Commandos 2

Commandos 2

16.10.2013 23:56:38
Commandos 2: Men of Courage FAQ/walkthrough
Written by Nadia Varkovsky (
Last updated October 17, 2001 (Final Version)

First of all, I would like to proudly dedicate this FAQ to Grace Yeo. I
love you :)
Secondly, this FAQ is also dedicated to the soldiers who had
courageously fought and sacrificed their lives during World War II as
well as Field-Marshal Erwin Rommel a.k.a. the Desert Fox, who
participated in the bomb plot designed to assassinate Hitler on July
20, 1944.


1. Updates
2. Introduction
3. Game Overview
4. General
5. Weapons
6. Equipment
7. Commando Techniques
8. Special Terms
9. Walkthrough
Training Mission 1
Training Mission 2
Mission 1: The Night of The Wolves
Bonus Mission 1
Mission 2: Das Boot, Silent Killers
Bonus Mission 2
Mission 3: White Death
Bonus Mission 3
Mission 4: Target: Burma
Bonus Mission 4
Mission 5: Bridge Over the River Kwai
Bonus Mission 5
Mission 6: The Guns of Savo Island
Bonus Mission 6
Mission 7: The Giant in Haiphong
Bonus Mission 7
Mission 8: Saving Private Smith + Bonus Mission 8
Mission 9: Castle Colditz
Bonus Mission 9
Mission 10: Is Paris Burning?
Bonus Mission 10
10. Credits


1. Updates

September 30, 2001: Started the FAQ two days ago and managed to finish
the single player missions up to mission two as well as their bonus
missions. (Version 1.0)

October 7, 2001: Finished every section in the FAQ excluding the
introduction, game overview, commando technique and the walkthrough
itself. I have currently finish missions 1 to 6. More will be coming
soon... (Version 1.1)

October 7, 2001: Just finished the walkthrough for mission seven
shortly before midnight... (Version 1.2)

October 9, 2001: Finished mission eight plus its bonus mission as well
as the commando technique section at 1:30 am in the morning... (Version

October 11, 2001: Finished the walkthrough for both training missions
as well as bonus missions three to seven excluding the fourth one at
ten minutes to two in the morning. I've had enough of invasion after
Saving Private Smith... Tomorrow Yuri's Revenge will be released so
this walkthrough's progress might be a bit slowed especially after
considering the load of work that I have to do from school as well as
the sheer size of missions nine and ten... (Version 1.4)

October 17, 2001: Sorry for the lack of update. Been busy playing
Yuri's Revenge as well as working on the walkthrough. Finished missions
nine and ten today including the bonus missions plus bonus mission four
which pretty much concludes the FAQ... (Final Version)


2. Introduction

Finally!!! After waiting forever for this game to be released, it is
finally here. Oh well, what is there to say anymore? Since I wrote the
walkthrough for Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty and I have been
getting many emails thanking me for my effort, I decided to write the
walkthrough for Commandos 2: Men of Courage as well to help those
people out there. So I hope my effort will be able to help anyone out
there who finds difficulties in this game. Believe me, it is not easy,
so prepare for a long journey through the night...

Please note that I'm very busy with schoolwork (I'm a grade 11 student)
and updates may be very slow. I will try to update as often as I can
but they will only come during weekends. This is my first FAQ so I hope
you will forgive me on any mistakes and errors. If you have any
critics, suggestions, comments and things to add, don't hesitate to
email me at
One more thing, this FAQ is protected by the international Copyright
Law so if there's anyone who wants to post this FAQ in his or her site,
YOU HAVE TO LET ME KNOW FIRST!!! I've heard many stories about people
plagiarizing other people's FAQ to make money and believe me, writing
FAQ is not easy and to you know how it feels if your hard work is used
by other people. So for all plagiarizers out there, be warned that if
you do anything to my FAQ, I SWEAR THAT I WON'T LET YOU OFF THAT


3. Game Overview

Basically, Commandos 2: Men of Courage is the sequel to the best-
selling Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines and its expansion pack,
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty.
The commandos are back again with three new members who are the thief,
the seductress and the dog. What's even more is that they not only have
to try to hamper the German war efforts like before but they also get
to travel to Asian Pacific to fight the Japanese.
The game is consisted of 10 missions in total. Not only that, each
mission also have a bonus mission which will prolong the playing hours.
The two training missions also proved to be quite a challenge for
beginners as well as some refreshment for those who played the original
Commandos before. What else can I say? Enjoy!!! :)


4. General

Using the different camera distribution modes will make the mission
easier to complete. You can select the various different camera modes
using keys F2 to F7. Click on each camera to make it the active camera.
Each camera mode lets you use zoom, use the tracking camera, etc.
Access the default mode by using F2.

Crawl/Get Up
The best way to move around undetected is by crawling. Press the
'SPACEBAR' to make your commandos crawl or stand up again. When your
men are crawling on the ground, they will only be visible in the
enemy's short-range view.

The Enemy
They will try, by all available means, to prevent you from completing
your mission objectives. Enemy soldiers can see and hear you. Their
vision and hearing is divided into two areas. In the furthest areas,
your men will be discovered unless they are lying flat on the ground or
protected by a wall. In the nearest area, they will always be located.
If they discover any of your commandos, they will shoot him.

Tracking Camera
Allow you to center the screen on a scenario spot or element and keep
it focused there. Your hot key is 'F12'. You can also zoom in and out
and use the multi-screen mode when the camera is assigned to an enemy

Moving around the map using ladders. With the SHIFT button pressed,
click the LMB on the ladder. You can change direction up or down or
even stop when climbing a ladder by clicking the RMB. Be careful
though, you can't defend yourself while on a ladder.

Obtain information about any item or character in the scenario. Hit key
'W'. You can examine practically everything: dead bodies, windows,
boxes. You can also access the item exchange menu.

Consists of:
-Health bar
-Stamina bar
-List of actions:
RMB expanded menus. Moreover, if you can find:
-Marker/field of view
-Tracking camera
-Lay down/get up
-Attack mode
Remember you can interact with the scenery holding SHIFT and placing
the cursor on the area where you want to do it.

Indicates the distribution of the items contained by the scenario
elements. Displayed when you click RMB on the face of the commando or
when you examine boxes, soldiers, cupboards, etc. It is divided into
cells. Each item occupies a specific number of cells. Press on an item
to move it to another inventory or to another spot in the scenario.

Keep the enemy controlled by using the map. The map shows the position
of enemy forces. Press the 'MAP' icon on the upper right hand side of
the screen to open the map. Press on the icon again to exit.

You can select several of your commandos at the same time. Press the
RMB and drag an area around your chosen commandos. You can also select
a single commando and then add more by pressing CTRL and the number of
the commando. Alternatively you can press CTRL and the face of the
commando on the screen. To de-select all the commandos press '0'.

A door closed in time can be the key to solving a mission. Keep SHIFT
pressed and click LMB on the door to open or close it. You can hide
behind an open door. Some doors may be closed. In cases like this, use
the THIEF to pick the lock of the door. Just like your men, the enemy
is also able to open and close doors.

Selecting a Commando
Select the most appropriate commando for each occasion. To select one
of your men, press the key that corresponds to his number on the
keypad. You can also click LMB on the face of the chosen commando on
screen or use the selection box. Click RMB and drag the cursor until
you create a selection rectangle. If you press '0' on the keypad, you
will de-select the active commando.

View Marker
Use the marker to discover whether an area is covered by the enemy's
field of vision. To use the marker, keep the ENTER or TAB keys pressed
and click LMB on the spot you want to investigate. If a view sweeps
over the marker, the enemy's field of vision will activate. The fields
of vision of all enemies who can see that spot will light up in turn.

You can look through the windows of a building to find out whether it
is safe to enter. Select EXAMINE and click LMB on a window. A small
screen will appear that will show you the interior. Moving the mouse
will allow you to move the image. If the THIEF is looking through the
window, click the LMB and he will climb in.

Explosive Barrels
Shoot at barrels and you will experience a real explosion. Pick up a
barrel using the GREEN BERET and place it next to the object you wish
to blow up. Shoot at the barrel with any firearm and it will explode.
It should destroy most objects and any soldiers nearby. Be careful
though as this includes your men.

Extreme Cold
Keep your men safe in the harsh weather. The low temperatures of the
Arctic missions can kill all of your men. If any of your commandos are
outside then their STAMINA BAR will begin to go down. If it reaches
zero then their LIFE BAR will begin to decrease. It can be avoided
using an allied ARTIC SUIT or stealing one of them from an enemy
soldier. Remember that the enemy suits can only be used for a limited
period of time. Be careful.


5. Weapons

Hot key 'G'. Point with the cursor and shoot with the LMB. When the
target is out of range, the weapon's gun sight will be red. When you
use an allied pistol, you need not worry about ammunition. You can pick
up and use enemy weapons although they will have a limited amount of
Allied Pistol: Colt 1911A.
German Pistol: Luger P 08.
Japanese Pistol: Type 94.

Piat Bazooka
Hot key 'K'. Select it in the 'Weapons' section. The bazooka is an
anti-tank weapon used mainly to combat enemy armored troops. It is a
light weapon with massive firepower. Point with the mouse and FIRE with
the LMB. To cancel the shot, press the RMB. The bazooka is to be used
by the SAPPER. Some Allied soldiers may also have one of their own. The
number on the icon indicates the amount of ammo left.

Remote Control Bomb
High power explosives that can be detonated by remote control. Hot key
'S'. Can be selected in the 'Weapons' section. Click on the spot you
wish to place the bomb. Head for cover. Press the detonator in the
interface function section or use the - key to detonate the bomb. It is
used by the SAPPER. The number of available bombs is displayed in the

Fairburn Commando Knife
Double-edged assault knife with a combat handle. Hot key 'A'. Can be
selected in the 'Weapons' section. Point with the cursor and click LMB
to attack. Click the RMB to cancel the action. It is used by the GREEN
BERET and MARINE. Be careful and ensure you are not seen or you may be
in for an unpleasant surprise.

Hand Grenade N36M, MK1 'Mills Bomb'
Explosive grenade. Hot key 'A'. Select it in the 'Weapons' section. To
throw, press the LMB when over the chosen spot. You can throw grenades
through doors, trap doors and windows, from both inside and outside
buildings. The SAPPER is in charge of handling the grenades. An
expeditious weapon, but very noisy and likely to attract attention.

Hot key 'F'. Select it in the 'Weapons' section. Point the cursor and
fire with the LMB. When the target is out of range, the guns sight will
be shown in red. Remember, if you manage to steal an enemy rifle it
will have limited ammo.
Allied Rifle: Lee-Enfield No4 MK1
German Rifle: Karabiner 98K
Japanese Rifle: Type 38.

Sniper Rifle
Hot key 'A'. Select the rifle in the 'Weapons' section. Stow the rifle
by pressing the RMB. Available ammunition is scarce. You may find ammo
on enemy Snipers. To shoot from a window look through it using hot key
'W' and select the rifle. To go back inside, click the RMB.
Allied Rifle: M1903 .30 Springfield
German Rifle: Gewehr 43.
Japanese Rifle: Type 97.

Sub-Machine Gun MP40
The Sub-Machine Gun is a light automatic weapon with a high rate of
fire. Hot key 'M'. Select it in the 'Weapons' section. Point with the
cursor and fire with the LMB. It fires in short bursts and has limited
ammo. You can reload it by taking weapons from the enemy. Its long
range makes it a very dangerous weapon.

Anti-Personnel Mine
Very efficient when used for traps and ambushes. Hot key 'O'. Select
them in the 'Items' section. They are sufficiently powerful to destroy
any enemies close to the explosion. Click LMB on the spot you wish to
place a mine. When you plant it, don't worry about your own men, they
will know where you have placed it and will avoid blowing themselves
up. The Anti-Personnel Mines are used by the SAPPER.

Antitank Tellermine 35 Mine
Powerful explosive mine. Hot key 'P'. Select them in the 'Items'
section. Click LMB on the spot you wish to place a mine. They will only
explode when a vehicle passes over them. Keep this in mind when they
are placed. They are used by the SAPPER.

Timed Bomb
Plastic explosive detonated after a short period of time. Hot key 'Y'.
Select it in the 'Items' section. Once selected, click on the point you
wish to plant it. The bomb will explode after a few seconds. If you
decide that you no longer wish to use the bomb you can retrieve it for
use at another time. But be sure you need it back as you will have very
little time and a mistake could prove fatal.

Trip Wire
Use the DRIVER's reel to prepare an ambush. Hot key 'D'. Select it in
the 'Items' section. Select the DRIVER's reel and click LMB twice in
two places in the scenery to set the trap between those points. Any
soldier that walks or runs past will trip on the rope and be knocked

Harpoon Gun M1922
A quick and deadly underwater weapon. Hot key 'L'. Select Harpoon Gun
in the 'Weapons' section. The compressed air contained in the Harpoon
Gun propels the harpoon at great speed and can cover a distance of 15
meters in a split second. This weapon makes the DIVER a lethal killer
underwater. That said, the Harpoon Gun has a long reload time and many
dangers can come to pass in a short period of time.

Personal Flame-Thrower M2-2
Designed for use on bunkers and foxholes. Hot key 'Z'. Select it in the
'Weapons' section. The SAPPER is required to operate the Flame-Thrower.
The extremely destructive power is ideal for use against an enemy
ambush. The fuel reserve has a limit so try not to waste any of it.

Smoke Bomb MKII
Hide your men behind a curtain of smoke. Hot key 'K'. Select it in the
'Weapons' section. The cloud of smoke created by the bomb impedes the
enemy's ability to locate your position. You can also use the Smoke
Bomb to hide behind or alternatively confuse the enemy throwing into a
group of soldiers. The gas will stop enemy view and hearing ability.

Booby Trap
Explosive device which is ideal for preparing ambushes. When the
DRIVER's trip wire has been set, use the SAPPER to select a remote
control bomb or a grenade and install it in the trap. When an enemy
soldier walks or runs across the trip wire, the explosive will blow up.
Don't forget to take cover.

Molotov Cocktail M1934
Really useful against patrols and in ambushes. Hot key 'S'. Can be
selected in the 'Weapons' section. The fireball they create will
eliminate any enemy soldiers who are in the area. They can be found in
crates and cupboards. Use them carefully because their number is

CS Grenade
Neutralize enemy soldiers without killing them. Hot key 'O'. Throw the
CS Grenade into a group of enemy soldiers and they will be knocked out.
They can be tied up and be examined. You should act quickly because the
effect doesn't last long.

DRIVER's lethal trap. Hot key 'P'. Select it in the 'Items' section.
Click the LMB on the spot you want to set it. If an enemy soldier walks
over it, the mantrap will close and the soldier will die. Don't be
afraid about your allied soldiers because they will avoid the trap.

Grappling Hook Trap
Construct a simple but effective trap using the Grappling Hook. Attach
the hook to the low part of a wall and select a point across from the
hook and stand there with the rope in your hand. If an enemy soldier
walks or runs past he will trip on the rope and be knocked unconscious.


6. Equipment

Wirecutters are used to cut through barbed wire and wire fencing. Hot
key 'I'. To use the Wirecutters select them in the 'Items' section and
click on a wire fence. You can alternatively keep SHIFT pressed while
clicking on the wire fence. Some wire fences may be electrified. In
which case you have to disconnect the power source.

First Aid Kit
Heals injured commandos. Hot key 'C'. You can select it in the 'Items'
section. Click on one of your men to heal him (including the commando
carrying the first aid kit). You can heal the commando carry the first
aid kit too, pressing the USE icon in their inventory and clicking on
the first aid kit. You can see how many doses are left on the first aid
kit icon.

Cupboards may contain interesting and useful items or can be used to
store items you do not wish to carry around. You can see inside
cupboards by selecting 'EXAMINE' and clicking on the cupboard you wish
to search.

These are scattered around the scenario. They may contain weapons,
ammunition, items, etc. Metal boxes are locked in which case you must
use the THIEF to open it to allow examination. Wooden boxes can be
examined by any of your men. If you shoot at boxes, its contents may
explode. The GREEN BERET is the only commando that can move them.

Mine Detector
Hot key 'D'. It detects buried mines. Select the detector in Functions
and click LMB to direct the search. Stop and stow by pressing the RMB.
This item is used by the SAPPER. To deactivate a live mine, place the
cursor on the mine and click LMB when the 'DEACTIVATE' cursor appears.
Be careful, your SAPPER will not stop when a mine is discovered and may
blow himself up. Patience is important.

Rope Ladder
The Rope Ladder allows your commandos to reach otherwise inaccessible
areas. Hot key 'E'. Select it in the 'Items' section. To place it,
click on a wall or a window. The ladder cannot be placed from below. To
use it, press SHIFT and click on the ladder. You can retrieve the Rope
Ladder by using SHIFT and clicking LMB on its top area. Remember, you
can only retrieve it from above.

Apparently a useless bunch of wires bent in every direction. Hot key
'S'. Select it in the 'Items' section. Click the LMB on a closed door
and it will open. From then on, any commando can use that door to enter
or exit the house. The Lockpicks can also open supply boxes and safes,
allowing you to examine the contents.

Leica SLC 8x56 binoculars
They are an excellent way to spy inside buildings without putting your
men in danger. Hot key 'B'. Select them in the 'Actions' section in the
interface. Place the cursor on a window and click LMB to see through
the window. You can use them from indoors and outdoors. If you click on
an enemy soldier, you will get detailed information about him.

Radio Unix 38
Long-range field radio. Has a manual dynamo so it can be utilized
without connecting to a power source. Keep SHIFT pressed and click on
the radio to use it. It can be used by any of your commandos and by
allies. In some cases you may need to find cipher codes to use it.

THIEF's mascot. Hot key 'A'. Select it in the 'Items' section. Click
the LMB on the spot you want to send SPIKE to. He will go to the spot
and jump around, distracting all enemies who hear or see him. He will
then go directly back to the THIEF.

Philips L12 Decoy
Radio-controlled decoy. Hot key 'R'. Select it in the 'Items' section.
Click LMB on a given spot on the map and you will drop the decoy on the
ground. Activate the decoy with the 'R' key. The decoy will make noises
to attract any enemy soldiers within its range. To turn it off, press
the 'R' key again. Don't forget to pick up the decoy after you have
used it. You only have one decoy.

Portable Acetylene Blowtorch
Very useful for field engineering tasks. Hot key 'L'. Select it in the
'Actions' section. Click LMB on the spot at which you want to use it;
it will penetrate some closed metal doors. The blowtorch is not a
weapon, but can be used as such in an emergency.

Imported cigarettes. Hot key 'T'. Select them in the 'Items' section.
Click on the spot you wish to throw the cigarettes to. When an enemy
soldier sees the cigarettes, he will go and pick them up. You can find
cigarette packs on some enemy soldiers.

Diving Equipment
You can stay underwater for long periods of time. Hot key 'D'. Select
them in the 'Items' section. The oxygen supply allows the DIVER to stay
underwater for very long periods of time.

Canned Food
An individual ration of concentrated food. Hot key 'V'. Select them in
the 'Items' section. Replenishes your commando's health bar. Utilize
the tin when one of your commandos has been injured. Remember, there is
a limited number of tins, don't waste them.

Set of security keys. Hot key 'K'. Select them in the 'Items' section.
Some doors closed due to security and need to be opened using the
correct key. Look for keys in enemy clothing, cupboards and boxes. You
can use them by pressing SHIFT and clicking on the locked door.

Distraction with seduction. Hot key 'S'. Select it in the 'Actions'
section. Keep enemy soldiers busy using Natasha and her charms. Whilst
they are distracted by her, your other commandos can sneak past or even
sneak up on the enemy and take care of business.

Ultrasonic whistle. Hot key 'H'. Select it in the 'Actions' section.
Use the dog whistle to call Whiskey to you. He will come to you from
anywhere on the map if he is able.

Grappling Hook - Assault and Infiltration
An indispensable tool for subtle attacks on enemy strongholds. Hot key
'S'. Select it in the 'Functions' section. Place the cursor over the
wall you wish to climb and click the LMB. To retrieve the hook hold
down the SHIFT and click on the top part of the rope. You can only
retrieve the hook once you have scaled the wall.

Enemy Uniform
Hot key 'U'. To put the uniform on, click on the uniform icon in the
'Functions' section. To change back into normal clothes, click again on
the UNIFORM icon or press the hot key. The uniform will permit you to
pass unseen in the long-range enemy view. If you do anything suspicious
while an enemy is looking at you, you will be unmasked. You can only
use infantry soldiers' uniforms. Each uniform you acquire has a time
limit. The amount of time left is displayed in the inventory. This
figure will only decrease when the uniform is worn.

Narcotic Compound MKIV-R
Fast effect and powerful narcotic. Hot key 'N'. Can be selected in the
'Actions' section. It can be used on wine bottles or meat pieces. If an
enemy soldier drinks it or an animal eats it then they will be knocked


7. Commando Techniques

Stalk and rob an enemy soldier
The THIEF can use his skill to get close to the enemies and steal item
from them. Hot key 'D'. When you click on an enemy soldier, the THIEF
will go and stand behind him. Wherever the enemy moves, he will follow.
He can also steal from the enemy he is stalking. To do so, place the
cursor on the soldier he is following. Click LMB and you will be able
to see his inventory. You can then steal his belongings. But be
careful, you can be seen by other soldiers.

Hit, tie and gag
Select the hit icon in the weapons section. Hot key 'Q'. Click on the
enemy you wish to stun and your commandos will hit him. Once he is on
the ground, press the SHIFT key and click on him to tie him up and
prevent him from moving. With the exception of the THIEF and NATASHA,
all your commandos may tie up enemy soldiers.

Hit with a bottle
Despite her appearance, Natasha can leave enemies in a crumpled heap on
the floor with the minimum of effort. Hot key 'Q'. Select Hit with
Bottle in the 'Weapons' section. Click LMB on the enemy you wish to
knockout. The soldier will remain unconscious for a short while. He
won't be very pleased when he wakes up!

Knocking on a wall
Distract the enemy by knocking on the walls. Hot key 'Q'. Select the
action in the 'Weapons' section. Click on an inside wall and the
commando will knock on that wall. Enemies within hearing distance will
turn to see where the sound came from and may even investigate.

