Tribes 2

Tribes 2

02.10.2013 15:17:46
Tribes 2 Guide
Version 1.1b - Last Updated on 09/23/2001
Created and maintained by fadeaway

Best viewed at 800x600 or above. Optimized for 79 column viewing.

You may find the current version of this guide at these respectable sites:

NOTE: I no longer play Tribes 2 so this guide will no longer be updated. The
reasons for me leaving are the same reasons fir almost everyone who was
around in the beginning leaving. Simply put, Tribed 2 is no longer the
same fun game I bought at release. The community is not the same,
friendly group of people. I don't like the direction the game going, and
I no longer have fun playing.

If anyone would like to continue to update this guide, or use it as a
basis for their own, please contact me at



# While I was building the initial version of this guide #
# it was announced that the Dynamix studio would cease operations#
# as of August 13th, 2001. This shocked the gaming community as #
# a whole. Dynamix has, as long as I can remember, been a #
# shining example of what quality gaming is all about. From the #
# days of "A-10 Tank Killer" it's been apparent that they #
# honestly cared about the software they released, and the #
# enjoyment of the gamers. #
# This guide is dedicated to the staff of Dynamix and the #
# original Dev team of T2. I wish them all the best in their #
# future projects. I would also like to thank them for the #
# countless hours they put into T2, and for the patience and #
# respect they showed the community. While corporate America #
# may not appreciate all you've done, the community always will. #


| email: |
| tmail: fadeaway |
| ICQ: 15868455 |
| You can also catch me in the game as [CDN]fadeaway. |
| Please check the FAQ section BEFORE emailing me with a question. |
| Please be sure to note in the subject that the email is regarding the T2 |
| Newbie Guide. Thanks. |

[Introduction - Please Read]

A Note to T2 Vets:

I have a favor to ask. Check this stuff over. If you see any mistakes,
or anything I've missed, let me know. Also, if you have any tips or tricks,
anything that would help a new player out, send them in and I'll add them.
You'll get full credit for anything you send in, and you'll be helping out the
newbs learn from our mistakes. My vision for this guide is to ultimately be a
compilation of our collective experience for the benefit of new players.


A Note to the Newbie:

This guide is intended to help out all the Tribes 2 newbies. If you
can't figure it out, if it's not in the manual, you can bet it'll be in here.
This guide assumes you have read the manual, played the single player tutorial
missions, and have a basic understanding of the controls and mechanics of the

Tribes 2 is unlike any first person shooter you'll encounter. First and
foremost, it's an mainly an online game. This means that you'll be playing with
REAL people. Understand that your actions will affect others while you're
playing. This is why it's so important to have a good grasp on how the game
works before entering into the community.

Second, there is a strong emphasis on teamplay and strategy in T2.
Understanding these concepts is essential to being a valuable member to a team
or Tribe. Study the strategy and gameplay sections of this guide, and you'll
have a good basic grasp on the game from which you can expand your skills.

Welcome to bootcamp, warrior.



- This guide covers only BASE and mods that use base settings. No
other mods will be covered in this guide.
- This guide will not cover any scripts.
- The author of this guide will not respond to any questions regarding
technical support, troubleshooting, or hardware issues. (Not because
I'm an asshole, but because I'm not qualified. There's such an
overwhelming number of possible system configurations that I can't
possibly know how to make T2 work properly for everyone.)


--------[Table of Contents

A "*" Denotes an unfinished section of the guide.

Section 1 - Tools of the Trade

1) Armor
2) Packs
2a) Armor Packs
2b) Deployable Packs
3) Weapons & Misc Equipment
3a) Primary Weapons *
3b) Grenades
3c) Belt Gear
4) Vehicles
4a) Ground Vehicles
4b) Air Vehicles
5) Base Equipment

Section 2 - Playing the Game

1) Game Rules *
1a) Bounty
1b) Capture and Hold
1c) Capture the Flag
1d) Deathmatch
1e) Hunters/Team Hunters
1f) Rabbit
1g) Siege
2) Basic Strategy *
2a) General
2b) Offence
2c) Defence
2d) Equipment Loadouts
2e) Sniping
2f) Ground Vehicles
2g) Air Vehicles
2h) Deploying Equipment
2i) Capping
3) Game Etiquette

Section 3 - Everything Else

1) FAQ
1a) Gameplay Questions
1b) Community Questions
1c) Questions NOT To Ask
2) Glossary
3) Voicebinds
4) Misc Info.
4a) Credits
4b) Copyright & Usage
4c) Other T2 Resources

Section 1 - Tools of the Trade

This section is mostly a rehash of information that is readily
available in the manual and on the web site. In an effort to be thorough
I decided to include it. It's pretty encylopedic and boring, but it's good
stuff to know.

This section, being so large, has just basic information and quick
descriptions at the moment. I plan on including further information in the

T2 Vets: Please give this section a once over for me.. make sure I'm getting
everything right. Thanks.

----------------------------------------------------------[1 - Armor

There are 3 different classes of armor that can be used. Scout,
Assault, and Juggernaut. Each has it's own advantages and disadvantages, and
each is suited for it's own set of tasks.

--------[Scout Armor

The Scout class armor is the lightest and fastest armor available for
use. If mobility and agility are your thing, then Scout armor is what
you'll need. A Scout can be in, flatten an enemy, and be gone before
the enemy knows what hit them. Scout armor is limited in that it may
not use certain heavy weapons, cannot carry certain deployables, and
may only carry 3 weapons at a time.

Durability: Low
Mobility: High
Weapon Capacity: 3
Ammunition Capacity: Low
Specialties: Laser Rifle, Grav Cycle, Cloaking Pack
Restricted: Fusion Mortar, Missile Launcher, Remote Inventory,
Landspike & Spider-Clamp Turrets, Turret Barrels
+ Fastest and most agile
+ Only armor class that can use the Laser Rifle
+ Can pilot ALL vehicles

- Can take the least damage of all armors
- Cannot use some heavy weapons
- Cannot carry certain deployables

--------[Assault Armor

The Assault class armor is the all around mix of the best of the
Scout and the Juggernaut. It can take more damage than the scout, isn't as
slow as the Juggernaut, and has only minor limitations compared to the other
two. On the flip side, the Assault is not nearly as fast as the Scout, and
can't sustain as much damage as the Juggernaut.

