

17.10.2013 23:41:35

AUTHOR: George K. Ison
aka GARR

CAUTION: don't cheat till after all lessons at Whackmaster Jack's. Then, even though maximum
level of 99 and hitpoints at 9900, only set a level of 45 or 49. The hitpoints will be adjusted
correctly for the level. Setting the level any higher causes major problems later on! Don't use any
other cheats or later in the game you will have trouble with crashes, freezes, and not being able to
restore a save game!

You might even be tempted to set your world skill level high. You reach Master level at 2, so
setting it any higher returns you to your default world skill level. Also, setting it high will cause
problems later on.

The first thing you'll be asked to do is Rowdy wants you to find his cellar key. That's probably a
red herring, i.e. something to throw you off or an object not likely to be found.

Once you're in-game there are some things you have to do or you can't even leave the level. Head
upstairs and into your office. To the left, click on the PAL-18 robot till Boots says he misses the
little guy. Grab your camera from the desk, then use the scanner, for a vague hint about someone
having an undersized helmet. Go over to the door to lockpick the storage room. The best way to
lockpick is to put your cursor on the tumblers (the spacebar will accomplish the same thing) and
your other hand on your down arrow.

Click the cursor, and once the tumblers stop press the down arrow and then the cursor (or
spacebar) again immediately. The faster you do this the better your chances of picking the lock.
Remember that the locks reset themselves after each failed attempt. Once inside, grab the money
and ignore the locked storage chest for now. Your Lockpick World-skill probably isn't high
enough. When it is high enough, there'll be an extra button you can click on to keep the time from
running out.

Back down by the bar, go play some OX if you want. It's a variation of 9 Man Morris. Ignore
the silver head man at the bar because you'd have to buy him a drink to get his advice of going to
Whackmaster Jacks to brush up on combat. Fatima will tell you this later anyway.

But you do want to talk to the blonde (Valesta) at the bar. She'll suggest that you talk to her
friend Deanamo at Franks Flophouse, because she knows about some work. In the back of the
bar, talk to the woman standing at the table. Talk to her all you can and she might mention a
Yeracan who has some plans. Now leave Rowdy's to load a new screen.

Bricks/Fountain Spiral Area.
Turn right and talk to the Aewa (flyer) and he'll suggest you look for his cousin K'Conrad Khk (at
the Fountain Spiral) to get information.

Ppaki the Alley goon will attack, beat you to within 1 point in health, and bust your Vistin Pistol.
Fatima will suggest you check out Whackmaster Jack's to brush up on your Beat skills. Continue
up the ramp and talk to the woman on your left. Continue up and pick up the Healgrease. Hit F5,
click Boots' face, click his inventory, click the Healgrease. When you get to the open area where
you can go either right or left, take a right and go into the door between the big neon signs.

Bricks/Whackmaster Jacks.
Go inside and up the ramp to the fighting ring. The guy against the far wall will give you a
glodent if you talk to him three different times on all topics. Then talk to the old guy, in the red
shirt, standing by the ring. He's Whackmaster Jack and he'll give you an old Vistin Pistol and get
your training started. After the lesson, go back to the fighting ring and get another lesson from
the Whackmaster. Keep getting lessons till he says he can't teach you any more. Leave the map
when you're done (if you try to leave before all the lessons, you can't go anywhere.)

Once out the door, go down all the ramps to the Time-minder and out the door.

Bricks/Fountain Spiral Area.
Continue up the ramp to the right and go through the first corridor you see with the four signs
above it. Talk to the sitting man 3 or 4 different times. In the next area, fight, then take the
gravpath up the curving wall. Talk to the guard and listen in on all the conversation.

Bricks/Casinox Area.
Go to the elevator and take it down. Talk four different times to the woman (Maria Black)
standing by the Time-minder, to learn that she wants to know where Simon Langer lives.
Continue on, take your first right through the door to the Overlook and talk to K'Conrad, then go
back through the door to the elevator straight ahead and take it to Casinox.

At the bottom, talk to a NoxGuard and he'll eventually show you a picture of Valesta and ask you
if you've seen her. Tell him NOPE. If you had told him where she was, then she would be
arrested and you couldn't give her plans to Detta's fortress later on. Now continue through the
door. Casinox is closed off at this point. Take a picture of the Anachronox symbol over the
Platform sign (hit F11, choose an empty slot, use up arrow to zoom in, hit Enter or Space, then
Esc. Continue straight ahead to the Cordicom elevator to the Ghallas Area.

Bricks/Junkyard Area.
Behind the Ghallas sign, get 50 dollars from the chest. Now go through the Ghallas door, go
forward and left and talk to the person behind the counter. You might have to wait for her to
appear. If you're health isn't all the way up, you can buy a Healgrease (12 dollars) from her to get
healed. You can also buy Healgrease Plus and Time-minder Tears. The Tears resurrects dead and
gives a few hitpoints. Click the plus sign by the item you want and then click the Buy! button.
After you buy this, head up the short ramp behind you and way back into the area and pick up a
TACO on the floor.

There's a total of 20 Taco's in the game and you can trade them for very useful items when you
get to the Commerce Lounge on Sender Station.
In the low part of the room is a dataport on the table. Bring Pal back here to access the dataport
and he gets completely healed. Exit and use the Time-Minder behind the fruit stand. Even if you
don't touch the fruit in the stand, a couple of goons will attack as you move past. After the fight,
notice a nearby bug hive. These things seem to be everywhere! Much later, you can get different
colored bugs for a very important weapon. Notice another symbol over the tunnel. Activate your
camera, choose an empty slot, zoom in and take a picture of the symbol. 2 down, 4 to go.

Continue straight through the Tenements area tunnel. Just out of the tunnel, turn around and take
a picture of the Anachronox symbol over the signs (hit F11, use right or left arrow key to get an
empty slot, use mouse to center the symbol, then use up or down arrow to zoom in or out, then hit
Enter, then Esc to close the camera.). There's a total of six for a quest concerning a Professor
Langley. You can also take one of the symbols itself back to Langley. This all takes place much

Bricks/Tenements Area.
Turn away from the tunnel and go talk to the woman 2 different times. Now take the elevator
down. Just beyond the bottom is Franks Flophouse.

Bricks/Frank's Flophouse.
If you didn't buy any Healgreases at Ghallas, then you should have enough bucks (you need 5) to
take a room, which will completely heal you. Get a room anyway, pick up a Taco there, picklock
the back door, go down stairs and picklock another door to enter Frank's private lounge. Go
back up to the bar. Try picking the locks of the other rooms as listed below:

Room B: just some guy named Dax who's sorry about the past (you need Master picklock here.)
Room D: upstairs, Healgrease and a drunk guy.
Room E: talk to the guy outside. Once inside, click the guy who's dreaming about Eddie who
knows Anachronox like the back of his hand. Go back downstairs.
Room A: once inside, Deanamo will tell you that she was hired by a guy named Grumpos over in
Tenements. Next to the exit is Valesta's bracelet. You can take it back to her. She's sitting at the
bar in Rowdy's, in the Fountain Spiral area.

As you approach the flophouse exit, Fatima tells you where Grumpos is. Just outside, go down a
couple of short ramps to the left, to the bottom floor entrance of Tenement Building 5.

Bricks/Tenements Building 5.
Once inside, directly across from the elevator doors is a directory on the wall. Use your camera to
zoom in on the lower right portion to see that Grumpos is listed in C19, which is on the fourth
floor. Talk to the NoxGuard. Now browse the SenderNet terminal, and of course use the
LifeCursor Registry. Now head over to the section C elevator behind you and get in. Here is the
guide to all the apartments you can access in this Section, and what their significance is:
Floor #2
C05: Simon Langer. Knock and tell him you'll save his life for 25 loonies. Say you're calling the
shots, and he'll slide it under the door. Then call him a Sucker.
C07: there's a Healgrease on the small boxes in the corner. Also contains a life-cursor for
Detective Rukh, after talking to him in front of Joe's Diner in the Anachronox Tours area. He
gives you a PAX Flaspack for Boot's BattleSkill2.
C11: contains Healgrease Plus.
C14: contains Healgrease Plus.
C19: Grumpos Matavastros (choose the option "Pick Lock.") Security almost catches you.
During the cut-scene with Grumpos, he'll tell you that he'll hire you for a protection job if you
can prove yourself. You'll have to bring him a size-five NoxGuard helmet (remember the vague
hint on your scanner.)

Once the cut-scene is over, explore the immediate area of the balcony, to find a TACO. Head
back down and through the door into his apartment and pick up the blue MysTech Museum card
from his kitchen counter. Now go back down to floor 1 and outside.

Take a left, and past the food store is a narrow alley to the right. At the end is a NoxGuard
keeping watch while some guy is getting roughed up. Talk to him, and if you ask him about the
helmet he'll give you a hint about some guy in the Platforms Division that got issued a small helmet
that day. Remember this location, you'll want to bring Grumpos here for some handy work, if his
worldskill is high enough for a good yammer.

Turn around, walk straight ahead to the end and talk to the guy in the tunnel. Continue left and
around to the right and down a ramp, you'll come to a Mephad'in Doorlord guarding the entrances
to the MysTech tunnels. If you talk to him too many times he'll kill you, so steer clear. At the top
of the small ramp, talk to the man till he suggests that Eddie would probably know how to get by
the Doorlord.

Head back to the elevator near building 5, and take it up. If you talk to the NoxGuard you see,
he'll also suggest that some Guard at the Platforms has a small helmet. If you take a left at this
guard and take all the platforms down, past Barton Arms (remember this location.) Eventually
you'll wind up on a balcony overlooking the open Tenements area, and there's a Healgrease there.
Pick it up, then head back up and talk to the guard just outside Joe's, to the left, on your way.

Continue to the NoxGuard and head left down the Fountain Spiral/Platform hallway. You'll fight
the goons again. Continue towards Ghallas and take the elevator.

Start following the signs to the Platform Area. You'll finally arrive at the Platforms/Anachronox
sign that had been blocked before. Head down towards the Platforms past several stores. Talk
several times to the dark brown Alley Goon standing in front of the gravpath, then take him out to
get yourself some easy bucks. Then take the gravpath.
The transition plate isn't aligned at this point, so all you can do is head left, through the door,
towards the Platforms. Once you get to the elevator, keep in mind you're starting out at Level 4.
Here is what you'll find on each level:
Level 4: Corridor back to Casinox Area..
Level 3: A Gorian drug runner that you will have to fight if you talk to him more than a couple
times (sometimes you don't fight while playing easy mode.)
Level 2: While in the elevator, turn to the Anachronox symbol by the elevator and take a picture
of it. (hit F11, use right or left arrow key to get an empty slot, use mouse to center the symbol,
then use up or down arrow to zoom in or out, then hit Enter, then Esc to close the camera.)
Level 1: NoxGuard with Size 5 Helmet.
In the conversation with the NoxGuard on Level 1, you need to realize a few things. First off, he's
got many more hitpoints than a typical NoxGuard. The best way to get the helmet is to always
answer him with positive responses. After you get the helmet, quickly leave. If you talk to him
one more time you'll have to fight him, and of course if at the start you threaten him then you'll
have to fight him too. He's REALLY tough, so it's best to avoid a fight.

Now head all the way back to Grumpos in the Tenement area building 5.

Bricks/Tenements Building 5.
Go back up to Grumpos' work shead on the balcony, give him the helmet, and he'll give you a
Linguinator that allows you to understand aliens. Now he's in your party. Leave the
building and Fatima will appear, suggesting you go see K'Condrad overlooking the fountain

First you should take Grumpos just ahead past the food store into the narrow alley where someone
is getting roughed up. Have Grumpos Yammer the guard for a Cobalt Crawler (8 in the game.)
It's not likely that Grumpos' worldskill is high enough at this time. The Crawlers are used with an
Elementor by putting one on a function node and the other 7 on the support nodes of the
Elementor. Now go back around left to Franks Flophouse and buy a room, to heal Grumpos.

After that, exit and take the elevator back up. Follow the signs for the Fountain Spiral area. Talk
to the Brebulans Sunil and Harth just ahead on the right. They will ask for a symmetrical crystal
tree. Be sure to talk to them till they start saying the same thing. Next, go to Ghalla's and buy any
health items you might need for several upcoming fights. Now go back to the Graveyard
gravpath, opposite the 2 Brebulans, and go on up.

First beat down the Alley Goon waiting right by the entrance to the junkyard. Then head deeper
into the junkyard, and at one point you'll be able to go either left or right. First take the left fork
just to a Pre-Owned shield cell and pick it up. Go back, hanging a hard left and under some steel
beams. You'll come up to some guy that says Eddie Knows. Enter the broken pipe, turn right,
and follow the long tunnel till you come to a big open room. Head left on the wooden plank and
down ramps to the bottom and fight the Gorite. The crystal tree you need is at the far right.
When you click the correct tree, you automatically take it.

When you get back near the 2 Brebulans, hand over the tree for some loonies. Take the elevator
up that's by Ghallas. At the top is the tunnel leading to the Fountain Spiral overlook, where
K'Conrad Khk is at. He'll give you some basic info about Eddie, but instructs you to follow a guy
named Lucko Coldwolf in order to get the rest of the info from K'Conrad. Fatima will appear and
tell you that you can find Lucko over by the Barton Arms, which was over by the elevator that
leads down to where Franks Flophouse is.

Talk to the woman again, by the Time Minder, and tell her where Simon is. She gives you some

Head back down the elevator, opposite the Overlook door, straight into the tunnel and down
another elevator to Ghallas. Turn right and head through the tunnel and turn right to the top of
the down ramp and SAVE. Now as you head down, the 'Follow Lucko' mini-game starts.
Quickly back into the shadows under the ramp. You have to follow him but not too closely, and
not too far away.

TIP: hold Shift, while following him, to avoid running and overtaking him. If you loose him,
restore and try, try again.

Bricks/Anachronox Tours Area.
Eventually you'll catch up with the guy Lucko was bringing a briefcase to, in Joe's Diner. He'll
tell you that Eddie lives in the Junkyard. He also says that Eddie will tell you whatever you
want to know, but Eddie needs something chewy and stinky to help him focus. Then Fatima will
basically tell you that the person you need to get something chewy from is around the fountain
spiral, so plan on heading back.

First use the elevator and from there, go a little to the right and have Boots talk to Detective Rukh
at the crime scene, if you haven't already. Talk to him till he repeats himself. Now go back the
other way and head up the ramp to Anachronox Tours, and snap a shot of the Anachronox symbol
on top of the Anachronox Tourist sign. 5 down, 1 to go.

Go back down past the crime scene, to the vehicle passageway with the small red vehicle flying
back and forth. Nearby, notice the alcove opposite the railing. There's a green display screen.
This puzzle requires Rho, Pal, then Stiletto. It is taken care of much later in the game.

Continue on down the ramps and through a door to 3 green signs. Turn right and go up a short
way and talk to a NoxGuard who'll offer you 75 loonies for a shot of that small red vehicle. Go
grab a picture, come back and get the money.

Through the hallway, behind the NoxGuard, is a busted elevator. Tinker with the mechanism,
and choose Blue and Red to make the connection. When you go to operate the apparently fixed
elevator, the wall explodes behind you. Come back here later when you've got PAL-
18 fixed.

Now head back past the NoxGuard that gave you the money, turn right and go under the 3 green
signs. You'll see a couple of little Bipidri working off the side of the pathway, but you're looking
for red ones and there's 2 in the bricks. The rest are on other worlds you'll be visiting. Continue
down the gravpath and up another one. Continue through town and left to the Fountain Spiral
tunnel, then use 2 elevators to the Fountain Gravpath..

You'll see a NoxGuard standing by the gravpath leading to this area, and he'll offer to give you
money (500 loonies) if you go take pictures of five different Brebulans. Here are their locations:
Two are in the Tenements; one up arguing with a NoxGuard at Joe's Eatery, and one hidden in a
little alcove down by the store.
Two are outside Ghallas, by the gravpath.
One is past Casinox, by the gravpath.

Go into the spiral and down to the 3 signs Museum/Rowdy's/Zordos and snap a picture of the
Anachronox symbol above them. You should now have all 6.

A Brebulan, who runs a shell game, is near Zordo's, just below the guy who gives you the red
Bipidri quest. You need to talk to the Bipidri guy, Pap Figgene, till he mentions photos of 8 red
Bipidri. There's 2 in the Bricks area. While you're at it, go into Rowdy's and talk to Valesta to
return her bracelet. She doesn't want it and hurries to check on her friend.

Another Brebulan is inside Zordo's Guns.
One is inside Joe's Diner, at the crime scene, where you saw Jocko drop off the briefcase.

Bricks/Fountain Spiral Area.
Fight the Gorian Drug Runners here. Just keep in mind that when you return, you'll fight more
Gorians in this spot.

Start walking down and look for the passageway to Zordos and the MysTech Museum. Go
through there and start looking for the man who walks funny, with one foot turned to the side.
Hit him up for the sock to take to Eddie.

