Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

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A N D T H E S O R C E R E R ' S S T O N E

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's (or Philosopher's) Stone
~for PlayStation~ WALKTHROUGH/FAQ

by Matt "luckylink" Bush

< Legal Stuff >

This FAQ/Walkthrough is intended for personal use only.
It can't be used for any profitable purposes nor can it be
published in any forms. It can't be altered in any way nor
can it be placed on any web site without my permission. No
parts of it can be taken without my permission. Any
offenders will be severely dealt with. It is protected by
U.S. Copyright law.

This FAQ/Walkthrough Copyright (C)2002 by Matt Bush

Only these sites have permission to post this

All Harry Potter names, characters, and related indicia are
trademarks of WarnerBros.


To jump to the section (if you are on a PC), press Control-F
after highlighting a Section (A, B5, C1, etc.)

A. Introduction
A1. Revision History
A3. My Walkthroughs
A4. Introduction to the Game
B. Game Basics
B1. Controls
B2. Spells
B3. Characters
B4. Items
B5. Enemies
B6. Quidditch
C. Walkthrough
C1. The Main Castle
C2. The Grounds
C3. The Dungeons
C4. The Upper Castle
C5. Diagon Alley
C6. Through the Trapdoor
D. Hints
D1. The Witches and Wizards Cards
D2. Hard to get Jellybeans
D3. Frequently Asked Questions
D4. Secrets (no cheats)
D5. Glitches
E. Credits


< A1. Revision History >

11/11/01 - Bought the game.

11/17/01 - Finished writing my walkthrough.

11/18/01 - Posted my Walkthrough.

11/22/01 - Update: Now this Walkthrough has a list of the
web sites with permission to post this.

11/25/01 - Update: Now this has some of the Witches and
Wizards Cards locations and the answers to the Chess Games.

11/29/01 - Update: Now this Walkthrough/FAQ is more organized,
and has a lot more content.

11/30/01 - Update: I fixed a few typos and now I have more web
sites and some FAQs.

12/10/01 - Update: I added the Quidditch and Glitches sections
and have a new website.

12/16/01 - Update: I have two more websites and the Hard to
get Jellybeans section is added.

1/2/02 - Update: I have 2 more websites and took some more
advice from Beno Jange.

1/20/02 - Update: I updated a lot of stuff in my Walkthrough,
and I have more websites.

2/25/02 - Update: I have a walkthrough for Jak and Daxter!
See My Walkthroughs for more info. I also modified a few
other things.

6/7/02 - Update: Final Update to the walkthrough.

8/30/02 - Rebirth! Another update, serious this time. Not much
to the walkthrough, but goodies. I also made a new way to
contact me. I include my names on Instant Messengers too.
And I finished my Jak and Daxter walkthrough. I updated the
hosts of this walkthrough (reduced), and I heard the news of
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets games. It looks great,
much better than the last one. I will write a walkthrough for
the Playstation 2 version of it.

< A2. About Me >

Hello, I am Matt B. To contact me, visit the following page:


< A3. My Walkthroughs >

The only walkthroughs I have are Harry Potter for
PlayStation and Jak and Daxter for PS2.

My Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy walkthrough
is at http://www.ebold.com/mattb/jnd/
I made it myself in HTML.

I also plan to make a walkthrough for Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets for PlayStation2. The game looks great and
I can't wait for it.

< A4. Introduction to the Game >

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for Playstation
(based on the novel by J. K. Rowling) is a fun,
challenging game where you run and jump around obstacles,
cast spells and hexes, and meet up with over 20
characters from the book.

Book-accurate plot and setting, good graphics and sound,
challenging gameplay

A little short, sometimes annoying view angles, too
challenging or confusing at some parts
Also the framerate's bad, it's choppy

It's like a cross between: Zelda Games from the N64
(freedom around the castle, use spells the way you play
music), Frogger for PSX (the graphics, puzzles, and sound
effects) and Spyro the Dragon (graphics, the way jelly
beans are like gems, sound effects).
It may start off easy, but it will soon be annoyingly


< B1. Controls >

D-pad - Move around the world, use menus
Left Analog - Same
Right Analog - None
X - Use a spell (If there's a colored spark), or Flipendo
Knockback Jinx (if not)
Square - Talk to someone, open a door, or a similar action
Triangle - Look around (once Nick teaches you to), aim
Circle - Used for spells only
R2 - Camera Right
L2 - Camera Left
R1 - Lock-on Target (sometimes this happens automatically)
L1 - None

< B2. Spells >

Each spell you learn in a class, then you can use it
whenever you see a spark above an object.

Spell - Spark Color - Class - Use - Details

Flipendo - White - Library - Basic Damaging Spell - You
use this against most enemies. This can be upgraded. You
just press X to shoot, hold it down to charge it.
Sometimes you need to aim it using Triangle or R1.

Wingardium Leviosa - Yellow - Charms - Levitate Objects -
You just press X when you see an object. Press the D-pad
to move the object around, X to make it rise (it'll
gradually fall) and Triangle to drop it.

Incendio - Green - Herbology - Defeat Plants - Go up to a
plant with a green spark above it. You have to press the
right buttons as they pass by the circle in the time
limit. The circles speed up, but as long as you know what
buttons to press, you should be fine. If you are having
any problems, press the button a little before the circle
passes by it.

