Time Crisis 2

Time Crisis 2

14.10.2013 10:12:41
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Time Crisis® II Guide


Title -=- Time Crisis® II Guide
Platform -=- PlayStation™ 2
Author -=- Randy Walker
ASCII Title Artist -=- Randy Walker
Version -=- 0.15
Last Update -=- Sunday, November 25, 2001
E-mail -=- ssaiyanbob@aol.com
GameFAQs Username -=- Rivaldi


-=Table o' Contents=-

1. Legal Stuffs
2. Updates
3. Intro
4. Menu Options and How to Play
5. Characters and Enemy Types
6. Walkthrough
7. Mini-Games
8. Crisis Missions
9. Secrets
10. FAQ
11. Special Thanks


1. Legal Stuffs


This guide can be found on:

-GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com)
-Cheat Code Central (www.cheatcc.com
-psxcodez (www.psxcodez.com)
-Neoseeker (www.neoseeker.com)
-ps2replay (www.ps2replay.com)
-ps2domain (www.ps2domain.com)

The newest version will always be at www.gamefaqs.com. If you want to put it
on your web site all you have to do is ask me. If you see it on any page
beside the one(s) listed above, take it upon yourself to notify me so i can
proceed to yell at them.

This guide is for personal use only. To use it otherwise, profitable or not,
without my permission is an infringment of your legal capacities. You may copy
the guide (word for word) and utilise it if:
-I have been notified
-I have given permission
-I recieve 100% credit

You can also print a copy of the entire guide or a part of it, provided you
only use it for personal purposes.

This guide ©2001 Randy Walker
Time Crisis®2 & ©1995, 1997, 2001 Namco Ltd., All rights reserved.
"PlayStation" and the "PS" family logo are registered trademarks of Sony
Computer Entertainment Inc.

If you have any issues or have a question, e-mail me at ssaiyanbob@aol.com but
I have some rules:
-If you _have_ to be negative, be "positively" negative. Don't e-mail
me and say "Sheesh, this guide's REALLY bad." It's not nice.
-Don't spam. I shouldn't have to say this, but some people just like
to be obnoxious.
-If it's about this guide or Time Crisis II, indicate that in the
subject header.
-If it is a question, make sure it is not covered in the guide, kay?
-If it is a submission or correction, state your name or alias as you
want it to appear when I credit you. That is, if you want me to
state your name.

(If this whole guide looks screwy, notify me so I can slave away trying to fix


2. Updates


11/25/01 - Added to the websites section and attempted to fix the format.

11/20/01 - First posting. Everything you see here.


3. Intro


As a business leading the way for the next-generation communications system,
Neodyne Industries Ltd. inaugurated their plans for the "Starline Network".
With 64 low-orbit communications satellites already developed, Neodyne
announced their plans for the launch of the satellites in the coming month.

However, 3 weeks before the planned launch of the satellites, the international
special intelligence group VSSE uncovered the shocking truth. Their
intelligence learned that some of the satellites scheduled for the launch are
actually strategic military satellites. To collect more evidence about their
intent, VSSE immediately dispatched Christy Ryan to penetrate Neodyne as an
undercover agent. Although Christy succesfully gathered information about
Neodyne's intent, her identity was uncovered and she has become a fugitive
withing the Neodyne compound.

To rescue Christy and retrieve the information, VSSE called for their best,
Secret Agents Keith Martin and Robert Baxter, to infiltrate the Neodyne


4. Menu Options and How to Play


-=- Menu Options -=-

At the main menu you have four options: Arcade, Extra Games, Options
and Database.

-Arcade: Play the original Time Crisis 2 arcade game. (1 or 2 players)

-Extra Games: Play various mini-games to polish your aiming skills.
Some games are hidden and can only be played by performing certain
requirements to unlock them.

-Options: Adjust various game settings, including the number of lives,
game difficulty level, controller, game data, screen and sound

-Database: Check out the score rankings of your previous plays in
different game modes.

