Monster Rancher Battle Card: Episode 2

Monster Rancher Battle Card: Episode 2

17.10.2013 03:30:28
Monster Rancher Battle Card
Written by Sooty (

The most recent version of this FAQ is available at GameFAQs

--------Table of Contents----------

I. Revision History
II. Monster Cards
III. Basic Deck ideas
IV. Decks everyone makes
V. Funky/Combo Decks that are rewarding to play
VI. Correct usage of mixed breeds
VII. How to beat some enemies
VIII. Credits/ Disclaimer

I. Revision History

Version 1.0 (10/3/2001):
- Basic stuff this FAQ would need
- Its kinda late for this game, but... who cares ^^
- It isn't really completed... stupid memory card T~T
(Something wrong with the file)
- My First FAQ, i told some people i would post it a month ago... ^^|

Version 1.1 (10/7/2001):
- Changed some errors, added Naga & Gali

Version 1.1000000001(10/12/2001)
- I looked at my own FAQ saw all the words were jumbled...
(that means i corrected that!)
II. Monster Cards

You can choose 3 monsters to battle with you. Heres a simple rundown on
not so simple actually. I'll rate them too. More stars = better

Some basic attacks most monsters have:
0 gut = 1 damage : Useful for dealing the final point of damage (Slap)
1 gut = 2 damage : 3 if you have it. Huge bargain. (Spit)
2 guts = 3 damage : Pretty useful for a balanced deck. (Bolt)
2 guts = 4 damage, 1 to self : Nice attack... (Charge)
3 guts = 5 damage : 3 is a magic number for a cost, remember that(Brow Hit)
4 guts = 6 damage : INT types are the best to use (Mooch Ray)
5 guts = 8 damage : Quite good, usually a POW move. (Knee Kick)

Some basic Defences most monsters have:
0 gut = Dodges moves costing 2 or more : Awesome (Footwork)
0 gut = Blocks 3 damage : Awesome (Roll)
1 gut = Dodge anything : Awesome
3/4gut = Reflect a power attack : Depends on opponent (Bounce)

ºººººººº Tiger ºººººººº
Basics - A fast and furios ground attacker that will often bring suprises
many battles. his drawback is his 6 health, easy to take down on
first attack.
Attacks - Tiger's attacks are very suprising and is rather varied. Heres a
rundown on some important attacks.
***1/2 2Claws/horn --> 1,3 or 7 damage for 0 guts

**** Charge --> 4 damage for 2 guts, 1 damage drawback

**** Sonic Move --> Unblockable attack for 0 guts
Cream of Crap - Tiger has some pretty useless moves
* Roar --> Expensive staller

* Ice Bomb --> High risk involved, he won't live long
for 1 on 1 matches anyway

** Lightning --> 5 damage for 4 guts is expensive
Defences - Tiger has nice dodges, put 3 each if you want Tiger to live
*** Jump --> Very useful and inexpensive dodge
Weaknesses - He can only have max 3 dodges against INT attacks, use it
How to use him:
Use his power moves in conjunction with Jump, forget those Int moves.

Always ditch Sonic Move unless you already have a move, you can't afford to
wait with that HP.

Save his best combo (2 claws + horn) for correct opponents.
Don't try it on good dodgers or else you'll waste 2/3 cards to 1 card.

Never ever try to last long with him, finish up his claws and charges
with jump then put attention elsewhere.

Combo him with Hare... Charge and Headbutt does 8 damage for 3 guts.
Thats really effective.


ºººººººº Hare ºººººººº
Basics - Hare is an Kamikaze attacker. Killing another monster in the
first attack turn isn't uncommon. In fact, its very common.

Attacks - Hares attacks are powerful and cheap. Hes a "better tiger"
and more specialized. His important attacks are...
***** Head butt --> 4 damage for 1 gut is always welcomed. Always have 3

**** Super Head --> 6 damage for 3 guts is devasting at the start. You can
kill another hare by discarding 3 cards at the start.

