with 3
red lasers activated, there is a flame switch which is located on one side
of the left column and faced to wall at the upper. Shoot it to reveal the
nearby secret area. Move forward and crouch down to get the "Silencer"
plus four "Stimpacks" [(1982 135 600) : -88].

4. Kill the Tank Commander to deactivate the red lasers and get the "Security
Pass". While other lights have just one illuminating tube in this room,
there is a light with two tubes near the door at left side. Shoot the
upper area of its right light tube [(2079 48 878) : -96] until the wall
explodes. Enter the new formed cave, turn right and then left, shoot the
red crystal ore [(1918 -502 886) : -98] until it explodes which reveals
another secret area. Move up and get the "Ammo Pack".

Unit 1 Level 3 - Map RLAVA2 "Tectonic Stabilizer" (4 Secrets)

1. There is a computer console room with a H-shaped structure (two vertical
columns and one horizontal coolant tube). Near the vertical column which
outputs coolant, a hidden flame switch is located on the upper wall faced
to the column. [(-367 -943 46) : -100] Shoot it to reveal the nearby
secret area where a gladiator originally stands. Get the "Defender Sphere"
and "Prox".

2. Enter the coolant tank and press the button to activate the filtration
vents. Climb down ladder and swim to get the "Body Armor"
[(-500 -1059 110) : 103].

3. Leave the coolant tank at another exit door. Jump to the left from the
exit door to get the "Double Damage" [-548 -71 398) : -87].

4. After all 3 auxiliary coolant pumps are turned off from 03, 02 to 01, run
to the generator room (centred with a large blue crystal). Stand at the
highest position on the road in this room and a reverse L-shaped tube
will explode. Jump to the new formed cave and run (opposite to a brown
grid) to enter the secret level "Mine Engineering" [(2475 -655 142) : 84].

Unit 1 Level 4 - Map RMINE2 "Mine Engineering" (No Secret)

In this level you find the weapon "Chainsaw", besides within the shortest
leaving time becomes, otherwise you will be drawn in the glowing hotter lava,
it ascends and ascends.

Unit 2 Level 1 - Map RWARE1 "Eastern Warehouse" (4 Secrets)

1. Press the keyboard of computer console to disable red security lasers.
Then get a power cube to disable track. For the cargo train, there are two
platform carts. Under the side of empty cart, there is a hole on the track.
Crouch and drop down to get the "Invulnerability" [(29 -611 302) : -88].

2. After passed through a collapsed slope, enter the room and this message
displays, 'Building integrity compromised. Electrical systems unstable.
Extreme caution is advised.' Rush down to get another power cube before
touching electric-charged water. Immediately jump up from boxes to the
opposite side. Press the button to seal power terminal and re-route backup
power. Under the collapsed bridge in discharged water, crouch down to get
the "Adrenaline" [(1184 927 534) : -6].

3. After the red key card is obtained, use the elevator to return up. Jump
from top of boxes repeatedly to the other side and get the "Mega Health"
[(188 2135 1198) : 87].

4. Nearby the exit door of this level, there is a cave under the large slope.
Enter the secret passage and get the "Body Armor" [(1299 2319 878) : -86].

Unit 2 Level 2 - Map RWARE2 "Waterfront Storage" (4 Secrets)

1. When first entered the large warehouse, turn left and there is a dark
explosive box. Move forward and jump to the left path of box tops. Back to
the rear of dark box, shoot it to explode a cell. Drop down and get a
BFG10K and two cells [(1168 -584 1006) : -80].

2. Return from secret 1 and jump to the right path of box tops. You will find
a machine gun and further a box transport mover. Step on the railroad will
trigger its movement. Face against the moving transport and jump on its
edge. Then jump to its top and turn around. A moment later, jump up to an
upper corner of boxes and get the "Mega Health" [(1839 208 1134) : 176].

3. Nearby the exit door to Logistics Complex, there are 3 boxes (2 ordinary
and 1 small). Next to those boxes is a wall panel. Shoot the switch marked
with inclined lines in reverse direction to reveal a secret area. Get the
"Defender Sphere" [(225 -685 1454) : -89].

4. After return from Unit 2 Level 3 "Logistics Complex", pass through a door
unlocked by tank commander's head and then turn right. At the corner of
down stairs, where a med kit is located, shoot the lower red corner wall
to reveal a secret area. Get the "Quad Damage" [(1885 -2791 1070) : -93].

Unit 2 Level 3 - Map RBASE1 "Logistics Complex" (1 Secret)

0. Start from Unit 2 Level 2 "Waterfront Storage"

1. After return from Unit 2 Level 4 "Tactical Command", there is a flame
switch located on one side of computer console which requires a Data CD to
be placed for uplink. Shoot it to reveal a secret area. Turn around and
get the "body armor" [(-1281 1181 46) : -92].

Unit 2 Level 4 - Map RBASE2 "Tactical Command" (2 Secrets)

0. Start from Unit 2 Level 2 "Waterfront Storage"

1. From start, go down the slope and there is a wall panel which displays,
'Security'. Turn around and look up, there is a flame switch on the edge
of ceiling. Shoot it to reveal a secret area and get the "Double Damage"
[(351 56 -17) : -90].