-=- Arcade:

Select STORY MODE to play all three stage in order, or select ONE
STAGE TRIAL to play one stage only.

One Player: Play the One Player Arcade mode.

Two Player: Play the Two Player cooperative Arcade mode in
split-screen. The rules of the game are exactly the same as the One
Player game, but the same Credits are shared by Player 1 and Player 2.

Double Gun: Play the One Player Arcade mode using two guns. The game
rules are basically the same as the One Player Arcade mode, but there
is an additional display for the number of bullets left in the
second gun at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Link: Use the i.LINK cable to connect to PlayStation 2 computer
entertainment systems and two TVs together to play in Two Player Link

Rankings: View the score rankings for the Arcade mode.

Game Options: Change the game difficulty level and number of lives.

-=- Extra Games:

Agent Trainer: Play and compete for shooting accuracy at the shooting
range. There are 4 different difficulty levels to choose from. The
player with the highest score total after 2 rounds wins.

Quick & Crash: Play the original arcade hit where you compete in a
game of quick-draw. Point the GunCon away from the screen. When
targets appear, aim and shoot the targets. The goal is to shoot all
the targets as fast as you can with limited number of ammo alloted.

Shoot Away 2: Play the classic arcade hit where you compete in the
game of skeet shooting. Aim and shoot the clays before they disappear
into the horizon.

Crisis Missions: Participate in the VSSE training exercises. Play
various missions to test your shooting skills.

-=- Options:

Game Options: Select this option to adjust the number of lives and
the game difficulty level of the Arcade mode. To adjust the setting,
aim at the setting you want to adjust and shoot.

Controller: Select this option to assign the RELOAD button, and
change the RELOAD method. You can RELOAD by aiming away from the
screen and pulling the Trigger if the OFF SCREEN method is selected.
If you are using a controller, you can also use this option to adjust
the cursor speed.

Screen: Select ADJUST SCREEN to adjust the position of the screen. To
adjust the screen, aim and shoot the arrow indicating the direction
that you want the screen to shift. Select BRIGHTNESS to display the
screen that allows you to adjust the TV brightness. To return to the
Options screen, press the A or B button on the GunCon.

Sound: Select this option to adjust the BGM and SE volume or set
STEREO / MONO. To adjust settings, aim and shoot the arrows of the
setting that you want to adjust.

-=- Database:

Arcade: Select ARCADE to view the Top 20 score rankings for the
various modes in Arcade. NORMAL is the score rankings for standard
play, and SPECIAL is the score rankings for play using the hidden

Extra Games: Select one of the games to view the Top 5 score rankings
of the respective games.


-=- How to Play -=-

-=- Game Screen

|score (A) |
| |
| |
| , |
| (B)-o- |
| ' |
| |
| |
| |
| |
|shot,,,,,,,,, life time |
| (C)||||||||| (D) (E) |

A. Score: Your score and number of Combo Hits.

B. Cursor: The cursor is where you are aiming when using a controller. The red
cursor is Player 1. The blue cursor is Player 2.

C. Bullets: The number of bullets left. To replenish your ammo, use RELOAD.

D. Life: You lose 1 life for every time you are shot, hit by an object, or when
the time limit reaches 0.

E. Time Limit: There is a 40 second time limit for each of the Action Points.
You will lose 1 life if the time limit reaches 0.

-=- Rules of the Game

-Reload: Release the RELOAD button to evade enemy fire and reload your
gun. Remember, you cannot shoot from this position. To shoot and
attack the enemy, press the RELOAD button. RELOAD method can be
changed in Options.

-Crisis Sighting: I do not know if this is the proper name for it, but
I have seen it used a couple times. A Crisis Sighting is when an enemy
miraculously fires a shot that has the _possibility_ to hit you. This
is signified by a red shockwave emanating from the enemy and their
bullet is changed into a red shuriken-like thing spiraling at you.
These are the bullets you have to dodge. If you consider all the shots
the enemy fires, they seem to have pretty bad aim.