Durability: Medium
Mobility: Medium
Weapon Capacity: 4
Ammunition Capacity: Medium
Specialties: None
Restricted: Fusion Mortar, Laser Rifle, Grav Cycle
+ Can take more hits and carry more weapons than the Scout
+ Faster and more agile than the Juggernaut
+ Minor restrictions
- Slower than the Scout
- Not as durable as the Juggernaut
- Suitable for almost all tasks, but excels at few

--------[Juggernaut Armor

The Juggernaut is the big boy. When it comes to raw firepower, the
Juggernaut is the only choice. A walking fortress, the Jug can flatten
the opposition in a matter of seconds. Capable of carrying 5 weapons,
including all heavy weapons, the Jug is a fearsome sight. It's main
weakness is that it suffers a huge penalty in speed, making it easy pickins
for a Scout or Assault class warrior.

Durability: High
Mobility: Low
Weapon Capacity: 5
Ammunition Capacity: High
Specialties: Fusion Mortar
Restricted: Laser Rifle, Cannot Pilot Vehicles
+ Ability to sustain the most damage
+ Able to equip all heavy weapons
+ Able to carry the most ammunition of all Armors
- Painfully slow, minimum mobility
- Cannot pilot vehicles
- Can be a walking target for lighter armors

----------------------------------------------------------[2 - Packs

2a [Armor Packs]

Armor packs are essentially upgrades to a users armor. They supplement
the basic armor by allowing special functions to be used, or by giving the user
a performance increase in a specific area. All packs, with the exception of the
Energy and Ammo packs which do not need to be activated, are powered by the
users energy reserve. Armor packs may be used by any armor class.

--------[Sensor Jammer Pack]

This pack will "cloak" all players within a 20 meter radius from all
forms of mechanical detection. This means that turrets, sensors, and motion
sensors can't see you, but other players can. This pack also disrupts enemy
cloaking packs, making the enemy user visible if they happen to wander into
it's range.

+ User will not appear on enemy Command Screen
+ User will not be detected by enemy sensors or
targeted by enemy turrets
+ Ability to detect enemy cloakers
- Still visible by sight to enemy
- Fast energy drain

Use For: Infiltration, Cloaker detection

--------[Cloaking Pack]

When this pack is activated, it will make the user invisible to other
players, turrets, and sensors. The drawback of using the cloaking pack, aside
from it's fast energy drain, is that enemy motion sensors and sensor jammers
are not affected by it and will render the user visible to the opposition's
players, turrets, and sensors.

Note: May only be used by warriors in Scout armor.

+ Invisibility = stealth o' plenty
+ Ability to infiltrate enemy installations undetected
by enemy players
- Fast energy drain, can leave player visible without any
jetting energy
- Can be foiled by a well placed motion sensor or user
wearing sensor jammer
- Tell-tale humming can be heard by enemy at close range
- One shot death if hit by Plasma Rifle

Use For: Infiltration

--------[Energy Pack]

The energy pack give a boost to the users energy reserves by increasing
the regeneration rate by ??%. This creates greater mobility by allowing for
longer jet use, and increases the amount of shots that can be spent by energy
based weapons. The energy pack is also required to enable use of some weapons
such as the laser rifle.

+ Greater mobility
+ Able to fire energy based weapons longer
- No "special" ability

Use For: Flag runs!!, flag chasing

--------[Shield Pack]

The shield pack, when activated, will created a physical barrier around
the player that absorbs any damage taken. The amount of damage that can be
absorbed is equal to the amount of energy in the players reserves. Blasters and
Plasma Rifles are able to penetrate the shield.

+ Makes user invincible as long as energy lasts
- Can wear out quickly in close range battle, leaving user
with no shield and no jetting mobility
- Blaster and Plasma Rifle penetrate shields

Use For: Defence, Penetrating enemy defences

--------[Repair Pack]

Exactly what it sounds like. ;) When activated, it repairs damage to
the user, teammates, and equipment.

Use For: Repairing stuff. =P

--------[Ammo Pack]

Another no brainer. Increases the amount of ammo a user can carry for
limited ammo weapons such as the disc launcher or chaingun.

Use For: More ammo. =P

2b [Deployable Packs]

Deployable packs are equipment that is carried to a location and
deployed by a user. These items are the backbone of a teams defence; proper
placement of them can render a base almost impenetrable. Most deployable
packs, most notably turrets, have a limit on the number a team can have
deployed at any given time.

--------[Landspike Turret]

The Landspike turret is used for outdoor defence. It is more
powerful than the Spider-Clamp, and has superior shielding than it's indoor
counterpart. It can only be deployed on flat, outdoor terrain. Due to
interference created by turrets, the Landspike must be deployed ?? meters
away from any other turret.

Note: May only be equipped by Assault and Juggernaut class armors.

--------[Spider-Clamp Turret]

The Spider-Clamp turret is primarily used for indoor defence. It
can, however, be deployed on any building surface including in/outdoor walls,
ceiling, and roofs. It can also be deployed on rocks outdoors. Due to
interference created by turrets, the Spider-Clamp must be deployed ?? meters
away from any other turret.

Note: May only be equipped by Assault and Juggernaut class armors.

--------[Remote Inventory Station]

The Remote Inventory Station functions like a normal Inventory
Station, with the exceptions that it may not be used to change armor class or
to obtain another Remote Inventory Station. Due to interference generated by
them, Remote Inventory Stations must be placed ?? meters away from each other.

Note: May only be equipped by Assault and Juggernaut class armors.

--------[Motion Sensors]

The Motion Sensor is primarily used as a defensive placement, as it
can detect enemies using the Cloaking Pack. An enemy using the Cloaking Pack
can avoid detection by the Motion Sensors if moving slowly enough.

--------[Turret Barrels]

This one tends to cause a bit of confusion. Base Turret Barrels are
used with base turrets (the bigger turrets that are part of the map) to alter
the type of ammunition the turret fires. They MAY NOT be used on Spider-Clamp
and Landspike turrets. The types of Base Turret Barrels are as follows:

- Anti-Aircraft
Heavy blaster suitable for air targets.
- Electron Flux (ELF)
More powerful version of the handheld unit.
- Fusion Mortar
More powerful and longer range than the handheld unit.
- Guided Missile
Suitable for air targets.
- Plasma
More powerful version of the handheld unit.

--------[Remote Pulse Sensors]

Remote Pulse Sensors are used to supplement the teams sensor network.
Deploying a Remote Pulse Sensor in an area not covered by other sensors will
allow the team to view enemy activity in that area via the Command Circuit.

--------[Remote Detonation Satchel Charge]

The Satchel is a powerful explosive charge that can be deployed by the
user and detonated at any time thereafter. When triggered, there is a ?? second
delay and audible beeping before detonation occurs. The blast from a Satchel
is so powerful that at close range it can instantly kill a healthy Juggernaut
using a Shield Pack.

