Armored Core 2: Another Age

Armored Core 2: Another Age

13.10.2013 22:47:10
Armored Core 2: Another Age AC Design FAQ



-Legal Information
-Purpose of This FAQ
-Basic Attributes
-Specific Attributes of Head Parts
-Specific Attributes of Core Parts
-Specific Attributes of Arm Parts
-Specific Attributes of Leg Parts
-Specific Attributes of FCS (Fire Control System) Parts
-Specific Attributes of Booster Parts
-Specific Attributes of Generator Parts
-Specific Attributes of Radiator Parts
-Specific Attributes of Back Weapon Parts
1) Weapons
1) Magazines
3) Radars
-Specific Attributes Right Arm Weapon Parts
-Specific Attributes of Left Arm Weapon Parts
1) Laser Blades
2) Energy Shields
-A Look at Optional Parts
-A Look at Extensions
-A Look at Inside Parts
-Design Tips
-Custom Designs
-Special Thanks

Legal Information

I have worked hard to produce this FAQ. If you would like to use it on
your website I would appreciate it if you would
E-Mail me at If you do use this on your
site you must leave it in its original form.
Thank You.

Purpose of This FAQ

I am creating this FAQ for all of those people that are having trouble
making an AC that will fit there needs. I have spent many hours trying
to find out as much as I can about the stats of parts and how they
affect the performance of an AC. I hope that I can make it a little
easier for you to design an AC by explaining what each stat will
affect. If you have any questions E-Mail me at the address mentioned
above and if I cannot answer your question E-Mail my friend at I hope that this FAQ will make it easier for you
to create an AC that fits your needs.

Basic Attributes

DEF SHELL= The more defense vs. energy you have the less damage you
will take from energy weapon fire.
DEF ENERGY= The more defense vs. shell you have the less damage you
will take from non-energy weapon fire.
ARMOR POINTS= The more armor points your AC has the more damage you can
sustain during battle.
ENERGY DRAIN= Amount of energy needed to run the part. (This energy is
supplied by your generator's energy output)
WEIGHT= How much that specific part weighs.
DEFENSIVE POINTS= Total amount of energy defense and shell defense.
COOLING= Parts ability to release heat.

Specific Attributes of Heads

COMPUTER TYPE= This is how advanced your head is. Rough (old model),
Standard (basic model), Detailed (advanced model)
COMPUTER VOICE= This is the gender of voice heard during missions.
(Male, Female)
SYSTEM RECOVERY= This is the speed at which you recover from system
errors such as an FCS error.
AUTO BALANCER= This refers to your AC's stability control, the higher
this number is the more stable your AC will be.
HACKING FUNTION= This refers to your AC's ability to manipulate
circuitry to open doors. (This must be at a certain level to open some
MAP TYPE= This is how the map (press select during mission) will
function. There are four types:
None- You will see nothing but the borders of the area.
No Memory- You will only be shown the immediate area.
Area Memory- You will be shown the immediate area and the map
will map areas already explored.
Area and Place Name- You will have the Area Memory Ability but it
will also show mission targets on the map.
NOISE CANCELER= There are two options for this area NONE or PROVIDED.
If it is provided all background interference will cease.
BIO SENSOR= There are two options for this area NONE or PROVIDED. If
it is provided you will be able to lock onto biological organisms.
SENSOR INTERVAL= This is the time taken to start up an AC's sensors at
the beginning of a mission.
RADAR FUNCTION= There are two options for this area NONE or PROVIDED.
If it is provided your head is equipped with built-in radar.
RADAR RANGE= This is the area covered by the built-in radar (if your
head is equipped with one).
RADAR TYPE= There are two options for this area - or STANDARD. If it
reads STANDARD your head has built-in radar if it reads - you do not.
SCANNING INTERVAL= This is the performance of your built-in radar.
COMPUTER ABILITY= Computer's overall ability.
EDPS= This is a numerical representation of the performance of your
head's optional functions such as NOISE CANCELLER or BIOSENSOR.

