Space Empires IV

Space Empires IV

18.10.2013 01:53:47
*Space Empires IV* overview FAQ v1.1
by PantheR

Last update: 26/09/2001

Table of Contents
1. Legal Stuff
2. Notes
3. FAQ History
4. Game specifications
5. Starting a new game
6. In-game menus
6.9 LOG
7. Hotkeys
8. When the game is started...

1.Legal Stuff
You may distribute this FAQ freely, but nor may you change any or all of
this FAQ. I would appreciate that you send any questions,suggestions and
updates on my e-mail . Also, if you going to post out
this FAQ somewhere: large request to e-mail me about it, though it is not

Space Empires IV Copyright 1998-2000 Malfador Machinations

This FAQ was written for the game version 1.41. Make sure you have the
latest patch as it adds many features and corrections. You can download it

3.FAQ history
NEWS: Ìîþ FAQ'øêó ïîìåñòèëè íàêîíåö òàêè â DLH :)

v1.1 - Fixed many discrepancies in this FAQ.
Added *Hotkeys* section.
Added gameplay sections.

v1.0 - First version with a bunch of bugs =)

4.Game specifications
Space Empires IV has a minimum requirement of a PC running Windows 95, 98,
NT, or 2000. It requires a 100% IBM PC compatible with a pentium class
microprocessor or better and a SVGA monitor running in 800x600 or better.
The color depth for the resolution should be 24bit color or better (you can
get by with 16bit if you have to). You will need about 120 megs of hard
drive space for the game.

5.Starting a new game
This game really shocks by a diversification of pregame adjustments. Many
options are accessible to the player, so that I shall be attempted to
describe the majority of them. So, press New Game button at the main menu
and let's go!

5.1 ---QUADRANT---

*Galaxy type*
Allows to choose type of the galaxy. Different types have not only different
appearance but also components of systems directly depend on them. As an
example: if you select "Ancient" type - majority of systems will be black
holes, storms or just blasted apart,"mid-life" systems will be full of
planets to colonize.

*Quadrant size* option
The size of the galaxy affects on the quantity of systems.

*General options*
All warp points connected - you moving between systems by warp points that
linkes different systems. This option allows to connect all systems with
each other by using warp points,no stand-alone systems allowed. If this
option unchecked systems will be randomly connected.

No warp points - systems are not connected by warp points. To move between
different systems you must research Stellar Manipulations and create warp
points by yourself (What an amazing feature!)

Warp points located anywhere in system - determines the type of the warp
points placement. If checked warp points will be randomly placed in the
system, overwise they will be placed on the edges of the system.

All systems seen by all players - all players can see contents of all
systems. No enemy colonies or ships can be seen.

Omnipresent view of the systems - all players can see contents of the
systems as it in the present (including enemy colonies & ships)

Finite resources - planets will have finite resources.You will fight for an
every new planet.

All players planets are the same size - ensures that all players homeworld
planets of the same size. This one is balancing the game.

When all options configured click on "Generate map now" button to see the
preview of the galaxy. Click again to generate a new one with selected

5.2 ---EVENTS---

*Event frequency* option
Adjusts random events frequency for the game.

*Max event severity* option
Adjusts the "strength" of events. An example: with "low" type of severity
earthquake can kill 5m colonists while with "catastrophic" severity 30m.

5.3 ---TECHNOLOGY---

*Technology cost* option
The global level of prices on the research projects. Higher the cost -
more time you need to develope technlogy.

*Tech areas allowed* option
Allows to select which tech areas will be present in the game for research.
With this one you can easily get rid of tech areas that you don't like or
create your own game conditions that depends on wich techs are allowed.


*Starting resources for player* option
You can choose between 2000,5000 and 20000. That options can determine
how fast your empire will grow in the beginning.

*Home planet value* option
Determines homeworld value (bad,average or good). Planet value combines
in itself atmosphere and weather conditions of the planet.

*Number of starting planets* option
Pick the number of planets you want to obtain in the beginning of the game.

*Empire placement* option
Allowed to start in the same system - some empires can start their game in
the same system. Competition is inevitable!

*Evently distributed through the quadrant* option
Epires evently distributed through the quadrant otherwise they are placed
on game-predefined locations.

*Score to display* option
Allows to choose whose scores to display in the game race info. Consists of
3 variants: view own score, view own and ally scores, view all scores. The
last one is my default choice.