Pick up/drop
Use this option to move large items. Press the SHIFT key and click on
the item you wish to pick up. Click LMB on the spot you want to drop
the item. Press the RMB when you have reached the target location. In
this way you can move barrels, boxes and dead enemy soldiers around the
map. The commandos cannot run if they are carrying an item. Make sure
that you take this into account, as this will greatly increase the time
taken to move.

The allies
Seek their help to fulfill your mission. They are not part of your
unit, but that does not mean you should send them out to be
slaughtered. Use them wisely. Allied soldiers can be used in a variety
of ways and can take cover in three different positions: standing,
kneeling and laying down. Their ability to resist enemy attack is
dependant on their position. They can operate heavy weapons such as the

Your men may swim underwater. Hot key 'B' to dive or return to the
surface. When one of your men is swimming, select DIVE to submerge.
When underwater, an oxygen bar will be displayed. If the bar reaches
zero, your commando will drown. Control your commando by using the LMB.
To return to the surface, select 'B'.

Telephone pole
Give your SNIPER the maximum advantage by placing him on top of a
telephone pole and shooting from there. Climb the pole by keeping the
SHIFT key pressed and clicking on the pole. You can stop climbing the
pole and drop down at any time by pressing the RMB. The GREEN BERET and
THIEF are also able to climb poles and swing around cables.

Slip through a hole
The THIEF may access areas that are inaccessible to the rest of your
men. The THIEF must be in the crawl position to pass through the hole.
While pressing the SHIFT, click the LMB on the hole you wish to crawl

Bury oneself
The GREEN BERET can bury himself in some types of terrain to evade
enemy detection. Hot key 'A'. Select the shovel in the 'Actions'
section. Press the LMB on a surface in which it is possible to bury
him. The buried commando remains invisible to enemy soldiers. To
surface, click any mouse button.

Climb out of a window
Flee from inside a building by jumping through the window. Only the
THIEF and the GREEN BERET can perform the feat of agility. To exit via
a window, hold down SHIFT ad click on the desired window. The commando
will either land on the floor, cling to the windowsill or hang from a
telephone wire, depending on which window you have clicked on.

Use the THIEF to climb walls. While keeping SHIFT pressed, click the
LMB on the chosen wall. Some walls will allow sideways movement. While
climbing, a stamina bar is displayed. The bar slowly decreases over
time. If the bar reaches zero, the thief will fall to the ground. This
will cause injury is the fall is from a substantial height.

The THIEF can hide almost everywhere. With the SHIFT button pressed,
click on the desired hiding place with the LMB. To come back into play,
click any mouse button.

Take advantage of the fact that your commandos can swim across rivers
and canals. To make one of your commandos enter the water, click LMB on
the water. With a single click, your commando will swim at a normal
speed. With a double click, he will swim faster, but also make more
noise and will be easily detected.

Stick to a wall
Hide from the enemy by sticking close to a wall. If you place a
commando next to a wall, he will stick to it. While he is sticking to
the wall, he will only be visible in the enemy's short-range view even
though he is standing up. He can move along the wall and remain hidden.
To move him away from the wall, press the LMB.

Distract with Spy
Keep the enemy distracted while the rest of your men complete the
objectives. Hot key 'S'. Select it in the 'Functions' section. Left
click on an enemy you wish to distract. If you distract a soldier at a
close range, you can order him to look and walk further away. Remember
that you can only do this if you are wearing an enemy uniform.

Whiskey's bark
Due to his extensive training, Whiskey is able to run to enemy soldiers
and bark in an attempt to attract their attention. Hot key 'A'. Select
it in the 'Actions' section in the interface. Whiskey's bark distracts
enemies for a short period of time at which point they resume their

Hiding enemy bodies
Eliminate all indication of your presence behind enemy lines. You can
hide the bodies of fallen enemies in tall grass and plants and even
dispose of them at sea. Pick up the body by pressing SHIFT and clicking
LMB on the enemy. Walk to a shore or to a patch of tall grass and click
LMB holding SHIFT to drop the body.

Driving vehicles
All the commandos are able to drive vehicles. Press SHIFT and click LMB
on the vehicle to enter. Once inside, the cursor keys control
direction. Alternatively you can also click LMB to the target
destination. Holding don the SHIFT key will cause the vehicle to
accelerate. Specialized vehicles can only be driven by the DRIVER. In
armed vehicles, you can use the Ctrl key to shoot using the vehicle's
weapon, but only if the SAPPER is also inside the vehicle.

Attack mode
Place commandos in auto-fire positions. Commandos will automatically
fire on enemy soldiers if set on attack mode. By holding down Ctrl and
clicking with the RMB, the field of view will move to the desired
position. You can set commandos to attack mode in either crawling or
standing positions. This is by no means an easy path to victory as your
soldiers can also be shot in this mode.

Exploit Natasha's natural charms. Hot key 'U'. Select it in the
'Functions' section. Natasha won't be discovered by the enemy. Dressed
in sexy clothes and using her lipstick, she can distract enemy soldiers
so that her comrades can avoid detection.

Throw a bottle
Empting distraction. Hot key -. Can be selected in the 'Items' section.
Enemy soldiers can refuse a good wine. When they drink it, they will be
stunned for a while during which they can't see or hear allied
soldiers. If narcotics have been used on the bottle, enemy soldiers
will be sent to sleep until they are woken up by a comrade.


8. Special Terms

To make everything easier, I'll address each of the commandos by their

Green Beret: Tiny

Sniper: Duke

Marine: Fins

Sapper: Inferno

Driver: Tread

Spy: Spooky

Thief: Lupin

Seductress: Natasha

Dog: Whiskey


9. Walkthrough

->This walkthrough is written in the normal difficulty

Training Mission 1
Location: Unknown
Personnel: Inferno, Lupin

-Neutralize all the enemies at the border gate. To do this you should:
1) Get to the guard post.
2) Take the wirecutters from the metal box.
3) Cut through the barbed wire and deactivate the mines on the other
4) Fight the officer's group.

Secondary objectives:
-Obtain the contents of the wooden box.

-Be careful of enemies that appear non-threatening.


First of all, get Inferno to get rid of the smoking soldier near the
starting position then hide the body behind the small trees. Check the
guard's body for a cigarette pack. Throw the cigarette pack to the road
to lure the patrolling soldier when he comes back. Take him out when he
does followed by the worker near the barricade and the crouching
soldier to the east.

Get Lupin to climb the pole and climb down at the second one. Open the
crate near the guard post to find some first aid kit. Climb the pole
again and climb down at the other side of the barricade. Go round the
stationary soldier to the north and unlock the metal box to find some
grenades and a wirecutter.

Climb the pole again and go back to Inferno; pass the grenades and
wirecutter to him. Cut the barbed wires and scour the area for mines.
There should be seven in total. Crawl towards the officer group and lob
a grenade to take them all out. The stationary soldier to the north
will come to investigate. Lob the second grenade to kill him. Mission


Training Mission 2
Location: Unknown
Personnel: Tiny, Inferno, Tread

-Rescue the allied soldiers who have split from their unit. You have
to: 1) Obtain the key to the house.
2) Contact your allies.
3) Use the enemy radio to inform HQ.
4) Defend against the enemy attack.
-Destroy the enemy tank.

Secondary objectives: none

-Obtain the contents of the boxes.
-Position the allied soldiers.



Get Inferno to throw a cigarette pack slightly to the southeast so the
stationary soldier who constantly look to the left and right (next to
the wall slightly to the east) will come to pick it up. Take him out
when he does followed by the crouching soldier south of his position
Tiny should crawl to the east and take out the crouching soldier who is
looking at the staircase then hide the body the brick wall nearby.
Crawl further east and hide next to the wall and the small trees (in
the shadows).
Take out the officer then hide his body in the shadows. Check his body
for the keys and take out the soldier who crawls up and down the
staircase. Take out the lieutenant next followed by the soldier who is
shooting at the allied soldiers then hide all three bodies somewhere


Crawl up the staircase and look to the west. There is a soldier who
crawls back and forth from the telephone pole to the crate at the
north. Take out the patrolling soldier when he stops next to the pole
followed by the soldier who is shooting at the allied soldiers. Head to
the north and take out the soldier next to the crate.
Open the crate here to find some canned food and some first aid kit.

Now get Tread to ascend the staircase and wait for the lieutenant to
come back and shoot at the allied soldiers from the left side of the
house then lob a Molotov cocktail to take him out along with the
stationary soldier there.
Tiny should head around the back of the house and take out the soldier
at the right side (next to the drums). Carry the barrel from the left
side of the house and put it near the soldiers to the east. Shoot to
barrel to take out two of three soldiers then use the pistol to kill
the last one.
Check the crate here to find some grenades, some Molotov cocktails and
some smoke grenades.

Tiny should then take out the last remaining enemy soldier outside the
house. Get Inferno to lob a grenade inside through the window to kill
the two soldiers inside. The door should be blasted open so get Inferno
to head inside and open the chest to find some anti-tank mines and a
remote control bomb before using the radio to contact headquarters.


Group all six allied soldiers and get them to cover the road to the
west of the map in crawling positions (outside the house). Inferno
should then place an anti-tank mine at the end of the road (near the
western edge of the map).
Place the remote control bomb further down the road and then he should
hide near the behind brick wall where the allied soldiers were pinned
down before. Press the "launch invasion" button at the bottom right of
the screen
Wait a while and German soldiers will begin to appear from the road.
Detonate the remote control bomb to kill some of them and Inferno
should also help with his two remaining grenades. The allied soldiers
covering the road will take care of the rest. When the tank finally
appears, it will be destroyed by the anti-tank mine. Mission


Mission 1: The Night of The Wolves
Location: La Pallice, France
Personnel: Natasha, Lupin, Whiskey


In May 1941, after having subdued the whole of Western Europe,
the German army concentrates all its efforts in the war on England, the
last bastion against the expansion of the Third Reich. Having failed on
their invasion of the island nation due to the superior power of the
British Navy, the Germans are now concentrating on a war of attrition.
England, isolated from the continent, depends on supplies, especially
weapons and fuel that arrive from the other side of the Atlantic. These
supplies are growing ever more scarce. The German submarine fleet, the
"wolfpacks", hound on the allied convoys, which suffer enormous losses.
La Pallice located on the French coast, near La Rochelle, is the most
important German submarine base. Constructed like a bunker, it is an
impregnable fortress. Its piers built under tons of reinforced concrete
are invulnerable to aerial attacks. It is the perfect base from where
to carry out the deadly patrols. It is the U-boats' lair.

-Contact the wounded ally.
-Steal the office key from the General's assistant.
-Steal the Enigma's machine from the General's safe.
-Decipher the message using the Enigma machine.
-Use the radio.
-The thief must hide under a bed.

Secondary objectives:
-Steal the security papers.

-Contact Natasha.
-Disconnect the power to the electric fence.
-Use the sleeping pills to knock out the assistant.
-Natasha can call the general on the phone.



Get Lupin to dive into the water and swim to the north. There should be
two guards standing under spotlight next to the pier. Get Lupin to
ascend the staircase to the left and enter the steel door leading into
the building just to the north.
Natasha is the woman who is standing at the adjacent room to the right.
Wait until the patrolling guard to turn his back first, then get Lupin
to knock him out. He should proceed to the right and take out the other
guard who is busy writing notes wile pacing around.
Enter Natasha's room and open the wardrobe there. Take the cigarette,
first aid kit and a piece of the bonus mission. Get Lupin to lie down
and hide behind the table. The two guards who were knocked out earlier
will wake up and look around. Lupin should wait until after they had
finished their search before talking to Natasha.

After the conversation has ended, get Lupin to hide behind the table
again and stay low for the time being. Natasha should head out and open
the cabinet to the north of her room to take some sleeping pills. Grab
the chest in the same room as well to get some dog food.
Go out from the building and Natasha should be back at the pier. Get
Lupin to join her outside and simply walk to the west and enter the
building there to find the wounded man and his dog. Let Lupin talk to
him for now.


Leave Lupin there for now after talking to the wounded man. Natasha
should now enter the office where she came from in the first place and
go to the room at the other end. Flick the lever on the two machines
inside this room to shut off power to the electric fence as well as the
Get Natasha to go to the mess hall where the general's assistant is
eating. Do this by going outside the building to the pier again and
take a rounding route to the west to avoid being detected by the
lieutenant that is standing near the wall just outside the building (at
the left side).

Once Natasha is inside, check the left locker to find another bonus
mission piece then grab the food and wine bottles inside. Open the
right locker next to find some more food and win bottles. Check the
wine racks to the right and put the sleeping pills, the wine bottles
will be depicted as being green instead of red when this is done.
Now wait for one of the eating guards to stand up and grab a bottle of
wine. Everyone on the table will fell to the floor after drinking the
wine. Scrutinize the general's assistant and get the keys to his
Exit the canteen and enter the building right in front. Open the right
locker to fins some sleeping pills, another piece of the bonus mission
and a pack of cigarette. The left locker only contains a wine bottle
and a cigarette.
Natasha should head to the general's quarters and unlock the door.
Check the drawers to the left to find a binocular, a cigarette and two
wine bottles.

Natasha should head to the barracks located to the east of the
general's quarters. Check the large cabinet located next to the
telephone and grab the canned food, first aid kit, wine bottle and
Check the left locker in the barracks to find a binocular, some
sleeping pills; three wine bottles, a cigarette, a canned food as well
as another piece of the bonus mission. The right locker will reveal a
cigarette, a shears, two wine bottles, some canned food and the final
piece of the bonus mission.
Get Lupin to sneak his way over to the general's quarter and wait at
just at the left side of the door. Natasha should now call the general
with telephone in the barracks.
Wait for the general to leave his quarters first then use Lupin to
sneak inside. Knock out the officer inside and crack the safe. Quickly
get the Enigma machine as well as the security papers inside and a cut
scene will kick in.
After the cut scene, Lupin can check the general's desk as well as the
bookrack to find some wine bottle and cigarette. Quickly get out of
there and hide nearby before the general returned.


Get Natasha to access the guard shack near the gate leading outside the
compound. Use the radio here to contact HQ.
After the conversation, get Lupin to head into the building where the
beds are located. Head inside the room at the far right when the
patrolling guard is facing the other way and close the door. Now crawl
under the bed and wait for dawn to arrive... Mission accomplished!!!

Locations of the bonus missions (5 in total):
-One piece found in cabinet inside Natasha's office.
-Two pieces found in the lockers inside the mess hall.
-Two pieces found in the lockers inside the barracks.


Bonus Mission 1
Location: Training Mission 1
Personnel: Inferno, Lupin

-Neutralize the soldiers at the guard post.
-Get the mine detector.
-Deactivate all of the mines on the track.
-Escape using the enemy vehicle.

Secondary objectives:
-Neutralize the enemy patrol.

-Find some grenades.


Use Inferno to take out the stationary guard nearby then hide the body
behind the bushes. Wait for the patrolling guard to return and as soon
as he turned his back, take him out and hide the body behind the bushes
as well.
Now get Lupin to crawl to the telephone wires and climb the pole. Head
to the northeast and take out the soldier there. Lupin should then open
the box with his lockpick and find some grenades and a time bomb.
Quickly climb up the pole again and take out the mechanic near the
vehicle next. Open the box with the lock pick to find a mine detector
and a wirecutter. Go back to Inferno and give everything to him.
Now get Inferno to crawl near the patrols and lob a grenade to kill all
of them. The three remaining soldiers will come to investigate. Lob a
second grenade to take them out. Inferno should now detect the mines
and deactivate them; there are five in total. The box near the patrols
contain some first aid kit, some canned food and a wine bottle. Simply
get Inferno and Lupin to enter the vehicle and drive it along the road.
Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 2: Das Boot, Silent Killers
Location: La Pallice, France
Personnel: Fins, Inferno, Spooky, Lupin, Whiskey

-Deactivate the underwater mines.
-Find the prison key.
-Rescue all the allied sailors.
-Call the Green Beret using the radio.
-Open the hangar door.
-Get the Enigma codes.
-Rescue the Captain.

Secondary objectives:
-Destroy the torpedo.
-Destroy the AA guns.
-Destroy the fuel tanks.

-Cut the barbed wire and deactivate the landmines.
-Pass the security papers to the Spy using the Dog.
-Steal a vehicle.
-Enter the base disguised as an official.



Get Fins to dive into the water and deactivate the mines one by one.
When this is accomplished, Inferno should swim to the south and head to
the coast at the west. Cut the barbed wire with the shears and clear
the minefield with the mine detector. Inferno should be able to defuse
a total of eighteen mines. Don't forget to grab ten for Inferno
himself. Inferno should then cut the second barbed wire leading inside
the knock out the patrolling guard nearby. Tie him up and carry him to
the wall and stay there for now.

Now get Spooky to swim over to Inferno's position. Lupin should
transfer the security papers to Whiskey. Get Spooky to blow the whistle
and Whiskey will run out to him. Get Spooky to take the papers from
Whiskey and change uniform from the tied up guard earlier.
Sneak up on the officer who is standing next to the Kubelwagen near the
entrance to the compound. Stab the officer with the hypodermic syringe
three times to kill him then change into his uniform. Hide the body
near the trees to the right and drive the car into the compound.
Spooky should head to the barracks and open the large cabinet next to
the phone that Natasha used the night before. Grab the binocular, the
poison syringes, cigarette and the remote control bomb.
Head outside again and go into the general's quarters. The general's
assistant will be sitting next to the drawer to the left. Open it to
find first aid kit, a knife, a cigarette, a wine bottle and the first
piece of the bonus mission.

Spooky should go to the canteen now and open the lockers here to find
some dog food, some canned food and three wine bottles. Head to the
bathing area, which is the building across from the mess hall, and open
the lockers here to find some sleeping pills, syringe hypodermics,
cigarette pack, first aid kit, canned food, a knife, a binocular, a
shears and the second piece of the bonus mission.
Exit again and head inside the bunker beneath the compound's wall just
located to the northeast of the bathing area (north of the anti-
aircraft gun).
There are three crates in here, but the left one is locked so leave it
for now. Open the middle crate to find a canned food and hypodermic
syringe. Enter to the room at the right and kill the officer here with
the hypodermic syringe.

Additional note: The soldier sitting at the desk will hear the
officer's death scream when Spooky inject him for the third time.
However, the alarm won't be raised and Spooky can just proceed to check
the desk.

Open the desk drawer to find a cigarette pack, some sleeping pills, a
binocular, three hand grenades, a time bomb and the third part of the
bonus mission.
Go outside and climb the ladder to the west (just north of the bathing
area) then go into the small guard shack here to find a bazooka. Call
Whiskey over with the whistle then transfer the time bomb, the remote
control bomb, grenades and the bazooka to the dog. Send Whiskey back to
Inferno and transfer all the heavy equipment to him.
Spooky should now head to the radio station to contact the Green Beret.
Open the crate at the left side of the building to find a time bomb, a
remote control bomb and some grenades. Get Whiskey over and ferry the
explosives back to Inferno. Spooky should now use the radio to contact


Spooky should head to the east by following the railway leading to the
gate. Enter the guard tower to the right and climb to the second level
there and open the crate there to find a flamethrower. Head outside the
gate and let Spooky wait there for now.
Get Inferno to swim to the astern side of the map and deactivate the
minefield there. There should be fifteen mines in total.
Click on the parachute symbol at the bottom right hand of the screen
and click again near the gate to land Tiny there (make sure that no one
is looking).

Tiny should tie up the patrolling officer near the gate and dump the
body there. Tiny should then knock out the patrolling soldier near the
truck as well as the mechanic next to the truck. Tie them both up and
carry the bodies to the officer earlier just next to the gate.
Spooky should distract the soldier overlooking the gate on top of the
big yellow fuel tanks. Tiny should go inside and tie up the soldier
patrolling the platform near the gate (just across the fuel tanks).
Quickly carry the body and hide it outside the compound.
Now Tiny should take out the mechanic on top of the fuel tanks and then
followed by the soldier who Spooky was talking to. Tie them both and
hide the bodies outside.
Tiny should now head to the gate leading inside Zone D and tie up the
guard there. Dump him somewhere out of sight, preferably with the
others as before. Now Spooky should head outside and distract the
patrolling guard north of the base and Tiny should sneak up on the
sniper overlooking the power generators in the same zone. Dump the body
with the others and take out the patrolling guard who Spooky is
distracting and do the same thing with the other patrolling guard as


Now get Fins and Whiskey to join Inferno outside Zone C. Fins should
carry Whiskey on the back and swim cross the water. When Fins get
ashore, throw his knife to take out the two guards standing guard
outside the submarine hangar door then hide the bodies at the corner.
Spooky should poison some dog food and feed it to the dogs next to the
submarine pen in Zone E so they get knocked out. Spooky should then
ascend the fire escape staircase and distract the patrolling guard by
asking him to look away towards the sea. Tiny should follow from behind
and tie up the guard on top of the fire escape staircase. Tie up the
guard that Spooky was distracting just now and hide both bodies near
the small corner facing the sea.

Now Spooky should head to the second level of the rooftop by climbing
the short ladder leading there. There are two guards here; one is
looking inside the compound while the other one is looking at the
ladder that Spooky just climbed. Distract the latter guard and Tiny
should crawl his way there. Climb the ladder and take the guard out
then hide the body somewhere on the roof where no one is looking. Now
use Spooky to distract the other guard by asking him to walk towards
the other end and simply use Tiny to take him out as well.
Spooky should now distract the jailer so he is looking to the west.
Tiny should climb back down and crawl across the rooftop (be careful of
the smoking officer) and take out the jailer then grab the prison keys.
Spooky should go down all the way and distract the guard sitting
outside the communications center just across the railway from the sub
pen. Tint should wait awhile until the officer's sight becomes fixed
first before moving in to take him out. Carry to the body to the middle
of the roof where it is safe from any prying eyes.
Now Spooky and Tint should enter the door on the roof together and they
will be inside a small room with two mechanics. Tie them both up and
leave them there.


Tiny should climb down the ladder to the submarine pen below and take
out the guard right at the bottom then leave the body there. Spooky
should climb down as well to join Tiny. Look to the west and there
should be two patrolling guards near a door. Use Spooky to distract the
left guard while take out the right one and hide the body at the bottom
of the ladder.
Enter the door where the guard was before and take a peek. Wait until
the guard inside is walking away from the door then Tiny should go in
and tie him up. Check the crate here to find a cigarette pack, a time
bomb, a rope ladder and some grenades. Pull the lever in here to close
the gate leading into Zones C, D and E. Exit the room and take out the
guard that Spooky is distracting then hide the body inside the room.