Mix Potion - N/A - Potions - Creates a healing potion -
When you see a cauldron, you can mix it using whatever 3
buttons appear. This creates the full-healing potion.

Verdimillious - Blue - Defense Against the Dark Arts -
"Removes Darkness" (actually makes clear platforms solid)
- This is the easiest spell, although you only have one
opportunity to use it. Just press x when you see a blue
spark and platforms will become solid so you can walk on

Avifors - Red - Transfiguration - Turn statues into birds
- When you see a bird statue on a table and a red spark
above it, you can make the bird take flight and the table
rise when you step on it. When you use Avifors, you have
to press X when the circle passes by it, at different

< B3. Characters >


Harry Potter - You.

Ron Weasley - Your best friend. He helps you get Hedwig
from Malfoy and get the Sorcerer's Stone, and gives
occasional advice.

Hermione Granger - Your other friend. Smarter than Ron,
she also helps you get to the stone and does most of the
research on it.

Draco Malfoy - A rotten boy, he will show his hate of
Gryffindor with various pranks.

Neville Longbottom - A clumsy, forgetful boy, you will
need to help him with a few tasks.

Albus Dumbledore - The headmaster of Hogwarts. He shows
up a lot in "Storybook Mode", but the only time you see
him in the castle is in the Entrance Hall in the

Severus Snape - The Potions teacher. You have to get the
Sloth Brain from him to enter the dungeons, and he takes
away your Quidditch book (even though it's not a library
book! How rude! Has anyone gotten theirs back yet?)

Quirrel - The stuttering professor of Defense Against the
Dark Arts, he is the mysterious person in the dark cloak
you see ever so often. In this walkthrough, he is
sometimes referred to as Quirrel/Voldemort. He is the
toughest opponent at the end of the game.

Fred and George Weasley - The Weasley twins will be in a
certain location in the first four sections. The first
time you see them, you have to meet them in the common
room, though.

Rubeus Hagrid - The Hogwarts Gamekeeper, you get some items from him
Nick - the Gryffindor Ghost, he helps you on various tasks.
Peeves - The poltergeist, he causes trouble (though only once)
Crabbe & Goyle - Malfoy's buddies who don't really seem to help him
Professor McGonagall - teaches Transfiguration, puts you on the team
Professor Flitwick - The Charms Teacher
Professor Sprout - The Herbology Teacher
Argus Filch - Patrols the Forbidden Corridor
Mrs. Norris - Filch's cat
Firenze - This centaur saves you from Voldemort in the forest
Lee Jordan - Only appears at Quidditch games to be the commentator
Mr. Ollivander - Runs a shop in Diagon Alley
Griphook - A goblin who helps you in Gringotts

One weird thing about the characters is that Peeves and
Professor Sprout appear in this game but not in the movie.

< B4. Items >

Item Location Use

Jellybeans Everywhere Collect for the passwords
Chocolate Frogs Everywhere Heals you a little bit
Wiggenwild Potion Everywhere Fully heals you
Cauldrons Dungeons, Forest Creates a Wiggenwild Potion
Wizard Cards See section D1 Try to collect them all
Levers Everywhere Unlock doors, raise platforms
Notes Everywhere Tell you information

Hedwig's Feathers Library Unlock Library doors
Puffapods Grounds, Dungeon Use to hit trolls
Silver Keys Forbidden CorridorUnlock Corridor doors
Invisible Tokens Forbidden CorridorMake you invisible
Coins Gringotts Buy Dragon Tonic ingredients

Hedwig Library Can bring you items
Broomstick Charms Corridor Lets you fly
Fire Seeds Grounds Hagrid needs them
Quidditch Book Hagrid's Hut Get from Hagrid for Fire Seeds
Sloth Brain Sloth Brain* Give to Snape to enter Dungeons
Troll Key Dungeons Unlocks Firefly room
Invisibility CloakAttic Tokens make you invisible
Peacock Feathers Diagon Alley Used in Dragon Tonic
Eagle Owl Feather Diagon Alley Used in Dragon Tonic
Toad Warts Diagon Alley Used in Dragon Tonic
Ice Potion Chambers Lets you walk through flames

Nimbus 2000 Castle Portrait Fly Faster
Quidditch Armor Dungeon Portrait Protects from
Knockback Duo Upper C. Portrait Doubles Flipendo's power

*This isn't a typo. There is a section in the grounds
that I call Sloth Brain.

< B5. Enemies >

Flip & Inc = Flipendo and Incendio
Wing.Lev. = Wingardium Leviosa


Enemy Location Spell Used Details

Poison Snails Library Flipendo You have to hit them twice
Flying Books Library Flipendo You have to aim using R1
Axe Knights Great Foyer (None) Wait for them to swing
Bouncing Bulbs Grounds Flipendo
Gargoyle GargoyleGate Flipendo See Gargoyle Gate section
Fire Seed Pl. Grounds Incendio
Ven.Tentacula Sloth Brain, Flip & Inc See Below
Horklumps Sloth Brain Wing.Lev. See Below
Small Trolls Dungeons, (Puffapods) Throw when it's
on the drain
Silver Knights Dungeons, Flipendo See Below
Small Turtles Dungeons (None) Just avoid their
Big Troll Bathroom Flipendo See section in C4
Peacock Diagon Alley (None) See section in C5
Eagle Owl Diagon Alley Wing.Lev. See section in C5
Toad Diagon Alley Flipendo See section in C5
Vines Forest Incendio
Poison Plants Forest Incendio
Fire Turtles Forest Flipendo See Below
Fluffy Chambers (Flute)
Devil's Snare Chambers Flip & Inc See section in C6
Groggy Troll Chambers Wing.Lev. See section in C6
Dark Knights Chambers Flipendo See Below
Big Knight Chambers Flipendo See section in C6


This spits out little spiky things that you can kill
quickly with Flipendo. After they are defeated, you can
use Incendio to kill the mother plant for good. If
Incendio fails, more spiky things will shoot out again.
You will get about 4 jellybeans for defeating it.