-------------------------------------------------[3 - Weapons & Misc. Equipment

3a [Primary Weapons]

Primary weapons are the weapons a warrior carries in his hands. These
can be divided into two types; Energy and limited ammo. Energy based weapons
have unlimited ammo due to the fact that they draw from the users energy
reserve to fire. Limited ammo weapons have a finite amount of ammunition that
depends on the armor of the user.

Weapon damage is broken into two categories. Direct Contact and Splash.
Direct Contact means that the weapons projectile must physically touch
the enemy to inflict damage. Splash damage indicates that direct contact with
the target is not necessary to inflict damage. The projectile will explode on
whatever it hits first; enemy, wall, ground, etc. The resulting explosion
inflicts the most damage at "ground zero", with decreasing damage inflicted
in the area surrounding the explosion.


The blaster is an energy based weapon with a high rate of fire. Think
Star Wars.. same idea. The blast emitted from the blaster bounces off walls
making it an effective indoor weapon.

Ammo: Energy
Rate of Fire: Fast
Projectile Speed: Very Fast
Damage: Low
Damage Type: Direct Contact
Aim: Manual
Max Effective Range: Medium

Use For: Indoor fights, can be good for taking out snipers at med.


The chaingun is a limited ammo weapon that fires explosive bullets in a
spread pattern. Due to the spread pattern of the projectiles fired, the
chainguns effectiveness severely deteriorates as range increases. The chaingun
is useful for picking off damaged airborne enemies.

Ammo: Limited
Rate of Fire: Very Fast
Projectile Speed: Very Fast
Damage: High at close range, decreases with distance
Damage Type: Direct Contact
Aim: Manual
Max Effective Range: Medium

Use For: Picking off damaged enemies, close range/indoor fights

--------[Electron Flex Projector (ELF)]

The ELF gun is an energy based weapon that causes no damage to the
target. Instead, it drains the targets energy reserve, severely limiting the
targets mobility. Caution should be used when using the ELF gun, as it will
attack the closest target be it friend or foe.

Ammo: Energy
Rate of Fire: Continuous
Projectile Speed: Instant
Damage: None
Damage Type: Direct Contact
Aim: Auto
Max Effective Range: Very Short
Restrictions: Non-functional under water

Use For: Especially useful for flag defence

--------[Fusion Mortar]

The most devastating weapon in Tribes 2, the Fusion Mortar is a limited
ammo weapon that lobs large mortars at the enemy. The mortar is primarily used
as an offensive weapon, as it easily wipes out enemy defenses.

Ammo: Limited
Rate of Fire: Slow
Projectile Speed: Medium
Damage: Very High
Damage Type: Splash
Aim: Manual, Lead Calculation with Targeting Laser/Beacon
Max Effective Range: Very Long

Use For: Long range bombardment

--------[Grenade Launcher]

The Grenade Launcher fires standard explosive grenades at high
velocity. It is a limited ammo weapon that is well rounded for both indoor and
outdoor use. One of the main advantages of the Grenade launcher is that the
grenades can be bounced off walls and around corners, making it ideal for
clearing indoor rooms.

Ammo: Limited
Rate of Fire: Slow
Projectile Speed: Medium
Damage: High
Damage Type: Explosive Spread
Aim: Manual, Lead Calculator with Targeting Laser/Beacon
Max Effective Range: Medium

Use For: Clearing rooms, medium range bombardment

--------[Laser Rifle]

The Laser Rifle is the snipers best friend. This energy based weapon
shoots a extremely high velocity laser in a straight line with almost unlimited
range and precise accuracy. The damage inflicted by this laser depends on the
location of the hit, the armor of the target, and the amount of energy the user
has in reserve. The drawback of the Laser Rifle is that it it completely drains
the users energy reserve with each shot. A head shot at full energy will
instantly kill a Scout. Unfortunately, it takes ?? full powered head shots to
bring down an Assault, and ?? to kill a Juggernaut. Less damage is taken by the
target for body shots.

Ammo: Energy
Rate of Fire: Slow
Projectile Speed: Instant
Damage: Varies on location
Damage Type: Direct Contact
Aim: Manual
Max Effective Range: Very Long
Restrictions: Requires Energy Pack

Use For: Er.. Sniping ;)

--------[Missile Launcher]

The Missile Launcher is a very versatile weapon. With it's ability to
automatically lock on to suitable targets, it can be used for both offensive
and defensive purposes.

Targets that can be locked on to are enemy sensors and base turrets,
enemy vehicles, and enemy players who's jet packs are heated from use.

Ammo: Limited
Rate of Fire: Slow
Projectile Speed: Medium
Damage: Very High
Aim: Manual until lock-on, missile follows target automatically
Damage Type: Splash
Max Effective Range: Very Long

Use For: Anti-Vehicle, flag defence, Attacking enemy sensors & base

--------[Plasma Rifle]

The Plasma Rifle shoots super-heated balls of burning plasma at the

Ammo: Limited
Rate of Fire: Medium
Projectile Speed: Low
Damage: High
Aim: Manual
Damage Type: Splash
Max Effective Range: Medium
Restrictions: Non-functional under water

Use For: Indoor combat, enemies using Shield Pack


Ammo: Energy
Rate of Fire: Slow
Projectile Speed: Instant
Damage: Varies on location
Aim: Manual
Damage Type: Direct Contact
Max Effective Range: Very Short
Restrictions: Non-functional under water


Ammo: Limited
Rate of Fire: Slow
Projectile Speed: Very Fast
Damage: High
Aim: Manual
Damage Type: Splash
Max Effective Range: Long

3b [Grenades]

--------[Basic Grenade]

The Basic Grenade is an explosive grenade that detonates after a few
second delay. The resulting explosion inflicts moderate damage to the enemy;
the severity of which depends on the enemies proximity to the explosion.

--------[Concussion Grenade]

This grenade inflicts minimal damage to the enemy. Instead, it creates
a concussion blast that causes the enemy to drop weapons, packs, and flags.
Caution should be used with the Concussion Grenade, as it can also cause the
user and any teammates within range to drop their equipment.

--------[Flare Grenade]

This grenade inflicts no damage to the enemy. Instead, it creates a
bright flare that serves two main purposes. The first and most useful is that
it will decoy any missiles that are locked on to the user or his vehicle,
drawing the missile away and disabling it's lock. Alternatively it can be used
to signal teammates to a location.