Talk to the people around there. Usually in the tunnel leading to Rowdy's/Museum (or the tunnel
with 2 entrances to Zordo, Yerocan should give you the plans to Detta's Fortress. Later you can
take the plans to the blond who's standing at the back table in Rowdy's bar. Now Head down to
Zordo's Weapons.

Bricks/Zordo's Gun Palace.
If you want you can go talk to Zordo. He'll offer to sell a few weapons and other items. Exit to
the Spiral and continue up, bearing right towards the Rowdy's/MysTech Museum signs.

Bricks/MysTech Museum.
In the Mystech Museum, the professor at the desk will give you two mini-quests. One is to
retrieve the Anachronox symbol from on top of the Anachronox Tours sign (400 loonies), and the
other is to take snap shots of the five other Anachronox symbols scattered throughout the city
(200 loonies and a Healgrease Plus.) Here are their locations: (you might already have them, but
you can't show them till you exit the building, then return)
On signpost leading down to Casinox.
On Level 2 of Platforms.
Over arch leading from area in front of Ghallas to Tenements.
Over arch by grumbleguard leading from Tenements to Ghallas.
Over Anachronox Tours sign.
Near Fountain Spiral, near bottom of spiraling pathway, over door with the three signs that say
MysTech Museum, Rowdy's, and Zordo's.

While still here in the Museum, take the ramp by the exit and go up to the second level of the
room. Hear the faint singing? At the beginning of the railing, as you enter the top level, look
down to the left and zoom in you camera. When you see the red Bipidri, takes its picture. Up
here you can buy some glodents (good for keeping your NRG up) from Plib, who's standing over
by the glowstream.

Talk to the other scientists on that level to get some more background info. You should hear a
faint singing. It's a red Bipidri. Just as you enter the upper level of the Museum, look down left,
where the railing begins, zoom in your camera and get a good photo of the little red Bipidri.

Bricks/Anachronox Tours.
Enter, and in the far left of the building is a door with a guy by it (if you're playing easy mode, just
go on through, through all the boxes and through a door, up several stairs and out to the balcony.)
He'll warn you that there are NoxGuards inside and that they'll kill you if you go in, but do so
anyway. Sneak past the guards and take the elevator at the end up, so you can go and take the
Anachronox symbol on top of the Tours sign.

Now head back to Professor Langley at the museum in the Fountain Spiral. Show him the
snapshots and give him the Anachronox symbol. In the Tenements area, where the elevator is that
goes down to the Flophouse, if you turn right instead of taking the elevator down, you'll find
Barton Arms. Go down all the ramps and turn right.

Look carefully in the distance, between a building and a wall on the left, you can just make out a
tiny red dot. You may have to move a bit right or left. Use the camera, zoom in on it and take a
picture. Now head back to Rowdy's in the Fountain Spiral area.

Go over to Valesta at the bar and tell her what happened to Deanamo. Then go over to the table
at the other end of the bar and give the plans to Detta's fortress to the woman. If you didn't have
the plans, return to the tunnel connecting Rowdy's and the Museum, talk to Yerocan for the plans
and bring them back here.

The next thing you should do though, when you get to the Junkyard/Tenements area, is to go over
to Building 5, Level 2, Room 07 and check out the LifeCursor lying on the kitchen counter. Since
you already talked to Detective Rukh near Joe's Diner, Fatima will download the info. Outside,
go take the elevator up, go through the tunnel and head past all the stores, and take the elevator
next to Ghallas and head to the Tours area and the crime scene (you go through 2 gravpaths in a

Have Boots talk to Detective Rukh about the LifeCursor information. Boots will get a PAX
Flashpack which he should equip. It gives him the FlashBlind skill. Now head back over the 2
gravpaths, pass Casinox and head right to the Junkyard area, through the tunnel to the elevator.
Then around right to the Junkyard gravpath.

You'll have several fairly tough battles to get to Eddie, so make sure your party is healed up and
well stocked with Healgrease and Healgrease Plus. Then head in, take the left path and basically
fight your way through. Just past the big mining car, in a dark area to the right of a long up ramp,
you'll find a Taco. Continue up the ramps and just past the Time Minder where a bunch of guys
are standing, go around left behind a large crate and get a Vistin ThreeBeam. It's better than the
old Vistin Pistol.

Continue to the Eddie cut-scene, where the poor guy will tell you that the Doorlord has a brother
who's got some big incriminating stuff going on. That info should be enough for you, so head out
of the junkyard, then right. Take the elevator down and head through town to the Mystech
Tunnels, in the Tenements. First make sure you're massively stocked up on Healgrease items,
since the battles get really tough in the tunnels.

The Doorlord will tell you of an alternate entrance to the tunnels underneath the bridge you stand
on, then you and Grumpos will jump down. Turn around and approach the other grate and turn
left to the dark tunnel entrance on the left.

Bricks/Upper Alien Tunnels.
Go up an incline to some catwalks. Walk out to the elevator down and use it. Just 4 or 5 steps
beyond where you land and on the left is a yellow glodent you should pick up. Fight the cave
crawlers, and continue on. After you fight a couple of critters at the blue lines, you'll find a yellow
batt on the left as you continue down. Continue to explore and fight. After the six critters fight,
you'll find a chest with a TACO on the opposite side of the huge column.

Explore the rest of the level and fight when necessary. In an area with platforms sticking out over
the chasm, continue around right and up to find a Vistin Spikehead, which is better than what
Grumpos already has. In another area you'll find a Petal (you'll need a few of these for much
later.) You'll come to a long narrow beam running between lightning columns. Get across to a
Time Minder and SAVE before going down to the boat.

Your objective is to steer the boat between floating boxes of explosives. Get the heal boxes to
repair any damage, and collect as many of the blue boxes with yellow stars as you can. The more
of those you get, the better your prize at the end.

Bricks/Lower Alien Tunnels.
Get the two Healgrease, by the small boxes on the right, then fight the cave crawlers. Get the two
Healgrease just beyond them by the crate. Before continuing on to a huge Stone Sentinel, that's
actually blind!, consider the following diagram:


Boots starts on 2, Grumpos starts on 6. The Sentinel strikes 1. Move boots to 3. Sentinel
strikes 2. Move Grumpos to 1. Sentinel strikes 6, then 4, then 5. Move Boots to stone 2.
Sentinel strikes 3. Move Grumpos to 6. During all this moving around, take your best shots at
the Sentinel.

Now continue on fighting, and watching out for any Healgrease items along the way on the left
side. When you reach the Stone Sentinel, try your best to destroy it. Finally, you run beyond the
other side of the downed Sentinel. In the next big chamber, pick up a weird alien stone (Rowdy's
Key.) Detta and his goons show up. Watch a long cut-scene.

NOTE: remember at the start of the game when Rowdy mentioned about his key being lost?
Well, the stone that Detta took from you is Rowdy's keystone. You'll get it back much later.
And, Rowdy is actually a Limbusonian in disguise.

Now exit the door where the Mephad'in Doorlord used to be.

Bricks/Tenements Area.
Now you need to get a battery for PAL and then get off Anachronox. So head back to the
Casinox area and then on to Anachronox tours.

Bricks/Anachronox Tours Area.
Just to the side of the diner is the man with the PAL robot. You can now buy the battery off him,
but refuse his first price, and you get it for 175 loonies. Now go back to the Fountain Spiral
tunnels and find Yerocan still in the tunnel near Zordo's. Talk to him and he wants you to take a
picture of any suspicious character. Usually up the steep tunnel leading to Zordo's, you can talk
to Fazz and take his picture. Show the picture to Yerocan and you get an Eluder Band.

Return to your office, at Rowdy's, and pick up PAL-18. To quickly get back to Whackmaster
Jack's: go out into the spiral ramp and up left towards Fountain Spiral/Whackmaster Jack's. Then
turn right and go in at all the neon signs. Instead of going up to the fighting ring, have Grumpos
walk down the ramp, toward the fenced in animals, and talk to the big guy named Bean. Agree
with him on the five stuff and Grumpos will get a Pentagonal Prism.

Later on he can use this to enhance his staff maneuvers. Now switch to PAL-18 and go on down
the ramp to the floor. Around to the side of the ramp is a computer link. Have PAL hack it. A
path has to be formed from the bottom to the top.

Watch out for weak spots on the grid as the tiles are placed. Once the path is complete, a
compartment in the wall behind you opens to a TACO.

TIP: this happens to be one of the few puzzles where you can use your pause key to stop the
timer but still be able to place the tiles!

After getting the TACO and Pentagonal Prism, go back out to the spiral ramp and up to the tunnel
on the right with the four signs. Go through the gravpath, 2 elevators, and straight ahead to
Ghallas area. Go in Ghallas and to the table with the dataport. Have Pal access it to fully heal
him. Exit and go back up the elevator. Take the sign to the left for Anachronox Tours. Go past
all the shops and up 2 gravpaths. Take an immediate left, past the guard, to the broken elevator.
Go through the hole in the wall and have Pal access the dataport. Back to the left, in the secret
room, get a Taco and Pal can talk to the HoverVac 44.

Go back past the guard and left through the door. Go up several ramps to the Tours building.

Bricks/Anachronox Tours.
Go inside the Tours building and have Pal talk to the little robot at least 2 different times. Pal gets
a Cordicorps Shockclaw, which is better than what he already has, so equip it. Continue left to
the ticket kiosk where the man is always standing. Select Grumpos as party leader. Now hold
Ctrl and click to bring up a lung puzzle. Follow the instructions to fill up the right hand red
column. Grumpos Yammers on the guy at the kiosk. Choose Sender as destination. Notice the
price going up and down.

This is another puzzle where you can use Pause to get a low price, then purchase the 2 tickets
you need. Turn right and continue straight through the turnstiles and take the elevator to the
launching areas. Make a U turn around right to Sender Station section. Now continue up the
long ramp and board the shuttle car to the launch.

Getting to Sunder: Talk to people inside the station if you want, most notably Dr. Schooten at
Gate 5. You need to get two tickets to Sunder, get labcoats and credentials in order to pretend to
be scientists, and actually hack through a shuttle entrance area. Before leaving the front door,
have Boots talk to Detective Rukh on everything. Now leave Sender Station, go down the small
ramp and take a left to the Theatrical and Science Museum.

Go inside and take an immediate left. Use PAL to hack the datalink there (use pause to stop timer
while the tiles are being placed), and choose TSM Database, and Download, which will give you
the credentials you need. Go on downstairs and find a Healgrease behind one of the exhibits. Go
back up and left into the small closet. Have Pal click on the ventilation cover.

Now leave the Museum and go left across the city and up a ramp to the second level to the Vend
O Mart (it's got a clown dancing in front of it.) Enter the place, and go straight to the merchandise
chute. Use PAL to hack the left datalink and get the lab coats. Go back inside and buy some
items, most importantly a shield cell for Pal and one for Grumpos. You've got some combat
coming. Make sure the NRG and Shield bars are full.

Now, if Grumpos has the Pentagonal Prism, go through the doorway on the right. Use the
console and click the large brown door and walk through into the Pay2Pray room. Give the prism
to the person in charge and Grumpos gets the Staff Sweep skill. Now if Boots has the Master
Picklock, he can open the door by the benches and find a Psysummon for Grumpos. On the
second visit to Sender station, Grumpos can Yammer a monk in Sender station and receive Master

Now you need 2 tickets, and there's three different sources. Exit Vend O Mart and go straight
past the clown and past the narrow space between the two buildings to Sendormitory. Enter, take
the elevator down, and find the red headed Dr. Nynx with one eye. Have Grumpos use Yammer
on him, and he'll give you a ticket. Now have Boots stand with his back to the Dr. and look up
high to barely see a red Bipidri in one of the rooms. Activate the camera, zoom in and take the
Bipidri's picture.

Exit Sendormitory and go left to the next open area. Directly below, you should see a green guy
in the white 'No Salt!' T-shirt standing against a wall by two trees.

Keep talking to him till he mentions Goat Knife who's in the dark narrow alley on the left of the
Station. Go there and that guy will mention someone that's really into clowns (the kid watching
the clown.) Talk to the kid at least three different times and he will tell you about the guy in a red
shirt standing next to the Lounge of Commerce, over to your left. That guy will send you into the
Routubes. Go back towards the clown, but bear right to the narrow tall building between SetCon
and Pax.

Look around for various items and fight through, use PAL to hack the Datalink that'll open a door
behind you. Go through to the next room and get a yellow Glodent to the right of the ramp before
going down. Basically keep going down. In the next room, fight 4 Pipe Snakes, then pick up the
Healgrease. You'll find a tall guy in a trench coat that will sell you your second ticket. Keep
going down into the Routubes and fight to level up a bit. Get another Glodent. Take a picture of
the dead guy. Behind the Time Minder, find the Anti Winky Annulet. Any character can equip it.

Even if you got the second ticket from the Routubes, there's an extra you can get.

Go back down to Sender Station and show the picture to Detective Rukh. You get the Annulet of
Alertness. Any character can equip it. Just outside the station, there's a museum on one side and
a hotel on the other. Go right and into the hotel lobby downstairs. Look left, there should be a
Dr. Brywelle there. If you talk to him enough, he will reveal that he's really looking for love. Pick
up the rose from the coffee table beside him. Now go back up the ramps and into the park with
the clown. Talk to the yellow haired lady. You'll automatically give her the rose. Follow her
back to the doctor. Speak to the doctor and he gives you a ticket.

Now go up the ramp again and have Grumpos enter VendoMart, go to the top level and talk to
Fonn Togny to get a Hexagonal Prism. Use that downstairs at the Pay2Pray and receive
HealField, which he automatically equips.

Now go back outside and down ramp to Sender Station. Go to Shuttle Bay 5, and use PAL to
hack the Datalink. Go through and have Boots give 2 tickets at the gate. When you see the Brain
Bouncer, Grumpos gets through with no trouble. PAL helps Boots with the questions.

During the flight, have Boots talk to the guy with a lap-top computer and he'll give you a
Linguinator Adapter. Go through the door at the opposite end and get a Healgrease. Talk to
everyone else. Soon the flight ends.

You have to get past some lasers in order to get to Dr. Rho (female.)
First, Fatima appears as you start to exit, and she briefs you. Once out in the terminal, head left
and keep going clockwise and down. Be on the lookout for a console and terminal on the right
wall that PAL can hack (the keyboard area) for information about laser fields. There's a total of
three consoles along the way. Eventually you'll go down an escalator and around right to a guard
standing in front of laser gates at some waterfalls.

Talk to him, and he'll clue you in how you can get past the lasers. Go back up the escalator and
into the terminal on the right. Go up the wide steps, and take a right into the lounge. On the lower
floor, talk to a certain robot till it gives you some playing cards. Now have Pal talk to the robot
and get himself a Cordicorp Shockclaw, if he didn't get one elsewhere. In the bushes under the
stairs is a Healgrease.

Then have Boots go over to the cop, stand at the briefcase, and talk to the cop so that he'll turn
away, and Boots can pick the lock. This will give you the first code (493.) Exit the bar, and go
back through the terminal towards where you first arrived. You'll see another cop trying to get a
paper from the machine. Go up to him and talk, then use PAL to hack the newspaper machine.
He'll give you your second code (691.)

Continue to the end of the terminal, head left, and take the escalator up to the second floor. At the
intersection of the corridor, turn right you'll see some more exit signs (9-10 and 11-12) with a cop
down at the very end. Go to him, and have Grumpos use Yammer until he gives you the final code
(507.) Now go back towards the original terminal, stopping at each of the three different
computers against the right wall.

Here you'll enter the codes (one per computer, try the three you have until you find the right
one) and once the code is accepted then click on the slot on the left of the interface to insert a
playing card. Now head all the way back down to where you saw the cop standing in front of the
lasers, and pass through onto the moving walkway. At the end, you'll have to walk the rest of the
way and down into the Rainbow Sanctuary where there's a man sitting on a bench. Talk to him.

To the right of the bench, get a True View Torque.

Now go through the small door and eventually end up in Dr. Rho's reception area with a Time
Minder. Use it to save NOW! Before talking, get some Sunder Moss from the locked chest.
Talk to the secretary and she'll lead you to the lab. Note the four different door color codes.
You'll be coming back through them in a big hurry but don't worry, they will be listed correctly
for the return trip. When she stops in the lounge with winding stairs, get a Taco behind the
column to the left. Talk to the secretary to continue.

Dr. Rho screws up an experiment. As soon as she starts running around looking for her access
card, quickly look for a ramp to the left of the entrance and go below the floor. Bear around right
and get a Shuttle Shield Cell from the chest. Quickly go back up into the lab, you soon have the
access card. You have 8 minutes to go through the four security door, through the tunnels, and
through the terminal to Bay 12. The codes for the four doors are, in order from first to last: TIP;
hit pause, to stop time, as you enter each door code, saving a few seconds. Hit Esc, then un-pause
to go through the door.

