Warhammer: Dark Omen

Warhammer: Dark Omen

16.10.2013 03:31:56

Game Information:
Title: Warhammer: Dark Omen
Type: Real Time Strategy
Format: Playstation
FAQ Age limit: 11+

Author: Robbie B
Contact: thefollower44@hotmail.com
FAQ Version number: 1.8

Last Update: 8th May 2002 - Minor corrections

FAQ Version 2.0: 7th March 2002: Finished mission 7 and surprise
surprise! Not one unit got killed. That's the first time I got past
that mission without losing anyone. Bestiary, Unit Info and
walkthrough updated a LOT.

FAQ Version 1.9: 7th March 2002: Found out that I missed quite a gap
in my work so I filled those up. You should now find every single
enemy unit in the game up until mission 6 in the FAQ updated. The
Profile to the Imperial Greatswords is also added.

FAQ update: 1st March 2002: Official release of Version 1.8. Working
on the FAQ again. Girlfriend still nags me to come off the computer.
Been playing Suikoden 2 recently. I'm planning version 1.9 possibly
sometime this month since the next mission is a VERY hard mission. As
always I aim to provide the best possible way to win the mission with
the lowest amount of casulties. Anyway don't give up on me. I'm still
here and I'm still working on the FAQ. - Robbie B

FAQ Version 1.8 - 2nd JAN 2002: Did mission 6 and minor updates.
Forgot to send it in though so... Darn @me! Had a major lack of
motivation as in new girlfriend and loads of time in bed meaning I
couldn't be bothered to write the FAQ again.

FAQ version 1.7 - 22nd DEC 2001: FINALLY figured how to defend
Helmgart. That mission was easy to complete but with so many deaths!
I finally figured a way to get the Necromancer out before the battle
even starts so I'm really happy now. I've added the Dwarfs to the
list and updated everything including the spell book (at last!)

FAQ Version 1.6 - 20th DEC 2001: Added section 1.2 skull and shield
explanation. Also included mission 5A and mission 5.1A for the choice

FAQ Version 1.5 - 19th DEC 2001: I got round to some work at last.
Missions 3 and 4 are now covered definition of terms updated and so
are the bestiary and the allied units section. A complete major
overhaul of the FAQ finished at last!

FAQ Version 1.4 - 19th DEC 2001: Added Section 6.0 which I think
should have been done in Version 1.3 Updated Legal Disclaimer and
made some minor changes in the Bestiary part. Updated F.A.Q section
at last people asked me questions ABOUT the game!

FAQ Version 1.3 - 16th DEC 2001: The walkthrough has been started,
missions 1 and 2 are done. The Bestiary has been updated with
information on the units found in missions 1 and 2. Age limit to the
FAQ has been placed up above. Section 9.0 set up: legal disclaimer.

FAQ Version 1.2 - 16th DEC 2001: Section 5 started section 3 and 4
under research. Legal disclaimer and copyright notice added.
Corrected spelling mistakes and minor mistakes in all sections.
Updated definition of terms.
Added site granted permission notice for all sites allowed to use my
FAQ (granted permission in this case)

FAQ Version 1.1 - 11th DEC 2001: Started Section 2 added List of

FAQ Version 1.0 - 10th DEC 2001: Introduction - Section 1.0 updated

This FAQ is copyright 2001-2002, Robbie B.


Welcome to Robbie B's FAQ. This FAQ aims to cover everything on the
game: Warhammer: Dark Omen. If I have missed anything please do not
hesitate to contact me and I will check to put whatever I have missed
into this FAQ. The Basic content of this FAQ starts off with unit
information and basic information, which you may need to know to gain
a clearer view of the story. The general walkthrough is here and
covers all decisions you as the player makes. Thank you for reading
this FAQ I hope to hear from you soon.


Table of contents:

1.0) Story and basic information
1.1) Definition of Terms
1.2) Skull and Shield rating explanation
2.0) Details of units (allies)
2.1) Details of units that join for a short time
3.0) Bestiary
4.0) F.A.Q'S
5.0) Walkthrough
6.0) Special Items/Weapons List
7.0) Magic Book
8.0) Secrets/Codes
9.0) Legal disclaimer

*Section 1.0*

Story and Basic Information

If Warhammer: Dark Omen is your first Warhammer game then you will
more than likely not understand why you the main character is out in
the wilds of the Empire fighting goblins and Orcs.
The story actually starts in Warhammer: Shadow of the horned Rat in
which you the player was the commander of the young Grudgebringer
Mercenary army famed in the north but trying to make a career in the
southern areas known as the Border Princes
In the game you of course come across a huge enemy plotting to
destroy the world and so on. Of course a feat which has rarely been
done is YOU went and defeated the Skaven warlord along with his
puppet Orc Boss Urgat Rip-eye.
Now, several years later you end up in the Empire back to being a
small mercenary army once again. This time though a new threat
arrives and it's up to you to defend the world from the terror of

*Basic Information*

Basic information you just need to know about this game and what all
the rest of this guide will tell you about.
This guide is SPOILER free and if there is any possible spoilers it
will be marked clearly. You also should know how to play the game
which I hope you do, if not please refer to the Game Control FAQ.

As you are a commander of the army I should hope you know what a
commander has to do! The main things a commander should understand is
defence is much better than attack.
Defence over attack I hear you ask. Yes it's simply because when
defending you get the upper hand of shooting cannonballs and arrows
at the advancing foe and most of the time get to flank your enemy.

|Section 1.1|

*Definition of terms*

Flanking: This means getting your units around the enemy and
attacking from the sides or behind.

Flanks: This is the left and right sides of your army.

Centre: This is obviously in between the flanks

Rearguard: This is the back of the army.

Vanguard: Not to be confused with Rearguard. The vanguard is the
front of the army.

Cavalry: Soldiers on horses, beasts and mostly anything that is big
enough to allow a mount. Powerful and vital for your cause.

Infantry: Foot soldiers, generally a basic unit type.

Archers: Wield longbows, firing rate is pretty good range varies.

Crossbowmen: These use the more powerful crossbows, long range but
slow to reload.

Artillery: War machines, cannons, mortars and so on.

Skull Rating: This is shown in the troop roster and on the battle
map (press select then highlight a unit). The number of skulls shows
the rank or "threat" of a unit. Needless to say a unit with 1 skull
is hardly going to hurt your mighty three skull elite's! Always think
about this before sending that Infantry unit to attack a little group
of enemies since you could be sending a 2 skull infantry into a 4
skull bunch of elite's... Needless to say your butt will be handed back
to you on a plate.

Shield rating: This is also in the troop roster but NOT viewable on
the battle map. This is how well protected your units are. Generally
put this can be vital in the later stages of the game.

Melee: Hand to hand combat!

Flee: Not to be confused with melee! It means: RUN!!!!!

Attack: An attack is basically and attack of some sorts whenever by
missile or by swords.

Re-enforcement's: This is the term I use in attacking missions. In
attacking missions when you practically wipe out the enemy a bigger
stronger unit appears, these are reinforcements sent basically to
help them out and you aren't going to let that happen!

Wave: A wave is the battle phrase during defensive battles. When
defending something the enemy attack in waves basically 4 units and
when they fall or are in trouble another four units or wave of attack

Waves: Waves is the battle phrase used when more than one attacking
wave is launched at your units. For example in mission 1 there are
two waves of attacks by 2 units while in mission 3 there are SIX
waves of attacks by 1 unit. It's easy to learn!

|Section 1.2|

Skull and Shield explanation:

Skull and Shield is the way a unit is rated in terms of both strength
and defence.


Skulls is the way troops are determined to be a threat. How much
experience they have, how many kills they have made and how much of a
threat they are on the battlefield. This was employed in Warhammer:
Shadow of the Horned rat to limited success but is the heart of
Warhammer: Dark Omen

1 Skull: Recruits.

This is the rate given to people who come fresh out of the barracks!
It's also given to troops who have no experience. These troops have
little skill in using their weapons, they are unorganised and not
exactly brilliant in combat. They flee a lot, make rash decisions and
get into the wrong place at the wrong time.

Examples include Night Goblins, Brigands (thugs) and Zombies (Normal
people brought back to life)

2 Skulls: Regular Troops

This is the rate given to "normal" troops. Troops you would find in
almost every army. They have the average skill in combat, they use
their weapons with good skill, are organised and flee only when
losing a battle. They have average leadership are an experienced
bunch of soldiers. In reality men who go into battle a lot but aren't
exactly top of the art soldiers.

