Oyakusoku Love

Oyakusoku Love

15.10.2013 04:10:37

Oyakusoku Love
Concise Guide (Version 2.4 - Text Version)

Current Update: Friday, 12 April 2002
Previous Update: Monday, 8 April 2002
Created: Saturday, 6 October 2001

By Don "Gamera" Chan (crs1219@hotmail.com)

1. Acknowledgements
2. Nutrition Information
2.1 1st Impression
2.2 2nd Impression
3. Solution
3.1 Episode 0
3.2 Episode 1
3.3 Episode 2
3.4 Episode 3
3.5 Episode 4
3.6 Episode 5
3.7 Episode 6
4. Links

Disclaimer: I send the newest version of this file
to only six Websites:
- http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/22599.html
- http://vgstrategies.about.com/
- http://DLH.Net/
- http://www.gamesover.com/
- http://www.cheathappens.com/
- http://gameguru.box.sk/
If you downloaded or read this file at other
Websites, the SysOps of the other Websites probably
leeched it from one of the above Websites.

Dementi: J'ai envoye la plus recente version de ce
fichier a seulement six sites webs.
- http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/22599.html
- http://vgstrategies.about.com/
- http://DLH.Net/
- http://www.gamesover.com/
- http://www.cheathappens.com/
- http://gameguru.box.sk/
Si vous avez telecharge ou lu ce fichier a partir
d'autres sites, les responsables de ces sites l'auront
probablement pompe a partir de l'un des sites ci-dessus.

"Setsunasa!" (*1)


Thanks to these sierra hotel persons/organisations:
- Borgman of Philippines and his wife.
- Douglas Cootey, for helping me acquire a movie file
of the circa March-April 1998 Segata Sanshirou (Fujioka
Hiroshi) TV CM of Sakura Taisen 2 for SS that co-starred
Yokoyama Chisa as Shinguuji Sakura.
- Jean-Luc Barbera of France, for the French
translation of the Disclaimer, and the English translation
of the NOIR foreword. (After all, English and French are
the two official languages up here in Canada, the True
North Strong and Free.)
- Murakami Suigun of Japan, the chara designer and
illustrator of this game.
- Philip In of Hong Kong, for being yet another
non-Japanese friend who works in Japan.
- NATO personnel participating in Operation Enduring
Freedom. The Empire Strikes Back.

No thanks to these lima delta persons/organisations:
- The EVIL terrorists responsible for the attacks in
the USA in the morning on (Tuesday) 11 September 2001 (local
- M27Power.Com, for computer virus.

In memory of:
- The victims of the terrorist attacks in the USA in
the morning on 11 September 2001. God bless America.

"Le noir, ce mot designe depuis une epoque lointaine le
nom du destin.
"Les deux vierges regnent sur la mort.
"Les mains noires protegent la paix des nouveaux-nes."
- NOIR (TV: 2001)


Title: Oyakusoku Love
Genre: Oyakusoku adventure
Rating: Adult Only (Keep out of sight of children
and parents)
Players: 1
OS: Windows 95/98/2000/Me (Japanese version)
Maker: Hayashigumi
On Sale: Friday, 29 June 2001


Oyakusoku Love can install as 542 or 1,214 MB. The
first game CD installs it; the second runs it.
I'm kind of interested in this game because the
chara designer is Murakami Suigun, a CG illustrator whose
name I remember from way back in (IIRC) 1997, soon after
I first installed a Web browser. AFAIK, this game is a
gakuen mono (school thingy).
(IMO, the actual event CG in the game look better
than the thumbnails at the official HP. BTW, the official
HP has the lyrics of the game size OP song.)
On the first game CD, in the Omake directory are
three MP3 files. I assume these are the full-size OP
song, ED song, and insert song.
The game has 30 save game slots (5 pages of 6 slots).
Each slot has a small screen capture of where that slot is
saved, like in [el].
The CG mode has 98 slots (8 pages of 12 slots and 1
page of 2 slots). The Event mode has 36 slots (3 pages of 12
slots). The Music mode has 20 tracks.
The title bar of the window has no pull-down menu,
but RMB (Right Mouse Button) on the screen yields a
pull-down menu. Includes an option to save the current
screen to the Clipboard or as a BMP file. For example,
the main menu screen saves as a 1.4 MB BMP file.
The heroines are voiced. Date Naoto, the protagonist,
isn't. BTW, the player can't change the protagonist's
Naoto is a male high school student, and has an
Arbeit (part-time job) at a pet shop. One night, a
fortune teller (at the Sakuragazaka JR West Japan train
station) tells him if he doesn't copulate with an heroine
by his next birthday, one month later, then he'll be alone
for the rest of his life. (BFD, IMO.) And the fortune
teller demands and gets 5,000 Yen for this unfortunate
fortune telling... (-_-;)
(IMO, the dialogue aren't as funny as those in
Canary -Kono omoi wo uta ni nosete-.)
Oyakusoku Love only plays its OP animation and song
between the end of the prologue (Episode 0) and the title
screen of Episode 1. This OP animation (more like a slide
show) is akin to a typical TV anime no-telop OP
animation, and even has an announcement about the
sponsors and a short CM (commercial).
The player can save and load game at a multiple choice
node, and the multiple choice nodes in this game have no
time limit, unlike in Canary and Sakura Taisen.
BTW, I know there are Websites where we can download
a save game file for this game that has all the CG and
events unlocked... because I already downloaded it. (^_-)
(See the Links section.)