-Environmental Obstacles: Yes, nature strikes back! Actually, it's not
always nature that gets in your way. Every once in a while, some sort
of inanimate object decides it wants to embrace you lovingly. Well,
give it the cold shoulder and release the RELOAD button.

-Action Point: The game will proceed forward as each Action Point is
cleared. Defeat all the enemies to clear an Action Point. Once an
Action Point is cleared, -WAIT- is displayed on-screen while you move
on to the next Action Point. When you reach the next Action Point,
-ACTION!- is displayed on-screen and the action will resume.

-Time Limit: There is a 40 second time limit for each of the Action
Points. You will lose 1 life if the time limit reaches 0.

-Continue: The Continue screen appears if you have Credits left but no
Lives left in the current game. You can continue a game as long as you
still have Credits remaining. To continue a game, shoot "YES"
displayed on-screen. Shoot "NO" to quit the game and return to the
Title screen.

-Game Over: The Game Over screen appears if you select "NO" in the
Continue screen, or if you have no Credits or Lives left. If AUTO SAVE
is "ON", your ranking data and hidden features that are unlocked are
automatically saved.


5. Characters and Enemy Types


-=- Characters

-Keith Martin
Birthplace: Great Britain
Age: 27
Codename: Cherub
Description: One of the heroes of the game. Former agent of SAS
specializing in explosives. On paper, Keith is a Hollywood
special-effects technician, but in reality he is an elite VSSE

-Robert Baxter
Birthplace: USA
Age: 29
Codename: Griffon
Description: Keith Martin's partner. Former member of the NAVY
SEALS, and an expert pilot/driver of various vehicles. On paper,
Robert is a school bus driver. In reality, he is a VSSE agent.

-Christy Ryan
Birthplace: USA
Age: 24
Description: A VSSE special agent. A super-intellectual who
graduated from Harvard at the young age of 17. As an undercover
agent, Christy penetrated NDI security posing as Diaz's secretary,
but she was captured when her true indentity was uncovered.

-Wild Dog
Description: A wanted criminal. The former leader of a mercenary
group. In his his encounter with "Richard", a secret agent of
VSSE, he lost his arm and was left with a scarred face. His arm
has since been reconstructed and replaced with a mechanical

-Ernesto Diaz
Description: The head of NDI. A retired officer who has been
committing crimes in the underworld since his tenure as an
officer. With intent to conquer the world, he concocted a secret
plan to launch military satellites into orbit.

-Jakov (bald guy with hat)
Description: Charged with capturing Christy Ryan and securing the
attache case which held the information regarding NDI's plans for
the military satellite. Boss of Stage 1.

-(Big European black guy)
Description: Assigned to protect the satellite as it was
transported to the launch site by train. Boss of Stage 2.

-=- NDI Soldier Types

Blue - Regular soldier

The normal enemy you will fight through the course of the
game. They can get a Crisis Sighting on you, but it seems to be
random. Notify me if I am wrong - you will get credit. These guys
show up in about every place that has room for them. You'll shoot
a lot of them. I think you get my point.

Red - Sharpshooters

These guys pop up fairly often, however not as much as the boys
in blue. They have a high chance to get a Crisis Sighting, and
they are almost guaranteed to get one before you shoot them.
Watch out for these guys, they can actually shoot.

Green Camouflage - Knife Specialists

Very annoying, these fellers _always_ have a Crisis Sighting, but
it is only signified by a red spark, as opposed to the HUGE
display one normally gets. They can either throw a knife at you
(red spark warning) or get up close and slash you (no warning).
These guys usually hop about for a while before they attack, so
sometimes you get a warning.

Green Fatigues - Heavy Arms Specialists

There are three flavors of this guy - wee, not so wee, and
FRIGGIN' HUGE. The first type uses grenades. They always hit, and
give no red warning. However the grenades look like tennis balls,
and can be easily seen so you know when to dodge. The second type
uses machine guns. These guys can hit you, so be careful. They
give the standard Crisis Sighting display, so these guys are
pretty standard. The third type uses rocket launchers. They use
the standard Crisis Sighting as well, but I think they always hit
you, I'm not sure. They are pretty easy, but they fire four
rockets in succession, so wait for their volley to finish before
emerging from the reloading position.