Levitate them, then collect the beans quickly. It
collects the beans too. If you try to get a bean at the
same it does (or you just get near it) it will damage you.

Cast two charged Flipendos at these guys to defeat them.
If they aren't moving, you can't affect them.

These knights are dark grey. They are the knight in the
Ice Potion room and one of the knights Quirrel puts to
life. You kill them once again with two charged Flipendos,
but you can only affect them when they "stretch" after
they attack.

You need to be close to attack these (with a charged
Flipendo) but not too close, or you'll be damaged. After
you attack, or if they're simply mad at you, they'll turn
around and attack you with a flame. Run around to dodge
it. If the turtle is red, it means it can only take one
more hit.

< 6. Quidditch >

If you need help on Quidditch games, refer to this
There are two parts to a Quidditch match: Chase mode and
Catch mode. Catching the Winged Key is the same.

There are three sections to Chase mode. The Golden Snitch
releases speed rings of different colors depending on the
section you are at. At first, you follow the Snitch solo
(blue rings). Then, the other Seeker races you (red
rings). Then you hear "Potter takes the lead!" and the
other seeker falls behind (gold rings). Each section
requires you to pass through about 15 rings.

The Snitch moves back and forth across the bottom. Press
X right before it reaches your hand to catch it.

These are the only other important things in Quidditch.
If you go fast enough, they are easy to avoid. Quidditch
armor protects you from these. The keys that you don't
want to catch act as Bludgers in the Winged Keys

Once you join the team, you can play Quidditch out of the
game. If you enter a game from the Start Screen, it says
Play Game or Play Quidditch. In the Play Quidditch mode,
there are 6 games you can play over and over again, and
get records on. The games get more difficult and the
weather changes (which I like, since the darker the sky,
the easier to see the Snitch) when you play more games.
You get a trophy when you play all the games. My record
for a game is about 2 minutes 5 seconds. Some people
e-mailed me with times like 1:30. Good job!


A + sign in a section in the Walkthrough means you can
only visit this specific area once, so get all the
beans/cards while you're there if you're collecting them.
For example:
means you can only visit the Forbidden Corridor once.

< C1. The Main Castle >

The game starts off with what I call "Storybook Mode",
then you meet Dumbledore in the Entrance Hall. You'll see
that many of the doors are locked. Only two of them in
the Entrance Hall aren't: The Portrait Room and the
Gryffindor Tower. Once in Gryffindor Tower, there are
again only two ways to go: The Charms corridor and the
common room. Talk to Fred and George, they want earwax
flavor beans (yellow), and they'll be in the common room
if you need them. Get the Wizard Card behind the
bookshelf (for more info on any of the Wizard Cards, see
the section, D1), then head into the Charms Corridor to
continue along.

Ron will be waiting for you in the corridor, he saw Draco
Malfoy run into the library with Hedwig, and you have to
rescue her. Once in the library, you will be locked in
until you rescue her. The library is gigantic, but the
path is straightforward. Collect the feathers to unlock
the doors. You will meet up with (Nearly Headless) Nick
in a few spots, and Neville too. You will learn to jump,
climb, jinx, and aim in here. You'll catch a glimpse of
Voldemort/Quirrel while in here.

Once you leave the library, you will receive your
broomstick from Hedwig. Chase Ron down the corridor to
the room where they give flying lessons. These are
required. If you're having trouble, look in the options
menu for "Broomstick Control", it may help. Once you get
the hang of this and fly through enough hoops, you will
be awarded house points and can leave. Try to grab the
yellow bean at the top of the post in the center of the
field. Here is a chart for the rings you need for each
1 5 10
2 10 20
3 20 40
By getting all the rings needed, you get 5 points.
By getting all the rings possible, you get 10 points.
If you re-enter this place, you can try to collect
all of Hagrid's Flitterbys for ten house points.

Ron and Hermione will be waiting for you outside. Your
first lesson is about to start, so follow them to the
Charms Classroom at the end of the corridor. Be sure to
pick up all the yellow beans - you need to get them all
(you may end up with a couple extras) to get the password
from the Weasley Twins. In Charms, you learn Wingardium
Leviosa: this will levitate any object you see that has a
yellow spark above it. You are timed to get into the
classroom, but if you're late, you won't be punished
because it's your first class. You will have to do two
button-sequences, but it's easy.

After Charms, you will receive a note from Hagrid. But
Draco Malfoy is guarding the doorway! Instead of
levitating the hourglasses onto the posts, do some more
exploring to get the rest of the beans. First, go into
the Great Hall, which is off to the side of the Entrance
Hall. There are beans along the tables. Next, go into the
Great Foyer. There are two ways to get there: from
Gryffindor Tower, or right at the top of the Entrance
Hall. It's easy to miss, but contains many yellow beans
and two wizard cards. Watch out for the suits of armor!
Also, go to the Dungeons, off the Entrance Hall.