Examples include: Helmgart Bowmen (poor shots), countess Guards (flee
at fear!), Orc Boyz (organised and strong)

3 Skulls: Elite Troops (Veterans)

This is usually given to troops who are the core of the army. They
are powerful troops who utilise their weapons with amazing skill!
They never flee unless faced with certain defeat or are overwhelmed.
They have brilliant leaders, are very organised and loyal men. They
are top of the art fighters in reality the best troops you can find
strong and resilient. They usually lead the front line.

Examples include: Grudgebringer Cavalry (class pure class), Orc Boar
Boyz (nasty), Carlsson's Cavalry (class) and Necromancers (nasty)

4 skulls: Rare troops (Total Veterans)

This is given to troops who are totally rare. You won't find them
anywhere in the world, they wield their weapons with unbelievable
skill, are led by amazing men, never flee unless face with utmost
defeat and are total specialists in what they do.
In reality these are state of the art soldiers who you should beg to
have on your team. They are the best units you can have specialising
in a certain area of battle.

Examples include: Grudgebringer Cannon (state of the art cannoners),
Grudgebringer Cavalry (it's easy to level them up).


Shields basically give you an idea of how well protected your men
are. Gold Shield is the minimum amount of armour you can have.

Shields for infantry:

1 Shield: Basically normal clothes.

2 Shields: This is a troop with normal armour. Basically light armour
or a shield.

3 Shields: This means the troops have heavy armour or light armour
with a shield.

4 Shields: Given to troops who have heavy armour and a shield. Strong
protection but they will be slower than normal.

(Depending on weapons e.g. countess guards can't have shields because
they require two hands to use their weapons 1 shield is light armour
and 2 shields is heavy armour)

Shield for Cavalries:

2 shields: The minimum, 1 shield for being mounted (hard to hit) and
1 shield for light armour.

3 shields: Heavy armour, or light armour and shield plus being

4 shields: Heavy armour, or barded horse.

5 shields: Heavy armour, shield and barded horse.

|Section 2.0|

This section gives you all the information required on YOUR units.
This is PLAYER controlled units and not NPC'S or enemies. This
section also contains, background information, information on how to
use the unit to best effect and loads of other stuff.

*Allied units*

Permanent Units (Units which NEVER leave your army or units which
rejoin your army later)

Name: Grudgebringer Cavalry
Led by: Commander Bernhardt.

Background: Taking their name from their commander's powerful sword
'Grudgebringer' these mercenaries form the core of the army known as
the Grudgebriners. They are skilled in combat and ride to battle on
mighty war-horses.

How to use:

As the background says they are the CORE of your army. Lose these
guys and the game is over. However these guys are the toughest unit
in the game period especially at the start.
This cavalry unit has 16 men and horses and since it is war-horses
you get an extra attack for the horse!
They start of with a potent three skulls and three shields of a
possible five. At the start of the game they can easily wipe out any
unit for no casualties!

Although you may like I be tempted to storm them through the main
enemy units which is a dangerous thing at times, the best tactics to
use with these boys is to keep them in the flanks and once your
archers and cannon crew has cut the enemy down as much as they can
send in these guys.
I tend to get them to attack enemy units of skull skill two or three
rather than 1 since the lower experienced fighters should take out
those pesky 1 skull boys!

Name: Grudgebringer Infantry
Led by: Sergeant Gunther Schepke

Background: These warriors are highly experienced and proficient
fighters led by Sergeant Gunther Schepke, Bernhardt's second in
command. As part of the respected mercenary army known as the
Grudgebringers they are completely loyal to their commander.

How to use:

I recommend you try and keep these boys alive for as LONG as
possible. They are the biggest Infantry unit in the game having a
total of 20 men max!
They start the game with a skull rate of two, which is basically
what I would consider an "average" rate. Also they start with 2
shields of a possible 3.
I recommend upgrading their shield to three so they will stay alive
long enough to get more lethal!

With a skull rate of two these boys are capable of taking on most
enemy units. If you see a two-skull enemy or even better a 1-skull
enemy send these guys in to attack they should be able to handle
them. However I suggest you don't send them in to face elite units
(skull: 3+) unless you have serious backup with them (the cavalry!)
The best tactics to use here is to send these guys into the enemy
front rank then circle the cavalry to attack the enemy flanks or
rearguard. Don't expect the cavalry to save their butts all the time
though, train them up and don't worry about losing them you shouldn't
lose them unless you are THAT bad.

Name: Grudgebringer Crossbows
Led by: Unknown

Background: As part of the respected Grudgebringer mercenary army
these troops are skilled in their art and loyal to their commander.
They are armed with powerful crossbows, which have long range but
require line of sight to their target. Although they wield their
crossbows with considerable skill they are not particulary effective
in hand to hand combat. ONLY the front rank of the unit may fire.

How to use:

Simple here, DON'T get them in hand to hand combat unless you really
are desperate.
Line of sight basically means they can't stand in front of a
building and shoot the enemy like longbow archers can! But these guys
can be very useful _sometimes_! They aren't entirely good most of the
time (in my case) getting 4 kills in the entire battle! However in
missions where you can't take your cannons these boys become VITAL!

They have a ton of weaknesses and will become useless when you get
some archers. As they can't fire UP in the air I suggest you do NOT
put them directly behind your own men because you'll end up killing
your soldiers and have the enemy laughing at you!
Put them on a hill or even better put them in the middle of two
units of infantry fire away then when the enemy get too close pull
them back and get the infantry to close in.

(They have 16 men MAX and a skull rate of 2! Another 'average' unit.
Shields though are 1 of a maximum of three at the start of the game
and should remain so unless you seriously intend to send them into a

Name: Grudgebringer Cannon
Led by: Unknown

Background: This machine fires heavy cannonballs which can tear
through enemy regiments and light buildings with ease, but is
progressively more inaccurate the further it fires. It's enormously
long range is only matched by Orc Rock Lobbers, but it requires line
of sight to its target as the cannonball is fired in a very shallow
arc. Armour is USELESS against hits from a cannon.

How to use:

Now I'm presuming you don't intend to get these men into a fight
with a bunch of skeletons am I right? I do hope so! The cannon is
gained from the start of the game and has 4 men, a MINIMUM of three
is required to even shoot! Remember that!
However this is the MOST LETHAL unit you have at the start of the
game oh yes. Guess how many skulls? That's right! FOUR the max
possible! However it's shield rate is 1 of a possible 3 not that it
accounts to much since you won't want to get them in hand to hand

How do you use them then? Sit them down and shoot like mad. However
they have the exact same weaknesses the Grudgebringer crossbows have.
They still shoot your own men and believe me one shot through the
rear of your men will simply be enough to get them fleeing well off
the battle map unless you are LUCKY!
Putting them on a hill helps, putting them behind a hill doesn't!
Just get them in a place with good line of sight and make sure they
can't blow your own men up and you'll be fine with these guys.
PLEASE PLEASE don't get them killed. They are very much VITAL for
all missions.

Name: Bright wizard

Background: Having spent years studying his art at the Bright college
in Altdorf, a bright wizard is able to control magical energy to
produce spells of flame and heat. Although extremely powerful in
battle, wizards do not fare well in hand to hand combat. A wizard may
NEVER wear armour.

How to use:

The bright wizard is one of the most powerful wizards in the whole
game! Since most of the enemy in the mid-final parts of the game are
undead you'll have a lot of fun just burning them to death since
Undead units are weak against fire!

Note when the background information says: NEVER wear armour and DO
NOT FARE WELL IN HAND TO HAND COMBAT? Well unless you are like me
(crazy as hell) do NOT ever put him in hand to hand combat since the
poor fool will more than likely have his head chopped off.
Although I have got him in battle with a whole unit which he somehow
managed to hold out until the cavalry saved him (very funny too) I
don't recommend doing this. And yes he only killed 4 in that battle

Basically with this guy combined with the Grudgebringer Cavalry unit
the two can be an unstoppable force for the undead units. Use him
wisely and check out the spell book in section 7.0 for more tips.

Name: Dwarf Warriors
Led by: Unknown

Background: Determined and confident, Dwarfs are immensely strong and
resilient although slow on their feet. They will flee in only the
most desperate circumstances and their hatred for Orcs and Goblins
makes them even less likely to rout when fighting them.

How to Use:

They are slow really so don't try and get them into a fight with
archers. They are powerful though and the second largest Infantry
unit in the game with 19 Dwarfs and 2 of three shields filled. They
start out with a two skull rating as do most infantry!
When fighting Orcs and Goblins these guys practically fight to the
death and so are very useful in fights against the greenskins!
However against other units they are also pretty good if a bit slow.