**** Charge --> 8 damage for 4 guts makes it possible to kill some fast

**** Gas --> 6 damage for 3 guts without the drawback is really
Combos with damage increasers well (eg. critical,

**** Loud Voice --> The best part is the 0 cost. Always use it if you can,
but not at the expense of an attack. Simple card

***1/2 Computing --> Another card advantage, try to put in at least one. It
does come in handy at crucial moments (You have no
to hold the final attack by an opponent.)
Cream of Crap - Hare's normal moves is a waste of space
** Windmill --> High guts cost for hare and like tiger, this attack is
with the wrong monster.

** 1-2 Punch --> Its a waste of space... this type of attack isn't for

* Rush Punch --> BIG BIG BIG BIG WASTE. High risk and high cost.

Defences - The only one dodge,he has can't block small attacks of cost 0/1

5* Footwork --> Super useful in my opinion. Hare needed this defence.
Weaknesses - Small attacks will totally thrash hare, avoid letting the enemy
touch him. Kill hare off yourself with kamikaze attacks. Watch
for reflecting moves!!! Those can kill hare off SUPER FAST!
How to use him:
Hare's the do and die type, hope to kill something in the first few turn if
hes in your team.

Never mind his health, forget trying the mangos, the only way to heal
him properly is with pixies recover.

Try not to give him too many cards. He really doesn't last.

ºººººººº Squezo ºººººººº
Basics - The ultimate Gutter of the gutters! At 7 health, he won't be killed
that fast.
Able to break many different deck types, Squezo a very good
Attacks - Squezo's attacks are all very useful.
*** Teleport --> This move is a saver. It will save you when you least

***** Kiss --> This ones extremely useful. The 3 guts cost makes it
a magic. Remember... 3 is a magic number for guts cost.

****1/2 Lick --> This one is a sure hit on some monsters like Golem
unless he dodges with a 'dodge'. REALLY powerful.

**** Scout --> Have a good look...
Cream of Crap - More moves you should not rely on too often
* Provoke --> When have you ever wanted an attack to land on him?

**1/2 Yodel --> You'll get decked more easily if you use this.
This cost 4 guts which is too expensive to be useful
except in certain deck types...

**1/2 Tongue --> Leave damage to other monsters. This move might cause
some heavy damage but it is really too costly for Squezo.
Is might be useful in certain deck types... (again ^^)
Defences - He's like hare but he doesn't die that often.
That defence (below)is all he needs.

**** Sideroll --> Pretty nice dodge move. Even if your not stalling as a
strategy, if you manage to take out the opponent's guts,
you can actually switch to a stall!
Weaknesses - He has no weakness... kill him first if your opponent uses his
guts moves alot. Small attacks might work, but he has 7 health.
How to use him:
Learn what monsters can defend against what with what guts. Always use your
guts move on the correct opponent.
Guts over damage. Gutting has 2 effects, decking the enemy and increasing
your health.Its alot better than the damage.

ºººººººº Golem ºººººººº
Basics - An heavy attacker that will kill most in a single attack. Very
deadly monster in certain combo decks.

Attacks - His attacks are very damaging and cost very little!
**** Brow Hit --> 1.67 damage to gut ratio, should have 3

***** Kick --> 1.75 damage to gut ratio, should have 3

**** Chop --> 1.6 damage to gut ratio, should have 3

**** W Chop --> 1.67 damage to gut ratio, should have 2
These 4 are his damaging attacks that you should use.

***** Recharge --> Golem should use this if he wants to use the mass attacks

***1/2 Cyclone --> If your using Golem, this cost shouldn't be a problem.
Cream of Crap - Every monster has some ^^|

* Roller --> You're over-doing it and its a waste

ZERO Quake --> Moochie's and Hare's mass attacks do 6 damage for 3 guts,
2 times. This one does 9 damage for 6 guts, only 3/2
It damages your monsters too.
Defences - Golem makes a pretty good defender of other monsters thanks to
protect-block combo. He'll take the damage for 1 guts, and if its
power move it might just block it.
5* Protect --> Take a read at all my comments on the other monsters. Now
think they are good? Now they can survive longer thanks to
this. Isn't that useful?
**** Defense --> Pretty cheap DEF move. Being a DEF, u can take hits from
and let him kill himself!
Weaknesses -Golem has no defences against INT skills. He's a lightning rod
gutting attacks. If you want to beat one down, just use INT
on it and it will go down FAST!
How to use him:
Thanks to those extra damaging moves, he's really easy to use.

