Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

15.10.2013 18:59:47
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Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (PSOne) Gap Checklist Version 1.0

1. About this FAQ
2. Version History
3. Gaps
4. Notes & Thanks

About FAQ

I have noticed that many people have thought that this is a FAQ for the
Playstation 2 version of the game. However, this is not for the Playstation 2,
it is for the PSOne. I would not normally care, but from what I have gathered,
there are quite a few discrepancies in both versions, so if it is used for
Playstation 2 then it might not have all of the goals and levels or secrets

This FAQ is a copyrighted work of Mike Truitt. If you would like to use it on
your site e-mail me at and I will be more than happy to allow
you to use it, but I would prefer you ask. Note: This FAQ is still in its
beginning stages, I will update as often as possible, if you have any questions
just send me an email and I should answer it.

Version History

1.0 - Got all of the gaps done, Foundry still needs to be updated to
longer descriptions.

Last Updated: Sunday, November 25, 2001

Gap Checklist




Ollie from high ledge to over head platform landing on a rail


>From start turn right get onto pipe then transfer to catwalk

The Proof Is In The Gap

By pool get on a rail going tword the "PRESS" and land in a grind on a
different rail

Saved By The Grind

Go up to pipes leading to seceret tape (ones making an x with tape in middle)
just before the diagonal turn on the pipe jump off landing in a grind

Triple Beam

On right side of catwalk on the way to the deck you see a rail that splits 3
times grind an transfer to each one

End To End

Up on high ledge grind end to end of the quarter pipe

Workers Union

Grind the whole yellow rail by control booth

Board Burner

Grind quarter pipe next to molten steel and ollie over it landing in a grind

Pipe Hoppin Grinder

At pipes that make an x by seceret tape instead of following em around ollie
straight forward landing on the one across from it

Grind Away

On the left side of the press there is a pyramid type thing with rails, grind

Comby Bear Style

Starting from back part of stage grind that long pipe on wall heading tword the
pool, transfer from pipe to rail by pool or pool ledge

Shaba Style

>From the 3 steel pipes on right wall on last one ollie an wallride to grind so
your on that rafter/beam thing

Tight Pipe Grind

>From start turn around and grind over channel on pipe

We Work Hard

Grind pipe to the right from start

We Play Hard

Grind second pipe to teh right from start


Grind 3 pipe in the line to the right from start


>From sweat gap drop to pipe below and grind

Phat Ledge

Grind ledge in the very back of stage

West Side Rail Hoppin

Grind rail crossing gap where letter T is

East Side Rail Hoppin

Gap between yellow rails on left side of room (same as west sdie but on left
side of room)

Steppin Up

Grind far side of half pipe jumping up onto big block thing still grinding

Pipe Grind

Grind near sdie of half pipe

Along The Handrail

>From start grind handrail on immediate left of the "press"

Knock The Bucket

Grind the control booth goal

Going Forward

Grind rail before press, ollie over press, landing on rail

High Ledge Grind

Grind the whole grey part of the ledge above the control booth

To The D-Tank

On left wall grind pipe over hte 3 large tanks

Grind The Gap

On catwalk grind rail thats going left to right that is closest to start

Catwalk Crawler

On catwalk grind rail thats going left to right that is farthest from start

Drop And Grind

Heading toword deck on catwalk ollie over sdie an grind pool ledge

Criss Cross

Grind rail on catwalk by the x shaped path

World According To Gap

On left sdie of catwalk by stat point grind rail and drop off end grinding rail

Go The Distance

Transfer between the two rails where wold according to gap and east side rail
hoppin are

Getting Higher

Either wall ride to grind off the wall pipe on left side or grind end to end of
the yellow rail on high ledge

Booya Gramma... Booya

>From start turn left an grind pipe getting the others on that wall and
grinding phat ledge all the way around then wall riding to get on grey pipes
heading back tword start (make sure you hit all 7 grey pipes without hitting


Gapman And Robin

Grind grey pipe then ollie up onto part of quarter pipe

Second Story Air

Transfer from quarter piep to quarter pipe by molten steel

Southside Air

>From start turn around and transfer across teh channel on the quarter pipe

Wedge Gap

On right side by pool jump the downslope

Over the Halfpipe

Cannonball over the halfpipe... just without the cannonball

What are you doing here?

Furthest left corner on high ledge (above control booth) transfer in from
quarter pipe or wall ride in

Death Gap East/West

>From start hit the lip landing on upper part of catwalk on the right and same
thing on the left (2 seperate gaps)

Channel Surfin

Transfer across channel on quarter pipes by halfpipe

Over The Hardway

Transfer over the halfpipe but also over one of the taller grey things on
either end of the halfpipe

Skillz Gap

Next to along the handrail gap is a pyramid shaped thing hit that and land in
between closest set of rails on the downslope

Clear The Roller

Ollie down the giant rollin at the beggining instead of rolling down it

Bubblin Brew

Ollie over the molten steel

Gettin Over

Go for death gap west with a lot of speed and catch far rail in a grind or
clear it completely

Perfect Gap

Up on phat ledge at very back of stage ollie over the gap where stairs are
(don't grind)

Over The Flat

Transfer from quarter pipe over yellow rails (by control booth)

High To Low

Get on phat ledge and ollie over yellow rails to the ground below

Los Angeles (25 gaps)


Grass Jump (100 points)

At the start of the level skate forward a little bit. There should be a grass
hill in front of you. Jump completly down the hill without touching the grass
and you should get this gap.

Satisfying (200 points)

At the start of the level, skate down the hill, through the building and
across the street. There should be a building there with two doorways right by
one corner of it. Jump from one opening and through the other opening to get
this gap.

Cleared It! (200 points)

At the start of the level skate down the hill, through the building and across
the street. You should be a a skatepark type area. In the back of it is a half
pipe with a kicker ramp on either side of it. Jump from one of the ramps, over
the pipe and onto the other one.

Tight Fit (200 points)

At the start of the level skate down the hill, through the building and across
the street. You should be a a skatepark type area. In the back of it is a half
pipe, jump off of the left side as you came in and at an angle a bit to the
right. There should be a thin quarter pipe on the other side of the wall. Land
on this quarter pipe to get this gap.