The best way to use them is to simply keep them back until an enemy
gets close them charge them in. Because they are slow it is hard to
send them out to attack and so it's best to keep them close by to
defend a cannon or the archers.
The Dwarf warriors first join you after you re-take or defend
Helmgart. If you choose to help them they will join you then leave
you and later in the game they will re-join you. However don't help
them and they "die" or "refuse to help" you.

Name: Imperial Greatswords
Led by: Unknown

Background: Imperial Greatswords, like all swordsmen of the Empire,
are highly trained and proficient fighters. The swords they wield are
so large they must be swung with both hands and therefore strike with
great force. Due to this fact these troops are limited in the amount
of armour they can utilise.

How to use:

They use two hands swords so basically because of the sheer force
they hit plus the sheer weight of the swords they use, they attack
LAST. Doesn't matter who they fight they attack last. Therefore
please don't even THINK about getting them into a fight with cavalry
or Orc Boar Boyz and Goblin Wolf Riders because they'll be
slaughtered more often than not.

They can't use much armour so I would recommend buying one more
piece of armour so they can live longer! Although you might not use
them that much they can be useful. They tend to retreat a lot so I've
heard and seen.

Basically don't get them into fights against cavalry. Keep them
against infantry units and they should be alright. They only have 15
men though so you may want to keep them back to protect a cannon. On
the other hand as well as attacking last they are annoyingly slow.
Trust me on this but don't even THINK of getting them into a fight
with archers... SHOT DOWN is what will happen to them if you do so.

As with most other infantry units they start with a 2 skull rating
and 1 of 2 shield slots filled. Sucks eh?

Name: Flagellants
Led by: Unknown

Background: Flagellants are men who have been driven over the edge of
sanity by some personal disaster or catastrophe, causing them to
travel the Empire preaching their vision of doom. Their madness gives
them superhuman strength and resilience and they fight with
outstanding fury. Flagellants wear only tattered robes and will not
wear armour.

How to Use:

Ok so, as you should know by now. Infantry unit... 2 skull. The catch?
They can wear no armour meaning they are defenceless as well... imagine
a hedgehog on a highway and you get my point.

Only 9 men in a unit and basically mad as anything. They use flails
which are quite nasty especially since they can break your jaw in one
blow! Right now if I haven't put you off using this unit then I know
you aren't a guy who believes loads of armour and hitting power =
instant win!

Although they may look frail they are excellent fighters. Send them
to fight a unit of 20 goblins and they probably WILL win! Small in
numbers, weak in armour is their weakness but their hitting power,
their insanity makes them unbeatable. Because they are "mad" they
refuse to even retreat unless either half dead or just about getting
wiped out!

The other interesting fact of this madness is that it grants them so
much power they can easily smash through units like a knife through
butter. A unique unit so don't waste them. They are pretty good at
times better than the Imperial Greatswords anyhow!

Try not to send them headlong into archers (have I stressed this
enough?) because they'll be easily shot to pieces. Basically have
them attack either infantry or small units of cavalry. Try not to
lose them either because they can be a nice part of your plans!

*Section 2.1*

|Units, which join then, leave your army |

Units, which join and then leave your army, are indicated with a
green arrow on their emblem in the troop roster. SOME units will re-
join you later in the game and become permanent units; these units
are listed in Section 2.0.
Units here will NEVER join you permanently at all during the game and
will only stay for a brief time.

Name: Carlsson's Cavalry
Led by: Unknown

Background: These warriors form part of the militia commanded by the
Border Prince and former mercenary Sven Carlsson, a personal friend
of Bernhardt. They ride into battle on mighty war-horses and are
proficient in combat.

How to use:

Carlsson's Cavalry are much better than in the first game where they
were two useless units of infantry! The Cavalry is given to you for a
few battles at the start of the game and should be used to good
Use them to attack and support the Grudgebringers most of the time
since they are equal in skill to the Grudgebringers and MORE heavily
armoured! A 3 skulled unit with 4 of 5 shields covered! Don't buy
them additional armour since they WILL leave.
Basically these guys won't get wiped out unless you are that
unlucky! They are tougher than nails and although only have 14 men
compared to the Grudgebringer cavalry's 16 they never do get many
Use them for support, and if you don't care about experience points
send them in as a main attack force.

Name: Helmgart Bowmen
Led by: Unknown

Background: Like all warriors of the Empire these bowmen are highly
trained in their art. They are aimed with standard bows which have a
medium range. Although they wield their bows with skill they are not
particularly effective in hand to hand combat. Only the front two
ranks of archers may fire.

How to use: These guys are utter crap. I could shout 50 rude words
and you could get the picture of how BAD these archers are! Believe
me if you were moaning about the Grudgebringer Crossbows being crap
shots these guys excel in being totally utterly useless at shooting!
The Crossbowmen are the BEST crossbow unit in the game and although
I've been saying that ARCHERS or BOWMEN are better don't even bother
with the Helmgart Bowmen because they pale in comparison.
A 2 skull, 1 of three shields filled, these boys are "average"
bowmen the same as the Grudgebringer Crossbowmen except worst shots!
If you are going to use them then do as they walkthrough says, they
have good range and don't really need line of sight however though if
you get them in a firefight with another enemy unit of archers they
will much like the did in the first game lose and die! They do
however have huge numbers, 20 in all but that means nothing for

Name: Countess Guards
Led by: Unknown

Background: These fighters like all the Empire's infantry, are highly
trained and proficient fighters. They are skilled in combat and the
halberds they wield are heavy weapons, which hit with great force.
These weapons must be wielded with both hands, so these troops are
limited in the amount of armour they can utilise.

How to Use: The countess Guard come with the Helmgart Bowmen and are
basically the guys who protect the countess. After seeing the
Helmgart Bowmen and these guys in action I will assure you, you'll
understand just why the Empire needs men like you to do the dirty
The Countess Guards aren't that bad in all honesty but because of
the two handed weapons they use they hit LAST all the time no matter
what. And when you are facing a unit of 20 zombies this is not
something useful! They also tend to flee about three times more than
your own units would which makes me laugh sometimes.
They are as usual an average unit of 2 skull rating and have 1
shield of a possible two! Because of the lack of armour it's no
surprise the ranks of these sturdy 10 men seem to get demolished all
the time. (Low armour + always hit last + 10 men = Death)
You won't use them much so can't really offer any tactics!

*Section 3.0*

Advance notice: The following bestiary can be used to plan or make up
your own battle tactics and complete the game without the use of the
walkthrough. This is very useful if you do not wish to be forced to
use my own tactics and methods to win the game.
You can though use the bestiary and the walkthrough to see what to
do if you feel up to it. However for those who wish to get STRAIGHT
to the game then go to the walkthrough section. The bestiary is here
to give you additional information and options of taking on the game.
- Robbie

|Bestiary: All enemy units and how to deal with them. |
Note: This is listed in the order you will find them. If the same
unit re-appears but with the same strength then they will not be
HOWEVER if a unit re-appears in later missions stronger than before
the tactics to take care of them including additional tips will be
included here.

Night Goblins:
(1 skull, Infantry)

Found in mission 1 they are pathetic weaklings who aren't even going
to hurt your big humans. They do though have huge numbers but
seriously they aren't nothing to your experienced men. In mission one
there are two units, one contains 16 night goblins and the other
contains 12.
They are not a serious threat, the infantry should be able to take
care of them without any problems.

Night Goblin Archers:
(1 skull, Archers)

Found in mission 1. These guys actually do have some threat to your
troops. If your units don't move they can wipe them out but they'll
take a year to do the job! As a rule of thumb archers can't fight
well so get them in hand to hand combat and they'll be dead.
In mission 1 there are two units of these buggers. The first lot
contain 14 Night Goblins and the second unit has 15.

They aren't too serious to worry about. Your cannon and archers can
beat them down quickly enough. It's best to send the cavalry against
these goblins because the infantry moves too slow and will take a few
hits just getting near them which isn't good.


Orc Boyz
(2 skulls, Infantry)

These boys are basic infantry troops for Orc armies. They are however
tougher and more brutal than the average human and so I wouldn't be
surprised if it was really hard to take them down. Just send the
Cavalry or outnumber them with the Infantry for the win.
In mission 2 two of these units start on the map alongside each
other. The one on the left of the map contains a whupping 14 Orcs so
I suggest the Grudgebringer Cavalry for these nasty pieces of work.
The one on the right however have only 9 Orcs and this means
basically that the Grudgebringer Infantry should have enough strength
and men to slay them all although it'll take a while. Neither of
these units are anything other than "basic" troops so just kill 'em

Orc Arrer Boyz:
(2 skull, archers)

These are basic archers in an Orc army. As you can see they are
better shots than the weak Night Goblins so treat these guys as the
biggest threat in mission two. They have many times before I found
the easiest strategy managed to kill my cannon crew.