2. After return from Unit 2 Level 3 "Logistics Complex" Secret 1, before the
exit tunnel to Unit 3 Level 1 "Research Hangar", from the corner next to
the exit gate, dive into the water. There is a crack on a corner wall.
Shoot it to explode another secret area and get a backpack (heavy ammo
pack) [(-720 1373 -273) : 2].

Unit 3 Level 1 - Map RHANGAR1 "Research Hangar" (2 Secrets)

1. In the room of four hanging columns around the inclined road, there is a
body armor located at a high position and behind a red laser beam. Stand
at the highest position on the road in this room, then turn left and look
up. Between the top of shortest column and the wall, there is a flame
switch located on the ceiling. Shoot it to explode the pipe for pouring
out water which will deactivate the red laser beam. Dive into the water to
get an adrenaline and a body armor [(1748 -1495 -1025) : -5].

2. After return from Unit 3 Level 4 "Maintenance Hangars", the tallest server
at left (in front of you) is hollow and contains a secret area. Jump to
the top of shortest server, then the middle one at right. Shoot the top of
tallest server until it explodes. Jump to this hollow server and get a
power shield [(-345 2239 182) : -89]. Note: After leaving this room,
prepare to face a new boss - the Carrier.

Unit 3 Level 2 - Map RSEWER1 "Waste Processing" (2 Secrets)

1. Before the room of deactivating the green security lasers, there are two
benches under the ceiling. Shoot the bench which contains an adrenaline
until it explodes. Get the fallen "Adrenaline" [(2248 -847 558) : 93].

2. In the room of activating the reactor, there are two computer servers at a
corner. Jump to the top of small inclined server and press the long green
button on the side of tall server. Jump down and get the "Mega Health"
[(386 260 430) : -177] under the tall server.

Unit 3 Level 3 - Map RSEWER2 "Waste Disposal" (2 Secrets)

1. Dive into the water vertically under the start door, crouch down to get
the "Mega Health" [(976 -1532 -401) : 120] next to the long pipe.

2. Turn left from start, there is a crack on the floor next to a dead marine
and a ETF rifle. Shoot it to explode a secret area. Crouch down and dive
into the water to get the "Double Damage" [(683 -703 -385) : 109].

Unit 3 Level 4 - Map RHANGAR2 "Maintenance Hangars" (3 Secrets)

1. Turn right from start, use elevator to go down. Do NOT shoot the explosive
barrel next to the computer console, otherwise the computer and its linked
cable will both be destroyed. Press the keyboard of computer console to
deactivate Level 1 defences. Turn around and there is an explosive barrel
located at middle between two large column pipes. Shoot it to explode the
nearby secret area. Push another explosive barrel (next to the jacket
armor located at a corner) as a step under the secret area. Jump from the
top of explosive barrel to get the "Ammo Pack" [(-128 -351 -129) : -2].

2. After return from Unit 3 Level 3 "Waste Disposal" again (using cargo lift),
there is a machine (with transparent top) used to cover acid containers.
After an acid container is covered, jump to its new cover from the top of
machine. Turn around and crouch down to shoot the flame switch behind the
cover fork of machine such that something (an "Invulnerability") will fall
in an acid container. From the new cover of acid container, jump to the
top of door and get an environment suit. Rush to the elevator and move up
to the upper platform. Then jump into one of the uncovered acid container
and get the "Invulnerability".

3. Before exit back to Unit 3 Level 1 "Research Hangar", return to start of
this level (the closed pipe). Turn left and shoot the rock wall nearby the
start pipe until it explodes to release the Mutant. Enter the secret cave
and get the "Double Damage" [(-405 101 -33) : 117].

Unit 4 Level 1 - Map RAMMO1 "Munitions Plant" (2 Secrets)

1. After the plant access is granted, pass through the unlocked plant door
and enter the room of 3 yellow laser fields. Shoot the upper green wall
panel (in diagonal of the yellow laser fields) to explode a flame switch.
Shoot it to reveal a nearby secret area. Turn left and get the "body
armor" [(-1692 -68 1582) : 175].

2. In the room of using Gondola shuttle for entering Gravity Well, shoot the
wall panel of right corner to explode another secret area. Get a power
shield and a body armor [(-356 1316 910) : -9].

Unit 4 Level 2 - Map RAMMO2 "Ammo Depot" (2 Secrets)

0. There is not counted as a secret. At the first room from start, there is a
grid on the center of ceiling. Use BFG10K to shoot the brown grid several
times until it explodes a flame switch which displays "You've found a
DuNgA!". Where is this DuNgA?

1. Press the keyboard of computer console to activate "Strogg Bio-Maintenance
Chamber". Back to the room with the blue column of floating water. Enter
this secret column to obtain Strogg uniform and proceed freely. Hold your
fire and you will not be attacked.

2. Each side of the bridge has a clamp. For the clamp with a large box in
mid-air, there is a crack on the base of box. Shoot it to explode a secret
area and get the fallen "Double Damage" [(-783 -698 110) : -3].

Unit 5 Level 1 - Map RBOSS "Widow's Lair" (No Secret)

0. Do NOT use any "Invulnerability", "Quad Damage" or "Double Damage" against
the two bosses, otherwise they will become invincible and cannot be hurt.
Note: Both of them can summon stalkers for extra attack. End of game
victory: "You have defeated the Strogg Threat!"


Thanks for your kind attention.

Yours sincerely,
Richard Sy.
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