Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland

Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland

14.10.2013 16:58:22
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# O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O #
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# O O #
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# O O #
* | -Save the Homeland- | *
# O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O #
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# Written By : rikimarubomber #
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# Note : If you're reading this with a notepad, maximize the size. #
* Use WordPad for best quality. *
# #
* Game Name : Harvest Moon -Save the Homeland- *
# Game Type : Mix -Stratergy,Adventure,Variety- @ @ #
* Platform : Sony Playstation 2 (PS2) @@ @ __ *
# Players : 1 player only @ @ @ @@ @@@ @__ @ @ @ @ @@@ #
* Kb to save : 239 kb for 4 save files. @ @@ @_@ @ @ @ @ @\@/@ @- *
# Vibration : Available -Fishing- @ @ @ @ @ @@@ @@ @ @ @@@ #
* Developer : (: Natsume -Serious Fun- :) *
# Publisher : (: -Victor Interactive- :) (: -o-Serious Fun-o- :) #
* *


E-mail me if som'thing is not right or you want to add up som'thing or u have a request to make
or if you have some information
Email me at : rikimaru_melayu@hotmail.com
One more thing, if you wanna post this faq to your site, just do it but send me an e-mail to
tell me about it.


Table of Contents

1 -History -
2 -Controls -
3 -The beginning of the game (NO SPOILERS) -
4 -Differents from the older games H
5 -Characters A
6 -Maps R
7 -Items V
8 -Animals E
9 -Flute Notes S
10 -Add-up T
11 -How long will it take until... -
12 -Ripe and bloom sign -
12 -Recipes -
13 -Shops -
14 -Foods,Flowers and herbs spots. M
15 -Power Berries O
16 -Events O
17 -Extra Money N
18 -Tips/Hints -
19 -Secrets -
20 -Credits/Thanks -



Version - 0.5 -Just a few info of the game (I've only play for till 13th spring so I'll add
bout other seasons soon).

Version - 1.0 -Add-up some recipes,events and correct some errors. More map added.
Version - 1.1 -MORE!!MORE!!MORE!!
Version - 1.5 -Add-up some stuff at summer and also bout animals and power berries. Correct
errors. (Started playing in summer).
Version - 1.8 -Add two new section. Add-up some info at secrets, recipe, events and tips/hints.
Correct errors.
Version - 2.0 -Correct errors. Add-up some info in tips/hints, events, how long will it take
until..., animals.




L2 - Wissel to call your horse
L1 - Wissel to call your dog
R2 - Change your items (You can either press R2 many times or press R2 then use the d-pad)
R1 - Change your belongings (To change : Same as above),Store things.
D-Pad - Move your character/Choose an option (Only in menu)
T - Move the camera angle to your back
O - Cancel
X - Confirm/Examine/Talk/Throw or give things/Pickup items
(You can only throw/give items if are holding it)
S - Use items/Eat belongings
Start - Open the menu
Select - Map/Identify item that you have (i.e highlight an item in your rucksack and press
L-Analog - Move your character
R-Analog - Move the camera angle by yourself


S - Take fishing rod
X - Pull line/To throw (The longer you hold the x button, the farther you will throw).
D-Pad - Hold the fish from running away
A. Left - Same as D.Pad


S - Take the flute out
X + D-Pad - Play (X button must be hold)
X + R1,R2 - Play (same as above)
X + L1,L2 - Play (same as above)


The beginning of the game (NO SPOILERS)

This is the intro of the game. Your grandpa,Tony just passed away. All he left is his farm.
You is his grandson. Then,you receive a letter from your father. In the letter, your father
as you to run your grandpa's farm before it be turn into a theme park. If you fail, the
whole city will be crush and turn into a theme park. That's when the game begins.....


Differents from the older games

In this game you cannot marry anymore.So don't waste your time giving girls presents.

You will not get a dog so easily too.You have to put a food (i.e:very berry) everyday in the
dog bowl but remember to put just one food a day.

You will notice it yourself

At start,your farm is alredy clean. No need for cleaning anymore.

It's harder to move your cows now because there's no bell anymore.

You can no longer pet fish. The only thing you can do is sell,eat or give them to someone.

Logs and rocks
There's no rocks and logs in the game. That means,no more axe and hammer too.

You can't upgrade your farm. The only thing you can do is add a kitchen and a a dog house.

Now, one seeds is use for only one box/space. The older games is one seeds 6 box/space.
You can sow in a sunny day and rainy day . But if, you sow anything in a rainy,some of
the seeds will vanished the next day. Also,you can only sow at a brown soil.

If you work till after midnight or work too much in a rainy day, you might get sick the next
day. If you get sick,you'll have to sleep the whole day because there are no clinics.

There's now 3 weather and that's sunny day (everything's normal) rainy day (don't go out walking
around the the town if you don't wanna get sick) and gloomy day (50%normal and 50% rain).

Filling water in the watering can
No more filling from the pond,you have a life-stock water now.

To get a horse,check at the animals title.

Fodder and grass
The older games,you need to sow grass by yourself for fodder. But now,there's also a life-stock
of grass. What you need to do is just cut them down. Three grass you cut will be only one fodder.

