Record Of Lodoss War

Record Of Lodoss War

18.10.2013 03:37:12
BY ADK (V 1.4):

Welcome to my real time walkthrough of Lodoss. Real what? oh yes : You must know that Lodoss for Dreamcast is really a
difficult game, so difficult that sometime you can despair of life. So i found that saying to do this or that without
humanize the thing was as to taunt the reader. This walkthrough is in fact my personnal progression and not the absolute
way to complete the game like in other walkthrough of me.
However if the advice and tips are here i don't know how a non japanese speaker can complete this game even with this
walkthrough. I play usually japanese game and it was a real fight for me. If you can't read katakana you will be block near
the end of the game because all the techniques i used to beat the boss came from the skill i discovered and increased. The only
possible way for a non japanese speaker is to increase all caracteristics to the max, else i say it again it's impossible
to win.

V 1.2 update : i obtain some tips about the battle of the golem in B6 of Conquara. I remove the rumor about the statue of Karla because
it's two demon statues, that Leyla asks you to destroy in B6. Also some useful tips appears in generality section.

V 1.3 update : I obtain a new method for the battle against the golem in conquara B6, also i changed the text for people that are
currently using the translated version of Lodoss War.

V 1.4 : Thanks to the new mail i received, i have infos about the maximum power and the alternate ending and also i correct the mistake
about Beld, Wort revives him, it's the hero's name. I couldn't understand cause of the japanese... I have opened a new section, the tips
which are useful like all tips.

Here is the program :

1 A complete review of Lodoss
2 Our friend the blacksmith
3 Generality about the game (read this before the walkthrough) (UPDATE 1.2)
4 characters and main boss
5 Walkthrough (main adventure and secret quest)
6 Tips
7 Credits

1 Review :

Oh Lodoss for my Dream ! Cool ! I'm a fan of the first Lodoss which appears on Nec CD and then on Sega CD. This old Lodoss
was (on Sega CD) full of video (45 Minutes) and was a great game. The story followed the OAV and stopped after Ghim sacrificed
his life to free Leyla from the spiritual sorceress Karla. The second part of the game appears only on Nec CD and Japanese
PC. In the Dreamcast game, we can see a video of the two kings killing each other and it seems that this game is the
parallel of the second chapter on PC and Nec. The story is different because you don't play with Parn and Deedlit but you
meet them. For those who don't understand the presentation, it's simply the resurrection of Cardice by Karla and Vagnard.
Narse was awake and run away from a fight with Cardice. For the rest of the story, you will discover it by playing the
The presentation in Lodoss is extremely cool with impressive FMV before and during the game. Thanks to Kadokawa Shoten for
that. The FMV are in my humble opinion the best thing in the game.
Graphically Lodoss is very poor and good at the same time. Good because the area is enormous (play the game and you will
understand) and we can easily lost our way. The graphics are various but not so good in fact. The color choice is poor,
there are some brightness effect but i found them normal, not especially for a Dreamcast. I can't admit that this game is
in 3D because most of the time it's a classical 2D battle. However some boss are impressive and original, i was also happy
to see how many different monsters i can meet. But even with the good point i couldn't stop to think to Light Crusader on
Genesis which is incredibly superior to this Lodoss for the graphics.
The animation is incredible. You can fight two or three hordes of foes at the same time. Some battles are awful in
difficulty and in fun at the same time. The game slows, yes, but i don't see a machine which can animate this game better.
The character's speed depend on the boots he has and on his dexterity. It's original and the difference is real in the
I give a large credits to the sound. The music are excellent, i don't know if they are linked with the OAV, but they are
excellent. I regret there's not an "official" music for the boss. On the contrary the voice acting are ridiculous. Once
again even on a genesis it was better. The sound effect are correct and some times good.
The maniability is good for this game, i though to a Gauntlet in 3D view. However during some battles you can make a game
over without doing nothing to change the situation. In addition, sometime you can make directly a reset (A+B+X+Y+START)
because a monster stone you and a second increase the curse. Bug or not ? well once again it depends on the skill you have
increase and so far i play the game i haven't find it. (rise your intelligence point, update 1.3)
Well as you can see, the technique is not the strong point in this game. The action is not everything here, you must think
and find the good skill for the good battle (especially at the end). If you want a long and difficult game you have find
it, else pass your way. Lodoss is not only for the fan but for the elite of Dreamcast player. Elite means you can overcome
the situation and don't abandon the game due to its difficulty. Honestly i doubt that this kind of player exist yet in
majority. Only a minority will enjoy playing this game. I think that Lodoss is a good game but not a super hit. It's up to
you to choose to play it or not but if you begin you'll see that it's a good game.