If you collected at least 50 yellow beans, go to the
Gryffindor Common Room (look for the Fat Lady in
Gryffindor Tower). Talk to Fred and George. They should
give you the password in exchange for all the beans. If
you lost any life for any reason, heal it with the
Chocolate Frogs if you haven't used them yet. Go to the
Portrait Room, which is next to the Great Hall, and give
the painting the password: you will find the Nimbus 2000

Once you have the Nimbus 2000, levitate the hourglasses
onto the posts by the door to the grounds. Malfoy will
challenge you to Wizard Crackers. Dodge the ones he
throws, and pick them up and throw them back. Crabbe and
Goyle will join, but you only need to hit Malfoy. Once
you drain all his life (scale at the bottom) he will
leave. Before you can reach the grounds, all the points
will add up for each house in the Great Hall.

< C2. The Grounds >

As soon as you exit the castle, you must go to Herbology
class and learn the Incendio spell. You are timed to get
into the classroom once again; to get past it, jinx all
the blocks into the center. Incendio is a little harder
than Wingardium Leviosa - you have more complicated key
sequences and must do them every time you use the spell.

This part of the game is the grounds. It has another
every flavor bean color (blue), another portrait, and a
few opportunities to get Wizard Cards. Near Herbology,
there is another place you can improve your flying skills.
It is optional, so you should remember that it can give
you house points if you decide to save it for later. You
will run into Fred and George when you take the exit from
the patio to the grounds (they tell you that they want
blue beans now), then find a Ravenclaw named Raymond
whose cat fell down the well. After that, you will find
Ron, he shows you what a Puffskein is. Hagrid's Hut is a
little past there, note the closed gate behind his house.
After this, the trail splits into two: one going to the
Gargoyle Gate and one going to the Grounds Portrait. Note
that some of the walls are discolored. If you go up to
them and press square, you can enter different hidden
rooms. In some of them you will find Nick and can get a
Wizard Card, in others you can collect some blue
jellybeans. After fully exploring, enter to the Gargoyle

Quirrel/Voldemort is waiting for you at the Gargoyle Gate.
He will turn one of the Gargoyles to life, then leave.
You have to fight the Gargoyle: avoid getting too close,
and use the Charged Knockback jinx. Once you defeat it,
levitate it onto the wall to open the gate.

Once through the Gargoyle Gate, you will see a potion. If
you got damaged at all from the Gargoyle, drink it, since
the path gets harder. Go through the small cave, and you
will emerge at a little Puffskein habitat. Wake up the
one that's on the same elevation as you and lead it to
the vent near the entrance. Once it gets trapped in the
vent, the raised vent next to it will let out enough air
to let you rise to the next elevation and proceed. There
will be two more Puffskeins and pairs of vents ahead, so
repeat the process. Pull the lever to open the door and
proceed to the lava beyond.

You must jump from platform to platform before they
collapse under you, and then jump the rest of the way. If
you land on the lava, you lose a bit of life, but still
walk on it. If you get too weak, there is a healing
potion 3/4 of the way there. Once you reach the Fire Seed
Plant, you have to use Incendio on it to collect the

Return across the lava, back through the Puffskein
Habitat, and past the Gargoyle Gate to Hagrid's Hut. He
will be waiting for you there, and gives you Quidditch
Through the Ages in exchange for the seeds. He uses them
to hatch Norbert! After that, the gate beyond Hagrid's
House opens and you can explore the rest of the grounds.

Once you're past the gate, Ron will show you the
Quidditch Pitch, but then Neville shows up. Draco Malfoy
has stolen his Remembrall. You go on a broomstick chase
around the castle. This should be no problem if you have
the Nimbus 2000. Once you fly close enough to him, press
Square to pound him. Do this enough times to make him
give up.

McGonagall saw how well you flew, and welcomes you to the
seeker position on the Gryffindor team. This is the
easiest match. Follow the Snitch's speed rings like you
did the rings in the flying lessons, then when you get 20
of them, you can try to catch it. Press X a little early
to get it in your hand.

Once you exit the Quidditch Pitch, you will be confronted
by Snape. He will confiscate your book, and he won't let
you into the dungeon until you find the Sloth Brain.
Follow Ron into the Weasley Twins' secret area. You will
encounter two new and hard plants: the Venemous Tentacula
and the Horklump. The Venemous Tentacula shoots out spiky
things that you need to kill using Flipendo, then you
need to defeat the mother plant using Incendio. The
Horklump needs to be levitated and jellybeans will pop
out from under. Grab them quickly, or it will attack you.
Both plants inflict damage easily (so the nearby potion
will come in handy) and are helpful when you're trying to
get all the blue beans. You have to pull the lever to
open the door that leads to the Sloth Brain.

After you leave the Sloth Brain area, the house points
will add up in the Great Hall again, and you will be
asked to head to potions class in the dungeons. But your
time in the Grounds isn't over. Once you have all 70 beans,
you can talk to Fred and George for another password. If
you don't have them all, look for secret doors in the
walls - there is an incredibly-easy-to-miss hidden door
near the entrance to the Quidditch Pitch - and under the
Horklumps in the Sloth Brain area. Also, you can make the
first Puffskein you meet eat the plants near it and spit
out jellybeans. Once you've gotten the password, go to
the Grounds Portrait (in the same area as Hagrid's House)
and tell her the password to get another Wizard's Card.