When choosing an enemy to hit, choose a something that can't dodge to hit
Monsters who use Durahan's defences will be shocked and dismayed to find
themselves dropping like flies since there are no dodges for him.

ºººººººº Pixie ºººººººº
Basics: She's a little beauty, making her way into all kinds of decks. INT
rush decks, stall decks, gut decks, combo decks...

Attacks - Her moves are really diveresed and fit well into different deck
All of her moves are useful... most! ^^ I'll tell you what to put
in. And there'll be no ratings

Scratch--> Might not be that damaging but its good to have at one.

Kick --> Nice POW move to go with her soar. Undodgable by some monsters.
Rush decks.

Charge --> Just like Tiger's move. A must have in any offensive.
Any offensive decks.

Thunder --v Nice free move with special ability. If you put this put
Bolt too.

T.Bolt > This combo is really cool. Its possible to dole out alot
of damage with Spark. Everyone would name this combo
thunder bolt won't they!

Bolt --^ A 2in1 pakage but with special ability. If you put this
put Thunder too.
Shotgun --> This thing is really good against stall decks.
Anti-Dodge move.

Lightning--> REALLY IMPORTANT, at least 1 in any deck.

Kiss --> Doesn't do much damage but still darn effective.
Remember who to target! Gut decks.

Enchant --> This one will keep multi-damagers at bay.
Defensive utility.

Recover --> Very useful in certain deck types, provided she doesn't
get killed first. Staller.
Defences - Soar and Step are bargains. Step is just like Hare's Footwork.
Soar is like Tiger's Jump but cost less.

5* Step --> Super cheap, super effective

5* Soar --> Super cheap, super effective. Be sure to have some POW move
to use after that!
How to use her:
This versatile monster can be used multiple ways. But the best is in a
reaction deck. I'll explain reaction decks later. Again, always kiss
golems ^^, or maybe Big Blue if you wanna follow the story line.

ºººººººº Dino ºººººººº
Basics: Sephore says dino is a balanced one, and guess what. He hit jackpot.
Dino, like plant and Durahan, is effective in draw-go decks.

Attacks - His attacks are taken directly from other monster's arsenal!
Look closely.

**** Punch --> A Basic move!

***** Charge --> 2nd Basic move!

**** Tail Slap --> Plant's Face Drill.

**** Bite --> 3rd Basic move!

**** Knee Kick --> 4th Basic move!

*** Dust Kick --> INT version of Golem's clutch.

*****Leap Kick --> 1 gut cost version of Tiger's Sonic move.

See how many basic moves he has? THATS balanced.
Cream of Crap ... Yeah dino has some despite being balanced.

** Throw Away --> A bad ratio. Its special ability isn't worth it.
Throw it away! ^^

Nil Fire Dash --> Sounds cool, but really too expensive and overshot. HEY!
You overshoot AND damage yourself? ZERO Stars.

* Flame --> A bad ratio, I'd rather use Tail slap.
Defences - Copy Cat!

Endure --> 1 gut to reduce 2 POW damage... weakened version of
Zilla's Never Mind
Jump Aside --> 2 gut dodge... weakened version of Moochi's roll.
HEY! its still better than Gali's dodge right?
How to use him:
Hes an attacker. Nothing more nothing less.

ºººººººº Gali ºººººººº
Basics: Clever monster ^^. Gali is mostly used in Stompy. Its pretty
average and very similar to Dino.

Attacks - Gali's attack are mostly high cost and high damage. Being
INT user, u can take out Golems/Zillas pretty quick!

***1/2 Holy Ray --> Cheap unavoidable move. It's similar to Durahan's Air

*** Blaze Wall --> Its a 3 star move cause of the inflexible 4 gut cost.
Still useful if u don't use a Hare or a Moochi

*** Evil Blow --> Basic move. If your other monsters don't have such
use gali's ^^.

***** Flame --> This move is a STOMPY CARD for INT monster!!!!!

**** Spin Cut --> Same as flame, 8 for 5, cept its a POW move.

**** Tactics --> Pretty expensive recycle move... but worth it if u
need that event.
Cream of Crap - Gali has lotsa weak moves >_<
I think these deserves 0* for being worst than basics...
Scratch - 1 for 1
Kick - 2 for 2
Thunder - 4 for 3
Evil Dance - 7 for 5/10 is too expensive even for a stompy. How about doing
2 attacks instead?
Defences - YOWZA... cool defence i must say!
**** Reflect --> The one and only INT reflector... full damage too ^^

*** Lie Down --> WAAAAAAAAAY too expensive IMHO
How to use him:
Honestly, he is not very useful IMHO. Most of his attacks aren't as
as other monsters' attacks and he has rather weak POW defence. Try to
a more specific monster for your deck ASAP if u get him in you first deck.