--------[Whiteout Grenade]

This grenade inflicts minimal damage to the enemy. Instead, it creates
a blinding flash that can distract the enemy for a few seconds. The severity of
the blindness depends on the enemies proximity to the detonation. The Whiteout
Grenade has an effective range of 20 meters. Caution should be used with the
Whiteout Grenade, as it will also blind teammates.

--------[Deployable Camera]

This item is not actually a grenade, but it's included here because it
is equipped in place of grenades, and activated by pressing the grenade button.

The Deployable Camera, when activated, will be tossed like a grenade
and stick to whatever surface it comes in contact with. The user can then leave
the location and remotely view activity in the area via the Command Circuit.

3c [Belt Gear]

--------[Targeting Laser] (L)

The Targeting Laser is used for marking targets from a distance. When a
target is marked by the laser, teammates are able to instantly lock on with the
Missile Launcher, and will have lead calculation enabled with the Mortar and
Grenade Launcher. It is also useful for defence by pointing out targets that
need to be defended or the flag carrier.

--------[Mine] (B)

The Mine is a weapon that is dropped on the ground. Once deployed the
mine lies in wait for a passing warrior or vehicle to run over it. When this
happens, the mine explodes causing moderate to severe damage. Mines will
explode regardless of friend or foe coming in contact with it. Only 3 mines may
be carried at a time by a user, regardless of armor equipped.

--------[Beacon] (H)

The Beacon works like the Targeting Laser, but it can only be deployed
by physically being in range of the target. Once in range, the user deploys the
beacon which then allows for teammates to instantly lock on with the Missile
Launcher, and lead calculation for the Mortar and Grenade Launcher.

The beacon can also be used as a marker. If the user immediately
presses H again after deploying the beacon, it will switch to marker mode.
Marker mode removes the lead calculation on a target and simply marks it by a
small circle. This signifies to the team that the beacon is not displaying a
target for attack, but rather a position on the map that could, for example,
have a Remote Inventory Station available for use.

--------[Health Kit] (Q)

The Health Kit is an item that will restore a small amount of damage
to the user. A Health Kit may only be used once and only one may be carried at
a time regardless of the armor equipped. The exception is if the user is
wearing an Ammo Pack in which case two Health Kits are allotted for use.

----------------------------------------------------------[4 - Vehicles

4a [Ground Vehicles]

--------[Wildcat Grav Cycle]

The Grav Cycle is the fastest vehicle available in the game. It can
easily outrun any pursuing enemies on the ground or in the air. This ground
vehicle is not very durable, however, and can't take much punishment from the
enemy.. if they're able to land a shot on it. This vehicle is a favourite of
lone wolfs and flag runners, as it requires a crew of only 1.

Crew: 1 (pilot)
Speed: Very High
Agility: High
Durability: Low
Weapons: None

--------[Beowulf Grav Tank]

The Grav Tank is a heavily armed and extremely durable machine that
carries a Fusion Mortar and Chaingun turret. This vehicle can be absolutely
devestating to the enemy, quickly reducing their defencive placements to
rubble. While not very fast or agile, this ground vehicle certainly makes up
for it in brute force.

Crew: 2 (pilot, gunner)
Speed: Medium
Agility: Low
Durability: High
Weapons: Fusion Mortar Turret, Chaingun Turret

--------[Jericho Forward Base]

The Jericho is an MPB (Mobile Point Base), meaning when deployed it
acts as a forward base from which teammates can mount an attack. It is equipped
with a Sensor Jammer, which is always active, and an Inventory Station and
Missile Turret when deployed.

The MPB is slow, not at all agile, and will explode when submerged in
water. It makes up for these limitations with it's impressive shielding and
durability. You will often see a Shrike and possibly several warriors escorting
a Jericho until it deploys as it is an easy target until it does so.

To deploy a Jerico (One of THE most frequently asked questions) you
simply need to eject from it on suitable, flat terrain. It will not deploy near
turret placements due to turret interference. It will also not deploy if it is
too close to a building or structure.

Crew: 1 (pilot)
Speed: Low
Mobility: Low
Durability: Very High
Weapons: Missile Turret (once deployed)
Equipment: Sensor Jammer (always active), Inventory Station (once

4b [Air Vehicles]

--------[Shrike Fighter]

Also called a Scout, this vehicle is one of the most used vehicles in
Tribes 2. It is the fastest air vehicle in the game making it the bane of
Bombers and Transports. It is also an effective ground support unit, as it can
make quick work of the slower ground vehicles and enemy equipment.

While not the most durable of vehicles, it's agility and speed make it
a difficult target to hit from the ground or air. Mounted with twin Heavy
Blasters, it can quickly eliminate enemy vehicles and equipment.

Crew: 1 (pilot)
Speed: High
Agility: High
Durability: Medium
Weapons: Twin Heavy Blasters

--------[Thundersword Bomber]

The Bomber is another favourite vehicle in Tribes 2. Able to instantly
cripple an enemies defence, the bomber is used primarily as an offensive
vehicle. While able to sustain fairly high speeds, the Bomber is not very agile
which leaves it open to quick destruction by enemy Shrikes and Missile

With a full crew of three, however, the Bomber can be a force to be
feared. While the tailgunner handles incoming missiles and enemy shrikes, the
bombadier and pilot can concentrate on the task at hand; blowing stuff up. ;)

Crew: 3 (pilot, bombadier, tailgunner)
Speed: High
Agility: Medium
Durability: Medium
Weapons: Plasma Bombs, Blaster Cannons

--------[Havoc Transport]

The Transport has earned the nickname "Gunship" due to the fact that
can carry up to 5 fully loaded Juggernauts. A loaded Transport heading toward
your base is a sight that will make almost any warrior nervous. Passengers are
fully able to fire while aboard the Transport.

Being slow and not at all agile, the transport often requires air
support in the form of a Shrike to ensure it's safety. It is one of the most
durable vehicles in the game, however, as it is designed to be able to take a

Crew: 2 (pilot, tailgunner) and 4 passengers
Speed: Medium
Agility: Low
Durability: High
Weapons: None

----------------------------------------------------------[5 - Base Equipment

Base Equipment is a teams basic defensive and offensive structure. It
is all the equipment provided to a team with which they can build a stronger
and more effective tactical situation.

All Base Equipment can be disabled, but not destroyed. When disabled,
Base Equipment remains ineffective until repaired with the Repair Pack.

--------[Generators & Solar Panels]

The Generator, barring your teams flag, is THE most important target to
defend. If your teams Generator is disabled, ALL other Base Equipment goes
dead.Turrets, Inventory Stations, Vehicle Stations, and Sensors will become
non-functional. The protective shielding on these units also drops if your
Generator is destroyed, making them easy to destroy.

