Warriors of Might and Magic

Warriors of Might and Magic

15.10.2013 18:58:24

HISTORY: I have like many people, surfed the internet, trying to find a
walkthrough for this game but I was unsuccessful. I decided to play the game as
best as I could, and write down a guide so as to help anyone who might have
problems getting through the various levels. I have not found all the secrets,
or completed every quest, nor do I tell you how to kill every monster, I have
left that out, because you can either kill them or run past them, except where
the game requires you must kill a specific monster, in order to progress.

TACTICS: Listen to every Full Motion Video (FMV) it will give some clues as
what task is required of you. Break everything you come across, you never know
what you will find. Kill everything you come across, as a majority of creatures
will leave behind gold, potions, weapons, etc. Read every book you come across,
they will help you to achieve your task. Upgrade any
weapons/shields/armour...etc, as you progress, this will help you defeat the
monsters as you go along, as they get tougher. This game was played on HARD
DIFFICULTY, to see what extras were available, this amounted to slightly more
gold, and a few extra monsters on each level. Good luck...........


Pick up everything within the pit, and kill everything, pull lever, exit, turn
right, pick up potion in sewer, enter doorway on left break boards, and kill two
monsters who are attacking Apok he will thank you and ask you to follow him, he
gets attacked again near a green pool, again help him, and follow him into his
lair, he rewards you, search the entire room, then exit, now search the room
where you first saved Apok {gold, spell torch light, dry wood}, in the middle of
the room there is a fallen beam walk up it for a secret, come back down, and
climb the stairs beat the monster, and pull the lever to open your exit. Leave
the room turn left, there's a locked chest, with an iron key next to it, open it.
Follow path upwards to a lever on some wooden boards, pull lever, this will open
a secret panel nearby get the armour vest, go back to the floor boards and turn
right, walk across the single plank, search the room on the right for a potion,
exit and head down the ramp, there are 3 pressure switches on the floor, step on
these in any order to open a secret panel, collect the goodies, return to the
junction where you pulled the switch, head left, enter the room pick up the
flint, speak with the ghost, and he will tell you he's cold, stand at the circle
in front of him, and place the dry wood in the circle, now use the flint to
light the fire, you will be awarded experience, leave and go straight ahead pick
up spell bless, take door ahead picking up potions, gold, large iron club,
return to room with 3 barrels in, destroy 3 barrels and head up the ramp at the
top go right, and pick up potion, open chest for short sword, leave and go
straight across follow path to junction, turn left, follow sewer right to the
end, go through archway, right in front of you in a hole in the wall is a secret.
Ignore boards on the right, take a left through the gate you opened to the next
sub level :


At the junction turn right, cross the bridge, enter the first door you see, on
the left read story, exit and go to the end you will see a skeleton strapped to
an upright table with 2 levers, only pull the first lever next to you, or its
game over{the dark spirit emerges from the furnace and sinks his hands into your
chest}. Return to the doors, and make your way downstairs, need I say kill
everything, search entire room. Exit through arch, turn left, follow passage,
pull lever, enter room, jump on barrels to reach ledge above you, open chest,
pull lever, jump down, enter open panel for a secret, pick up goodies, exit room
and continue left, enter doorway on left {dump bone/wooden clubs, and start
upgrading}, this is where the game starts getting harder. Head down ramp within
the same room, turn left smash barrel for gold, head straight across kill or
avoid everything, pick up Berserker ring in chest, and 2 keys on table {Pit
sewer/Floor cell keys} return to main room, and exit, continue left . At
junction, turn right, pull lever, enter room, kill, kill, kill, smash barrel,
take Alchemist key, and use it on chest in the corner. Leave room, and go
straight across to room with ghosts locked in pits within the floor {guess what
key we are going to use} yes the floor cell key, release all the ghosts by
standing next to each pit and pressing R1, search the pits for goodies. Leave
and enter the passage that has a grating on the floor, turn left, follow it
until you see a left turn, be careful there's a drop, open chest, return to the
grate in the floor, and turn right, follow the passage a long way, until you
come to a right turn, with a bridge lit up in blue lighting, cross it, turn left,
follow it around until you find a chest, and a lever, open chest, pull lever,
leave and continue until you find the small bridge that allows us to get over
the spiked pit, in room kill 3 monsters, search everywhere, then run across the
small stream, and pull the lighted torch on the wall for another secret. Jump
over waterfall, and use Pit Sewer key on lock Dohhh!!!! drop down, follow
passage to enter next sub level.