GRAPHICS : 14/20
SOUND : 17/20
INTEREST : 18/20


At the beginning of the game, you'll save COX the blacksmith. The entire originality of Lodoss is in the equipment. You can
keep the same weapon and upgrade it as you wish. Also you can change its name and even transform it. Kadokawa had pity of
us and translate in english the menu of the blacksmith.
First you need to SELECT a weapon of an armor piece to upgrade.
Second go in the ANCIENT menu to choose the skill you wish to upgrade.
Then if you wish you can TRANSFORM your weapon and choose its form. Beware it changes the impact and some caracteristics.
The REFINE option is here to sell unused weapon and armor piece.
The DUPLICATE menu helps you to duplicate Lock pick and Pick mainly.
All this is possible by finding Mithril in the game. In the game, never equip a new weapon, when you will find the book of
Rune just install the Rune on the new weapon to see if she is good or not.

The best classical skill to increase are :
HP for the life
ARMOR for the defense
STR for your fighter
DMG so can hurt violently the foe and boss
DURABILITY so can't be knock by a boss shop
PARING so you don't fall each time an ogre strikes you.
INT so you can master powerful magic, make combos with a firewall and other type of group magic and avoid being stoned.
MP CHARGE SPEED AND MP (to increase the number and its regeneration)

Other skills are Regeneration or counterstrike for example. The problem is that YOU must find them. I can't tell you where
they are because they are random.

You will find also special skills for special monsters like a Goblin Killer which allows you to kill a goblin in one hit
for example.

Skills in yellow can be installed on your weapon and armor piece to increase a particular skill like number of HP or
Durability. They are the most important so don't underestimate them.

Kyapiko (yes the guy who helped me in the pair con game of 7th mansion and the same who wrote the Super Runabout faq)
played the game simultaneously and provides some interessant advice :

1 When you have a large sword, you must wear a ferral boots so you don't fall if an ogre strikes you.
2 with a single sword you can wear the boots you want, you will not fall if the correct skills are increased.

Last in the game you must choose between a single sword or a double. The double provides power and you can exterminate
easily the foe. The single allows you to use a shield, it's a plus for armor, hp and other skills. In fact i play 80% of
the game with double sword and then change for a single sword according to the situation.
The best advice i can give is to never TRANSFORM a weapon but always have it on you so you can change for free.


1 when you have a third party member, heal yourself and he will be heal automatically.
2 Store a lot of bottle in your inventory.
3 Abuse of the RECALL spell and of the map (L+R+START) SO YOU CAN SAVE whenever you want.
4 The mithril is the most important thing in this game, use it wisely to upgrade the hero.
5 When the game is complete save it to continue the quest, don't worry there's no trap.
6 Level are not everything in the game. The most important things is to upgrade the hero not his level. It's an option you
need to increase only at particular moment.
7 At the beginning of the game by using L or R you can change the alphabet and enter a name you can recognize. Especially
at the beginning of the game, no one knows you. You must introduces yourself to everyone each time you can, if not people
can hurt you or answer useless things. It's important for you to recognize your name.
8 For non japanese speaker avoid systematically phrase with a "!". Answer normal sentences or question with a "?".
9 In this walkthrough when you see (3,2) it means answer third choice then second. it's hint for non japanese speaker.
10 Also when i say "introduce yourself" or "asks him" it means use the answer with your name inside and for the second use
the phrase with a "?".
11 In B6 of Conquara you can find a mithril sword, good to kill the golem.
12 if you find the mithril skill in B6 of Conquara Wort didn't give it to you in the secret quest.
13 the more HP you damage your enemy, the more mithril you get.
14 to prevent from being "stoned to death", all you do is to wear the set of armour that is highest in INT (the purple one) and then
wear the necklace and 2 rings... in that case you almost never get stoned long enough such that you will have to restart. You can also
set those rings aside and use them when you need them.


HERO : you can name him as you wish.

WORT : The magician who creates you.

PARN : the first friend you meet.

PIROTESS : is the counterpart of DEEDLIT. Helps her but never fight her.

DEEDLIT : Parn's girlfriend (i think).

SLAYN : a wizard who lives with NARSE.

LEYLA : is her faithful compagnion.

FINGERPOST : is the old woman you save in the pyramid of dark elf village. She is the mother of RUSSEV.

NARSE : He wants you to become the dragon knight. Then other problem will fall on you...

ASHRAM : the bad guy of Lodoss 2 on Nec.

BELD : i haven't meet him but he his in the game. it depends of your choice. If you follow my way you will never meet him.
Update : forget this character, it's the hero's old name, before Wort used his body to create the hero. Sorry i couldn't understand cause
of the japanese.


RUSSEV : he burns everything and is difficult.

SERAPHY : is a terrible and speed opponent.

SHORDEL : is SERAPHY's master. He stones you.

VAGNARD : is the sorcerer who resurrects CARDICE.

KARLA : is the spiritual sorceress. It's possible to kill her in the game, on the contrary of the OAV.