No Look Transfer (200 points)

>From the start of the level turn to your right and skate down the street until
you get to the carwash. Go through the carwash and there should be a quarter
pipe to your right. Jump off of the middle of the quarter pipe at an angle to
the right and land on the quarter pipe that is in the corner of the path.

Flyin' High! (250 points)

You should see a rail leading to the top of the building in front of you. Grind
that rail to the top of the building. Once you are up there, you should see a
peice of rebar comming out of it. Jump off of the building and onto the rail to
get this gap.

Carwash (250 points)

>From the start of the level turn to your right and skate down the street until
you get to the carwash. Go through the carwash and there should be a quarter
pipe to your right. Jump off of the right end of the quarter pipe and land on
the quarter pipe that is on top of the carwash.

Wrath of God! (500 points)

>From the start of the level skate down and to the right until you get to where
the elevator is. Get some air off of the quarter pipe that is furthest from the
elevator. Then jump off of the other quarter pipe to the level. Go over the
lobby and land on the quarter pipe on the other side.

G Rated (1000 points)

You should see a rail leading to the top of the building in front of you. Grind
that rail to the top of the building. Once you are up there, you should see a
peice of rebar comming out of it. Jump off of the building and onto the rail.
At the end of the rail should be a kicker ramp. Jump off of the kicker ramp and
onto the building in front of you. You should see a sign in front of you with a
whole in it. Jump off of the building a bit to the right and go through this
whole to get the gap.


Hops (250 points)

At the start of the level skate down to the street to your right. Before you
get to the Electric rail, there should be a kicker ramp to your left. Jump off
of the kicker ramp and land on the telephone wires that lead to the end of the

It Begins (250 points)

At the start of the level skate down the street to your right until you get
past the carwash. There should be a quarter pipe just to your right. Grind the
top of the pipe going towards the right, and at the end of it, jump off and
land in a grind on the top of the other quarter pipe.

Arise! (250 points)

At the start of the level skate down the street to your right until you get to
the wall next to the quarter pipe. Wallride the wall to the left, then jump up
and grind the pole next to the wall doing this should get you this gap.

Large (250 points)

After getting the "Arise!" gap, continue to grind until the end of the pole, at
the end of it, left yourself fall to the steps below. Grind the steps for a
little bit and you should get this gap.

Be Humble (250 points)

After getting the "Large" gap, continue to grind the steps until the end of
them. There should be two planters in front of you. Jump off and grind the
first one, then grind the second one and you should get this gap.

Elevator Grind!! (250 points)

Once you start the level, skate down and to the right until you get down to
where you can go under a roof. On one of the walls you should see a box. Run
into the box and the elevator door should open up on the other side of the
room. Get on the elevator until you get to the top of it. Then get out and turn
to your left. You should see a wire comming off of the corner of the ledge.
Grind this wire until you get to the bottom of it to get this goal.

Dubba Jump (250 points)

At the start of the level skate down and through the elevator lobby. There
should be a platform with three planters in front of you. Get onto the platform
and grind all three of the planters in a row and you should get this gap.

Epic Jump (250 points)

At the start of the level skate down and through the elevator lobby. There
should be a platform with a red rail on the left side of it. Grind this rail
and jump over the gap at the end of it and land in a grind on the next rail to
get this gap.

Nice Start (250 points)

At the start of the level grind the planter in front of you and at the end of
it, jump off and grind the rail that is inside the large building.

Good Thinking (250 points)

After grinding the "Electic Rail" there should be ramps that form from the
street. On the back end of the one that is closest to the outside of the level
is another steep ramp. Jump off of this ramp and land in a grind on the
telephone wires that lead to the end of the level.

Two Ways (250 points)

At the start of the level grind the planter that is right of the one in front
of you. Then at the end of it, jump off and land in a grind on the rail in the
building. At the end of this rail, jump off and grind the next one, you should
get this gap then.

One Giant Leap (250 points)

>From the start of the level skate down and face the elevator lobby. Jump off
of the quarter pipe that is nearest the outside of the level and grind on the
platform above it to the right. At the end of the rail you should get this gap.

Around and Down (250 points)

>From the start of the level skate down and face the elevator lobby. Jump off
of the quarter pipe that is furthest the outside of the level and grind on the
platform above it to the left. At the end of the rail you should get this gap.

Grinding Down the Highway (1000 points)

You should see a rail leading to the top of the building in front of you. Grind
that rail to the top of the building. Once you are up there, you should see a
peice of rebar comming out of it. Jump off of the building and onto the rail.
At the end of the rail turn to your right and grind on the top of the left side
of the highway. Keep grinding down it, and at the last one, jump off to the
right and land on the peice of destroyed highway there and you should get this

Moving Up! (1000 points)

At the start of the level keep skating forward until you get to the area with
the cove. Get up and grind the lowest pipe going around the cove, then wallride
the wall and jump up and grind the next highest pipe to get this gap.


Get Up There! (500 points)

At the start of the level, skate down the street that is to your right until
you get past the building where the elevator lobby is. There should be a wire
comming off of the building. Wallride the wall before it and jump up and grind
the wire to get this gap.

Rio De Jeneiro


Tripletime (200 points)

Skate down the ramp at the start of the level and go forward until the end of
the pool. Get out of the top of level and their should be two quarter pipes in
front of you. Transfer the gap in between them to get this gap.

Up and Over (250 points)

Jump off of the platform as soon as you start off. There should be a quarter
pipe on either side of you. Jump off of the quarter pipe nearest the buildings,
and jump over the quarter pipe that was behind you when you started and land on
the quarter pipe on the other side and you should have gotten this gap.

Hyper Monkey (250 points)

At the start of the level go down the ramp and then turn around. You should see
a quarter pipe on either side of the entrance. Transfer from one of the quarter
pipes to the other on to get this gap.

Unbelievable (250 points)

At the start of the level skate forward until you get to the first bridged
area. Before going under it, there is a quarter pipe on either side of the
entrance. Transfer from one, over the doorway and onto the other one to get
this gap.

Overtime (250 points)

At the start of the level skate forward until you get to the first bridged
area. Go under the bridge and then turn around. Their should be a quarter pipe
on either side of where you came out. Transfer from one of the quarter pipes
and land on the other one to get this gap.

Look Alive Out There (250 points)

At the start of the level skate forward until you get into the pool. Then turn
to your left and skate until you see a little break in the outside of the pool.
Transfer from one side of the rollin type thing to the other side of it to get
this gap.

