Choro Q Racing 2

Choro Q Racing 2

13.10.2013 01:51:42
PlayStation Choro Q 2
Races and Parts Speeding up Guide and Question
Ver.2.0 1/27/02
By Sho Murooka
I have been playing Choro Q2 game and I think this is a great game, with
some unknown parts. (That's why it is GOOD!) So I was planning to post this
FAQ guide with no other guide for this game (meaning, on I
have finished this game once, but I lost my data by some accident, and it
missed some details in the guide. Sorry, but I began the game again, with
some details still in my brain.

Oh boy, I don't understand what I am talking about. ^('O')^
Table of Contents
Publication Policy
Updating History
1. About Game
2. Racing Courses
3. Choro Q Town
a. About town
b. Shop List
c. Parts List
4. World Championship
5. Splint Game
6. Two-player Game
7. Secrets
8. RUN FAST!!!!!!
9. FAQ
10. Credits
Publication Policy
"Choro Q 2 Racing" is the trademark of Takara, Japan.
This GAQ is copyright of one Sho Murooka (Unofficial), and for those who
has helped me in this guide the author has listed the names in the chapter
Credits. The following domains have the authority to post my FAQ guides: []
PS Cheat Net []
Neoseeker []

The author asks all of you to inform when in case you are using this FAQ
in magazines or FAQ game sites. Plagiarism (Ripping off work) for either
the whole or the part of this FAQ is illegal. AGAIN, IF YOU RIP OFF MY WORK,
Updating History
August in 2001: Planning to print FAQ
Soon Later: Lost data of Choro Q 2
Rest of Summer Vacation and October: Collecting Game data
11/04/01: Began publishing FAQ
Ver. 1.0: Finished publishing the first GAQ, sent to
12/28/01: Posted on [] page
12/30/01: Posted on PS Cheat Net [] page
12/31/01 (Almost Happy New Year):
Ver.1.5: Minor correction and major change in GAQ
Ver.2.0: Posted Questions
Welcome to my guide for PlayStation Software "Choro Q2"! Well, I like this
game, however, this game is little known. Maybe I shouldn't have printed
this guide, since nobody might read it. All right. HEY!!!! I apologize for
getting out of the way. This is a racing game competed by little cute vehicles
called Choro Q. Don't underestimate this game, it is much different with
other racing games. Choro Q is not a real car; it is a cute and short vehicle.
But it slips very often. You might have seen the real type of Choro Q somewhere.
Also this car can perform funniest actions, such as jumping real randomly,
and bumping other cars.

However, this is not a baby game. Even though this game is full of weird
things, this is a racing game. You can run your Choro Q real fast, in fact
FASTEST, and paint it cool. After all, this is cute, yet a cool game. So
have fun playing this game.

For extra information, Choro Q is a Japanese car toy. I am Japanese, so
I have some. This is fun; it runs by installed motor. You roll the car
backwards-actually it is rear tire, and little Choro Q runs very quickly.
This system is called "Pull-back zenmai."

I did a research of history of Choro Q.

Long ago, when Choro Q was produced first in Japan, it was called "Mame-Dash".
"Mame" means pea, and in Japanese it is used as a metaphor for "Little".
Takara produced Choro Q, which was called Mame-dash then, in late 70s. However,
it was an unprecedented size since it was invented, which was difficulty
for Takara. Mame-dash had attracted people's attention. It was sold in 1980.
The Mame-dash was a C-Type; meaning, the third model invented. Test sale
took place at toyshop in Ueno, Tokyo, with the price of 320 yen. After the
remodel of Mame-dash, it had been renamed "Choro Q". Choro Q showed up at
stores in all Japan in 1981. Takara was surprised by the Choro Q, since
it was a revolution toy in the country. And now Choro Q has been sold until

But in the game, it is very fast, and it doesn't look like the actual Choro
Q, but is a Choro Q anyway. I might have missed the way, but it was not
an unnecessary information, was it?
1. About Game
Choro Q2 is a most unique racing game. You grade up your Choro Q to win
races, and discover mysteries of Choro Q Town.

There are three game modes in the game:

A. Championship- Drive your own Choro Q and win races. Win prizes and buy
parts. Then become a Champion! Don't forget to discover the mystery of
the Town!
B. Splint Game- If you want to play as fast as you can, play this. Choose
one of the six pre-setup Choro Q and Drive away!
C. Two player- Compete with your friend! Drive yours with your friend's
Choro Q! Also features two courses, only played in two players.

In championship game, there are five game menus:

1) Free Run- You don't have to care about time in this mode. You can charter
a course. With no other cars running, you can run the course free.
2) Splint Race- Win prizes! Courses will increase while you are playing.
Try to win all the races.
3) World Championship- Win all splint racecourses to unlock this mode. This
mode will be even tough to beat. According to the result of the races,
you will earn points. The final rank will be decided with the points.
4) Choro Q Town- Drive this town and discover shops! What is going on in
the town...? Check it out yourself!
5) ????????- See (5. Secret.)