After getting through the door, go right and through a small gate.
Go right at the T intersection.
Right at fork.
Right at four-way intersection with machine.
Left at fork.
Straight (left) at intersection.
Straight (left) at next intersection.
Left at fork with man.
A door each side of hallway, take the right side door.
In short hallway, take black door on right.
Take first up escalator and past ticket counters.
Go through right end door near purple signs.
Continue past green security station.
Go through door at Gate 1-8 sign.
Keep running, staying left, to the Gates 9-12 sign.
Take the up sidewalk bearing left, run to gate 12, click access panel.
Run up and get in ship.

Shortly, the ship becomes your cursor. Keep it in the upper-left corner of the screen as much as
possible. After escape, watch a long non-interactive sequence.

As you exit the ship, 3 Robodes attack. Take them out as best as you can. Boots should talk to
each teammate and have Grumpos stay behind and guard the ship. Boots will tell him, sorry "Old
Man", or "Grumpos." Make sure the party is Boots, Rho, and Pal before going out the door.

Getting the Eight Votes: The overall purpose is to be able to cast eight votes that match the votes
of the Council, so they'll repair your ship. Begin by getting registered to vote.

Leave the ship area and you're greeted. Continue out and down ramp to 3 inhabitants on the left
and a floating bot on the right. Continue and fight 3 more Robodes. Keep going till you see an
inhabitant standing outside a gold-brown door to the Council. Talk to him (don't threaten), then
continue and down a large ramp to a big window area.

Talk to the guy standing at the right side of the window, to get registered and get a voting ballot.
As you get a response for each of the 8 categories, each one will automatically be punched out.
Then extensively explore the city to find the various situations outlined below that get you the
information you need in order to make your votes.

The votes are either YES smiley face, or NO frowning face, but Anachronox randomizes the votes
so be sure and pay attention. On the right side of the big ramp, talk to the guy for some quick
lessons on Votowne politics. Over to the right under yellow lights is a narrow walkway past a
small ramp. Back there Boots can picklock the door for a Bane Wave, which increases
MysAffinity. Pal probably doesn't have any yet, so have him equip it.

As you continue towards a guy standing under blue lights, look left to see a narrow ramp on a
building. Under that ramp is a narrow walkway with a security port that Pal should hack. In the
revealed room is a Fire Retardant Roundlet. There's a few other items around all sections of the
city, so be curious, look in bushes and other hidden areas.

ITEM 1 RAMP ANGLE: Find the next large balcony and ramp, go up and through the door to the
next area. Continue through the park with trees, pass a winding ramp and continue to a third large
ramp similar to the one you first arrived on. You'll see two guys standing in a corner underneath
the ramp, with a beebohbot nearby. Use PAL to hack the beebohbot. And don't forget, always
copy down the number and the Y or N for it before exiting the ballot window. This will make sure
you don't fail when you take the voting machine test.

ITEM 2 VOMIT TORTURE: Click on any orange poster you see.

Back in the park with trees, there's a small door, under yellow lights, that Boots can picklock.
Inside is a Vistin Octogun, which is better than his Vistin ThreeBeam.

ITEM 3 SQUIZZLE BEET: at the large ramp, go up and through to the other area. You'll see two
guys on a landing halfway down the right side. Talk to them, and one will tell you to get him a
Quack-Quack juice from Jejune Juices. Go back up the ramp, through the door, and to the left to
the store where you can buy the Quack-Quack juice. Go all the way up the winding stairs if you
want to buy heal items and other useful stuff, especially a MysTech for anyone that doesn't have
any to equip. Take the Quack-Quack juice back and get your info.

ITEM 4 POUSSE CAFE COLOR: Go back up through the door and to the second park area to
Republic Inn, opposite where Pal hacked the Beebohbot. Go in and talk the hotel clerk, ask how
much for Joid's number, then pay him for the info. Nearby is a guy sitting at a low table with
colored strips on it. Talk to him and learn about room 401.

Just at the foot of the stairs, look down to the left and you'll see 2 orange Bipidri. Just below
them, a red Bipidri walks in and out of view. Use the camera, zoom in and wait. When you see
the red Bipidri, take it's picture. 4 down and 4 to go!

Walk up to the second floor, and the farthest room on the right (201.) Read the letter on the bed,
for vote 4, then check the closet off the bath to find a Healgrease Complete. Now go up to 304
and talk to the woman. Get a Healgrease Plus and Double Up Bracers. Now go up to 401 and
get a Healgrease Complete and a Taco.

ITEM 7 DEFORESTATION: have Rho Scanalyze the item on the side-table in room 401.
Remember to use Pause, to stop the timer, and you can still solve the puzzle to get the diagram.
Now go to room 402 and get a Healgrease in the bathroom. Have Rho look at the book by the

Now leave the Inn and go up the ramp, straight ahead, to a landing overlooking the Inn. Have Rho
use the little keypad and take a picture 5 times. Much later, you can sell these to Hyam Osseso at
the Republic Inn (after Elementor MysTech is Activated on Hephaestus.) Now use the keypad
and look at the strange map. Go where it shows you and talk to the guy you see there. Pretend
you're a kidnapper of his wife and he'll tell you the vote. Have Pal hack the dataport near the door
to get a Healgrease Complete.

ITEM 5 DEATH FOR NARCOTICS: exit and bear around right to the winding ramp on the right.
You'll see an inhabitant there overlooking the voting booth. Sometimes Crissy (vote 8) will be
there. If she is, have Boots kiss her for vote 8. Talk to the man. Back down the winding ramp,
go right.

ITEM 6 BIPIDRI MEAT: back up the big ramp and through the door. You'll see a guy standing
on a box with people watching. Go get Grumpos (drop off Pal) come back here, and have him
yammer at the guy.

ITEM 8 Marriages: if you haven't found Crissy yet, have Boots talk to and kiss her at the keypad
on the stairs where you first came out into the city. You might have to look elsewhere in the
general area though. She will prefer Grumpos, now that he's with you. Make sure you have
written down all 8 numbers and their respective Y or N before closing the ballot window. Now,
head up the big ramp nearby and through to the second section of town. To the right of Jejune
Juices and in front of the Administration Center is a voting machine. Use it accordingly with the
list you have and you will get a Gold Council Ally Card. Remember, Yes smiley face, or No
frowning face.

Now head back to the council chamber, talk to sergeant Guff at the hallway door. Inside, click the
inner council door to watch the meeting. They'll send you to find the Shuttle Fighter so you can
go destroy the Verilent Hive missiles. Getting to the fighter: Once you talk to the Council, Pal
stays behind and you'll be back beside the Warship bay with Rho and Grumpos. Continue to the
first turn at a door.

After the Hephaestus quest, come back here to find a Cobalt Crawler (it's difficult to see) in the
corner, to the left of the door. There's eight in the game. Put one on a function node of an
Elementor, and the other 7 on the support nodes of the Elementor for the very best MysTech
attack. Through the door, look down to the right and you'll see a bag of Glodents. Go down
there and get it. Go back up and through the cargo bay door 14. Take the elevator down, fight 3
Robodes, and get a Healgrease Complete.

Go back up the elevator, out the door and down. Twice. Keep going till you see 2 Robodes on
the right. Fight them and get a Healgrease Complete. Go up and through the door to the right.
You will see a large elevator pad and 3 Robodes off to the left. Fight them and pick up an old
Ducalion Shieldcell. Notice the tall window by the elevator. Go down the elevator and face the
window. You'll probably hear, and eventually see a red Bipidri floating in and out of view.

Get your camera ready, zoom in, and wait. When the red Bipidri appears, take it's picture. 5
down, 3 to go! Now go through a door, down and fight a couple of Robodes. To the left is a
Heal Grease Plus and a Time Minder nearby. You should use it! Go through the next door to the
silver fighter and off you go.

Verilent Hives.
When your battle cursor appears in the hive tunnels, you have 16 shots before you have to
recharge by clicking on the white circle in the lower left of the screen (always reload when you
have the chance.) In the lower right is your shield indicator. Defeat some flyers and try getting as
much of the red health crosses as possible.

In the first bay, shoot the blue-colored tunnel, and fight some more. Shoot the red tunnel to enter
it and reach a red generator. Hit it in the center as quickly as possible and reload several times and
do it again. It has a really long life line.

Once the red generator is destroyed, don't shoot the next exit, but wait and shoot the yellow exit.
At the yellow generator, destroy is quickly as possible. Now shoot the blue exit. Now wait for
the yellow exit but let it pass and shoot the next purple exit.

You'll now be in a smaller room with 2 blue and a tan-yellow exit. Shoot the tan-yellow exit and
shoot the health that appears in order to fill you up.

The Boss Fighter is only vulnerable in his head, when your cursor is green, and he has a high
health bar. Shoot quickly as possible, being mindful of your shield status, and reload as quickly as
possible. Of course you have to watch out for his missiles and the other fighters flying around.
Once you've beaten him, you land in the interior of the hive.

Once out of the ship, look around the landing for a Firespire MysTech slag. Remember to use the
Time Minder and save, if you haven't already. The left door is infested, so take the right door. At
the cocoon in the wall, talk to H.B. Cronyn. In the next room, fight 3 Verilents and a Hive
Fighter. Have Boots picklock the chest on the right side for a NutsWalker. Give it to your team
member with the least MysAffinity.

The big thing appears to be a computer. Have Rho analyze it (Ctrl and left click.) Some pieces
turn out to be missing. Fight 3 Verilents that enter the control room. Now save or not and go up
the ramp, through a corridor to the upper part of a room. There are 2 glowing gems in this area,
so send someone to touch them. You'll pick up the fallen piece later.

Continue on and you'll find the Science Officer, I.K. Brunel, stuck in the right wall and he talks a
lot. Past him is another computer and have Rho analyze it. Look to the side of the computer and
pick up a Static Pulse Injector. It might be better than what Rho already has equipped. Now go
back through the previous 2 chambers and into the ship chamber, turn right and through the new
door where the bees were, in the tunnel pick up a SlowStrike. It might be better MysAffinity than
what Boots already has equipped. Go down onto the lower level of the crystal room. Three
Verilents show up. Have someone use the little gem to the right to remove the walkway. After
fighting, use the gem again to get across and pick up the PoisonSpin slag that was dropped. It's
much better than what Rho already has for MysAffinity.

In the first room after the bridge, Grumpos' StaffSweep works great if he's close enough to
enemies, or Rho's Plasma Wall. There's a yellow crystal (fight a couple of Verilents and a Hive
Fighter after picking it up.) And the blue crystal (4 Verilents and a Hive Fighter.) Look in
inventory to see that you have a Shard from each gem.

TIP: if you feel up to doing lots of extra fighting, you can get 2 of every crystal you find, and fight
the same enemies twice. There's 2 computers where you can place crystals and getting two sets
of crystals as you go along avoids backtracking later to get the second set. But you really only
have to access the bigger main computer.

Both doors, between the crystals, lead to the same place with a purple crystal and 3 Verilents.
Make sure you've been picking up all shards!

The door nearest the purple crystal leads to a green crystal, slab of Bane MysTech, 2 Verilents
and a Hive Fighter. The door, to left of green crystal, leads to Captain Smith. The next room has
a cyan crystal (6 Verilents) and a red crystal (6 Verilents.) From talking to everyone, you find out
a huge queen like creature is in control.

Hopefully you've been using those Time Minders! Go through the tunnel left of the cyan crystal.
You will be attacked by 3 Hive and 3 Verilents. Grumpos' Staffsweep works well. The door
surrounded by flying things will be cleared away when you place your shards around the first
(main) computer. A short hallway, left of the flying things, leads out of the room to a Y
intersection. Take the right for some Hive Moss and a locked door surrounded by colored things.
Slowly go back and bear around right to the other path of the Y leading to a door and after that,
the last computer that Rho analyzed.

In there, take the door near the computer, through a chamber, down in the next chamber to the big
computer again. Place your gems on the colored mounds around the computer by clicking each
colored mound. Lasers destroy the bugs flying around the door a few rooms back the way you
just came. Make sure everyone is full health as possible and the very best equipped. Now go back
to the locked door where you got the hive moss (up the ramp, down the hall, around the upper
balcony, out the far door, left at the second computer, and left at the intersection.

Another computer with tiny openings! If you continue back and collect more shards (you'll have
to fight again), placing them here will get you a PsyChain MysTech. And remember, the fight with
the queen is a MysTech only deal, Beat Weapons are useless. When you feel the party is ready, to
go to the door where the flying things used to be (exit, go left at the Y, and through the door to
the outer chamber, go through the blue door and Fatima cautions you.
Before going on into the lair, arrange the group so that the third person (walking at the back) is
the one with the least powerful attack, even if it's the one in the lead. Now use the Time Minder
to SAVE! Carefully read the following 3 paragraphs before entering the lair. enter.

And the battle will be: someone keeps the enemy frozen, someone attacks the Queen (freeze or
poison is best), someone keeps everyone healed while taking occasional shots at the Queen. If
Grumpos has HealField, he should be the third one in line.

Normally, shields should be high, but with the queen, shields lower to have more MysTech
resources. The Queen uses spinning crystals to call her fighters by knocking one over. If you
knock it over before she does, she can't summon help right away. When a crystal starts spinning,
have someone knock it over.

The Queen's helpers use Winky and your Freeze MysTech takes care of them temporarily while
you concentrate on the Queen. Poison and Fire early on causes damage from the start. You could
move the hidden member out to cause maximum damage, but that person also takes maximum
damage. Once the Queen is down and out, you automatically head back to Democratus Ring.

Everyone is in the Commerce Lounge. Democratus has shrunk and will be useful later as a party
member. You can play a game or two here if you want. The next thing Boots should do is talk to
Rho and agree to help her collecting the two items she needs. Choose Pal (who sometimes sits on
the bar) as the third character. Go to the Palatial Suites and have Rho talk to Dr. Brywelle. She
gets Master Analyzer. Go down to Sender Station and talk to Detective Rukh to learn about
nightmares at Sendormitory.

Head to the ship through gate 6 and make a quick trip to Anachronox. Take the elevator to level
4. Go through the long winding hallway and through the door to a Time Minder. Go left through
the Anachronox Tours gravpath. Go all the way to the end and through the door. Go up several
ramps to the black/yellow crime scene tape. Continue straight up to Anachronox Tours and go
inside. Switch to Pal and have him talk to Infantine, the baby bot. Pal gets Master Comptalk.

Start heading back down all the ramps. When you get to the area where the little red car flies back
and forth, notice the alcove with a green computer screen. Have Rho Master Analyze it to reveal
a dataport. Have Pal Master Comptalk the dataport. This uncovers a coin toss button behind you
and on the far side of the flight path. There's another coin-toss button high up over the ticket
machine up in Anachronox Tours.

Much later, you'll return with Stiletto and have her do the coin-toss at the button, over the ticket
machine, to reveal a Healgrease nearby. She only needs a WorldSkill level of 1 for this one. The
one across the flight path requires Master level (2.)

Head over to Zordo's in the Spiral and have Pal talk to Zordo till he gets Battlebot Conduit
Upgrade. In Pal's inventory, click on it to get Transfer NRG. With this, Pal can give NRG to
another character. Return to Sender Station. Make sure everyone is healed and properly
equipped. Now go up the ramps and get a petal to the right of the Routubes entrance. Now enter
the Routubes. Seems as if you have to fight the same enemies again. Now continue to the locked
door where the dead body used to be. Have Rho look at the broken panel, then Scanalyze the
plans on the box. Now click on the panel to fix it and the door behind you will open.

Now go to gate 6 at the Station and head back to Anachronox. Go to the Spiral area and to the
MysTech Museum, below the entrance to Rowdy's. Just inside the Museum, turn left and go to
the top level. Find Plib at the glowing thing and have Rho talk to him and get the Theories of
Asagan. In her inventory, click on it to get Scanalyze. Now go back to the Lounge, drop Rho
and talk to the large globe of Democratus to add it to your party! You'll have to talk to it at least
2 different times. With Boots, Pal and Democratus, You can purchase some MysTech slags (and
sell any extras) in the Pay 2 Pray area of Vend O Mart. They have FreezeZone, PoisonSpin, and
SlowStrike (all Good.) You can also buy Glodents.

It's a good idea to use this opportunity to go to Vend O Mart and sell off your old rather weak
equipment and inventory and replace with the best stuff you can get. One great way to quickly do
this is to switch to your Party screen and hit 'Unequip All' for each member. This makes their
equipment available to sell off. There's a lot of good items at Vend O Mart, and if you were smart
and spent a lot of time fighting extra battles in the Hive, then you should have plenty of money.

Buy the best Mystech, and get the best beat weapons, shield items, and extra items to beef up the
three main party members that you'll be taking down into the Routubes with you.