Stockup items/belongings
You can stockup to an unlimited amount of items/belongings in you bag.

Brush,milker and chicken feed
Now,if you suddenly press S without attention to press it where there's no attention/reason to
use it, he will not use it.

Selling items/belongings
Just go to the right/correct shop and sell it.

If you wanna buy or sell, you just need to go to the shop and check the paper/notepad.
An option will pop-out.

Taking a bath/restoring your energy
You cannot take a bath and relax at the hot water no more.

There's no mines now. If you want ores,just dig some good soils at your farm.

Harvest sprites
In the game,there's only three harvest sprite. You can't get help from them. They will play
around at certain spots randomly. Afternoon, they will already be home.
That's their cave next to your stable. They'll give you some tips if you talk to them.
Also, they will leave some tips around the town but the tipsboard is invicible so you
gotta search it by yourself.

They appear in most part of the town ,not just in the forest. You know why? There's no forest
in the game. Also, you cannot just pickup food and flowers everyday. You'll have to wait till
it blooms (flowers) and ripe (foods).

No more mayors too. I don't know why Natsume do this. Because of this, there's no more festivals.

There will be three types of season in a season. Weird,huh ? Mild,rainy and dry. To check what
season it is, check the calender. Mild is cloured yellow, rainy is blue and dry is red. Mild
weather is normal ,sometimes it rains and sometimes it don't. Rainy season is bad, all the
rainy season day will be rain with thunder (not like normal rain). Some people hates this
season a lot. The good thing is you don't have to water your crops. The bad thing is your crops
might get washed up. The last one is Dry season. This is a very bad season , no advantange at
all. Your crops will grow slowly and they're easy to DIE!

The channels is only three now.

Even if a person likes a thing, som'times they'll say "Thanks but I don't really need this now"
or som'thing.

The time goes quicker now so better be quick. Especially, when you don't do anything. The time
will 2 times more faster if you just seat around and do nothing.


Lives in your farm.
Give a name for yourself.
Owner of the farm
Birthday :1st of Spring
Likes :Chickens,Cows,Horses,Dogs
Dislikes :Bad cooking
Age :21
Height :5'5'
Weight :123 lbs

Lives in the cave next to your stable
The leader of the harvest sprite
Height :13'
Weight :6 lbs
Likes :Mushrooms, dancing
Dislikes :Dangerous creatures

Lives in the cave next to your stable
The youngest of the harvest sprite
Height :11'
Weight :5 lbs
Likes :Mushrooms, Cooking
Dislikes :Dangerous foods

Lives in the cave next to your stable
The laziest of all harvest sprites but he have good ideas.
Height :12'
Weight :7 lbs
Likes :Mushrooms, Napping
Dislikes :Getting up early, being hungry

Lives in the Goddess Harvest Lake.
She likes vegetables.
To summon her, go next to the lake and throw one stuff (i.e very berry).

A very rich girl . Lives in Clove's mansion.
Age : 17 years old
Height : 5'2'
Weight : 95 lbs
Birthday : 9 of Winter
Likes : Flowers, Blueberries, Reading
Dislikes : Thunder/Lightning

Gina is Martha grand-daughter. Both her and her grand-mother are Dia's Maid.
Age : 17 years old
Birthday : 20 of Fall
Likes : Eggs, Fish , Flowers

She his Gina grand-mother. Both of them work as a maid at Dia's mansion.
Likes : Cheese
Birthday : 25 of Winter

Lives just behind the Carpenters' Shop (Apprentices' Shack)
Go to the bar at night.
Likes : Fish ,Fishing
Birthday : 10 of Summer

Same as Joe but he doesn't go to the bar. He often stay home.
Likes : Tomatoes
Birthday : 10 of Winter

He is a plant hunter. He search for plants and seeds. Loves to go to the bar at night.
Likes : Herb Tea
Birthday : 16 of Spring

He is the owner of the Farmers' Shop. He has a stable just near his shop. Check out what he
buys and sells at the shops section. Lives in his house with his brother Tim.
Likes : Animals, Sweets
Birthday : 1 of Summer

Owner of the cafe and also the bar. He is Katie grandpa. Check out what he buys and sells
at the shops section. Lives in his bar/cafe.
Likes : Tea, Fish
Birthday : 1 of Summer

Wallace grandson. She is 16 years old. Lives in the bar/cafe.
Height : 5'0'
Weight : 90 lbs
Birthday : 29 of Fall
Likes : Making sweets, Cheese, Eggs, Very Berries, Blue Berries, Cookies, Flowers
Dislikes : Being treated like a child

She lives with the carpenter. Maybe he is the carpenter grandson or son. Lives in the carpenter
Age : 18 years old
Height : 5'6'
Weight : 110 lbs
Birthday : 8 of Summer
Likes : Horse riding, Fruits, Animals
Dislikes : Spoiled people

He runs the Carpenter Shops. Loves to go to the bar at night. Check out what he buys and sells
at the shops section. Lives in his shop.
Age : 60 years old
Height : 5'5'
Weight : 139 lbs
Likes : Drinking
Dislike : Potatoes and vegetables
Birthday :