Specific Attributes of Core Parts

MAXIMUM WEIGHT= This is the amount of weight a core can hold. This
weight consists of the weight of your arms, and arm weapons.
VS MG RESPONSE= This is the probability that your core will intercept
missiles successfully (watch carefully and you will see a laser shoot
from your core and destroy missiles).
VS MG ANGLE= This is the range from which the laser can intercept
missiles. This distance is straight from the front of the core.
OPTIONAL SLOTS= This is how many slots you have to equip optional
OB POWER= This is the thrust created by your overboost (push down the
right analog stick).
OB ENERGY DRAIN= This is how much energy is consumed during overboost.
DISCHARGE HEAT= This is how much your core heats up when you engage
your overboost.
COOLING= This is the cooling ability of your core.
OVERBOOST= This is the overall overboost ability of your core.

Specific Attributes of Arm Parts

EXTENSION TIP= There are two options for this area NONE or PROVIDED.
If an extension tip is provided it means you are able to equip an
extension. I don't really see the point though, considering that all
arms have an extension tip.
ENERGY SUPPLY= This is how much energy your arm supplies to you left
arm weapon. The higher the number the more damage is done with the
laser blade and the higher the defense of a shield.
RECOIL CONNTROL= This is how well your arms control the recoil caused
by firing a large weapon like a bazooka.
ACCURACY= This is how accurate you are when using a laser blade.
MOVEMENT ABILITY= This refers to the angle at which you can fire an arm
weapon. The higher the number the higher an angle you can fire your
weapon at and still be accurate.

Specific Attributes of Leg Parts

MOVING SPEED= How fast your legs can run.
LANDING STABILITY= This is how stable you are when you hit the ground
after falling.
DEFENSIVE STABILITY= This is how stable you are when you are hit with a
powerful enemy weapon such as a grenade.
TURNING SPEED= This is the rate at which your AC can turn when
STATIONARY DRAIN= This is how fast your recover from charging (when
standing still). The higher the number the longer it takes to recover.
JUMP FUNCTION= There are two options for this area NONE or PROVIDED. If
it is PROVIDED, by tapping the X button you can jump.
BRAKING ABILITY= This is the rate at which you stop. The higher the
number the faster you stop.
MOVING ABILITY= This is the overall mobility of the legs.

Specific Attributes of FCS (Fire Control System) Parts

MAXIMUM LOCK= This is the maximum number of locks you can obtain with
missiles. Keep in mind you cannot lock more than once unless the
missile is able to obtain multiple locks.
LOCK SPEED= This is the amount of time it takes a missile to get a lock
on the enemy. The lower the number the less time is required to get a
TARGET= There are to options for this area MULTI and SINGLE. If the
FCS has the MULTI option, with missiles that obtain multiple locks you
can acquire locks on multiple enemies if they are both in your lock
box. Otherwise you may only obtain locks on one opponent.
LOCK TYPE|= This tells the range on size of your AC's lock box. There
are four different options for this area:
Standard- Lock box is average and the range is also average.
Wide and Shallow- Lock box is extremely large yet has very short
Narrow and Deep- Lock box is very small but range is very far.
Sideway- Lock box is of fair size and is long horizontally but
short vertically.
Lengthway- Lock box is of fair size and is high vertically but
short horizontally.
SIGHT RANGE= This is the range at which you can acquire a lock.
SIGHT ABILITY= This is a numerical representation of the size of the
parts lock box.
PRESICION= This tells how precise the FCS is when firing.
RETICLE MOBILITY= This is how fast the lock indicator moves inside the
lock box.

Specific Attributes of Booster Parts

BOOST POWER= Amount of thrust produced when boosters are engaged.
CHARGE DRAIN= Amount of energy consumed when boosters are engaged.
BOOST EFFICIENCY= Balance of boost power and charge drain. The higher
the efficiency the longer you can boost.

Specific Attributes of Generator Parts

ENERGY OUTPUT= Amount of energy that is available to run all of the
parts on an AC. Your EP consumption may not exceed this amount (unless
you have overweight).
MAXIMUM CHARGE= This is the amount of energy that the energy bar to the
right consists of.
REDZONE= This is the amount of energy that the redzone on the energy
bar represents.
CALORIFIC VALUE= This is the amount of heat produced by your generator
over an extended period of time.

Specific Attributes of Radiator Parts

COOLING= This is how fast your AC releases unwanted heat in normal
FORCED COOLING= This is how fast your AC releases unwanted heat while
you are overheating.

