

17.10.2013 16:59:54
Axis FAQ by Meph V1.2

This FAQ is copyrighted by me, C.Kräuter, aka Meph. It may be
distributed freely as long as it is kept intact and complete (NO
EXCERPTS!), and includes this disclaimer. Further, no money may be
charged for the distribution of the FAQ.
If you decide to publish this FAQ on a website, drop me a line at

Version History

0.1 - Bare essentials, just a list of parts.
0.2 - Document structured.
0.3 - Added Level descriptions and weapon comments, also added
Character Info.
0.4 - Updated parts data to Axis Version 1.3
1.0 - First published version of the Axis FAQ; added hidden features
1.1 - Added Version History, updated the Hidden Features.
1.2 - Corrected some minor errors.

This document is optimized for monospaced fonts, such as courier or
fixedsys. Readability will improve a lot if you use them.

Table of Contents:

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Explanations
2.1 Head Parts
2.2 Chest Parts
2.3 Arm Parts
2.4 Leg Parts
2.5 Booster Parts
2.6 Weapons
2.7 Characters

3.0 Characters
3.1 DOCWA Characters
3.2 Nitro Characters
3.3 Cintec Characters
3.4 BiTron Characters

4.0 Technical Data
4.1 Head Parts
4.2 Chest Parts
4.3 Arm Parts
4.4 Leg Parts
4.5 Booster Parts
4.6 Weapons
4.6.1 Handheld Weapons
4.6.2 Shoulder-Mounted Weapons
4.6.3 Special Equipment

5.0 Skirmish Mode
5.1 Levels

6.0 Multiplayer Mode
6.1 Game Modes
6.2 Levels
6.2.1 Original Levels
6.2.2 Map Pack Levels

7.0 Hidden Features
7.1 Big Head Mode
7.2 Hidden Levels
7.3 Text Colour
7.4 Clan Tags
7.5 Chat Macros
7.6 Toggle Arm Center Interface
7.7 Toggle In-Game Displays
7.8 All Parts/Levels Cheat

1.0 Introduction

1.1 The Game:

Axis is a mech-based first-person-shooter, developed by
Jamie, a korean software developer. The Demo has been around
for quite some time now, and there are rumours about a planned
US release by
As the original korean manual is very detailed, covering
nearly every aspect of the game, and cannot possibly be
properly reproduced in a similar quality for a
distribution, I decided to write this FAQ to cover the most
important aspects of the game, as well as to comment on the
weapons and parts used in building the ARMs (mecha).

I know that an english version of the manual exists as a
.doc-File (my compliments to Micheal "Junkyard Dawg" Ferguson
for a job well done), but it is 28 megabytes in size and as
such, unsuitable for an online distribution.

1.2 Getting the Game:

Hard to do. The game has been distributed in Japan and Korea
only, making it extremely difficult to get. Jamie has been
known to send packages to foreign customers, but be prepared
for exorbitant shipping costs.
There are rumours about a US-distribution via as
well as a european release via an yet undecided distributor.
There also is a company called 'AsiaSoft', seated in the US,
who specializes in far-east software. The risk of loss when
ordering it from them is lowest, but they are pricey.

Please do not mail me for CD-Images, Warez versions or
similar illegal stuff. I won't answer such questions, but I
will report you to your ISP instead. You have been warned.

1.3 Websites: - The official website of Axis - Jamie Systems' official website - The largest english-speaking Fansite

Several other fansites exist, but most often, they are written
in either japanese or korean.

2.0 Explanations

2.1 Head Parts:

Detection Range:
Range at which the enemy can be detected/locked-on.

Detection Angle:
This number indicates the size of the lock-on circle that
appears while using guided weapons.

Hacking Level:
Basically, electronic warfare; having a lower hacking level
than the enemy hampers with functions like lock-on, cloaking
and similar sensor-based issues.

Lock On Efficiency:
Affects the lock-on time of guided weapons. Higher levels
shorten the time required for a lock-on.

Target Keeping Time:
The amount of time a target remains locked after a successful
lock-on attempt, even when losing it.

Weight in tons.

2.2 Chest Parts:

Weight Limit:
Maximum allowed weight of the ARM. Note that this value can be
exceeded, although it cripples the ARM's movement values.

Max Armor:
Amount of armor points the ARM has.

Max Shield:
Amount of shield points the ARM has.

2.3 Arm Parts:

Fire Control System:
Affects weapon accuracy and firing speed. The higher the level,
the more accurate the weapon's fire will be.

Capacity for 30mm:
The maximum amount of 30mm cells the arm can hold.

Capacity for 60mm:
The maximum amount of 60mm cells the arm can hold.

Capacity for E-Pak:
The maximum amount of E-Pak cells the arm can hold.

Capacity for Missile:
The maximum amount of missile cells the the arm can hold.

Weight in tons.

2.4 Leg Parts:

The relative agility of the ARM. A high number indicates the
ability to perform complex maneuvers.

The relative inertia of the ARM. A high number indicates
problems with changing directions/coming to a stop.

Speed Correction:
A modifier to the booster's basic speed value.

Forward Boost Speed Correction:
A modifier affecting the forward movement of the ARM with
engaged boosters. Basically, how fast you can boost forward.

Sideways Boost Speed Correction:
A modifier affecting the sideways movement of the ARM with
engaged boosters. How fast you can boost-strafe.

Backward Boost Speed Correction:
A modifier affecting the backward movement of the ARM with
engaged boosters. How fast you can boost Backward.

Again, weight in tons.

2.5 Booster Parts:

Thrust Type:
The type of thruster. Most thrusters of the same type have
similar specifications.

Active Time:
The length of time the booster can be used before needing
to recharge.

Recharge Time:
The time needed to completely recharge the booster.

Delay For Recharge:
The time that passes before the recharge kicks in.

Normal Speed:
The basic speed of the ARM when the booster is NOT engaged.

Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd:
Maximum speed in the noted direction with boosters engaged.

Guess what...weight in tons.

2.6 Weapons:

Slot Type:
The location of the weapon, either shoulder-mounted or

Bullet Type:
The type of ammunition needed to fire the weapon.

Bullet Consumption:
The amount of ammunition consumed while firing a single

Fires At The Same Time:
The number of projectiles fired at one pull of the trigger.

Damage Type:
Either impact or energy. Impact weapons deplete the shields
first, then start lowering the armor. Energy weapons divide
their damage evenly between shields and armor.

Damage Point:
The amount of damage a single projectile inflicts.

Shooting Range:
The effective range of the gun in meters.

Bullet Speed:
The speed of the projectile. 0 m/s means that the attack
hits instantaneous.

Dispersion Angle:
The maximum angle which the projectiles can deviate from
their intended flightpath. A good Fire Control Level reduces
the inaccuracy.

Hit Range:
The 'width' of the projectile. Any object within this radius
is considered hit, taking the weapons damage.