< C3. The Dungeons >

As soon as you pass through the first door in the
dungeons, you'll be trapped in there until you defeat the
four curses. You need to get to the Potions Lesson.
You'll run into Fred and George along the way, they want
green "troll bogie" beans. The portrait that can be
opened with their next password is right next to them,
fortunately. For now, just head past. You'll find a fork
in the path: to the left is Potions, straight is a cave
that leads to Professor Quirrel's Trap, but you can only
get there after Defense Class, which is locked and to the

This technically isn't a class, since you aren't timed to
get in and you don't learn a spell. You do learn how to
mix potions, though, so if you run into a cauldron, you
can brew up the potion that fully heals you. After you
learn how to mix them, Professor Snape will make you go
get fireflies.

As soon as you enter the Firefly Room, Quirrel/Voldemort
will collapse the floor under you. You'll land in the
Troll Storage Room. To defeat the trolls (and get your
first 2 green beans), throw the Puffapods while they're
standing on top of the drains. The drain will flip, so
the troll will be on bottom and a bean on top. You also
get house points for this.

As soon as you enter the next room, Raymond the Ravenclaw
will call to you to rescue his kitten, now that you're
under the well. You can get jellybeans here, and a Wizard
Card if you succeed, so go for it! Watch out for the rats
that sometimes pop out of the crates, though. Don't go
too fast when the kitten's following you or it'll lose

After exiting the Bottom of the Well, you'll be in a room
with a lever, some levitated blocks, and some on the
ground. There are two side doors, and the exit is up high.
You need to levitate the three blocks and open the door
above. Use the first lever to open the Cauldron Room and
levitate the first block. Go into the Cauldron Room. It's
an incredibly tough room where you have to jump from
moving cauldron to moving cauldron. You can use Flipendo
to stop them from moving, but it doesn't help because
it's only temporary. Pull the lever at the end to open up
the Troll Bedroom and levitate the second block. You can
fortunately use the side wall to get back and collect
some more beans. In the troll bedroom, there is a lever,
a cage, a bed where the troll is, a desk where you can
find beans, and other unimportant things. Pull the lever
to levitate the third block, collect the beans, and
levitate the cage carefully to get the key. If you let the
cage land on the hay, it won't wake the troll up. With that
done, climb all the blocks and unlock the exit door to
get out.

The next room is easy; there are just another two flip-
the-drain trolls. After that, collect the fireflies and
return to Potions class, which you should be very late
for. In fact, Defense has just started, so rush across
the corridor and get ready for the second section of the

You *will* be timed to get into this class, though it's
not worth it. You will have to jump onto the flying books,
but it's tough, and you can get a lot of beans if you
sidetrack. You will learn the Verdimilious spell to make
half-visible blocks solid.

Once Defense is over, you are still locked in the dungeon.
You need to go into Quirrel's Trap to get out, which is
the mysterious room through the cave hole at the fork in
the Dungeon. You have to use the newly acquired
Verdimillious. Before going straight, go through the side
door and press square by the bookshelves to get
opportunities for Wizard Cards. Once you get through this
room, you come to the only way to exit the dungeons, but
it's tough. Quirrel has cursed the door out of them and
it's up to you to counter-curse them.

There are four curses guarding the door out, and you have
to destroy their sources. Nick will give you advice. You
have to enter the side room. There is a cauldron, thank
goodness, so you can heal your wounds from the trolls and
Cauldron Room and prepare for the wounds ahead. The next
room (where you will first meet Peeves) leads to a two-
way fork: one way (through the door) leads to the yellow
and green sources, and the other (across the floating
cauldrons) leads to the red and blue sources. The yellow
one is guarded by flame-shooting-wall-climbing-small-
turltes and a slippery floor, and the red and blue ones
are guarded by moving, attacking, annoying suits of armor.
Destroy the four sources and the door out will unlock.

When you exit the main Four Curses room, you'll be in the
first room of the dungeons. The exit to the dungeons will
be unlocked now. If you have all the green jellybeans, go
back and give them to Fred and George. You can enter the
nearby portrait and get the Quidditch Body Armor. After
that, leave!

< C4. The Upper Castle >

Go to the door at the top of Gryffindor Tower to enter
the Upper Castle. You will end up in a beautiful room
with many floors, a table with a statue on top, and of
course, Fred and George. The door will lock behind you,
and the only way to get out is to complete this part of
the game. Fred and George want red beans now. The doors
to the left go to the Forbidden Corridor and the Girls
Bathroom, but they're locked. For now, go into

The timed-to-get-in part of this is really easy. In this
class, you learn the Avifors spell, which turns statues
into birds that fly away. The spell will come in handy
for the rest of this part of the game. After this lesson,
the house points will count up in the Great Hall.

Once you exit Transfiguration, the exit door will still
be locked, so go to the upper floor by Avifor-ing the
statue in the center of the room and riding up the table.
One of the second-floor doors will be unlocked, so enter
it. You will receive a package, but Peeves will steal it.
There are three ways to go in this room: up the table to
the attic, through the bookshelf, and to the Portrait
Room. Go into the attic.

You must race Peeves to the end of the attic by running
along the beams. This is a great opportunity to get tons
of red beans, and if you fall off (at one point you have
to) there are plenty of chocolate frogs. If you lose the
first time, you'll probably make it the second time since
you won't get so sidetracked by the beans. If you get too
far behind, he will wait for you, so don't get too
worried. If you're really having trouble, try using the
D-Pad if you are using analog, so you will go in a
straight line.