Spooky should now order the soldier overlooking the empty hangar from
the lower platform to walk up the staircase and go near the room Tiny
is hiding in. Tiny should come, take out the guard and hide the body
Spooky should then distract the patrolling guard at the top western
side of the sub pen so he will be looking south. Tiny should crawl to
the northwestern side and tie up the guard looking over the railing
there. Tie up the guard at the left side who is standing next to the
boxes then take out the guard that Spooky is distracting then hide all
three bodies near the boxes at the northwest corner.
Tiny should proceed south along the west wall and take out the sitting
guard there then carry the body to be hidden inside the room. Take out
the patrolling guard here and hide the body near the door. Get Spooky
inside and wait for Tiny to take out the smoking admiral in the
adjacent room. Use Spooky to distract the lieutenant here while Tiny
tie up the soldier then followed by the lieutenant as well.

Go outside to the sub pen and take out the guard next to the crate to
the left then hide the body inside the room. Tiny should keep heading
south along the west wall and get Spooky to distract the guard on the
southern platform. Tiny should then take out the mechanic at the bottom
of the ladder and hide the body in the room as before (beware of the
patrolling guard on the platform).
Tiny should climb the ladder to the platform when the patrolling guard
starts walking the other way and stand behind the mechanic Spooky is
distracting. Spooky should now go distract the patrolling soldier
before he can turn around to keep him looking to the east.
Tiny should tie up the mechanic and hide him at the dark corner for
now. Tie up the guard that Spooky is distracting then carry the body
into the dark corner for now. Head to the east along the platform and
take out the guard leaning across the railing here.

Additional note: As soon as Tiny punched the guard, a guard from ground
level will see it and run up to investigate. Quickly tie up the guard
on the platform and wait at the ladder for the guard to come, and then
tie him up as well.

Tiny should take out the guard in the room then hide all four bodies
inside. Pull the lever inside to open the western hangar door.
Spooky should now distract the sailors at the bottom of the ladder so
they won't be looking when Tiny climb down. Tie them both and leave the
bodies there. Head to the north and take out the patrolling sailor near
the crates. Climb the ladder near the guard that leads to a room,
simply take out the guard inside. Make sure that the sailor at the
bottom of the waterless sub hangar to be looking away first while Tiny
climb the ladder or alternatively, use Spooky as a distraction.
Get Tiny to come back down and take out the guard that Spooky is
distracting. Now take out the sitting guard outside the small room
between the submarine and the waterless hangar. Head inside and untie
one of the prisoners that were lying on the floor.

After the cut scene, get Spooky to distract the guard patrolling on the
submarine while Tiny dispose of the two guards outside the building
where the Captain is imprisoned. Take out the guard Spooky is
distracting afterwards and hide all three bodies next to the building,
probably near the ladder.
Enter the building and open the lockers to the left to find a
hypodermic syringe, first aid kit and some canned food. Now wait for
the lieutenant to walk towards the soldier who was cleaning his rifle
then Tiny should go inside and stop at the bottom of the staircase.
Knock out the lieutenant while he is walking back and QUICKLY take out
the sitting sailor afterwards then tie them both up. Simply repeat the
same process with the guard who is cleaning his rifle. Open the locker
nearest the door to find a first aid kit, a cigarette pack, a
binocular, some grenades and the fourth piece of the bonus mission.
Open the lockers on the other end of the room to find some sleeping
pills, a knife, some grenades, a cigarette pack, a wine bottle and
hypodermic syringe.
Spooky should ascend the staircase and distract the soldier to look the
other way so Tiny can take out the sailor at the desk then tie them
both up afterwards. Open the lockers here to find three wine bottles, a
cigarette pack, a binocular, a rope ladder and the fifth piece of the
bonus mission. Enter the captain's cell and release him.


Get Inferno to get to Tiny's position by entering the sub pen from the
western hangar door that has been opened earlier. When he arrived, open
the door and throw a grenade inside to kill all three enemies. Tiny
should go inside and open the crate to find a wine bottle, first aid
kit and the Enigma codes. Flick the lever here as well to open the east
hangar door.

Everyone should head outside again into the sub pen. Use Spooky to
distract the patrolling guard near the northeast corner. Tiny should
then take out the immobile guards at the bottom followed by the soldier
that Spooky is distracting then leave them both there.
Spooky should now head to the south and distract the guard on the
platform there. Tiny should climb down and proceed to the lone sitting
sailor there. Punch him and quickly tie him up. The two sailors on the
second level nearby will come to investigate. Quickly use Tiny to punch
and tie them both up. Climb the ladder to the upper platform next and
take the guard that Spooky is distracting. Send Tiny to wait by the
ladder leading inside the sub, which is located next to the submarine's
AA gun facing to the north.
Meanwhile send Inferno to the room at the northwest side of the sub pen
and throw a grenade inside to kill the remaining people there (where
Tiny tied up the admiral earlier).

Send Spooky to climb the ladder into the submarine and distract lone
guard in here. Wait for the patrolling guard to walk back to the stern
first then send Tiny to tie up the guard that Spooky is distracting.
QUICKLY send Spooky to distract the patrolling guard in the next room
before he comes back.
Send Tiny inside to tie up the guard and the sailor inside. Open the
lockers here to find the sixth part of the bonus mission. Go back to
the previous room and open the lockers to find the seventh part of the
bonus mission.
Send Spooky to the opposite door towards the bow and distract the guard
here. Tiny should go and tie up both the guard and the sailor.
Tiny should climb the ladder here then take out the patrolling guard in
the next room. Proceed to take out the officer who is jotting down some
notes in the same room and tie them both up.
There are two ladders here: one will lead outside while the other one
will lead to a second room. Proceed to the second ladder and take out
the worker here then climb back down to Spooky.
Spooky should open the door leading to the bow and distract the
patrolling guard here. Tiny should simply come in and tie him up.
Proceed to tie up the patrolling soldier at the adjacent room.
Tiny and Spooky should now climb the ladder and they will be back
outside. Go collect the Captain and the submarine crews then send them
inside the submarine.


Tiny, Inferno and Spooky should jump into the water near the western
hangar door but don't go outside. Spooky should go out and swim to
Natasha's office. Go inside and take out the patrolling guard near the
entrance with the poison syringe. Just inject him twice then tie him up
to save the syringe.
Head to Natasha's office and inject the lieutenant here twice as well
the tie him up and hide the body behind the table. Open the cabinet
here to find some grenades, a time bomb, a binocular and the eighth
part of the bonus mission. Open the crate just across from Natasha's
office to find a poison syringe, a rope ladder and a wine bottle.
Now check the cabinet to the left of the dismantled torpedo to find a
canned food, a grenade, a poison syringe and a wine bottle. Inject the
patrolling sailor twice then tie him up and hide the body with the
lieutenant. Spooky should now get out from Natasha's office.

Inject the patrolling guard to the left outside the office when no one
is looking then quickly hide the body inside. Repeat the same process
with the patrolling guard to the right.
Now get Inferno to go inside the office building and get Spooky to
distract the right mechanic who is dismantling the torpedo. Inferno
should place a remote control bomb there. Get both of them out of the
building for now.
Spooky should now distract the guard who is looking at the AA gun to
the southwest. Inferno should now take out the soldier near the AA gun
itself then head inside the building nearby to take out a guard and a
sailor. Head back out and take out the guard looking towards the sea at
the other side of the building. Position all four tied up guards near
the AA gun and drop another remote control bomb there.
Spooky should head into the building marked A-2 nearby and get a remote
control bomb from the crate there. Go back outside and pass it to

Now use Spooky to distract the guards and Inferno should make his way
to the barracks area. Spooky should now distract the guard near the
guard shack in front of the general's office. Inferno should take out
the guard who is patrolling nearby then hide the body nearby. The next
one to go is the guard Spooky is distracting then hide the body
Go inside the barracks with Spooky and take out the guard near the
telephone with 2 syringe injections then tie him up. Get Inferno there
and lob a grenade into the next room to take all the patrol guards
there but the one at the far end of the room will survive. Simply wait
until he is looking at his dead comrades then whip out a gun and shoot
him to death. Now open the other leading outside at the other end of
the barracks and take out the guard standing there then drag the body
inside. Check the two lockers inside the barracks to find a time bomb,
a remote control bomb, some sleeping pills, two wine bottles, a
cigarette pack, a binocular, some grenades, some hypodermic syringes,
some canned food and the ninth part of the bonus mission.
Head to the general's office now and use Spooky to distract the
general's assistant while Inferno tie him up. Open the door leading to
the general's office and Inferno should lob a grenade inside. When the
room is cleared, check the general's desk and bookrack to find some
sleeping pills, some first aid kits, some hypodermic syringes, a wine
bottle, a cigarette pack and the tenth part of the bonus mission. Go
outside and get Lupin to join them by climbing out of the window.

Now head to the north and Spooky should take out the guard next to the
anti-aircraft gun on top of the bunker with two syringe injections then
hide the body inside the guard shack nearby. Take out the patrolling
guard injections on top of the bunker next with two injections as well
and hide the body there. Get Inferno over and plant a remote control
bomb next to the anti-aircraft gun there. Now Inferno should crawl to
the last anti-aircraft gun at the raised wooden hexagon. Take out the
mechanic there and plant another remote control bomb there.
Use Spooky to take out the guard patrolling to the east and hide the
body somewhere nearby. Spooky should then take out the guard standing
guard in front of the door leading to the power generators then hide
the body at the same place as before. There should be a clear way to
access the submarine pen without being detected now although the
commandos can only access it from the submarine hangar because the
gates have been closed earlier.


Now get Tiny, Fins, Lupin and Whiskey to wait in the submarine.
Position Inferno next to the fuel tanks with a time bomb. Now get
Spooky to enter the northern guard tower at Zone D (where the fuel
tanks are located) and check the drawer here to find a cigarette pack,
a binocular, a wine bottle, some grenades and the eleventh and final
piece of the bonus mission. Go back out and wait by Inferno's side
while he plant the time bomb next to the fuel tanks. A twenty-seconds
timer will start so get Spooky and Inferno to go into the submarine
through the eastern hangar door. After the fuel tanks get blown up,
simply get Inferno to detonate the other four remote control bombs.
Mission accomplished!!!

Locations of the bonus missions (11 in total):
-One piece found in the general's office.
-One piece found in the bathing area.
-Two pieces found in the barracks.
-One piece found in Natasha's office.
-One piece found in the office located inside of the bunker.
-One piece found in the northern guard tower in Zone D.
-Two pieces found in the submarine.
-One piece found in the first floor of the building where the captain
is imprisoned.
-One piece found in the second floor of the building where the captain
is imprisoned.


Bonus Mission 2
Location: Unknown waters
Personnel: Fins

-Complete the circuit before time runs out.

Secondary objectives:
-Complete the circuit in the quickest time possible.

-Your boat can be destroyed by the mines.
-Avoid the buoys or they will slow your boat down.


Select Fins and begin to steer the boat. A three-minutes timer will
start and Fins have to complete the circuit before the timer expires.
Good luck and be careful with the mines. :)


Mission 3: White Death
Location: North Sea
Personnel: Tiny, Fins, Inferno, Spooky, Lupin


May 1941. The rise in the sinking of allied ships by the hand of
the German submarine continues to increase, reaching the record number
of 700,000 tons.
The frigid waters of the North Sea are the most dangerous for the
allied vessels. The area is under a constant patrol of German
destroyers and submarines, which also count on the aerial support of
units stationed in Norway, Denmark and Northern Germany. The Reich
zealously protects these waters, the doorway to their most important
shipyards, ports and industrial installations in northern Germany. The
British Navy imposing its superiority in the Atlantic and other
European seas at the cost of the loss of hundreds of ships dares not
venture into this deadly area. The enormous blocks of ice, and the
minefields, as well as the continuous patrols by the German U-boats and
destroyers make this are a nightmare of British seamen.

-Contact the Sapper.
-Rescue the Green Beret.
-Recover the three parts of the Enigma machine.
-Rescue the Spy, the Thief and the allied sailors.
-Rescue the Captain.
-Use the radio in the camp.
-Destroy the engine.
-The Green Beret and the Spy must use the plane to take the Enigma
machine to the HQ.
-All the others must escape in the sub.

Secondary objectives:
-Disable the bow gun.
-Disable the central gun.
-Disable the stern gun.

-Use the balloon to obtain the explosives.



Check the drawer next to Fins to find three wine bottles and a poison
syringe. Open the door and take out the patrolling guard outside. Check
the locker in this room to find a pistol, a canned food, an arctic
clothing and the first part of the bonus mission.

Take a peek through the door to see a mechanic and a patrolling
soldier. Wait for the soldier to begin walking back to the other end of
the room then Fins should enter and punch the mechanic. Quickly punch
the patrolling guard before he can turn around and tie them both up.
Check all the lockers in this area to find Tiny's decoy, some first aid
kit, a grappling hook, a harpoon gun, an oxygen tube for diving, a
cigarette pack, a canned food and the second part of the bonus mission.
Go through the next door and take out both the admiral and the mechanic
here. Climb the ladder and take out the lone patrolling soldier here.
Climb the ladder again (not the one that leads outside) and take out
both the lieutenant and mechanic in here. Check the crate to find a
poison syringe and some grenades.

Climb back down and peek through the other door. Wait for the
patrolling lieutenant to stop by the mechanic then take them both out
quickly. Go to the adjacent room and take out the lone stationary guard
there then climb the ladder.


As soon as Fins climbed out of the submarine, take out the nearby
patrolling lieutenant. Proceed to the stern and take out the guard
there then dump the body into the submarine (be careful of the soldier
patrolling the plank leading to the submarine). Take out the patrolling
guard when he boards the submarine again and dump the body inside as
Now get Fins to put on his diving gear and jump into the icy cold water
(beware of the walrus). Climb back up at the small piece of land at the
southern edge of the map. Take out the lieutenant and soldier here then
leave the body there.

Now Fins should head west and take out the stationary guard next to the
submarine's bow. Head further west to take out the patrolling guard
here and hide the body next to the submarine's bow as before.
Fins should be able to sneak into the tent where Inferno is hiding
without getting seen (might need a few tries) and talk to him then
transfer the grenades to him.


Fins should take a peek out of the tent and wait until the coast is
clear before taking out the lone stationary guard outside the radio
station (the one with the antenna). QUICKLY carry the body inside the
tent before anybody sees it.
Fins should head outside and take out the patrolling guard to the east.
Carry the body into the tent southeast of the radio station and hide it
there. Once inside, get Fins to take out the patrol leader near the
entrance. Whip out the knife and kill on of the patrolmen near the
fireplace. QUICKLY take out the pistol and kill the other patrolmen
before he can fire his machinegun.

Go outside again and stop outside the radio station. Peek through the
door and wait for the soldier to walk towards the lieutenant first then
quickly open the door and come in. Walk to the left of the table and
take out the lieutenant first then quickly punch the patrolling soldier
before tying them both up. Open the other door in the station to take
out the guard outside and drag the body inside. Check the cupboard in
here to find some sleeping pills, two wine bottles, some first aid kit,
a canned food and the third part of the bonus mission.
Go outside again and head inside the tent to the east (surrounded by
crates). Punch the sleeping lieutenant in here and tie him up.
Head outside again and take out the patrolling guard north of the radio
station then hide the body somewhere safe. Take out the stationary
guard next to the tent surrounded by the crates then hide the body as

Now throw a cigarette pack to the ground to lure the lieutenant
patrolling near the building where Tiny is held. Take out the
lieutenant when he comes close then hide the body inside the tent.
Go to the building where Tiny is held and hide next to the wall.
Quickly come out from the wall and throw the knife to kill the soldier
behind the building while QUICKLY taking out to pistol to kill the
officer. Examine the officer's body for the keys and open the door
leading to the building.
Go inside and take out the sergeant and soldier here. Ascend the
staircase and climb the ladder at the top. Take out the lone soldier
here and open the crate to find a knife, a pistol, a wine bottle, a
remote control for Tiny's decoy, some first aid kit and an arctic
clothing. Go talk to Tiny then transfer all his possessions to him
including the arctic clothing.


Tiny and Fins should go out from the building and head to the east.
Take out the lone patrolling guard here (near the balloon) and hide the
body somewhere safe. Grab the rifle from the guard and use it to kill
the four remaining soldiers around the balloon's vicinity then collect
their rifle ammo afterwards.
Go to the north of the balloon and take out the enemy sniper at the bow
of the destroyer with the rifle. Tiny should now head to the north of
the destroyer and kill off the guards there with the rifle. There
should be four kills in total: a guard from the destroyer deck, a guard
just right next to the destroyer, a soldier and a lieutenant further to
the west who are also patrolling near the destroyer.

Head west again and Tiny should be able to get a lieutenant and four
soldiers between the plateau where the explosives are located and the
destroyer. Shoot the soldier on the destroyer's deck as well who is
walking near the guards that Tiny just shot. Head west again towards
the destroyer's bow and Tiny should be able to take out another three
patrolling soldiers with the rifle.
Head north now and take out all the guards around the small plane as
well as the plateau where the explosives are located. Open all three
crates and Tiny should find two wine bottles, two remote control bombs,
four time bombs and some grenades. Get Fins to come over with the
balloon and transfer some of the explosives to his inventory. Fins
should stock up on rifle ammos as well.
Now simply mop up by taking out the soldier at the front edge of the
destroyer as well as the two remaining guards around there. Get Tiny to
head to the enemy camp again and kill the two remaining soldiers near
the tent area. After the area is clear, get Inferno to enter the tent
and open the crate here to find a wine bottle, some grenades, some
first aid kit, a canned food and an arctic clothing.


Now get Tiny, Fins and Inferno to board the destroyer by climbing the
anchor located at the bow. Head to the central part of the ship and
take out the two lieutenants manning the machineguns at the tower.
Head all the way to the stern and enter the door next to the huge gun
at the back. Take out the sailor inside and head inside the door
between the two guns. Climb down the ladder and take out the two guards
here as well as the mechanic.
Enter the only door in here to gain access to the engine room. Take out
the guard just outside the door and carry his body back to the previous
room. Go back inside and wait for the patrolling soldier to walk up the
ramp to the engine first then Tiny should climb down and take him out.
Simply take care of the remaining sailor and three mechanics here then
tie them up.
Get Fins and Inferno to come over. Inferno should then plant a remote
control bomb at the engine.

Peek through the door leading to the destroyer's bow and there should
be a patrolling guard here. Use Tiny to take him out then plant the
decoy there to lure one of the guards from the adjacent room. Take out
the guard then go into the adjacent room to take out the other one
(check his body for keys). Open the crate here to find a lockpick, a
pistol, a wine bottle, some hypodermic syringes and some first aid kit.
Open the door at the other end of the room then untie Lupin and all the
allied prisoners here. Talk to Spooky and he will update the mission
objectives. Transfer Lupin and Spooky's stuff to them.

Go back to the previous room and climb the ladder here. Take out the
lone patrolling guard as well as the two chatting mechanics in the
small room. Open the crate here to find a poison syringe, some
grenades, a time bomb and a remote control bomb.
Peek through the door leading to the destroyer's stern and wait for the
patrolling guard to walk back. Tiny should go in to punch him followed
by the mechanic then tie them both up.
Go out through the door at the other end of the room to access the
destroyer's deck. Go back all the way to the stern and flick the switch
in here to lower the staircase at the southern side of the destroyer.
Go back to the radio station at the camp and radio headquarters then go
back to join the other commandos.

Peek through the door leading to the bow and take out the mechanic at
the corridor. Get Fins over to kill the lone stationary guard at the
corridor with his knife throwing. Tiny should then take out the guard
who is bathing. Get Inferno inside and plant two time bombs in front of
the rooms where there are two soldiers chatting.
After the bombs exploded, check the lockers in here to find some
sleeping pills, some canned food, some first aid kit, some grenades,
three wine bottles, two arctic clothing, a poison syringe, a
machinegun, a cigarette pack, two time bombs and the fourth part of the
bonus mission. Give the arctic clothing to Lupin and Spooky. Release
the submarine captain here and he will give you a next objective.
Peek through the door at the other end of the corridor and go in to
take out the lone patrolling guard here. Check the lockers to find some
canned food, some sleeping pills, some first aid kit, some grenades, a
rifle, a cigarette pack, a wine bottle, a poison syringe and the fifth
part of the bonus mission.

Now go back to the room before the corridor and climb the ladder here.
Take out the lone mechanic and the soldier here. Head to the bow
direction and enter the door here. Operate the switch in here to
activate the gas that will kill the patrol leader then simply take care
of the patrolman before he can do anything.
Go back to the previous room and open the door at the central southern
edge of the room. Wait for the lone patrolling guard to turn its back
first then get Tiny to take him out including the sailor and the
mechanic. Check the drawer at the wall in the room to find some first
aid kit, an arctic clothing and the sixth and final part of the bonus
Ascend the staircase in this room and peek through the door. Wait for
the patrolling guard to turn its back first then Tiny should go in and
take him down. Ascend the staircase and take out the admiral standing
by the table and hide the body at the bottom of the staircase. Tie up
the patrolling admiral next followed by the sailor sitting at the desk.
Check the desk to find some first aid kit, the Enigma codes, the Enigma
cylinders and the Enigma machine.


Go back outside and go to the destroyer deck. Inferno should access the
bow gun by going into the door beneath it. Plant a time bomb there and
go to the deck again.
Head to the stern and go to the engine room. Get Inferno to pick up the
allied prisoners and send everyone to the submarine including the
captain. The two remaining generators are located just before the
engine room. Place two more time bombs there and get out of there.
Send everyone else into the submarine excluding Tiny and Spooky. Get
Inferno to detonate the bomb for the engine room. Tiny and Spooky
should go into the plane (make sure that the Enigma equipment are
either with Tiny or Spooky). Mission accomplished!!!

Locations of the bonus missions (6 in total):
-Two pieces found in lockers inside the submarine.
-One piece found in cupboard inside the radio station.
-One piece found in lockers at the sleeping quarters inside the
destroyer (where the Captain is imprisoned).
-One piece found in lockers at the forward part of the destroyer (just
after the sleeping quarters).
-One piece found in a drawer on a wall at the room before the bridge in
the destroyer.