Splash Damage Range:
The radius in which the weapon inflicts splash damage upon

Splash Border Damage:
The amount of damage taken by any target inside the splash

Firing Delay:
The amount of time between the firings of the weapon.

The quality of the weapons internal guidance system. High
numbers indicate good target tracking abilities, while a zero
means that the gun must be aimed manually.

Targeting Time:
The time needed for the weapon to lock-on to a target.

Again, weight in tons.

2.7 Characters:

Nickname/Callsign of the Character.

Corporation the Character works for. Has no impact on gameplay.

Gender of the Character.

Age of the character in years.

Bullet Level:
Damage modifier on weapons that use either 30mm or 60mm cells
as ammunition.

Energy Level:
Damage modifier on weapons that use E-Pak cells as ammunition.

Bomb Level:
Damage modifier on weapons that use Rocket cells as ammunition.

Melee Level:
Damage modifier on melee weapons. Disfunctional as of version
1.3, as all melee weapons use one of the 4 ammo types.

Modifier on the ARM's agility and inertia.

Modifier on the ARM's speed values.

Modifier on the Armor/Shield values of the ARM.

Modifier on the scanning range of the head parts.

Maximum Load:
Modifier on the maximum weight of the ARM.

3.0 Characters

All character data is taken from the Axis retail version 1.3.

3.1 DOCWA Characters:

Name: Lynn
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Bullet Level: 0%
Energy Level: 0%
Bomb Level: 0%
Melee Level: 0%
Mobility: 0%
Speed: 0%
Defense: 0%
Scanning: 0%
Maximum Load: 0%

Well, she's balanced. No advantages, no drawbacks, ideal
for experimenting with different weapons. A good choice for

3.2 Nitro Characters:

Name: Taxman
Corp: Nitro
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Bullet Level: +10%
Energy Level: -10%
Bomb Level: +5%
Melee Level: -5%
Mobility: 0%
Speed: -7%
Defense: +10%
Scanning: 0%
Maximum Load: 0%

Good with missiles and projectile weapons, but has reduced
speed. The added toughness makes more than up for that, though.
Stick to missiles and projectile weapons, and everything will
work out just fine.

Name: Duke
Corp: Nitro
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Bullet Level: -15%
Energy Level: +15%
Bomb Level: -15%
Melee Level: +5%
Mobility: +5%
Speed: +5%
Defense: -5%
Scanning: 0%
Maximum Load: +5%

The opposite of Taxman, Duke is fast and nimble, and good at
killing things with energy weapons. The added load capacity
should be invested into a bigger booster, as you can't
withstand a lot of damage. Keep moving, and you will prevail.

Name: Sonien
Corp: Nitro
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Bullet Level: +13%
Energy Level: +13%
Bomb Level: +13%
Melee Level: 0%
Mobility: -15%
Speed: 0%
Defense: -10%
Scanning: 0%
Maximum Load: +5%

Sonien can dish out a lot of damage, but her ARMs handle very
sluggish; the defense penalty is also quite severe, making
her a difficult character to master. Guided weapons seem like
a good idea.

3.3 Cintec Characters

Name: Luu
Corp: Cintec
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Bullet Level: -10%
Energy Level: +10%
Bomb Level: -20%
Melee Level: +8%
Mobility: +15%
Speed: +15%
Defense: -10%
Scanning: 0%
Maximum Load: -5%

Similar to Duke. Your only valid choice of weapons are energy
guns, and your bad defense value makes sure you must keep
moving all teh time to have any success. Best suited for hit
and run tactics.

Name: Janus
Corp: Cintec
Sex: Female (?)
Age: 18
Bullet Level: -20%
Energy Level: +15%
Bomb Level: -20%
Melee Level: +10%
Mobility: +10%
Speed: +10%
Defense: -10%
Scanning: +30%
Maximum Load: -5%

The last of the hit & runners. Like Duke and Luu, Janus relies
heavily on energy weapons and can, despite her high scanning
level, use missiles only with limited success. You might want
to try using homing energy weapons instead.

Name: Norman
Corp: Cintec
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Bullet Level: -5%
Energy Level: +15%
Bomb Level: -5%
Melee Level: -10%
Mobility: +10%
Speed: 0%
Defense: -5%
Scanning: -5%
Maximum Load: +5%

A character with odd values; his penalties on projectile guns
and missiles are not as severe as with the others, but he
lacks their speed. The higher maximum load is a nice bonus.

3.4 BiTron Characters

Name: Morei
Corp: BiTron
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Bullet Level: +15%
Energy Level: -15%
Bomb Level: 0%
Melee Level: -10%
Mobility: +8%
Speed: +8%
Defense: -5%
Scanning: -10%
Maximum Load: 0%

Morei is very similar to Duke, except that his specialty are
projectily weapons. He is also one of the few characters that
can inflict decent damage with missiles. The reduced scanning
range is a slight drawback, but easily compensated by his
superior speed and maneuverability.

Name: Petrovich
Corp: BiTron
Sex: Male
Age: 37
Bullet Level: 0%
Energy Level: -10%
Bomb Level: 0%
Melee Level: 0%
Mobility: -12%
Speed: -10%
Defense: +20%
Scanning: -10%
Maximum Load: +10%

The Brick. Petrovich can lug around incredible amounts of
equipment, and the 20% bonus on both shields and armor makes
sure he'll get a chance to use it. Hard to use properly,
though, and definitely no choice for beginners.

4.0 Technical Data

All technical data is taken from the Axis retail version 1.3.

4.1 Head Parts

Name: Millia-Head
Detection Range: 220 m
Detection Angle: 15.0'
Hacking Level: 1
Lock On Efficiency: 125.0%
Target Keeping Time: 1.0 s
Weight: 2.0 T

Name: Ein-Head
Detection Range: 250 m
Detection Angle: 11.0'
Hacking Level: 2
Lock On Efficiency: 125.0%
Target Keeping Time: 1.0 s
Weight: 2.0 T

Name: Gilnoah-Head
Detection Range: 300 m
Detection Angle: 10.0'
Hacking Level: 2
Lock On Efficiency: 100.0%
Target Keeping Time: 1.5 s
Weight: 3.0 T

Name: Fenrir-Head
Detection Range: 290 m
Detection Angle: 13.0'
Hacking Level: 1
Lock On Efficiency: 142.9%
Target Keeping Time: 0.5 s
Weight: 4.0 T

Name: Harpy-Head
Detection Range: 300 m
Detection Angle: 12.0'
Hacking Level: 0
Lock On Efficiency: 250.0%
Target Keeping Time: 2.5 s
Weight: 3.0 T

Name: Volvoah-Head
Detection Range: 200 m
Detection Angle: 16.0'
Hacking Level: 2
Lock On Efficiency: 100%
Target Keeping Time: 0.5 s
Weight: 5.0 T