*Technology level for new player* option
Allows to set tech level for the starting of the game. Consists of 3
options: low,medium,high. Slightly differ from each other with researched

*Racial points for new player* option
Determines an amount of racial points for race creation. Can choose
between: 0,2000,3000,5000. I prefer the last one as it allows to tune created
races more effectively.

5.5 ---PLAYERS---

At first i'll describe available options.

*Random computer controlled players* option
Generates random computer controlled players - randomly generates opponents
according options below. Uncheck it if you want to create opponents manually.

*Random computer controlled Neutral Empires* option
Generates random computer controlled Neutral Empires - randomly generates
empires with neutral AI and one-colored flags. Uncheck it if you don't want
to play with this empires.

*Number of computer players* option
Choose between: low, medium and high. I think it it would be better to make
in a numerical kind but nothing i can do.

*Computer player difficulty* option
Choose between: low, medium, high. Adjusts the strength of computer players.

*Computer player bonus* option
Gives different bonuses for computer players at startup.

And now lets review what we can create =)

Press *Add new* button to start creating a new race.
Press *Add existing* button to add earlier saved race.
Press *Edit* button to edit already added race.
Press *Remove* button to remove a race from the list.
Press *Save to file* button to save added race to a file.

So we want to create completely new race. Press *Add new* button.

*Empire name*,*Empire type*,*Empire title*,*Emperor name*
Write here that you want. Just a simple details about empire.

Write here password if you want to protect your race from editing by other

*Race portrait*
Just choose predefined race portrait.

*Design name file*
Choose file with default names for unit and ship designs for the game. If
you want to use your own predefined names: create "*.txt" file in
"./Dsgnname" folder of the game and then choose it by this option.

*Minister style*
Choose a computer controlled minister for you empire. Minister allows you
automate controls of your empire till the complete automation! Choose
predefined types or create your own. Create a new folder in the "./Ai" and
copy there all files from any other folder of the "Ai" folder. Then just
modify copied files and select your type of minister from this option.
(The name of type - the name of created folder)

*Computer controlled* option
Check it if you want to make this race computer controlled otherwise it will
be player controlled.

*Use race minister style* option
Don't check it if you want to use a style from above. This option allows to
use predefined style according the race.

*Experience points*,*Race age*
This two displayed stats i still don't understand. Please e-mail me if you
know what is it and how it varies?


*Atmosphere breathed* option
Choose suitable atmosphere for your race. It will influence on overall
colonists conditions on the planet.

*Home planet type* option
Choose type of home planet: Rock, Ice and Gas Giant. It will influence on
overall colonists conditions on the planet.


Different culture types gives bonuses or disadvantages to specific areas:

Culture Prod Res Intel Trade SC GC Happy Maint SY Repair

1. Neutral
2. Berzerkers -5% -5% -5% -5% +10% +10% +5% -2% -2%
3. Warriors -2% -2% +5% +5%
4. Traders +5%
5. Politicians -5% +5% +2% +5%
6. Artisans +10%
7. Scientists +5%
8. Workers +5%
9. Schemes +5%
10.Zealots -2% -2% -5% +5% +10%
11.Engineers -2% -5% -5% -5% +2% +5% +5%
12.Merchats -2% -2% +5% -2% -5% +5%
13.Renegades -2% -2% -2% +5% +2% +5% -5% +2%
14.Xenophobes +5% -5% -5%

Prod - Resourse production GC - Ground combat bonus
Res - Research points Happy - Population happiness bonus
Intel - Intelligence points Maint - Maintenance bonus
Trade - Trade resourse bonus SY - Space yard construction rate bonus
SC - Space combat bonus Repair - Component repair rate bonus


You can adjust some race bonuses in percents. Don't forget about an amount
of racial points you have =) (check it in the right upper corner)

Physical strengh - ground combat bonus (from 50% to 150%)
Intelligence - research bonus (from 50% to 150%)
Cunning - intelligence bonus (from 50% to 150%)
Environmental Res - tolerate bonus (from 50% to 150%)
Reproduction - reproduction rate bonus (from 91% to 130%)
Happiness - happiness bonus (from 50% to 150%)
Aggressiveness - ship attack bonus (from 75% to 125%)
Defensiveness - ship defence bonus (from 75% to 125%)
Political Savvy - trade bonus (from 50% to 150%)

Mining aptitude - minerals production bonus (from 50% to 150%)
Farming aptitude - organics production bonus (from 50% to 150%)
Refining aptitude - radioactives production bonus (from 50% to 150%)
Construction apt. - space yard construction rate bonus (from 50% to 150%)
Repair aptitude - repair rate bonus (from 50% to 150%)
Maintenance apt. - maintenance reduction bonus (from 80% to 120%)


Here you can choose global race abilities. However don't forget that it uses
racial points too!