Jump into the whirlpool, if need be kill everything, search under building for a
secret, with the hut behind you keep hard left to find a ledge, jump up, then
jump again to find a secret, now follow passage to main orc area, if possible
smash the 3 tanks covered in glass to release some slime monsters {they will
help you kill the orcs, if the orcs release the slime monsters they will come
after you }. Kill everything and get Orc gate key from one of the huts. In the
hut with ramps in, and a very long beam going across to a tree of some sort is a
secret, get going. Take the Orc gate key, and open the gate, you will meet Apok
again, he will open another gate for you to go through, continue along the path
{do not worry if you fall off, you will not get hurt, just jump up again }, stop
at the hut to open the chest, continue along the right ledge towards the
waterfall, jump into the top of waterfall to pick up a secret Sauranas sword,
drop down the waterfall where you are for a potion, drop to the bottom and enter
the door to enter a new level





GOLD =232


This can be a very confusing level, because of all the suspended bridges, but
persevere and you will be rewarded. You'll start with the Raven stuck in a rock,
you will need a stone dissolving liquid to free him this comes right at the end.
Go forward from the raven, under the ramps/bridges, head left past the well,
until you reach a hut, speak to the woman, who will ask you to save her husband,
continue on your journey keeping left until you find a Shield, carry on to the
end, and you will find a Sharks teeth ring sitting on a rock. Return to the main
compound with a group of huts {near the well}, kill everything, and search all
the huts, not far from here is a large hut with a few ramps inside it, search
all barrels, head up to the first ledge near where you are, and go to the far
left, to find a room with some goodies, return to the buildings on same level
{they are surrounded by large bamboo poles } kill, and plunder, also note the
lock on one of the buildings, from where you are enter the only doorway, follow
the passage, turn left and help yourself to some goodies, exit room turn left,
and continue going uphill, turn right, then left across the bridge at the end of
the bridge enter the door just on your left, follow it through past a net window
on your right through the door next to it, keep going uphill, until you reach an
open area on the top of a plateau {you will hear an orc saying they are weak
without a leader}, get in there and kill everyone EXCEPT the big green guy,
speak to him, he will thank you, and tell you to follow him {if you lose him,
don't worry, he's heading back to his wife in the hut past the well}. When you
reach the hut with the happy couple, you will be given the Chieftains hut key,
and told about the lack of food etc, etc. Return to the building surrounded by
bamboo poles, and the lock I told you to remember, use Chieftains key to open
the door, 2 monsters to kill up top, 1 monster to kill below, pick up everything,
including Treasury key, and Ham Hock, one more trip back to the happy couple in
their hut, approach them and press R1, this gives them the Ham Hock, you will be
told how to find the exit for this level. There's a few bits to do to tidy this
level up, At the start of this level there were some ramps, go up them, enter
the door just to the right help yourself to the goodies, exit turn right, then
left over the first bridge you come to, at the other side turn right, and follow
the ledge all the way to the end, you will reach a door in the wall with a lock,
use the Treasury Key to lower door, enter, kill, and enjoy the glittering that's
happening all around the room, do I have to tell you what to do, upgrade you
know it makes sense, exit right, follow ledge, and take the first right you come
to, go past the mesh window again, and through the first door, carry on up to
the plateau, to the left of the spiked walkway is a ledge follow it to the end,
turn right go to the room at the end for some goodies, make your way back along
the ledge to the other end to open a chest, now enter the hole in the wall,
there are some monsters to kill, the second one is carrying a Troll Ring. You
will reach a pier, do your best to get to the other side, using jumps etc, etc,
note the liquid here can harm Alleron, but not kill him, once you reach the
other side end of level, watch FMV of Alleron freeing the Raven.