Golden Time (250 points)

At the start of the level skate forward until you get into the pool. Then turn
to your right and skate until you see a little break in the outside of the
pool. Transfer from one side of the rollin type thing to the other side of it
to get this gap.

It Is No Dream (250 points)

At the start of the level jump off of the walkway and you should be in the
middle of a half pipe. Jump off of the side furthest from the buildings, and
over the walkway and onto the other quarter pipe to get this gap.

The Nod (250 points)

At the start of the level skate forward until you get to the end of the pool.
Then get out of the pool and turn around and you should see two wooden quarter
pipes. Transfer the gap that is inbetween them and you should get this gap.

Take The Fall (500 points)

At the start of the level, turn around and skate to the right corner of the
level. Before you get to the corner, you should see a spiral ramp. Go up this
ramp. Jump off of the kicker ramp in front of you and you should get this gap.


Like a Bunny (250 points)

At the start of the level go down the ramp until you are on the walkway that
was perpendicular to you. There will be a wall on either side of the walkway.
Grind the length on the wall that is closest to the front of the level, and
jump over the gap and grind the other side of you.

Salty Jerky (250 points)

At the start of the level skate forward until the pool starts to form. Grind
the lip on the right side of it. Keep grinding it until the gap in the pool,
jump over the gap and continue to grind until the end of this lip. Doing so
should get you this gap.

Over the Humps (250 points)

At the start of the level skate down the ramp and at the bottom of it turn to
your right. There should be a street barrier in front of you. Grind the side of
it towards the back of the level, then jump onto the platform in front of you.
Go forward until you until you get to the end of it and you should get this

Round the Bend (250 points)

At the start of the level, go down the ramp and turn to your left. There should
be a metal barrier by the street. Grind the barrier leading away form where you
started. At the end of the ramp, jump off and land in a grind on the planter
that is in front of you.

The Skinny (250 points)

After knocking down the platform on the right side of the level, grind the
length of it leading to the front of the level, then at the end of it, jump off
and land in a grind on the cement wall.

Working Monkey (250 points)

After knocking down the platform on the right side of the level, grind the
length of it leading to the back of the level, then at the end of it, jump off
and land in a grind on the metal street barrier.

J-Po (250 points)

At the start of the level, go down the ramp and turn to your left. There should
be a metal barrier by the street. Grind the barrier leading towards where you
started. Then at the end of it, jump off and land in a grind on the cement

Crack Shot (250 points)

Skate down the ramp until you get to the walkway that is perpendicular to you.
Go down to the right side of the ramp. Grind the wall that is furthest from
where you started, then when you get to the gap in the wall, jump over it and
grind the other side of the wall. At the end of the wall you should get this

Pithy (250 points)

At the start of the level, jump down the ramp and you should be in a half pipe.
Get on the outside of the halfpipe by the street. Grind the wall that is the
back of the quarter pipe from end to end to get this gap.

Produce the Points (250 points)

At the start of the level, turn around and jump out of the quarter pipe and get
into the street. Next to the wall you should see three produce servers. Grind
the end of one of them and jump and grind the next, then grind the last one and
you should get this gap.

Ledgendary (250 points)

At the start of the level, turn around and skate to the right corner of the
level. Before you get to the corner, you should see a spiral ramp. Go up this
ramp, then turn to your right and there should be a platform below you. Jump
down there, and then grind the edge of it from front to back and you should get
this gap.

Wall Crawler (250 points)

At the start of the level go down the ramp and turn to the right. Go forward
until you get into the street. Along the walls you will see three sets of
balconies. Wallride the wall and grind the one on the far right one, at the end
of it jump off and grind the middle one, then the last one. At the end of it,
jump off and grind the platform that is in front of you.

Mind Bender (250 points)

At the start of the level go down the ramp until you get to the pool. Grind the
lip on the left side of it. Grind until the gap in the pool, then jump off and
grind the lip on the other side of the break.

The Fear (250 points)

At the start of the level go down the ramp until you get to the pool. Grind the
lip on the right side of it. Grind until the gap in the pool, then jump off and
grind the lip on the other side of the break.

Need a Gap (250 points)

At the start of the level skate forward until you come to an area with two
quarter pipes with a gap in between them. Jump off of the left one at an angle
just to the right. Hold down triangle and land in a grind on the telephone
wire. At the end of the wire is you should get this gap.

Jimkata! (250 points)

At the start of the level turn around and jump outside of the quarter pipe.
There should be a cement wall by the pool. Grind the cement wall away from the
spiral ramp. At the end of the wall jump off and land in a grind on the metal
street barrier.

Peeping Tom (250 points)

At the start of the level go down the ramp and turn left. Skate across the
street. You should see a high and low set of balconies. Wallride the wall and
grind the low set of it. Then wallride the wall and jump up and grind the high

Fast Like Squirrel (250 points)

At the start of the level go down the ramp and turn to your left. Skate to
where the planter with the awning over it. Grind the back edge of it leading to
the back of the level, at the end of it, jump off and grind the metal street

Like Ninja (1000 points)

Skate down to the back side of the level, then get the following gaps in one
combo... "Fast Like Squirrel," "Round the Bend," "J-Po," "Jimkata!," "Over the
Humps," "The Skinny," and "Working Monkey" and you should get this gap



Backyard Bump (100 points)

Turn around at the start of the level and go through the opening in the house.
You should see a two quarter pipes to your left with a quarter pipe a bit
further back behind them. Transfer the gap in between the two front quarter
pipes to get this gap.

Trailerpark Transfer (100 points)

Skate forward into the half pipe that is right in front of you. On the back end
of the half pipe, there should be a quarter pipe off to the right. Transfer
from the half pipe and onto the quarter pipe to the right.

The Weathervane (150 points)

At the start of the level, turn around and get onto the roof. Grind the top
edge of the higher of the two roofs towards the chicken thing. Once you get
near it, jump over it and you should get this gap.

Bart's Gap (150 points)

At the start of the level turn to your left and skate forward. Before you go
into the building turn to your left. You should see two kicker ramps leading up
to the roof with the weathervane. Jump off of the left kicker ramp to the left
and clear the wall that is to the left of the house.