Archers are crap in melee, if you do as the walkthrough states then
the Carlsson Cavalry available for this mission will take them out
piecemeal! In mission two at the start of the battle only one unit of
these basic archers roam the field right behind the Orc Boyz. They
have 15 Orc Arrer Boyz more than enough to fire a LOT of arrows. Take
them out quickly.

Orc Boar Boyz
(3 skulls, Cavalry)

The Orc Boar Boyz appear in mission two. Once you defeat a unit of
Orc Boyz and/or the archers these Orc's rush into the scene as
reinforcements. They are elites and you should use your better men
such as the Grudgebringer Cavalry and the Carlsson's Cavalry to take
them out. They form a unit of only 8 Boar Boyz and that's including
the Boar's attacks.
A hint with these guys... DON'T LET THEM CHARGE YOU. If you do they
hit for double strength, double strength for the boars, and double
attacks. That means you are basically going to go home in a coffin.
CHARGE THEM and get rid of them.

(1 skull, infantry)

Zombies are undead forces and as all undead do they cause FEAR. This
basically means these puny weaklings can make your best units flee so
I'd suggest you keep your fingers crossed. However I haven't seen
anyone flee from a zombie unit yet so can anyone tell me if they
These useless troops are faced in mission 3 and are nothing to your
better-trained units! Why after a bunch of average Orc's did the
productors decide to give us basic bog standard units in mission
three? However they do pose a tiny tiny and I repeat again TINY
threat by actually having BIGGER numbers plus more units on the
screen than you can usually handle!

There comes to a total of 4 Zombie units in mission three. At the
start of the battle one zombie unit of 18 zombies stands in your way.
However once the battle starts another unit is quick to enter the
battle this time 19 zombies! The third wave of attack is the
appearance of the Ghouls (refer to section below) followed by a unit
of 15 strong zombies. Another unit of Ghouls appear and finally the
last unit to appear on the map is a unit of 14 zombies. Get these
guys and the battle's done at last!
The Infantry can take them out alone really, use the Cavalry for
quick kills and the Crossbowmen for sniping tactics!

(2 skulls, Infantry)

Ghouls are your basic average unit. They are the average firepower
of the undead army and appear in mission three. These guys are easily
taken down by your Cavalry and go down quicker when the Infantry and
Cavalry team up. I wouldn't risk getting the infantry in with these
guys, it would be evenly matched and the Infantry would win but it
would take time which is not what you have in mission three.
The Ghouls attack in waves three and five in mission three. The
first lot being the third unit to attack you have a good strength of
14 Ghouls. The second unit comes right at a tricky time and is the
biggest threat of them all has only 12 Ghouls.
Both should be hacked to death (again) by the Cavalry.

Brigand Swordsmen:
(1 skull, Infantry)

These annoying pests appear in mission 4 where you are ambushed
outnumbered and practically bound to die! However people who want a
reward and are prepared to fight for it are usually thugs and
criminals. People who basically have NO experience in combat! These
guys are just that except even more annoying that a thief ransacking
your toilet seat in the middle of the night!
At the start of the battle there is one unit to the north, in the
first wave of attack another unit appears to the right hand side of
the forest (well hidden!) and later after they have been killed a
unit appears from the top right. ALL three units have 14 brigands
capable of outnumbering the Countess Guards but your infantry and
Cavalry will have no problem with these guys.

Brigand Archers:
(1 skull, Archers)

Like the swordsmen except these are actually more of a threat than
anything else in the whole of mission 4! Thanksfully there is only
two units of these pests. One is hidden on the hill to the left at
the start of the battle which causes problems unless you eliminate
them with the Cavalry, which moves the best unit out of the whole
actual area. Yes even the Cavalry has problems taking these guys
down! The next unit appears on the hill to the right of the map but
can easily be killed by one carefully aimed cannonball! Both units
once again only have 14 men. A lot of arrows but nothing too serious.

(3 skulls, wizard)

A Undead general. Obviously managed to get the brigands working for
him through money, threats or BOTH. This single warlord will pose
many problems THROUGHOUT the game however in this mission he runs
away when all the brigands are killed. And even so he doesn't
actually bother to attack so don't worry about him. Scare him away
with some cannonballs just don't waste your men going in for him. You
can get the wizard into the battle to kill him but it's usually too
late or you are more likely to be killed before hand!

Zombies (1 skull, infantry)

Found in mission 5A. No big difference to the last encounter. The
first wave come from the top and top-left area containing, 12 and 14
zombies. The 2nd wave from the south contains 15 and 16 zombies.

Skeleton Archers
(2 skulls, Archers)

Basic archers once again a potent threat. They have the unique
ability of NEVER fleeing. Crap in hand to hand combat only one unit
appears in mission 5A containing 18 skeletons. Wipe them out using
the cannon and crossbows if you can before even daring to charge.
If you kill the Necromancer then the Skeleton Archers will be
destroyed just as you charge.

Skeleton Warriors
(2 skull, Infantry)

Basic troops, but in this case you should treat them like elites.
Skeletons fight to the last man. They NEVER flee ever. The Cavalry or
Infantry can wipe them out but it takes time. Only 2 units appear in
the 3rd wave of attack in mission 5A containing 15 and 16 skeletons.

(3 skull, wizard)

Kill this man and you can take out all undead units with ease.
However he has a lot of nasty spells in mission 5A. Get the Cavalry
to charge him along with your bright wizard and you'll take him out

Skeleton Horsemen
(3 skulls, Cavalry)

A new unit to the game appears in mission 5.1A. They are deadly and
of course don't flee. The Cavalry are well matched to take them out
especially if you get the cavalry to a 4 skull rank before the
battle! They contain 12 horsemen and appear in the north behind a
stone. They aren't really a threat if you take out the Necromancer
but if the Necromancer is still alive these guys can be deadly.
(2 skull, Infantry)

A special unit to the undead army. These should be treated as three
skulled units. They flee unlike skeletons who fight to the death!
They are small in numbers but usually are more than powerful enough
to wipe out some units so be careful with them. They appear in
mission V1 and onwards.
(2 skull, infantry)

Even though they are now 2 skulled troops they are still nothing of
a threat. Kill them with the same tactics and remember fire is their
weakness. They can easily be slaughtered with cannonballs and arrows.
They show up from Mission 6 onwards.

(3 skull, Infantry elite units)

Mummies are a pain in the neck. They cause your units to flee and
are powerful than most standard units. A 3 skulled infantry unit is
rare in any case and these guys show you why. They do however like
many of the undead forces have a prone weakness against fire. Use
fire spells and they'll be wiped off the face of Earth. The Cavalry
at skull 3 or 4 will take them out no problem!

Night Goblin Shaman
(2 skull, mage)

Night Goblin shaman's can actually kill themselves by using magic.
Funny eh? These are a moderate threat in the Goblin armies. Night
Goblins and their archers are pathetic really but the shaman should
always be taken out quickly. Their magic skills are actually quite
good. Charge them with a FAST unit or even better shoot them with

Giant Scorpions
(3 skull, Special Goblin unit)

Scorpions kill through poison stings don't they? Well just imagine
one as big as a 6 foot man and you got the right image. It's kinda
like you are staring in "honey I shrunk the kids" when you fight
these monsters.
They cause fear so; you'll be hard pressed to find anyone that will
charge these things. The Grudgebringer Cavalry or the Infantry with a
Banner of defiance is good for this. They can wipe a unit out on a
bad day so be careful with them. A direct cannon hit will knock them
out... nice animation too, yellow blood pouring out of the guts onto
the grass. Ewwwwwwwwwww.

Gigantic Spider
(3 skulls, Special Goblin Unit)

Now, I got a fear of spiders and to even mention the name or type it
just raises the hairs on the back of my neck. In the game most of the
troops are the same as me. Except they run away from huge 7-8 feet
tall spiders while I run away from the smallest ugly 8 eyed thing I
But anyway less about me. I find it very funny to charge every unit
of mine in against these horrors just for the pure pleasure of... well
seeing it die I suppose. It's not so funny when most of the men stop,
make a funny face then scream and run away. Fear is a big thing you
see. Anyway just get a good fighting unit such as the Cavalry on
them. The Imperial Greatswords are good spider killers, sometimes.

|Section 4.0|


1) Are there any hidden units I can find?