GOLD = 156


Time jump onto floating blade, make your way to the centre, pick up goodies,
read book. Jump back onto floating blade, jump off into pinkish doorway, take
first left into blue passageway smash stained glass windows on right for a
secret, read book, head straight across to room with goodies and read clue on
wall "the circle of the sun sets clockwise", exit room, turn right, avoid
electric bolts, and visit bookcase on the left of passageway, pick up gold, and
Spell, from the bookcase run across to a small stone doorway on the right open
chest, exit and head to the far right stone doorway, avoiding electric bolts, in
this room smash the upright coffin to gain access to a secret, also a lady where
you can spend all that gold you've got. Exit and head straight across follow
around to the right, down the ramp, and left, read the book in the case, now go
around to the other bookcase, and have another read, make your way to the bottom
of the ramp, carefully make your way to the left, and pull the lever, go across
the other side and open the chest. Now enter the lift, pull the lever, exit lift,
turn right, follow path around, and jump over the spiked railings to find a
chest, return to Green doors enter the Guardians of Knowledge: Head around to
the left, in this area there are 3 chests to open, also a locked gate with a
crate behind it, just whack it a few times to pick up the Guardians Gate key,
use lift to reach the top, exit lift and run to the end, turn right, now pull
the lever, in the opening on the right, return to the opening to the bridge that
you ignored earlier, use the Guardians key on the door, enter and head left find
chest containing Fains Key, now make your way across rotating blade to claim the
Green Gem of Enroth, exit over the bridge, turn right, then right again, down
the stairs, turn right, on the left is a health spa to activate it place the
green gem in the claw, stand in the pool and enjoy, don't forget to take the
green gem with you when you leave, carry on, and you will come to Fains Treasure
locked behind the gate, use Fains key to get at it, turn around, and carry on
straight, turn right, then left, then right, place green gem in claw, and the
bridge will rise, go across get the goodies return, and take the green gem, go
back the way you entered, and turn right, then left, then right again go through
the doors, the lift is at the bottom, just jump down, and carefully walk across
the ledges, up the ramp, follow the passage back to the blue lit passage, go
past all the electric bolts, to the very end, and turn right, past the stained
glass we broke, turn left into a pinkish corridor, this looks virtually
identical to the level we have just done, go down the ramp, take first left,
check out the bookcase, go around to the other bookcase, as soon as you approach
it you get jumped by a gargoyle, make your way back to the ramp, you'll see a
room with 4 segments in a circle on the floor, in a clockwise pattern step on
all 4 segments to unlock the nearby door, you will get attacked by 3 gargoyles,
enter the lift, pull the lever, exit lift to your left, follow around, and jump
over spiked railings to find a chest, return to the door, and enter the COLUMNS
OF TRUTH : pull lever to enter, head left to the very end, open chest, return to
the locked gateway use Guardians key to open door, get across quickly, open
chest, then either fight or flee, exit left and follow it right the way around,
down 2 ramps, to a platform, SEE NOTE:

NOTE: This small task is as follows, where you stand facing the various doorways
to your right is a chest with goodies, straight ahead is a locked door {needs a
pillar key}, and on your left is the Red Enroth Gem. Because of the way the
pillars work, it is easier for you to try for yourself, than it would be for me
to try and explain it. The pillars work as follows, any pillar that is standing
up will start to sink, as soon as you jump onto it. Any pillars that have
already sunk, will rise, when you jump onto them {search for already sunken
pillars }

1) The chest on the right can be reached, by jumping on the pillar on the right,
and quickly onto the ledge that has the chest, ride down on the nearby pillar.

