Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

15.10.2013 18:53:01
Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
Battle Game FAQ
By: aerwin
AOL IM: InfraredPython
Version 1.0 9/22/01


I am a die-hard Resident Evil series fan. I currently own 1, 2, 3, and
C:VX. Resident Evil C:VX has to be my favorite in the series. It has rich
graphics, and excellent game play. One of the funnest things to do on this
game, is to play the Battle Game mode. After you beat the story game of RE
C:VX, you unlock this game. The characters are Chris, Claire, Wesker, Steve,
and an Alternate Claire. Each character has there own set of infinite ammo
weapons. You go from room to room, killing all monsters in the room to unlock
the door to the next room. There are 19 rooms. Each character has their own
boss in the very last room. The grades you get are: A, B, C, D, E, and no


Ver. 1.0 ~ Made the whole thing.


1. Room Statistics

2. Claire

3. Alt. Claire

4. Chris

5. Steve


7. Legal Stuff

8. Credits


Room 1
Monsters: 4 Zombies
Healings: N/A
Ex. Zombies/Barrels: N/A

Room 2
Monsters: 6 Zombies
Healings: 1 Green Herb
Ex. Zombies/Barrels: 1 Barrel

Room 3
Monsters: 3 Banders
Healings: 1 First Aid Spray
Ex. Zombies/Barrels: N/A

Room 4
Monsters: 5 Zombies
Healings: N/A
Ex. Zombies/Barrels:

Room 5
Monsters: 6 Zombies
Healings: N/A
Ex. Zombies/Barrels:

Room 6
Monsters: 2 Hunters
Ex. Zombies/Barrels:

Room 7
Monsters: 1 Hunter, 1 Sweeper
Healings: 1 green herb, 1 blue
Ex. Zombies/Barrels:

Room 8
Monsters: 4 Zombies
Ex. Zombies/Barrels:

Room 9
Monsters: 6 Zombies
Ex. Zombies/Barrels:

Room 10
Monsters: 6 Zombies
Ex. Zombies/Barrels:

Room 11
Monsters: 5 Zombies
Ex. Zombies/Barrels: 1 First Aid Spray

Room 12
Monsters: 4 Zombies
Healings: 1 First Aid Spray
Ex. Zombies/Barrels:

Room 13
Monsters: N/A
Healings: 2 green herbs + Special Item
Ex. Zombies/Barrels:

Room 14
Monsters: 2 Hunters
Ex. Zombies/Barrels: 1 First Aid Spray

Room 15
Monsters: 7 Zombies
Ex. Zombies/Barrels:

Room 16
Monsters: 4 Zombies
Healings: N/A
Ex. Zombies/Barrels: 4 barrels

Room 17
Monsters: 5 Zombies
Healings: N/A
Ex. Zombies/Barrels: 1 Zombie

Room 18
Monsters: 3 banders
Healings: 1 First Aid Spray
Ex. Zombies/Barrels: N/A

Room 19
Monsters: Your Character's Boss
Healings: N/A
Ex. Zombies/Barrels: N/A

2 a . C L A I R E I N F O

Name: Claire Redfield

Difficulty: Very Easy

Boss: Nosterfu

Items: Inf. Explosive Bow Gun, handgun, inf. box of handgun bullets, knife, 4
B+G+R herb mix

Best Weapon: Inf. Explosive Bow Gun

Slot-Machine Items: Sub Machine Guns, D.I.J Diary

2 b . C L A I R E T I P S

1. Arm the Bow Gun, and use it's rapid-fire ability to you advantage.

2. Heal only when in Danger, unless you're in orange Caution and about to go
to a Hunter room.

3. The first time you play, memorize zombie positions, and look for all

2 c . C L A I R E W A L K T H R O U G H

Note: I prefer to use 1st person mode here, it is easier.
Room 1
Equip your Inf. Explosive Bow Gun and shoot the zombie before the corner.
Then, turn the corner and shoot the three zombies when you're close enough not
to miss. Climb the stairs.

Room 2
Shoot the barrel FROM A SAFE DISTANCE, and then take out the zombies. Be sure
to shoot the zombie lying by the door. If you want, take the green herb in
the corridor to the right of the door.