In the parcel Peeves gives back now is the Invisibility
Cloak. You can activate this by getting an invisibility
token. Now, leave through the exit to the race. Drop down
and pass through the next door. By passing through this
door, you will leave the freedom of the castle for a long
time - until you get back from the forest.

You meet Filch here. He says you can't enter the
forbidden corridor, but the door is locked behind you, so
you don't really have a choice. You have to jump on the
bookshelves to hide from Filch. If he does see you, at
least he doesn't take off any House Points (since
Slytherin gets a TON after this) or inflict any damage
(after this you'll get a lot of damage) but you do have
to start over (but you don't need to get the keys again).
You need the keys to get past locked doors. You can find
your first Invisibility Tokens here, but they last only
about 20 seconds (at least they regenerate after that.)
You will get a glimpse of Quirrel/Voldemort here. At the
end, you will find the Mirror of Erised, and then Ron
will rush you to save Hermione from a troll.

There are three sections to the bathroom coridors.
Don't fall in the water, or you will die. But you just
have to start over with this race, instead of going all
the way back to the last save point. It's ok to miss some
beans here, you just want to get through. But what crazy
girl would go this far just to go to the bathroom?

If you get hit too many times, you will die, but only
have to start over with this task. This is hard, and it
will end sooner if you also defend Ron. After this, you
can finally leave the Upper Castle, but you will be
forced to anyway.

< C5. - Diagon Alley >

This may not be Diagon Alley, but it's definitely not the
upper castle. You're still collecting red beans. This
match is like any other.

Hagrid greets you to say that poor Norbert's sick. You
need to go into Diagon Alley to get the ingredients for
the Dragon Tonic. It may seem exciting, but it's pretty
annoying too.

This is the main annoyance. It's easy to squeak around
and get the papers, but getting the coins is tough. Use
their advice, and be sure to use X to get the right
angles to get coins and avoid the wooden walls. You need
to fill the meter on the right three times. If you get
annoyed by it, once you do it over and over you get the
pattern. You get wizard cards for collecting all the gems
in each vault (the hardest Wizard Card tasks in the
game!!!). If you are collecting all the Wizard Cards,
don't leave any of the vaults until you get the Wizard
Cards from them, or you'll never be able to return and
get them.
Here's what the different symbols in the upper-left
corner mean:
* Coin + Arrow to the side = There are coins to the side
or an alternating pattern starting with that side.
* Coin + Arrows going in a circle = There is a spiral of
coins ahead
* Red + Arrow = There is a wooden wall in that
direction. If you smack into a wooden wall, you lose some
coins and go spinning uncontrollably. If you just
accidentally bonk your head (or Griphook's) on a wall, it
won't be as bad.
* Gem = The coins you are about to collect are Gem-
Sequence coins. If you get all the coins while you see
the gem in the corner, you can get the Gems for that
sequence. If the gem in the corner flashes, you activated
the gems and can get them; if the gem in the corner
shrinks, it means you missed some coins in the Gem-
Sequence. If you got all the coins in the Gem-Sequence
and activated the gems, you can get them: they appear in
the same pattern as the coins in the Gem-Sequence. Get
all the gems and you get a Wizard Card.
(I learned all this just from repeatedly riding the mine
carts, since it takes a ton of attempts to get the Cards)

Now you need to get the goods with the coins. With the
Knuts, go to Ollivander's and get the peacock feathers.
You have to run on the peacock to scare it enough, there
is an invisibility token in one of the crates. With the
Sickles, go to the Owl Emporium and get the owl feather
by levitating it owl pellets. With the Galleons, go to
the last shop. You have to find the toad and get its
warts: find the crate that's shaking and/or listen for
the croak.

Hagrid will take you back to Hogwarts, and the story
continues. You and your friends persuade him to release
Norbert as in the book. You have to serve the detention
in the forest, though.

This may seem tough, but it's a straight path and you
don't have to directly fight Quirrel/Voldemort. There are
plenty of healing items, and you should finish your
collection of red beans now. The only tough part should
be the turtles. You have to attack them from close up
(and only right when they attack you), and back up to
avoid their flames. They have to be defeated to proceed.
In the section where you burn down the plants to go up
the hill, go right instead to fight a turtle, then get a
wizard card. Once you finish the Forest, Hagrid will give
you a flute.

Return to the Upper Castle. You should have all the beans.
If you don't, they're in the Transfiguration Classroom,
the Attic, the forest, and the troll-race corridor. Talk
to Fred and George, and go up to the second floor. Next to
the entrance to the Attic, there should be the door to the
portrait room. You get the upgrade which makes the Flipendo
Knockback Jinx become more powerful, which is really powerful
and helpful once you go through the trapdoor.

< C6. Through the Trapdoor >

You aren't collecting beans anymore, but it doesn't
matter much, since it's near the end of the game now, and
you have to focus on just getting through it. Go to the
entrance to the Forbidden Corridor on the first floor of
the upper castle. You will meet up with Ron and Hermione
and proceed to Fluffy's room. The points will count up.
However many points you have, Slytherin will always be in
the lead. Ignore them. In all of the rooms here, they are
so hard that if you die, then you only have to restart
the room you're in (with maybe an exception or two).
There are some hidden rooms to the right side in the two
hallways surrounding the Chess room. Good luck!

