All Star Pro Wrestling

All Star Pro Wrestling

17.10.2013 10:13:20

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By Jerrold Ng
Version 3.0

New in Version 2.0

- Corrected some mistakes here and there
- Added "Basic Moves" Sub-section
- Added some funny bits in the last section
- Marked all "Favorite Arts"
- Added two new moves for AKIRA
- Added one new move for Don Frye
- Added six new moves for Hiroyoshi Tenzan
- Added one new move for Hashimoto Shinya
- Added three new moves for Jyushin Thunder Lyger
- Added one new move for Kazuo Yamazaki
- Added one new move for Kazuyuki Fujita
- Added one new move for Kensuke Sasaki
- Added five new moves for Masahiro Chono
- Added one new move for Sachie Koike
- Added one new move for Satoshi Kojima
- Added two new moves for Tatsumi Fujinami
- Added two new moves for Yuji Nagata

New in Version 3.0

- Corrected some more mistakes here and there
- Added movelist for secret character Nozomi Endoh
- Added one new move for AKIRA
- Added one new move for Great Muta
- Added three new moves for Keiji Mutoh
- Added one new move for Kendo KaShin
- Added three new moves for Sachie Koike
- Added one new move for Shinjiro Ohtani


All Star Pro-Wrestling is a seriously overlooked gem of a wrestling
game. When it was first released, people complained it was slow,
tedious, had lousy controls, and too little moves. Well okay, it
is slow, but in a realistic sorta way - the pacing of the game is
pretty much in sync with a typical wrestling match. Only one-on-one?
Well, that's a fair complain, but hey, you can always look forward
to the sequel, and play this to past time or something. Lousy controls?
It certainly takes time to master the intricacies of the two control
systems, which vary quite drastically. But once mastered, you'll be
hammer throwing, suplexing and powerbombing with the best of 'em!
And too little moves? The reviewers obviously haven't played the
game much, have they? This movelist itself is proof that there's
plenty of unique moves for every wrestler. Heck, everytime I play
I'm discovering new moves, so I figured that I'll compile what I
know into this handy little movelist.

Just a little disclaimer before I start. First of all, I don't know
all that much about Japanese Wrestling. The place I live in just
can't get easy access to these sorta things. Also, I really have no
idea what are the real names of some of the moves here - all the
move names are either gleamed from previous wrestling games or just
sensibly made up by myself.

Okay, now we're through all that, let's begin.


The game utilizes two very different control systems, which I will
explain in detail here. The first system is the dual analog system,
which lets you control your wrestler pretty much using only the two
analog sticks (and the buttons R3 and L3 under them). The other one
is the digital pad setup, which utilizes the pad buttons. This setup
uses the pressure sense that each button on a Dualshock2 pad, which
is easier to control, at least in my opinion. Here are the basics of
each setup.

Direction Pad - Moves camera angle
Face Buttons - Taunts
L1,R1,L2,R2 - Crowd Chants
Left Analog - Moves wrestler
Right Analog - For Attacking
L3, R3 - Press together for grappling
Select Button - Screenshot Capture
Start Button - Pause Screen

Digital Pad
Direction Pad - Moves wrestler
[] Button - Grappling
>< Button - For grapple maneuvers
() Button - Irish Whip / Hammer throw maneuvers
/\ Button - Pins opponent
L1,R1,L2,R2 - Crowd Chants
Left Analog - Moves camera angle
Right Analog - Taunts
L3, R3 - Not used
Select Button - Screenshot Capture
Start Button - Pause Screen

Striking - To perform striking moves such as punches, kicks,
chops and so on you use the left analog stick in the dual-analog
setup and >< Button in Digital Pad Setup. There are three levels
of attacks, which I will call Light, Medium and Strong Strikes.
Light strikes do little damage but are fast, strong strikes do
nasty damage but are slow, and medium strikes are somewhere in
between. For the dual-analog setup, tap the left stick towards
the opponent once to perform a light strike; tap the left stick
towards the opponent twice fast to perform a medium strike,
finally press the left stick towards the opponent then quickly
circle it to perform a strong strike. For digital pad setup, face
your opponent then tap >< once for a light strike, tap >< twice
fast for a medium strike, and finally press and hold down >< to
perform a strong strike.