Later (2002.03.15): Oyakusoku Love is divided into
seven Episodes: Episode 0 to Episode 6. By the weather
forecast at the end of Episode 4, the player should know the
protagonist's on his way to which heroines' endings.
During a game, the protagonist can copulate with more
than one heroine, and he can copulate with the same heroine
more than once. The CG in the subsequent events with the
same heroine may be the same as in the first time, but the
dialogue will be different.
In my 1st Play, I aimed for and got Nazo no Shoujo and
Yuu's endings.
In my 2nd Play, I plan to fast-forward the story and
aim for Mei's ending. I don't plan to get Hinako and
Tomomi's endings. Though Hinako's a Miko, her looks and
personality don't particularly attract me, and I don't have
a fetish for widows (chuuko... I mean miboujin).
Hey, some Sakura Taisen fans described Hanabi chama of
Sakura Taisen 3 as "chuuko" first. And, to quote an ancient
American proverb, "I only know what I'm told."
BTW, I'm not particularly a Comic Party fan.

Later (2002.03.22): Finished 2nd Play and cleared Mei's
ending. Next, I'll probably play Hooligan for Windows by
FrontWing, and not resume Canary -Kono omoi wo uta ni
nosete- for Windows or Wizardry 8 for Windows.

[Ramble ON]

FYI, in Ecchi games, I dislike anal, bandage,
bestiality, bondage, boys love/gay/homo/Shouta/yaoi,
Burikko, choukyou, gakuen mono, kemono, kichiku, kyonyuu,
Lolicom, Mah Jong, maid, nun, nurse, okama (except the
Hokuto no Ken type), orgy, scatolo, slime, tentacles, and
(I know. Picky, picky.)

"ECCHI [H] nano ha ikenai to omoimasu."
- Mahoro, Automatic Maiden Mahoromatic

As of February 2002, Murakami Suigun's next project is
Natsuiro no Sunadokei for PlayStation 2, a gal game by
Princess Soft scheduled for 2002.05.30. Natsuiro no
Sunadokei means "Sandglass of summer colour".
After a contest that ended on 2002.01.12, the readers
of Dengeki G's Magazine chose this title, amongst four
titles suggested by Princess Soft, as the title of the game.
The other candidates were: Labyrinth, One Day, and
Tomorrow/Yesterday. As Natsuiro no Sunadokei is a PS2 game,
it probably doesn't have any Ecchi CG or contents, not even
panchira. (^_-) Also, there's no evidence that Princess Soft
will make an Ecchi version of this game for Windows.
Natsuiro no Sunadokei is probably set in or about
Kamakura, Kanagawa. In an early illust, the heroine Serizawa
Kaho sits on a bench at the Shichirigahama station.
The Enoden (Enoshima Dentetsu) train line (private, not
JR) in Kanagawa has a Shichirigahama station between
Kamakura and Enoshima (southwest of Kamakura and northeast
of Enoshima).
(FYI, I'm not a train Wotaku, but I've friends who are.)

Revision history of this file:

Version 0.5 (Limited Edition): Wednesday, 10 October 2001
Version 1.0 [11 KB]: Saturday, 13 October 2001
Version 1.5 [16 KB]: Wednesday, 31 October 2001
Version 2.0 [32 KB]: Friday, 15 March 2002
Version 2.1 [36 KB]: Saturday, 23 March 2002
Version 2.2 [37 KB]: Monday, 1 April 2002
Version 2.3 [37 KB]: Saturday, 6 April 2002

(Between mid-December 2001 and late February 2002, I
was playing WIZ8E (Wizardry 8 for English Windows).)

[Ramble OFF]


Note: This solution is incomplete. In my 1st Play, I
cleared two heroines' endings: Nazo no Shoujo and Yuu. In my
2nd Play, I cleared one heroine's ending: Mei. I don't plan
to clear the remaining heroines' endings.
Also, if you've actually read Version 0.5 (Limited
Edition) of this FAQ (yeah, right), you'll notice I've
restructured the numbering of the choices at the multiple
choice nodes.