CARDICE : is an efreet. No one knows exactly if that thing is good or bad.

NARSE : yes you can fight him.

There are a tons of boss in this game, but you will discover them by reading my walkthrough and playing the game.


First i really doubt of an alternate ending. The ending we can see is not the best of course but there is another
interpretation of this. I will not tell you for the moment, you have to wait the end of the main quest.
The only possible way to obtain a bonus ending or a different one is to increase all the skill at 100%, find all the
ANCIENTS (Rune of skills), Obtain the thunder wand and the efreet wand, COMPLETE the secret quest and then finish again
Cardice. I have done all except increasing to the max all the skill and never see a difference.
Someone e mail me that nothing change even when all the skills are maximum. So we must forget the idea of an alternate ending definitely.
Also at the end of the game you will see the real name of the character but they are not translate correctly because
Japanese have a lot of problem with our alphabet. However you will learn to pronouce them correctly.

Now let's go.

"WELCOME HERO, my name is Wort. I have created you to save the world."

The game begins after two FMV. In one of them, Karla advice Wort to abandon the war since the hero of the first battle have
all disappeared.


Remember carefully what you will do here. First search the room you are and collect boots in a chest. Then exit. You'll
learn to use items ( Y+ up or down), to use a switch or to use a magic scroll to open a sealed door. At the end of the
tutorial you must have find a shield, a potion, a sword, boots, armor and helm in disorders. You can break the chest by
hitting it. The locked chest must be open with a lockpick. After you learn to fill a bottle at the fountain Wort joins you
for a tough battle. After that you exit to the MARMO CIMETERY.


Here you can kill a lot of zombies. First find a house with a green goblin inside. Never kill him. Talk with him and ask
him how to open the sealed door in the cimetery. He will give you a scroll. Now visit the cimetery and find an area with 5
lockpicks on the ground. collect them all and with them, open two locked chest in this area to collect a double sword. Then
you have now great power. Find the sealed door and open it with the scroll. First in the dungeon go right then up to find
another lockpick in a chest. Then open the chest left of the entrance. Visit the dungeon and all path. Fight two gargoyles
then go upstairs. You find a jail. Save COX (you can rename him) and he opens the way and go upstairs and look a golem and
an ogre in a jail. Now continue and upstairs is the


There's a lot of ennemies to blast here. Enter a house and find the GOBLIN LORD (boss). Kill him and Wort appears. Take the
book and use it to win between 100 and 150 hp (it's random).
Wort shows you the four heroes you must save (Slayn, Parn, Leyla, Deedlit). Wort teaches you the RECALL spell. It's a combo of
button, then use X to recall. This spell is the most useful because each time you use it you come in this fort,
heal automatically and you can save. Save the game is a good idea. Go in a big house from where you hear a sound and meet
COX which is the blacksmith. Remember where you see a jail with monsters, COX has let three chests for you. Take them.
Equip then talk to the goblin to learn many tips (L+R+START= MAP for example). Save again. You notice a chest in COX's
house, use it to store useless items. Equip yourself with the knife you had at the beginning and with the best armor and
helm you have. Then talk again to COX : Your mission is to increase your weapon, armor and helm and
you will exit once you have done it. Refine all your old weapon and even the sword. Select the knife, increase, HP and DMG
then transform it in the double sword. If you do correctly the things your knife is superior now. Then try to increase
armor and helm and when you can exit. It's hard and take time before you obtain the exit. Try different combinations then
each time you talk to the blacksmith you'll be free of your decision.
Go down to the jail and ask the goblin to open the jail (3,2). Kill the ogre and have a lot of potion for the Golem. (you
need to be at level 4 or 5). You can know exit of here and return to the green goblin in the cimetery. Talk to him and use
all questions until he gives a second magic scroll. Remember the second sealed door in the first dungeon, go to it, open it
and you reach a new part of the decor.


Enter this cave full of zombies. Kill them all then kill the red one or you will lose a lot of EXP. You obtain a medal and
collect new ANCIENTS.

Return to goblin fort and talk to COX. Customize again the hero (1) then talk (2). Talk to Wort and collect new ancients in
the fort. The main door are open. You are now ready for the real game and to stop the advance of CARDICE.



You can collect ancients on the way by going to the right. Don't forget to kill everyone to gain a tons of exp. Then go
north. You arrive in an area with a gray ground. You can locate the cyclops cave because near it is a teleport that didn't
work yet and there is an ancients also. Continue north and you arrive in lizard town. Kill the red lizard to collect a
magic scroll. You are not ready for this cave but remember the location we will come back to it later. Continue north, pass
wooden bridge and you'll reach the dark elf town.