Use the flute and you should have no problem. Press the
buttons as fast as possible, and if it attacks you,
ignore it because the flute does work. If you're at low
health, go to the next room and kill yourself with the
Devil's Snare, since you just restart in there with
almost-full health if you die.

This is one of the hard parts. Stay in the place you
start at, take aim, and use a charged Knockback Jinx on
whichever of the outside vines is glowing. After they are
all defeated and the center one appears, run in circles
around it (right next to it, so it will stay out) (keep
running so it'll miss when it slams down) and use a
charged Knockback Jinx right after it slams. After you
whittle down it's health, use Incendio. If it is
successful, Ron and Hermione will be freed and the door
will open.

This is exactly like Quidditch. The red & gold keys are
like Bludgers, and the silver & blue key is like the
Snitch. If you're getting too damaged by them, don't
worry, because as long as you encounter the speed rings
you'll go faster and it'll be easier to avoid them.

Ron has defeated most of the pieces on the four boards,
but you need to do the rest. You don't actually play
chess, but you move around the board one space at a time.
All the other pieces on the board also move one space
toward you. Your goal isn't to go across, but it's to get
rid of the pieces. To do this, move to a space where you
think two pieces will go on the same space to get closer.
One attacks, and both the attacker and the attacked die.
If you get right next to them, you "die", or just lose a
bit of life and have to restart that board. Here are the
solutions to the three boards:
Board 1 - Start on left square: go right, diagonal
(up+left), down
Board 2 - Start on left square: go up, diagonal
(down+right), left
Board 3 - Start on left square: go diagonal (up+left),
diagonal (up+left), left, right, down
Here's a hint if they don't work:
If there are two enemies, each taking up one of the E
spaces (the .'s are empty spaces) and you move to the :
space, both of the enemies move to the center square to
get closer to you and kill each other. Keep that in mind
(it can work at any angle).

This is a fun one where you have to levitate some objects
out of a sleepwalking troll's way. If you drop the object
(and make too much noise) or have the troll run into you
or an object, you die and have to start over. The trick
is to go as fast as possible and DON'T make the object
levitate any higher than it needs to be, to be quick.

Just find the right knight in the three cups, and fight
it for the ice potion. This is basically a preview of the
next room. This is a Dark Knight: for more info see the
Enemies section.

You're on your own now, and Quirrel/Voldemort is waiting
for you. He will bring two knights to life. If you use
two charged Flipendos with good aim, you can kill them
quickly. After that, he brings two more to life. More
info on the first four in the Enemies section. Once you
defeat the second pair, he will make a huge knight for
you to fight. You can only affect it: *with a charged
Flipendo *when it is solid, not the red wireframe. You
have to stop moving to get it to attack, but move quickly.
Once its health gets low, it will use double- and triple-
attacks. Once you defeat it, Quirrel will be revealed as
the bad guy, and leave to the next room. IMPORTANT: DRINK

The mirror is in here, and you get the Sorcerer's stone,
your heart's desire. But Voldemort notices, and he cries,
"DIE, POTTER!" He runs around, casting his green orb that
you must avoid. Sometimes you have to undo the ropes he
puts on you with square. Also, you can't go near him, it
hurts your scar. That's three ways for him to attack, and
you only have one: cast a charged Flipendo at the columns
to make them fall on him and inflict damage. After that,
he removes the columns and you have to use "the power of
the mirror" to damage him. Charge the mirror, and when he
is either in front of or behind it, charge it again to
have it attack him. At this point, watch out for the big,
green clouds he throws. Once he is mostly weakened, you
will reach a new mode. If you've ever played Mario Party
2, you should have no problem. Repeatedly press Square,
and when you see the text "Hurt Quirrel", press X quickly
or you missed your chance. Weaken him enough, and you
beat him.

You return to Storybook mode. If you got all the Wizard
Cards, Ron will come into the Hospital Wing and give you
card #18, Harry Potter!! After that, you get to beat
Slytherin in Quidditch (once again, only if you got all
the Cards) and you win the House Cup.

This is the end of the game. You will see more
"Storybook" stuff, and the credits roll.
I wonder if Snape's ever going to give our book back?

| D. HINTS |

< D1. The Witches and Wizards Cards >

A + Sign means you have one chance to get it. A - sign
means you can get it anytime.

-Card #1 - Merlin: Press Square by the bookshelf nearest
to the Fat Lady in Gryffindor Tower.

Card #2 - Cornelius Agrippa: There is a bookshelf against
the wall in the Great Foyer. In this one, get all the
Ravenclaw's items to get the card.

Card #3 - Derwent Shimpling: In cards #3, 4, and 5, you
have to meet Nick and get all the beans. Stay away from
the Bouncing Bulbs; they make you lose three beans. Card
#4 is in the discolored wall in the grounds, near the
first Puffskein (the one Ron shows you) you meet. Go up
to it and press square.

Card #4 - Morgan le Fay: Near the Quidditch Pitch and the
Sloth Brain are two more discolored walls. One contains
just a secret area, the other holds card #4.

Card #5 - Newt Scamander: Near the Grounds portrait is
another discolored wall.

Card #6 - Bowman Wright: For cards #6, 7, & 8: In the
Verdimillious room in the dungeons, there is an easy-to-
miss hard-to-reach side door on the left when you enter
the room. It contains three Wizards cards. For each of
them, go through the bookshelf. You must charm the
cauldrons onto the burners, fairly easy.