Name: Niner-Head
Detection Range: 280 m
Detection Angle: 9.0'
Hacking Level: 4
Lock On Efficiency: 83.3%
Target Keeping Time: 2.0 s
Weight: 4.0 T

Name: Ganesha-Head
Detection Range: 350 m
Detection Angle: 12.0'
Hacking Level: 2
Lock On Efficiency: 76.9%
Target Keeping Time: 3.5 s
Weight: 2.0 T

Name: Kumara-Head
Detection Range: 280 m
Detection Angle: 9.0'
Hacking Level: 3
Lock On Efficiency: 100%
Target Keeping Time: 4.0 s
Weight: 2.0 T

Name: Parthia-Head
Detection Range: 400 m
Detection Angle: 9.0'
Hacking Level: 2
Lock On Efficiency: 166.7%
Target Keeping Time: 3.0 s
Weight: 6.0 T

Name: Baal-Head
Detection Range: 230 m
Detection Angle: 12.0'
Hacking Level: 2
Lock On Efficiency: 83.3%
Target Keeping Time: 2.0 s
Weight: 2.0 T

Name: Evan-Head
Detection Range: 100 m
Detection Angle: 1.0'
Hacking Level: 5
Lock On Efficiency: 20.0%
Target Keeping Time: 0.0 s
Weight: 5.0 T

Name: Crassil-Head
Detection Range: 600 m
Detection Angle: 11.0'
Hacking Level: 1
Lock On Efficiency: 83.3%
Target Keeping Time: 6.0 s
Weight: 3.0 T

Name: Meg-Head
Detection Range: 600 m
Detection Angle: 9.0'
Hacking Level: 1
Lock On Efficiency: 200.0%
Target Keeping Time: 0.5 s
Weight: 3.0 T

Name: Homa-Head
Detection Range: 600 m
Detection Angle: 18.0'
Hacking Level: 2
Lock On Efficiency: 40.0%
Target Keeping Time: 6.0 s
Weight: 3.0 T

Name: Homa 2-Head
Detection Range: 600 m
Detection Angle: 8.0'
Hacking Level: 3
Lock On Efficiency: 125.0%
Target Keeping Time: 6.0 s
Weight: 3.0 T

Name: Von-Head
Detection Range: 550 m
Detection Angle: 18.0'
Hacking Level: 2
Lock On Efficiency: 83.3%
Target Keeping Time: 0.5 s
Weight: 3.0 T

Name: Bishop-Head
Detection Range: 1000 m
Detection Angle: 20.0'
Hacking Level: 3
Lock On Efficiency: 166.7%
Target Keeping Time: 8.0 s
Weight: 7.0 T

Name: Sira-Head
Detection Range: 300 m
Detection Angle: 15.0'
Hacking Level: 4
Lock On Efficiency: 200.0%
Target Keeping Time: 0.5 s
Weight: 2.0 T

4.2 Chest Parts

Name: Millia-Chest
Weight Limit: 100.0 T
Max Armor: 190
Max Shield: 150

Name: Ein-Chest
Weight Limit: 95.0 T
Max Armor: 150
Max Shield: 210

Name: Gilnoah-Chest
Weight Limit: 105.0 T
Max Armor: 150
Max Shield: 180

Name: Fenrir-Chest
Weight Limit: 95.0 T
Max Armor: 190
Max Shield: 110

Name: Harpy-Chest
Weight Limit: 95.0 T
Max Armor: 180
Max Shield: 190

Name: Volvoah-Chest
Weight Limit: 90.0 T
Max Armor: 220
Max Shield: 90

Name: Niner-Chest
Weight Limit: 98.0 T
Max Armor: 190
Max Shield: 160

Name: Ganesha-Chest
Weight Limit: 95.0 T
Max Armor: 140
Max Shield: 320

Name: Kumara-Chest
Weight Limit: 90.0 T
Max Armor: 180
Max Shield: 200

Name: Parthia-Chest
Weight Limit: 98.0 T
Max Armor: 180
Max Shield: 170

Name: Baal-Chest
Weight Limit: 90.0 T
Max Armor: 260
Max Shield: 50

Name: Evan-Chest
Weight Limit: 70.0 T
Max Armor: 220
Max Shield: 200

Name: Crassil-Chest
Weight Limit: 80.0 T
Max Armor: 170
Max Shield: 300

4.3 Arm Parts

Name: Millia-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 0
Capacity for 30mm: 150 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 150 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 150 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 90 Cells
Weight: 17.0 T

Name: Ein-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 1
Capacity for 30mm: 200 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 200 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 60 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 30 Cells
Weight: 12.0 T

Name: Gilnoah-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 1
Capacity for 30mm: 150 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 200 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 120 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 50 Cells
Weight: 16.0 T

Name: Fenrir-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 1
Capacity for 30mm: 300 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 150 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 100 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 40 Cells
Weight: 12.0 T

Name: Harpy-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 2
Capacity for 30mm: 100 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 100 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 200 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 60 Cells
Weight: 13.0 T

Name: Volvoah-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 2
Capacity for 30mm: 90 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 90 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 90 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 150 Cells
Weight: 14.0 T

Name: Niner-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 3
Capacity for 30mm: 150 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 300 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 80 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 70 Cells
Weight: 13.0 T

Name: Ganesha-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 1
Capacity for 30mm: 100 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 150 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 200 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 80 Cells
Weight: 18.0 T

Name: Kumara-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 0
Capacity for 30mm: 180 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 180 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 200 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 10 Cells
Weight: 11.0 T

Name: Parthia-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 2
Capacity for 30mm: 100 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 100 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 250 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 70 Cells
Weight: 14.0 T

Name: Baal-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 2
Capacity for 30mm: 180 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 180 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 80 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 150 Cells
Weight: 11.0 T

Name: Evan-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 4
Capacity for 30mm: 100 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 300 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 100 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 40 Cells
Weight: 15.0 T

Name: NT-Classic-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 1
Capacity for 30mm: 250 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 250 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 250 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 150 Cells
Weight: 28.0 T

Name: Pamela-60-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 0
Capacity for 30mm: 60 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 400 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 60 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 20 Cells
Weight: 15.0 T

Name: Pamela-30-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 0
Capacity for 30mm: 400 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 80 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 80 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 20 Cells
Weight: 15.0 T

Name: Pamela-E-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 0
Capacity for 30mm: 80 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 80 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 400 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 20 Cells
Weight: 15.0 T

Name: Pamela-M-Arm
Fire Control System: Level 0
Capacity for 30mm: 80 Cells
Capacity for 60mm: 80 Cells
Capacity for E-Pak: 80 Cells
Capacity for Missile: 400 Cells
Weight: 15.0 T

4.4 Leg Parts

Name: Millia-Leg
Agility: 9.0
Inertia: 10.0
Speed Correction: +10.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: +15.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: -20.0%
Weight: 16.0 T