Runs the flower shop. She is a florist. Check out what she buys and sells at the shops section.
Lives next to her shop.
Age : 22 years old
Likes : Flowers, Herbs, Foods

A boy that's collects stuffs from the town and sell in to people. Lives in his house with
his brother Bob.
Likes : Eggs, Cakes, Tea
Birthday : 12 of Fall

The tool shop owner. A very intelligent guy. Loves to go to the cafe.
Check the shops section to check what he buys and he sells. Lives next to his shop.
Likes : Eggs
Birthday : 2 of Fall

The food shop/supermarket owner. He also owned the chicken coop across his shop.
Check the shops section to check what he buys and sells. Lives in his shop.
Likes : Cakes
Birthday : 11 of Spring

There's no details and names on some characters.If you guys manage to found it,mail it to me.

Maps |Cafe/ |
___________ |Bar | |____
___________ ______________ / \ |____| |
| Brownie's | | Clove's | | \__/ _____|
| Farm House| | Mansion | | Ocean / /
|___ _____| | | | / TOWN E /
\ \ | | | / /\ \________________
\ \ |_____ ______| \___________ / / \ ______ |Apprentices
______\ \__________ / / _________________ / / | |Carpenter|Shack
|Brownie's |Bob and / / | | /__ ___/ | |Shop | |___|
|farmers' | Tim's | / / | Harvest | / / | |______| |
| shop| | House | / / | Goddess |__/ / | |
|_____|TOWN C|_______|/ / | Lake | | TOWN D _______|
|__________ _________/ | | / _______/ ___
| | |_______________________| / / / \
__________| |__________________ __________________________/ / /Harvest
|Leyla's | | |Ronald's | / \ Sprites
|Flower | | |Chicken | / \Cave
|Shop____| | |Coop_____| | __________| |_
| | |___| | | |
|Leyla's | TOWN B ___ TOWN A |___| |
|House___| _______________ | | _________ Your Farm |
| | |Louis' | | | |Ronald's | ____ |
| |Louis' |Tool | | | |Supermarket / | |
|_____________|House__|Shop___|__| |_______|_________|________/ | |

Town Map
Harvest Sprites Cave
_________________________________| |_____
| ________ _______ ________ |
| | | |Chicken| | | |
| | Your | |Barn___| | Stable | |
____| | House | _ | | |
To |________| . |_| |________| |
Town A ____ |
| _____ _____ |
| |_____||_____| +++++++ +++++++++++++|
| _____ _____ + |
| |_____||_____| + |
| _____ _____ + Pasture |
| |_____||_____| + |
| _____ _____ + |
| |_____||_____| + |
|____Good Soil_______+______________________|


To Town D
/ / / /
________________________________________/ / / /
| _______ / / /
| / |++++++ _____/ / /
| |Ronald's + / ____/ /
| |Chicken| + _ | / |
| |Coop | + |_| | / |
| \_______|++++++ | | |
| \ \ / | |
| \ \___________________/ | |
| / __________ _____ \ |________
| / / ____| |_____\__ \_______________
| / / / \ \_________________To Your Farm
| / / ++ | Ronald's | ________
| | | + o | Supermarket/| /
| | | + o | Food Shop | /
| | | ++++|_____________| /
|____ | | _____________________________/
| | | |
| | | |
Town B


Town C
| | | |
| | | |
______________| | | |____________________________
/ | | \
| | | |
| +++++++ | | |
| + o o + | | |
| +++++++ | | |
| / | / \ |
| |Lyla's|____/ \ |_______
| |Flower|____ \____________________________________ To
| | Shop | \_ __________ Town A
| |______| \ | _______
| | | _/ | |
| |Lyla's|____/ | |
| |House |____ | |
| | | \_____ ________ _________/ |
| \______| ___| |________| |____ |
| One of Harvest | |Louis' | |
| sprites spot |Louis' Home|Tool Shop | |
| |___________|___________| |



| _ ____________ |
_____| |_|| Tim's and | |
To __________________________ | Bob's House| |
Brownie's ________________________ \ | | |
Farm House_____ \ | |____________| |
| _________ | | | | |
| | | | | | | |______
| |Brownie's|____| \________| |______________ To
| |Farmers' |____ _________________________ Clove's
| |Shop | | / ______ Mansion
| |_________| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|________________ | | _________________|
| | | |
| | | |
Town B


| |
:) = Horses | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
:> = Cow | + :) + |
| + :) Pasture :) + |
| + + |
| + :) + :> :) + |
| + + + |
| +++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ |
| ___________|
|++++++++++++++++++ +++++++| |
| | Stable |
|_________________ _______|___________|
| |
Town C


| |
| ===================================== |
| = | | |_| _______ = |
| = |__Clove's Mansion | = |
| = | | = |
| ========== | | ===================== Foods|
| | | Spot|
| | \___ |
| \____ \ Flower|
| \ \ Spot |
| \ \ _____________________|
|__________________ | | _____________________|
| | | |
Town C


