Tail of the Sun

Tail of the Sun

17.10.2013 19:47:19
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For play on Sony PlayStation
Presented by BoredGamer
Version: 1.32
Last Updated: 11/12/02
Phase: Almost complete (still needs some small info; "Walkthrough" section
is complete)

GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com)
PlayStation Cheat.net (www.psxcodez.com)
Cheat Code Central (www.cheatcc.com)
NeoSeeker (www.neoseeker.com)

If you are e-mailing me about feedback, questions, or anything having to do
with any FAQ, please send it to Blublublublu1129@cs.com. If any e-mail is
sent to Blublublublu1129 that does not concern a FAQ, it will be
deleted/ignored, as I primarily use this address for FAQ-related stuff.

This FAQ will be a long, on-going project. Any information you can send me
that has not been missed or asked for is MUCH appreciated. This game is
packed full of Easter Eggs up the wazzoo. I don't think there will be a
clear-cut end to this too soon as there is quite literally tons of stuff in
the game and with its gigantic world size, mapping it will be nearly
impossible, especially when considering that there are a ton of caves,
lakes, and many other landforms all over the place. The enemies and plants
will be no trouble.

Please stop sending me files. I will not download them unless they are
someone I know, and by this I mean someone I know -personally- like family
or best friends. I have suspected that some files that have been sent to
me are viruses (with good justification after being persecuted) and did not
download them. This also means not to send me FAQs or any other material
to critique.

As many of the FAQ writers have done, I would like to express my sincere
condolences for those who lost their lives in the events that took place on
September 11, 2001, considered one of the most emotional, saddening, and
enraging acts in history as four US planes have been hijacked. Two of them
were crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, one into the
Pentagon, and one into a field in Pennsylvania. May such an act never be
repeated in our world's future.


9/11/01- I'm still getting over the day of tragedy we here in the US have
just endured. At 10 PM Pacific time, I decided I would resume life the
same as I had before the incident. I decided to move on and continue FAQ
writing by creating a FAQ for this game. Today, it sees it's official
birth as I call it. Legal Bit is up and running (Section 12). Got a start
on the FAQ.

9/12/01- Section 11 started. Started and, to my knowledge, completed the
animal list.

9/13/01- Added a map of the world with some key points.

9/14/01- The progress on this has been rather slow. Added a new section
for cave locations. Completed Section 5. Section 1 completed. Got a start
on the weapons section. Added an animal I forgot about. Got a small start
on Section 9D.

9/15/01- Completed Sections 3 and 4. Added to FAQ and tips. Also touched
up the South Island on my maps.

9/23/01- I decided to take a short break from FAQ writing. Added a bit to
Section 2 and pretty much completed it. I will probably add more to it as
time permits. Plants section is now up and running, although not all the
plants are described therein. Added Gathering Items #1-4, 8, 9, 11-17, 19,
21-29, 31, 33, 34-36, 38-43, 50, and 52. Discovered a new cave.
Discovered some strange plants near a huge lake.

9/24/01- Added Gathering Item #10, 18, 20, 30, 32, 37, 45, and 46. Added
three more Easter Eggs and a new weapon. Added a new cave. Added
permisable site usage.

9/25/01- Added one question to the FAQ. I'm not sure how much I'll be able
to put up in the next few days as my schooling does start tomorrow.

9/26/01- Despite the rough and rugged first day of class and the major
headache my 15 ton bag gave me, I am alive and in one piece. Hence, I will
add some more to the FAQ tonight! WOOPEE! Got a good start on Section 9.
Completed the sub-section on beginning the game for the most part, but I
might add a little more to it. Also got a start on the "Middle" sub-
section there.

10/1/01- Added Gathering Item #7, 44. Gave locations for the Triceratops
Skull and the Lizard Burrows.

10/23/01- After a long break from this FAQ, I decided to finally finish the
"walkthrough" of sorts. That is, Section 9. Now, I'll be updating my
Monster Rancher 3 CD/DVD List and possibly starting either a Sky Blazer FAQ
or a Slave Zero FAQ.

11/5/02- A full year later and some new info has been added to this guide.
Added e-mail info on the stone nose. Thanks has been given to the
submitter. Also remodified a bit, changed the legal bit a tad, and took
out section 7 all together, as it seemed like making a section for building
the tower was overkill.

11/12/02- FAQ-wide update...

Reference Credit goes to...

The instruction book for the world map.
Marcy Osedo

Contents According to Joe*
Section 1: Introduction
1A: The Dawn of Man
1B: Pure Life and a Gigantic World
1C: Playing the Game
Section 2: Animals and Hunting
2A: Animal List
2B: Hunting For Food: Basics
2C: Hunting for Food: Tips
Section 3: Your Culture and Populatuion
3A: Cultural Advancements
3B: Weapon Upgrades
3C: The Population
Section 4: Death, Dying, and Hazards
4A: Your Own Funeral
4B: Keeping in Good Health
Section 5: Tatoos and Stats
5A: Tatoos
5B: Body
Section 6: The Lay of the Land
6A: Layouts
6B: Exploring and Easter Eggs
6C: Cave Locations
Section 7: Gathering
Section 8: Getting Started on a New Game
8A: Starting
8B: Working in the Middle
8C: Completing the Game
8D: General Tips
Section 9: FAQ
Section 10: A Call For Info!
Section 11: Legal Bit
Section 12: Thank You and Goodbye

*Contents are subject to change as time goes by. This FAQ is going to take
a lot of work to put together and I only hope I can get a good start on it
before my junior year of college starts on 9/26.

What to expect in future additions: More detailed island maps, locations of
(hopefully) each Easter Egg, hopefully the key to unlocking each ending,
much more overall content and completion of items listed above.



[NOTE: I am not taking this from history or claiming it to be part of our
history, I'm merely setting up an introduction for this guide]

The world is quiet... Waiting to be filled. Slowly, the planet began to
show vast transformations. Giant rains filled oceans in. Eventually, life
sprang up. As time went by, more and more life began to appear, even plant
life. Along with all these animals came the rise of one being in
particular... HUMAN! Human started as a small group. Human seemed to have
a vast reasoning and social intelligence. Out of the humans, one was
picked to become their leader and main hunter. That one did most of the
hunting and gathering.