With Boots, Pal, and Democratus well equipped, head down into the tubes, to the door that Rho
opened, and go through. At the next Time Minder, pick up a Blood Filter Fascia nearby. Fight 4
Gorian Drug Runners. A bit farther, get a yellow Batt on the right. Continue down and fight a
couple of Mad Gorians and get another Batt. You'll come to a T intersection with a Pumping
Station sign. Go left.

Just past a Time Minder, there's a SlowMarch on the right hand ledge. Have Boots picklock the
gate and continue down. Somewhere along the way is a Healgrease Complete on the left (the
exact location varies somewhat.) When you come to a pair of windows on the left, face away
from them and stand where you can look beneath the bend in the large pipe. Below, there's a tiny
pipe where a red Bipidri walks in and out of. Zoom in with your camera and choose an empty
slot. When the red Bipidri appears, take it's picture. 6 down, 2 to go.

The first nonviolent character is the chef Chi Freon standing at a door. Talk to him twice and say
"Sure", to buy the Gorian Recipe. You'll be able to sell it later on for a big profit. Continue on
and eventually fight more of those pipesnakes. Continue down to a ramp directly in front of you.
Turn right and get a Healgrease Complete. Continue up the ramp and you arrive in the MugMug

Sell any mosses you have to the MugMug on the right for various items as follows:
Hero moss (from Krapton) gets a Sluggicell.
Hive moss (Verilent Hive) Resonance crystal, for Democratus.
Monk moss (Hephaestus Factory) FireStorm, a Mystech.
Sunder moss (Sunder Escape) Circulet of Safety.
Waugee moss (Waugee Forest) 2-1 Host Elementor.
Wild moss (Sagentane Crevice) Verdun War Medallion. Give this Medallion to Dax at Frank's. In
return, get a Stargent Decimator for Boots.

Talk to the MugMug on the left to learn he dropped his toy. To the right of the right MugMug
you can see the toy below. Have Democratus attempt to get it with his Tractor world skill. This
is a difficult mini-game but you get a Taco. If you have access to the cheat console, type in,
timescape .25 before attempting the Tractor ability.

You will have plenty of time to click all the heads before they raise their hands. Once you get the
toy, give it to the left MugMug. Set time to normal by typing in, timescape 1. Now head back to
the Time Minder, at the Pumping Station sign, and continue straight ahead to the Red Light

Over on the left is some money by the Bodybag. Over on the right, ask the man in a swimming
suit about Kevester. Have Pal talk to the little bot, Joey Twink, on the upper level. Pal can come
back at night, while he's alone, and talk to Joe again for a Ballatine CrazyClaw. Go into Mistress
Mavina's at the blue palm sign. Have Boots talk to Sam sitting on the stairs.

You can pay the woman a few loonies for vague hints, of each character's mentor, by clicking
on a colored card each time you pay. In the drapes on her left, get a TurboAlert Wristpincher.

Now go enter Slutopia, at the mostly pink entrance, and have Boots talk to Kevester in the first
alcove to the right. Ask him about the module and everything else. He'll send you over to the
Orange Navel. Before leaving Slutopia, talk to the Tetra-Goner if it's there.

Go to the Orange Navel, go downstairs, get a girl, go upstairs with her into a room, then talk to
her and Boots trashes the transaction. Now go to room 2 and lockpick to get in. Pick up the
Taco. You should see a Bipidri on the bed. It looks kinda blue, maybe it's choking. Click on it till
it coughs up the ring. Grab it, take it back to Keevster, and he'll tell you to meet Phunkee Collins
in the Cold Sweat Sex Machine.

Go in there, and talk to the bartender (Phunkee), who'll tell you he's got the module. After
Stiletto's dance, he'll give it to you. Now if you have the Gorian recipe, talk to the Brebulan here
in the Cold Sweat Sex Machine, and he'll give you quite a few loonies. While you're here, check
out the other rooms for a couple of Healgrease. Now exit and go to the Pile O Hunks, and SAVE
if possible. If you have access to the cheat console, type in, timescale .25 to slow time. Talk to
the man, next to the stage, and try your luck at dancing.

4 green arrows appear at the top. Press your right or left keyboard arrow to match the green
arrows. Do this before time runs out. The arrows appear, 6 different times, different each time. If
you happened to win the first time, talk to the man and say "I'm outa here." Talk again and get a
Stargent TurboBlaster, much better than what Boots already has equipped. You can keep trying
for top prize of 200 loonies. If you slowed time with the cheat, be sure to type in, timescale 1 to
set normal game speed. However you do win, talk to the woman behind glass for a humorous
comment. Go behind the glass and get a Healgrease. Now go outside.

Go to Tubby's "Booze and Condoms", and get a Taco on the right end of the counter. Go back
topside to the Lounge, where PAL sneaks out on a private quest. It's not recommended, because
Pal could be destroyed, but if he goes back to the Red Light district (he'll do all the fighting
alone.) If he talks again to Joey Twink, he gets the Ballatine CrazyClaw.

Now head Pal to the museum. Hack the datalink near the doors, to the right of the sign. Then once
inside, head to the right and go through the door into the little room there. Click on the far wall to
get into the airducts. You eventually come out of the maze into a room full of ramps and towers.
If you get confused, you can use the 2 Time Minders as landmarks. One near the entrance, one
near the exit.

Past the Time Minder the path forks. The one left goes to a tower. Take the path to the right and
up some stairs, then go through the elevator shaft and right around the corner to a dataport, one
of 3 that controls the tower doors. Access the port and hit the Toggle Towers button, then Exit.
Turn around, go all the way to the end and drop to another catwalk.

Go straight and around right, then through the tower, go down and left at the bottom to the next
dataport. Toggle the towers, go back the way you came, pass by the stairs and on to the next
tower door to the right. Go through and follow the path up and around go another dataport.
Toggle the towers then go through the tower just a few feet back and behind you on the left.
SAVE at the Time Minder, go down the ramp on the other side and into the ductwork.

Go all the way through to an open area with a circular entrance, in the floor, to the museum. Pal
dives through, but someone has stolen the Detector. The floor is covered with laser sensors.
Walk up the crates nearest you till you fall behind the display to a clear spot. Access the dataport
and stop the Cleaning Robot. Walk across the stalled Robot, and to the door. Head back to the
Commerce Lounge and Stiletto (Sera) will stop you and give you the Detector.

She will show how to throw a coin at a switch on the building. Stiletto has to center the first
circle on the button, then each smaller circle exactly centered. If you have access to the cheat
console, type in, timescale .25 to slow time. Now you should have plenty of time to perfectly
center all circles (none of them should touch each other), but nothing is likely to happen here.
There's many other switches like this one that will give access to useful stuff.

Since it's dark, go up to the Routubes entrance and behind the tree on the right side, get a petal.
Check back every time you're near the Routubes. When Pal gets back to the Lounge, there's a
long cut-scene with lots of stuff that's very informative. Have Boots talk to Rho, then talk to
Grumpos. Agree to go on the quest with Grumpos. Then add Stiletto to the party (talk to her 2
different times.) So now it's Boots, Grumpos, and Stiletto. Check each one's shield, health and
other attributes.

Go to the Station and talk to the Brebulan at gate 4. Go back to the upper level of the commons
and get the pills behind the tree where the clown was. Next, look behind the tree on the right side
of the Routubes entrance for a Petal. These plants grow a new leaf after about 2 minutes. Check
back every chance you get while on Sender. Go back to the station and give the pills to the
Brebulan at gate 4. You get some loonies.

Now have Grumpos yammer Brother Gnosticus at gate 2 and agree to the conditions. He'll get
Master Yammer. Now go through gate 6 to Rho's ship. Cycle left or right till you get
Anachronox and click it. You arrive on level 2. Take the elevator to level 4, then work your way
over to Anachronox Tours building. Go inside and have Stiletto do the coin-toss at the button
over the ticket machine. When done correctly, you'll hear a musical tone. To the right of the
ticket machine, a door has slid up, revealing a Healgrease.

Now head over to the Tenements and to the narrow alley just past the Food Store.

Have Grumpos master yammer the guard to get a Cobalt Crawler. Grumpos might have to try 2
or 3 times since it's a new ability. Now go back up the elevator at Frank's, back through the
tunnel and take the elevator at Ghallas. Work your way back to the double gravpaths, but go left
through the door between them. Take the elevator back down to level 2 and get in your ship. Get
Hephaestus on the screen, then click on the planet.

After landing at the platform, talk to Grumpos. The plan is for everyone to split up to increase
chances of getting inside the tower. Have Boots go through the door and take the elevator. Talk
to the guy in a red robe, but don't take the tram. Behind the Arrival/Departure sign is a
Healgrease. Talk to the guy, in front of the Arrival/Departure sign.

Now follow the Entertainment signs, past the docked ship, through the door, and up the ramp
behind the sign. Go all the way up and picklock a door. Talk to Invisiblus. Go upstairs, get a
Mysme Microbelt and open the chest (Master Picklock) to get a FreezySlicer MysTech.

NOTE: once Paco is in your party, you can bring him back here to talk with Invisiblus and get
Channeled Rage. Exit and go down the ramps.

There's a House O' Crap where you can buy good stuff, especially the Gold Shieldcell that's very
good for Pal, until something better is found or bought. There might also be a BattleBot Upgrade
for Pal. Exit the shop, go to the Time Minder, then straight away from it to the long ramp. Stand
on about the second square from the bottom and look down to the right to see the red Bipidri that
you hear singing. Zoom in your camera, select an empty slot, and take the red Bipidri's picture.
You should now have 7 different red Bipidri pictures. One to go.

Go back to the Time Minder and right through the double doors to the Entertainment District.
Near the children on the left, playing with the glowing thing, get a petal on the wall to their left.
You need lots of petals for later when you start building your Elementor Host.

In front of the Fu Cazzie there's an Annulet of Alertness. Continue a short distance to Jim's
Drums. Go up to the Time Minder and get a Time Minder Tear behind the column. Continue
following Tower signs, go up to the game arcade (Boots can play on a game machine) on the right
and continue past. You'll see the Echo Bar straight ahead. Go in there and get the Taco.
Continue following the Tower signs till you can go down a long tunnel of the tower. You'll be
stopped. Go back out the tunnel and around left to the side of the tower and notice the elevator
and large button behind the guy standing there.

Nearby, get some plans from the chest. When you have a chance, return these plans to Recator
downstairs at the Palatial Suite at Sender, to get StareDown for Democratus. Now go up the
ramp and talk to the robot. Agree to listen to it's story. It complains about the delivery person
sleeping on the job. Exit the alley and go back left a little to enter the Le Sommeil up on the left.
Go around to the left where the guy is sleeping. Get the delivery slip from the table. You might
want to use the Time Minder in the lobby.

Go back and give the slip to the robot. Run down and push the delivery button. Run back up and
get on the delivery truck. Once at the back of the tower, go around the side of the truck and up
the ramps to enter the fancy door. The Abbot threatens to throw you into the pit, but you mention
about being an investigator and he hires you. If you can learn the whereabouts of the "Three Keys
of Cavatum" and bring some resonating fluid, only then are you free. Talk till the Abbot tells you
to get on with it.

Go down the hallway, left of the guy in red with an ornament on his hat. At the shrine of weeping,
with 2 spires, look behind and pick up some of the grit. Go back and show it to the abbot and
learn about Norman Malloy. Follow the abbot to an elevator and use it to go down. Ask the
drone about Norman Malloy, then follow the directions; through the doors, down the ramp past
Ed Lister and in the next room is Malloy. Ask all questions to learn of Sister Angela.

Go back up and into the Tower where the guide is with an ornament on his hat. Go straight down
the hall away from him, through a door, go left then go right through a door and immediately right
to a tiny candle by a door on the left. The guilty person is in the room and it can be any one of
three different people. For instance, if it's Sister Angela, read on. If it's Liseria, skip ahead to the
GUILTY LISERIA section. If it's Litton, skip ahead to the GUILTY LITTON section.

Talk till she mentions Brother Liseria. Go back the other direction and straight into the cathedral.
At the back bench, talk to Liseria till he mentions Litton. Go down the hallway to the guides left
(your right while facing him.) Litton will be standing to the left after just a few steps.

Ask Litton about everything and he mentions one of two things: a story about the librarian
Flammarian, or something about the grit. If Flammarian (dressed in a lite colored robe with red
trim in the top level of the library) is mentioned, go up there (straight from the guide, through the
door, around left and up both long ramps) and talk to him till he mentions Brewster (back of the
tower, at the truck you arrived in), or wanting a second sample of grit for comparison.

Back down at the guide, go to the truck (towards the double spire, left through the door and up
the ramp) and talk till Brewster mentions Litton. If not, pick up some more grit near the truck.

If you got the second pile of grit, go back inside and to the upper library section and ask
Flammarian about the grits. Go back outside and tell Brewster about the 2 grits and he'll tell
about a certain person hiring him to steal the 3 keys. He will deny knowing who has them, but
you'll soon find out that he does. If Brewster tells you to talk to Litton again. Go back inside and
do so.

You cursor guide may appear and suggest you het help. Skip ahead to GETTING HELP.

Go back to where the 3 sisters are, at the round stone altar. Talk to Sister Angela. Now you need
to go outside to the truck; down to the guide, towards the double spire, left and up the ramp and
outside to the truck. Talk to Brewster till he mentions Litton. If not, pick up the grit there, then
talk to Brewster again. Go back inside and talk to the Priest about Liseria. Now go talk to Liseria
again at the door with a small candle.

Now go talk to Litton, in the hallway to the guide's left, your right as you face him. Now go up
to the top level of the library and talk to Flammarian to get the grits compared. Now go back out
to the truck and talk to Brewster again. When you start back inside, Fatima appears and tells you
to get help. Skip ahead to GETTING HELP.

Go back to where the 3 sisters are, at the round stone altar. Talk to Sister Angela. Now go back
through the door to the intersection leading to the door with a little candle, but go left instead and
on into the cathedral. Talk to Brother Liseria at the back bench. Go back and straight to the
candle and door. Talk to Litton on everything. Now go up to the top level (up 2 long ramps) of
the library and find Brother Flammarian who wears a lite colored robe and red hood. Talk on
everything. Go back down to the guide, left at the double spire shrine, and outside to the truck.
Talk to Brewster. Pick up the grit and talk to Brewster again. Go back inside to the top level of
the library and talk to Brother Flammarian again. Now go back outside to the truck in back and
talk to Brewster 3 different times. He tells you to leave him alone. As you go back inside, Fatima
suggests you get help.

Go out into the Entertainment District (to the guide's left and past Litton.) Where the kids are
with the glowing thing, get another petal to their left. Find and talk to Grumpos to realize he
doesn't want anything to do with it. Talk to the other person that came with you, and of course
they will have to help. Go back inside to the door, with the small candle, and have Boots click on
it. He tells the third companion what to do and he'll talk silly to the suspect while you sneak
around back and through a window.

Turn right and go to the round structure, then turn left and open the large window shutters. You
automatically climb out (and you thought Pal couldn't climb!) Walk (or roll) around the narrow
ledge to the left and click on the window. You automatically go inside. After Boots asks a
question, you have 5 seconds to enter the front room and look to the right for evidence on the
small side table. Don't get in front of the small table, just click on the evidence from the end next
to the doorway you came in. Boots can usually ask several questions, before the attempt fails, if
you don't find anything in time.

If the suspect shuts the door and Boots is just standing outside, then it's a success. Turn right and
go to your companion and talk to them. If it's a failure, just try again.

Back to the Abbot, he tells you to get on with the job. You need to find someone that worked
with the guilty person. Go outside the tower and into the Entertainment District. Go right at the
small sign that says Le MysTech Shoppe, up a short ramp, bear around right and up the winding
ramp into the Eco Bar. Get a Taco from the bar. The accomplice is at a booth behind you
drinking away a big mistake. If it's Brother Gray, he's standing at the bar. If it's Donald, he's the
red headed guy sitting in the booth. Buy them a drink and they'll tell you about room 3 at the Le
Sommeil. Go back towards the Tower and up to the Le Sommeil on your right.

Go inside and up the elevator to floor 2, then around 2 corners to room 3 and picklock the door.
Look at the Three Keys on the bed. Use the elevator and go up to floor 4. At the end of the
hallway is a Healgrease Complete. Now go back to the tower and tell the Abbot where the keys
are. Now he wants some special Fluid!

Go toward the double spire at the Shrine of Weeping, go left and up out the doors. Go take the
elevator down. Ask the robot for directions, to the Sluice Gates, and it tells you: follow the ramps
down through the Shifter Plate Chamber, then right into the Upper Generator Room. Exit
through there and take a right at the junction. Continue on down, past the Lower Generator
Room. Keep going till you come to the Sluice Gate, which is protected by a 5 digit code. Now
TIP: some gamers claim the code is the same for every game (49665), but you should do the
Sluice Gate quest, even though it's not required.