2) When you reach the bottom search everywhere, there's a secret to be found,
find the waterfall, and search the chest next to it for the Pillar Key, next to
the chest are some blue circular rings if at any time you get stuck, jump into
these rings, and they will teleport you to the starting point of the little task.

Once you have the Red Enroth Gem from the left hand doorway, to save time/effort,
just jump from where you are standing, and use the blue rings to teleport you to
the starting platform. Head up the ramps, and turn left, through the main doors,
head around to the lift, again the lift is down, so just jump down, head up the
ramp, turn left, turn right, turn right again, through the blue lit passage,
head left, past the electric bolts, and halfway down the passage, turn right,
head towards the large lift held by 4 chains, watch the FMV, board the lift,
pull the lever, at the top place Green gem on the left, and the Red gem on the
right, enter door, go to the end and read the book, watch the door open near the
start of the level, as you turn around you have to face 4 gargoyles, when done,
get on lift, pull lever, ride down, go forward, turn left, at the end turn right,
past the blue lit passage, at the end turn right, jump onto floating blade, and
ride to the now open doorway, it's the first door you come to as you go round,
end of this level, you now enter Magic city approach:





GOLD =527


Purchase whatever you need from the lady near you, then proceed forward, kill
monster, grab holy light, check small waterfall for potion, also potion on rock,
proceed forward and read tombstone continue on past the pit on the right, deal
with creature on rock, you will find a secret behind some cobwebs, follow the
stream on the right to the bottom, kill everything, search everywhere, make your
way back up the rocks, finally jumping to the wooden platform, proceed, careful
of the gap just around corner, walk the plank, enter the waterfall on the right,
to get Spell of silence, go through arch, and press R1 in front of the pink gem
set in the left hand wall, carry on till you get to the wooden pier/bridge, jump
in and go through the archway to a chest, turn around and carry on left, jump
onto stone pier, take the left stairs to the top, speak to the guard, he wants a
gem for the Druids ring, { prepare for a double cross }, kill them all, at this
point you will have to drop some weapons..etc in a corner, then search the dead
scum to find the ring, upgrade as necessary, now go down stairs, straight across,
right over the bridge, and make your way to the tombstone near the start of the
level, {you will have to jump into pit from wooden walkway then up the rocks as
Alleron can't climb}, when you reach tombstone, press R1 for experience also
Spell of Heroism.

Follow path back to stone pier, take the remaining bridge, up the ramp, into
next room, with 3 guards and a chest in the corner, continue on up, kill guard,
stand on lift, then press R1 to operate {or you'll get stuck like I did, and
have to reload}, the door you need is behind you when you reach the bottom, head
up Temple steps, killing 3 guards on the way to enter next level.





GOLD = 330


Head all the way to the end, where your way is blocked by rocks, head right
into narrow passage, by the well, an imp will tell you to follow him so he can
give you something, yeah right, kill him where he stands { if you follow him,
his mates kick the 7 colours of crap out of you using iron bars, in a dark
alleyway }, enter house by the cart, search it, read the book, then exit right
to next house, read scroll on table, go upstairs, on the balcony you will need a
bit of patience for this secret, face the handrail, and try to jump onto it,
then slowly turn while still standing on the handrail to face the house, now
jump onto roof for that secret { it might take a few attempts }, jump down, make
your way between the buildings, the door on the right has some goodies, exit
right, enter the other building, turn left, and clear out the downstairs level,
head upstairs, kill everything, take Wizards Scroll from chest in end room, go
back to main doors, head left, { from here on in the imps can steal items from
your inventory when you are fighting them, they place them in a chest near the
edge of a cliff, where you will be able to recover them }. Kill everyone, and
thoroughly search all huts, make your way down the cliff, using available rocks,
smash the boards, head right, go straight smash more boards, go get some goodies,
return and head right, follow path, take goodies on the left, carry on, smash
more boards, follow floorboards to the left, then right, there's a steamy
waterfall go through it for a secret, continue around into an open space, you
will see a Wizard Zapping some imps, on the right up some rocks is a vial of
Titans brew, approach the Wizard and he will take the Scroll and Rune you picked
up earlier, he will now teleport the both of you to the Skull, he will open it
for you, then disappear, ignore the passageway behind you { we could have come
this way, and opened the skull using the stone image we picked up earlier, what
and miss the wizards social skills I think not!! }, jump into Skulls mouth, and
follow it around, as you go through the ribs watch the FMV, head to the right of
the spine, into the Eyes of darkness.