Different Strikes - If you are a little away from grappling range
(where both of your wrestlers will sort of hunch down a little)
you will run towards you opponent before executing the strike. And
it will produce a different type of strike as well. Also, when
your opponent is groggy (ie. can only shuffle around slowly and
perform a light strike only) your strikes will be a little different
also. Same goes for when your opponent is on one knee. Then finally
there are rope strikes, where you first run to the ropes then only
towards your opponent for the strike. These are performed almost
the same as normal strikes, except in analog mode you must tap
AWAY from your opponent; and in digital mode you must face away
from your opponent then press ><.

Grappling - There are also three levels of grappling in this game,
which I will call light, medium or strong grapples. To perform these,
simply grab your opponent first - using R3 + L3 for analog mode and
[] for digital mode. Then, just like in striking - in analog mode
single tap, double tap and tap and circle the left stick will produce
light, medium and strong grapples respectively; in digital mode
tap >< once, twice or hold down to get the same result.

Different Grapples - You will produce different grapples if your
opponent is groggy or on one feet when you grapple them. You will
perform back grapples if you grapple your opponent while his back
is turned to you. Back grapples will also change whether your
opponent is groggy or not. You can also back grapple an opponent
on one knee, and that will produce different grapples as well.

Holding On - Once you grab your opponent, you don't need to just
slam him straight away. Pressing the direction away from him let's
you drag him by the hair around the ring. pressing in any other
direction lets you walk behind him to initial a back grapple. You
can also release your hold by simply pressing the grab command
again. If you hold and opponent while he's on one knee, pressing
away from him will let you lift him up into standing grapple
position. Incidentally, if this occurs, he will be considered to
be in groggy state, and so this is a good maneuver if you want
to him a strong groggy grapple, which is almost always your
wrestler's finisher.

Simultaneous Grapple - If both you and your opponent grapple at
the same time, you will get into a grapple lock. Depending on
who gets the upper hand first, the following may occur - wrestler
A puts on a headlock, wrestler B reverses into a backdrop, (optional)
wrestler A reverses backdrop. Another situation that may occur -
wrestler A puts on a headlock, wrestler A puts on a head and arm lock,
wrestler B reverses into a back body drop. As you can see, the obvious
advantage is wrestler B - so let your opponent get the headlock on

Irish Whip/Hammer Throw Maneuvers - After you grapple your opponent,
you might want to hurl him to the ropes then attack him as he is coming
back from them with either grapples or strikes. In analog mode, you
can do so by performing the same grapple attacks, except tapping in
the direction AWAY from your opponent instead of towards them. In
digital mode, do the same as normal grappling except replace >< button
with () button. Light and medium attacks usually produce strikes, and
strong attacks usually produce running counter grapples. The moves
will differ if the opponent is groggy or on one knee.

Ground Techniques - These are done exactly the same way as strikes,
except the opponent is down on the ground. There are ridiculous
amount of variations you can perform depending on your position
in regards to your opponent. You will produce different attacks if
you are a) near his head, b) near his arms (either side), c) near
the sides of his legs (either side), d) near the ends of his feet,
e) a little away from his upper body, f) a little away from his
lower body. And it also changes whether your opponent facing up or
face first on the mat. So that's... err... twelve variations. Phew.
Light attacks are usually stomps, which are pretty much the same
in any position. Medium and strong attacks are usually grapples,
and these vary with all positions. If you are a little away from
the body, medium or strong attacks will usually be running splashes
or elbow drops and the like. If you want to pick him up, use the
grab command (L3+R3 in analog, [] in digital) and you will lift
him up to one knee position.

Down, Face Down - Hard pressed to get your opponent face down on
the mat? Tigermuppercut has an idea - knock your opponent down
and repeately stomp - after a while he'll turn to face down. Also,
certain moves level the guy face down. A good example is Masahiro
Chono's big boot to the face - when your opponent is weakened he
usually goes down and stays face down - a perfect setup for his
Cross STF. Another good method is attack your opponent's back when
he's on one knee - though he will turn to face up quickly if not
seriously injured.

Turnbuckle Techniques - These occur when your opponent is tangled
up at a turnbuckle. To do that you can simply hammer him until he
falls onto one, or simply grapple him when your own wrestler's
back is to the turnbuckle then tap the left stick towards the
turnbuckle (analog mode) or press () (digital mode). If the opponent
is groggy when you do so the moves might change. To perform attacks
at the tangled opponent, simply perform a strike towards them (do not
grapple them). Note that there are variations here depending on your
distance from your tangled opponent. The three variations are: - near
(right at your opponent), far (you're somewhere at the center of the
ring), and very far (you're at the furthest turnbuckle from your
opponent). Usually light and medium gives running strikes that do
not vary at all with distance. However, performing a strong attack
does. For example, if you hit a strong turnbuckle attack with Tadao
Yasuda, he performs a superplex when near, a double arm suplex when
far, and a running splash when very far. Of course, this will vary
with other wrestlers. Incidentally, the best way to perform a very
far turnbuckle attack is to get an opponent to the turnbuckle, then
grapple and whip him to the furthest turnbuckle on the other side.