A) Yes there are but they aren't exactly hidden. In fact most units
that are "hidden" are those that leave and re-join later. The Dwarfs
for example join you if you choose to help them get home. All hidden
units are listed in the Allied Units area and the walkthrough.


*Section 5.0*


Starting a new campaign takes you to the unit selection screen.
First off enter the troop roster view your units and buy some more
armour for the Grudgebringer Infantry (1,200G)

Back on the unit select screen choose all available units for battle,
the cavalry, infantry, crossbows and cannon.

Battle 1: Outpost Defence.
Objective: Protect the village and defeat all enemies

Enemy Units: 2 Night Goblin Archers and 2 Night Goblin (ALL 1 skull)
**Note: check the bestiary for additional information**

This is a fairly easy opening battle and if you lose this then I
can't really say anything but I'm surprised. Skill isn't even needed

You have all the Grudgebringer Units with you in this battle and it
should be a walkover. At the start of the battle two goblin units
will be up at the top of the battlefield to the top-right area. Your
goal is to prevent them from reaching the village in the top left
area. Since there is only one way to reach the village which is the
road guarded by your forces it shouldn't be too hard to win.

Simply set the Cavalry on the far right behind the trees with the
Infantry somewhere below them. The Cavalry's arrow should be green to
show that they cannot be seen by the night goblins.

Have the crossbows in-between the trees and the cannon to the right
of the crossbowmen make sure they can hit just around the bottom to
halfway up where the goblins are. You won't be able to hit them just
make sure you can reach the bottom area of the hill.

Once your force is in place have the cannon fire away at the goblin
archers and wait. Move your infantry up forwards and get them to
block the road leading up the hill. When in range make the cannon and
if in range the archers shoot at the Night Goblin archers and have
your infantry charge the Night Goblin infantry, get the cavalry to
charge too and dispatch those little buggers.

If the Night Goblin archers are still alive which if your cannon has
been working they shouldn't be then get the cannon and your archers
to hold fire (otherwise you'll kill your own men) then charge in the
cavalry who will make short work of the weak Night Goblin force.

Once both units of Goblins have been destroyed or have fled get your
cavalry and infantry units back and wait for the next two goblin
units to appear on the map. They'll come the same way as the others.
Take them out like the first batch and the battle will be over.
However don't press start button yet!

Send the cavalry to the village to get the chest there and check if
the Goblins dropped any chests and get them, once you have finished
looting the place press start button and end the battle. You should
have less than 5 men killed preferably none.

Additional notes: MISSION 1:

Since these are 1-skull units it is recommended you send the Infantry
in to kill the normal soldiers. However send the fast cavalry to take
out the archers since they won't get hit so much. In either case
though the only unit that will have no kills will be the crossbowmen
in most cases.

After the battle head to the troop roster and click on army
reinforcements. You should now have a full army again; money should
be in the 3000 area. If you haven't done so upgrade the Infantry's
armour NOW. They are the best infantry in the game and the biggest I
wouldn't like to see you lose them because you forgot to get them
better armour. Beside it'll save you money in the long run.

After the journey to Altdorf you will now have access to a very
useful unit. The Carlsson Cavalry will join you. However if you check
the troop roster there is a green arrow next to the unit's banner.
This means that at some point in the game they will leave you. Some
units will rejoin you and stay with you for the rest of the game.
Unfortunately the Carlsson's Cavalry are only going to help you for a
little bit then they'll be gone and I mean they won't ever join you
again in the game. Sucks eh?

Mission 2:
Objective: Ambush the Orc main war party.

Enemy Units: 2 Orc Boyz, 1 Orc Arrer Boyz and 1 Orc Boar Boyz

Take all units you have they will all come into play in this major
battle. It's lovely to have an ambush! But as usual it's an attacking
not a defence battle and this works against your favour.

The enemy is going to come down a narrow canyon which puts things in
your favour at least. Put the Grudgebringer Crossbows on the left
side of the battlefield. They'll be on the hill, put them right up
the top right and get them to fire at the nearest Orc Boyz unit (the
biggest one). Put the Carlsson's Cavalry on the hill near the
crossbowmen placing them right in front and set a move marker to move
them down the hill and right between the forest and the base of the
The rest of your units should go on the right flank. The Cannon
should remain where it is, get it to fire at the nearest Orc Unit,
which would be the small band of Orc Boyz.
The Infantry should be placed to the upper-right of the cannon out
of firing range and should wait for the Orc Boyz (9 Orcs).
The Cavalry should be below the cannon and should be set to engage
the biggest Orc Unit (Orc Boyz 14).

Press start and your cannon will begin firing the Carlsson's Cavalry
will come behind the Orc's and your Cavalry will engage the biggest
unit of Orc Boyz. Get your archers to hold fire when the
Grudgebringer Cavalry charges. Get the Carlsson's Cavalry to attack
the Orc Arrer Boyz and when the other Orc Boyz are in range get the
Infantry to charge them.

Sometimes both Orc units will attack your Grudgebringer Cavalry if
this happens just get the Cannon to hold fire and get the Infantry to

The Carlsson's Cavalry will easily cut through the archers, when the
do so get them to charge the Orc re-enforcement's of Orc Boar Boyz.
Don't worry they'll survive. Get the Grudgebringer Cavalry and
Infantry to attack any survivors and if you have no enemies left get
the Grudgebringer Cavalry to attack to Orc Boar Boyz and support the
Carlsson Cavalry!

Grab the chest of money that the dead Orc Boar Boyz dropped and then
look for any other chests and collect them all. End the battle then,
if you didn't kill all the units it doesn't matter but I suggest
restarting the battle, it's VITAL experience points and you get more
money for slaughtering the greenskins! Casualties should once again
be low. Only the Grudgebringer Cavalry and Carlsson Cavalry should
have any serious kills because as the faster troops they should have
been in heavy fighting. Not to worry about experience you'll be fine
it's early stages yet. Get an army reinforcements, this will include
the Carlsson's Cavalry who aren't going to leave JUST yet.

You should still have over 3000 gold coins left I hope. Don't bother
spending it just yet mind.

Your band of merry men will set march to a town for once! It is here
that you'll meet the Bright Wizard and you'll find him a nice
addition to your army. He's with you forever so don't get him killed
You'll then march onwards further south towards the badlands where
Orcs live! After a short cut-scene you'll be thrown to battle :)

Mission 3: The Undead threat.
Objectives: Defend Town and defeat all undead units
Enemy Units: 4 Zombie units and 2 units of Ghouls

Once again take ALL available units for this battle. Yes you probably
won't need any but the Cavalry and the Infantry but hey the more
units you have the less chance of YOU being the loser here. This
mission is strictly a defensive mission however there is a few

The problem with this "defensive" mission is that it's RIGHT in the
middle of town! You have to defend the town and it's villagers from
the undead forces that are approaching from the top-right hand area
of the battle map.

The town is right in the middle and to make things worst your men are
right down the bottom of the town and what's even worst is it's NIGHT
time which hardly helps you to see much! PLUS you are gonna have to
survive SIX yes that's SIX waves of attacks!
Overall a suicide mission right? No. The units here are nothing to
your well-experienced soldiers!

At the top right area of the deployment area is where you want to put
your men. Have the Grudgebringer Infantry to the far right of the
building furthest to the right. Have the cannon to the left of that
building with the archers to the left of them. Then place the
Carlsson's Cavalry to the left of them. The wizard should be deployed
with the Grudgebringer Cavalry right behind the Infantry.

Before pressing start command the Carlsson Cavalry to march right up
to the top house of the village to protect it! Have the Crossbowmen
march up right between the house to the right and the top of the map.
Have the Infantry and Grudgebringer Cavalry attack the unit of
Zombies at the top of the map and the Wizard follow them. Keep the
wizard back though!

The unit of zombies are followed by another unit of zombies! However
the combined might of the Cavalry and Infantry (or usually just the
Cavalry) will take the first unit out easily. Whatever happens though
send the Grudgebringer Cavalry and Infantry to take out the next unit
of Zombies. And while doing this get the archers up into firing

When you engage the second unit of zombies (we love them don't we!) a
unit of Ghouls will appear. I warn you these guys are "average" units
so watch who you send to take them out! While your Cavalry and
Infantry are busy taking out the zombies get those crossbowmen to
shoot the Ghouls. Don't worry the zombie unit will be dead and buried
(again) before the Ghouls will get anywhere near your men to harm

Just send the Grudgebringer Cavalry into the Ghouls who will fall
within minutes. Have the Infantry on standby for any units of Zombies
which tend to pop up from the ground anywhere on the battlefield.
While fighting the zombies have the Carlsson Cavalry close in to give
any support if needed but save the EXP for the Infantry and
Grudgebringer Cavalry (it's EASY EXP!)