The control is as below:

Key Menu Race
Circle Confirm Switch camera
Triangle Open Choro Q Menu Horn
Square Cancel Brake
X Confirm Accelerate
Start (None) Pause
Select (None) (None)
Dir. Key Select Steer
L1 (See below) Shift Down
L2 (See below) See Map
R1 (See below) Shift up
R2 (See below) Horn
Special Control:
L1, R1, L2, and R2: In Choro Q Menu, press these buttons to move angle of
the vehicle. When in Body shop, you can also Change Size.

L1 and R1: If you are using AT (Automatic Transmission), you can push L1
to change gear to back. To accelerate, push R1.

If you are using MT (Manual Transmission), then R1 and L1 are very important.
AT will change gear automatically, but MT will need your help. If the tachometer
(the meter that indicates engine spun) enters red zone, you will have to
press R1. This will change your gear and speed up.

To precede the game, you will have to:
1) Win in races.
2) Discover shops.
3) Win in World Championship.

Driving Skills
Choro Q is a short wheelbase vehicle. (Wheelbase means the space between
front and rear wheel.) Thus, Choro Q often loses its stability and spins.
To avoid spin, you would have to release accelerator when you turn. Not
always, but it will decrease the chance of spin in great deal.

More to come later, when I add something... (Why? It's too short!)

Nothing more. Okay, it's easy, isn't it?
2. Racing Courses
A racing game MUST have racing courses. This common sense is true, even
in this unique game. In this section there are information about courses
and walkthrough.

(Note: G stands for Gold; Gold is the currency, or money.)

Courses in Splint Races
In this section is short descriptions about courses and parts required to
win. This is NOT A MUST; you can set your own parts if you want. Of course,
if I force you to equip BLAH BLAH and then BLAH, you will hate it.

Short Circuit
Paved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
1st 300 G
2nd 200 G
3rd 100 G
Bonus 50 G
Maybe the first course played in splint race game. Layout is easy, corners
are slow, and roadway is wide. You can get the bonus easily, but really
cheap course.
Required Parts: Standard or Racing Tire, Slow or Normal Steering

Unpaved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
1st 500 G
2nd 400 G
3rd 300 G
Bonus 100 G
Very long course, but easy. Only tips are that when you get out of the water,
use drift to left. If you don't, you will blow to bump the wall. Not only
that you will lose a bonus, you will waste a LOT of time. But besides that,
it is a nice course.
Required Parts: Off Road or Standard Tire, Normal or Quick Steering

Spring Mountain
Unpaved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
1st 400 G
2nd 300 G
3rd 200 G
Bonus 100 G
A bit slippery, but is a cool course. Not a very difficult place, but be
sure not to speed up too fast.
Required Parts: Off Road or Standard tire, Normal Steering

Middle Circuit
Paved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
1st 700 G
2nd 500 G
3rd 400 G
Bonus 50 G
Much more difficult compared to the other 3 courses you have run. You can
still run in full speed, so when turning be sure to brake. Especially use
draft at 90-degree corner.
Required Parts: Standard or Racing Tire, Quick or S. Quick Steering

Freeway Circuit
Paved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
1st 800 G
2nd 600 G
3rd 500 G
Bonus 200 G
Short, compared to Middle Circuit. But this is a tricky course! You can
also say this is little Middle Circuit. This is even difficult. Still it
has a long straight roadway to help you speed up.
Required Parts: Standard or Racing Tire, Quick or S. Quick Steering

Subway Railway*
Unpaved Road
10 vehicles
3 Laps
1st 800 G
2nd 600 G
3rd 400 G
Bonus 200 G
Steep corners make speed up difficult. Also, inside is dark, so you will
probably not get any bonus except if you are talented in dodging enemy vehicles.
Usually appears by winning in Freeway and M. Circuit, but also when you
find a train station in the town.
Required Parts: Off Road or Standard Tire, Normal or Quick Steering

Stadium Circuit
Unpaved Road
10 Vehicles
4 Laps
1st 900 G
2nd 700 G
3rd 600 G
Bonus 150 G
This is a very wavy circuit. Corner beyond corner and beyond it another
corner awaits. Off Road Tire is best, but if you have a Big Tire, you can
equip it and you can do a shortcut; you can go straight through the obstacle.
Required Parts: Off Road Tire, S. Quick Steering

Wavy Hills Circuit
Paved Road
5 Vehicles
4 Laps
1st 1000 G
2nd 800 G
3rd 700 G
Bonus 200 G
WHAT IS THEEEEEEEES!! Wavy, wavy, baby, this so hard! After finishing the
first tunnel, if you turn left, it is longer way, but safe and high-speed
road. The only problem is that you might fall off the cliff if you aren't
careful. By the way, only 5 enemy vehicles compete in the course.
Required Parts: Standard or Racing Tire, S. Quick Steering

Summer Mountain*
Unpaved road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
1st 1000 G
2nd 800 G
3rd 500 G
Bonus 100 G
Much longer course compared to any of the course that has appeared in your
splint race. But makes me feel like a real summer mountain... No wonder,
this is a Japanese mountain. The points are the natural jump stand and the
last corner before the finish.
Required Parts: Off Road Tire, Quick or S. Quick Steering