Other turnbuckle techniques - When you grapple and opponent and your
back is turned to the turnbuckle, simply tapping the analog once
towards the turnbuckle (analog mode) or tapping () once (digital mode)
will just send your opponent into the turnbuckle. However, you can
try double tapping or circling towards (analog mode) / holding down ()
(digital mode) and your wrestler will whip your opponent to the
turnbuckle and immediately follow with a strike or grapple. These
strikes are usually the same as the turnbuckle techniques described
above, but some do have different moves. And yes, your distance from
the turnbuckle behind you also has an effect.

Aerial Techniques - To mount the turnbuckle then perform a jumping
attack off it, go near the turnbuckle, and press in its direction then
do the usual light, medium or strong command. You can also run up to
the turnbuckle and climb it, and this might give different attacks
as well. To do so just be a little bit away from the turnbuckle, then
face it and do the usual commands. The moves will change depending
on whether your opponent is standing or lying down on the ground.

"Splash Position" - One of the hardest move to perform is perhaps what
I call the "Splash Position" aerial attack. Here, you must position
your opponent a little away from a turnbuckle. He must be lying down,
face up, and his feet or head must not be facing the turnbuckle. Then
walk (or in one case, run) to the turnbuckle, and if you did it right
your wrestler will hit his splash position aerial attack. You'll know
that you've got him in the right position when your grounded opponent
sorta readjusts himself a little bit.

Outside - You can go outside by being right by the ropes, then pressing
in the direction towards the ropes and tap the left stick towards the
outside (analog) or simply press >< (digital). You can also throw your
opponent out by tapping away from him while your back is to the ropes.

Tension - If you look at the main screen, just below the wrestler's
names are three bars. These represent your tension level. You start
at the lowest and shortest bar (0% tension), and as you get attacked
you will progress up to the second bar (51% tension) and finally to
the top bar (101% tension). Tension produces a number of different
effects on the match. It is harder to get out of a submission at
higher tensions, and reversals are also harder to perform. However,
at higher tension your wrestler also get some seriously punishing
new grapples or strikes that replaces some of his grapples.

Reversals - Certain moves can be reversed. To perform a reversal,
simply circle your left stick (analog mode) or tap >< like a madman
while circling the direction pad (digital mode) and if you're lucky
you will reverse it. Reversals depend on your tension level, how
strong or weak you are at the moment and whether a crowd rush is on
(see below).

Pins - To pin your opponent, you must be in the position where you
are on either sides of the fallen opponent, not at his head or feet.
To pin in analog mode you must be ABOVE his body, then press both
sticks down (as in point them down, not pressing R3 or L3), then
hold the left stick in the down position to keep the pin on. To pin
in digital mode you can be in any position, then press and hold down
the /\ button. This also goes for moves that end with a pin.

Submissions - Just so you know, in order to keep a submission locked
on, you must hold down the left stick (analog mode) or hold down ><
(digital mode). Releasing these will let you voluntarily release the
hold (and you will want to do that if the opponent is near the ropes
and rope breaks are on). If you are in a submission, rapidly circle
the left stick (analog mode) or tap >< while circling your direction
pad (digital mode) to break yourself out of it. How successful you
are here depends on how fatigued you are, what's your tension level,
and if a crowd rush is on for you.

Linking moves - Certain moves can be linked together or changed
in midst of the attack with the right command. To do so, after
performing the first move, circling the left stick (analog mode)
or circle the direction pad (digital mode) to link into the other
move or change the move a little. The best example of a linked
move is a snapmare, which everyone has as his light grapple on a
non-groggy standing opponent. After you execute the snapmare, and
he's about to slam his opponent down, perform the link command and
he'll add a kick to the back of his head. An example of a move that
will change is Tatsuhito Tokaiwa's finisher the triple powerbomb
(strong grapple on groggy standing opponent). Perform the move
normally to get a triple powerbomb with a pin at the end. Add the
link command sometime before his second powerbomb and he will
replace his third powerbomb with a death valley driver.