Card #7 - Cassandra Vablatsky.

Card #8 - Godric Gryffindor.

Card #9 - Edgar Stroulger: Rescue Raymond's kitten, see
section C-3 (The Dungeons) for more info.

Card #10 - Salazar Slytherin: In the Great Foyer, next to
the door to Gryffindor Tower, is a bookshelf. Go up to it
and press square.

Card #11 - Ignatia Wildsmith: Get all the Gems in the
Knuts Vault. There are 65 total.

Card #12 - Bertie Bott: Get all the Gems in the Sickles
Vault. There are 55 total.

Card #13 - Helga Hufflepuff: Get all the Gems in the
Galleons Vault. There are 65 total.

Card #14 - Rowena Ravenclaw: In the forest, you will
reach the hill where you burn the plants down to climb
up. Instead, turn right to another Fire Turtle. Defeat
it, and proceed to the small clearing after that. Look
up and you will see a Wizard Card. Use Flipendo to
knock it down.

Card #15 - Roderick Plumpton: In the room intersecting
the Upper Castle, its portrait room, and the Attic,
there is a bookshelf you can go through. You will meet
Nick, and to solve the puzzle, follow the kitten: it's
easy as long as all the blocks don't collapse.

Card #16 - Hengist of Woodcroft: There are two
discolored walls next to the entrance to Gargoyle Gate.
They lead to the same area. When you are under the
archway thing, look up and shoot the floating card down.

Card #17 - Albus Dumbledore: The Grounds portrait holds
card #17.

Card #18 - Harry Potter: You can only get this card if
you beat Quirrel with all 17 other cards. You will get
it from Ron in the Hospital Wing. This card is Harry

< D2. Hard to get Jellybeans >

A + means if you already went through this area, you
missed your chance. A - means you can get these beans

| IN THE MAIN CASTLE (yellow beans)
-in the Great Foyer
-in the Great Hall
-in the hallway that leads to the dungeons

-under the Horklumps
-let the first Puffskein that Ron shows you eat the plants
-some secret doors in the walls

+in the boxes near Raymond's kitten
+in the timed rooms for Defense Against the Dark Arts
+in the Four Curses part of the dungeons

-in the attic
+in the bathroom corridors (where the troll chases you)
+behind some fake trees (behind you when you start in the
+in the area in the Forest where you get the Wizard Card

< D3. Frequently Asked Questions >

These are the most frequently asked questions:

Q: I'm stuck at the Devil's Snare, the vines keep growing
A: Only hit whichever vine is glowing. Stay where you
originally start, and use Triangle or R1 to aim your

Q: I can't do anything after the game ends but view my
Wizard Cards!
A: Neither can I, a stupid mistake of the game. If you
haven't already, try to collect all the Wizard Cards and
the beans, you can do more stuff at the end of the game.

Q: What does the Broom Cupboard do?
A: Nothing. I've never tried to unlock it.

Q: How do I get past Mrs. Norris (the cat) when she is on
the beam in the Forbidden Corridor?
A: Don't try to get the invisibility token on the beam
(where the cat is), just go on the part of the beam
that's touching the wall to get past Filch to get the key.
Or you can just go when she's facing away.

Q: How do I get past the part of the Forbidden Corridor
when Mrs. Norris is on the ground with the key and you
start out above her?
A: Jump across to the invisibility token (it is possible),
then go down and get the key by Mrs. Norris. Climb up,
jump to where the token was, the go to Filch and unlock
the door.

Q: The peacock is impossible! I cannot get 3 feathers!
It is possible. Chase after her and get lots of practice.
Learn her paths. Stay near her.

< D4. Secrets >


I don't know too many, but here are some.

* Rail Slide: If you get on the stair rails of Gryffindor
Tower, the Dungeons, etc. (but not the Entrance Hall) you
will slide down. Try it, it's fun!

* Leap of faith: This really hurts (it's still fun). When
you get out of the Attic in the Upper Castle, stay on the
little balcony you're on. Then, jump all the way down to
where Fred and George are.

* Secret rooms: In some of the passages between the rooms
in the Chambers (path to the Sorcerer's Stone) there are
plates to the walls on the right that are hidden doors.
Inside, there are Chocolate Frogs and save points.

* Go on, Hermione: If you talk to Hermione in the Charms
classroom, she says, "I can't wait to start levitating
things!" but does nothing. She can start levitating
things now, so what's she waiting for?

* Make lightning: At the title screen, press Triangle to
make lightning strike.

< D5. Glitches >

This game has some glitches, though none are serious.
Here are some of them that I've encountered:

* In the Charms classroom: When I tried to go to the
first to the second timed room, I just hung out in the
doorway instead of going through the door.

* Tie with Peeves: Once, I think I tied with Peeves on
the Attic race or something, because when the race ended,
he just kept flying around the room without saying
anything and I had to reset my console.

* Go back into portraits: when you exit a prize portrait
(one that you get the password for), quickly turn around
and jump back in. It's sorta glitchy, you don't really
go back in.


I wrote all of this walkthrough, except for the title art.

I did get some help from Beno Jange, who game me the text
art for the title and gave me many organization tips.

These two people emailed me about more wizard card
locations: Joshua Sealy and Mourning Star.

Also, I owe credit to all of the web sites who are
posting my Walkthrough/FAQ!

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