3.1 EPISODE 0 "Prologue"

This episode has no multiple choice nodes. It
basically introduces the protagonist Naoto, and three of
the five heroines:
- Ayatsuji Yuu has green hair in a ponytail. She's a
transfer student to the protagonist's class, has a fan
service-included, Natsuki Crisis-like, one-pattern
Hissatsu Panchira High Kick that always hits the
protagonist's head and KO him, and lives in the house next
to the protagonist's.
(To quote the rock band Queen: "Pain is so close to
- Yanagi Hinako has black, long straight hair. She's
the protagonist's osanajimi (friend since childhood).
She's also a Miko, because her home is a Shintou jinja
(IMO, she looks like a puny Ayasaki Wakana Ojousama
of Senti 1.)
- Sasaoka Tomomi. She's the young widow who owns the
Pet Shop Eden where the protagonist does his Arbeit
(part-time job) after-school. She's also an alcoholic.

FYI, in my 1st Play, I'll aim for Yuu.

3.2 EPISODE 1 "Akai ito" ("Red thread")

This episode has more than one day. On Day 2, the
game introduces another heroine:
- Nazo no Shoujo (mysterious girl) has dark
blue long straight hair.
(As only the heroines are voiced, it's easy to deduce
who's Nazo no Shoujo, but let's pretend we don't know
her true identity for now.)
On Day 3, the game introduces another heroine:
- Kurahashi Mei has red hair with a yellow ribbon,
and wears glasses. She calls herself "boku" and plays the
Maid Senshi Sigmarion in a live superheroine show at the
Sakuragazaka Shopping Mall.
(The heroines of this game certainly combine a lot of
gal gamers' categorised fetishes. (-_-;) BTW, I don't have
a Meganekko, Miko, or widow feti.)

Between Days 3 and 4 are: a non-animated eye-catch, a
slide-show CM of the game No Reality, and another
non-animated eye-catch.

On Day 4, the player finally gets some multiple
choice nodes. The first node has:
1-11. Mou sukoshi neru. (Sleep a bit more.)
1-12. Shower wo abiru. (Take a shower.)
The second node on Day 4 depends on whether the
player chooses 1-11 or 1-12.
If you're aiming for Hinako, Mei, or Yuu, choose 1-11.
It leads to 1-21 and 1-22.
If you're aiming for Hinako (again) or Tomomi, choose
1-12. It leads to 1-31 and 1-32. It also unlocks an
Hinako's panchira CG (page 5, row 3, column 1). (Choosing
1-11 won't immediately unlock this CG, but the protagonist
will unlock it later on Day 4.)

From 1-11, the second node on Day 4 has:
1-21. Kotowaru. (Decline.)
1-22. Heya ni haireru. (Enter the protagonist's room.)
1-22 ends Day 4.
If you're not aiming for Mei, or you're aiming for
Hinako, choose 1-21. It leads to 1-41 and 1-42.
If you're aiming for Mei, choose 1-22. It unlocks one
Mei CG (page 4, row 2, column 1).
(Mei's not just a cosplayer, she's also an Ecchi and
yaoi genre doujinshi mangaka (fan comic artist). That is,
she's a dangerous Wotaku (geek).)

From 1-12, the second node on Day 4 has:
1-31. USO wo tsuite wakareru. (Flee.)
1-32. Ki ni shinai. (Ignore.)
Both choices end Day 4.
If you're aiming for Mei, choose 1-31. It and 1-22
have the same result.
If you're aiming for Hinako or Tomomi, choose 1-32.
It unlocks Hinako's panchira CG (page 5, row 3, column 1).

From 1-21, the third node on Day 4 has:
1-41. "Kyou ha kaze ga tsuyoi ne." ("Today the wind
is strong.")
1-42. "....."
Both choices end Day 4.
If you're aiming for Hinako, choose 1-41. It unlocks
Hinako's panchira CG (page 5, row 3, column 1), and causes
the protagonist to m_sturbate at night (thankfully, no CG).
If you're not aiming for Hinako, choose 1-42.

On Day 5, the first node has:
1-51. Issho ni yaru. (Study together.)
1-52. Kotowaru. (Decline.)
If you're not aiming for Mei, choose 1-51. It leads
to 1-61 and 1-62.
If you're aiming for Mei, choose 1-52. It leads to
1-71 and 1-72.

From 1-51, the second node on Day 5 has:
1-61. Naru. (Yes, protagonist's interested in
1-62. Naranai. (No, protagonist's not interested in
Both choices end Day 5 and Episode 1.
If you're aiming for Hinako, choose 1-61. It unlocks
one Hinako CG (page 5, row 3, column 2).
If you're aiming for Mei and not aiming for Hinako,
choose 1-62. It unlocks two Mei CG (page 4, row 2, column
1; and page 4, row 2, column 2) and one Mei event (page 1,
row 3, column 2).