Zen Mind (150 points)

Turn around at the start of the level and skate into the backyard with the
pool. Face the house in front of you. You should see two quarter pipes on
either side of it. Jump from one quarter pipe, over the back part of the house
and land on the other one to get this gap.

Into the Bowl (150 points)

Turn around at the start of the level and get onto the roof that is ahead of
you. Once there, face to right side of the level. You should see the pool in
front of you. Jump from this roof and into the pool to get this gap.

Trailerpark Transfer (200 points)

>From the start of the skate into the halfpipe. You should see a quarter pipe
on the building to your right. Transfer from this quarter pipe to the quarter
pipe to the left of it to get this gap.

Ice the Ice Cream Man (250 points)

As soon as you start the level turn to your left. Go forward and go in between
the two quarter pipes with the pipe standind in the middle of it. Get some air
off of the quarter pipe in the back of it, then jump from one of the quarter
pipes, over the gap and land on the other one.

Line Leap (250 points)

>From the start of the level skate until you get to the half pipe. Then turn to
the left and go up the stairs. Jump off of the quarter pipe and get some air.
Then jump down the steps and land in a grind on the U-Shaped rail. At the end
of the rail jump off and get over all of the 2X4's that lead to the halfpipe.

Hick Hop (250 points)

Skate forward and to the right until you get to the cornermost trialer. On one
end of the building is a blue kicker ramp. Jump off of the kicker ramp and go
completly over the building.

Perfecting Your Skills (250 points)

>From the start of the level build your speed up until you get to the 2X4s that
lead to the halfpipe. Right before the boards is a ramp. Jump off of the ramp
and go over the boards and into the half pipe to get this gap.

10 Stair Set (250 points)

>From the start of the level skate until you get to the half pipe. Then turn to
the left and go up the stairs. Jump off of the quarter pipe and get some air.
Then jump down the all of the steps without touching them and you should get
this gap.

OMFG!!! (250 points)

Turn left at the start of the level and skate forward until you get to the
building. Then turn left again and go forward until you get to the quarter pipe
in the back of the grassy area. Transfer from this quarter pipe to the left,
over the wall and land on the quarter pipe behind the house that was behind you
when you started.

Over the Green Gap (250 points)

>From the start of the level skate until you get to the half pipe. Then turn to
the left and go up the stairs. Jump off of the quarter pipe and get some air.
Quickly turn to the right and jump down the grassy area without touching any of
it and you should have gotten this gap.

Rear Entry (500 points)

Turn left at the start of the level and skate forward until you get to the
building. Then turn left again and go forward until you get to the quarter pipe
in the back of the grassy area. Get onto the platform behind this quarter pipe.
There should be a large kicker ramp on this platform. Jump off of the kicker
ramp and over the wall to get this gap.

Trailer Trash (500 points)

Skate forward from the start of the the level until you get to the quarter
pipe. Turn right and get onto the roof where one of the appliances was. Then
face towards the house with the pool and jump onto the trailer with the dish.

Trailerpark Transfer (1000 points)

>From the start of the level skate forward until you are in the halfpipe. Jump
off of the end that was nearest to you going towards the left. Land on the
quarter pipe that touches the trailer and you should have gotten this gap.


Roof Slide (250 points)

Turn left at the start of the level, then when you get to the bulding turn left
again. You should see two kicker ramps facing the building with the
weathervane. Get some air off of the quarter pipe behind them, then jump off of
the left quarter pipe and land in a grind on the top of the roof and you should
have gotten this gap.

Grind the Line (250 points)

Turn left as soon as you start and skate under the building that is in front of
you. Behind the building is a quarter pipe. Get some air off of the quarter
pipe, and when you land, jump off of the kicker ramp that is in front of you.
When you land there should be another ramp, jump off of that and land in a
grind on the wires that are parallel to the direction you are traveling. Doing
this should get you this gap.

Welcome to Suburbia (250 points)

At the start of the level grind the rail that is right in front of you. At the
end of the rail jump off and grind the next one, and then the final one. At the
end of the last rail, you should get this gap.

Alex Likes Grinding (250 points)

At the start of the level turn around and get onto the roof that was behind
you. Once you are on the roof get on the edge that faces the back of the level.
You should see four telephone wires that lead to the quarter pipe. Grind the
leftmost one, then at the end jump off and land on a grind on the quarter pipes



Flight on Time (100 points)

Skate down to the very back of the level, once you are in the final room, face
to your right and you should see two quarter pipes with a suitcase in between
them. Transfer from one of the quarter pipes and land on the other quarter pipe
to get this gap.

Lost Luggage (100 points)

At the start of the level turn to your right and go into the baggage handler.
You should end up in a room with an escalator on either side of it. Go to the
right one and jump down them completly without touching them.

Bye Bye Knees (150 points)

>From the start of the level skate forward until you get to the second set of
escalators. Jump from the top of the escalators all the way down to the bottom
of them without touching any part of them and you should get this gap.

Over the Hump (150 points)

Turn slightly to the left at the start of the level and skate forward until you
get to where there is a blue mound right past the first doorway. Jump from one
side of this mound, over the center and onto the other side to get this gap.

Mad Pop (200 points)

>From the start of the level skate forward until you get to the second set of
walkalators. Jump from one side, over the width, and onto the other side.
(Ollie over the thin side of the walkalator)

Block Hoppin (250 points)

>From the start of the level skate forward until you get past the second set of
walkalators. There should be a security check in front of you. Using it as a
ramp, jump over the security check and onto the other side to get this gap.

Narrow Escape (250 points)

>From the start of the level turn right and get into the baggage handler. Once
in there, skate through both of the rooms until you get to the security check.
Using it as a ramp, jump over the security check and onto the other side to get
this gap.

Secret Stash (250 points)

>From the start of the level turn right and get into the baggage handler. Once
in there, skate forward until you get into the first room. You should see a
quarter pipe in the middle of the back wall. Jump off of the quarter pipe, to
the right and land on the smaller quarter pipe that is touching the right wall
of the same room.

No Refunds (250 points)

At the start of the level turn to your right and go into the baggage handler.
You should end up in a room with an escalator on either side of it. Go to the
left one and jump down it completly without touching them.

Banana Gap (500 points)

>From the start of the level skate forward until you get to the last room. Then
look to the back wall by the quarter pipes. You should see a bench that leans
on the wall. Get some air off of the quarter pipes, turn left and jump off of
the edge of the bench. Go completly over the bench and land on the other side
to get this gap.