ºººººººº Naga ºººººººº
Basics: Naga has a cool name and has an unique style in this game. Naga has
high damage moves as well as versatile utility move. His only
downfall is his lack of defences.
Attacks - High cost but effective moves are Naga's forte. Lets see...

*** Belly Blow --> Unblockable 2 for 2. Use this to finish off Blockers

*** Stab --> A staple you can proably have.

**** Life Steal --> This is easily a 10 for 6. The plus is you proably
won't overshoot!

5* Evil shots --> This is 4/8 for 6, finishing weapon. SUPER POWERFUL!

*** Glare --> This move will become a **** in a combo deck like
-Dragon Combination-.
Cream of Crap - His weaks moves are those who isn't worth its cost.
* Poison Gas --> This move is way too expensive and the utility is not
worth it.
** Evil Shot --> 5 for 4 isn't that bad, but think... just 2 more guts
and Evil Shots is yours!
Defences - The only defence Naga has makes it predictable when it is on
the recieving end! Take advantage of that against him!
**** Counter --> This is no where as powerful as Zilla's bounce, but
this can still save you many many times and at the
same time do damage!
How to use him:
Hit hard with him! He fits well in Stompy and also combo decks! Now use
events card to boost his power!!! He has a combo deck based on him. Watch

III. Basic Deck Types

There are some deck types everyone will make while playing their game, here
will show you the good ways to play them and win them . I'll also put the
most effective deck of its type. Certain enemies uses them too. BTW if you
don't agree with me on something feel free to email me and say it ^^.

Perhaps some do not know what is draw go in monster rancher. Unlike other
card games, draw-go in Monster Rancher means to attack each turn while
still gain enough guts every time to keep the attack up.That means,
draw and go. It is extremely effective and used by the supposedly best
computer card player Espada.
The gist - Do an attack every turn, mostly low cost high damage moves,
while pitching enough cards for the next turn's offensive.
Leaving defences to generic cards like "dodge" which can help
any monster, this deck type will often kill your opponents fast
and furiously.
Deeper Categories - 1)None (e.g Espada)
1) Draw go is already in its most basic form and arguably one of the most
reliable deck types.
Potential Draw-Go monsters:
Durahan - Low cost high effectiveness monster
Plant - Versatile and utility monster
Jell - Versatile and utility monster
Naga - Anti-Dodge/Block monster
Worm - Chance of high damage
Moochi - Effective attacks
How to contruct a Draw-Go:
Low costs moves will be your main attacks, at least 2/5 of your deck should
be composed of moves of cost 3 or less.
Special attacks will keep the enemy 'amused', another 1/5 of your deck
sport such moves. Certain events will be very effective in conjunction with
draw-go, you should have 3 of each. Defence should not bog your attack down,
have some but not too many.
Constructing a Draw-Go more specifically
Durahan - Death Bringer will bring a monster down really really fast and
Flash Slash is a very cheap attack that is also EXTREMELY
Aerial shot is nearly unavoidable!

Plant - Power of Sun's effect will suprise your opponent
Toxic Nectar/Pollen combos well with the above for a low gut cost
high gutting attack

Jell - Riddler before an attack will cripple most well placed defences and
chances for a combo deck (Alfonse's version of Dragon Combination) to

Copy Cat allows you to use a fallen comrade's attack and keep up the
if one of them do fall

Naga - Pierce will pierce defences at a low cost
Evil Shots is a game breaker

Worm - Take down the flying fast with Tusk Slash
Tail Slash can be used seperately or together, versatile

Moochi - Petal Wind will eat up dodges
Press is a bargain

Encourage - Decreasing 1 gut cost will allow you to attack more frequently.
Good vs. Stompy
Arid Land - Does unblockable damage and sure fire way to take down a stall
Lock Tight - Totally controls stompy decks, your deck's main weakness.