Specific Attributes of Back Weapons


WEAPON LOCK= This is the same as the lock type on an FCS.
ATTACK POWER= This is the strength of one round of the weapon. With
weapons that shoot multiple shots per round this pertains to each
separate shot. For example, if you had a slug gun equipped, the attack
power would be for each little shot. It shoots 15 shots per round.
Therefore if you hit with all 15 shots the attack power would be 3015.
NUMBER OF AMMO= This is how many rounds the weapon has. However some
weapons shoot multiple shots per round. For example the slug gun,
which has 32 rounds, actually fires 15 shots per round. So the amount
of shots fired is actually 480.
AMMO TYPE= This indicates whether the rounds are energy or shell-based.
AMMO PRICE= This is the cost per round. This does not pertain to
energy weapons.
AMMO HEAT= This is the amount of heat generated when one round of the
weapon hits the enemy.
RANGE= This is how far the weapons ammunition can reach.
MAXIMUM LOCK= This is the amount of locks that can be acquired with the
weapon. This pertains only to missiles.
USAGE DRAIN= This is how much energy is consumed when the weapon is
fired. This pertains only to energy weapons.
RELOAD TIME= This is the time taken before another round can be fired.
RECOIL= This is the backward force generated when the weapon is fired.


TYPE= This tells whether it is a general magazine (adds ammo to all
weapons) or a solid magazine (adds ammo to only shell weapons).
FUNCTION ADD AMMO= This is the percentage of ammo added.


NOISE CANCELER= There are two options for this area NONE or PROVIDED.
If it is provided all background interference will cease.
BIO SENSOR= There are two options for this area NONE or PROVIDED. If
it is provided you will be able to lock onto biological organisms.
RADAR RANGE= This is the area covered by your radar.
STEALTH SENSOR= There are two options for this area NONE or PROVIDED.
If this option is provided you can still pick up ACs on your radar that
have stealth equipped.

Specific Attributes of Right Arm Weapons

WEAPON LOCK= This is the same as the lock type on an FCS.
ATTACK POWER= This is the strength of one round of the weapon. With
weapons that shoot multiple shots per round this pertains to each
separate shot. For example, if you had a slug gun equipped, the attack
power would be for each little shot. It shoots 15 shots per round.
Therefore if you hit with all 15 shots the attack power would be 3015.
NUMBER OF AMMO= This is how many rounds the weapon has. However some
weapons shoot multiple shots per round. For example: The slug gun,
which has 32 rounds, fires 15 shots per round. So the amount of shots
fired is actually 480.
AMMO TYPE= This indicates whether the rounds are energy or shell-based.
AMMO PRICE= This is the cost per round. This does not pertain to
energy weapons.
AMMO HEAT= This is the amount of heat generated when one round of the
weapon hits the enemy.
RANGE= This is how far the weapons ammunition can reach.
MAXIMUM LOCK= This is the amount of locks that can be acquired with the
weapon. This pertains only to missiles.
USAGE DRAIN= This is how much energy is consumed when the weapon is
fired. This pertains only to energy weapons.
RELOAD TIME= This is the time taken before another round can be fired.

Specific Attributes of Left Arm

Laser Blades

USAGE DRAIN= This is how much energy is consumed when the weapon is
ATTACK POWER= This is the strength of one the blade.
ATTACK HEAT= This is the amount of heat produced when you hit the
opponent with your blade.
RANGE RATING= This is the length of your laser blade. On the ZLS-
400/SL the range rating is 0 because the laser blade shoots a beam
instead of having a blade.
BLADE EFFICIENCY= This is how accurate your laser blade is.

Energy Shields

USAGE DRAIN= This is how much energy is consumed when the shield is in
DISCHARGE HEAT= This is the amount of heat created when the shield is
in use.
SHIELD DEF SHELL= This is the amount of defense against non-energy
SHIELD DEF ENERGY= This is the amount of defense against energy
SHIELD COVERAGE= This is the amount of area the shield covers.
SHILED EFFICIENCY= This is the shield's overall efficiency.