Midnight Beachside*
Unpaved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
1st (None)
2nd (None)
3rd (None)
Bonus (None)
After the families playing in the beach have gone home, the real race begins!
(But does anybody play at the beach in Choro Q world?) The way turns away
to right, driving through the tunnel. Midnight Beachside is a bit shorter
than the Beachside Course in daytime. Lighting is very fancy, as well as
the fantastic fireworks.
Required Parts: Off Road Tire, Quick Steering

Autumn Mountain*
Unpaved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
1st 1000 G
2nd 800 G
3rd 500 G
Bonus 100 G
Beautiful sunset waits for racers. The basic layout is equal to the Spring
Mountain, except you are driving the other way round. It should not be hard
for you to win.
Parts Required: Off Road Tire, Quick Steering

Winter Mountain*
Snowy Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
1st 1000 G
2nd 800 G
3rd 500 G
Bonus 100G
Winter is the smallest layout in all of four mountains. This course is filled
with snow, which slips the tires. This might be hard for you without Stud-less
Tires. However, spins can be avoided with Stud-less Tires and Normal Steering.
Parts Required: Stud-less Tire (MUST!), Quick Steering

Long Circuit*
Paved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
1st (None)
2nd (None)
3rd (None)
Bonus (None)
The mixed-up version of S and M Circuit is perfect for the final championship
races... Not a very difficult layout but is EXTREMELY long. If you could
win this race, you are the real champion. RACE YOUR BEST WITH ENEMIES!
Parts Required: Racing Tire, S. Quick Tire

Cyber Course*
Paved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
1st 1200 G
2nd 1000 G
3rd 800 G
Bonus 100 G
THIS IS DIFFICULT, man. REAL HARD. Corners are steep, and jump slows you
down. But to be a champion you would have to beat this imaginary course
inside the computer. Also check out the fire burning out of the wheel.
Parts Required: Racing Tire, S. Quick

Special Courses
Subway Railway: Usually appears when you win both M Circuit and Freeway
Circuit, but if you want to race earlier to win more money, you can find
the subway station in Choro Q Town. Not to explain this, but I hope none
of you had trouble finding the station...

Midnight Beachside and L Circuit: Those courses do not appear on the Splint
Race Menu. The race can only be competed in the World Championships. But
if you just want to run the course, you can drive them in the Free Run Mode
once you drove those courses in the Championships.

Three seasonal Mountains: They only appear in the Splint Race during
Championship season. Watch the background of the Top Menu, and if it is
autumn season, the A. Mountain course should appear. And so does the S and
W Mountain Courses.

Cyber Course: To get this race, you should have the Super Championship on
the Top Menu.

This is not a kind of the walkthrough that you can go through the story
only by following what is said in here. It depends on your driving skill.
I cannot take responsibilities for getting stuck because of your skill.
This is just a brief part of my game.

1. Win in S Circuit, Beachside, and Spring Mountain.
2. Buy Engine +3.
3. Sell Normal Engine.
4. Buy MT5 High-speed Mission.
5. Sell Normal Mission.
6. Win in Middle Circuit.
7. Buy S. Quick and Quick Steering.
8. Win in Freeway.
9. Buy Off Road Tire.
10. Win in Stadium and Wavy Hills Circuit.
11. Go to Shop 2. The shopping from now on depends on you.
12. Compete Championship First game.
13. Go to Splint Race and win in Summer Mountain.
14. Compete Championship Second and Third games.
15. Go to Splint Race and win in Autumn Mountain.
16. Compete Championship Fourth and Fifth games.
17. Go to Splint Race and win in Winter Mountain.
18. Compete Championship Sixth and Final Games.
19. If you win a Grand Champion in the Championship, Super Championship
Series and Cyber Course should be unlocked. Music also changes.
20. After winning the Super Championship, Unknown Shop and Casino will open.
21. If you want to race a tougher race, look for the hidden menu. It's somewhere
in the town...

It does not tell very detailed stuff, but if I did, THAT'S a lot of work
and there is no mean to play the game. Do it yourself, since I cannot do
more than this!
3. Choro Q Town

a. About Choro Q Town
Choro Q Town is a town made for Choro Q. Inside here is full of mysteries.
It is one of your goals to find out all the mysteries of the town.