From 1-52, the second node on Day 5 has:
1-71. Kibun tenkan ni sanpo. (Take a hike.)
1-72. Mou sukoshi nebaru. (Stick around.)
Both choices end Day 5 and Episode 1. Each choice
leads to a different preview of the Episode 2 title. 1-72
seems to lead to a different OP animation (Maid Senshi
If you're aiming for Hinako, choose 1-71. It and 1-61
have the same result, and unlocks one Hinako CG (page 5,
row 3, column 2).
If you're aiming for Mei, choose 1-72. It unlocks one
Mei CG (page 4, row 1, column 2).

At the end of Episode 1 are: a preview of the Episode
2 title, the ED animation, a weather forecast table that
reports the heroines' current friendliess with the
protagonist (typhoon (worst), rain, &c), the OP animation,
and a slide-show CM of a game by Fish Cafe.
If you're aiming for Mei, and you chose 1-11, 1-22,
1-51, and 1-62, the two CG in the preview probably feature
only Mei. Also, the Episode 2 OP animation is probably the
Sigmarion version.

3.3 EPISODE 2 "Yakusoku" ("Promise")

On Day 1, the first node has:
2-11. Beit suru. (Just do it (Beit).)
2-12. Kotowaru. (Decline.)
If you're aiming for Tomomi, choose 2-11. It leads to
2-21 and 2-22.
If you're aiming for Mei or Yuu, and not aiming for
Tomomi, choose 2-12. It leads to 2-31 and 2-32. It also
unlocks one Yuu CG (page 8, row 1, column 2).

From 2-11, on Day 1, the second node has:
2-21. Oikakeru. (Chase.)
2-22. Beit no jikan da. (Go to Beit.)
2-22 ends Days 1 and 2, and eventually Episode 2.
If you're aiming for Yuu, choose 2-21. It leads to
2-31 and 2-32. It unlocks one Yuu CG (page 8, row 1,
column 2).
If you're aiming for Tomomi, choose 2-22! It leads to
one Tomomi Ecchi CG (page 4, row 3, column 4), two Tomomi
Ecchi events (page 2, row 1, columns 3 and 4), and the CM
break. After the CM break, Days 3 to 5 have no node and
are the same as when the player chooses 2-31 or 2-32 (see
below). Yuu's weather probably becomes typhoon, and
Tomomi's weather probably becomes partly rain, partly

From 2-12, on Day 2, the second node has:
2-31. Chikara'ippai hitei suru. (Deny.)
2-32. Kotoba wo nigosu. (Chaff.)
Both choices end Day 2 and eventually Episode 2.
If you're aiming for Hinako (especially), Kaoru, Mei,
or Tomomi, and not aiming for Yuu, choose 2-31. It unlocks
one Kaoru panchira CG (page 2, row 1, column 2), and one
Tomomi CG (page 3, row 3, column 1). It also probably
changes Yuu's weather to typhoon.
If you're aiming for Yuu, choose 2-32. It unlocks one
Yuu's panchira CG (page 1, row 3, column 3), and causes
the protagonist to m_sturbate at night (thankfully, no
CG). It also possibly changes Tomomi's weather to typhoon.

After 2-31 or 2-32 are: the before-CM eye-catch
(Yuu), a slide-show CM, and the after-CM eye-catch

From 2-31 or 2-32, Day 3 has no node.
The game unlocks two Hinako CG (page 5, row 3, column 4; and
page 1, row 2, column 4).
Day 4 has no node. The game unlocks two Hinako CG (page
7, row 2, column 4; and page 3, row 1, column 1).
(I initially thought: Does the protagonist ever lock
his front door? Or does Hinako has the keys to his house?)
Day 5 has no node. The game unlocks one Hinako CG (page
1, row 3, column 1) and ends Episode 2.

If the Episode 2 preview features only Mei, and the
Episode 2 OP animation is the Sigmarion version: From 2-31,
Day 3 has no node.
The protagonist and Mei have an Ecchi event (fella).
The game unlocks one Mei Ecchi CG (page 4, row 2, column 3)
and one Mei Ecchi event (page 1, row 3, column 3).
Day 4 has no node.
Day 5 has no node.
The protagonist and Mei have another Ecchi event. This
time, he copulates with her (fella and nakadashi). The game
unlocks two Mei Ecchi CG (page 4, row 2, column 4; and page
5, row 2, column 1) and one Mei Ecchi event (page 1, row 3,
column 4).
(This is a jun'ai, romantic adventure game, but I
disagree with the protagonist's unsafe sex. He should use a
condom or three, IMO.)

At the end of Episode 2 are: a preview of the Episode
3 title, the ED animation, a weather forecast table that
reports the heroines' current friendliess with the
protagonist, the OP animation, and a slide-show CM.
If the player chose 2-22 or 2-31, the preview
features only Tomomi.
If the player chose 2-32, the preview features Yuu.

3.4 EPISODE 3 "Kioku" ("Memory")

(Later (2001.12.07): By now, in 1st Play, I'm aiming
for Yuu and Nazo no Shoujo's endings. If I've a Miko feti,
I'd aim for Hinako's ending too.)