Bonus Mission 3
Location: Unknown
Personnel: Tiny, Duke, Fins, Inferno, Tread

-Escape with all of your men in the vehicle via the track.

Secondary objectives:
-Neutralize the enemy sniper.
-Neutralize the grenadiers.

-Neutralize the squad of workers.
-Hide your commandos in the thicket.
-Steal the amphibious vehicle.



Get Tiny to place the decoy slightly to the west. Now two of the
commandos should be put in attack mode facing to one side of the logs.
The other two should be put in attack mode as well but they have to
face the other side of the logs to cover both sides.
Tiny should then activate the decoy to lure the soldier and worker from
the other side of the logs. The rest of the enemies will be alerted
when the shooting begins; they should be easily disposed of without the
commandos suffering too much damage.


Open the crate next to the amphibious vehicle to find some first aid
kit, some Molotov cocktails and some gas grenades.
Get Duke to snipe the enemy sniper next to the riverbank just north of
the amphibious vehicle.
Everyone should board the amphibious transport and get Tread to drive
it into the middle of the river. Duke should disembark and crawl to the
other side of the riverbank at the western side (near the plants at the
western edge of the map). Snipe the enemy sniper and grenadier who are
crouching near the pile of logs. A second grenadier will come to
investigate; drop him before he can sound the alarm. Now Duke should
also have a clear shot at the grenadier behind the bushes to the east;
snipe him with the last bullet. Don't forget to grab the dead sniper's

Now get Tread to swim over and hide the behind the pile of logs east of
the ramp leading inland. Throw a Molotov cocktail to take out the
patrol and use the remaining two to take out as many soldiers as
possible. Duke should be able to mop up with the sniper rifle ammo from
the dead enemy sniper.
Get everyone back into the amphibious vehicle and get Inferno to check
one of the crates in the area for some grenades then throw it towards
the truck to clear the road. Tread should then drive the vehicle to the
end of the road. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 4: Target: Burma
Location: Burma
Personnel: Tiny, Duke, Tread, Lupin


May 1942. After conquering Singapore, Hong Kong and the
Philippines, Japan overcomes Thailand and Burma in a few weeks. Its
next objective: India.
The plan consists in launching a powerful offensive through the
borders of Burma, advancing to Calcutta, there joining its forces
landed on the southern Indian coast, thus trapping the allies in a
deadly pincer move.
The Allied High Command settled on the plains of Imphal, knows
the key to preserve India consists in stopping the Japanese offensive
at the border. This is a heroic task as the allied troops are
outnumbered and exhausted from months of defeat and withdrawals in the
Asian continent.
Cut off and with no hope for reinforcements in weeks, the only
hope lies on a single battalion of the British Army, a group of
mercenary fighters of Indian origins, fearful warriors known for their
ferocity and courage in battle. The Ghurkas 1st Battalion.

-Rescue the spiritual leader.
-Rescue the Ghurkas.
-Order the Ghurka to operate the radio.
-Eliminate the tyrant.
-Escape on the barge with the spiritual leader.

Secondary objectives: none

-Contact the fat man and arm the Ghurkas.



Tiny should drop the decoy near the trees to the east (just next to the
bridge) then go back into hiding. Activate the decoy and the Japanese
soldier to the north of the decoy will come to investigate. Take him
out from behind and grab the decoy.
Now head to the northeast of the starting point and take out the lone
stationary guard here, who is standing next to the canal. Hide his body
in the same place as before.

Now head further west and take out the lone patrolling guard there when
he stops next to the canal. Carry and hide his body somewhere safe. Go
to the southwestern edge of the map and take out the stationary guard
here (near the lamp post) then hide his body as well.
Now go take out the guard patrolling the western edge of the map just
slightly to the north then hide the body somewhere safe.
Keep going north and stop to hide at the statue next to the bridge
leading to the temple. Take out the Japanese officer who is patrolling
back and forth here then hide his body somewhere safe. Check his body
to grab a cigarette pack.

Get Duke to snipe the patrolling guard just north of the starting point
(on the balcony of the building across the canal).
Tiny should then cross the river and take out the stationary guard to
the west of the building (the one turning its back to the canal) then
hide the body.
Now slowly head to temple where the spiritual leader is but beware of
the officer at the bottom of the staircase leading there, only move
when his sight are moving to the right. Tiny should take him out when
can get close enough and hide the body. Ascend the staircase now and go
inside the temple to talk to the spiritual leader.


Get Lupin to cross the canal and climb the wall onto the balcony of the
building to the north. Use the rope ladder and get Tiny to climb up.
Take a peek through the door here to see a lone Japanese soldier in
here. Wait until he turn his back to the door then go in and dispose of
Now get Tiny to climb the ladder next to the temple where the spiritual
leader is. Go down the ladder on the roof and take out the lone
patrolling guard here. Open the door to access the adjacent and QUICKLY
use the pistol to kill the officer and soldier in here. Climb down the
ladder in this room to find the Ghurkas and bring them along with Tiny

Leave the Ghurkas with Lupin for now and get Tiny to put the decoy at
the gate just to the west of the large Buddha statue. Activate it and
the guard should come to investigate. Get Tiny to take him out and
retrieve the decoy.
Now get Tiny to creep along the wall to the northern wall from the
Buddha statue. Take out the guard next to the gate north of the Buddha
statue and hide the body at the corner. Take out the patrolling officer
to the north of the gate and hide the body at the corner.

Enter the opening to the east of the gate north of the Buddha statue.
Open the door right at the front and take out the patrolling soldier.
Enter the library to the left and take out the stationary guard here.
Enter the last room in this area and take out the two soldiers as well
as the officer here. Check the desk and bookshelves in this area to
find some sleeping pills, some first aid kit, some smoke and gas
grenades, five wine bottles, a binocular, a cigarette pack and the
first two pieces of the bonus mission.
Climb the ladder here and QUICKLY take care of the soldier before he
can do anything then knock out all the workers as well and tie them all
Go back out again and enter the building where the fat man is located.
Take out all three workers inside with Tiny's fist then go talk to the
fat man. The crates contain two Japanese rifles, some sniper rifle
ammos; some smoke and gas grenades and some Molotov cocktails.

Now go back out and head to the back of the temple where the spiritual
leader is. Take out the guard standing next to the canal who is looking
at the back door and hide body at the corner. Enter through the back
door and take out the lone patrolling guard here and hide him at a
corner. Now Tiny have to QUICKLY use his gun to kill the remaining
officer and three soldiers here before they can do much damage to him.
When everyone is dead, check the drawer here to find a canned food,
three wine bottles, some first aid kit, a rope ladder and the third
part of the bonus mission.

Go back to the Ghurkas and give the Japanese rifles to them (also equip
them with rifles from the enemies that have been tied up earlier). Get
Duke and Tread to cross the canal and join the rest of the team.
Tiny should now head to the Buddha statue and enter it. Take out the
sitting soldier to the left. Now wait for the other guard at the bottom
to see him then quickly take him out before he can untie his friend.
Climb down the ladder next and take out the worker.
Enter the opening at the other end of the room and take out the two
workers here. Go back to the previous room and climb the wooden ladder
then take out the soldier standing by the crates. Now simply whip out a
gun and shoot the ground. Wait for the two soldiers from above to climb
down the ladder first then shoot them to death.


Go back out of the Buddha statue then head south and sneak along the
railings there. Head to the east and take out the soldier in front of
the left guard tower then drag the body inside. Simply head to the
basement to take out the worker then use any available means to kill
the soldiers on the second floor.

Go back out again and enter the building north of the left guard tower
through the side entrance by sticking to the wall really closely
(beware of the sniper on the roof).
Quickly take out the patrolling guard here and the other one in the
corridor. Ascend the staircase to the second floor and take out the
officer who is leaning out of the window. Now dispose of the sleeping
soldier and the lone patrolling officer at the adjacent room but leave
the two soldiers who are sitting at the table.
Climb the ladder to the third floor and climb the ladder again to get
to the fourth floor. Take out the two snipers here and grab their guns.
Go back down to the first floor and get Tread to come over. Open the
door leading to the room with the three guards inside and lob a gas
grenade to knock them out then tie them up. Check the drawers here to
find some first aid kit, some canned food, some smoke and gas grenades,
some Molotov cocktails, a pistol, a binocular, a wine bottle and the
fourth piece of the bonus mission.

Now get Duke over and snipe the two guards next to the gate located to
the north of the building Tiny is in now. Crawl around the building to
the right side and take out the lone stationary guard at the courtyard
there. The guard standing in front of the door will come to
investigate, take him out as well. Now Duke should aim at the roof of
the right guard tower and take out the sniper there. Tiny should head
back to the second floor and go out to the balcony. Tie up the two
Japanese snipers there and grab their rifles.

Now get Tiny to head to the right guard tower and take out the soldier
at the basement level. Don't forget to grab the dead sniper's ammo on
the third floor.
Enter the radio tower located north of the guard tower that Tiny just
entered (the one next to compound's wall). Take out the worker here and
bang on the wall to lure the soldier who is cleaning his rifle. Quickly
take him out before he can untie his friend. The cupboard here contains
some first aid kit and the fifth part of the bonus mission.
Stand near the ladder and fire a shot. Kill the three soldiers as they
climb down the ladder and get one of the Ghurkas over to stand by next
to the radio.

Now send Duke to kill everyone on the map (excluding the sniper on top
of the building to the west of the radio tower) and he should be left
with exactly seventeen bullets.
Send Tiny to enter the small towers north of the radio tower through
the orange door at the side. Go to the adjacent room first and take out
the lone patrolling guard there but leave the two guards who are
cleaning their rifles. Tiny should then climb the ladder at the other
end of the room and take out the lone soldier there.
Get Duke to come in and shoot the two soldiers at the ground floor.
Check the cupboards here to find some fish food, four wine bottles,
three shovels, two Japanese rifles and the sixth part of the bonus
Get Duke to climb the other ladder and snipe the patrolling soldier.
Take out the stationary guard here and check the cupboard to find some
sleeping pills, some first aid kit and the seventh piece of the bonus

Send Tiny to the large house next to the place where the fat man is
(enter through the back door). Take out the three patrolling guards
here and ascend the staircase (need some patience).
Take out the lone patrolling guard here followed by the officer lying
on the bed. Get Tread to enter through the back door like Tiny then lob
a gas grenade at the group of soldiers near the front door then quickly
tie them up. Ascend the main staircase to the second floor and tie up
the soldier who is in the room with the bookshelves. Check them to find
some canned food, some smoke grenades, some Molotov cocktails, some
sleeping pills, three wine bottles, a gas grenade, two rope ladders,
three shovels and the eighth part of the bonus mission.


Now get one of the commandos to fetch the spiritual leader and everyone
should crouch near the barge. Get Tread to enter the last building that
has not been explored in the map, which is the one to the right of the
guard towers.
Throw two gas grenades to take out the two soldiers near the entrance
then tie them both up. Check the furniture here to find some first aid
kit, some Molotov cocktails, some smoke and gas grenades, three wine
bottles as well as the ninth and final part of the bonus mission.

Get the Ghurka to use the radio. Quickly get Duke to climb the lamp
post near the barge and wait for the tyrant to come. The tyrant will be
wearing a blue uniform. Don't let the mass of soldiers become a
distraction; let Duke take his time and aim carefully then squeeze the
trigger. When the shot has been commenced, quickly climb back down. Get
all your commandos to enter the barge with the spiritual leader.
Mission accomplished!!!

Locations of the bonus missions (9 in total):
-Two pieces found in a desk and a bookshelf located in the building
just behind the fat man's place (across the Buddha statue).
-One piece found in drawers located at the ground level of the temple
where the spiritual leader is.
-One piece found in drawers located at the first floor of the building
to the east of the Buddha statue.
-One piece found in cupboard located at the first floor of the radio
-Two pieces found in cupboards located at the small towers north of the
radio tower.
-One piece found in bookshelf located at the second floor of the
building to the west of the radio tower.
-One piece found in cupboard located at the first floor of the building
to the east of the right guard tower.


Bonus Mission 4
Location: Unknown
Personnel: Tiny, Duke, Inferno, Tread

-Resist the invasion.

Secondary objectives: none

-Prepare your men to resist an infantry attack.
-Hide the allied soldiers to set up ambushes.
-The enemy will have reinforcements nearby.


There is no real strategy in this mission. Luck also plays quite an
important factor here. Setup the allied soldiers behind the walls
supported by some of the commandos.
Place the anti-personnel mines on the road to try to take out as many
enemy soldiers as possible.
Get Inferno to crawl to the south and stop behind the wall nearest to
the bunch of soldiers. He has to stick as close as possible to the
eastern edge of the map to avoid getting seen by the patrolling soldier

From there Inferno should be able to lob a grenade towards the
soldiers' formation. The explosion (if done properly) should be able to
take out the whole formation on the right thus reducing the number of
enemy by almost half.
The invasion will automatically begin and the enemy soldiers will start
to advance on the other commandos' positions. Inferno should QUICKLY
fall back while trying to kill more soldiers with his remaining
grenades and flamethrower.
Use Duke to snipe a few if possible but control Inferno for this
mission and rely heavily on the flamethrower.
When the first wave has been defeated, the enemy reinforcement will
appear. Use any surviving commandos and allied soldiers to put up an
even fiercer fight and use any remaining ammunitions e.g. Inferno's
grenades and Duke's sniper rifle ammo or Tread's Molotov cocktails.
Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 5: Bridge Over the River Kwai
Location: River Kwai, Thailand
Personnel: Tiny, Fins, Tread, Lupin


June 1942. The Japanese expansion in the Pacific continues. The
allied prisoners numbering tens of thousands are directed to prisoner
camps where they are forced into slave labor in the most inhumane of
conditions. Many perish, victims of beatings, starvation and epidemics.
In Thailand, the prisoners from one of these camps are pressed in
to the construction of the Tamarkan bridge, which will complete the
vital railway link to Burma, allowing for the movement of men and
supplies to the interior of the continent.
Its opening is readied for the 17th of June with a special train
of the Japanese high command running the whole railway line ending with
the crossing of the Tamarkan bridge, the bridge over the River Kwai.

-Rescue Guinness.
-Obtain the explosives.
-Find the bridge's weak spot by taking Guinness to the model.
-Plant the explosive trap.
-Summon the train by sending a telegraph.

Secondary objectives:
-Rescue the prisoners.

-Cross the river on an elephant.



Tiny should first of all take out the two soldiers near the commandos
starting position then hide the body beneath the cliff to the north.
Tiny should then go around the elephant cage and stop at the southern
side (near the entrance). Take out the soldier near the entrance when
he come to end of his patrol then hide the body like before.
Now Tiny should disguise himself as an enemy soldier by stealing a
uniform so the enemy would not be suspicious of him if he enters their
long-range view. Go to the east and take out the officer who is writing
some notes near the car (beware of the guards on the guard tower) then
hide his body with the others.
Come back and hide besides the building west of the guard tower and
wait for one of the guards to come down then take him out. Climb the
guard tower next then take out the remaining guard here. Get Lupin over
to unlock the box and he will find a machinegun, some Molotov cocktails
and some smoke grenades.

Tiny should head into the building to the west of the guard tower. Take
out the soldier here followed by the patrolling worker. Lastly, take
out the worker writing notes near the boat. Open the box here to find a
cigarette pack, a wirecutter and the first piece of the bonus mission.
Head back outside and go inside the elephant cage by crawling along the
northern wall all the way to the back. Simply take out the lone
stationary guard here and tie him up then hide the body at the back of
the cage.
Position the decoy at the corner located at the north side of the cage
and go to hide. Activate it to lure the lone guard at the road leading
to the bridge just north of the elephant cage. When he turns around to
enter the cage, follow closely from behind to take him out and leave
the body there.

Now get Tread to join Tiny and lob a Molotov cocktail at the officer
and soldier who is chatting to each other to the east of the elephant

Additional note: Make sure that only the patrolling soldier to the
northeast are alarmed by the Molotov (the one near the house to the
west of the pier). The only way to make this happen is to let him walk
back towards the river first before throwing the bomb. By the time he
turn his back, the fire would have die down and he will run over to
investigate. Get Tread to lob a second Molotov cocktail...

After the fire have die down, get Tiny to hide all three charred bodies
inside the elephant cage. Lupin should come over to unlock the box
located south of the house-pier. Inside he will find a cigarette pack,
a wine bottle, a canned food and some first aid kit.
Get Tiny to enter the house-pier and take out the worker in the first
room. Open the drawer here to find some smoke grenades, some Molotov
cocktails, a wine bottle, a binocular, a grappling hook and the second
piece of the bonus mission.
Open the door to the corridor and take out the patrolling soldier here.
Get Tread to come inside and lob a Molotov cocktail to take out the two
guards sitting at the bench. Throw a second Molotov out of the window
to burn the guard standing outside.
Tiny should now go out and drag the charred remains inside the
building. Go back out of the house and take out the guard crouching by
the boat and hide the body inside the house.
Tiny should head to the north and take out the patrolling soldier
underneath the bridge then hide the body somewhere safe.
Head further north and take out the guard at the bottom of the cliff to
the northwest followed by the stationary soldier who is looking at the
river to the east of the guard that Tiny just took out.


Have Tread craw along the path north of the elephant cage that is
leading to the bridge. He should then throw a Molotov cocktail at the
lone stationary soldier near the railway. Four guards will be alerted
to the explosion: the officer, the patrolling soldier, the stationary
soldier far to the west and the smoking soldier right at the western
edge of the railway. These four people will come to investigate the
remains of the unlucky soldier; Tread should lob a second Molotov
cocktail to take care of them...

Get all of the commandos to regroup at the area to the west of the
bridge. Now get Fins to crawl along the railway to the east without
getting seen by the lone stationary guard along the way. Fins should
then throw the knife to take him out then hide the body with the pile
of ashes to the west.
Stop at the middle of the bridge and examine the stack of barrels here
to find the third piece of the bonus mission.
Head further east and take out the Japanese sniper that is looking to
the south then hide the body in the same place as before.
Tiny should head east again and stop next to the box of coal at the
eastern edge of the railway. Take out the worker who is crouching near
the locked box further to the east (south of the railway near the two
small hut with the crane). QUICKLY hide the body inside the hut with
the small crane before anybody can see him.

Tiny should come back out and lie down next to the box of coal again.
Get Lupin to come over and unlock the box to find a canned food, a
knife, a wirecutter, some smoke grenades and some first aid kit.
Get Tiny to crawl further east and head to the back of the prisoner
camp to the north. Use the wirecutter to cut through the wire fence and
go inside (beware of the patrolling soldier here).
Head into the largest building when no one is looking and check the
cupboard to find the explosives, some Molotov cocktails, a wine bottle
and the fourth piece of the bonus mission.
Go back outside and hide beside the house. Wait for the patrolling
soldier from the northwest to come to the back of the house to smoke
first then Tiny should take him out then hide his body inside.
Wait by the side again for the second patrolling soldier from the
northwest to stop next to the door leading to the house that Tiny just
entered. Take him out and hide the body inside as well.
Cut the wire fence to the northwest of the camp and take out the lone
patrolling soldier outside then leave the body there.
Get Tiny to take out the two remaining soldiers near the entrance to
the prisoner camp by taking out the inner one first followed by the one
near the box of coal.
Now Tiny should enter the northwestern house of the prisoner camp. Take
out the officer to the right as well as the patrolling soldier then
throw both bodies out of the window. Get Tread to come in and check the
cupboard to find a canned food, a cigarette pack, a knife, some fish
food and the fifth part of the bonus mission.
Lob a smoke grenade at the two soldiers in the adjacent room then
quickly tie them up before the gas dissipates. Get all of the commandos
to regroup near the box of coal.


Tiny should to the east and take out the stationary guard at the far
end near the edge of the map the hide the body in the prisoner camp
just be safe.
Fins should go down the footpath leading to the base of the bridge
located to the north of the coal box. Hide at the bottom of the
footpath and wait for the patrolling soldier from the south to turn his
back before taking him out by throwing the knife then hide the body at
the bottom of the bridge.
Fins should go to the south and take out the soldier at the bottom of
the cliff (near the footpath south of the bridge) by throwing his knife
then quickly hide the body beneath the bridge.

Additional note: Make sure that Fins has a wirecutter in his inventory
before he goes down to save time later.

Tiny should now go down the footpath south of the bridge and stop at
the bottom. As soon as the soldier to the east (near the small house)
turn his eyes to the other way, Tiny have to quickly make his move and
walk to the side of the house (requires very precise timing). Wait
again for the soldier to look away then quickly cut the corner to take
him out.
Get Tread and Lupin to join Tiny beside the small house. Tread should
lob a Molotov cocktail through the window to kill the soldier sitting
inside. Get Tiny to enter the door and quickly shoot the officer to
death. Open the small cupboard here to find some sleeping pills, some
first aid kit and the sixth part of the bonus mission.
Lupin should unlock the metal box in here to find a binocular and three

Tiny should head to the telegraph station to the south and take out the
lone stationary soldier at the balcony who is looking over Guinness'
prison. Enter the telegraph station through the side door and take out
the soldier here. Go to the adjacent room and QUICKLY shoot the two
soldiers by the telegraph machine before they can do anything.
Now peek through the door and wait for the patrolling guard outside to
return. Take him out then quickly hide the body inside the station.
The patrolling officer will return and go back down again; he will ask
the lone soldier next to the door of the house at the bottom to go up.
Wait for the soldier to stop in front of the door then Tiny should take
him out and drag the body inside. Peek through the door and wait for
the officer to return then take him out and drag the body inside.
Now Fins should crawl along the riverbank to the south and stop behind
the bathing soldier. Wait for the jailer in Guinness' prison to walk
away and start punching the pole next to the entrance the Fins should
quickly take out the bathing soldier and throw the body into the river.
Now simply sneak up on the jailer from behind, cut the fence with the
wirecutter then throw the knife to kill him. Check the body for some
keys and go talk to Guinness.