As human minds grew, so did human desire and ambition. They looked ot the
sky and noticed all the time that there was something up there. It looked
as though it were burning and wouldn't stop. It was The Sun. The humans
began a new course in life. They wanted to seek out a good enough resource
to build a gigantic tower so that they could catch what they thought was
the Tail of the Sun. They found the best resource to do this with was the
tusks of a huge mammal called the mammoth. This was an immensely powerful
beast that could only be killed by the most powerful weapons and the most
skilled hunters. So, in order to fulfill their desire, the humans pulled
together to find a way to kill this creature effectively and make their way
to the Tail of the Sun. However, first thing's first. They've got to get
their population and culture booming and under control.


In Tail of the Sun, you take command of a small village of early humans.
At first, you only start with a small handful of people, only three of
which are playable (they do not display any children in the game as they
are not mature enough to be playable, but they obviously have to exist
somewhere). This game was created by a lesser-known company called
Artdink. Before this game had hit stores, Artdink had done a similar game
called Aquanaut's Holiday. Aquanaut's Holiday was not well received by the
gaming world, magazines in particular. Many claimed it to be just
pointless exploration. This game is somewhat the same idea, only with a
point added into it. In this game, you have an objective that can be
accomplished by fulfilling one easy, yet time consuming side objective.
You must kill and collect the tusks of mammoths which live far up north.
However, it cannot be done when you just start the game. Well, so it "can"
be done, but not very effectively considering you are bare handed. So,
your first big objective is to help your population and culture advance
further and further until you finally have some good enough weapons to get
the job done.

The mammoths are not the only thing you can interact with. You have before
you a gigantic world full of other animals, plants, and environments.


Prairy- The open grasslands you have built your "base of opperations" on.
This area is quite spacious and is probably the most common you will
encounter throughout the game.

Desert- Arid, sandy regions. There isn't a whole lot of plants and animals
here. You will every now and then see a lizard or even a monkey, but
that's about it. Seen mostly near the south.

Tundra- An arctic region full of ice and snow. There really isn't a whole
lot of foo up here. You will now and then bump into a lizard (yes, a
lizard in the tundra) or a hippo. In the ealier parts of the game, pray
you never bump into a mammoth. It's best to do with a better weapon.
Found far north.

Mountains- Areas if extremely high elevation. These usually lack food as
well. On some of them, you can find plateaus and high-up ledges with
plants and/or animals inhabitting them.

Lakes and Rivers- Smaller bodies of water seen in the continent. most of
them don't get too deep, but there are a couple that are quite so. Careful
as you can drown in the water.

Ocean- Open areas of water that make up most of the game's world. There is
said to be some Easter Eggs hidden in the ocean, but they are VERY well
hidden as there really aren't any reference areas to go by in the ocean.
You will have to cross these to get to other islands, but I only recommend
doing so with the Swim tatoo.

Caves- Subterranean areas cut into the ground or mountains. Usually don't
have too much in them, but can have plants, animals, or even Easter Eggs.
If you're lucky, you can stumble on one that has free mammoth tusks.


One thing that can be very bothersome in this game is the camera angles.
You will just have to deal with them...

Anyway, this game is a 3D rendered environment. You can run in eight
directions searching for, well, whatever it is you're searching for.
Scattered all over are different plants represented by a certain kind of
Japanese sugar cakes. No, you are not really eating sugar cakes on the
ground, the sugar cakes REPRESENT different types of food such as leaves
and plants. Then again, why would someone want to eat a sea shell?
Anyway, you can pick up and eat the sugar cakes to restore your hunger a
little bit. There is no gauge or anything displaying your hunger. You'll
pretty much have to guess at it.

To keep your tribe alive, you must bring them food. So, you must walk
around areas until you find an animal that is easily killable and attack
it. Hopefully, it will succumb to your attacks and forfeit some meat. You
can then bring the meat back home or eat it yourself. As time goes by,
your character can die (see Section 4) either of old age or of your own
mistakes (OOPS!). Okay, so this isn't quite as "real life" as something
like Shenmue, but I guess you can say this is sort of the "Shenmue of the

Directional Buttons- Move
Select Button- Enter Option menu
Start Button- Pause
Triangle Button- Pick up, throw (only with rocks, tusks, and trees), eat
(only with food).
Circle Button- Attack, throw (only with rocks, tusks and trees), eat (only
with food), Wake up (must be tapped several times).
X Button- Jump
Square Button- Run (must be held)
Shoulder Triggers (R1, L1, R2, L2)- Move camera (must be held down)
Not used- R3/L3 (PS2 controls only), analog sticks.

-Option Screen-
Body- Displays Body stats and shows current tatoo.
History- Shows the animals you've killed throughout the game.
Tower- Shows your population and how high your tower is.
About- Gives you a small credit page for the sugar cakes.



Throughout the game are many different types of animals you can hunt down
and claim for your food. Each animal ranges in power and defense. Some,
like the birds and monkeys, are quite weak. Others, like the mammoth and
smilodon, are powerful and aggressive. Some are recommended you only
attack with more advanced weapons like spears rather than fists or sticks.

Animal Name- Strength rating/description; Demeanor- Description

Monkey- Fast attacks; Docile unless provoked- Small primates that walk
around in various areas of the world. Very easy to kill, even with your
hands. Do not let them get too much of an upper hand on you or they can
kill you.
Locatios: Directly north of the village (near the lake with the dinosaur
bone in it), near the Tatoos, on the South Island, far east of the village,
East Coast (in the sandy areas). (other locations to come)

Bird- Fast motion; Docile- Animals that fly through the air. They're found
in very scattered areas of the world.
Location- Near Stone Henge, east of the village, South Island. (other
locations to come)

Boar- Moderately powerful and fast; Fairly aggressive- Wild pigs that will
attack unrelentlessly if you get too close. Stay clear of these until your
get much better weapons and also learn better how to fight and time your
attacks. I very much advise against fighting these ones with bare hands.
Directly west of village in the more wooded areas. (other locations to

Deer- Very swift; Docile unless provoked- Big, four-legged mammals with
antlers. If you attack, they will try to run most of the time. Sometimes
(especially when cornered), they will turn around and fight.
On either side of the West Mountains, randomly in caves, northeast of the
village (near the east coast, high north). (other locations to come)

Bat- Hard to find and slightly quick; Fairly aggressive- Winged mammals
that live exclusively in caves. They are pretty hard to find (I actually
went completely through the game without encountering one). Not very tough
as they can be killed in a mater of a couple hits.
Randomly found in caves.