Day 1, first node:
3-11. Hinako wo oikakeru. (Chase Hinako.)
3-12. Kaoru wo oikakeru. (Chase Kaoru.)
If you're aiming for Hinako and not Kaoru, choose
3-11. It leads to 3-21 and 3-22.
If you're aiming for Kaoru, Mei, and not Hinako,
choose 3-12. It leads to 3-31 and 3-32.

Day 1, second node, from 3-11; or Day 1, third node,
from 3-31 or 3-32:
3-21. Shoutengai ni iku. (Go to shopping street.)
3-22. Kouen ni iku. (Go to park.)
If you're aiming for Hinako or Mei, choose 3-21. It
leads to 3-41 and 3-42 on Day 2. It also unlocks one Hinako
Ecchi CG (page 5, row 3, column 3).
If you're not aiming for Hinako, or you're aiming for
Nazo no Shoujo, choose 3-22. It leads to 3-41 and 3-42 on
Day 2. It also unlocks one Nazo no Shoujo non-Ecchi event
(page 3, row 1, column 2) and one Nazo no Shoujo non-Ecchi
CG (page 4, row 1, column 4).

Day 1, second node, from 3-12:
3-31. Majime ni kotaeru. (Honestly answer that the
protagonist doesn't know he likes which heroine.)
3-32. Fuzakete gomakasu. (Dishonestly answer.)
Both 3-31 and 3-32 may eventually lead to a Tomomi
Ecchi event on another Day.
If you're aiming for Nazo no Shoujo and not Kaoru,
choose 3-31. It leads to 3-21 and 3-22 (see above).
If you're aiming for Kaoru, Mei, and not Hinako,
choose 3-32. (Homoppoi...) It also leads to 3-21 and 3-22.

Day 2, first node:
3-41. Kotowaru. (Decline.)
3-42. Tanomu. (Accept.)
Both choices end Day 2.
If you're aiming for Hinako, choose 3-41. (She's made a
bentou for the protagonist, who then becomes public enemy
No.1 in their school.) It unlocks two Hinako non-Ecchi CG
(page 2, row 2, column 1; and page 5, row 3, column 4).
(The yellow ribbon on the back of Hinako's head is only
visible when she turns to one side.)
If you're not aiming for Hinako, or you're aiming for
Mei, Nazo no Shoujo, or Kaoru, choose 3-42. It unlocks one
Kaoru first kiss event (page 3, row 2, column 2) and one
Kaoru first kiss CG (page 4, row 1, column 3).
If the protagonist copulated with Mei earlier, she
appears and explains why she was absent yesterday. (9_9;)
Between Days 2 and 3 is a TV CM of Fake by Witch.

If you've been aiming for Yuu, go to Scenario 3-01.
If you've been aiming for Mei, and the protagonist
copulated with her eariler, go to Scenario 3-02.


Day 3 has no node.
The game unlocks one Yuu panchira CG (page 2, row 2,
column 4). Also, the protagonist and Kaoru go to the
fami-res (family restaurant) One Piece where Yuu does her

Day 4 has no node.
The game unlocks two Yuu CG (page 2, row 3, column 1;
and page 7, row 3, column 4).

Day 5 has no node.
The game unlocks one Yuu CG (page 3, row 2, column 1).
(The protagonist finally hops over to Yuu's room. Also,
why are the heroines so willing?)


Day 3 has no node.
The protagonist skips school, but does his Arbeit at
Tomomi's shop.
The game unlocks one Tomomi Ecchi (fella x5) CG (page
3, row 3, column 2) and one Tomomi Ecchi event (page 2, row
2, column 1).
Day 4 has no node.
The protagonist copulates with Tomomi.
The game unlocks one Tomomi Ecchi CG (page 3, row 3,
column 3) and one Tomomi Ecchi event (page 2, row 2, column
(To quote Liberty, Mandarake, and Sofmap, "Kizu ari.
Play OK.") (-_-;)
Day 5 has no node.
The protagonist copulates with Tomomi again.
The game unlocks one Tomomi Ecchi CG (page 4, row 3,
column 3) and one Tomomi Ecchi event (page 2, row 2, column

At the end of Episode 3 are: a preview of the Episode
4 title, the ED animation, a weather forecast table that
reports the heroines' current friendliess with the
protagonist, the OP animation, and a slide-show CM.
If the player's aiming for Kaoru, Mei, Nazo no Shoujo,
or Yuu, the preview probably features only Nazo no Shoujo.