In the town, there are some kinds of shops for the Choro Q:
Parts shop- This shop sells parts for Choro Q. They grade up your vehicle
and you can win your enemies. There also is shop for buying your unnecessary
parts away.
Body Shop- This shop sells bodies. They sell lot of them. You can name them
any name you want.
Paint Shop- You can paint your body in your favorite color. You can rename
them. 2 of them exist in the town.
b. Shop List

Parts Shop
Parts Shop 1
Located: Near Garage, in the Shopping Mall

Parts Specs Price
Standard Tire Tires 100 G
+1 Tires 200 G
+2 Tires 400 G
+3 Tires 800 G
Off Road Tire Tires 200 G
+1 Tires 400 G
+2 Tires 800 G
Engine Normal Engine 200 G
+1 Engine 300 G
+2 Engine 500 G
+3 Engine 800 G
Brake Normal Brake 100 G
+1 Brake 150 G
+2 Brake 200 G
+3 Brake 250 G
ABS Brake 800 G
Normal Chassis Chassis 1200 G
Light Chassis Chassis 1600 G
Slow Steering Steering 100 G
Normal Steering Steering 100 G
Quick Steering Steering 200 G
Super Quick Steering 400 G
A.T.4 Normal Mission 200 G
A.T.5 Speed Mission 400 G
A.T.5 High-Speed Mission 800 G
M.T.5 Normal Mission 100 G
M.T.5 Speed Mission 200 G
M.T.5 High-Speed Mission 600 G
Horn 1 Horn 50 G
Horn 2 Horn 50 G
Big Meter Meter 50 G
Black Meter Meter 50 G
White Meter Meter 50 G
Digital Meter Meter 50 G
Digi-Ana Meter Meter 50 G
Aurora Meter Meter 50 G
Takoika Meter Meter 50 G
Parts Shop 2
Located: Inside the Tunnel. Open after World Championship is unlocked.
Parts Specs Price
Off Road +3 Tires 1600 G
Racing Tire Tires 1000 G
+1 Tires 1500 G
+2 Tires 2000 G
+3 Tires 4000 G
Engine +4 Engine 1200 G
+5 Engine 1800 G
+6 Engine 2500 G
+7 Engine 5000 G
Brake +4 Brake 300 G
+5 Brake 350 G
+6 Brake 400 G
A.T.5 Hyper Mission 2000 G
M.T.5 Hyper Mission 1500 G
Small Wing Wing 500 G
Big Wing Wing 2000 G
Bus Horn Horn 50 G
Yatai Rappa Horn 100 G
Triple Horn Horn 100 G
Convoy Horn Horn 100 G
For Elise Horn 100 G
Body Shop
Bodies are all 500 G.

Body Shop 1
Located at: The Shopping Mall nearby the Parts Shop.
Choro Q 20, 3, 14, 27, 16, 17, 12, 15, 19, 7, 18, 25, 5, 8, 30, 11, 20,
29, 2, 1, 10, 4, 46, 45

Body Shop 2
Located at: Go through the maze. In the center is the Shop.
Choro Q 55, 43, 40, 38, 47, 24, 44, 35, 39, 57, 41, 53, 48, 32, 51, 13,
50, 37, 49, 23, 54, 22, 52, 33

Body Shop 3
Located at: Nearby the Body Shop 2. Jump towards the Cliff, using two standing
rocks. This will need speed and power.
Choro Q 6, 42, 31, 9, 28, 21, 34, 36, 56, Fire Engine, Ambulance, Taxi Cab,
Bus, Convoy, Buggy, G-Car, C-CAR, Tank
Paint Shop
Paint Shop 1
Located at: The Shopping Mall near the Parts Shop.
Description: To paint, choose one of the four types. Then choose colors.
After that, choose Finish. You can rename your Choro Q. If you don't, choose

Paint Shop 2
Located at: Go to the Rock Climbing. You can go there by going through subway
station, or turning the corner left before Casino. Climb it and run in full
speed. If jump is a success, you can find Paint Shop 2.
Description: Basic painting method is same, except they have more colors.
This is difficult, so if you cannot use this go to Paint Shop 1.
Unknown Shop
Located at: The Jump Stand. Run in full throttle towards the stand. Redo
again and again if you cannot make it. You will need a Racing Tire, good
Engine, and A.T. or M.T.5 Hyper Mission. If jump is success, Unknown Shop
is unlocked. Opens after winning the Super Championship Grand Champion.

Parts Specs Price
Legendary Tire Tires 15000 G
Devil's Tire Tires 666000 G
Legendary Engine Engine 15000 G
Devil's Engine Engine 66000 G
Devil's Brake Brake 6600 G
M.T.6 Legendary Mission 3000 G
Lightest Chassis Chassis 3200 G
Pegasus Body 500 G
Mad Special Body 500 G
Yatai Body 500 G
Tank II Body 500 G
Steam Engine Body 500 G
c. Parts List
This Parts List includes some descriptions for few parts. Because, if I
describe every single one of them, that will need a huge amount of time,
so I will not write about it. Also, how could I contrast Engine +1 and +2?
I only describe about special Items.