Taunts - You can only do taunts if your opponent is either down on
the ground, outside, or breathing hard on one knee. In analog mode
taunts are done with the face buttons ([], ><, (),/\) and in digital
mode they are done with the right analog stick (four directions).

Crowd Reactions - Hitting the shoulder buttons (both control setups)
causes the crowd to encourage you (left shoulder buttons) or insult
your opponent (right shoulder buttons). They also do that on their
own randomly as well. If you get enough crowd support, then you get
what is called a crowd rush - the millions of your fans are chanting
your name! Your name will then by flashing, and in this case, you
get out of submission holds faster, kick out of pins easier and also
reversals can be done easier. If your opponent has a crowd rush, then
hit the right shoulder buttons like hell to end it faster. Also, if
you are insulted by the crowd (ie. your opponent pressed the right
shoulder buttons) your tension will increase after a while.

Groggy - When you get groggied by an opponent, you'll definitely
know it - your movement speed will be halved, and all you can do
is a light strike (not even a grapple). When this occurs, I suggest
that you hit your light strike like crazy and hope for the best.
If you're a little far away, you can try running around the ring
and wait till your grogginess (is there even such a word?) wears
out - this usually doesn't work at higher difficulty levels though.

Bleeding - If you or your opponent get knocked in the noggin one
to many times, you might start bleeding. If this happens to your
opponent, a nasty tactic is to keep focusing on his head with
all the attacks that does damage to his head. Eventually, he might
bleed even more, and the referee will call off the match in favor
of you.

Wanna do a groggy? - The best way, in my opinion, to perform a groggy
grapple attack is to first hit a snapmare (light grapple, non-groggy
opponent, everyone has it). Then pick him up with grapple (L3+R3 in
analog, [] in digital). He will be on one knee, nice for those whose
finishers are done in this position. Otherwise, press the direction
away from him to lift him up to standing position - in this position
he's always considered groggy, so you can straight away hit your
strongest groggy attacks, which in most cases is usually your
wrestler's finisher. So if you want to do your finisher as the second
move of the match, you can! Just be careful of your opponent
countering out of it. A little bit of new info here - want to do a
groggy turnbuckle grapple? Moves will differ when you whip your
opponent to the turnbuckle while he's groggy or not. An easy way to
make a non-groggy opponent at the turnbuckle groggy is just give him
one quick slap (light strike) then immediately grapple - he will be
considered groggy. This trick only works at the turnbuckle and nowhere
else, by the way.

Basic Moves - These moves are available to most of the wrestlers. Unless
replaced with some other move mentioned in the movelist, these are the
moves your wrestler always has. These are all non-groggy moves. Groggy
moves are mostly different so they aren't listed here, but there are
instances where many wrestlers have the same groggy moves (eg. most
wrestlers have a German Suplex as their strong back groggy grapple).
Irish whip type attacks also differ a fair bit between wrestlers so they
aren't listed here either.

Punch - Near/far standing opponent, light strike
Kick - Near/far standing opponent, medium strike
Chop - Near standing opponent, strong strike
Back Kick - Back of standing opponent, strong strike
Shoulder Charge - Far standing opponent, strong strike
Snapmare - Light grapple on standing opponent
Snapmare Back Kick - Link command to Snapmare
Front/Back Strike - Medium grapple on standing opponent
Suplex or Snap Suplex - Strong grapple on standing opponent
Back Drop - Light back grapple on standing opponent
Back Lock - Medium back grapple on standing opponent
School Boy - Strong back grapple on standing opponent
Superplex - Near strong turnbuckle attack on normal opponent
Jumping Axehandle - Light/medium aerial attack on standing opponent
Double Dropkick - Strong aerial attack on standing opponent
Choke Hold - Strong back grapple on opponent on one knee
Stomp - Light ground attack, face up in any position except near head
Back Stomp - Light/medium/strong ground attack, face down, any position
Scissor Head Lock - Light ground attack, near head, face up
Choke Hold - Medium ground attack, near head, face up
Head Figure Four - Strong ground attack, near head, face up
Short Arm Scissor - Medium ground attack, sides of arms, face up
Armbar - Strong ground attack, sides of arms, face up
Leg Grapvine - Medium ground attack, sides of feet, face up
Half Boston Crab - Strong ground attack, sides of feet, face up
Leg Lock - Medium ground attack, near feet, face up
Boston Crab - Strong ground attack, near feet, face up
Camel Clutch - Strong ground attack, near sides of arms, face down