Talk to Peter Brown there and he'll make a deal with you. He gives you 4 filters, an antidote
device, and a toxic meter. You have to place the filters in the tunnels and get out before your
health is destroyed. If you make quick use of the antidote device, you'll be ok. SAVE your game,
then go to the ladder down and use it.

Look closely at the orange map near the ladder. The green speck is the ladder. There are 4 large
white dots where the filters are to be placed. 1 at the lower left, 2 at upper left, 3 at upper right,
and 4 at lower right. When the meter gets near 100, make use of F11 to keep it in check. If you
don't, it eats away at your hitpoints!

Intersections are where you have a choice of direction. If a path goes straight with another to the
side, that's an intersection. Start forward and on around, straight past a left, and take the next 3
left turns. Click on the Sector 1 device to place a filter, then get the Healgrease. With the map to
your back, keep the wall on your right and head back out. Make 3 rights, a short left, a right, a
short left, 2 rights and take the next left. Continue around left to station 2 and place a filter.

Look at that map to get your bearings. 3 is at the upper right. Head out and make 3 rights, then a
left and continue around the left wall to station 3 and place a filter. Look at that map to see that
you basically make your way down the right side: head out and make the following turns; left, left,
right, right, and the next left pathway. Follow it around to a T intersection and head left. Keep
the wall to your left and follow it around to station 4 and place the last filter.

Now head left, left, right, right, left, left, right, right, then left and keep against left wall as you
continue back to the ladder. Talk to Peter Brown again and he'll give you a 5 digit code, so
quickly write it down. Input the code on the panel nearby. Go through the gate and down the
hole. Open the door and Fatima cautions you.

Take the catwalk to the right and continue counter-clockwise. It's a good idea to hold down shift
while you move, so that you walk. Try not to get hit by any steam spouts or dangling electrical
wires. You come to a corridor to the right, but you need a keycard for the door. Continue past
and around left to a door on the left that you can picklock. In the control room is a rusted switch.

Exit, go back right, then left at the T intersection. Next is a hallway to the right that has a door to
a Time Minder, that you should use, and a movable platform.

Now get on the platform and activate the panel. Just hold the down arrow on your keyboard and
go as far as possible. Now hit right arrow 11 times, down arrow 3, right arrow 4, click left mouse
button once, hit Spacebar. Go through the door into a break room and pick up a couple of items.
Return to the platform and activate the control panel.

Left arrow 13, right mouse 1, Spacebar. Get the red tipped lever. Return to platform and activate
the panel. Right arrow 8, hold up arrow till you stop, left mouse 3, Spacebar. Use the power
panel. Return to the platform and activate the panel.

Down arrow 1, hold right arrow to go as far as possible, hold up arrow to go as far as possible,
right mouse button 8, Spacebar. You should see a large button. Push it. This lowers a suspended
platform elsewhere. Activate the panel. Down arrow 10, left arrow 9, Spacebar. You should be
standing on a small platform in the middle of the lava. Click the blinking button to collect some
lava. Back on the platform, activate the panel.

Down arrow 4, left arrow 4, left mouse 5, Spacebar. Click the blinking button to load the lava.
Go through the newly opened door and down the hallway to a circular chamber with a large 3
story piston in the center. Each level has a doorway with ramps leading to them. Go all the way
down the ramps and around left to the end and get a security card from the small table.

Go through door 1 of the piston and push the button. Quickly turn right and run out the door and
up the ramp, around left of piston and through door 2. Push button, go out door and up to level
3. Around left side, through door, push button, quickly out the door, immediate hard left to door
in glass. Click the red button and run up the glass steps before the time runs out. If you don't
make it, go all the way back down and try again.

Once you make it up the glass steps, go around the corner, through a door and press the
red/orange dispenser panel. Press the dispense button to get the fluid the Abbot needs. Turn left
and through the door with the flashing red button. Go right, take the next left, then the next right.
You'll come to the suspended walkway you lowered earlier. Go through the door for 3 valuable
items. Exit, go right and follow the left wall, through dangerous wires, around to the next door on
the right.

Get 3 Healgrease. Exit and go right to the next door on the right. Get a bag of Glodents. Exit
and go right to the next door on the right. Get a Healgrease Complete. Exit, go right and keep
following the right wall back to the Time Minder and the door where you first arrived. Go
through and up the ladder.

Work your way back up through the factory, and while going up the second group of ramps, be
sure to take the door on your left. Keep going till you reach the robot at the elevator, but don't
go up yet.

Go down the ramp and keep going down to the very lowest level of the factory till you find the 3
moving conveyor belts beside one another. Go over to the farthest walkway, between the
conveyors, and stand by the chain on the flat section. Look up through the chains to the right and
you'll eventually spot the red Bipidri. Zoom in your camera and wait for it, then take it's picture.
You should now have all 8 red Bipidri pictures.

First chance you get, return to the Bricks Fountain Spiral ramps and show the pictures to the guy
that gave you this side quest. Approach the doorway and go left up the ramp to the office and get
a Taco. Now go all the way back up, to the elevator you came down on, go up and enter the back
door of the Tower.

Go see the Abbot and he thanks you for the fluid, and takes you to the library. Grumpos starts
fooling around with a TwoFunction Host and Boots mashes a bug right on top of it. What a light
show! Grumpos sends Boots to bring back the third party member. Remember all those strange
mounds with a hole in it, the creepy crawly thing? Be on the lookout for them because now you
can get a bug from each. Each character gets their own color.

On the way to get the other companion, look outside the Le Sommeil, on the porch, for a Two-
Function Host (Elementor) and a red bug from the nest. The third character will be in the low
area just past the 3 kids with the glowing thing (be sure to get another petal to their left on the
wall.) If the character is Stiletto or Pal, skip to that character listed below. If it's any other
character, go on back to the tower.

STILETTO: If Stiletto is the third character, switch to her and continue back through the tunnel
nearby, to the Platform area. Go down from the Time Minder and up the wide ramp to find a
female Monk. Have Stiletto talk to her and get a Stargent Sleepshank which is better than what
she already has equipped. Now head back to the tower, getting another petal along the way, and
head through the double door at the Time Minder.

PAL: if the third character is Pal, directly across from the Le Sommeil, there's a narrow staircase
leading down to the Moon Burger playland. All the way in the back room is the play area. If Pal
is not your third character, you can bring him back to Hephaestus when you get the chance. If
you do, Select Pal and send him through the tiny doorway.

According to how long you let him stay in playland, he gets various useful items. The only catch,
playland is on real world time. Once you call him back out, he has to rest for 10 actual minutes.
Right from the very start, if you let him stay in playland for 420 minutes (7 realtime hours), he
should get a pair of Shadow Bracers. These make a party member invulnerable because enemies
always miss.

Do you REALLY want to let Pal 18 play, while you go on about your real world life? Not likely!
Besides, you may already have cheated and got them near the hidden bot in Votowne. As long as
you're near the source, you can give a pair to each character, even the ones who wait back at the
Lounge on Sender.

Once you bring back the other party member and go up to the library and talk to Grumpos, he
gives a class on use of the bugs. Finally, before doing anything else, take Grumpos out into the
Entertainment District and to the theater. Have Grumpos Master Yammer the monk in the ticket
booth. Grumpos gets the Stargent StaffBeam, which is probably better than any weapon he
already has equipped.. Now head back into the tower and ask the Abbot about the Grand

The Abbot takes you down a lift into the Levant. The pump is broken and you must fix it.

You start at 3 tunnel entrances. Make sure everyone is well equipped and healed. The tunnel to
the right leads to a pneumatic gate, out of order for now. Get a bug near the left tunnel. Take the
center tunnel to a panel displaying generator and pump readings but no power right now. Keep
going down the tunnel and to the left to a metal ramp near a lava-fall. Go up the ramp and get an
Annulet of Alertness from the chest.

Continue past the metal ramp and pick up a BlastSack. Continue following the light rail up the
tunnel to a Y and go left to a partly extended bridge and a Time Minder. Go back and take the
next right to the iron ramp. Take the next left down to fight 3 lava frogs. Get a petal to the side.
Remember, these things regenerate every couple of minutes. Go back out and left to the main
entrance area. As you face the 3 tunnels, again check out the bug hive to the left.

Go down the left-most tunnel (at the bug hive.) Turn right at the fork to another fork. Continue
left and up to a control panel. Activate it and push the grey button at the lower left and watch a
distant bridge extend where you were before. Head back down the light rail and up and take the
path that drops off to your left.

At the panel, read about what's going on. On forward is a BlastSack. Head back to the entrance
(left at both intersections.) Head down the center tunnel again. Take the right down and get
another petal. Go back up and head right. Head left past the walkway, and keep following the
light rail around left. Everyone should be high health. Cross the newly extended bridge and fight
a lava frog and 3 fire salamanders. Boots should check out the power panel. Over behind the
panel is a tall cabinet.

Have Boots picklock it and fix the circuit. Pick up a Healgrease behind you. At the panel, push
the lower left grey button. Head back and take a hard right, at the Y, as you follow the light rail.
Just past the iron ramp, take a left down and get another petal. Go out left to the main entrance.
Go down the tunnel by the white bug hive. At the lava bridge, take the right fork to another fork
and continue up along the light rail.

You reach the panel you activated before. Keep going down through darkness to another panel
and a Time Minder. Push the lower left grey button on the panel to route power to the other lines.
Go back to the main entrance (follow the light rail to the left on the main path) and to the panel in
the center tunnel. Press the grey button, then head down the right most tunnel and through the
newly opened gate. You're attacked by 3 lava frogs. From this frog area, there's 2 tunnels out.
Take the right one to an immediate fork.

Take the right branch up and fight with 4 fire crawlers. Get a beetle from the nest. Go on down
and use the panel to extend a bridge. Start heading back and recheck the beetle hive because some
of the regenerate after several seconds. At the first intersection, going back, take a right. There's
a Time Minder and a fenced area. Picklock the gate, then notice the dead panel, and get a circuit
breaker from the chest. Over in the far tunnel is a chest with a few Healgreases.

Head back towards the entrance, taking the next 2 rights. Cross over a large lava river, then at a
fork, take the right path (lights.) Here's a metal shack and lots of machinery. Check out the
beetle hive, then check the panel in the shack. Go around behind the shack and up the tunnel to
the bridge you extended a little while back.

Cross the bridge and use the panel to install the circuit breaker. Push the grey button to get things
started. Head back and check the panel in the shack to see it still needs a little more fixing.
Continue heading back, following the lights rail. It goes left, so when you go right you'll have to
fight a Titan that has very high life. Finally, continue down to a Time Minder and go past the iron
ramp to pick up a BlastSack, then up on the platform to fight a couple of fire salamanders.

Activate the primer pump to see the turbines start up. The entry on the other side of the platform
leads to 4 lava frogs. Go under the conveyor system and above to find a Time Minder Tear. Head
back towards the shack and at the first intersection, take a left to the shack. Go inside and
activate the conveyor system. Notice the piece of MysTech that fell. It's for BaneWave. Head
back out the lit tunnel, bearing right and down. Go to the conveyor area and get the BaneWave.
It's good for Grumpos.

Head back to the shack (left at the intersection), go through the new tunnel behind the little mine
car. There will be a Golem, 2 fire crawlers, and 3 fire salamanders. In the chest is a 3X Batt
(NRG!) Continue heading down, through the fancy door, across a catwalk and through a door.
Go down ramp, through a door, up a ramp to a Time Minder. Check all your stats, then go down
the ladder. There's an up ramp and a couple of Golems. Across the room is another ladder down
to a chest. Open it to get a Bouge Bangle, good for your weakest character. Get the Cobalt
Crawler behind the chest, on the edge of the cliff.

Use the Time Minder. The guy using a shovel will be pulled into the lava by a huge hand (Boss
monster?) as soon as you approach to talk. Before you do that, have someone nearest the 2
panels to operate them. The highest protected party member should be up front. If a panel is
unprotected, move someone else to it. The enemies usually go for the nearest opponent. Anyone
else with Bane MysTech can keep him healed. Take out the first 2 Minions with beat weaponry.
Save your power for MysTech. Magmatos and 3 Minions appear and it gets really tough.

Since Magmatos is fire and lava, you want to use Fire MysTech to cure anyone with that kind of
damage. When a Minion is down, immediately hit Magmatos with your best MysTech (Freeze,
Poison, or Bane, but all three is even better, in that order!) Now do the process again to down
another Minion, then using MysTech on Magmatos again. Once the big thing is down, your party
automatically returns to the back of the Tower.

Go inside and talk to the Abbot. You finally get to meet the Grand Mysterium. You learn the
only thing useful against Chaos is MysTech, and you must find a gate and its key. You're
instructed to find the Vigil on Limbus and Boots volunteers.

Sender Station.
Now the whole gang is back in the Lounge. Form a party that includes Grumpos. Go to the
station and head to Anachronox. Go to the Tenements and head down the ramps toward Barton
Arms. A Floater waits under the ramp nearby. Have Grumpos talk to the floater K'Dekra. Tell it
"You bet, horsefly" to get the Dodecahedral Prism. Head back to the Platforms to your ship and
return to Sender Station. Go to Pay 2 Pray at Vend O Mart and have Grumpos get White Light, a
super all purpose healer. Get a petal to the right of the Routubes entrance.

Now in the Lounge, form a party with Boots, Democratus, and Rho. If you have the Proximity
Beam Defense Plans from Hephaestus, go outside and get another petal, then go to the Palatial
Suites and have Democratus talk to Recator till he agrees to make the Missile Barrage.
Democratus gets the Stare Down ability. Now have Rho in the lead and talk to Dr. Brywelle to
get the Master Analyze, if not previously. Get another petal behind the tree to the right of the
Routubes entrance.

Now go back into the Routubes and look for all the beetle nests you can find. After going through
the door, that Rho opened, and exiting the pipe, you'll be at a T intersection of the catwalk. Over
to the right, Democratus can tractor an item from a distant ledge to the right. When you get to the
intersection with a Time Minder and the Pumping Station sign, head right into the Red Light
district. Get a Cobalt Crawler from the floater in front of Mr. Poole.

Most of the time, Detective Rukh will be standing in front of Booze and Condoms. Where ever
he's at, have Boots talk to him. Then go talk to Kevester in the first booth on the right in
Slutopia. Now go talk to Phunkee 2 different times in the Cold Sweat Sex Machine. Finally, go
talk to the Tetra-Goner, Scrooch, last booth on the left in Slutopia. Go back out and talk to Rukh
again to get the Master Lockpick. Finally, on the way back out, recheck the hives.

Get another petal to the side of the Routubes entrance. Now check inventory. If your Healgrease,
Glodents and Bats seems too low (you can never have too much), head for the Vend O Mart and
Pay 2 Pray. Have Boots Master picklock the "Employees Only" door behind the benches (click
the button to keep time running.) Go through and around left to find a PsySummon (very good
for Grumpos.)

Outside, get another petal then go back to the Lounge, and have ONLY Boots and Democratus in
the party, then SAVE GAME. Carefully read the following 2 paragraphs before doing anything.

From now on, keep this save slot for this time and location because:
When you add either Rho, Stiletto, or Pal, that person will eventually have an individual quest.
Here is what will happen: When Boots, Democratus, and the third character set out for Limbus,
you'll be ambushed and end up imprisoned on a huge enemy ship. You will help a prisoner, Paco,
to escape his cell and someone presses the wrong button, causing everyone to be sucked out into
space. Democratus suddenly returns to normal planetary size. Boots, Paco, and the third
character (Rho, Stiletto, or Pal) are scattered across Democratus.

Boots will have the first quest, then Paco, and finally the third character. After the third
character quest, Boots will be in the White Caves. SAVE, then if you want to, just restore the
special save slot, add a different third character and play through again to experience that
character's quest. Of course, replaying the enemy ship 3 times is required with all the fighting, but
by that time you'll be quite an expert at getting out of there.

Now, with the two previous paragraphs in mind, add Pal as the third character, if he doesn't have
Master Level. Go into Sendormitory and have Democratus tractor the Bag O Glodents in one of
the sleeping cubicles. Go out and check for another petal to the side of the Routubes entrance.
Now head to the Station. Notice the two guys standing under the Customs sign. The one wearing
a red shirt needs help. Pay his customs fee and he'll give you a Taco. Now go through Gate 6.

Since you have Democratus with you, return to Anachronox, go to Frank's Flophouse and have
Democratus talk to Ambassador Ashdown. Accept his offer and Democratus gets Master Tractor.
Now have Boots Master picklock room B to find Dax. After finding Wildmoss behind your ship
on Limbus, trade it in at the MugMug village for the Verdun War Medallion. Return this to Dax
and get the Stargent Decimator.

Go to Anachronox Tours and have Pal talk to the baby bot to get Master Level, if not already.
It's not available till after Mysterium/Levant on Hephaestus. Now go into the Spiral area, to
Rowdy's, and have Boots Master picklock the chest in his back room to get AutoTargeter. In his
inventory, click it to equip Cap (deadly long range aiming.) Talk to Rowdy for a humorous
comment about Democratus.