Name: Ein-Leg
Agility: 12.0
Inertia: 11.0
Speed Correction: +10.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: -10.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: -10.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: +10.0%
Weight: 13.0 T

Name: Gilnoah-Leg
Agility: 8.5
Inertia: 9.0
Speed Correction: +10.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +5.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: +5.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: +5.0%
Weight: 14.0 T

Name: Fenrir-Leg
Agility: 7.2
Inertia: 7.9
Speed Correction: -10.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +15.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: +10.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: +15.0%
Weight: 15.0 T

Name: Harpy-Leg
Agility: 8.5
Inertia: 9.0
Speed Correction: +0.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +25.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: -25.0%
Weight: 15.0 T

Name: Volvoah-Leg
Agility: 6.5
Inertia: 7.0
Speed Correction: -10.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +20.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: +20.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: +20.0%
Weight: 16.0 T

Name: Niner-Leg
Agility: 8.0
Inertia: 11.0
Speed Correction: +25.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: -15.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: -15.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: -15.0%
Weight: 14.0 T

Name: Ganesha-Leg
Agility: 7.0
Inertia: 7.0
Speed Correction: +20.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +5.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: +5.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: +5.0%
Weight: 15.0 T

Name: Kumara-Leg
Agility: 8.0
Inertia: 8.0
Speed Correction: -5.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +10.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: -10.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: +10.0%
Weight: 16.0 T

Name: Parthia-Leg
Agility: 7.0
Inertia: 8.0
Speed Correction: +10.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +10.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Weight: 13.0 T

Name: Baal-Leg
Agility: 7.5
Inertia: 7.5
Speed Correction: +45.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: -10.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: -10.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: -10.0%
Weight: 16.0 T

Name: Evan-Leg
Agility: 8.0
Inertia: 8.0
Speed Correction: +37.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Weight: 15.0 T

Name: NT-Classic-Leg
Agility: 10.0
Inertia: 10.0
Speed Correction: +0.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Weight: 15.0 T

Name: Shelpia-Leg
Agility: 7.5
Inertia: 8.0
Speed Correction: +10.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: -10.0%
Weight: +10.0 T

Name: BT-Extra-Leg
Agility: 7.0
Inertia: 7.5
Speed Correction: -20.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +20.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: +20.0%
Weight: 12.0 T

Name: Lebe-Leg
Agility: 7.0
Inertia: 7.5
Speed Correction: -25.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +20.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: +10.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: +20.0%
Weight: 15.0 T

Name: K-Bee-Leg
Agility: 7.0
Inertia: 8.0
Speed Correction: -10.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +20.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: -20.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: +10.0%
Weight: 11.0 T

Name: Dishfoot-Leg
Agility: 6.5
Inertia: 7.5
Speed Correction: +0.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +40.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: .0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: +40.0%
Weight: 15.0 T

Name: Arachne-Leg
Agility: 10.0
Inertia: 10.0
Speed Correction: -5.0%
Forward Boost Speed Correction: +0.0%
Sideways Boost Speed Correction: +25.0%
Backward Boost Speed Correction: -10.0%
Weight: 16.0 T

4.5 Booster Parts

Name: Millia-Booster
Thrust Type: Plasma Thrust Engine
Active Time: 10.0 s
Recharge Time: 2.0 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.0 s
Normal Speed: 170 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 460/400/460 km/h
Weight: 12.0 T

Name: Ein-Booster
Thrust Type: Plasma Thrust Engine
Active Time: 8.0 s
Recharge Time: 0.5 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.5 s
Normal Speed: 280 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 450/450/600 km/h
Weight: 16.0 T

Name: Gilnoah-Booster
Thrust Type: Plasma Thrust Engine
Active Time: 6.0 s
Recharge Time: 2.0 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.0 s
Normal Speed: 200 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 500/230/500 km/h
Weight: 16.0 T

Name: Fenrir-Booster
Thrust Type: Ion Thrust Engine
Active Time: 2.5 s
Recharge Time: 1.0 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.0 s
Normal Speed: 210 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 560/480/450 km/h
Weight: 16.0 T

Name: Harpy-Booster
Thrust Type: Ion Thrust Engine
Active Time: 4.0 s
Recharge Time: 1.0 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.1 s
Normal Speed: 220 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 420/480/480 km/h
Weight: 15.0 T

Name: Volvoah-Booster
Thrust Type: Plasma Thrust Engine
Active Time: 10.0 s
Recharge Time: 5.0 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.0 s
Normal Speed: 170 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 650/350/250 km/h
Weight: 20.0 T

Name: Niner-Booster
Thrust Type: Gravity Ion Engine
Active Time: 10.0 s
Recharge Time: 1.0 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.5 s
Normal Speed: 250 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 520/400/440 km/h
Weight: 17.0 T

Name: Ganesha-Booster
Thrust Type: Ion Thrust Engine
Active Time: 4.0 s
Recharge Time: 1.5 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.1 s
Normal Speed: 210 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 540/490/380 km/h
Weight: 18.0 T

Name: Kumara-Booster
Thrust Type: Ion Thrust Engine
Active Time: 4.0 s
Recharge Time: 0.5 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.2 s
Normal Speed: 290 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 450/380/390 km/h
Weight: 10.0 T

Name: Parthia-Booster
Thrust Type: Gravity Ion Engine
Active Time: 13.0 s
Recharge Time: 1.0 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.7 s
Normal Speed: 250 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 480/470/440 km/h
Weight: 20.0 T

Name: Baal-Booster
Thrust Type: Ion Thrust Engine
Active Time: 7.0 s
Recharge Time: 4.0 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.0 s
Normal Speed: 200 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 480/350/350 km/h
Weight: 18.0 T

Name: Evan Booster
Thrust Type: Plasma Thrust Engine
Active Time: 20.0 s
Recharge Time: 2.0 s
Delay For Recharge: 1.0 s
Normal Speed: 250 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 500/460/450 km/h
Weight: 22.0 T

Name: Crair-Booster
Thrust Type: Ion Thrust Engine
Active Time: 5.0 s
Recharge Time: 0.2 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.3 s
Normal Speed: 200 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 430/600/450 km/h
Weight: 16.0 T

Name: Kylian-Booster
Thrust Type: Gravity Ion Engine
Active Time: 9.0 s
Recharge Time: 1.0 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.6 s
Normal Speed: 180 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 850/300/150 km/h
Weight: 24.0 T

Name: Granium-Booster
Thrust Type: Gravity Ion Engine
Active Time: 5.0 s
Recharge Time: 3.0 s
Delay For Recharge: 0.0 s
Normal Speed: 250 km/h
Max Speed Fwd/Swd/Bwd: 500/500/480 km/h
Weight: 18.0 T

4.6 Weapons:

4.6.1 Handheld Weapons

Name: SMG-17 Heavy Pistol
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: 30mm
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 1 Round
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 46
Shooting Range: 2000 m
Bullet Speed: 9000 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 2.0'
Hit Range: 1.0 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 250 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0ms
Weight: 3.0 T

More of a machine pistol, actually. Decent damage coupled
with high accuracy and low weight make this a perfect
back-up weapon.