After the conversation, get Tiny to descend the staircase and circle
the house at the bottom while keeping close to the wall in order to
avoid being seen by the sniper at the window. Enter the door next to
the window and take out the officer followed by the soldier cleaning
his rifle. Fire a shot from the pistol to lure the last soldier in this
room to stand up then quickly gun him down.
Get Lupin to come inside and unlock the metal box here to find a wine
bottle, a mantrap, a wirecutter, some sleeping pills, some first aid
kit and some smoke grenades.

Go inside the door to the adjacent room and take out the sniper here
then hide the body near the door. Simply get Tiny to fire a shot and
kill all three guards at the second floor as they climb down the
ladder. Tiny should now climb the ladder and examine the small drawer
here to find three shovels, a wine bottle and the seventh part of the
bonus mission.
Get Fins to escort Guinness and enter the building from the locked door
at the staircase mid-landing using the key that was taken from the dead
jailer earlier. Guinness should go to the bridge's scale model and a
conversation will ensue.
After the conversation, get one of the commandos to go to the railway
and examine the row of barrels near the center. Put the explosive
inside and climb back down to join the others.


Regroup everyone at the bottom of the bridge and let Tiny head north to
take out the lone stationary guard there (at the bottom of the cliff
near the cage where the prisoners are) then dump his body into the
river. Wait for the patrolling guard from the north to come back then
take him out as well and dump him into the river.

Get Fins over and put on his diving suit. He should then shoot the rope
hanging the prisoners' cage mid-air then quickly jump into the river.
Go underwater and release the prisoners from the cage.
Now simply send someone to go to the telegraph station and send the
message to summon the train. Mission accomplished!!!

Locations of the bonus missions (7 in total):
-One piece found in box located inside the building to the west of the
guard tower.
-One piece found in a drawer located inside the house-pier.
-One piece found in the southern row of barrels near the center of the
-One piece found in the cupboard inside the largest building at the
prisoner camp (where the explosives are).
-One piece found in the cupboard inside the northwestern building of
the prisoner camp.
-One piece found in the small cupboard inside the small house south of
the bridge (at the bottom of the southern footpath of the bridge).
-One piece found in a small drawer next to the bridge's scale model.


Bonus Mission 5
Location: Training Mission 1
Personnel: Inferno, Lupin

-Neutralize all of your enemies.

Secondary objectives:
-Switch off the spotlights.

-Use the telephone wires to move around the scenery without being seen.
-Get the flamethrower.
-Neutralize the soldiers at the border post.


First of all, take out stationary soldier standing next to the bushes
near the starting position then hide the body. Wait for the lieutenant
with the flashlight to come back the Inferno should follow him then
take him out and hide the body behind the bushes.
Get Lupin to climb the telephone pole and swing towards third pole.
Climb back down and flick the switch here to turn off the spotlights
(beware of the patrolling soldier while climbing down the pole).
Now crawl to the northern edge of the map and head to the west then
south to access the metal box. Unlock it to find some grenades, a
wirecutter and a flamethrower.

Climb the telephone pole again and swing back towards Inferno and give
all the equipment that Lupin just got. Inferno should then crawl
towards the officer group and lob a grenade there. The surrounding
soldier should come running to investigate; take them out with the
second grenade. Simply mop up any remaining enemy soldier with the
flamethrower. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 6: The Guns of Savo Island
Location: Savo Island, north of Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Personnel: Tiny, Fins, Inferno, Tread


On the 28th of May the allies achieve a very important victory in
Midway, breaking the Japanese advance in the South Pacific as well as
equalizing their naval forces with the destruction of four Japanese
aircraft carriers.
But in July of 1942 Allied Naval Intelligence sounds the alarm.
The Japanese have constructed an airfield on the largest of the Solomon
Islands, Guadalcanal, from where they could continue their offensive.
The Allied High Commands draws up a plan to take the island, code
named Operation "Watchtower", the largest amphibious assault since the
beginning of the conflict. But there is an important obstacle in their
way, the island of Savo, located north of Guadalcanal. Strongly
fortified, the island is bristling with large artillery, protected in
underground tunnels, safe from the attack of bombers. In these
conditions any landing attempt at Guadalcanal would be a massacre. The
island of Savo is the key to Guadalcanal.

-Rescue the Allied pilot.
-Get explosives.
-Destroy the guns.
-Escape in the seaplane.

Secondary objectives:
-Steal the golden monkey.
-Blow up the wall behind the golden monkey.

-Contact the shipwrecked sailor.
-Steal the key to the tunnels.
-Find the blowtorch in the sunken ship, in order to open the bunker



Get Fins to row the inflatable raft towards the shipwrecked sailor. Let
Fins disembark from the raft and talk to the sailor. After the
conversation, the mission objective will be updated.
Get Fins to don his diving suit then dive underwater. Kill the shark in
here and head to the next screen by going to the east. Kill the shark
here as well and head north to reach the next screen.
Take out the shark first then shoot the enemy diver with the harpoon
and proceed to the next area.

Fins will see the sunken ship here. Kill the three enemy divers first
then enter the ship's bow. Grab the blowtorch here and go back out.
Swim to the place where Fins first came and go to the west to get to
the next screen. Kill the shark in here then proceed forward and take
out the two enemy divers up ahead.


Proceed to the next screen and kill the shark here. Go into the
seaplane here by the hole at the bottom. Take out the worker near the
ladder then just fire a shot to the ground. The three guards on the
second level will come rushing to the ladder. Simply shoot them to
death as they climb down. Dive into the water again and re-surface next
to the plane.

Head to the right side of the plane and hide near the cliff there. Wait
for the patrolling soldier to stop nearby first then quickly take him
out then dump the body in the ocean. Take out the stationary guard
crouching to the north (at the bottom of the cliff) and dump him into
the ocean as well.
Now cross the beach and crawl along the small river further inland and
take out the stationary soldier underneath the bridge.
Jump back to the ocean and swim to the left side of the plane. Swim to
the western coast area and take out the soldier on the wooden staircase
by throwing the knife then dump the body inside the ocean.

Now take out the patrolling soldier on the beach by hiding behind the
stack of crates. Throw the knife to take him out when he come close.
Retrieve the knife then take out the smoking soldier at the coast and
dump both bodies into the ocean.
Crawl along the plank towards the plane and quickly whip out the gun
and shoot both of the guards near the plane then dump the bodies into
the ocean.
Fins should now head to the wooden staircase to the west. Stop midway
and throw a cigarette pack on the top landing to lure the patrolling
guard nearby. Throw the knife to take him out then dump the body inside
the ocean.
Head further inland by ascending the wooden staircase then go into the
house. Take out the patrolling soldier near the window to the left then
leave him there. Now whip out the pistol and QUICKLY shoot the four
remaining guards in here.
Go back out, tie up the two officers there then drag them inside. Head
back outside and kill the lone soldier who is overlooking the ocean to
the west then hide the body inside.

Now wait for the officer from the cannon to the northwest to walk
towards the cannon at the west then QUICKLY take him out. Proceed to
take out the two soldiers manning the cannon to the west then hide all
three bodies in the house like before.
Fins should now take out the guard outside the building to between the
two cannons then hide the body like before. Peek through the door and
wait for the patrolling guard inside to look away first before going
in. Take out the patrolling guard then simply mop up by taking out the
remaining two guards here.
Go out from the building by using the other door. Fins should take out
the stationary officer followed by the soldier patrolling near the
anti-aircraft gun then dump both bodies inside.
Fin should now head inside the small green building at the area, but
enter the right door because the left one leads into the heavily
guarded bunker. Take out the two soldiers who are looking down the
ladder then fire a shot to lure the worker at the bottom. Simply shoot
him to death when he is climbing the ladder.
Fins should now climb down and open the crate here to find two remote
control bombs.
Head back outside and jump into the ocean. Swim back to the others and
pass the bombs to Inferno.


Group all the commandos together including Wilson then jump into the
ocean. Swim to the western edge of the map then swim all the way to the
north without stopping. Halfway through the map, there is a boat with a
machinegun onboard. Some of the commandos may get shot along the way
but as long as they keep moving, the damage will be very small. When
they are safe from the gunboat, get everyone to land on the shore near
the plane and take a rest for a while...

Get everyone to head to the area that Fins had cleared earlier. Tread
should throw a smoke grenade at the officer and soldier who is chatting
just to the east of the wooden bridge that connects the western and
eastern area of the island. Quickly move in before the gas dissipates
to take them both out then hide the bodies in one of the houses.
Get Tiny to cross the bridge to the west and take out the soldier
leaning on it along the way. Carry the body and hide it in one of the
buildings to the east.

Get Tread to enter the left door of the small green building. Descend
the staircase and open the door into a corridor. Roll a smoke grenade
on the floor towards the two chatting soldiers. Take them both out
followed by the lone stationary guard standing outside a door.
Regroup everyone in the corridor and send Inferno to enter the door at
the other end of the corridor and put a remote control bomb next to the
wall in the golden monkey room. Go back into the corridor and detonate
the bomb. Tiny should now get inside and grab the golden monkey then go
out from the large hole in the wall. Carry the golden monkey along the
coast and put it inside the plane. Tiny should head back inside the
corridor and join the others.

Inferno should enter the remaining door in the corridor to access the
command room (make sure it's not the door near the golden monkey room
but the other one). Take out the stationary soldier at the staircase
then carry the body to the corridor.
Go back inside and lob a grenade to take out the sailors and the
patrolling soldier at the bottom of the staircase. There should be
three enemies left in the command room: an admiral (the one with the
white uniform), an officer and a sailor. Wait until they return to
their posts then Inferno should move in and take the officer out
followed by the admiral then the sailor. Check the admiral's body for
the bunker keys.
Examine all the furniture in the command room to find a knife, some
first aid kit, some canned food, some sleeping pills, some Molotov
cocktails, eight wine bottles and the first three pieces of the bonus


Get everyone back outside and Tread should cross the bridge to the
western side of the island. Stop near the two chatting soldiers and
throw a Molotov cocktail at the two guards slightly to the southwest
(next to imprisoned allied pilot) but make sure that no one is alerted.
Get Wilson to stand to the west of the two chatting soldiers and sound
his trumpet. Tread should tie them both up and hide the bodies in one
of the houses in the eastern part of the island (get one of the
commandos to help so it will be faster therefore less risk of being


Get Fins to climb down the short ladder from where the allied pilot is
imprisoned. Throw the knife to take out the soldier near the ladder.
Kill the officer near the small green building to the west followed by
the soldier next to the cannon slightly to the east then leave the
bodies there.
Tiny should now enter the door at the right side of the green building
and take out all the four workers at the upper level. Head to the mid-
level and take out the worker here then check the crate to find a rope
ladder and a remote control bomb. Fire a shot to the ground to lure the
two guards at the bottom to come investigate then QUICKLY shoot to kill
them both.

Go back up then open the door to the left this time with the key from
the admiral in the command room earlier. Descend the staircase and open
the door to enter a room with two exits. Take out the stationary guard
and the worker first then enter the door that the guard was facing.
Take out the stationary guard in this room followed by the four workers
at the lower level who is hacking away at the wall. Open the crate here
to find some grenades.
Go back to the previous room and enter the other door. Take out the
worker here and enter the only door here.
Tiny should enter the door to the right and crouch immediately. Crawl
around the barrels and boxes until Tiny can get close to the lone
stationary guard across the room. Take him out when he is not looking
and get tread to join Tiny. Tread should then throw a Molotov cocktail
to take out the two workers here.

Get Tiny to climb the ladder in here and exit through the opening.
Ascend the ladder here and unlock the bunker door leading outside.

Additional note: Make sure that the patrolling officer is not outside
when Tiny go out otherwise the alarm will sound.

Take out the stationary soldier outside followed by the one with the
binocular and the guard standing next to the cannon then hide all three
bodies inside the bunker entrance.
Wait for the patrolling officer to return then take him out as soon as
he turn his back then hide the body with the previous three victims.
Get Tread to come out from the bunker and lob a Molotov cocktail to
take out the officer and two sailors behind the bunker entrance (make
sure that the stationary soldier is not alerted). Simply get Fins to
join Tiny and Tread outside then throw the knife to take out the
stationary soldier near the recent burn victims. Open the crate here to
find a flamethrower and a binocular.

Now get Fins to climb the ladder to the circular platform slightly to
the east of the bunker entrance (next to the AA gun). Get Tread to lob
a Molotov cocktail from the bottom of the ladder to kill the guard next
to the anti-aircraft gun while Fins have to QUICKLY throw his knife at
the soldier standing on the circular platform before he can sound the
alarm. Enter the hut on the platform and take out the soldier here then
drag the dead body on the platform inside. Head back outside and take
out the guard at the adjacent platform by throwing the knife.
Tiny should head along the footpath to the north of the bunker entrance
and take out the stationary guard here.

Get Tread to peek through the door of the house to the east of Tiny.
Time it really carefully so when the patrolling officer and soldier
walks through the door into the adjacent room, QUICKLY get Tread to go
inside and lob a Molotov cocktail at the door which should take out the
two of them plus an admiral standing nearby.

Additional note: Make sure that none of the other soldiers inside the
house are alerted.

Now Tread can take out the two soldiers who are leaning out of the
windows as well as the sailor next to the bookshelf. Check the cupboard
and bookshelf here to find some first aid kit, some canned food, three
wine bottles and the fourth piece of the bonus mission.

Inferno should head to the small hut just south of the larger bunker
entrance to the north. Lob a grenade inside through the door to take
out all the patrolmen inside.
Now get Tread over and lob a Molotov cocktail at the guard on top of
the bunker entrance to the north. Tiny should then take out the guard
to the right of the bunker door. He should then take out the soldier
leaning on the window of the house north of the anti-aircraft gun (the
building where Tread lob a Molotov cocktail earlier which killed an
admiral, an officer and a soldier) then dump the body inside the house.

Now get Tiny to crawl his way to the northernmost building and enter
it. Take out the lone officer in here and check the cupboard to find a
rope ladder, a Japanese rifle and the fifth piece of the bonus mission.
Go back outside and take out the patrolling soldier next to the house
then dump the body inside.
Tiny should now enter the building just to the south. Whip out the
pistol and shoot QUICKLY to take out the two soldiers here.
Get Tiny to climb the telephone pole and glide towards the building
with the sniper on the roof then simply wait there until his energy bar
runs out. Tiny will fall down to the side of the house; heal him with a
first aid kit then enter the house. Take out the patrolling soldier at
the ground level then open the cupboard to find a wine bottle, some
Molotov cocktails and the sixth piece of the bonus mission. Climb up
the ladder and take out the sniper then head back outside through the
back door.

Grab Fins' knife and carry the soldier that he killed earlier into the
house. Come out again and drop the decoy there. Activate the decoy to
lure the guard from the front to come investigate. Take him out then
hide the body inside as well.
Now get Inferno to take out the stationary guard outside the small hut
in front of the bunker entrance then drag the body inside. Peek outside
and wait for the remaining patrolling soldier outside to appear then
simply approach him from behind and take him out then dump his body
inside one of the houses.
Inferno should then lob a grenade through the window of the house just
next to the bamboo bridge to the east. The resulting explosion should
be able to take out all the patrolmen inside.
Get Tiny to enter the last small hut in this area (next to the building
with the sniper on the roof) and take out the lone soldier inside. Open
the crate inside to find some first aid kit and a rope ladder.
Get Inferno to head to the northernmost building and lob a grenade here
to take out the group of soldiers near the barrels. The explosion
should be able to kill all but one of them who can be easily disposed
off with several well-placed shots from a gun.


Now get Tread to go to small bunker entrance to the south and lob a
Molotov cocktail at the soldiers on the beach who are looking at the
crate. Wait for the soldier with the binocular on the beach to notice
the dead bodes first then Inferno should come down and shoot him to
death. Go a bit further to the east and shoot the soldier next to the
cannon. Open the crate here to find some mines.

Head further east and lob a grenade to take out the two soldiers near
the ammunition storage room and enter it. Throw another grenade here to
take out all three guards inside the ammunition storage room and open
the cupboard to find two remote control bombs, some Molotov cocktails
and the seventh piece of the bonus mission.

Regroup everyone including Wilson and the allied pilot at the small
bunker entrance to the south of the island's western area. Inferno
should go in and head back to the corridor where there are two
stationary soldiers looking at each other plus a patrolling guard
Wait for the patrolling guard to come close to one of the stationary
guards before throwing a grenade to take them both out. The alarm will
sound and five more soldiers will come bursting though the door at the
other end of the room, throw a second grenade to kill them all.
Now Inferno should fire a sot to lure the remaining stationary guard to
come, kill him when he does. Another guard will the come running
through the door at the far end, kill him with the pistol then enter
the door where the reinforcements come from.

Tread should come to join Inferno here and enter the door on the right
when the three guards inside are chatting. QUICKLY lob a Molotov
cocktail to take them all out. Check the cupboard to find some sleeping
pills, some first aid kit, a canned food, a wine bottle, a knife and
some Molotov cocktails.
Inferno should throw grenade towards the door that he is facing to kill
all the occupants inside. Go inside the room and check the cupboard and
drawer to find some first aid kit, some Molotov cocktails, some
grenades, some sleeping pills, a wine bottle, two knives, a canned food
and the eighth part of the bonus mission. Head back outside and get
Tread to take out the lone soldier here with a Molotov cocktail.

Enter the last door in this area to gain access to the guns. Take out
the patrolling soldier right in front of the door and simply lob a
grenade to take out the remaining two. Check the cupboards here to find
a wine bottle, some Molotov cocktails, some grenades, some canned food,
some first aid kit and the last two pieces of the bonus mission.
Place three remote control bombs next to each of the guns then take the
elevator to the first floor and exit through the main bunker entrance.
Regroup everyone outside and run to the seaplane. Detonate the bombs
then get everyone to enter the plane. Mission accomplished!!!

Locations of the bonus missions (10 in total):
-Three pieces found in furniture located inside the bunker's command
-One piece found in cupboard located inside the building north of the
anti-aircraft gun at the western side of the island.
-One piece found in cupboard located inside the northernmost building
at the western side of the island.
-One piece found in cupboard inside the building with the sniper on the
roof at the western side of the island.
-One piece found in cupboard inside the ammunition storage room.
-One piece found in drawer inside the room located at the bunker where
Inferno throw grenade through the door to kill everyone inside (the
room before blowing up the guns).
-Two pieces found in cupboards at the same room where the guns are
places inside the bunker.


Bonus Mission 6
Location: Unknown
Personnel: Tiny, Tread, Spooky

-Cut the fence.
-Deactivate the mines.
-Neutralize the enemy forces.
-Get all of your men into the truck.

Secondary objectives:
-Get the enemy codebook.

-Get the wirecutters.
-Look for a mine detector.


As soon as the mission starts, get Tread to lob Molotov cocktails at
the officer who is interrogating Inferno to the east. The explosion
should be able to take out the officer, the lieutenant and the soldier
slightly to the west. Wait for the other soldiers to notice then lob
the remaining Molotov cocktails to burn them all.
Get all your commandos to go to the jeep and release Inferno.

Tiny should now climb the pole to the north and swing towards the
northern area. Climb back down then take out all four workers here.
Check the crates located to the south of the truck to find a
wirecutter, a mine detector, two rope ladders, two wine bottles, some
canned food, some grenades and some first aid kit.
Climb the pole again but this time drop down on the wall then lower the
two rope ladders on both sides. Get the other commandos to climb the
adder and stand near the barbed wires.

Inferno should cut the barbed wire and scour the area for mines. There
are 15 mines in total. Inferno should hide next to the truck and lob a
grenade at the group of enemies to the north. One grenade should be
enough to take out all the enemies at the vicinity without destroying
the truck in the process. Check the officer's body for the code book
and get everyone to board the truck then drive it towards the road.
Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 7: The Giant in Haiphong
Location: Haiphong, Indochina
Personnel: Tiny, Inferno, Lupin


Spring of 1944. Indochina remains a French colony but is actually
under Japanese control.
The Japanese have established important garrisons in the area.
Indochina is an extremely important base as it supplies provisions to
the Japanese Navy, who are in turn protected by crushing aerial
defense. They have also built military port installations of which
Haiphong is the most important.
The nearby town has also been converted to serve as diversion to
the Japanese sailors.

-Contact the Sapper and the Thief.
-Find the explosives.
-Destroy the large fuel tanks.
-Destroy the small fuel tanks.
-Infiltrate the aircraft carrier.

Secondary objectives: none

-Talk with the shopkeeper.
-Rescue Natasha.
-Hide inside the truck.



Go inside the small house next to Tiny and take out the first guard
next to the cupboard. Whip out the pistol and take out the second guard
then check the cupboard to find a wine bottle and a canned food.
Go back outside then take out the guard next to the house just to the
west. Hide the body beside the house and go inside then take out the
patrolling soldier here followed by the one at the back of the room.
Check the crate and cupboard to find a cigarette pack, a binocular and
the first part of the bonus mission.

Go back outside and take out the patrolling guard near the eastern edge
of the map. Crouch behind the wall and wait until he reached the end of
his patrol route. As soon as he turn around to walk back to the west,
approach him from behind and take him out. Now circle around the house
nearby and take out the guard to the left (in the shadows).
Enter the house itself and take out the patrolling guard here when he
stops at the southwest corner. Go to the worker doing sit-ups and take
him out followed by the soldier sitting near the table to the right.
Check the crates here to find some first aid kit, two wine bottles, a
canned food and a machinegun.

Now head to the west again and take out the soldier who is standing to
the right of the small temple here. Creep long the wall to the north to
do this then put the body next to the temple for now. Take out the
grenadier who patrols in front of the temple followed by the soldier to
the left then hide all three bodies in the building.
Enter the red-roof building west of the temple and take out the
stationary guard at the corridor. Go into the next room and take out
the patrolling soldier followed by the grenadier sitting at the table.
Check the hanging cupboard here to find four wine bottles.
Go through the door leading to the back and kill the lone guard in the
storage room then open the crate to find some sleeping pills, a
binocular and a canned food.
Ascend the staircase here and take out the patrolling soldier followed
by his comrade who is sitting at the desk. Check the lockers, drawers
and crate here to find a time bomb, a wine bottle, a canned food, some
first aid kit, some sleeping pills, some grenades and the second and
third pieces of the bonus mission.