Town E
\ \
\Herb \_____________________
|spot H ____ _ | H : One of Harvest sprites playing
| ______ | | |_| | location.
| |Carpenter.Apprentices'
| |Shop | |Shack |
| |______| |
| |
| Herb |
| spot |
| |
| Foods Flower |
| spot spot |
\ _____________________/
| |
| |
Town A


_________|Foods |_____
| _______ spot |
| |Cafe/ | Herb |
| | Bar | spot |
| |_______| _____|
| |_________
Ocean /
\ _________
| |
| Flower|
____/ spot |
/ |
| |
|____________ ____|
| |
Harvest Goddess Lake


|Harvest| |
|Goddes |X Foods |
|Lake \ _ Spot |
|_____/\ \_________| |___________| To
| \___________| |___________| /Town G
|Flowers |_| |/ /
|spot /
| /
| Herbs /


The part of the map where I marked with X, that part can be dig but nothing will happen except
if you dig it many times, you will get ore or stone. Just the same at your farm soil. If
someone find a secret or som'thing with that part, mail me.



Here's a lil descriptions of the items I know.
So send me if you know some items and their descriptions if they isn't in my Faq.

Can be sold at Can be buy at Sell Price Buy price
:Sickle - - - -
You got this at the beginning. Use to cut grass and dead crops.

:Hoe - - - -
Got it at the beginning. Use to dig good soil.

:Watering can - - - -
Got it at the beginning. Use to water crops.

:Flute - - - -
Use to train your dog. Check out how to get it at the secrets section.

:Old Fishing rod - - - -
Use for catching fish. Check out how to get it at the secrets section.

:Very Berry Supermarket - 10 G -

:Rice Ball - Supermarket - 200 G
Restore a little of your energy.

:Sandwich - Supermarket - 250 G
Restore quiet a bit of your energy.

:Soft Bread - Supermarket - 150 G
Restore some of your energy.

:Honey - Supermarket - 200 G
Restore your energy and can be use for cooking.

:Cheese Supermarket Supermarket 500 G 500 G
Restore lots of energy.

:Milk small Tool Shop Supermarket 150 G 150 G
Restore energy and use for cooking.

:Egg Cafe Supermarket 50 G 50 G
Restore energy and use for cooking.

:Potato Supermarket - 60 G -
Flower Shop
Grow fast but can only be harvest once.

:Tomato Supermarket - 80 G -
Flower Shop
Grow slow but can be harvest serveral times.

:Corn Supermarket - 120 G -
Flower Shop
Grow very slow but can be harvest serveral times and the price is high.

:Bread fruit Supermarket - 100 G -
Can be harvest serveral times.

:Cranberry Supermarket - 20 G -

:Blue Berry Supermarket - 30 G -

:Yogurt Supermarket - 350 G -

:Potato Seed - Flower shop - 20 G

:Tomato Seed - Flower Shop - 30 G

:Corn seed - Flower Shop - 30 G

:B.Fruit Seed - Flower Shop - 40 G

:M.Flower Flower Shop - 10 G -

:Cat Mint Flower Shop - 20 G -

:Herb Flower Shop - 10 G -

:Limestone Flower Shop - 40 G -
Carpenter Shop

:Blue Rock Carpenter Shop - 90 G -

:Rare Metal Carpenter Shop - 180 G -
Tool Shop

:Copper Ore Carpenter Shop - 40 G -
Tool Shop

:I.Ore Carpenter Shop - 60 G -
Tool Shop

:Brush - Tool Shop - 300 G
Use this on a cow or horse will make they happy but only once a day.

:Milker - Tool Shop - 1800 G
This is use to get milk from an adult cow.

:A.P Medicine - Tool Shop - 1000 G
Ease fatigue.

:Super Sickle - Tool Shop - 4500 G
The cutting range is three times more than the normal sickle.

:M.Stone Tool Shop - 100 G -

:P.Root Tool Shop - 80 G -

:Medical Herb Tool Shop - 30 G -

:Milk small Tool Shop - 150 G -

:Milk medium Tool Shop - 200 G -

:Milk Large Tool Shop - 300 G -

:Milk Gold Tool Shop - 400 G -

:Fodder - Farmers' Shop - 30 G
Food for your cows and horses.

:Chicken Feed - Farmers' Shop - 10 G
Food for your chickens.

:Cow Miracle Potion - Farmers' Shop - 2000 G
This is the only way to make your cow pregnant.

:A.Medicine - Farmers' Shop - 500 G
Heal your sick animal.