When you arrive you see a dark elf lord (Pirotess) talking with a dark shaman. Now enter and save. Go right, introduce your
self to Pirotess (answer 1) or you'll regret it. Avoid the phrase that end with a "!". Then visit the house and the town
to find items and magic scroll. You'll find a lot of ancients here. Then you'll eventually find Pirotess's house. talk and
accept to help her (1,1). She will test you (a bad habit in this game). You must save Fingerpost the elder of the village.


Visit 1f. Here collect everything. Your test will end when you kill the blue demon. Exit. Talk with Pirotess and she opens
the way to 2F. Visit 2F and find the elder. Talk with her and you have finished. They all advice you to visit the 3F for a
boss fight, so let's go. Kill the green monster and then all his friend (not so easy). Collect items here and use a
lockpick to open the chest. Now you can go to 1F and use the only exit that you hadn't use because it was lock and you exit
on the last part of the town, near the forest.
Return to Goblin Fort (with a recall of course) and Wort lets a special item for you to COX. It's a Rune book. It allows
you to unequip a rune on a weapon or armor and change to a new weapon or armor you just find. Very useful .

4 PARN :

Your mission is to find Parn in the dark elf forest so from the last part of the town you find an exit to this forest. Use
L+R+START to abuse of the map. For going to the small island you must find a house with an underground tunnel that leads
you to the island. You find there a magic scroll. Near this house is a way to a lever so use it to open the new area.Go to
this area and enter the sealed house with the scroll. You find new items. Enter a cave to arrive in the final zone of the
forest. Save and equip yourself with the tornado spell. Enter the shrine and kill the DARK KNIGHT. Have your hero takes
care personally of this boss so you can collect special items like dexterity boots or power bracelet. You find anyway a
shield and a potion to heal MP and HP at the same time. Talk to PARN (1,1,1,2). Normally the guy laugh, it means that you
have accepted to help him to save Deedlit. (If Parn didn't laugh you must restart the fight and change the choice, you must
be sure that you help him to avoid bad surprises).


Now go downstairs in the second part of the cave you have begin to visit earlier (the exit that Parn shows you). You'll
visit 2 floors before reaching the gobiln village. Advance and kill everyone until you see a FMV and then advance until you
see Deedlit. Now kill the boss of this village. Then you can save Deedlit. Deedlit joins the force. Ask her about Russev.
Open a door and arrive in a big area. Here you must visit all ways you find and take all your time because it's very
long. Don't forget to visit all the sub cave to collect special items and ancients.
Don't worry about the crystal here. You can't destroy it yet.
You'll obtain new weapons and armor. Don't forget to change the weapon with the book.
When you arrive near the exit you'll see a magic stairs near the door that says to follow the light and kill the titan to
open the door. Follow the light and kill the titan... . Go back to the door and Now climb 2 floors (very easy) and emerge
in Russev's area.


OK. To end this part of the game you must visit this area. First, visit this part and collect the rune and items. Now go in
the cave and arrive in a short second part. Visit another cave and emerge in the last part. Heal and recall to save then
kill Russev (after a FMV and a dialogue of no importance). Now Deedlit and Parn leaves the team... Open the chest here and
use your magic scroll to visit the small area near you. Then go to Wort to ask about Leyla and Slayn. It appears that they
are with the dragon Narse.


Visit the lizard cave and the cyclops cave you have found earlier to gain two new medals. Store them for the moment.

MINI QUEST 4,5,6,7 :

Go to dark elf village by using the teleport in goblin fort (click on the skull to open them).Talk to Finger post, the
elder of the village. After a long talkshe opens a teleport to an island and indicates on your map all the mini quest to
complete. (it also give a dimension to the world of Lodoss, the time you were lost is over). Use the teleport and kill the
LIZARD KING. You obtain a book that allows you to open Sealed Doors. Cool. Throw all your magic scroll of the inventory
because they are useless now. Return to Fingerpost with all your medals and she gives you items to help you. You need now
to find 3 coins to obtain a new item. You can visit TITAN ZOMBIES, SKELETON KING and GOBLIN KING which are all on the first
map and easy for now.

MINI QUEST 8,9,10,11 :

When you exit by the normal way of the dark elf village you can see and complete the following quest : ELDER KNIGHT, DARK
SHAMAN, GARGOYLE. If you exit by the left on this map, you will arrive in a land where it rains constantly. Follow the long
way to the south (north then west then south) to reach the WORM'S LAIR. Once you have finished, return to your home and
customize the hero.



Go to goblin fort. Now exit to the map and follow the path until you see a fork. It's a long way. Once you find the fork,
go left and you arrive near Narse's lair.


Enter the cave and kill all golem here. Then to beat the giant iron golem, simply destroy a pillar. He will be stun and you
can hit him quietly. Exit then contiue the way to Narse's lair. Go north and enter the cave, it's Narse'lair.