Now go to the Spiral area near Zordo's, and show the 8 red Bipidri pictures to Pap Figgene. He
gives you a new ability for a big red party member named Paco, who will soon join up. The ability
will show up in his Status/Equip menu in the Weapon list (TumbleSlam.)

Now take Democratus back to Hephaestus. In the slums, go to the catwalk above the Time
Minder near the House O Krap. Carefully look across to the right side of the shed roof. You
should just see a Cobalt Crawler. Have Democratus tractor it. Remember, you can use a cheat to
slow time. Then after getting the Cobalt Crawler, reset time to 1. Finally, return to Anachronox,
get right back in the ship and set course for Limbus. In route, you get ambushed by Krapton

Make sure all three of you are full health, NRG, and are shielded. Go up the stairs and talk to the
2 guys till they start saying the same thing. The big hologram changes to 5 different images which
are clues to getting out of this mess. Press the blinking button to open a door below. When you
go down through that door, the first room you enter has a couple of El Pintos you have to fight.
Some of the rooms have items. Some items can be picked up, some require picklock, and some
have to be tractored.

The console shows a map of the 3 levels and the camera icon, at the lower right, shows a
hologram in all the stages. There's 3 different levels of the ship and several rooms on each level.
It's a sort of maze, where a room on one level may lead up or down ramp to a room on another
level. Any room has a label.

The first digit is a number showing what level you're on; 1 bottom, 2 middle, 3 top. The second
digit is a letter, showing what side of the ship you're on; S starboard, M middle, P port. The last
digit is also a letter showing how close you are to the front or back of the ship; an a for the front,
b for middle, and c for rear. For instance, 1Pa is first level, port side in front of ship. Looking at
one of the computer displays, in most rooms, makes it clear.

Go to the room, to the left of the computer console, and fight 2 El Pintos. The room is 1Sa. Pick
up a beetle and have Democratus try to tractor a Healgrease on a top shelf. Go back to the
previous room (1Ma) and to the room on the right of the console. It's 1Mb. Pick up a beetle and
go back to the previous room and through the door immediately to your left.

Go up the ramp and through the door to fight 4 El Pintos in 2Pa. This is the orange Pinto Lair
and workout room and a hologram station. Note the hologram shape and the association with
orange Pinto. It would be wise to take a picture of the holograms as you come to them. Later on,
there's a puzzle where you have to match the hologram with the correct critter.

Since the whole ship is purple, just ignore that fact.

Go through the door left of the hologram and fight 4 Devil Slugs in 2Pb. This is the green Devil
Slug Lair and Slime Shower Room and a hologram station. Remember, always note a hologram
shape and the associated critter.

Go through the door, opposite the hologram, and down to 1Pb. The red door is locked, so go
through the opposite door and approach the second door and turn around. Get a Theta Square
Wave crystal on the side. It's probably better than what Democratus already has equipped. Turn
back around and continue through the door. Fight 3 Insanito Brigaders in 1Pc. Try to tractor the
BlastSack on atop shelf. Face both doors and go through the right one to fight 4 Insanito
Brigaders in 1Mc. This is the Red Insanito Brigader Lair and Playroom. Note the hologram
associated with Red Insanito Brigader.

To left of the hologram, go through the red door and fight 2 Orange Roughies in 1Sc. There's a
Healgrease Complete on a top shelf, and another in the chest.

Face the doors, go through the right door, up ramp to fight 4 Orange Roughies in 2Sc. This is the
Orange Roughy Lair and Think Tank. Be sure to note the one hologram that's working and
associate it with Orange Roughy.

Go through the door, to right of the working hologram, up ramp and have a tough fight with 6
BrutalBots in 3Mc. This is the blue BrutalBot Lair and a Hologram station. Go out the door
nearest the red door to 3Mb which is a gridwork above 1Mb. If Democratus is tagging along, he
can tractor an Antiwinky Annulet on the far left platform. Continue through the far door to fight
one each of the critters you've fought so far. Pick up the Taco. This is 3Ma and there's a security
station with a flashing button, so click it. At the bottom right there's an extra active button with
dotted lines, between the camera and X.

Press the middle button and all the critters show with the images below them. Using your memory
and photos, change the shapes to match each critter. Simply put, they are as follows left to right:
1. Looks like a little lantern with a curved handle on top.
2. Has lots of flat oblong looking pieces.
3. Has a long hanging arm looking thing.
4. Has a tiny crank looking device on top.
5. A pretty solid looking piece.

Done correctly, this opens all the red doors, but DON'T go through the one here. Back track and
go through all the OTHER red doors first.

Now head back through the plain door, over the gridwork into 3Mc. Go through the red door and
down to fight the 5 different critters again in 2Pc. A chest, requiring Master Picklock, has Laser
Array Defense Plans. Give these to Recator, on Sender, at the Palatial Suites if you ever get back

Go back out the door and up to 3Mc and straight out and down to 2Sc, then out the left door and
down to 1Sc, out the right door and straight through the red cross room to 1Pc. Get a Healgrease
in the chest. Go out the right door to immediately find a Theta crystal against the right wall. It's
probably better than what Democratus has equipped. Continue on through 2 red doors to 1Pa and
get the BeefBracers from the chest. They really give someone some serious clout.

Now head back out and straight through to 1Pc. Head left and straight through the red cross
room to 1Sc, head left and up to 2Sc, head right and up to 3mc, head right and across the upper
bridge grid, out the red door and down to 2Ma, and through the door opposite the console to fight
another 5 different critters in 2Sa. Now go through the door between the 2 light pillars, through
the hallway to 2Sb. Picklock the chest for a Superhero ShieldCell and give it to whoever needs it
the most. You can even give it to a party member not actually with you!
Go through the door right of the chest, down ramp to 1Sb and get some Hero Moss at the side of
the door. There might be a BlastSack on a top shelf. Now go back to 2Ma, where you come to
the first red door going back. But go through the door to the left of the console, across the
catwalk, and eventually into the room with the green door. Go to the console and press the
flashing green button.

You have to enter the 5 critters in the correct order from left to right: BrutalBot, Devil Slug,
Insanito Brigader (has hand axe), El Pinto, Orange Roughy (the lizard thing.) Look carefully and
you can tell the correct ones. Once you get through the green door, there's a sort of control
room. Down the ramp, there's a door straight ahead that just leads to a small room with nothing.

Go around the corner to your right and eventually fight 3 BrutalBots and 1 El Pinto. Continue
through the dark door, up some stairs and down into the Engineering Section, turn left and go
around and down the stairs. Straight ahead, turn left and go through 2 triangular doors to an
intersection, through the left door. Go all the way in and pick up an Elementor. Go back out to
the intersection and SAVE GAME!

Now go through the door, that the arrow is pointing away from, to a showdown with Rictus. He
takes away your MysTech. Use long-range BattleSkill and Beat attacks till he pulls the platform
towards him. Watch out for the symbols aligning with a minion, shoot it at that time to knock the
minion off the platform.

As soon as the platform moves to him, party members should try getting in the space on each side
of him. That way he can't summon any help. Anyhow, it's just hit before you get hit. When
Rictus is down, things look good but you get locked up with a bunch of other odd prisoners.

Turn left and go talk to Jack Olingo, sitting against the wall on a fold-down bead. He'll give you
the lowdown on this place. At the far end, the little silver guy, Headwork, could read the mind of
the guard and get the jail cell code, but he's just too busy. For now, just tell him "Forget it."

Multidude, standing at the next column, could multiply and overpower the guard, but he won't.
Paco 'El Puno', the red guy behind a forcefield in one of the cells, is too drunk and depressed.
Amazing Force-O, the huge hulk thing stomping around, will give Boots some Beef Bracers.

Amanuensus, the big blue guy with a big head, can give you the low-down on everyone if you care
to read through everyone's bio. Creepfood, the big yellow worm thing, complains about its sweat
sacs being bloated, if you talk to it enough.

You can't talk to Krapto, but since he's a hero dog, there IS a way. Go back to the little silver
guy, Headwork, and tell him 'sure, why not." Then tell him "Absolutely." Now go talk to the
dog, Krapto, till he says he's too dehydrated. Take the empty water bowl. Go back and have
Headwork remove the mind thing.
Now go to Creepfood and agree to milk its sweat glands. Once again ask Headwork to give you
the high mind thing. Now go give the water to Krapto and talk till he tells you that Invisolad is
standing in the corner, just left of the door where you came in. First talk to Dr. Hush-Hush,
standing at the big button, till he gives you three different 4 digit numbers, something like 9067,
9012, 9015. Just remember, whatever it is, the first 2 digits is the first two of the code you need.

Now, turn right and go to the corner, by the door where you entered, and move the cursor around
till you find Invisolad, and talk to him till he mentions a two digit number twice, something like
55..., 55... The two digits are the last two of the code you need. So it would be, for example,
9055. Just use the first two that the Dr. gave you, and the two Invisolad gave you. Now go and
have Headwork remove the mind stuff.

Now go to Paco's cell and punch in the 4 digit code. If correct, the laser will lower and you go in
and talk to him. Someone (probably Invisolad) pushes the Emergency Parole Button and
everyone gets sucked out into space. Democratus expands to full planet size and your 3 party
members are scattered across Democratus.

Boots finds himself near the town of Whitendon. Talk to the man at the town entrance, then go to
the Burgomaster's house, where the Time Minder is, and use it. Go inside and take the first door
on the left and talk to the Burgomaster. Tell him your real name, then tell him "NO." Talk till he
tells you to get some pictures. Upstairs, to the right, picklock the door, go inside and get a Rapid
Wristlet from the table. Then talk to the Tourister 3 different times.

Exit the mansion and go up the ramp just to your left. Talk to the man at the top and find out how
long Peter and Laurie have been together (write it down, this is important info.) Keep going till
you see a man and woman, talking in a doorway, turn right and go up the first ramp to your right.
Talk to the woman, in a greenish dress. To the side is a beetle nest. Go inside and talk to each
parent three times.

Picklock the boys room, go in and get a Healgrease on the floor. The main thing is a hand-drawn
picture of a monster and snow flakes. Back outside, behind a wall directly in front of the house,
get a Stargent HandCannon. It's probably better than what Boots already has equipped. Follow
the drag marks in the snow to where they end at the tree. Take a picture there. Go back a few
steps, to the ramp where the drag marks go by, and go up.

Continue around to a small alcove to the left where a hungry boy is. Go around him and to the
left. Talk to the woman in a lite-brown dress, to find out what gift Laurie got (write it down.)
Talk till she says to "Look at the roof scratches. Take a picture of them. Go back down and hang
a left at the bottom of the stairs. To past the Time Minder and through the tunnel, past the
woman Robin, who's a forgetful wood gatherer. Continue to a courtyard in front of the
Fairweather Inn.

On the far side of the Inn is a broken iron fence. Take a picture of the pawmarks and scratch
marks on the wall. Go inside the Inn and to the left, talk to the man sitting there to find out where
Laurie and Peter first kissed (the third important info.) Go back to the Burgomasters house and
let him see the pictures. He tells you to sleep at the Inn. First though, speak with Laurie outside
in front of the mansion, tell her you were wrong and that you're sorry.

She might not appear until you talk to Danny and pay the 10 loonies Peter owes him. You might
even have to walk around town a bit before she appears, wearing a white top and lite-blue dress.
Correctly answer: Where they first kissed, How long have they been together, and What gift did
Laurie get?

Quite a bit later, you'll be talking to Laurie again concerning the relationship. Now go to the Inn
and up all the stairs to the door at the very end of the hallway. Picklock it, and go inside and get a
Healgrease Complete. Exit the end room, lockpick the near door and go inside, click the bed.
While Boots dreams of the past, Paco has a Quest.

Paco ends up inside a military compound. First thing, hit F5 and select Paco's picture, open his
Status/Equip menu, open Weapons and click Tumbleslam to equip it (if you previously showed the
8 red Bipidri pictures to Pap Figgene in the Bricks Spiral area, near Zordo's, on Anachronox.)
Turn right and talk to the guy till he tells you to see Sergeant Major Sargent. Turn around and go
clockwise away from the gate and continue around to find Sergeant Major Sargent standing out
from the tank with a turning radar on it. Talk to him till he mentions Bibere's code: Shadow
Cordica, Obelisk, Watcher, and Lithium (SCOWL.) Go back around to the front of the radar tank
and look under the front end for a Field Issue ShieldCell.

Continue clockwise and Bibere is standing to the left, under a loader just before the laser fence.
Give him the code, and he'll send you to Captain Militaritus (Watcher Radium Astro Tentac
Helium (WRATH.) Continue clockwise just past the gate. Militaritus is yelling at someone. Tell
him his code (WRATH) and he'll send you to Tweedy. Shadow, Photon, Integer, Tentac, Eternal
(SPITE.) Continue clockwise to a tanker with a soldier on top.

Tweedy is just on the other side. Give him the code, SPITE. He'll send you to Lieutenant
Colonel Irdgaff. Astro, Neon, Gambit, Eternal, Radium (ANGER.) Continue clockwise to the
large open tent. Talk to the middle soldier Wormwood and tell him ANGER. You're given
Command Sergeant Major Heten's code (GROWL.) He's standing right there in front of the
screen. Try looking at the screen to get his attention, then talk to him till he repeats himself.

Notice the green data card lying on the console. Exit the tent, go back counter-clockwise to the
opposite side of the tanker with a soldier on top. Have Paco RageMight the broken panel, drag
the upper-left fist into the circle and try to keep it there till the red meter fills up. The longer it
takes, the more it moves around. Keep trying till success and an alarm goes off. Quickly go left
and clockwise back to the open tent.

Look at the big map to see Commiteon Base is directly northeast, and in the lower-left corner is
the code Cordica Astro Gambit Eternal (CAGE.) Quickly exit the map and look at the green card.
Punch in CAGE, then enter. You'll see the daily code, which might be different each game. Copy
it down, continue clockwise to the gate, and punch in the 5 digit code to get out. The first time
Paco clicks on a Time Minder, he'll get a Time Minder Tear.

Head straight through the wide passage towards an old tire. Fight 3 Sandmites and continue
through a narrow pass to a couple more Sandmites and a Veneno. Skirt the right side of the
shallow pond to a shack and fight 3 Venenos. Get a Healgrease Complete on the other side of the
shack. Continue along the narrow trail to a Time Minder. Turn right and go along the narrow

At a broken bridge, cross the large pipe and fight 4 Sandmites. Continue through the narrow
space and in the valley, fight 3 Venenos. At the Time Minder, go left and fight 4 Venenos. When
you reach the Commbase, you'll see four lasers moving around if the soldiers didn't destroy them.
It's not too difficult to avoid them if you go along the fence, on the left side. At the end of the left
fence is a broken vent cover that's probably where someone fell through.

Go inside the front door. There's several floating mines that move about, so stay out of the way.
There's a right turn, but wait a bit. Straight down the main tunnel, at the base of the big doors is a
Cobalt Crawler. They're difficult to see and there's a total of eight in the game. Maybe you've
found some already.

If you put one on a function node of your Elementor, and the rest on the support nodes, the result
is a most fantastic MysTech attack. Now go back up to the doors, turn left and go through the
garage door, with the yellow/black stripes. Watch for the ceiling gun to retract, then quickly go to
the left, under the gun, and RageMight the generator to disable the gun turret. Continue down the
hallway, ducking behind the side columns to avoid another gun turret. Go to the right and find
another generator in the Mess Hall. RageMight that one too.

If you go left, by the generator, and down into the Mess Hall, and out the other side down into the
Lower Barracks and head right to the other end, you'll find the Wristbands of Whacking on the
right between the last 2 bunk beads. Go back through the Mess Hall to the disabled gun and
continue down the other path.

At the end of the hallway, turn to an armored vehicle. Go underneath it and get the Phantomfist
from a chest. Have Paco equip it (throws a huge fist for ranged attack.) There's a short ramp in
front of the vehicle, but DON'T go up yet. Watch out for floating mines and follow the overhead
wires, along the vehicle, out the large door, and all the way down a dangerous hallway, past one
gun, then around a corner toward 2 more. At a generator on the left, RageMight it. On down is
an elevator, but you have to open it first then run to it while a timer is running.
Return to the armored vehicle, go up the short ramp and continue to a control room. Click on the
windows above the Time Minder to see the lasers outside. To the left of the red button, click in
the corner to find a hidden Cyclic Sensor Array for Democratus. Click the red button on the panel
to see a map of the installation and it'll show a life form at lower left (you), and another at the
lower right (little girl.)

Notice where the elevator is located; straight out, past screen left side of the armored vehicle, right
and bear around left and down the hallway. The large dots are the laser guns you should already
have disabled, but the two near the elevator can still shoot bullets, but they won't even notice you
while you're running past.