A Look at Optional Parts

SP-S/SCR= This decreases the damage caused when hit with a shell-based
SP-ENE-SCR= This decreases the damage caused when hit with an energy-
based weapon.
SP-BCNDR= This increases maximum charge of the generator therefore
increasing the time you can fly.
SP-BSI-LE= This reduces the shock caused when hit by enemy fire.
SP-SAB/J= This reduces the recoil caused when firing a weapon.
SP-CIR-K= This increases the speed at which you can turn when
SP-BE++= This increases the power of energy weapons. This does not
pertain to laser blades.
SP-BMALAD= This lets you detect missiles on your radar.
SP-BFS/LOSP= This reduces the time it takes to get a lock.
SP-ENE-ACC= This speeds up the reload time on energy weapons.
SP-E/SAVER= This reduces the usage drain on energy weapons.
SP-ECM-JAM= This makes it harder for an enemy to get a lock on you with
missiles. If your opponent has missiles that can obtain multiple locks
he is limited to a single lock.
SP-M/AUTO= This fires your missile automatically when you obtain a
lock. This fires missiles after 1 lock so if you have missiles that
lock on multiple times it will fire when you get your first lock.
SP-BLS= This increases the either the power of your laser blade or the
defense of your energy shield, depending on which you have equipped.
SP-CBRK= This increases your AC's braking ability.
SP-VIECH= This increases the sight range on your FCS.

A Look at Extensions

BEX-BB10= This extension moves you backward very quickly.
BEX-BD150= This extension moves you downward very quickly.
BEX-BT180= This extension turns you 90 degrees whichever way you are
holding down on the d-pad.
BEX-BRM-04= This extension fires 4 support missiles whenever you fire
your missiles.
BEX-BRM-02= This extension fires 2 support missiles whenever you fire
your missiles.
EEX-AM45= This extension fires missiles that intercept incoming
ZEX-RS/HOUND= This extension fires missiles that intercept incoming
BEX-BAMS-287= This extension fires missiles that intercept incoming
ZEX-AL/REX= This extension fires lasers that intercept incoming
BEX-AA00= This extension provides your AC with additional armor.

A Look at Inside Parts

INW-DEC-00A= This fires a decoy that attracts enemy missiles.
INW-DEC-MQ2= This fires a decoy that attracts enemy missiles.
INW-EM-RRD= This fires an ECM that disrupts enemy locks.
INW-DM-PUPPET= This fires a dummy that appears on your enemy's radar.
INW-DM-MV= This fires a mobile dummy that appears on your enemy's
INW-BD-X22= This fires powerful bombs that explode on impact.
INW-BD-XVX= This fires powerful energy bombs that explode on impact.
INW-DM/R11= This fires an extremely powerful mine that explodes on
impact or after a certain period of time.
INW-RV-08= This is backward firing Vulcan. This actually shoots back
and up. It also shoots more than one shot.
INW-OM-PRT= This fires a small sphere that attacks on its own.