Shark- Pretty powerful, especially since they're in water; Aggressive-
Viscious, carniverous fish that attack the instant they see you.
Sometimes, they seem to attack out of nowhere. Not very tough, though.
Found in lake north of the village (not the one with the bone, the one
connected to the North River), all over the ocean.

Hippo- Strong, but slow; Docile unless provoked- Sluggish mammals that make
a good feast. You can actually kill these early in the game if you're
skillful enough. They still take a number of hits to kill.
Found north of the village (just follow the North River right a little ways
until you come to a small pool near a very small desert), all over the
tundra, West Mountains (near the top on the patches of green). (other
locations to come)

Ostrich- Extremely fast; Docile- Big birds that are very fast. They will
run if attacked, good luck catching them. They're a lot easier to kill
with stronger weapons, especially ones that provide a one-hit kill on this
South Desert, South Island. (other locations to come)

Komodo Dragon- Moderate abilities, except very slow- Docile unless provoked-
Giant lizards that walk around very slowly. They only attack if attacked
first. They're also quite easy to kill.
South Desert, South Island, Tundra. (other locations to come)

Buffalo- Quite strong, but slow- Docile unless provoked- Huge mammals that
run along the plains. If you attack them, they will turn around and attack
quite ferociously.
Found west of the village on the plains, throughout the northeast, South
Desert. (other locations to come)

Smilodon- Very fast and powerful; Very aggressive- Probably the most
trouble some creature and the hardest to kill next to the mammoth. These
guys will jump all over you and attack the living heck out of you until
you're dead (or they are). I would recommend fighting these ones with
spears and nothing less.
All over East Coast, South Island, Areas in the very far north east
(slightly away from the coast). (other locations to come)

Mammoth- Extremely powerful; Aggressive- While they are a bit slow, they
are also VERY strong and can literally kill you in a few hits. It's best
to try to kill them only when you have a spear, especially Level 3 Spear.
Tundra, Northwest Island, far northeast (south of Tundra).

Aliens- Fast and run in random directions; Docile- Strange creatures...
Very strange. They basically look like a regular human body, only
everything from the waist up is completely gone. Basically, they just look
like an abdomen with legs. When you hit them, they let out and eerie
Found mainly on the Southwest Island. I've also found them once on the
Northwest Island. (other locations to come)


I'm sure you've seen the idea beaten to death all over this FAQ. It is
necessary to kill animals to bring in food. Failure to do so is quite
fatal. Not only do you die, but so does your tribe. So, with that being
said, here are some basics on hunting.

When you first start out, hunt only weak animals like monkeys and maybe
birds (they can be killed effectively if you throw a rock at them). Do not
deal with the bigger and badder enemies until your culture level has
climbed drastically enough. There are two animals in particular that you
want to avoid like the plauge until you have a spear. Those two are the
smilodon and the mammoth. The reason being is that they are the most
powerful and aggressive creatures in all the game.

Most any aggressive creature is to be avoided until you have a stick.
Sticks do increase your range just a bit, but also just enough to make
fighting a bit easier.


-Hunt weak animals when you start. Beware of aggressive creatures when you
don't have any weapons.

-Learn to throw stones at birds while they are flying towards you. You can
get some easy kills that way once you are much better with stone throwing.

-If an animal is too fast to kill, wait until you have a really powerful
weapon that can kill it in a couple shots or so.

-Before hunting down a mammoth, try to throw some rocks at it to soften it
up a bit.

-Use jumping to your advantage. if a strong animal is charging at you and
you jump, it will be quite likely that the thing will run underneath you.

-Learn to attack when coming down off a jump. This can especially help
when fighting hippos unarmed. This way you can get a lick in before you
are in range to be effected by an attack.

-Just because you killed an animal doesn't mean you need to bring the meat
back to the camp. You can eat it yourself and that is a good idea if you
wish to do some extended exploring.

-Do not be afraid to back down from a fight. If you are being seriously
hurt, run and run quick. When you are finally out of the reach of the
animal, eat some food and run off to kill a weaker animal and bring its
flesh back home. Remember, every time you return home, you are fully

-It isn't worth chasing an animal to your doom. If an animal runs out into
a compromised position in the water, don't persue it unless you have an
easy way to get back up to the surface.

-Sometimes, however, water can be good. When chasing an animal, sometimes
it will fall into the water and begin spinning 360 Degrees. Don't touch it
because that means it's drowning. When it drowns, it will leave meat for
you to pick up.

-When going on a long hunting trip, don't forget to eat plants to keep your
energy up and your hunger down.



It's a given fact. As your village grows, so does their intelligence. As
their intelligence grows, so does their culture. As your culture grows, so
do your tools. As time goes by, depending on how high your intelligence
is, you will gain what is called Culture Levels. As your Culture Level
grows, so does the power of your weapons. You also may notice the quality
of your huts around the village may look a bit different.


As time goes by, your culture will increase. The speed it increases
depends on the strength of your brain, whether or not you bear the Inner
Eye or Fertility tatoos, and the size of your tribe. All of these can lead
to upgrades in different weapons. The better your weapon, the quicker you
can kill enemies.


Bare Fist: The weakest "weapon" in the game. You initially start with

Stick: The first actual hand weapon you can get. While it is better than
the bare fist, it still lacks in strength and range. (can to go level 4)

Axe: Stroner than the stick. Still lacks range, but has good power. (can
go to level 2)

Spear: The strongest weapon, especially at its finally level. Good
strength and range. (can go to level 3)


There are two things that ultimately decide your populations growth: The
strength of your propagate stat and your food intake (that is, the food you
return with). The more food you return with, the more there will be for
your village. You village can then thrive and reproduce. One thing to
keep in mind is that the stats of your villagers is also reflectant on your
stats. Also remember that population and culture go hand in hand. The
higher population you have, the more characters you can use as others die.



One thing almost every game has in common is the light brushstroke on the
subject of death. This game is no stranger to it, especially considering
that you are dealing with a life. Basically put: You are not immortal (not
without cheats, anyway). Your character can age and die with time just
like in real life. Also a like real life, your character your character
can die by means other than old age. There isn't a whole lot of different
ways to die in this game, but each way is pretty easy to do, especially if
you're careless.