Toaster Pop (500 points)

>From the start of the level turn right and get into the baggage handler. Once
in there, skate forward until you get into the first room. You should see a
quarter pipe right next to where you came out. Jump off of that quarter pipe,
and to the left and land inside of the pool that is in the corner of the room.

Holy Pop (1000 points)

>From the start of the level skate forward until you get to the first set of
walkalators. Jump over the narrow side of these and you should get this gap.

Brace Yo Self (1000 points)

Skate forward until you get to the first set of escalators. Ollie completly
down them without touching it and you should have gotten this gap.


Bump-N-Grind (250 points)

Skate forward and a bit to the right until you get to where there are a bunch
of moniters on the right wall by the first set of walkalators. Grind the whole
series of moniters from beginning to end and you should have gotten this gap.

Easy Grind (250 points)

>From the start of the level turn right and get into the baggage handler. Once
in there, skate forward until you get into the first room. You should see three
rails by the right wall. Grind these rails from beginning to end and you should
get this gap.

Monitor Stomp (250 points)

Skate down to the second set of walkalators. Along the right wall you should
see a set of moniters and lockers. Wallride the wall before the first one and
grind the edge of it. Keep on grinding the edges of the series of moniters
until the last one. Then you should get this gap.

Absolute Grind (250 points)

Skate forward until you get to the second set of escalators. Grind the rail
that is furthest to the right. At the bottom of the rail, jump off and land in
a grind on the bench that is in front of you. At the end of the bench you
should have gotten this gap.

Remain Calm (250 points)

Skate forward until the first set of escalators. You should see a handrail that
doubles as a ramp. Jump off of the ramp and land in a grind on the hanging
light. At the end of this light, jump off to the left and grind the next light
and you should get this gap.

Don't Panic (250 points)

After the "Remain Calm" gap, grind until the end of the lights, then jump off
and land in a grind on the lights that are right in front of you, then you
should get this gap.

Maintain (250 points)

At the end of the lights from the "Don't Panic" gap, jump off to your right and
land in a grind on the lights that should be there and you should get this gap.

Progress (250 points)

To get "Progress" you must get the "Remain Calm", "Don't Panic", and "Maintain"
gaps all in a series.

Commit (250 points)

After you get the "Progress" gap, you should see one last light fixture.
Transfer from the one that you are on to that one and you should get this gap.

Hey Get Down (250 points)

Skate forward until you get to the first set of escalators, jump down them.
Then go until you get to the next set. Jump down those as well. Go forward
until there is a quarter pipe on either side of you. Jump off of the left
quarter pipe on the right side going right. While you are in the air hold down
triangle until you land in a grind on the sign that is in the air. Grind the
sign until the end of it, then jump off and you should get this gap.

No Acro (250 points)

Skate forward until you get into the very last room. In front of you should be
a quarter pipe. Jump off of the quarter pipe at an angle slightly to the right.
Grind on the very top pole. Continue to grind this pole all of the way around
the large curve and you should get this gap.

Freaky Flow (250 points)

Skate forward until you get to the last set of escalators. Grind on the rail
that is furthest to the left. At the bottom of the rail, jump off and land in a
grind on the bench that is in front of you. At the end of the bench jump off
and you should get this gap.

Room Wrecka (250 points)

Skate to right at the start of the level and go into the baggage claim. Get
into the first room and grind the left edge of the left most escalator. At the
bottom of the rail jump off and land in a grind on the rail in front of you.
Then jump off and grind the curved rail. At the end of that, jump off and grind
the next curved rail. Grind the rail that is in front of that on. Then,
finally, jump off of that rail and land in a grind on the other escalator.
Doing this should get you this gap.

Good Control (250 points)

Skate to right at the start of the level and go into the baggage claim. Get
into the first room and grind the left edge of the left most escalator. At the
bottom of the rail jump off and land in a grind on the rail in front of you.
Then jump off and grind the curved rail. At the end of that, jump off and grind
the next curved rail. This should get you this gap.

Skate Everything (250 points)

Skate forward until you get into the very last room of the level. In front of
you should be a quarter pipe. Grind the lip of the quarter pipe going to the
left. At the end of the quarter pipe, jump off and land in a grind on the bench
that is in front of you.

Plane Bash (250 points)

>From the start of the level skate forward until you get to the first set of
escalators. Jump down them and you should see two this quarter pipes with a
plane above the gap between them. Jump off of the left one and go slightly
right and hold down triangle. You should land in a grind on the wing of the
plane. Stay in the grind until the end of it. Jump off and land and you should
get this gap.

Low End Theory (250 points)

At the start of the level skate forward until you get into the last room of the
level. Then turn to your left. You should see a quarter pipe in the corner of
the level. Grind the lip of the quarter pipe going in either direction. Then at
the end of the lip, jump off and land in a grind on the rail that is right
below it.


Precision (500 points)

Skate forward until you get to the second set of movers. In the middle of the
movers is a handrial. Manual the length of this handrail and you should get
this gap.

Nice Manny (1000 points)

>From the start of the level skate to your right and into the baggage handler.
From there skate into the second room. You should see a baggage claim. Get up
on top of it and manual the length of it and you should get this gap.

On Point (1000 points)

Skate forward until you get into the last room. You should see a bench in the
middle of this room. Manual from one end to the other end of this bench and you
should have gotten this gap.

Skaters Island


Big Mouth (100 points)

Skate out of the halfpipe and then turn to your right. Skate to the outside
part of the level. Once there, turn around and you should see a quarter pipe on
either side of the doorway. Jump from one of the quarter pipes and transfer to
the other one to get this gap.

Over and Out (100 points)

Skate forward and out of the halfpipe. Once you are in the street part turn
right and skate outside. In the middle of this area is a kicker ramp. Jump
completely over the funbox and you should have gotten this gap.

Over The Rail (100 points)

>From the start of the level skate out of the halfpipe and into the street
area. By the pool closest to the halfpipe you should see a funbox. Jump from
this funbox and into the pool and you should get this gap.

Watch Yer Head (100 points)

Skate into the middle of the halfpipe and then turn to your left. You should
see a walkway along the wall. Use the walkway for a ramp and jump into the
first pool.