Follow passage after upgrading, through rotating knife tunnel, and then into an
open chamber, with a pool, if you picked up the meteor, place this and a magic
item of your choice in the pool, and pull the nearby lever, this will give you a
new powerful weapon { save prior to trying this, just in case you get it wrong,
or are not happy with the choice you've made, note this pool can only be used
once }, when happy, go up the stairs, note the 2 statues with swords pointing
left, go past the statues right, and head downstairs, pick up 2 spells on 2
blocks, now unless you need some potions, or are playing to kill everything, and
collect all the gold, ignore the steps on the right, go up the stairs, and you
will reach 2 identical statues with swords pointing to the left, this is an
upper walkway, follow it to the end, killing or avoiding the floating creatures,
then jump to the central column, collect the Dragons tear, make your way around
the central column, so your back is facing where you picked up the dragons tear,
and you will spy the exit door from this level, jump over and exit into the


Follow the path down, picking up the goodies, and reading the note, at the
bottom you will meet a Coyote, follow him to find some people trapped in a load
of walls, { the things some people do to get attention is ridiculous, don't
worry if you lose the Coyote, he waits for you }, once you reach the walls, turn
and go left, to find a chest, return and follow the path, until you see an
opening on the right, with a slope leading upwards, the other path leads you to
2 chests, and a Ring, return and proceed up the slope, turn left, and keeping
sharp left follow it through, at the end you will have to fight 2 Minotaurs, get
the Minotaurs Key { and remember this place, it's your exit }, you now have to
make your way back to the people in the walls, the guy will thank you, and tell
you to go, and that he will free the rest of the people, wot no tip, return to
the slope, and the place where you fought the Minotaurs { now if you want to
explore the area go for it, the monsters are tougher but there are chests, and
goodies to be had, when you've finished, enter the Minotaur building, and open
chest in right corner, approach door and press R1 to end level and meet a Boss.





GOLD = 608


He will keep flying off onto a high ledge, where he will then target you twice,
firing fireballs at you, when you run away, the fire balls hit the ground and
spread over the entire arena. He will then fly down to the centre of the arena,
where he will target you once with a fireball. He will repeat this tactic until
he's dead. I found the best attack was a physical, close to his body, hack away
at him, till he flies away kind use whatever protect spells from fire you have
to save yourself good luck.....





GOLD = 0


Fairly short level this, you will appear next to the head monk, who will ask
you to help them, by killing all the demons, get to it straight away, kill every
demon nearby, also on the open space return and run up the wooden ramp near the
head monk, kill everything, as you progress upwards you will come to a bridge
run along it and it will collapse, jump off, and make your way to the stone
building with a lit torch on the right side of the doorway, clear out all the
upper levels, then return to the basement, and pick up the Laboratory Key, exit
and go to the Cemetery, kill the demon, pick up the gold, return to the head
monk, and if he's happy with your work, he'll tell you where the exit door is,
make your way to the exit door, and use the Laboratory Key to open door, end of





GOLD = 312


Head forward, and left, kill everything, pick up gold, and Skull Key, head
through either passage to Skull gates, use Skull key, follow passage till you
reach another gate, use Skull key again, kill, and pick up everything, head left,
and pull lever, { mind the fireballs, being fired at you from the wall, and
ceilings }, smash barrels, at junction turn right, pick up Soul Vanquisher Sword,
turn around and follow passage, till you reach steps going down to a junction,
{ steps ahead, door on left, and steps on the right, go ahead, open chest, then
return, now go left down the steps, follow the passage to another junction, go
left, at the next junction go right, and to the chest at the end, when you turn
around note the various stages of picture of a woman, { red haired woman holding
a bunch of red roses, a red rose around her neck, and a quarter moon behind
her }, leave and go straight ahead, up the steps, turn left, up the steps again,
open chest at top of steps take gold, and Iron Key, carry on to the end, and
take the Valour Sword from the flames, head back to the junction with the wooden
door, use the Iron Key to open it, head on through to the next sub level .