First of all, this is not a complete movelist. Most wrestlers have the
exact same moves in many instances, so what I'm listing here are moves
that are that wrestler's finisher, specialty, or just moves that look
cool and not everyone has. The following list is in alphabetical order.
Of course, it's probably not complete, so if you've found a neat move
that I should add to this list, do e-mail me at Also,
I do not know the exact names of these moves, so if someone is willing
to enlighten me on what the move's real name is I'd be happy to rename
it. If the move has (51%) next to it, it means that it can only be done
when your tension is at second bar or higher, and this move will replace
whatever move that is in that command before. And if the move has (101%)
next to it, then you must be at maximum tension to perform the move (top
bar flashing). If there's nothing noted, then it can be done at zero
tension (lowest bar) though the move may be replaced at higher tension.

Moved marked with (F) denotes the wrestler's finishers/favorite arts.

Double Arm Suplex - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Dragon Suplex Pin - Strong back grapple on groggy standing opponent
Standing Dropkick - Medium turnbuckle attack on groggy opponent
Elbow Strike - Near standing groggy opponent, light strike
Jumping Chop - Strong aerial attack on standing opponent
(F) AKIRA's Splash Pin - Splash Position, medium aerial attack

Antonio Inoki
Twisting Neckbreaker - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Neckwrench Suplex - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Inoki Special Punch - Medium grapple on opponent on one knee
Inoki Special Punch - Medium grapple on normal standing opponent
(F) Octopus Lock - Strong back grapple on groggy standing opponent
Strong Backdrop - Light back grapple on groggy standing opponent
Back Chokehold - Strong back grapple on normal standing opponent
(F) Inoki Windmill Kick - Very far strong turnbuckle attack
(F) Inoki Windmill Kick - Far standing opponent, strong strike

Don Frye
Lifting Slam - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Neckwrench Suplex - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Spear - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent
(F) Mounted Side Punches - Light ground attack, near feet, face up
Back Body Drop - Strong Irish whip attack on groggy opponent
Frye's Crossface - Strong ground attack, near feet, face down

El Samurai
Side Powerbomb Pin - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Tilt-a-whirl Piledriver - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent
DDT - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
(F) Reverse DDT - Medium back grapple on opponent on one knee
Mahistrol Cradle - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Tornado DDT - Strong turnbuckle attack on normal opponent
Hurricanrana - Strong turnbuckle attack on normal opponent (51%)
Hurricanrana Pin - Strong Irish whip attack on groggy opponent

Great Muta
Front Slam - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent
Dragon Screw - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Piledriver - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Dragon Suplex Pin - Strong back grapple on groggy opponent
(F) Green Mist - Medium Strike, close
Green Mist into Hurricanrana - Strong turnbuckle attack on groggy opponent (51%)
Muta's Elbow Drop - Strong ground attack, away from upper body
Muta's Figure Four - Strong ground attack, near feet
Handspring Elbow - Very far strong turnbuckle attack
Handspring Elbow to Bulldog - Link command to Handspring Elbow

Notes : Muta's green mist attacks can only be done a maximum of three times.
If you do it a fourth time he'll go through the same animation but nothing
will come out.

Hashimoto Shinya
Shinya Slaps - Link command to light strike on standing or whipped opponent
Flipover DDT - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Flipover DDT - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
(F) Avalanche DDT - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Dangerous DDT - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Spinning Chop - Strong Irish whip attack
Jumping Chop - Strong aerial attack on standing opponent

Hiroyoshi Tenzan
Mongolian Chop - Near standing opponent, strong strike (51%)
Powerbomb - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Dragon Screw - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Piledriver - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Manhattan Drop - Medium Irish whip attack on groggy standing opponent
Hurricanrana - Near strong turnbuckle attack on groggy opponent (51%)
Diving Moonsault - Splash Position, strong running aerial attack
Top Rope Windmill Kick - Strong aerial attack on standing opponent
(F) Tenzan's Diving Headbutt - Strong aerial attack on downed opponent (51%)
Tenzan's Chop - Light ground attack, near head, face up
Headcrusher - Medium ground attack, near head, face up
Tenzan's Boston Crab - Strong ground attack, near feet, face up
Tenzan's Sharpshooter - Strong ground attack, near feet, face up (51%)