:Nut Wine - Bar - 200 G

:Wheat wine - Bar - 250 G

:Water - Bar - 150 G

:Milk - Bar - 150 G

:Fish Meal - Bar - 500 G

:Herb Wine - Bar - 350 G

:Sauted Dish - Bar - 400 G

:Tomato Salad - Bar - 400 G

:A.Cheese - Bar - 500 G

:F.Fries - Bar - 400 G

:Mushrooms Bar - 20 G -

:Walnut Bar - 20 G -

:Medium Fish Bar - 80 G -

:Large Fish Bar - 120 G -

:Tea - Cafe - 150 G

:Herb Tea - Cafe - 200 G

:Milk Tea - Cafe - 200 G

:Cookies - Cafe - 250 G

:Muffin - Cafe - 250 G

:Cake - Cafe - 300 G

:Cheese Cake - Cafe - 350 G

:Pancake - Cafe - 300 G

:Very Berry Jam Cafe - 80 G -

:Cranberry Jam Cafe - 100 G -

:Blue Berry Jam Cafe - 120 G -

:Mixed Berry Jam Cafe - 80 G -



You can just buy them with 500 G but for me,I only buy one and the others are from the eggs they
lay. To feed them, you'll need to buy Chicken Feed. It cost you 10 G for one feed. Equip the
food and press S to put them in the Feed Box. You must give them food everyday so they'll
lay their eggs. But if it's not raining, use this advantage to bring your chicken out in the
grass. You will not waste food to feed them. But don't forget to take them in back if it's
raining or else they will get sick. Use the A.Medicine to cure them. You can sell a chicken
for 300 G. But, you can only feed them if you put the food in the right feed box. Check
which feed box is by pressing the X button. To check how they're doing, pick them up and press
select. You don't have to feed chicks. If tomorrow gonna rain, keep them inside and feed them
today. If not, put them outside today and an egg will be under them. But if today is raining
and tomorrow isn't don't put them outside tonight. Chicks and sick chicken cannot be sell.

You can only get one dog in the game. To get a dog ,put one food in the dog bowl
everyday. Once the dog knew you well, chase the dog you want (red or blue scarf) and pick
it up and he will be your pet. Use the L1 button to call the dog. Dog is a very intelligent
pet. But don't forget to put food in her food box after you got it. Put them out on sunny day
but in your house on rainy days or else the dog will get mad. Use the flute to train them.
Check out how to get the flute at the Secrets section. Remember, you can only have one dog.
Think before you pick. To check how your dog is doing, pick it up and press select. If it's
sick, give him a A. Medicine. If tomorrow is gonna rain put him inside today. If not, put them
outside today. But if today is raining and tomorrow isn't don't put them outside tonight.
Here is the dog heart rating so far :
1 heart - He is starting to like you and you can play basic flute notes like lay and sit.
2 heart - You can whistle to call him.
3 heart - You can now tell him to herd the cows.

You can only have one horse in the game. To get a horse,do Bob's partimework. Also, you need to
be friendly with Bob. This will make he turust you. But brush and talk to them in the
partimework. The brush cost you 300 G. If you already have a brush for the cow, don't buy
another one. Don't forget to do the same after you've got one. If you're good with your horse,
you can ride him. The better your relationship between you and the horse, the faster he will
run. Horse can also jump fences. Also, don't forget to feed them once everyday. Put them out
in sunny day but in on rainy days. Use A.Medicine to cure them. If tomorrow is gonna rain, keep
him inside and feed it today. If not ,put them outside today. But if today is raining and
tomorrow isn't don't put them outside tonight. If you press X from the side, you will ride it
(only if you already can) but if you press X from the front you will talk to it.
Here is the horse heart rating so far :
1 heart - He is starting to like you. You can ride him after awhile.
2 heart - You can whistle to call him. After awhile, he can run.

You need to buy them. If you wanna make them pregnant, use the Cow Miracle Potion but remember
a pregnant cow cannot give you milk.C.M.Potion cost you 2000 G. You can only get milk from
adults cows by using the milker.The milker cost you 1800 G. Same as the horse feed them,
put-out and in, brush them, talk to them and also they love if you get milk from them.The
brush cost 300 G. If you already have a brush for the horse, don't waste your money buying
another one.The better your relationship, the better,bigger and expensive the milk will
be. Cows has four types of milks and that is Small, Medium, Large and Gold milk. Price 150 G,
200 G,300 G and 400 G. Use A.Medicine to cure them. You can sell a cow for 3000 G. You can
only sell adult cows. If tomorrow gonna rain put them inside and feed them today. If not, just
put them outside today and the next morning you could have milk. But if today is raining and
tomorrow isn't don't put them outside tonight. You can't sell calfs and sick cows.


Flute Notes

Here is what you can play to make your dog do something.
Remember ,hold the x button

Lay - Up,Down,Down
Sit - Up,Left,Down
Herd The Cows - Right,Left,Right (You must put the dog in front of the pasture gate then play it).
Heel - Left,Right,Right
Jump - Left,Up,Right

Note : If you do lay after your dog already laying ,it will open it's mouth.

Sometimes the dog doesn't react to what you've played. Try it many times till it follows.
Or maybe because it's heart isn't enough.



In the older games, you can upgrade your house into a bigger and better farm but in this one
you can only add a kitchen and a dog-house.

Cost you 10 000 G. Kitchen is use for cookings . There are many ways to get the recipes.
The fridge is use to store up your food and ingredients. You will also be given a toilet and
bath room. Also, you'll be given a pot, oven and frying pan.

Cost you 5000 G. Dog-house is to make your relationship with it better.