Before opening the elevator, it's a good idea to make a couple of practice runs as quickly as you
can to the elevator. Finally, open the elevator and run there, watching out for floating mines.
Paco wins the trust of the little girl and he gets her back to the soldiers camp.

Now, according to which third character you chose, they now have a quest. Skip ahead to either
Rho Quest, Stiletto Quest, or Pal Quest.

Rho Quest.
Tensil. As you enter the gate, talk to the inhabitant. Turn right and get an Elementor Host in the
narrow dark alley. Exit the alley and talk to a couple of inhabitants at the water trough. Just
behind is a beetle hive. Through a short alley and behind the fruit stand on the left is a Poison
Tempest. On a stone well-box is a silver leaf. These are important.

Up a ramp and behind an inclosed tree and rocks is a silver leaf. Over to the left is a child who'll
tell you about Ziffenberries. Across from a bird is a silver leaf behind a column. All the way
through town and around the right side of the big building you should talk to Hedela, the Grand
Chieftainess. Tell her you wish to rejoin your companions. In return for her help, Hedela wants 4
gold leaves. There's small inhabitant standing in a corner near the large building. Threaten him
and get a silver leaf.

Back at the water trough, standing behind a small cart, is Gosheven. Talk to him till he gives you
a gold leaf (1.) Remember the bird near the fruit stand? Keep disturbing it till it starts eating the
fruit, then while the owner is distracted, steal a gold leaf from the hanging bag (2.) At a fruit
stand, Lonato should accept 4 silver leaves for a gold leaf (3.) At the first fruit stand you came to
in town, Sakima will ask for 12 RIPE Ziffenberries, but there's only 9 ripe and some pail ones.

For the ripe berries; 3 on the bush where you first entered town (you need all pale ones also), 2 on
the bush near the poets, and 4 on a bush near the bridge outside the back gate (DON'T cross the
bridge yet!) Now go back to the water trough and dip 3 different pale berries into the water to
make them appear ripe. Now go to Sakima, at the large fruit stand where the bag hangs on the
right side. Give him the 12 apparently ripe berries and get a gold leaf (4.)

Now go back to Hedela and give her the 4 gold leaves. Once your fortune is told, Hedela tells
you about an artifact. Now go out the back gate and cross the bridge. Talk to a few of the guys
standing outside the temple. Now enter the Temple of Gorr. Each room is full puzzles and traps.
At the beginning of each room is a post with symbols on it that Rho can analyze. Near these posts
is a ghost, someone who failed in the rooms.

The first room is quite logical. The first verse you analyzed: "Face the stone, the next you learn.
Think backward six, or find first in turn." The block in the center of the room has a picture on all
sides but one. There are six buttons to press in a certain order. Figure it out on your own if you
wish, but the solution is: Eye, Star, Claw, Sun, Wheel, Moon. Pressing a correct button causes a
grinding sound. You can't press a button out of order. When the door opens, go down ladder.

Analyze the next post with blocks, "Opposite and opposite, the pillars attend. The other-block to
other-side must return again." There are six columns, each with a picture and a cubicle hole below
it. Any two columns have pictures different from one another. The first column on your right has
a white wheel on a dark background, so in the opposite cubicle hole place a dark wheel on a white
background. The white eye with dark background, put a dark eye with white background in the
opposite cubicle.

Just repeat the procedure for the other four columns and a ramp will lower. Go to the end and left
to step on a large symbol button. Go back to the other end and down ramps into a large room
below some broken walkways. In a corner, get the Tesseract Impactor that Rho can use. See if
you can spot a large symbol over the door at the end of the broken walkways above.

Go back and to the side path in the hallway where the ramp was and SAVE before continuing
forward. The analyzed post, "In the distance, the weakest enemy. Walk not on the giant that you
can see." You can talk to the ghost. Once you start across, pay attention to the sign over the far
door. Each of the first 3 bridge sections have one bad symbol. On the last bridge section, the
symbol changes twice as you cross.

Bridge 1, don't choose Sun or the Down Arrow. Bridge 2, Eye. Bridge 3, Sun. Bridge 4a, Claw.
Bridge 4b, Sun. Bridge 4c, Claw. Once you get across to a Time Minder, continue to a symbol
post at the next room, "setting sun's serenity. Walking wisely sets you free." So, just stay in the
path of light to avoid the darts.

Room 5. At the spinning blades post, "The easiest path is not the path. Find the route to escape
death's wrath." Quite simply, just as you enter this room, turn to the right and walk down the

Room 6 post, "In the dark you feel Gorr's anger. See your feet, you see no danger." Just walk
directly to each lit torch, even at doors.

Room 7 post, "When the throne of Gorr you see. Do not run to kiss his feet." Don't step on the
dark moon image, go left or right around the throne and from sort of behind, click on the
Elementor MysTech stone to get it. If Rho does it wrong, she gets a chill and Hedela will say she
looks cursed? Anyhow, back in the village, you can either go to Hedela and hand over the stone,
or Just Keep it.

Now go to the water trough and check the beetle hive behind. Go out the front gate and through
the cave. Now skip ahead to the White Caves Quest where Boots completes the Whitendon

Stiletto Quest.
Doren. If you chose Stiletto as the third character, she starts her quest in a forest. Once you have
game control, turn around and pick up a Doren Imperial ShieldCell, then equip it. Now continue
into the camp. Eventually you'll talk to Tony, outside a bunker, keep talking till he gives you a
BladeSleeves Merc Suit. Click on it, in her inventory, to equip it and get BladeFan. At a fork in
the path, go right and up the stairs to commander Walton on the right.

After talking, continue to the end of the walkway and get a SlowMarch on the left. It's much
better than SlowStrike. Go back down the steps and hang a right to get a blue bug. Go down the
path, staying to the right. Outside the barracks, get some Stargent Bladerangs from the chest.
They're much better than Vistin Double Blades.

Talk to the Quartermaster, then go down into the barracks and get an Elementor MysTech on the
far end. Click the low bunk, second from right, to sleep and watch a flashback. The next
morning, Stiletto is out in the forest. Continue a short way and fight 2 Waugees. Continue to an
open space and fight 3 Wasps. The path forks, so take the left path and fight a Waugee. A bit
farther fight 2 Wasps. Bear left again and find some Waugee Moss.

Continue to the next open area and 3 Waugees. Take out one as soon as possible, because 3 or
more tend to have special tactics. You'll find a Time Minder between the two torches. Continue
along the boardwalk and you eventually find a giant tree, Queen Waugee and several lesser ones.
Beat weapons work here, but MysTech is useful. Remember, try not to let 3 Waugees get

After victory, you automatically return to camp. General Walton gives you the bars of Dorenium.
Head back down all the paths, to end this quest, and Boots resumes his quest. Skip ahead to the
White Caves Quest.

Pal Quest.
Ballotine. If you chose Pal as the third party member, he starts outside a fence near a Time
Minder. Go through the hole in the fence and talk to the woman. Go left and then right through a
narrow space to find a Healgrease. Go back to the woman and through the door. Talk to the man
on the left, then talk to Claude on the right til he mentions about going to the factory and the
manual override was in area 3 that they couldn't reach.
Pick up the upgrade near the door and equip it to get TaserDrain. It takes NRG from an enemy or
another character. Go back out the hole in the fence, go left to the green sludge river and follow it
upstream to the factory. Go through the door and right to an elevator and use it to go up. Pal
does a little sneaking routine as he goes around the metal walkway. Keep going along the
walkway to an intersection. Continue straight ahead across the gridwork to a display and a

CompTalk the panel, next to the fusebox, to get a Ballotine Thoughtcell (very high NRG but no
shielding.) The Thoughtcell would be great, if you also had Shadow Bracers! Look at the
display. Put the fuse on 2. Go around behind the display and through the access-way. Turn right
and go up a short ramp, then right to Station 2 control. Click the wheel, then click the button with
an arrow from 2 to 1. Over to the left, and behind, is a dataport requiring Master Comptalk.

There you'll get 3 Time Minder Tears. Back down the ramp and into the tunnel and back to the
main room. Now put the fuse on 3. Head right into area 3 and drain 3 into 1. Go over to the side
button that says Door 2. Push the button, go through and find another dataport requiring Master
Comptalk. It gives a Cordicorps Shockshot. Go back out to the area 3 control, go down the grid
ramp and back through the tunnel to the main area. Go right to reenter area 2.

Turn left and take the ramp all the way down to the bottom of tank 2. In the left corner you
should see above the door, Drain 3. Use that panel and go through the door. Down the hallway
and use a panel to open the next door to the bottom of tank 3. Get a Healgrease straight ahead.
Go up the little ramp to the controls and Turn Wheel To Right. You go back down the elevator.
Just ahead, at the small acid pool, pick up a yellow beetle. Return to town and through the small
door where you talked to the woman. Get an Elementor Host.

Now exit and go right to pick up a Healgrease Plus at the narrow passage. Go on through and
talk to Claude. You get a Cordicorps Shockshot, which is probably better than what Pal has
equipped. Talk more and Pal's quest ends. Boots resumes his quest at the White Caves area.

White Caves Quest.
Check your shield, NRG, and health. Right away Boots has to fight a huge Snow Snake. Around
the path, past a Time Minder, are 2 Snow Suckers. Through a small tunnel are 3 Snow Suckers.
Bear left, through a big tunnel. When you first site the Time Minder, carefully look at some rocks
on the left, one of them is actually a Cobalt Crawler you should pick up. On past the Time Minder
are 2 Snow Snakes.

Take another big tunnel down (screen change) and continue down to a couple of Snow Snakes.
Nearby is a chest with a Supershot (aerial trigger), mostly useful in aerial combat. After getting it,
hit F5, go to Boots' screen, then his inventory. Click Supershot to equip it. Go down across a
long ice bridge to a couple of Snow Suckers.

Continue down quite a ways and fight 3 rabbit monsters. Now make sure you're high in health
and check your MysTech (Anti-Freeze is handy.) SAVE now is wise! Continue down and when
you fight a little creature, it expands into the Boss Wimpa. Try your Aerial attack, under the fist
icon, if you're close enough. When the fight is over, you automatically return to Whitendon.
Before seeing the Burgomaster, go through town to the Inn and talk to Laurie who should be
nearby. She gives a Cobalt Crawler, if you previously answered her three questions correctly.
Now go to the mansion and talk to the Burgomaster. The shuttle arrives.

Democratus Ring: Council Chamber; Votowne.
After talking, go back into the council chamber and out the opposite door, by the Time Minder, to
the cargo bay area. Go to the end of the walkway at the corner to the left of the small door. Pick
up a Cobalt Crawler. There's a good chance you now have all 8. Check all 3 characters' health,
NRG, and shielding. Search all possible rooms in the bay area, including the one down the
elevator at the long window. You'll have to fight again, but it's rewarding.

You'll sometimes find a Parallel Function Elementor Host. This allows you to cast both Fire and
Poison, for instance, when they are placed on the 2 function nodes and the top 7 are filled with
Cobalt Crawlers. If you don't find it here, you'll find one on another planet somewhat later. In a
lower area with 3 Robodes, you'll find a chest with the Cat Burglar Suit for Stiletto. It gives her
Stealth ability. Be sure you find it!

There's 2 sets of Shadow Bracers in the game. They make a person invulnerable because enemies
will always miss you. In a small alcove, across from the Republic Inn, there's a robot that will
give you useful stuff after finding each item it asks for. The amount of items you have to find is
staggering if you want a pair of Shadow Bracers. But nobody wants to spend the rest of their life
doing this.

Even though there's only 2 pairs of Shadow bracers (the other one in Hephaestus and only Pal can
get it), in the game, you can get a pair for each party member, even the ones that wait at the
Lounge on Sender station can be equipped. Just access the cheat menu, while in the location
where Shadow Bracers are available, and get 7 pairs!

Go back to the council chamber and out to the entry chamber. Head out the door, near the Time
Minder, turn right and go to the city. Around behind the first ramp, go behind the two guys and
find Page 4, of the Defense Plans, in the dark corner. You need all four pages before Recator will
upgrade Democratus. Pages 1, 2, and 3 are around the other main ramps.

Through the city to the second large ramp, through that door to the next area, and go down the
right side and around right to find page 3. Pages 1 and 2 are hidden in dark corners in the last
section of town. Once there, go down a ramp, to the right of the winding ramp, to a guy standing
under 4 lights. To your left is page 2. In a narrow space, to the right of the last ramp, is page 1.

Now go through the parks areas, to the Republic Inn, and SAVE before going inside (sometimes
the game freezes here.) Over to the left, talk to Hyam Ossesso and give him the five different
group pictures (you took them at the console on the balcony over the voting machine.) He'll give
you some useful items. Talk to M. Emmy at the front desk and tell him "Now." Boots dreams of
the past and what really happened to Fatima.

The next morning, head back through town to the Council chamber door in the hallway. Talk to
the guy outside the door and he might give you a Taco. Inside, talk to Council members and one
of them gives you a Ducalion ShieldCell. Go straight out from the council door past the doorman
outside and continue straight to the shuttle. You return to Sender Station.

Sender Station.
Pick up another petal to the right side of the Routubes entrance. You might want to go to the
Vend O Mart and stock up at the console and in the Pay 2 Pray. At the Commerce Lounge, you
might want to talk to the guy at the table about Tacos till you trade all of them. Now talk to
Grumpos two different times. Now with Rho and Democratus, get another petal at the Routubes

Go to the Palatial Suites. Have Democratus talk to Recator to have a new abilities built. Now
have Rho talk to Professor Brywelle to get the Master Ability, if she didn't talk to him previously.
Go get another petal. Now go back to the lounge and form a party of Boots, Paco, and Rho. Get
another petal at the Routubes entrance.

Now head over towards gate 6 in the Station. If you see Detective Rukh, talk to him and he might
mention Brother Morpheus on Hephaestus in the Tower. First, make an important side trip to
Hephaestus. Go out past the warship, through the door and up the ramp behind the sign. Go into
Invisiblus' place and have Paco talk to her twice and say "YES." Paco gets Master Level
RageMight. Now go on into the Entertainment District. Pick up a petal near the 3 kids playing
with the glowing thing. Continue on to the Tower.

In the Tower, Brother Morpheus often can be found at the end of the hallway, just past the door
with a small candle. Talk to him and get all info you can. Now go back the opposite direction and
straight into the cathedral. Go to the front of the room and have Rho pick up the book on the
floor. In her inventory, click it to get MysShield. Now head back to your ship. Along the way,
pick up another petal at the 3 kids and glowing thing. Once in your ship, head back to Sender
Station. Talk to Rukh again.

Get a petal at the Routubes entrance. At the Lounge, form a party of Boots, Rho, and Stiletto.
Check for another petal at the Routubes entrance. Now go to the station and head for Limbus.

You land in a remote area far to the southwest of the city. Make sure everyone is shielded and full
health. Make sure Stiletto has equipped her Cat Burglar Outfit. On the opposite side of the ship,
get some Wild Moss next to the cliff (this gets a war medallion that gets Boots a very powerful
weapon.) Go towards 2 short stone monoliths and fight 6 Clams. Go between the stone
monoliths and eventually fight another 6 Clams. Over on the left, get a Time Minder Tear.

Continue on up, and when the path starts down, carefully look on the left side for a 2 Function
Host. Continue till the screen changes. Make use of the Time Minder. In the open area, fight 2
Slugs and a Hyrax. Where the path curves, over on the right get an Obsydian Beetle.

Continue along the path and fight 3 more Hyrax. Go under the broken stone gate and eventually
fight 3 Clams. Continue and fight 2 Hyraxes and a Clam. Continue following the dark colored
path to fight 2 Hyraxes and a Clam.

Continue on the path to another Time Minder. SAVE now!

The next battle is with some Sagen-kra and you'll have to rely heavily on MysTech. Set up your
MysTech ahead of time. In the foundation nodes, place white (Bane.) If you have a Cobalt bug,
use that instead of Bane. As a matter of fact, if you had enough Cobalts to fill the whole host,
there would be an almost unbelievable effect!

Red (Fire.) A must, as it keeps on hurting. Yellow (Nuts) if there's a risk of shooting your own
party. Green (Poison) keeps on hurting. Cyan (Freeze) enemies can't do much if they can't move.
If you cannot fill all seven foundation nodes, then avoid using Purple (Winky), Blue (Slow), and
Black (Psi.) When MysTech is set up, check everyones stats, then go for one enemy at a time till
it's down.

TIP: here's the real deal: if you have a dual function Elementor, fill the 7 upper slots with Cobalt
Crawlers, then put at least Freezing and Poison in the 2 bottom function nodes. If you're
fortunate enough to have a 3-function Elementor, then use Fire in the third function node. If you
have enough petals, upgrade your function node bugs to level 7 by dragging each one over the
petal icon and clicking.