1F : You discover teleport 3. Follow all the possible way. It's simple. Near the end of the 1F is a gold giant lizard you
must kill. Destroy the box to collect a ring and open the chest for a book. Then go to 2F.

2F : Talk to Slayn and Leyla (4,2,1,1). Advance and click on the magic stairs here. A mithril golem appears and gives you a
pick. Go to goblin fort and duplicate the pick. Continue and collect the ancients "durability+3" (in 2F) and go downstairs.

1F again : Go straight for the moment. You emerge on a new area.

Follow the way to the north to arrive in FARALYS.


You discover teleoprt 4. Explore this area. I have notice 3 traps :
You destroy a mithril and ennemies appears.
You open a giant box and a horde of golem and ogre appears to kill you
Open a door, break a mithril with pick and fight an ogre while 3 magicians are shooting you.
I also notice a door you can't open yet.Here to enter the castle you must destroy 4 giants demon statues. 2 are easy, the
other are dangerous because a horde of ennmies appears. Then save and go to the castle. You'll fight a new horde before
entering the castle. Then talk to Leyla in the castle and she joins you. According to Kyapiko, it depends of your answer.
Slayn can join you. Destroy the four statues here to open new gate.
Destroy a chest and kill the gargoyle. Now you are ready for the castle.


update 1.3: note the name of the floor has changed in the translation. Someone says i have maybe used false name for the floor, i just
want to say that they are named like that and clearly in english in the japanese game. it seems that english translator didn't like when
japanese wrote something in english and they feel the need to change it. Gee, anyway sorry for the confusion, it's not my fault.

1F : Destroy the statue to open new doors. Once you have open them all, destroy the big statue and kill everyone. Go to B1.

B1 : Explore B1 until you meet Shordel. Kill the horde he lets with you. Pass the door and destroy the statue and a horde
will appear.Push the lever and come back to the beginning of the floor to collect 2 items in a chest. Explore the new way
destroy a statue and kill another horde. Continue and pull all levers then destroy the statue. Save and go to B2.

B2 : Destroy the statue and meet Seraphi. Talk and destroy the horrible monster and his friends.First use only the lever
with yellow arrow on it to destroy the main giant statue. Now use the red one to arrive at the end of this floor. If i say
"kill them all" you believ me?. You must try different lever to reach B3.

B3 : Visit this floor until you meet Seraphi. Kill her. FMV. Visit B3 and use all the way you can and kill them all.
There's a lot to do here. Open a sealed door and once you are near a blue circle,go north and exit.

B4 : It's very difficult here. I can just say use the lever at your left to open the way to B5. But before this you must
destroy all the statue here and mainly the one of Shordel, protected by a tons of mithril. Once you have done it, Shordel
is no more invincible. You will know you are on the way when you begin to open sealed door. Now go to B5.

B5 : FARALYS CHAMBER : Here kill that pig named Shordel (i hate his voice Oyakuyokuyo... pfff ridiculous). Exit of the
castle. Once you come back to 1F, search the outside wall of the castle to find a secret area (when i say outside wall, i mean the
wall near the entrance of the castle of course).Visit it and kill everyone until you see a shrine. By killing a lizard you discover
a new teleport (to ORPHAN'S GATE).


This cave is full of poor magicians. You collect a coin and a sword. If you finish to explore this area you will find the
locked door i mentioned earlier.

Now return to Goblin fort and buy a tons of picks. Explore the 1F of Narse's lair to collect all the mithril here. Come
back home and customize the hero. Return to Narse and talk with Slayn. Talk again to give the two heads (of russev and
shordel) you have. You obtain a key that allows you to go to Conquara, the final dungeon. Don't forget it. Then Slayn asks
you to find all the dragon weapon and armor (4 pieces). You will notice four new marks on the general map which are the

You have to complete the two long quest (Fingerpost and Slayn).


You can complete GOBLIN LORD and GIGANDETH ZOMBIE cave on the first map by hiting the mithril. Beware for Gigandeth it's a
long fight. Go to the area full of Worms. At the west side is the FLAME DEMON cave. Then go north to complete the TITAN
CAVE. Exit by the south of this area and on the north of the new map is PHANTOM cave. Then go to the very south and find
the GOBLIN MASTER cave. Then return to Narse's area and on the way to Faralys, if you go east instead of west is the

In the area full of worms enter the WORM SHRINE. Here you must fight until you reach level 60. It's not a joke. It means
exit and makes a tons of recall.

Now in the map of PHANTOM cave you can visit MEDUSA cave .

Go again to that shrine full of worms and reach level 76.

Go again in the map of the phantom cave and find this time THE PADDLE QUEEN cave (north). Then kill the CHIMAERA with
Firewall near Orphan's gate.