Name: GU-16 Minigun
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: 60mm
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 1 Round
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 16
Shooting Range: 400 m
Bullet Speed: 8000 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 7.5'
Hit Range: 0.6 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 66 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 10.0 T

Spits out a hail of 60mm shells. Due to the poor accuracy,
it shouldn't be used at longer ranges. Also, installing a
decent fire control system helps to improve the hit ratio
by a a large margin.

Name: PLA-16 Plasma Blaster
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: E-Pak
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 1 Round
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Point: 17
Shooting Range: 300 m
Bullet Speed: 800 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 2.5'
Hit Range: 3.5 m
Splash Damage Range: 20.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 1
Firing Delay: 95 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 10.0 T

Fires small energy charges in rapid succession. Best used
at close quarters, as the projectiles travel rather slow
and the splash radius is small.

Name: ICA-2000 Ion Cannon
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: E-Pak
Bullet Consumption: 6 Cells
Fires At The Same Time: 1 Round
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Point: 125
Shooting Range: 4500 m
Bullet Speed: 2500 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 0.8'
Hit Range: 1.4 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 1800 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 13.0 T

Fires a powerful energy beam with incredibly long range.
The energy-based equivalent of a sniper rifle.

Name: MH-100 Motor Hammer
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: 60mm
Bullet Consumption: 0 Cells
Fires At The Same Time: 1 Round
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 180
Shooting Range: 40 m
Bullet Speed: 0 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 0.0'
Hit Range: 3.0 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 450 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 4.0 T

A melee weapon that consumes no ammo. The damage inflicted
is very high, making it a useful weapon at close quarters.

Name: MG-6 Assault Rifle
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: 30mm
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 1 Round
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 25
Shooting Range: 2000 m
Bullet Speed: 9000 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 1.0'
Hit Range: 1.0 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 125 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 4.0 T

Don't be fooled by the relatively low damage. This weapon
is highly accurate and well suited for sniping. Good at
close quarters, too, due to the high rate of fire.

Name: SR-7 Sniper Rifle
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: 30mm
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 1 Round
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 200
Shooting Range: 40000 m
Bullet Speed: 20000 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 0.7'
Hit Range: 0.3 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 1900 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 12.0 T

Fires a single 30mm projectile inflicting huge amounts of
damage. Long range and high projectile speed make it a
deadly weapon.

Name: SPG-5 Burst Gun
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: 60mm
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 5 Rounds
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 18
Shooting Range: 400
Bullet Speed: 1400 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 0.0'
Hit Range: 0.6 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 600 ms
Guidance: 3.3'
Targeting Time: 1200.0 ms
Weight: 6.0 T

A burst-firing gun with lock-on ability; best used outdoors
while strafing.

Name: SG-1 Spread Shotgun
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: 60mm
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 5 Rounds
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 36
Shooting Range: 400 m
Bullet Speed: 10000 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 9.0'
Hit Range: 0.8 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 800 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 4.0T

This guns fires several 60mm rounds in a tight spread,
making it lethal at point-blank and short ranges. Combined
with the low weight, this makes a good back-up weapon.

Name: AFA-210 Triple Handcannon
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: Rocket
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 3 Rounds
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 60
Shooting Range: 500 m
Bullet Speed: 500 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 3.0'
Hit Range: 1.0 m
Splash Damage Range: 30.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 15
Firing Delay: 1500 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 11.0 T

This gun fires three projectiles that explode on impact,
inflicting splash damage.

Name: THX-200 Arc Light Gun
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: E-Pak
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 1 Round
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Point: 16
Shooting Range: 100 m
Bullet Speed: 0 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 0.0'
Hit Range: 0.4 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 80 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 8.0 T

An energy weapons with an incredibly high rate of fire. Use
the green beam to mow down your enemies. Range is short,

Name: SGA-200 Auto Shotgun
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: 60mm
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 3 Rounds
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 22
Shooting Range: 300 m
Bullet Speed: 8000 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 10.0'
Hit Range: 0.1 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 220 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 10.0 T

An fully automatic shotgun, blanketing the area with huge
amounts of 60mm shells. Deadly at short range, overkill at
point blank.

Name: PB-C5 Plasma Blade
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: E-Pak
Bullet Consumption: 0 Cells
Fires At The Same Time: 5 Rounds
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Point: 45
Shooting Range: 35 m
Bullet Speed: 0 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 0.0'
Hit Range: 3.0 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 700 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0'
Weight: 4.0 T

Another melee weapon. The lower damage is compensated by
the high rate of fire. Needs no ammunition, too.

Name: ICA-3000 Particle Cannon
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: E-Pak
Bullet Consumption: 4 Cells
Fires At The Same Time: 1 Round
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Point: 72
Shooting Range: 4000 m
Bullet Speed: 6000 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 0.0'
Hit Range: 1.6 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 610 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 13.0 T

Similar in operation to the ion cannon, this gun emits
long-ranged energy beams at a decent rate of fire. Lower
overall damage than the ICA-2000, though.

Name: SG-18 Hispeed Shotgun
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: 60mm
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 3 Rounds
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 37
Shooting Range: 400 m
Bullet Speed: 10000 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 7.0'
Hit Range: 0.8 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 470 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 6.0 T

Another shotgun. This one fires spreads of 3 60mm slugs at
a decent rate of fire.

Name: PB-222 Syncrotron Lance
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: E-Pak
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 5 Rounds
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Point: 50
Shooting Range: 40 m
Bullet Speed: 0 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 0.0'
Hit Range: 1.8 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 750 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 8.0 T

The ultimate melee weapon, surpassing the Plasma Blade in
every aspect. Unlike the other two, it consumes E-Pak cells
during use.

Name: AFH-70 Hand Cannon
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: Rocket
Bullet Consumption: 2 Cells
Fires At The Same Time: 1 Round
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 90
Shooting Range: 500
Bullet Speed: 650 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 0.0'
Hit Range: 3.0 m
Splash Damage Range: 50.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 60
Firing Delay: 1300 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 8.0 T

This gun fires a single exploding projectile with a
considerable splash radius. Firing speed is rather slow.

Name: RLC-100 Homing Laser
Slot Type: Hand
Bullet Type: E-Pak
Bullet Consumption: 4 Cells
Fires At The Same Time: 5 Rounds
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Point: 14
Shooting Range: 80 m
Bullet Speed: 40 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 0.0'
Hit Range: 0.5 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 2500 ms
Guidance: 40.0'
Targeting Time: 2500 ms
Weight: 20.0 T

This gun fires a cluster of homing energy beams. The ammo
consumption is high, using up 20 E-Pak cells per
burst. Useful at extreme ranges.