3.5 EPISODE 4 "Himeta omoi" ("Hidden thought")

On Day 1, before the first node, the game unlocks one
Yuu Ecchi CG (page 1, row 3, column 2).
(For a change, her hairstyle is temporarily not

Day 1, first node:
4-11. Asobi ni iku. (Get out and take a hike.)
4-12. Beit. (Part-time job.)
4-13. Ie ni iru. (Stay home.)
All three choices probably lead to 4-21 and 4-22 on Day
If you're aiming for Yuu, choose 4-11. It unlocks one
Yuu CG (page 2, row 3, column 4) and one Yuu event (page 1,
row 1, column 1).
(The protagonist goes to Yuu's fami-res.)
If you're aiming for Nazo no Shoujo or Tomomi, choose
(The protagonist does his Beit and meets Nazo no Shoujo
in the park.)
If you're aiming for Mei, or if you're not aiming for
Mei, but want the protagonist to do nothing and meet no one,
choose 4-13.
If the protagonist copulated with Mei and possibly
Tomomi earlier, and you choose 4-13, the protagonist
copulates with Mei again (nakadashi).
The game unlocks one Mei Ecchi CG (page 5, row 2,
column 2) and one Mei Ecchi event (page 2, row 1, column 1).
The game continues to 4-31 and 4-32.

Day 2, first node:
4-21. Oikakeru. (Chase.)
4-22. Nemuru. (Sleep.)
If you're aiming for Kaoru, Nazo no Shoujo, or Yuu,
choose 4-21, but it will p_ss off Yuu (pun intended). It
also unlocks one Yuu scatolo CG (page 6, row 1, column 2)
and one Yuu udon CG (page 2, row 2, column 3). It then leads
to a TV CM of Aries by Circus and Day 3.
If you're aiming for Kaoru or Nazo no Shoujo, and not
aiming for Yuu, choose 4-22. It leads to 4-31 and 4-32.

From 4-22, Day 2, second node:
4-31. Kaoru wo sasou. (Invite Kaoru.)
4-32. Hitori de kaeru. (Go home alone.)
Both choices end Day 2 and lead to a TV CM of Aries by
If you're aiming for Kaoru, Mei, or Nazo no Shoujo,
choose 4-31.
If you're aiming for Tomomi, choose 4-32.

Day 3 has no node.
The game unlocks one Kaoru non-Ecchi CG (page 4, row 1,
column 1).

Day 4 has no node.
The game unlocks one Nazo no Shoujo non-Ecchi CG (page
4, row 1, column 2).

Day 5 has no node.
The protagonist copulates with Nazo no Shojo [sic].
The game unlocks one Nazo no Shoujo Ecchi event (page
3, row 1, column 3) and three Nazo no Shoujo Ecchi CG (page
5, row 1, columns 1 to 3).

At the end of Episode 4, if the player's aiming for
Kaoru, Nazo no Shoujo, or Yuu, and chose 4-21, the preview
probably features only Yuu. In the weather forecast, Nazo no
Shoujo is probably sunny, Yuu is probably partly sunny or
sunny, and Hinako is probably typhoon.
If the player's aiming for Kaoru, Mei, Nazo no Shoujo,
Tomomi, or Yuu, and chose 4-31 or 4-32, the preview probably
features Mei and Nazo no Shoujo. In the weather forecast,
Nazo no Shoujo is probably sunny, Yuu is probably partly
cloudy or partly sunny, and Hinako is probably rainy.

3.6 EPISODE 5 "Yume no tsuduki" ("Continuation of dream")

The scenario in Episode 5, and maybe in the other
Episodes, apparently depends on who was in the preview at
the end of Episode 4.

If the preview featured only Yuu, then the
protagonist's first line is "... nemui." ("... Sleepy.") Go
to Scenario 5-01 for the Yuu ED.
If the preview at the end of Episode 4 featured Mei and
Nazo no Shoujo, then in Episode 5, Day 1 begins when the
protagonist's alarm clock rings. Go to Scenario 5-02 for the
Hinako, Mei, Nazo no Shoujo, and Tomomi ED.


Day 1 has no node.
The game unlocks one Kaoru X Yuu CG (page 2, row 3,
column 2) and one Yuu kiss CG (page 3, row 2, column 1).

Day 2 has no node.
Day 2 begins when the protagonist's alarm clock rings.
The game unlocks one Hinako embrace CG (page 2, row 1,
column 4) and one Yuu embrace CG (page 2, row 3, column 3).
At the end of Day 2 is a TV CM of a les/yuri game by
MBS Truth.

Day 3 has no node.
The protagonist copulates with Yuu (nakadashi).
The game unlocks two Yuu non-Ecchi CG (page 8, row 1,
column 3; and page 6, row 1, column 3), three Yuu Ecchi CG
(page 3, row 2, columns 2 to 4), and one Yuu Ecchi event
(page 1, row 1, column 2).

Day 4, first node:
5-11. Ayamaru. (Apologise.)
5-12. Mou ikkai challenge. (Challenge once more.)
Both choices end Day 4.
If you're aiming for Nazo no Shoujo or Yuu, choose
If you're aiming for Yuu, choose 5-12.
The protagonist copulates with Yuu again (nakadashi).
The game unlocks one Yuu Ecchi CG (page 6, row 3,
column 2) and one Yuu Ecchi event (page 1, row 1, column 3).