There are also maps with Generators that fulfill one specific task.
Force Field Generators supply power to your teams protective force fields. If
the Force Field Generator is disabled, the force field goes down leaving your
team open to attack. Some maps also have Generators that supply power only to
the Vehicle Stations.

The Solar Panel acts as a supplement and backup to the Generator.

It should be noted that only BASE equipment is powered by the
Generators and Solar Panels. All Deployable equipment has it's own internal
power source and will continue to function even if the Generators should become

--------[Inventory Station]

The Inventory Station is where your team re-supplies and changes their
loadouts. If all Inventory Stations are disabled your entire team is limited to
Scout armor until they are repaired as Remote Inventory Stations are unable to
change a users armor selection.

Inventory Stations are an essential part of maintaining tactical
superiority, and should be kept in good repair at all times.

--------[Vehicle Station]

The Vehicle Station is where a user obtains vehicles for use. If
disabled, it can leave your team without vehicles and at a serious tactical

--------[Pulse Sensor]

The Pulse Sensor is the primary source of a teams Sensor Net. Sensors
allow enemy movement within range of the Sensor to be detected and monitored
via the Command Circuit. This gives the user early warning of an impending
attack, and keeps the team on top of enemy positions. If the Pulse Sensor
should become disabled, the team is effectively blinded, making any long range
surveillance impossible.

--------[Base Turrets]

Base Turrets are the basic defence provided to a team at the beginning
of a map. They track enemies using the Sensor Net, and attempt to destroy them.
The type of shot that a Base Turret fires depends on the Base Turret Barrel
mounted on it. They generally start out as Plasma Turrets.

Section 2 - Playing The Game

This section will provide you with the essential basic knowledge of how
to properly play Tribes 2. If you're new to the game, I suggest you read
through this entire section. It will answer many if not all of the questions
you may have.

----------------------------------------------------------[1 - Game Rules

There are 8 types of games you can play in Base Tribes 2. Each has it's
own set of rules, and own set of objectives. The gameplay is very different
depending on what you're playing, so it's best to know these rules before
heading into a game.

Some basic rules that apply to all games:

- Note the triangle above a players head. Green is friendly,
red is enemy.
- Note if Team Damage is ON or OFF. When it's on, your fire will
hurt your teammates. So be careful.
- Remember that even if Team Damage is off, you can still destroy
and damage your teams equipment.
- Remember that your own fire will ALWAYS hurt you. Be careful with
Splash Damage weapons at close range.

1a [Bounty]

The main goal in Bounty is to kill all players in the order they are
assigned to you. You have a "Target Pool" of all the other players in the game.
At any given time you will have a Target from the Target Pool. Your Target is
the person that you are currently assigned to kill. When you kill your Target,
a new person is assigned to you from the Target Pool and you then attempt to
kill them.

You will suffer a penalty if you kill people other than your Target.
Also, if you kill someone that you've already killed as your Target, they will
be put back into your Target pool.

While you're hunting your Targets, remember that YOU are also someone
elses Target. They will be attempting to kill you while you're Hunting your
Target. If you manage to kill your Hunter, you get 1 point. Your Hunter does
not change until they manage to kill you, when a new Hunter will be assigned to

You can distinguish between who's who by the triangles above the
players head. A Green triangle means that the player is a bystander, and you
should not attack. Be careful, however, as your Hunter will have a Green
triangle until they damage you. At this point, your Hunter will have NO
triangle over their head. Your current Target will have a Red triangle over
his head.

The game ends when a player kills all Targets in their Target Pool. The
winner is decided based on who has the most points.

Scoring Points:
- Killing a Target = 1 point
- Killing your Hunter = 1 point

Losing Points:
- Killing a Bystander (A player that's currently not
your Target) = -1 point
- Suicide = -1 point

1b [Capture and Hold]

Capture and Hold is a team based game. The object of the game is to
gain control as many objectives as possible on the map. Once control is gained,
the objectives must be defended so that the enemy team can't capture them.
Objectives are marked on the map as waypoints.

Objectives are captured by touching the objectives switch. When touched
control of the objective and all surrounding equipment fall under your teams

Your team scores 2 points for every second that an objective is in
your possession. The game ends either when time runs out, or when a team
reaches the target amount of points.

Gaining Points:
- Holding a captured objective for 12 seconds = 1 point
- Defending an objective = 1 point
- Killing an enemy = 1 point

Losing Points:
- Killing a teammate = -1 point
- Suicide = -1 point

1c [Capture the Flag]

Capture the Flag is easily the most popular type of game in Tribes 2.
CTF is a team based game where the objective is to get the enemies flag from
their flag while ensuring that your own flag is defended.

To capture you must grab the enemies flag by touching it and return it
to your flagstand. Your flag MUST be at it's stand in order to capture. If a
player is killed while in possession of the flag the flag drops to the ground.
Unless it's grabbed by another teammate it will remain on the ground until it
is returned to the flag stand by either the enemy touching it or the time limit
running out.

It should be noted that if a player goes out of bounds while in
possession of the flag that the flag will be dropped on the edge of the out of
bounds boundary.

When the flag is captured the capturing team receives 100 points. When
the flag is grabbed from the enemy flag stand the grabbing team receives 1
point. The game ends either when time runs out (in which case the team with
the most points wins) or when the target number of captures have been met by
a team.

Scoring Points:
- Capturing the Flag = 2 points
- Defending the Flag = 1 point
- Defending the Generator = 1 point
- Destroying the enemy Generator = 1 point
- Repairing the Generator = 1 point
- Killing an enemy = 1 point

Losing Points:
- Killing a teammate = -1 point
- Suicide = -1 point

1d [Deathmatch]

Deathmatch is the most simple and straight forward mode of play in T2.
The object is to kill other players while attempting to die as little as

Scoring is a little different in Deathmatch. There's not a point system
but rather a kill to death ratio. Player scores are calculated by the following
formula: kills / deaths = score.

The game ends when time runs out, and the player with the highest kill
to death ratio wins.

1e [Hunters]

1f [Team Hunters]

1g [Rabbit]

1h [Siege]

----------------------------------------------------------[2 - Basic Strategy

Strategy. THE most underlooked aspect of the game by newbies. You have
to remember that THIS IS NOT YOUR STANDARD FPS. T2 is not just a run and gun
shoot `em up. It's a thinking mans game, and if you don't act accordingly you
won't last long.