Room 3
Hold the R1 aim button while you are opening the door. As soon as it is open,
shoot the bander on your right (if you're playing first person). It will
takes 2 shots for each bander. Then, around the corner is another bander.
After you kill him, search the telephone booth for a First Aid Spray.

Room 4
Shoot all the zombies, staying away from them (one of them has some dynamite
strapped to him). Then proceed through the elevator door.

Room 5
Immediately kill the zombie right by you. Then, head downstairs and take out
all the zombies. IF YOUR IN ORANGE CAUTION, HEAL!!!

Room 6
Shoot the hunter you see first, then shoot like crazy at the different hunter.
Two hits should do the trick. Grab the green herb if you want to.

Room 7
Shoot the sweeper and hopefully you'll get him the 2nd time before the hunter
comes a knocking. Take out the hunter with two shots of the bow. Take the
green herb where the sweeper is if you like. If you were poisoned by the
sweeper, grab the blue herb by going through the pillars where the boxes are.

Room 8
Shoot the barrel when you open the door. It *should* kill the zombie right by
it. Then, continue to the corridor, killing the 3 zombies at a close distance
so you don't miss. The bow gun arrows have a tendency to curve.

Room 9
Shoot the zombie immediately, or else he'll blow up to close to you. Shoot
the 2 zombies close, again, then turn right by the stairs and shoot the
zombie. Go forward, past the door, and kill the other zombie and the one who
is lying on the ground. Go back to the door.

Room 10
Shoot the first set of 3 zombies, they shouldn't be a problem. Then, when you
turn the corner, another set of 3 zombies will be waiting for you. They
shouldn't be a problem either.

Room 11
Head around the wooden barrier, then take out the two zombies. One zombie
will head out of the room with the statue, take him out next. Around the
window is a zombie. When he is in shooting range, shoot him, and take the
First Aid Spray on the cabinet.

Room 12
Shoot the barrel, then, if any zombies get up after the explosion, shoot them.
Turn the corner and shoot the zombie by the silver door. You now have a

A: Go through the silver door, to get two green herbs and a special item, or
B: Go through the other door, and proceed to the next room with monsters.

Room 13
If you went through the silver door, you end up here. Press the action button
against the lighten up slot machine for your special item. Then, go to the
desk at the end of the room and snag the 2 green herbs.

Room 14
Progressing through this room, shoot the lone hunter dead with two shots.
Continue through to find an open locker. Get the First Aid Spray that is
inside it. Wait for the sweeper to appear from where you are standing. Kill
him and proceed.

Room 15
Kill the zombie that you first see. Around the corner is a group of 6
zombies. Kill them all, and go through the door.

Room 16
Shoot the barrel at a SAFE distance. That should take care of all the

Room 17
Shoot the middle zombie to make it explode, and kill any zombie that wasn't
killed in the explosion.

Room 18
Use the L1 change target to hit the 3 Banders one after another. After you
deliver 2 shots to each, they should be down. Grab the First Aid Spray and go
through the shutter.

Room 19
This boss is way too easy. Just keep tapping fire, and if he moves, move your
gun. He shouldn't touch you usually.

3 a . A L T . C L A I R E I N F O

Name: Claire Redfield (just a different costume and items)

Difficulty: Easy (if you get the B.O.W Gas grenade rounds)

Boss: Tyrant

Items: Grenade Launcher, Inf. Flame, Acid, Reg. grenade rounds, Assault Rifle,
Knife, 1 B+G+R Herb mix

Best Weapon: Grenade Launcher w/ Inf. Flame Rounds

Slot-Machine Items: B.O.W Gas Rounds, First Aid Spray, D.I.J Diary

3 b . A L T . C L A I R E T I P S

1. Zombies and Banders take 1 Flame Round to take them out, so keep that

2. Heal only when in Danger, unless you're in orange Caution and about to go
to a Hunter room.

3. The first time you play, memorize zombie positions, and look for all

4. If you don't get the B.O.W rounds, Tyrant is gonna be one hard S.O.B

3 c . A L T . C L A I R E W A L K T H R O U G H

Note: Doesn't matter what perspective (sp?) but I prefer 3rd person.
Room 1
Equip your Grenade Launcher w/the Flame rounds and shoot the zombie before the
corner. Then, turn the corner and shoot the three zombies when you're close
enough not to miss. Climb the stairs.