Micro Gap (150 points)

Go down the rollin in the halfpipe then get some air off of the other side.
>From there, jump from either side of the rollin, over the rollin and onto the
other side to get this gap.

Platform Air (150 points)

Skate out of the halfpipe and into the street area. From there turn left and
skate until you get to the quarter pipe by the large sign. Jump off of the left
side of the quarter pipe, to the left and land inside of the pool that is
nearest the wall.

Hip to Hip (200 points)

Skate out of the halfpipe and into the street area. Once there, turn left and
you should see a funbox with a rial on it. Jump from one end of the funbox,
over the rail, and onto the other side and you should have gotten this gap.

Decked Out (250 points)

>From the start of the level, skate down to the bottom of the halfpipe. Turn
right and skate out to the street using the passage way. Then turn around and
you should see a quarter pipe on either side of the passage. Jump from one
quarter pipe, over the gap and onto the other one to get this gap.

Doorway Damage (250 points)

Skate forward and out of the halfpipe. Once you are in the street part turn
right and skate to the doorway that leads outside. Right before it is a quarte
pipe on either side. Transfer from one of these quarter pipes and land on the
other one and you should get this gap.

Roof to Roof Drop (250 points)

As soon as you start off, turn to your left and skate until the end of the
platform. You should see another platform just in front of you. Jump off and
land on that platform to get this gap.

Big Air (250 points)

Skate forward and out of the halfpipe. Once you are in the street part turn
right and skate outside. In the back of this outside part is a large quarter
pipe with a hump in the middle of it. Jump from one side of the quarter pipe,
over the hump, and onto the quarter pipe on the other end.

Easyway (250 points)

Skate forward and out of the halfpipe. Once you are in the street part turn
right and skate outside. In the middle of this area is a kicker ramp. Get on
either the right or left side of it and jump completly over it. (You should
have jumped over the narrower end)

Mix It Up (250 points)

Skate down the rollin at the start of the level and jump off of the left side
of the quarter pipe that is in front of you at a sharp angle to the left. Land
inside of the pool and you should have gotten this gap.

Corner Plunge (250 points)

Go down the rollin and jump off of the right side of the quarter pipe that is
in front of you at a sharp angle to the right. Go over the walkway and into the
clover pool and you should have gotten this gap.

Above the Bar (250 points)

Skate to the top of the other side of the halfpipe. There should be a little
ramp by the end of the quarter pipe. Jump off of this ramp and land into the
pool that is closest to you.

No View (250 points)

As soon as you start off, turn to your left and skate forward until you get
into the clover pool. Jump out of the pool going towards the street area and
you should get this gap when you land.

Thenextlevel (250 points)

Skate to the top of the other side of the halfpipe. There should be a little
ramp by the end of the quarter pipe. Jump off of this ramp and go over the
platform that is on top of it, and land on the ramp on the other side to get
this gap.

Channel Gap (500 points)

Skate out of the halfpipe and into the street area. Turn to your right and
skate forward a bit. There should be a quarter pipe on the wall to your left.
In the middle of the quarter pipe is a gap. Transfer from one side of the gap
and onto the other side. Doing this should get you this gap.

Giant Transfer (500 points)

Get some air off of the opposite side of the halfpipe. Then turn left and jump
off of the left side of the halfpipe at a fairly sharp angle to the left. Land
inside of the clover pool and you should get this gap.

Pyramid Scam (500 points)

Skate out of the halfpipe and into the street area. Turn to your left and you
should see a large funbox against the wall. Jump from one side of the funbox,
over this middle, and onto the other side to get this gap.

Bigdipper (500 points)

As soon as you start off turn to your left and stay on the platform. Skate
towards the closest pool, then at the end of the platform jump off and land
inside of the pool and you should get this gap.

Island Hop (1000 points)

Skate out of the halfpipe and into the street area. Then turn around and you
should see some bleacher type things. Jump from one end of the bleachers, over
them and onto the other ones to get this gap.

Come Down (1000 points)

As soon as you start off, turn left and stay on the platform. Skate until the
end of it and jump onto the walkway. Get onto the top part of the walkway and
face the halfpipe. Jump off of this ledge and land on the platform where you
first started and you should get this gap.


Bench Hoppin (250 points)

Skate outside the halfpipe and into the street area. Then turn right and skate
outside. On the right side of the area there are three benches in a row. Grind
from one end of one, all the way the the other end of the last one and you
should get this gap.

Bleacher Bash (250 points)

Skate outside the halfpipe and into the street area. Then turn right and skate
outside. On the left side of the area there is a set of bleachers. Grind from
one end of the bleachers to the other end and you should get this gap.

Eagle Eye (250 points)

Skate outside the halfpipe and into the street area. Then turn right and skate
outside. As soon as you get outside turn around and you should see a Tony Hawk
sign. Jump off of the quarter pipe and grind the length of the sign and you
should get this gap.

Cola Fix (250 points)

As soon as you start the level turn right and stay on the platform. Skate along
the wall until you get to a pop machine. Grind the edge of this until the end,
then grind the rail that is on the ground. At the end of the rail is another
pop machine. Jump up and grind on this to get this gap.

Wall Rail (250 points)

Skate out of the halfpipe and into the street area. Turn to your left and skate
until you get to the funbox. Jump off of the funbox and land in a grind on the
beginning of the long rail. Grind the legth of this rail to get this gap.

Nice Wood Work (250 points)

Skate out of the halfpipe and into the street area. Then turn left and follow
the wall on the back end on the halfpipe. Grind the legth of this wall from one
end of the level to the other end and you should get this gap.

Live to Skate (250 points)

Continuing from the "Wall Rial" gap, jump off and land in a grind on the wooden
bench along the wall. Grind until the end of this bench to get this gap.

Skate to Live (250 points)

Continuing from the "Wall Rail" and "Skate to Live" gaps, jump off of the
wooden bench and land in grind on the wooden bench that is in front of you and
you should get this gap.

Nice Connection (250 points)

Skate outside the halfpipe and into the street area. Then turn right and skate
outside. In the middle of this area is a funbox with some rails on it. Get some
air off of the quarter pipe and grind one of the rails. At the end of the rail,
jump off and grind one of the ledges in the hallway that leads inside.

Overhang Slap (250 points)

>From the start of the level skate to the left and get into the first pool.
Once in there, face the back wall. You should see that there is a platform just
above the pool. Jump off of the pool right below the platform and grind the
length of the platform to get this gap.