Sagen-kra can heal (they have MysTech.) Each one attacks with different color MysTech. They
can time out to heal and recover. There's a force-field behind them, and when one is injured, the
field lowers for it to step back while another takes its place. Use everything on one enemy till it's
destroyed, then concentrate on another.

Go through a gate that is still standing. Continue through the tunnel to a force-field guarded by 3
Sagen-kra. It's likely someone will die. Have someone else select a Time Minder Tear and click
on the semi-dead person.

After the battle, you will get inside the city. After the city leader Santadramangetricus tells you 3
locations, click on him again for more information about them. You're standing between 2
waterfalls. Make sure everyone is full health and nrg with good shielding.

Go through the door, at the short steps, then go left through the tunnel and up the steps to the
bridge. Talk to the first inhabitant you see and he'll ask you which one of your party members will
stand at that spot. This will be a battle against three Dark Servants.

Go back down to the twin falls and straight through the arch. Go right, through the door and
down the steps. Go left and talk to the inhabitant at the tunnel. He'll explain about the Cliff of
Casting. Leave the second party member here. The third person gets to man a huge cannon.

Turn around and go through the arch, then left through the door. Go left through the tunnel. As
you approach the steps, look for a 3 Function Host on the right. Continue up to the big gun. It
has no sites, so position the end of the barrel so it covers the target. The more you let get by, the
more the other two members has to fight. As each member fights, use Pause to decide what
attack to use and what enemy to use it on. You can gain a few seconds this way.

Once the battle is won, go collect the other team members. Now go find Santadramangetricus in
his throne room and have Rho pick up the book, from the floor, near him. In her inventory, click
the book to get Pocket Singularity. Talk to the priest and he'll tell you to find Roweidekhalicon
(Rowdy!) on Anachronox.

You find yourself out in the tunnel. Go back into town and around toward the throne room. A
small side door in the right should be the Inn. Go left from the front desk and investigate all the
rooms. There's a Crimson stone that you'll have to bring Paco back to pick up. The stone can be
irradiated on Hephaestus and used as a new skill. Exit the Inn. Around the area where a fountain
is, that drains out the bottom, have Stiletto talk to Thennikendonorr and get Master Level Throw

Sometimes nobody's at the fountain yet, so soon after the fight. You'll have to go out the tunnel,
leading back to the ship, a short way then come back.

Back a ways from the fountain, a small door is the Quartermaster. Talk to him and he'll mention a
Double Scale Underplate. Now head out across the bridge and down the dark colored path.
Look for a side passage to the left. You'll find someone hiding. Talk to them and you'll
automatically have the Underplate in inventory. Pick up the Healgrease. Straight down form the
guy, get a Stargent Enerstrike (a weapon) for Grumpos.

Go back across the bridge and into town. Go to the Quartermaster and talk. Pay him 8000 for
the Ward of the Incarnate. Now head back to your ship, where you'll fight six Dark Servants.
Now get in your ship and head to Anachronox.

In the Tours area, at the flight path where the red car flies back and forth, have Stiletto toss a coin
at the button on the far side to open a compartment beside the green computer screen. You get
several useful items. Now go to Rowdy's and talk to him. Now go back to the Platforms to your
ship and return to Sender Station.

Sender Station.
Talk to Detective Rukh as soon as you enter the terminal. Get a petal to the right of the Routubes
entrance. At the Lounge, form a party of Boots, Paco, and Stiletto. Get another petal at the
Routubes entrance.

Now that Stiletto has Master level Loonie toss, have her toss a Loonie at the button on the
building to the left of the Routubes entrance. When done correctly, a secret door behind the tree
to left of the Routubes entrance will reveal a Healgrease Complete. Finally, enter the Routubes
and fight your way through and go to the MugMug village. Trade in your wild moss and any
others. You get a Verdun War Medallion. On your way back, go to the Red Light District and
enter the Cold Sweat Sex Machine.

Have Stiletto enter the bathrooms to find a woman and talk to her and get the Hot Merc
SantaSuit. When Stiletto equips it, she gets Charm ability. If Stiletto had been the third character
in the Democratus surface quests, she could have gotten BladeFan from one of the guards in the
Doren camp. Exit the tubes and get another petal. At the Lounge, form a party of Boots, Rho,
and Paco. Go out and get another petal.

Go to the Station and talk to Rukh again. Return to Anachronox. Go to Frank's Flophouse and
down the stairs to room 6. You find Rukh dead, but he left a picture of the assassin. You might
get some extra items at this point. Go on down to the lowest area and get a Horizontal Host. Go
back up and enter room B. Give the Medallion to Dax and receive the Stargent Decimator, a
really great weapon for Boots.

Again talk to Ambassador Ashdown and get a WinkyTornado for Democratus. Return to the
Platforms, get in your ship and return to Limbus. Go to town and enter the Inn. In the first room
on the top level, have Paco pick up the Crimson stone. Go back across the bridge, go to your ship
and return to Hephaestus. Get a petal near the 3 kids with the glowing thing. Enter the Tower,
go out the back and take the elevator down, then go down the grid ramp by the bot.

Go all the way down to the bot standing at the open furnace. Have Paco talk to him to get the
Crimson stone irradiated. In Paco's inventory, click on the irradiated stuff and he gets a new
ability. On the way back to your ship, get another petal at the 3 kids and glowing thing. Once in
your ship, head back to Anachronox.

Anachronox Tours.
Have Rho buy 3 tickets to OneGate. Go through the turnstile and take the elevator. Make a U
turn around right and talk to Mad Kaleb again. You get PsySummon Harmonic (a MysTech.)
Head back the other way and up to the north platform and get on the shuttle. When you arrive,
before going out the exit, go down the small ramp. When you see the guy in the distance in a
doorway, turn left and go along the ledge underneath the arrival platform. To your left, have Paco
pick up the Bloodstone. Go back up and take the shuttle back to Anachronox. Go to the
Platforms and take your ship back to Hephaestus.

On your way to the tower, get a petal near the 3 kids playing with the glowing thing. Go through
the tower and out the back. Take the elevator down, then go down the grid ramp by the bot. Go
all the way down to the bot standing at the open furnace. Have Paco talk to it and get the
Bloodstone irradiated. In Paco's inventory, click on the Bloodfire Kraptonite to get FireFury. On
the way back to your ship, get another petal at the 3 kids/glowing thing. Once back on your ship,
head back to Anachronox.

Go back through Tours, go through the turnstile, head left and up to the north platform and get on
the shuttle back to One Gate. By the way, the guy standing in the doorway under the platform
sells some useful AND expensive stuff. Go out the exit and follow the path. When you come to
some flyers, just past there and to the left is a Taco (a little late for that now!) Continue forward
through 2 doors and you arrive at a Time Minder.

Continue forward, up an incline and fight 2 Noxguards. Continue down and fight another guard.
Continue down the tunnel and fight 3 more enemies. Continue along the path and fight 2
Noxguards. Continue down past a Time Minder and Fatima appears. Say "YES." Pal goes in
alone. After the cut scene with Fatima, form your 2 parties.

Boots' party faces a dead end. Turn around, go over left, up a short incline, turn right and go
through a narrow gap to a Time Minder. Continue through the door (automatic party switch.)

Pal. Go up, continue on down to a Time Minder and enter the duct system (auto party switch.)

Stiletto's party. Continue straight past the statue and down the path and steps. Go through the
door (auto party switch.)

Boots' party. Go forward and fight 3 goons. Picklock the door. Continue down to see an empty
keynote on the right ledge. Continue along and up to fight 3 Detta clones. Continue down to a
dead end facing water falls. Now switch parties to Pal.

Pal. Go down the stairs, turn right and go down a lot more stairs. Comptalk the dataport and go
through the door. If you want to fight 4 goons for experience, lower the gridwork. If you get
close enough, use Pal's Teslatus Sphere. Head back up the stairs and pick up a NutSlapshot
Harmonic at the top on the right. Be sure to equip it.

There's 2 dataports. Comptalk the left one, Login, and choose Fortress to see a list of access
codes A to Z:

Astro Justice Shadow
Bernard Kepler Tentac
Cordica Mojo Vector
Eternal Neon Watcher
Flotam Obelisk X-ray
Gambit Photon Yeoman
Helium Quesar Zealot
Interger Radium

Choose BRIDGE, then "Move Chasm Bridge." Check out the right dataport, Login and select
INFO at the lower left for info on accessing Security Doors. Now switch parties to Stiletto.

Stiletto's party:
You'll enter a room on a suspended walkway and several numbered doors. Head towards door 03
and look for a blue switch, up on the right, that can be activated by stiletto's coin toss world skill.
This will activate the bridges allowing you access to the doors. Once you find the codes to unlock
the doors, the bridges will probably extend anyway.

Carry on around the gangway, past door 06, and head towards another unmarked door at the end.
Open it, go through and get a Healgrease on the left through the columns.

Fight 3 goons and head down the corridor into a large open room. Take the steps own into a
shallow pit and examine the drunken guard. You'll find a piece of paper with the message
'Today's face 1 2 3 6 8 11 13 22." Now go back up the stairs and left to find a Cordicom
Keynote on a chair, but the Keynote is empty. Notice the door, under the small light, behind the
pillars. You'll go through it later. Now head back out to the suspended walkway.

Go forward to door 5. See the chain on the left? At the next chain, go down the dark ramp to
door 04 and find a keynote. Use the Keynote and you'll get the codes: Cells 2/6; 4212 and cells
1/3/5; 6776. These codes will open the numbered doors. Sometimes the codes are switched
around, so you might have to try both at each door.

Room 1, 4 goons.
Room 2, empty.
The other rooms have Detta clones and room 3 has a TimeMinder Tear.

Head back to the drunk guard and go through 2 doors behind the pillars. At a Time Minder and
door, switch parties.

Boot's party.
Go over the bridge and head down the path that ends in a T-Junction. The left path leads far down
broken columns to a room with a couple of goons and a Detta clone. There's also a note you
want to read to see "Coho torque beef plaza. The choice is clear." Be sure you find a Healgrease.
As you head back up, there's a lot of small boxes on a dark side. Behind them, get a Healgrease.
Now go back up to the intersection and continue straight on up the path towards a dead-end!
Switch parties.

Pal18. Move the bridge again. Switch parties.

Boots. Carry on into the passage on the left. This opens out into a little room with some boxes
and another exit towards the right. Look behind the boxes, to the left, for a bag of Glodents, and
then take the exit down along the blue line and fight at the dead end. Switch parties.
Pal18. Move the bridge. Switch parties.

Boots. Go back up to the small boxes, then left over the bridge and follow the corridor to a large
door. Go through the door into the computer core.

This area consists of a circular corridor with four doors each leading to a computer terminal. Start
left (clockwise), and go through each door collecting the password information from each terminal
and use the last terminal to put the password information together:


Reading it top to bottom and left to right, you have USE ONLY ODD NUMBERED ENTRIES
TODAY. Remember the numbers that Stiletto found? 1 2 3 6 8 11 13 22. So the odd ones are 1
3 11 13.

Now head towards the door near the Time Minder and switch back to Pal18.

Use the console again, and this time, access the fortress control. You now be faced with a list of
letters, using the code found by Stiletto's party and the instructions from Boot's party, select the
correct four words: 1 starting with A (Astro), 3 starting with C (Cordica), then the 11 th of the
alphabet, then the 13 th. Now guide all the parties into the now open doors to where they decide
to wait, and take Pal up the lift just to the right of the consoles. He must go all the way onto the

Fortress: Boot's party;
Go up the stairs, past the Time Minder into a room with some goons just waiting for you to teach
them the errors of their ways. When you have done so take the corridor round to a door and go
through it into the swimming pool area to another fight. To the right is a door with the number 1
on it. You'll come back to this door later.

Go through the left door, by the pool, and fight the goons working on Detta's car. You'll find a
Keynote on a crate. Use the keynote (code FACE) to gain the Medium Security Door access
codes (4 17 1 2 5 6.) Of course the ones you want are 17 1 5.) Now return to the door marked
with the number 1 and switch to Pal.

Go straight up to the large computer terminal and use Pal's worldskill on the dataport. Now
login, and then use the security option to open all security level 1 doors. Now turn left and
head down to the level two security door and switch teams.
Stiletto's party:
Go up the stairs past the baby Time Minder into a room and another fight. Then continue on
through the purple door, down the purple corridor and turn right at the statue, go through the
security door to some electrical fields. Switch party.

Boot's party.
Go through the security door which is now unlocked and go right to the access the terminal. Login
and access the generator screen. Input the correct code (17 1 5 or Quasar Astro Eternal) to turn
off the generators and disable the security fields. Go over the bridge, through the door and into the
Lab. Use the terminal to the right and access the security controls to unlock the level 2 door.
Don't forget the Glodent colony in this room. Now switch teams.

Go through the level 2 door and hack into the terminal. Login, and enter the security options to
activate the elevator. When the elevator stops go through the security door into the airlock room.
Take the gridwalk, in front of the stairs, follow it around and up to a computer terminal and wait.
Switch party.

Stiletto's party.
get a Glodent colony in this room, then face the entrance and go right, through the side door,
down the stairs in to another room and get the Healgreases on the table. Back away from the
table, then switch parties to Pal.

Now use the terminal to access the MA Lab and activate the fluid plates. Now switch back to
Stiletto's party.

Stiletto's party.
Use the fluid plates to go into the Incubation chamber. Take the right ramp around to the
terminal. Login and access the CI holding options to activate the transport pods. Switch party.

Boot's party.
Take the Pods to enter the upper fortress. Activate the terminal, Login, choose Security, Activate
the airlock controls. Login again, Security, Unlock CI chamber door. Login again, use the AC
chamber listing to activate the platform. Now switch party.

Enter the airlock and use the button. Go through the security door into a room full of inactive
guards. The terminal straight ahead has some interesting information. When you're done reading,
turn left and head towards the stairs and wait at the airlock. Switch party.

Stiletto's party:
Head over left through the now open doorway to a terminal on your left. Login and access the AC
chamber option to unlock the workshop door. Then head up the nearby steps and all the way
down the corridor until you reach another locked security door. Switch party to Pal.

Head through the airlock and into the workshop, use the terminal to open the security level 4
doors. Switch party to Boots.

Boot's party.
Login, Security, activate the airlock controls again then head down the purple corridor into
bedroom and left. Fight the goons, then talk to the floater and buy whatever you want. No need
to keep your money anymore. When ready, face the purple steps and go left through the other
door, down stairs and use the airlock. Head through the chamber, of inactive guards, to the
second airlock. Switch party.

Go back to the airlock and use. Switch party to Boots and enter the airlock with Pal.

Boot's party.
Activate the button and walk Boots into the workshop. Switch party to Stiletto.

Stiletto's party.
Head down the corridor and use the button to open the grate. Go through, turn right, and follow
the catwalk around to the stairs. Go down and head to the airlock. Switch party.

Use the airlock. Switch to let Stiletto's party and enter the airlock. Push the button and walk
Stiletto into the workshop. Switch to Pal and walk him into the workshop.

Move each party towards the Time Minder. If you haven't been using all those petals, now is the
time. You should upgrade one each of the different colored bugs, most importantly red/fire/Paco,
green/poison/Rho, and cyan/freeze/Boots. Now if you have a 3 function host, fill up the 7 top
spots with Cobalt Crawlers, and in the 3 bottom nodes, place a level 7 red, green, and cyan. Sort
out supplies, charge everyone's health, NRG, and shielding, etc. When ready, SAVE GAME.
This is the last chance to do so, unless you chose the setup option to save anywhere!

When ready, click on the door and you'll fight with Detta. He's in the head of a huge Mech, and
there's 2 Mechanics. Take those out first if possible, then go for the Mech's legs. Once the Mech
is destroyed, Detta eventually runs upstairs where Stiletto knifes him and he dies. Everyone goes
to the Echo Gate, the huge fountain in the Spiral. Grumpos agrees to throw the stone to close the
gate, but he does the unexpected.

Everyone leaps onto the platform to battle the Lavitage. Arranged around him are 6 colored
spaces corresponding to each party member:

Democratus-Purple-Winky (reduces blocking.)
Pal-Yellow-Nuts (random targeting.)

The first 3 fighters start in front of their own color. Don't move from these spots, except to move
to one's own color as soon as it's empty. Each person should concentrate on their own color, but
Boots can make good use of his Aerial Trigger on multiple weakened targets. Paco can make
good use of RadiusRage to take out more than one color once it's weak enough. Rho's
PlasmaWall and Pocket Singularity are great.

NOTE: don't forget to make good use of Pause to make your decisions!

When a color space becomes vacant, that member should quickly move to it. When a member is
in place, another joins the fighting. Once everyone is on their color spaces, they simultaneously
unleash all they have on Lavitage.
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Worldskill FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

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Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
Inoffizeller dt. Language-Patch für die Demoversion

16.Октябрь 2013
Erfahrungs- und Shopping-Trainer

04.Октябрь 2013
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17.Октябрь 2013
Hinweise im UHS-Format

13.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
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