Enter the big room, jump on the beam, read the book by the skeleton, now walk
along the beam to the various pictures, pressing the following buttons below
them, woman with red rose around her neck, a bunch of red roses, and finally the
quarter moon, { if you are collecting kills, and gold, then press the wrong
buttons, and loads of creatures appear on the central part of room }, now jump
into hole in wall, and pick up Othgars Mallet, continue into room, pick up Holy
Water from table, carry on down the stairs, enter small room with 2 exits, go
ahead, take ring, pull lever, enter junction, read book, take immediate left,
open chest, follow passage to the end, fighting 3 large orges take Holy Water
from chest, return to book, turn right, then left, then right, at junction on
right over small pool, is a chest with goodies, return over pool, head straight,
and down the stairs, kill 2 demons, Vin will ask for help, select the Holy
Waters, and stand by the flames at the top of his coffin, and press R1, now
repeat this at the other end of his coffin, this should make Vin very happy, so
take all that's in his coffin, go to junction with book, this time go ahead into
passage with bluish light, head down the steps, kill, open chest, follow around,
up the stairs, turn, opposite door get chest in corner, then go to door to exit
to next level.





GOLD = 449


Use the 3 floating wooden wheels, timing your jumps to get across, if this fails,
just run across the gap. Follow the cavern killing or avoiding, till you reach
a large Pyramid type building, go straight ahead and you'll see a note pinned to
the wall, it relates to a rogue being held in a cell, turn left, and go down for
a secret, return back up, follow the path on the same level that you're on,
upgrading as you go, you will come to an identical doorway where you just picked
up your last secret, go down you'll find the rogue, give him his bag of tools,
and he will release himself, and open the chest for you, leave, and follow the
path till you see a stone building just on the perimeter of the path you're on,
read note on door, then enter, go right, and up some spiral stairs, follow it
until you reach some stairs on the right, and a room ahead, go ahead clear the
rooms, then return and climb the stairs, enter room on the left, clear it, exit,
head to very top of stairs, and pull lever, this opens 4 doors on main Pyramid,
head back to the room where you entered this building, and go downstairs, as you
go down in the left hidden from view is a chest, exit, and take first available
door on upper portion of pyramid, go past first passageway, into the inner ring,
there is a chest in there, also check the cages around the ring for items, go to
the outer ring, and follow the red carpet to the doors, use the Lower Temple Key,
and enter, watch FMV, start next level. { Please note that all around this level
there are many pickups to be had, just look }


This next level can seem confusing, but remember it's a large square, with
outsides, and insides.

Go to junction, head left, take first door on right, check out chest in back
room through curtains return to passage, continue, and take left door, this is
the Library, kill, and make your way into other room, get Odd Cultist Key from
table, use key on chest under stairs, where you entered this room, exit and
proceed, the next room on the left has some gold when you kill creatures, the
room at the back has a bowl with a shining object, don't bother with it, because
every time you try and pick it up it re-spawns 2 flying creatures, exit and
proceed, at junction enter right door, check out chest in far corner, exit using
door you entered this room with, now enter room ahead on the right, in the back
room, take the Rounded Cultist Chest Key, and open the chest, exit and proceed
around the right corner, ignore first door on right, take second door on right,
and find 2 chests in back room, exit, and go straight across, smash all barrels,
and open both chests, take Holy Texts Library Key, exit, and proceed left, and
around to the right, ignore the door just on left side. We have come full circle,
from where we started, go forward just past junction, and take first door on
left, this is the Library again, go into the back room, and find the large door
with a keyhole, use the Holy Texts Library Key to unlock it, enter and take the
Wizards Ring, Spell Snap Freeze, and a potion, exit library, turn left, and
follow passage, keep following the red carpet, until you reach a junction on the
left, there's a shield on the wall behind you if you want it, follow the carpet
down the steps, as you go down the second set of steps, end of level.