Go back to the storage room and exit through the door there. Take out
the guard next to the building to the left and drag the body back to
the storage room. Now take out the patrolling guard to the south (near
the children playing near the road) and hide the body next to the
shopkeeper's house. Go back south again and take out the stationary
guard near the southern edge of the map then dump his body near the
previous guard.
Now circle the shopkeeper's house and take out the patrolling soldier
at the other side (beware of the Japanese patrol) then dump his body
with the two previous guards.
Enter the shopkeeper's house and take out the lone patrolling soldier
in the back room but leave his comrades at the other end of the room.
Go talk to shopkeeper and he will update the mission objective. Check
the hanging bookshelves and the crate here to find a wine bottle, a
canned food, some first aid kit, some sleeping pills, a sniper rifle,
an oriental clothing for Natasha and the fourth piece of the bonus
mission. Climb the ladder to the roof and kill the lone soldier here
then check the metal box to find a canned food, some first aid kit and
the fifth piece of the bonus mission.


Go back outside to the back of the shopkeeper's house. Head to the west
and enter the building to the west through the back door. Open the
crate in the back room to find a cigarette pack, a canned food, a wine
bottle and some first aid kit. Open the door to the next room and
quickly whip out the gun to kill the soldier ahead as well as the
officers and soldiers who will come running from the next room.
Heal Tiny with the first aid kit then check the chest and shelves in
this building to find a wine bottle, three time bombs, some grenades,
some first aid kit, some canned food and the sixth piece of the bonus

Go back out through the back door and take out the lone patrolling
guard to the building's southern wall.
Tiny should head to the place where Natasha is by crossing the street.
He should be able to get there without raising the alarm. Take out the
officer reading the newspaper followed by the smoking admiral and
lastly the sitting officer near the cupboard. Check the cupboard to
find a wine bottle, a canned food, a time bomb, some first aid kit,
some grenades and the seventh piece of the bonus mission.
Ascend the staircase and talk to Natasha. Give her the oriental
clothing afterwards and get her to help carry items so Tiny would not
be overloaded. Tiny should climb the ladder next and take out the lone
grenadier who is leaning out of the window followed by his two comrades
in the other side (get Natasha to help Tiny by distracting the sitting


Exit to the roof through the only door here and climb down the ladder
to street level. Get Natasha to enter the green-roof building just next
door and distract the patrolling guard here. Send Tiny after her to
take out the guard then check the chest to find a grenade, a canned
food, three wine bottles and some first aid kit.
Natasha should head into the adjacent room and distract the patrolling
soldier here. Get Tiny to follow and take out the officer sitting next
to the table as well as the guard that Natasha is distracting.
Ascend the staircase to the second level and head out of the door to
the balcony then take out the patrolling soldier here. Drag his body
inside and take out the officer who is sitting next to the metal box.

Go down to street level and take out the sailor standing outside the
building where Natasha is earlier then drag the body inside without
getting seen.
Come back out again and take out the patrolling soldier near the
southwestern edge of the map and drag the body into the building nearby
(the brown-roof building). Get Natasha to follow and distract the
stationary guard inside then Tiny should take him out.
Natasha should head inside the adjacent room to distract the patrolling
guard here while Tiny will follow and take him out from behind.

Go back outside and enter the building next door (the one with the
green roof). Take out the stationary soldier at the corridor then head
into the bedroom to take care of the patrolling officer. Natasha should
then distract the patrolling guard while Tiny take care of the one
standing near the drawer. Simply get rid of the soldier Natasha is
distracting and head into the next room to take care to the patrolling
soldier there. Check the drawer here to find a wine bottle, some
grenades, some sleeping pills and some first aid kit.
Ascend the staircase and take out the soldier who is about to take a
hot bath followed by the patrolling soldier in the adjacent room. Check
the cupboards here to find a rope ladder, a wine bottle, some canned
food, some sleeping pills, some grenades, some first aid kit and the
eighth piece of the bonus mission.
Go out to the balcony from here and take out the patrolling soldier
then drag the body inside. Head out to the balcony from the bathroom
and take out the stationary guard here as well then drag the body into
the bathroom. Go back outside and take out the sitting guard underneath
balcony (near the truck) and leave the body there.
Get Natasha to distract the guard next to the wooden fence to the east
while Tiny follow from behind to take him out then leave the body

Now get Tiny to enter the small warehouse north of the ammunition depot
where Inferno and Lupin are located. Take out the lone worker inside
and head back out again.
Natasha should distract the lone patrolling soldier to the west of the
ammunition depot. Tiny should then take out both soldiers standing to
the west of the small warehouse (beware of the guard at the roof of the
ammunition depot) then dump both bodies inside through the window.
Take out the guard that Natasha is distracting followed by the
patrolling guard further to the north (near the city wall).
Natasha should now enter the tall warehouse to the northwest of the
ammunition depot and distract the guard who is inspecting the crates
inside. Send Tiny after Natasha and take out the stationary soldier
followed by the guard that Natasha is distracting.

Tiny should climb the ladder to the roof of the ammunition depot and
take out the patrolling soldier here then climb back down again.
Get Natasha to enter the depot and distract the soldiers inside while
Tiny followed behind, taking them out one by one then place all the
bodies inside the small room where Inferno and Lupin are. Talk to both
inferno and Lupin to complete the objective. Check the shelves here to
find a binocular, a grenade, a rope ladder, a canned food, three wine
bottles, some first aid kit, some sleeping pills as well as the ninth
and tenth pieces of the bonus mission.


Group all of the commandos together and head to the southwestern edge
of the map. Get Natasha to go into the driver seat while the others go
behind. But before that, get Lupin to head to the second floor of the
house next to the building where Natasha is initially. Open the metal
box here to fins some grenades and a time bomb then get Lupin to join
the others in the truck.
Drive the truck slowly into the Japanese base and turn left just past
the gate. Turn right at when the road bends then stop in front of the
big warehouse.

Everyone should disembark and enter the warehouse. Get Tiny to take out
the soldier who is cleaning his rifle then simply shoot the two workers
by the crate to take them out. Get Natasha to look out of the window
and use the sniper rifle to take out the lone soldier on the guard
tower to the south. A sailor next to the gate will see it and come to
investigate. Wait until after he climb the ladder then drop him as
Get Tiny to jump out of the window then take out the guard outside the
warehouse at the northwestern edge of the map. Inferno should come over
and wait until the patrolling soldier inside is standing near the
before lobbing a grenade to take out everyone inside. Lupin should
enter the now empty warehouse and unlock the metal box to find two
remote control bombs and a time bomb.

Natasha should head outside and distract the lone guard that is looking
at the two warehouses to the northwest of the base. Get Tiny to come
out from the other door of the northwestern warehouse to take out the
stationary soldier standing outside then dump the body inside through
the window.
Take out the guard that Natasha is distracting then dump the body in
one of the warehouses that has been secured.
Get Natasha to distract the sailor outside the northern entrance of the
largest warehouse in the western part of the base who is looking at the
aircraft carrier. Tiny should then take out the patrolling guard at the
northwestern edge of the base (near the group of sailors sitting near
the large boxes); proceed to dump the body in one of the warehouses.
Take out the sailor that Natasha is distracting then hide the body like

Tiny should now head to the other side of the largest warehouse in the
base and take out the soldier next to the southern entrance; dump the
body in one of the warehouses like before.
Get Natasha to enter the largest warehouse at he western side of the
base and distract the one of the guards so Tiny can enter and start
taking them down one by one. This should be very easy to accomplish due
to the large maneuvering space inside; there are two stationary
workers, two stationary guards and two patrolling ones. When they all
have been taken care of, Tiny should peek through one of the eastern
entrance. Wait for the patrolling soldier outside to walk by firs then
Tiny should quickly take him out then carry the body inside.
Come out again and crawl to the large open container east of the
largest warehouse (next to the railway). Go inside and take out the two
workers here. Go back outside and kill the stationary guard next to the
container then hide the body inside.
Natasha should now distract the guard next to the wall who is looking
towards the container. Tiny should then take out the soldier patrolling
near the close southern container then hide the body inside the open
northern container or the largest warehouse at the western side of the

Tiny should head back to the northwestern edge of the map and throw
cigarette pack slightly next to the largest warehouse at the western
side of the base. The soldier working at the truck to the east will
come to get the cigarette; take him out when he come close and hide the
body inside one of the warehouses.
Send Natasha to distract the soldier north of truck while Tiny followed
behind to kill the stationary one to the south as well as the one that
Natasha is distracting then dump both bodies in of the secure
warehouses. Head further east and take out stationary soldier next to
the crates (near the large crane) and hide the body in one of the
secure warehouses.


Now get Natasha to drive the truck while all the other commandos should
sit at the back. She should drive the truck outside the base back to
the ammunition depot to accomplish some unfinished business.
Inferno should disembark and climb to the roof of the ammunition depot.
Lob a grenade to the street to take out the patrolling soldier near the
city wall as well as the guard on the right entrance of the ammunition
depot. The stationary guard at the other side of the city wall in the
base will hear the noise and come to investigate; lob a second grenade
to take him out.
Now wait for the patrol to make its round near the ammunition depot
then lob a third grenade to take them all out. Inferno should the climb
down and head to the roof of the buildings next door to where Natasha
starts earlier. Lob the fourth grenade from there to take out the two
stationary soldiers at the street who are looking towards the naval
base entrance.
Lob the fifth grenade at the stationary soldier standing to the right
of the base entrance. The soldier patrolling behind the left base
entrance should come out to investigate followed by the patrolling
soldier near the large fuel tanks. Lob a sixth grenade to take out the
stationary soldier at the left base entrance then wait for the two
previous soldiers to come investigate. Lob the seventh grenade to the
middle of the entrance to take out the two investigating soldiers as
well as the patrolling soldier on the platform above the gate.

Now get Natasha to enter the building two doors away from the one where
she started earlier. Distract the patrolling guard near the staircase
and send Tiny inside to finish him off. Open the door to the adjacent
room and send Natasha to distract the patrolling guard while Tiny take
out the stationary one followed by the one that Natasha is distracting.
Check the cupboards here to find a wine bottle, some canned food, some
sleeping pills, some first aid kit and the eleventh piece of the bonus
Ascend the staircase to the second floor. Kill the officer lying on the
mattress here and check the drawer to find three wine bottles and the
twelfth piece of the bonus mission.

Go back outside and then enter the building to the right (nearest to
the base entrance). Natasha should distract the guard at the corridor
while tiny followed behind to take him out. Tiny should head to the
adjacent room and take out the sitting soldier here. Check the shelves
to find three wine bottles, some canned food, some sleeping pills, some
first aid kit and the thirteenth piece of the bonus mission.
Head back outside and get all the commandos to regroup here. Inferno
should lob a grenade to take out the lone patrolling soldier at the
platform above the gate to clear the place from any enemies.

Tiny should now crawl and enter the building behind the left base
entrance and head straight to the guard leaning out of the window. Take
him out and get Inferno to come in as well. Lob a grenade to take out
the soldier at the desk plus the officer and stationary soldier to the
right. Check the drawers here to find some first aid kit, some sleeping
pills, a binocular, a grenade, a time bomb, a wine bottle and a canned
Ascend the staircase to the second level and lob another grenade to
take out the two soldiers here. Check all the bookshelves and drawers
to find some sleeping pills, five wine bottles, some canned food, some
first aid kit, a grenade and a time bomb.
Go down to the first floor and throw grenade through the only door here
to kill the stationary guard right at the front. Take a peek and wait
for the dead guard's comrades to come investigate then lob a second
grenade to take them all out. Go through the door and mop up with the
pistol then check the lockers for some grenades as well as the
fourteenth and final piece of the bonus mission.


By this moment, the rest of the mission is very easy. There is no need
for a walkthrough anymore. Basically, use the grenades that Inferno has
to take out every single soldier in the base.
Just be careful with the tank, as long as the commandos stay crouched
and out of it short-range view, it should not be any problem to them.
Wait until it had finished making its round everytime Inferno lob a
grenade, then simply plant a time bomb next to it.

All that is left to do will be to place the two remote control bombs
near the large and small fuel tanks. Get Lupin to climb the crane and
glide towards the aircraft carrier. He should then lower a rope ladder
so the other commandos can climb on it. Once everyone is onboard,
detonate the bombs and hide inside the container located on the
carrier's deck. Mission accomplished!!!

Locations of the bonus missions (14 in total):
-One piece found in cupboard inside the small house to the west of
Tiny's starting position.
-Two pieces found in crate located at the second floor of the red-roof
building west of the temple.
-One piece found in hanging bookshelf located at the first floor of the
shopkeeper's place.
-One piece found in metal box located at the second level of the
shopkeeper's place.
-One piece found in shelf located inside the building to the west of
the shopkeeper's place.
-One piece found in cupboard located at the first floor of the building
where Natasha initially starts.
-One piece found in cupboard located at the second floor of the brown-
roof building located at the southwestern edge of the map.
-Two pieces found in shelves located inside the ammunition depot.
-One piece found in cupboard located at the first floor of the building
two doors away from where Natasha initially starts.
-One piece found in drawers located at the second floor of the building
two doors away from where Natasha initially starts.
-One piece found in shelf located inside the building three doors away
from where Natasha initially starts.
-One piece found in lockers located inside the building behind the
entrance to the Japanese naval base.


Bonus Mission 7
Location: Japanese aircraft carrier
Personnel: Tiny, Inferno, Tread, Lupin

-Sabotage the rudder of the Zeros.
-Call by radio to notify the position of the carrier.
-Leave the two white prototypes undamaged and pilot them to escape.

Secondary objectives: none

-Get a pair of shears to sabotage the planes.



Get Tiny to climb the ladder and head to the stern part of the carrier.
Take out the patrolling sailor nearby and dump the body at the side of
the carrier. Head to the stern end of the ship and take out the blue-
uniformed sailor here and leave the body there. Go to the southwest
corner and take out the crouching sailor here as well.
Go back to the starting position and take out the pilot standing in
front of the Zero nearby then QUICKLY hide the body behind the plane
before anyone can see it.

Tread should climb the ladder now and wait for the patrolling pilot who
always walk from the center of the runway towards one of the white
prototypes. Throw a Molotov cocktail when the pilot is standing close
to his comrade to kill them both.
Get Tiny to run to the other side of the carrier and take out the
sailor who always patrols from the spotlight to one of the white
Climb down the ladder at the other side and take out the blue-uniformed
sailor who is looking over the railing towards the ocean.
Climb back up again and go slightly to the south then climb back down
again through another ladder to take out the patrolling blue-uniformed
sailor there. Leave the body there and climb back up again.

Tread should throw another Molotov cocktail at the three sailors who
are chatting in the middle of the runway. Crawl further south and take
out the two pilots who are lying down near one of the white prototypes.
Tiny should no climb down the ladder leading to the lower deck between
the third and fourth Zeros to take out the patrolling sailor here.
Head further south and wait for another patrolling sailor to stop and
look over the railing towards the sea (near the sixth Zero); Tiny
should come and take him out then leave the body there.
Now climb the ladder near the sixth Zero and take out the patrolling
admiral when he is near the plane's cockpit followed by the workers and
pilot nearby. Check the crate here to find a wirecutter plus some gas
and smoke grenades.
Climb back down the ladder and head back all the way o the north then
climb the ladder near the third and fourth Zeros. Take out the worker
working on the rudder of the fifth Zero followed by the admiral nearby.


Tiny should now head to the north and head to the back of the main
building to take out the patrolling blue-uniformed sailor here. Get
Lupin over to unlock the metal box nearby to find a rifle and a
Get Tread over and he should head to the destroyer's bow. Stop near the
end of the main building and throw gas grenade to knock out the two
workers sitting behind the container. Wait for the patrolling admiral
on the metal platform to see it and then Tiny should take him out and
leave all three bodies there. Check the crate here to find some canned
food and four wine bottles.
Go around the container and take out the worker there then dump the
body with the three previous victims. Get Lupin over and unlock the
metal box near the container to find a Japanese rifle.

Lupin should now crawl further west and check the crate near the sailor
formation to find a wirecutter, some gas and smoke grenades. Crawl
further west and disable the rudder of the Zero. Knock out the enemy
pilot near the second Zero and sabotage the rudder as well then quickly
crawl back to the carrier's stern.
Tiny should now start to sabotage the Zeros' rudder from the
destroyer's stern all the way to the bow. However, when he is about to
disable the last two Zeros, get Tread to come over and throw a gas
grenade at the sailor and pilot who is talking to each other in the
middle of the runway. Wait for the sailor inspecting the cargoes to the
north to see the bodies then throw another gas grenade to take him out
as well.
Tiny should use this opportunity to disable the two Zeros (take out the
blue-uniformed sailor near the last Zero).


Now get Tiny to head to the back of the main building and climb the
ladder to the second level. Take out the worker as well as the sailor
sweeping the floor and hide the bodies next to the ladder.
Wait for the patrolling soldier to come back then take him out as well.
Tiny should then take out the sailor sweeping the floor at the other
end of the platform and enter the door leading to the radio room.
Get Tiny to fire shot to the ground and lure all the enemies to come.
Kill them all get Tread to join Tiny.

Shoot the soldier guarding the only exit in this room and get Tread to
peek through the door. Wait for the worker to walk away from the
admiral then Tread should go in and crouch immediately next to the
Tiny should come in next and take out the guard inside the small room
to the side. Get Lupin to unlock the metal box and he will find a smoke
grenade, some Molotov cocktails, some gas grenades and some first aid
kit. Tiny should take out the sailor at the desk then drag the body
inside the small room. Get Tread to come in and throw a gas grenade at
the admiral and pilot when they are chatting then send Tiny to take
them out permanently.

Take out the remaining sailor and pilot in this room and then peek
through the door leading to the radio room. Get Tread to help Tiny here
by going into the bridge with guns blazing to kill the three admirals
and two sailors inside. Use the radio to contact headquarters.
Go back outside and get all the commandos to board the white
prototypes. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 8: Saving Private Smith + Bonus Mission 8
Location: Cherbourg, France
Personnel: Tiny, Duke, Inferno, Lupin


6th of June has come. With the landings at Normandy a third front
is created and the European war of liberation is commenced. The beaches
of Juno, Omaha, Sword, Utah and Gold are witness to the disembarking of
hundreds of thousands of men who form the first beach heads. The next
key objective is the taking of Cherbourg, which would allow the
establishment of a permanent port to receive the necessary supplies and
reinforcements to fortify the allied positions and continue their
advance on the continent.
But the troops of the Wehrmacht at the command of Erwin Rommel
initially disconcerted by the surprise are re-organizing to launch a
decisive counter-attack and push the allied troops back to the sea.
During the week of the 19th of June, violent storms hit the Channel
which renders useless the ports of Mulberry Harbors established at the
beaches of Normandy. The taking of Cherbourg is vital for the receipt
of reinforcements and above all the armored units with which to
confront the German panzer divisions. At the bocages of Normandy the
most desperate struggle of the Second World War is about to break

-Heal Smith.
-Steal the radio codes from the safe.
-Smith must radio HQ.
-Resist the invasion (bonus).
-Destroy the tanks (bonus).

Secondary objectives:
-Free the Green Beret.
-Save the Sapper.
-Rescue the Sniper.
-Prepare your men for the incoming invasion (bonus).

-You need a first-aid kit to heal Smith.
-Find the wirecutters.



Get Lupin to crawl towards the building where Tiny is captured and
stand by next to the door just underneath the balcony. Wait for the
officer on the balcony to start walking to the west then Lupin should
quickly climb the wall. Knock the officer unconscious and peek through
the door leading inside.

Additional note: If the commandos hit a person more than once, there
will be a longer tome period before they wake up.

Wait for the patrolling guard to stop right in front of the door then
quickly go in and take him out. Enter the bathroom and close the door.
Wait until the two guards outside the bathroom are looking the other
way then Lupin should quickly come out and climb the ladder to the
third floor.
Throw a cigarette pack here to lure the stationary soldier outside the
room where Tiny is captured. Take out the soldier then go inside and
take out the lieutenant there before quickly releasing Tiny. Tiny
should then tie up the lieutenant followed by the guard outside.
Check the crate here to find Tiny's equipment, which is consisted of a
knife, a cigarette pack, a pistol, a decoy and the remote control.

Climb the ladder to the attic and take out both the soldier and officer
here. Climb back down and fire a shot near the ladder leading to the
second floor. Wait there for the four soldiers at the second floor to
climb up then QUICKLY shoot to kill all of them.
Climb down the ladder then check all the cupboards, drawers and chest
to find a cigarette pack, a binocular, some canned food, some first aid
kit, some sniper rifle ammo, a rope ladder and the first two pieces of
the bonus mission.
Stand at the top of the staircase leading to the first floor and fire
shot to lure the three guards at the first floor. Kill them all with
the pistol then check the worker's body for a blowtorch. Descend the
staircase to the first floor and check the cupboards to find a
cigarette pack, two wirecutters, some canned food and some first aid
kit. Get Lupin to unlock all the doors at the first floor and exit
through the door beneath the balcony.
Take out the patrolling guard to the west of the house then dump the
body inside.


Now Tiny should crawl his way to the western edge of the map and head
north. Stop behind the worker who is standing near the pile of sandbags
then knife him. The officer to the east will come to investigate.
Simply whip out the pistol and kill him. The patrolling soldier to the
north will come to investigate as well; kill him with the pistol and
leave all three bodies there.
Tiny should now climb the pole next to the sandbags and swing towards
the building where Inferno is captured (be careful of the machinegun-
wielding soldier who occasionally peeks out of the window).

Go inside the building and wait at the attic. When the machinegun-
wielding soldier is peeking through the window on the first floor, Tiny
should climb down and take out the worker next to the ladder. Carry the
body to the small room where Inferno is tied to a chair and release
him. Inferno should check the worker's body for a mine detector and an
anti-tank mine.
Wait for the machinegun-wielding soldier to return to the second floor
then Tiny should take him out ad hide the body with the worker. Descend
the staircase to the first floor and take out the stationary soldier
standing next to the door as well as the one peeking out of the window.
Get Lupin to come in the same Tiny did earlier and unlock all the doors
at the first floor. Check the cupboards and crate to find a cigarette
pack, a rope ladder, a canned food, a wirecutter, a pistol, some
grenades, some first aid kit and the third piece of the bonus mission.