-Old Age-
Each character has a life span. I really do not know what the life span is
for each character, but I think your actions can influence how long or
short (s)he lives. When you first grab someone, immediately look to the
upper right of the screen. If you do not see anything there, that means
you grabbed a considerably young buck (or doe). However, even young bucks
get old. After a while, you will see a circle of flames dancing around at
the top right of the screen. These flames will mark down your last moments
alive, assuming you don't get killed before then. Each flame disappears
with a moderate length of time. I think it could be in the neighborhood of
15-20 minutes per flame. As soon as the last flame is getting ready to
disappear, the Bird Spirit will appear. When it has finally burned out,
the Spirit will come and take your last breath.

You do not have gills! You can stay underwater for a little while, but not
very long. While underwater, make sure you can easily jump to the surface
and get a breath of air every so often. If not, then you better get to a
location where you can do so or make sure you have the Swim Tatoo. If you
should stay underwater too long, you will die.

-Beaten to Death-
This is probably the most common death amongst those who are careless.
Some animals will fight back when provoked. Each animal has a different
power level as it pretains to attacks. If you are hit too often and
sustain major wounds, you can die. It's pretty much common sense there.

You must feed your character. If you have gone a long time without food,
then grab some plants to munch on. In times of need, do not be picky. If
you kill an animal and bring it back to your village, keep in mind that it
does feed you as well. This also restores your "life" to full.

Your character sleeps for a reason. This is the only way (s)he can restore
much needed strength. You can interrupt sleep, but it's best that you
don't unless you're about to be attacked. If your character doesn't sleep
often enough, (s)he will eventually start to fall asleep more often. If
you keep interrupting the schedule more, eventually the character will not
be able to function and (s)he will just die.


These are just some basic tips as far as keeping your character in good

-Eat often enough. Make sure you are very careful when going into a place
that lacks life like a desert. You could starve easily.

-Sleep well. Do not interrupt your character's sleep unless it's

-Beware of deep depths of water if you cannot cross them easily.

-Do not get careless in battle. Being arrogant is a good way to get
killed. Make sure that you do not sleep in an area that could have a
dangerous animal nearby. Animals like the smilodon are notorious for
attacking you in your sleep.



South of your village lies five monoliths, each with a different crest on
it. You should definitely get one of these right away when starting a new
game (see Section 9). Once you have chosen a tatoo, you will have that
tatoo until you grab another one. So, once you have a tatoo on, you can
never be without a tatoo.

Leap- The tatoo furthest on the left. This is great for helping cover
distance when jumping. It allows you to jump higher and longer. I
personally don't use this one too often, but it helps if you're trying to
jump a long distance. (increases jump strength)

Fertility- Lies to the right of Leap. This increases the power of your
propagate system. With this, your village will grow faster. With more
people, your culture level will also rise. (increases propagate strength)

Inner Eye- Lies to the right of Fertility. This increases your mental
capacity and intelligences, causing your culture to grow radically. Very
helpful anytime in the game when you need some new weapon advancements.
(increases intelligence)

Swiftness- In the front row (a few feet further south of the first three),
on the left. This increases your leg strength enough to make you extremely
fast. This is good for tracking prey or eluding predators. It's also
great if you're trying to get from Point A to Point B a bit faster (as long
as Point B is on the Main Continent). (increases run strength)

Swim- To the right of Swiftness. This one is also very helpful. I hevily
recommend this if you plan to investigate the surrounding islands. You
almost cannot make it to the islands without this. In fact, there ARE a
couple that you cannot make it to without this. This increases your arms,
leg, and lung strength to give you the ability to swim like a dolphin.
With this, you can remain above water the whole time that you swim by
pushing the Jump button repeatedly. (increases swim strength)


In this game, your stats are referred to as "Body." To view your Body
stats, push select during any time in the game and select Info. From
there, select Body and you will be given a breakdown on your body. There
are six different parts of the body and six different colors. Each color
illustrates how strong or weak each part of the body is. You cannot have
two parts of the same color. So, you cannot have a body of all red stats.
There can only be dominate parts and weak parts. Anyway, from weakest to
strongest, the colors are: purple, blue, greenish-yellow, bright yellow,
peach, and red.

Each of the six different Body stats effects your advancement in some way.
If you wish for a certain part to become stronger, you must eat certain
plants (see Section 8).

Brain- This is your intelligence. This effects your culture level within
the tribe.

Swim- Strength of your lungs. The stronger this is, the better and further
you can swim.

Hand- Your arm strength. Effects your fighting strength and ability. Also
keep in mind that the weapon you're using can effect your fighting strength
just as well, if not more than this stat.

Propagate- Your reproductive habits. The higher this is, the more your
village will increase in size as more are born.

Jump- Your jumping ability. Effects the height and length you jump.

Run- Your speed. The higher this is, the faster you are.


These are maps, so to speak, of the entire world and such. These maps may
not be totally to scale, but they are slightly to scale in accordance to
pages 22-23 in the instruction book which I used as a guide when piecing
together these maps. I have each section marked to tell you what exactly
it is.

NOTE: World map not to exact proportion. Only done as space and ASCII can

_ ___________ _____ ____
/ \ / \ / \__/ |
\_//____ a __\ \ | _/\___
\_ / / 1 | \ b__/
\__/ / |____ \/
__| \____
____/ \_______
/ / _ _
______| / /_\ /_\
\ 2 | _ c_
\ ____ | _/_\ /_\ _
\ 5 f 6 / \| /_\ /_\
/ | /\
/ |_ ||
/ ___ \ \/
|__/ \ \____
\ \
\ ______/
\ \
\__ /\___ \
\ / \ \
____ \ ___/ \ \
/ \ \ | | \
/ | | 4 | | \
| d | | / | \
| | \ | / |
| | \ | \__ \
\ | |__ | \ \
\____| \ / \ 3 __\
\/ / \
/ /
| /
| /
| /
| /
__ | /
__/ \_ | /
\ | | /
| e / \/
/ ___|
/ /

KEY- This is how I will refer to each area in the game.
a- Northwest Islands
b- Northeast Islands
c- Broken Islands
d- Southwest Island
e- South Island
f- Main Continent

1- Tundra
2- Valley Shoreline (otherside of West Mountains)
3- Giant Peninsula
4- South Desert
5- West Mountains
6- Plains