Room 2
Shoot the barrel FROM A SAFE DISTANCE, then take out the zombies. Be sure to
shoot the zombie lying by the door. If you want, take the green herb in the
corridor to the right of the door.

Room 3
Hold the R1 aim button while you are opening the door. As soon as it is open,
shoot the bander that's attacking. It will takes 1 shot for each bander.
Then, around the corner is another bander. After you kill him, search the
telephone booth for a First Aid Spray.

Room 4
Shoot all the zombies, staying away from them (one of them has some dynamite
strapped to him). Then proceed through the elevator door.

Room 5
Immediately kill the zombie right by you. Then, head downstairs and take out
all the zombies. IF YOUR IN ORANGE CAUTION, HEAL!!!

Room 6
Shoot the hunter you see first, then shoot like crazy at the different hunter.
Two hits should do the trick. Grab the green herb if you want to.

Room 7
Shoot the sweeper and hopefully you'll get him the 2nd time before the hunter
comes a knockin. Take out the hunter with two shots of the bow. Take the
green herb where the sweeper is if you like. If you were poisoned by the
sweeper, grab the blue herb by going through the pillars where the boxes are.

Room 8
Shoot the barrel when you open the door. It *should* kill the zombie right by
it. Then, continue to the corridor, killing the 3 zombies at a close distance
so you don't miss.

Room 9
Shoot the zombie immediately, or else he'll blow up to close to you. Shoot
the 2 zombies close, again, then turn right by the stairs and shoot the
zombie. Go forward, past the door, and kill the other zombie and the one who
is lying on the ground. Go back to the door.

Room 10
Shoot the first set of 3 zombies, they shouldn't be a problem. Then, when you
turn the corner, another set of 3 zombies will be waiting for you. They
shouldn't be a problem either.

Room 11
Head around the wooden barrier, then take out the two zombies. One zombie
will head out of the room with the statue, take him out next. Around the
window is a zombie. When he is in shooting range, shoot him, and take the
First Aid Spray on the cabinet.

Room 12
Shoot the barrel, then, if any zombies get up after the explosion, shoot them.
Turn the corner and shoot the zombie by the silver door. You now have a

A: Go through the silver door, to get two green herbs and a special item, or
B: Go through the other door, and proceed to the next room with monsters.

For this character, you should go to the casino. The B.O.W gas rounds are
VERY effective against the tyrant.

Room 13
If you went through the silver door, you end up here. Press the action button
against the lighten up slot machine for your special item. Then, go to the
desk at the end of the room and snag the 2 green herbs.

Room 14
Progressing through this room, shoot the lone hunter dead with two shots.
Continue through to find an open locker. Get the First Aid Spray that is
inside it. Wait for the sweeper to appear from where you are standing. Kill
him and proceed.

Room 15
Kill the zombie that you first see. Around the corner is a group of 6
zombies. Kill them all, and go through the door.

Room 16
Shoot the barrel at a SAFE distance. That should take care of all the

Room 17
Shoot the middle zombie to make it explode, and kill any zombie that wasn't
killed in the explosion.

Room 18
Get close to the Banders and use the L1 change target to hit the 3 Banders one
after another. After you deliver 1 shot to each, they should be down. Grab
the First Aid Spray and go through the shutter.

Room 19
Stay away from the edge of the building. Shoot 2 B.O.W gas rounds them move.
5 to 6 should kill him. If you didn't get the B.O.W gas rounds, I don't know
what to tell you, I've never beat him without them.

4 a . C H R I S I N F O

Name: Chris Redfield

Difficulty: Medium

Boss: Alexia 2+3

Items:Inf. Magnum, Shotgun, Inf. Shotgun shells, Knife, 2 B+G+R Herb mixes

Best Weapon: Magnum

Slot-Machine Items: Sub Machine Guns, D.I.J diary

4 b . C H R I S T I P S

1. Zombies,Banders, and Hunters take 1 Magnum round, so keep it equipped.

2. Heal only when in Danger, unless you're in orange Caution and about to go
to a Hunter room.

3. The first time you play, memorize zombie positions, and look for all

4 c . C H R I S W A L K T H R O U G H

Note: I prefer to use 1st person mode here, it is easier.
Room 1
Equip your Magnum and shoot the zombie before the corner. Then, turn the
corner and shoot the three zombies, trying to line up them to kill multiple
zombies.. Climb the stairs.