Day 5 has no node, and ends Episode 5.
If you chose 5-11, the protagonist copulates with Nazo
no Shoujo again (nakadashi).
The game unlocks one Nazo no Shoujo Ecchi event (page
3, row 1, column 4). The CG in the event are the same as in
the first time, but the conversation is different.
If you chose 5-12, the protagonist copulates with Yuu
again (fella and nakadashi).
The game unlocks one Yuu Ecchi CG (page 6, row 3,
column 3) and one Yuu Ecchi event (page 1, row 1, column 4).

At the end of Episode 5, if the player's aiming for
Kaoru, Nazo no Shoujo, or Yuu, and chose 5-11 or 5-12, the
preview probably features only Yuu. In the weather forecast,
Nazo no Shoujo and Yuu are probably sunny, and Hinako is
probably typhoon.


Day 1, first node:
5-21. Kotowaru. (Decline.)
5-22. Hikiukeru. (Comply.)
The protagonist meets Tomomi in the morning. Both
choices end Day 1.
If you're aiming for Hinako, Mei, Nazo no Shoujo, or
Tomomi, choose 5-21. It leads to 5-31 to 5-34 on Day 2.
If you're aiming for Tomomi only, choose 5-22.

Day 2, first node:
5-31. Hinako wo sasou.
5-32. Mei wo sasou.
5-33. Tomomi wo sasou.
5-34. Nazo no Shoujo wo sasou.
5-32 and 5-34 ends Day 2 and leads to a TV CM of a game
by MBS Truth.
Choose the heroine whom the protagonist invites to the
pool. Note that though the tickets are from Yuu, she's not
amongst the choices.
If you chose 5-32, and the protagonist copulated with
Mei, Nazo no Shoujo, and Tomomi eariler, he copulates with
Mei again (cosplay and nakadashi).
The game unlocks one Mei Ecchi CG (page 5, row 2,
column 4) and one Mei Ecchi event (page 2, row 1, column 2).

Day 3 has no node.
If you chose 5-32 on Day 2, and the protagonist copulated with only
Nazo no Shoujo and Yuu eariler, he probably does nothing.
If you chose 5-32 on Day 2, and the protagonist copulated with Mei,
Nazo no Shoujo, and Tomomi eariler, the game unlocks one Mei non-Ecchi CG
(page 8, row 2, column 1).
If you chose 5-34 on Day 2, and the protagonist copulated with only
Nazo no Shoujo and Yuu eariler, the game unlocks one Nazo no Shoujo
non-Ecchi CG (page 8, row 2, column 2).

Day 4, first node:
5-41. Nuitoku. (Engage and fire at will.)
5-42. GAMAN suru. (Disengage and cease fire.)
If you're aiming for Nazo no Shoujo, choose 5-41. It
leads to 5-51 and 5-52.
If you're aiming for Mei, and not aiming for Nazo no
Shoujo, choose 5-42.
If the protagonist copulated with Mei, Nazo no Shoujo,
and Tomomi earlier, and you chose 5-42, the game continues
to 5-71 and 5-72.

From 5-41, Day 4, second node:
5-51. Suki. (Yes, like.)
5-52. Betsu ni... (Maybe or no.)
5-51 ends Day 4.
If you're aiming for Nazo no Shoujo, choose 5-51.

From 5-42, Day 4, second node:
5-71. Issho ni kaerou. (Let's go together.)
5-72. Kyou ha Beit ga... (Today is Beit...)
Both choices end Day 4.
If you're aiming for Mei, choose 5-71.
If you're aiming for Tomomi, choose 5-72.

From 5-51 or 5-71, Day 5, first node:
5-61. Sanpo suru. (Take a hike.)
5-62. Kaeru. (Go home.)
5-62 ends Day 5 and Episode 5.
If you're aiming for Mei or Tomomi, choose 5-61.
If you're aiming for Nazo no Shoujo, choose 5-62.

From 5-61, Day 5, second node:
5-81. Shoutengai. (Shopping street.)
5-82. Ekimae. (In front of train station.)
If you're aiming for Tomomi, choose 5-81.
If you're aiming for Mei, choose 5-82.

If you're aiming for Nazo no Shoujo, and chose 5-21,
5-34, 5-41, 5-51, and 5-62, the preview probably features
only Nazo no Shoujo. In the weather forecast, Nazo no Shoujo
is probably sunny.
If you're aiming for Mei, and chose 5-21, 5-32, 5-42,
5-71, 5-61, and 5-82, the preview probably features only Mei.

3.7 EPISODE 6 "Kokuhaku" ("Confession")

If you chose 5-11, and the preview featured only Yuu,
go to Scenario 6-01 for the Yuu ED.
If the preview featured only Nazo no Shoujo, go to
Scenario 6-02.
If the preview featured only Nazo no Shoujo, go to
Scenario 6-03.