2a [General]

This section covers things that should always be kept in mind no matter
what type of game or position you're playing, or what type of game it is.


In *any* team based game communication is essential. Let your team know
what you're doing. Tell them the status of the enemy base. Give them as much
information as possible so they know where your team stands and what they
should be doing.

Also, listen to what they're telling you. If the flag carrier is
requesting backup, go give him a hand. If someone informs you of an enemy
attacking the generators, go assist them. Respond to your teams requests
whenever possible. I assure you it's worth the time and effort.

Move, Move, Move.

As the title suggests, keep yourself mobile. A stationary target is an
easy target, something you don't want to be. The obvious exceptions here are
when you're in need of greater accuracy for, say, locking on with a Missile
Launcher, or using the chaingun to pick off a damaged airborne enemy. Even
still, in these situations keep aware of enemy positions. If you see an inbound
Scout with his Disc Launcher pointed at you, get outta there.

At any time when you're in the open and not moving, you make a very
tempting target for snipers. This can be a problem, especially when in Scout
armor. Keep this in mind when using outdoor Inv. Stations and Vehicle Pads as
they are hotspots for sniper attacks.

Dress For Success

Equipment loadouts need to be suited to the task at hand. Going on a
flag run? It's a good idea not to be wearing Juggernaut armor, as speed and
mobility are essential. Defending indoors? Leave the Scout at home and get
yourself some Jug. Think about what you're doing, what is required to do it,
and equip yourself accordingly.

Further discussion on this topic can be found in the "Equipment
Loadouts" area in this section.

Loot the Corpses

When you kill a player he drops all of his equipment, ammo, and packs.
When you run over said corpses you automatically pick up any needed equipment
and ammo. This can be extremely valuable as running over every corpse you see
will keep you well supplied and prolong your battle readiness. There's nothing
worse than running out of ammo in the middle of a duel, so make sure you're
well supplied at all times.

Remember the Health Kit

A number of times I've been in a duel with a player, and when I kill
him I'll run over his corpse and pick up a health kit. This shouldn't be
happening. The health kit can give you that little extra edge that means
survival. Use it.

Know Your Role

Yeah, The Rock knows his stuff. Pick a task and stay with it. Decide
what you're going to do, attack, defend, deploy equipment, and let your team
know. When possible try to fill in where it's needed. If your flag is being
captured every 2 minutes, defend. If no one is attacking, go offence. Try to
be where you're most useful.

2b [Offence]

The art of attack. Strike fast, strike hard, give the opposition no
warning. It requires skill, cunning, and a little luck to pull off an effective
offensive strike. The reward is a weakened enemy, while the price can be your
own demise. A fair trade as far as I'm concerned.. ;)

2 Discs Are Better Than 1

Alone against a well planned defence you are weak. Many new players
suffer from the "lone wolf" mentality, thinking that they'll be able to land a
successful blow by themselves. This is true in some cases, but in general if
you charge enemy installations solo you'll end up nothing more than an easy

Communication is key here. Request backup when attacking. Comply with
other teammates requests when they're attacking. Failing that, just watch from
your base for other players moving out and cover them. Even if you're attacking
only in pairs you're greatly increasing your chance of success.

Keep Them Guessing

The first and foremost thing you want to remember when attacking is
that the element of surprise can mean the difference between utter failure and
complete victory. When the enemy is unaware of your attack he is often
unprepared and will be scrambling to recover.

Keep a low profile on your approach. Try to remain unnoticed by enemy
forces. Use the terrain to your advantage by keeping behind hills or under

Try to vary your attack location. Often the enemy will concentrate
defences on the front side of an installation as this is where most attacks
occur. Try coming in from behind or from the sides and you may encounter less

Know your Objective

Before you head out, decide exactly what it is you'll be attacking.
Pick a target and stick to it. Be it the Generator, Sensors, or Flag, make sure
you're focused on a specific objective. When that objective is completed, pick
another and go to it. This will keep you organized and focused which can only
enhance your performance.

2d [Defence]

It's often said that the best offence is a good defence. This holds
true in T2 as some basic defensive steps can go a long way towards holding off
the enemy.

Watch the Friendly Fire

Defending usually involves a whole lot of indoor combat. Indoor combat
involves a high risk for friendly fire and friendly equipment destruction. Use
caution when using splash damage weapons, especially mortars. One carelessly
placed mortar can take out your own generators and really aggrivate your team.

Be Where the Action Is

When defending it's essential to be in areas where attack is most
probable. Hotspots for attack are the flag, generators, and base entrances.
Don't bother defending the Remote Inventory Station that's deployed 800m away
from your base.

2d [Equipment Loadouts]

2e [Sniping]

The following Sniping tips were contributed by Sleef Barmer:
Okay, crash course in sniping:

Look for the most dangerous target and shoot it first. Don't shoot up a
near-dead Light with a chaingun; do shoot up other snipers and heavies who are
standing still. Generally, if an enemy is standing still for no apparent
reason, they have a laser rifle, missile launcher, or mortar.

Don't expect to score a lot of points. You're not sniping to kill the enemy;
you're sniping to make the enemy nervous and keep their heads down. If you do
that, the game is much easier to win. A disorganized enemy is, for all intents
and purposes, a defeated enemy.

Move around. Sniping from the same spot, unless it's a REALLY good one, will
generally just get some angry enemy sneaking up behind you with a shocklance or
somesuch nasty device to waste you.

Aim carefully. Take headshots whenever possible, but only on motionless or
grounded enemies. If the target is flying, lead them along the arc of their
flight path, and aim for the torso, as best you can. Whenever a target is
moving, lead them. Even though your laser moves at the speed of light, it might
still miss.

2f [Ground Vehicles]

2g [Air Vehicles]
=================== explains the use of the Bombers targeting laser:
"The bombadier tags a spot on the ground with the laser, and the pilot is then
presented with a red marker similar to a green targeting beacon to attempt to
fly through. This is the optimum spot to fly through to get the bombing cursor
over the tagged spot."

Remember, however, that the enemy can also see the laser and it will
alert them to your Bombers position. This will give any defenders ample time to
prepare a proper missile laden welcome for you. If stealth is an issue, or you
know that there's a number of heavy defenders at the enemy base, it might be a
good idea to forgoe the targeting laser.

These tips on poloting the Havok Transport were sent in by Doh!:
Well since I'm currently in love with piloting things in T2 more then anything,
I'll give a few suggestions on the HAVOK Personel carrier. Although not the
most popular craft to pilot, it has it's rewards, and will make you popular
amongst your heavy friends.