Room 2
Shoot the barrel FROM A SAFE DISTANCE, and then take out the zombies. Be sure
to shoot the zombie lying by the door. If you want, take the green herb in
the corridor to the right of the door.

Room 3
Hold the R1 aim button while you are opening the door. As soon as it is open,
shoot the bander on your right (if you're playing first person). It will
takes 1 shots for each bander. Then, around the corner is another bander.
After you kill him, search the telephone booth for a First Aid Spray.

Room 4
Shoot all the zombies, staying away from them (one of them has some dynamite
strapped to him). Then proceed through the elevator door.

Room 5
Immediately kill the zombie right by you. Then, head downstairs and take out
all the zombies. IF YOUR IN ORANGE CAUTION, HEAL!!!

Room 6
Shoot the hunter you see first, then shoot at the other hunter. One hit
should do the trick. Grab the green herb if you want to.

Room 7
Shoot the sweeper first. Take the green herb where the sweeper is if you like.
Then run around and turn by the pillars and shoot the hunter. If you were
poisoned by the sweeper, grab the blue herb by going through the pillars where
the boxes are.

Room 8
Shoot the barrel when you open the door. It *should* kill the zombie right by
it. Then, continue to the corridor, killing the 3 zombies.

Room 9
Shoot the zombie immediately, or else he'll blow up to close to you. Shoot
the 2 zombies close, again, then turn right by the stairs and shoot the
zombie. Go forward, past the door, and kill the other zombie and the one who
is lying on the ground. Go back to the door.

Room 10
Shoot the first set of 3 zombies, they shouldn't be a problem. Try getting a
triple kill. Then, when you turn the corner, another set of 3 zombies will be
waiting for you. They shouldn't be a problem either.

Room 11
Head around the wooden barrier, then take out the two zombies. One zombie
will head out of the room with the statue, take him out next. Around the
window is a zombie. When he is in shooting range, shoot him, and take the
First Aid Spray on the cabinet.

Room 12
Shoot the barrel, then, if any zombies get up after the explosion, shoot them.
Turn the corner and shoot the zombie by the silver door. You now have a

A: Go through the silver door, to get two green herbs and a special item, or
B: Go through the other door, and proceed to the next room with monsters.

Room 13
If you went through the silver door, you end up here. Press the action button
against the lighten up slot machine for your special item. Then, go to the
desk at the end of the room and snag the 2 green herbs.

Room 14
Progressing through this room, shoot the lone hunter dead with one shot.
Continue through to find an open locker. Get the First Aid Spray that is
inside it. Wait for the sweeper to appear from where you are standing. Kill
him and proceed.

Room 15
Kill the zombie that you first see. Around the corner, is a group of 6
zombies. Kill them all, and go through the door.

Room 16
Shoot the barrel at a SAFE distance. That should take care of all the

Room 17
Shoot the middle zombie to make it explode, and kill any zombie that wasn't
killed in the explosion.

Room 18
Use the L1 change target to hit the 3 Banders one after another. After you
deliver 1 shot to each, they should be down. Grab the First Aid Spray and go
through the shutter.

Room 19
Never stop tapping the fire button. Check you health if you think you might
be hurt. Alexia will let out some kind of grown, and turn into the 3rd form.
Get close and shoot up. After you fire three shots, run, she will try to hurt
you. After some good shots, she'll be dead.

5 a . S T E V E I N F O

Name: Steve Burnside

Difficulty: Hard

Boss: Gulp Worm

Items: Inf. Gold Lugers, Inf. Sub Machine Guns, Knife, 2 B+G+R Herb Mixes

Best Weapon: Inf. Sub Machine Guns

Slot-Machine Items: Inf. M100p's, D.I.J Diary

5 b . S T E V E T I P S

1. Zombies can be killed with 1 Gold Luger shot, if you aim up and press fire
at the same time. Use the Sub Machine Guns on Banders and Hunters.

2. Heal only when in Danger, unless you're in orange Caution and about to go
to a Hunter room.

3. The first time you play, memorize zombie positions, look for all

5 c . S T E V E W A L K T H R O U G H

Note: DO NOT use 1st person, it is too hard to kill the Gulp Worm.
Room 1
Equip your Gold Lugers and shoot the zombie before the corner. Then, turn the
corner and shoot the three zombies when you're close enough not to miss. Try
using the headshot trick (under Steve tips). Climb the stairs.