As usual a unit of zombies will appear usually just to the south-east
of where your men are fighting not too far away though so be careful!
Send the Infantry to intercept these silly fools and if you can get
the Crossbowmen to fire a volley of arrows which does help you after

A unit of Ghouls will appear just EAST from where your infantry and
zombies are fighting. If you can get the Grudgebringer Cavalry to
intercept these terrors or if you think they won't get there in time
then get the Carlsson Cavalry to intercept (providing you did what I
said and moved them into the battle area!)

If the Infantry finish fighting those zombies then get them to
support the cavalry attacking the Ghouls so that you'll have more
units free for the next unit that comes up!

A unit of zombies (again) will appear this time from the right hand
corner of the map. If the Cavalry and Infantry are still in combat
(which they usually are) then send in the Carlsson Cavalry to mop up
the weak zombie unit.


The zombie unit I mentioned above usually does a weird thing of going
for the Infantry or Cavalry if you win (ie. The Ghouls are fleeing).
This means sometimes you can just wait and let your crossbowmen fire
round after round then charge in the Infantry!

Once the annoying zombie unit falls you have completed the mission!

After the battle check the troop roster do an army reinforcements and
then take a look at the Carlsson's Cavalry. A red arrow has replaced
the green arrow. This means they will be leaving VERY soon so DON'T
bother reinforcing them.

A cut-scene follows and you'll march back up to Altdorf!

At Altdorf the Carlsson's Cavalry will leave you (cry over that!) and
you will be joined by two new units to relieve the siege going on at
Helmgart (people of Warhammer: SOTHR will remember Helmgart!)

Mission 4: AMBUSH!
Objectives: Survive the ambush and defeat the Brigands

Enemy Units: 3 Brigand Swordsmen, 2 Brigand Archers, 1 Necromancer.

Take every unit you have because this ambush is a nice piece of work!
You are going to be hit from all side all at once more than three
times so just PRAY for luck cos you'll be needing it!

Press select to see the battle map and you'll see some Brigand
Swordsmen to the north. Now put the Grudgebringer to the LEFT hand
side of the deployment screen (furthest left and right at the
bottom). Set them to move to the top of the hill on the left hand
side you'll notice why soon enough!
Have the Grudgebringer Infantry be place EXACTLY where the Cavalry
was, and have the cannon to the right get the cannon to fire at the
Brigands straight away! Have them useless Helmgart Bowmen to the left
of the infantry and the wizard should be right down the bottom MILES
away from the action (he's not needed till later in the battle!)
Have the Countess Guards cover the right hand area and the
Grudgebringer Crossbows to the bottom to help them out should the
need arise (and it usually does!)

The cannon and Helmgart Bowmen should be firing like MAD at those
brigands. The Cavalry will reveal the archers in the hills CHARGE
them straight away! Keep firing at the guys to the north and watch
out for the swordsmen who appear at the right hand side VERY close to
your units!

I managed once (somehow) to get the Crossbowmen to fire off TWO
rounds at the troops on the right hand side while the cannon fired to
the north before the charged from both Infantry... Not helpful in any
case except for killing some punks!

The Cavalry will win the first battle most of the time when they do
pull them back to the main area of conflict. The Grudgebringer
Infantry should win followed by the Countess Guard. Hold these units
and get the cannon to fire on the newly arrived Brigand Swordsmen to
the top right of the screen.
GET the Countess Guards out of range of the Necromancer (3skull) and
the Brigand archers on the hill for now. Most of the time your cannon
should hurt the swordsmen enough to make them flee. If they don't get
the Grudgebringer Infantry to take them out.

The Brigand Archers on the hill with the Necromancer can actually be
taken out with a brilliant shot from the cannon (as it happened
several times for me!)

With all units out of the way it's time to play the risk card. This
is optional, send the wizard out and blow that necromancer to death!
However you'll more than likely lose that! Most of the time though
the Necromancer escapes anyway so it's not important. Once all units
flee the Necromancer will leave and you'll be thankful you somehow
survived such a well planned and annoying attack!

This is actually one of the "annoying" missions to play

Note the Countess Guards have a red arrow and will be leaving soon.
I'd suggest reinforcing your army and then saving before you continue
as you will now have to make a decision.
You'll head to Bogenhafen where you'll be asked to defend the
Countess from the Undead forces. However the attack on Helmgart will
be starting soon and you are needed there.
Choose whichever choice you wish.

1) Stay and Fight (go to Mission 5A)
2) Continue to Helmgart (go to Mission 5B)

(don't worry about your choice. You'll end up on the same path again.
However any "extra" missions that you face will be listed as Mission:
5.1A for example or mission 5.1B PLUS I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU CHOOSE

Mission: 5A

So you have chosen the honourable thing to do, and have chosen to
defend the countess! The Countess Guard will stay with you for this
mission and the Helmgart Bowmen will stay with you and help you out.
Reinforce the Countess Guard if need be and prepare for a battle
which you'll have a hard time in indeed!

Objective: Defend the Countess and defeat the Undead forces
Enemy units: 4 zombies, 1 skeleton Archer, 2 skeleton warriors, and 1

Take all units you have. Your forces will surround a church where the
Countess will be hiding in. You will be attacked in all four
directions and this is going to be a VERY hard mission but one with a
lot of extra EXP points!

You only have enough forces to cover three of the Four Corners of the
building, which doesn't help so much.

Put the Cavalry, Cannon and wizard to the top-right point these unit
will be able to hold out and may be the only units left on the
battlefield if you take a bad beating. They will cover all the left

Put the Helmgart Bowmen and the Grudgebringer Infantry to the top-
right they'll have the hard job of taking out all enemies to the
north and the East.

The Countess guard should be backed up with the Crossbows on the
bottom-right side, they'll have to hold off until the Cavalry can
offer backup.

A unit of Zombies will approach from the top-left. Have the Cannon
fire at them first. Get the wizard to fire a fireball at the Zombie
unit that appears out of nowhere to the north!
Get the Cavalry to attack those two units.

Two units of Zombies approach from the South and South East
respectivly. Get the Countess Guard to attack the Southern one and if
in the highly likely case that they flee get the Grudgebringer
Crossbows to fire at them like mad and then focus on the Southern
Eastern unit of Zombies.
If the Crossbows ever get charged you have no choice but to pull the
Grudgebringer Infantry south to save them

Most of the time the combined might of the Crossbows and the
Helmgart Bowmen will get both units to flee. If the Countess Guard
don't flee your combined might of archers should be able to take out
the second unit to the south-east before they become a threat!
When all zombies have been killed a unit of Skeleton Archers will
appear from the South West area. These are potent troops! They are
followed by DEADLY Skeleton Warriors to the north-west area. Get the
Cavalry to take them out (they fight to the death sorry!)

Another unit of Skeleton Warriors come to the North get the cannon to
shoot them and the Grudgebringer Infantry to charge them. Once the
Infantry have charged them it'll be a very close battle from this
point on. Get the Crossbows to fire at the Skeleton Archers. Don't
get the Countess Guard engaged with them because they'll be wiped out
before charging and you may need them for any other threats. (Because
skeleton's never flee)

Once a unit of Skeletons has been slayed a Necromancer appears from
the North. Charge ALL available troops in because this guy is a PAIN
in the neck! And killing him usually weakens the whole enemy army!
The Infantry should win their fight by now get the Cavalry to take
out the archers along with whatever is left of the Countess Guard and
keep the Grudgebringer Infantry up to protect the cannon!

The archers should be easy to take out. Finishing that the mission
is over, a lot of men are injured and you need a pint of ale. Now
your men will rush to Helmgart to see if they can aid the defending
humans... The Countess Guard will depart with a lot of thanks!

On arrival at Helmgart it turns out that the heavily guarded fort has
fallen to the Undead forces. Protecting the Countess has delayed your
forces too much! The Helmgart Bowmen accompany you to the invaded
fort and you now attempt to win the fort back in the name of the
Empire! (make sure you reinforce you men)

Mission: 5.1A
Objectives: Re-take Helmgart
Enemy Units: 3 Zombies, 2 Skeleton Archers, 1 Skeleton Horsemen, 1
Skeleton Warriors, 1 Necromancer

Take all units for this battle. You'll now have to re-take the fallen
fort of Helmgart.