Destroy the Deep End (250 points)

>From the start of the level skate to the left and get into the first pool.
Once in there, you should notice that one lip is higher than the other. Grind
the length of the higher lip and you should get this gap.

Sick Style (250 points)

>From the start of the level skate to the top of the quarter pipe in front of
you. Then turn to your right and you should see a bent rail leading to the
clover pool. Grind the length of this rail to get this gap.



Kicker 2 Kicker (250 Points)

At the start of the level go down the kicker ramp and turn a bit to the left.
In front of you should be a kicker ramp. Jump off of the kicker ramp. Go over
the gap and land on or past the next kicker ramp to get this gap.

Quarter Pipe Transfer (250 Points)

At the start of the level go down the kicker ramp and then turn to the right
and jump over the fence. Skate forward until you get to the rollin where you
got the letter A. On either side of the rollin is a quarter pipe. Jump from one
of the quarter pipes and go over the rollin and land on the other quarter pipe
to get this gap.

Over the Quarter (250 Points)

At the start of the level go down the kicker ramp and jump over the fence.
Skate forward a little bit, then turn to your left. You should see a small
quarter pipe with a kicker ramp on either side of it. Jump from one of the
kicker ramps and land on or over the other one to get this transfer.

Parking Lot Rail Gap (250 Points)

At the start of the level go down the kicker ramp and go forward until the
street turns off to the right. Go down the street, and there should be two sets
of rails. Grind the right rail and when you get to the end of it, jump off and
land on the next rail, and you will have gotten this gap.

Over the Pool (500 Points)

>From the start of the level turn right and jump over the fence to your right.
Skate forward unil you see a pool with skid marks on either side of it. Jump
from one of the sides of the pool and land on the other side of the pool to get
this gap.

Billboard Gap (500 Points)

At the start of the level go down the kicker ramp and go forward until the
street turns off to the right. Go down the street, and there should be a wall
to the right. Wall ride the wall and grind the first billboard. At the end of
the billboard, jump off and land in a grind on the other one.

Roof 2 Roof (500 Points)

At the start of the level jump over to the left side of the wall. Go to the
back of the area and jump up and grind the wall. There should be roofs in front
of you. Jump up onto the first one and grind the rail in the middle of it. Then
jump up and grind the next roof. At the end of this roof is a kicker ramp. Jump
off of the ramp and land on the next roof to get this gap.

Over the Rails (100 Points

At the start of the level go down the kicker ramp and then turn to the right
and jump over the fence. Skate forward until you get to the rollin where you
got the letter A. Before you get to it there should be a funbox right before
it. Jump from one end of the funbox and land on or over the other side to get
this gap.


Big Grind Gap (500 Points)

At the start of the level jump off to the left, and grind the short wall in the
parking lot leading to the other side of the parking lot. At the end of the
wall, jump off and land on the other wall. Once you get to the end of this wall
you should get the gap.

Hell Yea! (1000 Points)

Go down the kicker ramp and jump over the wall to your left. You should see a
wire leading up into the air. Grind the wire up to the top of it. Once you are
up there, grind down to the other side to get this gap.

Crazy Fool (1000 Points)

At the start of the level jump over to the left side of the wall. Go to the
back of the area and jump up and grind the wall. There should be roofs in front
of you. Always get on the highest roof. On the last roof there should be a
kicker ramp. Jump off of it and land in a grind on the train tracks. Grind the
tracks on the left until the end. Keep on holding grind down. You should start
to grind a pole. Get to the bottom of the pole and you should get this gap.

The Tree (1000 Points)

After blowing up the tree, a large tree should fall. Go to where the tree
touches the ground. Then jump up and grind on the tree. Once you get to the
level part of the tree, jump and hit Up - Triangle and you should do a nose
grind. Grind the tree until the end of it and you should get this gap.

Short Hop (1000 Points)

At the start of the level go down the kicker ramp and turn to your left. Jump
up and grind on the wall. Jump over the gap and continue to grind on the wall
until you get to where it meets the quarter pipe. Jump off to the left and land
in a grind on the edge of the curb that is behind the quarter pipe to get this



Toi Toi (500 Points)

Skate down the rollin and the start of the level, then turn slightly to your
right. You should see a large kicker ramp with a road going down the middle of
it. Jump off of the ramp that is to the right side of the ramp and go over all
of the funbox to get this gap.

Gapanese (700 Points)

At the start of the level go down the rollin and go past the giant funbox. In
front of you should be two quarter pipes separated by a rather large kicker
ramp. Jump from one of the quarter pipes, over the kicker ramp and land on the
other quarter pipe.

Nap Nap (750 Points)

Skate down the rollin at the start of the level then turn right and skate to
the back of the level. There should be a pool on the right side of the level
with an entrance gap. Get into the pool and then jump from one side of this
entrance and land on the other side of it.

Tranny Gap (750 Points)

At the start of the level go down the rollin and over the large funbox, then
turn to your left. You should see a large ramp to the left of the quarter pipe.
Jump off of the middle of this ramp and land on the other side of the platform
and you should get this gap.

Greasy (750 Points)

At the start of the level go down the rollin and go past the giant funbox. In
front of you should be two quarter pipes separated by a rather large kicker
ramp. Jump off of the large kicker ramp and land in the giant half pipe that is
hovering in the air.

Super Get Pilot Go (750 Points)

At the start of the level go down the rollin, turn left and skate to the back
of the level. You should see a pool on the left side of the level with an
entrance gap. Get into the pool and jump from one side of the gap to the other.

Heading For AO's (750 Points)

At the start of the level go down the rollin, turn left and skate to the back
of the level. You should see a pool on the left side of the level. Get into the
pool and then face in the direction of the other pool. Transfer from one of the
pools to the other to get this gap.

High and Mighty (1000 Points)

Skate down the rollin and the start of the level, then turn slightly to your
right. You should see a large kicker ramp with a road going down the middle of
it. Jump off of the left side of the road and go over all of the funbox to get
this gap.