Room 2
Shoot the barrel FROM A SAFE DISTANCE, and then take out the zombies. Be sure
to shoot the zombie lying by the door. If you want, take the green herb in
the corridor to the right of the door. Equip your Sub Machine Guns BEFORE you

Room 3
Hold the R1 aim button while you are opening the door. As soon as it is open,
shoot the Banders. Never let go of the fire button. Then, around the corner
is another bander. After you kill him, search the telephone booth for a First
Aid Spray. Re-Equip the Gold Lugers.

Room 4
Shoot all the zombies using the headshot trick, staying away from them (one of
them has some dynamite strapped to him). Then proceed through the elevator

Room 5
Immediately kill the zombie right by you. Then, head downstairs and take out
all the zombies. IF YOUR IN ORANGE CAUTION, HEAL!!! Equip the Sub Machine

Room 6
Unload on the hunters. Wait 5-10 seconds after there down, so they don't get
up and attack. Grab the green herb if you want to.

Room 7
Shoot the sweeper first. Take the green herb where the sweeper is if you like.
Then run around and turn by the pillars and shoot the hunter. If you were
poisoned by the sweeper, grab the blue herb by going through the pillars where
the boxes are. Equip the Lugers.

Room 8
Shoot the barrel when you open the door. It *should* kill the zombie right by
it. Then, continue to the corridor, killing the 3 zombies.

Room 9
Shoot the zombie immediately, or else he'll blow up to close to you. Shoot
the 2 zombies close, again, then turn right by the stairs and shoot the
zombie. Go forward, past the door, and kill the other zombie and the one who
is lying on the ground. Go back to the door.

Room 10
Shoot the first set of 3 zombies, they shouldn't be a problem. Then, when you
turn the corner, another set of 3 zombies will be waiting for you. They
shouldn't be a problem either.

Room 11
Head around the wooden barrier, then take out the two zombies. One zombie
will head out of the room with the statue, take him out next. Around the
window is a zombie. When he is in shooting range, shoot him, and take the
First Aid Spray on the cabinet.

Room 12
Shoot the barrel, then, if any zombies get up after the explosion, shoot them.
Turn the corner and shoot the zombie by the silver door. You now have a

A: Go through the silver door, to get two green herbs and a special item, or
B: Go through the other door, and proceed to the next room with monsters.

Room 13
If you went through the silver door, you end up here. Press the action button
against the lighten up slot machine for your special item. Then, go to the
desk at the end of the room and snag the 2 green herbs. Equip Sub Machine

Room 14
Progressing through this room, shoot the lone hunter dead with The Sub Machine
Guns. Continue through to find an open locker. Get the First Aid Spray that
is inside it. Wait for the sweeper to appear from where you are standing.
Kill him and proceed. Equip the Lugers.

Room 15
Kill the zombie that you first see. Around the corner, is a group of 6
zombies. Kill them all, and go through the door.

Room 16
Shoot the barrel at a SAFE distance. That should take care of all the

Room 17
Shoot the middle zombie to make it explode, and kill any zombie that wasn't
killed in the explosion. Equip the Sub Machine Guns.

Room 18
Use the double targeting to kill the Banders, then shoot the only one that is
left. Grab the First Aid Spray and go through the shutter.

Room 19
Not that hard. When it comes out of the ground, unload on it with the Sub
Machine Guns. Run when it goes underground. After awhile, it will rear its
body and fall over.

6 a . W E S K E R I N F O

Name: Albert Wesker

Difficulty: Very Hard (emphasis on Very)

Boss: Alexia 1

Items: Knife, 3 B+G+R Herb Mixes

Best Weapon: Knife

Slot-Machine Items: 6-Shot Magnum, D.I.J Diary

6 b . W E S K E R T I P S

1. For Zombies, try to time slashes at zombie's legs. They will go down in
two slashes, and then you slash while they are on the ground. If you make a
zombie stumble, it is one slash and there down. Slash down at the Bander's
armless side. For Hunter, slash down and never stop slashing.