There are two units of Skeleton Archers on top of the hill and a
VERY narrow canyon to the right, which is the only way you can go to
attack. Place your cannon to the bottom right and make sure they can
hit both units of Skeleton archers. If you place them JUST right
you'll find a unit of Zombies right behind waiting to ambush your

Set the Wizard behind the Cannon as back up and the Cavalry to the
bottom left of the cannon. Have the Crossbows next to the Cavalry,
the Infantry next to them and the Bowmen of Helmgart next to them!

Now you will have to sit and wait for the cannon to get rid of the

The zombies will move towards you and when in range get both archers
and the cannon to blow them to pieces. If need be have the Cavalry
charge them but pull them out of enemy range when you've killed em
all! In all honesty the Zombies can easily be wiped out by the trio
of missile units you have. Once they have been done (use the wizard
to fire some fireballs! Oh yeah!) get the cannon to fire at the
Skeleton archers again.

For those of you who are bored with waiting I know how you feel but
if you do send your units up without taking care of those skeleton
archers you are going to be torn apart. Yes you'll win but with a
hell of a lot of casulties! Just wait until there is only 1 or 2
skeletons left or better yet if you have the patient shoot until they
are dead. It'll save you a lot of dead men turning against you when
you send in a "baiting" tactic!

Most of the time the Skeleton archers will pull back especially if
you manage to hit a lot of them in one shot. When both units have
been hit for nought send the Cavalry up the canyon, they'll uncover
two units of Zombies when this happens PULL THE CAVALRY BACK!

Now get all your missile units to shoot at them and have the
Infantry charge them with the Cavalry. (there are bigger foes ahead
and they usually charge with the Zombies hence the reason to pull

Once the two zombies have been killed in the crossfire send the
cavalry back up the canyon, with a bit of luck you'll draw out the
Necromancer. The Necromancer should go for the Cavalry who you should
pull back. The Skeleton Archers will follow the Necromancer down at
all costs SHOOT THAT NECROMANCER. No matter what happens if you take
the Necromancer out the undead army will fall like a knife through
butter. Also the zombies won't re-animate and come back to life so
kill him then kill the archers.

After this send the Cavalry up, now comes the hard part. A unit of
Skeleton Horsemen will approach from the north. Send the cavalry to
take out this elite unit. If you killed the Necromancer then you'll
have an easy win. Get the Infantry up for support too especially
since a bunch of Skeleton Warriors will approach from the west and if
they charge the Cavalry in the rear they will probably flee!

If the Cavalry do hold out get the Infantry to help them. (in my case
they held out but fled before the infantry could help them. BUT the
Infantry managed to charged the Warriors and my Cavalry re-grouped
and charged them in the rear! Rejoice!)

Finally you re-take Helmgart! What a hard but successful mission.
The Helmgart Bowmen will leave now and your Cavalry should have
enough experience points to become a 4 skull troop! (This isn't shown
on the roster but on the battle map!) If you are a 4-skull troop you
will now be a CRACK unit which basically means the biggest hardest
and most powerful unit of it's kind. Basically now your cavalry is a
'veteran of battle". The rest of your unit may not have got enough
experience to improve their skull rating but don't worry. You should
have around 6,000 gold by now. If you wish buy some armour for your
new Crack troops of Cavalry.

Head on down for your next choice making time!
(If you chose not to defend the countess you'll have to on ahead and
defend the fort of Helmgart: if you chose choice A then skip this)

Mission: 5B
Objectives: Defend the fort of Helmgart
Enemy Units: 3 Zombies, 2 skeleton archers, 1 skeleton horsemen, 2
skeleton warriors and 1 Necromancer.

So you've chosen not to help a damsel in distress and have decided to
march on and go to defend Helmgart. Shame on you! You'll get less EXP
and no brownie points from me.

As your force have a brilliant defensive position on top of a hill
and the only way up is a narrow canyon this mission should be a
pushover... Perhaps not!

Have the cavalry take place right at the entrance of the canyon or
the bottom right hand area of the deployment zone. The Infantry
should be put next to them on the right and be set to move forwards,
while the Grudgebringer Crossbows take the place to the left of the
Cannon which should be placed right to the left of the cavalry. The
Helmgart Bowmen should be on the left hill ready to shoot at the
necromancer at the bottom left battle map. Keep moving your units
until you can see him BEFORE starting battle.

Get the wizard to cast disspell on the Helmgart Bowmen who will be
firing at the Necromancer (he has some nasty spells) and get the
cannon and crossbows to shoot the zombie unit. When possible get the
wall of fire spell up to block the zombies and charge them with the
Infantry. Get the Cavalry to attack the Skeleton warriors, the cannon
and crossbows will make short work of the second unit of zombies most
of the time. In either case once the Helmgart Bowmen kill the
Necromancer get them to shoot at the Skeleton Crossbowmen on their
side and have the cannon and crossbows shoot the other Skeleton
crossbow unit until the Cavalry and Infantry can take them both out.

Wait for the Skeleton Horsemen to show up, they are fast so if you
can be quick get some cannonballs in before charging with the
Cavalry, when done get the cannon to shoot the Zombies then charge
them with the Infantry. In either case the Skeleton Warriors will go
for the Cavalry 90% of the time so get all units to shoot them down
to low numbers so your cavalry has a chance to hold off until the
Infantry can rush to their aid.

After re-taking or defending the tower of Helmgart you'll be having
another pint of ale and recovering your dead.

You'll now be approached by the Dwarfs who wish to hire you for a
small mission involving some undead foes! You'll be given a choice of
helping them or returning to Altdorf.

1) Help fight the undead (go to mission "V1")
2) Return to Altdorf (skip the next part)

It's up to you but I suggest helping the Dwarfs. Doing so gets you
EXP and helping them now will make them join you later on in the
game. They are a powerful infantry unit if a bit slow very good for
defensive missions!

If you choose not to help them they won't join you and you'll have a
boring journey back to Altdorf where you'll simply go on to mission

Mission: Optional Mission 1
Objectives: Defeat the Undead forces
Enemy units: 2 skeleton archers, 2 zombies, Necromancer, 2 Wights,
Skeleton Warriors.

You'll now head down to Axe Bite pass near Brettonia.

Take all units you have and prepare for a big battle!

Have the cannon to the far left where they can shoot the Skeleton
archers up ahead, the cavalry, infantry, dwarfs to the left of the
cannon and the archers and wizard behind your force. Get the cannon
shooting at the skeleton archers first.

A unit of zombies will approach, shoot them and have the infantry
charge when in range or get the wizard to use flamestorm which will
get them to flee. When they flee get your units to shoot at the
skeleton archers again.

If no enemy units come send the cavalry in then pull them back and
see which units come our, usually you'll be chased by the Necromancer
and a unit of zombies KILL the necromancer if you can. He usually
flees back to the main force before hand anyway.

Most of the time he'll come round again for another attack, shoot him
down with missile units (my cannon hit him with a DIRECT HIT! Lol)

Keep shooting the archers and use the bait tactic with the cavalry
again. This time you'll probably get some Wights on your back!

They are fast moving and come with a unit of Skeleton Warriors, get
both the Infantry and Dwarfs and Cannon to take them out then get the
remaining two units of skeleton archers plus the one that emerges
from the north. Another unit of wights appear when you take the
archers on so be careful. They are powerful units. Don't forget to
get the treasure chest the skeleton archers drop!

This is a hard mission because of the wights, my infantry alone fleed
three times and my cavalry (4 skulls) fled twice but stopped to come
back again! Thank god!

You'll return to Altdorf and now see an FMV. After you'll march on to
Drakenhof Castle. However you are stopped on the way by an attack
force of undead!

Mission 6: Break through the undead forces
Objectives: Destroy the undead forces
Enemy Units: 2 Zombies, 2 Skeleton Warriors, 2 Skeleton Archers, 1
Mummies, 1 Wights

Take all units you are going to need them all! A unit of Wights are
at the top of the battle map.

In the middle of the map set the cannon with the crossbows to the
right and the wizard safely behind. The Cavalry and Infantry should
be to the left. The wights will move out of range so don't bother
trying to hit them they are a decoy and they have the powerful banner
which will make them fight to the death!

Use the "baiting" tactic with the Cavalry send them up then back and
you'll bring out two units of zombies and a skeleton warrior unit.
The zombies have been bumped up to skull grade 2 now so watch out!
Get the cannon and archers to demolish the zombie unit to the right
and the infantry should take out the zombies on the left. The
skeleton warriors can be taken out with the cavalry and when free the

While the fighting goes on have the Crossbows and cannon fire at the
skeleton archer unit that emerges to the middle-left of the screen
and charge them with the infantry.