Note that locations are approximated
Location M is actually on the island

_ ___________ _____ ____
/ \ / G\ / \__/ |
\_//____ __\ \ | _/\___
\_ / / | \ __/ M
\__/ / |____ \/
__| \____
____/ H \_______
/ E I / _ _
______| F / /_\ /_\
\ B | _ _
\ C ____ | _/_\ /_\ _
\ A / \| /_\ /_\
/ | /\
/ |_ ||
/ ___ D \ \/
|__/ \ \____
\ J\
\ ______/
\ \
\__ /\___ \
\ / \ \
____ \ ___/ \ \
/ \ \ | | \
/ | | | | \
| | | K / | \
| | \ L | / |
| | \ | \__ \
\ | |__ | \ \
\____| \ / \ __\
\/ / \
/ /
| /
| /
| /
| /
__ | /
__/ \_ | /
\ | | /
| / \/
/ ___|
/ /

Easter Eggs and Monuments
A: Your Village
B: Stone Hand
C: Stone Henge
D: Tatoo Stones
E: Dinosaur Bone (found in a pond)
F: Strange marsh plants (found on a bank on the northwest section of the
G: Stone Eye
H: Stone Circles
I: Orange Lakes
J: Caveman and Cavewoman turned to stone
K: Triceratops Skull
L: Lizard Burrows
M: Stone Nose


NOTE: More cave locations to come.

Also note that some caves are actually connected. Listed below are cave

_ ___________ _____ ____
/ \ / \ / \__/ |
\_//____ __\ \ | _/\___
\_ / / | \ __/
\__/ / |____ \/
__| \____
____/ \_______
/ / _ _
______| 1 / /_\ /_\
\ | _ _
\ ____ | _/_\ /_\ _
\ 2 0 / \| /_\ /_\
/ | /\
/ |_ ||
/ ___ 3 \ \/
|__/ \ \____
\ \
\ ______/
\ \
\__ /\___ \
\ / \ \
____ \ ___/ \ \
/ \ \ | | \
/ | | | | \
| | | / | \
| | \ | / |
| | \ | \__ \
\ | |__ | \ \
\____| \ / \ __\
\/ / \
/ /
| /
| /
| /
| /
__ | /
__/ \_ | /
\ | | /
| / \/
/ ___|
/ /

0 = Your village
1... This cave is found in the mountains. It shouldn't be too hard to
find. The small river north of your village eventually flows into a huge
lake. On the west bank of the lake will be the mountains. Somewhere on
that west bank should be a huge patch of grass on the mountain, a platform
of sorts. Somewhere in that huge patch of grass should be cave.
2... This one is very hard to find. Somewhere on the west side of the
mountains toward the south should be a strange path that leads you up to a
rectangular opening in the mountain. This cave seems to be particularly
full of bats.
3... Not to hard to find. Just south of the village and a little to the
east. It's found on the north bank of a lake (with water running into it).
Very small, but has some food inside.


The small tribe you have founded does not live on hunting alone. Well, at
least you don't. You need to get nourishment often enough to be able to
stay alive. Stocking up on plants and other edibles lying around is most
important when you are going long distances, and even more important when
that traveling involves crossing mountains, deserts, or the tundra (as
those locations very much lack food). Hunting can be quite a consuming
task that you need some faster food, and since Arby's, White Castle, and
A&W haven't been invented yet, you have to rely on a different source.
That is, you must become a gatherer as well as a hunter. Spread throughout
the plains are vast amounts of food. Food which is represented by a sugar
cake made from Japan. Each one you grab not only knocks down your hunger,
but it also gives a little boost to one of your stats, depending on the
color that flashes and which part of the body flashes. There are 52
different plants in all. Now, in order, is a description of each plant and
its effect on your body. Each one is placed in order of appearance in the
"Item" under "About" in your info. So, if you want a good visual aid as to
which food item I'm referring to, count the sugar cakes as they appear in
the Item section of the game.

Color indicator:
Purple- Very minute amount added to stat.
Blue- Small amount added to stat.
Greenish-Yellow- Mediocre amount added to stat.
Bright Yellow- Large amount added to stat.
Peach- Considerably large amount added to stat.
Red- Very large amount added to stat.

NOTE: To tell blue and purple apart when you eat, remember that this shade
of blue is quite light, so the body part receiving the stat increase should
appear very light blue as oppose to one getting a purple, which will appear
quite dark. Bright Yellow and Greenish-Yellow are also very hard to tell
apart. You just have to remember that Bright Yellow always shows up
extremely bright.

Number in "Item"
Plant Description
Stat boosted

Looks like a clam with some major scuffs on top of it
Swim; Bright Yellow

Looks like a seashell with the joint pointing to the lower right
Swim; Bright Yellow

Round seashell with the joint pointing to the lower left
Swim; Red

Looks like a semi-triangular seashell
Swim; Greenish-Yellow



Looks like a green leaf with man pieces on each side
Run; Red

Looks like a couple of baby onions
Swim; Blue

Looks a bit like a mint leaf
Hands; Purple

Looks like a big leaf with a brown spot near the top
Run; Peach

Looks like a blade of grass with a coil at the top
Brain; Blue

Looks like a blade of grass
Run; Blue

Looks like a light pink flower with a spot in the middle
Swim; Purple

Looks like a solid, pink flower with five petals and nothing in the middle.
Run; Bright Yellow

Looks like a green maple leaf
Run; Purple

Looks like a pink flower with four petals
Brain; Blue

Looks like a pure white flower with five petals
Hands; Blue

Looks like a blue flower with a huge, blue splotch at the top
Brain; Bright Yellow

Looks like a light pink flower with five petals and a lot of pollen in the
Swim; Bright Yellow

Looks like a white flower with a red circle in the middle
Swim; Peach

Looks like a pink flower with five petals bunched together
Run; Blue

Bright, orange flower-shaped clay(?) with a fossil imprint on it
Brain; Blue

Looks like a blue flower with six, pointy petals
Run; Purple

Looks like a very well detailed, bright pink flower
Run; Greenish-Yellow

Looks like a big, blue flower with many petals
Run; Greenish-Yellow

Looks like a yellow flower (also kind of resembles a banana peal)
Swim; Bright Yellow