PO - Piss yourself off and hit twice as hard next turn, you'll hardly defend
Will Power - If you get this at the right time, its hurt time, especially
with moochi.
Good Luck - This is an emergency button, learn to make use of it.
How to play it right
Choosing the right attack and enemy to hit might be a real pain, the rule is
to always hit something, if there is possibility the enemy has alot of
you should turn to your events or save guts for piercing moves. You can base
your play depending on the deck the opponent is using. Against a stall,
quickly get some quick shots then concentrate on getting arid land out,
then using pierce moves to get past the defences. Against gutting decks
have to rely on 'encourage' or use cheap moves.
How to counter it
Never ever allow yourself to get bogged down by huge costs. Gutting attacks
should be your main weapon against them. Certain events will slow Draw-Go's

Long Battle - Blocks the flow of their play and forces them to reduce attack
Awe - Increasing their cost will slow them down since they attack alot
Nice Fight - Cut their offensive stances in half
Faked Cry - Potentially decrease damage taken next turn
Complicated - Another slower, use it if they have only 1 guy left
Most effective deck of its kind (IMHO ^^)
This deck is very consistant and can vary itself to beat nearly anyone
unless you
draw badly.

Durahan AND - 3 cut-in-two
Vesuvius 3 flash slash
3 aerial shot
3 million stabs
3 V-slash
1 Slash Combo
1 death bringer

Plant - 3 Jab
3 Seed Gun
3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Power of Sun
3 Leaf Zero

Any Monster - 3 Dodge
2 PO
2 Will Power

Breeder - 3 Lock tight
3 Arid Land
1 Encourage
1 Good Luck
Notice the lack of defensive cards, but no worry, you should always dole out
faster than any other deck. Anyway, the defensive cards of Dragon and
isn't that useful, only plant has Leaf Zero to protect it from being KO'ed
fast and 2/5 of your deck useless. Since u attack so frequently, the dodge
will help you for nearly free! There is only one weakness left with this
deck... hare rushes can be absolutely deadly. Always kill hares first.


Gutting is a very effective mechanic many will try out. Its a viable
that will easily take down some other deck types.
The gist - Get some quick guts of your own and disrupt the opponent's. Then
swiftly take them down while their defences are out or look for
own defences then wait for the enemy to deck themselves.

Deeper Categories - 1) Continous gutting (e.g Isabelle)
2) Gutting staller (e.g Nelson)
3) Gut draw-go (e.g Espada's normal mode deck)

1)Continous gutting uses guts as soon as possible and don't allow the enemy
to ever do anything again.
2)Alot of dodge moves and when the enemy trys to store up guts and hit hard
in one turn, use an attack to take all the stored guts away.
3)Alternating between offense and gutting, two pronged attack withering the
enemy fast.
Potential Gut monsters
Squezo - Best of the best gut
Plant - 2 moves and an utility for gutting
Henger - Nice Gut moves with high damage and piercing attacks
T.Mew - Fast and powerful, you can't beat its Miaow. (3 for (1+all guts))
How to construct a Gut Draining deck
Of course you would want as many of such attacks as possible. Many of such
moves are expensive. Depending on how you want to finish you enemy, you
want to tune it in different ways. If you want to stall, include all your
defences and generic defences in too, if its mainly offence, then you'll
moves that do more rather high damage to make up for the lack of damage in
your deck. A Guts draw-go would use a rule of "If i can't stop him, kill
You will have to include cheap attacks and gut attacks for that type.
Constructing a Gutting deck more specifically
squezo - The best monster for this deck type can use 4 gutting moves
Kiss is your best bet early
Lick can really take out those without defences
Tongue Slap is only useful in Gut Draw-Go

Plant - Power of Sun reduces the guts needed to use moves. Defintely a must
Toxic Pollen/Nectar - Similar to Squezo's moves, but with Power Of
they're cheaper

Henger - How would you like a 5 damage+5 gut attack for 5guts? 10 for 5!
2 Kicks will shred the defenceless. Thats economical enough for a
Yoyo is another gut move, but its not that effective.
Hyperspeed/TrueVision/DodgeProgram make their way into a stall

Mew - MIOAW. Super effective, ultra powerful!
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