When piloting the HAVOK, remember that it is slow and cannot outrun missles,
therefore piloting it directly over an enemy installation is not wise. Keep in
mind that the soul purpose of the transport is to get people from one place to
another, or at least close. When it comes to enemy bases, close is where you
want to be, not directly on it.

The most common and safest way to pilot your HAVOK is to stay low and in the
hills, and out of site of enemy shrikes. This not only keeps you below radar
and enemy sight, it is a safeguard that if you are shot down, chances are your
passangers will survive the crash.

Again do not land right on top of a base, the best thing to do is pick a spot
that is out of the way but near the base and come in from a direction that
will have the least chance of detection. (A good tactic for this is to have
someone scout ahead and mark beacon every "safe" LZ. Another good tactic is
to set up an out of the way INV station to make repairs and/or resupply your

When you deliver your passangers to the desired point, do not sit and wait on
them unless it has been decided to do so ahead of time and discussed. Drop your
passangers and pull out low and out of sight. Remember if an enemy spots a
HAVOK take off from behind a hill there is a good chance that he/she will
know that there is something up and come investigate. STAY LOW. Return to
base for another load of passangers.

2h [Deploying Equipment]

2i [Capping]

----------------------------------------------------------[3 - Game Etiquette

Section 3 - Everything Else

------------------------------------------------[1 - Frequently Asked Questions

1a [Gameplay Questions]

Q: How do I deploy the MPB?
A: All that you need to do is jump out of it. I'm serious. The catch is
that you need to be far enough away from any other turrets or
buildings that there is no interference. Also, you need to be on
flat terrain.

Q: How do I change my armor/guns/packs?
A: First, set your inventory selections using the ENTER key on the
numeric keypad. Select your loadout either using the preset combos
or by using the pulldown menus, then use an inventory station.

Q: How do I get vehicles?
A: Use the vehicle station! Just run up to it, stand on it, and select
your vehicle. To pilot you have to be wearing Scout or Assault
armor, and you can't be carrying any deployable packs.

Q: How do I use my packs/deploy items?
A: Press R to activate packs and deploy items. If you get an error
message when trying to deploy, move and try to deploy the item

Q: How do I use the Command Circuit?
A: Check out Qix's "Command Circuit" FAQ in the "FAQ" forum in the

Q: What is "Calculated Lead"?
A: When a target is beaconed or targeted with the Targeting Laser,
a lead calculator for the Mortar and Grenade Launcher will appear.
It looks like a long skinny green line with a small circle at the
top. The circle at the top is the point at which you are to fire
to hit the target.

Q: How do I enable a FPS counter?
A: Activate the console using the tilde key (~), and type in:
To deactivate the frame counter, re-enter the colsole and type:

DigitalBlaze on the Tribes 2 Forum adds these gameplay FAQ's:

Q: How do I use Voice Chat?
A: Simply press and hold the x key, say what you want to say, and
release it. Note that this only goes to YOUR team.

Q: How do I Dance?
A: That's an animation, hit VGA to see the list of animations you can

Q: How do I capture the flag?
A: Run over the enemy flag to grab it, and touch it to yours to win.

Q: How do I hit the switch (Siege)?
A: Take out any generators that must be destroyed, then run for the
control switch.

Q: What are these little circles on the floor?
A: They're beacons, usually denoting mines nearby. Just look around
before you walk =)

1b [Community Questions]

Q: How do I find a Tribe to join?
A: There are a number of Tribes that accept new players and will help
train them. Check out the recruitment forums and chat rooms and look
around. Don't expect to join the best Tribe when you're a new
player. In general the better competitive Tribes will come to you
if they think you have what they need.

Q: How do I get those cool signatures that everyone uses at the end of
their posts and t-mails?
A: Download PJ's Community Script from

1c [Questions NOT To Ask]

Q: I lost my serial/broke my T2 CD. Will you send me a copy of yours?
A: Hell no. ;)

Q: I have a with 256 megs of Ram, and a video card>. I'm only getting 15 FPS! What's wrong?
A: Read the intro at the top. I don't do tech support. ;) Your best bet
is to post in the troubleshooting forum. It's likely that someone
has had the same problem you have and can help out.

Q: Where do I get the auto-aim script?
A: I don't know. I don't care. I doubt it works anyway. Also, I've
heard reports that it does all sorts of nasty things to T2 and
your system. It *does* however exist. I've seen it. Does it work? I
couldn't tell you. I didn't d/l it. =P I recommend that you just
forget about it.. it's not worth possibly screwing up your computer.

Q: How do I cheat?
A: Aargh! You don't! While there *may* be ways to cheat in T2, I don't
know about them.. and if I did I would tell ONLY the Dev team.
Cheating has destroyed a number of online games, and I certainly
don't want to see it happen to T2.

But, since I'm a softy at heart, I'll help you out. If you REALLY
want to cheat, do this. Start up a single player game. When in it,
activate the console by pressing tilde (~). Then type:
hit enter, then type:
There you go. You'll have ALL weapons and huge amounts of ammo.
This ONLY works in local games, so don't bother trying on other
peoples servers.

----------------------------------------------------------[2 - Glossary

Here are some expressions you'll run into in the Tribes 2 community.
Knowing these will help you look less confused when someone tells you that
"Your D sucks because you're a n00b HPB llama."

Camp, Camper
Waiting in a high traffic area for enemies to kill.

Short for Capture (as in Capture the Flag)

Abbreviation: Command Circuit

Abbreviation: Capture the Flag

Abbreviation: Defence

Short for Force Field

Abbreviation: Frames per Second
Abbreviation: First Person Shooter

Short for Generator

Abbreviation: High Ping Bastard
People with ping over 200.

Short for Inventory Station

Short for Juggernaut

A delay in the time between your actions and when they happen on the server.
Lag is caused by high ping and/or packet loss.

Lamer, llama
A person who displays childish/ignorant behavior. An insult.

Abbreviation: Low Ping Bastard
People with ping under 200.

A modification of the game created by a player. Modifications can range from
basic administrative functions to complete redesign of the game.

Abbreviation: Mobile Point Base

Abbreviation: Motion Sensor

Newb, newbie, newblood, noob, n00b
A person who is new to the game and generally doesn't know what they're

Abbreviation: Out of Bounds

Abbreviation: Offence

Packet Loss
The amount of information that is lost in transit between you and a server.

The time it takes for information to travel between you and a server. The
higher the ping, the worse the lag.

Abbreviation: Pulse Sensor

Abbreviation: Read The F***ing Manual

Short for scrimmage.