How long will it take until....

A potato ripe
4 days

A corn ripe
7 days

A harvested corn ripe
3 days

A tomato ripe
6 days

A harvested tomato ripe
3 days

A bread-fruit ripe
7 days

A harvested bread-fruit ripe
4 days

Wild foods and flowers bloom or ripe
4 days

A chick grow into a chicken
6 days

A egg hatch
4 days

A calf grow into an adult
7 days

A pregnant cow gave birth
10 days

A cow small milk change into medium
11 days

A cow medium milk change into large
11 days

Your dog-house complete
1 day

Your kitchen complete
1 day


Ripe and bloom sign

A potato ripe
Flowers will grow on them.

A tomato ripe
The tomatoes turn into red colour.

A corn ripe
The yellow colour on the sack and the size of the sack is bigger.

A bread-fruit ripe
The bread-fruits turn into brown colour.

A very berry ripe
It will be yellow colour and it's bigger.

A blue berry ripe
It will be purple colour and the outline will be black not white.

A cran berry ripe
It will be red colour and the outline will be black not white.

A M.flower bloom
It will bloom and the flower is now bigger.

A pink mint bloom
It will bloom and the flower is now bigger.



Utilities Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Result

Oven Egg Milk Small Bread Fruit Simple Cake
Oven Milk Large Golden Egg Bread Fruit Cake
Oven Milk Gold Golden Egg Bread Fruit Cheese Cake
Oven Egg Any Milk - Flan
Oven Very Berry Egg Any Milk Fruit Flan
Oven Honey Bread Fruit Egg Honey Cake

Pot Blue Berry Blue Berry Blue Berry Blue Berry Jam
Pot Cranberry Cranberry Cranberry Cranberry Jam
Pot Very Berry Very Berry Very Berry Very Berry Jam


Pot Cranberry Blue Berry Very Berry Mixed Jam
Pot Milk Small - - Hot Milk
Pot Milk Medium - - Yogurt
Pot Milk Large - - Cheese
Pot Milk Gold - - Special Cheese
Pot Any Milk Mushroom - Simple Mushroom
Pot Any Milk Tomato - Cream of Tomato
Pot Any Milk Corn - Corn Soup
Pot Fish Tomato - Bouillabaisse
Pot Potato Milk Large - Creamy Soup

Frying Pan Gold Egg - - Sunny Side Up
Frying Pan Egg Any Milk - Simple Omelette
Frying Pan Egg - Cheese Cheese Omelette
Frying Pan Egg - Any Vegetable Vegetable Omelette
Frying Pan Egg - Any Fruit Fruit Omelette
Frying Pan Large Fish Herb Any Milk Special Fish
Frying Pan Small Fish - - Cooked Fish
Frying Pan Mushroom Egg - ???
Frying Pan Egg Any Milk Bread-Fruit Pancake



Ronald's Supermarket
Open From : 8 A.M - 6 P.M
Closed on : Sunday

Item Name Cost Effect
Buy Rice Ball 200 G + a lil energy
Sandwich 250 G + quite a bit energy
Soft Bread 150 G + som' energy
Honey 200 G + energy and cooking
Cheese 500 G + lots of energy
Milk Small 150 G + energy and cooking
Egg 50 G + energy and cooking

Item Name Price
Sell Potato 60 G
Tomato 80 G
Corn 120 G
Bread Fruit 100 G
Very Berry 10 G
Cranberry 20 G
Blue berry 30 G
Cheese 500 G
Yogurt 350 G

Lyla's flower shop
Open From : 9 A.M - 5 P.M
Closed on : Sunday

Item Name Cost Description
Buy Potato Seed 20 G Grow fast. Can be harvest only once.
Tomato Seed 30 G Grow slow. Can be harvest serveral times.
Corn Seed 30 G Grow very slow. Can be harvest serveral times. High price.
B.Fruit Seed 40 G Can be harvest serveral times.

Item Name Price
Sell Potato 60 G
Tomato 80 G
Corn 120 G
M.Flower 10 G
Cat Mint 20 G
Herb 10 G
Limestone 40 G

Carpenter Shop
Open From : Early - Night
Closed on : Tuesday and Thursday

Item Name Cost Description
Buy Kitchen 10000 G This will provide you a kitchen to cook and a fridge to store your
foods and ingredients.
Dog House 5000 G This is a shelter for your dog if it's raining and to make your
relationship better.

Item Name Price
Sell Blue Rock 90 G
Rare Metal 180 G
I.Ore 60 G
Copper Ore 40 G
Limestone 40 G

Louis' Tool Shop
Open From : 10 A.M - 6 P.M
Closed on : Wednesday and Saturday

Item Name Cost Description
Buy Brush 300 G Brushing your cow and horse will make they happy and up your relation.
Milker 1800 G Use to get milk from adults cows. Make they happy and up your relation.
A.P.Medicine 1000 G Ease Fatigue
Super Sickle 4500 G The range is 3 times more than the normal sickle.