Sushi Sore SF (1000 Points)

At the start of the level go down the rollin and then turn around. You should
see a quarter pipe on either side of the rollin that you just came from.
Transfer from one of the quarter pipes to the other quarter pipe to get this


Interstellar Space Grind (750 Points)

At the start of the level skate down and turn to the left. Go forward until you
get to where the loop is. Skate around to the backside of it, then grind either
one of the edges of it from start to finish and you should have gotten this

Scabby (750 Points)

At the start of the level skate down and turn to the right. Go forward until
you get to where the loop is. Skate around to the backside of it, then grind
either one of the edges of it from start to finish and you should have gotten
this gap.

You Got Gap (750 Points)

At the start of the level skate down and go forward past the funbox. Then turn
to the left and you should see a walkway leading up. Grind the left handed
railing until the top of it, then jump off and land on the railing that is in
front of you on the platform.

Tight (750 Points)

Skate down the rollin at the start of the level then turn around. You should
see a quarter pipe to the left of the entrence. Grind from one end of the
quarter pipe to the other end of the quarter pipe to get this gap.

Booya-Tight (750 Points)

Go down the rollin turn right and skate to the back of the level. In the middle
of this area are three neon lighted rails. Grind the rightmost one going
towards the pools. At the end of the rail, jump off to the left and land in a
grind on the lip of the right pool. Grind on the rail until you are about done
with it, then jump up and grind the ledge that is behind the pool and you
should get this gap.

Keep It Going (750 Points)

Skate down the rollin at the start of the level then turn around. You should
see a quarter pipe to the right of the entrance. Grind from one end of the
quarter pipe past the other end of the quarter pipe and to the end of the
lights that are connected to the end of it to get this gap.

Gap For Your Effort (750 Points)

Skate down the rollin at the start of the level then turn around. You should
see a quarter pipe to the left of the entrence. Grind from one end of the
quarter pipe, past the lights and to the end of the rail. Then jump up and land
in a grind on the platform, (There should be a quarter pipe in the wall) at the
end of the platform you should get this gap.

Ape Grind (750 Points)

Skate down the rollin and turn to your right. Skate forward until you get to
the first large platform is on your left. In front of you should be two curved
rails with a strait rail between them. Grind one of the curved rails and
transfer to the other one to get this gap.


Through The Hoops (1000 Points)

Skate down the rollin at the start of the level and then skate to where there
are the two loops. Get to the point where you can look through both of the
loops. Manual from the edge of one of the loops to the edge of the other loop
to get this gap.


Melissa's Gap

Skate to the back left of the level, there should be a sign of an asian woman
and an elephant. Wall ride the asian womans and you should get this gap.

That's What I'm Saying
Skate down the rollin and grind the pipe that is to your right. At the end of
the pipe jump off and grind the roof. Grind on the T shaped platform, when you
are on it, jump off to the right and wallride the sign and you should get this

Kamikaze (2500 Points)

At the start of the level go down the rollin and skate to where there is one of
the loops. Simply skate through either one of the loops and you will have
gotten this gap.



20 Stair Set (100 Points)

At the start of the level, go down the ramp. Skate along the left side of the
track until you get to the area just past where you got the second set of stat
bonuses. Get up onto the left most platform. There should be two sets of
steps. Jump down the second set to get this gap.

True Skater (100 Points)

Skate down from the start of the level until you get to the river. On the left
side of the track there is a quarter pipe on either side of the river. Transfer
from one of the quarter pipes and land on the other quarter pipe to get this

MacCrank It (250 Points)

As soon as you start the level, jump all of the way down the steps that are in
front of you. Land at the bottom of them without hitting any of them to get
this gap.

16 Stair Set (500 Points)

At the start of the level, go down the ramp. Skate along the left side of the
track until you get to the area just past where you got the second set of stat
bonuses. Get up onto the left most platform. There should be two sets of
steps. Jump down the first set to get this gap.


Just Like Real Life (250 Points)

Skate down from the start of the level and go to the back area. In the back
section of it you should see four rails with gaps between them. Grind each one
of the rails and go around the circle to get this gap.

Peace Be Still (250 Points)

At the start of the level go down the ramp and turn to your right. After a
little bit, you should see a wire crossing the street. Right before that wire
is a ledge. Get onto the ledge, and then jump into a grind on the wire. Get to
the end of the wire. From there you should be on a ledge. Jump down a few
ledges until you get to where another wire goes to the right. Grind the wire
and by the end of it, then land on the platform. Jump off of the end of the
platform and land in a grind on the hanging rail. At the end of the rail, jump
off and land on the rail in front of you. Doing this should get you this gap.

Obvious Yet Difficult (250 Points)

At the start of the level, go down the slope and turn left. Go past the quarter
pipe and grind the second platform. At the end of the platform jump off and
land in a grind on the next. Do this until you grind a long wire. At the end of
the wire, you should get this gap.

Notes & Thanks

This is a copyrighted work for Mike Truitt , any usage of this faq not noted
by its author is banned, if you want to have it on you site, just e-mail me at and I'll be more than happy to allow you to have it on your
site, but you MUST ask. This FAQ must have my name, Mike Truitt on it, if you
see it on any site that does not give me credit, then please notify me. Thank
you very much to many people who have offered to help me, as well as
unseenfaceinthecrowd who did the whole Foundry section.

(c) Mike Truitt 2001
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15.Октябрь 2013
Geheime Arenen/Easter Eggs

16.Октябрь 2013
Savegame mit definitiv allen Skatern mit vollen Statistiken und auch den drei Bonus-Leveln

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
3 fertige Decks und eine Anleitung zum Selbermachen

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
High Scores FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Deutsche Lösung

14.Октябрь 2013
Deutsche Lösung

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version

18.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Hidden Combo FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Signature Move Listings

14.Октябрь 2013
Level Test Bug

14.Октябрь 2013
Alle Level, Cheats und Charaktere, inclusive maximalen Statistiken.

18.Октябрь 2013
Selbst erstellter Park der wie ein Rennkurs für 2 Spieler designed ist. Sehr schwierig zu beenden, mit 10 Gaps.

18.Октябрь 2013
Ein Replay des Flughafen Levels und eine Combo die 14 Millionen wert ist.

15.Октябрь 2013
Selbst erstellter Park speziel designed um High Scores zu brechen.

17.Октябрь 2013
Selbst erstellter Park mit vielen versteckten Räumen und einer Street Arena.

17.Октябрь 2013
Selbst erstellter Park um einen frustrierenden Fun Tag Modus anzuregen.

18.Октябрь 2013

10.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
07.Июнь 2019