Parts Specs Price Shop
Standard Tire Tires 100 G PS 1
+1 Tires 200 G PS 1
+2 Tires 400 G PS 1
+3 Tires 800 G PS 1
Off Road Tire Tires 200 G PS 1
+1 Tires 400 G PS 1
+2 Tires 800 G PS 1
+3 Tires 1600 G PS 2
Racing Tire Tires 1000 G PS 2
+1 Tires 1500 G PS 2
+2 Tires 2000 G PS 2
+3 Tires 4000 G PS 2
Legendary Tire Tires 15000 G ?
Devil's Tire Tires 666000 G ?
Engine Normal Engine 200 G PS 1
+1 Engine 300 G PS 1
+2 Engine 500 G PS 1
+3 Engine 800 G PS 1
+4 Engine 1200 G PS 2
+5 Engine 1800 G PS 2
+6 Engine 2500 G PS 2
+7 Engine 5000 G PS 2
Legendary Engine Engine 15000 G ?
Devil's Engine Engine 66000 G ?
Brake Normal Brake 100 G PS 1
+1 Brake 150 G PS 1
+2 Brake 200 G PS 1
+3 Brake 250 G PS 1
+4 Brake 300 G PS 2
+5 Brake 350 G PS 2
+6 Brake 400 G PS 2
Devil's Brake Brake 6600 G ?
ABS Brake 800 G PS 1
Normal Chassis Chassis 1200 G PS 1
Light Chassis Chassis 1600 G PS 1
Lightest Chassis Chassis 3200 G ?
Slow Steering Steering 100 G PS 1
Normal Steering Steering 100 G PS 1
Quick Steering Steering 200 G PS 1
Super Quick Steering 400 G PS 1
A.T.4 Normal Mission 200 G PS 1
A.T.5 Speed Mission 400 G PS 1
A.T.5 High-Speed Mission 800 G PS 1
M.T.5 Normal Mission 100 G PS 1
M.T.5 Speed Mission 200 G PS 1
M.T.5 High-Speed Mission 600 G PS 1
A.T.5 Hyper Mission 2000 G PS 2
M.T.5 Hyper Mission 1500 G PS 2
M.T.6 Legendary Mission 3000 G ?
Small Wing Wing 500 G PS 2
Big Wing Wing 2000 G PS 2
Horn 1 Horn 50 G PS 1
Horn 2 Horn 50 G PS 1
Bus Horn Horn 50 G PS 2
Yatai Rappa Horn 100 G PS 2
Triple Horn Horn 100 G PS 2
Convoy Horn Horn 100 G PS 2
For Elise Horn 100 G PS 2
Big Meter Meter 50 G PS 1
Black Meter Meter 50 G PS 1
White Meter Meter 50 G PS 1
Digital Meter Meter 50 G PS 1
Digi-Ana Meter Meter 50 G PS 1
Aurora Meter Meter 50 G PS 1
Takoika Meter Meter 50 G PS 1
Pegasus Body 500 G ?
Mad Special Body 500 G ?
Yatai Body 500 G ?
Tank II Body 500 G ?
Steam Engine Body 500 G ?
Special Items:

Standard Tire- This tire has balanced road and dirt gripping. Though, this
is not a very good tire.

Big Tire- Because of this big wheel, you can climb over a big step and obstacles.
Don't sell this away!

Legendary Tire- The perfect tires ever. This has road grips as high as the
Racing, and dirt grip is above Off Road Tire. This tire can run anywhere.

ABS- Stands for Anti-Lock Braking System. Using this brake will seldom lock
the tire. I recommend using only this brake forever.

Super Quick Steering- This steering is the fastest steering, but the faster
the steering is, more chance you will spin.

Wings- These two wings enhance your grip power. It does not appear in the
setting menu, but they will make you turn faster without increasing chance
of spin.

Devil's Parts: Unknown parts.
That's it for this chapter. More like a database, isn't it?
4. World Championships
If you win all of the Splint Race Courses, you can challenge the harder
races: The Championship. This menu is for the champions who beat the races.
In this series, you will calculate points to decide the ranking. Points
can be gained depending on your score during races. Of course, if you could
win all the races, it's TOO easy. However, the opponents are being tougher
than the Splint Races. Try your best! Gentlemen, start your engines. Get
set... GO!

In this section, I will list the courses that appear in two series. The
prize is same throughout the same series.
World Championship Series
1st 1500 G
2nd 1200 G
3rd 1000 G
Bonus 100 G

First Game:
Short Circuit

Second Game:
Summer Mountain
Off Road

Third Game:
Middle Circuit

Fourth Game:
Midnight Beachside
Off Road

Fifth Game:
Freeway Circuit

Sixth Game:
Stadium Circuit
Off Road

Final Game:
Long Circuit
Super Championship Series
1st 2000 G
2nd 1500 G
3rd 1000 G
Bonus 100 G

First Game:
Middle Circuit

Second Game:
Midnight Beachside
Off Road

Third Game:
Freeway Circuit

Fourth Game:
Autumn Mountain
Off Road

Fifth Game:
Cyber Course

Sixth Game:
Winter Mountain

Final Game:
Long Circuit
What is Super Championship?
Super Championship is the greatest series in Choro Q world. It is the most
major league, and all the racers gather to watch the champions compete.
However, to compete in this glorious series, you have to win an uncountable
number of races.

To unlock the Super Championship series, you have to win in Splint Races
including Summer, Autumn, and Winter Mountain. To compete in these races,
you have to watch the season. If you got any prize in all of them, then
win in World Championship Series.