White - Commanders

I have not found a difference between the white guys and the blue
guys. If anyone knows, notify me.

Yellow - Field Reconnaissance soldier

This is my theory on the yellow 'uns: They are recon troops in
the field, relaying info about Keith and Robert's progress to the
local boss. That is why they don't shoot you, they are always
running around, and you get a hefty bonus for shooting them
(preventing info about you from getting to the boss).


6. Walkthrough


As you can imagine, making a walkthrough for this game will be awkward and
difficult, so it might take a while. Stay tuned.


7. Mini-Games


I will have strategies for getting good scores here and other things.

-=- Agent Trainer

-=- Quick & Crash

-=- Shoot Away II


8. Crisis Missions


I will explain each mission here and strategies for each as I complete them.
submissions of strategies is more than welcome (credit will be given where it's


9. Secrets


These secrets came from GameFAQs.com and credit goes to OKong

-=- The following secrets can be found in Arcade mode.

-Recieve More Credits

Every time you get a Game Over, your Credits are increased by 1. Once it
goes past 9 Credits or complete Story mode, you'll have Free Play.

-Recieve 9 Lives (Cat Mode ^_^ HA HA!!!!! HOO HOOOO!!! oh... hehehe)

Recieve Free Play to change the lives up to 9 in ''Options''.

-Unlock Automatic Ammo

Complete Story mode twice.

-Unlock Infinite Ammo

Complete Story mode using Automatic Ammo.

-Unlock Wide Ammo

Complete Story mode using Infinite Ammo.

-Unlock Mirror Mode

Complete Story mode without continuing.

-Unlock One Stage Trial Stage 2

Complete Stage 1 in Story mode.

-Unlock One Stage Trial Stage 3

Complete Stage 2 in Story mode.

-Unlock Crisis Mission Mode

Complete Story mode once.

-=- The following secrets can be found in Crisis Mission mode.

-Unlock Music Player

Complete the Final Mission in Crisis Mission mode.

-Unlock Final Mission 2

Complete all of the missions in Crisis Mission mode.

-=- The following secrets can be found in Extra Games mode.

-Unlock Additonal Mini-Games in Quick & Crash

Earn one of the top 5 rankings in Quick & Crash mini-game.

-Unlock Extra Mode in Shoot Away 2

Earn a high score in Retro mode of Shoot Away 2.


10. FAQ


I will put questions that I am asked and the their answers (if I know them)


11. Special Thanks


-=- Me, cause, frankly, I love myself.

-=- Namco, for revolutionizing the lightgun shooter with "The Pedal". I'll
never forget the first time I played Time Crisis 1 (I sucked, I was like
eleven or something, but boy did I have fun!) All that's left to do is
wait for Time Crisis III, with _three_ player action and the ability to

-=- My mom, cause she lent me $10 to get the game WITH a GunCon2. (I don't
care if its orange, playing with the dual shock sucks.)

-=- My friend Harry and his "machine gun finger", for introducing me to this
fockin' rockin' game 3 or so years ago and becoming my "Time Crisis II
buddy". Seriously, every time we were together at a mall or something
and we saw this game, we'ed push over old ladies to get to it. He was
_always_ player 1 and I was _always_ player 2. We could get through
the game without getting shot. It was crazy. But, alas, he moved to
the city and those are things of the past. Ah, memories.

-=- My other friends: Franco, Kenny, Stephen, etc. for being there and being
my, um, "quarter caddies".
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EA Swap Fix für die JP NTSC Version

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
NTSC zu PAL Patch, US-Version

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Alle Cheats, die ganze Musik und alle Mini Games.

17.Октябрь 2013
NTSC zu PAL Patch für die Japanische Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
11.Февраль 2016