GATES OF POWER: With this level, when you kill the large red monsters on their
platforms, take a look around the edges of the platforms, if you see any signs
of something being under there, save your game, and jump down, you'll usually
have to kill 2 demons, grab any goodies, and they all have a teleport device
that takes you back to the platform you just jumped from, if not re-load.

Step forward, and read 3 notes on the wall, go to balcony, and open chest, make
your way down the stairs, note you're standing on a green octagon tile, this
saves confusion later. Go left take first door you come to, pass either side, as
you reach the end of the green path a large column comes crashing down, it does
not harm you so don't worry, climb over rubble when you're over on your right
there's 3 octagon pillars to jump across, to a chest with 3 healing potions,
return, and continue, 3 more octagon pillars on your left to jump to a chest
with a sword Slaughterstorm, return, near the end of the path jump over to the
blue circles, and jump in, it will teleport you to an upper level, go ahead to a
chest with an Angelic Hand Weapon, now head straight across to a chest with
potions, now head to the teleport device across the other bridge, when you enter
let go of the walk button, or you'll fall off the ledge you've been teleported
to, open chest, you are now near where the column fell down, just jump off onto
the path again, and make your way back up the path, past the teleport device you
first jumped in. Head straight on into a stone passageway at the other end is a
path with water on both sides, follow it to a junction with a right turn, turn
right follow path through stone tunnel, you will come to a mud path hanging in
the air, carry on up the path { 2 flying demons appear one either side of you },
at the junction on the right is a teleport device, jump in when you appear, turn
left for a chest, walk back to other end, and jump down for access to another
chest, walk back to the point where you jumped down, and you'll see the teleport
device you just used, just jump off ledge towards it, now with your back to the
teleport, head straight on, following the path around, on the left is a path
branching off, ignore it for the moment, head straight on, take the next left
for a hidden chest, come out, and go left again, head for the balcony, and a
chest, now return to the turning we just ignored, it's now on the right, follow
path down through a stone passage, in the open kill large monster, carry on,
follow path to main hallway, you will see your darling Sister tied up, kill the
women around her, approach her and press R1, watch FMV, jump into pit, and enter





GOLD = 769


Turn around, there's some pickups behind you, proceed along passage, the first
monster will approach, keep close to him and you won't have many problems, when
you've killed him, go up ramps on both sides to pull levers, to release the
glass cases, enabling you to access the goodies. Carry on through, the next
monster looks the same, but is slightly tougher, he also has the ability to
teleport behind you every time he starts to take damage, once dealt with, pull
the lever, that has now become available, guess what, you have now released the
final version of this monster, this one takes a hell of a long time to put down,
he has the ability to shoot metal shards at you every so often, he also has the
ability to teleport, but this time right across the room, and when he does so,
he shoots off a huge ring of flames, good luck.....

When you have defeated him, pull the lever on the right side of the room, this
releases the central glass tube, pick up the Terrenus Scroll, step off the
platform, congratulations you have just completed the game, sit back and watch
the final FMV sequence..............

And now the fine print: My name is Glen Johnson, I have worked on this guide in
order to be able to help anyone who might be stuck on a certain level, it is as
I mentioned earlier, lacking a few secrets, as well as some quests, I do not
tell you what monsters you will come up against or indeed when, all I wanted to
do was provide a walkthrough, for those who are stuck. You may as you wish, use
or modify this as and when you find all of the items as I will not be adding to
it, enjoy.

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