Go to Goblin fort and search in all the items you have store and not throw (i hope) the ones that increase greatly your
armor (boots and rings and even armor). You will have to have them with you so can equip them before an important fight.
Talk to COX nad equip your sword with the first yellow skill in the list called MANA and you triple your HP. You can also
find for your armor a skill that double the DURABILITY and for the HELM a yellow skill that double the MP.

Go to the GRAND DEMON cave near Orphan's gate (on the way, destroy the demon statue to reach the teleport you have activate
near the CULTISTS). Then visit GIGANDETH. To kill the horde of ogre here you must hide behind the door and cast firewall
repetively. Then use the WONDERDEAD spell to revive the silver ogre (which become green when you awake him). Use him to
destroy the other green ogre abd don't forget to heal him. Then let your friend fight with GIGANDETH and simply heal him.
You must be sure that it's a duel so before attacking GIGANDETH kill every ogre here.
Once you have finished you collect a single sword ultra powerful but slow. Equip yourself with it. Go to the blacksmith and
increase the FAST ATTACK skill. Now your are virtually invincible (1300 to 1600 of armor and only 2870 of attack...). But
you can do better.
It's time to kill the DEMON LORD. with your new power. All the teleport gate to the main ennemies opens in Orphan's gate.
It's time to build a powerful shield. Take the best you have and increase ARMOR PARING and DMG (DAMAGE).
Now visit the LEATHER DEMON cave which is ridiculous after the demon you killed.


The HELM is near an oasis in the area full of worms. With the skill equiped correctly and a shield and ferral boots given
by Fingerpost it's easy.
The SWORD is near the Leather demon cave.
The SHIELD is on the same map as Goblin master and Paddle queen.


Equip yourself with the dragon's sword (even if it's a poor sword) and the mana that triple your HP (beware you must
unequiped the other weapon if the dragon's sword hadn't it in the yellow list). Then kill the poor hell lord. Now prepare
to fight two Mithril golem. It's simple : take the dragon sword and increase the GOLEM BUSTER and add the mana that triple
your HP.

Go to the hell lord cave and near it is the dragon's armor mark. Kill the golem.

Now you can visit the MITHRIL GOLEM cave . You obtain the BERSERK SWORD which is the best weapon of the game. It can have
something like 6000 points of DMG if you do things correctly. Increase Resist cold, resist hell and some other stuff if you
can. Go to Fingerpost and collect the last item (a green saber, ultra speed but not so powerful).

In fact you have on you ferral boots and berserk sword for difficult battle and you can wanderer the world with the
dragon sword and helm and shield. If you sacrifice a little of durability for armor you can equip yourself with the
dragon armor. It's not obligatory but NEVER sell them to COX.


Reach level 100 and then kill the big worm mama. There is a simple way, kill everyone and then the mama. Wait at the
entrance and the mama can't touch you. you have just to cast Firewall again and again.


At least you have completed thoses quests. Never bring the 30th medal to fingerpost. Go to the dragon Narse. Save before
this. Disguise yourself in the dragon knight and Narse gives to you the dragon buster. Answer 2 i think and you can go away
if not you arrive in a supreme battle you must avoid now. Retrun to Goblin Fort and choose for your shield a yellow skill
that divides MP by two and add 50% of HP. Then choose a yellow skill for the helm that increase the magic power. Save.
If you have done everything correctly you have something like 16000 HP and 6000 of attack and 2000 of defense or around
(yes it's my hero you see here and all the skill are not to the max).

Conquara is on the same map as GIGANDETH and north of it. To enter the cave put the item Narse gave to you in the hole.
Destroy the pillar and Kill the horde and enter.

B1 : Visit it and kill everyone after Pirotess joins you (answer 4). Collect the mithril. Exit to 1F and answer 1 to
Pirotess. Use the teleport to arrive in Goblin fort and now you can recall in conquara. In 1F you saved ASHRAM. Answer 1
constantly and ASHRAM joins the team and Pirotess leaves. Explore the floor until you find a skeleton king. There are a
lot to find here. Now you can return to B1 by the new exit the skeleton guarded and then complete B1. Find the floor
guardian and all the secrets here. Then you are ready for B2.

B2 : is a duel against Vagnard.

B3 : If ASHRAM is with you answer 4 so he goes away. Destroy all the giant statue to fight with the floor guardian.

B4 : There is a horrible trap here : When a cultist block you with ennemies, you must kill HIM with firewall. Also some people talk of a
problem to pass the golem here. I though it was evident but there are two levers to make him move. The first is visible and the second is
hide by the golem himself.

B5 : is a duel against ZOMBIE VAGNARD.

B6 : At least a permanent teleport gate to B6. cool. Visit the short first part and kill the paddle queen to access to B8.

B8 : here go directly to B9.

B9 : Wort talk and offer a skill. Kill Karla. Don't waste your time to kill Shordel or Russev else Karla called Vagnard to
help her... . Go to Cardice and Wort appears (1,2,3,4). and then open the last warp. Teleport, heal and save.