Ascend the staircase to the second floor again and fire a shot to lure
the officer and soldier peeking out through the window to come then
kill them both with the pistol. The soldier at the attic will climb don
to investigate, kill him also. Climb the ladder to the attic and shoot
the German sniper then grab his sniper rifle.
Group all the commandos together and head outside through the back door
(the one facing the western side of the map).
Tiny should drop the decoy near the metal fence to lure the soldier
patrolling nearby. Take him out when he come to investigate then hide
the body inside.


Tiny should head back to the staircase near the commandos' starting
position and crawl to the east. Take out the stationary soldier looking
to the river then quickly hide the body slightly to the west to avoid
being seen by the patrolling guard nearby. Fire a shot to the ground to
lure the patrolling soldier, the stationary guard looking towards the
street and the guard at the staircase behind the building where Duke is
captured. Kill the three soldiers as they come round the corner then
leave the bodies there.

Now Inferno should come over and hug the wall along the building to the
northern side (beware of the enemy soldier peeking out of the attic
window). Lob a grenade to the side of the building to take out the four
soldiers near the barbed wire as well as the one peeking out from the
Send Lupin to peek through the window and when it is safe, climb inside
and unlock the front door then quickly go out again. Tiny should peek
through the door and wait for the patrolling soldier from the second
floor to come down; quickly go inside and take him out. Check the
drawers here to find a cigarette pack, a binocular and the fourth piece
of the bonus mission.

Ascend the staircase to the second floor and take out the soldier
peeking out of the window towards the street. Get inferno to come in
and lob a grenade into the adjacent room to take out the officer,
soldier and the sniper peeking out through the window towards the
river. Get Tiny to take out the soldier who is hitting Duke and release
Check the cupboard and drawer in this room to find a pistol, a
wirecutter, some first aid kit, some sniper rifle ammo and the fifth
part of the bonus mission. Go back to the first floor but don't forget
to grab the dead sniper's ammo.
Position Tiny, Duke and Inferno on top of the ladder leading to the
basement with their pistols drawn. Fire a shot to lure to the guards at
the bottom to come, kill all three of them then get Tiny and Lupin to
climb down the ladder. Dispose of the remaining guard here who is
standing next to radio and get Lupin to unlock the safe. Grab the radio
code inside and regroup all the commandos at the mission's starting


Duke should be able to snipe the stationary soldier at the dock across
the river followed by those near the railing and the staircase near the
dock (5 kills in total).
Inferno should then cut the barbed wire with the wirecutter and use the
mine detector to scour the riverbank. Don't forget to get some for
Inferno as well.
Tiny should then jump into the river near the crashed plane's cockpit
and dive underwater. Go inside the plane through the small hole and
kill the lone soldier inside. Check the crates to find a cigarette
pack, a binocular, a pistol, some canned food, some first aid kit as
well as the sixth and final piece of the bonus mission.
Go back outside and join the rest of the team by the riverbank.

Now Tiny should climb the pole near the crashed plane's cockpit and
glide towards the other side of the river. Climb back down then ascend
the ladder next to the church and take out the two stationary soldiers
nearby. Leave both bodies there and then descend the staircase to the
riverbank again.
Tiny should now go all the way to the south and ascend the staircase
here (near the 5 dead soldiers that Duke sniped earlier). Take out the
guard behind the sandbags followed by the one who is lying on the
ground to the north.
Lupin should cross the river and ascend the staircase to join Tiny. He
should then unlock the metal box near the sandbags to find some sniper
rifle ammo and two remote control bombs.

There is a rectangular hole south of the church. Tiny should head to
the north and take out the stationary soldier south of the rectangular
hole (next to the white wall). Turn around to take out the guard
crouching behind (underneath the arc with the words "Hotch Kiss" on
top) and drag the dump the body with the previous guard.
Take some time to look around the battlefield and there will be two
officers who keep running from places to places. Now one of the
officers frequently stops near the stationary lieutenant southeast of
the "Hotch Kiss" arc. Take out the lieutenant first then dump the body
somewhere safe when the officer is away. Wait again and a machinegun-
wielding soldier will come to replace the lieutenant, take him out and
ump the body like before. Wait for the officer to come back then take
him out as well.
Go back to the same place then take out the crouching soldier to the
north (near the lamp post and scattered sandbags). Hide the body
somewhere safe and come aback again to wait for the second officer.
Kill him when he does and get Duke to come over.

Duke should snipe the enemy sniper at the southeastern edge of the map
then grab his ammo. Tiny should then head to the building to the
northwest of the sniper and take out everyone inside. There are four
soldiers at the first floor and one at the second floor (next to the
staircase). Get Lupin over to unlock the metal box here and he will
find some grenades.
Tiny should head north towards the huge chunk of wall and take out the
lieutenant here followed by the soldier shooting towards the church and
the enemy sniper then grab the sniper rifle ammo.
Go behind the wall and take out the three soldiers shooting at the
church. Head north again and take out the sniper who is leaning across
the railing. Now get Tiny to take out the soldier to the southwest of
the dead sniper who is shooting towards the church (next to the
railing) followed by his comrade who is crouching at the staircase
below him. Head towards the church and go the small guard post next to
the concrete bridge and take out the stationary soldier there.
Get Duke to come over and snipe the two soldiers at the bottom of the
staircase to the north as well as the soldier standing near the German
vehicle which is stuck on the barbed wire near the northeastern corner.

Tiny should now take out the lone soldier at the right side of the
church followed by the one in the rectangular hole by sneaking from
behind. Get Lupin over to the hole and unlock the metal box to find a
canned food, a binocular, a remote control bomb, a bazooka and some
sniper rifle ammo.
Now send Tiny to the northern part of the map and wipe out the two
remaining soldiers here as well as the worker working on the stuck
German vehicle. Get Lupin to enter the church from the small hole at
the wall and unlock the main door from inside. Heal Smith with the
first aid kit and escort him to radio. Smith should use the radio to
contact headquarters.


This is a hard objective to accomplish. To begin with, altogether there
are 11 allied soldiers including Smith. However, Smith will not be
taken into combat because the mission fails if he dies. That leaves
ten. Of these ten soldiers, eight carries rifles and they are the ones
from the church. The ninth soldier is the one next to Smith when he was
injured and he carries a pistol and a bazooka. The last soldier is the
one crouching near the northwestern edge of the map (next to the
The initial thing to do before anything else is for Inferno to detect
and disarm all the mines at the riverbanks. There are 48 mines in
total. Distribute them into the commandos' inventory then leave the
remaining eight to be picked up later.
The hard part is to position the soldiers and explosives so as to
inflict the maximum casualties to the invading German forces while
preserving the lives of the commandos and the allied soldiers.

First of all, get Inferno to go the southwestern edge of the map. Place
a remote control bomb on the narrow road near the eastern edge of the
Head to the road northeast of the church that leads to the eastern edge
of the map and place the anti-tank mine there. Now place another remote
control bomb at the road to the right side of the church but the bomb
has to be placed near the southern edge of the map (between the two
lamp posts slightly south of the intersection). The last remote control
bomb should be placed at the intersection itself.
Next thing to do is to get Duke to collect every sniper rifle ammo that
he can find from enemy snipers all over the map because he is going to
need it later.

The last thing to do is to plant mines around the church. The remaining
mines should be scattered around the map preferably near staircases and
the western side of concrete bridge because the soldiers tends to run
around there.
When it is done, get everyone to enter the church and hide there. Get
Duke to lie down on the church's roof.
Launch the invasion and watch the German soldiers get blown to bits by
the mines. Just remember to keep an eye on the first bomb, as soon as
the first tank passed it, detonate it immediately.

Additional note: Get inferno to join Duke on the church's roof and help
to take out some soldiers with grenades.

When the first wave is over, wait for a while and the second wave will
come with the second tank. The anti-tank mine to the north will take
care of the problem here.
Wait for the third wave to come then detonate the second bomb to
destroy the third tank. Wait again for the fourth wave to come then
detonate the last bomb to take out the last tank.

Duke should then sniper at the German soldiers who will be running
around near the concrete bridge. Kill as many soldiers as possible and
try not to miss. Hopefully the mines should have taken out most of the
soldiers. If Duke ran out of ammo, simply get the allied soldiers to
mop up any remaining enemies, which should be a very easy task to
accomplish at this moment. Mission accomplished!!!

Location of the bonus missions (6 in total):
-Two piece found in drawers located at the second floor of the building
where Tiny is captured (in the bedroom and the bathroom).
-One piece found in cupboard located at the first floor of the building
where Inferno is captured.
-One piece found in drawers located at the first floor of the building
where Duke is captured.
-One piece found in cupboard located inside the room where Duke is
-One piece found in crate located inside the crashed plane.


Mission 9: Castle Colditz
Location: Castle Colditz, eastern Germany
Personnel: Tiny, Duke, Tread, Spooky, Lupin


In a small town in eastern Germany, on the top of a hill,
surrounded by the river Mulde, rises the impregnable fortress of the
Third Reich, Colditz Castle. Now converted into a prison, housing as
well some high-ranking military personnel, those allied prisoners who
have tried escaping from other camps.
Colditz is considered by the Germans as a "sonderlager", a
maximum-security prison. Colditz is the pride of the German
penitentiary system, reputedly "escape-proof". For the allied prisoners
the only way to exit Colditz is death.

-Rescue the Thief from certain death without setting off the alarm.
-The code template has been hidden by General Heinz.
-The code book is kept by Field Marshal Desfell.
-The encrypted plan is kept by Major-General Rudolf.
-Join the three parts of the secret plan and transmit via the allied
-Escape in the balloon.

Secondary objectives:
-Distribute the enemy uniforms to the prisoners so they can escape

Clues: none



Get Tiny to knife the patrolling near the greenhouses to the right then
hide the body between the greenhouses. Drop a decoy there and hide
beside the eastern greenhouse. Activate the decoy to lure the
patrolling guard from the west then take him out from behind when he
comes to investigate.
Check one of the bodies for a cigarette pack and throw it to lure one
of the lieutenants who are talking near the greenhouses. Take him out
when he comes for the cigarette pack followed by the second lieutenant
then hide both bodies between the greenhouses.

Hide beside the house to the west and wait for the patrolling guard to
come. Take him out when he turns his back and leave the body there for
Circle behind the house and take out the stationary lieutenant standing
by the river then dump the body with the previous guard.
Enter the house west of the greenhouses through the door facing to the
north and kill the lone officer in here. Check the cupboard here to
find a binocular, a mantrap and a poison syringe. Climb the ladder to
the attic and take out the lone patrolling soldier here.
Climb back down and head into the bedroom to take out the lone
patrolling soldier. Check the cupboard as well as the one in the
bathroom to find a cigarette pack, a poison syringe and some first aid
Go into the kitchen and take out the two workers. Check the cupboards
to find four wine bottles and some canned food.
Open the door leading to the office and fire a shot to lure the officer
and lieutenant who are chatting to each other. Kill them both then wait
for a soldier and a worker to climb down from the attic, kill them as
well. Check the cupboards and drawers in the office to find a
binocular, a wine bottle, a pistol, a poison syringe, some first aid
kit, some sleeping pills, some smoke grenades and some Molotov
cocktails. Head back outside and drag the two bodies inside.

Go out from the door Tiny first came in and enter the door of the house
facing it. Fire a shot to lure the two lieutenants sitting at the table
and kill them both followed by the soldier who will come running from
the attic.
Go back outside and enter the small greenhouse next to the house. Check
the drawer to find a wine bottle, a poison syringe and a shovel. Head
into the next room and check the cupboard to find three wine bottles, a
gas grenade and some first aid kit.
Go back outside and enter the building to the north then take out the
lieutenant and worker. Check the shelf and counter to find a canned
food, a wine bottle and some first aid kit.

Go back outside and take out the patrolling guard outside the western
gate leading to the brewery compound. Enter the compound and head
inside the large building just south of the western gate. Take out the
two workers and head into the small office room to kill the officer.
Check the filing cabinet and the table to find a poison syringe, a
smoke grenade, two cigarette packs, three wine bottles, some sleeping
pills and the first two pieces of the bonus mission.
Head into the blue door and take out the five workers followed by the
lieutenant. Check the crate to find a shovel, some gas grenades and
some first aid kit.
Go back outside then take out the two workers near the truck to the
south. Head inside the building south of the eastern gate and kill
everyone inside with the pistol. Go back outside and take out the
patrolling guard near the eastern gate then hide his body inside.
Climb the ladder to the roof and take out the three soldiers here then
leave the bodies there (make sure no one can see them).
Go back outside the brewery compound and take out the guard to the
south of the compound (east of the farm where Tiny first starts).
Head to the east and take out the patrolling guard to between the
brewery compound's wall and the river.


Duke should now take out the stationary guard to the west and hide the
body behind the trees. Wait for the patrolling guard at the road
leading to the north to stop by the intersection first then tie him up
and hide the body like before.
Duke should now hide near the trees located next to the bridge and wait
for the patrolling soldier to reach the end of his route. Take out the
soldier then snipe the sniper on the balcony of Castle Colditz. Get
Tiny to join Duke by going across the bridge.
Tiny should now enter the house next to the bridge. Take out the
lieutenant who is reading the newspaper followed by his comrade
standing by the counter. Check the wine rack and counter to find a
poison syringe, four wine bottles, some sleeping pills and some canned

Get Duke to crawl along the northern road (not too close, near the
eastern edge of the map) and snipe the sniper sticking his rifle out of
one of the windows in Colditz's circular tower (next to the river).
Tiny should creep along the trees to the west of road leading to the
north and take out the lone officer standing there then hide the body
behind the brick wall to the east (beware of the patrolling lieutenant
further north).
Take out the patrolling lieutenant to the north and just go straight.
Throw a cigarette pack to lure the patrolling lieutenant then take him
Tiny should crawl towards the stationary soldier who is looking at
Colditz (near the wire fence around the factory compound) then hide his
body at the dark corner next to the factory.
Get Duke over to the dead soldier's position and aim towards Castle
Colditz to take out the German sniper there.
Tiny should no take out the soldier who patrols back and forth between
the factory and the house to the north then hide the body like before.

Tiny should enter the house to the north from the side entrance. Take
out the soldier leaning our of the window then check the green cupboard
to find a poison syringe, a smoke grenade, some gas grenades and the
third piece of the bonus mission.
Fire a shot to lure the officer and lieutenant in the adjacent room to
come then kill them both. Check the filing cabinet and the officer's
desk to find a canned food, a binocular, a wine bottle, some first aid
kit as well as the fourth and fifth pieces of the bonus mission.
Go back outside the factory compound and take out the lone stationary
officer standing outside the two small houses south of the factory
compound (watch out for the patrol) then hide the body in the corner.
Take out the patrolling guard to the north of the factory compound
followed by the two workers near the main gate (beware of the patrol)
then hide the two workers' bodies somewhere safe.

Tiny should now enter the door leading to the blue-roofed house just
across the road from the factory compound. Use the pistol to kill the
lieutenant followed by the officer and worker. Another officer will
climb down from the attic; simply shoot him to death.
Check the two cupboards in the house to find a poison syringe, a sheet
ladder, four wine bottles, some sleeping pills, some first aid kit as
well as the sixth and seventh pieces of the bonus missions.

Go back outside and take a peek through the door leading to the red-
roofed building to the south. Wait for one of the lieutenants to walk
away from the counter then take followed by his comrade. Examine the
counter and shelves to find two poison syringes, six wine bottles, some
canned food, some sleeping pills, some first aid kit as well as the
eighth, ninth and tenth parts of the bonus mission.
Ascend the staircase to the second floor and take out the patrolling
soldier. Go inside the bathroom and check the drawers to find a
cigarette pack, a Molotov cocktail, a poison syringe, some first aid
kit and the eleventh piece of the bonus mission. Get Duke to come over
and fire a shot; kill everyone as they try to enter the bathroom then
heal any injuries with canned food or fist aid kit.
Check the drawer in the bedroom next to the bathroom to find a canned
food, a poison syringe, three wine bottles, some sleeping pills and the
twelfth piece of the bonus mission.
Ascend the staircase to the third floor and check the cupboards and
drawer to find a sheet ladder, a smoke grenade, a canned food, a wine
bottle, a Molotov cocktail, a binocular, two poison syringes, some
first aid kit as well as the thirteenth and fourteenth pieces of the
bonus mission.
Go back outside and have Duke snipe the patrol going around the place.
Shoot the patrol leader first followed by the two patrolmen behind him
then grab the patrol leader's uniform; hide all three bodies inside one
of the houses that are already secured.


Take out the soldier looking at the Mulde River just to the west
followed by the stationary guard to the east of the church where Spooky
is. Get him to come out and wear the patrol leader's uniform as
disguise. Don't forget to give all the poison syringes that had been
collected earlier to Spooky.
Now enter the building to the east of the church. Take out the sitting
lieutenant followed by the standing officer. Check the cupboard and
drawer to find a poison syringe, four wine bottles and some first aid
kit. Fire a shot to lure the soldier and worker in the bedroom; kill
them both as they try to pass through the door. Check the cupboard in
the bedroom to find a Molotov cocktail, a canned food, a poison syringe
and some sleeping pills.
Spooky should enter the building to the west of the red-roofed building
(the one in the middle of the row of three houses) and check the
cupboard to find a gas grenade, some Molotov cocktail and some smoke
Go back outside and enter the building to the west. Examine the wine
rack on the first floor to find five wine bottles. Ascend the staircase
to the second floor and examine the cupboard to find a cigarette pack,
a binocular, a smoke and a gas grenades as well was some first aid kit.
Go back down and exit through the back door. Go into the small house
behind the row of three houses and examine the cupboards and drawer to
find a shovel, two wine bottles, some canned food, some first aid kit,
some sleeping pills as well as the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth
pieces of the bonus mission.

Get Spooky to distract the stationary soldier at the bottom of the ramp
leading to Colditz. Tiny should then take out the soldier standing next
to the house just north of the church followed by the guard that Spooky
is distracting then dump both bodies next to the house.
Get Spooky to enter the house and examine the cupboard on the first
floor to find three wine bottles, some canned food and some sleeping
pills. Ascend the staircase to the second floor and examine the drawer
to find a poison syringe and some sleeping pills.

Go back outside and Spooky should distract the lieutenant standing near
the Kubelwagen to the northeast of the map (not the one reading the
newspaper). Tiny should take out the two soldiers standing guard
outside the small chapel nearby then hide the bodies near the trees.
Tiny should then take out the lieutenant reading the newspaper followed
by the one that Spooky is distracting then hide both bodies like
Get Spooky to distract the patrolling guard near Tread's position and
Tread should take him out and hide the body near his starting position
(watch out for the stationary soldier near the railing of Colditz's
main entrance). Regroup everyone near the ramp leading to the castle
and give Tread all his equipment that had been collected earlier.


Get Tiny to ascend the ramp and take out the soldier at the top then
hide the body next to Colditz's main gate. Spooky should then distract
the guard in front of the house near the main gate.
Get Tiny to take out the patrolling soldier near the main gate followed
by the smoking lieutenant nearby and the one that Spooky is distracting
as well as the lone remaining soldier near the railing who is looking
to the west.
Spooky should enter the house and check the table to find a wine bottle
and some Molotov cocktails. Ascend the staircase to the second floor
and check all the furniture to find a wine bottle, a mantrap, two
poison syringes, two German rifles, some smoke and gas grenades, some
Molotov cocktails, some canned food, some first aid kit and some
sleeping pills.

Spooky should enter the castle's courtyard where Lupin is to be
executed by going through the main gate. Distract the soldier at the
top of the staircase who is looking at Lupin and the firing squad. Send
Tiny in to take him out and hide the body near the corner.
Tread should join in and lob two Molotov cocktails to burn the firing
squad and its lieutenant to death. Talk to Lupin to release him and
regroup the commandos at the castle's courtyard.


Additional note:
Due to complicated interior of Castle Colditz, select an objective and
click the 'target' icon to know which way to go.

First is the code template hidden by General Heinz. Follow the arrow
into the door at the top of the staircase. Enter the second door here
to reach a large dining room.
Get Spooky to distract one of the lieutenants while Tiny take care of
everyone silently. Tread should come in and lob a Molotov cocktail at
General Heinz and the officer he is talking to. Check the coat hanger
to find the code template then go out of the dining room.

The arrow will point towards the staircase here for the code book,
which is kept by Field Marshal Desfell. Ascend the staircase and use
the arrow again to determine where to go; it will point towards a door.
Tiny should head inside to find another dining room. Take out the
patrolling soldier and get Tread to lob two Molotov cocktails to burn
the others to death. Check the drawer to the left to find a wine bottle
and some Molotov cocktails.
Exit through the only door and get Spooky to distract the patrolling
soldier. Tiny should take out the worker followed by the guard that
Spooky is distracting. Follow the arrow again which leads into an area
with a lot of staircases.
Get Spooky to distract the guard on the upper level while Tiny take out
the one at the middle level followed by the one that Spooky is
Enter the door just at the other end and take out Field Marshal Desfell
followed by the other soldiers in the room then check the coat hanger
to find the code book. Examine the cupboards and gun rack as well to
find some sleeping pills, some first aid kit and a German rifle.

Exit through the only door and get Spooky to distract one of the
patrolling soldiers here and let Tiny take everyone out. Examine the
furniture to find a cigarette pack, a canned food, two poison syringes,
some first aid kit and some sleeping pills.
Exit through the only door to get back to the courtyard. Proceed into
the next door and get Spooky to inject the patrolling officer here.
Tiny should come in and take out the soldier followed by Major General
Check the coat hanger for the encrypted plan. Examine all the
bookshelves to find a gas grenade, a canned food, a poison syringe,
three wine bottles and some sleeping pills.