Looks like a red maple leaf
Arms; Greenish-Yellow

Looks like some exotic fruit related to a peach
Brain; Blue

Looks like a bright blue, swirly thing
Swim; Greenish-Yellow

Looks like a blue disc
Brain; Red

Looks like a roundish flower with pollen down near the bottom
Run; Bright Yellow

Looks like a white, rectangular object
Hands; Purple

Looks like a budding plant
Brain; Blue

Looks like a pine cone
Run; Bright Yellow

Looks like an almond
Hands; Blue

Looks like a strange, brown seed of some kind. It's somewhat V-shaped.
Run; Blue

Looks like a pea pod
Hands; Purple

Looks like an egg
Brain; Blue

Looks like a mushroom
Hands; Peach

Looks somewhat like a pear
Brain; Blue

Looks like a cattail (also somewhat resembles a sword)
Swim; Bright Yellow

Looks like a green peach
Swim; Blue

Looks like a peach
Swim; Peach

Looks orange with a brown leafish shape in the middle
Run; Light Yellow

Looks like an exotic fruit
Hands; Peach

Looks like a pink piece of candy
Run; Red




Looks like a green and white pretzel
Hands; Red

Looks like an oval-shaped, white flower with some pollen in it
Hands; Greenish-Yellow

Looks like an oval-shaped, pink flower with a bit of pollen in it
Brain; Bright Yellow



-Preliminary Actions-
The first thing that you should do is set the difficulty. If you really
want to take it easy your first time through, then I do suggest easy.
There's also medium and hard modes if you don't feel like taking things too
lightly your first time through. Now, begin the game. You will see a
person in the middle of the screen. This represents a new game. Select
the person and you will move on to a naming selection. Here is where you
name your file so you can tell your file apart form anyone else's that
might appear on the memory card. After naming your file (or keeping it at
Adam&Eve if you wish), you choose whether you want stereo or mono sound
style. Grab either/or and move on. Time to start the game for real!

You will start the game selecting one of your three initial characters, of
which you have two adult males and one adult female. Grab whichever one
you wish. They all have the same stats. First thing is first. Head south
from your village. A little ways down, you should bump into some monkeys.
You CAN kill the monkeys if you want, but it would probably be best to wait
on killing anything until you grab a tatoo. The tatoo I highly suggest you
grab first is the Fertility Tatoo. With this, your propagate organ will be
given a boost. The result will be a faster growing population and a faster
growing Culture Level as well since you have a lot of people in your group.
Now, you've got your tatoo. Let's get ready to hunt.

-Early Hunting-
This early in the game, I don't suggest you hunt anything too viscious,
especially with bare fists. It would be almost impossible to hunt out
anything like smilodons or mammoths right now. Start with the weaker
creatures. The best creatures to hunt right now would be monkeys, which
can be found just south of your village. You can also find them far north
(about halfway between your village and the Tundra) and far east. South is
probably the best since it is a lot closer. This early in the game,
there's a few places and things you want to avoid. Avoid the east coast,
particularly the far north and far south areas of it. These areas are full
of smilodons, which are extremely aggressive and will most likely kill you
on sight. Fighting them with a bare fist is practically suicide. I would
highly suggest you wait until you at least have an axe before fighting
them. Avoid the Tundra, there is nothing up there worth killing. The only
anmials there you really can kill this early are hippos and kamodo dragons,
even though they can be found in other, safer areas. Try to avoid fighting
boars and sharks this early as well. Fighting sharks is actually quite
risky since you need to go underwater to do so. I would also recommend you
avoid fighting buffalo at least until you can get better acquainted with
the battle system and your own personal fighting skills.

As I've stated before, monkeys are a great source of food for the early
game. There are a few other good sources, but probably not nearly as good
as the monkey. Birds are okay, but they're somewhat hard to kill early in
the game unless you use rocks. This can take a bit of practice, but try
picking up rocks and throwing them at birds (hint: it's easiest achieved
when the bird is flying at you). The main reason birds are hard to kill is
their speed. They can get away pretty quickly. Hippos I would only
recommend fighting when you're very well normed enough with fighting
skills. The best skill I've noticed towards fighting them is to jump in
the air just before they initiate a bite attack and hit them right as you
come down. Just make sure you do it before they can bite you as you come
down. This way, you'll actually move them back when you hit them and you
can hit them before they can hit you. Deer aren't too bad because they're
not very aggressive. They are quite hard to catch, though. I wouldn't
exactly use them as a chief source of food. Kamodo dragons are easy to
kill because they are slow, but they're quite rare. They're mainly found
in the south desert. Good luck finding an ostrich. They're also super
rare and hard to kill to boot since they are very fast. Bats are weak, but
hard to find and unreliable. You mainly have to do a lot of searching in
the mountains to find bats. My recommendation is to use bats as a food
source when you're exploring rather than bringing it home. Just eat them
yourself. They're great for when you're lost in a cave and can't find any
other sensible food aside from the usual Gathering Items. Aliens are not
something you want to persue for a chief means of food. They are flat out
HARD to find. If you actually come across one (it'll proabably be jumping
up and down in place), pat yourself on the back. They're probably the
rarest animal next to the bat and the ostrich. Here's a breakdown of the
animals for you...

Monkeys: Great early in the game.
Birds: Try killing with rocks until you get stronger weapons.
Boars: Avoid until you get better weapons.
Deer: Not bad, but can be easily killed with better weapons.
Hippos: Develop basic fighting skills. Learn to use jumping to a fighting
Buffalo: Avoid until you get better weapons and improved fighting ability.
Bats: Should only be used when traveling far from home or lost in caves.
Orstrich: Good luck finding one, and when you do, good luck catching it.
Mainly wait until your weapon is stronger.
Sharks: Avoid until you get a better weapon and have the Swim Tatoo.
Kamodo Dragon: Kill them any time if you can. They're a decent, yet easy
Aliens: Not something you want to persue as a chief source of meat.
Smilodon: Avoid until you have much better weapons.
Mammoth: Avoid until you get a spear.

-Getting Familiar With Your Surroundings-
All you really need to know early in the game is which types of regions are
bound in which directions. North will lead you to some grasslands and a
small lake. Eventually, you'll hit the Tundra. Northeast has some nice,
wooded areas full of smilodons, deer, buffalo, and some mammoths. It also
has a great beach area and some small mountains. East has a grassland and
some small beaches. Southeast is mostly a wet area and has a huge
peninsula. South is half grassy, have dry. Southwest is mostly grass
area. West is the main way you want to go to get to the west mountains.
This is a nice place to explore, especially since it has its share of
caverns that are almost impossible to map. It also has a nice valley on
the other side. Northwest has a few lakes and some more hilly areas.