Advanced power conservation - reduces supply usage of all ships by 25%.
Supplies needed to all ships, it needs to perform stellar manipulations and
ship movement. If supplies is out of stock ship movement will be reduced to
1 parsec per turn until resupply. 1000rp

Mechanoids - planets not affected by plagues. I think it is useless stuff
because you can build planetary-wide and system-wide MedLabs in a short time.

Lucky - halves the chance of bad event. If you set event frequency on a high
state then it may prove itself as needed otherwise it is useless too. 1000rp

Natural Merchants - systems do not require spaceports to get resources to the
empire. Sorry, nothing i can tell about this thing though it may allow
resource transition in empire treasury for each system. 1000rp

Propulsion experts - one extra movement point to each ship. Nothing special
i can see in this feature. There are more interesting features exists in this
game. 1000rp

Ancient race - empire has seen entire galaxy at the start of the game. Make
your choice. Personally I love to investigate a galaxy independently. 1000rp

Advanced storage techniques - planets can store 120% of their capacity. This
feature is quiet useful especially if quadrant type is "Ancient" because of
the lack of good planets and abilities to construct many storages. 1000rp

Hardly industrialists - space yard construction rate 125%. Useful feature if
you want to build faster. 1000rp

Psychic, Deeply religious, Temporal Knowledge, Crystallurgy, Organic
Manipulation - allows to research one of this special projects. Very useful
because you can receive some interesting techs. Each costs 1500 rp.

Emotionless - population do not grow angry or happy. Very useful and very
expensive thing! 3000rp


Here you can describe your race specifications and also select empire type:
Psychotic, Violent, Agressive, Impulsive, Neutral, Friendly, Honorable,
Serene. Sorry, but i'm still do not know what exactly it does.

Happiness type - select one of three happiness types for an empire: "Peaceful"
- population will actively respond on good events and poorly on bad;
"Bloodthirsty" - populations love wars and destructions and poorly responds on
combat defeats and peace treaties; "Neutral" - populations respond poorly on
any unusual events.

So, press *Create empire* button to add created race.


The will end if one of the following conditions checked and complete or one
empire left in the galaxy.

First player to reach a score of - sets the score, after achievement which
one the game finishes.

The following number of years elapsed since game start - The game finishes
after will pass the indicated year limit.

Player has a score of this percent of the second place player - the game
finishes if the player occupying the first place has the score to the equal
indicated percentage ratio from the scores of second place player.

Player has this percentage of the total tech area researched - the game
finishes if the player has elaborated indicated percent of total of

The quadrant is completely at peace for this many years - the game finishes
if the quadrant is in a peace during the indicated quantity of years.

Victory conditions take effect this many years after game start - the
conditions of victory enter into force on expiration of the indicated quantity
of years.

6.In-game menus
In this section I shall try to describe game menus, where what to be and as it
to use.

6.1---GAME MENU--- (F2 key)

This main menu of the game, where the following options are accessible:

*New* button
To begin the new game, thus the current game is dumped.

*Load* button
To load the earlier saved game.

*Save Map* button
To keep a current map of a quadrant to the file. Is accessible only if you have
included an option in adjustments of the new game. With the help of the editor
of maps, which one is appended together with last patch it is possible to edit
a map as you wish.

*Save Empire* button
To keep a profile of your empire in the file. Basically too most it was possible
to make at attachment of empires in adjustments of the new game.

*Players* button
This very interesting menu. Here at any moment of the game, any player can be
selected to undertake his control, also it is possible to return empire under
the computer control , and other to take to itself.

*Options* button
Some options of the game, such as actuation both switching-off animation and
display trajectory of motion of the ships.

*Delete Game* button
Here it is possible to delete the earlier saved game.

*Quit* button
This push button responds for, whether you want to remain in the game whether
or not =)

*Close* button
Shuts down Game Menu window and return to the current game.

6.2---DESIGNS--- (F3 key)

It is the menu, where you can create own models of units and ships, which one
in a consequence can be plotted in space docks.