The difference between these two is almost none; none, except there is a
new challenger for you. In the first game, you may overtake Mad Special,
but you are still in the second prize. In the second game, the hidden enemy
will reveal his self- the Blue Pegasus. This vehicle has a very good tire
that does not appear in your shop menu yet. But the race is fair. Compete
with this tough enemy and win the champion!
5. Splint Game
Well, let us save the game and go back to the mode selection...

Choose the second mode in the title. This is the Splint Game. In this game
mode, there are six default Choro Q vehicles for you to drive. After choosing
the vehicle, choose the course, and get set, go! If you want to race as
quickly as you can, choose this without hesitating!
The Rainbow Six
Red Cancer:
For Beginners
This vehicle has balanced talents. This can run anywhere fairly. It does
not have any weak points, and however, has no strength.

Blue Dolphin:
For Amateurs
Almost similar talent with Red Cancer, but it equips an Off Road Tire. Blue
Dolphin often slips.

White Eagle
For Amateurs
With its high grips and slow steering, White Eagle can turn without releasing
the accelerator. Also, this Choro Q is comfortable for Beginners.

Green Cat:
For Pros
Steering is perfect, but the gripping is low. Green Cat spins very often,
but in the other hand, drift is easy to perform.

Yellow Shark:
For Beginners
Power is perfect. Yellow Shark speeds up fast, even when it bumps the wall.
However, maximum speed is lowest, so to win in races, you have to find the
shortest way.

Black Dragon:
For Pros
Black Dragon boasts its maximum speed. However, steering and power is low.
Black Dragon can be the champion unless you bump the wall badly.
6. Two Player Game
If you have a friend to play with, choose this! Compete against your highest
goal: your friend. Why? In this mode, you can use your own vehicles!

In this mode, you can choose six race courses, but you can also choose two
alternate modes. They are Chicken Race and Battle Crush Race!
Chicken Race
Test your courage! The rule is simple; you will run in full speed to the
finish. But beware! Finish is not a safe place, since there is nothing here
to stop you. The thing is, before you finish, STOP!!!!!!!!!! If you fall
in the water, you will sink and you will have to watch your opponent going
to the finish.
Battle Crush
There are some huge coins lying before your eyes. That is right, you are
going to collect these coins! Legally, the winner is the one who collects
four coins out of seven, but the game also ends when one of the players
fall into the water. You can also push each other to the hell.
Treasure Island Discovered!

To go to the Island, choose Chicken Race. First, run very slowly to watch.
Eventually, in your left, there must be a rock floating on the water. Quit
and redo. This time run in full speed and jump into the rock. If jump is
successful, you will jump again and you will reach a beach. But to do this,
you cannot use default Choro Q vehicles. You must build your own, with real
fast mission and powerful engine. What is going on there? Find it out yourself!
7. Secrets
Not a big deal chapter, but I will list some secrets I have discovered in
the game.

a. After finishing the Splint Race, you will see the number of times you
bumped the wall or enemy vehicles. If this is zero, you will gain extra
prize. In other words, if you didn't bump, you will get a bonus.

b. In the Town, there are mini-games: Zero-4, Gimkhana, and Casino. What
are they? Not to mention the rest.

c. Also in the town, there is a castle. According to one message that can
be seen in the game, you can get this castle if you have 999,000 G. Is this
possible? I have never tried this, since this takes a lot of time.

d. Again in the town, when playing the Zero-4 mini-game, you will see something
like a tent beyond the goal. Go to town and begin running from Zero-4 course,
and then you will rush into the tent. This is another jump stand in the
town. If you could reach the clock tower beyond the tent, you can revive
the "Retro Mode". This is the last hidden menu in the top menu! They are
the courses that appeared in Choro Q Ver. 1.02.

e. To win the money most effectively, compete in the Beginner's Circuit.
You can get the prize of 3500 G per race at maximum. Of course, you can
compete in other old courses, but since all the prizes in the old courses
are same, this is the easiest to do.

f. When competing in the Tree and Lake Course, you will see a waterfall.
Don't run into it, instead, jump into the rightward hole. If successful,
you can run in the alternate shortcut.

g. Again in the Tree and Lake Course, when you past through the waterfall,
notice the left-hand side. There should be another path, which leads to
a hill. On the hill, there is a sword stuck in the ground. What the heck
is this?????
Retro Mode Courses
The prize is common for all the courses:
1st 3000 G
2nd 2000 G
3rd 1000 G
Bonus 500 G

In the old courses, which are found later in the game, the opponents are
being very tough. Also, there is ANOTHER challenger waiting for you. It
is a black vehicle that is VERY fast. Is this Black Dragon? I don't know,
it is a top secret.