2. Heal only when in Danger, unless you're in orange Caution and about to go
to a Hunter room.

3. The first time you play, memorize zombie positions, and look for all

4. If you don't get the Magnum, I hope you are really talented with the Knife,
for you can't beat Alexia.

5. Pray.

6 c . W E S K E R W A L K T H R O U G H

Note: I prefer to use 3rd person mode here, it is easier.
Room 1
Equip your knife and wait for the zombie to come to you. Then, stab his legs,
trying to time it just right. Stand by the corner and wait for the zombies.
Then, angle yourself better by coming out of the corner slightly, timing the
stabs to the zombie's legs. Another zombie should come shortly, do the same
thing as the last one. In about 10 seconds, the last zombie should come and
do the same thing. Climb the stairs.

Room 2
Charge the zombies and stab furiously at their legs. YOU WILL TAKE AT LEAST
Once you have all them killed, stab the zombie by the door. Grab the Green
Herb. Heal if in Danger. Go through the door.

Room 3
Run to the closest bander, slashing down on his armless side. Repeat the
process for the other 2. Grab the First Aid Spray. Go through the door. You
might need to heal again.

Room 4
Slash the zombies as they come, then use yourself for bait on the ones in the
corridor. They will come out and you will eliminate them. Go through the
elevator door.

Room 5
Immediately kill the zombie right by you. Then, head downstairs and take out
all the zombies. IF YOUR IN ORANGE CAUTION, HEAL!!!

Room 6
Never stop slashing at the hunters, and never let them corner you. You will
most likely need to heal. Grab the green herb.

Room 7
Slash the sweeper. Hopefully, you can kill it before your friend the hunter
shows up. If you were poisoned by the sweeper, grab the blue herb by going
through the pillars where the boxes are.

Room 8
Slash the zombie quickly, and take out the three in the corridor. Right now
your thinking "Easier said then done." It is.

Room 9
Slash the first zombie, he might be able to bite you. Slash the 3 zombies as
they come. Go forward, past the door, and kill the other zombie and the one
who is lying on the ground. Go back to the door.

Room 10
Slash the zombies, you might be bitten. If you are, use it to your advantage
by slashing the zombies on the ground. Hopefully, you'll kill them before the
other set of 3 arrive. Kill that set of three the same way.

Room 11
If you're in danger, you are screwed. Kill the 2 zombies, and then the others
as they come. DO NOT forget to get the First Aid Spray.

Room 12
Slash the zombie's legs, they shouldn't be a problem. Turn the corner and
slash the zombie by the silver door. You now have a choice.

A: Go through the silver door, to get two green herbs and a special item, or
B: Go through the other door, and proceed to the next room with monsters.

You NEED to go through the silver door, it might hold the precious magnum.

Room 13
If you went through the silver door, you end up here. Press the action button
against the lighten up slot machine for your special item. Then, go to the
desk at the end of the room and snag the 2 green herbs.

Room 14
Progressing through this room, slash crazily at the hunter. Continue through
to find an open locker. Get the First Aid Spray that is inside it. Wait for
the sweeper to appear from where you are standing. Kill him and proceed.

Room 15
Kill the zombie that you first see. Around the corner, is a group of 6
zombies. Kill them all, and go through the door.

Room 16
Walk around to the other side of the barrels, there will be 4 zombies. They
shouldn't be anything to worry about.

Room 17
Slash the zombies as they come. You will more than likely be bitten. IF YOU
Room 18
Go the side with the 1 bander. Slash at his armless side, then take the First
Aid Spray. Use it if necessary, and take out the other 2 Banders.
Room 19
If you got the magnum, should be easy. Go to the stairs. Remember this
scene? Shoot her, then wait for her to regain herself. If she shoot fire at
you move. Before your six magnum shots are up, she should be gone. Congrats,
you beat the infamous Wesker Battle Game!!!

If you didn't get the magnum, slash from behind and GOOD LUCK!!!

7 . L E G A L S T U F F

This guide is copyright (c) Adam Erwin. If you would like to post this guide
on you site, E-Mail me Resident Evil/Biohazard series is
copyright (c) Capcom.

8. C R E D I T S

Thanks to:

LiquidSnake1 from gamefaqs: For helping me with RE:CVX and Wesker's Game.

CJayC: For having the best gaming web site on the net

Capcom: For making the best survival horror series.

Anyone on the RE:CVX PS2 message board who helped me.

My friends and family: For being there for me.

(c) 2001 Adam Erwin
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