Item Name Price
Sell M.Stone 100 G
Rare Metal 180 G
I.Ore 60 G
Copper Ore 40 G
P.Root 80 G
Medical Herb 30 G
Milk Small 150 G
Milk Medium 200 G
Milk Large 300 G
Milk Gold 400 G

Brownie's Farmers' Shop
Open From : 8 A.M - 5 P.M
Closed on : Thursday
You can also do part-time-work here.
Part-time-work time : Morning - 3 P.M

Item Name Cost Description
Buy Fodder 30 G Food for the cows and horse.
Chicken Feed 10 G Food for the chickens.
C.M.Potion 2000 G This will make an adult cow pregnant after you use it on her.
A.Medicine 500 G Medicine for sick chickens, horses and cows.
Cow 2500 G Check the animals section.
Chicken 500 G Check the animals section.

Item Name Price
Sell Cow 3000 G
Chicken 300 G

Cafe : Noon - 5 P.M
Bar : 6 P.M - Midnight
Closed on : Monday


Item Name Cost
Buy Wheat Wine 250 G
Nut Wine 200 G
Water 50 G
Milk 150 G
Fish Meal 500 G
H.Wine 350 G
Sauted Dish 400 G
Tomato Salad 400 G
A.Cheese 500 G
F.Fries 400 G

Item Name Price
Sell Very Berry 10 G
Cran Berry 20 G
Blue Berry 30 G
Walnut 20 G
Mushrooms 20 G
Medium Fish 80 G
Large Fish 120 G
Cheese 500 G
Potato 60 G
Tomato 80 G
Corn 120 G


Item Name Cost
Buy Tea 150 G
Herb Tea 200 G
Milk Tea 200 G
Cookies 250 G
Muffin 250 G
Cake 300 G
Cheesecake 350 G
Pancake 300 G

Item Name Price
Sell Herb 10 G
Bread Fruit 100 G
Egg 50 G
Milk Small 150 G
Milk Medium 200 G
Milk Large 300 G
Milk Gold 400 G
Cheese 500 G
Yogurt 350 G
V.Berry Jam 80 G
C.Berry Jam 100 G
B.Berry Jam 150 G
M.Berry Jam 80 G


Foods, Flowers and Herbs Spot

Foods Spots
a.Outside Clove's mansion
b.Outside Carpenters' Shop
c.Outside Cafe/Bar
d.Next to the tree near Harvest Goddess Lake

Flowers Spots
a.Outside Clove's mansion
b.Outside Carpenters' Shop
c.At the left site of the road to Harvest Goddess Lake
d.Next to the Harvest Goddes Lake
e.Next to the tree near Harvest Goddess Lake

Herbs Spots
a.Outside Clove's mansion
b.Outside Carpenters' Shop
c.At the road to Carpenters' Shop from Cafe/Bar
d.Near the Harvest Goddes Lake


Power Berries
1.Cut your grass at your pasture (Random grass).
2.Check out the events section .Number 9.
3.Digging soil. (Random soil).(very hard to get)
4.Playing Treasure Hunt 2. (Random)
6.At Scarced of Persia, dig the star, heart, music and square shape on the ground.
7.Give by the Goddess.


Some of the events may happen not according to my row. It depends on how you play.

1 .When you start the game, you will examine your farm for a while.
2 .Then, when you come out of the house you'll find three harvest sprites (Nic,Nac,Flak).
3 .When you can start controlling your character go outside and the harvest sprites will teach
you basics of the game.
4 .When you go to the Harvest Goddess Lake, the harvest sprites will teach how to summon the
5 .When you go to the Carpenters' house (Outside) Kurt will be searching for a Azure Swallow
Tail (happens randomly).
6 .If you go twice to the Ocean when the Carpenters isn't working (Tuesday and Thursday) you
will get a fishing rod (The first time you came ,Joe will be fishing but nothing happens)
also you need to be friendly with Joe.
7 .After Kurt told you bout the Azure Swallow tail, go to the Flower Shop and an event will
8 .This event will only happen if you don't take good care of your dog. The next morning ,one
person will come to your house bringing your dog.
9 .This happen randomly, when you wake up ,the harvest sprites will come and said that Flak
is missing.
10.Kurt and Joe just finish building your dog house.
11.If you already ask Lyla bout the Azure Swallow-tail, be nice to Louis and go to the ocean
oftenly.(Happens randomly)
12.The harvest sprites will wake you up and ask you to beat a creature (happens randomly).
13.If your dog-house is complete.
14.If your kitchen is complete.
15.When, Bob give you a horse. (Friendly with Bob)
16.Tim ask you to help treasure hunting (Friendly with Tim n Bob).
17.Tim ask you for help again (Friendly with Tim n Bon).
18.If you get a cold, the most friendly person with you will come to your house and help.
19.You can start riding your horse.
20.Once you got the blueprint from Tim ,go to Clove's Mansion.
21.After the weasel event, a couple weeks later, Gwen will come to your house and talk about
22.Katie will ask you to find your Grandma's recipe (Friendly with Katie)but you must go to the
Cafe/Bar yourself.
23.Check your cabinet and you'll find the recipe. Give it to Katie at the Cafe/Bar only.
24.Once your horse can start running.
25.After you beat Bob in the horse race.