4.6.2 Shoulder-Mounted Weapons:

Name: HSM-01 Double Missile Pod
Slot Type: Shoulder
Bullet Type: Rocket
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 2 Rounds
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 50
Shooting Range: 500 m
Bullet Speed: 280 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 15'
Hit Range: 2.5 m
Splash Damage Range: 30.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 15
Firing Delay: 1100ms
Guidance: 7.3'
Targeting Time: 700.5 ms
Weight: 5.0 T

A basic guided-missile launcher that fire two missiles.
Decent tracking ability, but nothing special.

Name: AFA-70 Rocket Pod
Slot Type: Shoulder
Bullet Type: Rocket
Bullet Consumption: 2 Cells
Fires At The Same Time: 1 Round
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 100
Shooting Range: 900 m
Bullet Speed: 850 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 1.0'
Hit Range: 3.0 m
Splash Damage Range: 30.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 10
Firing Delay: 950 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 6.0t

A shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, firing an unguided
projectile that inflicts huge amounts of damage.

Name: AFA-70A Double Rocket Pod
Slot Type: Shoulder
Bullet Type: Rocket
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 2 Rounds
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 40
Shooting Range: 400 m
Bullet Speed: 500 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 1.0'
Hit Range: 8.0 m
Splash Damage Range: 30.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 40
Firing Delay: 1300ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 7.0 T

Similar to the AFA-70, but the splash damage is much higher.
Fires two projectiles instead of one, too.

Name: HSM-02 Rapid Fire Missile
Slot Type: Shoulder
Bullet Type: Rocket
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 1 Round
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 42
Shooting Range: 600m
Bullet Speed: 300 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 25.0'
Hit Range: 2.5 m
Splash Damage Range: 30.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 5
Firing Delay: 700 ms
Guidance: 7.3'
Targeting Time: 1000.5 ms
Weight: 5.0 T

This launcher fires guided missiles in rapid succession.

Name: KSM-01 Multiple Missile Launcher
Slot Type: Shoulder
Bullet Type: Rocket
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 4 Rounds
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 48
Shooting Range: 500 m
Bullet Speed: 300 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 50.0'
Hit Range: 2.5 m
Splash Damage Range: 30.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 5
Firing Delay: 1500 ms
Guidance: 8.7'
Targeting Time: 1200.2 ms
Weight: 8.0 T

Another guided-missile launcher, this one fires 4 missiles
at once, making it hard to avoid.

Name: RLC-190 Refraction Beam
Slot Type: Shoulder
Bullet Type: E-Pak
Bullet Consumption: 4 Cells
Fires At The Same Time: 5 Rounds
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Point: 12
Shooting Range: 80 m
Bullet Speed: 40m/s
Dispersion Angle: 0.0'
Hit Range: 0.5 m
Splash Damage Range: 0.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 2500 ms
Guidance: 33.3'
Targeting Time: 2500.0 ms
Weight: 8.0 T

A shoulder-mounted version of the Homing Laser. Like the
handheld version, ammo consumption is excessive. Should
only be used in wide, open spaces, as the beams need much
room to home in properly

Name: HSM-500 Mid-Range Missile Launcher
Slot Type: Shoulder
Bullet Type: Rocket
Bullet Consumption: 2 Cells
Fires At The Same Time: 1 Round
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 90
Shooting Range: 2500 m
Bullet Speed: 800 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 20.0'
Hit Range: 4 m
Splash Damage Range: 30.0 m
Splash Border Damage: 15
Firing Delay: 1500 ms
Guidance: 5.3'
Targeting Time: 1300.0 ms
Weight: 8.0 T

A long-range guided missile, travelling faster than the
previous models. The guidance is worse, though, so the
missile can be avoided easier.

Name: POD-200 Plasma Spreader
Slot Type: Shoulder
Bullet Type: E-Pak
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 3 Rounds
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Point: 11
Shooting Range: 500 m
Bullet Speed: 1200 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 5.0'
Hit Range: 3.0m
Splash Damage Range: 25.0
Splash Border Damage: 13
Firing Delay: 210 ms
Guidance: 0.0'
Targeting Time: 0.0 ms
Weight: 7.0 T

Very similar to the Auto Shotgun, but fires energy
projectiles with blast radius instead. Useful at close
distances and confined spaces.

Name: MGP-201 Gun Pod
Slot Type: Shoulder
Bullet Type: 30mm
Bullet Consumption: 1 Cell
Fires At The Same Time: 3 Rounds
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Point: 18
Shooting Range: 500 m
Bullet Speed: 600 m/s
Dispersion Angle: 0.0'
Hit Range: 1.5m
Splash Damage Range: 0 m
Splash Border Damage: 0
Firing Delay: 450 ms
Guidance: 5.3'
Targeting Time: 1300.0 ms
Weight: 7.0 T

A shoulder-mounted version of the Burst Gun. Damage and
burst size are smaller, but the accuracy is much better.

4.6.3 Special Equipment:

Name: BE-EOX E-Pak Extra Magazine
Function: +100 E-Pak Cells
Weight: 5.0 T

Name: SH-4 Forcefield Booster
Function: Maximum Shield +30%
Regenerates shield at a rate of 4 points/second
Weight: 5.0 T

Name: BE-30X 30mm Extra Magazine
Function: +100 30mm Cells
Weight: 5.0 T

Name: SE-S10 Sensor Array
Function: Detection Range +100 m
Hacking Level +3
Lock On Efficiency +50%
Target Keeping Time +100%
Weight: 10.0 T

Name: BE-60X 60mm Extra Magazine
Function: +100 60mm Cells
Weight: 5.0 T

Name: BE-ROX Extra Rocket Chamber
Function: +50 Rocket Cells
Weight: 5.0 T

Name: TEP-34L Boost Generator
Function: Booster Active Time +50%
Booster Recharge Time -10%
Weight: 15.0 T

Name: BE-VOX Magazine Expansion
Function: Ammunition Capacity for all types increased by 30%
Weight: 5.0T

Name: BP-2001 Gravity Controller
Function: Increases ARM weight limit by 20%
Weight: 0.0 T

5.0 Skirmish Mode

5.1 Levels

Round: 1
Location: Valhalla
Game Type: Death Match
Objective: 10 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: None
Enemies: Duke, Sonien
Parts gained: Niner-Head
MG-6 Assault Rifle
SR-7 Sniper Rifle
BE-EOX E-Pak Extra Magazine

Round: 2
Location: Catacomb
Game Type: Team Death Match
Objective: 15 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: Lynn
Enemies: Duke, Sonien
Parts gained: Niner-Leg
SPG-5 Burst Gun
SH-4 Forcefield Booster

Round: 3
Location: Midgard
Game Type: Death Match
Objective: 20 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: None
Enemies: Taxman, Lynn, Janus, Morei
Parts gained: Ganesha-Leg
SG-1 Spread Shotgun
AFA-70 Rocket Pod
BE-30X 30mm Extra Magazine