Clicking on push buttons " Ship Designs " and " Unit Designs ", it is possible
to be relaid between lists already existing designs for the ships and units
accordingly. The push buttons " Enemy Ship Dsgn " and " Enemy Unit Dsgn " will
be used for review of models of the ships and units of the opponent, if your
spies have stolen them from the last one.

*Create* button
Enter in the menu of creation of the ship or unit. (We shall consider below)

*Copy* button
Pattern selected design of object.

*Edit* button
Edit design, if it is still prototype.

*Upgrade* button
Upgrade selected design of object.

*Make Obsolete* button
Designate selected design as obsolete. The ministers will not use it anymore.

*Hide Obsolete* option
Not demonstrate obsolete designs. Here I think all is clearly.

*Simulator* button
It is the menu allows to stage duels between selected objects. Sorry, but here
I have not disassembled yet.

***And now lets review object designing menu***

First of all you will offer to select type of object, which one you want to
model. Possible types: Ship, Base, Fighter, Satellite, Mine, Troop, Weapon
Platform. Each of these types differs from each other by capacity,
trafficability and usage of the miscellaneous equipment.
First of all it is necessary to select the size of the ship from drag'n'drop
menu with a title *Size*. Than more size of the ship, is more its capacity and
more chance of the opponent to don't miss in it, accordingly to the contrary
with more small ships. Then it is necessary to select type of design from the
menu *Type Design *, it is as a matter of convenience sorting of lists of
construction. And at last it is necessary to set a name to design. At
construction of the ship, you can assign separately a name to it.

In a window from below warnings on current design (too many components
injected, there are no components etc.) For each design there is a set of
components, which one necessarily should be present. All of it also is
demonstrated in this window.
To add a component to design, simply click on it. In a window from above in
center it is possible to see how much remained of a free place (for example
300kT/800kT means, that 300kT is held), there it is possible to see how much
resources it is required on creation of design and some its main characteristics

*Comp Type* button
Here it is possible to select what group of components to image or to image all
at once.

*Weap Mount* button
Here it is possible to increase a destructive force of arms, but the more force,
the the greater class of the ship is required. Variations: Normal Mount,
Large Ship Mount (X2 damage), Heavy Ship Mount (X3 damage), Massive Ship Mount
(X5 damage).

*To hit Modifiers* option
If is included, in the upper window allows to see killing and protective force
of design in percentage.

*Condenced View* option
If one design contains some identical components, they are imaged by one picture
with usage of digits.

*Only Latest* option
To demonstrate only latest equipment if is of an aged same type.

*Weapons Report* button
To view the killing characteristics of arms.

*Create Design* button
To finish simulation of design.

6.3---PLANETS--- (F4 key)

Here it is possible to view any information on planets. The push buttons of
sorting sort all known planets by the conforming parameters. I shall not
enumerate them, there so all is clear.

*No Sys To Avoid* option
If this option is selected, the ships will not bend any more systems marked
as Avoid.

*Send Colony Ship* button
From here it is possible to select a free planet and to send on it the colonial

6.4---COLONIES--- (F5 key)

Here it is possible to view any information on colonized planets. The push
buttons of sorting sort all known planets by the conforming parameters. I shall
not enumerate them, there so all is clear.

*Scrap Facil Types* button
From here it is possible to select any your colony and to sell on her

*Set Colony Type* button
Here it is possible to establish other profile for selected colony.

6.5---SHIPS/UNITS--- (F6 key)

This menu serves for a fleet management. Here it is possible to view all your
ships and units pursuant to selected sorting.

Three option buttons: Show Ships, Show Units, Show Fleets - allows to view
them in the list accordingly.


This menu almost equivalently menu Colonies, except for the push button
"Upgrade Facility", which one upgrades possible buildings on a selected planet.

6.7---RESEARCH--- (F8 key)

This window responds for technical discoverings of your empire. Here you can
put on researching technological zones. For researching are demanded research
points, than it is more of them - that there is researching faster. To add
a project for research simplly select it from a list and click on a nem.
To eliminate a project simplly click on its mapping in a window of selected
researches from below.

The first three option buttons "Projects" allow to view given projects:
1-4, 4-8, 8-12.

*Repeat Project* option
Allows to repeat researching of projects area given in that order, in which
one they preset earlier.

*Divide Pts Evently* option
If is included, research points given are distributed equally on all projects.
If not included, all points go on first project in a list.