Beginner's Circuit
Paved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
So far the first retro course. It says "Beginner", but this is found lately,
it is for PRO! The layout is simple, so you don't have to worry about it
too much. If you have a fast mission and a powerful engine (and dodging
skills), this course will help your economy.
Required Parts: Legendary Tire and Engine (For all of them!), Normal Steering

Plateau Short Course
Unpaved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
This is a small course. Short, that is right, but narrow runway. The course
is always crowded, and you will suffer from a bonus.
Required Parts: Quick Steering

Tunnel Long Circuit
Paved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
The characteristics are similar with the Subway Railways. Except, this course
is much longer. Probably for professionals, but personally I like this course.
Parts Required: S. Quick Steering

Trees and Lake Course
Unpaved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
This course can be classified as a technical course. Long and hard corners,
but wide runway. Course for amateurs, with some shortcuts hidden.
Required Parts: Quick Steering

Pro's Circuit
Paved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
It says Pro, but the difficulty does not differ with the Beginner's. Not
a very describable course, but again watch out for Black Dragon.
Required Parts: Quick Steering

Big Dome Circuit
Unpaved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Laps
Not very technical course, but slippery compared to other course. Be sure
to use drift technique in hard corner. You can also climb up the dirt wall,
but if you don't make it, Big Tire may be help. Distance itself is shortest
in the old courses, but because of the memory out, motions are little slow.
Parts Required: Legendary or Big Tire, Quick Steering

Up-Down Hills Course
Paved Road
10 Vehicles
2 Laps
EXTREMELY long. This course is the longest in all of the Choro Q courses.
Also very wavy. I think this is the most difficult course ever. Start and
Finish is located in the different area.
Parts Required: S. Quick, ABS

Choro Q Special Circuit
Paved Road
10 Vehicles
3 Lap
Corner after corner, drift and then drift, rush in the straight line. This
course is the most real circuit I think in the game. They should have chosen
this course as the final championship course.
8. RUN FAST!!!!!!
I cannot beat it!!!!! If you are someone like this, read this! I listed
a lot of useful information to be a champion!

There are two elements that decide your fate: Parts and skills. I am going
to explain how to use parts effectively. Off course, you can just buy good
parts in the shop, and then you can be fast. Fast, meaning, without knowing
what do the parts do. Understand the meaning of parts and win a real champion.
Parts Tutorial

Learn the Status!

Power: This helps vehicle speed up fast. If a vehicle has a high power,
it will speed up to the maximum speed in a blink. Power comes from engine,
and if engine is good, power is also good.

Speed: This extends the maximum speed. Higher the speed is, the higher the
maximum speed. It depends on the Mission.

Steering: This is the speed of curbing. If steering is high, you can curb
the corner easily, but you will also increase the chance of spin. This can
be raised with the Steering parts.

Road and Dirt Grip: Grip means to hold the ground. So if grip is high, your
tire will hold the ground strongly. Grip has many advantages; you will decrease
the chance of spin, and you can curb more quickly. Tire can change this
grip variable.
Know the Parts!

Tire: It conducts the energy of engine. This changes the grip of the vehicle,
so be careful. You will always have to change the tire in different course.
To select tire, watch the data. If the course is paved, choose Racing. If
it is dirt, choose Off Road Tire. In all of those meaning, Legendary Tire
is the perfect tire in the game.

Engine: All the power for running comes from this special machine. So you
always have to take care of your engines. In this game, you don't maintain
your engines (or any parts), don't worry. Basically, you should choose the
engine with higher power, but if you use high-powered engine with low grip
tire, the power will not be conducted.

Brake: Brake is for your safety. Thus, bad brake will be a danger. There
are lot of brake in this game, but I recommend you to use ABS. By using
this you will almost never lock your tire. Even in the real world, tire
lock has killed many victims... But if you are playing Chicken Race, you
might use Devil's Brake. This brake will slow you down in seconds, but there
is a disadvantage for this brake...

Chassis: The engines and tires are supported by this chassis. It is a board
that can be seen from the bottom. Light chassis have better reactions, so
if you replace it to lighter chassis, speed-up and slow-down will be improved.
Lighter it is, the better it is, but the only disadvantage is the price.

Steering: This might be the most difficult parts to choose. First, you can
change them, looking at the course layout. Second, it is your own favorite.
Choose one of the four steering. Maybe Normal can be useful. Then perform
a test run. If you bump, use quicker steering. If you think it is okay,
use it. But when using quicker steering, if you think you spin too much,
you should use slower steering. None of them are the best. Because of this
theory, you must never sell any of the steering away.

Mission: This is to extend maximum speed. I don't think you should really
choose a mission. You should sell slow ones away. Except, if you think Gimkhana
game is hard to do with the speed, you might use slower mission. One thing
I can say is, that you should use M.T because of the following skill...
see next section.

Wings: These items enhance your grip. Basically, bigger one is better, so
you should choose that. However, wings appear on the outside look. Female
player prefer small wing. For extra information, if Big Wing is used, wing
will also be painted.

Horn, Meter, and Body: Those are not to mention. It completely depends on
your favorite, and I cannot force you to use which body to use.
...and practice skills!

Curb: To turn, you should just push left or right. But in this game, be
sure to release accelerator (X button) when curbing. This will avoid some
spins, but even though, idol curb will spin. If you seem to spin too much,
you must be either using too fast steering, or your grip is too low.