A cry of displeasure or frustration.

Short for Signature

When you die, you "Spawn" in another location on the map with full life.

Abbreviation: Shut The F*** Up

Teamkill, teamkiller, TK, TKer
The art of killing ones teammates. Not a good thing. See lamer.

---------------------------------------------------------[4 - Voicebinds


VAA - Attack
VAB - Attack the enemy base
VAC - Retrieve our flag
VAG - Attack the enemy generator
VAO - Attack the enemy objective
VAR - Reinforce the offence
VAS - Attack the enemy sensors
VAT - Attack the enemy turrets
VAV - Attack the enemy vehicle
VAW - Wait for my signal to attack


VDB - Defend our base
VDC - Defend our flag carrier
VDE - Defend the entrances
VDF - Defend our flag
VDG - Defend our generator
VDM - Defend me
VDN - Defend the nexus
VDO - Defend our objective
VDR - Reinforce our defence
VDS - Defend our sensors
VDT - Defend our turrets
VDV - Defend our vehicle


VRB - Repair our base
VRG - Repair our generator
VRM - Repair me
VRS - Repair our sensors
VRT - Repair our turrets
VRV - Repair our vehicle station

Base Status

VBC - Our base is clear
VBE - The enemy is in our base
VBR - Retake our base
VBS - Our base is secure

Enemy Status

VEB - Enemy base is disables
VED - The enemy is disrupted
VEG - Enemy generator is disabled
VER - Enemy remote equipment destroyed
VES - Enemy sensors disabled
VET - Enemy turrets disabled
VEV - Enemy vehicle station is disabled


VFF - I have the enemy flag
VFG - Give me the flag
VFR - Retrieve our flag
VFS - Our flag is secure
VFT - Take the flag from me
VFO - Give me the flag


VNB - Need a bombardier
VNC - Need covering fire
VND - Need driver for vehicle
VNE - Need escort for vehicle
VNG - Gunship ready
VNH - Hold that vehicle for me
VNP - Need pilot for vehicle
VNR - I need a ride
VNS - Need vehicle support
VNT - Need a tailgunner
VNW - Where to?


VTA - Target aquired
VTB - Target the enemy base
VTD - Target destroyed
VTF - Target the enemy flag
VTM - Fire on my target
VTN - Need a target
VTS - Target the enemy sensors
VTT - Target the enemy turrets


VSAA - I'll attack
VSAB - I'll attack the enemy base
VSAF - I'll go for the enemy flag
VSAG - I'll attack the enemy generator
VSAS - I'll attack the enemy sensors
VSAT - I'll attack the enemy turrets
VSAV - I'll attack the enemy vehicle station
VSDB - I'll defend our base
VSDD - I'll defend
VSDF - I'll defend our flag
VSDG - I'll defend our generator
VSDN - I'll defend the nexus
VSDS - I'll defend our sensors
VSDT - I'll defend our turrets
VSDV - I'll defend our vehicle station
VSRB - I'll repair our base
VSRE - I'll repair our equipment
VSRG - I'll repair our generator
VSRR - I'm on repairs
VSRS - I'll repair our sensors
VSRT - I'll repair our turrets
VSRV - I'll repair our vehicle station
VSTC - I'll cover you
VSTD - I'll set up defences
VSTO - I'm on it
VSTR - I'll deploy remote equipment
VSTS - I'll deploy sensors
VSTT - I'll deploy turrets
VSTV - I'll get a vehicle ready


VWB - Incoming bomber
VWE - Incoming enemies
VWV - Incoming vehicles
VWW - Watch where you're shooting


VCA - Command acknowledged
VCD - Command declined
VCC - Command completed
VCW - What's your assignment?

Very Quick

VVY - Yes
VVN - No
VVA - Anytime
VVB - Is our base secure?
VVC - Cease fire
VVD - I don't know
VVH - Help
VVM - Move
VVS - Sorry
VVT - Thanks
VVW - Wait

Note that everything from this point on is heard by ALL players in the
game, your team and the enemy.


VGY - Yes
VGN - No
VGH - Hi
VGB - Bye
VGO - Oops
VGQ - Quiet
VGS - Shazbot
VGW - Woohoo
VGCA - Awesome
VGCG - Good game
VGCN - Nice move
VGCR - You rock
VGCS - Nice shot
VGRA - Anytime
VGRD - I don't know
VGRT - Thanks
VGRW - Wait
VGTA - Aww
VGTB - Is that the best you can do?
VGTG - I am the greatest
VGTT - That was graceful
VGTW - When are you gonna learn?


VGAA - Move (waving away)
VGAG - I am the greatest (dance)
VGAB - Woohoo (dance)
VGAS - I'm on it (salute)
VGAW - Hi (waving)
VGAZ - Take that (dance)
VGAX - Too bad (dance)
VGAC - Awesome (dance)

---------------------------------------------------------[4 - Misc. Info

4a [Credits]
ScratchMonkey - First person to submit a tip and info. Thanks man! =)
Sleef Barmer - Sent in some good sniping tips.
Doh! - Havok Piloting tips.
DigitalBlaze - Contributed some FAQ's that I should've remembered to add. ;)

4b [Copyright]

This is an UNOFFICIAL guide to the game Tribes 2. In no way is the author
affiliated with Tribes 2, Sierra Studios, or Dynamix.

The collection of the information, it's wording, and formatting
are the property of the author and respective contributors. This document is
intended for PERSONAL and PRIVATE use ONLY. It may NOT be used for any
COMMERCIAL purposes under ANY circumstances. Any for profit use it strictly
prohibited. This guide may not be copied in whole or in part in any for profit
publication. I DO own this guide and CAN prove it, so I don't want to find any
part of it in your dirty thieving magazine. What you're looking at is a
representation of _HOURS_ of labour, and as such I'm mighty protective of it.

Not for profit, personal web sites may post this guide under the following
- You have requested permission from me via email, and I granted it.
- You DO NOT alter the guide in any way.
- You make reasonable attempts to ensure that the current version is

4c [Resources]
- Lots of good info, nice tech support section.
- Huge amounts of Tribes 2 scripts for download.
- The Annoying Bastards Guide to T2. Some great tactics, and a fun
- Nice guide, walkthrough for solo missions.
- Excellent guide with tech support and advanced gameplay info.
- In depth Bomber tactics

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Engl. FAQ

07.Октябрь 2013
Infiltration Guide
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Hinweise

02.Октябрь 2013
Unbegrenzt fliegen (für v22337)

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
30.Июнь 2014