*Reorder Projects* button
Allows to interchange sequence of given projects research.

6.8---EMPIRES--- (F9 key)

This screen serves for diplomatic communications with other empires. The
contacts to empires are established if between empires there is a connection
in 3 systems and one of the ships finds colony of other empire. Races, with
which one the contact is established, are rotined below. Also there it is
possible to see the pacts, actual with the given empire, percent from trade
and level of relations to each other.

*Treaty* option
Overall diplomatic info about empires.

*Trade* option
Detailed info about trade benefits.

*Tariff option
Detailed info about tribute.

*History* button
Shows history of all previous global events.

*Treaty Grid* button
Shows treaty pacts between all known empires.

*Intelligence* button
Allows to perform intelligence operations against known empires.
Principle of operation with projects here same as well as in a window
"Research", so that I shall not esteem explicitly this window. Intelligence
and tech projects I plan to describe later.

Very interesting window! On a card of a quadrant it is possible to click at
a system, to assign it diplomaticaly to yourself. If the system is indicated
by a large green circle, there now there is an opposition for diplomatic
possession of this system by races (territorial).

Select All - Shows all info at the quadrant map at once.

Allies - Shows systems that your allies possesses.

Enemies - Shows systems that your enemys possesses.

Us - Shows systems that you possesses.

Shows scores of races by different statistics (according pre-game settings).

*Victory Conditions*
Shows victory conditions stats for all non-neutral races.

Demonstrates statistics of all races graphically, according to miscellaneous
options to select.

*Our Race*
View info about your race.

6.9---LOG--- (F10 key)

View events log for current turn. There are many quick features. You also can
view messages by type (Research, Construction etc.)

*Send Reply*
Send replies on diplomatic messages if it is not an answers on your messages
sended in the last turn.

*Combat Replay*
You can see replay of the combat viewed in message.

*Construction Queues*
Just a quick link to a window.

Go to a place, where there was an event.

6.10---EMPIRE OPTIONS--- (F11 key)

Main empire info and config center =) Here you can see an info about empire
resource profit and insuffition.

Ministers are described below.

Sorry no info by this time.

---END TURN--- (F12 key)

The keys listed below are shortcuts which provide additional
functionality during game play.

*** Tactical ***

Shift + click Allows you to select multiple ships for movement
in the list section of the Main Window.
M MoveTo
W Warp
Alt 0 - 9 Set Waypoint # in sector
Ctrl 0 - 9 Move to Waypoint #
C Colonize
A Attack
F Fleet Transfer
S Resupply
R Repair
Backspace / Del Clear Orders
Q Set Build Queue
T Cargo Transfer
U Launch\Recover Units
L Load Cargo
D Drop Cargo
I Launch Units Remotely
O Recover Units Remotely
Y Sentry
E Explore
P Set Patrol
K Repeat Orders
B Stellar Manipulations
V View Orders
G Scrap / Analyze / Mothball
H Change Formation \ Strategy
N Change Name
J Jettison Cargo
Z Cloak
X Decloak
Ctrl M Sweep Mines
Ctrl T Add Tagged Minefield
Ctrl R Remove Tagged Minefield
Ctrl A Abandon Planet
Ctrl V Convert Resources

F1 Help
F2 Game Menu
F3 Designs
F4 Planets
F5 Colonies
F6 Ships \ Units
F7 Construction Queues
F8 Research
F9 Empires
F10 Log
F11 Empire Status
F12 End Turn

Spacebar / Ctrl N Next Ship
Ctrl B Previous Ship
Ctrl F Next Fleet
Ctrl D Previous Fleet
Ctrl C Next Colony
Ctrl X Previous Colony

Ctrl P Phase Replay Full
Ctrl O Phase Replay Reload
Ctrl I Phase Replay Single Step
Ctrl U Phase Replay Follow Ship

Ctrl L Toggle: Show Ship Movement Lines
Ctrl S Toggle: Sound

Ctrl H Show the Tutorial \ Scenario Window

*** Combat ***

Alt 0 - 9 Set Group # Leader
Ctrl 0 - 9 Set Group # member
L Launch Units
T Drop Troops
R Ram Ship
C Capture Ship

Spacebar / Ctrl N Next Ship With Movement
Ctrl B Previous Ship With Movement
Ctrl F Next Ship Which Can Fire
Ctrl D Previous Ship Which Can Fire