Round: 4
Location: Jotunheim
Game Type: Team Death Match
Objective: 10 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: Luu
Enemies: Morei, Petrovich
Parts gained: Kumara-Chest
AFA-210 Triple Handcannon
SE-S10 Sensor Array

Round: 5
Location: Boot Camp
Game Type: Death Match
Objective: 15 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: None
Enemies: Janus, Petrovich, Sonien
Parts gained: Parthia-Chest
THX-200 Arc Light Gun
AFA-70A Double Rocket Pod
BE-60X 60mm Extra Magazine

Round: 6
Location: Centropolis
Game Type: Team Death Match
Objective: 30 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: Lynn, Morei, Petrovich
Enemies: Taxman, Duke, Janus, Luu
Parts gained: Evan-Head
HSM-02 Rapid Fire Missile
BE-ROX Extra Rocket Chamber
TEP-34L Boost Generator

Round: 7
Location: Titanforge
Game Type: Team Death Match
Objective: 20 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: Lynn, Petrovich
Enemies: Luu, Janus, Norman
Parts gained: Crassil-Head
SGA-200 Auto Shotgun
BE-VOX Magazine Expansion

Round: 8
Location: Bloodbath
Game Type: Team Death Match
Objective: 20 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: Luu
Enemies: Morei, Petrovich
Parts gained: Meg-Head
KSM-01 Multiple Missile Launcher

Round: 9
Location: Gigantic-Core
Game Type: Team Death Match
Objective: 15 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: None!
Enemies: Lynn, Morei, Petrovich
Parts gained: Homa-Head
RLC-190 Refraction Beam
BP-2001 Gravity Controller

Round: 10
Location: Hive
Game Type: Sudden Death
Objective: 15 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: None
Enemies: Duke, Norman, Petrovich
Parts gained: Homa-2-Head
PB-C5 Plasma Blade

Round: 11
Location: Asgard
Game Type: Death Match
Objective: 20 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: None
Enemies: Taxman, Duke, Luu, Janus, Morei, Petrovich
Parts gained: Von-Head
ICA-3000 Particle Cannon
HSM-500 Mid-Range Missile Launcher

Round: 12
Location: Abyss
Game Type: Team Death Match
Objective: 25 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: Lynn, Luu Sonien
Enemies: Taxman, Duke, Norman, Morei
Parts gained: K-Bee-Leg
POD-200 Plasma Spreader

Round: 13
Location: Metropolis
Game Type: Team Death Match
Objective: 20 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: Lynn, Luu
Enemies: Taxman, Duke, Sonien
Parts gained: Dishfoot-Leg
SG-18 Hispeed Shotgun
PB-222 Syncrotron Lance

Round: 14
Location: Starfield
Game Type: Death Match
Objective: 30 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: None
Enemies: Taxman, Duke, Luu, Janus, Norman, Morei, Petrovich,
Parts gained: Sira-Head (?)
AFH-70 Hand Cannon
RLC-100 Homing Laser
MGP-201 Gun Pod

Round: 15
Location: Netsphere
Game Type: Death Match
Objective: 20 Frags
Time: Unlimited
Allies: None
Enemies: Siren
Parts gained: Ending Movie

6.0 Multiplayer Mode

6.1 Game Modes

Death Match:
Basic All-out combat to the death. All weapons and ammo types
are allowed. Can also be played in Teams.

Sudden Death:
Like deathmatch, but all players have only 10 points of armor,
no shields, and are equipped with a SR-7 Sniper Rifle with 10
rounds of ammo. All pick-ups are replaced with single 30mm
bullets. Can also be played in teams.

Shotgun Arena:
All guns are replaced with SG-1 Shotguns; all ammo pick-ups
are replaced with 60mm ammunition cells. Armor is fixed at 150
for all participants, while shield strenght starts out with 0.
Both armor and shield pickups are available. Ammunition
capacity is also fixed at 100 60mm cells. Can also be played
in teams.

Ioncannon Arena:
Similar to Shotgun Arena, but the weapons are replaced with
the ICA-6000 Ion Cannon and the ammo pick-ups with E-Paks.
Armor is fixed at 150. There are only armor pickups available,
and ammo is limited to 100 E-cells per player. Can be played
in teams, too.

Rocket Arena:
All guns are replaced with AFH-70 Hand Cannons. All ammunition
is replaced with packs of 5 rocket cells, and the inertia of
all ARMs is doubled. Both armor and shield pickups are
available, armor is fixed at 150, and ammunition is again
limited to 100 cells. Can also be played as team-based version.

The participants weapons are replaced with a MH-100 Motor Hammer
and a PC-C5 Plasma Blade, resulting in heated melee combat.
Armor is again fixed at 150, but shield pickups are available.
Can also be played as team-based event.

King of the Hill:
The first player to enter the Arena is the 'King', and receives
unlimited Overed Boost and Damage Booster. Whoever manages to
accumulate more frags than the King times becomes the new King
and the game starts over. Only the King can be damaged by, or
damage, the players. Killing the King is worth 5 frags. All
weapons and equipment are available.

Like Team Deathmatch, but only killing the Team Leader will
yield points. The frags gained by killing the leader are
equivalent to the number of players on his team. Again, there
are no limits on guns and equipment used.

6.2 Levels

6.2.1 Original Levels:

Valhalla - Orbital Battle Pit

A network of corridors leading into a central hall; many
transparent walls enable the combatants to see each other
from great distances without being able to shoot each

Catacomb - Underground Depot

Maze-like map consisting of 2 levels connected by a central
shaft. The cramped corridors result in many close-range

Midgard - Hyperspace Transport ATA 742

A transport ship during hyperspace transfer; the ship can
be entered through several entrances resulting in
close-quarter battles, but most combat tends to occur on
the outside.

Jotunheim - Palace of Giants

A two-level central hall with a nice-looking glass dome
roof; several cooridors branch out, some leading into
smaller halls while others are just dead-ends.

Bootcamp - Combat Training Stage

Large Halls, connected by narrow horizontal and vertical
hallways. Most of the arena is shrouded in darkness, so
locating the enemy can pose a problem.

Centropolis - Orbital Elevator Upper Layer

A giant space station orbiting earth. The impressive
superstructure contains many pick-ups, and the station
can be entered, revealing spacy hangar bays and a large
central pit area.

Titan Forge - Arm Factory

One of the most beautiful levels in the game. I giant
factory area with numerous towers and many open spaces.
Long-range weaponry is a must here.

Blood Bath - Battle Stage

A giant hall with stalagmite/stalagtite like structures;
despite the huge size of the hall, most combat is conducted
at short ranges.

Gigantic Core - Gigantium Fusion Generator

Two huge central generator halls with moving structures
inside connected by narrow hallways. There are several good
sniping positions located here.