You must complete B6, B7 and B8 for the following reason : Mithril is infinite so you can discover new armor and shield and
customize your hero. On B7 you find a worm to kill before going to B6. The main problem is that the medusa are infinite and
if two stoned you, you can make a reset. There are two demon statue, if you destroy them you arrive near a mithril piece,
destroy it and kill the golem here IF YOU CAN. I have failed. Someone e mail me the following tips :
"to win, bring an ogre with you so he takes care of the medusa and you of the golem. Then you obtain a skill that allows you to collect
mithril each time you defeat a monster."
here is another method you can try :
"I want to remark something on the mithril golem battle on B6 (Conquara) - yes, I managed to beat him, but I didn't use an ogre,
I recommend to bring up your anti-golem-skill to 99, use the light saber from Fingerpost and equip rather the skill that lets you regain
hp with each hit (which doesn't work on golems, but on medusas), the skill that triples your hp, or the skill that lets you do more
damage with each hit. I used the following strategy successfully: start with killing the three medusas running
counter-clockwise and then take on the golem. The lightsaber is fast enough to let you land a hit, then run at the side of the golem,
hit again, run back, hit - just move in a quarter circle back and forth around him and the golem will never hit you. When the medusas
start to respawn, take them quickly out as before (run couterclockwise) and then focus on the golem
again. It takes a bit of time, but if done correctly, you won't take any damage, I promise. =)"

I have notice a thunder sword that knock the medusa and a black armor which is the best i have find in the game. It could also help you.

CARDICE FLOOR : Once you think you are ready, take the elevator to Cardice. Once you reached the ground you notice
explosive pillar. Don't search them and go to the boss. Cardice is nice with two forms, one he attacks you and two he
summon a strange beast to help but it's useless with a berserk sword. You can then watch the final movie.

ABOUT THE END : It looks like a bad ending because the hero die but i think that it was Wort's plan. He wants to give to
Cardice a pure heart, full of bravery and courage so Cardice become a good efreet. In fact the blond girl you see is
Cardice with the heart of the hero. That's why i think there's no alternate ending. However don't forget to save your game
and then to reload it because the game is not over.


Go to Wort's house in Goblin fort, enter it and take the teleport. You arrive in your headquarter (where you begin the game).
ROOM 1 : battle with an ogre and a dark golem.
ROOM 2 : the horrible battle with a dark mithril golem and some medusa and demon. To block the medusa use the spell WALL
and kill all the demon. Then kill the medusa and last the golem. It's ultra hard but not impossible. You must have a lot of
INT so the wall didn't disappear in the second.
ROOM 4 : FINAL KARLA. Yes you can kill her now.

Then Wort gives a mithril skill that allows you to collect a mithril piece each time you kill a monster. That's why i think
you must increase to the max all the skill if you want to obtain a bonus ending. Wort gives you a thunder wand to cast
thunder like a demon.


Gives the 30th medal to her and talk. If you answer correctly you will fight a green dragon. To kill a dragon you must
increase to the max the DRAGON BUSTER Narse gave to you. You will then do 35000 points of damage on him. You must remember
that a dragon mustn't fly (at any coast) during the battle.

Here is the exact method : at the beginning the green dragon cast fireball, avoid them from not so far and in a range so the
dragon have just to turn to reach you. Then the dragon turn and heads to you. Awaits him and give two strikes to him (with
the dragon sword). Normally the dragon simply push you with his head (if you have ferral boots). Then you can escape to a
short distance so the dragon never fly and follow you. Wait for him and strike two times again. If you fall, it's not a
problem, run a little more and wait again. It's long but it's possible. You will collect a tons of mithril. Then Pirotess
appears and beware to not answer that you want to kill Fingerpost. Let her live and Pirotess will let you. (sorry i think
it's answer 2 but i'm not sure).


Talk to Slayn and then you will fight the 30 boss you have killed and Narse after them. The Paddle queen and the Leather
demon are more difficult this time. To kill the queen, increase the ELEMENTAL BUSTER to 15 so she takes 5800 points of
damage. Normally you can't fall even when Gigandeth hit you.

According to Kyapiko you can hit Narse and fight him directly. Then in the middle of the fight, he stops and allows you to
regenerate at the fountain near the place you fight when you have killed the 30 spirits in the supreme battle. It's an easy way
to kill him after the 30 boss. In my case i play the barbarian and kill them all without healing.

NARSE has less HP than the green dragon but has a better range for his fireball. It means that even if you are on the side
and even behind him he can hit you and kill you. However the same method can be used.

I don't speak japanese but i'm sure that Slayn and Leyla are not happy you do that. Even if they are free now. You collect
a tons of mithril.