Design Tips

First off, we must eliminate a few words from your vocabulary.
Don't ever use the words "ultimate AC." There is no such thing!
Everything depends upon the pilot. You could have an AC where you win
every time and then hand the controller to your friend and he would die
horribly. It's the style. One basic thing you need to create an AC is
balance. You need to have balance between everything. You must have
balance between speed and defense, shell and energy weapons, etc. If
you can create a balanced AC then you are half way to making a good AC.
I just defy all laws of AC designing, I seem fight better as I become
less balanced...but anyway, try to keep it balanced.
I will go through the design stage part by part. Let's begin
with the head. When choosing a head there are a few things that you
must consider such as whether or not the head has a radar, whether it
has a biosensor, noise canceller, etc. As you can see, it becomes
annoying that is why I am going through this part-by-part.
First, picking a head. When you pick a head you need to decide
whether this AC will be to fight in VS. mode or whether it will be a
mission AC. If it will be a mission AC, a biosensor is a MUST. This
helps in any mission where the enemies are biological. If you don't
have a biosensor you will not be able to get a lock on the enemies.
Another must for mission ACs is AREA AND PLACE NAME for map type. This
will allow you to see mission targets on your map. If you are not
going to where a radar as a back part, you will need a radar in your
head. Look for a high radar range. Although it isn't really necessary
a noise canceller is a nice addition. Also, if you use your radar to
dodge missiles you would like to have a low scanning interval. This
will make it so that missiles appear on your radar as soon as they are
fired. Well, that is about it for the head.
Second, picking a good core. The core is one of the most
important parts of an AC. There are many things that you must consider
when choosing a core. First off, defense and weight. If you want a
light AC you would pick a core with low weight, but you would also need
to think about how long you want to be able to overboost, but for most
purposes you just want to consider AP defensive points and weight. For
those of you who like to be light I would recommend ZCL-XA/2. This
core overboosts at an insane speed. It weighs a little more than the
ECL-ONE but it makes up for it with extra armor points and the fastest
overboost in the game, and as an extra bonus you get 21 optional part
slots! For those of you who like to be a little bit more, well, FAT, I
would recommend the ZCX-F/ROOK. This core allows you to overboost a
lot longer than most and it is light. The ZCX-F/ROOK has a good amount
of AP and defensive points for the weight.
Third, finding a pair of arms for you. If you are like me you
always have at least 1 AC dedicated to being a "laser blade AC." If
this were the case, you would want a combination of high ENERGY SUPPLY,
low WEIGHT, high ACCURACY and high MOVEMENT ABLILITY. If you aren't
making an AC for pure laser blade ability then you would want to
concentrate on high AP, low WEIGHT, and high marks in DEFENSIVE POINTS.
For those laser blade fanatics out there I would recommend the ZAN-
414/SLA or the ZAW-2/SAMURAI. For those of you aren't going to create
a laser blade AC I would recommend the ZAN-616/AUR. Now for those of
you who are going to use weapon arms, I salute you. These types of
pilots are becoming a rare breed. You would look for the same things
you would if you were looking for any other type of weapon.
Fourth, choosing a pair of legs. There are 5 types of legs:
humanoid, reverse joint, quadrapeds, tank treads and hover legs. To
make a fast AC you would want to look for high MOVING ABILITY, high
MOVING SPEED, low WEIGHT and high LANDING STABILITY. If you are not as
considered with speed you would want to look for high AP, high
DEFENSIVE POINTS, and medium weight. There are a few advantages
associated with different types of legs so I will tell you about those.
Here are the advantages of the different types. Humanoid legs strafe
better than all of the other types. Reverse joints jump higher than
all of the other leg types. Quadrapeds do more damage when you hit
someone with your laser blade than all of the other types. Tank treads
can hold more weight than all of the other leg types. And last, but
not least, hover type legs don't become stunned when they fall from a
high distance.
Fifth, picking boosters. What you want to look for is a good
balance between BOOST POWER and CHARGE DRAIN. You want a high BOOST
POWER and a low CHARGE DRAIN. That is about all you really need to
know about choosing boosters.
Sixth, time to choose an FCS. If you are going to use missiles,
your top priority is to find an FCS with a low LOCK SPEED. This will
drastically reduce the amount of time it takes for you to acquire a
lock with your missiles. You also want to find an FCS that has fairly
high PRECISION and RETICLE MOBILITY. You will have to experiment to
find out which FCS provides a decent sized box for your equipped
weapons though.
Seventh, finding an adequate generator. For this there is no
competition if you put on anything besides the HOY-B1000 you are
well.........a moron.
Eighth, finding a nice radiator. It isn't really that hard, look
for high COOLING and high FORCED COOLING with a weight that actually
allows you to get your AC off the ground.
Ninth, choosing an inside part. I can't really help you with
this one. You will just have to choose something that fits you style.
Tenth, time to look for an extension. For anti/missile
extensions use the BEX-BAMS-287. This has the most ammo, the best VS-
MG-ANGLE and VS-MG-RESPONSE. There is one extra armor extension, the
BEX-AA00. There are also support missiles, the BEX-BRM-04 and the BEX-
BRM-02. Take a guess which one shoots four and which one shoots two.
Hint: Try looking at the name! The BEX-BRM-02 has longer range than
the BEX-BRM-04 so for long range missiles use the
BEX-BRM-02. There are also specialized boosters. One boosts you down,
one boosts you back, and one turns you 90 degrees in the direction that
is pressed on the D-Pad. And, well, that's about it.
Eleventh, choosing you're your weapons and/or shields and/or
clips. If you are looking for weapons you have a few basic types,
rockets, missiles, guns, and double back weapons. If you are going to
use rockets you want to look for high ATTACK POWER and high AMMO. If
you are looking for missiles than you have a few more things to
consider, such as the MAXIMUM LOCK NUMBER, and in rare cases the number
of shots per lock. You also need to consider the RANGE. If you are a
long range fighter with your missiles, or like to attack from above you
want to have a long RANGE. Another thing to consider is the flight
path, or the way the missile flies through the air. For example: Some
missiles fly straight, some fly straight up and the straight down and
there are many other types. You need to keep this in mind as you
create your AC. With guns you need to decide whether you want energy
weapons or shell weapons. Other than that all you really need to
consider is NUMBER OF AMMO, RANGE and RELOAD TIME. It doesn't take a
genius to figure out how to use a clip. It tells you exactly what the
clip does on the game. There is however, one really cool clip. The
60% clip is fun. I have that on my best AC and it is really nice with
Last, but not least, laser blades and energy shields. I, like
many people, have become and avid Armored Core player and a laser blade
fiend. What you need to think about here is RANGE RATING, and ATTACK
POWER. Overall I think that Moonlight is best overall but the new
laser, for those of you who are still looking for a one-hit kill, the
new laser blade is the strongest. Warning, the new laser blade is
INCREDIBLY SMALL! I would recommend Moonlight for those of you who are
more practical. The ELS-3443 is nice because it reloads at an insane
rate so if you do it right you can keep yourself in the air without
boosting! Now for shields, the MIRROR is by far the best so there is
no real reason to use any other shield. It has the best defense and a
really good coverage.