Mystic Hive - Infected Netsphere Sector

A creepy level, resembling a Giger-painting. Huge halls
filled with organic-looking objects connected by wide,
organic looking hallways. Long-range weaponry is a must.

Asgard - Orbital Battle Pit

Similar in design to Valhalla, but without the huge
central dome. Instead, the corridors connect several
smaller, darkened halls.

Abyss - Ressource Extraction Base

A rather huge mining complex set in a mountainous area.
Several open areas that are connected by winding canyons.

Metropolis 3049 - Battle in the City

A rather large area filled with scyscrapers and floating
platforms. There are several eastereggs located here,
most notably pictures of the programmers and several
rather interesting signs.

Star Field - Asteroid Massdriver Ruins

One of the largest Levels in the game. A huge asteroid belt
filled with floating debris, most of which can be entered.
A small underground complex exists in the largest of the
asteroids, where the massdriver was located. Again, long
range weaponry is a must, as well as good boosters.

The Netsphere - Core System Kernel

A virtual-reality arena; basically, just a huge cylinder
with a central column running through it and a ring running
along the middle. This is where you face Siren, and
unfortunately, you can neither run nor hide in this level.

Musfelheim - Science Facility

Very similar to the Catacomb level, a network of smaller
halls and wide corridors.

Illusion city - Netsphere Database Sector

Another virtual reality level, consisting of several towers.
Due to the illusional nature of the level, it is hard to
tell walls from doorways.

Green Field - ARM Examination Battlefield

A huge open area filled with rolling hills and towerlike
structures. Perfect for long-range combat and chases.

Judgement Chamber - Netsphere Sector 9218

Another virtual reality level, but this one looks far more
solid. A cross-shaped hall with several catwalks and an
impressive-looking statue in the middle. The theme seems
to be "heaven and hell".

Pyromid - the Colosseum.

A circular-shaped arena with several moving walls revolving
around the middle. Due to the nature of the level, combat is
usually short-ranged

Garuda - Flying Fortress AFB 205

A huge circular-shaped flying structure with several large
entry-hatches. Extremely spacious hallways allow for
long-range combat inside as well as outside.

ATA-740 Longinus - Assault Carrier

A level very similar to Midgard. Again, the ship can be
entered through the numerous hatches, while most combat
occurs on the outside.

CUBE, Tubbyland, and Headquarter

Those are hidden maps; look under section 7.0, Hidden
Features, for instructions on how to unlock them.

Cube is a level consisting of several connected cubes which
only differ in color (If you've seen the film, you will
know what I mean...)

Tubbyland is exactly that: your worst nightmare come true.
The guys at Jamie rebuilt the tubby hill and added a few
easter eggs.

Headquarter seems to be a typical room from Jamie's
headquarters; noteworthy are the many windows blue screens
that can be seen on the monitors and the behind of some
employee (any information on who this is would be greatly
appreciated). The level is quite amusing, because it looks
like a bunch of overzealous toys are duking it out among

6.2.2 Mappack Levels

These levels were distributed over the
website. They are smaller than the original levels, and,
in my opinion, feel a bit more simple.

Sanctuary of Agni

A small temple-like structure with several statues in the
middle. A few corridors branch off the main hall, but only
lead back into it.

Red Myst Colosseum

A small Colosseum; several rows of catwalks surround a
central circular arena. Corridors from the catwalks lead
to hidden bonus items.

Crimson Field - ARM Examination Battlefield

A smaller version of the Green Field level, similar in
design but much smaller in size.

The Final Round

An open-air bunker complex, surrounded by a wall. Again,
nowhere to run or hide, so the resulting combat will be
very intense.

Gray Rock Colloseum

Very similar to the Red Myst Colosseum, just minor
changes in the layout of the corridors.


A small level best suited for one-on-one combat. It
consists of a long hall with a statue in the middle and
two balconys on either end.

Blast Pit - Weapon Training Center

Another level consisting of darkened halls. Due to the
bad lighting, all fighting occurs at short distance.

7.0 Hidden Features

7.1 Big Head Mode

Here is how you can get a big head.
In chat mode, just enter "give me a big head"
To return to a normal-sized head, enter "get back my head"

7.2 Hidden Levels

To get the hidden maps, you have to enter a special 'room
name' when setting up a game. These names are:

Operator Room => Tubbyland
Developer Room => Cube
jamiesystem => Headquarter

The names are case sensitive, so watch your typing.

7.3 Text Colour

You can change the colour of the text in the chat window and
the server browser. Just type "$# NUMBER (0-6)", for example

$#1 Hello

The different colours are:

0 = White 4 = Cyan
1 = Red 5 = Yellow
2 = Green 6 = Magenta
3 = Blue

7.4 Clan Tags

Clan Tags are small bitmaps that are displayed besides
people's names in multiplayer. In order to display one
yourself, you need a suitable bitmap, 16x24 pixels in size,
with 16 bit colour depth. A blank tag is provided in the save
directory of the Axis folder
(usually C:\Axis\save\clanmark.bmp).

Once you have a bitmap that suits your taste, rename it to
match your savegame file.

If your Character for example is named John, his save file
will be John.axs . The bitmap's name would then have to be
John.bmp in order for it to show.

7.5 Chat Macros

Chat Macros are incredibly handy, yet criminally underused.
You can assign a certain phrase (most often a taunt or a
standard answer) to a Macro.

The syntax for it looks like this and has to be entered
in the chat window:

/1= Bow down before your Master!

This phrase has now been assigned as a macro. In order to
recall it, simply type:


"Bow down before your Master!" will now appear on the chat
window. It's much faster than retyping the same taunts over
and over, and also makes you less of a target as you are
immobile while typing.

Only the numbers 0-9 can be assigned as macro positions;
any higher numbers will not work, despite the manual saying

7.6 Toggle Arm Center Interface

To toggle the Arm Center information off just press
Ctrl+Alt+M while in the Arm Center Screen. To toggle the info
back on just press Ctrl+Alt+M again. Useful for screenshots.

7.7 Toggle In-Game Displays

While playing, simply press the F11 key to switch between the
display modes. These modes are:

HIDDEN MESSAGE BOX MODE - The chat box will be deactivated.

SCREENSHOT MODE - makes the entire status displays disappear.
Hitting escape in this mode will NOT bring up the in-game

NORMAL MODE - The default display mode.

7.8 All Parts/Levels Cheat

Log in and enter the Skirmish menu. There, press left Ctrl,
right Alt, and PageUp simultaneously. Then select cancel
and you will have access to all the parts and skirmish

I recommend the 'hard way', though, as it'll teach you the
basic skills. The graveyards are full of newbies in shiny
ARM's that could neither evade nor hit anything. Spare
yourself the embarrassment of getting blown to oblivion
over and over and train with the bots first. You will
become a much worthier opponent that way.

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17.Октябрь 2013

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