-Waiting on Weapons-
Keep hunting until you feel your population has risen enough. How do you
check on your population levels? For one, you can go into your Tower
section inside your info menu (push select). This will show relatively how
much your population has grown. There is also a small cut scene that will
take place from time to time dealing with your villagers parading around
the village square. This is an event that shows your village has grown
significantly. When your population has risen, you can either keep the
Fertility Tatoo and gain a whole slew more people, or you can just say
"Screw that!" and grab one of the other tatoos.


-Grabbing a New Tatoo-
My suggestions as far as grabbing a new tatoo when you're tired of the
Fertility Tatoo goes to one of the following two: The Inner Eye Tatoo or
the Swim Tatoo. Both are very helpful in this game towards the middle.
The Inner Eye Tatoo will cause your intelligence to raise a little,
resulting in a faster increase of Culture Level. This will also spell some
new weapons for you much faster. The Swim Tatoo can be helpful if you wish
to explore other islands. That is the only way you can get to other
islands without drowning is through the Swim Tatoo. Otherwise, your
character will remain stuck underwater for too long and either drown or be
killed by sharks.

The game has a vast world for you to explore. It is probably impossible to
say you've been everywhere in the game as there are uncharted islands on
the map in this FAQ, only a few of which I've actually bumped into. That
and there are a ton of Easter Eggs just laying around in the game. Here
are some suggested areas for travel (sort of like a travel pamphlet!).

--West Mountains--
This is a huge region directly to the west of your village. It is
extremely hard to climb the mountain (basically, you want to run when doing
so) and even harder to find food up there, so be sure to stock up on
veggies and possibly even kill an animal for yourself before climbing.
There are various different little things to look for in the mountains.
For example, there are quite a good number of caves, most (if not all) of
which are connected. In these caves, you can find a few different Easter
Eggs such as a monkey's skeleton and even a strange batch of what appeared
to be giant cocoons deep within the caves. There's also various plateaus
up on the mountains with lush plants and even some hippos running around
(mountain hippos... hmm...). On the other side of the West Mountains is a
small valley on the shoreline. Here, there are a lot of deer running wild
and loads of plants. If you walk far enough west, you can even find a
stone hand (which is a good reference point if you're trying to get to the
Southwest Island).

--Southwest Island--
Not a whole lot here, but I do go here on occasion. Why, you ask? Because
this is one of the best places to actually find aliens! You can kill them
and eat them or bring them back. Okay, so it's not really worth the hastle
of trying to get here, but it's still cool to see the aliens at least once
when you play. The best way I've found to get here is to go to the Stone
Hand beyond the West Mountains and swim directly south (head west just a
tad on the way there, as well).

--South Island--
I don't know an easy way to get here as there really aren't any easy to
find reference points. All I've noticed is that this is a great place to
explore. For one thing, it's got a cave on it (on the south end of the
mountains) with some tusks inside for your tower and loads of different
animals. This place is actually so big, it almost feels like you're on a
continent at times. It can be found south and a tad west of your village
(and I mean TAD).

Not a very good vacation spot, but you will need to get familiar with this
place eventually if you wish to actually finish the game. This place can
be found simply by heading straight north from any position inland of the
main continent. Just make sure you aren't so far out that heading up will
cause you to run into the ocean. This place is also very bleak, just like
the West Mountains. I suggest bulking up on some food before heading out
here. Heading the furthest north you can, coming close to a huge, icy
mountains range, you will eventually bump into some mammoths. Leave them
be until you get the mighty spear! You may also bump into some hippos
while snooping around up there. They're great for meat if you get hungry
while you're up there.

--Northwest Island--
Not a very popular location, either. This can be found by heading to the
far northwest corner of the Tundra and swimming a bit northwest. You
should come to this island shortly. This also has mammoths on it that you
should avoid until you get a spear. I should also say that there is a cave
here with some tusks in it for your tower. WEE!

--Northeast Island--
Nothing much here. I think there's an Easter Egg on it. This really isn't
a very ideal place for exploring unless you are very bored. This one has
no real references to use (see the map above).

--South Desert--
This can be found directly south of the village. There is also nothing
much here except a couple of Easter Eggs. Finding them is almost
impossible as you pretty much have to find them on accident. There isn't a
whole lot of food here outside of komodo dragons, so bulk up.

--East Beaches--
This can be a fun place to explore. This is also where I found a cave
woman that my cave man fell in love with... Until I accidentally hit her
with my stick and she ran away... Straight into the water and drowned.
Okay, so it wasn't technically an accident! I figured, "Hey! We're cave
people! I think this means I'm supposed to bonk her on the head and drag
her home!" Didn't quite work out the way I planned. I don't know if this
is the only place this happens, but it was quite an experience. Sob... I
guess she felt she would rather die than be dragged home by a polygonal
cave cowboy.

-Midgame Hunting-
Around this time, you should be getting better sticks and eventually axes.
Using these, you can hunt more sophisticated prey. I basically around this
time use monkeys and lesser animals as personal food rather than food I
carry back. Around this time, you should be carrying back stuff like
boars, hippos, deer, and other big game. Around now, I say avoid both the
mammoth and the smilodon until you have gained a spear. If you should come
across a smilodon, you can try your luck, but remember: They're ferocious!


-Complete the Objective-
There isn't much to fill here. By now, you should be making routine trips
to the Tundra. You should also hopefully have a spear, with which you can
hunt down the mammoths and use their ivory tusks to make your tower. This
is where the game can get hard...

--Mammoth Seeking and Hunting Tips--
I've noticed two very popular spots for the mammoth to appear. One is at
the base of the far north mountain. The other is on the Northwest Island.
When you find a mammoth, make sure you have eaten and gotten plenty of
sleep. Do not fight a mammoth around the time you would usually be
sleeping or else your character will fall asleep, allowing the mammoth some
free shots (which could kill you instantly). Grab some throwing weapons
like rocks and trees (if you can find any). Throw them at the mammoth's
wide side. That is, hit it on its side. I say to do this because the wide
side is an easier target than hitting it's head or rear. If there are no
more to throw, attack the creature with your weapon. If you see it jump up
on its hind legs, that means it's attacking. Do you best to avoid that
attack. One good way to is to force it back by repeatedly hitting it.
Just pray that you can force it back far enough. When/if you defeat a
mammoth, grab a tusk or a piece of meat and select "Return." Doing this
will bring back all the tusks and all the meat. The tusks can be used as
weapons, but I recommend strongly against it, especially if you went
through all that trouble to kill a mammoth in the first place.