Jumbo Tsuruta
Gutwrench Slam - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent
Front Slam - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Double Arm Suplex - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Piledriver - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Overhead Belly to Belly - Medium Irish whip attack on groggy opponent
Jumping Knee Strike - Far medium turnbuckle attack
Alpha Back Lock - Medium back grapple on opponent on one knee
(F) Strong Backdrop - Strong back grapple on groggy standing opponent
Back Drop Pin - Strong back grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)

Jyushin Thunder Lyger
Powerbomb Pin - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Avalanche DDT - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Lyger Bomb - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent (101%)
Mahistrol Cradle - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Powerbomb - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent
Tilt-a-whirl Piledriver - Strong grapple on normal standing opponent (51%)
Dragon Screw - Strong grapple on normal opponent (101%)
Lyger Frogsplash - Splash Position, medium aerial attack
Diving Headbutt - Strong aerial attack on downed opponent (51%)
Rolling Windmill Kick - Far standing opponent, strong strike
Rolling Windmill Kick - Strong Whip to corner
Hurricanrana - Near strong turnbuckle attack on groggy opponent (51%)
(F) Super Avalanche DDT - Near strong turnbuckle attack on groggy opponent (101%)
Romero Special - Strong ground attack, near feet, face down
Shooting Star Press - Splash Position, medium aerial attack (101%)

Kazuo Yamazaki
High Kick - Near standing opponent, strong strike
(F) Side Arching Kick - Near standing groggy opponent, medium strike
Dragon Screw - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Hook Kick - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Back Chokehold - Medium Irish whip attack on groggy opponent

Note : Kazuo Yamazaki's favorite arts also mentions "kicks".

Kazuyuki Fujita
Jackhammer - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
(F) Spear - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent
Alternate Suplex - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Overhead Belly to Belly - Medium Irish whip attack on groggy opponent
Strong Backdrop - Medium back grapple on groggy standing opponent

Keiji Mutoh
Front Slam - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent
Dragon Screw - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Standing Armbar Lock - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Mutoh's Elbow Drop - Strong ground attack, away from upper body
(F) Mutoh's Figure Four - Strong ground attack, near feet, face up
Top Rope Dragon Screw - Near strong turnbuckle attack (51%)
Handspring Elbow - Very far strong turnbuckle attack
Handspring Elbow to Bulldog - Link command to Handspring Elbow
Diving Moonsault - Splash Position, strong running aerial attack
Mutoh's Dragon Suplex - Strong back grapple on normal standing opponent (51%)
Dragon Into German Suplex Pin - Continue to hold down Mutoh's Dragon Suplex

Note : For the German Suplex Pin link, once you hit the Dragon Suplex, hold
down the move like how you would keep on a submission (hold the left stick
down in analog mode, hold down >< in digital mode). Not keeping it down
results in a normal Dragon Suplex pin. As far as I can tell, this is the only
Dragon Suplex that actually does that, so that's why I've giving it a unique

Kendo KaShin
Twisting Neckbreaker - Strong grapple on normal standing opponent
(F) Standing Armbar Lock - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Surfboard Stretch - Strong ground attack, near feet, face up
Top Rope Armbar - Near strong turnbuckle attack (51%)
Face Stretch - Near medium turnbuckle attack on normal opponent

Kensuke Sasaki
Powerbomb - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent
Powerbomb Pin - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
(F) Northern Lights Driver - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Dragon Screw - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent (101%)
Dragon Screw Lift into Pin - Light grapple on groggy opponent (51%)
High Angle Backdrop - Medium back grapple on opponent on one knee
Leg Scissor Alpha - Strong ground attack, near head, face up
Sharpshooter - Strong ground attack, near feet, face up (51%)
Ground Ankle Lock - Medium ground attack, sides of feet, face up
Reversed Leg Lock - Strong ground attack, sides of feet, face up (51%)
Facecrusher - Very far strong turnbuckle attack
Top Rope Belly to Belly - Near strong turnbuckle attack

Kohji Kanemoto
Falcon Arrow - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Front Slam - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent
Tilt-a-whirl Piledriver - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Small Package - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee (101%)
(F) Tiger Suplex Pin - Strong back grapple on groggy opponent (51%)
Dragon Suplex Pin - Strong back grapple on groggy opponent (101%)
Hurricanrana Pin - Strong Irish whip attack on groggy opponent
Diving Moonsault - Splash Position, strong running aerial attack

Note : Front Slam is the best setup for the diving moonsault, by
the way.