Custom Designs

AC NAME: Black Widow















DESCRIPTION: Before I say anything keep in mind this is for all of you
laser blade fanatics out there. This is not meant to fight ACs
equipped with weapons, however, it can be done. I have always liked
the ELS/3443 laser blade but I could never find a way to make it cause
a significant amount of damage but still be effective. I used the
quadraped type legs to do just that. However, if you still think this
AC lacks the necessary power equip Moonlight. The extension I chose
was chosen to help me compete with my friend. You might know him as (you might want to check out his mission FAQ). He
uses the dual laser blade arms on his laser blade ACs so I needed a way
to stay of range of his blades until I was ready to strike. The reason
I equipped Black Widow with a radar is to make up for the extremely bad
scanning interval of his head, because buck unit radars have a scanning
interval of 1. Black widow is an extremely effective AC with a little
bit of practice, and also has a laser blade beam that shoots a spread
shot so at point-blank range Black Widow can cause a lot of damage in
little time. One other unique attribute of this AC is what I like to
call the infinite laser blade chain combo. If you hold any direction
you can then tap X and roll your thumb over onto the O button. This
causes the AC "hop" and stab. If you repeat it immediately you can
stab very rapidly. The infinite laser blade chain combo can also be
used to propel yourself forward. If you are close to your opponent and
perform this tactic you "heat seek" towards your opponent.

AC NAME: Vendetta















DESCRIPTION: First off THIS AC IS OVERWEIGHT so don't complain to
me if you cannot create this AC. I created this AC to be fairly agile
while still carrying the firepower to destroy anything that comes
between you and your objective. With the clip you have 80 ammunition
for Karasawa which combined with the large lock box of the LODD-BLAZER,
spells doom for anyone who dares stand in your way! For those of you
who fight missile fanatics you will be glad to know that this AC also
has 80 ammunition for the extension. And, if you run out of ammo don't
worry because you have Moonlight to back you up. By the way the
orbiter inside part also is a nice complement to the already daunting
attributes of this AC.


In the updated version of my FAQ I hope to have 4 all new AC designs
ready for you. I am also currently conducting controlled test battles
to find out exactly what the OB limit really is. I hope that I will
soon be able to find a way to produce a video mission walkthrough but I
am not sure what will happen with that. I am also planning on starting
up a website. If I do start a website I will get a Shark Port and post
my Armored Core 2: Another Age save file. I already have a Dex Drive
so I will also post my Armored Core Master of Arena save file. If you
have any questions E-Mail me at

Special Thanks

I would like to first off thank my friend Ryan for introducing me to
Armored Core and starting me on my way to becoming a fanatic.

Next, I would like to thank my friend for
encouraging me to write this FAQ and also for fighting me so many times
in VS. mode.
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