Get Spooky to distract the guard at the bottom of the staircase while
Tiny moved in for the kill. Enter the door and get Spooky to distract
the patrolling soldier while Tiny clears the room as usual. Check the
drawer to find a mantrap and some smoke grenades.
Exit through the only door and get Spooky to distract the patrolling
guard while Tiny take him out.
Enter the door that is indicated by the arrow to reach another huge
'courtyard' area. Enter the building to the left as indicated by the

Spooky should take out the guard at the top of the staircase then
distract the lieutenant near the door while Tiny move in for the kill.
Grab the lieutenant's uniform and pass it to the allied prisoner.
Head into the next room and get Spooky to take out the officer and
lieutenant with injection while Tiny take care of the worker and
soldier. Pass three uniforms to the allied prisoners here and ascend
the staircase to the second floor.
Get Spooky to distract the guard at the top of the staircase while Tint
should head to the back and take out the lieutenant behind the
staircase then pass the uniform to the nearby allied prisoner.
Take out the patrolling guard in the adjacent room followed by the one
that Spooky is distracting. Take out the officer and lieutenant near
the allied prisoner here and pass a uniform to him.
Spooky should distract the remaining soldier in this floor while Tiny
take them out silently then pass two uniforms to the two remaining
allied prisoners. Check the furniture here to find a smoke grenade, a
canned food, a poison syringe, a cigarette pack, three wine bottles,
some sheet ladders and some first aid kit.
Ascend the staircase to the third floor and take out all the enemies
with the same method as before (get Tread to help if necessary). Pass
uniforms to the five allied prisoners here then stand by next to the
ladder leading to the attic and fire s hot to lure the enemies to climb
down, kill them all then pass a uniform to the lone allied prisoner in
the attic. Check the furniture on the third floor to find a Molotov
cocktail, a poison syringe, two cigarette packs, three wine bottles,
some canned food, some sheet ladder, some sniper rifle ammo, some
sleeping pills and some first aid kit.

Go back outside to the 'courtyard' and enter the building, which is
brown in color (the short one).
Get Spooky to distract while Tiny cleared the first floor from enemy
soldiers as usual then pass two uniforms to the two allied prisoners.
Check the cupboards in the kitchen to find a poison syringe, three wine
bottles, some canned food, some sleeping pills, some first aid kit and
the eighteenth piece of the bonus mission.
Descend the staircase to the basement and clear the place of enemy
soldiers then pass a uniform to the lone allied prisoner. Check the
shelves to find three wine bottles, some canned food, some Molotov
cocktail, some first aid kit as well as the nineteenth and twentieth
pieces of the bonus mission.

Go back outside to the 'courtyard' and enter the door leading to the
building just to the right of the entrance where the commandos first
came in. Use Tiny and Spooky as usual to clear the whole place then
pass four uniforms to the allied prisoners.
Go back outside and head into the next building. Take out the lone
patrolling soldier and check the cupboards to find a poison syringe,
some sheet ladder and some first aid kit.
Ascend the staircase to the second floor and clear the whole place then
pass some uniforms to the six allied prisoners. Descend the other
staircase into a small room and take out the lone patrolling soldier
then pass his uniform to the allied prisoner.
Climb down the ladder and take out the soldier and lieutenant followed
by the two officers in the adjacent room then pass some uniforms to the
two allied prisoners.
Go back to the second floor and ascend the three staircases to the
third floor and clear every room of enemies. Pass some uniforms to the
four allied prisoners on the third floor.
Climb the ladders leading to the attics from the rooms on the third
floor then clear the whole place from enemies. Pass some uniforms to
the three allied prisoners then don't forget to climb to the roof from
one of the attics to reach the allied prisoner there.

Go back all the way to the 'courtyard' and skip the radio tower. Head
inside the building next to it, which contain a large theater. Clear
the theater and pass a uniform to the lone allied prisoner.
Exit through the door behind the stage and clear the place then pass
some uniforms to the two allied prisoners. Check the hanging shelf to
find a mantrap, a shovel, a poison syringe and the twenty-first piece
of the bonus mission.
Ascend the staircase to the second floor and kill the patrolling
soldier and lieutenant then pass some uniforms to the three allied
prisoners. Check the bookshelf to find a wine bottle, a canned food,
some sheet ladder and some first aid kit.
Ascend the staircase to the third floor and clear the place from
enemies then pass some uniforms to the two allied prisoners. Check the
furniture to find a cigarette pack, a poison syringe, a canned food,
some sheet ladder, some first aid kit, some sleeping pills, as well as
the twenty-second, twenty-third and twenty-fourth pieces of the bonus
Ascend the staircase to the fourth floor and take out all the enemy
soldiers here then pass some uniforms to the two allied prisoners.
Check the hanging shelves to find a poison syringe, a Molotov cocktail,
three wine bottles, some sheet ladder, some sleeping pills, some canned
food, some first aid kit as well as the twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth,
twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth pieces of the bonus mission.
Enter the adjacent area through the only door and kill all the enemies
then pass some uniforms to the six allied prisoners. Check the
furniture to find a pistol, a wine bottle, some gas grenades, some
sniper rifle ammo as well as the twenty-ninth and thirtieth pieces of
the bonus mission.
Climb the ladder to the attic and pass some uniforms to the two allied


Now go back down to the 'courtyard' and head into the radio tower. Take
out the lone patrolling soldier then check the crate to find a Molotov
Fire a shot to lure the enemies to come investigate, shoot them to
death as they climb down the ladder. Climb to the second floor and
check to crate to find some sniper rifle ammo then repeat the process
to lure enemies from the third floor.
Climb to the top of the radio tower and use the radio to contact
headquarters then pass a uniform to the lone allied prisoner.
Get all the commandos to regroup then go out from Colditz and head to
Tiny's starting position to board the balloon. Mission accomplished!!!

Locations of the bonus missions (30 in total):
-Two pieces found in furniture located inside the small office of the
large building south of the western gate of the brewery compound.
-Three pieces found in furniture located inside the northern house at
the factory compound.
-Two pieces found in cupboards located inside the blue-roofed building
just across the road from the factory compound.
-Three pieces found in furniture located at the first floor of the red-
roofed building just across the road from the factory compound.
-Two pieces found in drawers located at the second floor of the red-
roofed building just across the road from the factory compound.
-Two pieces found in cupboards located at the third floor of the red-
roofed building just across the road from the factory compound.
-Three pieces found in furniture located inside the small house behind
the row of three houses (near the church).
-One piece found in cupboard located at the first floor of the brown
building at the prisoner 'courtyard' area.
-Two pieces found in shelves located at the basement of the brown
building at the prisoner 'courtyard' area.
-One piece found in hanging shelf located at the first floor of the
building next to the theater.
-Three pieces found in furniture located at the third floor of the
building next to the theater.
-Four pieces found in hanging shelves located at the fourth floor of
the building next to the theater.
-Two pieces found in furniture located in the adjacent area to the
fourth floor of the building next to the theater.


Bonus Mission 9
Location: Unknown
Personnel: Inferno, Tread

-Destroy all of the enemy vehicles.

Secondary objectives:
-Eliminate the enemy grenadiers.

-Use the bazooka.
-Get the anti-tank mines.
-Get the smoke grenades.
-Use the grenades to distract the enemy.


Get Inferno and Tread to board the tank then wait for the half-track to
make its turn. As soon as Inferno has a clear shot, fire a shell to
destroy the half-track.
Maneuver slightly to the north and fire another shell to take out the
patrolling tank.
Go to the east and fire at the two grenadiers to kill them. Quickly
fire again to kill the other grenadier who comes to investigate
followed by the tank patrolling near the northeast corner of the map.
Destroy the tank that patrols from west to east followed by the last
tank that patrols near the northwest corner of the map. Mission


Mission 10: Is Paris Burning?
Location: Paris, France
Personnel: Tiny, Duke, Fins, Inferno, Tread, Spooky, Natasha, Lupin,


August 1944. Three months after the landings of Normandy more
than half of France is under allied control. In the morning of August
19 General Eisenhower sends the French 2nd Armored Division, with the
support of American troops, to liberate Paris. After four years of
occupation the dream of millions of Frenchmen is about to become
But Hitler has different plans. His orders are clear "Paris must
only fall into enemy hands as a heap of rubble". General Dietrich von
Choltitz commander of the occupation troops of Paris is in charge of
the demolition of the city. From his headquarters in the Hotel Meurice
he oversees the labor of the German 813th Engineer Corps that has
planted tons of explosives in the city.

-The Sapper must disconnect the detonation device in the general's
-Contact Natasha.
-Use the radio at the top of the tower.

Secondary objectives: none

-Obtain mines and grenades.
-Steal a tank.
-Obtain the key for the tower from the SS general.



Get Tiny to climb up and hide next to the small booth. Wait for the
patrolling soldier to walk away first then kill the sitting soldier.
Drag the body inside the booth and kill the patrolling guard when he
Take out the sitting lieutenant next followed by the workers. Spooky
should grab the lieutenant's uniform as disguise. Check the trashcan
next to the staircase to find the first piece of the bonus mission.
Ascend the staircase and get Spooky to distract the patrolling guard
while Tiny move in for the kill (beware of the patrolling lieutenant)
then hide the body near the staircase.
Get Spooky to kill the sitting soldier next to the booth with
injection. Wait for the commotion to die down then get Spooky to
distract the patrolling lieutenant while Tiny take him out followed by
the soldier looking at the map.
Spooky should now distract one of the guards standing near the exit
while Tiny move in to take out both soldiers.

Spooky should get out of the train station and distract the soldier who
is talking to a lieutenant nearby. Tiny should come and take them both
out then hide both bodies in the station.
Get Spooky to distract the patrolling guard near the road to the left
of the station that runs to the southeast while Tiny dispose of him
from behind.
Spooky should then head to the southwest corner of the map and distract
the patrolling guard there. Get Tiny to take out the worker sitting
under the shade just west of the train station followed by the soldier
that Spooky is distracting.
Spooky should now distract the patrolling soldier near the main road
running from the southwest corner of the map towards the northeast
while Tiny take him out and hide the body somewhere safe.
Distract the patrolling lieutenant next and get Tiny to take him out as
well but be careful of the stationary soldier to the north.
Tint should take care of the patrolling guard to the east of the train
station (near the road where the half-track occasionally pass by) then
hide the body somewhere safe.

Head to the southeast from the last soldier that Tiny took out and get
Spooky to distract the guard here (near the intersection). Tiny should
follow behind for the kill and hide the body somewhere to the
Tiny should wait nearby for the officer patrolling near the trees to
the northeast. Take him out and pass his uniform to Spooky then hide
the body.
Get Duke to crawl along the main road towards the northeast and sniper
the German sniper who is well concealed by shadows next to the Eiffel
Tower's leg that is labeled 'N'. A soldier from across the street will
come to investigate; drop him with a well-placed bullet.
Get Spooky to distract the patrolling soldier near Eiffel's 'N' leg and
Tiny should move in from behind to dispose of the guard. Hide the body
in the shadows with his dead comrades then grab the dead sniper's ammo.
Get Spooky across the road and distract the patrolling soldier nearby.
Tiny should then take out the stationary guard near the southern edge
of the map (near the trees) followed by the guard that Spooky is
distracting then dump both bodies in the shadows somewhere nearby.
Get Duke over and sniper the SS general as well as the officer standing
outside the small hut in the middle of the park to the east. Spooky
should quickly move in and grab the set of keys from the SS general
along with his uniform.

Spooky should go back to the hut and distract one of the lieutenants
while Tiny take out the other then hide the body inside (beware of
patrolling soldiers nearby). Come back out and take care of the soldier
patrolling around the hut and drag the body inside.
Come out again and take out the lieutenant that Spooky is distracting
followed by the patrolling guard on the part to the west of the small
hut then hide both bodies inside.
Distract the patrolling guard to the north then get Tiny to take him
out. Spooky should now distract the worker to the north of explosives
and get Tiny to move in and take out the soldier near the metal boxes
followed by the worker that Spooky is distracting and the soldier
standing near the truck (check the bodies for cigarette packs).
Get Lupin over to unlock the metal boxes, which contain four time
bombs, four remote control bombs, some grenades and some anti-tank

Get Spooky to drive the truck nearby with Inferno and Tread behind.
Drive towards the empty tank near the northern edge of the map (next to
the Meurice Hotel). QUICKLY get Inferno and Tread to disembark from the
truck and run towards the empty tank.
Once inside go on a rampage across the map and kill everyone, including
the half-track and the tank. Kill the four German snipers on the
western roof of Meurice Hotel as well. The soldiers and workers on the
hotel roof should be lured to investigate except the one at the eastern
roof. Kill everyone that comes down to investigate with the tank.


Get the commandos to regroup outside the door leading to the western
side of the Meurice Hotel. Send Tiny in and take out the two workers
here. Spooky should then distract the lieutenant at the counter while
Tiny take care of the two soldiers behind the counter followed by the
lieutenant that Spooky is distracting. Check the furniture here to find
a wine bottle, a shovel, a smoke grenade, a canned food, a poison
syringe, some sleeping pills and some first aid kit.

Ascend the staircase and get Spooky to distract the patrolling guard
nearby while Tiny take him out from behind.
Get Spooky to distract the guard to the right of the general's office
while Tiny take out the left one then dump the body out of the window.
Tiny should then take out the guard that Spooky is distracting followed
by the soldier who is sitting at a desk nearby who will be alerted;
quickly dump both bodies out of the window before the patrolling
lieutenant can see anything. Distract the lieutenant then get Tiny to
take him out and throw him out of the window.
Get Inferno to join Tiny and Spooky then get him to lob a grenade into
the general's office, killing the general along with the two officers.
Head inside then disarm the explosive device. Check the general's desk
and cupboard to find a wine bottle, a poison syringe, a Molotov
cocktail, some sniper rifle ammo, some sleeping pills and some first
aid kit.

Ascend the staircase to the third floor and get Tiny to dispose of the
patrolling soldier nearby. Get Spooky to distract the lieutenant
sitting at the desk located at the end of the room while Tiny take care
of the patrolling soldier who occasionally look out of the window. Take
care of the lieutenant next and check the small file cabinet to find a
canned food and the second piece of the bonus mission.
Head into the adjacent room and take out the soldier who is wiping the
Go back out and open the door to the last office that hasn't been
entered. Spooky should distract the guard by the door while Tiny move
in to take care of the lieutenant followed by the two soldiers sitting
at the desks who will be alerted to the noise. Take care of the soldier
that Spooky is distracting and check the furniture to find a poison
syringe, a smoke grenade, a canned food, a binocular, three wine
bottles, some sleeping pills, some grenades, some first aid kit and the
third piece of the bonus mission.

Ascend the staircase to the fourth floor and take out the patrolling
soldier nearby. Head into the next room and take care of the soldier
and the worker. Place a remote control bomb near the door leading into
the office and fire a shot. When the enemies come running out of the
office, detonate the bomb to kill them all.
Check the furniture to find a pistol, a binocular, a cigarette pack,
some sleeping pills, some first aid kit and the fourth piece of the
bonus mission. Go out through the door to reach the balcony then
collect all the dead snipers' ammo for Duke.


Enter Hotel Meurice's eastern wing through the back door and get Spooky
to distract the patrolling soldier while Tiny move into take care of
the soldier sitting near the counter followed by the guard that Spooky
is distracting.
Head into the next room and distract the lieutenant reading the
newspaper while Tiny sneak up from behind to take him out. Whip out a
pistol then kill the officer and the lieutenant who are chatting to
each other on the sofa. Check the furniture to find a canned food, a
cigarette pack, a Molotov cocktail, a gas grenade, two wine bottles,
some first aid kit and the fifth piece of the bonus mission.

Ride the elevator to the second floor and get tiny to take out soldier
next to it. Spooky should distract the patrolling soldier at the
corridor while Tiny move in for the kill then dump the body out of the
Go into the room at the center and take care of the soldier sweeping
the floor there. Go back to the corridor and take care of the two
guards outside the patrol leader's room followed by the leader himself
by using the pistol.
Check all the drawers to find a poison syringe, a binocular, a smoke
grenade, two wine bottles, some sheet ladder, some canned food, some
sniper rifle ammo, some first aid kit as well as the sixth and seventh
pieces of the bonus mission.

Ride the elevator to the third floor and get Spooky to distract the
soldier patrolling at the corridor. Fins should come out and take care
of the lieutenant sitting on the sofa near the elevator by throwing his
Get Tread to crawl to the corridor then throw a gas grenade to take out
the two soldiers talking to each other. Tiny should then take out the
guard that Spooky is distracting then fire a shot to kill the officer
inside one of the rooms. Check all the drawers to find a pistol, a
smoke grenade, a canned food, a binocular, a poison syringe, two wine
bottles, some sheet ladder, some Molotov cocktail, some sleeping pills,
some first aid kit as well as the eighth and ninth piece of the bonus

Ride the elevator to the fourth floor and get two of the commandos to
fire a shot. Kill all the enemies that come running to secure the
fourth floor. Climb up the ladder to the roof and kill the lone
patrolling soldier then climb back down again.
Talk to Natasha and she will update the objective. Check all the
furniture here to find a smoke grenade, a gas grenade, a Molotov
cocktail, a cigarette pack, two wine bottles, two poison syringes, some
sheet ladder, some canned food, some first aid kit and some sleeping
Go back down with the elevator and regroup the commandos at the center
of the Hotel Meurice.


Inferno should lob a grenade through the door/window leading to the
center of Hotel Meurice. Wait for everyone to gather around the
explosion site then lob another grenade to take them all out.
Check all the furniture in the bar to find nine wine bottles, some
canned food, some Molotov cocktails, some first ad kit as well as the
tenth and eleventh pieces of the bonus missions.
Ascend the staircase to the second floor and take out everyone with
Spooky distracting and Tiny killing from behind. Check all the
furniture here to find a mantrap, two cigarette packs, two wine
bottles, some canned food, some first aid kit, some sleeping pills and
the twelfth piece of the bonus mission.

Ascend the staircase to the third floor and get Tiny to kill the
soldier reading the newspaper. Stand outside the door and fire a shot
to lure the others to come out. Kill them all and examine the furniture
to find a shovel, a mantrap, a pistol, a Molotov cocktail, a gas
grenade, a smoke grenade, four wine bottles, three poison syringes, two
binoculars, two cigarette packs, some sheet ladder, some canned food,
some grenades, some sleeping pills, some first aid kit as well as the
thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth pieces of the bonus
Ascend the staircase to the fourth floor and get Inferno to lob a
grenade to kill the two soldiers lying down on the floor as well as the
one who is leaning out of the window. QUICKLY lob a second grenade to
kill the soldiers from the art room who come to investigate. Simply
shoot any survivors and check the furniture to find a gas grenade, a
poison syringe, a canned food, some sleeping pills, some first aid kit
as well as the seventeenth and final piece of the bonus mission.

Regroup the commandos at the Eiffel Tower's leg labeled 'E'. Open the
door with the key obtained from the SS general earlier and get Spooky
to distract the patrolling soldier while Tiny sneak from behind to take
him out. Spooky should then distract the patrolling worker at the other
end of the room while Tiny dispose of the stationary soldier outside
the cable car. Take out the worker that Spooky is distracting and
simply shoot the patrolling lieutenant below.


Get Tiny and Spooky to ride the cable car to the third level of the
Eiffel Tower. Spooky should come out first and distract the worker who
is looking at the cable car.
Tiny should come out and head inside the opening to the right. Take out
the patrolling soldier followed by the stationary soldier next to the
elevator. Get Spooky and Tiny to ride the elevator to the top.

Get Spooky to inject the patrolling soldier followed by the stationary
soldier and the lieutenant reading newspaper. Get Tiny to climb the two
sets of ladder and go out through the door. Take out the patrolling
soldier and simply shoot the officer and soldier who are looking over
the railing. Use the radio to contact headquarters. Mission

Locations of the bonus missions (17 in total):
-One piece found in trashcan located inside the train station (near
starting position).
-Two pieces found in furniture located at the third floor of Hotel
Meurice's west wing.
-One piece found in drawer located at the fourth floor of Hotel
Meurice's west wing.
-One piece found in drawer located at the first floor of Hotel
Meurice's east wing.
-Two pieces found in drawers located at the second floor of Hotel
Meurice's east wing.
-Two pieces found in drawers located at the third floor of Hotel
Meurice's east wing.
-Two pieces found in furniture located at Hotel Meurice's bar.
-One piece found in desk located at the office one floor above Hotel
Meurice's bar.
-Four pieces found in furniture located at the office two floors above
Hotel Meurice's bar.
-One piece found in shelf located inside the art room three floors
above Hotel Meurice's bar.

Congratulations!!! You just finished Commandos 2: Men of Courage. Enjoy
the ending! And don't forget to play the last bonus mission. :)


Bonus Mission 10
Location: Unknown
Personnel: Tiny, Duke, Tread, Lupin

-Escape using the enemy car.

Secondary objectives: none

-Neutralize the enemy snipers.
-Get the wirecutters.
-Cut the fence.
-Obtain some Molotov cocktails.
-Enter the bunker through the window.
-Unlock the door of the bunker from the inside.


Get Duke to snipe the German sniper to the left. Lupin should then
crawl underneath the barbed wire and unlock the metal box near the
western edge of the map to find a shovel, a wirecutter and some Molotov

Head back again but cut a hole in the barbed wire this time. Pass the
Molotov cocktails to Tread and get him to lob one at the officer and
lieutenant who is chatting to each other to the left of the bunker
(make sure that the soldier next to the large boxes see this).
Wait for the worker near the metal box and the soldier next to the
large boxes southwest of the car to come investigate the charred bodies
then lob the last Molotov cocktail to take them out.
Get all the commandos to go through the hole in the barbed wire and
climb up at the other side of the trench. Get the commandos to run to
the car and quickly drive it along the road to the north. Mission


10. Credits

God - for giving me the ability to write.

Pyro Studios - for creating a game that's frustrating sometimes yet fun
and addictive!!!

C Jay C - for posting this FAQ. ^_^

Me - for writing this FAQ. ^_^

Grace Yeo - for being my girlfriend. ^_^

You - for reading this FAQ of mine. ^_^

This FAQ is Copyright 2001 of Varkovsky.

This work is supposed to appear only on these following websites:
3. http://DLH.Net
This FAQ is not supposed to appear in any other places or websites
other than those listed above. This FAQ is not to be edited, altered or
changed in any way without the author's permission.
Lastly, any further questions, comments, critics, suggestions and
additional info should be forwarded to

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Bonus Book FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

09.Октябрь 2013
Megatrainer (für dt. Version)

13.Октябрь 2013

08.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Munitionstrainer (für v1.2 dt)

17.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Unsichtbarkeit und Unverwundbarkeit (für v1.2)

26.Сентябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Die offizielle Tastatur-Schablone (Achtung: 1.7 MB)

01.Ноябрь 2009

11.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Unsichtbarkeit und Unverwundbarkeit (für v1.0)

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019