Them dealt with get the Cavalry to bait again and you'll pull a unit
of Skeleton Warriors and archers from the upper-right and (3 skulls)
mummies from the upper-left. Get the cannon and archers on the
Warriors and then the mummies and use the firestorm spell to destroy
the warriors and delay the mummies. The infantry should charge the
Warriors and the Cavalry should charge the mummies.
Get the archers and cannon to fire against the Skeleton Archers.

Move the wizard out of enemy archer range and then when you can
charge the archers with the cavalry!

Once done move all forces up and charge the skeleton warriors and
the Wights. You'll have a hard time taking out the wights but don't
worry too much just throw everything you have. Once you slay the
Wight's grab the magic banner they had and the chest up the top of
the battlefield!

You'll now have two new magic items. The first is the Banner of
Defiance and the other is the Enchanted Shield.

Travelling to a nearby town (Kemperbad) you will be joined by the
Imperial Greatswords. Players of the first game will remember this
unit as the Carroberg Greatswords! For now just buy them more armour
it's only 450G so don't worry bout your coffers for now. From here
make sure you're army is FULLY reinforced. There's going to be a HUGE
battle next which will more than likely result in the death of some
of the good units.

Travelling further south you meet some Flagellants who join your

Mission 7: Oh not another one! AMBUSH!
Objective: SURVIVE!
Enemy units: 2 Night Goblin Archers, Night Goblin Shaman, 2 Giant
Scorpions, 2 Gigantic Spiders, 2 Night Goblins.

Deploy the cannon in the top right hand corner. The Grudgebringer
Infantry to the bottom right, the Cavalry left of the cannon and the
Imperials left of the Cavalry with the Archers below them and the
Flagellants below them. (It's all about where the troop face I'll
leave that to you. Make them face different ways please!)

Night Goblin Archers will appear to the right and left. The left
batch come with a Shaman. Send the Grudgebringer Infantry to the
right and charge the archers. Having the Crossbows shoot the Shaman
and the Flagellants charge the archers to the right.

The Shaman should get killed. The Flagellants should be able to
absorb the Fanatics attack and deal with the archers.

Get the cannon firing at the Giant Scorpion at the top left and if
they can't kill it charge it with the Cavalry.

A Gigantic Spider will appear right below the Grudgebringer Infantry
after they kill the Archers. Providing your infantry have the Banner
of Defiance charge the spider.

The Giant scorpion to the bottom left should be charged with by the
Imperial Swordsmen and Flagellants if possible shoot with the archers
before hand if you can.

If you are lucky the Greatswords will charge into the archers AND
Scorpion saving whatever is left of the Flagellants (2 left for me!)

Night Goblins will appear below the Grudgebringer Infantry once
again CHARGE!

Once you kill the Scorpion another unit of Night Goblins appear
heading to your archers if they haven't yet moved. Shoot them and
keep the cavalry on standby. Charge the Night Goblins with whatever
infantry you have left.

Get the cavalry to charge the Spider to the top left... *Pray*

Once the Cavalry is done get them back to the cannon. Same goes for
all other units that have finished fighting.

Have the Imperial Greatswords pick up the treasure chest that the
Night Goblins drop (if you picked it up when you defeated the shaman
then they won't have it)

And there you go. Another battle done, hopefully if luck has it no
one got destroyed.

Reinforce your men and get set for another long trip.


Grudgebringer Sword: This marvellous sword is in your possession from
the start of the game! You can shoot fireballs which I recommend you
do *just* before you charge an enemy! It *sometimes* makes them flee!
It also is a brilliant weapon as it allows whoever uses it to hit
more accurately! This should be kept with the Grudgebringer Cavalry
at all times. (You have it at the start of the game)

Potion of Strength: This potion is found with the Dwarf Warriors once
you help them. It can only be used once and basically lets you do
more damage in close combat for one round only. Useful if you charge
a STRONGER unit than yours! Give to the Infantry or anyone really not
the wizard! (Found if you help the dwarfs)

Banner of Defiance: This makes your unit fight to the utter death.
Useful indeed giving it to the cavalry has its downsides though. If
they die since they NEVER flee the games over. Give it to your
wonderful Infantry! (Found in mission 6)

Enchanted Shield: This just gives an extra shield rate although it
isn't shown. Give it to anyone, I gave it to the cannon for added
protection against the skeleton archers! (Found in Mission 6)

*Section 7.0*

Spell book:

Bright Wizard spells:

1. Dispel Magic: Costs 1 magic point:

Description: Dispel Magic creates an aura of Anti-magic around the
chosen friendly regiment, and any offensive magic entering this zone
of protection may be neutralised. It may also be casted on a unit,
which is currently engulfed with magic. Dispel magic is more
effective when more magic is channelling into it, but its potency is
reduced after each attempt to dispel.

Effectiveness: Against those Necromancers you'll need this every day
of the week. It's handy against every spell that the enemy uses. Use
it on a unit that you know will face an enemy wizard beforehand and
they'll be safe!

2. Fireball: costs 1 magic point:

Description: A fiery ball of energy blasts forth from the mage's
hands and hurtles towards its target wounding any troops in the blast
area. The spell has a medium range and armour offers NO protection
from the searing blast. By channelling more magic into the spell, the
mage can produce multiple fireballs

Effectiveness: Use against zombies and an on target fireball will
wreck the unit. Effective against some other units especially heavily
armoured Orcs and Necromancers I suggest using these as a missile
option. Shoot them into the enemy right before a charge from the
cavalry and you'll have them running away!

3. Sanguine Sword: costs 3 magic points:

Description: Magical flaming swords will materialise around the mage
and will attack enemy units on behalf of their invoker. The swords
fly towards any nearby enemies, each dealing a powerful blow before
returning once more to the caster's side. The spell lasts for a short
while before the sword's fade away.

Effectiveness: Use when close to enemy units or in hand to hand. I've
never seen this really and I've never got the spell in a battle

4. Blast: costs 2 magic points:

Description: A powerful attack, blast launches a lethal volley of
burning energy at the target. The range is of a medium distance, but
the flames deal a lethal blow to all but the hardiest of targets.

Effectiveness: This should wipe out some zombies or skeletons.
However I've never ONCE in this game have managed to have this spell
in the battlefield don't ask why.

5. The Burning Head: costs 2 magic points:

Description: A phantasmal flaming skull flies from the mage's hands
and travels a short distance until the spell expires or hits a solid
object. The disembodied head causes a good amount of damage to any
target it passes through, and its unearthly laughter can cause units
to flee in fear.

Effectiveness: Used against Orc's and Goblins this can be handy.
Against the undead though I wouldn't really know. It effects allies
as well so use caution when deploying this spell!

6. Conflagration of Doom: Costs 3 magic points:

Description: This powerful spell creates a flaming meteor, suspended
in the air high above the heads of enemy troops. The meteor crashes
to the ground delivering an awesome blast to anything onto which it
falls. The mere sight of the flames descending from the sky is often
enough to make the enemy flee in fear.

Effectiveness: Undead forces don't fear nothing because they cause
fear. In effect though a successful hit from this spell will wipe
them out!

7. Flamestorm (fire wall): costs 2 magic points:

Description: A fierce column of fire erupts from the ground spewing
forth flame and ash. All troops who are caught in the blast are
burned and attempt to back away from the flames. The spell stays in
effect for a short time unless dispelled or cancelled by the casting
mage. Only one flamestorm can be in effect at any one time.

Effectiveness: Oh hell yeah! This is an awesome babe of attacks when
placed in front of your troops causing the enemy to walk into a wall
of fire to BURN! The thing that comes to my mind when thinking of
this spell is "burn baby burn!" Use against zombies and skeletons of
course seeing as skeletons will just stand in the flames and die!

8. Crimson Bands: Costs 3 magic points:

Description: Twisting bands of energy entwine the enemy unit,
entangling them and rendering them unable to move, fight shoot or
cast spells. It remains in effect for a short time until dispelled or
cancelled by the caster.

Effectiveness: Sweet spell. I hadn't thought of using this against a
mage I MUST try that! Of course use it against an enemy unit and
shoot at them and laugh as they die die die! Mwahaha.

9. Wings of fire: 2 magic points:

Description: The mage is lifted up on ethereal fiery wings and is
transported to another part of the battlefield. This can take the
mage into close combat with the usual advantages, but not into any
areas that are normally inaccessible.

Effectiveness: Handy to get the hell out of a nasty situation!

Legal Disclaimer:

This FAQ is copyright 2001; Robbie B. This FAQ may not be used,
copied or modified without permission of the author.
Use of this FAQ in anyway without written permission of the author is
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