Drift: The control is easy, you brake (Square button) when you curb. In
other words, you are going to spin purposely. If you don't seem to drift
well, do the opposite of what is written above.

Dust Release: When driving, there is a smoke or dirt coming out of your
tire. This will affect your driving, and first of all it is noisy. To avoid
this, when this occurs, release accelerator for just a blink and then
accelerate again. Dust must have disappeared. If it doesn't, you must be
either using low grip tire (or tire that does not correspond with terrain)
or too powerful engine.

Lightning Brake: Especially when playing Chicken Race, sometimes you should
feel your brake is not working well enough. Then use this technique to boost
your brake effect. When braking, change your gear to R gear, and at the
same time, brake manually. You should stop faster than usual.

Burst Engine (only for M.T users): To use this skill, you must have a M.T
mission and fairly powerful engine. When racing, you want to overtake your
opponent, but you are not speeding up quickly enough. When this happens,
change your gear to fastest. When tachometer indicates the red zone, shift
down, and then quickly shift up back again. Your engine will be boosted,
and for only one moment speed will exceed the legal maximum speed. You have
to notice when you are using this, because you can only use this when you
are running in the straight line. It does not have to be very long, but
if it is too short, you will bump. Also, you cannot exceed the maximum speed
again by repeating the same method, when you are already reaching the maximum
speed. By the way, M.T.6 Legendary Mission has to do the opposite.
Satisfied? That is good. This is all for the tutorial.
9. FAQ Center
This guide is almost finished. Before that, I will have to create the FAQ
section. If you have any questions or comments about the guide or the game,
e-mail me at

1. Q: I spin so much! Help!!
A: Well release acceralate when turning.

2. Q: Where is the station?
A: Are you sure you are asking THIS to me? This is not even a secret!
Go find it yourself, it's right next to the garage!!!!

3. Q: Help! I used my data from Ver. 1.02 and the game deleted all my parts!
A: Data convert only accepts the body and the prize (no more than 1,000
G.) All the parts are reset to the standard! The reverse is also true; so
do not try to keep coming back and forth between two games.

4. Q: How does C-CAR look like?
A: DON'T ASK ME FIND IT OUT YOURSELF!!!!! It is not even a top secret.

5. Q: What message do you mean by that you can buy the castle and what happens?
A: The treasure box in Chicken Race tells the message. See also Secret.
What happens is unknown; I did not accomplish it. Sorry, but on the other
hand, it can be a biggest goal in the game, and why not try it.

6. Q: What is PS? Is that Playstation?
A: Oh, sorry, my bad. It means "Parts Shop".

1. Ask me about the guide. If you don't understand some parts about the
guide, e-mail me.
2. Ask me about the game. If you are stuck, e-mail me and I will answer.
3. If I have a mistake in the guide, tell me and I will update it.
4. Don't tell me to send a translation of the guide. I only speak Japanese
and English, and first of all, this took me a lot of time to do.
5. Don't tell me to send me a cheat or secret code for the game. I don't
think there is, but there might be a Game Shark. But it is your own research.
6. Don't even send me a grammar check, saying like "You are missing a period
here." I only accept if I have made a BIG mistake, or if you could list
me every single grammar mistake.
7. No insults allowed in here. This is not a gang's page, this is my game
guide here. No swears also.
8. No advertisement also. I am just a child, so don't say if you could use
my name on your advertisement.
9. No virus sent in here. Some brainless hacker keeps sending me virus with
same mail. We do not open such files, but problem is that DON'T SEND IT.
10. If you send me a legal mail that satisfies the rule above, I will post
your name on the board. If you do not want your name on my list, you must
tell me. Don't send me an insult if you forgot to inform me about this and
I posted your name.
11. This is not a chatting place. Don't send me mails with some boring stuff
and nothing about the guide nor the game. I will not post your name, even
if you do it. Nobody should show off here.
12. But if you are telling me about how you do in the game, and you want
mail from me, e-mail me personally. If this mails increase, I will post
them on the guide as a new chapter.

My personal e-mail address is
Personal Information
I will not write about myself, but in here I will post about my Choro Q
data. If I did that, since this is not a homepage, hackers or some criminals
might check my information and I might be in danger.

Choro Q data

Horn: Horn 1
Meter: Digi-ana Meter
Body: Choro Q 38
Name: Wind Ray 38
Painted type: 4
Color: Both Brown

I think this is the coolest color. I mean, I like this color.
If you have your favorite coloring, send it to me.
Well, I did this guide with only by myself, so I did not get too much help.
But to list in here, I came up of some.

My mother: For lending me the computer
Takara: For creating this game
My classmates: For competing me
Roman Kalinoski : For contributing a question For posting my guide
PS Cheat Net: For posting my guide
And Choro Q: For being such a cool game.

Thanks for all people.
Copyright 2001 Sho Murooka. All Rights Reserved.
"PlayStation Choro Q 2 Races and Parts Speeding up Guide" is protected by
law. Plagiarism is prohibited.
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Races and Parts Speeding up Guide

13.Октябрь 2013
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