Manabu Nakanishi
Jumping Knee Drop - Strong ground attack, near or away from head
Spear - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent
Bearhug into Belly to Belly - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
(F) Body Press Submission - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Backbreaker - Medium back grapple on groggy standing opponent
Back Body Drop - Strong Irish whip attack on groggy opponent
Top Rope Belly to Belly - Near strong turnbuckle attack
Super Back Body Drop - Near strong turnbuckle attack (51%)

Masa Saito
Dragon Screw - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Facelock - Medium back grapple on opponent on one knee
Shoulder Clench - Light back grapple on opponent on one knee
Back Chokehold - Medium Irish whip attack on groggy opponent

Note : I have no idea what is Masa Saito's favorite art. Any ideas?

Masahiro Chono
Boot to Cheek - Near standing opponent, medium strike
Twisting Neckbreaker - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Piledriver - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Octopus Lock - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
(F) Arm and Head lock - Medium ground attack, sides of arms, face up
(F) STF - Strong ground attack, near feet, face up (51%)
(F) STF - Strong ground attack, near feet, face down
Cross STF - Strong ground attack, near feet, face down (51%)
Reversed Leg Lock - Strong ground attack, sides of feet, face up (51%)

Dragon Screw - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Standing Samoan Drop - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Powerbomb Pin - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee (51%)
Spear - Light grapple on normal standing opponent (51%)
Double Arm Suplex - Strong grapple on normal standing opponent (51%)
Standing Powerbomb Pin - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Dragon Suplex Pin - Strong back grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Hurricanrana Pin - Strong Irish whip attack on groggy opponent
Strong Backdrop - Medium back grapple on opponent on one knee
Headcrusher - Medium ground attack, near head, face up
Leg Drop - Medium ground attack, near sides of arms, face up
Romero Special - Strong ground attack, near feet, face down
Standing Dropkick - Medium Irish whip attack
Face Stretch - Near medium turnbuckle attack on normal opponent
Jumping Chop - Medium aerial attack on standing opponent
Diving Headbutt - Strong aerial attack on downed opponent (51%)

Note : To unlock Nozomi, finish G1 Climax Tornament with Sachie Koike.
Not sure if there's a difficulty requirement; I got her after finishing
on Hard. Nozomi follows the Sachie tradition of having just about every
other move there is in the game! Don't know her favorite art though.

Riki Chosyu
Piledriver - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
DDT - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee (101%)
Standing Powerbomb Pin - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
(F) Sharpshooter - Strong ground attack, near feet, face up (51%)

Front Slam - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Strong Neckwrench Suplex - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Strong Backdrop - Any back grapple (51%)
(F) Chop to Neck - Near standing opponent, strong strike
Chop to Face - Near standing opponent, light strike
Running Chop to Face - Light Irish whip attack
(F) Running Chop to Neck - Strong Irish whip attack
Headlock and Punch - Far strong turnbuckle attack

Standing Armbar Lock - Strong grapple on normal standing opponent
Dragon Screw - Strong grapple on normal standing opponent (51%)
Octopus Lock - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Powerbomb Pin - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Hook Kick - Light grapple on groggy opponent (51%)
DDT - Light grapple on groggy opponent (101%)
Mahistrol Cradle - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Tiger Suplex Pin - Strong back grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Hurricanrana Pin - Strong Irish whip attack on groggy opponent
Overhead Belly to Belly - Medium Irish whip attack on groggy opponent
Diving Moonsault - Splash Position, strong running aerial attack
Back Drop Pin - Light back grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Surfboard Stretch - Strong ground attack, near feet, face up
Face Stretch - Near medium turnbuckle attack on normal opponent

Note : To unlock Koike, simply win the G1 Climax League at any
difficulty level. Heck, that's a lotta moves for a teen idol,
don't you think? Don't know her favorite art(s) though.

Satoshi Kojima
Koji Cutter - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Standing Powerbomb Pin - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Pumphandle Slam Pin - Medium back grapple on groggy standing opponent
Carrying Pin - Strong Irish whip attack on normal opponent
Kojima's Jumping Splash - Very far strong turnbuckle attack
(F) Kojima's Elbow Drop - Link command to Kojima's Jumping Splash
Top Rope Koji Cutter - Near strong turnbuckle attack on groggy opponent (51%)

Shinjiro Ohtani
Spinning Powerbomb Pin - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Dragon Screw - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent (101%)
Seated Powerbomb Pin - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Small Package - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee (101%)
(F) Dragon Suplex Pin - Strong back grapple on groggy standing opponent
Hurricanrana Pin - Strong Irish whip attack on groggy opponent
Rope Bound Dropkick - Medium aerial attack on downed opponent (51%)

Note : If you enter a link command while performing the Spinning
Powerbomb you will keep spinning... and spinning... and spinning...
After some five or so revolutions, if finally relent and go for
the pin, if the opponent kicks out, you get dizzy and collapse!