Day 1 has no node.

Day 2 has no node.
The game unlocks one Yuu Ecchi CG (page 7, row 2,
column 3).

Between Days 2 and 3 is a TV CM of Infantaria.

Day 3 has no node.
The protagonist copulates with Yuu again (cosplay and
The game unlocks two Yuu Ecchi CG (page 6, row 2,
column 4; and page 6, row 3, column 1) and one Yuu Ecchi
event (page 1, row 2, column 1).

Day 4 has no node.

Day 5 has no node.
The protagonist copulates with Yuu again (nakadashi).
The game unlocks two Yuu non-Ecchi CG (page 7, row 2,
column 2; and page 9, row 1, column 2), three Yuu Ecchi CG
(page 7, row 1, column 4; and page 7, row 2, column 1; and
page 8, row 2, column 4), and one Yuu Ecchi event (page 3,
row 2, column 4).
After Day 5 is the ED animation of the game.
Congratulations. You've achieved Yuu's ending.
I'm disappointed that the protagonist didn't find the
fortune teller, and that Yuu violently wakes up the
protagonist every morning. Fortunately, she doesn't use the
infamous Denki Anma (Electric Massage) manoeuvre.


Days 1 and 2 have no node.

Between Days 2 and 3 is a TV CM of Infantaria.

Days 3 and 4 have no node.

Day 5 has no node.
This is yet another anime/game where a classroom at
sunset is a romantic setting. (9_9;)
(Years ago, a friend in Kyouto explained to me why a
classroom at sunset is romantic...)
The game unlocks two Nazo no Shoujo non-Ecchi CG (page
5, row 1, column 4; and page 8, row 3, column 3) and one
Nazo no Shoujo non-Ecchi event (page 3, row 3, column 3),
but no Ecchi event!?
After Day 5 is the ED animation of the game.
Congratulations. You've achieved Nazo no Shoujo's
In the ED animation, Nazo no Shoujo's CV is still "?".
OTOH, Nazo no Shoujo reportedly has two endings, which
depend on whether the player chose "Majime ni kotaeru" or
"Fuzakete gomakasu" in Episode 3. As I went for Yuu's ending
first, then loaded an old save game to go for Nazo no
Shoujo's ending, I don't remember I chose which of those two


Days 1 and 2 have no node.

Between Days 2 and 3 is a TV CM of Infantaria.

Days 3 to 5 have no node.
On Day 5, the protagonist's birthday, he copulates with
Mei again (nakadashi).
The game unlocks two Mei CG (page 5, row 2, column 3;
and page 8, row 3, column 2) and one Mei Ecchi event (page
3, row 3, column 2).
After Day 5 is the ED animation of the game.
Congratulations. You've achieved Mei's ending.


- http://ww5.tiki.ne.jp/~msuigun/
Murakami Suigun no Yakata, by Murakami Suigun. The
Oyakusoku Love chara designer/illustrator's personal HP.

- http://gt.sakura.ne.jp/~aon/capture/olove/olovem.html
- http://ha2.seikyou.ne.jp/home/Admiral/BGC/LOVE/LOVE.html
- http://homepage2.nifty.com/maluto/game/olove/top.htm
- http://members.namo.co.jp/~yaminoemaki/yami_oyakusoku.htm
- http://www.sato.sakura.ne.jp/Complete/2001_06/oyakusokulove/index.html
- http://www.tomato.sakura.ne.jp/~shiiro/game_break/promise/promise.html
- http://www2.ktplan.ne.jp/~nyangoku/pckouryaku/oyakusokulove.htm
- http://www3.plala.or.jp/somesome/game/oyakusoku.htm
- http://www5.ocn.ne.jp/~kaiten/ar/capture/01/oyakusoku/index.html
Homepages with Oyakusoku Love hints, save game file,
and solutions on which this FAQ is based.

[Ramble ON]

- http://selios.free.fr/
Selios' Lairs, by Jean-Luc Barbera of France. English.
"Selios' Lairs is primary a fan site on different
things I enjoy a lot, some of which are not well known
outside Japan or by rare fans worldwide.
"Les Antres de Selios sont avant tout un site de fan
sur differentes choses que j'apprecie beaucoup, dont
certaines sont tres meconnues en dehors du Japon hormis
de rares fans de part le monde."

- http://www.cootey.com/D/index.html
The Absentminded Artist, by Douglas Cootey of USA.

- http://home.attbi.com/~kagamix2/xp-compatible/
Windows 95/98/Me/2000 Japanese PC Games on Windows XP,
by Kagami of USA. English.

- http://zanyvg.overclocked.org/
Zany Video Game Quotes. English. Has very funny quotes
and screen shots from many vidgames, plus movie files of
Segata Sanshirou TV CMs.

Don "No, the Ashita no Yukinojou chara designer isn't Nanase Aoi sensei"
Chan (aho)

*1 "Sakuretsu!"

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