Extra Money

1.Doing part time job. (Morning - 3 P.M)
2.Collect foods,flowers,herbs and sell them.
3.Digging your soil. You may find 10 G.
4.Planting plant and sell what you get.
5.Dig for Ores and Stones and sell them.
6.Buy a cow and sell them back, you were suppose to get extra 500 G.
7.When doing part-time work, stay there as long as you want (50 G/Hour).



1 .Don't plant anything during rainy day. Some of your plant may get washed up.
2 .You can jump over fences at your farm if you in a hurry.
3 .Just buy one chicken because it can full your barn in flash.
4 .Just buy one cows but if you really in need of money buy another one (the risk is high).
5 .Do part-time-work oftenly. (Morning - 3 P.M)
6 .Don't waste your time giving girls presents because you can't marry. But if you wanna some
tips or som'thing make friend with them. Still, make friend with all the people, some
events may happen because of this.
7 .Don't waste to much time collecting foods, flowers and herbs. Watch the time so that your
farm ,animals has been take care off and you get enough sleep to avoid sickness.
8 .If your chicken is sick, you can do another way to cure it. Just feed for 1-2 days and it
will be fine (1-2 days -the chicken won't lay egg till the third day).
9 .After a fish bite your bait (arrows will appear), hold down the X button and hold the
direction that is shaking.
10.Goddess will only take wishes once a day. She only take wishes in the morning and sunny
day. She will not take wishes if it's already night or it's raining or too early.
11.Only buy fodder if you don't have time to cut the grass.
12.The your farming in the morning because you'll use less energy than if you do farming
at night.
13.Don't forget to water your crops when dry season or else they will die the next day.

14.Part-Time-Job (Morning - 3 P.M) ( 50 G/Hour ).
To do the part-time-job, ask Bob when he is in his shop to do it. Don't check the paper
but talk to him. Then, he will give you the tools you'll be needing to do this job.
Talk and brush all of the animals and take milk from the cow. You don't need to put the
fodder in the feed box because the animals already eat the grass outside. You will
be granted 220 G. If you don't do it correctly, you will get lower than 220 G. You can
some extra-money by not telling Bob that you already finish the job.

15.Keeping your crops
- First, dig the spot where you wanna sow it (You can only dig good soil).
- Then, sow all the seeds at the soil.
- Next, water them once a day.
- Harvest them when they are riped.
- If you already harvest a tomato, corn or a breadfruit plant, continue watering them because
they can be harvest again till they die.
- Store the crops that you've harvest in your rucksack by pressing the R1 button.
- Sell them at the right shop.

16.Don't you ever use sickle or hoe on your animals. It will make they anry. Relation: Down
17.If the next day gonna rain, put all of your animals inside.
18.If you save the game, you will sleep automaticly. Even without telling you. This is bad if
you don't know.
19.If you run out of fodder just do the part-time-job and steal as much fodder as you want.
20.Buy an egg at the supermarket and hatch it.
21.When you are cooking, one golden egg will be counted as 2 normal egg.
22.If you don't wanna waste your time pushing the cows inside just put your dog in front of the
pasture gate and play the flute (Right,Left,Right). Then, just go do your routine things
and at the time you come home, your cows will be inside.



1.You can throw just anything if you wanna summon her. Even though she love vegetables.
2.To get a fishing rod , go to the ocean twice when the Carpenters isn't working (Tuesday and
Thursday). Joe will give you a fishing rod.
3.To get a flute, be friendly with Louis .When, his not working go to the Ocean where Louis
usually go. He will give you the flute.
4.Throw a chicken into the ocean and if catch a can it will be Chicken of The Sea Tuna Can.
5.Throw a dog into the ocean and you can catch a dogfish now.
6.If you finish the game, you can play a new game with almost all of your older status.
7.You can steal Bob's fodder when you doing the part-time-job if you want.


Natsume : For making this game and making the world a better place. I think Natsume is
very suitable with "Serious Fun" because of the game.

Victor : For publishing the game.

Sony : For building/making PS2. It's really good.

Broddie : Post me some info.

Akami : For some info.

People : Tq very very much. It really help me in doing the faq.
at GameFAQs
msg boar
that talk
bout recipe
and power
berries and
other stuff

Arc : This is a guy from GameFAQs msg board. I owe him big time. He post many recipes.

People : They help me with the recipes, give me info and also they correct my errors.
at GameFAQs Thanx you guyz!
msg board

My Dad : For buying me a PS2.

My Brother : For buying the game.

Me myself : For making this Faq. My real name is Faiz you might as well just call me Riki.


* *
# Don't take any info from this Faq without my permission. #
* Especially if you're making a faq of your own. *
# Mail me if you have info, request,comments and stuff to me at : rikimaru_melayu@hotmail.com #
* *
* Working on version 2.2 faq. *
# #
* Ver 2.0 *
# #
* -END- *
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14.Октябрь 2013
NTSC zu PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
NTSC zu PAL Patch, US-Version

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016