8D: GENERAL TIPS (see also "Hunting Tips" for more tips)

-Use the shoulder buttons every so often if you need to see a bit further
in one direction. Be sure to learn to use combinations. If you want to
see up without looking the left or right, then hold both R1 and L1 at the
same time.

-Remember, trees and rocks can be used as throwing weapons.

-Try to keep away from the East Coast until you've gotten a bit stronger.
There seems to be a lot of smilodons out there.

-Eat often. If you're trying to keep a certain Body stat at the most
dominant level (or making it as such), then eat only plants that will
affect that stat.

-Sleep when asked to and don't interrupt your character too often. If you
do not allow your character to sleep, (s)he will either fall asleep on
their own and not wake up until they're refreshed or die.

-Remember, climbing mountains and swimming expend a lot of energy so your
character may tend to sleep earlier due to too much climbing or swimming.

-When eluding a predator, using jumping to an advantage.

-Before going to a place that does not have very much food (i.e. mountains,
desert, tundra), make sure you eat plenty of food to keep your hunger down.


Q: What is that bird thing that sometimes appears?
A: That is a Spirit that comes to take your soul away. It usually appears
just before you die or if you're getting hungry or overly sleep deprived.

Q: What happens when I don't get enough sleep?
A: Your cave(wo)man will pass out and lay there automatically and you won't
be able to wake them. They can also die if they don't get enough rest and
run out of energy. Energy and hunger levels are two you must sustain of
your own accord, especially considering that you cannot actually see them
in quantity. You basically have to guess at how healthy your character is.

Q: Is there anyway to interact with the village?
A: Nope, the huts are just there for the heck of it, really.

Q: Is there any real point to this game?
A: Yes, and it is to collect enough tusks to make a tower that reaches the
Tail of the Sun (hence the game's name).

Q: What are those bones I sometimes see (they look like upside down Y's)
sometimes just in the middle of the land?
A: Those are graves. Anytime a character dies, no matter where, a grave
will appear.

Q: Can I pick up trees?
A: Yes, but they're very hard to use as weapons unless you throw them at a
large target like a mammoth.

Q: What is an Easter Egg?
A: An Easter Egg is something hidden in a game that cannot effect your
gameplay one way or another, but is merely just there for you to look at.
Easter Eggs appear in almost any game. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
has quite a few (i.e. the giant eyeball that can be seen in a window in the
background of one area).

Q: If my character dies, does the tatoo go with him?
A: No, the tatoo will automatically be put on the next character.

Q: Is it possible to get a "Game Over?"
A: If you run out of people...

Q: How does Culture Level increase?
A: With time. As your gain more to your population and have a high enough
intelligence factor, you culture will increase.

Q: Why is it that sometimes I will see my villagers parading around?
A: That is to signify that your population has hit a new level.

Q: I pushed Triangle over and over again and my character never picked up
the meat/plant/rock. Why won't it work?
A: One thing I've noticed about this game is how picky it is when picking
items up. You have to be at just the right angle. If you can't get it
from the angle you're at, keep trying from different angles.

Q: What is the influence behind all the endings?
A: One influence is which body part you have most nourished. However,
there are nine endings and six body "parts," so there has to be another
influence. What that is, I'm not certain.

Q: How can you tell that your swim stat is being increased when you eat
something when playing as a female?
A: Your shoulders will flash and you can just barely see her torso flash
under her dress.

Q: Is there any difference between playing a female and a male?
A: Not that I've really noticed outside of audio and visual differences.
Of course, both male and female have different voice actors and sounds for
eating and they also both have their own seperate hair styles and clothing.
Basically, everyone in your village shares the stats of the chief, whether
(s)he dies or not.


I would appreicate for anyone to give me the following info on the
following bits below. If you do, proper credit will be given for all
information that you contribute!

Animals- If you can give me any animals that are not listed. I do not
accept different variations of animals listed (i.e. different colors), but
I do accept those not listed that I may have list. I would also like to
have the official name of the "aliens" as I do not know what they are.

Land- Any pieces of land that are not mapped on the layout.

Easter Eggs- Easter Egg locatios not mentioned (that is, any momuments that
are in the game). The one I'm looking for the most is the undersea temple.

Caves- Any cave locations will be accepted, but only posted when I can
actually find the cave as I certainly don't want someone sending in false

Endings- If I could get a list of endings and how to influence each one...

Gathering Items- Any Gathering Items I can't find, particularly #5, which
looks like a clam (see the info section of your game to see which clam I'm
talking about. It should be the fifth one they display in the squares).

Any other baisc, yet important information and fallacies- If you see
anything incorrect or any important information that wasn't touched on,
please e-mail me...


Stone Nose submitted by Marcy Osedo
Don't know if you're still interested in hearing about the game, but
I just wanted to drop a line. Was fooling around with it the other
day and ran into a stone nose poking up out of the ground. It was
*really* weird. I think it was on the northeast islands since I
remember being pretty close to the snowy area where mammoths appear.


-Today, I found a huge place near the top of the West Mountains with big
patches of grass and plants. This area was also inhabitted by hippos which
I had never seen there before.
-I found mammoths that live outside the Tundra.
-Found a cave in the West Mountains with a hippo in it. The cave also had
a lot of bats and a rectangular entrance.


This FAQ is copyright 2001-2002 to Joe Shaffer, aka BoredGamer. Any use of
this FAQ for commercial purposes in any way, shape, or form without
confirmed consent of the author is strictly prohibited. This can be used
for personal use and freely distributed, as long as there is no profit
being made off the FAQ without my approval before hand (this includes
magazines). This also cannot be posted on any websites without my solid
approval. Any failure to comply with said premises can, and probably will,
result in legal actions.


Thanks to...

Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for maintaining GameFAQs.

PlayStation Cheat.net for having a great site on PSX cheats and for asking
permission before adding this FAQ to their site. I really appreciate that.

Cheat Code Central for also having a great cheat site.

NeoSeeker for allowing me to put my guide up there.

Artdink for putting together this quirky, pointless, yet strangely fun

Marcy Osedo for the info on the stone nose. Sorry it took so long to get
this up on the guide. Thanks though!

(c)Joe Shaffer 2001-2002

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30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
24.Июль 2014
25.Июнь 2019
24.Июль 2014