8.When the game is started...
In this section I shall try to describe, that is necessary to make not bad
beginning of the game. Versions can be uncountable therefore I shall
consider only some of them. Much certainly depends on a type of a galaxy,
complexity and quantity of the players. Also considerable role is played by
the specification of your race.
From global tunings I at once retract a dialogue window of turn transfer,
cancellation of research and intelligence queues, which one is fast annoys me.
To make it, go in the menu of Empire Status indicated by a corona, and there go
in the menu Empire Options. Options in this menu on my view do not introduce the
special complexity, therefore I shall not describe them.
Following global step - setup of the ministers of automatic control. From the
very beginning of the game you need to be defined - that you want to take under
the control, and what to keep for the ministers. Usually for the ministers I
abandon following zones: expenses, production output, troops. A zone such as
design put on your discretion. If you always want to have near at hand last models
of the ships and troops without the special efforts, keep design to the minister.
If you need something especial you certainly can design it yourself. Zone such as
Facility Construction also put on your discretion. For the beginning you can set
lists of constructions, but when you get bored or planets becomes too much, you
can transmit the control to the minister. The list, which one minister will offer
will be varied depending on that what type of colony you have selected
for just colonized planet. At colonization the capability will be given to you to
select a profile of the new colony. Also there is an excellent capability to give
planets and units under the control of the ministers particulate. If you want,
that all new units and colonys automatically should be subject to the ministers
select an option "Automaticaly use ministers for newly built vehicles". To
disconnect the control of the minister for any selected object also it is possible
having clicked on for the panel of icons an icon about the picture of a head.
When the ministers are customized, it is possible to click the push button
"Indiv. Ministers On" to include the ministers for all your objects. The push
button "Indiv. Ministers Off" disconnects the ministers for all objects.


As I already spoke earlier, Ancient type of a galaxy differs by rather small
quantity of systems suitable for colonization. It means, that in the game the rapid
motions of technologies and aggressive expansion will dominate. More planets - fleets
there are more, the above technological level - is better fleet and distance of its
removal. Also to you there will be a set of black holes and space storms, be warn!
The black holes attract the ships to the center on 2 parsecs in tour and, if the
ships fall in center - they are destroyed. The storms affect scanners, the guidance
systems and shields - there are many types of storms. Also there is a set of
unstable Warp Points, which one cause damages to the ships at removal through them.


I appeal for you to note, that as soon as your empire has achieved stable political,
military and economic position, start researching technologies on colonization of
other types of planets. It only business of time - who first will seize planets, so
that if you would not like to divide the systems with aggressive alien expansionists-
take the initiative in your hands. Certainly it is impossible to describe all optional
versions of events, but it is possible to secure a fundamentals always. So that how to
use this text is decide to you, there can be you want to mix some of described by me
strategies and will make exact selection.

If the type of a galaxy with closed systems or disorderly coherent was selected,
there is a probability that you will appear selfcontained in one or several systems.
If it has taken place, make the main emphasis on development of technologies, but
do not forget also about a mining of resources. First of all it is necessary to
research the greatest possible improvement for Research Centers, then for capacity
of storages and mining of resources. As soon as you will adjust a circulation of
resources and technologies in your empire, start researching weapons and new types
of the ships, in passing start to research branch Stellar Manipulations to have a
capability to open Warp Points and to initiate with seizure of new systems.

If the type of the game was selected, where all systems connected you should give
large attention to protection of the colonys and construction of fleet, though a key
to victory as always are the technologies. Try to hold for new colonys a pair of the
ships, by the way research of the first two new types of the ships takes away not so
a lot of time. If in above described policy you did not have problems with selection
"What planets to colonize?", here it is necessary to select planets first of all with
the best climatic conditions. Better conditions - are more a population and maximum
accessible quantity of buildings for construction. The worst version of development of
the game, it when you start in one system with the computer. Here it is necessary to
pay attention on fast construction of protection, as at any level of complexity there
is 90 % probability that the computer player soon will attack you. Here there are 2
versions: To use all diplomatic dodges and to live in a pattern, dividing planets, or
to attempt to erase the opponent. The second version is extremely combined but is most
effective, as early or is late interquartile to you all the same will come to war, and
furthermore, if the galaxy is rather great that probability that near there is one
more race is extremely insignificant and there is a capability for valuable
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Overview FAQ by PantheR
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019