In the ground you can see explosive pillar. Destroy the first and kill the horde. You obtain a demon armor piece. Destroy
the second and the third to obtain other pieces. For the fourth you need the thunder wand to destroy it. Then you can kill
the horde. (it's not easy to do that). You collect an EFREET WAND. Kill again Cardice and save again to refine the weapon
you have found there. Now you have find something like 95% of the weapon of the game.

Well that's all for this one. But if you have the patience increase to the max all the skill,
Then kill Cardice and maybe you will have a bonus ending but there is ABSOLUTELY nothing sure.

Update 1.4 : it's sure the answer is "no bonus ending" cause Daniel done everything. Bouh...too bad.

6 TIPS :

Submitted by Daniel Harthoorn :

"----> Unlimited mithril 1.
For unlimited mithril early on in the game go to the huge underground area you come in after the goblin cave where you rescue the elf
girl. You have to make your way to the top left to the door that doesn't open right? You have to complete a number of mini-bosses
at the flashing points to make it open. In the top-right part of this section you can enter a cave that
has Ogres appear once you step on the flashing light. The 'boss' Hammer Ogre drops 3K mithril. When you re-enter, the flashing light is
gone but if you step on the point where it WAS, the Ogres appear again! You don't need to exit the level, just the
room is enough. I only found this out when I was significantly far in the game so I don't know if it works right away."

"----> Unlimited mithril 2.
At the end, when on B9, you can take the elevator to Cardice. You have a limited time to beat as many Mithril Golems as you can.
They drop lots of Mithril and you can collect about 50K each time and 100K when you have the skill that makes every enemy drop
Mithril when killed. I spent no more than 10 hours getting all the Mithril I needed to FULLY upgrade my Hero. My guess you need
about 10 Million or so."

----> Easy 'Mithril at every kill' skill.
You need 'Step' at S level!!
You know the part at B7 completely full of those Medusas and the lot? If you continuously get stoned by 1 or more
Medusas.....-which everyone does-......stop trying to fight them and run away! Believe me there IS an easy way through this level.
First of all, revive one of the big Hammer Ogres (and keep him alive!) to occupy the enemies. Second, always cast 'Invisible'
on yourself and advance deep into enemy territory in running bursts. "

Note that it depends of your hero for this tips.

"When they spot you and you are afraid to run into trouble, just recall INSTANTLY. Better safe then sorry.... Back at base; Save.
You will notice that when to teleport back into the fray the enemies are not moving and your Zombie Ogre is right next to you again.
Cast 'invisible' again and advance deeper into enemy territory. Some enemies are blocking narrow paths. Lure them out, but have
recall ready to save you. You should be able to make it to the farthest corner of B7 where you have to hack through 2 statues to reach
a pile of Mithril. Recall and save. When you use your Mithril Picks on the Mithril, 3 Medusas will appear as
well as a Mithril Golem. Give up on fighting them fair and save yourself the aggrevation; You are in a tight spot, with 3 regenerating
medusas stoning you, and a Golem knocking you down unless you have DUR maxed out AND doubled (about 1500). Instead, use an
'Invincibility potion' and hack away at the Golem. Once he's dead, the battle is won. If you still die because the potion doesn't last
long enough max out your STR and Golem Buster skills at the 'Unlimited Mithril spot 1' and/or build INT to increase potion duration.
If you want more potions instead, 'Recall' in front of any treasure chest deep within B7 territory and keep loading
and restoring until you get one. After you got about 5 they become extremely rare.

NOTE : Contrary to what most people think monsters on B6, B7 and B8 do not respawn infinitely. Yes, they do respawn, but if you
structurally kill them off (usually about 10 times) they do not appear anymore OR much more infrequent with long times in between
spawns. Note that when you 'Recall' ,after you warp back the monsters do definitely respawn instantly so all your diligent killing
has been in vain... I prefer the cowardly tactic to save time and aggrevation."

I want to add that some groups of ennemies are lead by a special creature, like a mini boss, if you kill this mini boss, the entire group
will never respawn.

"At either 2 of the Dragons don't cast the 'Inferno' magic on the Dragon more than twice in rapid succession. The game will freeze if
you do."

Very important to know about this bug. It's rare however to be in this situation, i never cast magic on the dragon.


I want to thank Kyapiko who plays the game simultaneously and provides good advices to me.
I want to thank Napalm (yes the guy who explain to me the CPSL code in the Nanatsu no hikan faq) who check this
walkthrough (i forget so many times people who do that).
I want to thank Bernard Ly who sent me the result of the battle with the golem in B6 and some good tricks.
I want to thank Nathalie Martin for her method in Conquara B6, and because she tells me that the name of the floor in faralys castle have
Thanks to Daniel Harthoorn for the tips section and some infos.
Thanks to Amaranth Silversword for the info about Beld.
As usual this faq is copyright and if you want it on your site, e mail me at

ADK, tired of the Record of Lodoss.

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