Tadao Yasuda
Big Boot - Strong strike, close
Standing Samoan Drop - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
(F) Tiger Driver Pin - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent (51%)
Double Arm Suplex - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Chokeslam - Medium Grapple on opponent on one knee
Irish whip to chokeslam - Medium Irish whip attack
Irish whip to big boot - Strong Irish whip attack on groggy opponent
Tadao's Splash - Very far strong turnbuckle attack
Splash to Double Arm Suplex - Link command to Tadao's Splash

Tatsuhito Tokaiwa
(F) Triple Powerbomb - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Double Powerbomb To DVD - Link command to Triple Powerbomb Pin
Double Powerbomb to Seated Pin - Link command to Triple Powerbomb (51%)
Standing Powerbomb Pin - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Jumping Knee Drop - Strong ground attack, near or away from head

Tatsumi Fujinami
Twisting Neckbreaker - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
Standing Powerbomb Pin - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee (51%)
Dragon Screw - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Triangle Back Lock - Strong back grapple on normal standing opponent
Back Choke Hold - Strong back grapple on groggy standing opponent
Ground Choke Hold - Strong back grapple on opponent on one knee
(F) Dragon Lock Choke Hold - Link command to Back or Ground Choke Hold
Backdrop into Backbreaker - Medium back grapple on opponent on one knee

Yuji Nagata
Back Body Suplex - Light grapple on groggy standing opponent
Dragon Screw - Strong grapple on groggy standing opponent
Back Body Suplex Pin - Strong grapple on opponent on one knee
(F) Back Drop Pin - Strong back grapple on groggy standing opponent
Side Figure Four - Strong ground attack, sides of feet, face up (51%)
Top Rope Belly to Belly - Near strong turnbuckle attack (51%)


Alternate Costumes?
- I'm pretty sure I didn't dream it up, but I have seen Lyger in a red
and white costume rather than his usual black suit. Maybe it's just a
random easter egg thing, or there's a way to select other costumes.
I've also seen Akira wrestle with his vest on once. Any takers?

Other Secret Characters?
- Okay, so I've unlocked TWO teen chicks, Sachie Koike and Nozomi Endoh.
There's still space for another two secret characters in the select
screen. Since unlocking Nozomi is character specific (ie. you had to use
Sachie and no one else to win Tornament mode) I'm guessing those two
others might also require using a specific person to win a specific mode.
I've tried using Nozomi herself to win other modes with no new stuff.

Other Stuff
- I've won Challenger Trial mode (which you wrestle with everybody on the
roster) and got... nothing? After all that effort and four hours of
continued test of patience? For those who want to know, I won it on Hard
Mode. I've also won IGWP Tornament, IGWP League, Best of Super J, the
title matches, all on very hard mode and still nothing. However, like I
mentioned above, it might just be character specific though.

Funny Stuff from the Crowd
- Did you notice there's one member of the audience who never gets it
right? Every now and then you'll hear him chant - for wrong wrestler
(who isn't even in the ring). And another member who is a Sachie Koike
freak - he'll chant her name no matter who's in the ring (he usually
yells SAAAAACHIEEEEE!!!). And some people really chant strange things -
"Fighting Fit!" (whatever the hell that means). And a final funny is
that sometimes the crowd will chant finisher names (for example, during
a Shinya match you'll hear some people chanting "DDT!"). But someone is
rather clueless as he chants "Fire Thunder Driver!" or "Thunder Fire
Driver!" no matter who is in the ring - nobody has either of these moves!


- SQUARE, for making a FINE, under appreciated wrestling game. And for
deciding to produce a sequel too.
- Tigermuppercut, for making a fine FAQ that helped rekindle my interest
in this game. In fact, he also showed me plenty of moves that I don't
know before on the GameFaqs News board for this game.
- GameFaqs ( for hosting this little movelist.
- PSXCodez also has a copy (
- So does CheatCC (

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17.Октябрь 2013
Swap Patch for the Japanese NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013

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